ao3screenshotss · 23 days
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lured-into-wonderland · 7 months
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Continued from [here] with @ensxrcelled
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She was observing an unexpected interaction between the tall man in front of her and the girl (whom she met earlier), who - although seemed much younger than Nunnally - was not that different than her. Both were thin and pale; Nunnally being only a few centimeters taller (but she seemed not much heavier). They both had blue eyes (although the girl’s were more green in a way); and it was only a hair colour which was distinctly different. The deep blue compared to light blond, almost white in that light. As if Nunnally’s hair lost all these colours. Perhaps a stranger would even consider them (distant) family members.
The stranger did love and care about the girl (it was obvious), but i Nunnally's eyes he was doing it wrong. Protecting (or sheltering) was important, but giving some freedom to make (and learn from) mistakes was equally crucial. And Nunnally knew something about it. Most of her life she was a bird in a cage. Loved and protected, but also imprisoned.
The demon girl had only joined the blue-haired girl, because she thought the little one was lost. And needed some assistance to find her path home.  Or at least that was Nunnally's initial reasoning. But then she realized (or thought she did) that the girl cared about her being lost in the forest. So, she let the girl help her, although Nunnally didn't truly need any help. She just wanted to get away from humans before she could hurt them (on purpose or accidentally). It was not even that Nunnally didn’t like humans; they were interesting creatures, but obviously many of them found her weak and an easy prey, and wanted to take advantage on her (or perhaps even hurt her) not being aware what kind of creature she was.
“You shouldn’t talk about her as if she was not here…” – she muttered under her breath; the words were certainly directed at the red-haired man, though she pretended they were not. Nunnally had experienced too much of similar treatment (or so she assumed). And -- although it was probably rooted in a genuine care (as it always had been in her case; she believed) – it was still wrong and sometimes hurting the other person.
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“It’s all right…” – Nunnally said in the louder voice – “I can find my way back. You don’t have to…worry about me.” – oh, she knew the man was not worried about her. He was clearly annoyed with Nunnally’s presence, but it sounded nicer. To say that?
“It was lovely meeting you…” – she addressed Lavina getting ready to walk away when the man apparently changed his mind. The girl seemed to getting her way with her father? Caretaker? They didn’t appear too similar to each other, but Nunnally knew better than to assume something based solely on the appearance.
“T-thank you…” – she accepted the invitation; more for the girl’s sake than for her own. Nunnally liked bad weather. She liked storm and rain. It had no real impact on her – “B-but I would still appreciate if you could…”
“Just don’t curse in my company.” – she finally stated. Simply.
Nunnally followed, smiled to Lavina, and waved her back.
“So, where are we going?” – she asked trying to catch up with the man, but it was difficult.
“Could you please…walk slower? It’s too fast for me.”
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lavina-arts · 4 months
Silly and stupid doodles of Lavina
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She is so silly
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mahus · 2 years
Lavinia, Roma İmparatorluğu'nun Başkumandanı Titus Andronicus'un kızıydı.
Dünyalar güzeliydi.
Babasının aksine hayat doluydu.
Öldürmeyi değil, yaşatmayı severdi.
İyi kalpliydi, yardımseverdi, merhametliydi.
Titus'un savaşta olduğu bir gün düşmanları tarafından tecavüze uğradı.
Haber Roma'ya tez yayıldı.
General Titus'un itibarı alt üst olmuştu.
Yanlış geleneğin/kanunun suçunu masum kızı ödeyecekti.
Böylece itibarı ve saygınlığı korunmuş olacaktı.
Titus savaştan döndükten sonra kızını kendi elleriyle öldürdü.
Yine masum bir hayata kıymıştı ve üstelik kendi elleriyle kendi öz kızını...
Şehrin uzağında bir tepeye kızını gömdü.
Aylar sonra mezarının üzerinde bir çiçek çıktı.
Ahali o çiçeğe “Lavinia” ismini verdi.
Lavinia, ölüm çiçeği demekti.
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Lavina. Mindent elsöprő káosz a fejben. Érzelmek kavalkádja, mely sosem talál megoldásra. Valami megmagyarázhatatlan érzés foglyul ejt és nem szabadulsz. Önmagad rabjaként, láncra verve sétálsz lelked tömlöcében. Magad körül meghúzva a kört, ahonnan sosem szabadulsz. Koponyád rácsain keresztül szemléled a sorsod, gondolatban újra és újra lejátszod minden hibád és tévedésed.
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alexkrahenbuhl · 1 year
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Big Lavina, from Slurry series,
Ink on Board, 5”x7”, 2023
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ozgurkaranlik · 1 year
çok yaşa Lavinia, bulucam seni ben peşinden koşarak..
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almostlookedhuman · 2 years
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bdpst24 · 7 months
ORLAI PRODUKCIÓ Egy családi utazás nagy meglepetésekkel szolgálhat. Tomas, az üzletember egy síparadicsomba viszi szeretteit a téli vakációra. Váratlanul azonban lezúdul egy lavina és magával sodor sok mindent – ha magukat a családtagokat nem is, de sok illúziót, önáltatást, hamis ábrándot. Elvégre hogyan lehet arról beszélni, ha egy családfő a veszélyből első ösztönében nem a gyerekeit, hanem a…
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gachagachaart · 1 year
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Još najmanje petoro stradalih u lavinama u Austriji
Pet osoba nađeno je danas mrtvo u lavinama u nekoliko skijališta u austrijskoj pokrajini Tirol, a tokom vikenda ukupno osam, javljaju tamošnji mediji. Sezona skijanja je u punom jeku, ali je snijeg naglo napadao, te je snježni pokrivač nestabilan. Samo u Tirolu u subotu je prijavljeno 30 lavina, od kojih je 11 zahvatilo ljude, i spasilačkih intervencija je bilo mnogo i to po vjetru, na šta su…
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zoranphoto · 2 years
JADNI LJUDI OSTALI ZATRPANI, TRAŽE PREŽIVJELE! Lavina se obrušila na skijalište: ‘Činimo sve što možemo!’
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Oko 10 ljudi zatrpano je u nedjelju u lavini u skijalištu Lech/Zuers u zapadnoj Austriji, izvijestila je Austrijska tiskovna agencija (APA), dodajući da je jedna osoba spašena. Do lavine je došlo oko 15 sati, a ubrzo nakon toga na teren je raspoređeno nekoliko helikoptera i timova za potragu. “Činimo sve što možemo kako bismo spasili ljude”, priopćeno je iz općine Lech, a prenosi APA.     Oko 100 ljudi bilo je uključeno u potragu, a spasioci su zatražili svjetla za kacige kako bi mogli nastaviti potragu po mraku. Lech/Zuers se reklamira kao “jedno od najboljih skijališta na svijetu” i dio kolijevke alpskog skijanja. Na web stranici odmarališta stoji da je skijalište zatvoreno od nedjelja popodne, a glasnogovornik nije bio odmah dostupan za komentar. Dnevno.hr Photo by Lucas Suárez Read the full article
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angels-maybe · 1 month
*Jophiel is ringing Azrael’s phone*
( @jophiels-chaos-crew )
*Lavina picks up*
“Shits going on-what do you want?”
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gladdestars · 2 years
little things that I want to say for myself, and also for those who reading this💌
Ga punya banyak temen itu bukan suatu masalah, dan gaperlu sedih mikirin itu.
Ga perlu minta siapapun untuk stay di hidup kamu. If they want to, they will.
You're never too young or too old to start doing something.
Kalo ada yang ngejek kamu lemah karena kamu nangis cuekin aja. You are allowed to feel what you feel❤️
Kamu bakal gagal berkali-kali. Jadi kalo gagal sekali ayoo kita coba lagi, move on and try again yahh!
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kandii000 · 1 year
More silly pjo redraws!!
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alexkrahenbuhl · 2 years
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Lavina #2, from Slurry series, / Ink on Board, 5”x7”, 2022, / @alexkrahenbuhl : : : #art #artist #alexkrahenbuhl #draw #drawing #illustration #printmaking #ink #scratch #lines #crosshatching #scratchboard #lavina #slurry #abstractart https://www.instagram.com/p/CnU3RbiOeGy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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