#Lake Asveja
gosamiand-blog · 7 months
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archaeologicalnews · 4 years
Medieval soldier found with sword and knives at the bottom of a Lithuanian lake
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More than 500 years ago, a medieval soldier's dead body settled at the bottom of a Lithuanian lake, and for centuries it lay hidden beneath the mud. Now, those submerged remains have finally been found.
The skeleton was discovered during an underwater inspection of the old Dubingiai bridge in eastern Lithuania's Lake Asveja. Though the skeleton lay under a layer of sand and silt, the scene was not a burial, said archaeologist Elena Pranckėnaitė, a researcher with Klaipėda University in Klaipėda, Lithuania, according to the Baltic News Service (BNS). Rather, water currents likely deposited sediments that covered the remains over time.
Scientists with the Faculty of Medicine at Vilnius University in Vilnius, Lithuania, examined the body and reported that the person was male and that he died in the 16th century, though they don't yet know why he died, according to BNS. Read more.
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antikristvs · 3 years
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The Moon Rises 🌕
(July, 2021, Lithuania)
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ancientstuff · 4 years
This is much later than I usually post, but look at those boots! Anaerobic environment. Not a burial, apparently. And is that the butt of a cannon beside it?
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sciencespies · 4 years
Medieval soldier found with his weapons at the bottom of a Lithuanian lake
Medieval soldier found with his weapons at the bottom of a Lithuanian lake
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More than 500 years ago, a medieval soldier’s dead body settled at the bottom of a Lithuanian lake, and for centuries it lay hidden beneath the mud. Now, those submerged remains have finally been found.
The skeleton was discovered during an underwater inspection of the old Dubingiai bridge in eastern Lithuania’s Lake Asveja.
Though the skeleton lay under a layer of sand and silt, the scene was not a burial, said archaeologist Elena Pranckėnaitė, a researcher with Klaipėda University in Klaipėda, Lithuania, according to the Baltic News Service (BNS).
Rather, water currents likely deposited sediments that covered the remains over time.
Scientists with the Faculty of Medicine at Vilnius University in Vilnius, Lithuania, examined the body and reported that the person was male and that he died in the 16th century, though they don’t yet know why he died, according to BNS.
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The skeleton and artifacts were surprisingly well preserved. (A. Matiukas)
Weapons and other items recovered from the lake bottom near the body hinted at the dead man’s military status, Pranckėnaitė told Live Science in an email. 
Human burials linked to warfare have previously been excavated across the region, but this is the first time that a medieval soldier has been discovered underwater in Lithuania, Pranckėnaitė said.
Dubingiai Bridge, one of the longest wooden bridges still in use in Lithuania, was built in 1934, and its deteriorating beams are currently being replaced with metal poles, representatives of TEC Infrastructure, the company supervising the repair project under the Lithuanian Ministry of Transport and Communications, said in a statement.
Archaeologists collaborated with amateur divers to perform the survey, and divers located the remains at a depth of 30 feet (9 meters) while inspecting the wooden bridge’s support system, according to the statement. 
A previous survey in 1998 had revealed that another bridge once stood in the same place, dating to the 16th or 17th century – around the time that the medieval soldier died, Pranckėnaitė added.
“For now, we assume that those discovered human remains could be linked with the former bridge leading to Dubingiai castle, which was situated on the hilltop on the shore of Asveja Lake,” she said.
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Divers excavate the medieval remains and weapons. (G. Krakauskas)
Finding the soldier’s remains was a big surprise, but equally astonishing was the remarkable preservation of the skeleton and artifacts.
The divers recovered a pair of leather boots with spurs; a leather belt with a buckle; an iron sword; “and two knives with wooden handles,” Pranckėnaitė wrote in the email.
A team of archaeologists, anthropologists and historians at the National Museum of Lithuania are now working to conserve and interpret the objects.
This discovery and data “are really ‘fresh’ and still need to be carefully analyzed,” Pranckėnaitė said. “We hope to ‘tell the story’ of this soldier at least in a year.”
This article was originally published by Live Science. Read the original article here.
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jacklaw05-blog · 5 years
Dasara Blessings
Dasara Or Dusherra is commended as Navratri (nine days). As indicated by Hindu schedule it starts in the long stretch of October (asveja masam). This celebration is completely devoted to Durga Mata and in these nine days she will be revered in her nine structures and toward the finish of the (ninth day) tenth day will be praised as (Vijayadasami) Dasara
Dasara is generally famous in the west Bengal (Eastern) some portion of India and this is their significant celebration. The initial 3 days will be loved as Durga Mata and the following 3 days will be as Saraswati and the last 3 days will be as Lakshmi.
Typically the fifth day of Navratri will be venerated for Saraswati (Goddess of information) to conjure our soul and information.
Navratri is a blend of different subjects with the basic synopsis is triumph of good over awful. Some assessment that this celebration is praised when the ruler Rama slaughtered the Ravana. As indicated by Puranas the strong devil Mahisasur vanquished the divine beings and their ruler, Indra. They at that point moved toward the Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar, who chose to devastate the neurotic devil, so they all joined their vitality, and offered ascend to Shakti. They all appealed to the heavenly mother Durga to do the needful. Outfitted with deadly weapons, riding a fierce lion, the Goddess in the entirety of her marvelous glory, vanquished the shrewd one absent a lot of ado. The tenth day on which the goddess kills Mahisasur, is commended as Dusshera or Vijayadasami as the triumph of good over malice. Dasara (tenth day) is one of the noteworthy Hindu celebrations, celebrated with much joie de vivre in the whole nation.
The celebration is likewise celebrated with extraordinary enthusiasm and pizzazz, in entire India, as Durga Puja. The dynamic celebrations keep going for ten days, of which nine evenings are spent in venerate, 'Navaratri'. Be that as it may, this celebration differs here and there.
In West-Bengal, Navratri is the genuine verses of the Bengali life. This celebration is basically strict in nature. It is commended with genuine commitment. In the hour of Durga Puja immense symbols of the Mata Durga acted like killing the devil Mahishasura are adored in wherever of the state. Enormous
'Pandals' are set up wherever to revere Durga Mata (Goddess Durga). The tenth day is given to the love of goddess Durga. She is Shakti, the grandiose vitality that vitalizes all creatures. Lovely icons of the Mother Goddess are venerated in expand pandals for nine days, and on the ninth day, these are done in parade for inundation (visarjan) in a stream or lake.
In Maharashtra, Navratri festivity is marginally not quite the same as different states. Here Navratri are committed to Goddess Durga while the Vijayadasami is devoted to Saraswati, the goddess of information. This day is viewed as propitious to start training, purchase new homes, start new pursuits, and weddings. The Dasara of Mysore is likewise very renowned where caparisoned elephants lead a bright parade through the joyously dressed avenues of the city. During Navratri Chamundi, the imperial divinity of the Mysore sovereignty is loved with grandeur and display.
In the Kulu valley in Himachal Pradesh, the slope people observe Dasara with a stupendous mass function wherein town divinities are taken out in expound parades. In Punjab, Navratri is taken as a time of fasting.
In Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, ladies mastermind 'Bommai Kolu', an exceptional setting of dolls in different ensembles adorned with blooms and trimmings on extraordinarily arranged advances. Nine youthful 'kanyas' or virgins are offered new garments and desserts as the goddesses and wedded ladies share blooms, kumkum and snacks among themselves.
For more details, please visit here
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antikristvs · 3 years
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Me and the rising Moon 🌕
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antikristvs · 3 years
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Mångata 🌕
(July, 2021, Lithuania)
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antikristvs · 4 years
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antikristvs · 4 years
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