#Lake Breeze Vineyards
Tav's gift
Astarion was Tav's first lover before she entered a polyamorous relationship with him, Gale, Halsin, and Shadowheart. After killing Cazador and the seven thousand souls, Astarion didn't ascend, but stayed a vampire spawn instead. When they defeated the Netherbrain and the tadpoles were gone, so was Astarion's ability to walk in the sun. Tav wants to change that – no matter the cost.
(Trigger warning (18+): graphic description of sex, smut, anilingus, cunnilingus, fellatio, anal sex, pegging, biting, consensual blood drinking, consensual manhandling, fluff, the feels, slight angst, crack treated seriously)
To avoid confusion: In one of my other fanfics,Halsin and Tav had named the owlbear cup Naïlo, which means 'night breeze' in the Elven language.
Another fic is mentioned.
If you’d like to read my nerdy ramblings regarding names and their meanings, including those of my Tav and OCs, go to my AO3 account :)
Tav closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The air was hot, the sun shone brightly, and the fresh breeze of the Lake of Steam, carrying the smell of dry grass, olive trees, and citrus trees. She had missed South Faerûn.
Her great-grandparents had moved from Baldur's Gate to Derlusk in the Border Kingdoms in the hopes of a better life. There, they'd worked for different vineyards, passing on their knowledge to the younger generations. Tav's parents had died young due to the plague and she'd become an orphan at age ten. The winemaker, for whom her parents had worked, had taken her in. At fourteen, Tav had pursued her musical training and career. Derlusk was the city of music after all. She'd still helped out her guardian, Korah, at the vineyard, lugging around baskets full of grapes and pouring them into the big wooden tubs in which the pretty girls trampled them to make juice before the wine-aging process. That's how Tav had gotten so muscular; by carrying around baskets and buckets all over the vineyard which was stretched out over multiple hundred metres. It had taken her almost ten minutes from one end of the vineyard to the building at the heart of the property. At the same time, Tav had moved from tavern to tavern, from inn to inn, and from drinking hole to drinking hole, until she'd earned enough money to buy trekking gear. And that's how she'd become a travelling bard.
She'd been heartbroken when she'd returned after her first trip across South Faerûn and had found out that Korah had died. He'd slipped while carrying a basket of grapes and had broken his neck when he'd crashed onto the stone treads. Tav remembered how she'd placed his favourite flowers and a glass of his best wine on his grave and had cried all night.
But she wasn't here to reminisce about the past, but to feel the road under her feet again – and hopefully finally find what she'd been looking for for the past two years. Innarlith was the city of possibilities after all. The city where the impossible was made possible. Tav hoped the rumours were true.
She entered the fifth magic shop, still not hopeless of finding what she's here for.
"Welcome to Ivan Boram's Magic Corner. How can I help you, my friend?"
Tav eyed the sleazy wizard up and down. He had black hair and wore a bright yellow robe that complimented his tan skin.
"I'm looking for a magic item that prevents me from burning in the sun," she explained.
"Ah, I see..." The wizard bore his eyes into hers and she felt a slight stabbing pain behind her eyeballs. Tav blinked and shook her head slightly. The pain was gone immediately.
"I think I sell what you're looking for," Ivan said and started rummaging through the drawers and hundreds of small boxes behind the counter.
With a sound of triumph, the wizard pulled out a tiny box and opened it to show its content to Tav. The latter leaned forward to spot a plain, inconspicuous iron ring with a blood-red ruby adorning it.
"This, my friend, is the Ring of the Sun-Walker, one of the rarest magical items. If worn by a vampire, it grants them the ability to withstand sunlight and therefore, they're able to walk in the sun. – This is what you desire, isn't it? Tell me; why are you so keen on getting it?"
Tav contemplated if she should tell the truth before she answered: "It'll be a gift for my lover."
"Ha, I knew it! How thoughtful. And they say romance is dead," the wizard snickered.
The bard glowered at him, barely able to keep herself from baring her teeth at him.
"Well, my friend, you can buy anything in Innarlith – for the right price," Ivan grinned, smugly.
Tav set her jaw.
"What do you want?"
"Excellent question. What could a travelling bard own that's worth said ring?"
"Coin," Tav replied sharply.
The wizard barked a laugh.
"Of course. What a boring answer. But this ring's worth more. Much more."
"What do you want, Ivan?" she replied, all on edge.
"Something... special. Something worthy that proves how much you love your vampiric lover. - Give me your voice."
"Excuse me?!" Tav shot daggers at him. "I'm a bard. I earn my living by singing. I need my voice."
"Yes, but do you need it more than your vampiric lover needs the ability to walk in the sun?" Ivan asked, acting all innocently.
"I - I can't do that. I need my voice. I give you anything else, but not my voice."
"I don't want anything else," the wizard replied, miffed. "But... I could be convinced to shorten the time of your muteness if... you give me one of your memories. I want something steamy. Something that proves your love and passion for your vampiric lover. You won't be able to remember said event though."
Tav raised an eyebrow and probed: "You want a smutty memory so that you can watch porn instead of reading it?"
"Exactly, my friend. Paying for such a leisure activity's rather costly. For some reason, people are very prude when it comes to letting someone watch them during sex," Ivan replied, nonchalantly and unashamed.
It made Tav chuckled.
"You filthy bastard. – Fine, I'll give you one of those memories, but tell me; how long do I have to stay mute?"
The wizard grinned like the cat that got the canary.
"Merely three years, my friend - if the memory's any good."
"Oh, it will be. Trust me," Tav smirked.
"So, we have a deal then?"
"Well..." Ivan stretched out his hand and Tav took it to seal the deal. "Let me get a memory sphere."
The wizard disappeared behind a curtain, rummaging around. Meanwhile, Tav pondered which memory of sex with Astarion she could let go off. All of them were hot, she concluded, and she was a bit sad that she had to forget one of them. Ivan came back and handed her a clear glass ball.
"Here. Focus on the memory you want to give me. Relive it. All of it with all its details. When you're done, speak the words 'Memory given, memory sealed'. Your memory will be encapsulated in the sphere and can be rewatched as many times as wished, but you won't remember it."
Tav nodded, closed her eyes and focused. Astarion and her in the bedroom, with the blinds almost shut, only a strip of sunlight falling onto the wooden floor. The swoosh of the sea, the screeching of seagulls, and the sound of the harbour's bells ringing through the open window. While making love on the soft mattress. Astarion leaning over her, moving in long, sensual thrusts, looking at her intensely with those ruby-red eyes, fangs glinting as he panted. She rolled them over, riding him until he came with a guttural moan. He encouraged her to sit on his face. 'Come here, darling. Let me taste you.' Crying out blissfully as he ate her out until she climaxed. Rolling off of him, smiling. Exchanging sloppy kisses. 'Take me, darling. Make me feel loved.' Astarion sitting in her lap, bouncing on her strap-on dildo. The way he threw his head back, exposing that long, elegant neck. Kissing him, biting him. Astarion moaned, scratching her shoulder blades bloody. She tilted her head to the side and he buried his teeth in her. Drinking her blood hungrily and coming with a wail. His seeds covering them both. Kissing him again and tasting her own blood on his tongue. 'I love you.' Soft eyes, full of adoration. 'I love you too.' Scooping some of his semen up and licking it off her fingers. Astarion groaned, sucking her middle finger into his cool mouth to taste himself. Another messy kiss. 'You're wonderful, darling.'
"Memory given, memory sealed," said Tav and opened her eyes.
She looked at the glass ball in which blurred pictures were floating. She handed the memory sphere to Ivan.
"Here. I hope it's to your liking."
"We'll see," he replied and gazed into the ball.
The longer he watched, the bigger his eyes grew - and the erection under his robe. The wizard's face blushed at the blissful noises he heard, and Tav smirked, smugly.
"It's - it's a rather good memory," Ivan remarked, flustered.
"I'm glad," Tav answered. She had no idea which one she’d left to him. "Now, give me the ring."
Dazed, the wizard nodded and walked behind the counter tentatively. It wasn't easy to walk with a hard-on. Carefully, Ivan set the memory sphere down on a cushion and handed Tav the magic item.
"It won't have an effect on you – except not getting a sunburn, maybe," the wizard explained. "But I can assure you that it'll work for your vampiric lover. - Now, about your voice... I won't actually take it from you, but put a spell on it instead. You'll technically still be able to speak, but if you do so, the spell will inform me about it and cause severe pain to you as punishment. Therefore, I advise you not to speak for the next three years. The spell will be lifted automatically and you'll be able to feel it. Trust me. When the time's up, you can continue your merry way as a bard. Any questions?"
"Can I communicate through writing, or do I get punished for it too?" Tav wanted to know.
"No, of course not. The spell only applies to your voice. No worries."
"Can I still hum?"
"As long as you don't sing and don't speak actual words, yes. Any more questions?"
Tav shook her head.
"Excellent. I'll put the spell on you now."
Ivan lifted his arms and recited magic words. Blue light flowed from his fingertips towards Tav's neck, wrapping around it like a choker necklace made of magic and light. It felt slightly warm and tingly. When the light went out, so did the tingling, and Tav touched her throat.
"Thers's nothing visible there," Ivan informed her. "But if you try to speak it'll constrict and give you a nasty shock."
Tav hummed understandingly. The magic didn't react and she sighed a breath of relief, relaxing a bit. Ivan looked at her, for the first time less coldly, and told her: "I am a hard-nosed businessman, but I'm not cruel. The spell will only punish you if you speak actual words, not simple sounds."
Smiling, Tav formed the words 'thank you' silently with her lips and the wizard nodded, smiling back.
"It was a pleasure to make business with you, Tav Thaura Sionnach."
Dumbfounded, the addressed stared at him with furrowed brows. Then, she made a questioning sound and moved her hands apart as if to ask for a length. Ivan snickered.
"I'm a wizard, my friend, and a brilliant one, to say at least. It was rather easy to pick up your full name in that surprisingly complex mind of yours."
Tav shot daggers at him, harrumphing. Ivan laughed delighted and she rolled her eyes.
"Farewell, my friend. Visit me again soon."
The bard hummed and bowed. Then, she left Ivan Boram's magic shop.
When Astarion opened the door, Tav's beaming smile almost blinded him. She quickly wiggled her way into their home and closed the door behind her to keep the sun out.
"Hello, darling, I missed you," Astarion smiled.
The bard kissed him and pulled him into a hug.
"Yes, yes. It has been a while," the vampire spawn chuckled. "How are you?"
The addressed drew back and shrugged nonchalantly.
"Seems like you didn't catch a sunburn down south."
Tav shook her head and Astarion frowned. Something was off.
"I really miss your poetic verbosity, you know? Talk to me, darling."
The joy in the bard's eyes dimmed and she shook her head.
"What's wrong? Did you catch a cold or did you lose your voice because you sang too much?"
Again, Tav shook her head, looking incredibly sad. Astarion was gripped by fear and grasped her arm.
"Is it another curse? Gods, please tell me it's not another curse, love!"
To his horror, the bard looked sheepish and moved her hand, with flicks of her wrist, from left to right in a 'more or less' motion. The vampire spawn would have paled if it would have been physically possible.
"Gale!" he shouted panicky. "Gale! I need your help! Hurry!"
"What is it?" the wizard yelled back from his study.
"Tav's cursed again!"
An uncharacteristically obscene swearword was uttered, books clattered to the floor as the wizard hit his knee against the table leg, another profane curse, and then, Gale appeared in the hallway.
"Tav, dear, why do you do this do us?!"
She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"She can't talk," Astarion babbled. "Her voice is gone. Tav's a bard! How will she ever - Gods! Darling, who did you piss off this time?"
The addressed made an angry noise and waved about with her hands. The men just stared at her confused. Tav sighed, took off her boots and waltzed into Gale's study. Tara was perched on top of the desk.
"Cursed again, Miss Tav?" she tried to scold, but sounded too worried to make it sound that way.
Tav shook her head, grabbed a piece of paper and started scribbling. The wizard, the vampire spawn, and the tressym leaned forward to read it.
I went to Innarlith and finally found what I've been looking for since we've defeated the Netherbrain. But it came with a price. I lost my voice for three years, but then, I'll get it back.
"What was so important that you gave up your voice?" Astarion asked upset.
Smiling sadly, Tav pointed at him.
"Me? Are you kidding?"
She shook her head and continued to write.
I bought something called 'The Ring of the Sun-Walker'. It'll grant you the ability to walk in the sun.
The men gasped in union.
Astarion, I want you to be happy. I want you to be truly free of Cazador – and this includes being able to walk in the sun again. I saw how happy you were when you could because of the tadpole and how devastated you were afterwards. I want to give you this gift so that you'll be truly free and remember me, long after I'm dead. I love you so much and giving up my voice for three years is worth it. YOU are worth it.
"No..." The vampire spawn shook his head, tears shimmering in the corners of his eyes. "I'm not worth it. Tav... you're a bard. Your voice is everything to you."
Not everything.
Smiling, Tav pointed at him, Gale and Tara, and then made a sweeping hand gesture to include the entire house.
"You idiot," sniffed Astarion and fell around her neck. "You utter idiot."
The bard hummed and gently rubbed his back.
"Giving up your voice... Making a deal like that... Gods, Tav..." Gale sighed. "But I understand why you did it."
At those last words, the wizard gently ran his fingers through Astarion's hair. Tav smiled at him.
"Can't you make a counter-spell to lift the curse?" the vampire spawn muttered into the bard's shoulder.
"No. That would break the deal Tav had made and could cause severe damage. It could ruin her voice forever."
"Mhm," nodded the bard.
"You've gotten yourself into a fine mess again, Miss Tav. Well, at least you can still eat," Tara remarked, making the addressed snicker.
Gale sighed, arms akimbo, and announced: "Well, after this scare, I need a cup of tea. Come on, my dears, follow me."
Astarion, Tav, and Tara complied and trailed the wizard towards the kitchen. But when they passed the living room door, Scratch barked happily and Naïlo hooted excitedly. They came running like tornados, bowling Tav over, and showering her in slobbery kisses and headbutts. The bard laughed cheerfully and hugged the animals.
"At least, you can still laugh," Astarion muttered.
She looked at him and nodded, smiling.
He sighed deeply. The love of his life was incorrigible and it drove him up the wall. Sometimes.
After distributing an even amount of headpats and chin scratches, Tav got up, and waved them all towards the kitchen. Gale lit the fire in the stove with a flick of his wrist an started to brew tea. Meanwhile, Astarion took the sandwich tray out of the pantry and placed it on the table. Gale had enchanted the cupboard to ensure the food's freshness. Hungrily, Tav took a ham sandwich and wolfed it down in seconds.
"Easy, darling. Don't choke on the wrong kind of meat," the vampire spawn teased and Tav rolled her eyes at him.
"Next time, I'll give you a bag of holding with provisions that never go bad," the wizard muttered, more to himself than anyone else.
Tav looked at him lovingly, got up, walked over, and kissed him passionately.
"Don't mind me. I'm just enjoying the show," grinned Astarion.
The bard giggled and kissed him too. Then, she grabbed another sandwich. Gale handed her a teacup. She nodded thankfully and took a whiff.
"Lavender. Obviously," Gale deadpanned and she snickered.
"I'm home!" shouted Shadowheart and slammed the door shut.
"Hello!" greeted the men in unison.
Scratch barked and Naïlo hooted as they circled around the cleric to receive headpats. Shadowheart complied, kneeled down, and petted them as she cooed. Then, she stepped out of her shoes and put her staff away.
"Ugh, the temple was filled to the brim today. It seemed like all of Waterdeep wished to leave offerings to Selûne at the same time. I even had to – Tav!"
Laughing, Shadowheart fell around the bard's neck.
"I missed you," the cleric said and kissed her.
Tav hummed agreeingly.
"She got cursed again," Astarion informed the half-elf with a dramatic sigh. "She can't speak for three years."
"Are you kidding me?" Shadowheart looked angry and concerned at the same time. It was cute, thus, Tav had to kiss her again.
"Unfortunately not. She made a deal to get a gift for me."
The cleric groaned.
"Why, Tav?"
The addressed handed her the paper she'd written on earlier. Shadowheart read it and got really quiet.
"Oh," she whispered.
Tav made a face and shrugged. Then, she reached into the neckline of her shirt and pulled the ring out which hung around her neck on a strong leather string.
"Of course, there's where you store your precious goods," laughed Astarion and Tav shrugged again, grinning.
Then, she stepped closer to him and took his hand. The vampire spawn chuckled nervously.
"Are - uhm - are you proposing?" he tried to joke, but his voice cracked and revealed his nerves.
Tav slightly tilted her head to the side quickly in a 'kind of' motion. She carefully slid the Ring of the Sun-Walker onto his middle finger. It fit perfectly. She lifted his hand up to place a kiss on his knuckles before letting go of him. Astarion's eyes were wide, his chest heaving as he panted even though there was no need for him to breathe. His hands trembled lightly when he inspected the simple silvery band with the flatly inserted ruby.
"It's... beautiful. Thank you, Tav," he whispered close to tears again. "I'll never forget this generous gift for which you sacrificed so much."
The bard just looked at him with an incredible soft expression. Astarion wrapped his arms around her neck, pulled her closer, and kissed her. Trying to pour all his gratitude and feelings into it. They parted and before he let go of her, he rubbed their noses together. The vampire spawn took another look at the ring.
"I guess that means we're married," he joked, sounding a bit too close to tears.
"Mhm," Tav agreed, kissing him again contently.
"How about you test the ring's ability?" Gale said, eyes full of curiosity. "It would be a shame if Tav went through all this drudgery and it doesn't even work."
"If that's the case, I'll stab every mage in Innarlith until I get the right one," growled Shadowheart.
Tav snickered and gave her a quick peck before following Astarion and Gale into the living room. The late afternoon sun fell through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The vampire spawn swallowed thickly, took a deep breath, and squeezed his eyes shut. Then, he stepped into the light. Nothing happened. Astarion's ruby-red eyes flew open and he stared directly into the sunlight. Then, at his hands. In disbelief, he touched his face which wasn't burning or peeling off. He barked a laugh and stared at his hands again.
"It works! Fucking Hells, Tav, it works!" Astarion laughed like a madman, almost choking on his own spit. "I can't believe it..."
"Fascinating," muttered Gale, already halfway lost in thoughts again, pondering about the type of magic that flowed through the ring.
Shadowheart put a hand onto her heart and said theatrically: "And so, the Moon Maiden, has lost another child to the Sun. Oh, woe is me."
Everyone laughed and Astarion twirled around in the sunlit spot again. He stopped his frolicking to look at Tav. 'Thank you' his eyes said and the bard smiled. 'You're welcome, love'.
That night, Astarion and Tav held their 'wedding night'. First, the vampire spawn went down on her and made love to her while losing himself in her eyes. Then, the human bard sucked him off and ate him out before hoisting him up on her hips and manhandling him against the wall. She took him this way and Astarion had never experienced anything more arousing. She let him drink her blood and he moaned as he filled his belly with her familiar, comforting taste again after months spent apart. Panting, the vampire spawn pointed at the shelf on their left.
"Need to grab something, darling. Could you?"
Tav hummed, held him tight and moved them over. Astarion groaned as the strap-on dildo jostled against his prostate. He fumbled around on the shelf blindly, until he felt the hilt of his favourite dagger under his fingers. He pulled the weapon carefully.
"Remember this one?" he asked. "You gave me two daggers; the one that was stuck in that suspicious-looking roast in the blighted village, and the other, you reinforced yourself in the abandoned smithy with the Sussur Tree bark. This one is -"
He squeaked when Tav pressed him against the wall again and pushed a knee under his buttocks to hold a hand up. She raised two fingers and nodded. Astarion giggled.
"Yes, this is the second one, darling."
The addressed looked pleased and hoisted him back up into both arms. The vampire spawn groaned, swallowing the saliva that was pooling in his mouth. Tav was so damn strong and godsdamn hot.
"This is my favourite one," he told his lover. "You put so much thought into it. Everything you give me is thoughtful; the daggers, the ring, your trust, your friendship, your love. No one ever looked out for me... you're the only one. And I love you more than anything. You're the love of my life - and I'm almost three hundred years old."
Tav snickered a bit, rubbing their noses together.
"You give me everything I need and now... I have one more request; Drink from me, darling. Bite me, drink me in, and make me yours."
Astarion raised the dagger to his neck and Tav's eyes went wide.
"This one slides through flesh like butter – including my own, much tougher, skin," the vampire spawn revealed and cut himself. The thin line of the clean slash started bleeding immediately. Hastily, Astarion dropped the dagger back onto the shelf.
"Feed from me quickly, before I heal."
Tav immediately leaned forward and licked the blood off. Astarion sighed. Then, the bard bit down as hard as she could. The vampire spawn wailed, bucking in her grip. Tav dug her blunt teeth deeper into his neck, right where Cazador had left his mark on Astarion. She felt more blood flowing from the wound and swallowed the first mouthful. Her lover moaned gutturally.
"Yes, Gods, darling... Devour me."
With a hum, Tav continued drinking his blood while she picked up her rhythm again, thrusting into him steadily and deeply. Astarion cried out in utter bliss, trembling like a sapling in a storm. He felt all-consumed, dizzy with pleasure. Now, he belonged to her fully. His hands threatened to lose their grip on her sweaty shoulders and he dug his nails into her until he could smell blood. They both didn't care.
"Tav," Astarion moaned and came so hard he blacked out.
When he awoke, she was wiping him down gently with a warm, wet cloth, humming a tune.
"I thought you can't talk?" Astarion slurred.
The bard fell silent and grabbed the notebook she'd placed on his bedside table.
I can't speak, but I can hum. No words allowed, only noises.
"I see... Come here, darling."
Tav collapsed into Astarion's outstretched arms and they kissed messily. He could still taste his own blood on her tongue.
"I'm sorry about your shoulder blades. It must hurt."
Tav shook her head, scribbling hastily onto the paper again.
It has already healed! I think your blood has healing properties?
"Huh, what?" Astarion stared at her wide-eyed. "Show me."
Willingly, Tav turned around to let the vampire spawn take a look. In disbelief, the latter ran his finger over her perfectly smooth, healed skin.
"Tsk, another thing Cazador didn't tell us about," Astarion spat. "That utter bastard!"
The bard hummed, turned around, and pulled him into her arms and halfway onto her chest. The vampire spawn sighed and kissed her collarbone.
"Thank you. For everything. I'll never forget your gifts. I love you."
Tav hummed again and kissed his crown.
The 'I love you too' stayed unspoken, but was heard nonetheless.
Two hundred years later, Astarion would still remember his beloved human bard every day. While he'd wander through the city by bright daylight, he'd fondly touch the Ring of the Sun-Walker and silently thank the love of his life for this priceless gift. He'd never meet anyone like her ever again. But he'd be content with that knowledge.
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chldfthnvrs · 2 years
𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 // 𝒋𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒘𝒐𝒐
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𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑺 𝑰𝑺 𝑱𝑼𝑺𝑻 𝑨 𝑺𝑻𝑶𝑹𝒀! 𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅. 𝑵𝒐 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉! 𝑲𝒆𝒚𝒃𝒐𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒅𝒐.🤣
Word Count: 4k+
Genre: Angst -> Fluff
Pairing: JWW × reader
Tropes: forbidden love
icons from @attracteric and @11h26s! I edited wonu's icon a little bit to match the other icons' colors
Before he came, you were living in a town dotted with colorful stone houses, vineyards, farms, windmills, and white-sailed yachts that breezed around a huge lake everyday. 
You were content with hiking around beaten paths and soaking in hot springs with friends while sipping cocktails. You wore satin dresses, partied all night, dyed your hair in outrageous colors, and sailed away every weekend wearing nothing but bikinis to go diving away into an underwater world that fascinated you. 
You didn't care much about studying but figured that you were maybe into art and colors and the seasons. You skipped classes and made out with teachers' assistants and flunked your driving tests three times before finally reading the signs right. You dated every handsome sailor that stepped foot on the town docks or prolific teen celebrities that came to while away their summers in wineries. 
You lived like time was nothing, and you were careless about everything and cared less about the consequences. News about your escapades always ran around town like wildfire and everyone didn't know whether to hate you or to love you for breezing through life the way you do.
But you belonged to a family with old money that was looking to preserve the wealth in its by marrying off family members to young blood who came to town with cash, investments, and the possibility of owning more.
Your brothers and sisters have all been engaged or whisked off to wealthy businessmen, heirs and heiresses, magnates, start-ups, and even royalty. Your cousins all had degrees and doctorates and charities named after them, and some owned pieces of land in other places similar to your hometown. 
You knew that your parents have been eyeing you for a long time, wondering what you would be doing with your life and who would be able to tame you. 
"We have been able to marry off Bora," your mother had said nonchalantly as she traced the rim of her wineglass one night. She was referring to Bora, your older sister who had to be dragged into her engagement party and walked by security officers to her own wedding. "We will be able to marry her off, too."
For your family, preserving your status as a wealthy scion was the most important duty in life. And they had expected you to be committed to doing the same. 
Until your father hosted a gala where everybody was supposed to know everybody, but somebody had unexpectedly invited somebody that was not known by anybody. 
"And he looks like a nobody, if you ask me," Sana, your other older sister, had remarked while peering at the unwanted guest beneath her long lashes. "Handsome, yes. But without a dossier telling Father he has even but a dime or a nugget to his name, what does that matter?" 
You were not listening to Sana, though. 
Because you were already entranced with the guest with wine-red hair and the most boring tuxedo and cufflinks you have ever seen in your life. 
Everything glittered and gleamed in that ballroom. An orchestra was playing a waltz and the marble floor was filled with people wearing heavy makeup and perfume, diamond-encrusted gowns, silk suits, golden jewelry, and pearls.
Rare flora and food and wine made the place even more magical. And five hours before midnight, the guests would be invited to sit down to listen to a new ballad from famous opera singers in town. 
Everything around you looked magical and rich, but your eyes were fixed on him. On plain, wallflower-like him. 
You didn't know how someone with such a toned-down appearance could catch your eye and pique your curiosity like this. 
"Can you get my list, please?" your father's butler had said to a maid who happened to be nearby. But you had already approached the unvetted man standing by the entrance and said in a voice that didn't seem to be yours, "Can I get you something?", your eyes never leaving his face. 
While walking towards him, you had thought he had been wonderstruck by the glitz and glamour around him, seeing that he looked so handsome but so plain. You had thought that he was probably uncomfortable, as some of the other guests weren't even hiding their scorn and judgment of his appearance and the fact that nobody knew him.
But up close, you saw that he was neither wonderstruck nor uncomfortable. 
He just looked…normal. And thoughtful. 
And quiet.
All the things that you had never seen in anybody around you. 
"No," he had replied politely after a few moments of looking at you. "I do not need anything at the moment. But can I know your name?" He then bowed quickly in greeting and held out a hand. 
In that moment, as you somehow found the voice to tell him your name, you found yourself spellbound by how unimpressed he was of the gala and how just casually, so casually said your name.
You, the social butterfly who turned heads and broke hearts and made the news everytime. You, the daughter of the man who was throwing this extravagant party.
You couldn't make yourself speak as you watched him smile politely and make his name known. "My name is Jeon Wonwoo. Librarian." 
"New in town?" you had asked, barely able to breath. In that moment, there had been a flush that crept onto your cheeks that wasn't because of the wine.
"Yes. I got called in by an uncle to keep watch over a library here for a while." 
"For a while."
"For a while. Until my uncle is in good health and can run his beloved haunt of books again."
"For a while."
"For a while, yes." It was only then that you felt him truly look at you. And smile. Not politely, but in a way that further introduced you to who he was inside. "It's nice to meet you."
And then and there, Jeon Wonwoo captured your heart.
. . .
The world became sepia-toned when he stepped into your life. 
Golden, as if nothing would ever fade into grey, as if nothing was incapable of rust or decay. 
When he came, you no longer saw the town as a map of colorful stone houses, vineyards, farms, windmills, and white-sailed yachts that breezed around a huge lake everyday. Instead, you saw places where Wonwoo would wander around to get the feel of the place, to get to know the faces and the stories behind those faces. 
You suddenly became aware of which coffee shop he loved to stop by for a cup of latte and a bagel. You began listing the names of every person he would ever approach and would mark in red the ones whose eyes would gleam with even a spark of romantic interest towards him. You got to know the corners where he loved turning on the way home. 
You took him hiking up paths you felt you were discovering anew and would shyly invite him to bathe in hot springs with you. You no longer had cocktails, but you were intoxicated all the same...intoxicated with Jeon Wonwoo. 
Your satin dresses would shimmer against the moonlit night as you met Wonwoo in rose gardens and in greenhouses where midnight flowers bloomed. You stayed up all night listening to the steady beat of his heart as you lay on his chest while he read the new books that he wanted to include in the library. You lost friends and got uninvited to the summer parties you used to immerse yourself in as you lost yourself to Wonwoo and spent every hour you could spare with him.  You still dyed your hair but only in colors that would complement his, and your father's yachts became docked forever as Wonwoo preferred to cliff-dive with you or get cooped up with you in the stone house next to the library. You were in a world that was far more fascinating than the deepest parts of the town lake, and you loved this new world that you had discovered.
A world where only you and Wonwoo existed, and everything else was mere backdrop. 
You began to love books and board games and surprised your father by taking art classes, where your only subject was Wonwoo: his fingers, the sharp angles of his face, the kind look of his eyes, and the color of his calming presence. Everyone else was uninteresting or unimportant. Everything fell away except him. You became tamed, anchored, secure. And slowly, the town got used to the new you…the persona you now had that didn't involve sleeping with the hottest new stud or messing around with wild-child crowds. 
Your world had only three seasons when he became the sun you revolved around: autumn, summer, and spring.
Autumn for the wine-red colour of his hair that matched the ruby chain he had hung around your neck; for the rose blush makeup that blended well with the flush on your cheeks because you were so happy; for the burnt-orange leaves where he laid you and kissed you for the first time. 
Summer for the flecks of gold that gleamed in your eyes as you looked up at his face while resting on his lap during picnics spent in a grassy knoll overlooking the town lake; for the streets that become bathed in honey-colored light as he kissed your forehead on the walk home; and afternoons spent down the lake's cool water, soaked in summer sun and in him.
Spring for the time all the flowers that bloomed as he told you for the first time that he loved you.
Before he came, you lived like time was nothing, and you were careless about everything and cared less about the consequences. News about your escapades always ran around town like wildfire and everyone didn't know whether to hate you or to love you for breezing through life the way you do.
But when he came, your world became a photoset of memories where time was frozen, in no rush, infinite, and bathed in the warm glow of a spell that no one seemed capable of breaking.
Except the dreadful truth that you belonged to a family with old money that was looking to preserve the wealth in its coffers by marrying you off to the next young blood who came to town with cash or who was keen on investing in your father's wine or fishery business. 
Your brothers and sisters have all been engaged or whisked off to wealthy businessmen, heirs and heiresses, magnates, start-ups, and even royalty. Your cousins all had degrees and doctorates and charities named after them, and some owned pieces of land in other places similar to your hometown. 
You knew that your parents have been eyeing you for a long time, wondering what you would be doing with your life, and who would be able to tame you. 
Your mother still thinks of the success she had with rebellious Bora, who has now settled in France with a man that came from a line of French barons. Locked up in a gilded cage but still contributing to the name of the family, and will possibly give grandchildren in the near future.
"Bora got married," you overheard your mother say one night before retiring for bed. "She will, too. And to someone with a name and a dowry to last for generations." 
For your family, preserving your status as a wealthy scion was the most important duty in life. And they had expected you to be committed to doing the same. 
But for all their gratefulness that you were no longer running around as a subject for salacious gossip, they were not thrilled at all that Wonwoo was your lover.
As you watched the gears on your parents' heads turn and turn each day, you steeled yourself and made your own plans
It seemed like you would be more rebellious than Bora, after all.
. . . 
On the night that the sepia-toned skies of your world came crashing down, you told Wonwoo in the rose garden by his uncle's library that it is now time for you both to run away. 
"Someone is coming," you told him in a voice stretched raw from crying, "someone that they want me to marry."
"Is it the Italian duke this time?" Wonwoo's tone was worried, but soothing at the same time. This was not the first matchmaking attempt that you had to tell him. There had been many since he came. And a lot more before he had. This was how your family worked and he had known better than to act out against it.
"No. Someone…someone from the oil business, supposedly. A son of an old friend of his from the city. But none of that matters. I don't care. I don't fucking care. I just want to be out of here before they take their plan any further." Your tears outshone your satin nightdress in the moonlit night. "We have to leave now, Wonwoo, before it is too late."
You pleaded with him to listen to you. 
This new marriage proposal was not like the others. 
This new marriage proposal sounded sure. And agreed upon. On black and white, between your parents and the other family. 
"We do not have anything planned yet. Let's give it a week," Wonwoo had said, unsure of how to respond. "And I still want to tell your parents that I love you and I will marry you. I have enough money to build a life for us–"
"–but not enough money for them," you broke in, sobbing. "We can't win this fight. You have to listen to me. We have to leave town. Tonight. Now."
"We have not thought this through–"
"–I have. And you have to listen to me." 
Flashlights shone around the rose garden, probing every inch of it for traces of you. You hear your father's guards calling for your name, and other voices that you do not know also doing the same. 
"Your father's guards," Wonwoo had said with a voice as cold as the death of stars described in his books at the library.
"And his men," you had said woodenly. "The other family's men." 
"I have to talk to your father." 
"It's not going to work that way, Wonwoo." You forced him to look you in the eye. "Because you are in a place where everybody is supposed to know everybody. You are in love with a woman that cannot be married to someone like you because my family will not recognize you. And the only way we can be together is if we run away now."
"No." For the first time, the icicles in his voice were aimed at you. "There has to be another way." 
"Let's just go, please. A car is waiting–" 
"I will not take you away from your family like this. They have to accept us and the love that we share." 
"This isn't a storybook, Jeon Wonwoo!" you screamed. "If we do not run away now, my family will take you away from me. Can't you understand that?"
"I don't want our love to be something that stands between you and your family. There has to be a way–"
"–Jeon Wonwoo, I am in love with you! And I am willing to leave everything behind for you! Shouldn't that be enough?!"
"There has to be another way to resolve this–"
–the rose garden wasn't enormous, and it was only a matter of time before they found you and Wonwoo, seated on a bench overlooking the library and the town. Holding hands. Praying that explanations and consideration will be given. 
You held onto that hope, which bloomed inside you. You clung to its vibrant color and you prayed desperately.
But the last flash of red you saw was Wonwoo's blood staining your nightdress as he was wrenched away from your arms. And your screams filled the night as the man you loved disappeared.
. . .
Like ashes scattered into the wind, you felt colors leave the canvas of your life. Everything was replaced by winter-like cold and starless skies. Obsidian thorns embedded themselves into your bones, and roses that bloomed in your heart dried up and died as the cold seeped in. 
After Wonwoo disappeared, you still lived in the same town dotted with its stone houses, vineyards, farms, windmills, and yachts. The landscape was still the same, and the townspeople only aged but did not change at all.
You stopped hiking around beaten paths and soaking in hot springs, but you drank every bottle and glass of wine you could get your hands on, hoping to at least feel numb from the ache in your bones that says Wonwoo's name over again. You discarded your satin dresses for tight, velvet ones and raised hell at nightclubs until the sun made your hungover eyes sting. You went back to dyeing your hair in outrageous colors, and sailed away every weekend wearing nothing but bikinis to go diving away into an underwater world that you hoped would suck you in and pull you away from the misery you felt in the surface world.
You stopped taking your art classes, made out with every teacher you could get your hands on, and got your driver's license revoked for too many DUIs and jail time. You became the nightmare of every handsome sailor that stepped foot on the town docks or became the subject of heartbreak songs written by celebrities that came to while away their summers in your father's wineries. 
You lived like time was nothing, and you were careless about everything and cared less about the consequences. News about your escapades always ran around town and the cities like wildfire and everyone didn't know whether to hate you or to pity you for the downhill ride your life was leading you. 
You still belonged to the same dysfunctional family who made the man you loved disappear and locked you inside your bedroom until your engagement with some oil-magnate old friend's son was finalized on paper.
Your brothers and sisters are still trapped in loveless engagements and marriages with wealthy businessmen, heirs and heiresses, magnates, start-ups, and even royalty. Your cousins continued accumulating degrees and doctorates and charities named after them, and some owned pieces of land in other places similar to your hometown. 
You knew that your parents are still keeping their eye on you, bent on sealing the deal they have gotten through you.
"We have been able to marry off Bora," your mother still says every night after downing glasses of rosè. Bora, your older sister, who is now filing for divorce that involved millions of dollars of property and money to be divided. "We will be able to marry her off, too."
For your family, preserving your status as a wealthy scion was the most important duty in life. They had expected you to be committed to doing the same. 
Until your father hosted your engagement party, where everybody was supposed to know everybody but somebody had unexpectedly come uninvited–somebody whose name was worse than nobody's. 
"After all these years," Sana, your other older sister, remarks dryly as she peers at the unwanted guest beneath her long lashes. "He still looks so plain. Handsome, yes. But without a dossier telling Father he has even but a dime or a nugget to his name, what does that matter? Will anything change?" 
You are not been listening to Sana, though. 
Because you are once again entranced with the guest with wine-red hair and the most boring tuxedo and cufflinks you have ever seen in your life.
Everything once again starts to glitter and gleam around you. Another orchestra is filling the ballroom with music and the marble floor is filled with dancing people wearing heavy makeup and perfume, diamond-encrusted gowns, silk suits, golden jewelry, and pearls.
Rare flora and food and wine make the place even more magical. And five hours before midnight, the guests will be invited to sit down to listen to a new ballad from famous opera singers in town. 
Everything around you looks magical and rich, but your eyes are–once again–fixed on him. On plain, wallflower-like him. 
You still do not know how someone with such a appearance could catch your eye and make your heart drum a hundred beats at once.
"Where are the guards?" your father's butler says to a maid who happens to be nearby. But you are already approaching the man standing by the entrance, reminiscing a similar scene from before in which you said in a voice that didn't seem to be yours, "Can I get you something?"
While walking towards him, you see that he is still not wonderstruck by the glitz and glamour around him. And he wasn't uncomfortable, even as some guests and your fiance's family members openly show their scorn and judgment of his appearance and the fact that he was some librarian's nephew who dared to be your lover.
Up close, you see that he had aged. But he was neither wonderstruck nor uncomfortable. 
He still looked as if he just stepped into some absurd museum of extravaganza. He still had that thoughtful gaze.
His spirit could still quiet down all the passion and anger and bitterness that simmered in yours. Even after all these years, he still had that power over you.
He still possessed all the things that you had never seen in anybody else around you. 
You wait for him to speak as his eyes meet yours, as you remember how spellbound you had been before because of how unimpressed he was of parties like this and how he just casually, so casually said your name. 
You, the madwoman who turns heads and breaks hearts and makes the news every time for all the wrong reasons. You, the daughter of the parents who are throwing this extravagant engagement party, the daughter who is locked in this gilded cage and in an engagement with a man you did not love.
You couldn't make yourself speak as you watched him. 
"Back in town?" you ask, barely able to breath. In that moment, the same flush from years ago that wasn't because of the wine crept into your cheeks–a color you did not think would ever come back to paint your face.
He speaks with the same soft and deep voice that you came to love. "For a while."
"For a while."
"For a while." You feel his face with your hand, the one with the ugly diamond clinging to your ring finger like a snake. Jeon Wonwoo flinches–an introduction to the pain that he must have been suffering from all these years. "Until I can leave this town with you holding my hand. But until then…" he cupped your face with his hands–to the rage of your parents and guards who were swooping in to take him, to the exclamations of everyone present– and whispered before claiming your lips with a kiss that has missed you for years, "...I will not leave you ever again."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wonwoo looks up from the manuscript you gave him, brows furrowed. He drains his coffee while looking at you quizzically.
"You don't like it?" you bite your lip, studying his face. It is already midnight, and you have been cajoling Wonwoo to read your story.
"This is such a weird ending, babe."
"But...but I want the ending to be sad!"
"This is not sad. This is depressing. What happens when the guards get me after that 'I will never leave you again' line? The readers will go crazy if you end it this way!" He shakes his head and laughs before roping you into his arms as you make cute protests about how he's such a killjoy. "And I am not a killjoy. You are. You are planning to make all the readers sad."
"It's the 'I will not leave you ever again' line, Jeon Wonwoo. Jeez!" You roll your eyes and take the manuscript from his hand. "Didn't you like how romantic it was?"
"It's depressing," Wonwoo still maintains, burrowing his face into your back. "Besides, I don't think your parents will like how you made them look like crazy people who make you and your sibs marry for money. And your mom doesn't drink, babe!"
"I wasn't working on my biography, for goodness' sake!!!" you pout, screaming as he laughs and kisses you on the neck. "I was writing a story–"
"–based on our love story, but only I am this unwanted pauper and your parents are such assholes and your are this wild child that only I can tame but I die in the end when the guards pounce on me like it's football season?"
"Wow, Jeon Wonwoo," you snap sarcastically, "so many words tonight, huh?"
"How about you just tell the truth?" He continues kissing your neck. "That my uncle got sick and I stood in for him during your dad's birthday party. And we fell in love, dated in every coffee shop and library in this town, that your family adores me, and that we are already six months into our wedding?"
You stare at the manuscript in your hands, a smile forming in your face. "But..."
"...it's a happier ending and I don't die at the end."
You laugh and turn to him, dropping the manuscript on the floor. As you claim Jeon Wonwoo's lips and catch sight of how your wedding rings glinted beneath the chandelier of your family's library, you think about rewriting the story all over again.
This time, with the true events that unfolded. No longer fiction, as you promised your publisher–but a biography, a celebration of a love story that you were lucky to have.
A true love story with a happy ending.
- 4.
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gokitetour · 3 months
8 Stunning Islands in New Zealand You Must Visit
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New Zealand is well-known for its spectacular scenery and natural treasures, but it also has numerous lovely islands that await exploration. These islands provide a wide range of experiences, from pristine beaches to rough wilderness, making them must-see locations for those seeking adventure and quiet. Nestled in the great expanse of the Pacific Ocean, these islands have distinct ecosystems, a rich cultural legacy, and unrivaled beauty. From the beautiful coasts of Waiheke Island to the Rocky Mountains of Stewart Island, each island in New Zealand has its own unique appeal and fascination. Whether you want to hike through natural woods, dive in crystal-clear lakes, or learn about Maori culture, there is something for everyone to enjoy. As you travel to these breathtaking islands, you will be intrigued by the rich diversity of wildlife, which ranges from playful dolphins to towering seabirds. You'll also get the opportunity to learn about the indigenous Maori people's rich history and customs, who have a strong connection to their land. Whether you want to relax on isolated beaches or have adrenaline-pumping experiences in the great outdoors, the gorgeous islands of New Zealand guarantee an amazing experience that will leave you in awe of nature. So pack your bags and prepare to start on a voyage of exploration to these magnificent islands in the heart of the South Pacific.
Here are some stunning islands in New Zealand you must visit.
1. Stewart Island: Rakiura Island is another name for Stewart Island. It is New Zealand's third-largest island. You have to visit this lovely island if you want to walk and hike amid amazing animals and breathtaking scenery. Thirty kilometres separate the island from the South Island. The island has only one settlement, Oban. Oban is located on the island's eastern side, opposite Halfmoon Bay.
2. Waiheke Island: One of New Zealand's most stunning and sizable islands is Waiheke Island. This is the island for you if you've always wanted to have a destination wedding or spend your honeymoon on an island. The island has unique beaches and gorgeous vineyards. The island has a large population. Accessing Waiheke Island is a breeze. In approximately forty minutes, you may get to the island from Auckland by ferryboat. The island is ideal for a day vacation because it is so conveniently accessible.
3. New Caledonia: One of the most breathtaking tropical islands close to New Zealand is called New Caledonia. The surroundings and experiences of New Caledonia are completely different from those found on the New Zealand mainland. It just takes two and a half hours to fly from Auckland to this tropical island. There is a white beach and crystal-blue water on this lovely island. Delicious meals and a European culture (French in particular) characterize New Caledonia.
4. Little Barrier Island: Established in 1896, the first nature reserve in New Zealand is located on Little Barrier Island. The preservation of the indigenous flora and wildlife depends critically on this island. Access to this stunning and significant island is very restricted. A unique certification issued by the Department of Conservation is required in order to visit Little Barrier Island. Following that, you will be able to board a car that is authorized to transport you to the island. The island known as "Little Barrier" lies 80 kilometres north of Auckland. It's the ideal location for bird viewing, diving, and snorkeling.
5. D’Urville Island: This island has the name of Jules Dumont d'Urville, a French explorer. Situated in the Marlborough Sounds, this breathtaking island. The eighth-largest island in New Zealand is D'Urville Island. This gorgeous island is the best option if you're searching for adventure activities in New Zealand. Activities on this island include diving, snorkeling, strolling, observing marine life, and cycling. The primary draw of the island is its unspoiled natural isolation.
6. Fiji Island: The most stunning island in the Pacific, close to New Zealand, is Fiji Island. One of the greatest tourist infrastructures is found in the Fiji Islands. This breathtaking island is the ideal destination for romantic getaways with your significant other. Indulge in some adventure sports, unwind with a stunning view of the ocean, or go diving into the water to witness amazing marine life on the remote islands of Fiji. From New Zealand, a 3-hour flight gets you to Fiji.
7. Rangitoto Island: Rangitoto Island in New Zealand is a great place to visit if you want to see an island that was formed just a few centuries ago by nature. One of Auckland's most distinctive natural features is the young volcano that sits atop Rangitoto Island. Six centuries ago, the water gave life to this island. Another reason Rangitoto is well-known is for its adventurous activities. Activities that you may partake in include bird viewing, sea kayaking, and hiking to Rangitoto Island's top.
8. Poor Knights Islands: Don't let its name fool you. The island has an abundance of rich flora and animals; thus, it is by no means impoverished. The unfortunate Knight Islands are the remnants of a few ancient volcanoes that have sculpted themselves into an amazing system of underwater caverns, tunnels, arches, and cliffs. Situated on the Tutukaka coast of the North Island are these breathtakingly gorgeous and magnificent islands. Diving and snorkeling are popular activities on these islands. There is a marine reserve on these islands. Thus, make sure to take advantage of the incredible aquatic life this island has to offer while you're here.
The breathtaking islands of New Zealand provide a plethora of wonderful experiences for visitors from all over the world. From the vineyard-lined beaches of Waiheke Island to the rough wildness of Stewart Island, each site has its own distinct charm and fascination. There is something for everyone to enjoy, whether you want to relax on pristine beaches, go on an adventure in the great outdoors, or learn about Maori culture. Exploring these islands allows you to appreciate New Zealand's natural beauty while also connecting with its rich history and tradition. From learning about the indigenous Maori people to witnessing various species in their native settings, every time spent on these islands allows you to gain a better knowledge of this fascinating nation. For Delhi tourists who want to engage in this experience, acquiring a New Zealand visa is the key to discovering the beauty of these islands. With careful planning and the required papers, you can soon find yourself experiencing the magnificent landscapes and rich cultures that await in New Zealand. So, whether you're planning a solo journey of self-discovery or a great family holiday, don't pass up the opportunity to explore these breathtaking islands. Pack your luggage, apply for your New Zealand visa from Delhi, and prepare for an incredible trip in one of the most beautiful places on the planet.
Read more-: New Zealand Visa from Mumbai, New Zealand Visa from Kolkata, New Zealand Visa from Chennai, New Zealand Visa from Bangalore
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luxurypropertiesworld · 6 months
Places to Visit in New Year Near Bangalore
The bustling city of Bangalore transforms into a vibrant hub during the New Year celebrations, offering a myriad of options for ushering in new beginnings. From serene natural getaways to lively urban hotspots, there's something for everyone. Dive into the possibilities and discover the best places to visit in the New Year near Bangalore.
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Ringing in the New Year at Nandi Hills
Nestled amidst the clouds, Nandi Hills presents an enchanting setting for the New Year. Witness the first sunrise of the year while engaging in thrilling adventure activities. The breathtaking views and cool breeze make it a perfect start to the year.
  New Year's Eve Bash at UB City
For those seeking a glamorous New Year's Eve, UB City is the place to be. The dazzling parties, live entertainment, and gourmet dining experiences create an unforgettable atmosphere. It's a celebration of luxury and style as you welcome the New Year in grandeur.
  Serenity at Lalbagh Botanical Garden
Escape the urban chaos and find serenity at Lalbagh Botanical Garden. A tranquil New Year's celebration amidst lush greenery and vibrant flowers awaits. Pack a picnic, enjoy the beauty of nature, and reflect on the past year.
  Countdown at Brigade Road
Experience the electric atmosphere of Brigade Road as it transforms into a lively street celebration during the countdown to the New Year. Explore shops, indulge in delicious street food, and immerse yourself in the festive fervour.
  Reflection at Bannerghatta National Park
Start the New Year with a connection to nature at Bannerghatta National Park. Encounter wildlife, explore nature trails, and embark on safaris. It's a reflective and adventurous way to step into the first day of the year.
  Artistic New Year at the National Gallery of Modern Art
For a culturally rich start to the year, head to the National Gallery of Modern Art. Immerse yourself in artistic vibes with cultural exhibitions and events. It's a unique way to infuse creativity into the beginning of the New Year.
  Historical Charm of Mysuru
Mysuru, with its grand palaces and cultural richness, offers a historical New Year celebration. Join the royal festivities, witness the grandeur of Mysore Palace, and revel in the charm of this culturally significant city.
  Fun and Frolic at Wonderla Amusement Park
Make the New Year a family affair at Wonderla Amusement Park. Enjoy thrilling rides, entertaining shows, and family-friendly fun. It's a joyous way to kick off the year with laughter and excitement.
  Spiritual Start at ISKCON Temple
Find peace and spiritual reflection at ISKCON Temple. Join New Year prayers, soak in the peaceful surroundings, and set the tone for the year with moments of tranquillity.
  Lakeside Bliss at Ulsoor Lake
Escape to Ulsoor Lake for a lakeside New Year's celebration. Indulge in boating, take serene lakeside walks, and experience the tranquillity that the lake offers as you step into the New Year.
  Channapatna's Handicraft Extravaganza
For a unique New Year shopping spree, visit Channapatna for its handicraft extravaganza. Explore handcrafted souvenirs and immerse yourself in the cultural richness of this quaint town.
  Majestic Fort: A Historical Getaway
Embark on a historical journey at the Majestic Fort. Explore the architectural marvel, delve into the historical significance, and experience the charm of a New Year celebration with a touch of the past.
  The Charm of Coorg
For a hill station New Year escape, Coorg beckons with its scenic beauty and coffee plantations. Embrace the chilly weather, enjoy the picturesque landscapes, and create lasting memories in this charming destination.
  Revelry at MG Road
Join the lively street celebrations at MG Road for a diverse New Year's experience. From vibrant decorations to a multitude of food options, MG Road offers a lively atmosphere to welcome the New Year.
  Vineyard Retreat in Nandi Valley
Escape to Nandi Valley for a relaxing New Year retreat. Indulge in wine tasting, explore vineyards, and savour the serene ambience. It's a perfect getaway for those seeking a laid-back start to the year.
  Innovative Start at Visvesvaraya Industrial & Technological Museum
Kickstart the year with an educational and fun outing at the Visvesvaraya Industrial & Technological Museum. Explore science and technology exhibits for an innovative New Year experience.
  Festive Vibes at Commercial Street
Immerse yourself in the festive vibes at Commercial Street. Enjoy shopping amidst festive decorations, explore the diverse retail options, and indulge in some New Year's retail therapy.
  Mesmerizing Mysore Palace Illumination
Experience the dazzling light displays at Mysore Palace during the New Year. Witness the royal spectacle as the palace comes alive with mesmerizing illuminations, creating a magical start to the year.
  Adventure at Skandagiri Hills
For adrenaline-packed New Year celebrations, head to Skandagiri Hills. Engage in night trekking, gaze at the stars, and embrace the thrill of welcoming the New Year atop this scenic hill.
  A Walk in Cubbon Park
Take a tranquil New Year's Day stroll in Cubbon Park. Enjoy the green oasis in the heart of the city, surrounded by nature's beauty. It's a peaceful way to start the year with a refreshing walk.
  Cultural Extravaganza at Nrityagram
Immerse yourself in a cultural extravaganza at Nrityagram. Witness dance performances and cultural immersion for a unique New Year experience that celebrates the richness of Indian art.
  Lepakshi's Architectural Marvels
Explore the historical and artistic wonders of Lepakshi for a New Year's architectural journey. Delve into the intricacies of the architecture and soak in the cultural heritage of this captivating destination.
  Riverside Serenity in Shivanasamudra
Escape to Shivanasamudra for a New Year's nature retreat. Enjoy the waterfalls, embrace the peaceful riverside escapes, and connect with nature as you usher in the New Year.
  Unique Experience at Innovative Film City
For a theme park fun-filled New Year celebration, head to Innovative Film City. Enjoy creative festivities and indulge in a unique New Year experience that combines entertainment with excitement.
  Cozy Retreat in Ooty
Opt for a cozy retreat in Ooty for a New Year amidst tea gardens and picturesque landscapes. Embrace the chilled climate, unwind in the serene surroundings, and make memories in this charming hill station.
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touchofdawn · 2 years
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~ Starter for @gunnhildred
Flowers along the footpath smiled up through their yellow and pink and white petals to welcome the dead man home. His heavy, scuffed boots crunched on the road and his coat was unbuttoned here and there, letting the fabric of his coat flap open with the cool breeze that ruffled his hair as his eyes fell upon the home he had not seen in four long years.
Dawn… It didn’t seem to have changed at all. 
The vineyard was lush with fresh green vines that sparkled with morning dew and the manor that rose up in the distance like a lighthouse seemed to beckon him closer to its safe shores. He hurried his pace and pressed a gentle hand to the sign at the edge of the field that welcomed him as he passed. After so long and so many nightmares, he was surprised that his hand did not pass through as a cruel joke. 
As he crested the hill and came within view of the house, the front doors burst forth and out poured Adelinde and Elzer and all the rest, each of them teary-eyed as they rushed to him, and they sobbed into his coat with relief and joy as he held them in turn. 
“We thought you had died!” “Not a note in four years!” “Your commander said—“ “—I always knew you would come back!”
Diluc was brought inside to bathe and change from his worn and stained uniform into a dark suit of fine fabrics he hadn’t felt against his skin in so many years. They stabled his horse, cooked his favorite meal, and the house was filled with vibrant enthusiasm as everyone rushed to prepare their long-lost master’s room and clothes and for the company that would surely come to welcome the young Ragnvindr home.
Within an hour since his arrival, the news was already spreading through the town.
When he had covered his scars in black velvet and tied his long hair with a new ribbon, he went down to the nearby lake for a moment away from the hectic bustle of the excited household. Leaning against a tree, he looked out across the softly rippling water and sighed as his thoughts drifted away to the last time he stood in that very spot and said farewell to her.
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undyingembers · 1 year
Hey, how about J6 for the new writing prompts for Len/Daeran? :)
I'm still taking prompts if anyone wants to send me one.
This place is so beautiful. Thank you for taking me here.
"Finally, you found time to take a vacation!" Daeran exclaimed as he and Lenarius were on the last stretch of their journey east to the Lake of Mists and Veils.
"You were right," said Lenarius. "We deserve some time to ourselves."
"You still haven't told me what the surprise was."
"If I did, then it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?"
Daeran pouted the rest of the way there.
Leonosa directed the carriage along the shoreline and up a small cliff overlooking the lake. Neither of them saw the structure until they were practically right next to it, but a small stone house peeked over the rocky face. It had an impressive roof and a round tower-like structure sticking out from the back.
Daeran gaped. The house was surrounded on all sides by grass and wildflowers. It was so calm up here, calm but not too quiet. A breeze blew over the lake and the grass, making waves upon water and land. From the cliff, they had a marvelous view. They could almost see the whole lake from above.
Hortensia jumped down from Lenarius's satchel and hopped off to explore the little garden area cornered off by a dark steel gate.
Lenarius took Daeran's hand. "Let's go inside."
Leonosa opened the front door with a massive iron key. The inside was...the foyer opened into a massive sitting area decorated with carpets, sofas, tapestries, and a piano in the corner. The two-story structure was built with multiple bedrooms, a sitting room, a dining room, a kitchen, and a tall and thin two-story circular library. A telescope on the top floor pointed out of a domed window.
"There's a port at the base of the cliff if we ever want to go boating," Lenarius explained, "and vineyards a few hours ride inland. The sky here is said to be perfect for stargazing, and the location has great acoustics for practicing music. You can throw your parties up here if you'd like."
Lenarius paused. "I couldn't stop thinking about what you said about retiring to a lakeside cottage after all this was done, so I had this built."
Daeran chuckled. "You really need to stop taking everything I say so literally." The Count smiled softly as he ran a hand along one of the stone walls. "It's beautiful. I love it."
Lenarius stepped forward and captured Daeran's lips in a slow kiss.
"You are just going to be a long list of wonderful surprises," said Daeran.
"As long as you're amusing yourself," said Lenarius.
Daeran smirked. "Come. I want to see what you stocked the wine cellar with."
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aldbooks · 2 years
My vision of the Day Court
I’ve seen a lot of people interpret the Day Court, or at least the capitol as a Greek/Roman style city but my vision is a bit different. I picture the territory encompassing a wide range of landscapes that see a lot of sunlight (as Lucien will eventually explain in my fic A Court of Light).
For reference, this is a map of the celestial courts. According to the map at the beginning of the books the Day Court capital is in the NW near the Night border:
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So here’s what I see…
The Capitol city/Sun Palace has a Mediterranean feel. Think Amalfi coast. Sloping hillsides that eventually lead to small beaches and pretty turquoise waters. Stuccos houses in white and other bright colors with tiles roofs, and lots of flowers
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Moving East along the border we get Swiss Alps/Dolomites type landscapes. Rolling fields, snow capped mountains and big blue lakes and streams. Think Sound of Music
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On the other coastal end of the Night border you have rocky beaches and cliff sides
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Moving down that coast towards Dawn you move into almost Subtropical climate like parts of Asia and South America. Dense foliage, grasses, lots of wildlife, mossy plants…
As you get to the SW corner of the territory you see a much more arid landscape. A lot of sand, red rocks, cacti, succulents, dry grasses and palms near the water. Think Middle East/North Africa
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The central part of the territory is where all the agriculture is. Vineyards, Citrus groves, rice fields etc. it’s the perfect place because it gets sea breeze on both ends and is a mix of climates so there’s lots of options.
The Day Court still has seasons like Night, but it’s south (and magic) and thus I think it’s generally warmer year round but still gets kinda cold in Winter. What do you guys think?
On a side note, I also always see everyone put Helion in togas but I always visualized him in Middle Eastern/ Asian inspired styles granted a lot more sexy and revealing 🤷🏻‍♀️
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
Two Sneak Peeks!
First one is the Prologue for Compromised & the other is for Keep Driving part 2!
Compromised Prologue:
Full FanFic masterlist
As soon as Mitch pulled up he smiled wide. Their villa was up the hill with a perfect view of lake Como nestled between the rolling hills of Northern Italy. The house was two stories high white in color with a terracotta roof and had tons of windows. There watums a roomy driveway and the perimeter gate was open and he pulled in slowly. The property was lined with trees and looked absolutely beautiful.
“This is so cute.” Sarah observed, lifting her sunglasses to get a good look at the greenery. She peeked out of her window and saw some arches covered with vines along the side of the house, leading to the backyard. Mitch honked the horn, announcing their arrival. It wasn’t even two minutes before the front door flew open and Harry was beaming as he rushed out and Mitch was also bursting out of the car.
“Harry! Oh man, it’s so good to see you!” Mitch laughed excitedly as he hugged Harry tight. Y/N walked out, smiling bright at the exchange between Harry and Mitch and she saw Sarah walking over to them as well. 
“Hey, it’s so good to finally see you.” She hugged Y/N tight.
“You too.” She greeted, “Where’s Arlo?” She asked.
“Harry said not to bring him just yet. Just to be safe, you know?” Sarah said softly and Y/N hummed in understanding. Soon she was hugging Mitch and Sarah was greeting Harry with a big hug.
“We’ve got a nice spread out back.” Harry said as he draped his arm around Sarah.
“Yeah! Farm to table, we’ve got quite the garden.” Y/N mentioned to them as they headed on back. They also had a little lemon and fig orchard and a small vineyard that they hired some of the townsfolk to help them tend to when the appropriate seasons rolled around.
“Wow, this is gorgeous!” Sarah exclaimed as she wandered further back to see the garden. 
“Right! He’s got quite the green thumb. Even sings to the plants.” Y/N said more quietly and Sarah smiled at Harry who just looked away a bit timidly. 
They sat down to eat and had some wine and caught up well into the evening. Italy was beautiful and as the evening brought a cooler breeze they migrated towards the fire pit and both couples were nestled against each other as they chatted and laughed. Their laughter died down from a funny story Mitch was sharing about Arlo and Emma and Harry cleared his throat before speaking up.
“God, can’t wait to those two in action.” He said and Y/N nodded in agreement. “Thank you guys for coming out a bit early. It’s really nice to get to spend time with you guys.” Harry expressed and Mitch and Sarah smiled, “Actually, we ummm… we asked you here because…” Harry paused feeling a bit nervous as he formulated the words, “W-we’re getting married tomorrow evening.” He said and Sarah squealed excitedly as Mitch laughed with joy at the news. 
“I told you!” Sarah said to Mitch and he chuckled at her excitement. Mitch glanced over to Harry and he bit his lip nervously
“I was hoping that you could officiate it?” Harry said to Mitch and his eyebrows raised in surprise as everything went silent apart from the crackling fire between them.
“Yeah. I mean, if it wasn’t for you I would’ve never even consulted with Y/N or had the guts to show up at her flat, much less tattoo her. And well that led us to where we are now.” Harry said with a smile, “And well, you’re also my best friend.” He said more timidly.
“Ummm, yeah. I would be honored.” Mitch responded with a soft smile.
“Perfect, because we did your officiant certificate for you.” Harry said with a chuckle and everyone laughed. “Obviously, no one knows that’s what’s going on, they won’t until it’s happening.” He said and Y/N nodded excitedly.
“Aw, congrats you two!” Sarah gushed shooting up to hug them both. 
Keep Driving - Part 2:
Keep Driving - Part 1
“Hold on guys, gimme a minute.” Harry said stepping out of the room upon seeing Y/N calling. It was Tuesday afternoon and his day had been extremely productive so far, so he wasn’t deterred from taking her phone call int he slightest.
“Hey you!” He exclaimed excitedly as he picked up.
“Hey, I have a little problem.” She said through a giggle, “My car’s having issues again…” she giggled in some shame and he chuckled.
“Y/N…” he shook his head, “It was in the shop yesterday!”
“I told you my car is an old man! He’s got a lot of miles on him.” She reminded, “I need to replace the valve train but that’s really expensive, OK! I need to save up some more.” She explained, “Do you think you could tail me to the shop and then drop me off at home? If you’ve got some times I’ll make dinner as a thank you?” She offered.
“Yeah, we were just wrapped up. Send me your location.”
“OK. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She exclaimed.
“Of course, love.” He chuckled, “See you soon.” He smiled. 
Y/N could not stop thanking him once he had arrived. She explained to Harry that her car had been in the shop the day prior for an oil change and tune up, which had nothing to do with the actual serious issues the car had. But she did mentioned that the valve issues really guzzled up her motor oil and she knew it would be temporary fixes until she could replace the part that needed replacing, her mechanic had warned her of this as well.
“Are you sure you aren’t being scammed?” Harry asked her and she giggled.
“I’m sure.” 
“Let’s hear it then.” He said, wanting to hear the noise she had been mentioning to him.
“I feel like you’ll be afraid. Sure you wanna hear what it sounds like?” She asked and he nodded. 
“Yeah, go on, give it a go.” He agreed and she settled into the drivers seat. He knew nothing about cars, just the basics. He could do an oil change and change a tire if needed, but he didn’t really have those kinds of issues. She tried a few times to get the car to start and finally the engine turned over and immediately a loud tapping/rattling sound took over from under the hood and she glanced over to Harry with a scrunched up face from the harshness of the sound from inside the car.
“That sound is… concerning.” He said loudly, trying to hold back a nervous laugh and she nodded.
“Yeah, it’s not usually this loud. But, again, until I can replace the damaged valves it’ll kind of sound like this.” She said and he sighed, trying not to say anything more about it, but now he genuinely feared for her safety.
“Jesus, alright. Well, I’ll drive your car to the shop and you take mine, OK?”
“No, Harry. Just trail behind me.”
“What if you blow up?” He questioned. He was being completely serious about his concern, it was sweet and funny.
“I won’t.” She insisted through a chuckle, “Now, if you blow up the world will hate me. I think I’d rather not take that chance.” She grinned.
“Please don’t argue with me. You’re not winning this one.” He said and after a few moments of unwavering eye contact she rolled her eyes and got out of her car to let him settle in the driver’s seat.
“You need to go slow. I’ll send you the address.” He nodded and soon enough she was trailing behind him. Harry was a bit fearful as he drove her car, that sound was absolutely terrifying. He got worried and called her.
“I know I was laughing at first but Y/N, this sound is really concerning! It sounds louder than before.” He explained with worry laced in his voice.”Maybe he needs a break?”
“It’s fine, Harry. It just sounds louder from inside.” She explained through a giggle.
“Seriously, should we stop for a minute or should we just keep driving?” He asked.
“Keep driving. I promise we’re almost there.” She reassured him.
“Y/N, love, your car is a death trap.” She cackled loudly at his words.
“You wanted to drive my car, Harry.” She reminded.
“Fuck’s sake… yeah, alright. Just wanted to make sure it wasn’t getting worse or something.”
“Of course. Deep breaths alright, we’re close.” She said and he groaned before they hung up.
Both pieces are almost done! Just putting some finishing touches on them!
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idyllicitaly01 · 2 months
Luxurious Retreats: Discovering Exquisite Villas for Rent in Italy
Nestled amidst the rolling hills of Tuscany or perched along the stunning Amalfi Coast, luxury villas in Italy offer a unique blend of privacy, tranquility, and breathtaking views. Imagine waking up to the gentle breeze caressing your skin as you sip your morning espresso on a sun-drenched terrace overlooking vineyards or azure waters.
Step inside these lavish abodes, Luxury Villas for Rent Italy and you'll find yourself immersed in a world of refined luxury. From meticulously designed interiors adorned with Italian craftsmanship to expansive living spaces boasting state-of-the-art amenities, every aspect of these villas exudes elegance and comfort. Plush furnishings, designer décor, and premium appliances create an ambiance of sophistication, inviting you to unwind in style.
Whether you're planning a romantic getaway, a family retreat, or a gathering with friends, luxury villas in Italy cater to every need and desire. Indulge in leisurely afternoons lounging by a private pool, surrounded by manicured gardens and panoramic vistas. Or, immerse yourself in culinary delights with a private chef service, tantalizing your taste buds with authentic Italian cuisine prepared with the freshest local ingredients.
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For those seeking adventure, Italy's diverse landscapes offer a plethora of outdoor activities to explore. From hiking through scenic trails and cycling along picturesque countryside roads to sailing along the stunning coastline or embarking on a wine tasting tour in renowned vineyards, Luxury Villa Rentals Italian Lakes there's something for every discerning traveler to enjoy.
Moreover, these luxury villas serve as the perfect base for exploring Italy's rich cultural heritage and iconic landmarks. Embark on day trips to historic cities such as Florence, Rome, or Venice, where you can marvel at world-renowned art, architecture, and historical sites. Or, immerse yourself in the charm of quaint villages, where time seems to stand still, and local traditions thrive.
What sets luxury villas in Italy apart is the unparalleled level of personalized service and attention to detail. Dedicated concierge teams ensure that every aspect of your stay is tailored to perfection, from arranging exclusive experiences to catering to individual preferences. Whether it's organizing a private yacht excursion along the Amalfi Coast or arranging a bespoke wine tasting tour in Chianti, no request is too extravagant.
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allenstewart958 · 2 months
Discover Unparalleled Luxury: Boat Charters & Luxury Wine Tours
In the heart of British Columbia's breathtaking Okanagan Valley lies an experience that combines the serene beauty of the lake with the opulence of wine country: Kelowna Boat Charters & Luxury Wine Tours. Nestled amidst rolling hills, lush vineyards, and pristine waters, this is not merely a journey; it's an indulgence in extravagance and relaxation.
Kelowna Boat Charters
Picture yourself aboard a private boat, gliding effortlessly across the crystal-clear waters of Lake Okanagan. The gentle breeze caresses your skin as you soak in the panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and vineyards. With Kelowna Boat Charters, you're not just cruising; you're embarking on a voyage of luxury and exploration.
What sets Kelowna Boat Charters apart is their unwavering commitment to providing a bespoke experience tailored to your desires. Whether you're seeking a romantic sunset cruise, a lively party on the water, or a serene day of relaxation, their expert team will craft the perfect itinerary for you. Sit back and savor the moment as their experienced captain navigates the waters with precision and grace, ensuring a smooth and unforgettable journey.
Wine Tours in the Okanagan
But the indulgence doesn't end on the water. Kelowna Boat Charters offers the ultimate fusion of luxury and adventure with their exclusive Wine Tours in the Okanagan. Step off the boat and into a world of award-winning wineries, where you'll be treated to private tastings of exquisite wines amidst stunning vineyard landscapes.
Luxury Wine Tours
Imagine sipping on a glass of perfectly aged Merlot as you overlook rows of grapevines stretching towards the horizon. With their luxury wine tours, Kelowna Boat Charters invites you to immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of the Okanagan wine region while indulging in the finest wines it has to offer.
But it's not just about the wine; it's about the experience. Their knowledgeable guides will lead you on a journey of discovery, sharing insights into the winemaking process and the unique terroir of the Okanagan Valley. From boutique family-owned vineyards to renowned estates, each stop on your wine tour is carefully curated to provide an unparalleled tasting experience.
Kelowna Boat Charters & Luxury Wine Tours
What truly sets Kelowna Boat Charters & Luxury Wine Tours apart is their dedication to excellence in every aspect of your journey. From the moment you step aboard their luxurious boats to the final toast at sunset, every detail is meticulously planned to ensure your utmost comfort and satisfaction.
So, whether you're celebrating a special occasion, planning a romantic getaway, or simply craving a taste of the good life, let Kelowna Boat Charters & Luxury Wine Tours in Kelowna be your guide to the ultimate indulgence in the Okanagan. Embark on a voyage of luxury, relaxation, and discovery, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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prontoandiamotr · 2 months
Navigating the Skies and Roads The Ultimate Guide to Airport Transfers in Texas Hill Country with Pronto Andiamo Transportation
In the heart of Texas Hill Country lies a region known for its picturesque landscapes, vibrant culture, and bustling airports. Whether you're a weary traveler arriving at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport or San Antonio International Airport, the journey doesn't end upon touchdown. That's where Pronto Andiamo Transportation steps in, offering seamless airport transfers that ensure your journey through Texas Hill Country is as smooth as the rolling hills themselves.
Understanding the Texas Hill Country
Before diving into the intricacies of airport transfers, let's paint a picture of the Texas Hill Country. Spanning across central and south Texas, this region is renowned for its sprawling vineyards, historic towns, and rugged terrain. From the charming streets of Fredericksburg to the natural beauty of Canyon Lake, there's no shortage of attractions to explore.
The Importance of Reliable Airport Transfers
When embarking on a journey to Texas Hill Country, reliable transportation is key. After a long flight, the last thing you want is to deal with the hassle of finding a taxi or navigating unfamiliar roads. That's where Pronto Andiamo Transportation comes in, offering a stress-free solution for airport transfers.
Introducing Pronto Andiamo Transportation
Pronto Andiamo Transportation is a leading provider of premium transportation services in Texas Hill Country. With a fleet of luxury vehicles and a team of professional drivers, they specialize in delivering a first-class experience for airport transfers, corporate travel, and special events.
Seamless Booking Process
Booking your airport transfer with Pronto Andiamo Transportation is a breeze. Simply visit their website or give them a call to reserve your ride. With flexible scheduling options and competitive rates, they make it easy to plan your transportation ahead of time.
Arrival at the Airport
Upon your arrival at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport or San Antonio International Airport, your dedicated driver from Pronto Andiamo Transportation will be waiting to greet you. They'll assist with your luggage and ensure you're comfortably settled in for the journey ahead.
Luxurious Travel Experience
As you embark on your journey through Texas Hill Country, you'll be treated to a luxurious travel experience with Pronto Andiamo Transportation. Their fleet includes a range of vehicles to suit your needs, from spacious SUVs to elegant sedans. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic views as you're chauffeured to your destination in style.
Personalized Service
At Pronto Andiamo Transportation, they understand that every traveler is unique. Whether you're traveling solo, with family, or as part of a group, they'll tailor their services to meet your specific requirements. From providing child seats for little ones to accommodating special requests, their goal is to ensure your complete satisfaction.
Exploring Texas Hill Country
With Pronto Andiamo Transportation handling your airport transfers, you're free to explore all that Texas Hill Country has to offer. Spend your days wine tasting at award-winning vineyards, strolling through historic towns, or soaking up the natural beauty of the countryside. Whatever your interests, the possibilities are endless.
Return Journey
When it's time to bid farewell to Texas Hill Country, Pronto Andiamo Transportation will be there to whisk you back to the airport with the same level of professionalism and comfort. Say goodbye to stress and hello to peace of mind as you enjoy a seamless journey home.
In the realm of airport transfers in Texas Hill Country, Pronto Andiamo Transportation stands out as a beacon of reliability, luxury, and personalized service. From the moment you touch down to the moment you depart, they're committed to making your travel experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible. So why wait? Book your airport transfer with Pronto Andiamo Transportation today and embark on the journey of a lifetime through Texas Hill Country.
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nature-island · 2 months
The Best Villa in Nashik | Nature's Island
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Experience the epitome of luxury and tranquility amidst the serene landscapes of Nashik at Nature's Island, home to the finest villa in the Lake Vaitarna. Nestled amidst the lush greenery and overlooking the picturesque surroundings, our villa offers a perfect blend of modern comfort and natural beauty.
Villa at Nature's Island near Vaitarna Lake is meticulously designed to provide guests with an unparalleled experience of lushness and relaxation. From spacious interiors to private gardens, every detail is crafted to ensure a luxurious stay. Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a peaceful retreat, our villa caters to all your needs.
Step into a private oasis and unwind in the lavish living spaces adorned with elegant furnishings and contemporary amenities. Relax in the cozy bedroom equipped with plush bedding and wake up to the soothing sounds of nature. The spacious bathrooms feature luxurious fixtures and indulgent bath amenities. 
Indulge in culinary delights prepared by our skilled chefs or whip up your own meals with BBQ. Savor a romantic dinner under the starlit sky, accompanied by the gentle breeze and the melody of chirping birds near Vaitarna Lake.
For those seeking adventure, Nature's Island offers too many activities to explore the natural beauty of Nashik. Embark on nature trails, go birdwatching, or simply soak in the breathtaking views of the surrounding hills, Vaitarna Lake and vineyards. After a day of exploration, rejuvenate your senses with a refreshing dip in the infinity pool. 
At Nature's Island, we strive to create unforgettable memories for our guests, ensuring every moment is filled with luxury, comfort, and tranquility. Come, experience the best of Nashik at our exquisite villa, where nature meets luxury in perfect harmony. For more information call us at 7972433324 or visit us at https://naturesisland.in/
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kentavewine · 2 months
Fine Wine and Liquors Delivered: Elevate Your NYC Experience with Kent Wines and Liquors
New York City – a vibrant tapestry of energy, culture, and endless possibilities. But when it comes to unwinding after a long day or hosting the perfect gathering, navigating crowded stores with a bottle of wine can feel like another obstacle. Kent Wines and Liquors offers a solution: a curated selection of fine wine and liquors NYC delivery straight to your NYC doorstep.
Beyond the Bottle: Unveiling a World of Exquisite Choices
Kent Wines and Liquors goes beyond the convenience of online ordering. Their meticulously chosen collection caters to discerning palates and diverse preferences. Here's what awaits you:
The Global Grape Explorer: Embark on a virtual world tour without leaving your bustling city life. Explore iconic French Bordeaux alongside exciting discoveries from Napa Valley, Barolo in Italy, and beyond. Kent Wines and Liquors curates wines from renowned regions worldwide, ensuring you discover hidden gems and established favorites.
Locally Sourced Gems: Celebrate the bounty of the Northeast with a selection of exceptional wines from esteemed Long Island and Finger Lakes vineyards. Discover the unique terroir of these regions expressed in crisp whites, bold reds, and elegant sparkling wines, all crafted right here in New York.
Expert Guidance at Your Fingertips: Feeling overwhelmed by the vast array of choices? Kent Wines and Liquors has you covered. Their website is easy to use and lets you search by variety, area, or price range. But if you crave personalized advice, their online chat feature connects you with knowledgeable staff. They'll answer your questions, recommend perfect food pairings, and help you find the ideal bottle for any occasion.
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From Classic Cocktails to Perfect Pairings
Williamsburg wines offers more than just a vast selection of fine wines. Here's what sets them apart:
Curated Collections: Need inspiration? Their website features curated selections for various occasions, from romantic evenings to lively gatherings with friends. They guide you toward the perfect bottle to complement your mood or menu.
Food Pairing Wizard: Unsure what wine to pair with your culinary masterpiece? Their online food pairing tool takes the guesswork out of it. Simply enter your dish, and they'll recommend ideal wines to enhance its flavors.
The Craft Spirit Connoisseur: Kent Wines and Liquors doesn't stop at wine. They offer a curated selection of top-shelf liquors for the discerning imbibers. Discover small-batch bourbons, single malt scotches, artisanal gins, and unique vodkas to craft the perfect cocktail or explore new favorites.
Seamless Online Ordering and Speedy Delivery
Placing your order is a breeze with Kent Wines and Liquors' secure online platform:
Simple Selection: Browse their extensive collection, add your favorites to your cart, and checkout with ease.
Secure Payment Gateway: Ensure a safe and secure online transaction through their trusted payment processing system.
Fast and Reliable Delivery: Once you've placed your order, sit back and relax! They offer fast and reliable Wine Shop NYC delivery, ensuring your favorite wines and liquors arrive at your doorstep in no time.
Unwind and Savor the City Life
Kent Wines and Liquors elevates your experience beyond just buying wine and spirits. They offer convenience, expert guidance, and a commitment to quality. So, explore their online store, discover your new libation favorites, and let them deliver a taste of sophistication straight to your NYC haven. Now you can unwind, entertain, or celebrate without the hassle – all thanks to Kent Wines and Liquors.
For More Details Kentavewines
☎️ Phone: (929) 337–6363 📬 Mail: [email protected] 💻 Website: kentavewines.com 📍 Address: 420 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11249
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harveyshaven · 4 months
From Vine to View: The Charm of Outdoor Wine Tasting
The world of wine is as diverse as the grapes that create it, and one of the most delightful ways to explore this realm is through Outdoor Wine Tasting. From vine to view, this experience offers a unique charm that encapsulates the essence of winemaking and the beauty of the surroundings. In this article, we'll delve into the allure of outdoor wine tasting, with a focus on the best practices to make your experience memorable.
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The Outdoor Wine Tasting Experience:
Outdoor wine tasting isn't just about the wine; it's a sensorial journey that engages all your senses. The crisp breeze, the rustle of leaves, and the panoramic views enhance the flavors of the wine, creating an experience that goes beyond the palate. Whether it's a sprawling vineyard or a cozy winery garden, the setting plays a crucial role in elevating the charm of the tasting.
Best Wine Tasting Practices:
To make the most of your outdoor wine tasting adventure, it's essential to embrace the Best Wine Tasting practices. Begin by taking in the surroundings. Allow yourself to be immersed in the natural beauty that surrounds you, enhancing your overall experience. Take your time savoring each sip, appreciating the craftsmanship that goes into every bottle.
Handwritten Wines: Crafting Excellence, Tasting Perfection
The Artistry of Handwritten Wines
Handwritten Wines, renowned for their dedication to craftsmanship, add an extra layer of charm to the outdoor wine tasting experience. The meticulous attention to detail and the artistry that goes into each bottle contribute to the allure of Handwritten Wines.
The Vineyard Story: A Handwritten Legacy
Handwritten Wines isn't just a label; it's a narrative written across the vineyards. The winemakers invest time and passion into cultivating the grapes, ensuring that each one tells a unique story. From the careful selection of grape varieties to the hand-harvesting process, every step is a testament to the commitment to quality.
Tasting Notes: The Symphony of Flavors
When you indulge in Handwritten Wines during your outdoor tasting, you're treated to a symphony of flavors. Each sip unveils layers of complexity, from the initial burst of fruity notes to the lingering hints of oak. The tasting experience becomes a journey, guided by the expertise of the winemakers who pour their heart and soul into every bottle.
Making the Most of Outdoor Wine Tasting:
Planning Your Outdoor Wine Tasting Adventure
To ensure a seamless outdoor wine tasting experience, it's essential to plan ahead. Research the wineries in the region you're visiting and choose those that offer outdoor tasting options. Check the weather forecast and dress accordingly, allowing you to enjoy the experience comfortably.
Embracing the Atmosphere
The charm of outdoor wine tasting lies in the atmosphere. Whether you find yourself surrounded by rolling hills, a serene lake, or a quaint garden, take a moment to appreciate the beauty. Bring a picnic blanket, relax, and let the surroundings become a part of your tasting adventure.
Engaging with the Experts
When exploring Handwritten Wines or any other vineyard, don't hesitate to engage with the experts. Winemakers and staff often have fascinating stories to share about the winemaking process, the history of the vineyard, and the unique characteristics of each wine. This interaction adds a personal touch to your tasting, making it more enriching.
From vine to view, the charm of outdoor wine tasting is an experience that transcends the act of sipping wine. It's about connecting with nature, appreciating the craftsmanship behind the wines, and creating lasting memories. When you add Handwritten Wines to the equation, the charm is elevated to a whole new level, as each bottle becomes a handwritten masterpiece in the story of your tasting adventure. So, plan your outdoor wine tasting journey, savor the flavors, and let the vineyards etch their stories in your memory. Cheers to the magic of outdoor wine tasting!
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thechesapeakeinn11 · 5 months
Nature's Embrace: 5 Enchanting Outdoor Wedding Venues in Maryland
Nature has a unique way of adding magic to life's most special moments, and there's no better way to embrace the beauty of the outdoors than by celebrating love amidst Maryland's stunning landscapes. From lush gardens to scenic waterfronts, Maryland offers an array of enchanting outdoor wedding venues that promise to make couples' special day truly unforgettable. In this guide, we'll explore five of the most captivating outdoor wedding venues in Maryland, each offering its own blend of natural beauty and romantic charm.
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1. Garden Oasis
Imagine exchanging vows surrounded by blooming flowers, towering trees, and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. Maryland's garden oasis venues provide couples with a serene and picturesque setting for their outdoor wedding ceremony. With manicured lawns, meandering pathways, and vibrant floral displays, these venues offer a romantic backdrop for couples to say "I do" surrounded by the beauty of nature. Guests can stroll through lush gardens, enjoy cocktails on shaded patios, and dance the night away under the stars, creating memories that will last a lifetime in this idyllic outdoor paradise.
2. Waterfront Haven
For couples dreaming of a waterfront wedding, Maryland's scenic shores provide a breathtaking backdrop for their special day. Whether overlooking the Chesapeake Bay, Potomac River, or one of the state's many lakes, waterfront venues offer couples the opportunity to exchange vows against the backdrop of shimmering waters and golden sunsets. With sandy beaches, grassy lawns, and panoramic views, these venues provide the perfect setting for couples to celebrate their love surrounded by the beauty of nature and the soothing sound of lapping waves.
3. Woodland Retreat
Escape to the tranquility of Maryland's woodlands for a wedding ceremony surrounded by towering trees, dappled sunlight, and the symphony of birdsong. Woodland retreat venues offer couples a rustic and romantic setting for their outdoor nuptials, with secluded clearings, rustic arches, and natural beauty at every turn. Guests can wander along forest trails, gather around a cozy campfire, and dance beneath the canopy of stars, creating memories of a magical day spent in harmony with nature.
4. Vineyard Romance
For couples seeking a blend of natural beauty and rustic charm, Maryland's vineyard venues offer the perfect backdrop for their outdoor wedding celebration. With rolling hills, lush vineyards, and rows of grapevines stretching as far as the eye can see, these venues provide a picturesque setting for couples to exchange vows amidst the beauty of the countryside. Guests can sip award-winning wines, dine on farm-to-table cuisine, and enjoy sweeping views of the vineyard as they toast to the newlyweds and celebrate love in this romantic outdoor setting.
5. Park Pavilion
Maryland's parks and public spaces offer couples a budget-friendly option for their outdoor wedding ceremony and reception. With pavilions, gazebos, and picnic areas nestled amidst lush greenery and scenic landscapes, these venues provide a relaxed and casual setting for couples to tie the knot surrounded by family and friends. Guests can enjoy a day of outdoor fun, with activities such as hiking, biking, and lawn games, before gathering for a laid-back celebration under the open sky, creating memories of laughter, love, and togetherness in the great outdoors.
Nature's embrace adds a touch of magic to any wedding day, and Maryland's enchanting outdoor wedding venues provide couples with the perfect backdrop to celebrate their love amidst the beauty of the natural world. Whether exchanging vows in a garden oasis, overlooking the waterfront, surrounded by woodland tranquility, amidst the vineyards, or in a park pavilion, couples can create unforgettable memories in these picturesque outdoor settings. With their natural beauty, romantic charm, and timeless appeal, these five enchanting outdoor wedding venues in Maryland promise to make couples' special day truly magical and memorable.
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bruttfrank2 · 5 months
Natural Elegance: 5 Stunning Outdoor Wedding Venues in NJ
The allure of outdoor weddings lies in their natural beauty and timeless elegance. In New Jersey, couples are spoiled for choice with a plethora of outdoor wedding venues that offer stunning backdrops for their special day. From lush gardens to picturesque vineyards and scenic waterfronts, these venues allow couples to exchange vows amidst the splendor of nature. In this guide, we'll explore five of the most stunning outdoor wedding venues in NJ, each offering its own unique charm and beauty.
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1. Botanical Gardens:
Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature with a wedding at one of New Jersey's botanical gardens. These enchanting venues offer lush greenery, colorful blooms, and tranquil water features, creating a romantic setting for your special day. Imagine exchanging vows amidst fragrant flowers and towering trees, with the sound of birdsong filling the air. With their natural beauty and serene ambiance, botanical gardens provide the perfect backdrop for a truly magical outdoor wedding.
2. Vineyard Estates:
Escape to the countryside and celebrate your love amidst the rolling hills and vine-covered landscapes of a vineyard estate wedding venue in NJ. These picturesque settings offer acres of vineyards, charming barns, and rustic-chic event spaces, creating a romantic atmosphere that's perfect for exchanging vows outdoors. Picture saying "I do" beneath a wooden arbor draped in flowers, surrounded by rows of grapevines and panoramic views of the countryside. With their scenic beauty and rustic charm, vineyard estate wedding venues in NJ provide couples with a truly unforgettable setting for their special day.
3. Waterfront Parks:
Celebrate your love with a waterfront wedding at one of New Jersey's scenic parks. These picturesque venues offer sweeping views of rivers, lakes, and the Atlantic Ocean, providing a stunning backdrop for your outdoor ceremony and reception. Imagine exchanging vows on a sandy beach, with the sound of waves lapping against the shore and the sun setting on the horizon. With their natural beauty and tranquil ambiance, waterfront parks provide the perfect setting for a romantic and unforgettable outdoor wedding.
4. Garden Estates:
Embrace the beauty of nature with a wedding at a garden estate venue in NJ. These idyllic settings offer manicured lawns, blooming flowers, and serene ponds, creating a romantic atmosphere that's perfect for outdoor ceremonies and receptions. Picture walking down a flower-lined aisle to meet your beloved beneath a rustic gazebo or beneath a canopy of trees, surrounded by the fragrance of fresh blooms and the chirping of birds. With their natural charm and tranquil ambiance, garden estate wedding venues in NJ offer couples a romantic and enchanting setting for their wedding celebration.
5. Lakeside Retreats:
Escape the hustle and bustle of the city and celebrate your love at a lakeside retreat wedding venue in NJ. These picturesque settings offer tranquil lakes, lush forests, and charming cabins, creating a serene atmosphere that's perfect for outdoor weddings. Imagine exchanging vows on a rustic dock, with the water shimmering in the sunlight and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. With their natural beauty and peaceful ambiance, lakeside retreat wedding venues in NJ provide couples with a romantic and unforgettable setting for their special day.
Outdoor weddings in New Jersey offer couples the opportunity to celebrate their love amidst the beauty of nature, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes and stunning vistas. Whether you choose to exchange vows in a botanical garden, a vineyard estate, a waterfront park, a garden estate, or a lakeside retreat, these outdoor wedding venues in NJ promise to create memories that will last a lifetime. With their natural elegance and timeless charm, these stunning venues provide the perfect backdrop for a truly unforgettable wedding celebration.
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