#Laura x Rita
flo-nelja · 8 months
Femslash February, day 3
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Watching movies: Rita/Laura (Doom Patrol)
This was originally a list for fic, fanart and creation, so when there's a specific trope like this I choose a ship with a specific scene.
Here the one where Laura tries to convince the team to go and see Rita's movie retrospective to lift her spirits.
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It seems so fluffy, said like this! It's so unfluffy! First because Laura doesn't only acts from kindness (ha ha) and love (complicated) but from guilt, recent guilt from taking her place as team leader, and old, sharp guilt of having Rita's boyfriend killed (and most important guilt of ruining so.many people's lives)
Also because bad things will happen at the movie retrospective.
Still, I wanted them to be canon. Even shortly, even if I understand they didn't want to send a "kill the boyfriend and get the girl" message.
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sireditsalot4 · 2 years
Rita: I have something to say. I'm bi.
Cliff: Bipolar?
Jane hits cliff's arm.
Rita: No, well, I am actually bipolar, but what I mean is that I am bisexual. Also, me and Laura are dating.
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jimiscribif · 1 year
Drunk Madame Farr is insane, Laura's like yeah I turn into a beaver sometimes so I can stick your Toothbrush up my vagina and Rita's like lol, I killed three people and feel no remorse
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tonsillessscum · 5 months
MadameFarr edit 🙈
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crimsonxe · 11 months
Doom Patrol 4x09 spoilers below the cut, non-spoiler its fucking great xD
Whoever made a wish for a musical episode, congrats and thank you xD
Always good to see Matt Bomer and Brendan Fraser in the flesh
At this point I'm just going to say I'm a multishipper cause I absolutely do ship Casey/Jane AND Jane/Shelley. Last episode already had me lowkey shipping the prior, but this episode really did push it up to about the same level as the latter. The way Casey kept looking at Jane and their chemistry with each other is just so good.
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Listen, I have a weakness for sunshine & dark themed girl.
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Leave it to this damn show to do a musical number about Cliff getting off
Vic trying to do his best ballad number and repeatedly getting interrupted
Why must Rita and Laura hurt my heart with their obvious gayngst like UGH Laura saying how Rita was never a monster to her. Rita interfering when Immortus was going after Laura, also her repeatedly glancing at her to check if she was okay.
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Larry getting to actually introduce 104 as his bf to his found family is just more punches to the heart; not even going into 104's talk about leaving Immortus's fake world and not wanting just another case of his story being written for him.
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The final number was one hell of a bop to the Opening cover that I already love
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lilyflowerhere · 2 years
Happy valentine's day to all my non cannonicly queer ships <3 🖤
Ps: pls be Canonn :')
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letsscreamwithme · 2 years
Doom Patrol headcanons #7?
Everyone has their own nicknames for Keeg.
Larry's: kiddo, grub-bug, bluebell
Rama's (note: I only came up with the first one, the rest were gotten from a friend): Lightning Bug, Little Prince, Little Love (he also adds "my" a lot)
Rita's: little one
Jane's: blue ball, kiddo
Cliff: Kiddo, blue ball, lightning bug, bug
Vic: kiddo, bug, light bulb
Laura: kiddo, bugger
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laura-de-milf · 1 year
this show CANNOT just end with everyone trapped in Orqwith for no reason im sorry but it just CANNOT
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deliriumfics · 2 years
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c0ffinshit · 2 months
Hello, You. (Dexter Morgan x Stalker!Reader) CHAPTER ONE
a/n: oh my god??? i literally didn't expect the type of love i would get on the prologue for this fic. i am so thankful for all the kind words said about my fic. so, in honor of that, here is the first official chapter of Hello, You. :3 word count: 1,255 warnings: dead dove: do not eat, intentionally awkward dialogue, talks of guns, vague mentions of self-harm, mentions of stalking along with some light stalking, idk dexter has mommy issues, mentions of breaking bones PROLOGUE
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What you don’t understand is that I have eyes and ears everywhere. That’s why I remain outside and a block from your shop, your place of work. It’s getting close to the end of your shift now. The moon is fading into my view and the air has suddenly grown cold. The thickest jacket wraps around me, the cold bricks of the alley hitting my back. But it doesn’t bother me right now.
I need to follow your every move.
I need to make sure you are safe.
I need to be focused on you.
It's hard not to watch you from inside the shop’s window. Your hands fiddle with the shop’s laptop, the way your eyes scan it with such intensity. You’re erotic without even trying. But it’ll be a miracle when I finally see you up close. When you finally get to kiss me like I always dreamed you would. When you finally get to be inside me and create our new family together. Harrison with a sister or maybe even a brother. Our own family to raise and grow with. Our grass that’s always greener than the rest with our children that we raised right. But not here, not in Iron Lake. Not with Rita, Lumen, Angela, or a fucking Lila. Currently, the only thing keeping me from you is walking inside and finally meeting eye-to-eye with you. I don’t even know what I’d ask to look at. I know so little about guns. Curse me for being more interested in your location and finding good hunting knives.
My eyes scan the busy small-town streets and cautiously enter the sidewalk. As I walk closer to the shop, the voices I walk beside grind against my eardrum. They all don’t know my truth. The truth that I want to show you and help you believe.
Because I do love you, Dexter Morgan, and that’s something you’ll never deny.
Your eyes shoot up as I shakingly open the door. "Hello, welcome in. What can I help you with?"
My legs feel like Jell-O, and my only movement is a head nod. I walk over to the cameo section and just stare at the patterns. But then, I came to a realization.
I’ve never heard you speak more than three words to me.
That has to be why my legs can’t work and my heart feels like a drum solo in a song.
It’s a little lovesickness.
My lungs inhale a deep breath as I walk over to your counter. "Hello-um-uh. I’d like to buy a gun."
You pause for a moment, your eyes burning through my skin.
You can finally see me.
"Alright, looking for anything in particular?"
I look up from the floor and look at you for the first time. Your hair is shorter than the pictures online and you look more tired. You need a release. Then, maybe you wouldn’t look so exhausted.
"Um, the cheapest. " I laugh, "and it doesn’t matter what kind."
"Let me see what we’ve got. Do you have your ID on you?"
I pat down my pockets, pulling out my leather, beat-up black wallet. My fingers comb through the folds and find my ID, sliding it over the glass casting. It’s a fake ID, of course. I only do that to keep you safe from what I might do. You’re tainted already, there’s no need to ruin you further. So I took a name that would recognize, Laura, your mother. Is it strange that I took the name of your dead mother? It’s not like she was using it. Plus, most people love their mothers. What do they call it? The Oedipus Complex? That feels right. I’m not one for psychology.
I watch your eyes scan my ID, stopping at my name.
"Laura. That’s a beautiful name."
Yes. Yes, it is.
I tuck my dyed hair behind my ear as you return my ID. "Thank you. I was named after my great aunt Laura."
You nod your head in acknowledgment and gently smile at me. Fuck, it feels amazing to make you smile. But a part of me knows that this is fake, that I put this on to remind you of someone. Someone you loved, admired even. Your eyes return to the computer, typing away at your computer. As much as I want to lean over the counter, grab your face, and kiss you tenderly, I physically can’t bring myself to do anything. Once again, I am frozen as your fingers clack against the keyboard. Pathetic. I can only pull at the bottom of my coat, hoping you don’t notice my cheeks growing redder. "Well, I have a few choices for you. Although, I do have one question. Are you looking for a smaller handgun or bigger, more shotgun-like gun?"
The sad part was that I thought for a moment. I, a girl who never cared about guns or bothered to buy guns, was thinking about the type of gun I wanted. Well, I wanted something to impress him. Something that said: Hello, you.
"Something smaller. Something a little more intimate."
He typed along on his laptop and waited, looking down at my hands. "Rough night?"
My eyes peek at my hands. The knuckles are darker than the rest of my skin, covered in deep scars and recently open wounds. To put it nicely, I had to break a few bones to get here. Both in the sense that I had to fight some personal demons and I had to break someone’s forearm for a decent car. Thankfully, both are dead now. I’ll never have to deal with them again.
"Yeah," I reply softly. "You could say that."
His gears began to turn again, probably thinking that I might be in some type of trouble.
"If you need a place to stay, my cabin is always warm and open."
My ears perk up at the invitation. I would have to jump through hoops to gain your trust. And yet, here you are inviting me over to your home. This is an innocent thing. No one would come up to your door asking for someplace warm. It's the polite thing to say.
"I’ll keep that in mind." I rush out like I’m trying to get my thoughts out.
His eyes flicker back to the laptop and after a few clicks, he turns the screen to face the both of us.
"So, we have this Smith & Wesson E-Series Semi-Automatic Pistol. It's known for its precision and accuracy. ‘Bit pricey but the brand is known for its close range and great for self-defense, and the like-"
"Can I pick it up tomorrow?" I burst out, cringing at myself for letting my mouth open like that.
"Of course! We’ll have it reserved for you. Let’s get a few things squared away first."
We go through all the necessary paperwork for gun ownership, ensuring I have a license and verifying my identity. Boring, I know. But everything was done just as the next person walked in. Perfect, the last thing I need is more people to remember. I thanked him and left, leaving a token of my love behind. A business card with my fake contact information. The only thing that was real was the phone number. Not my number, of course, but a phone he could contact through a burner phone. No SIM card so he couldn’t get anything from the phone even if he tried.
But I smile as I walk to my car.
He is within reach.
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Favourite Shows Tag Game
Rules: List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
No one really tagged me but I took @isqueedmyself up on their open invitation, so thanks for that 😊
I’m gonna tag my only irl friend with a fandom focussed blog @the-kiwi-lady-pendragon but if anyone else wants to do it then go ahead!
1. Doctor Who
2. Doom Patrol
3. Once Upon A Time
5. The Flight Attendant
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Laura easily. She’s such a sweetheart with a pure heart. Of course she’s not perfect but I understand what it’s like to basically lose parts of yourself and act against your values in the name of self-preservation and I empathise with that.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Rose. I know that’s a super unpopular opinion but 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just find her whiny, selfish, and annoying. Don’t get me wrong I know she’s supposed to be 19 and that definitely plays a role but I just can’t look past it. Also maybe Simm!Master buttttt that’s just me being a bitter ass bitch about things.
3. What’s your favourite episode of 4?
17x03 (Going Mobile), 15x04 (Skeleton Crew), and 16x04 (Third Wheel). There’s so many to choose from but I’ve narrowed it down to three. These are all ones with lots of content around Jack (my fave character) without torturing her.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
Season 1 by far. I actually really didn’t like season 2.
5. What’s your favourite relationship in 3?
Y’know I actually don’t have many ships in Once Upon A Time and none of the ones I do have are really serious. I think maybe Regina x Rumple (but I also lowkey ship Zelena with Rumple so idk).
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
Oop here’s another super unpopular opinion but I can’t stand MadamFarr. 😅 I love Laura as we’ve already figured out and I really can’t stand Rita or the way Rita treats Laura. I just think Laura deserves better. However, I’ll support it a tiny bit if it becomes canon as I’ll do anything to have Laura’s queerness confirmed on the show.
7. How long have you watched 1?
11 or 12 years.
8. How did you become interested in 3?
I saw an ad for it on tv! But I didn’t wait until it aired here in New Zealand I just watched it online.
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Maria Bello ❤️
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
Two (Doom Patrol). But one (Doctor Who) is a close second.
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
I would think it’s Doctor Who even if you don’t count the classic episodes. There’s just a lot more of it. I’ve seen every episode of both shows.
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
I’m most like Ellie and I ship her with Jack so I think it would be her.
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
Lmao I would not. Somehow she’s still alive, at this point it seems to me Miranda Croft is unkillable. If she was to be killed off it wouldn’t be a fair fight - maybe one of her many enemies sent multiple assassins (at the same time) to kill her.
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Definitely not. That’s not to say that that there isn’t a place for supernatural/fantastical content in procedural shows (I’m pretty sure I recall Castle having a zombie episode and a time travel episode). However, I think that the NCIS characters would not know what to make of the Once Upon A Time characters and the situations they’d be in and the more they learned the worse it would get. They would find out about these ridiculously complicated families etc and just start calling everyone out. Which would piss off the Once Upon A Time characters and it would all go to hell basically.
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
I think Captain Jack and Donna would work well together. The hard part would be getting Donna to give it a chance.
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
Uhhhh … neither of these shows are particularly known for their cast as far as I’m aware, although both casts do excellently at delivering the material. In Once Upon A Time there’s two actors I like and in The Flight Attendant there’s only one. So based on that I’d have to go Once Upon A Time. However, I only watched The Flight Attendant for Michelle Gomez but I watched Once Upon A Time because I was actually interested in the premise of the show. So based on that I’d have to go The Flight Attendant. Meh, I guess it’s a tie 🤷🏼‍♀️
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sireditsalot4 · 2 years
Nothing Lasts
A/N: This fanfiction takes place in episode 6, season 3 of Doom Patrol. Just a little rewritten screen.
Pairing: Rita Farr x Laura De Mille
The only people were left standing were Laura and Rita. Bodies of the SisterHood of DaDa were scattered on the floor, breathing heavily, fast asleep.
The two time travelers were laying on the couch on both ends, Laura on the right, Rita on the left.
Laura couldn't help but look at Rita and admire how she looked tonight. The real Audrey Hepburn. It's been a long time, a very long time since she's had this much fun. She wishes it didn't end, but sadly it will. Everything that’s fun comes to an end.
Laura looked over at Shelley, who was sound asleep on the floor, practically under the living room table.
"Why did she pick a bird?" Rita asked.
Laura swallowed her beverage before answering, "Because Shelley's allergic to cats."
Rita nodded. She shifted and winced from stiffness.
Rita stretched out her legs and accidentally bumped them against Laura's legs. "Sorry."
Laura giggled. "It's okay. By the way you're freezing cold," Laura grabs an extra blanket that was loose on the floor and passes it to her and watches as she tucks the blanket under her feet.
"Much better, thank you."
Laura smiled and couldn't help but think how amazing she looked.
Rita leaned her head back and closed her eyes: taking in this present moment and never wanting it to end. Sadly, it will soon.
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jimiscribif · 2 years
in the silver age comics when Madame Rouge is grappling with her morality and kinda part of the Doom Patrol she is in a relationship with Niles Caulder (the Leader of the Doom Patrol)
Now in the tv show when Madame Rouge is grappling with her morality and part of the Doom Patrol she has a very close relationship with Rita (the Leader of the Doom Patrol), that is all...
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crimsonxe · 1 year
Doom Patrol 4x07-08 spoilers below the cut. So glad to be back to watching new episodes of this show, even if its cramped af with it + Loki + OFMD all dropping new episodes on or around the same day >.<. The OP still hits a chord in me
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I ship them so much cause this is top-tier "fighting whatever to be together" type of shit right here.
Listen I'm still Jane x Shelley, but I don't mind this either given the actresses chemistry:
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Not that its romance that they're clearly setting up, just that with this type of scene its a possibility and I'm open to it.
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So tragically cute >.<
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letsscreamwithme · 2 years
Random Doom Patrol headcanons #6
Addition to my stim headcanons, Rama is the type to get think of someone he likes (friend or partner or whatever) and get so happy he happy stims.
Everyone (minus Laura and Rama because they haven't met Dorothy yet) has a set of footie PJs because, during her time in the manor, Dorothy insisted on it during movie nights. They all have their own theme. Rita's has a film pattern, Larry's has plants (I didn't come up with this part. Check out the "Larry x Rama meeting John" fic I reblogged. I got it from there), Jane's has trains because of the underground, Cliff's has cars, and Vic's is cyborg merch. While Laura and Rama don't have any yet, the ones they get will probably be a bird theme for Laura and one with the periodic table for Rama.
Keeg doesn't write messages like the old negative energy spirit because he doesn't know how to write.
Larry visits Danny regularly. This started after he and Rita left the manor in season one.
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