#Larue jjk
omint · 4 months
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epickiya722 · 2 months
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damn-stark · 29 days
Chapter 38 Les
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Chapter 38 of Sugar
A/N- I hope you guys like it hehe (I wrote this whilst studying for my PTCB:)
Warning- Swearing, ANGST, fludd, violence and blood, talks of DEATH, Sukuna, SPOILERS!!!! long chapter!
Pairing- Choso x Gojo!fem-reader, Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader
Episode and or chapters- Chapter 253-254
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
There you were, frozen in time, beautiful and radiant as if you were the sun itself. Flashing a flattering smile that could make anyone fall in love with you, in designer clothes he had no idea how much they’re worth or who they’re made by, but with the eyes of a stranger.
You've mentioned multiple times how your eyes changed the day your technique was fully awakened within you and completely erased the person you once were. It happened years before he and you met so seeing a reflection of this old person is completely strange to him. Yet fascinating.
“Hey, I didn’t know she had a billboard out,” Yuji points out as he falls by Choso’s side and looks at a large billboard of you.
“It’s a birthday gift from Hakari and Kirara. They had 28 put up in some cities I don’t remember,” Choso lets him know, making Yuji mumble something he doesn’t catch because of the loud thoughts racing in his mind.
Thoughts he can’t keep inside. “Would it be selfish to say I want to forbid her from danger? Even if she is strong?”
“Hm?” Yuji hums and blinks to look away from the billboard and instead look at his older brother.
Choso slowly reaches for the image of you as he imagines it's actually you before him. “I lost two brothers already. I don’t want to lose her too.”
There’s many things Yuji can say to comfort his brother, all of which sound the same, but could all be lies. You aren’t fighting some common sorcerer, you’re fighting the King of Curses so he can’t guarantee you’re survival, but how can he just watch his only brother suffer when said brother does everything to make him feel reassured when he needs it.
“She’s strong, she’ll survive. And Sukuna has been hurt she won’t die.”
Choso presses his fingers against the cold billboard and sighs. “I look at her and all I see is my future. Since the moment I laid my eyes on her in that capsule. It was an innocent admiration then, but it flourished and now the mere thought of living my life without her horrifies me,” Choso pours his heart and relieves his mind of the tension the rushing thoughts brought.
“Yet,” he talks quieter and with an obvious lump of different emotions stuck in his throat. “I still let her fight. I still watch her and say goodbye. So would it be selfish if I kept her away from danger so I don’t lose my future and everything that’s beautiful?”
Yuji drifts his gaze back to your billboard and doesn’t hide the truth. “I’ve never loved anyone the way you love her, but yes it would be selfish. Sharing your desires and fears isn’t what’s selfish, but doing that against her will would be.”
For the first time since they came across the billboard, Choso drops his gaze and mulls over the wise thing his little brother just told him.
“You’re wise,” Choso compliments Yuji with a faint but proud smile.
Yuji, albeit, wonders if he should be offended that his brother didn’t think he was wise before or touched by such a heartwarming compliment.
“But,” Choso interjects and brings his gaze back to the image of you. “I hope you’re right.”
Yuji watches his brother and thinks back to the moment he was feeling your belly and keeping you within arm's reach. He thinks that it was such a sweet moment, and one he wants Choso to not repeat in the sense that he doesn’t want his brother to hold onto you out of fear he’ll lose you, he wants his older brother to just make more precious memories of his precious life with you.
He deserves it, Yuji thinks. Choso deserves a precious human life.
“I trust her, I know she'll fight hard to stay alive,” Yuji adds one last assuring thing before he walks to his brother to pat his shoulder before leaving the billboard behind.
Choso lingers behind though, and brings his hand down to take his phone out and watch the broadcast, hoping he’ll catch a glimpse of you. But all he’s welcomed with is more worry as all he sees is your domain still hovering above ground.
Sharp and violent winds thrash violently, constricting the ability to breathe, robbing the sense of sound with roaring gusts that pull blood out of his ears, and bringing a terrorizing darkness that could make anyone believe they're nowhere, that they are nothing until suddenly bright and hot flames erupt from the ground and tangle with the gusts of wind spinning around you and the beast enclosed with you.
Water accompanies you too, the humidity sticks to your skin and puddles around your feet. As the fire births light to the domain, you can see wet gleaming walls towering over the tornado like never-ending walls.
To any normal sorcerer or non-sorcerer, the plummet in the air pressure alone would’ve killed them, but Sukuna is no normal being, it’s why he’s the King of Curses.
“I knew you wouldn’t die,” you mumble to yourself and notice two of his hands stuck in the Hollow Wicker Basket hand sign, protecting him from your domain.
Or so he thinks it’s what will protect him. Your winds are strong, they can—could break through…Satoru’s infinity and scratch him.
“You’d be stupid to believe this would kill me,” he barks back.
You roll your eyes and put your hands on your hips to snap back. “That’s why I said I knew you wouldn’t. Whatever, can’t you feel it?” You point out the scratch mark that slashes across his cheek as gusts of wind sneak through his barrier.
One of Sukuna’s eyes drop and spot a trickle of blood running out of the scratch. Yet instead of countering, or reacting with frustration, Sukuna smirks and flashes it at you. “You know,” he drags out with that smirk still tugged on his lips. “For a woman, you really caught me by surprise. I commend you.”
You always forget he’s ancient.
“You are not so terrible to look at it either, I’ll enjoy eating you after.”
At least he didn’t underestimate you. That’s actually surprising considering how old he is. Which actually makes this fight a little less exhilarating, you like to prove people wrong.
But oh well, you’ll still have fun. It’s been a while since you’ve used your domain, so why don’t you show off? And since you can’t use the sweet revenge of death against him, you’ll show the King of curses pain. Pain for breaking your heart and robbing what was precious to you.
Nanako, Mimiko…Satoru.
Today at this moment, in this fight, he will pay for what he did, he will pay for stealing their lives. He will feel your pain still atonginzimg your heart, and the anger coursing through your blood and casting your arms on fire born from flames burning within you.
Sukuna’s smirk widens to an amused grin, only turning his already intimidating face, actually horrifying. But you don’t let him affect you, your glare seethes with anger and heartbreak as you throw your fist up and rip the piece of the earth that he stands on to hurl it in the air on purpose.
Sukuna figures that out, but you blast off after him with one hand already reaching for his neck. He smirks and turns his arm to throw a slash at you, but this is your domain. Yours! Not his. He doesn’t have unlimited access to the elements, you do, so you drop the support of the air blasting you in the sky and let gravity pull you down to avoid being slashed.
“Tsk,” Sukuna still expresses with amusement and uses the air to make space between you while also fighting the tornado's grip aching to pull him in to tangle with its violent winds.
Nonetheless, it’s like you said, this is your domain, so you catch him off guard by bursting water through the spinning walls in the form of your giant hand, causing Sukuna’s eyes to slowly narrow as he watches how the water-made hand grows several feet high with no limitation. His eyes then drop to meet yours and he catches a cocky smirk playing on your face that ticks him off but also doesn’t fail to amuse him.
However, that amusement is all too quickly wiped off his face when the hand swings down and flings him in the tornado. You don’t fail to follow after him, knowing the winds won’t cut you, or constrict air from reaching your lungs, and your anti-domain barrier won’t shatter. Sukuna on the other hand, no matter how strong he can’t escape needing to breathe. The winds travel so fast and the air pressure runs so high that he has to heave to breathe. And that barrier?
That barrier begins to crack no matter how hard he fights to keep it up, letting you use this falter to lunge at him and manage to slap your hands on his face.
From this close Sukuna can see how glossy your eyes are, he can see the aching pain in your eyes, and the fury within the fires lit in them. If only you were strong enough to actually kill him at that moment, but you leave one thing unaccounted for; he can still slash you using his hands. All he needs is his consciousness and you didn’t take that.
Thus as your palms burn on his skin, and you begin to open your mouth to hurt your throat to blast fire out at his face, he grips onto your side.
You feel his cold hand slap on your body. When you look down you realize at that moment what he's seconds away from doing, and who he could hurt as an outcome, so you quickly let his face go, and kick him back to push yourself out of the spinning winds of the tornado before he could tear your torso apart.
When you land back on solid ground, he manages to pull himself out of the tornado's grip and lands on the ground across from you with a reaction you weren’t expecting. “Your children should be proud to have such a ferocious mother. Not every mother's rage would burn as hot.”
He’s complimenting you. He’s not looking at you with ill intent, or cursing you for getting the upper hand. It terrifies you.
“What you should know though,” he mutters with a hardening stare. “I can play with fire too.”
You nervously clench your jaw and take a step back as you choose to let the tornado go and be left surrounded by just the marvelous walls of water.
Your flames probably can’t kill him, but they can hurt him, and him not healing his demon eyes you burnt proves that.
His flames could potentially kill you depending on how hot they burn and no matter how much you protect yourself against them, but being trapped in your domain can be a good countermeasure, you have unlimited power of your elements, and you can put up a good fight! Countering him will burn up a lot more of your cursed energy, but that doesn’t matter, not with him, not now when you can taste a hopeful end. And it especially doesn’t matter with your pain.
He stands there taunting you, reminding you of all he took. How can you not give him all you got? You’re strong!
You’re not a young and helpless girl who broke a sweat lifting rocks. You’re strong, you're powerful, and you’re vengeful!
Alas, just as you prepare to counter a fire attack from him, he crouches down hastily and slaps his hand on the ground, and mutters, “Spider-web.”
Your eyes widen and just as you prepare to deflect, the ground rumbles beneath you before suddenly it all shatters, leaving you unbalanced and open.
Or so he thinks.
Just as he prepares to find a way out of your domain, the debris is blasted up by wild flames that shoot from the ground beneath you, before suddenly giant fire-made fingers grab the edge of the ground.
The debris Sukuna made finds its way to form around the fire-made hands, while other pieces fall inside the gap and form around a head that rises out of the gap, followed by a woman figure.
When the fire-made woman stands in all her glory, Sukuna notices that the figure reflects you.
Nevertheless, he still finds your gaze between the gap of the figure's legs and flashes an all too menacing glare. But you don’t let that deadly look rattle you, you harden your glare and counter his threat.
“The last person who competed with my fire died,” Sukuna’s voice echoes throughout your domain. “Let’s see how long you remain standing, Gojo.”
You choose to stop waiting and use the figure towering before you to bring a rock-wrapped fist down in an attempt to crush Sukuna. But he of course manages to hold back the giant fist with his impressive strength, using two hands, and leaving one that he can’t use to put up a barrier so he's left him vulnerable.
Thus you use the other giant hand, but first drop the rocks protecting the fire, leaving a bare and bright fire-made hand.
Without a doubt from the corner of his eyes, Sukuna catches your intentions and uses ‘Spider-Web’ again to shatter the rock layer wrapped around the fire-made hand he's holding, before hurling himself back to make distance.
But not enough. He’s still in reach of your fire-made hands. You can hurt him again, even a little is enough.
You’ll show him pain…
And with that fueling your adrenaline, you form both of the fire-made hands into blades and quickly swing at Sukuna.
Albeit you meet his gaze between the gap of your figure's legs and don’t see him trying to counter with fire. Through the roaring of fire, you hear one word that drops your heart to your stomach.
Sukuna flashes you a faint smirk, and as the fire blades swing, long and tall slashes formed like a net come barreling at you, bringing with them your fate with no escape or miraculous survival. And if you died now what would be the point? What have you done besides take his demon eyes?
Nothing. And you made promises, you have Satori waiting for you, you won’t let Sukuna make her an orphan.
Hence with a heavy heart, you dismantle your domain, making everything within disappear along with it, only leaving you, your opponent, and the net of slashes threatening you to meet the same fate as Kashimo.
However, you have an advantage, a gift he didn’t.
“Cursed technique; fire serpent,” you announce and throw your hands out to cast off the head of the fire-serpent that quickly blasts its deadly flames, and barely manages to protect you against the slashes that could’ve killed you, leaving you face to face against Sukuna without the advantage of your domain, but with fire standing tall between you, bringing you a menacing demeanor as you hold Sukuna’s gaze through the flames.
“Standing a little too tall?” He doesn’t ask, he says it in an almost teasing tone.
You hold his gaze even if it feels like if you stare any longer he’ll just somehow kill you.
“What is a King to a God?” You retort.
Sukuna’s head tilts slightly and his eyes snap down and quickly come back up to your face. “If only Nanako and Mimiko had your confidence. Maybe then they’d be alive.”
Nanako and Mimiko, why does he keep saying their names as if he knew them? Him? Their killer.
Why does he keep looking at you like he’s expecting something, does he want to see you over-exceed yourself? Trick you like he did moments ago when he made you believe he’d fight with his fire so you could drop your domain?
Is saying their names some game to him?
It’s not to you.
Why did he kill them? They just wanted Suguru back. Why?
You want to ask. You need to ask.
“Why?” You ask with an anger that keeps building up. “Why did you kill them? They were just girls.”
“Hm?” He hums and tilts his head with an unsatisfied look. “Why not? I was bored and they thought they could ask me for something. You should’ve taught them respect. Tsk.” He shakes his head playfully, triggering your anger to explode, making you clench your jaw, and letting tears run down your cheeks while you dig your heels on the ground, and expand your cursed energy below the ground to connect to the water flowing below.
You also remember them, Nanako, and Mimiko. Their beautiful faces, their faces when they were little girls relieved to be out of the cages they were kept in. You see their smiles and all you want is your girls back. You want your brother back.
But it’s impossible. Sukuna made it impossible to see them again and now he makes jokes out of them.
He’ll hurt…
Thus using your cursed technique, you summon water to explode out of the ground around you, whilst turning off the fire dancing in front of you, and grow the water intimidatingly big as if you had summoned a deadly tsunami.
And even if holding it up weighs you down, you spin it around you so it can grow taller behind you before you blast it at him like a crashing wave, making sure to mix chunks of the ground with it, and not waiting to see if he was hurled back or came out unscathed before you use your speed and zoom forward through the thick body of water, hoping to catch him by surprise,.
Yet when the water falls, he’s no longer where he stood, instead, mere seconds later his shadow casts on the ground, making your eyes widen whilst you spin around and swing your hand back that you bask with fire-built blades.
However, Sukuna is quick, he catches your wrist with one of his big hands, not caring if the fire burns his skin. He then stares at you with beads of water rolling down his forehead before suddenly bringing his other hand up and wrapping it around your throat.
He sees the worm cursed spirit around your neck and tries to grab it but it turns itself small before it can be caught and hides in your pocket, leaving Sukuna to focus back on you and slam you into the ground, causing you to see a glimpse of darkness that was filled with dancing stars.
“So flamboyant, just like your brother,” he sneers. “You’re starting to annoy me.”
At the mention of your brother, you find the strength to throw your legs around his arm and tilt your head down to chomp down on his hand.
Before he can finish, fire comes out of your mouth, burning your throat and roasting his hand—not like he cared though because he follows by picking you up and slamming you back into the ground multiple times, hoping you’d slip and not protect yourself, but you do and counter back by using your leg and directing gusts of wind to hit him with an uppercut on his chin.
This makes him drop your throat, but you don’t have to appreciate how relieving it feels to breathe properly, you use the wind to spin up and have the upper ground. Sukuna spots you right away and doesn’t come up after you, he claps his hands together, telling you one thing; he’s gonna use Piercing blood.
Thanks to seeing Choso do it, you clap your hands together and have fire seep out of your hands and surround them. When you catch Sukuna’s blood arrow departing from his grip, you shoot the fire-made arrow out at the same time.
Once both arrows collide the fire breaks the blood apart and now targets Sukuna, but he moves, so you quickly mirror Choso’s move by making the arrow trail after your opponent.
Sukuna evades your arrow too well though and hurls up a sharp slash that you barely avoid by snapping your head to the side. He then quickly charges at you to overwhelm you and not leave you time to think of a smart counter-measure, but…you’re no teenage kid getting the grasp of your cursed technique and every dangerous attack your world has to offer, you've been taught well, you’ve been pushed, and you learned to not be a weak link.
You can be a monster too. Your hearts hardened once too.
It’s why you collect all the wind in the sky, making thick and dark clouds that cast the city in darkness. You bring the water up that you recently used and summon out more to shoot up and twist with the cyclone of wind. The earth sitting below trembles before chunks fly up and tangle with the growing twister. Lastly, you throw your arms out and use every ounce of strength you have to create fire from within and throw it out to mix with the other spinning elements.
You said he’ll know pain. You said he’ll hurt, so even if all four elements weigh you down and burn through your energy, strength, and cursed energy, you bring down the spinning cyclone on Sukuna before he can reach you, forcing him to slam into the ground.
You then stop using the wind to your advantage on land on stable ground to feed the cyclone with a mother's rage, and a sister's grief. Tears cloud your eyes before spilling out and streaming down the curve of your cheeks. It all weighs down so much that it begins to burn your muscles and hurt your chest, but you see Sukuna shielding himself with his arms to protect himself, you see him creating a crater on the ground as the elements shove him down, you see blood spilling out of cuts that weren’t there before, and that pain numbs.
All that torments your heart numbs away. It all goes quiet except for your beating heart, you feel that thumping in your ears.
Ba-dum. Ba-dum, ba-dum…
It starts to race until everything falls deafeningly silent and a flicker of your pain reappears and grows like wildfire, spreading its agonizing flames everywhere to the point you can’t handle it anymore.
You can’t…it hurts too much. So…with a trembling lip and tears streaming down, you cry out and power the fire that burns hot, the wind that cuts sharply, the water that hits roughly, and the earth that breaks away his strength.
It’s all so mesmerizing.
But through that pain and those tears, you don’t see when he manages to find an escape. You see his blood pooled on the ground and grow proud to know you caused the King of Curses the pain you promised, but you don’t see a glimpse of him.
There’s nothing until the hairs on the back of your neck rise, and a chortle breaks through the roaring of the elements. You twist your head back and gasp when you see him above you with a wicked grin brought by you, and the slash that you catch him throw at your torso.
It would’ve killed you, it would’ve cut right through you and left pieces of you, but you manage to catch it in time and drop all the elements you were just using to focus all your power on protecting yourself.
But the slash travels fast and manages to cut you across your chest, and throws you down to the ground with all its force.
Now you expect to face death once again. Your friends after all, but your heart beats, and air travels through your lungs.
You expect darkness to follow, but even if your eyes droop the sky is clear.
It’s all clear, so you wonder through your delirium, if this is what Satoru saw, this beautiful sky before he died. Did he feel the snowflakes fall on his face like you do?
Did he think of you like you think of him now?
Probably not. Most likely not. But what did he feel at those last moments?
Peace, that he finally could stop being the strongest, that his actual moment of rest was in death? Or did he feel disappointed that he lost?
If only you could tell him he fought well, that he gave everyone an advantage by taking Sukuna’s domain, and that he made you and everyone proud.
You want to tell him, and fall like he did, but…death doesn’t come back for you.
“You were a lot of fun,” you hear Sukuna’s grating voice close by. “Really. I had fun fighting you, Gojo. But you were annoying, so I’ll have to get rid of you. Be proud though, you’re strong.”
“Fuck you,” you grimace as you fist your hands.
Sukuna scoffs in disapproval and stops before your feet.
You keep your eyes on the sky and start to think of a way to counter.
Sure why not.
Yet just as you lift your hand and Sukuna gets ready to strike, suddenly someone’s feet land on your sides, and the gruesome sound of metal slashing flesh echoes.
You quickly blink and shift your gaze down and see Kusakabe has come in between Sukuna and you. He saved you.
“Go,” he bellows. “Before you can't. Go!”
You’d be stupid to linger behind, and even worse to stay and fight with him with the slash still across your chest because you can still fight so you can’t risk dying yet.
“You owe me for this,” Kusakabe tells you with a strain in his voice.
You drag yourself back and push yourself up even if your arms throb because of the slash on your chest.
“I’m in your debt Kusakabe,” you assure him softly.
“Heh. Hell yeah, now get out. They’ll need you.”
You hesitate leaving him to fight alone against Sukuna, but he’s right, so after one last lingering look at the man who saved your life, you run away from the scene.
You’re not even aware of how far you get because the pain is throbbing and overwhelming, it’s not until you bump into someone that you snap out of your pain-ridden stupor.
“Yuji!” You exclaim with relief.
He calls out your name in surprise and immediately finds the bleeding wound on your chest. He wants to say something, but the sight of his brother turning the corner and joining you cuts him off
“Choso,” you whisper.
Said man wastes no time—albeit he probably already knew you were hurt too by the broadcast, but he still quickly finds the gash on your chest still bleeding and fresh, and a deep crease grows in between his eyebrows while his lips fall to a long frown.
“I’m sorry,” you can’t help but say since you know watching you fight, watching you fall was one of the worst times of his life.
“You’re…okay?” He asks as if in disbelief.
You nod but he doesn’t see it before he strides over and grabs you by your shoulders to push you back against a wall and pull you down to the ground.
“Choso,” you call out, but it goes to deaf ears, you can see the panic blocking his senses. “Cho.”
Said man looks for something in his pockets, but when he doesn’t seem to find it he pulls on his vest, so you grab his wrists even if seeing him with fewer clothes will really help you heal.
“Choso, stop, stop. Take a minute and look.” You interject as you see that you have his undivided attention now. “I’m healing. I’ll be okay.”
Choso’s brown eyes gleaming with frustration and worry fall on your gash and he sees the RCT do its job and mend the deep wound Sukuna gave you.
“The babies, are they okay?” You have him focus on something else, and he immediately gets lost in that feeling written deep in his soul.
When he doesn’t feel any loss he meets your gaze and nods lightly, making you smile and bring one of his hands to your chest so he can feel the rhythm of your heart.
“I wasn’t going to fall to him,” you try to keep assuring him. “I told you.”
You cup his hand and offer him a teasing smile. “Be upset at me if that’s what you want.”
Choso swallows thickly. “You were stupid. Stupidly brave.”
You laugh softly and nod. “Chaotic techniques require risks.”
He scoffs and holds your gaze for a second to appreciate the life sparking within them and thank the stars that he wasn’t staring at dull and lifeless eyes.
“I copied some of the moves from your piercing blood,” you show off proudly. “Did you see?”
The corner of his lips flicker to a smile as he nods, but he doesn’t get to respond because he then drops his forehead on yours and cups your cheeks. “I saw you fall,” he mutters against your lips. “And my world was about to collapse. I ran here as fast as I could.”
You bring your hand up and cup his soft and warm cheek, making him lean into your touch as if he’s gone years without the feeling of your gentle touch.
“I wasn’t going to leave you,” you murmur. “Just like you're not going to leave me.”
A wobbly smile tugs on your lips and he mirrors it before pressing his lips on yours and taking you in for a lingering kiss he needs to just reassure himself that you in fact are alive and standing before him, that you’re not some figment of his imagination, or a pretty billboard.
“I love you,” you remind him after your close reunion with death.
“And I love you,” he doesn’t hesitate to return quickly and with deep tenderness.
You muster a soft smile and steal one last kiss from his lips before watching him sit beside you to let you finish mending your wound.
“Choso,” you call out as you have a deja vu.
“Hm?” He probes and looks at you.
You smile at your fingers on the ground and slowly slip them over his and turn your head to meet his gaze and tell him what you remember. “We were sitting like this after we decided to become allies, remember? It was after I found my daughters. Do you remember?”
Choso pulls his hand out to lay it over yours and cups your hand in his grasp instead. “Of course, I remember. I’ll remember when I turn old and can barely get out of bed.”
You chuckle and he smiles at you just because he hears you laugh.
“That’s when I knew you know,” you tell him what you haven’t told him before.
“What?” He presses curiosily.
You hold his curious gaze and share your truth. “That you had a good heart and that we were going to be great friends. I knew since that day that I didn’t want to live without you in my life.”
His lips tremble but he doesn’t let himself cry, he just offers you a wobbly smile before bringing your hand up to kiss your knuckles.
“It hurts?” He asks.
You know what he refers to but you find a moment to tease him in your sudden shift from pain to slow relief. “Falling for you? Worth all the pain.”
Choso blinks in confusion, while you notice Yuji’s annoyed reaction.
“Oh,” Choso gasps and snorts as his cheeks grow a bright shade of red. “Well, I was wondering about your gash.”
You lean your body towards him and shake your head. “It’s slowly going away. I’ll be good to go in a few minutes.”
Choso shakes his head. “No, you said when you got hurt I could pull you away. You got hurt, deeply. You can’t go back.”
“Uh,” Yuji breaks his silence.
You and Choso look up and see two shadows approaching before you see Larue and Miguel.
“Good luck with that,” Miguel announces their entrance. “You’ll have better luck raising the dead than making her sit on the bench.”
You knew they were hanging by nearby waiting if they were going to be needed, or if they could go home unscathed. But still seeing them meet up with you makes your breath hitch.
“We saw you fall,” Larue directs at you with concern painted all over his face. “And we decided that we couldn’t hide in the shadows any longer.”
You’re annoyed that they didn’t tell you about Kenjaku and everything that came with that business, but after losing your brother, and after fighting for justice for Nanako and Mimiko, seeing your family fills you with relief and bliss that you hide however.
You slowly stand up with Choso’s help and stare at them nonchalantly, making both Larue and Miguel wait for a cold shoulder or a quip. You approach them and they draw in a breath. And when you stop before them they both share a knowing look, but ultimately you close the gap with an embrace around the both of them.
“Oh,” Miguel mouths.
You lost Suguru, Nanako, and Mimiko, your brother and so many others, how can you stay mad at them when life has taken so much?
If they died today and you never get to make up you’d regret it your whole life, so with this tight embrace the grudge and that anger you had against them melts away and you’re left with a beaming grin, and bliss that you have them here with you.
“I’m not glad you guys are here,” you mutter, “but I am happy that you came.”
Larue rubs your back before you pull back to face them.
“Who is happy to be here?” Miguel remarks. “No one.”
You scoff in amusement and Larue grabs your shoulder to check on your wound.
“It seems you’re healing fine.”
“You’ll fight with us then? When it’s our time to go next?” Miguel goes off Larue’s comment.
“No,” Choso answers for you but you ignore him and answer for yourself.
“Yes. I have some fight left in me even after. I can keep him busy,” you assure them, Yuji, and Choso. “Just don't expect any more big moves.”
“But your domain must’ve taken a lot from you,” Yuji interjects. “How could you possibly still have more cursed energy right now?”
“She’s a special grade for a reason, kid,” Miguel argues. “It’s also why she can’t sit back for that reason.”
“Unless you guys have some kind of family technique I don’t see why she needs to be out there,” Choso tries to protest.
You and Larue giggle at that comment before you walk over to your husband and grab his shoulder to reassure him. “You’ll be with me this time, you can look out for me this time. Make sure we’re okay, hm? Just don’t ask me to stay behind when my family is out here risking their lives.”
Choso glances at Larue and Miguel and shoots them a warning. “Just don’t ask her to pull anything dramatic. She doesn’t have the energy for that.” He then drifts his gaze back to you and narrows his gaze to a threatening glare. “Use weapons as much as you can from now on. Leave your technique for when you really need it.”
He won’t get off your back if you don’t make any kind of agreement so you agree to give him some peace of mind. Besides leaning more towards weapons from now on is a smart idea considering you don’t know how far Sukuna wants to take this fight. You might need your technique later for something bigger.
“All right. Fine.”
Choso holds your gaze and looks as if you’re being deceitful, but when he sees that sincerity behind your eyes he lets out a relieved deep breath and shares it with soft words. “Thank you.”
You offer him a sweet smile and plant a peck on his cheek, making his lips twitch to a smile.
“You remember Larue and Miguel right?” You make sure to ask since he hasn’t had the time to really spend time with your family.
“Yes,” Choso says and steals a glimpse at them. “They were at the wedding, I remember.”
You turn to face your family to ask the same thing about Choso but Yuji then interrupts.
“Can I ask you something, Mr Larue? Are you not cold?”
You snort and cut in for him before he can respond. “No. You see those hearts on his chest? They're heat warmers.” You smirk and bounce your eyebrows before you take your phone out and continue to snicker.
“Really?” Yuji falls for it.
“No,” Larue blurts. “That joke is old.”
You chuckle. “Like you.”
“We’re the same age, but my knowledge and wise spirit do make me older than you,” he counters smugly.
You look away from your phone and look at him with a quirked brow. “The only thing you are is a know-it-all. No one likes those.”
Larue feigns a laugh and you turn around swiftly but peer over your shoulder whilst Choso turns with you, and you interject before Larue can say some witty comeback. “Careful,” you feign a pout. “Or mommy is gonna get mad.”
Choso’s eyes snap to you and his cheeks grow warm, whilst Miguel remarks.
“What the hell did you just say?”
You start walking out of the alleyway to go and help Kusakabe since you doubt he could keep Sukuna entertained for long.
“It’s a true statement I am mother,” you argue between snickers.
“I hate when you refer to yourself like that, it’s weird,” Miguel spats.
You ignore him and click on the broadcast and see just as you assumed, Kusakabe falling after being slashed.
At least he lasted a few minutes, you’ll give him props for that and not running away. Oh! And for saving your life. You owe him.
“Well,” you sigh. “Looks like we’re all up now. Larue, Miguel, you take Sukuna from above, I will go with Choso and Yuji from below.” You tell them affirmably.
“Hm,” Larue hums in comprehension, and with no need to argue, he just worries. “Be careful, you have a little one waiting for you. You’ve already been hurt.”
You stop in your tracks and turn to face them with a sad smile. “You two be careful too, we have a family dinner waiting for us after this is over to welcome the new members to our family.” You mention and glance at Yuji to let him know he’s included, and lastly look at Choso with a soft smile.
Choso eyes soften and he faintly mirrors your gentle gesture with appreciation that you included his little brother too.
“We’re fighting together,” Larue says with a slight smirk. “Like we always have, that’s a guarantee to our success. We’ll see you out there.”
You hum in agreement and watch until their figures are out of sight and all you is an empty alleyway.
Lately, life has been cruel. Maybe it’s what you deserve for all the evil you’ve done. Life is just collecting its justice, but you just hope—no pray, that you won't lose no one else.
You’ve never been a super religious person, but you know above everything else that the ones you love, cherish, and pray will live, don’t deserve that anguish. Maybe you do, you know how karma works, you recognize you’ve done bad things, but all you want from now on is for life to not be so cruel to them. Please…
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno @moonnime @kodzukein @yozora7154 @heijihattorisgf @elegantweirdorchest @natakina
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carnethyne · 1 month
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What were you doing in 2009?
[Portraits of Geto and his family]
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kcuf-ad · 2 months
Larue: I bet Geto is looking down on us.
Miguel: More like up
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galaxynajma · 11 months
Nanako:"hey master geto why the fuck do you have this in your photos"
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Geto:" don’t worry it it’s um a joke"
Mimiko:" you sure this doesn’t really feel like a joke to me "
Geto:" it is um you two didn’t see anything else right?"
Nanako and mimiko: " no "
Geto:" good least you two still have your innocence you wouldn’t want to see these kind of things of your father figure right?"
Manami: "Geto’s ex was Gojo fucking satoru how the hell am i supposed to compare to that HE HAS A BETTER WAIST THAN ME and lips! and eyelashes!"
Larue: " well manami looks like we have zero chances "
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aaamike · 9 days
Spoilers for jujutsu Kaisen Manga
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So… did a giant hand just shoot out of Larue’s nipples?
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crow-sizna · 9 hours
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Started this when they actually appeared in the fight against sukuna but I’m slow
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sablegear0 · 3 months
Part 2, the conclusion of "Horror Vacui", is up!
Dead dove warning removed and tags updated. I realized that was probably scaring some people off when the content really wasn't that severe and part 2 doesn't have much of that in it at all. My attempt at writing something horror-adjacent turned into angst/comfort because I can apparently only write one thing. Enjoy! 😅
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bliss-in-the-void · 8 months
Wrote an angsty smutty oneshot about Suguru making Satoru jealous about how he recruited Larue and Miguel!
Summary: Larue and Miguel are only interested in helping Suguru create his ideal world of no non-sorcerers. They have no other motive. Couple that with the way Larue looks at Suguru and the fact that the sight of Miguel pissed Satoru off so bad even Ijichi noticed he “snapped” and you have this explanation: Suguru slept with Miguel and Larue to get them on his side, all while being Satoru’s lover behind closed doors. Satoru finds out after the fact. This is that story.
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piercemybluesky · 2 months
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369 notes · View notes
bitterpngs · 2 months
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178 notes · View notes
epickiya722 · 2 months
But Sukuna for real Black Flashed the French dude Larue like "there can only be one shirtless guy right now".
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damn-stark · 22 days
Chapter 39 Heart on fire
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Chapter 39 of Sugar
A/N- We’re so close to that scene :/
Warning- Swearing, ANGST, fluff!!, violence and blood, Sukuna, SPOILERS!!!! long chapter!
Pairing- Choso x Gojo!fem-reader, Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader
Episode and or chapters- Chapters 255-256
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
“Hello?! Can I come in?”
You drop the dirty bed covers and rush to the door to welcome your daughter who had stayed the night with Satoru, after your wedding because he was nice enough to take her so Choso and you could have the night to celebrate.
“Good morning Chipmunk,” you greet her happily.
Satori smiles at you and greets you back sweetly as her eyes wander inside the room. “Good morning.”
You step aside and let her walk into the room you share with Choso, which probably seems weird to her considering only a year ago her father would greet her every morning.
“Good morning Satori,” Choso greets as he walks out of the bathroom with his wet hair draped over his neck and a hairbrush in his hand.
“Hi, Choso,” she greets timidly as she sits on your side of the bed and watches him sit at the other end. “Was your night at your uncle's fun?”
She drags herself back and hums as she nods eagerly. “Ijichi, Shoko, my Uncle, and I went to get crepes for breakfast,” she says as she intently watches Choso begin to brush his hair. “I had ice cream in mine because my uncle said it was okay.”
You draw in a deep annoyed breath as you pass by your daughter, but she has no clue that the retell of her breakfast choice annoys you.
“Uhm, Choso…” she pauses and inches herself closer to him. “Can I…brush your hair?”
You stop as you pick up the bed sheets once again and glance at Choso and your daughter with curiosity to catch what he’d say and what reaction he’ll carry on his face.
“Oh,” he says under his breath with surprise before he twists his body to look at her with that same surprise twisted on his face. It almost looks like he’s afraid to respond though since Satori and Choso are still getting used to each other.
“If that’s okay with your mother,” he makes sure to say, making both pairs of eyes fly to you at the same time.
“If that’s okay with you,” you redirect with a wobbly smile brought by pure excitement. “If you like your personal space that’s fine, she’ll understand.”
Choso blinks and looks at your daughter, catching her dark eyes gleaming with anticipation, so how can he say no?
Not like that was ever his intention in the first place, he just needed to check in with you first.
“Yeah, that’s fine, go ahead,” he gives Satori the go-ahead, making her squeal before she scurries over behind him.
“I promise not to pull,” she assures him as she takes the brush from his hand. “And I promise not to leave your buns crooked like…” she trails off and leans in his ear. “…like my mommy,” she whispers very loudly, causing you to pout—“but you can’t be mad at her, Belinda says she would always do my mom's hair when she was a little girl.”
Choso’s shoulders shake as he laughs and they both peer back at you before he whispers back just as loudly. Albeit he means his comment more as a teasing one rather than an actual warning like Satori’s.
“As long as you promise then.”
Satori beams at him and nods before she grabs some of his wet hair and starts to gently brush it.
“I used to brush my daddy's hair too,” she mentions, so you start to walk out of the room to drop the sheets outside the door—“Nanako never let me brush her hair, but Mimiko did. And my dolls can’t talk, so brushing their hair is boring, and my uncle's hair is so small.”
“Short,” you correct her from outside the hall.
“Right,” she repeats. “Short.”
You hum contently as you walk back to collect the blankets since Choso and you stained those too.
“Did you ever brush your brother's hair?” She asks innocently. “What about your mom did she brush your hair.”
You stop and glance over just in case you need to interject and tell her about his family, but Choso lets out a small breath and responds calmly, with no sign of discomfort or sorrow. “I never met my mother, and one of my brothers had a strand of hair, while the other had no hair. And Yuji, well, I think we’re too old for that.”
“Oh, well, I can brush your hair then,” she tries to comfort him. “You just tell me.”
He hums softly and whispers kindly. “I will. Thank you.”
You smile to yourself and continue to walk out, this time though, you have to take it all to the washer so you stop under the doorframe and talk to the pair over your shoulder. “I’ll be back, I'm going to put this in the washer. Don’t leave,” you tease.
“Maybe we will,” Satori doesn’t fail to throw right back in between snickers
You scoff in amusement and hurryingly do what you need, catching your brother outside the house trapped in a conversation with the chatty old lady who lives down the street. He doesn’t notice you which is a good thing, you don’t want to go out there and save him from that conversation because all that will happen is you will get caught with them too, and not be able to get out until the old lady wears herself out of talking. Which, for someone her age, is pretty impressive.
When you return upstairs to rejoin Choso and Satori though, you come to a stop past the door, not because you catch Satori’s protective Tiger cursed spirit small like a little tiger cub and staring right into your soul, but because what she asks Choso catches you off guard.
“Will you get your dad out of my daddy? He was mean and kind of scary, my daddy was never like that.”
You swallow thickly as you realize how traumatizing it must’ve been getting treated so poorly by a man who is using her father's body for his advantage. You did spare it a thought, you checked in on your daughter after it happened, but with everything that's going on, with all the loss you had to endure in the span of a day, you have to admit you haven’t been such a supportive mother to your daughter.
“It won’t be me,” Choso admits. “I wish I could, but I’m needed elsewhere. Your mom and someone else will get my father out of your dad's body.”
You tiptoe further and stay under the shadow of your bedroom's hall to listen in undetected, noticing at that moment Satori put the brush down and express deep worry. “Oh.”
Choso notices that shaky exhale and slowly turns, catching you watching in the distance but shying away.
“Your mother is strong, she’ll win,” he tries to assure Satori with what he knows will be true. “She’ll come back to you.”
The Tiger cursed spirit tangled with her soul nuzzles his head against her to comfort her weeping heart and she speaks up quietly, almost sounding afraid. “My daddy was strong too, but he never made it back home.”
Your breath catches in your throat and you get ready to step out of the shadows to go and comfort her, but Choso doesn’t find any hesitance before he brushes a strand of her behind her ear and comforts her with that soft and tender voice he always talks with when he’s with you and Yuji.
“I will protect your mother with all the strength I have so she can come back to you, I swear.”
Satori sniffles and blinks repeatedly before looking at him with such sad eyes that you feel your heartache at the mere sight.
“You promise?” She asks.
Choso holds her gaze so she can know he’s trustworthy and nods to reassure her. “I swear.”
Yet as much as your heart aches, you still can’t help but smile in awe at the bond Choso and Satori are slowly building. It makes you so happy that they’re getting along.
“Okay, as long as you promise,” her voice shifts to sound more upbeat now that she has the reassurance she needs. And since their conversation isn’t so personal anymore you walk out and sit with your daughter on the bed, choosing to lay down behind her and watch Choso get up to grab something from his drawer.
Satori sees how you’re splayed out and turns to lay on you, causing her Tiger to climb on your legs and mirror her actions.
“I have something I want to give you Satori,” Choso lets her know, piquing her interest to the point she basically jumps up on the bed to turn and face him.
“A present?” She asks giddily and clasps her hands together.
Choso faces her with a small red box in his hands. When he reaches the edge of the bed Satori crawls over there excitedly and doesn’t think twice before taking her gift from his hand.
Before she can open it she glances over at you with an excited grin and then looks down to open her box, seeing a gold heart locket necklace tucked inside that she takes out with widened eyes glimmering with overwhelming joy.
“Look, Mommy!” She exclaims giddily and crawls back to you to point to her name engraved on the locket. “That’s my name and…it matches your locket too!” She bounces before she opens the locket and almost stops breathing when she sees what is stored inside.
“Who is it?” You ask knowing who it was in the pictures already.
“Daddy, you, my sisters, and the other one is me, my uncle Nanami, and my Uncle Satoru,” she says as she admires the small photos you tucked inside. “Wow.”
Her eyes drift to you before she turns to give you her back and pass you the locket. “Put it on, put it on!”
You sit up, making her Tiger cursed spirit slide off your lap, and grab the locket, but interject first. “What do you say first?”
She looks at Choso with a wide beaming grin and quickly pours out her gratitude. “Thank you Choso, I love it so much! You’re the best.”
Choso swallows back the lump of happy and sappy emotions that form in his throat and can only offer her a soft smile between his emotional state. “You welcome.”
Satori looks down to admire her locket as you hang it around her, so you then look over at Choso and pass him a love-filled smile and tender words you mouth. “I love you.”
He mirrors your lovestruck look and doesn’t hesitate to redirect those sweet words in just the same way. “I love you too.
You spare him one last lingering and awe-filled look before you return your attention to your daughter still excited over her gift and can’t help the sweet thoughts that float into your mind about how much you appreciate and love Choso for cherishing your daughter and treating her so kindly. Any other man would have given her a cold shoulder for being the daughter of another man, but Choso really cares for her like she was his own child.
That’s how you know you’d die for him.
There they stand grande as ever, chests puffed out, confidence gleaming in their eyes, no sign of falter in their bravery or fear in their demeanor. That’s what you like about Larue and Miguel, they face the opponent fearlessly even if they feel a sliver of it.
It’s what Suguru liked about them too.
“You don’t know who I am?” Miguel proclaims with Mei-Mei’s little brother in his grasp after saving him from the demon, or so you piece together, you just got here.
“You Japanese people really ought to expand your horizons!”
You scoff in amusement and shake your head before you murmur. “Those idiots better not die.”
“You don’t trust them?” Choso asks he raises his head to look at the scene ahead over your head.
You grab at your healing wound and wince before you argue in their defense. “Even when I tried to hate them I trusted them. They’re my family, and besides Satoru, they loved me like my blood family never did. I trust them with my life and that of my children’s…I just don’t want them to die.” You blink and let your eyes flicker to the ground for a second as you basically breathe out your words. “I don’t want anyone else to die.”
You then step forward and hold your breath as Sukuna destroys the building Larue and Miguel are on. You know this destruction won’t be their demise, but your fear of losing the ones you love runs rampant now.
“Before you go,” Choso interjects and you hear his feet shift back on the ground. “Can I tell you that I love you?”
You watch Yuji pass by as you turn around and face your husband with your eyebrows knitted in confusion, but a soft enamored smile on your face.
“I know. I love you too. I would give my life for yours you know.” You mention lightheartedly.
But why is he being so overly appreciative at this moment? Not that he can’t be sweet, but what brought this on?
Is it your gash? Is he still shaken from your close meeting with death?
Or is it because Sukuna is still winning?
Nevertheless, you don’t ask because you watch Choso’s soft look quickly vanish as he steps toward you with his jaw clenched. “No,” he blurts sharply. “Don’t you ever do anything so stupid. Not for me.”
You step toward him and gently press your soft hands on his jaw. “Then for who? If not for you then for who? I love you.”
“If you love me you wouldn't throw your life away,” he argues back angrily. “If you love me you’d live your life. You’d live an amazing life with our twins, and with your daughter. And you’d remember me fondly, but never ever do something idiotic like that.”
You should hit him, you want to hit him rather than cry, but you look at his sweet and handsome face, you remember his promise and now you respond with anger. “You promised you wouldn’t leave me. I am not letting you go. I mean it, I would sacrifice what brings me pride and strength.”
Choso shakes his head and narrows his gaze before grabbing your shoulders and pushing you against a wall, whilst those honey-imbued eyes turn dark and threatening. “And I promised another you would return home. I mean to keep that promise because I cherish her too.”
Satori…he promised that to her…But what about the promise to you?
If he dies you won’t love another. You mean that. Your heart doesn’t have room to love another.
It’s why you can’t be sad. Instead, there’s something else that brews within you as you hear him talk so melancholy and like some doomed hero. And it’s anger.
“I would curse this world before I let you die, let that be clear.” You huff and push him off you to turn away and run off to join the others in the building that no longer has a roof or an upper part of its body, but stands by some divine miracle. And once again you see your family, Miguel and Larue fighting with everything they have just like they always have for as long as you’ve known them, and just like before it never fails to fuel your fighting spirit.
But how can you approach them? How can you surprise Sukuna to put him at a disadvantage?
Attack from the side?
No, he’ll catch you just as you run out of the shadows.
From up top?
You could use your technique and then use a weapon for the sake of Choso’s poor worried heart.
There’s a chance Sukuna will catch you but you can still get one advantage from it, so you’ll do it.
You hop from wall to wall to get to higher ground without having to climb any stairs or anything, and when you can see everyone down below you gain a sense of cockiness that had otherwise been wiped out when Sukuna managed to land a slash on you.
It’s a dangerous thing. It always is, but you can’t help but pull on a smirk on your features before you step back to gain momentum when you sprint forward and hop off some brick ledge.
And just like you assumed, Sukuna catches your shadow on the ground growing bigger the closer you get to the ground, so he quickly disregards Miguel and looks up, when he notices that it’s you coming for another round, he gets prepared to swing another sharp slash, but rather than landing a punch on him, you pull your fist back and ram your fist on the ground instead, creating at that moment, a crater and sending shockwaves that blast Sukuna to the sky.
You snap your eyes up to keep your gaze on him and quickly push yourself off the ground to chase after him in the middle of the air.
Sukuna catches you right away with the two eyes he has left to see and prepares to block whatever attack he predicts, whilst you play dumb by throwing blasts of wind to try and hit him. As you get close to him, you throw one fist and he quickly counters by trapping your fist in his grasp, but that’s what you wanted. He fell into your trap.
He doesn’t know you’re fueled by your family's fire, by their mere presence, so he doesn’t expect you to swing your other fist, nor the gusts of wind wrapping around your hand before you swiftly throw an uppercut on his jaw.
Sukuna’s head snaps back, and a couple of drops of blood fly out, fueling that cockiness already pumping too wildly, so you quickly flip in the air and summon a blast of blazing fire from your leg to use it to kick him down to the ground.
The moment he lands, his body hits with a loud and violent crash as the ground crumbles beneath him. He expects you to quickly follow by quickly coming down and jabbing your fist in his chest, so he swiftly gets back up.
However, instead of you hitting him, Miguel is the one who throws his fist, almost catching the beast off guard, but at the last second gaining his attention.
Albeit, just as Sukuna counters, Miguel is swift and catches one of his wrists, while deflecting the other fist. You land beside them and watch Miguel jab his fist right on Sukuna’s wound on his chest and push him back right into Choso’s path.
Thus before Choso can be caught, he shoots piercing blood at Sukuna’s back, but of course, Sukuna senses the attack and drags himself back to let the piercing blood pierce through a wall. Then out of annoyance Sukuna turns around and throws a big slash at Choso that breaks through that cockiness you had let grow a little too big.
“Choso!” You bellow and feel your eyes widen when the slashes hit him.
You run towards him and don’t catch the sound of glass breaking above you.
“Choso?!” You call out in panic.
Said man steps forward on the balcony he’s on and puts his arms out to show off the gashes that cut deep on his arms.
“I’m okay, don’t worry. I managed to block it,” he says so you won’t worry any longer, or do anything stupid for him.
But the only thing you want to do is tell him to just stay out of the fight from now on, but he wouldn’t listen and you don’t want to argue with a wall so you look at him with a pain-stricken gaze that makes his heart sink, and that he’d recognize no matter what color eyes you had.
“I’m okay sweetheart. Go, counter him.”
You hesitate but listen and turn, catching Sukuna pushing Yuji off after the boy manages to catch him off guard and push him down on the ground so hard that it breaks beneath Sukuna’s weight.
“You’re still around?” He says with annoyance and a hint of boredom.
But by now he should accept Yuji is a strong and capable fighter, he should really be more cautious than annoyed. But maybe that’s a fault that will be his doom.
You surely hope Yuji is—no, you believe fate will make him the one that finally ends that demon.
Actually, you wish it would be at this very moment, you don’t want to risk losing anyone by prolonging this fight, but Sukuna is strong for a reason. So you need to titter him to that edge.
And a way you can help reach such a thing is by helping Maki. She startles you when you see her creeping towards Sukuna with her giant blade, but you quickly snap out of that stupor before you can give her away, and instead bask your arm on fire before building a beautiful blade made from your flames.
You don’t want Sukuna to notice Maki, so you help her by dashing forward and lunging at his chest like some desperate attempt. And just like you planned, he brings his hand down and clamps onto your wrist before snapping your arm down in a way it shouldn’t bend.
You cry out in pain, and it almost looks like you can see Yuji's pulse thump in his widened eyes when he sees the way Sukuna hurts you. And your name rings out from Choso’s mouth as he calls out for you. But as much as you’re writhing in pain and no matter who’s filled with worry, Sukuna pulls one arm up to get ready to bring a slash down and slice your arm off.
Yuji catches his attempt and gets ready to defend you, but before Sukuna can strike, before Yuji can come to your aid, Maki’s mighty blade swings up, and the hand Sukuna was going to use to slash off your arm, plops on the ground, making you smirk through your throbbing pain.
“Gotcha, ass,” you sneer.
Sukuna shoots you a seething glare and from one second to another he suddenly dashes away and out of anger and revenge, strikes Larue with a black flash.
Which would make it his second black flash. He could fully regain his RCT if he keeps going on like this, you need to work harder to weaken him, after all, you all know what he can do if he gains all his power back, and now that Satoru isn’t here to try and stop him, it would bring your doom.
Which is why you have to fight harder. You’ll have to apologize to Choso later about opting out from using your technique as your first line of defense, you just can’t willing choose to use blades when you have something stronger at your disposal. Plus, Sukuna hurt Larue. He almost killed him and took away someone else you care about. You won’t hold back, not because you’re hurt, and not because you’re not as strong as when you first fought him. You just snap your arm back in place and roll your shoulders as you pierce your glare into the depths of Sukuna’s soul.
You seep your cursed energy through the ground and get ready to grab pieces of it to throw it at him. However, just before you can pick anything off the ground, a grip grabs a hold of the back of your shirt and before you can fight back you’re picked up and yanked away, losing sight of your target, and the hold you already had on the ground beneath you.
You quickly look over to see who the culprit is and notice Choso kicking a long handlebar from the ground at Sukuna.
“Choso!” You call out in annoyance.
Your husband peers over his shoulder and shoots you a menacing glare. “Heal your arm.”
You part your lips to argue back, but he…he’s right. Plus now that you’re not caught up in your anger you catch Larue bleeding on the ground and barely keeping his eyes open.
“Larue!” You cry out with concern and run over to him since you are closer to him than Miguel is.
“Larue,” you mutter in disbelief and fall beside him to grab his soft face. “You’re okay, yeah? I just mean you’ll be okay, yes?”
His eyes slowly drift up and he swallows back thickly before he nods. “Of course, sweet Geto…oh, I suppose that’s not your name anymore.”
You can’t help but smile even if that name now only belongs to your daughter and the man who gave it to her.
“You took a hell of a punch, which means I was right about coming here,” Miguel scolds Larue as he joins the two of you.
“Maybe, but don’t you feel at least somewhat cockier knowing you fought off Sukuna as long as you did,” Larue tries to make the man see a brighter side to the darkness that Sukuna brings with him like a plague.
“I don’t run that way, you know that, Larue,” Miguel retorts as you both grab one of Larue’s arms and help him to his feet.
“Go home you two,” you almost sound like you’re pleading but you manage to play it off as a simple suggestion. “You played your part and did good.”
Larue slowly turns his head to look at you and gently shakes it with the energy he has. “We’re here already, we’ll wait for you so we can all return home.”
All this time you’ve been so mad…but now you wonder why.
“All right,” you fight against your better judgment. “At least meet up with Shoko and watch from afar. She’ll be able to heal you too. And…call Satori…just check in for me, please.”
Miguel nods this time. “Of course we will. Now run along, help take this bastard down.”
You narrow your gaze with concern. “Are you sure?” You probe.
“Hm,” he hums in agreement. “I got Larue from here.”
You look over to where you hear the commotion of the fight and catch Choso below with his fist in the air before he shouts out. “Supernova!”
The building Sukuna was in explodes, throwing out debris and a thick cloud of dust. You smirk since you can’t hide your pride for Choso’s quick thinking.
Yet it’s at that moment that you miss the flash that zips out of the building and hides in the cloud of dust. You catch a set of slashes that make it out of the cloud of dust, but you don’t catch the big demon until he’s suddenly behind the man you love, looking as menacing as never before.
“Choso,” you bellow out your warning, but Sukuna’s too fast, he grabs the back of Choso’s shirt and hurls him to a nearby wall.
You see Choso crash and don’t even get time to think before your feet take you over to him in a hurry.
Alas, Sukuna lunges at Choso first and throws his fist.
“Choso,” you shriek with your heart clenched in your chest.
Sukuna’s fist hits Choso and bright black flashes explode out of the swing, sending you to a blind fury.
You don’t even move from where you are though. Not at that instant, first, you gather a thrashing orb of air and shoot it at Sukuna as if it were one of Choso’s blood arrows.
The moment it gets close to Sukuna he doesn’t find the second the dodge it, the ball of air smacks him across the face and throws him away from where Choso is. Second, you race after Sukuna like your life depends on it and hop off your feet and bring your fist down on him. Albeit he manages to block this attempt.
But, you don’t let it stop you, you add more force to your fist almost in a way Yuki would do, but you’re lacking her technique, so you just use the weight of the air wrapped around your first and use your cursed energy.
“You will not take him away from me,” you sneer but not loud, low, and with a menacing growl behind each word before you bring both fists up and start swinging down like a feral beast.
Sukuna tries to hold you up and pull you away with the two hands he has left, but you keep adding more air, more strength, and add more raging elements that keep pressing him down so hard he’s making a hole in the ground.
“Love is such a potent thing,” Sukuna manages to say through gritted teeth. “It disgusts me.”
“The only disgusting thing here is you,” you snap back. You then summon water to your hand and quickly twirl it around him to trap his head in a water orb before shooting water through his eyes, his nose, and his mouth to drown him.
Sukuna’s fight against you weakens as he tries to fight off your attack but you add more force behind it, while that anger displays a smugness on your face.
“Die,” you whisper at him and imbue one hand with fire. You then snap your arm down to try and punch it through his stomach where his cursed enemy thrives, but before your fist can make contact, the mouth on his stomach opens wide and chomps on your leg.
Your eyes peel wide at the feeling of teeth piercing through your leg, and your advantage of bringing Sukuna close to death falters, leaving him the right moment to bring his hand up and grab your throat to hurl you away.
You roll on the ground and Choso shouts out, “Yuji do it!!”
“Right,” you catch Yuji shout back before Choso yells out for you while he quickly drags himself over to you to try and protect you as Sukuna stomps over to you with anger.
Nevertheless, before Sukuna can reach you, Yuji throws himself on Sukuna.
The demon of course catches the boy and blocks his knee from hitting him before grabbing the collar of his hoodie.
“Yuji,” you call out hoarsely. But another calls out your name right by you, and when you give them your attention you immediately push yourself to your knees, and that raging anger falls and is replaced by relief when you see Choso.
“Cho,” your voice quivers.
“My love,” he never misses the chance to say. “I'm okay as I’ll be now. I tanked his black flash, he didn’t get the upper hand this time.”
His words barely register, but they do and all you can feel is joy and extreme relief.
“You’re okay?” He asks and hovers his thumb over the fresh bruises on your throat.
You nod softly and grab his blood-stained face, and without saying a word you both reassure each other that you’re fine as you can be now, and without uttering a single thing you both find thousands of ways to express your love with a simple look.
If only you had more time to keep getting lost in each other gazes, but you have to look away, and as soon as you do you see Yuji piercing Sukuna with piercing blood.
“Yuji can’t yet use convergence,” Choso interjects, making you glance at him for a second before you can’t help but watch Yuji proudly—“which is why I need to keep looking after him.”
You hum in agreement whilst you slide your arm around his neck.
He doesn’t miss this chance to just touch you and grabs a hold of your arm, while you both watch from a distance, Sukuna stumbling back with thick pools of blood falling from his face.
“You’ve done well,” you praise Choso as you watch the scenery ahead.
“Hardly,” he mutters.
You’re about to look over at him to argue, but you then see Sukuna’s attention get stolen while Yuji prepares to hit him.
You don’t need to see to know who was capable of stealing Sukuna’s focused attention, you know who, but you still find Larue and see he’s the one who used his technique on Sukuna, letting Yuji land a black flash right on Sukuna’s chest.
Is this why Sukuna seems to hate him so much? Because he can be the one to kill him?
Does he see his potential like you do? Like everyone else did?
Besides feeling this new surge of power radiating off Yuji after those black sparks, you feel a sense of pride for him too.
Just two months ago all you knew was what he carried inside him, nothing else. Now you look at him and see this great and powerful kid and you know that everything you’ve wanted for the next generation is slowly unfurling in the way you, Satoru, Nanami, and everyone else dreamed of.
You only hope you can keep helping him with the technique you have, your pride, and your strength.
A/N- Sukuna punched Choso and that pissed her off now imagine when you know what happens, we’re gonna have real female rage!
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno @moonnime @kodzukein @yozora7154 @heijihattorisgf @elegantweirdorchest @natakina
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shysheeperz · 2 months
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lavenderjewels · 9 months
i love geto i find his completely embarrassing behavior and inability to live to his full potential or win fights to be charming
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