#Larissa didn't die like that
Okay so I binged I Will Change The Genre manhwa last night and when I started googling stuff this morning I got confused.
In the localization that I read, it said that Larissa (Judith's sister and Luca's mom) died of the plague five years previous to the start of the story.
That's when Larissa sent the letter to Jonas (Luca's dad), and Jonas ignored it because he wasn't interested in acknowledging some random bastard.
The letter that Rudiger found after Jonas died in a horse riding accident and lead him to discover Luca existed in the first place and come to get him.
Judith took Luca in after Larissa's death, as his only remaining family member (that she knew of) when Luca was 5, and she was 22.
Like in the original timeline where she resents Luca, the fact that she got stuck raising Luca in her 20s instead of being able to date and find love is part of why she resents him.
If Larissa had died in child birth and Judith raised Luca his entire life, then she would have been raising him since she was 16/17 [when Rudiger asks if she's Luca's mother, she denies it, saying she would have been 16 when she had him].
But when I googled how Larissa died this morning, because I thought I'd waffle around with some fic I probably won't post, everyone keeps saying that she died in childbirth.
Like I literally brought up the page of the manhwa that talks about the death of Luca's mother, and it very clearly says she died of the plague five years previously. It's this one:
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Right there. Died of the plague 5 years ago, and Luca is 10. So she definitely didn't die in childbirth like so many people keep saying she did.
Even the tvtropes page says Larissa died in childbirth. What's happening?
Though the tvtropes page is also under an alternate name, The Villainess Flips the Script, even though the picture it uses for the cover of the wanhwa still uses the title: I Will Change the Genre.
Which I assume is from the Light Novel. So maybe that's also where the "Larissa died in childbirth" story is coming from.
So Larissa doesn't die in childbirth (in the manhwa at least, but you know who does?
Now Luca's paternal grandmother Princess Vanessa did die due to complications giving birth to Jonas. So maybe people are conflating the two because Jonas and Luca look so similar. Not to mention it seems like Princess Vanessa and Larissa were similar kinds of people, who had sons who look basically identical.
Anyways I needed to vent about this because when I started googling, I thought I was going crazy, because I binged the whole manhwa in a single sitting, so I retained the vast majority of the story pretty clearly.
And I clearly remembered Judith's older sister dying of plague five years before the start of the story, but all of google (and reddit, and various forum sites) kept telling me that Judith's older sister died in childbirth.
So either I'm right and people are mixing up Larissa and Vanessa's deaths (or at least forgetting Larissa's and giving her the same death as Vanessa), or the localization I got changed things radically.
Which is totally possible. Like there's an entire chapter where Judith's name has been mistranslated as Eudith for some reason. It's not even like chapter 1, it's chapter 13 or something. She's Judith before that and Judith after that, and apparently this is all done by the same translator/localizer team so I don't know who dropped the ball on that but woof.
I can only imagine they were in a rush while translating that chapter, or someone who was new to this manhwa was way too confidant in their ability to guess what english name it was supposed to be, because J and E aren't even anywhere near each other on the keyboard. So it's definitely a translation error, rather than a typing mistake, especially when it's consistent through that whole chapter.
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mouse-of-dimitrescu · 10 months
𝟷𝟸 𝙳𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝙼𝚄𝚃𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂𝚂 🎄 #𝟺 𝙻𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚊 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚜 𝚇 𝙵𝚎𝚖 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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Not Alone ( nsfw )
WARNINGS: shapeshifting dick, unedited writing, nervous reader, fluff, basically sex I think we all know what happens there. Tell me if I need to add anything
The end of the year had finally arrived. The majority of the students were packing to return home for Christmas. As a teacher, you practically lived at Nevermore so you were going to stay at the school. Little did you know that Larissa would be staying at Nevermore too.
At the end of every year, Larissa wishes the students a good holiday during a small gathering in the quad and that's where you walked to. Students were filtering into the quad and sitting on the tables, all impatient to go home. Larissa walked up to the microphone and smiled brightly. She rambled on about Nevermore's history, the year that has passed and the great achievements. She wished the students a merry Christmas. You watched her, you failed to pay attention to what she was saying but you secretly admired her from the table you were sitting on. The way she conducted herself, those smiles and winks that she cast around the room and the way she stood with one foot in front of the other — it was the little things that really got your heart beating abnormally fast — even her intricate updo hairstyle made you melt. Because it was Larissa and no one else.
She seemed to be speaking for hours — either that or the world was moving in slow motion. Larissa and the assembly of students and teachers began to clap as a congratulations for the year complete. You clapped too, absentmindedly following the actions of everyone else. Larissa dismissed everyone and watched as everyone walked away, all hustling out of the Nevermore halls to enjoy their much needed vacation.
You walked away too, deciding to go upstairs to your teacher's chambers. You shut the door and slumped down on the edge of your bed. Later that evening, you ordered pizza for yourself and walked downstairs to retrieve it at the main gate. Your footsteps echoed throughout the hollow halls. Larissa, who was also in her own chambers, heard your footsteps and got a bit of a fright. She exited her chambers and watched as you entered your own chambers. You were completely oblivious of her presence.
Larissa decided that the polite thing to do was greet you and make you aware that she was there too. Maybe then you both wouldn't have to spend Christmas alone. Larissa knocked on your door and you jumped.
" Who is it?" You called a bit nervously.
" It's me, dear." You heard the all too familiar Mary Poppins voice call back. You smiled slightly and rushed to open the door.
" Larissa, uh, hey. What are you doing here?" You asked.
Larissa chuckled. " I live here just like you." She tilted her head, slightly amused.
" Oh, right." You facepalmed. " I bought pizza, if you want we can share it? I can order more of course, because well, we'll still be hungry but—" you realised that you had been rambling.
" That sounds lovely, dear." Larissa interrupted with a small light laugh. Your eyes lit up and you smiled, stepping aside and welcoming her into your dorm.
" Please make yourself at home." You said awkwardly, gesturing to the sofa by the large bookshelf. Larissa approached the sofa and happily sat down, crossing one leg over the other.
You quickly ordered another pizza and looked over to Larissa. " Um, hot chocolate?" You smiled, knowing that it was her favourite.
Larissa smiled. " Yes please, darling. Thank you." She replied, eventually gazing around your living quarters and taking everything in.
You quickly went over to your kitchen and made hot chocolate for the both of you. You couldn't deny that you were nervous to have Larissa in your company. You didn't know how to act. What to say. And when you did say something you felt like total idiot and wanted to die in a hole like a stupid little hermit.
You brought the hot chocolate to Larissa. She took it from you and wrapped her cold fingers around the cup, savouring the wamth and soaking it up.
You sat beside Larissa and sipped your hot chocolate too.
" How has the year treated you?" Larissa asked, trying to strike up a conversation.
" Brilliantly. And...you?" You looked to Larissa, admiring how the curve of her lips heightened at your words.
" It was a good year for Nevermore. I must admit." She sipped her hot chocolate and looked over at you. " What's up with you and Coach Vlad?" Larissa asked, raising her eyebrow in a teasing manner.
You looked at Larissa and quickly looked down. " I-i-um, nothing. We're just good friends." You explained awfully to quickly.
" Are you sure?" Larissa chuckled slightly.
" Yeah, I mean, I'm gay. So..." You shrugged, finding it odd to come out to Larissa. You knew she would accept you, she is all about diversity and acceptance for everyone. You just didn't want her to think that you were hitting on her. You liked Larissa a bit too much for your own good. But you couldn't find the confidence to actually confront her about your feelings. Besides, she was your boss. And probably taken and too good for you.
Larissa raised her eyebrows and smiled. " Now, that's something I didn't expect. But I see it now. And do you have a lover? A lovely creature like you cannot be single." Larissa smiled.
You blushed and shook your head. " N-no, I don't have anyone." You avoided eye contact with Larissa and stared down into your oh-so-interesting half full cup.
" I'm surprised, dear. I don't have anyone either. " Larissa placed her empty cup down on the table and leant back slightly in her chair.
" You don't? " You looked at Larissa.
" No. I haven't had time for relationships as the principal. I've been thinking of changing that slightly." Larissa gave you a small smile and she looked out the window to see the pizza man approaching the building.
" The second pizza is here." She got up and walked out of the room to collect it.
Those few moments of solitude allowed you to gather yourself and wipe the sweat off your palms. Larissa drove you crazy. The way she looked at you. Even the way she said " pizza " got you giggling like a silly schoolgirl.
Larissa returned with the pizza and you both began eating. She glanced at you occasionally and smiled softly. After a while, you mustered up the courage to speak.
" I-I I think you should find someone. I mean...it's not fun being alone on Christmas." You said, taking a small bite out of your pizza.
" No it's not. Well...it looks like you and I are going to be together this Christmas. Doesn't it?" She wiped her lips with a napkin, the gossamer material stained red from her lipstick. She smiled slightly at you.
" Yes. Yes we are." You nodded and drew your eyes away from Larissa, which was extremely difficult.
" Dear, what's wrong?" Larissa frowned slightly, her voice tinted with concern. She put her pizza box aside and scooted closer to you, placing a comforting hand on your knee.
" Nothing." You have Larissa a small smile.
" Nothing? Don't lie to me, darling. I can see right through you. " Larissa said softly, a small knowing smile playing on her lips.
You quickly looked at Larissa. If she could see right through you then she knew about your feelings for her which, at this terrifying stage would be better left unconfronted.
" Right through me?" You asked, your voice so quiet, almost a whisper.
Larissa chuckled. " Yes, dear. The way you looked at me during my small speech today...was quite surprising. I knew you weren't listening. Too distracted by what's in that pretty head of yours. Mm?" Larissa lifted your chin up by her index finger and gazed directly into your eyes.
" N-no, I mean. Listen, I'm really sorry." You shut your eyes and pulled your head away from Larissas grasp.
" I like it when you look at me like that. It makes me want to destroy you." Larissa whispered, your eyes widened and you looked at Larissa quickly.
" What?" You blurted out.
Larissa laughed slightly. " Darling, I like you too. Very much." She caressed your cheek and jawline.
" C-can I kiss you?" You asked nervously, not believing this moment could ever exist.
" Of course you can, sweetheart." Larissa smiled and searched your eyes. You smiled nervously and pulled Larissa in for a soft kiss. Your lips matched the rhythm of hers and you found yourself in a strange, devoted labyrinth of unexpected and contradicting emotions.
Larissa deepened the kiss, pulling you closer to her body by your waist. You joined in her actions by holding onto her shoulder and caressing her cheek. When you both pulled away from the kiss.
" Was that okay?" You asked, searching Larissa's eyes for any sign of approval.
Larissa pecked you gently on your lips once again and placed a strand of hair behind your ear. " That was beautiful." She pulled you in for a warm hug. Your bodies warming up against each other.
" You're very lovely." You said, not entirely knowing what to say. Larissa let out a small laugh at your words and squeezed you tightly.
" Thank you sweetheart. I could say the same thing about you."
You spent a long time with Larissa, getting to know her over the past week. As expected she was a real charmer. She spoke to you and treated you as though you were the last person on earth. You did the same. Larissa's stories and voice and the way she said things was the first and last thing you wished to hear every day, but when one evening arrived and Larissa was snuggled close to you in bed, watching a movie, you found a strengthening desire to hear something more intimate.
You didn't know how to go about it but it looked like you didn't have to make the first move. Larissa's hand, that was on your back, holding you against her, now travelled down to your ass. She squeezed it gently and kissed your cheek. You blushed furiously and looked up at her.
" Do you like this, sweetheart?" She asked, almost teasingly as she ran her hand up and down your thigh.
You quickly nodded and smiled slightly. " Do...you want to—"
" More than anything, dear." Larissa kissed you gently and flipped you so you lay properly on your back. You looked up at Larissa and she leant down to kiss you again.
" I need you." You whispered softly, running your thumb along Larissas cheek.
Larissa smiled slightly took off her nightgown. Luckily, the room was warmed up from the heat of the fireplace so there was only a small chill that coursed through Larissas veins. You gazed down at her body, which was cloaked in silk pajamas, your eyes widened when you saw a bulge in her pants and you looked up at her, with a gulp.
" May I, darling?" She asked, tugging playfully at the waistband of your pajama pants. You nodded nervously but you were extremely excited at the same time. Larissa chuckled and removed your pants and underwear, flinging them elsewhere in the room. She removed her own pants but left her underwear on — her cock straining against her knickers.
" You...have a —" you tried to say the words but they got caught in your throat.
" I'm a shapeshifter. Are you okay with this?" Larissa asked, her tone turning from seductive to one edged with concern.
You nodded. " Yes. Yes I'm okay. Are you?"
" Yes sweetheart. That's good, because you're making me so hard. Do you mind wetting it up for me? " She asked, lying down. You immediately sat up and pulled at her underwear, her cock sprung free and you threw her underwear to the side.
" Can I?" You asked. Larissa nodded and brought her hand to your hair. You leant down and took her cock in your mouth, licking the precum off the tip, making Larissa shut her eyes and shiver.
" Take it all, sweetheart." Larissa ordered softly. You immediately obeyed, taking Larissas cock in your mouth and wetting it up for her. She moaned and spread her legs out more so you could have a better time kneeling between them. You chocked on her cock and that vibrating sensation made Larissa more eager to be inside of you.
" Can I cum down your throat, baby?" Larissa asked desperately, after a few more minutes. You nodded, unable to speak, you ran your tong along the length of your cock as you swallowed it, tracing her veins. You made eye contact with Larissa which made her moans grow louder, she came with a spasm and a soft cry, you felt her cum spurt down your throat, and you swallowed eagerly, slowing down your pace with your mouth before pulling away, you kissed the tip of her cock and she smiled breathlessley, looking down at you.
" Was that okay?" You asked, growing wetter and wetter by the second.
" You did so well for me, darling. Come here." Larissa smiled ajd pulled you to straddle her lap. You gulped because Larissa was already growing hard again, her cock poking your thigh gently.
" Can I take it?" You asked, your breath hitching when Larissa began to slowly unbutton your shirt, revealing your chest to her. She punched both of your nipples and rolled them between her fingers, making you squirm on top of her. She smiled and eventually brought a hand down to your wet cunt, running two digits up your folds, collecting your arousal. She sucked on her fingers and nodded.
" Go ahead, sweetheart. You taste so good for me. So wet." She helped align her cock with your glistening pussy and you felt the tip of the cock enter you. You groaned slightly at the stretched and inched yourself down her cock.
" God, Larissa, fuck." You breathed out. " You're so big." You whimpered.
" You're doing so well, darling. So good for me. Take it all." She said, you grasped Larissas hands, her fingers entertwining with yours.
You moaned as you entered her entirely, her whole cock in your cunt, twitching against your walls.
" Well done darling. Move when you're ready." Larissa squeezed your hands gently.
After a few moments of letting your body adjust, you began to move your hips back and forth, eventually lifting your body up and down on Larissa's cock. You moaned and Larissa bucked her hips up, instinctively trying to speed up your movements.
" Oh! Larissa..." You cried out, feeling the tip of her cock hit that sweet spot inside if you.
Desperate for more, you began moving faster, squeezing Larissa's hands tighter and tighter, you shut your eyes and let the feeling of your lover inside of you consume you entirely.
" Fuck, baby." Larissa moaned, your cheeks burned and you opened your eyes slightly to see that Larissa's cheeks had turned red. Her eyes were shut slightly and her body bucked up against you. She lifted her hips and thrusted inside of you, assisted by your rapid movements.
" Rissa, I'm going to cum." You moaned out.
" Me too." Larissa opened her eyes to look at you.
" Cum inside me. Please." You begged, your legs weakening by the urgent intensity of the moment.
At that, you felt Larissa come inside of you, her thick liquid coating your walls and the feeling sending you off the edge. You cried Larissa's name, her hands quickly supported your almost-failing body, she held onto you and rode out her high as you rode out your own.
When you both eventually began to calm down, Larissa helped you up and you felt her cock slip out of you, her cum seemed to be triclking out of you too, Larissa smiled and got up, carrying you to the bathroom where she cleaned you up. She cleaned you and herself up and patted the sweat off your face with a cloth.
" You did so well. Are you okay?" She asked, caressing your cheek.
You smiled contently and kissed Larissa's hand. " Yes. Are you?"
Larissa nodded and smiled, helping you into your pajamas and skipping on her clothes too. She brought you to the bed and left you there until coming back with two glasses of water.
" Here we are, sweetheart." Larissa sat down beside you and handed you your water.
You both took sips of your waters and larissa placed the cups down on the bedside table. She came to hold you gently against her chest and she ran her fingers through your hair in a comforting manner.
" Tired?" She asked.
" A little."
" Maybe we should have an early night, mm?" Larissa pulled the covers over the both of you and kissed your cheek. You nodded and smiled up at her.
" Goodnight." You kissed Larissa gently.
Larissa smiled down at you. " Goodnight, darling."
I wrote some horny shit, i apologise. Requests are open, i can do more kinky stuff idk????
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marilynthornhilllover · 10 months
Simply because, she cares
Larissa weems x fem reader
Warning: slight depressive talk, fluff and care
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Larissa immediately knew something was wrong when your entered her office. There was simply a shift in the peaceful air of tension of the atmosphere. You sniffed as you slammed the door harshly the rage building back up as you stormed into your shared bedroom with larissa. Larissa lifted her gaze making brief eye contact with you. Her heart sank completely.
You looked like you wanted to curl up and die, you had tears in your eyes threatening to spill out as your nose flared, clearly showing that you were on the verge of having a mental breakdown. You quickly averted your eyes from her gaze and disappeared into the room slamming the door.
You felt tired, hopeless, depression, utterly exhausted beyond sleep fixation, and mostly worthless. Before you could even reach the bed a loud painful sob escaped you. Larissa's heart was deeply troubled, it was at that point she placed down her pen and got up from her seat.
She sighed as she took off her heels and her jacket. She slowly approached the door and softly knocked.
" my love?" Her voice was soft and filled with deep concern. True sympathy - one you never understood. Larissa's love for you ran deeper than the ocean. She truly cared, she truly loved, she truly protected and provided for you.
"Y/n please don't shut me out again.... darling?" You were getting more agitated by the second. You wanted her to be mad at you.... probably because you were mad at yourself, or maybe it's because everyone else was. You needed everyone one, including larissa to scold you for making mistakes and simply being human.
You were far to harsh on yourself, you knew that obviously but you found comfort in that pain. You were your biggest rival. There's times where your soul desperately wanted to be happy - needed to be happy but that everlasting pain was all you knew, all you ever felt. So that's why when larissa came into your life with so much love and joy, sympathy, understandment it was hard to accept it. It was hard to understand it.
You didn't even know why she loved you so much, as if you died she would be the loneliest woman on planet earth. Maybe it's because you don't quite understand what love is because you never had it or practiced it on yourself.
Larissa twisted the door nob then finding out that the door was unlocked, from there she gently sneeked her way in. There you were on the bed curled up into a small ball crying. Your mascara ruined and your face completely tear ridden. Larissas shoulders dropped, as if she wasn't expecting what she saw - again with the sympathy.
" Oh darling come here" she cooed gently sitting on the bed and tapping her lap. You looked up at her from the pillow, the mascara remains taking the stain on the white material. You looked at her deeply. Trying to figure out if you were one, dreaming or two maybe she was lying.
Her deep caring blue eyes stared back at yours, truth,meaning and love shined through them. She looked like she had all the answers to your troubles and problems and was willing to help if you would just let her in. You couldn't help the feeling of feeling like an equation. Waiting to be solved and placed away in a box and labeled as useless. But larissa would never do that.
No one hurts you more than yourself, your a big overthinker and that's the sharpest part of the knife for you. You sniff as you carefully got up and laid in her lap. Larissa laid back against the pillows and placed pulled you up with her, making you lay on her chest.
She doesn't say anything. The silence was killing you. You needed to know what she was thinking. If she thought she should divorce you, go on a break, take you to see a counselor, scold you for being the way you are. But again that's not who larissa is. That's not the woman who proposed, the woman who's vows where to love you even in your illness.... she simply cared for you and you didnt know why your heart refused to believe it.
As If she was reading your mind she spoke up, her voice cracking as though she shared your pain - felt your pain.
" rest your mind, my love, it's been quite mean to you" she whispered kissing your temple. And there it was. The kiss of love. Her soft voice and cold gentle finger tips running through your hair as you slowly started to drift off to sleep. Your body fought against it, larissa is busy and has better things to do, your disrupting her work, you own her an explanation. Oh shut up mind, you stopped fighting the sweet desire and fell stead fast asleep.
You were slowly brought back from your depth when you heard larissas sweet voice mumbling some sweet nothings in your ear while her nails lightly strached against your scalp. Somethings like ' I genuine love you' ' your pain is my pain' ' your ok in my arms'. Your heart felt weak and fluttered. You felt like your were in heaven.
You slowly opened your eyes, adjusting to the lighting of the dim light on the bed side table. It was most definitely past 6, which meant you were probably laying in larissa ls arms sleeping for atleast 2 hours. Larissa is a busy woman who has almost a thousand things to do and for her to chose to lay here with you will always be appreciated and cherished from the deepest depth of your heart.
" she's back, are you feeling OK my love?" It was a stupid and rhetorical question, she knew that. Obviously you weren't ok, you didn't even tell her what was the problem yet.
Tha pain of the world immediately came back to you, and she noticed it. It was as of sleep was your only escape but she wanted it to be her, and only her. She wanted you to trust her with all of your problems.
She took your chin in her fingers and brought your face up to hers, sapphire eyes piercing into your dark soul setting light upon it. She kissed your nose and you gaved her a faint smile before giggling when she proceeded to leave pecks of kisses all over your face. It's a good thing her lipstick is stain proof or your entire face would be red right now.
She chuckled as she left one final kiss to your forehead.
" since i've got you to smile and laugh what monsters have been clawing at you?" She asked sincerely, your smile faded quicker than it appeared as guilt and that never ending cycle of pain filled your beautiful eyes. Your eyes started to gloss over again as you avoided larissas inetesene and worried stare.
She quickly grabbed hold of your face and forced you to maintain eye contact but you pulled away. You quickly got up and stood facing away from her. Larissa sighed in defeat, she really thought she was making progress but still she was not mad at you. And will never be.
Not because she has to put up with it but simply because she cares.
" darling come here" she spoke softly voice breaking as tears filled her own eyes. When she got no response she stood, still keeping her distance, choosing to give you the acquired space you needed.
" please my love, y/n just tell me what the problem is your breaking my heart!" She shouted, not intentionally but she did. You looked up at the mirror infront of you, meeting her gaze quickly. She looked stressed, you were adding to her stress. Your pain hurts her as much as it hurts you and possibly even more, and if not it leaves her scared.
You turned around and slowly walked up to her before hugging her. Wrapping your arms around her neck as she wrapped hers completely around your waist pulling you in to get you as close as she can. Her body heat brought your peace and harmony. Happiness even. You felt refilled, refreshed.
Her hugs always give you hope and possibilitys.
"I'm sorry for shouting" she mumbled and you shook your head pulling back a bit.
" I get it your upset and stressed, I would shout as me too" you said handing your head low.
" that doesn't justify my actions y/n, I had no right to shout at you regardless of my emotions, as your partner i should have control of that and not get upset every time your broken" she spoke sternly. She held your hand and placed it over her chest. Feeling her heart beat you smiled and looked up at her.
" my heart beats for you by y/n/n, it whispers your name and this is not poetry I'm speaking the truth. When your sad I'm not like oh my gosh this shit again, no, I always wanna help you in everything and with everything, so please don't leave me in the dark" her words were like a soothing melody. You sighed and sat down on the bed pulling her with you.
" have you ever felt like the majority of the things that happen or are said to you are your fault" you asked her and she looks at you like she's either confused or doesn't know how to answer the question without making you feel worst about the situation.
"ok like, I dont know how to explain it" you said in defeat sighing. Larissa held your hands clasping your fingers with hers.
" you don't have to know the answer to every problem my love and that's ok. Life is a dark unfair exhausting mystery and on some days it might get darker and harder to find that spark of joy and happiness but just know I'm always by your side no matter what and your not in this alone" she whispered looking at your reaction to her every word carefully.
" thank you rissa, I love you and thanks for supporting me and always going that extra mile" you whispered. She chuckled rolling her eyes playfully.
" I'd travel to the end of the world for you" she cooed kissing your temple.
" promise me something darling" she said all of a sudden in a very serious tone. You turned your body in her direction, giving her your undivided attention just as she always does. She tucks a strand of hair behind your ear behind speaking up.
" stop being a monster to yourself." There's so much more she wanted to say, could have said but she chosed not to. She simply chosed to comfort you in this storm of pain and distress.
" I promise " you spoke confidently. She smiled brightly causing you to reflect it.
The both of you began kissing passionately, you slipped your tongue into larissas mouth in hopes to win for dominance but that's simply a game she was way to good at. She pulled you onto her lap and held the back of your head as she deepened the kiss making you moan before pulling away.
" there she is" she chuckled holding you tightly.
" here I am" your spok before she held you flush against her chest pulling you to lay down with her.
" hey what about your work?" You asked looking upbat her. She looked down and smiled at you.
" what about it, sweetheart? Now sleep" she muttered, slowly starting to drift off to sleep when her eyes began to get heavy. You smiled at her, slowly drifting off to dream land aswell. She simply loves you......
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billiedeansbitch · 10 months
𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 [𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 4]
𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary: Larissa was compelled to use her annual leave to take care of her nieces for five days; what she wasn’t expecting was that an unnecessarily attractive baby-sitter would be accompanying her as well. 
a/n: I was stalling for months, I know, and I am deeply sorry. I lost the motivation and the plot and thought about discontinuing this but I suddenly felt the urge to finish this so here you go. I did my very best with this one. And yep there will be another chapter, last one hopefully.
warning/s: NSFW
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@enchantressb @barbarasstar @willowshadenox @gwendolinechristieiscute @winterfireblond @im-a-carnivorous-plant @poorwritingandstalecoffee @justcallmelittleone @digital-demise @kimiinou @a-queen-and-her-throne @larissaoftarthweems
You awoke to the light scratching of her blunt nails against your scalp. The steady hum of her heart was audible in your ears as you found yourself pressed against her with almost half of your weight. She had her phone occupying her left hand, the length of her legs were stretched on the bed, one ankle over the other. It was still dark, you noticed. The curtains were still drawn, and she had her lamp on, softly casting light in the room.
"Hello," you whispered, gently trying to stir her focus.
Larissa peered down at you, "Did I wake you?" 
"No, no…It just sort of happened. What are you doing?" 
"Checking my emails but I’m done just about now."
Larissa locked her phone with an audible click before setting it down on the nightstand with the screen facing the surface. Now she was looking at you with undivided attention. It made you feel important.
“Did you know you passed out?”
"What? No I didn't." you let out an incredulous laugh, "That's simply not true." You could hardly believe it and oh, she was adamant to make you.
You felt her shift, a hand winding up around your shoulder.
"Oh, but it is. I didn't break you or did I?" The woman barely had to work up the effort to hide how smug she was of herself. It dripped down to the very last word. Her head tilted to the side. You couldn’t see her, with your face buried on her side but you knew she was smirking. It made you blush more.
It was hard to believe it but then if you’d think about it, it wasn’t entirely impossible that what she was saying was somehow…well, the truth, especially if the sex was that fucking good to begin with which she had proven enough in the last two days’ time. Passing out from sex wasn’t totally in your cards this year. Damn. Surprises, right?
At your age you would think that you could last longer, that you’d be the restless one, but boy, you were utterly mistaken. You could vaguely remember shit but then again, Larissa didn’t look like the one to make up stories.
You kept your face hidden, thinking if she couldn’t see you and you couldn’t see her then you wouldn’t have to talk and pretend you had fallen asleep once more.
“You seem broken, dear. Can’t speak now, hmm?” 
Your cheeks tingle pleasantly, “Sorry,” you mumble. The sound of her low, seductive chuckle reverberated through her chest. Damn it, woman! Your jaw clenched before you let out an exasperated sigh. She chuckled again.
Larissa coaxed you out of your hiding, “Look at me.” 
Your heart stuttered once your eyes met, breath temporarily stilling. Her cheeks were glowing, like the after sex haze was still left on her skin. And before your mind could drift to some far away land, she spoke again.
“You didn’t want me to stop. Why?” This time her tone wasn’t playful. Her brows slightly furrowed.
Your eyes wandered elsewhere, “Do I really have to answer that?” You were embarrassed enough that you passed out after the deed, you swore that if you answer this, you’d die from the utter humiliation.
“Yes. I want to hear it.”
You risked a fleeting glance, and shit, maybe you shouldn’t have because you were seeing something in her eyes. She looked…concerned, more than anything else. It was perplexing. You were expecting her to look so pleased with herself. Her face didn’t show any of that.
You wanted to squirm away from her hold but it looked like you would get nowhere with how intense those eyes were looking at you.
Just then you were struck how gravely serious she was. With a deep sigh, you let yourself sink into her. You were thankful when she didn’t force you to look at her, instead she held you safely in her arms, still waiting for an answer.
There was a long stretch of silence: strong, intense, charged, it was awkward. Realizing that she was waiting, you eventually spoke. 
“I wanted everything to last.” You started, “I didn’t want to stop kissing you or feeling you. And I thought that if I pushed myself I’d be able to treasure this much longer. I wanted to see traces of you on my body. I wanted to remember where you touched me, and kissed me. That you, at some point, owned me.” It was pathetic how easy you let your guard down. Maybe you’d regret this, maybe not. You just wanted to go to sleep now, for sure. 
“I wanted to treasure you.” You found yourself admitting. 
“I’ve never been with someone who made me feel at ease to be just myself. You made me feel confident of my scars and flaws. And I just…I ate that shit up—sorry, but that’s how it feels. And I—I’m not ready to let go just yet. I didn’t mean for this to happen, for me to feel this—whatever it is but you…you did things to me that—God, I should stop. I’m sorry.”
And now you were scaring the poor woman. 
“There. I’ve said it. Can I sleep now?”
Larissa wasn’t expecting that. Of all the things that could be the answer this one didn’t slice through her mind. When you passed out seconds after she slipped her cock out, Larissa panicked. First thing she did was check your breathing, then your pulse, and your temperature. She nearly called 911. It was comical when merely seconds later, she heard unmistakable muffled snores.
The woman couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. It was a full belly laugh at first but then she toned it down seconds later. She found it absolutely hilarious she had tears in her eyes. She had never laughed this much. Nor stared at a person for the longest time and felt a sense of warmth wrapping around her heart.
Larissa didn’t want this night to end. It was a terrifying thought, really. But she couldn’t help herself if she wanted you, could she?
It hadn’t been weeks, hell, she knew you for four days and yet…and yet it only mattered so little to her.
“Y/n” she knew you were desperately trying to dodge her now. 
“I swear to God I will kick you off the bed if you don’t look at me.” Now buried under the covers, you poked your head out, keeping the covers right under your chin as if shielding yourself from her. 
She was met with a tearful gaze, “I ruined it, didn’t I?” You murmured.
Weems’ eyes softened, shifting in bed so now she was lying on her side, elbow propped, her hand supporting her head. “Come here.”
You questioningly looked at her,
“Just come here.” She said, her looks alone were beckoning you then patted the space next to her. It shouldn’t be hard, but at the moment, you were too overwhelmed with the sudden realization that you just had.
Gradually you found yourself moving closer. Larissa watched you patiently until you were within her reachclose, but still it wasn’t enough.
“Do I look upset?” She asked. It prompted you to look at her. You shook your head.
“No. But—.” She took the matter in her own hand – literally and figuratively – pulled you with one, strong arm until you were pressed to her. She didn’t let you go.
“There’s no but’s or what if’s.” Her tone left no room for doubt to bloom. You shut up, stunned and scared  that she knew you were thinking about those but also, your heart seemed to calm down a bit if not entirely.
You felt her spoon you, hugging you so tight, her chin perched on your shoulder. She kissed your cheek. “You didn’t ruin anything.” 
You held onto the arm across your waist, relieved. 
“You didn’t ruin anything, love.”
The breakfast zizzled in the pan; it was eggs and bacon strips being cooked to perfection. The warm toasts were already sitting on the plate on the counter. You finished plating the waffles before you moved on to slice bananas and strawberries for the kids, Larissa watched you with fascinated eyes as if you were doing something so extraordinary. 
The woman was pulled from her thoughts when she noticed the fruit you were holding out in front of her. She took a careful bite. The juice dribbled down her chin then into her mouth. It was savoury and sweet. You took the other half into your mouth, chewing with glee.
You both went back to your own stations until breakfast was done and served. 
Now, the girls were pretty much still half asleep, trying very hard to keep their heads up and munch on their fruits and waffles. 
Larissa kept her eyes on you the whole time, only straying whenever you’d look over her direction, she didn’t want you to see how much she longed for you already.
By the time the girls were dropped off to school, Larissa manueved the family car back home in under five minutes.
She was very well aware of the time, as much as she hated checking, she still couldn’t help herself, she thought that ditching her wrist watch was a wise solution but still, her eyes kept wandering to her phone–that at some phone she chucked away to the backseat. Her flight was due at ten pm tonight. She wanted as much time as she had left to be spent with you.
“What?” You chuckled away, feeling her hands creeped up from under your shirt to your chest. Larissa kept her lips attached to the skin of your neck, nipping and sucking for a moment before she breathed out her thoughts, “Take off the shirt.”
“Fuck. Again?” You weren’t really complaining though, you were just surprised, it hadn’t been an hour after you showered to rinse the smell of sex off your body after she got home, and now she cornered you against the sink while you were washing the morning dishes.
“Again. Now.” she said with finality in her tone, her teeth scraping your skin deliciously so that you couldn’t help but whimper. 
“And keep washing the plates.” she whispered to your ear as her hands pulled the shirt over your head, your shorts found the same fate as your shirt; thrown somewhere else in the kitchen.
You couldn’t move, couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe–your body was anticipating the way her soft hands were fondling over your chest. “Larissa,” your body was steaming hot, sweat starting to drip, and fuck, you were incredibly aroused from how she was manhandling your body. Your slick was positively dripping down your inner thighs.
“You feel so fucking good.” her words went straight down to your cunt, the fluttery and achy feeling made you pressed your thighs as firm as possible.
She clicked her tongue, “Spread wide, sweetheart.” 
Two of her fingers slipped with ease drawing a relieved moan as she kept you filled. She hummed, pressed her front further to your back, her face pressed on the back of your head, inhaling your scent.
She started to drag it, staring low and steady, her other hand still keeping a firm grasp on one of your breasts.
“If you want it faster all you have to do is beg.” even her voice sounded entirely delectable to you that you just moaned in response, your hips starting to rock against her fingers, matching the pace and creating a rhythm. But after some time, you wanted more and she was teasing.
“Harder. I need you to fuck me harder please.”
“Louder, dear.”
“Fuck me harder, please! Please, Larissa, I need you—”
She groaned as she slammed the length of her fingers back into you, this time filling you with another. 
Your head hung low as your hips bucked to her front, giving her a better angle as she took you from behind. You didn’t know how much longer you could support yourself, your arms were already numb as they held your upper body weight on the counter top but she wasn’t showing any signs of stopping anytime sooner. She was set to destroy you and you couldn’t be more pleased with the thought.
The dishes were then again abandoned, she flipped you around, taking one nipple into her mouth before devouring your lips, her fingers still fucking you until you couldn’t process anymore to the point where you were certain that she fucked your brains out.
“Fuck, baby–��� you breathed, head falling to her shoulder, “I’m coming”
and come to her fingers you did. 
Larissa stroked your back as you nurse yourself with a glass of cold water that she fetched for you. You were perched on the counter where she lifted you up after almost losing your balance, her tall frame wedge in between your thighs. The woman herself looked unbelievably poised like she hardly broke a sweat at all while you sat there like a drenched rat on a rainy day.
“Feeling better?”
You set the glass down beside you, then you pulled her closer with your arms around her neck, your forehead resting against her own, “Mhmm, yes. Thank you.”
The both of you stayed entangled for the next few minutes, breathing in sync and just holding each other for dear life. Whatever was ahead, it was best left unspoken.
*unedited* *evil laugh*
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sapphic-moon-child · 10 months
Her Fated Love
Paring: Larissa x Dark!FairyReader
Warnings: Mentions of blood.
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Will Larissa ever realize just how much you love her... or will you die waiting?
Monday morning rolled around and you slowly groaned at your alarm. Today you had four classes and a two hour planning block and already were dreading the back to back classes. You loved your students with all your being, but the stress lately and the oh so wonderful 3 hours of sleep you were getting was miserable. You were starting to feel the effects of your magic dwindling due to your lack of intimacy. As a dark fae you physically need a partner, the small touches and loving emotions are what keep you going. You had your eye on someone, but knew there was no way you could ever tell her. She was too strong and diligent in her work to ever look at you as anything but a teacher/member of staff.
The last 5 years had been miserable, sure you were friends and often shared a glass of wine by the fire in her office after the long school day. But that was all you were… friends. Your heart pulled at you daily, longing to be with your fated love, but she didn’t want that. You could feel the pull constantly nagging at you to run to her and take care of her. You didn't understand why the moon goddess made you feel this pain and not her too. You felt like you lived alone, secluded from the world and suffered the pain, your heart was literally breaking for her love that you knew wouldn’t come. Soon you knew it would give up and stop beating, but at least you would die knowing that you never stopped loving her. Your sweet, gentle Larissa Weems.
Larissa didn’t understand why she felt the way she did. She was moody and tired, her head hurt, her chest hurt and she felt like something was missing all the time. Her doctor had cleared her on all the normie checks, but she was beginning to wonder if she had been cursed by one of her students. She sighed while holding her temple with one hand and decided to shoot you a text with the other. “Drain a bottle of wine with me tonight?” She knew you would never love her like she loved you, but the time she spent with you helped ease the pain and longing her heart troubled her with. If you only knew Y/N just how much I love you… She whispered out loud before setting her phone down.
You looked down at your phone and smiled, but you were interrupted from replying by a sharp pain in your shoulder blades. Gasping loudly and trying to take a deep breath, you knew what was wrong, but you’d rather die than out yourself to all of your students. You doubled over in pain and hit your knees on the ground with a loud cry. Your students looked at you with a mix of concern and horror, but the one that came running was the one and only Wednesday Addams. She rushed to you and all you could manage was two barely audible words. “Get…Weems”. Meanwhile Larissa sat in her office and hissed at the sudden stinging pain on her chest, but before she could do anything Wednesday burst through Larissa’s office doors. “Miss Addams!-” She bellowed before Wednesday cut her off out of breath.
“Come…Quick!..Y/N…” Was all she got out before Larissa and Wednesday were both running back to your classroom. Larissa hit her knees ignoring the intense pain the hard floor caused as she wrapped her arms around you. “Y/N are you ok?” She asked, voice full of concern. “Class dismissed, Wednesday, tell Marilyn what happened and that you all will stay with her until the next period. Class dismissed.” The class was full of whispers and frantic packing as they all rushed out and down the hall. You were moments from passing out from the pain coursing through your body. Larissa scooped you up in her arms and started speeding through the halls to her office. She locked the door behind her and you all but jumped from her arms and hit the floor on all fours.
She watched in horror as your shirt shredded apart and two giant beautiful black, purple and orange wings ripped from your shoulders leaving 2 trails of blood down your back and watched as you screamed and panted out of breath. Larissa’s audible gasp could have been heard for miles. She slid out of her heels and lowered herself down to you and you fell into her arms before passing out cold. When you woke you didn’t recognize where you were, but you were very aware of the sharp stinging coming from your back and the feeling of something warm? Around your legs and chest. “Hey, shh you're okay darling. I’ve got you don’t worry, just try not to move too much.” The voice was warm, and made you feel like there were butterflies in your stomach. “You fully opened your eyes and noticed you were in a pristine and very large bathroom.
Come to think of it, you were in a very fancy and large clawfoot bathtub with a towel draped over your front and you could feel a cloth gently rubbing across your back. Looking at the water made you panic slightly in your hazy state, it was a light red color. “Is this blood? My blood.” You thought to yourself. “Almost done darling, I’m sorry, but you were covered in blood and I had to clean you up.” You realized the voice was Larissa, and the arm your weight was leaning forward on was hers. The hand on your back, also hers. “Her touch is so gentle” you thought before answering her. “Larissa?” You questioned. “Yes my love, it's only me.” She sounded so unsure of herself. Her voice sounded hoarse like she had been crying. “Okay darling let's get you out and dry.
Do you think you can do it or do you need help?” She gently asked, trying to keep your dignity intact. You didn’t care though, she was your fated love. But honestly you didn’t know if you could stand on your own. “I think I need help, please.” You whispered, a slight blush covering your cheeks. Larissa nodded wordlessly and picked you up, balancing you on the edge of the tub with one hand while quickly wrapping a large fluffy towel gently around your middle, being cautious of your wings. “You looked up in the mirror and gasped at the sight. Your wings were in full color and displayed out behind you. “Darling are you okay!?” Larissa jumped thinking she hurt you. “My wings…it…it's true.” You were in shock. “What's true?” She asked kindly scooping you into her arms and setting you down on the softest bed you have ever set on. She knelt down so she was in front of you.
“I’m a dark fairy, Larissa. A dark fairy only gets their wings when their fated love chooses to love them back.” The shape shifter looked at you with confusion and hurt. “You met your fated love? Can I ask who he is?” She sounded heartbroken, her eyes once again glassing over. She suddenly felt a burning pain on her chest and hissed. Which in turn due to your bond made you hiss at the strong emotion and pain you felt from her.  “Larissa, I don’t like men. Plus the way your heart hurts right now feels like it’s shredding me apart.” You held her hand in yours, gently rubbing a thumb over her knuckles. “You silly woman, I know you can feel the tingles too, I can see it in your eyes. YOU are my fated love. The moon goddess has decided that I am to love you, and you are to love me.” Larissa’s jaw dropped.
“You mean all this time I've felt this way because I was without you?” She looked down at the floor in awe. Tilting her chin back up, you carefully slid her blazer down her arms and gently undid three of the buttons on her dress. She didn’t understand, but you lowered your towel a bit. “My love, what do you see?” You gently asked. “I…I see a knot with seven loops” You smiled and nodded, "Now look at yourself.” You pulled the fabric away a bit from her chest, and in the same place as yours over her heart was the same knot. She looked up at you with tears streaming down her face. “I love you Y/N, I have for 5 years, but thought you didn’t want that with me.”
“Larissa. I love you too. I thought you were just looking for a friend in me, so I never pursued anything. I was willing to let fate's heart take me if it meant you were happy.” In a surge of courage Larissa shot up and her hands gently pulled your face closer to hers. She kissed you deeply with all the passion and love she could muster before pulling away.  “Y/n…What is fate’s heart?” Larissa softly asked. “When your fated love doesn’t love you back, your heart gives out and you slowly die.” Tears started pouring down the shapeshifter's cheeks. “I…I’m so sorry I did that to you Y/N” You leaned forward and bit back the hiss of pain and pulled Larissa into your arms. “Hush now my love, all is well.” you held her for a moment before letting out a rather large yawn and a shiver ran down your spine.
“My love, I’m a bit cold. Do you think you could get me some clothes from my room?” You asked her while trailing your thumb across her cheek. “Nonsense, I have plenty to share darling.” You watched as Larissa pulled out a pair of warm sweatpants and a plain blue tee shirt. She turned around and went to hand you them before furrowing her brow. “Um… what about your wings Y/N?” She was adorable when she was perplexed. “Oh, the scars will take time to heal, but I don't have to keep them out.” You let out a small whimper of pain as your wings folded and went back under your skin into the scars. After taking a deep slow breath you wiped away a stray tear and looked back at her.
“They are still pretty sore… Do you have any painkillers?” Larissa nodded and went to her bathroom, coming back with a glass of water and the medicine. After you took it she helped you into her shirt and pants and went to her wardrobe and got herself a hoodie and a pair of leggings to change into. She started to head to the bathroom to change before you stopped her. “You don’t have to go, or be shy around me. After all, you have seen all of me now. I understand if you’re uncomfortable, but I just wanted you to know.” Larissa smiled and walked back over to you. She set her clothes on the bed and turned around with her back facing you. “Would you please?” She pointed to her buttons on her dress, blazer now long forgotten. Slowly you undid each of the buttons with the utmost care and she let her dress drop to the floor. You were a bit surprised as she turned around and was only wearing a pair of dark green lace panties. She bent down and kissed you before picking up her clothes and putting them on. She pulled the shades and laid down on the bed pulling up the covers and flipping you side up. “Come here darling” Larissa beckoned slowly before you slid into her arms and she covered you up. It was only a few moments before you fell asleep, letting the exhaustion take you over. For once you finally felt like you were where you belonged. She was your home.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
I really liked ‘the first heat with you’ story so I was wondering if you could write a another story where the f!reader is a werewolf and is experiencing heat so she avoids her lover (Larissa ofc). So Larissa confronts her about it and reader explains what’s going on and Larissa offers to help reader with it.
I would love for it to be sub!reader with some wholesome smut. Thank you and hope you have wonderful day <3
You’re not mad? 18+
*Authors note~ part two for The heat with you. It's gonna be a different take on it but I'm very excited to write*
Trigger warnings~ sub r dom l degrading, praise, shifted cock oral toys overstimulation dumbification wearwolf smut heat name calling
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
Being a werewolf was certainly something. It was common for wolves to find mates within their packs, which is what made you all the more of an outcast. You'd fallen in love with a shapeshifter who just so happened to be your boss. Much like when you were to wolf out you had no control over what was generally called heat. Female wolves experienced the heat every very months, similar to a females monthly period but where you felt impossibly unstated. Nothing could satisfy the burning desire than ran rampant through your veins.
That's the very reason female wolves of a certain age get passes given to them around their cycles. The fact they physically can't stop themselves from acting on their animalistic instincts made for hectic classrooms with no teaching going on. It made more sense to give the girls passes and allow them to catch up after their heats. The same curtsey was extended to female wolves on the staff. And you had yet to experience one knowing the headmistress was your mate. Until now.
Your instincts calling to you to find her and let her ravish you in every way possible, to relieve the pain that was caused when you were unable to find your mate. But you ignored it, with a great deal of pain, you ran away from Larissa. The poor principal didn't understand why you were purposefully ignoring her calls and texts, you weren't showing up to your classes. All very unlike you, you were normally so attentive and diligent in your work, always willing to please her. Pleasing her? That's it you ran away because of your heat. She felt like such a fool for it taking her days to work out. Her heart aching at the thought of your pain because you didn't want to burden her. She just knew she had to find you.
She made her way to your sleeping quarters and knocked firmly to announce her presence, "go away!" You whined, clearly trying to be forceful but sounding nothing unlike a needy puppy. "It's Isa darling" the blonde purred. "Don't come in!" You shouted the fear soaking every word causing the older woman to enter the room. You'd created a beautiful nest for yourself, she immediately recognised some of your favourite blankets and pillows, the thick heavy scent of your arousal smothering the room. "Mommy!" You whimpered as you tried to ignore every impulse to run to her and beg and plead with her to help you. To make the pain morph into something more pleasurable.
"Is my puppy in her heat? She lovingly teased you coming closer to your nest. You almost forgot yourself and bared your teeth at the older woman in warning. "Now now puppy don't growl at mommy, she only wants to make you feel so so good" she murmured her usual dominance shining through. "You. Don't mind?" You whimpered confused, surly she must hate the idea? You needed her so badly and you didn't know what would satisfy the desire. But you knew it would be intense, and submitting to her, letting her take care of you never sounded any better than right now.
"Oh puppy, of course I don't mind, I love you and this is a part of you darling. I know how much pain you must be in. Torturing yourself aren't you love? You need mommy to make it all better hmm?" Was all it took for your resolve to die out, "mommy please hurts need you please" you whimpered with your best puppy dog eyes, then blanket that covered your body making you uncomfortably warm, you longed for her smooth cold hands to soothe the inferno on your skin. "Let me in that beautiful home you made us then pretty pup" she purred as she began to strip off clothing.
You wriggled over to the middle, not caring that the blanket exposed your painfully hardened nipples or that she could visibly see the hand that had been teasing your dripping hole the entire conversation. "Puppy? Have you been keeping those pretty sounds from mommy?" She quizzed you with a raised eyebrow. Fuck. One thing Larissa hated was when you hid the sounds that so rightfully belong to her. "Sorry mommy" you whimpered pathetically. "You're lucky you're in heat darling or mommy wouldn't touch you for a week pet." Oh fucking hell, you were a mess without her touching you.
Larissa quickly joined you in your nest and immediately instructed you to lay flat like you were, but to remove your hand from your folds. You complied with a whine, Larissa coming to grab both your wrists and place them above your head. "Don't move them pet, understand?" Your eyes widened in fear, how the hell would you do that? "Yes mommy, I'll be good" you mewled just wanting her to touch you.
Soon enough Larissa's lips met your skin, sucking and nipping on the sensitive skin of your neck. Her hands tailing up and down your naked body as you whimpered and whined. "Mommy! I need please, hurts!" Finally taking pity on you, your girlfriend brought her mouth to your soaked core. Immediately, her tongue darted out to get a taste of the slick you were offering as you let your legs tighten around her head. A quick smack to your thigh had them tumbling back open, "oh fuck me mommy god!"
Larissa couldn't help but moan at the taste of you, the heat making it more potent and dangerously delicious. She couldn't help but moan around your cunt, your hips bucking wildly against the blondes face, carnal need driving your actions. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Fuck more" you mewled, "so close! Please please please god" your needy whines as she doubled her efforts to fling you into the pleasure pools of bliss. She helped you back down before she came to kiss you, your slick coating her chin.
"Mommy!" You squirmed uncomfortably needing more. "Oh I know pup, you need more don't you? Nothings gonna solve this pain but mommy filling you with her fat cock" she purred, a little shock at your animalistic growl before you pulled her into a passionate kiss. Nipping at her bottom lip, hard enough to draw blood. "Pretty puppy, why don't you get on your knees for me" she demanded.
You scrambled to comply as Larissa moved around you to grab her chosen toy, attaching it to you and tuning it on before she shifted her aching core into a well hung girthy cock. Immediately, your eyes fell to the appendage, standing proudly to attention. Your tongue darting out to wet you plump lips. "Come on pet, be a doll and wet this up for mommy" she murmured teasing your lips with the mushroom tip of her cock. Immediately, sticking your tongue out to lick the length before she greedily thrusted it into your awaiting mouth.
She kept her pace punishing, you needed that and Larissa was more than happy to provide it for you. Only pulling from the warm tightness when she felt herself near her own orgasm. You whined in protest only to morph it into a growl as she turned you round and pushed you to be on your hands and knees. "Oh pet, your dripping. All bc you're a whore for mommys cock huh? Such a good cockslut!"
You let out a howl as she pushed her cock into your cunt without a warning, your walls fluttering around her pulsating member. "Oh fuck pet. So warm and tight, such a perfect pussy for mommy to use aren't you. Needy puppy" she moaned, pulling out just leaving the head inside of you before slamming back into your cunt.
You were a goner. Larissa is incredibly skilled and it was no surprise that you came many a time on her cock. Her stamina better than anyone you could think of. "Puppy, mommys gonna cum, take my load puppy, give mommy more" she panted as she brought a hand round your body to tweak and tug on your nipple. You came with a cry of her name, Larissa following seconds after you. Shooting thick spurts of cum into your aching core. The warm thickness of it causing you to moan for more as you squeezed her dick as if it was in a voice grip.
"One more, puppy one more for mommy" she whispered in your ear before sucking the sensitive skin behind the lobe. You whined when you felt the your cunt become empty. Your legs shook as Larissa guided you to straddle her thigh. Her hands gripping your hips as she forced them to rut against her firm thigh. "One more pet one more for me, such a good puppy" she murmured pressing kisses to all the skin she could reach.
At this point you couldn't speak and you couldn't think, all you could do is feel that overwhelming sensation of pain mixed with pleasure. Your coil tightened again once more. "My poor puppy can't even speak or think. Don't worry mommy will do it all for you, that's it baby keep rutting against my thigh. Such a pretty bitch in heat, come puppy drench my thigh" her dirty words threw you over the edge as you saw stars, your mind and body thrown into ecstasy as animalistic sounds tore through your body.
"Gorgeous? Come back to me baby. You did so good. So so good for me darling. Such a pretty puppy. Good girl darling" she murmured over and over again, rubbing your back gently as you slowly came back to the real world. "Get some rest baby, you know you'll need it again in a few hours" you whimpered shuffling closer to the woman, "you don't mind Isa?" A sweet kiss to your head, "of course not darling girl, now get some rest sweetheart." Was the last thing you heard before sleep claimed you. Truly you were the luckiest pup in the world to have such a wonderful, caring and understanding mate.
Word count~ 1791
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suckerforcate · 2 years
I would die if u wrote a bed sharing fic of Larissa x reader with smut
One Bed
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Word Count: 1010
Warning: NSFW, 18+, Mommy kink, eating out, kind of praise kink
A/n: hope you like!!<3
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You stepped into the room and immediately knew you were doomed. Doomed to make an absolute fool out of yourself.
"I'm really sorry, (Y/n). I'll sleep on the floor." You turned around to look at Larissa, shaking your head.
"No, don't be ridiculous." You knew this would be your demise, but you would most definitely not let her sleep on the wooden floor.
The two of you had gone to a conference and needed a place to sleep. Unfortunately there was only one room left, and there was just one bed in it. Additional problem: You had the biggest crush imaginable on Larissa.
"(Y/n), come on. I'm your boss, I appreciate your offer, but it's really not necessary." You shushed her and left for the bathroom taking a quick shower and getting ready for bed. As you stepped out again, you sighed.
Larissa had put her pillow and blanket onto the floor. With a swift motion you took it both and placed it on the bed again.
"Larissa, I will have none of that. Stop this childish behaviour and come to bed." You stared at her while crawling under your own blanket. Defeated she joined you.
It was hard to concentrate on the book you were reading. The bed wasn't big and the space between you was nearly non-existent. You felt the warmth of her body radiate towards you at all times.
As you stretched your leg it touched Larissa's. Startled you pulled it away, using the book to cover your face. Larissa sighed next to you.
"I make you nervous. I understand it, I'm still your boss. I'll leave." Hastily you threw the book to the side and grabbed her wrist, right before she got out of bed. Surprised by your action she stumbled back, falling onto the bed right next to you. Sudden confidence shot through you, causing you to climb on top of her. Sitting on her waist, you looked down at her confused face.
"Yes, you make me nervous. But a very different kind of nervous, then you think." Your hand slowly stroked over her collarbone, and you leaned down, placing a light kiss on her lips. Larissa didn't respond, absolutely stunned by what was happening. Panic rose in you, why didn't she kiss back?
You stopped the kiss, fast to climb off of her. At a loss for words, you just stared at her for a moment.
"Fuck, I'm sorry. You didn't want that." With that you crawled under your blanket, as far away from Larissa as possible and turned off the light. Back facing towards her.
Larissa needed a moment to understand what had just happened, and as she realised that she probably hurt you, she pulled herself together and slid over to you. Gently she laid her arm around your waist and pulled you closer.
"I did want it, love. I was just a little overwhelmed, sorry." She nuzzled her face into the crook of your neck, talking right into your ear. Her hand carefully stroked over your stomach. You turned your head a little, face close to hers, lips almost touching. Your eyes flickered down to her lips, and that was all she needed to see. Hungrily she crashed her lips onto yours. You had turned around completely now, laying on your back, and Larissa leaned over you.
"How would you like me fucking you? Right now, right here." You whined as you felt her squeezing one of your breasts. Eagerly you nodded, not able to get any words out, due to the wandering hand on your lower stomach. Larissa chuckled, she loved the way you were so desperate for her touch.
Her hand lifted the hem of your shirt and touched your bare skin. In a swift motion she got rid of the shirt. Gently she stroked over your breast, before replacing her hand with her mouth. She licked over your hardened nipple, eliciting a moan from you. It didn't take long, until you were freed from all your clothes. Larissa made sure to stop once in a while and worship every little part of your body through kisses.
Spreading your legs, she grinned as she saw how wet you already were. The juice was practically dripping, and running down your thighs.
"Oh honey, this all for me?" You nodded, way too fast, earning a chuckle from her.
"Yes, all for you. Please, Mommy, touch me-" You stopped, looking at Larissa as to see her reaction to the new name. Without a warning she pushed two fingers inside of you, while looking you straight in the eyes. Causing you to scream out.
"Say that again." She had a stern look on her face, but you could see the arousal in her eyes.
"Mommy, fuck me." And she did, thrusting her fingers into you, increasing in speed. She placed kisses all over your thigh, before working on your clit. Her tongue ran through the wet folds, tasting your sweet juice. A deep moan escaped Larissa at the sensation. Eager to eat you out herself, she started licking over you sensitive bud.
"Oh, please. That feels- amazing." You praised Larissa's work, trying to mumble words through your moans. You could see she liked it, her cheeks reddening.
When she could feel that your orgasm was approaching, she sucked on your bundle of nerves, making you practically scream out.
"Mommy, please. Let me cum, oh god." Your walls clenched around her fingers and with one last thrust you came all over her finger. She gently pulled them out and licked them dry, the view making you nearly moan again.
Larissa came back up, laying down next to you. Passionately she kissed you, you could taste yourself on her tongue. She put a hand on top one of your breasts, gently cupping it.
"You were such a good girl for Mommy, weren't you?" She winked at you, laughing at your blushing, stuttering mess. She pulled you closer to her and with her hand still on top of your breast, stroking your nipple, you fell asleep.
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littledollll · 2 years
Hi!! I wonder if I can ask for a caregiver! Larissa x little!reader, maybe like r has a cold and is stressed w school at the same time but didn't want to bother Larissa, but she finds out anyway and it's just some soft comfort and reassurance? :)
Sick little love
Larissa Weems x little!reader
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A/n: actually wrote this while I was sick, I love it cuz it’s actually so me when I’m sick. I hope you like it!
Warnings: mentions of medication, sick r (just common cold), mentions of food
You felt like death the second you woke up, honestly! You had so much to do and since your mind and body are apparently so in zinc it also happens that you got sick. Now it wasn’t anything horrible, just a common cold, scratchy throat and maybe a light fever. Nothing you haven’t dealt with before.
When you woke up Larissa was already gone off to work, so that gave you the great illusion that you could somehow in the span of 8 hours get better and not be sick by the time Larissa was back. And also have all your work done, simple!
Everything just got more complicated when you regressed. You could handle being sick while big but while you were regressed? It was absolute hell, plus this took away your ability to get school work done so out the window went that part of the plan.
Your dramatic little mind decided that if you were gonna die (sure, from the common cold.) it would be in bed cuddled up and hidden from the world, with a tone of snacks and your favorite shows of course.
You spent the entire day half conscious, most of the time you were sleeping and the rest mindlessly watching a plethora of different shows and videos to keep you entertained. Was that the most responsible on your part? Maybe not. Should you have called Larissa? Maybe!
But you really didn’t want to bother her if you were just going to spend the day sleeping anyways. Forgetting the fact that you should probably be watching your temperature, getting proper meals and maybe taking some meds you were doing quite good for yourself.
You were absolutely baffled when you heard Larissa come home, did a whole 8 hours pass without you ever noticing? There’s no way. When you checked the time it was only 12pm, Larissa got off at 3 so what was she doing here? Your doubts were cleared up the moment she made her way into the room.
It didn’t take much of a genius to figure out your state. The bed was a mess and your pile of stuffies that was supposed be on the chair next to the bed were all with you, the tv was blasting with some kids show you don’t even remember putting on and the box of tissues next to the bed proved your attempt to control your cold.
“I would’ve asked you to explain why you’ve been absent in every class but I think I’ve seen enough, there comes my next question.” Larissa made her way to you side. Sitting on the edge of the bed and checking your temperature. “You poor thing. Why didn’t you call to tell me, my little love?”
The second she sat on the bed you threw yourself on her. You really really wanted to be held and babied right now. Larissa was quick to pull you into her lap and cuddle you close. “m didn wana bother you” you pouted.
“You could never bother me, sweetheart. I’m here to love and care for you in any way I can, specially if you’re sick and even more so when you’re small.” She cupped your face making you look at her.
“Have you had anything for your allergies or fever, my love?” you shook your head, you’ve always hated medicine, they’re hard to drink and if their liquid they taste horrible, absolutely nobody could get you to willingly take any of that. “make sleepy n I hav work!!”
“Oh do you now? Well momma will help you with all your work after you take your medicine and your nap.” you were expecting that half excuse to somehow work. “Come on, little love, we’ll fix you something to eat so you can take them.” There was really no arguing against her now, so you reluctantly followed behind her to the kitchen.
After you had a light meal and got your meds, Larissa helped you into the bath. You hadn’t regressed that small so she just kept tabs on you regularly and continued on with whatever she was doing.
After about 20 minutes she called you to come out. You giggled as she dried your hair and helped you getting into comfy clothes for even more sleeping, which of course you had no complains about.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” she asked while tucking you into bed, “sleepy!” you huffed our like that was your only issue in that moment and she chuckled. “Yes little love we knew that was going to happen, I’m asking about your cold.”
You made grabby hands her way and she complied getting into bed immediately getting attacked with cuddles, “m beters” you sleepily answered, curling up at her side. “Alright darling, rest up, I’ll be right here when you wake.”
You made grabby hands her way and she complied getting into bed immediately getting attacked with cuddles, “m beters” you sleepily answered, curling up at her side. “Alright darling, rest up, I’ll be right here when you wake.”
You made grabby hands her way and she complied getting into bed immediately getting attacked with cuddles, “m beters” you sleepily answered, curling up at her side. “Alright darling, rest up, I’ll be right here when you wake.”
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Hello darling, I would love to send a request to you. If possible, would you be able to do a LarissaxReader fic where the reader is a werewolf(similar to those in twilight). Reader protects Larissa from either the Hyde or another monster but gets injured, leading to Larissa getting to care for them. Would love to see your take on this, also your ghost of you fic was simply amazing. Hope to read more from you soon
I love this idea!! While writing, I kind of spiraled into an inspiration hole and wrote more than I intended, so I'm splitting this up into two parts. Here is the first part; consider it like a prequel to what is about to happen to reader with the Hyde.
blood and bones
TW: gore, blood, murder, body parts talk
Rating: 16+
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It was like flying—running in your wolf form. Your paws barely touch the ground as muscles coil and release relentlessly to send you hurtling through the air. Some werewolves even relate the feeling to free-falling, only on the ground. Once you reach a certain pace, your body becomes a weightless heap of blood and bones soaring in the air. Your stomach lifts and your heart pumps overtime in adrenaline while the wind around you becomes an overwhelming mixture of air particles and gravity. Your speed becomes your enemy and your lover all at once, and it's a dance of death to stop yourself from careening into your demise. It's addictive; the greatest and deadliest feeling werewolves can ever feel within a mere second.
You didn't understand how you were led to this moment; it's not like anyone ever tells you how dying will feel or even what to expect. It's nearly painless, and you almost miss it by the sheer spontaneity and speed it occurs. But then again, you always did feel like your body was racing through life in one ginormous free fall, and only one person was ever able to catch you.
She stole the breath right out from your burning lungs and breathed it right back into you in the same instance. It drew you to her and still knocks you to your knees—her ability to shock and calm you within a single exhale.
You just hope it's enough—your speed, power, exertion, strength, and your complete love and adoration for her—that you are enough to save her. To pull her back from the brink of death and send you soaring in to take her place.
When Wednesday tells you Thornhill is the Hyde’s master, the air grows cold for the rest of the night. Possibly indicating the dangerous, looming actions that would occur that night, but you didn't have time to read into it.
Immediately you brought her and the news to Larissa’s attention. Together you two convinced her to use her shapeshifting ability to help deceive Marilyn Laurel into giving herself away. It worked like a charm; she almost too easily maneuvered to Wednesday’s strings of taunting manipulation. So in a way, you were expecting her to do something, just trying to jam a needle into Larissa’s neck wasn't what you had in mind.
Due to your werewolf abilities, you picked up on her moves quicker. Something was about to happen, and one of three would die, but not by her hand if you had a say in the matter. Your ears twitched at the sound of the poisonous liquid sloshing in the needle, and the smell of a sickly bitter toxin filled your nose. The second you caught a glimmer of glass reflecting in her hand, your eyes saw red, and your muscles instinctively reacted, propelling you forward in front of Larissa. A strong hand shot out and caught Thornhill’s, and using your strength, you crushed the carpal bones and snapped the ends of her radius and ulna. Her wrist bent backward at a gruesome angle, and the needle went flying before crashing into the wall behind her.
Her pained-filled scream echoed in the room, and you couldn't deny savoring the sound before imagining your hands ripping her arms from the shoulder sockets so she could never harm another soul again. “Mmmm, what will it be?” Your musings turned into growls as you stalked towards her, the broken wrist clamped in your hand to prevent her escape.
Larissa gaped at you in horror or wonder; you couldn't tell. Wednesday, however, smirked devilishly at you, no doubt congratulating herself for predicting your actions and you matching her expectations. Her eyes turned toward Laurel with calm, cold, deadly intent. “Your schemes are over, Laurel, the dead will remain where they are, and you might just greet them in your grave.”
“No! Wednesday, she must be handed to the authorities and incarcerated for her crimes. She will not escape the consequences of her heinous actions with death.” Larissa moved to stand between the girl and Laurel, admittedly putting her closer to you and your murderous yet protective frame.
As her eyes swept over your guarded stance, tensed arms, and sharp eyes, she surprised herself at feeling safer and somewhat at ease near you. Granted, you placed yourself directly in the line of fire to protect her from Thornhill. That and your protective, shielding nature directed toward her brought up fresh feelings she has been working on burying for weeks to no avail.
“Oh, believe me, she will have what she is due from my hands. Neither death nor jail bars would suffice to what she will rightly feel from me.” You replied to Larissa, chuckling darkly with a feral growl. Laurel’s terrified gasp had you inching towards her, black claws extending.
A soft, firm hand on your bicep stopped you, and Larissa’s voice urged you to look at her. “Y/n,” she shook her head, a grim look on her face, and it almost made you feel guilty enough to back off, almost. “Despite what she had done…you can’t. It would only solidify the normie’s image of us as dangerous.”
You moved in front of her, mere inches from her face. Ignoring the cry of pain from Thornhill, you whispered intently, “She is dangerous. Think of what she has done to countless outcast students and normies, to YOU!” Your eyes darkened, and Larissa blushed slightly from their intensity. “You want justice? Metal bars will do nothing but buy her time to enact more bloodshed against innocents Larissa. Do you want her to pay and remember it? To feel it and regret it? Leave her to my teeth and claws. She tried to kill our students. She tried to kill you, and I will paint the walls of this room with her blood and play a symphony of her screams to echo among our Academy halls. She will feel my pain even in death, and her demise will remind normies NEVER to cross outcasts again.”
Larissa was shaking in her heels and could feel the heat blooming on her cheeks and between her thighs at watching you defend her and the students with merciless fury. Watching you willingly go as far as to create death for her and the students' salvation was only pulling her further in. Your protection was powerful and hot, and she couldn't deny how much she loved it, craved it.
Whispering deadly, “I will not stand by while she hurts those I love. Take Wednesday and evacuate the students to the hidden library. There's a Hyde on the loose, and I will not rest until every one of us is safe. I'll meet you there once I'm finished.”
Your words and intense look nearly had her in a trance. Looking from your lips to your dark eyes, Larissa wondered if you had always been this attractive because, holy shit. Your claws grazing her jaw snapped her out of it, and she subtly shook off the daze before looking back to you and then to Laurel. Watching her body quivering in fear under your grip and staring into her eyes, Larissa tried to see if there was truth in your words. She saw something flicker behind that layer of instinctual terror—unhinged anger. The kind of rage that could not be quelled by chains but has to be snuffed out by death.
She set her jaw at seeing Thornhill’s insanity and turned to you, nodding. “Okay.” She pointed a finger at you, momentarily shocking you at the action and the concern in her tone. “If you're not back at the statue by the time I'm done, I will look for you. Lose your pride for a second and realize the Hyde is stronger than you, Y/n. You cannot defeat it on your own.”
You saw the worry spreading across her face quickly and reached to rub her cheek gently. “I know; I'll be right next to you the second you turn looking for me.”
“Good,” Larissa sighed shakily before turning to Wednesday.
“I’m not going; I want to see this,” the girl said while crossing her arms, a devious smirk in place.
“No, you are not, and we are not discussing it.” Larissa declared before adding, “you're still a Nevermore student, and I will not allow you to become bait for a monster. Now move!” She glared at her, effectively stopping the oncoming argument, and walked her out the door.
Larissa spared a final glance at you and Thornhill, anticipating what she was about to hear with dread before shutting the door.
With a low, menacingly growl, you turned to the redhead, lips curling in a snarling smirk and eyes glowing in the darkening room. As your fangs descended, you taunted her, “I can think of seven ways to rip your limbs from your body, draw blood from your skin, rip muscle from bone, snap, crush, and split those bones, and draw every anguished scream from your throat before you die.”
You snatched her throat in your other hand and brought her close to your face so she could see your own murderous, enraged insanity swirling in your eyes. You growled into her face, and she grew colder from horror despite your hot breath blasting her face. “Shall we test my theory, Laurel?”
As Larissa hurried Wednesday and the other students through the halls and toward the hidden library, she heard the first of many screams ring out from the greenhouse. They were filled with pure, unhinged, animalistic terror and pain, filled with the deepest depths of human anguish and fear known to humanity. Larissa didn't know if she loved or was terrified by them. Probably both.
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wh0re4women · 2 years
Not a Good Girl. Part 1. Part 2 here. (Larissa Weems x Reader.) NSFW.
Summary: Reader sends explicit pictures and messages to Larissa while she’s at a meeting. Larissa comes home and punishes the Reader.
warnings: spanking, dom larissa, sub reader, teasing, etc etc etc
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You could’ve lied and said that you had no clue how you had managed to get yourself in this situation — bent over Larissa's wooden desk with your naked body on display, but you knew that wouldn't do you any favours.
As Larissa roughly held a fistfull of your silky hair in one hand, using the other to draw patterns along the bare skin of your ass, you knew, in that moment, that your lie wouldn't fool a single soul in the building. And yet, even if you did attempt to spew up a story to defend your racy behaviour, it wouldn't change the fact that Larissa's phone was filled with evidence against you, containing multiple suggestive, vulgar text messages and pictures of you that she'd kill to protect from anyone else's vision.
You hadn't expected for Larissa to react the way she did — ignoring all of your previous messages before simply telling you to unclothe, kneel and await her return from whatever meeting she was at.
Pure excitement swirled deep in your stomach, up until the point your eyes landed on Larissa's frustration-woven features as she stepped into her office just over an hour later. Then, and only then, did that excitement die down, allowing room for nervousness to set in.
Larissa looked furious. Turned on, but steaming with fury. You had stood up and approached her warily, hoping that you could explain yourself a little before she managed to have her own way with you. That plan ceased to exist the moment you opened your mouth as the tall blonde was quick to silence you, gripping your wrist in a swift motion before twisting your arm behind your back and carefully, yet firmly pressing the front of your body down against her smooth desk.
"I'm sorry!" You shouted abruptly, knowing deep down that no apology was going to save you now, but surely it was worth a shot. Maybe, just maybe, Larissa would soften due to your desperate pleas.
Having never seen your lover so pent up, you couldn't decide whether you were more scared or turned on from the sight.
That's when Larissa grabbed your hair in one swift motion, twisted her fingers in it and pulled back sharply enough to make you groan — a groan that morphed into a whine as your lower stomach heated up with a familiar burn.
"Sorry?" Larissa chuckled sarcastically, leaning down to press her ruby lips up to your flushed ear, "Sorry isn't going to cut it, darling."
The tall blonde's sentence was punctuated with a stinging slap to your ass before she let your hair fall from her grip as you gasped from the impact of her palm.
You felt the warmth surrounding you suddenly dissolve. Sharp heeled footsteps made their way around the room, yet you didn't dare look up, knowing well you were already in enough trouble and Larissa was not to be tested further.
It was almost humorous how drastically your behaviour had changed the second she stepped into the room with you and you got to see the dark in her eyes. So clever over text; not so brave anymore.
Larissa's face lit up in amusement as she watched you bring your arms behind your back and fold them like an obedient little girl. Well, too late for that.
The tall blonde dipped her slender fingers into the leather handbag she had abandoned by her office door, retrieving her phone a second later.
"I want to call you my good girl, [y/n]," Larissa's voice melted like butter as she spoke; smooth, slow and gentle. "But you haven't been a good girl, have you, darling?"
And just like that, the softness in her voice was gone.
You whimpered as your core throbbed, legs trembling already from the strain of holding your position; feet apart, tiptoes touching the ground, chest flush against the mahogany.
Focusing on anything other than the ache between your thighs was almost impossible. So much so, that you hadn't heard Larissa's heels echo through the room and back towards you. In fact, you hadn't even realised she was anywhere near. Not until she harshly placed her phone, which was now lit up with all of the filthy messages you had sent her, right in front of you.
"I can explain," you started, sighing softly.
"Oh, please do... Indulge me, [y/n]," Larissa snapped back, arms crossing over her chest in disapproval.
Was she delighted to have received those stunning photos? Sure. Did it turn her on to hear all of the filthy things you wanted her to do to you? Of course. Was it appropriate for you to do both of those things during a very important meeting? Absolutely not.
"I - I missed you."
Larissa scoffed, "You missed me?" Two clicks of heels and Larissa was right behind you again, towering over your naked frame as she pressed her left arm next to you on the desk for support. Her right palm slid with ease down between your soaked thighs as she continued, "Or did your pussy miss me?"
Your mind spun with arousal as you felt her long digits slide through your wetness, gathering as much of it as possible on her middle finger before she circled that same finger around your sensitive clit. It was all you could feel or think about in that moment.
Craving her touch for hours had made you almost lose your sanity, your knees wobbling as moans started flowing freely out of your mouth.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Larissa shook her head, a playful smirk playing on her lips at the mess she had rendered you to. "Ignoring me is only going to make things worse for you, darling."
The blue eyed woman snatched her hand away before bringing it back down, this time with more force, on the same ass cheek she had hit previously, pulling a distraught whine out of you as your chest rose and fell with harsh breaths.
"I-I'm sorry!"
"Not good enough." Another slap.
"Please," you were panting at this point.
"Please what, [y/n]? You're making this difficult for yourself. Use your words, darling," Larissa was feeling quite cocky with herself. Making you a dripping, incoherent mess was just one of the biggest delights in her life.
The blonde steadily began tracing her fingertips up your soaked thighs, biting her lipstick tainted bottom lip as to muffle the moan that slipped its way through at the feeling of your wetness.
Her skilled fingers drove through your slick folds at an agonising pace, up and back down, before leaving you craving more as she smoothed over the pink rosy mark on your butt cheek and crawled up along your spine.
A strangled moan forced its way out of your throat once she reached your hair, repeating the motion from before and pulling it back. This time, guiding your focus towards her phone, filling your vision with enough to make you blush.
"I'm only going to ask this once, darling, so pay attention," Larissa spoke dangerously low as her free hand snaked around the front of your thighs and right in between, making quick work of finding your hard clit as she drew fast circles, "Do you think what you did today was in any way appropriate? Do you think I deserved that? Do you understand just how difficult you made my meeting, darling? How frustrated you made me?"
With your eyes rolling into the back of your head and your hips bucking in Larissa's warm palm, you somehow managed to find the power to answer the Principals questions.
"N-No! I m-mean, I'm sorry!"
Larissa eased up on her movements, letting your soft hair cascade back down as she straightened up enough to lean over the desk again. Enough to keep a torturous pace on your now-swollen clit.
You were already close. So, so close. But you knew the blonde wouldn't give in so easily. Tears formed in your eyes as you tried to find redemption, "I'm sorry for my behaviour, Principal W-Weems. I didn't think about how my actions would, um, oh—"
A moan cut your sentence short as you felt Larissa's long digits slide inside of you.
"Do continue, [y/n]." There was a sickly tone in the tall woman's voice; one that had your body flush, both, in anger and arousal.
"Um, I just wanted to say," you tried again as your eyes fluttered shut, hips beginning to ride back and forth at an even pace, "I'm really sorry. It—It won't happen again."
"No," Larissa confirmed, now curling her fingers the way she knew would make your mouth fall open as she relished in the sounds that she could pull out of you. She was hot, bothered, frustrated and pent up. And somehow, you were the one getting exactly what you had wanted all along, "It certainly won't be happening again."
Cries pulled from your lungs as Larissa's fingers left your heat, making your pussy clench from the loss of warmth.
"In fact, I believe your behaviour will be absolutely stellar after I'm done with you," the tall blonde smiled as she spoke calmly over the noise of your cries, whines and pleas.
The silky material of her dress tore away from your skin, and within seconds you were up and following her warmth, grasping onto the fabric wrapped around her forearms as you looked up at her with doe eyes, "I'm going to be a good girl, I promise! Please."
"Yes, my darling. You will be," Larissa nodded in confirmation, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead, a smirk pulling at the corners of her lips, "That's if you want to cum at all today."
You opened your mouth to speak, to ask what she meant, to stupidly beg some more, but before you could, Larissa began undressing nonchalantly.
Tongue running over your lips, you took in the sight with appreciation, delighted that she was still willing to give you what you so badly craved.
You dropped to your knees, palms resting on the soft skin of your thighs as you desperately wanted to taste her. Larissa softly smiled, mumbling a "Good girl," as she rid herself of the rest of her clothing and undergarments.
Surprisingly, the principal had left her heels on, your eyes following the clicking of them as she rounded her desk, her bottom half now out of sight.
Furrowing your eyebrows as she sat down on her office chair with a relaxed sigh, you attempted to rise again, wanting to see more of her.
"Ah, ah," Larissa lifted a finger in warning, "You'll be staying right there."
And without another word, the blonde's eyes fell shut, just as her nimble fingers darted down out of your eyesight, and no amount of shifting or raising onto your knees made the view any more pleasant for you. Larissa was almost completely out of sight, her stupid desk being entirely in the way.
And as you mentally cussed yourself out for kneeling right there of all places, all you could hear were the sweet, relieved gasps and sighs falling from the blondes lips. Then, in that exact moment, you swore to yourself that you would never, absolutely EVER, tease the woman again.
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spicy-picklez · 2 years
I fucking adored your rainbow after a storm story, it was so beautifully written. Can I request Larissa Weems x pregnant fem nevermore teacher? Just a huge comfort fic really. Larissa bringing her 3am cravings, rubbing her belly when the baby's kicking, insisting reader always sits down or always lays down and reader refusing because she'd feel lazy if she did
Hey Anon!
I'm so glad you're liking the story. I'm just going through writer's block at the moment when it comes to Rainbow After A Storm. I feel like it's becoming rather repetitive and I'm not sure how I want the rest of the series to end. If anyone has any ideas, they're greatly appreciated. 😊
Absolutely loved writing this, I'm sorry its so short but my phone is threatening to die on me so I just want to get something posted before it does die.
Rest up, Darling
Soft Larissa, just a whole lot of fluff
Pregnant!teacher!wife!reader x principal!wife!larissa
Yet again, your unborn baby keeps you up at night and Larissa doesn't hesitate to make sure you're ok.
Word Count:
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A/N: And she's posted again, would you look at that? Trying to smash out as many requests as I can while I have the chance. But in all seriousness, if anyone has any ideas on how the Rainbow After A Storm series should end, please tell me because my writers block on that series is not good. 😂😶
Everything hurts, your back has been carrying the strain of your unborn child for 8 months now. You've resigned to waddling through the Nevermore Halls, one hand on your belly as you do. Larissa has been telling you rather persistently now that you should be relaxing and to take it easy but you'd rather not, you love your job. Yes, the students can get on your nerves sometimes and yes, your days are long and there's many assignments to grade but the relationship you have with the students, you wouldn't change for the world. Besides, you read that the more exercise you do apparently makes labour quicker and sitting down all the time would hinder that.
Your wife's sleeping figure rises softly with each breath, strands of her blonde hair falling over her pale face. You can't sleep, it's become a frequent issue lately. Sitting up, you prop a pillow between your aching back and the bed's headboard before leaning back against it. Mindlessly scrolling through your phone, your stomach grumbles. When was the last time you ate? Swinging your legs to the side of the bed, the springs groan under your weight as you try not to wake your wife.
"Darling, how many times have I told you to sit down and rest?" Larissa's voice, deep with sleep, sounds from behind you as her soft hands reach across to sit you back down. "I know, I know. I just realised I didn't eat when I got back today and I'm hungry." You say quietly as she cups your cheek with her hand. In an instant, your wife is standing up, wrapping her dressing gown around her body. "I'll go get something love, you need rest. What do you feel like?" A reluctant sigh escapes you as you settle yourself back in bed. "I don't know, baby's telling me cucumber and mayo for some reason."
A tired smile pulls at her lips as you say this, shaking her head in disbelief. "Alright, stay here and I'll bring you some darling." She says before quickly exiting the room, coming in a few minutes later with a small bowl of mayo and thinly sliced cucumber. Gently placing her lips on yours, she hands you the bowl.
"Thank you baby… You know I'm perfectly capable of getting my own food." You say, leaning up against the headboard as she gently rubs your baby bump, peppering kisses over your belly. "I know sweetheart but you also haven't been sleeping well, you need all the rest you can get." She says pressing a kiss to your lips before leaning down to talk to your belly. "As for you little one, you need to stop bothering your beautiful mumma. She needs rest before you're born because god knows we won't get any when we finally meet you." She whispers fondly as a smile pulls at your lips at the sight.
Larissa has been nothing but amazing to you, especially throughout the pregnancy journey so far and you know that she'll be the best mum to your child. Placing the now empty bowl of food on your nightstand, you let yourself slide down under the blankets as Larissa wraps her arms around you, pulling your back flush with her front. Her hands gently rub your belly as you relax into her embrace, sighing contentedly. "I love you." You manage to mumble before exhaustion overtakes you, finally managing to get to sleep.
A soft chuckle escapes your wife as she brushes back the fallen hair from your face. Gently placing a kiss on your temple, she buries her head in the crook of your neck, still rubbing your belly. "I love you more."
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daydream-cement · 2 years
I’m sorry if this is not the place to do this? If it’s not I aplologize but I love your work and was wondering if you could try a fem reader x Larissa fic where Larissa is really struggling with the fact that she almost died but is hiding it? Just a gold old hurt/comfort story!
Larissa Weems x Reader
Authors Note: a lil hurt comfort to start the day
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You woke up to her side of the bed cold. The light to the bathroom was off, but through the crack in the bedroom door, you knew the lights were on out in the hallway. Larissa must have had another nightmare.
Larissa had been having trouble sleeping. More than that, she seemed to be struggling with talking to you about anything that happened that night. When you found her in that hospital bed, she feigned a smile and has been pretending she was okay since then.
Slipping from the bed, you pull on Larissa's robe, deciding you would attempt speaking to her. All of your efforts of getting her to open up have failed thus far, but you wouldn't be discouraged. You pull open the bedroom door and gently pad down the hallway.
Peaking out into the living room, you see Larissa watching the fireplace. Her hair is tinted orange by the glow of the fire and from the way her shoulders slump, you can tell she is exhausted. As to not spook her, you gently call her name as you approach, "Larissa..."
She doesn't speak, but you see her shoulders rise and fall with a deep breath.
"Honey... Would you like to talk about it?" You round the sofa and take a seat next to her, trying to leave some distance between the two of you. During this time, you were trying to respect her boundaries and you didn't want to make her feel suffocated.
More silence from Larissa. You decide to just wait. You lean back against the couch cushions, resting your head on the back of the couch so you can sleepily watch Larissa. You were unintentionally falling asleep when her voice called you back to reality.
"It's really scary... thinking I was going to die. I-" Larissa's head fell into her hands when the tears began to fall, "God.. I seem so stupid."
"Oh, that's not stupid at all." You pull yourself closer to her, bringing your leg up on the couch so you can face her fully. Your hands grasped at her arm, hoping she would turn and face you. Larissa turned to you quickly, winding her arms around you and hugging you with such force that it knocked you over.
Now with her head in the crook of your neck and the pressure of her body lying atop of yours, she began opening her heart to you, "It hurt so much and then it didn't. I couldn't protect anyone. I spent my whole career trying to protect my students and in the end, I couldn't do anything to help them. It- I have been so... scared since."
"Oh, my sweet..." You take her face in her hands and manipulate her head so you can press kisses to her temple. You didn't know what to say to her. In the end, you couldn't begin to understand the trauma she had endured.
"I think... I think I just need time to... process. Having you here with me helps." She whispered before pressing a kiss to your neck. You could feel her tears falling against your neck. To comfort her, you begin running your hands through her hair, running your fingers through the long locks.
"I will always be here for you." You whisper, maintaining your movements until you felt the tears stop. By the rate of her breathing, you assumed she had finally fell back asleep. Larissa certainly wouldn't be better overnight, but you would spend hundreds of nights in this same position if it meant she felt loved and comforted by you.
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blue-mint-winter · 2 months
So I started reading Fire and Blood and stopped on Maegor's death. I had some thoughts:
I think the Targaryens were fighting each other during Century of Blood (before the Conquest), because of 2 reasons. Firstly, 4 out of 5 dragons they brought from Valyria died of unspecified causes and I doubt it was old age. Secondly, there's a passage about succession: "the lordship passed to their son Maegon, his brother Aerys, and Aerys’s sons, Aelyx, Baelon, and Daemion. The last of the three brothers was Daemion, whose son Aerion then succeeded to Dragonstone". It's probable they fought each other and Daemion was the last one standing. And after that they covered it up and never mentioned it again, because of the kinslaying stigma.
There's a mention of Velaryon having Targaryen blood: "Lady Valaena of House Velaryon, herself half Targaryen on her mother’s side". If she had brothers, then it's possible they were Sea Snake's ancestors and it proves why Addam in the show could claim a dragon. Possibly. Also, it appears that there was a time when Targaryens had enough women to spare to marry to other houses. Aeriana, the greatgrandmother of Ser Steffon in the show, doesn't break book canon ;)
I am very curious what was in Deria Martell's letter to Aegon that convinced him to make peace with Dorne. My theory is that it has something to do with the prophecy or his dreams. Martells know something important and I hope it will be revealed in the main ASOIAF story.
It was pretty obvious that Rhaena was visiting all her gal pals when she was flying around on Dreamfyre. Four women, four locations: Larissa Velaryon - on Tarth, Alayne Royce - in Runestone, Melony Piper - Harrenhal (maybe she was there, at least it proves Rhaena flew to Riverlands), Samantha Stokeworth - Gulltown (?).
I wonder what was the Hightowers game during Aenys&Maegor mess. They had Ceryse as Maegor's wife but they didn't support him and didn't use this connection in any way that made sense, even though they were anti-Aenys and Aegon/Rhaena. Maybe their goal was to use Faith to get rid of all Targaryens and Ceryse was just a smokescreen. In the end she was kind of useless? I think Otto should have been born earlier to concoct some better schemes ;)
High Septon's murder mystery shall remain a mystery as the author lists all suspects, even Visenya who wasn't there, but nothing about the cause of death. Kind of makes me think that maybe in this one case it was natural causes, he could have a stroke out of nowhere and die, it sometimes happens to even young people.
What was Tyanna's goal??? It's kind of frustrating that the text doesn't hint at any kind of motivations she could have for her actions. The explanation that she was a witch is just weak. She was rumoured to be Alys Harroway's paramour, they even shared a wedding night, and then she threw Alys under the bus by accusing her of cheating and personally tortured and killed her. Then she confessed to poisoning all of Maegor's unborn children. What's the reason, did she hate Maegor and didn't want him to have kids? Was her goal to eventually kill him too and take power for herself as the Queen?
I'd like to know more about Lodos, the son of Drowned God, and Lodos the Twice-Drowned, because the idea they were the same person is fascinating. This is some real Ironborn fuckery.
Lucifer Massey just appeared and died fighting by Maegor's side against Warrior's Sons. With a name like that he deserves a longer story.
Maegor's murder mystery. I have no idea who did it. Tyanna's ghost? A quick crackpot theory - he pressed a secret button Aegon installed that makes the blades come out of the throne and kill the person sitting on it. Only true heirs of the throne know about that button, ensuring their safety. The ones who usurp the throne get cut and killed by it. Sadly, the knowledge of the button died with Aegon the Uncrowned, though it could have been rediscovered later on.
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alder-saan · 1 year
the Path of Poisons .8
Larissa x gn! oc
OKAY, I know the name is... what it is, but I'm talking about the flower, not about anything else, okay?
the Path of Poisons masterlist . [01] . [02] . [03] . [04] . [05] . [06] . [07] . [08] . [09]
wordcount: 2k
tw: Larissa's low self-esteem, poisoning
warning: as usual, this one is a translation... so sorry for weird English and misgenderings.
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As Larissa had expected, she and Rei had hardly spoken to each other this week, except during the staff meetings. She had a lot of work to do, and Rei didn't have to make much effort to avoid her. They were beginning to think that ending the relationship here, before it went too far, might be the best thing to do. It was cowardly, to stop like that without saying anything. But Rei had never been a very brave person. They didn't want to lie to her, but every time they had the chance to tell her, the words got stuck in their throat. They were afraid that the nightmare would start again. And then being in Nevermore made them tense.
They were in the middle of a lesson when a student entered the greenhouse without knocking.
"Mx Asphodelus, Mrs. Kedlan is asking for you! It's urgent.
"Finish studying the columbine flowers, I'll be back. Careful, no ingestion, I trust you."
They went out. If Thalia was calling them like this in the middle of a class, it must be really urgent. They followed the student through the academy. He led them to the infirmary. Right. It must have been poison, they thought.
The door opened to reveal the nurse, Mrs. Weems, Thalia and a dark haired student lying on the bed.
"Rei, Wednesday has been poisoned. We don't know what it is and as I know you know a bit about it, we wanted to know if it was worth calling for help."
"Mmm. I'm going to watch this. Do you know what the poison is, how she swallowed it?"
"Nobody knows," Larissa replied, "she came to my office saying she had been poisoned, and then she fainted. I brought her straight here."
They looked at the girl. Her skin was pinker than usual, her breathing was rapid.
"Okay, I've got the antidote, but I'll need someone to watch her while I go and get it. Make sure she's still breathing, and watch her heart."
They ran out of the infirmary. Cyanide. She had been poisoned by cyanide. They ran as fast as they could. In this kind of case, it was all a matter of seconds. Once in his classroom, he made no comment, nor did he answer any of the students' questions as they watched him rummage through his cupboard, cursing.
"What's going on?" someone asked, a little louder than the others.
"Shut up and stop experimenting. Wash your hands well. I have no more antidote for you."
Rei left, and all the students dropped their flowers. On the way back, they tried to fill a small syringe with the liquid they had gone to get. He slowed down, watching the liquid slowly fill the container, and then continued to run to the infirmary. They slammed the door open. Wednesday was still lying on her bed, and thank God she was still breathing. Rei stuck the needle in her shoulder.
"Now call the emergency room. She needs to be taken care of."
"We already did," said the nurse, "what… What was it?"
Larissa frowned.
I don't know where it came from, though. She could have swallowed it, or inhaled it, or whatever, and it could be from a lot of different things.
"Could it be… criminal?"
Yes. And it probably is. Accidental cyanide poisoning is not common at all.
Larissa shivered. Someone still wanted to hurt them. And with what had happened the previous year, it didn't look good. She was afraid. She was afraid for Nevermore, for her students, but also for herself. She felt very selfish, being afraid for herself. The health of her students had always come first, until she had been poisoned. All this had made her weak.
"She will survive. If she didn't die in the first few minutes, she'll survive. It's a quick poison."
Rei quietly reached for Larissa's hand beside them. They gently stroked her palm with their thumb. It was a bit silly considering they had just ended his advances a week before. But seeing her like this hurt.
"Don't worry about it. We'll find out who did this together. Speaking of poison, my friend said, I have Avareida's contact information. I'll send it to you right away."
Larissa nodded, a little reassured to have someone, to have Rei, by her side. She had been overthinking all week, wondering what she had done wrong in relation to them, but now she felt a little better. If they took her hand to reassure her, it was because they didn't have a problem with her, did they?
Larissa deleted.
"Dear Av."
Larissa deleted.
Larissa deleted. She held her head in her hands, elbows resting on her desk. Tears welled up in her eyes. What was she supposed to start this email with? What was she supposed to say? She wasn't even sure why she'd wanted to send it. She wanted to feel better herself, it was selfish. She had become selfish, and she realized it. But she wanted to send that email. She had to do it. She couldn't not do it. She took a deep breath.
"Dear Avareida,
I think you remember me, I think you can't forget me after what I did.
I am deeply sorry.
I wanted to apologize to you, even though I know it won't be enough. What I did was horrible and unforgivable, and I hope you got better after that. If there's anything I can do to help you, like reimburse you for counselling or anything like that, I'd be happy to do it.
I'll understand if you don't want to answer me, don't worry about it. So if you don't want to hear from me ever again, don't answer me and I'll take that as a sign that it's my turn to forget you.
If you want to answer me, I can hear and read everything. I am ready to accept the consequences of my actions.
She pressed the send button immediately, as if she knew that hesitating any longer would lead her to give up. She shouldn't give up. Not now. She had to take responsibility. She had no right to do otherwise.
There was a knock at her door.
She wiped a few tears from her eyes with the back of her sleeve and spoke in a voice that wanted to be confident.
"Come in."
Rei gently pushed the door open.
"Hello, I wanted to see how you were doing…"
They approached her with a worried smile on their faces. Larissa was livid.
"I just… I just sent an email to Ava… One of my students is in the hospital, and someone wants to harm my academy. I think I've lived better."
She laughed nervously.
"Hey, it's okay… I'm here for you. We're all here for you."
"I feel like a horrible person."
"You're not."
"I am! I was horrible to someone when I was young, and this story scares me more for myself than for anyone else!"
Rei looked into her eyes, looking both serious and sorry.
"You almost died a few months ago. Of course you're afraid. Don't ever blame yourself for being afraid, Larissa. Please don't."
"But that's selfish!"
"Larissa, if you're selfish, I don't know what I am. I've always done everything for myself. You sacrificed yourself for a school. I flight, I lie, you face, you protect. And you were hurt. It's normal that you want to protect yourself, for once. Nobody blames you for being afraid."
They walked around the desk. Larissa swiveled her seat towards them, and they put their hands on the principal's cheeks.
"Refusing to be your partner was totally selfish. Because I want to, you want to, and I could, but that would require me to do something I don't want to do. Maybe you're angry with me for saying no."
"Not at all."
Rei gave her a soft smile, and stroked her cheeks with their thumbs.
"What do you… What do you have to do? You're already in a relationship, aren't you?" Larissa asked.
"I can't tell you that, I'm sorry. But I'm not in a relationship."
"And… does that really stop you from being my partner?"
Rei took a step back, and looked out the window thoughtfully, arms crossed over their chest.
"Technically, no. Morally… It's a bit complicated."
"Raine… Is it serious?"
Larissa stood up, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.
"It's complicated. But if you must know, no crime was committed, no one was hurt."
"Would you mind if we continued to see each other anyway?"
They looked around the courtyard at the students talking and laughing. A bittersweet feeling came over their heart.
"It would be selfish of me to agree."
"You can be selfish, I don't care. As long as you haven't lied to me about who you are, I don't care about anything else."
"You… You think I lied to you?"
Their heart quickened. Did she know? Did she suspect anything? Did she know everything? And since when? They felt themselves start to tremble, but they hid it so well that Larissa couldn't have guessed.
"No. But I don't know, you could be playing a role, you could be making me think you like me, you could… I don't know."
They sighed silently, everything was fine, Larissa didn't suspect anything, and that was the main thing.
"I'm not playing a role. I'm genuine, when I talk to you, when I act."
"So I don't care about anything else. As long as I like you, and not a role you play, I don't care about the rest. If you want to, as you say, become my partner."
"Are you sure about this?"
"Yes. I don't know what you have to do, but take your time. I can even help you, if you want. But I can also help you do it if we're together. I want to help you."
Truth was, Larissa wasn't sure if she wanted to help them or just help. As if helping someone could erase all the bad things she'd done in her youth.
"Look, I… I should never have agreed to see you in the first place. It was a mistake on my part, I shouldn't have."
Larissa frowned and took two steps back.
"Is this all a mistake to you?"
Rei shrugged, their eyes still fixed on the outside, even though the students had left.
"A very nice mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. And it's not because it's you. I'm in a situation where dating you wasn't a good idea. I shouldn't have started, and it would be better if we stopped before it got too hard for me."
"I don't understand you."
"You will. And on that day, you'll judge what you want. I want you to know that it's because your judgment of me is not clear right now, and that you might consider it taking advantage of you, when you understand. I don't want you to think that about me. So I'd rather wait until you know everything. If you ever know."
"If there wasn't… All of this. Would you?"
Rei had answered so quickly, Larissa was a little relieved.
"When you get better," Rei continued, "I'll tell you everything. For now, you need to rest, and we'll deal with the most urgent problems."
Larissa sat up in bed. It was late. Much too late for someone who needed to rest. She ran her hands through her hair to untangle the curls that fell down her back. Outside, the wind caressed the leaves of the trees in the night. With a gentle gesture, she placed the pins on her bedside table. And then she undressed completely. Her stockings, her dress, her underwear. She looked at herself, naked but still made up in the mirror.
"Hey, old girl… Look at you, you look depressed. Pull yourself together."
She made a face, thought she was stupid, and put on her silk nightgown. She wanted to feel desirable tonight. Even if there was no one to see her.
I don't need anyone.
sorry, that wasn't that good haha...
Well I hope the next chapter will be better.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
hi uhmm, can i request a larissa x reader where reader got drowned on a lake or smth, and larissa saves the reader and takes care of them. I have no clue why i requested this but maybe because i experienced it a long time ago. If you don't like the idea, that's alright and take your time <33
- 🥀 anon
Drowning| H&c
*Authors note~ I also experienced this 🥀anon so I'm sorry you've had this experience and I'm always here to talk to if you want someone who can definitely relate*
Trigger warnings~ drowning, bullying to r
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
It's really unfair how something innocent can be turned into something horrible with a second. School was always something you you found to be difficult, not because of the work but because you never seemed to fit in with your peers. Here at Nevermore and in your Normie school before, it seemed you didn't fit in anywhere. Since Nevermore was a boarding school you'd found it harder to escape your peers. You knew first hand going to an adult would only make it worse but also not wanting to continue with the constant teasing and unkind words.
That's why you decided one weekend to stroll around Nevermore woods until you found a nice little spot by the lake to quietly read your book. From then on that spot became your spot. The water calmed you immensely and even as winter approached and the lake began to be frozen over more often than not you couldn't help but be mesmerised but it's stunning beauty. A place where you can just be you.
Unknown to you, you had been discovered and followed to your little spot while you were having a particularly stressful weekend. Parent's weekend was approaching and your parents just let you know they refused to come and see their eldest daughter when your sister Dahlia Faye had a match on that weekend. Theses matches occurred every other weekend but there was only one parents weekend yet they choose her like they always would. It hurt, but you had no choice but to pick yourself up and dust yourself off, moving on with your life at Nevermore.
Your chosen book today being some of Shakespeares work, Macbeth as it was one of your favourite plays. The dark twists and tragedy seemingly gripping you just like your mood already has. The overcast day aiding the mood as you settled on the bank to read your play, in your head you were able to create images of what the words were describing almost as if they were really in front of you, but using your gift to conjure what your mind desires is exhausting and makes you vulnerable to prying eyes.
Your concentration on the play you missed their arrival, they snuck behind you and shoved a bag on your head, instincts immediately responded and tried to free yourself from them but they were too strong and they outnumbered you massively. It wasn't hard for them to drag your flailing limbs over to the frozen lake. Immediately, you sensed the danger you were in before they some how immersed you into the jet back icy water. A big shock to your system as you tried to push yourself back onto the ice, anything better than this, only to be held down by a hand. You were gonna die here, freezing cold and surrounded by those who had no care for you what so ever. Just your luck.
Honestly by the time the water caused you to black out you thought no one was gonna save you. But that's when you heard that voice, you thought you'd died and truly found heaven. The voice of an angel. But you couldn't see think or feel so how could this be heaven? Perhaps a cruel joke, or trickery of the devil?
You came round slowly, shivers wracking your body violently, lips painted an icy blue and soaked to the bone. "Mm whe re am I" you muttered as you voice shook with the force of your shivering. "Shhh it's okay, you're safe sweetheart, just need to get you warm before you catch your death" that voice again, a blanket layered on top of the many others you were snuggled into. A fire was roaring away across the room and you noticed a steaming cup near to you. "Sweetheart drink this, it will warm you up.  We really need to get you out of those wet clothes" the voiced murmured and that's when you realised who it belonged too.
"Pr rin cipal we ee ms?" You stuttered as your teeth chattered together. "That's right, I saw what happened and came as quick as I could, they are all expelled by the way, won't be having any of that to anyone, please tell me if there's anything else I should know" she murmured to you offering you the cup to take into your frozen fingers. "Th an k youu" was all you managed before sipping your tea. "I want you to stay here sweetheart, I have to make sure your okay for parent's weekend."
"Wouldn't bother, aren't coming anyway" you mumbled avoiding your principals worried gaze. "Well you can spend it with me if you wish, I know it's not cool to be around your principal but I hate the thought of you alone sweetheart. So let's get you all nice and warm, then we can talk okay?"
Word count~ 911
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suckerforcate · 2 years
Sp your requests are open.. We all know how spontaneously angry Principle Weems can get,
So only and I mean only if you are comfortable, if you are not please tell me I'd hate to make you uncomfortable again if this request does.
Could you do her reaction to her hitting the reader and/or the reader flinching at her during and argument. All I want from the reader is, if you choose to end angsty , the reader addressing her as “Principle Weems.” Instead of Larissa.
Old habits die hard
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Word Count: 352
Warning: mention of child abuse
A/n: I didn't really feel, that letting Larissa actually hit R would fit her character, so I choose the flinching option. It's quite short, but I hope you like it nonetheless! <3 @fortythree-or-43
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"My god, (Y/n). You're acting like one of my students. Why are you so stubborn?" Larissa was annoyed, rightly so. You actually knew that you were in the wrong, but you were way too stubborn to admit that now. You stepped closer to her.
"Because you don't get it, what you did-" You stumbled over your words and flinched as Larissa aggressively lifted her hand. She actually just wanted to rub her temples and deep down you knew that. You also knew that she'd never hurt you, however mad she was at you. But old habits die hard, right? So your body reacted before you even knew it and you stepped away from her, holding your arms in front of you, as if to protect you.
"I'm sorry, Larissa. Please don't be mad." You realised, that you sounded like a child. A scared little child. The child you had been, many years ago.
Larissa face fell, eyes and movements becoming kinder and calmer immediately. The fight and her anger long forgotten.
She wanted to take a step forward, but you didn't let her. You stepped further away from her, caving in on the couch. Larissa slowly sat down on the floor, so you could look at her and see where her hands were at all times.
"My love, please look at me. I'd never hurt you." As you took your hands away from your face, Larissa saw a few silent tears roll down your cheek. The look you saw in her eyes, told you everything you needed to know. You found nothing but love, care and honesty in them.
Still crying you slid off the couch and crawled to her. You felt so ridiculously stupid, for having reacted like that. Sitting between her legs, she held you. Calming you down and whispering sweet nothing's in your ear.
"Shhh, Darling. It's alright. Please don't cry." She gently kissed the top of your head and rocked you in her arms.
"You don't have to tell me today, not even tomorrow. But whenever you feel ready, know that you can talk to me. I'll listen."
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