#Lee Adama x Reader
justonemorewallflower · 4 months
For all my Kara x Lee/Starpollo shippers/readers, I want to know which of these ideas you'd prefer to see more.
It's a patient/nurse au and either:
1. Kara as a reluctant bedridden patient who's annoyed she has nothing to do (or at least nothing she wants to do) and is snappy with nearly everyone and Lee as the only nurse that has continued to treat her well despite her behavior. (And he falls for her because he agrees to stay and talk to her sometimes when she has nothing to do and learns more about her than just the tough exterior she puts on).
2. Lee as a recurring stubborn patient who always insists he's fine (when he's not) and Kara as a blunt and rough around the edges nurse that doesn't baby her patients and eventually starts teasing him about how he keeps coming back, "I'm starting to think you keep getting injured on purpose just to see me again."
As for time periods I really like the idea of #2. with Lee being a soldier in World War 2 and Kara being one of the war nurses (bonus, she was engaged to Zak but he died in the war, a twist could be he and Lee are related like in canon so when she gets Lee as one of her patients she kind of already knows him but he doesn't really know her because Zak died shortly after their engagement/before he met Kara).
And I feel like #1. would be more of a modern one with Lee being a nurse because I think male nurses weren't really common until later on, or at least it wasn't really a thing during the World War 2 time period.
But yeah, let me know which idea you'd like to see more!!! I may just end up writing both because I have no self control lol but even if I end up doing that this will help me to know which one to do first as I'm curious which one you guys would like to see more/are more intrigued by!
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alittlepronetopanic · 6 years
Christmas Countdown - Day 16
“You’re going to make me burn the cookies.”
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(gif is mine)
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Lee “Apollo” Adama x Reader
Word Count: 423
You never had Lee down for doing much with an oven but since settling on Earth, he had surprised you.
He was up early, earlier than usual and a smell started to drift into the bedroom. You immediately knew what he was doing and you couldn’t wait to see what his kitchen talent would bring to the table this time.
Getting up out of bed, you immediately went to the kitchen. Lee was working at the worktop with his shirt off, with an apron and his trousers on. There was something beautiful watching him work like that; you had spent so long being used to him being in the cockpit of a pilot, him doing little things like this made you smile.
As you got closer you saw the cookie cutters on the worktop. Lee rolled out the dough on the surface and you just watched as his hands did all the work; cutting the shapes, placing them on the tray and then putting them in the oven to cook.
“Are you just going to stand there or am I going to get my morning kiss?” he asked with a grin before he turned around and wiped his hands on the towel.
You walked towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck while he immediately placed his hands on your hips. His warms palms were already warmed up from his hands briefly being near the oven and it made you feel a bit fluttery inside.
He took a moment before taking the opportunity to kiss your lips, like he did every morning you woke up together but as he woke up early and didn’t stay in bed, it had to be done now.
The kiss deepened and you suddenly felt like you wanted more than just kisses, and when you broke the kiss away, you grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away from the kitchen, “We can’t...” he whispered and let go of you.
“Why not?” you moaned and tried to pull him a little more.
Lee chuckled and tried not to give in as much as he wanted to but didn’t want to let you down so he pulled you back towards, “You’re going to make me burn the cookies. That’s why.” he said with a few kisses over your neck. “Later though.” he promised with a little wink and not only were you now looking forward to Lee’s cookies, the evening sounded like it was going to be worth it too.
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longitud-de-onda · 5 years
thanks @themandjalorian for tagging me bab!! 💕
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
Top 3 ships 
kara thrace x lee adama
sirius black x remus lupin
javier peña x reader (god i’m so predictable)
Last movie
In theaters: Underwater (literally just to fawn over kristen stewart)
At home: um I was in the room while my family watched Troop Zero but I didn’t see much of it since I was working on something. I think the last movie I watched was actually Prospect, about three weeks ago. 
Reading: Under Wildwood by Colin Meloy (and illustrated by his wife Carson Ellis). I read the first book in the series back in 2011 when it was released and am only now getting around to reading the second. Meloy lives in my city and is the frontman for one of my fave bands and the books all about where I live so it’s super exciting, despite being a kids book
What food are you craving right now: i really want an italian meatball sub? something really hearty cause i didn’t eat breakfast this morning and i’m starving
Tagging: @cloud-of-roses, @flapjacques, @blondecity, @letaliabane, @opheliaelysia, @hystericalmedicine, @mando-vibes, @pedrolorians, @fanfiction-trashpile 💖
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alittlepronetopanic · 6 years
Love and Protect
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(gif is mine)
Prompt(s): None
Pairing: Lee x Reader
Word Count: 919
Hope you enjoy it! And as always, feedback is appreciated. :)
Lee fixed up the top of your flight suit as you both had made the decision to join the volunteers in taking over the Cylon base ship to rescue Hera. He could tell you were nervous by the silence and little looks between you both. “Hey,” he said which startled you from your thoughts. “Are you okay?” he asked and you didn't speak, only nodded a little response.
You moved your own hands to the top of his flight suit and fastened the velcro at the top. Your hands were shaking and Lee couldn't bear knowing that you were putting yourself through this, but he knew it was the only way.
He grabbed your hands, “Just stop a second, it's okay.” he ordered calmly as he grabbed your hands to keep them steady. Suddenly your head dropped after a few moments of looking at him and you had to try not to show the emotion that suddenly started to come through. A part of you didn't know why you were upset, both you and Lee were doing all you ever felt like doing, saving the world together. You didn't have a choice but look up to him when his hand lifted your head by your chin, “I promise I will not let anything happen to you out there.” he vowed.
“You can't promise anything out there, Lee.” you replied and he lowered his head and licked his lips before looking back up to you.
“I can't lose you, I won't.” he replied with a little quiver in his voice. Then Lee's hand moved to your cheek before he began to slowly caress the skin, “Which is why I will do everything in my power to protect you.”
You slightly nuzzled your nose into his hand before he looked at you and leaned closer pressing his lips to yours in a deep, passionate but short kiss before the Admiral started to round up the crew over the comms.
Both of you looked up, listening to the Admiral's words. Lee looked to you, “Come on.” he whispered as he grabbed hold of your hand and you both walked out of the room and down to where you both needed to be.
Once you had boarded the Cylon Base ship, you armed yourself with your guns and began walking with the rest of your team. You all removed your helmets and Lee made sure you stuck with him, you were a team, and he wanted it to stay that way; even if it was for the last time.
He saw you still looked nervous and you hated yourself for it, now wasn't the time for nerves and you tried to get over them, “Just stay close.” he said quietly to not alert anyone nearby. Some Cylons came around the corner and you both fired your guns at them, it was your shot that took it down, “Nice one!” he exclaimed and then looked at you with a little smile, which immediately lessened some of the anxiety.
After Hera had been rescued all survivors went back to Galactica. Though the danger wasn't over as Cylons had come onto Galactica. You shot some more but the Cylon shot back and Lee pushed you behind some crates, shielding you with his body before standing up and shooting them down. It was the first time they had time to shoot back and it was a bit of a shock and you took a moment before standing, then shots came from elsewhere trying to shoot another Cylon down and Lee had to take charge and kill it instead.
You and Lee poked your head around the corner and the shots started again. It wasn't long before you realised it was Gaius and a number six and you group went to them. In the little break you had, Lee turned to you, “You're doing great, just stay with me.” he told you. All you wanted was a moment of comfort so you stepped forward and snuggled into him. Lee moved his gun around his back and took a minute to wrap his arms around you before he pressed a kiss through your hair and cradled your head. “I've got you.”
“It's not over yet.” you mumbled, your speech being muffled a little by his vest.
“It's never over.” Lee reminded you while he squeezed you even closer, and he was right.
Gaius' eyes widened once Kara left to accompany Helo, Athena and Hera, “Lee!!” he called and shots from another Cylon took you both by surprise, but somehow Lee managed to send you both behind another tower of crates.
Lee beckoned one of the Marine's forward, “Stay down.” he ordered you and he and the Marine stood up with him so they could shoot the Cylon down. You covered your ears, somehow other gunshots were louder than your own and when the Cylon was dead, he crouched back down to you. “Hey, it's okay but we gotta get back to the CIC. Come on.”
You placed your hand in his open palm and he regrouped the team you were in. Lee never let go of your hand as you made your way down to the main part of the ship and it made everything seem much better than you knew it was. The Galactica was home, the crew were your family, but Lee was more than that and as long as you got through this together, you both knew you could get through anything.
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alittlepronetopanic · 6 years
Lee’s Gift
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(gif is mine)
Prompt(s): “I want you to have this.”
Pairing: Lee x Reader
Word Count: 711
Hope you enjoy it! And as always, feedback is appreciated. :)
Lee's leaving ceremony had just finished and you had returned to the duty lockers to change back out of your duty blues. The door opened and Lee walked in. You had found it hard knowing he was no longer going to be a part of the air group and he knew that there was something wrong.
“I take it I can rely on you and Kara to play nice?” he asked with a smirk. He knew that you would; she was like a sibling to you and vice versa but sharing CAG duties might get a little competitive and Lee knew that too. You could only manage a little smile to him, trying to hide the sadness you felt. Walking closer to you he could sense your reluctance to look him in the eye as you carefully returned your uniform back to the locker and took out the dark vest of your undergarment but Lee grabbed your hands and took the clothing from them, “Hey.” he whispered as his hand moved to your cheek.
Tears pooled on your eyes as you finally looked to him, “It won't be the same without you.” you tearfully spoke with a smile.
He couldn't help but chuckle slightly, but his hand never left your cheek and his thumb slowly caressed over it, “I'm just leaving the ship, not the fleet, and certainly not you.” he reminded you as you lowered your head with a smile; you knew he was right, but it didn't make it any easier. Lee lowered his own eyes and briefly removed his hands, “Here,” he said as he pulled out a chain from his jacket pocket, “I want you to have this.”
As you held out your hand, he carefully dropped a necklace into your hand; his dog tags with his name and serial number written on them. You looked at it, even though you had your own and he closed your fist around it.
“I'll still be flying with you if you keep hold of these.”
“Lee, no, they're yours.” you replied with a shake of the head as you attempted to give it back to him. He took it out of your hand and walked around to your back. Opening the catch, he opened the chain wide and brought it round the front of you before making sure it sat nicely around your neck as he closed it up.
You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck, “Joint CAG's going to suit you.” he grinned, but he could tell you were worried about the change; you felt comfortable being a Lieutenant, and you were nervous about the sudden leap. “You're ready, I believe in you.” Lee assured you and it felt as if the worry and nerves began to melt away a little.
His eyes scanned over your lips but he didn't make the move you were dying for him to make so you moved your hand behind his head and pulled him to you. Your lips crashed against each others in a long, passionate kiss that was soon cut short by the phone in the duty locker ringing. Leaving it wasn't an option, and he knew that so he reluctantly let you pull away from the kiss for you to answer the phone.
It was a quick call that allowed you to hang up quickly. Moving back towards him, you grabbed your flight suit from the locker and pulled it up to your waist before sitting on a chair to put on your shoes, “I have to go.” you told him and when you stood back up, you kissed him again just before moving to the door.
“Of course,” he replied. You opened the door, “[Y/N].” he called after you which caused you to turn back to him, “Just... I know how dangerous it can be, being the head of the group. Just be careful, I can't lose you.”
“You won't lose me, Lee. Just as long as I don't lose you either.”
He shook his head, “Never, and that's a promise.” he responded with another little smile and he gave a little nod which was his way of letting you leave to do the duty you were asked to do.
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alittlepronetopanic · 6 years
Dance With Me?
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(gif not mine. credit to owner)
Prompt(s): “Dance with me, and pretend the world doesn’t exist.”
Pairing: Lee x Reader
Word Count: 761
Hope you enjoy it! And as always, feedback is appreciated. :)
Cloud 9 was always were you would go when you needed to escape life on Galactica. The luxury liner had several bars and you sat in one of them, sipping a drink that you could easily get at Joe's but you preferred to be away from the ship for now. A hand brushed over your back before Lee sat next to you and ordered himself a drink when the bartender came to him. “What are you doing here?” he asked, “We have a bar on Galactica, you know?”
“I know. I just – you know, wanted to get away for a while.” you replied quietly. It was obvious to Lee that something was wrong, but he wasn't sure whether he should push it or leave it. For now, he decided to wait, to see if you wanted to tell him. “What are you doing here anyway?”
Lee sipped his drink, placed the glass back down and began to run his finger around the rim of the glass, “Kara told me you were here, alone. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” he admitted before turning his head to you. You looked down at your drink, your eyes looking even lower and Lee waited for you to look up at him, but you didn't so he shuffled a little closer to you on the bar stool.
His hand gripped his glass but after a few moments he reached his hand over, placing it ever so delicately on yours as it set down sluggishly on the bar. That made you turn to him, and a comforting smile gradually appeared on his face. He dipped his head forward, raising his eyebrows and widening his smile cheekily.
Music gradually started to fill the bar and you downed the rest of your drink. Standing up, you went to make your way out of the bar but Lee gripped your wrist and stopped you from leaving, “Wait.” he protested as he moved closer to you, “Dance with me?” he requested, “Dance with me, and pretend the world doesn’t exist.”
“Lee...” you tried to speak but he didn't let go. Instead he pulled you closer to him, his hand grabbed hold of yours and curled his fingers around, his other settled on the small of your back. Your free hand went to his shoulder blade and Lee slowly swayed to the music. You tried not to join him; you just wanted to go home, but the more he moved, the more your feet moved along with him.
Your head slowly relaxed onto his chest, Lee and the music was all that was going through your head. Everything else, all the worry and stress of the enemy and life in general washed away in Lee's arms. By this point, you were barely moving to the music, you were both just lightly swaying and you soon lifted your head from his chest and looked at him.
Lee smiled softly, his skin slightly crinkled around his eyes. You straightened your self up and the music continued, you both started to move a little more but you soon caught each other's gaze. Stopping your movements with the music, Lee leaned his head towards yours and you had no time to react before his lips reached your own. His kiss was passionate, but not too much of it, he didn't want to scare you off; but it was enough for you to respond to and you did so. Lee's hand ran up your back during the kiss and yours went behind his neck to pull him in more. It broke off quickly, and the music stopped before changing tune though neither of you stayed on the floor and returned to the bar.
“What you said about pretending the world doesn't exist...” you trailed off, thanking the barman as he presented you both with your drinks, “I did just that. Thank you, Lee.” you smiled.
Lee chuckled a little and lowered his head in a shy manner, moving his hand back on top of yours, “Whenever you need some time alone, come to me. We'll go somewhere quiet and pretend we're here all over again and dance until you forget for a while.” the CAG suggested and you just nodded your head, followed by Lee squeezing your hand for comfort. After finishing your drinks, Lee held out his hand for you to take and you gladly grabbed it, just so you could have a little moment together on the way, before having to break it off back on the ship.
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alittlepronetopanic · 6 years
You Need To Wake Up
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(gif belongs to bluerangerpower)
Prompt(s): "You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you."
Pairing: Lee x Reader
Word Count: 1,554
Hope you enjoy it! And as always, feedback is appreciated. :)
When the fight broke out on the prisoner ship, you tried to help Lee calm the riot. As you fought off one of the prisoners, you threw a punch that landed on his cheek, but when you crashed back into him to try and take you down, a sharp object was rammed deep into your abdomen and pulled out as quickly as it went in.
There was initially no pain but as soon as you placed your hand on the open wound, a stinging, burning sensation began to rip through as you started to bleed profusely. 
Lee was too busy fighting Zarek to see what happened, but as you stumbled towards him, Lee rushed towards you and you collapsed in his arms. “No, no, no.” he panicked as he put pressure on the wound. He called Dee over and asked her to take over applying pressure whilst he sorted out the mess and who did this to you.
He knew you needed medical attention, but he had a job to do here. Lee didn't have time trying to be nice to Zarek and if he could, he would kill him there and then, just to get this over with and he can get back to Galactica and get you help. But he couldn't do it, waiting for the Marines and Starbuck to get there – and Lee didn't even want Starbuck to see you in the state you were, knowing how close your friendship was. While they waited, Dualla tried her hardest to keep you alive, but she knew you were losing a lot of blood, and she asked Billy to keep checking your pulse; it was weakening quickly with each lot of blood that was seeping out.
Starbuck and the Marines arrived, and she saw you on the ground, Dee pressing her palms to a bloodied spot on your shirt, Billy kneeling with your head on his lap pressing his fingers to your pulse in your neck. She rushed over, kneeled down, holding your face, “[Y/N]? Wake up. Please, wake up.” she pleaded, tears stinging her eyes.
Lee spoke to Zarek, trying to come to some kind of arrangement; the prisoners needed to help mine the water in exchange for control of the Astral Queen, plus he would make plans to hold elections within the next year, and they finally agreed.
Back with you, Billy felt your pule weakening and weakening, tears still stinging her eyes. You were her best friend, the one who had stood by her through all her muck ups, defended her to anyone who went against her, and seeing you almost die in front of her, was too much for her to deal with. Kara stood up, and stormed over to find Lee, “Who did that to her?” her voice broke.
“I don't know, I haven't got around to that yet.”
“Work faster, so I can kill them.” she shouted, considering doing it herself. “She could die, Lee. If you're done here...”
“We're done.” he interrupted. Standing up and leaving Zarek to stew, Lee left his cell, followed by Kara, who felt the anger and tears continuing to build inside of her, wanting to seriously damage whoever stabbed you.
Lee could see that Kara would snap at any minute and he knew he had to get everyone out of there, most importantly you to sickbay and to Doc Cottle. Starbuck lunged forward, storming back towards the prisoners in their individual cells. But Lee grabbed her lower arm, pulling her back, “Kara, no, we'll deal with this later.”
She wasn't happy with Lee's answer, she wanted to hurt whoever hurt you but she also needed to get you medical attention. Both Lee and Kara made there way back towards you, Lee crouched down, and looked at you. He lowered his eyes with the sad look in his face and licked his lips. Seeing how pale you had become because of the loss of blood and seeing the blood on your shirt even redder and more prominent than before.
“Hey, [Y/N]?” he called, checking your pulse, it was incredibly weak. Your eyes were half lidded, losing consciousness from the loss of blood before they closed completely. “Keep those eyes open, please.” Lifting his eyes, he darted them around the rest of the people that joined him on the Astral Queen. He looked worried; he tried to hide it but Starbuck could see behind Lee's attempt at calmness. “We have to go. Now!!” he ordered.
Picking you up, everyone went back on the Raptor and Kara flew back to Galactica whilst in the back, Lee held you close press hard on the wound, even though it started to seem you were out of blood by how pale you looked and the fact the blood had stopped pouring out of your wound.
His other hand cradled your head and he buried his face into your hair, “You're gonna be okay, please, just stay alive for me. Please, [Y/N].”
Dee watched at Lee started to fall apart with you in his arms, Galactica wasn't too far away and if he could he'd get out and fly there himself with you if he knew he'd make it without dying too. You were still alive, but barely. When he Raptor landed, Lee pleaded to be let out as soon as possible and he carried you to sickbay himself, rushing past the Commander not even acknowledging him. But the Commander was concerned at you being carried, injured and looking so weak in his Son's arms.
As the Doc and his team operated – and had been for the last hour or so – having to perform a blood transfusion to replace all that you lost, and surgery on the wound. “It's my fault, dad. I should have looked out for her.” he admits, “And now she could die because of me.” Lee felt the tear roll down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away.
“It's not your fault, Lee.” his father reassured him. Before he could speak again, Doc Cottle returned with his assistant, Dr Ishay, “How is she, Doc?” Commander Adama asked.
“Whoever stabbed her used a blade long enough to hit an artery, a small one but it hit more than one, which was enough to make her bleed out as quickly as she did. We gave her a blood transfusion to replace the blood she lost, and she should be awake in a few hours.”
“Thank you, Doc.” Bill said. Lee stayed seated, his head in hands, “Go and see her.” Lee lifted his head and looked at his father, “I know how much she means to you. Go and stay with her. But keep me updated.”
Lee stood up and padded over to him, they didn't share any words, but Lee needed a comforting touch from his dad and they shared a hug. It broke off and Lee smiled lightly as he walked away. He reached you room and stopped in his tracks when he saw you. A few wires here and there, but generally, you looked better, considering how you looked a few hours ago.
Walking over to your bed, he sat down on the chair next to it and leaned forward. You were still asleep, recovering from the surgery and Lee wasn't sure how aware of your surroundings you were. He took your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips, placing a kiss to it “I'm so sorry, [Y/N]. This is all my fault. I should've looked out for you, protected you during the riot.”
Lee looked back at you, hoping any sign that you were going to wake up would show. You looked peaceful, unlike the last time he saw you. The only sign he got was a little tightening of your hand in his. His father was right, you did mean a lot to him, not just as a friend, or even a best friend, but as someone he had deep feelings for, he was just to scared to admit them to himself, let alone you.
“Please, please wake up.” he pleaded, licking away the salty tears that had rolled down his cheek on to his lips. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you. Any of this. I love you, which is why I need you back. We all do.” he confessed before breaking down, sobbing quietly into his hands. He knew you would wake up eventually, at least that's what he hoped; there was no reason that you wouldn't according to Doctor Cottle, but the longer you took, the more worried he was going to get.
Lee was right, the whole crew needed you back. But to him, he needed you more, and when you do wake up, he made a promise to himself that he would tell you how he felt, because life was too short and after what happened on the Astral Queen, and after life on Galactica in general, he was starting to realise that.
He took your hand in his once more and just waited, going through in his head all the things he wanted to say when you woke up, trying to find the right words. “I love you, [Y/N].” he whispered to himself. “I love you.”
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alittlepronetopanic · 6 years
Mobile Masterlist
Made a new masterlist as I think the links stopped working on the app.
I do have a different one for those on desktop right here. 
But to make it easier for everyone on the app to find, all my fics are below...
Tony DiNozzo x Reader
Rule 12
A Little Help?
Dinner With Senior (fluff)
Jealousy Undercover (angst/fluff)
Under The Mistletoe (fluff)
The Rest Of Your Life (fluff)
McGee x Reader
Lost Without You (fluff)
Leroy Jethro Gibbs x Reader
Silent Night (fluff)
Gibbs’ Jealously (angst)
Gibbs + Stars (fluff)
Jimmy Palmer x Reader
Palmer Panic (angst/fluff)
Clayton Reeves x Reader
Reeves To The Rescue
No Pairings
Kidnapped (angst)
Disobeying Orders (angst)
NCIS: Los Angeles
G. Callen x Reader
Now You’re Here (angst/fluff)
Boatshed Banter (fluff)
Christmas With Callen (fluff)
Don’t You See (fluff)
Be With You (fluff-ish)
Attempted Means Of Persuasion (fluff)
Someone’s Gonna Rescue You - TEMPORARILY ABANDONED!
He’s Back - Part One (angst)
Stand Down, Agent Callen - Part Two (angst)
Tick Tock Tick Tock - Part Three (angst)
Marty Deeks x Reader
The Part Where We Kiss (fluff)
Eric Beale x Reader
Come Back To Me (fluff)
Chris LaSalle x Reader
I Got You (angst)
Jason Bull x Reader
Late Night Work (fluff)
Bull + Guitar (fluff)
Law & Order: UK
Matt Devlin x Reader
Matt + Comfort (minor angst)
Gingerbread Kiss (fluff)
Daddy Duties (fluff)
An Attack Of Panic (angst/fluff)
Snowball Fights And Snow Angels (fluff)
Matt + Tension (angst)
Making It Worth Your While (fluff, soft smut)
Can’t Stop The Bleeding (so much angst/fluff)
Matt’s Plus One (fluff)
First Time (smut)
Safety Bubble (angst/fluff)
The Smoke
Kev Allison x Reader
Don’t Do This (angst/fluff)
Always Covered Up (angst/fluff)
Archie Kennedy x Reader
The Act Of Meeting (fluff)
Written Words Of Love (fluff)
Archie + Violin (fluff)
Battlestar Galactica (Re-imagined series)
Lee Adama x Reader
Nightmares (angst)
A Hero’s Goodbye (angst/fluff)
Dance With Me? (fluff)
Lee’s Gift* (fluff)
Love and Protect (slight angst/fluff)
William Adama x daughter!Reader
The Admiral’s Daughter
Sam Winchester x Reader
Panic Room Heart-To-Heart (slight angst/fluff)
Strike Back
Thomas “Mac” McAllister x Reader
McAllister’s Request (fluff)
Alexander Coltrane x Reader
Colonel's Demons  (angst/fluff)
Morning Moments  (fluff)
Dark Angel
Logan Cale x Reader
What’s Stopping You? (fluff)
Logan + Birthday (fluff)
Imagine… being stuck at home with Callen when he has a cold (NCIS: LA)(fluff)
Imagine… kissing Sam when you’re grieving over Matt (Law & Order: UK) (minor angst)
Imagine… Hetty interrupting you and Callen (NCIS: LA) (fluff)
Drabble Challenge Thingy
Valentines Drabbles
Drabble Challenge Thingy 2
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alittlepronetopanic · 7 years
I thought I'd make a quick masterlist so it’s easier to find all of my fics as this is also my personal page and so much can get sandwiched in between them all.
*These are technically listed in order. The oldest ones are top of each character list and then they are more recent as you go down them. :)
I’ll update and reblog a couple times a month, depending on how many I post. (All the new stories since the last reblog will be marked with a *)
I’ve also added whether their fluff/angst or whatever. Ones that don’t have any of that by them means that they’re not either fluff or angst and I didn’t know what you would call that (Also, if you think any of them are wrong, then please tell me).
This will get updated frequently without me always re-blogging so do keep checking back. :)
(List under ‘keep reading’)
This will NOT include inbox requests (ones I’ve answered as an ask)!
Tony DiNozzo x Reader
Rule 12 
A Little Help?
Dinner With Senior (fluff)
Jealousy Undercover (angst/fluff)
Under The Mistletoe (fluff)
The Rest Of Your Life (fluff)
McGee x Reader
Lost Without You (fluff)
Leroy Jethro Gibbs x Reader
Silent Night (fluff)
Gibbs’ Jealously (angst)
Gibbs + Stars* (fluff)
Jimmy Palmer x Reader
Palmer Panic (angst/fluff)
Clayton Reeves x Reader
Reeves To The Rescue
No Pairings
Kidnapped (angst)
Disobeying Orders (angst)
NCIS: Los Angeles
G. Callen x Reader
Now You’re Here (angst/fluff)
Boatshed Banter (fluff)
Christmas With Callen (fluff)
Don’t You See (fluff)
Be With You (fluff-ish)
Someone’s Gonna Rescue You - TEMPORARILY ABANDONED!
He’s Back - Part One (angst)
Stand Down, Agent Callen - Part Two (angst)
Tick Tock Tick Tock - Part Three (angst)
Marty Deeks x Reader
The Part Where We Kiss (fluff)
Eric Beale x Reader
Come Back To Me (fluff)
Chris LaSalle x Reader
I Got You (angst)
Jason Bull x Reader
Late Night Work (fluff)
Bull + Guitar (fluff)
Law & Order: UK
Matt Devlin x Reader
Matt + Comfort (minor angst)
Gingerbread Kiss (fluff)
Daddy Duties (fluff)
An Attack Of Panic (angst/fluff)
Snowball Fights And Snow Angels (fluff)
Matt + Tension (angst)
Making It Worth Your While (fluff, soft smut)
Can’t Stop The Bleeding (so much angst/fluff)
Matt’s Plus One (fluff)
First Time (smut)
The Smoke
Kev Allison x Reader
Don’t Do This (angst/fluff)
Always Covered Up (angst/fluff)
Archie Kennedy x Reader
The Act Of Meeting (fluff)
Written Words Of Love (fluff)
Archie + Violin* (fluff)
Battlestar Galactica (Re-imagined series)
Lee Adama x Reader
Nightmares (angst)
A Hero’s Goodbye (angst/fluff)
Dance With Me? (fluff)
Lee’s Gift* (fluff)
Love and Protect* (slight angst/fluff)
William Adama x daughter!Reader
The Admiral’s Daughter
Sam Winchester x Reader
Panic Room Heart-To-Heart (slight angst/fluff)
Strike Back
Thomas “Mac” McAllister x Reader
McAllister’s Request
Dark Angel
Logan Cale x Reader
What’s Stopping You? (fluff)
Logan + Birthday (fluff)
Imagine... being stuck at home with Callen when he has a cold (NCIS: LA)(fluff)
Imagine... kissing Sam when you’re grieving over Matt (Law & Order: UK) (minor angst)
Imagine... Hetty interrupting you and Callen (NCIS: LA) (fluff)
Drabble Challenge Thingy
Valentines Drabbles
Drabble Challenge Thingy 2
Please tell me if you’re having trouble accessing anything via this post. 
Or alternatively, if you’re on mobile just search #fanfiction on my profile, they should all be there. On the desktop, on the right hand side links, there’s a link that says ‘#FanFicition’, just click that and it’ll take you to my fanfiction tag and ‘Masterlist’ will take you back to this post. :)
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