#Lake Pepin
archiveofaffinities · 2 years
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James Stagberg, Pavilion on Lake Pepin, Wisconsin, 1991
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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Staff Pick of the Week
For my Staff Pick, I’ve chosen to share more from what I think I would say is my favorite book in the collection, Lac des Pleurs by Gaylord Schanilec and his Midnight Paper Sales press. It’s a beautiful book, and we’ve posted about some of the wood engravings of fish and the marbled paper it’s bound in previously. However, it seemed a shame to me not to share the other engravings from the book. What I love about the book is that it feels so complete—it’s well thought-out in every aspect and you can really feel the quality of every element from the type, to the engravings, to the paper. 
The color engravings shown here are wood engravings, and the black and white engravings of fish are zinc engravings. My favorite of the wood engravings is the pelicans. The book also features a large, wood-engraved fold-out map. The wood engravings are printed on Zerkall mouldmade paper and the text on handmade Barcham Green Tovil and a mouldmade paper from the Wookey Hole Mill. The map was printed on handmade kozo paper. 
I highly recommend seeing this book in person if at all possible so that you can see the true size and colors of the prints and the marbling and feel the texture of the paper.  A lot of work went into the making of this book and it shows!
I also like the content of the book, with one of my favorite passages shown here. It reads: 
“There is a resonance in the world we can sence, I think, when we become aware of those who have come before us. But it’s more than a resonance of sound: it involves all our sences. Thoreau was approaching the end of his life as he passed through Lake Pepin, and wrote: ‘I stooped to pluck a flower & smelled the fragrance of spring stronger & nearer than ever.’ When I smell the spring fragrance and think of Thoreau on Barn Bluff, it’s not his face that comes to mind, or even his words—I smell the fragrance of spring. 
Now, when the bluffs come into view, I listen.”
-- Alice, Special Collections Department Manager
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"Getting it right" or moving on?
“Getting it right” or moving on?
Foster Floodplain, 23 Oct 2022 Camera: Ricohflex Dia (Diacord) Film: Kodak Portra 800 It’s been just about six months since Emee and I went to the Midwest to participate in this year’s Lake Pepin Three Speed Tour. It was a lot of fun, as always. Despite telling myself that this would be the only one I’d do for awhile, after I got home I did pursue the idea of going back next year. After word of…
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amerasdreams · 2 years
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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dannofaust · 2 years
Day 28 - Stockholm to Buffalo City
Day 28 – Stockholm to Buffalo City
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denisenini · 10 months
Le vrai Charles Ingalls
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quordleona03 · 4 months
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"Also in 1997, The Odd Couple - a tour of the US and Canada was mounted by Troupe America and Lake Pepin Players starring Jamie Farr as Oscar, William Christopher as Felix, and William Richard Rogers as Murray. The production was directed by Curt Wollan." The Odd Couple starring Jamie Farr and William Christopher
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nerdyqueerandjewish · 10 months
Midwestern Jews! There is a small family farm near Stockholm Wisconsin that offers kosher chicken. The only thing is that they are not allowed to ship it, it has to be picked up. I thought maybe there’s a few followers who would be interested and are within a reasonable driving distance. I’ve talked chickens with Martha and she truly cares about their welfare so much - rest assured that any chicken from them had the best life possible!
They sell non kosher beef, so if you don’t keep kosher and want to support a small Jewish farm that’s a great option as well.
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trivialbob · 10 months
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Last night I watched some clips from Smokey and the Bandit. As a kid I watched that movie in a theater. In those days I was genuinely sad when movies ended, and we had to leave the theater. Smokey and the Bandit was no different.
No matter how much I begged, my parents would not install a CB radio in our station wagon. They probably never even watched how much fun Bandit had.
This morning I decided I would cross state lines to buy beer that is not available in Minnesota. I donned my motorcycle gear and headed east to Wisconsin: land of cheese, beef sticks, more cheese, deer carcasses on highway shoulders, and--of course--lots of beer.
My destination was Nelson, WI. It's a pleasant 90 minute ride from home. The outside temperature rose as I rode down US 35, along the Mississippi River and Lake Pepin. Since I was hot my first top was the Nelson Creamery for ice cream. This time I didn't drip any on my hands or clothing. The creamery also sells cheese, beef sticks, and more cheese. I selected some items to bring home in my little cooler.
Whenever meat or cheese is priced per pound I examine every package and select the one with the lowest price. They all look the same, so to me I'm just wisely saving money. Here I saved $0.16 with the one in the top of the picture, but there's no way anyone can tell the two packages of string cheese are any different.
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The creamery also sells local beer and wine. The Spotted Cow I wanted they didn't have in cans. A small liquor store a block away had those cans.
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With cheese, beer, beef sticks and some more cheese on board, I crossed the river and headed for home, going up along the river on the Minnesota side.
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cryptid-quest · 2 years
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Cryptid of the Day: Pepie
Description: On an unspecified date, boatman Larry Nielson claimed to have seen 200ft long monster in Lake Pepin, Minnesota. Later, it was discovered that in the 1600s a man named Father Louis Hennepin also saw a large creature in the lake.
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in 2011 I visited macalester college in st. paul with my dad and purchased a cube shaped stack of sticky notes. Here is that cube today. It's literally always been right on my desk all these years all over the country there is no explanation for this
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also on that trip I visited lake pepin
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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Marbled Monday
This is the beautiful marbled cover of wood engraver and book artist Gaylord Schanilec’s exquisite 2015 book Lac des Pleurs published by Schanilec’s Midnight Paper Sales press. The book is a tour de force of wood engraving and is truly just gorgeous. You can see a few examples of the wood engravings in the book in our previous post. We’ll follow up with a more in-depth post on the book soon! 
Back to the marbling... According to the colophon, “The cover paper was marbled in Wiltshire, England, by Jemma Lewis, whose bespoke design is based on a photograph of wet stones taken along the shore of Lake Pepin.” The marbling here uses dark blue, green, grey, and yellow along with a wave technique. 
View more Marbled Monday posts.
-- Alice, Special Collections Department Manager
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Nine years since the Post Pepin Peregrination, my three speed bike tour
Pondero’s Rivendell Quickbeam (left) and my Raleigh Wayfarer on the La Crosse River Trail Recently on the venerable “For the Love of English Three Speeds” thread on Bike Forums (over 27,000 posts over 14 years!) someone asked, “Has anyone toured on a three-speed?” I like these questions because they are a break from the navel-gazing that sometimes clogs up the thread. And despite the fact there…
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amerasdreams · 2 years
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rideinternal · 1 year
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