#Lawrence Rennie
ginge1962 · 6 months
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Another free supplement from an issue of the Judge Dredd Megazine.
Mechastopheles Mini-Collection from 2000AD - June 2021, cover by Karl Richardson.
Written by Gordon & Lawrence Rennie with art by Karl Richardson.
0 notes
gumballavocadoharry · 1 month
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Lost along the way; Jack Chambers:
*Mentions of very offensive language, domestic abuse,  violent child abuse, aggression, violence, sex, drunkenness, slang terms, curse words, vulgar language, death, grief, emotional abuse, outdated views of women, men and children and cheating. *
A scorching heatwave brazed through the pounding streets of New York. The telephone wires echoed shadows over the heated tar pavement on the roads. Buffalo carried only the mist of the wave, but it still lingered over the Chamber household in mid-August. The sizzles of the heat, radiated through Jack's bedroom; a background noise as he flipped through the latest newspaper issue.
Buffalo was a set neighborhood sat serenely in the crowded busy pond of New York. The houses were only inches apart from one another- which to Jack- was better than the overcrowded insecure Brooklyn apartments.
Fresh faced young Jack- a high school graduate with honors- was only twenty years old, yet had the ambition and clarity that would take others a lifetime or several years to acquire. Body solid against the knobby clotted mattress, scanning intently through the Daily Colum. Jack wasn't shabby- a small rent control to a rickety Virginia trailer park would due. Just not here. Not in this house, with his father…..or mother.
Vivid memories of scattered and thrown around plates and glass cups, forks and knives. Beer bottles, all slammed against the walls with harsh crashes and shatters. Despite it being regular, Jack never accustomed himself to its normalcy. Because it wasn't. It wasn't normal to have run through the home with Vaseline covered soaked in ice to numb any whips or switches being whapped against them. Nor, was it normal to spend the cagy night soaking up the misguided blood from the belt welts with a sterile sheet that Jack had pressed over his sheets to not dampen them with his vertebral sores.
Jack would later learn his tip toeing habits came from his childhood. Tip toeing down the stairs for a glass of water, tip toeing up the stairs back to his bed. Tip toeing across his bedroom floor to study for his upcoming middle school tests. One creak was dulling. One creak could send David from his room out to the steps and into a barrage of curses words and threats hulling themselves at Jack, then being yanked up by the collar and thrown into his bedroom.
A glass had broken from this once and Jack stepped on a cracked piece. A bloody spot trail led back to Jack's room and wasn't cleaned until that following Sunday. Looking at the trail made Jack numb. He didn't understand why, but it did.
Last night- the night Jack made up his mind. Get busy living he decided. It had meaning. Last night was when David had grabbed Jack by his collar and threatened him. Throngs of: Pussy, Bastard, Dickhead- thrown at him with ease as if David was talking to a criminal. He would talk to them and about them like that. One of the most well respected detectives of the Buffalo precinct- hailed as a hero for stopping those two robbers who shot the elderly owner of the drug mart only a few miles from the neighborhood. Jack had heard about this at school, rooting Lawrence Jackson, to spill the latest of what had happened.
Jack liked and despised Lawrence. He was friendly, happy, calm, charming…..he had a good father. His father, Marc, was David's partner. Marc was the laid back and easy going type to get the antiheroes off with parole or a lighter sentence. "They're just kids," He would say. "I remember when I used to feel the same way. Parents should really show their children, just how much they love them. Don't ever leave it to fate or a read between the lines kind of guess for them. They deserve it."
Lawrence would brag about how Marc would take him to the ball game or buy him ice cream on hot summer Saturdays after school. Jack even saw the way Marc wrapped his arms around Lawrence after scoring the touchdown for the season. "Oh Renny! You were amazing! My number one guy!" Jack didn't even realize the smile peering across his face watching the father and son from the crowd. Jack could sometimes imagine David and him like that- but it never lasted.
"Jack, get your ass in the car or I leave without you!" Jack grabbing his baseball glove and bat, would have only a few seconds before David's car sped off. Marc was nice enough to give rides to Jack. But a twisted shame would dawdle through Jack. Maybe because Marc knew how rough David could be. And Jack knew he knew. "You dumb fuck- screwing up the whole fucking game for everyone!" David's eyes narrowed, pushing his face very close to Jacks. "You screw up again, and there won't be another season for you, got it!" Jack swallowed hard. He knew what it meant. Another hospital trip for a broken arm plus a bruised cheekbone. It would ruin his season.
A knock sounded against the door. "Jack?" Lucy entered upon Jack's acceptance. "Hi sweetie." Jack folded the newspaper by his side, lending his full attention to his mother. He watched her scrap over his blotchy paint stained floors, that had years' worth of stains longer than he'd been around. Taking a seat on the bed, Jack was forced to meet her silver rain eyes.  "How is everything?" Jack shook his head. "What do you mean?" Lucy bit the side of her lip. "You know… after last night with your father and everything…."
Jack stared back down at his bed spread. "You know that's never an easy question to answer…" Lucy kept her stare on Jack. Jack recognized that stare: the same one she would always give to him as a small child. A thick arch threatened to spread across his eyebrows. She could never see him as the man he was, just this small little child that needed her hand with everything. Lucy sighed. "I know your father can get a bit…rough at times," She paused. "It's just….when you have a family one day, you'll see that it's not easy providing for them and it can make you tired and irritable-"
"It's not an excuse." Jack shot back. "You don't lose your self-control like…." He thought. "Like an animal in the wild-"
"Watch your tongue!" Jack shook his head. He wouldn't take it back and Lucy knew he couldn't. A sigh escaped from Jack- his mother's eyes still following him. "Was there… anything else about Dad?" With a small hiss of ire, Jack almost demanded the answer. Lucy looked down. "He loves you." Jack scoffed. "Sorry…but…" waving his hand, Jack sat back with a smirk on his face. "I'm serious."
Jack sat back up. "Mom…. It is what it is. I've accepted that one way or another- I learned to accept it one way or another." Jack shook his head. "Dad….. Is Dad." Lucy touched Jack's knee. "I love you very much."
I'm sure Jack thought. He dropped the subject. Lucy's eyes met the newspaper. Jack stiffened. Grabbing the newspaper, Jack flipped to the crime catalogue. "A recent carjacking happened by Manhattan." Lucy scanned the paper before up righting herself and nodding. "It's a troubled world, that's for sure." Biting her lip, she turned to Jack again. "Dinner's ready." Sitting up, Lucy walked to the door, leaving Jack's room. Jack continued to stare at the closed door- darting between the burnt reddish brown door and the matching door jam.
Shaking his head, Jack thought about Lucy. Weak. No other word to describe it. Weak. Jack spent years, silently pleading and begging his mother to grab a suitcase- anything and just…..go. Leave everything and start fresh with just the two of them. No more 'bitch' or 'cunt' would be lunged at her for burning dinner or knocking over one of David's beer bottles. David didn't touch Lucy the way he would with Jack. He could snatch her by her shoulders and shove her against stairwell, or push her towards the kitchen after landing a firm pat to her behind.
Jack would never forget the way his father rebuked Lucy for interrupting his TV show. "You dumb broad!" He yelled. The first time Jack would ever see his father whip his hand to his mother's cheek. Blood trickled down the side of her face as she ran into the kitchen and hid herself away until dinner time. Jack hadn't even sat his backpack down before he ran upstairs and used the rope of robe to tie the door knob to the leg of his desk. The next morning, a foundation covered bruise sat boldly on the side of Lucy's face as did the artificial smile she had. At least….Jack hoped it was fake. Nothing was ever mentioned about it ever. Even if Jack thought about asking his mother if she was okay, something would snag him- grab and shake him to keep silent… like maybe she deserved it for being with him, or maybe because she would tell David and lead him to punch Jack in his face. Either way….nothing was said. No one ever said anything. And that was the last Jack would ever see of that.
Jack came down to dinner. David was sat at the center of the family table with a slight scowl across his face and his hands neatly and firmly pressed together in a noose. Jack took a seat in the middle- David always sat to his right, Lucy sat to his left. Jack sat in the middle- seen, not heard. Just the way David liked it. "You've got too much mouth." He would say. "Shut it!" Jack had only tried to tell him that he was going the wrong way during the dense highway traffic. "Shut up Jack! I told you I don't want to hear it!" So he didn't. But it took him two hours to turn around. Jack was sure he would get hit, but he didn't to his surprise. Instead, David kept silent. As long as no one spoke, he would let it go.
Lucy set the rolls in the middle of the table like a centerpiece. A steamy filled trout sat in front of Jack with carrots, peas. "Delicious!" Jack said. "Thanks Mom." Lucy smiled before taking a seat at the table. "Needs more salt." David said, but still scoffed down the trout without so much as a 'thank you' or even eye contact for that matter.
Dinner was silent. The sounds of forks grinding against the plates and the munching of the food were the only sounds expressed. "Jack… you doing anything with that college education?" Jack furrowed his eyebrows. David let out a gruffy laugh. "That's right, you don't have one." Lucy glared at David. "Yet…" Jack said.
"What?" David eyed Jack over bent over posture. Jack shrugged. "Yeah, I mean- it's not over yet." David narrowed his eyes. "You mean, you're actually gonna do something with your life? Not slaving way at this repair shop forever?" He started chuckling. "I guess my son ain't a loser after all." Jack kept his head down. He didn't say a word. Didn't need to. After dinner, he simply cleared away the plates and set them in the sink.
"You know that's women's work." He turned to Lucy. "Get up and do it." Lucy, like a puppy on demand, settled herself from the chair and gently took the plates from Jack's hand. She gave a small tattered smile and started on filling the sink with hot water and suds. Jack stared at Lucy for a bit before turning upstairs. Locking himself in his room, Jack researched harder on places to live. Crumbling the paper and tossing it, Jack sulked, not finding anything available. Laying back in his bed, Jack wouldn't give up. He couldn't. He decided that tomorrow morning would be a new day. A fresh day for looking. The scouring heatwave would still pour, but to Jack, he would wipe the beads of sweat from his head and continue house hunting.
Monday came, and the heatwave was still lingering through the city. Jack was up- overdue for the morning, settling into his navy blue jumpsuit with 'Bernie's Auto Repair' tattooed on the back. A quick sandwich, apple slices and a lemonade canister later, Jack left a gallant letter for his parents on the fridge.
'Went to work, see you later when I get home'
Love, Jack
Scuffling around the corner to meet the eight o'clock bus, Jack paid the fee before sitting three rows behind the driver- eventually getting up and handing his seat over to an elderly man with groceries. "Thanks sport!" Jack fluttered his dimples to the man before gripping the overhead hook of the bus tightly and concentrating carefully on what street Milton Ave was.
Pulling the string, Jack thanked the driver before hopping off the bus and strolled into the repair shop- clocking in his ticket for the day.
Jack gained Bernie ten new customers within a week. Business boomed more than over the last year when Bernie decided an oil and shine would be only for the price of one. "Sometimes you gotta spend money to make money." He said. Jack nodded along, disappearing back under the firetruck red Buick. He didn't know why, but Jack had this overachieving knack for fixing cars. "It's a gift, boy," Bernie said. "One day, when you get a car of your own- specially in New York- you'll be some driver. That car will be lucky." Jack smiled. Wiping the oil from his hands on the little white handkerchief sticking from his leg pocket. "Thanks Bernie." The older man smiled. "No problem- you know, I appreciate ya so much, lemme know if there's anything I can do for ya."
Jack modestly smiled, before frowning a little. "Say, Bernie…. Are there any newly leased apartments or houses around here?" Bernie arched an eyebrow. "Moving out of your folks place?" Jack kept his smile thin and subtle. "That father of yours is a damn sure hero. He really is, you tell him that, ya hear?"
Jack nodded still keeping his rigid smile. "Well, uh…. I hear this place on Caldara…. It was leased a few days ago because a couple decided that there Palm Springs was better suited for them- took route 66. You interested?"
"Oh yes! I've been looking for over a month now… as long as it's not too expensive." Bernie clicked his tongue. "Well, now- in this city- the cheaper you go, you don't know what you might get."
Jack knew this very well. One apartment that was a few hundred a month had a mouse nest under the kitchen sink. Booted from the apartment before the owner even showed up for the appointment. "I've decided- I'm not interested. Thanks, bye, bye." Jack hung the phone up and decided the owner would need to check for themselves why the place wasn't selling.
But this seemed like a sure thing. Jack knew those Caldara apartments. They lived in Brooklyn- the best side that you can get from it- and they were hunched only a little corner away from King's College. The inside was small but habitable little place with a small kitchen, little living room, a bedroom and bath. All he needed. After his shift, Jack didn't hesitate to find the empty apartment. Once inside, Jack checked under the sink, the bedroom, bathroom and any corner where a mouse would nest or spiderwebs would hang with their families or where any furnaces kept eggs of whatever inside. Nothing. "I'll take it!"
"For three hundred every month?" Jack nodded. "Fits my budget perfectly." Shaking hands with Mr. Veldor, Jack signed the lease and was given the keys to his new apartment officially. The shimmer of the golden key felt good in the palm of Jack's hand. It has the ring of departing clanging through every fiber of his brain. Jack made a solid two hundred with Bernie, counting it up every other week. Combining that with a night job for classes would seal a solid hopeful five hundred dollars into his bank every week. Jack needed to be cautious though.
If David saw the flicker flash of the keys, he would bill on more things for Jack to pay for. Once Jack had reached eighteen, David didn't hesitate. "Your grown now, you can pay your own damn way like everyone else in this country." David has dusted the grass sweeps off his tank top from mowing the lawn. Jack glanced between his mother skirting from the kitchen opening and the dining room. A glower escaped from Jack's eyes as he didn't expect Lucy to pipe up for anything.
"Jack," She tried to stop him on the way up the stairs. He turned back. "I'll figure it out…. I always have." Then he disappeared into his bedroom- snagging the job with Bernie's only a week after.
Jack had made it into the house. The keys were tucked carefully inside his uniform and then hid away. David wasn't home yet, giving Jack the chance to rearrange his closet space. He grabbed trash bags from the kitchen and tucked every item of clothing he owned inside them and hid one bag in his closet and the other under the bed- rolling them up into this ball shape. Watches and rings- delicate accessories were put into trash bags- rolled and knotted into this little bag and the carefully sealed inside the closet bag before being knotted tightly.
"When will Dad be home?" Jack asked, seeing his mother come into the house with grocery bags tucked in both her arms. Jack scurried over and took some of the bags from her arms and placed them onto the counter. "He said 'around 8'. It's a case him and Marc are working on that's very detailed." Jack nodded. "Why, did you need to ask him something?" Jack shook his head. "No, I just… wanted to make sure…." Lucy raised an eyebrow. "Jack…" Jack shook his head with a smile. Looking into his mother's eyes again- He examined them for scepticalness. "Well…. I always keep a watch out for him, yeah."
Lucy took a bag of carrots from the bag. "I-I know. I guess…. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Jack gawked- deep into Lucy's eyes this time. Enough for her to see the little lines of his green irises and the shrill potency of vigor he held in them. Lucy couldn't stop staring. There was something in Jack's eyes she couldn't ignore. Something inside of them that was so jarring, it scared her.
"I'm fine," Jack said, voice a little quiet. "I'll be fine." Giving a quick kiss to his mother's cheek, Jack left the kitchen leaving Lucy alone with her thoughts. But even she busied herself in sorting the groceries out for dinner- to bury down what she had possibly known about Jack, but was too afraid to admit to herself. Her sight went to the kitchen opening, then back to the counter. Taking a deep breath, Lucy ignored the echoes in her brain and put the milk into the fridge.
Jack thought hard. He needed to be swift and smart about this. No time for purchasing couches or coffee tables- Jack would take what he already had. His bed, clothes, desk- his room would be stripped of everything that would ever remind his parents of him. He would be gone by Friday. David wouldn't see him, Lucy wouldn't see him….. No one would see Jack again. No more 'greatest detective hero' about David. No more meek and mousey housewife and mother- so saturated in her character, that life washes around her- reality passing her by. Jack sat on his bed. Still realizing his uniform was still attached, Jack stripped it off, stuffing it over the closet rack. The empty closet was useful for something. Sudden flashes of pots, pans, oven mitts and curtains and shades struck Jack's mind. Checking the clock that read 6:02, Jack grabbed his house keys.
"I'm going to go meet some friends at the diner!" He yelled, coming down the stairs. Lucy peered through the kitchen doorway. "Where are you going?"
Jack turned to Lucy. "I remembered I promised to meet some friends at the diner later tonight-  I was tired from work, I forgot. I gotta go now." Lucy watched Jack shuffle out the door. Jack rushed through the front door and caught the passing taxi to take him down to the market.
Miller's Place, was always cheap. A few cents for kitchenware, a few cents for food, a few dollars for furniture. Jack would remember that. He would remember Miller's. With his basket already full, Jack was ready to check out. But something nicked his mind. Bags with 'Miller's Place' on the front would be a dead giveaway in case David decided to ransack Jack's bedroom again. But a crate. A sturdy one where all his kitchen supplies and household needs would be well hidden- out of sight from David… out of sight from Lucy. He didn't trust her. Something that was boiling down in the deep pits of his gut had now boiled over in a flash thought at the checkout line, as Jack settled the thick and wide hickory crate into the basket after it was rang up.
His mother. How own mother could never stick up for him when he needed her the most. Even with all the mustered down sorrow of seeing her so appallingly treated, something in Jack- a spark inside him felt this drench of relief to finally be rid of her was well. She stood by on the sidelines watching Jack get helplessly tortured by the man she married. Would she know just how Jack would cry and scream for her when David would beat him because he failed a test, or force him to take stoney cold showers because he didn't like baths at the time. Lucy would deflate this with inept attempts of reading Jack bedtime stories, or making him his favorite cookies. But it wasn't enough. Jack needed more. He wanted more. He wanted better. That was it- Lucy didn't want to give him better. She didn't take him into her arms and run through the teeming swarm of city-goers in the dusk of night, and find shelter- hidden away where David wouldn't hurt them again.
"He doesn't mean it Jack." Or, "He's just tired. But he wants what's best for you and to do well. So, listen to him and don't doubt him." Would ring inside his head like bells through every night, while he tossed and turned in his sheets, or while he would bandage and tend to every blister or bruise or bloody welt from David's 'best wishes'. Jack was careful not to slam his new items into the cart- his anger filled memories were starting to get the best of him. "Have a nice day!" The lady clerk cheered as Jack waved a polite goodbye before leaving the store.
The clock was now 8:30, making Jack rush home- snagging the first bus to back to Buffalo.
"There he is!" Lucy's sweet voice piped from the kitchen. A delicious savory smell of ham was being delivered from the kitchen to the dining room. Mashed potatoes, butter roasted carrots, biscuits, corn pudding and green beans were sidelined by the centerpiece ham in the middle. David, sat in the center as usual with a serious frown over his face. Jack bit his lip before coercing a smile. Carrying his bags towards the stairs. "I'll be right down." Jack carried the bags and shoved them into the crate as best as he could. Closing the closet door, Jack was met with the sound of footsteps stepping closer and closer toward his door. Jack- quick on his feet- swung the door open and was met face to face with Lucy. Somehow… to his slight relief. "Dinner's ready." She scanned the bedroom over Jack's shoulders, trying hard to peer around the gaps of his frame that stood in the middle. "Alright. I'm coming right now."
Jack waited for Lucy to follow him down the stairs- she did, chugging behind him with question curiosity. Jack took a seat at the table. Taking in the aromatic whiff of dinner, Jack grabbed his fork and knife and waited for his turn. A ping pong toss of whether to share the news with his parents or keep hush until he could safely move everything from the home to his apartment. Jack decided to keep silent. Keeping his daze mostly on his dinner, Jack only looked up occassionally into his mother's eyes. But Lucy was detailed. She was scanning for something- anything to conclude the clambering dyspneic thoughts. She could only catch glimpses of Jack's eyes. Like beads of lint in the light that echoed cotton or dust was nearby. But something in his eyes changed- except she couldn't quite place a finger on it. Did it change suddenly? Was it always there? Had she just not have noticed?
It was bogging down inside her deeply, like a stick in quicksand- snatching it down with every second. Something about Jack's deameanor had changed. They way he walked, the way he spoke- the jarring way he would bore into her eyes with every conversation between them. Glancing between Jack and David- the carried the same eyes, similar jaw lines, the same creases around their nose and under their eyes. The same tight stiffness their jaw would hold everytime something upset them. But David's eyes were different. They were firm, fierce and brash. The jade green would mix in this tonic of arrogance- something Lucy found appealing and rebellious when she was younger. But looking into her son's eyes- the didn't shoulder the same weight. They carried its own.
Jack's eyes were firm when angry, cooing when soft, playful and giddy when happy. He could be happy- he could be soft. He could be a man. A real man. 
He would never be like David. Lucy knew that. 
Raised in the era where marriage was something only Lucy could hope for. A good secure future was in the palms of a man who could give her everything she wanted. Money, housing, the exspensive clothes she could only dream of placing over her body. He could give her the love and attention she desired; the girthy gauzy touch over the nape of back, or the twidling fingers brazing over her warm rosy cheeks. David- tall, dark umber hair and jaded green eyes with golden blades sharpening through them and thick muscles with quivering veins that crawled under the flesh of his arms every time he flexed them even a little. 
His hand craddled Lucy's dainty one in his grasp. The way his arms carried her into their new home- the Buffalo one they shelter in now and for decades to come- gently set her down on the couch like drape slung over the back of the chair for modest decor. Honeymoon days were the best- two weeks of David's masculine proclivity filled the home along with her peach cobler in the way she hoped. Then the first fight. 
David's confident voice suddenly became maybe to abrasive or too rasping. The words would fly from his lips and jab themselves into the laceration of her deepest hollow flesh. But, a bank account and a cozy home could sweep those words under the rug and store back into the urn that was always kept on the shelf, but never touched except for sweeping. The perks of being Mrs. Chambers, was everything to Lucy. She once called this out to her friend, Diane Marlow, who she had managed to make a girl's date with- a casual tea time at the Kettle. 
"He does that sometimes." Diane perked up, sipping up her tea with speed as to speak what had just been spoken to her. "Sometimes...." she looked to the side. "Lucy.... I'm not trying to butt into your marriage but- I think.... maybe that's a bit too far." Lucy crooked the side of her head and raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Diane swallowed. "All I'm saying is... David shouldn't talk to you like that. I know, he has a temper but-"
"Everyone makes mistakes, Diane. David.... is wonderful. He would never hurt me intentionally." "Don't you mean at all?" Lucy huffed. "I suppose Ethan is just perfect, isn't he?" Diane furrowed her eyebrows. "No. He's far from that- but he doesn't call me out of my name everytime he comes home from work tired or hungry, if that's what you mean."
Lucy looked around. "I needed this Diane. Don't you understand? For a woman... the rules are different. This might be the closest I can get into a future."
"Lucy," Diane sighed. "A woman can still dream and want. It's not that she shouldn't have to- it's that if she doesn't want to, then she can decide for herself what type of future she really wants." 
But Diane could understand. She knew how much marriages were watched and scruntinzed closely by the community. A woman could divorce.... and be shunned and looked on as if she were just a failed attempt to what was expected from her. But unlike Lucy, Diane didn't hold herself to such high expectations. She loved Ethan for who he was and what they could both give to each other through love. Lucy would watch they way Ethan pulled out Diane's chair. Or the way he would press butterfly kisses to her blushed cheeks. It scalded Lucy had badly she craved that. But a fire inside her burned heavier. Ethan wasn't the up and coming city dectective to ring in a infallible reputation with the city- nor did he have a house in between the rush of the city. A car was something that wasn't accessible for the couple yet and stung something in Lucy. Seeing the budget made wedding, the careful cost reception and the two layer cake, somehow sent a judgemental snag inside of Lucy that she couldn't rid.
Her wedding- would be perfect. The right crisp white flowers, the perfect four layer cake with the little bride and groom at the tippy top, the perfect dance for the reception afterwards- Lucy could see it all in her head bouncing around like dodge balls. And that's what she did all her life- dodge. Shunning looking too tough for a man to come and allure with her. Dodge stepping outside of the kitchen where her skills would be judged and belittled by her dearing husband, who demanded the best. She felt more readied for it, rather than some disappointing workshop type achievement or doctorate degree that wouldn't suit someone her type. David, the perfect man- muscular and manly man type to fill the role of purpose in her life. Watching her mother, her aunts, her sisters and cousins all court with their fellas, as they strolled down this destined line of marriage, children, cooking, cleaning, sewing- keeping the house together- keeping herself together at all times. It was when Lucy realized outside appearances do matter, and if they didn't, then there would be nothing. Nothing but a hollow shell of herself.
"Kids. Imagine David- a little boy or girl, swinging in the backyard, or running through the kitchen for a snack? It'll be lovely." David didn't exactly deny this fantansy. In fact, he didn't mind children. He just, liked them to be a certain type of child- but wouldn't acutally knock the idea off the table. "Really?" He said, lighting his cigar. Lucy snuggled up next to him. Looking into her eyes, a smile finally spread across David's face. "Alright.... we'll try it."
Jack was born a year later.
Despite the immense pride and sentimentalism that ran through Lucy, it would also be the first time she realized how off track life could go. 
Jack- born a few weeks early, but otherwise healthy- had this raging spirt, even while he lived in a small incubator. This was reassuring to Lucy, as she was told by midwives that premature babies didn't have the best survival rate. But Jack wasn't too early. Born into the hospital's latest technololgy, he thrived in his little glass box. His lungs filled with energy as he would kick and scream when the nurses tried to change his diaper, or how he quickly learned to latch when his hunger got the better of him. "Seems to be perfectly healthy." A delight pecked through both of the new parents. Jack was an easy baby for the most part. But like most wives, Lucy did most of the childrearing to know that. Even though in good health, the occasional worry still slithered through Lucy's mind sometimes of Jack being ill or developing a serious sickness.
But, a perfect little boy nonetheless. But to David, it wasn't until Jack hit one, when Lucy understood that life wasn't perfect again. She could hear Jack's cries and screams from being slapped or whipped for little mistakes. She could feel the tremble in his body when he would get in David's way and cause trouble. But for Lucy, reassurance was enough. It was her role as a mother to doll up the jangling mistakes of the father's temper as misunderstandings or tough love. Looking into those little green eyes- eyes that needed his mommy to swoop in and take control. But all Lucy could find herself doing was rub his chubby cheek and kiss his forehead. "It'll be fine sweetie.... wanna bake with mommy?" 
Sometimes, Jack would stay tied to the apron strings, other times, he would run away to his room and stuff himself in the closet. Her heart twinged. She wanted to scoop her boy into her arms and shield him from the dark world. But the fire- wedged deep inside her kept burning brighter and brighter. A woman had to have it all together at all times. Especially, her household. Jack was made to hush over his father problems. Lucy was made to pretend that everything was all fine, and that David was just tempermental at times. At times, she would dress Jack's wounds with ointment and peroxide- and a dab of her foundation to ease the tender hue of the bruise on his lip or the black eye surrounding his orbital. 
She sent Jack to school that way. And it was harmless. At least, children weren't supposed to be that intelligent- be seen and not heard stood for a reason. So, that's what she would gently remind Jack to do. If no one asks, then keep quiet. If someone does, then pretend like nothing happened. Looking into those innocent eyes- Lucy knew she had underestimated her little boy. He was a smart cookie and tough one. Unlike her, he didn't sit back and let David hit and punch. Sometimes, and eleven year old Jack would swing a bat- trying to intimidate David with his batting skills. Jack could run. Joining little league back in the third grade, Jack knew how to dodge a belt or switch with a sharpness sometimes. He knew where to swing and how hard to hit David- but never did. He was a good boy- a strong boy.
He had guts. He would mouth back- show teeth like a growling dog when provoked. Carrying the same temper his father did, Jack held this certain control in himself that David couldn't. Lucy could see how much Jack knew the ropes of the house. But.... he bite back. David said 'no game' because of a broken vase; Jack would sneak out the door and hit a home run through the yard. David would force a dress on Jack, because if 'Jack wanted to act like a bitch, he would get treated like one.' 
Jack walked to school in his tank top and summer shorts that day in the frigid twenty degree weather. 
If Jack was told to 'shut up', he would be first to pipe a loud shrill scream across the room and run out of David's sight. David burned up Jack's favorite toy truck in the fireplace out of drunkness- no sympathy, just flat callousness. Jack, later than night, smashed all David's beer in the driveway and through the backyard. 
David burned Jack's records; his favorite collectibles from over the years. Stifling the tears, Jack went out later that night- dressed in black on black- and set fire to every desk inside the downtown presinct. Using vodka bottles and lighting them with matches. Jack would forever feel ashamed of this act in the thick billow of teenage hormonal anguish. Something even Roger would have to find out when he as Jack's age. The aftermath was burnt rubble of every last framed honor that was credited to David. "Fireman said, it was a vodka flame. Probably some angry kid over their father going to jail or somthing..." The chief said. No fingers were pointed to Jack- not even David could point. 
As far as everyone knew, Jack was in bed wallowing over his burnt records. But deep inside, Lucy knew. She just didn't tell. And Jack knew she knew.... and he would never say; something....Lucy had to learn to accept.
Jack mellowed as the years went on. But that flame that fanned inside him still burned on and on. It never died. Jack didn't need perfection to be accepted.... he knew what the world was and he accepted that for what it was. 
Lucy could never understand the look in Jack's eyes after winning the seasonal game, or finishing with the honors in high school or scoring the perfect first date with, Ruby Heimen. Had Jack been a more mousey type of child- it would be different. He would've etched himself into his mother's arms- not into the blazing brutal flames of his father's temper, with his own sparks. Quiet and dutiful- like Lucy- obeying every command like how he was supposed to. He was a child, after all. And Lucy was a woman. A dutiful wife and mother- Assimilating into her place like she had wanted. Like she was supposed to.
Don't fan the flames too hard, keep them contained in your little box she thought. Don't let passion burn brighter then your place in the world. Follow the rules- and you'll be safe, like promised. Like her mother promised. So, she promised this to Jack. Never aloud, but subtlety. 
Jack would understand why she couldn't protect him. She hoped he could maybe even agree that she could nurture his childishness with hugs and kisses, fresh baked cookies, and gentle touches and sing song voices. That David was his father, and fathers always knew best. And for that, she knew best. But Jack- had this passion. The simmering flame that Lucy had fought for years, was Jack's fire. It burned brightly in Jack, never dying- even through the thick marsh of jaded sorrow- something in Jack, never died. That spark in his eyes held something that Lucy could only wish. Even her best intentions couldn't credit that from him. Every 'no' was met with a 'I will anyway'. And Lucy could never admit it to herself. She would never admit why it never fizzled. Looking into those eyes-favoring David's- but more. It held something inside them that Lucy could never have. Something she wanted for herself was now sitting in soul of her son.
But Jack was born with it. "I'll be fine Mom." Was something so natural for such an unknown reason, would drip from his lips like they were tattooed on his tongue from birth. Maybe she wanted to believe she would understand- how rooted Jack was in his beliefs. His gut instinct was his compass and that's what he followed. And for that, he would be fine. The outside typical surburan family that consisted of mother, father and son. But on the inside was this push and pull tug-of-war between Jack and David was something that became her everyday; she hated to see it. She couldn't bare for anyone else to see it. But it was there. Lucy didn't know when it started, but it was there. And that's how it always was in the Chamber home.
But years later...she would know. She would see that particular look on the face in every stranger, but Jack's would never change. A certain natural in his eyes that held that flame. An unwafting flame of content... of freedom. He was prisoned by circumstance, but liberated by will.
A fresh dew early morning; chill and lukewarm without the panging heat of mid morning and afternoon lingering.
Jack was at Bernie's, working on Pontiac- greese stains splashed over his cheeks. "Hey there Jack!" Jack turned for a minute, greeting the old man with a smile. "That lady- you fixed her Ford for- she really loved it. She tipped ya a few cents." A smile fell over Jack. "Thanks Bernie," taking two quarters out of the eighty cents, Jack handed them to Bernie. "You deserve it too." Bernie gave Jack a kind look. He appericated Jack's work ethic a lot, but his kindness the most. "Young fellas," Bernie put it, "don't make much time for an old man like me. You're special Jack, you know that."
Bernie thought for a minute. "You have a car?" Jack looked up and shook his head. "No sir." "Well, you got one now," Bernie ushered Jack with his pointer and led him to the backyard of the shop. "Some man came in and dropped this off. He said it was junk and that it don't work no more." He turned to Jack. "If you can fix it- car's yours." Jack's eyes widened. It was the most gorgeous navy blue Ford he'd ever seen. Sitting amongst the grass and the stacks of tires, Jack could almost picture himself driving it. "Oh thank you so much Bernie! I don't know how to thank you!" Bernie smiled. "You're an excellent worker- I figure that's about enough."
Jack finished up the cars for that day. Then he stayed overtime working on the Ford- fixing the broken shifts, replacing the broken pipes, and oiling the gears. And then- the headlights popped on. Then the engine started. And then..... Jack drove it home. Jack sat in the driveway- thinking up his next move. A new car, a new apartment, small furniture. Jack got out of the car and made his way quietly in the house. It was past dinner, and the house smelled of chili spices and garlic. But Jack ignored that. Instead he tip toed up stairs and moved the crate in the backseat of the car. Making a second trip, Jack grabbed the trash bags of clothes and stuffed in the trunk before peeling over to his new apartment. 
Looking around the empty spaces, Jack decided that in the morning, he would move everything out of his home. He would call some guys over and they would move his bed and desk out of the haunted home he resided in and into his new home. A shrilling chill crawled down Jack's spine. A static shock of excitement and enchantment overflowed him, as he found his legs jumping high and then carefully hitting the ground as not to disturb the sleeping neighbors. Jack would call Bernie and ask for the morning off and that by late afternoon, he would work until late evening. Then he would call Charles and John, to help move his bed and desk with the promise of cold beers and a few dollars. He had it all set. It would be the perfect escape from the years- the 19 years of vigorous maltreat that he suffered at the hands of his father. All the tears, the screams, the fights, the harsh words- all rooted and conjoined in this vein of David. Memories of the smell of  hot leather would sting through his nose from time to time. Sometimes, the hair on his left arm would raise slightly with more goosbumps; David's favorite arm to use when he pressed a hot skillet to it or slap the upper arm when Jack stood in his way a little too long.
Jack stood solid on the floor. His eyes brimming with tears. The hole was deep- deeper than Jack thought... or wanted. Jack could rebel-he always did- but it still didn't take it away. The horror he felt of making David angry and the slew of degrading threats that would be pounded into him for the tiniest mistakes. Jack would never tell anyone of his agility skills origin; he could curl himself into ball, wedging himself in the corners where David couldn't see him. Or how flat he could make his body from laying under his bed for hours until David sobered up. 
Jack fought for his life from day one until today. Jumping out the belt's way to protect his legs, ducking down with sharp speed- protecting his face from punches or shifting himself out of the way from David's slaps. It made David angrier sometimes. He would be chased, sometimes down the neighboorhood blocks- where he would hide in the tree at the park, around the corner of Mr. McGail's house. He was decent. Just watching from his front porch at the spectical sometimes, when David would ask where Jack went, he'd point him in the opposite direction. Although, Jack hadn't found this out until middle school. "I've been beaten a few times in my life..." He started. "I just don't think it's right- and that's my take on that." 
Jack made a habit from that moment on, to be Mr. McGails personal helper on some summer days when the lawn needed mowing or his driveway shoveled after glowering winters. It was an indicate of Jack's personal graditude. And Mr. McGail knew it- up until someone else moved into his home after his passing. It was that fall. And Jack had felt this emptiness nest inside him. A quiet pity of the nice elderly man who never knew how much he saved him. That was also the last summer, Jack would ever be chased by David. His age finally caught up with him- so he simply stopped.
Jack liked to think Mr. McGail was above the clouds, giving him a shady wink for the nonsense they caused in front of his home. Maybe a slight nod of just helping a kid out.
But Jack didn't have too much of it. That's how it always was. Jack defended Jack. Jack barked back, Jack hit back, Jack ran back. He had to. Even with his mother's gentle words and generous touches, it wasn't enough. He needed power- something- anything to shield him from David. He couldn't afford to live life- he had to live on the edge. Ready to spring out of bed when David would come into the house slamming the door. Ready to dart from Andy's house, only a few minutes past curfew. Ready to shove all his teddies and treasured toys into the darkest corners of his closet.
Ready. That's how Jack was born. Ready.
Jack knew pain. He knew survival. But he knew love. He knew how to hug himself on tired nights when his welted back hurt. He knew how to bandage his own elbows and knees, and stitch the rips in clothes after being dragged by the fringes on David's drunk days. Nights were the best. Jack was never a child too afraid of the dark. He loved the solitude. To him, it was thinking time. Time to reflect and ask himself the important questions. What he would do the next time David hit him? Or how should he respond the next time his toy was smashed? In the light of the moon, there was Jack in his little bedroom, spending time with himself. He loved spending hours crafting little robots or figurines from clay or loose screws he would find. Jack- watching his mother- knew how long to press an iron onto a set of jeans before smoothing them out carefully. He knew how long to bake cookies in the oven and what times to check on spagehetti while it boiled in the pot. 
Jack knew that a glass of milk and a little debbie would sometimes make David's internal voices less harsh. He knew hugging your teddy can turn nightmares into dreams. He knew to cursive his name onto a piece of paper and how make paper airplanes fly across the sky- launching from the backyard.
Then by middle school, Jack loved baseball. He tried pitching. It was alright. But batting was perfect. Everyday pent up emotions were the bat, and his problems were the ball. Striking hard against the ball and scoring high points for the team became his field. Well known enough for David to place bets on him with the other fathers. If he even showed up to a game. Sometimes he would, just for the bets. Other times he wouldn't because the bar was open and waiting. Sometimes....Jack would lose. And David- losing a bet- would smack him across his little face. "You fuck everything up. Stupid dumbass little shit!" Spitting in his face, David would grab Jack and throw him in the backseat of the car and drive home cursing his name under his breath.
That's who David was. And Jack accepted that. He held no expectations to him, nor would ever be able to. Jack could look around and see the different fathers displaying their tough love with soppyness to it. He craved it. He nurtured that warm feeling in his heart everytime a male teacher or one of his friend's fathers would give him a gentle pat on the back or and rub their hands over his mop of hair. It was just something about the way Jack's heart would flutter when seeing cartoons of Dads giving squeezing hugs or loud echoing kisses to their offsprings. This sentimental affection was love. Jack- a twenty year old- still felt the same squeeze of his heart everytime a father carried that chunk of affection. His love language.
A language only a few people would understand, like him. How much children needed those kisses on their cheeks or those bear hugs against their bodies. Bedtimes stories on papa's lap and funny silly voices or gentle cooing voices for pleasure or reassurance. 
Jack, promised himself, his children would understand the delicate language of love. His sons and daughters would be wrapped in his arms and his smile would be only for them. His dreams would be of his wife laying against him in the grass while the children ran around the yard happily. And that's all he could want- happiness. Jack, was a happy person. A good person. He would never hurt anyone- not even a little fly. He just... had to protect himself from David. David stood on the other line of wanting to break his spirit. He wanted Jack to sink so low and so deep into the cold slooshy wet mier of pain, that love would die. Happy would die. 
Jack would die.
Jack had dreams. He learned to have them. Just like he learned to sew and cook and make bruises disappear and cuts and scraps stop bleeding. And Jack had those big dreams- high and bright. Like the apartment he stood in- feet strict to the floorboards. And maybe the college he wanted to be apart of; King's College only a few blocks away from his townhouse. Engineering would be his major. He would do what he loved; crafting things from scratch. Making a life of burning down the old and building up the new.
And he would become a bartender to pay for the classes and work for Bernie to pay for the townhouse. And he would one day leave the crowded city- taking route sixty six down to the California hills. Jack knew his wife would be there, and they're home with the lush backyard where their kids would play. A blonde haired little girl- favoring his wife from every detail of her face, and a little brunette boy- vivid eyes like himself with the same ambition that sparked his early arrival into the world. It was all waiting. Everything waited for Jack- motioning him to take that first move- that first step towards the rest of his life. And so.... he would burn it all down.
He had to. He couldn't spend even another night in that house. His future was his escape from the dread decorum that ran the household. He had to prove this to himself. That he could be free. That Jack Chambers, did not suffer in vain. He did not believe that men had to be uptight, or women had to be dainty, or children had to be just mere echos of convenience.
Jack would settle the mental battle he fought for years. He would prove that even before the sense of maturity and experience kicked in, that this gut feeling- stronger than the rest- was his saftey net. That his instinct is what moved him to burn down the presinct, and smash those beer bottles against the hard pavement of the driveway. That sewing the rips in his own jeans was more than childhood education or curiousity of how things were done. That from the moment he heard the rash voice of his father, and weak cries of his mother, that he was correct. That he could do better. He was better.
That he deserved better. Looking into the face of morals before he even understood what they meant, was something inside him all along. Defending himself in the face of bleak iniquity and daring himself in aftermath of consequences became his life. And it would always be apart of it. Unafraid to challange the laws or stomp over bad authority.
Unafraid to take himself over the lines of perfection and duty, and into the blades of a certain unsureness. So for that.... he would set it on fire. He would wake up, stare his parents into their eyes and tell them he was leaving.
And with his hands tied, watch it all blaze and burn down, before resting to a cooling burnt ashed grave. And he would stand in those ashes and look at them. Then he would kick up his sneakers and scrape the ash off his soles and keep walking. Not looking back for a minute, a second or a lifetime. His life- would finally be his own. And his dreams would be his reality. A new perspective on what life truly could be.
Walking out into the hallway, Jack took one last look around at the apartment before closing the door and locking it.
The wails of firetrucks streamed down the block. Taking a passing corner around the Chamber home, the engines honked and sped only a few blocks down the street towards the left of Central Ave, where someone had set fire to the Jenn residence, 'The porcelain house' as some people called it because of their all white exterior and shiny glass designs inside.
But the Chamber household did boil. 
Jack stood in front of a sobbing Lucy and a disgruntled David as John and Charles moved around them- pulling dresser drawers down the steps and into the back seat of Jack's car. Then the hollow frame of the dresser came and moved around them, and then the mattress, and then the bed, finally halting with Jack's desk.
Professionals, as Jack called them- not missing a beat or dropping one fragile item to the floor.
David turned and scowled at Jack. "After everything we've done- and you're gonna just take off and leave!" Jack kept silent but nodded, closing his eyes briefly and opening them to David's angry ones. "Ungrateful son of a bitch- when I was your age- I worked my ass off to take care of my folks- not just leave them behind in the dust like the way you do!"
Jack knew this wasn't true. David grew up in foster care all his life.
Jack didn't bat an eye. "It's not personal-" "Oh! 'It's not personal' " David mocked. "It is personal! You only care about yourself! Where is this new place anyway?!" Jack shook his head and turned to his mother. "Mom....I'm leaving now." Lucy turned to Jack. Soppy tears dripping down her face with a sorrow filled stare. "Please...." She managed to beg. "Don't go." 
"I have to." David scoffed. "Ungrateful pussy." Jack didn't argue the logic. Clutching his knuckles, Jack had made a promise to himself and he intended to keep it. Looking down, Jack saw the last of his items being placed into the tow along cargo space on the back of his car. Taking a deep breath, Jack narrowed his eyes to David. "Goodbye Dad.... take care." His voice sturdy and unwavering, he brushed past him and hugged Lucy. Placing the house keys in her palm, he looked into his damp and puffy eyes. "Take care Mom...." Kissing her cheek, he continued to stare into her eyes until they were completly empty. "Take care...." 
"I love you Jack!" She called as he stepped aside from her. Turning around and meeting her gaze. "I love you too." 
Jack turned to David, whose eyes were filled with absurd fury. Jack- without thinking- wrapped his arms around David and pressed a small kiss to his cheek, before quickly letting go. David's eyes softened. The crease in his brows became less prominant and his fist unclenched themselves a bit. But Jack still held a certain sterness in his stare. His mind even rambled reasons for his sparodic affection towards his father. Maybe because it was just common decency. Maybe a heat in the moment type gesture. Jack would never know; not changing his feelings of David, he would be left in the dark of his actions until one rainy Sunday when he would sit with his wife staring down at the burnt mahogany box that held what was left of David.
Biting the edge of his lip, Jack waited. Waited for David to respond to what he had just given him. A leaden silence filled the room for a moment, as David was gasping inside to find the right words or the right gesture- anything for this sudden blow of love his son presented him after it being thrown back into his face so many times by himself. But this time was different. Maybe a dense ring of finality rang heavily through his bones. And that touch, would be the last he ever felt of Jack. The last he would smell his seasoned amber and musk cologne against the ridge of his neck. The last time he would feel his son's bulky strong hands touch the delicate pare of his back.
Staring into Jack's eyes- vividly jade and ardent- David couldn't speak. His mouth was paralyzed shut and his lungs were blowing out steam from his nostrils like how they did in a crime scene where the body of whoever laid flat on the ground while the killer ran free and undetected. A survival instinct that he carried all his life, had now promoted itself to something he struggled to comprehend for years. Love. And something about that.... he just couldn't let himself attach to.
Jack tightened the backpack over his back and turned away, taking the final steps through the house, to the front door and then closing it without looking back even once.
The house fell silent and David stood even quieter wondering what he was to do and what he just done.
A hawkish chill lingered through the fall air. School was in session; Jack had recently enrolled over the summer into King's College for the semester. Engeineering and mechanics were Jack's primary classes amongst mathamatics and science.
Picking up the night shift with the local tavern only a few streets from his townhouse, Jack worked as the bartender. Pouring drinks and serving them to desperate customers earned him a few hundred dollars every other week along with the gracious tips he would receive from his excellent service. It payed for his semester and earned him extra money for sudden repairs or for a night out in the city for a decent dinner whenever his energy couldn't hold him up to the stove to cook another pasta meal. It was the tavern job that he worked- got him into cigarettes. Lighting one every night after a rough shift with the rowdy patrons. Jack, would sometimes help himself to the swigs of a Bloody Mary from time to time during long hours.
Maybe it was to dull some of the pain he felt inside too. The sudden shift of how life can take such a quick turn into a mucky ditch.
Late September was when Jack had come into work for Bernie. Hours had passed and he hadn't shown up on the usual six o'clock bus he usually took to arrive bright and early for the shift. Jack was always one hour later. But this day, an icky trace dropped into the pit of Jack's stomach. He couldn't pinpoiny exactly when it happened. Maybe while he was fixing Mr. Hoover's Duesenberg, or Ms. Malorie's Bentley- but sometime around that time, Jack had checked his watch and the clock had already struck twelve. It was his lunch break when he drove down to Bernie's tattered old apartment by Central Park. Down the rickety street where he slowly crept up to his floor and found Bernie still in bed. 
Jack's heart fell into his throat. Somehow his feet couldn't move him to Bernie, but pushing himself- almost tripping- he did. Bernie didn't stir once. Trailing back downstairs, Jack alerted Bernie's neighboor, Donna, that Bernie was dead and to call an ambulance. "What's his pulse?"
Jack shook his head. "He doesn't have one.... I'm sorry." 
Waiting to the side as the ambulance drivers cocooned Bernie in the white sheet while on top of the stretcher, Jack felt small tickles against his face. His nose became more labored in his sniffs of air, but Jack hadn't realized he was crying until Donna placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and gently wiped the tears dripping off his chin.
"It'll be alright, child. He was a good man." She turned to Jack and smiled faintly. "You take of yourself, ya hear?" Jack nodded. A sniffle escaping him. He turned to Donna with a somber smile. "Thank you so much.... you take care too." 
A week later, the shop closed. Another week passed- someone bought it. It was no longer a repair shop but a gas station. 
Jack and Donna took the liberty to clear out Bernie's things. Donna with his apartment, and Jack with the shop. Bernie had no family, so the two held a quiet burial for him with candles in his hands and prayers above his grave. After that, they parted ways, but would forever share the moment between them.
Jack however, kept his old uniform. Tucking it away safely in storage, he would always remember the first job that gave him the opportunity of a fresh start.
Working half into two in the morning- picking up extra slack- Jack had forced himself out of bed and into the bathroom for a quick shower. Then a solid breakfast of coffee and toast before leaving the apartment and fleetly saying 'hi' to Emily. Evans, who lived a little ways down the hall. She wasn't too old, but rather looked in her early thirties. Tall and curvaceous built, wavy auburn hair and amber eyes. Jack found her sweet, pretty and kind. But, was too busy to fair any attention back her way. 
Skiling down the stairs, Jack piled into his car and drove down to the college and made it inside at the usual fifthteen minutes before class like he always did. Grabbing the books and notebook from his locker, Jack made it into class with ten minutes left to spare. 
May Hollowood. The girl he kept locking eyes with for some reason, just happened to be right across from his desk this morning. May was beautiful, and she knew it. A Dorothy Lee smile and a Marion Davies far away look, as Jack would describe. Thick flamming red bob cut locks, light pearl blue eyes, deeply dimpled cheeky smile with the most reddest lips sealing over the pearly smile she flashed everytime she saw Jack. What could she be doing in this class? Was the though that ran through Jack's mind. Mathematics class- Jack didn't totally care for the class, and held no objections or chauvinism towards a woman wanting to pursue any type course or career.
But, May wasn't the type of girl that took her studies seriously. She talked to every Joe, Paul, and Ben in the college and was always found twirling her hair during class, rather than jotting down notes of any kind. Jack kept his focus keenly on the words of his professor and the equations he wrote on the board. Trying to solve them in his head, Jack found it hard to focus with May's eyes knowingly on him. A last resort: Jack wrote the problems down for later and promised himself that he would work on them before work. Slight exasperation washed through Jack. He decided to politely ignore May for the rest of the day.
May wasn't the only girl to lust herself to Jack. Kelly Henderson loved the way Jack's bangs would appear in front of his face when the strainds of his slicked hair, would nudge over towards the front of his face. Annabelle West was fiercly attracted to Jack's confident posture with his back pressed against the wall, smoking a cigarette, while scanning the students that passed him. The there was Sally Beckett who could almost imagine herself against Jack's tall lanky figure with his bulky arms around her waist while she stared into his emerald eyes and let the heart curve of his lips press on her cheek.
But May followed Jack. She felt more than simple attraction- deeper than the ingenious thought Emily Evans carried everytime she saw Jack lock up his door and stride down the steps. Letting the vision of his protective grasp around her torso enravel her as she stumbled back into her apartment and finish making her morning coffee. 
So, May decided her first approach would be in the college courtyard, around the outside corridors, where Jack would be puffing in his afternoon and mid morning cigarette. "You have a light?" She asked, zipping around to Jack's view. Jack thought for a moment before pulling out a lighter from his pocket. Flicking the flame up to her cigarette, May smiled. "Thanks. Not too many gentlemen around here." Jack raised his eyebrows in agreement. Some of the guys did only think about one thing when they saw a pretty girl they liked.
Taking a puff of her cigarette, May smiled wider to Jack. "So you-" The bell rang, signaling classes to begin again. As Jack excused himself, May bit her lip and watched as Jack ran aimlessly though the throngs of students, tossing and stomping out his bud before disappearing inside the building. 
It was Saturday night. Jack didn't work weekends. Sitting at the bar with his friends, Andy, Charles and Jude, Jack was downing a martini. Scanning the night scene, the rush of people swinging in and out of the bar with their drinks and booming chatter and boisterous laughter. Reaching for a cigarette, Jack pressed it between his lips. Flicking his lighter back and forth- no fire rooting from it. "Light?" A saultry voice next to him spoke.
Turning and seeing May there, holding her lit lighter out in front of Jack's cigarette. Taking a puff, Jack smiled cautiously. "Thank you." May shrugged. "Just thought I'd return the favor." Jack gave a small arched smile and tried to go back to his drink. But May hovered next to him, letting the spicy blossom perfume swim through Jack's space. Feeling her soft hands touch his arm, she flashed him the same pearly smile she always did. Jack hadn't noticed the sparkle that twinkled inside her eyes. Bright sky blue eyes when settled in the mundane light. Easy and alluring with reason. Pressing her shiny red lips to Jack's cheek, leaving the red residue stain there, Jack felt this tingle through his spine.
May's soft presence eased Jack more than he would've liked. A comforting illumine wrapped around the two of them- becoming the only two people in sight. Jack could soon only see May's face. Her soft gentle face met his in a way he couldn't describe. Letting her lean in closely, Jack let his lips touch hers and soon, even a few drinks couldn't intoxicate Jack the way May did. Leading her to his car, Jack and May drove to Jack's townhouse.
Leading her upstairs, Jack had comepletly missed Emily coming from her apartment with a freshly baked cherry pie- whipped cream dolloped on top perfectly- only to see Jack and May making out against the door jam of Jack's door, before disappearing inside his place. Emily quietly went back inside her apartment, turning off her lights for the evening.
Meanwhile, in Jack's apartment......
May and Jack slammed into every corner of the room, tossing their clothes to the floor: against the chair, over the couch, by the TV, in the hallway. Making it into the room, naked May leaped into Jack's arms- arms clinging to his neck, legs wrapped around his waist, letting his body press into hers tightly. Her soft moans became louder as they trailed into Jack's bedroom. Their bare bodies heaved on top of each other- Jack kissing her neck ferociously as her naked body laid under his, pressing itself against his, until her nails finally scratched his back and hands clung to the sides of her back, letting their breaths fall and gasp into each others with a heavy final howl of breathless words. Jack slid to May's side, looking into her eyes with the fluff of his own. May's smirk played through Jack's mind. A memory he'd never forget- his first time. May would forever be the girl he gave himself to. 
He'd never forget the sweetnes of her eyes and gentleness of her lips. How she clung to him for comfort and pleasure and how she let him take the control. Fanning herself and fixing the messy strainds of hair, May finally locked eyes with Jack. "You were good." She breathed. "So were you....." Jack wanted to tell May of his pride in her being his one, but bit his tongue. Instead, he fell asleep with May tracing his back with her finger and to the sounds of her soft humming breath.
By morning, Jack turned around and his bed and felt nothing. Opening his eyes slowly, May was gone. Grabbing his nylon briefs from the couch, Jack saw that all of May's clothes were gone. The front door was closed and she had comepletly disappeared. Like she had never exsisted. Jack threw on his clothes, and went into the hallway. Emily's door was closed. Jack didn't notice too much, but found it unusal considering how she would always be there to open her door when she heard Jack's door open. Jack spent the Sunday inside the apartment mostly, but eventually went out for dinner. 
Jack wanted to know where May's apartment was. Was she staying in a dorm with roomates? Did she still live with her parents? He needed to know. His mind flickered between the picture show that played inside his mind of May's soft body pressed against his. It swayed through the night, misting through his brain and in his dreams. His heart sped when thinking of May. Her soft hair, her gentle skin, the sureness of her eyes. It all lived inside Jack's head rent free- no strings attached. Jack didn't realize the rosation of his cheeks in his sleep- sizzling deeply in his skin the more he dreamed of her lilac scent pressing deeply into his collar. No number, no address, no way to reach May or understand her. Jack endorsed that he would greet May in the corridors at school Monday. She would be there in floral pink dress, her white little heels and cherry lipstick, lacing her arm around his and walking around the college to showcase themselves to everyone like golden trophies in a glass case. Jack fell asleep, dreaming of May- hoping silently she'll return to him tomorrow.
Monday came. Jack arrived up and early- fixing his breakfast, stepping into the shower and dressing in a slick polo with dockers- dabbing on some cologne on his neck, and fixing his collar neatly.
Stepping outside, Jack met eyes with Emily. Giving her a polite smile, she gave a tightend half one before brisking herse;f down the stairs. An arch crossed over Jack's eyebrow, but he shook it off, passing her while exiting the townhouse.
Jack made a point to arrive twenty minutes early to college, hoping to spot May somewhere outside in the courtyard, or by her locker chatting with her friends. Maybe she's thinking of me Jack thought. Maybe she'll be talking about us as her latest hookup. She put in so much effort to follow me, she's gotta be interested.
A familiar chuckle grabbed Jack's attention. It was around the corner of chemistry class on the second floor. The halls were bare and the students were either just getting to the school or probably haven't even awoken from the dorms yet. But, Jack turned the corner. Quietly and vigilant- bracing himself against something unexpected. He always got enough of those when he turned corners and was smacked with a surprise boy and girl coition. But this time, he caught the firery fringes of May's hair. Her slender frame, her diverting laugh- all in light of the corner that Jack peered around. May- making out with some guy- lips locked deeply into his without hesitation. Jack went unnoticed, but was paralyzed to the scene. His legs felt wobbly like jelly, but were somehow still bolted onto the floor. His eyes frozen on the bewitching act play out right in front of him as if he didn't matter.
And he didn't Not to May anyway.
Carefully walking away, Jack's blushing wishful cheeks had become a face filled shade of red. Bright echoing red from anger mixed in utter humilation. Of all the broken pieces that still lived in Jack, the one honest one, the one bold one, the one hopeful and sensitive piece of himself had been wasted. Fully wasted, like money being flushed down the toliet, or fresh beer being poured out onto the pavement of the ground. Jack felt wasted. Used up and broken. Shattered to the ground like crystals. Jack didn't understand how he stayed in class that whole day. Maybe because of the deep determination he had to his goal. His passion to be what he wanted. Never making eye contact with May the entire day- and somehow, she was okay with that. She never looked in Jack's direction anyway. She was already on to someone else. It all singed inside Jack deeper than he wanted it to. 
Shame layed over his body like a blanket, making him want to hide himself- cover himself over like he was naked, walking around the school for everyone to see his nakedness. Once school ended, Jack smoked down three cigarettes and gluped down a whole beer pack. Drunk and sloppy, Jack took himself to bed and decided that his Monday studies would become his Tuesday ones.
Jack woke up and hour before work. Sober, he took another shower, grabbed a quick dinner -a peanut butter and jelly sandwich - before grabbing his keys and rushing out the door. 
"Where's that one girl?" Jack raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"
Emily swallowed. "Oh, there was this one woman- she said hi and we talked and... I didn't know if she lived in the apartment or not." Emily regretted what she said. Jack blinked, cheeks becoming flushed again. "Oh, uh... no she doesn't." Jack let his eyebrows furrow. He looked up again, forcing a smile across his face. "Yeah.. she was just visiting." Jack smirked. "Your apartment's always looks so cozy." Emily let a smile spread over her face. "Thanks, I love your apartment too! It's so sensual and artistic..." Emily bit her tongue. She kicked herself for allowing her lips to speak so out of term. Her heart skipping a beat- her face flushed and dampening with her sweat. Jack smiled. "Thanks.... I really apperciate it." Looking at his watch, Jack signaled his need to leave. 
"It was nice talking to you." Emily smiled, letting Jack pass her through the hall. Watching him trail down the stairs, she let herself oogle the way his body- sturdy and broad- gait out the door. A blush pecked through her face. A flash of heat swam through her body while a thick patch of fuzz sizzled through her heart. Emily walked back inside her apartment, melting into her couch as she let the image of Jack flow through her brain once again.
The shift was tough. Two fights between drunks guys held things up in the tavern, like they always did, leaving extra work for Jack. Jack was a natural at plastering on a polite smile with polite small talk and a good mood persona to get through the days. 
Serving drinks and earning tips for the night until three in the morning when he needed the extra overtime hour to make up the difference on a surprise electric bill charge. Stumbling back home, Jack plopped down on the couch, wide awake. Counting the timeline of how Sunday evening, all he could think about was May; astethic with fondness and a prancing dote. Now, the last thing he wanted to think about was May. And how she used him. How she betrayed him and shattered his self worth into a million pieces. But... Jack blamed himself too. How dare he walk into such a situation where his logic and reasoning where thrown to the side over and ardent dream of a one night stand passion. How he threw his dignity over edge just feel an eccentric fill of love for a few moments only to be lower than rock bottom when it was all over.
While Jack could hate himself, he also pitied himself. The first genuine gash of love he felt from someone- anyone, willing to be intimate with him and hold onto him for the same needy reason he carried for years. How much he needed someone to be interested in him and show him love and suffocate him in it for such a big price. Jack knew he needed it. He knew it wasn't over. The same reason he allowed his cigarette to be lit by the woman, was at the root of where he was now. Alone and sitting in the dark with only a lightly lit living room lamp, whose bulb needed replacing.
But Jack liked being alone. At least that's what he thought. He did though. But.... he still carried that craving. A constant crave of affection. In a world where if you were in a certain position- mostly of circumstance- then, you wouldn't get it. Sexual vibes were the only piece of affection that you could obtain- as much, whenever, how ever you like it.
But Jack didn't want it. Not always. Sure he loved the feeling of May's body, but he needed something more. He wanted something more which was why he was in college in the first place. But....what if that wasn't enough? What if dreams had to just stay dreams? The flame could never be sparked into a fire, but contained inside- safely so you don't hurt yourself. 
Follow the rules- is what lingered through his head. Don't fan the flames, and you'll be okay. Keep your head down and do what's expected.
Repeated all through his life in subtle, yet blunt ways. His mother's coddling of David. His father's roughness with him. These things played through Jack's brain- unstopping or unhooking itself into this merry-go-round of melancholy.
But Jack pinched himself. Not physically, but mentally. He would never allow this to tinker through his body like they had been right. Like the cages they imprisoned themselves in were for best interest. Jack shook himself awake. Pounding the thoughts of May, Lucy, David, Bernie, the guy May was kissing, Donna, Emily and everyone and everything else out of his brain. Jack sat up, grabbed his books, his notebook and sat down at his kitchen nook with a cup of coffee, a timer and a pencil
Monday's work would stay Monday's work.
New's Years day rang in at midnight. Two years had passed, old neighbors left- Emily got married and moved up to Nebraska with her new husband- a ginger tabby had made himself into Jack's new roomate- spolied with warm milk, forehead rubs and kisses, a fuzzy warm bed and a thick red collar against the fat of his neck- earning himself the name, Simba. The perfect name Jack thought for such a spolied kitten. But Jack adored him. Walking across the window seal of his apartment, Jack nabbed the little kitty before it could fall and made it his duty to care for him from then on. "He's too little to be on his own." He cooed, rubbing his nose against his own.
Jack was also working extra hard- his last year of college was really grinding him as the last final would determine whether he would have to repeat the course over. 
January rang in with frosty breezes and sloshy crisp snow, that crunched when your boots clomped it. The shoveled streets where clear. Mostly people walking on the sidewalks to catch in the morning air of mid winter. Jack could remember the feeling of the cold slapping against his face as he and his friends were lined up at Time's Square to watch the clock strike and the ball drop at midnight after the countdown. A stream of tickling snowflakes fell from the sky on that exact moment, leaving Jack to ponder the miracle. He wished for happiness and a week later, Simba was welcomed into his home.
Winter break was still extant; Jack and his friends decided a day out at the pub in Albany- after sight seeing and exotic food tasting- they settled down in the heart of the early evening for a dinner in one of the pubs. Jack explained his lastest class- Mr. Barret made the class do a math exercise with a tennis ball. It was fun, but rather difficult to keep up. As Charles was explaining a funny story- how some girl led him to her home for sex, while her parents were still at the house. "They flipped out when they saw me come through the door!" The boys let out a haughty chuckle. 
A man entered the pub. He met eyes with Jack for a quick second before turning back to a table at the bar. Furrowing his eyebrows, the man turned back to Jack- laughing and talking with his friends- scoffing down the hefty club sandwiches and beer with them, all smiles and cheers. The man was Wayne Hedel. David's friend from high school, who worked only a few corners away from the presinct, at the construction ground. Eyeing Jack, carefully- making sure he caught the familiar face correctly. The same chocolate slicked back hair with the tuff asloped over to the side over his face, curtaining his eye. The same alluring vivid green eyes that could bore holes into you or snatch you into a net of reassuring sympathy when you need it.
Wayne kept focus on the beer he held in front of him. But his mind wandered to one thing: May. His niece- in the same college Jack was in, had accidentally disclosed how she let one guy take her back to his place and showed him a good time after signaling him in class and offering him a lit for his cigarette after he did for her in the college courtyard. Laughing, she exclaimed how Bruce was a better lover, but Jack gave her the satisfaction.
Wayne hadn't told David; conflicted with whether he should- his temper flaring upon the realization of his son hooking up with a 'broad' like the cocotte boy he was. Wayne let the indesicion eat at him for the night. He slept in his misery, not knowing what he could say to David. Seeing him everyday, making small talk while drinking beers against the pillar of an old factory, just didn't seem right as long as he held in this news. He liked Jack. He knew how hard he had it at home and couldn't bare to see any more pain come to him. But David would find out. He knew he would eventually- and hurt him. David would hurt Jack if he found out himself. Maybe Wayne could head him off- telling Jack, David knew. Telling David to calm down and reason it out. They would reason it out together. Somehow, it made it okay. If Wayne headed him off, David might be rational for once. David might make amends with Jack and explain how everyone makes mistakes and how much he loved him. That this would be something between him and Jack- Lucy wouldn't know. She didn't have to.
Wayne slept better the rest of the night. He would tell David. He would tell him the truth and they could make up- like true father and son. 
Shuttling his position in bed, Wayne turned over toward the window, letting the moon hit his face. Letting the tranquil trill of the night soothe him.
Jack was huddled on his couch, cradling Simba in his arms as the hurls and pounding threat of his door being kicked down ran through him like a jagged opening in the stomach. Carefully stepping onto the floor, Jack locked Simba inside the bathroom and tip toed to the door. "JACK I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" Jack grabbed the phone a dialed for the police of a disturbance. A sour flush bled over his face; neighbors inside their complexes thinking the worst of him upon hearing the loud pounding of his door. Only his door and no one elses. It made rage crawl through Jack like ants over a picnic. 
Slamming the phone against the base, Jack carefully made his way back to the couch and just waited. Left fate in the hands of the universe- hoping they would send the police as soon as possible. Hopefully, catching David in the act and not letting his badge of a detective meddle in their protocol to their job.
Sets of footsteps traced the stairs of the apartment, hearing them shuffle to Jack's door, where David had parked himself there. A knock on the door sounded. A regular knock- not a pounding beat that echoed through the door frame. "Hello? Someone called?" Jack ran to the door, opening it with his body skirting a little through the sliver where the chain lock would allow. "Yes! I called because of this man- my father- he's pounding on my door- harassing me and is acting very aggressive." David, yanked his wallet out from his back pocket and pulled out his police I.D. Jack somehow knew this, and unlocked his door, allowing himself to stand in the face of the officers and David.
The police scanned the I.D. and then turned to Jack. "I want him removed from my residence." Stiff and stern, Jack didn't even look into the eyes of David. The sudden door burst open of Emily's place. The police officers turned to her. "Did you happen to see anything?" Emily looked at Jack, then at David, then at the officers. "I didn't see anything, but I heard someone screaming my neighbors name while pounding hard against his door." Another door swung open. Mr. Richardson's. "I was in my home when this man," pointing to David, "came to this young's man's door and was causing a bunch of disturbance." 
Soon, almost everyone's doors opened and saw the chaos happening. "Alright sir," one of the officers grabbed David's arm. "You're under arrest for the trespassing and violent disturbance of the building." Taking David away quickly while he yelled profanites, Jack looked to everyone- smiling and letting his vision blur- with graciousness. "Thank you all so much! You have no idea what that means to me." 
Mr. Richardson smiled. "Aw, don't worry about it sonny, you're a good neighbor and we appericate you." Jack kept the smile over his face as he disappeared back inside his apartment with everyone else. Jack could be thankful for the support. But he could know that what happened would never be forgotten. Jack grabbed Simba from the bathroom and rocked him in his arms gently. Not so much to soothe the crying cat, but to stifle the looming tears of Jack. 
Anger bubbled over his fear. His shame, his public embarrassment of his father storming up to his townhouse and making a scene. And for what? For nothing. Jack couldn't possibly understand why David would decide all of a sudden to make a scene. How did he even know where his apartment was? How did he even know he lived in the Brooklyn Cladar apartments? How did he even know he lived in Brooklyn? All these questions with no answers swirled around Jack's mind like a ring-around-the-rosie type of circle.
Why? Why did David have to do this? What did Jack do to make it happen? These questions needed to be answered. They needed solance. And Jack decided he would find it.
"Jack... it's mom. I want you to come home okay?" She wimpered. "Your father's in jail..... I don't know what happened- but he needs to be bailed out.... oh Jack, if you could just spare something-"
"Mom.... it's Jack. Dad's in jail, because I called the police on him for disturbing the peace at my apartment." A pause stood over the line. "What?" 
"Dad, marched up to my townhouse-" "Jack I don't understand-"
"Mom! Listen, I called the cops on Dad because he lost his mind!" Jack broke. "He stormed up to my apartment and caused a big scene- enough for the neighbors to have to come out and explain what happened! Do you know why he did it?!" 
"No. I didn't know that happened. You called the police?" "Yes! I had no choice!" 
"But Jack... he's your father."
"Yeah... yes he is." 
"Your poor father.... rotting in that cell. Oh Jack... please!"
"Mom! Dad needs to be there! After everything he caused, he deserves more!" "Don't you dare speak like that about him! He loves you- he provided for you- you show him some respect!"
"He loves me...... you know-"
"I don't wanna hear it Jack!"
"I don't care! He's abusive Mom! He abused you! He abused me! He still fucking does! You can say someone loves you- you can say you love someone.... that doesn't make it true. It doesn't mean anything as long as you can't show it. Tough love doesn't exsist with Dad. He's mean, cold, violent.....he's not a nice person. He's not a good father.... and he's not a good husband. He's not a good man, Mom. But... you have to believe that- you have to see something better for yourself in order to see the ugly in him. But you don't.... you defend him like it doesn't exsist and it does! It's all around you, but you refuse to let yourself see it! So.. no. No bail money. No 'I'm sorrys'. Nothing..... get out while you can. If you can value that... then leave him now. That's all I can do. I love you.... but I can't do this. I have to go.... bye."
Lucy let the humming sound of the dead line beep through her. Tears tricked down her cheeks. Her heart felt hollow and heavy. Her breath, steady and rhythm like- as to keep her breath going for consciousness. Setting the phone down onto the base, Lucy soaked in the silence of her home. A wail rose from her throat, releasing itself into the bitter thick marsh of tension she accumulated inside her body. Strolling up to Jack's room, she finally let the door open. 
Nothing. Just like Jack said. Nothing was there. Not his bed, or his desk or his curtains that bellowed in the spring breeze, nor the little chifforobe dresser he had over towards the corner of his room. Empty. Everything snatched and ripped away from his room- starved of Jack's presense of every corner, every little speak or dust that settled- nothing was Jack's. Jack was wiped clean from the home. Not by any influance, but his own. He hated the house, he hated the family he was given.... he hated his life here. And for the first time, something unsettled itself inside Lucy. Something had made the frothing understanding of who Jack was to her, settle in its place.
The deeply webbed interior of Jack that she held in her mind, suddenly started to fade. Those eyes that would search every stranger for, every young man she met, would never be Jack's eyes. Only a representive of what they were and how she saw them. The same net that she thought she had found in David was just a lie. Jack's eyes carried that safety. Because he was safe. He truly held the idea of the unknown- the unattained. Jack- kicked the dust off his jeans, stiched the holes in the soles of his shoes and walked away. He made something better. Jack didn't let David bury him.
Jack.... gave himself what he needed and carried himself that way. And for that... he was stronger than Lucy. He was stronger than David.
Stronger... then what she could have ever been. And for some reason- all those years of tug-of-war between father and son, had incidently carried another standing in mother and son. For all that time until today, it never settled deeply into Lucy as much as did now. Being alone in an empty room held this other presence. She failed. She knew she did...
But not so much to Jack. Not so much to David, or Diane, or her mother or her family or anyone else.
But to her. For the first time.... Lucy would have to finally feel the blades of the lumpy mattress of her bed that she made up.
And lay there. All alone. 
"Jack...." was all she could whisper. "Jack...... Jack..... Jack...." But he was long gone. She would never be there with him. 
And somehow.... in some way...... that's what he wanted her to feel. To understand... to feel. Deep inside herself.
Lucy would always be the woman she envisioned herself to be, not the one she could've dreamed to become. She let it die out. And for that.... she lost Jack. She knew she did. She knew he would never come back... she knew.... the little boy she could only comfort in time of distress was gone. All that was left was the hollow memory of what never was. And she had to live in it.
She had to learn to live without those pieces of her desires. She lived without herself for so long... 
Lucy couldn't even fanthom where to begin now. And that.... is why she laid down on the hard wooden floor of the Jack's old bedroom and cried. 
Alone. All alone. And crying. With nothing. Nothing to show for who she was.... or who she allowed herself to become.
"I'm so sorry, Jack. I had no idea David would react like that." Wayne said. Jack bit his lip. Looking down towards the floor, he jolted himself back into Wayne's eyes. "I truly am." Thinking for a moment, Jack realized Wayne was a good man. He was an honest man, and Jack could respect that. 
Sticking his hand out, Wayne shook it. "It's alright." Jack was simple in what was said.
Not mentioning how Jack decided that last month, an apartment in the heart of Manhatten seemed more fitting. More easily able to disappear into the gush of New yorkers, where nobody knew your business- and no one cared about it either. Jack would never tell how he gave Mr. Richardson a lemon meringue pie- his favorite- as a thank you. Or how, he surprised Emily with fresh baked brownies from his oven and a gentle peck on her cheek for graditude. "Oh, thank you Jack.... these are lovely!" Emily couldn't contain the blush color her cheeks became the minute Jack even appeared at her front door. Her smile so big, even her teeth stretched themselves wider.
Packing Simba away in a box, Jack took him and their furniture to their new Manhatten place where the living was twice the size of his old place and he was given two bedrooms- one for him, one as his office- a bathroom and a terrace. Simba was negoiated extra ten dollars, but Jack didn't mind. The tavern he worked at caught fire after some drunk threw a flamming vodka bottle through the window one night.
So, Jack took the job as a stage prop manager with a theater. The most intellectual plays took place there and being centerfield of the Manhatten arts, Jack snagged the job faster than they could ask. He worked nights- where most of the shows took place anyway.
As Jack settled into his last year of college, he held his breath. Cramming in study after study- he hoped it would be enough for what he learned over those three years. He just hoped as finals just around the corner.
A perfect score. Jack passed the finals with one of the highest scores in the class. Graduating with honors, Jack couldn't contain his smile as he crossed the stage reaching for his diploma. Glancing out towards the auidence, Jack swore he spotted a face. A familiar face in the crowd of his mother's frame and his father's scowl. 
Squinting- with the little time he had- he scanned the crowd very carefully. But nothing. His parents probably didn't even know he was enrolled in the first place. His friends were there; Charles and Andy were clapping over to the sidelines, watching their friend receive his honors with pride.
Pride. A feeling that Jack couldn't shake, even if he was the only one. Even if he had to do this by himself...... and that made it more special. Jack proved something to himself. To everyone that stood along his path- he did it. Jack had dreams, he had ambitions, he had.... strength. 
Jack stood among the crowd, taking one last look into the crowd of claps and cheers before walking off the stage. Seperating himself through the throngs of people, Jack stood highly. He gave himself a pat on the shoulder, a kiss on the cheek, a sweet word of endearment. Jack loved himself enough to say: "I did it!"
And.....he did. Letting in the bright aroma of his future set in, staring his dreams bluntly in the face, Jack had set himself free. Free of pain, of doubts, of hopeless prisons, of heartbreak. 
Jack held his diploma tightly. Getting into his car, and driving off into the city, Jack couldn't shake the smile from his face. He couldn't spit out the lingering taste of freedom from his lungs. 
Jack- like he promised- burned it down and builded it up again. Killing off himself, then resurrecting his new self back. Jack carried his passion. He ran with it, and would keep running until he never had to run again. He wouldn't have to find it in the face of a stranger. He wouldn't have to go far. Jack wouldn't have to find it in the night or hope for it in the light.
Jack could look inside himself. And it would live there. It would be there.
Just like it always was. And always would be.
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drzito · 9 months
Las 242 peliculas que he visto en 2023 (parte 1)
Tarzan y su compañera (Cedric Gibbons, 1934).
2. El fantasma y la Sra Muir (Joseph L Mankiewicz, 1947)
3. Odio entre hermanos (Joseph L Mankiewicz, 1949)
4. Testigo accidental (Richard Fleischer, 1952)
5. El rastro de la pantera (William A Wellman, 1954)
6. El tigre dormido (Joseph Losey, 1954)
7. El quinteto de la muerte (Alexander McKendrick, 1955)
8. 40 pistolas (Samuel Fuller, 1957)
9. La maldición de Frankenstein (Terence Fisher, 1957)
10. Ocho horas de terror (Seijun Suzuki, 1957)
11. The Trollenberg terror (Quentin Lawrence, 1958)
12. La Venganza (Juan Antonio Bardem, 1958)
13. Un golpe de gracia (Jack Arnold, 1959)
14. A todo riesgo (Claude Sautet, 1960)
15. La evasion (Jacques Becker, 1960)
16. El sabor del miedo (Seth Holt, 1961)
17. Detective bureau 2 3. Go to hell bastards! (Seijun Suzuki, 1963)
18. The white tiger tattoo (Seijun Suzuki, 1965)
19. A traves del huracan (Monte Hellman, 1966)
20. El Tiroteo (Monte Hellman, 1966)
21. La soltera retozona (Silvio Narizzano, 1966)
22. Dimension 5 (Franklin Adreon, 1966)
23. Los Productores (Mel Brooks, 1967)
24. Un hombre (Martin Ritt, 1967)
25. Sebastian (David Greene, 1968)
26. El Bastardo (Duccio Tessari, 1968)
27. El lagarto negro (Kinji Fukasaku, 1968)
28. La louve solitaire (Edouard Logereau, 1968)
29. Aquel dia frio en el parque (Robert Altman, 1969)
30. Corazones en fuga (Michael Powell, 1969)
31. La bestia ciega (Yasuzo Masumura, 1969).
32. El bosque del lobo (Pedro Olea, 1970)
33. El grito del fantasma (Gordon Hessler, 1970)
34. Drácula y las mellizas (John Hough, 1971).
35. ¡Que viene Valdez! (Edwin Sherin, 1971)
36. Sangre en la tumba de la momia (Seth Holt, 1971)
37. El Otro (Robert Mulligan, 1972)
38. Hermanas (Brian de Palma, 1972)
39. Imagenes (Robert Altman, 1972)
40. Morgiana (Juraj Herz, 1972)
41. El ataque de los muertos sin ojos (Amando de Ossorio, 1973)
42. El programa final (Robert Fuest, 1973)
43. Flor de santidad (Adolfo Marsillach, 1973)
44. Lemora, un cuento sobrenatural (Richard Blackburn, 1973)
45. Messiah of Evil (Willard Huyck y Gloria Katz, 1973)
46. Una vela para el diablo (Eugenio Martin, 1973).
47. Daguerrotipos (Agnes Varda, 1975)
48. La noche de las gaviotas (Armando de Ossorio, 1975)
49. Picnic en Hanging Rock (Peter Weir, 1975)
50. El otro Sr Klein (Joseph Losey, 1976)
51. Terror al anochecer (Charles B Pierce, 1976)
52. El desafio del bufalo blanco (J Lee Thompson, 1977)
53. Largo fin de semana (Colin Eggleston, 1978)
54. El grito (Jerzy Skolimowski, 1978)
55. Los ojos del bosque (John Hough, 1980)
56. Alison’s birthday (Ian Coughlan, 1981)
57. Muertos y enterrados (Gary Sherman, 1981)
58. Wilczyca (Marek Piestrak, 1983)
59. En compañia de lobos (Neil Jordan, 1984).
60. Sangre Facil (Joel Coen, 1984)
61. Sole survivor: Unico superviviente (Thom Eberhardt, 1984)
62. Tasio (Montxo Armendariz, 1984)
63. El tren del infierno (Andréi Konchalovski, 1985)
64. El corazon del angel (Alan Parker, 1987)
65. Jovenes Ocultos (Joel Schumacher, 1987)
66. La chaqueta metalica (Stanley Kubrick, 1987)
67. El fluir de las lagrimas (Won Kar Wai, 1988)
68. Ensalada de gemelas (Jim Abrahams, 1988)
69. Kadaicha, la piedra de la muerte (James Bogle, 1988)
70. Pacto de Sangre (Stan Winston, 1988)
71. Avalon (Barry Levinson, 1990).
72. Misery (Rob Reiner, 1990)
73. La Teranyina (Antoni Verdaguer, 1990)
74. La Tutora (William Friedkin, 1990)
75. Morir Todavia (Kenneth Branagh, 1990)
76. La jungla de cristal 2 (Renny Harlin, 1990)
77. Solo en casa (Chris Columbus, 1990)
78. Alien 3 (David Fincher, 1992)
79. Mi novia es un zombi (Michele Soavi, 1994)
80. Nadja (Michael Almereyda, 1994)
81. Esto (no) es un secuestro (Ted Demme, 1994)
82. Dos Policias Rebeldes (Michael Bay, 1995)
83. El demonio vestido de azul (Carl Franklin, 1995)
84. Heat (Michael Mann, 1995)
85. Jovenes y brujas (Andrew Fleming, 1996)
86. Agarrame esos fantasmas (Peter Jackson, 1996)
87. Herbert's Hippopotamus: Marcuse and Revolution in Paradise (Paul Alexander Juutilainen, 1996).
88. La Roca (Michael Bay, 1996)
89. Tierra (Julio Medem, 1996)
90. 99.9. La frecuencia del terror (Agusti Villaronga, 1997)
91. Fallen (Gregory Hoblit, 1998)
92. Un plan sencillo (Sam Raimi, 1998)
93. El halcon ingles (Steven Soderbergh, 1999).
94. Ilusiones de un mentiroso (Peter Kassovitz. 1999)
95. Flores de otro mundo (Iciar Bollain, 1999)
96. Ravenous (Antonia Bird, 1999)
97. Wisconsin Death Trip (James Marsh, 1999)
98. Dagon: La secta del mar (Stuart Gordon, 2001)
99. Escalofrio (Bill Paxton, 2001)
100. Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary (Guy Maddin, 2002)
101. 2 hermanas (Jee-Woon Kim, 2003)
102. Dos policias rebeldes II (Michael Bay, 2003)
103. Los Angeles Play Itself (Thom Andersen, 2003)
104. El reportero: La leyenda de Ron Burgundy (Adam McKay, 2004)
105. El Septimo Dia (Carlos Saura, 2004)
106. La vida que te espera (Manuel Gutierrez Aragon, 2004)
107. Los Edukadores (Hans Weingartner, 2004)
108. Misteriosa obsesion (Joseph Ruben, 2004)
109. Yo, Robot (Alex Proyas, 2004)
110. Hostel (Eli Roth, 2005)
111. Wolf Creek (Greg McLean, 2005)
112. Bajo cero (Frank Marshall, 2006)
113. El Inadaptado (Jens Lien, 2006)
114. Sheitan (Kim Chapiron, 2006)
115. The last winter (Larry Fessenden, 2006)
116. 30 dias de oscuridad (David Slade, 2007)
117. Borderland. Al otro lado de la frontera (Zev Berman, 2007)
118. Diarios de la calle (Richard LaGravenese, 2007)
119. Frontera(s) (Xavier Gens, 2007)
120. Hostel 2 (Eli Roth, 2007)
121. Water Lilies (Celine Sciamma, 2007)
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namesetc · 2 years
Could I get more names with a lot of nicknames? No gender preference.
i dont remember all the names we used so sorry if i add some of the same ones from the first list
Genevieve: Evie, Gen/Jen, Genie/genny/jenny, Genna/jenna, Ginette, Ginny, Viv, Vivi, gina, gene, vieve, nev, nevie, genev, eve, neve, nevi
Lawrence: Larry, Laz, Lon, Loren, Lorne, law, lawr/lawre, lar, ren, rence, renny/rennie, lance, lan, low.
Cordelia: Corrie, Delie, Delia, Del, Della, Lia, Cora, Cordy, Corla, Dee, Coco, co, cor/corr, cord/corde, cordel/cordell, corlia
Michael: Mike, Mikey, Mick, Mitch, Cael, Cal, Micha, Mickey, Mitt
Leonardo: Leo, Nardo, Lee, leonard, leon, leona
Beatrix - Bea/bee, Beatty/betty, Tris, Trix, Trixie, bex, bix, betri, beatri, tri/trie, beat
Penelope: Penny, Poppy, Nell, P, pen, penel, penelo, nela/nella
Patrick: Pat, Patty/pattie, Pats, Trick, TrickStar, patri, tri, rick
Abraham: Abe, Abie/abi/abbie, Brahm, abra, ham, abri/abrie
Broderick: Brody/brodie, Rod, Rick, Derick, brod, deri/derie, roder, ri/rie, ricky
Donnatello: don, donnie/donny, donna, nat, natell, tell, tello, el/ell, ello, onna, nate
Raphael: raph, raphy/raphie, phael, ale, el, fy/phy,
Ezekiel: Ez/eze, Zeke, ezek, zeki/zekie, kiel, kel, z, ezie/ezzie, ezek, ezeki, ezel
if anyone has anymore names or nicknames to add please do so!
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byneddiedingo · 10 months
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Jude Law and Jennifer Jason Leigh in eXistenZ (David Cronenberg, 1999)
Cast: Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jude Law, Ian Holm, Willem Dafoe, Don McKellar, Callum Keith Rennie, Christopher Eccleston, Sarah Polley, Robert A. Silverman, Oscar Hsu, Kris Lemche, Vik Sahay, Kirsten Johnson, James Kirchner. Screenplay: David Cronenberg. Cinematography: Peter Suschitzky. Production design: Carol Spier. Film editing: Ronald Sanders. Music: Howard Shore. 
It would be easy to ascribe the "body horror" of David Cronenberg's films to an adolescent desire to gross people out, but eXistenZ shows, more than perhaps any other of his movies, a deeper satiric intent. It establishes his kinship to authors like Swift and Kafka and D.H. Lawrence: a recognition of our alienation from the organic. I think the moment that shocked me most in the early part of the film came when I saw the console, the controller for the VR game that Allegra Gellar (Jennifer Jason Leigh) is demonstrating to her audience of potential players. Instead of a box of metal and plastic, it's a flesh-colored blob the size of a baby. It connects to the players not with headsets or helmets but with an UmbiCord, which is exactly what it sounds like: a fleshy rope that attaches to the player's spine, not with anything like a USB port but with an implanted orifice that's very like an anus. Throughout the film, we are confronted with the moist, the slimy, the irregular, from a gun that's flesh and bone and shoots teeth to a Chinese restaurant's "special" that makes the gorge rise. Cronenberg is intent on reminding us that though we are flesh and blood, we shy from the fact. When Ted Pikul (Jude Law) recoils from having a port implanted in his spine, he objects to the vulnerability of an opening directly into his body, whereupon Allegra simply opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue, reminding him that we already have physical openings to the world. On this premise, Cronenberg builds his intricate, recursive story, one that defies summary but carries a multitude of meanings. Yes, it's a satire on the videogame industry, and yes, it's a commentary on our notions of reality itself. It's often compared to The Matrix (Lana Wachowski, Lilly Wachowski), which came out the same year, but I think it's a superior, more layered film.  
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Ahoy once more! 🏴
(emoji for black flag)
The flag you’ve spotted in the distance is no illusion – we’re finally releasing another episode on Black Sails 🏴‍☠️🏝️⚓ (emojis for pirate flag, island, anchor)
This month, we’re training our spy glasses on Season 1, Episode 2. Whether it’s tits or fruit, our main focus is VALUE – we’ll be digging into how ideas around value operate within pirate stories with their tropes of buried treasure, gold coins, and treasure maps. And as always, we’ll be exploring the influence of Empire on how worth is ascribed to the objects, places, and people of Nassau. 🗺✖️💰
(emojis for map, an ex, and a bag of money)
So pour yourself a shot of rum and join us over on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you find your podcasts ☠️🦜⚔️⛵🌊︎︎
(emojis for skull and cross bones, parrot, crossed swords, sailing boat, and wave)
Link in bio 🔗
(emoji for chain link)
Both the Writers Guild of America (@wgaeast, @writersguildwest) and the Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (@sagaftra) are on strike right now. Key issues involve residuals and use of AI among others. Please check the link below to both WGA and SAG to see their demands and support them when you can. Remember! DO NOT! CROSS THE PICKET LINE!
Check SAG’s rules for influencers here (https://www.sagaftrastrike.org/influencer-faqs) and do not perform covered services for a struck company during the strike!
#WGAStrike #SAGAFTRAstrike #WGAStrong #MoviePodcast #LiliAnnaPod #LiliAnnasPrereadMediathek #queer #FeministPodcast #QueerPodcast 
#BlackSails #TreasureIsland #Pirates #CharlesVane #MaxBlackSails #BillyBones #CaptainFlint #MrScott #AnneBonny #JackRackham #LongJohnSilver #EleanorGuthrie #BritishEmpire #RobertLouisStevenson #JessicaParkerKennedy #TobyStephens #HakeemKaeKazim #LukeArnold #HannahNew #ZachMcGowan #TomHopper #ClaraPaget
📝 Shownotes: 📝
📼 Preread text (Rowan Ellis, https://youtu.be/SMFll3aIbmo)
Primary Sources:
📺 “Black Sails” (2014-2017) (Robert Levine and Jonathan E. Steinberg) 📚 “Treasure Island” (1883) (Robert Louis Stevenson) 📺 Kunst und Krempel (1985-present) (BR Fernsehen)
Secondary Sources:
📚 “Why We Love Pirates” (2020) by Rebecca Simon 🎮 “The Last of Us” (2013) (Naughty Dog) (Sony Computer Entertainment) 📜 Jeffries, Stuart. “Woke the plank! Were pirate ships actually beacons of diversity and democracy?” (https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/apr/04/woke-plank-pirate-ships-diversity-democracy-cornwall-exhibition)
🎞️ “Pirates of the Caribbean” (2003-2017) (dir. Gore Verbinski, Rob Marshall, Joachim Rønning, Espen Sandberg, 📜 Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio, Jeff Nathanson) 📼 “Jonathan Ross Interviews Keira Knightley part 1” (goldenultra, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGJ_atmr4c0&t=284s) from 4:43. 🎞️ “Cutthroat Island” (1995) (starring Geena Davis) (dir. Renny Harlin, 📜 Robert King, Marc Norman) 🎞️ “Romancing the Stone” (1984) (dir. Robert Zemeckis, 📜 Diane Thomas) 🎞️ “Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark” (1981) (dir. Steven Spielberg, 📜 Lawrence Kasdan) 🌐 The Bechdel Test (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bechdel_test) 📺 Game of Thrones (2011-2019) (David Benioff and D. B. Weiss) 🌐 Mr Scott (https://black-sails.fandom.com/wiki/Mr._Scott) 📼 “Don’t be creepy, Emma Thompson” (verilybitchie, https://youtu.be/acccffJnr5A)
🪧 SAG-AFTRA on why the strikes are imperative for the survival of the acting profession (https://www.sagaftra.org/were-fighting-survival-our-profession) 📜 FAQs for Influencers (https://www.sagaftrastrike.org/influencer-faqs)
Lili’s recommendations: 🎞️ “Little Shop of Horrors” (1986) (dir. Frank Oz, 📜 Howard Ashman) 📼 “The Musical That Changed Disney: Little Shop of Horrors” (Dreamsounds, https://youtu.be/esiADqA2FXU)
📱Social Media Handles📱:
IG:     https://www.instagram.com/liliannapod/ Twitter:     https://twitter.com/liliannapod Tumblr:    https://www.tumblr.com/blog/liliannasprereadmediathek
🎹Intromusic🎹: "Wall" by Jahzaar, licenced under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)  
🎹Outro Music🎹: “Waterbeat” by DJ Lengua, licenced under Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
🎹Transition Music🎹: “Page Turns, Book Close” by Pixabay – Pixabay “Counting Me Shillings” by Pixabay – Pixabay “Sea Waves” by Pixabay – Pixabay “Sound Effect Seagulls” by ScottishPerson – Pixabay “Chest Opening” by Pixabay – Pixabay “sword against sword” by Pixabay – Pixabay “Apple Bobbing in a Gymnasium” by Pixabay – Pixabay
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chrancecriber · 2 years
A State Of Sundays
Channel: Electric Area (Sirius 52, XM 52)
Airdate: February 26, 2017 - February 27, 2017
Airtime: 09:30 PM - 12:30 AM
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Tracklist: 09:30 PM - 11:30 PM: Armin van Buuren - ASOT 802 Andrew Rayel/Eric Lumiere - I’ll Be There (Taken from Moments) [Armind] Thorisson/Simon Latham/Robert Darry - Here We Are (Mino Safy Remix) [Cloudland] Mark Sixma/Betsie Larkin - Invincible [Armind] Genix - Olympus [Anjunabeats] FloE/DJ T.H./Kate Miles - Like A Miracle (Denis Kenzo Remix) TUNE OF THE WEEK: Andy Moor & Lange present Stadium - 4Unity [ASOT] FEEL/Jaren - Losing Time [FSOE Excelsior] Ultimate - Horizon [Infrasonic Progressive] Andrew Rayel/ATB - Connected (Taken from Moments) (ATB Guest Mix) [Armind] RÜFÜS - Innerbloom (ATB Remix) Myon/Jenn Blosil - We Are The Ones (ATB Guest Mix) [Ride] PROGRESSIVE PICK: Ruben de Ronde/Rodg - Pull A Lewie (Taken from TogetheRR) [Statement!] SERVICE FOR DREAMERS: Armin van Buuren/Racoon - Love You More [Armind] James Dymond/Chris Schweizer - Spectrum (Aly & Fila Guest Mix) [FSOE] Fady & Mina - Akemi (Aly & Fila Guest Mix) [FSOE] ID - ID (Aly & Fila Guest Mix) [FSOE] Protoculture - Desert Storm (Taken from Gravity South) [Armada] TRENDING TRACK: Snatam Kaur - Earth Prayer (Interstellar & Bryan Kearney Remix) RAM/Gareth Emery/Standerwick/HALIENE - RAMexico Saving Light Craig Connelly/Jessica Lawrence - How Can I (Craig Connelly Guest Mix) [Higher Forces] Craig Connelly/Sue McLaren - Home (Craig Connelly Guest Mix) [Higher Forces] Craig Connelly/Renny Carroll - Elevate (Craig Connelly Guest Mix) [Higher Forces] Ana Criado/Alan Morris - Borderline [Amsterdam Trance] FUTURE FAVORITE: Photographer - Infinity (Roman Messer Remix) [Suanda Dark] Headstrong/Stine Grove - Time (Steve Allen & Allen Watts Remix) [Sola]
11:30 PM - 12:30 AM: Ruben de Ronde - TSOH 319 T.M.A. - Lyra [Atmosphere] Sam Davies - Northern Lights (Dezza Remix) [Silk] Willy Commy - Galaxy [Intricate] Willy Real - Night Ride (Clawz SG Remix) [Manual] Paul Thomas - La Bombo (Solid Stone Remix) [Ultraviolet] Dezza - Stratos (Lee Fraser Remix) [Freegrant] Shingo Nakamura - Always [Silk] Orphyd - Wake [Intricate] Forerunners - Prism [Pure Progressive] Dotmatrix - Solid State [Free Download] Matt Fax - Aura Lusia [Colorized] Nikolay Mikryukov - Low Kiss [Round Triangle] Eelke Kleijn - Home [Days Like Nights] Ruben De Ronde - Eska [Statement!] Armin van Buuren - Ygrene Taht Rof Evil I [Armind]
NOTE: The livestream was 3 hours long because the remaining 21 hours were occupied by Groove Cruise and non-ASOS music.
NOTE #2: February 26, 2017 will not be numbered as an official episode, but it will be on the ASOS timeline.
0 notes
thecomicon · 3 years
The Weekly 2000 AD Prog 2237: Gigantic, Gigantic, Gigantic, A Big, Big Demonic Mecha-Thing
The Weekly 2000 AD Prog 2237: Gigantic, Gigantic, Gigantic, A Big, Big Demonic Mecha-Thing
The Weekly 2000 AD, Comicon’s weekly preview of all the thrill-power the UK’s finest sci-fi comic has to offer… Cover by Dave Kendall) (more…)
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downthetubes · 7 years
In Review: 2000AD Prog 2045 - Dan Cornwell debuts!
In Review: 2000AD Prog 2045 – Dan Cornwell debuts!
The latest issue of 2000AD (Prog 2045) is on sale today in all good newsagents, comic shops and online stores, (as is the first volume of 2000AD: The Ultimate Collection, reviewed here, don’t miss their Facebook Live giveaway which starts at 10.00am and includes art prints by Tom Foster and Chris Weston!) This week’s cover is by Cliff Robinson, coloured by Dylan Teague. Artist Dan Cornwell makes…
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tuppencetrinkets · 3 years
SAW caps. ( sorted. )
Multiple movies:
Allison Kerry - Dina Meyer
Amanda Young  - Shawnee Smith
Daniel Rigg - Lyriq Bent
Eric Matthews - Donnie Wahlberg
Jill Tuck - Betsy Russell
John Kramer - Tobin Bell
Lawrence Gordon - Cary Elwes
Lindsey Perez - Athena Karkanis
Mark Hoffman - Costas Mandylor
Pamela Jenkins - Samantha Lemole
Peter Strahm - Scott Patterson
Saw 1
Adam Stanheight - Leigh Whannell
David Tapp-= Danny Glover
Diana Gordon - Monica Potter
Mrs. Gordon - Makenzie Vega
Steven Sing - Ken Leung
Zep Hindle - Michael Emerson
Saw 2
Addison Corday = Emmanuelle augier
Daniel Matthews - Eric Knudsen
Jones Singer - Glenn Plummer
Laura Hunter - Beverrly Mitchell
Xavier Chavez - Franky G
Saw 3
Corrbett Denlon - Niamh Wilson
Jeff Denlon - Angus Macfadyen
Lynn Denlon - Bahar Soomekh
Saw 4
Art Banks - Justin Louis
Saw  5
Brit Stevenson - Julie Benz
Luba Gibbs - Meaga Good
Mallick  - Greg Byrk
Saw 6
Simone - Tanedra Howard
Tara Abbogtgt - Shauna McDonald
William Easton - Peter Outerbridge
Saw 3D
Bobby Dagen - Sean Patrick Flannery 
Joyce Dagen - Gina Holden
Matt Gibson - Chad Donella
Anna - Laura Vandervoort
Carly - Brittany Allen
Eleanor Bonneville - Emily Anderson
Dan Hallora - Callum Keith Rennie 
Keith Hunt - Cle Bennett
Logan Nelson - Matt Passmore
Mitch - Mandela Van Peebles
Ryan - Paul Braunstein
Angie Garza - Marisol Nichol
Peter Dunleavy - Patrick McManus
Marcus Banks - Samuel L. Jackson
Tim O’Brien - Thomas Mitchell
William Schenk - Maax Minghella
Zeke Banks - Chrris ROck
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)
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excuseyouclarke · 3 years
The fight for equality in the UK is far, far from over.
Last night, a 14 year old black boy playing football in the streets in was murdered by a group of men. Birmingham Police are trying to say it was not racially motivated, I say that once again that police are talking shit. I see no reason why a group white of men would get out of their car to chase down a group of teenagers and stab one of them to death. This a boy who was out enjoying the sunshine on a bank holiday Monday, ready for half term with his friends, a boy with his whole life ahead of him. He had a family at home, probably waiting for him to come home for his dinner, now they’re mourning their son while his killers are still out there.
This comes just weeks after Sasha Johnson, a BLM activist in the UK was shot in the head.
The government claim there’s no systematic racism, that is a clear lie. They have tried to put a positive spin on past slavery. Our invasions and colonastions throughout history are not taught in schools, 95 percent of young black people have witnessed or heard racist language at school in the UK.
We need to step up, we need to be calling out racism and showing that this is not okay, and we should not be standing for this. I hear casual racism being brought up in conversation all the time, it took me a long time to educate myself and get the confidence to not only call out this behaviour, but attempt to educate. I’m sick to my stomach with what has happened, i can’t even begin to imagine how the black community is feeling. I’m linking some resources below, please, please support anti racism causes in the uk, we have such a beautiful and diverse culture, we should be embracing it.
Resources below.
Stop hate UK - anti-racism charity
Show racism the red card - anti racism charity
Charity So White
Black Lives Matter
BMECP Centre – a sustainable resource centre which champions the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) community in Brighton and Hove and supports BME communities and their families.
MOSAIC Brighton – Black and Mixed-Parentage Family Group
Immigration and Asylum Helpline from Rights of Women
Southall Black Sisters – addresses the needs of BME women empowering them to escape Domestic Violence, Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, FGM, Rape
Karma Nirvana – supporting victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage
Imkaan – “addressing violence against Black and minoritised women and girls”
Justice for Grenfell
Movement For Justice
Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust
The National Memorial Family Fund is the first permanent national resource of its kind specifically for those that are affected by deaths in custody.
UK Black Pride
Imaan London – LGBTQ Muslim Charity
Liberty help challenge injustice, defend freedom and campaign to make sure everyone in the UK is treated fairly.
The Black Curriculum
Runnymede Trust – the UK’s leading independent race equality think tank
The United Families & Friends Campaign, is a coalition of those affected by deaths in police, prison and psychiatric custody.
BAME recruitment consultancy website
Black LGBT organisations you should know about: a list from Stonewall staff
Why I Am No Longer Talking to White People About Race, by Renni Eddo Lodge (non-fiction)
Me and White Supremacy, by Layla F. Saad (non-fiction)
White Fragility, by Robin Diangelo (non-fiction)
Kill the Black One First by Michael Fuller (non-fiction)
Brit(ish) by Afua Hirsch (non-fiction)
Black and British by David Olusoga (non-fiction)
Girl, Woman, Other by Bernadine Evaristo (fiction)
The Windrush Betrayal by Amelia Gentleman (non-fiction)
Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill Collins (non-fiction)
Ain’t I A Woman by bell hooks (non-fiction)
Redefining Realness by Janet Mock (non-fiction)
Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde (non-fiction)
Me, Not You, by Alison Phipps (non-fiction)
Queenie, by Candice Carty Williams (fiction)
Sula, by Toni Morrison (fiction)
How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi (non-fiction)
Assata, by Assata Shakur (non-fiction)
Articles and social media posts:
Welcome To The Anti-Racism Movement — Here’s What You’ve Missed
“Where are the Black girls?” about (in)visibility in Childhood Sexual Abuse bu Jahine Davis
Report from Imkaan: Reclaiming Voice: Minoritised Women and Sexual Violence Key Findings
Intersectionality infographic from Listen Up Research CIC
The Truth About Women and White Supremacy
How We Make Black Girls Grow Up Too Fast
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
What will you do to continue the work? (IG)
What to do if you can’t protest on the streets for Black Lives Matter
Why you need to stop saying “All Lives Matter”
10 Steps to Non-Optical Allyship
When Feminism Is White Supremacy in Heels
I want to be an ally but I don’t know what to do (IG)
What does black British activism look like in 2020
We revolt simply because, for many reasons, we can no longer breathe – statement from Diversity & Ability and resource list
Structural Racism vs Individual Racism (IG)
Everything else on Gal:Dem, an online and print publication committed to sharing perspectives from women and non-binary people of colour.
Black Ballad, a UK based lifestyle platform that seeks to tell the human experience through eyes of black British women.
A more extensive list can be found here, please feel free to add more!
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shujubeelamoglia · 4 years
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Lawrence Chaney
RuPaul’s Drag Race U.K. Season 2
Queen of Your Hometown - Glasgow
Charles Rennie Mackintosh Look
Photography by Lovelace Visual
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art-now-germany · 3 years
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Quiff,, Wolfgang Schmidt
Sincerely to: Andy Hall, Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Paul Allen, Edythe L. and Eli Broad, Rosa and Carlos de la Cruz, Patricia and Gustavo Phelps de Cisneros (Venezuela and Dominican Republic), Donald and Mera Rubell, Steven A. Cohen, Theo Danjuma, Maria Baibakova, Adrian Cheng, Ingvild Goetz (München), Victoria and David Beckham, Leonardo Dicaprio, Alan Lau, Camilla Barella, Ralph DeLuca, Arthur de Ganay, Ramin Salsali, Moises Cosio, Pedro Barbosa, Monique and Max Burger, Joaquin Diez-Cascon, Luciano Benetton, Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova (Russia), Robbie Antonio (Philippines), Hélène and Bernard Arnault (France), Maria and Bill Bell (United States), Peter Benedek (United States), Debra and Leon Black (United States), Christian and Karen Boros (Germany), Irma and Norman Braman (United States), Peter Brant (United States), Basma Al Sulaiman, Marc Andreessen, Laura and John Arnold, Camilla Barella, Swizz Beatz, Claudia Beck, Andrew Gruft, Robert and Renée Belfer, Lawrence Benenson, Frieder Burda (Germany), Richard Chang (United States), Kim Chang-il (Korea), David Chau and Kelly Ying (China), Pierre T.M. Chen (Taiwan), Adrian Cheng (China), Kemal Has Cingillioglu (United Kingdom), Nicolas Berggruen, Jill and Jay Bernstein, Ernesto Bertarelli, James Brett, Jim Breyer, Christian Bührle, Valentino D. Carlotti, Edouard Carmignac, Trudy and Paul Cejas, Dimitris Daskalopoulos (Greece), Zöe and Joel Dictrow (United States), George Economou (Greece), Alan Faena (Argentina), Mark Falcone and Ellen Bruss (United States), Amy and Vernon Faulconer (United States), Howard and Patricia Farber (United States), Larry and Marilyn Fields (United States), Marie Chaix, Michael and Eva Chow, Frank Cohen, Michael and Eileen Cohen, Isabel and Agustín Coppel, Anthony D'Offay, Hélène and Michel David-Weill, Antoine de Galbert, Ralph DeLuca, Amanda and Glenn Fuhrman (United States), Danielle and David Ganek (United States), Ken Griffin (United States), Agnes Gund (United States), Steven and Kathy Guttman (United States), Andrew and Christine Hall (United States), Lin Han (China), Henk and Victoria de Heus-Zomer (Holland), Grant Hill (United States), Maja Hoffmann (Switzerland), Erika Hoffmann-Koenige (Germany), Tiqui Atencio Demirdjian, Beth Rudin DeWoody, Eric Diefenbach and JK Brown, David C. Driskell, Mandy and Cliff Einstein, Rebecca and Martin Eisenberg, Ginevra Elkann, Tim and Gina Fairfax, Dana Farouki, Michael and Susan Hort (United States), Guillaume Houzé (France), Wang Jianlin (China), Dakis Joannou (Greece), Alan Lau (China), Joseph Lau (China), Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond Learsy (United States), Agnes and Edward Lee (United Kingdom), Aaron and Barbara Levine (United States), Adam Lindemann (United States), Eugenio López (Mexico), Jho Low (China), Susan and Leonard Feinstein, Nicoletta Fiorucci, Josée and Marc Gensollen, Alan and Jenny Gibbs, Noam Gottesman, Florence and Daniel Guerlain, Paul Harris, Barbara and Axel Haubrok, Alan Howard, Fatima and Eskandar Maleki (United Kingdom), Martin Margulies (United States), Peter Marino (United States), Donald Marron (United States), David MartÍnez (United Kingdom and Mexico), Raymond J. McGuire (United States), Rodney M. Miller Sr. (United States), Simon and Catriona Mordant (Australia), Arif Naqvi (United Kingdom), Peter Norton (United States), Shi Jian, Elton John, Tomislav Kličko, Mo Koyfman, Jan Kulczyk, Svetlana Kuzmicheva-Uspenskaya, Pierre Lagrange, Eric and Liz Lefkofsky, Robert Lehrman, François Odermatt (Canada), Bernardo de Mello Paz (Brazil), José Olympio & Andréa Pereira (Brazil), Catherine Petitgas (United Kingdom), Victor Pinchuk (Ukraine), Alden and Janelle Pinnell (United States),Ron and Ann Pizzuti (United States), Michael Platt (Switzerland), Miuccia Prada and Patrizio Bertelli (Italy), Howard and Cindy Rachofsky (United States), Mitchell and Emily Rales (United States), Dan Loeb, George Lucas, Ninah and Michael Lynne, Lewis Manilow, Marissa Mayer, David Mirvish, Lakshmi Mittal, Valeria Napoleone, John Paulson, Amy and John Phelan, Ellen and Michael Ringier (Switzerland), David Roberts (United Kingdom), Hilary and Wilbur L. Ross Jr. (United States), Dmitry Rybolovlev (Russia), Lily Safra (Brazil),Tony Salamé (Lebanon), Patrizia Sandretto (Italy), Eric Schmidt (United States), Alison Pincus, Heather Podesta, Colette and Michel Poitevin, Thomas J. and Margot Pritzker, Bob Rennie, Craig Robins, Deedie and Rusty Rose, Stephen Ross, Alex Sainsbury, Alain Servais (Belgium), Carlos Slim (Mexico), Julia Stoschek (Germany), Budi Tek (Indonesia), Janine and J. Tomilson Hill III (United States), Trevor Traina (United States), Alice Walton (United States), Robert & Nicky Wilson (United Kingdom), Elaine Wynn (United States), Lu Xun (China), Muriel and Freddy Salem, Denise and Andrew Saul, Steven A. Schwarzman, Carole Server and Oliver Frankel, Ramin Salsali, David Shuman, Stefan Simchowitz, Elizabeth and Frederick Singer, Jay Smith and Laura Rapp, Jeffrey and Catherine Soros, Jerry Yang and Akiko Young (United States), Liu Yiqian and Wang Wei (China), Anita and Poju Zabludowicz (United Kingdom), Jochen Zeitz (South Africa), Qiao Zhibing (China), Jerry Speyer and Katherine G. Farley, Susana and Ricardo Steinbruch, Kai van Hasselt, Francesca von Habsburg, David Walsh, Artur Walther, Derek and Christen Wilson, Michael Wilson, Owen Wilson, Zhou Chong, Doris and Donald Fisher, Ronnie and Samuel Heyman, Marie-Josee and Henry R. Kravis, Evelyn and Leonard Lauder, Jo Carole and Ronald S. Laude, Francois Pinault (France), Udo Brandhost (Köln), Harald Falckenberg (Hamburg), Anna and Joseph Froehlich (Stuttgart), Hans Grothe (Bremen), UN Knecht (Stuttgart), Arendt Oetker (Köln), Inge Rodenstock (Grünwald), Ute and Rudolf Scharpff (Stuttgart), Reiner Speck (Köln), Eleonore and Michael Stoffel (Köln), Reinhold Würth (Niedernhall), Wilhelm and Gaby Schürmann, Ivo Wessel, Heiner and Celine Bastian, Friedrich Karl Flick, Monique and Jean-Paul Barbier-Mueller (Genf), Christa and Thomas Bechtler (Zürich), David Bowie (Lausanne), Ulla and Richard Dreyfus (Binningen und Gstaad), Georges Embiricos (Jouxtens and Gstaad), Friedrich Christian "Mick" Flick (Hergiswil and Gstaad), Esther Grether (Bottmingen), Donald Hess (Bolligen), Elsa and Theo Hotz (Meilen), Baroness Marion and Baron Philippe Lambert (Genf), Gabi and Werner Merzbacher (Zürich), Robert Miller (Gstaad), Philip Niarchos (St. Moritz), Jacqueline and Philippe Nordmann (Genf), Maja Oeri and Hans Bodenmann (Basel), George Ortiz (Vandoeuvres), Graf and Gräfin Giuseppe Panza di Biumo (Massagno), Ellen and Michael Ringier (Zürich), Andrew Loyd Webber, Steve Martin, Gerhard Lenz, Elisabeth and Rudolf Leopold.
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walnutkin · 4 years
Are you dating your Strade? Do you know your Lawrence canon mate? Do you remember having an MC?
Ehhh so I was previously dating one of my Strades before but things ended badly and basically he left and now I hear he’s got some other pets so 🤷 but! As for other Strades, I’m still looking for one who connects to me and my bf’s canons (me and my boyfriend share two canons where I’m Ren!) idk if I’d be interested in meeting another Strade like not even for kin reasons I’m just like not interested thanks to my ex.
Lawrence I still haven’t found! I might have known him in two canons I’m not sure but I’m sad he’s so sweet! (I also kin Lawrence so fkdhdbdk makes it tricky). I’d love to talk to some Law kinnies!
Also other Ren kinnies! Obviously 18+ only but I’d rather meet some closer to my age! So many Rennies are like 18 on the dot and NOPE it squicks me out tbh
And I do remember ONE mc but I don’t wanna talk about them too much, no bad reasons I just wanna wait and see if i see them again ^^ I knew a few mc/beastkins in my past canons! (Specifically a cat beastkin I think??? And possibly a dog/wolf I’m not sure.) and a handful of humans (listen. Strades do be keeping mcs for way too long.)
Thank you for the ask!!!!! 💖💖💖🥰 it’s so nice to answer these!
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years
From Atlas of Osteopathic Techniques, 3rd edition:
Counterstrain technique was proposed by Lawrence H. Jones, DO, FAAO (1912 to 1996). Jones initially believed that a patient could be placed in a position of comfort so as to alleviate the symptoms. After noticing a dramatic clinical response, he studied the nature of musculoskeletal dysfunctions and determined that tender points could be elicited by prodding with the fingertip [1]. These tender points were eventually collated into local areas of tenderness, which are related to segmental and musculotendinous areas of somatic dysfunction. Tender points are usually found within tendinous attachments, the belly of a muscle, and often ligaments. They are described as discrete points, about the size of a fingertip, that are exquisitely tender, tense, and edematous [2]. The patient may not have conscious pain at the tender point location, and the area immediately surrounding the tender point, when palpated, is relatively normal and painless in comparison. Tender points may be related to the trigger points proposed by Travell and Simons [3] but are generally discussed as separate entities in the osteopathic community. This technique was originally termed by Dr. Jones as “Spontaneous Release by Positioning,” later termed strain/counterstrain, and also has been referred to as Jones technique. The Educational Council on Osteopathic Principles (ECOP) has defined this technique as “a system of diagnosis and treatment that considers the dysfunction to be a continuing, inappropriate strain reflex, which is inhibited by applying a position of mild strain in the direction exactly opposite to that of the reflex; this is accompanied by specific directed positioning about the point of tenderness to achieve the desired therapeutic response.” There are many postulates as to how the technique works, but most involve the alpha Ia afferent and gamma efferent relationships and nociception [1],[2]. There may be other aspects at play, including the Golgi tendon organ, bioelectric phenomena, and fluid aspects, such as the lymphatics and interstitial fluid exchange. Jones postulated a mechanism of injury concerning these tender points and theorized how the technique elicits the appropriate response based on the previously mentioned physiologic principles. These ideas were described as follows [2],[4]:
An event produces specific or generalized, rapid shortening in the myofascial component(s), while, simultaneously, the tissues directly opposite may be lengthened.
Afferent feedback indicates possible myofascial damage from a “strain” (stress).
The body tries to prevent the myofascial damage by rapidly contracting the myofascial tissues affected resulting in relative hypershortening of the stressed myofascial component (agonist).
In response, a (rapid) lengthening in the opposing muscle (antagonist) is produced.
Thereby, an inappropriate reflex is created that is manifested as a tender point in the antagonist muscle.
The end result is hypertonic myofascial tissue and restricted motion. Glover and Rennie have proposed the following neurophysiologic basis for the development of the tender point [2]:
Trauma produces change in myofascial tissue at the microscopic and biochemical levels.
Force of trauma causes damage to myofibrils and their microcirculation.
A neurochemical response is triggered to preserve further tissue injury and repair damaged tissues. Tissue oxygen/pH low—bradykinin formed and substance P released, which results in vasodilation and tissue edema. Prostaglandins are released to further the inflammatory response.
Resultant edema from tissue damage reduces normal circulation by compressing arterioles, capillaries, venules, and lymphatic vessels.
Tissue injury and the presence of these chemicals lower the sensitization to mechanical stimulation.
The tissue disruption and the subsequent metabolic and chemical changes produce nociceptive activity, which can result in increased sensitivity to touch or a tender point.
The damage to the microcirculation changes the intramuscular pressure and can produce muscle fatigue due to decreased cellular metabolism.
These metabolic changes affect the chemical matrix around the myofibrils and can produce nociceptive activity resulting in tenderness. The Educational Council on Osteopathic Principles at its biannual meeting in April 2014, after review of the current research and literature, approved a consensus document that summarizes the various theories for the development of a tender point and the proposed mechanisms for the clinical efficacy of counterstrain.
The proprioceptive theory proposes that tender points develop when local muscle fibers are maintained in a hypertonic state due to an inappropriate proprioceptive reflex during the initiation of somatic dysfunction or an injury.
There are two phases in the development of a tender point:
Sudden lengthening of a shortened muscle, or overstretching or overloading of a muscle
Defensively initiated contraction of that muscle in an effort to prevent injury
As Muscle A (e.g., the biceps) is suddenly lengthened, its muscle spindles' intrafusal fibers are also stretched. To avoid injury, Muscle A then reflexively contracts through a defensively initiated protective reflex (nocifensive) activation of alpha motor neurons. The reflexive contraction of Muscle A, such as biceps (and its synergists), results in a sudden lengthening of the opposing muscle, Muscle B (triceps). The sudden lengthening of Muscle B may also cause it to reflexively contract.
This altered motor neuron activity maintains the two opposing muscle contractions and may lead to tender points in Muscle A and/or B. This altered activity can persist after the original injury heals. Counterstrain treatment uses precise body positioning to shorten the strained muscle and reduce the muscle spindle activity and abnormal muscle contractions of both Muscles A and B.
The sustained abnormal metabolism theory suggests that tissue injury alters local body position, affecting local microcirculation and tissue metabolism. Due to the creation of a degree of localized ischemia, local nutrient supply and metabolic waste removal is reduced. Proinflammatory cytokine production is increased. These changes lower the firing threshold of sensory neurons causing localized neuronal sensitization. During palpation, these changes manifest as localized edema and tenderness. The precise body positioning used in counterstrain improves local vascular circulation and reduces localized production of inflammatory mediators.
The impaired ligamentomuscular reflex theory is similar to the proprioceptive theory. This theory, however, proposes that dysfunction may result from a protective reflex that occurs when ligaments and related myofascial structures are placed under strain. A localized strain in a ligament can reflexively inhibit muscular contractions that increase the ligamentous strain and can stimulate muscular contractions that reduce the strain. In summary, counterstrain tender point sensitivity represents an alteration in myofascial tissue function that reflects multiple underlying factors, both local and distant. After injury, nocifensive response is coupled with circulatory alterations, increased muscle tone, and/or ligamentous injury. This creates a degree of ischemia with reduced muscle work capacity, increased tissue sensitivity, and altered muscle spindle and proprioceptive activity in the injured myofascial tissues, resulting in the generation of tender points.
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List of FOREIGN Films shot in MOROCCO 🇲🇦
Many foreign films have been shot in Morocco. The first were by French film pioneer Louis Lumière Le chevrier Marocain . Orson Welles filmed his Othello there, which won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. In 1955, Alfred Hitchcock directed The Man Who Knew Too Much, set in Marrakech and Casablanca, in 1962 David Lean shot the desert scenes of Lawrence of Arabia in Morocco. The following is a list of some films that were entirely or partially shot in Morocco:
1930: Morocco, directed by Josef von Sternberg, starred Marlene Dietrich and Gary Cooper
1951: Othello, directed by Orson Welles
1953: Flight to Tangier, directed by Charles Marquis Warren
1956: The Man Who Knew Too Much
1962: Lawrence of Arabia, starred Peter O'Toole, Omar Sharif
1967: The Burning, directed by Stephen Frears, starring Mark Baillie and Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies
1967: Oedipus Rex, directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini, starred Franco Citti
1970: Patton, directed by Franklin Schaffner
1975: The Man Who Would Be King, directed by John Huston
1977: Jesus of Nazareth, directed by Franco Zeffirelli
1977: The Arms of Venus, directed by Mircea Drăgan[1]
1981: Rollover, directed by Alan Pakula, starred Jane Fonda
1985: Harem, directed by Arthur Joffé, starred Nastassja Kinski
1985: The Jewel of the Nile, directed by Lewis Teague, starred Michael Douglas
1987: The Living Daylights, directed by John Glen, starred Timothy Dalton and Maryam d'Abo
1988: The Last Temptation of Christ, directed by Martin Scorsese, starred Willem Dafoe
1989: Marrakech Express, directed by Gabriele Salvatores
1990: The Sheltering Sky, directed by Bernardo Bertolucci, starred John Malkovich and Debra Winger
1994: Highlander III: The Sorcerer, directed by Andrew Morahan, starred Christopher Lambert
1997: Kundun, directed by Martin Scorsese
1998: Hamilton, directed by Harald Zwart
1998: Hideous Kinky (Marrakech Express)
1999: The Mummy, directed by Stephen Sommers, starred Brendan Fraser
2000: Gladiator, directed by Ridley Scott, starred Russell Crowe
2000: Rules of Engagement, directed by William Friedkin, starred Tommy Lee Jones, Samuel L. Jackson and Guy Pearce
2001: Black Hawk Down, directed by Ridley Scott
2001: The Mummy Returns, directed by Stephen Sommers, starred Brendan Fraser
2001: Spy Game, directed by Tony Scott, starred Robert Redford and Brad Pitt
2002: Astérix et Obélix: Mission Cléopâtre (France), directed by Alain Chabat, starred Gérard Depardieu and Jamel Debbouze
2002: Live from Baghdad, directed by Mick Jackson, starred Michael Keaton
2004: Alexander, directed by Oliver Stone
2004: Exorcist: The Beginning, directed by Renny Harlin, starred Stellan Skarsgård
2004: Hidalgo, directed by Joe Johnston
2004: Les temps qui changent, directed by André Téchiné
2005: Kingdom of Heaven, directed by Ridley Scott
2005: Sahara, directed by Breck Eisner, starred Matthew McConaughey, Steve Zahn, Penélope Cruz and William H. Macy
2006: Babel, directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu
2006: The Hills Have Eyes, directed by Alexandre Aja
2007: Arn – The Knight Templar, directed by Peter Flinth
2007: The Bourne Ultimatum, directed by Paul Greengrass
2007: The Hills Have Eyes 2, directed by Martin Weisz
2008: Arn – The Kingdom at Road's End, directed by Peter Flinth
2008: Body of Lies, directed by Ridley Scott, starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe
2009: Pope Joan, directed by Sönke Wortmann, starring John Goodman and Johanna Wokalek
2010: Inception, directed by Christopher Nolan
2010: Of Gods and Men, directed by Xavier Beauvois
2010: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, directed by Mike Newell
2010: Sex and the City 2, directed by Michael Patrick King
2011: Captain Phillips, directed by Paul Greengrass
2011: Hanna, directed by Joe Wright
2013: The Bible, produced by Roma Downey and Mark Burnett
2013: Only Lovers Left Alive, directed by Jim Jarmusch
2014: Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, directed by Christopher McQuarrie
2014: Son of God, produced by Roma Downey and Mark Burnett
2015: A.D. The Bible Continues, produced by Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, starring Juan Pablo di Pace, Babou Ceesay, Richard Coyle and Vincent Regan
2015: American Sniper, directed by Clint Eastwood
2015: Spectre, directed by Sam Mendes
2016: The Yellow Birds
2016: Damascus Cover
2016: Watch Them Fall
2016: War Dogs
2016: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
2016: 13 Hours
2016: A Hologram for the King
2016: Our Kind of Traitor
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