#Lawless AU
sliebman10 · 3 months
(This takes place in the Lawless AU, where Sirius is a saloon proprietor and Remus is the sheriff.)This AU is inspired by the show Deadwood.)
Black was standing in front of Black Star Saloon, sipping from a mug of coffee when the stage coach came into view. He nodded to Potter, who switched places with him as Lupin approached.
“Sheriff,” Black said, tipping his hat ever so slightly.
“The magistrate is due on this coach?” Lupin asked.
“Ain’t no way to tell until they roll in,” Black said.
The two men stood side by side watching as the coach drew nearer. What that coach held for the future of Deadwood, neither of them knew.
“Notify me once it arrives? I’m due on my rounds,” Lupin said.
“Do I look like your fuckin’ errand boy, Lupin?” Black sneered.
“No. You have a way of gatherin’ information first,” Lupin replied, not rising to the bait.
Black desisted. “I do, don’t I?” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets in a satisfied way. “Off with you, now, Sheriff. I’ve got it covered from here. The good people of Deadwood want to know they’re bein’ saw to.”
“I’ll give you a good seein’ to,” Lupin growled under his breath.
Black raised an eyebrow and looked at Lupin with interest. “That so?”
“As if it ain’t already happened this mornin’.” Lupin snorted. “I’ll be home at nightfall.”
“I’ll be sure to bring you posies,” Black said with a wink.
Word count: 239
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 4: Deranged Bedfellows
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.5)
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#mdzs au#lan wangji#nie huaisang#Yungmeng Jiang training arc AU#This is the *first* part of what was supposed to be a much longer comic (LWJ's morning routine in full).#I'll finish the remaining part as a reblog to this post! I just think this is the funnier chunk.#Lan Wangji absolutely is the kind of person who has a perfect internal alarm clock for when it is time to get up.#He already has a dedicated sleep schedule. He is accurate within 10 seconds of 5am every day.#I think the Jiang disciples are most likely used to waking up around 6:00-7:00am#But the allure of having a guaranteed time keeper getting you up in the morning is worth the earlier hour.#I imagine they started outside lwj's door and slowly moved closer as the weeks went on.#Now LWJ has to cope with being way too warm in the night from all the extra body heat.#LWJ is not a fan of this but they scamper off immediately after he wakes up and they at least show initiative to follow routine.#NHS joins in only because he is a chronically heavy sleeper and needs this level of intervention to get up early.#His boldness would be a death sentence in the cloud recesses but here? Whole new game.#Yungmeng Jiang isn't a lawless land. It's just a land with different laws.#And one of those laws is to forcefully domesticate the catboy coded Lan boy through any means necessary.#Completely different tangent: I drew the thumbnail for this before I did comic 134. I then realized they had the same visual gag.#So I had to space this one out so it didn't seem like I repeated the waking up joke. That's my secret and all of you have to keep it.#And in my land the law is that snitches get itches (telepathically transfers hives onto your body)
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juniemunie · 6 months
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This post wouldn't leave my mind.
Error and Ink meeting before they completely become themselves is so....
ლ(ಥ益ಥლ) HHHHHHH
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frozen-seagrass · 1 month
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The WALL-E au no one asked for
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kitsunenomegami · 1 month
Context: After almost losing Licht in the battle against Jeje, Lawless no longer leaves Licht alone for fear of something happening to him, so if Licht wants to spend time alone, he has to sneak away. You can imagine the rest of the context :D
Contexto en español: Después de casi perder a Licht en la batalla contra Jeje, Lawless ya no deja a Licht solo por temor a que le pase algo, por lo que si Licht quiere pasar tiempo solo, tiene que salir a escondidas.
Ya ustedes pueden imaginar el resto del contexto en el video *Guiño* :D
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yarrayora · 1 year
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KHR x Servamp where the vampires knew the first gen
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the-supremeverse · 2 months
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ok so in undertale there are moments where papyrus violates the laws of physics
so i thought "why not make him doctor sans arch-nemesis"
but since doc is on hiatus i thought i could repurpose this idea for the supremeverse
behold! lawless papyrus! he has toon force kinda????? i also fused him with fatal error because i had no place for another geno sans lmao
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btw heres his old ask-doctor-sans design
reblog please
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hashileio · 1 year
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i am cringe but i am free
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vincess-princess · 4 months
we, the psychos
ch. 6
Word count: 2457 Warnings: self-harm A/N: yes, writing is all im doing beside work rn. and what of it
Vince just got dressed and was trying to comb through his wet hair with his fingers when Simmons returned.
“Take him to Dr. Duren. He wants to have a talk with him.”
Stradlin raised an eyebrow. “As if that’ll help.”
“I dunno. He’s getting desperate, I think. You want him tied up?”
“I’ll manage,” Stradlin said lazily. He grabbed Vince’s forearm and lightly pulled him to the door.
So far Stradlin did him no bad thing, so Vince obeyed. They left the washing room and were now in the dressing room before it. A cold draft enveloped Vince’s bare feet. Even clothed, he was still shaking, his nails blue.
“I want my shoes,” he said.
“Go get them,” Stradlin replied indifferently. Simmons, who was locking up the shower room, made an indignant huff. Were Simmons the one escorting him, he would force him to go to Dr. Duren naked. Not that Vince hadn’t sported his junk in front of other patients before – it would just be even colder.
“I’ll go change,” Simmons told Stradlin. “Be back by lunch.” And he left, slamming the door behind him. Stradlin winced and sent the door a displeased gaze. That was more emotion than he expressed in a week – that’s how annoying Simmons was.
Vince tied up his shoes, rose from the narrow bench and looked at Stradlin expectingly.
“You first,” Stradlin said, nodding at the door. Reasonable – the dangerous patient should always be in one’s line of sight.
“You wanna ogle my ass, just ask,” Vince grinned.
“No, I don’t. C’mon, move.”
The halls were empty – everyone must be in the garden, digging in the dirt. That was Vince’s least favorite of asylum’s jobs. Not that he liked other jobs much, but he hated to get the dirt under his nails the most. Even laundry was better than that, although psychos were very good at getting things smelly and greasy. Vince would much prefer kitchen duty, even if it was washing the dishes, because it offered a chance to catch a munch; but he hadn’t been allowed in the kitchen since his first ever outburst.
They climbed the stairs and approached the door to Dr. Duren’s cabinet. There they met Hudson – he was leaning on the wall, twisting a lock of his hair between his fingers. For a black dude, he was rather handsome. Vince usually didn’t go there, but he would here if given a chance.
“Hey, Saul,” Stradlin called him. “Someone in there?”
“Feranna,” Hudson replied, pushing his hair off his face. Vince’s heart skipped a bit.
“What’d he do?”
“Cut his thighs into mince.”
“Oh, again.”
Vince bit his lip. Whatever, he told himself. He didn’t care anymore.
“What’d he do now?” Hudson nodded at him.
“Oh, the usual. Tried to choke Simmons – right after water therapy.”
“Really?” Hudson snorted. “Simmons mad?”
“A nurse of his experience should have already learned to manage his anger,” Hudson said, eliciting a half-smile from Stradlin.
“Don’t tell him that.”
The door opened, and Nikki walked out. He was walking slowly, carefully, as if trying to avoid touching the fabric of his clothes. His gaze slid past Vince, then returned to him, lingered for a moment, then moved again. Vince pointedly stared at the wall the whole time but as Nikki and Hudson moved farther up the hall, he couldn’t help but shoot them another quick glance.
So what if Nikki did that because of him. That was no longer Vince’s problem.
“Come in,” he heard from the office, and Stradlin nudged him towards the door.
Vince inhaled deeply and went in. Dr. Duren was sitting at his desk, writing something. He was surrounded by piles of documents; a half-finished cigarette smoldered in an ashtray. That was unfair. Why he let himself smoke, but not Vince?
“Sit down,” Dr. Duren said. He put a decisive dot at the end of whatever he was writing, opened a nearby folder and carefully put the paper in there. Only then did he raise his eyes to look at Vince.
“Do you need me here, doctor?” Stradlin said behind his back.
“You can wait outside. We will be quick.”
“Is that what you tell your wife at night?” Vince teased, but without much success: Dr. Duren didn’t spare him a single look.
Stradlin left, and Vince was now alone with Dr. Duren. The familiar fear stirred in his stomach, raised its ugly head. Vince clenched his fists underneath the desk, and the pain from his nails piercing through skin brought him back to his senses a bit. Whatever he could do Duren had already done to him. Whatever he could come up with, Vince would endure. He always had.
Dr. Duren took a drag out of his cigarette and slowly exhaled the smoke.
“You’ve been on a roll lately, Vincent. Not a single night in your own cell in two weeks. Two fights just today.”
“Thanks, I’m doing my best,” Vince said modestly.
“Look at you. All bruises and scratches. Hair knotted. Bags under the eyes. Who’ve you turned into? You were the most good-looking patient when admitted. Cared about your appearance, too.”
Vince’s hand involuntarily rose towards his hair, but he dropped it back halfway. Anger rose in him, swift and unstoppable. Yes, he didn’t look as good as he used to. But that was not his fault. He simply couldn’t.
But it was too late – the chain reaction had already went off.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Vince hissed. “You did that to me!” His voice rose into a scream. “You and your goddamn asylum!”
“Calm. Down.” Dr. Duren said, slowly and distinctly. “Don’t make me regret not putting you in a straitjacket.”
Vince grabbed the ashtray and threw it into the wall. With a loud crack it broke into a thousand little pieces that littered the dark-blue carpet like stars in a sky.
“You’ll have to clean that up,” Dr. Duren said calmly.
“Fuck me if I will,” Vince growled. Why wasn’t Dr. Duren scared? Everyone was scared of him. Even Simmons, even if he would never admit it. Everyone was scared of a deranged sex-obsessed psycho. Who now wasn’t even good-looking anymore.
“Yes, you will,” Dr. Duren said. He looked at him with his goddamn blue eyes, somewhat reminding of that guy, Bob Deal. These two were the only ones whose gaze Vince couldn’t handle. “Now sit down.”
Anything but that. Anything. Duren will not get him to do what he wants to do. He tried, with all those cold showers and padded cells and straitjackets, and failed. And if he thought he would be able to do it now, with just his words, he was damn wrong.
Vince picked up a piece of the ashtray with a sharp corner and stabbed his arm with it. Then he dragged the sharp piece up his arm, leaving a gash that slowly started to fill up with blood.
Pain slowly began to clear up his mind. He just cut his own arm open. Sharp pain throbbed under it; blood dripped off his arm and onto the expensive carpet.
Then large hands took the piece of ashtray away from him. Dr. Duren stood over him, looking at him with those damn impenetrable blue eyes. Vince never realised he was that tall; probably even taller than McKagan and Simmons. If he wanted, he could send Vince into a blackout with one hit.
A knock in the door attracted Dr. Duren’s attention, and Vince could breathe again now that this piercing gaze wasn’t drilling into him anymore.
“Doctor? Is everything alright?”
Dr. Duren gently led Vince to his seat. Vince plopped down on it, his legs suddenly weak. He kept staring at the gash on his arm as Dr. Duren told Stradlin to get them some bandages.
He just disfigured himself. With his own hands. This scar would never go away. It will always remind him of how he completely lost control and hurt himself in his anger. He was no better than Nikki now, and he used to poke fun at him for his scars.
Dr. Duren returned to his desk, lit up a cigarette and gave it to Vince. Vince took a deep drag and began to cough. It’s been too long since he last smoked.
He finished the cigarette under Dr. Duren’s attentive gaze. The Stradlin returned with bandages and fixed up Vince’s arm. Vince could say Simmons did it to him. No one would doubt that. Simmons was known for worse things.
“Good job, Izzy,” Dr. Duren told the nurse fussing over Vince’s wound. “Now give us a bit more time. A couple minutes.”
Stradlin left. Vince stared at Dr. Duren in confusion. What else did he want from him? Wasn’t all this enough?
“I think you punished yourself enough now. But to keep the appearances, you’ll be cleaning the canteen after meals for the next week. With Feranna. He’s also behaved badly.”
Oh, come on.
“Is this what you call “soup”?” Tommy said with disgust as he scooped up a spoonful of oily water with slices of overboiled cabbage and a single piece of carrot.
“Listen, at least this time there’s meat in it. There were times when we didn’t have even that,” said Mick. Tommy tagged along after him until lunch and sat down next to him at the table. Mick didn’t seem to mind.
“Hope the funds the asylum saved on this excuse of a soup will go into something worthwhile,” Tommy grumbled, carefully trying the soup with his tongue. At least it was hot. After a short hesitation he put the spoon into his mouth.
“Doesn’t your lordship like the soup?” Mick teased, looking at the grimace Tommy made. Mick was consuming the soup with indifference of someone who never knew a taste of better life. For a second Tommy wished to be him – to spend so much time here that he forgets how it is in the outside world.
But he knew he wouldn’t be able to forget. Once knowing a better thing will have one always craving it.
Mick finished his soup and lazily poked at a sausage on his plate. From time to time he raised his head and cast a look at the door, as if waiting for someone. This went on for as long as it took Tommy to finish his plate, and just as he put his spoon down Mick’s face lit up.
“Oh thank God,” he murmured. Tommy followed his gaze and saw… well, at first he thought he saw a reflection of himself a couple years later. A mop of long, unkept hair falling onto the eyes, lips bitten so badly they had actual wounds on them, a distant gaze and a slow, careful stride, as if something hurt when he moved. If not for that, if someone got him out of here, brushed, washed and dressed up, the guy would be a heartbreaker.
He shuffled to their table and lowered himself on the bench next to Mick.
“You’re late,” Mick said. “The soup has got cold.”
“Whatever,” the guy said, carefully laying his bandaged hand by the plate. “I’m not hungry.”
“Yeah, you can shove that up your ass. Get your spoon and eat.”
“Yes, mommy.” The guy rolled his eyes, then, for the first time over that conversation, looked at Tommy. “Haven’t seen you around.”
“I’m new,” Tommy said, making eyes at Mick – would you introduce us? But common manners were seemingly unknown in this godforsaken place.
“Congrats. You’re in the best place in the world,” the guy laughed hoarsely. He didn’t look happy at all.
“I can see, yeah.”
“I’m Nikki,” the guy said. “Nikki Sixx. I would offer you a hand, but…” He gestured at his bandage.
“Tommy Lee,” Tommy said slowly. That wasn’t the way he used to make acquaintance, but still better than nothing.
“Don’t tell the nurses his name,” Mick intervened. “They mustn’t know. They call him Frank Feranna.”
“Do you all have secret aliases here?” Tommy raised his eyebrows.
“Only the ones that need them,” Mick said mysteriously. “Enough about it. We might be heard.”
“Alright,” Tommy decided not to press on anymore, not willing to lose the goodwill of his new acquaintances. “Frank- Nikki- What happened to your hand?”
“I fought demons,” Nikki said. Tommy couldn’t determine whether he was joking or serious. Maybe a bit of both – they were in a madhouse, after all. “And where’d you get this lovely black eye?”
“Some psycho didn’t like that I sat in his place.”
“Really?” Nikki livened up a bit. “Who?”
“A blonde guy, some nurse brought him in in a straitjacket. What was his name, Mick?” Tommy turned to the old man and was met with such a grim gaze he almost physically shrunk in place. Did he say something wrong?
“Ah. Must be Wharton,” Nikki said evenly. The spoon he was holding snapped in his hand. He looked at it with mild surprise and carefully put the two halves back on the table.
Tommy looked at him, then at Mick who was eviscerating him with his eyes, then back at Nikki. He was definitely missing something.
Nikki went to fetch another spoon. While he was away, Mick hurriedly picked up the pieces and hid them in the pockets of his robe.
“Why’d you need that?”
“I don’t,” Mick replied sharply. “Someone else might – and not for a good cause.”
Then, just as Tommy bit off a piece of his sausage, the canteen door slammed. The sausage stuck in his throat, and he had to cough to get it out.
No one paid any mind. Because that was him at the door – the Wharton guy.
“Speak of the devil…” Mick muttered.
Wharton looked over the canteen like he was the director of the asylum. He didn’t look very regal, though: his hair was wet and matted, lip broken, left arm bandaged, right arm – covered with bruises. Fresh ones - Tommy didn’t remember them on him when they fought in the morning. What had he got himself into in the meantime?
Wharton confidently strolled to the food dispenser. Mick hissed behind Tommy’s back, and a second later Tommy understood why – Nikki was right there, fetching himself a new spoon. He stood with his back towards them, but Tommy could see him turn his head, see who just entered, drop the spoon and hurry to the door.
Just as Nikki passed Wharton, the psycho grabbed him by the forearm and whispered something in his ear. Nikki grimaced and pushed him away with such force Wharton almost tripped over. Almost.
When his first victim left the range, he turned around, looked over the canteen, saw Tommy, grinned and headed directly to him.
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longwombraider · 8 months
Mlp infection AU got me HARDDDD
so obviously I have to do a servamp version of it! I'll probably post a part 2 later but here are the characters and what I think their roles are in an infection au☺️
(Format is heavily inspired by @/mrsgendered on IG, creator of the Evergreen Infection Trails!)
Sloth Pair
Kuro- immune 
Health- 100% 
Stress: 80% 
Consciousness - 100% 
Servamps are now taking charge of being the Eve's main defense and offense since they're immune. He sees the fires everytime he closes his eyes
Mahiru - Uninfected, not immune
Health- Healthy, 96%
Stress: 87%
Consciousness: 100%
Mahiru has taken upon himself to start rescuing people and delivering supplies to people since he has a servamp, meaning he can be protected (as long as kuro can keep up) Hes trying to keep everyone chipper, but the stress is taking its toll on him. He should stop overworking or it'll be easier to infect his weakened body.
Envy Group
Mikuni- Uninfected, not immune
Health; Healthy, 98%
Stress: 80%
Consciousness: 100%
Mikuni is primarily worried for Misono, so he had been keeping an eye on Misono, helping him from the shadows. He doesn't fight, and no one knows what his true motives are. He appears from time to time, usually only approaching Mahiru or Misono to hand them intel or products Johannes had created to aid them. His whereabouts are constantly unknown.
Nowadays, he seems to not carry Abel around with him anymore. Mahiru wonders why...
Jeje- Immune
Health; Healthy, 100%
Stress: 60%
Consciousness: 100%
Follows Mikuni along and shoots down any infected down whenever Mikuni goes out. He never misses.
He's constantly seen around Mikuni's neck, alert and upright even in snake form. The infected had always gave him a feeling of disgust.
Johannes- ??? not immune
Health; Sickly, 87%
Stress: 90%
Consciousness: 97%
A prodigy researcher helping to discover a cure. Having a sickly body even before the infection doesn't help. His weakened body is further weakened due to his inability to fall asleep and his workaholic tendencies.
He constantly dons headphones to focus on his work, and not the pleas and groans echoing from the outside.
He trusts he is safe from the infected because it's Mikuni's shop. It should be safe, right?
Greed Pair
Licht- Uninfected, not immune
Health; Healthy, 95%
Stress; 88%
Consciousness: 100%
Licht has been worried about his parent's back in Austria. He can only have faith that they're still out there, alive. Took charge of offense, he, along with Lawless, patrols the borders and are usually on the front lines, fending the infected off. It's been getting difficult to keep up.
He hasn't played the piano for fun ever since. Screams and groans echo in his ears instead of musical notes.
Lawless - Immune
Health: Healthy, 100%
Stress: 87%
Consciousness: 100%
Together with Licht, they are sent to defend the area from the hordes of infected. The emotional stress is eating him from the inside out, and he can't help but rely on Licht to keep his emotions in check. He's worried because he can see Licht is starting to crack too.
A newly summoned rapier is used everytime they go into battle. It won't be good if it breaks halfway. Even magic has its limits.
Melancholy Team
Tsubaki- Immune
Health: Healthy, 100%
Stress: 60%
Consciousness: 100%
The camellias don't bloom anymore. He goes around, like a grim reaper, killing off any infected that had entered the late stages. He hopes it brings them peace.
The only thing keeping him rooted is his family of subclasses. He hopes they're doing well. He hasn't seen them since the infection began.
Belkia- Immune
Health: Healthy, 100%
Stress: 89%
Consciousness: 100%
A medic, helping to tend to the wounded and early infectees. He goes around with Tsubaki to rescue any possible injured, or to kill off the infected that breached the border.
He's tired. The injured and sick doesn't stop coming, and he's trying to give care to every one of his patients. Tsubaki and Belkia are what gives each other hope.
Sakuya- Immune
Health: Healthy, 100%
Stress: 78%
Consciousness: 100%
He accompanies Mahiru and helps him with whatever errand Mahiru needs to run. He doesn't need Mahiru needlessly putting himself at risk by going out and exposing himself to the infected and disease. He also helps Mahiru in distributing supplies and rescuing the sick or helping to fend off the infected.
He'll do whatever he needs to to keep Mahiru safe.
Higan- Immune
Health; ??
Consciousness: ??
Was sent by Tsubaki to other parts of Japan to help to contain the spread of the infection with his fire abilities while also killing off any infected. He was also ordered to keep in touch at least bi-weekly.
It had been 3 months since his last text. Nobody knows of his whereabouts.
Otogiri- Immune
Health: ??
Stress: ??
Consciousness; ??
Primarily the subclass used for assassination and the gathering of intel, she was tasked to find out more information about the virus and its origins. However, just like Higan, she hasn't been contactable in months, and is currently missing.
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mahi-does-some-art · 1 month
I love when lawless and lily have beef lol
Lol they can barely stand each other unless it's a matter of coffee.
They're always bickering and throwing shade at each other unless it's the morning rush-- Then they work almost disturbingly well with each other to make every order. They work so well that they have time to make pretty art on all the lattes.
They both are very particular about good coffee and that's the only thing they get along with lol. Lily often prepared coffee when he and Misono still lived at the manor starting when he was a teen with the luxury of only ever having a fancy espresso machine.
Hyde saved up for a fancy espresso machine a couple years before he started working at the bakery and ever since he's been learning how to make the best cups of any type of coffee drink ever and is a very annoying coffee snob.
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ciaossu-imagines · 9 months
hey! ^^
I'd like to request Servamp + the high school prompt please!
Thank you~
(if someone requested Servamp + the vampire prompt i wonder how you would've done it hahaha)
You make such a good point - if someone had requested that, it really would have been a fun time trying to come up with some vampiric twist! I love high school AU's though so this was a fun one to write and I hope you'll enjoy! I honestly think this is the longest thing I've ended up writing in a while but the idea for the story and the universe really got away from me.
Welcome to Servamp Academy (sue me, dear readers - I suck at naming things so bad)! It's not just a high school, but a boarding school for high school students. And not only is it a boarding school, but one with a very old, storied (and lately a little fearsome) reputation.
It was established far before anyone can remember, and for the past twenty years, it's Headmaster is a man only known to the public world as Sensei. He was very famous, but in recent years, the last five years or so, nobody has seen him in public. Though the school has remained voiceless about its Headmaster, truth be told, he hasn't even been seen by the school's staff for at least that long, with emails being the only way he communicates with his staff anymore, giving them his orders, which they still faithfully follow.
Servamp Academy accepts only the best and the brightest of students. In fact, it's normal class size is at most 15 students per year. These students are prodigies, geniuses, children of elites - in short, the top 1%. But in every first year class, there's one student who gets in via a public lottery. It's a really big deal, as the school is known not only for its high tuition costs but also for churning out the future leaders, artists, celebrities, and movers and shakers. All of its graduates go on to live almost impossibly charmed lives.
However, there's a shadow over Servamp Academy this year as the school opens its door for the school year again. At the last of the year, Servamp Academy had to close its doors for the summer vacation early and under horrible circumstances. One of its students, Ophelia, the daughter of a foreign ambassador and someone who was making a name for herself as a model UN representative and a leading actress in many school plays, went missing near the start of summer break, with her room found ransacked and bloody. The police investigated but could not find any trace of her…until her body was found over summer break, hanging from the Academy's clock tower, while all the students and staff were supposed to be on vacation. There are many rumours regarding her death, with no exact cause of death or any leads being found by the police, and Servamp Academy is opening its door for the new year with those frightening rumours haunting everyone's minds…
So, there is another weird thing about Servamp Academy. All of the incoming first year students have mandatory 'buddies'. So, the way it works is that after graduating the first year, the best of the second years are chosen to mentor and lead the new first years. The remaining second years, if there are any, play back up mentors and also step in to help and guide the first years. According to the school's guidelines, this is to help the students learn leadership skills that are necessary for success in life. These buddies live with their assigned first years, and the remaining second years, if any, live on an additional floor above the first years in their dormitory so that they can be close at hand. Once students have graduated to the third year, they learn the coursework they would have normally learned in the second year, and then graduate on to the fourth year, their final year before they graduate the Academy. The Academy also has an affiliated university for those students wishing to go on to higher learning.
This year's lottery winner for the first year is one that drew a lot of attention. There's a lot of rumours already around this first year, people outraged and crying school favoritism. That's because this year's lottery winner was the child of one of the school staff members. In particular, the school's student counsellor, Tooru Shirota. His nephew, who he's legal guardian of, won the lottery to get into the school. While the school does pay its staff well, their staff can't afford the tuition on their wages, not without being independently wealthy themselves, and it's only ever happened once before, the previous year, and though the school gave all the public assurances, it's widely known among the staff and even the students that that one was definitely school favoritism.
Mahiru was initially really worried about winning the lottery. It seemed simpler to just go on to a normal high school but once chosen, he figured it would be more trouble than it was worth to refuse the lottery win. Besides, his uncle works lots of long hours at the school so he figures it would be nice to have the opportunity to spend more time around his uncle. He's even able to pretty easily shrug aside the nasty rumours and the student death of the previous year. It has nothing to do with him and he's sure the school is perfectly safe.
Mahiru arrives at the school to find even more luck on his side. He'd been best friends with Sakuya Watanuki since the two of them were in the sandbox together. Sakuya had moved away the prior year, after some family tragedy that Mahiru never got the full story on, and it was really hard to lose his best friend. So imagine Mahiru's surprise and joy to find out that Sakuya, a prodigy at reading people's body language and facial expressions to the point that he'd been called a human lie detector by some, had been scouted by Servamp Academy and was also a fellow first year. While the Sakuya Mahiru re-met was more somber, a little different and more withdrawn than the one he'd always known, the bond of friendship was definitely still strong and both boys were just glad to see each other, to be together again.
Mahiru's 'mentor' was supposed to meet him at the gate when Mahiru arrived for orientation. However, his buddy was nowhere to be found and it was actually lucky that he saw Sakuya. Sakuya and his 'buddy' guided Mahiru as to where to go for orientation and it was while waiting for orientation to start that Mahiru first met his buddy…who was being forcibly dragged, complaining all the way, towards Mahiru by another first year and their buddy. Mahiru's buddy? Kuro, whose genius was only surpassed by his complete and utter laziness. This whole mentoring business? Way too much work and way too much trouble in Kuro's opinion but the staff insisted and the two were forced to find ways to live and work alongside each other. They end up bickering a lot but Mahiru soon finds out and continues to find out through the story that, when push comes to shove, Kuro is a surprisingly good buddy, someone who will have his back and help him out.
Sakuya's buddy? It's a second year by the name of Tsubaki, a supposed genius. Mahiru doesn't know a lot about Tsubaki, but truth be told, neither does anyone else, even his fellow second years or the upper classman. Tsubaki is prone to odd, eccentric behaviour and speeches but there's hints given throughout the story that despite his apparent eccentricities (most people avoid him because he seems crazy and kind of gives them the creeps), Tsubaki knows a lot more about the school and about the former year's tragedy than he's letting on…at times in the story, you would almost wonder if Tsubaki and his group didn't have something to do with it.
Mahiru in particular finds it really hard to trust Tsubaki, though he does try to befriend him for Sakuya's behalf at first. It really puts Mahiru off though that Tsubaki is almost possessive of Sakuya, separating Sakuya from the other first years whenever possible and Tsubaki seems almost bound and determined to stop the rekindling of Sakuya and Mahiru's friendship. There seems to be a past between Sakuya and Tsubaki though, something that occurred in the year he and Mahiru were apart and it's got to be something major though because Sakuya tells Mahiru flat out that he's very loyal to Tsubaki and would trust him with his life.
Sakuya and Tsubaki are almost always together…if Tsubaki himself cannot assure that Sakuya is with him, than one of the others in the group of students who surround and almost worship Tsubaki is with Sakuya. This includes fellow second years Berukia and Otogiri, third year Shamrock, or fourth year Higan. There are dark rumours around both Tsubaki and the others in his group and people do their best to steer clear of these students, even school staff at times.
Now, you might be wondering about that first year and their buddy that dragged Kuro to meet Mahiru. That first year was a boy by the name of Misono Alicein, the heir to Alicein Corporation (in this universe, I see it being a company very much like Disney - they seem to own almost everything entertainment related). Though prim, proper, and a little awkward, Misono is a kind boy and him and Mahiru grow a friendship really quickly. Misono's buddy is almost his exact counterpoint. Lily is recognizable right away, a teen model who has already garnered a fair amount of fame and celebrity. The two of them are almost the model first year and mentor pair and when Kuro and Mahiru have a hard time really getting along or getting the hang of the school, it's Misono and Lily who help them out and guide them.
Surprising Misono though, he's not the only Alicein in the first year. Mikuni Alicein also shows up as a first year student, despite being older than the other first years. He held off on attending high school, busy exploring the world, and since age is not a requirement the school holds too strongly to, he was accepted in. The problem is that things between Mikuni and Misono are not great, to say the least. Mikuni himself is a genius and a prodigy but rumours abound as to why, at the age of ten, Mikuni was emancipated and disowned from the Alicein family. The family themselves and the staff in the household are forbidden from ever even mentioning him and Misono has no idea as to why. He knows something happened and there are vicious rumours among the uppercrust society, but what he does know is that he feels he hates his brother…feels abandoned and untrusting towards him. Meanwhile, Mikuni sees this attending school together to reconnect with his brother, only to find himself rebuffed at any second.
Is it only his brother that Mikuni is there for though? It's heavily hinted that there's a lot more to Mikuni than his outgoing, silly personality implies. What all he knows and why and how much of a hand he has in the story's events? Not even Mikuni's 'buddy' knows.
And speaking of Mikuni's buddy, it's a boy named Jeje. Jeje comes from a famed family of artisans known for their skill in making masks. Jeje himself is no exception. The masks he makes are highly sought after, exquisitely beautiful. Jeje, a quiet and imposingly tall boy, wears a different mask, each handmade by him, every day, something that does not lessen the fear and unease his fellow students feel around him and he is normally quite avoided on campus.
The only person routinely seen around Mikuni and Jeje both is a third year student by the name of Johannes Mimir Faustus. Johannes is the creator, leader, and one of only two members of the school's Science Club. Johannes is a famed inventor and scientist already at his young age and there's rumours about just how far the boy would go to learn, grow, and advance the world's scientific knowledge - possibly even all the way to downright murder and experimentation on a human body. However, those are only rumours, though the boy's not really behaving like he's playing with a full deck, if you get what I mean. Johannes himself is very unconcerned with the rumours. Everything he does, he does to learn new things and as such, he's perfectly willing to align himself with whomever will grant him the best opportunities to learn something new and interesting.
Another first year that Mahiru soon gets friendly with is a boy by the name of Tetsu. Mahiru stumbles across him after orientation. Tetsu's trying to look for and refind his 'buddy', something that occurs frequently throughout the story as the two seem to constantly be getting lost or separated from each other. Tetsu is the youngest of the first years, the most unsure of how to navigate the school and its rules and quirks. He's known as the world's strongest boy and made a name for himself as a tweenage wrestler, but honestly, he's a gentle giant who just wants to make friends and have a happy school life.
His buddy is a second year student named Hugh, a perfect match for Tetsu as Hugh is also a child prodigy and much younger than the other students, both the first and second years. A literal child, Hugh hardly acts it. He's prideful and boastful and a little annoying at times, but most of all, he's very secretive…he definitely knows things that he won't tell, that he shouldn't know, and the only one to trust him fully throughout the events of the story is Tetsu himself.
Another first year is a girl by the name of Izuna Nobel. She's a genius inventor and mechanic, known for making waves in the field of robotics. Izuna's a really kind girl but I don't see her making really close friends with most of her fellow first years. To be honest, inventing is her biggest passion, her hobby, and what she spends most of her time doing when she doesn't have to be in class. So she doesn't really spend a lot of time with her fellow first years and she's definitely only really close to her 'buddy' but I still see her really helping out the others and still being kind to them throughout the story's events.
Izuna's buddy is a second year named Freya. Freya is a wealthy heiress, an heiress to a Russian crime family if you believe the rumours. Honestly, most everyone in the school is terrified of her, especially given her 'resting bitch face', with only a few chosen people having gained friendships with her. Her and Izuna are almost always together, together with another second year who is really close to Freya, Gilberto Weasel and a third year who was Gil's buddy the prior year, Rayscent Crazyrabbit.
The first year that gets the least attention though and almost seems to fade into the background a lot is a quiet boy named Niccolo Carpediem. The son and heir of the largest family in the Italian mob, Niccolo is somehow still very much a nonpresence, a very quiet boy who seems almost invisible at points given how little people notice him. It's actually a skill in its own right though and don't mistake his shyness for weakness because Niccolo didn't get accepted into Servamp Academy just due to his wealth - he's more than capable in his own right. Completely the opposite of Niccolo is his 'buddy', Ildio, a loud and brash second year and master chef who won some amount of celebrity for his overwhelming victory on a children's cooking competition show. They appear to be complete opposites, the quintessential odd pair, but surprisingly, Ildio and Niccolo get along really well and have the least amount of quarrels or hesitation working together out of all the first years and their buddies.
But the first year that gets the most attention? That's easy because it's not just the first year everyone is studying, but their second year buddy. The first year is a famous piano prodigy, Licht Jekylland Todoroki, who has already played major concerts throughout the world, though they've temporarily retired to attend school. Honestly, Licht only agreed to attend Servamp Academy because his part-time manager and promoter, the better of the two he has, Rosen Crantz, also chose to attend the school and is in his third year. Licht hates the idea of the buddy system right from the get-go though and is always at odds with his 'buddy'.
And who is his buddy? Oh, his buddy is absolutely famous, both by his own merit and by his very close connection to Ophelia, the dead student at the center of last year's tragedy. Lawless is a famous child actor who took a hiatus from the silver screen and the stage to attend Servamp Academy. While there, he became close to Ophelia and the two of them starred in the many stage productions the school put on. Everyone knew them to be almost inseparable. Rumours are swirling that Lawless had something to do with Ophelia's disappearance and death, that he has to know something. Lawless absolutely refuses to believe any of the official stories being stated about Ophelia, either from the school or the police, who believe one of their former teachers might have had a hand in it, that Ophelia and the teacher had been having an affair and that her death was a crime of passion, given creedance by the fact that the teacher in question disappeared around the same time, assumed to be on the run. He knows Ophelia too well to believe anything like that about her and is bound and determined to get to the truth of her death. He has absolutely no time for this buddy shit and he makes it clear to his buddy from the beginning. He's begged and pleaded and even tried to blackmail his fellow second years into helping him with no success…The only people he can seem to get to listen to him are his best friend, a fourth year called Guildenstern, whose the Acting Club's lighting director. Oh, and Syuhei Tsukimitsu, the son of the disgraced teacher, who accepts a menial job as the janitor of the first year dormitories in order to infiltrate the school and try to clear his father's name.
Other important characters include a gang of second years who aren't buddied with any particular student. They can be helpful or completely apathetic, often bouncing in between the two, seemingly guided by their own desires and wants. However, one of those second years is particularly famous, given that he's the only other student to win the lottery that has a parental figure working in the school. That second year is, of course, Tsurugi Kamiya, the adopted son of the school's assistant headmaster (so, for all extents and purposes, with Sensei not being seen, the one running the day to day and making all the rules), Taishi Toma. Tsurugi is joined by his two friends - a genius by the name of Junichirou Kurumamori and the youngest son of an insanely wealthy family, Yumikage Tsukimitsu.
Also among the staff members are its literature teacher, Iori Tsukimitsu, the heir to the Tsukimitsu family and his sister, Miyako Tsukimitsu, the art history teacher.
Formerly the physical education and survival teacher, Yoshimasa Tsuyuki has been missing since the day Ophelia went missing.
Through the story, I do see the first year's getting sucked into this whole investigation, along with their buddies and the other characters, and they're all trying to solve the mystery, as well as uncovering the many secrets of Servamp Academy, including the one surrounding its very mysterious headmaster.
And to anyone wondering, Koyuki and Ryusei, though they didn't get into Servamp Academy like Sakuya and Mahiru, they still routinely write, email, text, and Snap their two childhood friends and are super proud of their friends for getting into Servamp Academy.
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cotecoyotegrrrl · 8 months
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Lucy Lawless
You're welcome.
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marune2 · 1 year
If other Servamp children get’s a boy/girlfriend
Lawless : dad I get’s a girlfriend her Name is ophila
Germain: ok good for you
If sleepy ass get’s a girl/boyfriend
Sleepy ash:……this is the reason why……..
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kitsunenomegami · 9 months
Comic 1/3
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mai-artano · 1 year
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Made for @floraroselaughter  ‘s WILD WEST AU (Law of the Lawless) you should definitely go check it out!
Outlaw Melkor because he is like that ;)
Key point - I still can’t draw horses :P
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