#Legion fo SUper-Heroes
hellyeahheroes · 5 years
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LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #7 written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS art and cover by RYAN SOOK card stock variant cover by ALEX GARNER Jonathan Kent, intergalactic fugitive! The United Planets is less than thrilled with the decision to bring Superboy a thousand years into the future to protect the past. Planet Gotham is under siege. Ultra Boy’s homeworld is on the verge of all-out war. And as if that weren’t enough, new Legionnaire drama unfolds as Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy throw down over who should take on the Legion’s leadership! Plus, Brainiac 5 will reveal a secret that will make one Legionnaire quit the team—and we ask the burning question: Who is the strongest Legionnaire? Find out in the only book telling you the future of the DC Universe every month! ON SALE 05.06.20 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES CARD STOCK VARIANT COVER $4.99 US FC | DC This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.
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why-i-love-comics · 4 years
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Legion of Superheroes #8 - "The Trial of the Legion fo Super-Heroes" (2020)
written by Brian Michael Bendis art by Dustin Nguyen & Jodie Bellaire
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All of the holiday asks but with Winn or Brainy, whichever you prefer 👀 —Nic
@me-myself-and-my-fos  THANKS NIC 💗💗💗 
  the way i miss winn so SO much ??? i absolutely do NOT talk about him enough so we’re doing winn !! >:D
Who wears the ugly Christmas sweater?
-ok so, i love sweaters, winn loves sweaters, and i also love sweaters, so both of us !!! although winn makes ugly sweaters look SO adorable and absolutely deserves to wear them more than i do 👀👀👀
Who puts up mistletoe in the house?
-oh i do, for sure !!! i put it on the front door so now winn is forced to give me a kiss whenever he enters or exits the loft, its a simple spell but quite unbreakable.
Who gets pumped about decorating the Christmas tree?
-winn !! thats his favorite part of getting festive ( besides the sweaters ofc ,, ) literally today he got me to get a christmas tree with him and pick out a bunch of pretty decorations !! we’re gonna start decorating soon !! seeing him so excited is the cutest ..  😍
Who goes to Starbucks for the holiday drinks whenever they can?
-oh me, the coffee addict of course. i got winn to try the peppermint mocha one (1) time and now its the only thing he lets me get him whenever i go to starbucks. not even jitters  😔
Do either of you insist on chugging eggnog?
-ME !!! its chaotic. I love eggnog SO much ... winn likes it too, but not nearly as much as i do. he cannot let me be alone with a carton of it, i will drink it all in one sitting and have no regrets. 
Who bakes the Christmas cookies? Who bugs them about licking the spoon?
-we bake together! but usually, i’m the one to do the baking! i love making gingerbread cookies, even though im a bit messy when it comes to baking. flour and loose dough everywhere >>
-but winn loves raw cookie dough, in moderation of course but he is usually the one to lick the spoon and then take a finger to the bowl as well once im done making the dough, haha. 💗💗
Who is constantly praying for snow?
-winn for sure. it doesnt snow much here but winn LOVES the snow and all the fun stuff you can do in it. he says he wants to take me sledding because i’ve never been and apparently its really fun ?? national city has a few hills on the outskirts that make it perfect for that kind of thing!! me personally would love to make a snowman with winn .. 💗
Who hates the cold?
-winn, honestly. i LOVE the cold but winn is a little bit prone to getting colds, or at the very least a super stuffed nose. he does not like it. but i love getting to cuddle him and be bundled under blankets and have even more reason to drink hot coffee ... plus, i dont mind taking care of winn when he’s feeling under the weather ..  👀
Do you two argue over decorations?
-only when it comes to stuff like buying them ... because i always pick all the cute stuff like little porceline reindeer and those cute snowman plushies or something crazy like a singing snoopy doll, while winn picks out actual stuff like holly and christmas lights. but we come to a mutual agreement eventually! :)
Who is in charge of making/buying and sending the Christmas cookies?
-i make the gingerbread cookies and winn takes them to the DEO for everyone to enjoy or to the legion of heroes. its usually one of the things everyone looks forward to during the christmas season !! sometimes i’ll distribute them to neighbors or something too, or i’ll take them to earth-1 to share with everyone as well. we both love making them together and giving them to everyone!  💗
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saintheartwing · 7 years
Fallout is the Bomb
I can't believe I've only brushed over this series before. There was a whole, beautiful, irradiated world to explore within its boundaries that I never knew of! Lemme explain. Fallout is, well, post-apocalyptic. That alone had me worried. I'm not a big fan of the post-apocalyptic setting because of how it essentially gets so misanthropic, and assumes everyone turns into the kinda scumbags you'd see in "Violence Jack". The good news is that Fallout actually has a sort of "out". You see, in all of the series...well, most of it, anyway...you play as a Vault Dweller, someone who was sealed away along with others in big, social experiments set up by the government before a great war between China and the USA over resources that ended in nuclear fire. The Vaults have everything you'd need to survive for decades, even centuries! But not for all of them. You need to leave your Vault eventually, either to get a much needed Water Chip that will ensure your people can survive, or to find the "Garden of Eden Creation Kit", or you're forced to leave because the head of your Vault is a big fat jerk, or you leave because your SON has left the vault long before you while you were essentially frozen in suspended animation, and you've gotta track them down. In New Vegas, it's different, but I'll get to that later. Fallout 1 and 2 introduced the factions that basically dominate the universe. The Brotherhood of Steel, who sealed themselves away and hoard technology, hoping to someday come back up and revive the best of mankind in better days. The Super Mutants, mutated humans infected by a virus made by a lunatic who thought that as long as there were differences of ANY kind in humans, we'd keep tearing each other apart. Hence, why not make a race where everyone looks and sounds basically the same, AND is super strong, AND can easily withstand the radiation-filled wastes that fill America? There's the Enclave, the remnants of the previous government, heads of corporations, the rich and powerful, who helped MAKE the Vaults, and who basically think any life that's out on the Earth at the moment isn't really human because their DNA isn't like the "old world" humans anymore. Even if it just means people just have an extra toe or the like, they think you're a subhuman mutant as bad as the two-headed, skinless cows that now walk around. There's Ghouls, people who are heavily bombed to s--t, their skin burned off, looking like they've been flayed alive and yet linger on, some who are very intelligent and still retain their personality, others who are feral and twisted and evil. And then there's the NCR, the New California Republic, founded by war heroes and remnants of the army who are trying to sort of rebuild America or at least, what it stood for, out primarily on the West Coast. Their leadership's too concerned with bureaucracy and the amount of red tape and incompetence can be a real issue, but you can clearly tell most of them, the soldiers included, are just trying to stick together and do as much good with as many people as possible. In the first two games, it's a sort of isometric perspective. In the third, it switched to a sort of first person shooter mechanic, and the series has kept it like that, with RPG elements throughout. You have "perks", abilities like being able to carry a ton more, being able to avoid fighting with wild animals because they all like you, having a random, mysterious, gun-toting stranger randomly pop up to help...and you can choose how you want your character to look and act, like in most open world games. Now, which one is the best? I'm not sure for everyone, but for me? New Vegas is the best blend of old school and new. You play a courier who's lived out in the Wasteland. It was your job to deliver a "Platinum Chip" to Las Vegas or, as it's now called, New Vegas. But you got caught by some fancy dressed mobsters, shot and left for dead. It didn't stick. Now you wanna find that Chip, find out WHY it's so important, who the hell killed you, and maybe...or rather, most LIKELY...get revenge. There's a problem, though. For one, you don't know where the mobsters went. And you've got to contend with raiders, the NCR who aren't sure if they can trust you, wild mutated animals, and everything in between. AND...a new, Roman-themed faction that's raping and pillaging every town they find, selling the women into slavery and following a mad lunatic named Caesar. And I do mean Roman-themed, they wear Roman armor, have centurions, the whole shebang. The Legion's boss, Caesar, actually gives a damning condemnation of Democracy in the game. After all, it was Democracy and electing the idiots that were in the govt that cared more about the Red Scare than people having fresh water to drink that led to the war. Might makes right. The good news is you can play someone who's both good and bad, someone who's a blend. There's not merely morality, but "reputation". You can have a good reputation with the Brotherood, but be HATED by the NCR. Or idolized by the NCR and despised by the Legion. If you're smart enough, or charming enough, or have the right perks, you can talk your way out of almost anything, or, if you've the skill, blow the beejbus outta anyone you want with a ROCKET LAUNCHER! HAHAHAHA! KIBBLES AND BITS! It's fun watching baddies explode. And there's a lot of funny moments too. Take, for example, a subquest at the Atomic Wrangler, as you try to earn money to gain access to New Vegas, for you need 2000 bottle caps to get in, and that means you need to either sell a lot of highly valuable stuff...which you probably don't have...or you've gotta get dirty and do things like be a pimp for a whorehouse. Which I had to. The boss says we need a ghoul cowboy, a charming older lover, and a sexbot. Then when you tell him you've got the sexbot, he's all giddy like a schoolkid, making it abundantly clear the sexbot was for HIM. Which he tries in vain to pretend isn't true. And of course, the guy who shot you has a talking droid. Because of course he does. His name is Yes Man. When you tell Yes Man you're the Courier his boss shot? Yes Man: Hahaha! I know that's not true, because you still have a head!
Courier: I'm serious. 
Yes Man: Hahaha! That's... not funny... you getting shot in the head. I really shouldn't have taken so much pride in how I set that up, huh? ... I feel really bad right now. Yes Man has a lot of great lines. Oh, and did I mention Elvis Impersonators run a good chunk of the Strip? Because of COURSE they do. Of COURSE they do. Guess what they have to say about their HQ? "Near as I can tell, it was some sort of religious institution. Oh, I know it says "school" out front, but everything in here seems to be related to the worship of some guy from back in the day. People used to come here to learn about him, to dress like him, to move like him. To BE him. If that's not worship, I don't know what is." Hey, if you're gonna imitate ANYBODY, why NOT the King? And yes, in Camp Searchlight...deep breaths... THERE IS...a set of HOLY HAND GRENADES in the Church.  The sign just reads, "Pull pin and count to 3." And the grenades will make a bigger boom when you count to 3. Don't believe me? Look for yourself!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tZUFKe-uYw&feature=youtu.be It's too beautiful for words.  ^_^
hbomberguy on Youtube did a really good analysis of the themes of Fallout. And as he said, “FO1's villain is 'the future', represented by mutations, evolution, technology and so on. The Master embodies this by being a mutated machine-man. The old world is gone, and the future is coming to get you.
FO2's villain is 'the past', in the sense that the largest threat to the world is the stuff that destroyed it the first time. People are trying to move on, inventing new money, but the real threat is that we haven't changed enough, and are still doomed to destroy each other. Hence the theme of newly-invented drugs, money troubles and so on. You're chasing an artifact of the past to survive, but that past killed the world. How much of the past is it good to dig up? The Enclave dream of a return to the prelapsarian america that already had its chance and got blown up.
Horrigan (the main villain) embodies this. He 'is' the ideology of the past, personified. He wants to kill you because mutants must die, and you must be a mutant because he's been ordered to kill you. Symbolically we're seeing that humans have a thirst for purity, and this thirst is itself our greatest flaw. You also HAVE to kill him with violence. It's not possible to talk him down, and the real challenge is how you deal with that fact. It's a nice final twist. Your first proper conversation allows you to claim you believe peace is always possible - and the last one is a counterpoint, saying - but the other person has to be willing to try this too.
The game criticisms mankind's inner violence, but then points out that to escape this, violence becomes necessary - it just has to be used differently from before. Being able to recruit some Enclave soldiers AGAINST the main Enclave soldier is a fun moment. The military industrial complex is bad but can be wielded against itself.All FO's main villains and central characters are rendered 'faceless' by masks or armor or mutations, because they represent something prevalent in humanity itself, more so than any one person. it makes them larger than life, like you're battling a concept. The Master is a monstrous creature-machine, Horrigan is always behind a mask, as is Lanius, and the burned man and Ulysses are similar too. This is one reason why making the villain of 3 just 'some guy in a jacket' really annoys me. Make me contend with the faceless monster that is the darkness in man. Don't make me shoot some southern-talkin' dude.Even then, I can see that being a really cool twist on the formula. But it's so badly done. Poor Autumn.”
Indeed. The main “villains” of New Vegas are sort of “faceless” and represent greater concepts. Mr. House is, in many ways, a refusal to let go of the past. He wants all of Las Vegas to be like his snowglobes: perfectly pristine and preserved under a glass bubble, unchanging. Caesar’s idea,, the LEGION’S idea of the “future” is a take from the past as well, a sick, dark past, the ROMAN heritage, embracing the past’s more cruel elements in the name of a greater organization and unity. Sort of similar to the Master’s Unity, but this time not coming from looking to the future, but to the past. The NCR is the present, and they are, in a way, a problem as well, something to contend with. Because people are suffering here and NOW, and they’re stretched so thin and so tied up with red tape that people slip through the cracks easily, or they just use outright violence instead of better, smarter solutions. They can’t see ahead properly, and aren’t learning from the mistakes of the past. Cassandra Moore, in particular, is a good example: every solution she has involves killing someone or a group of people. She refuses to open up to the idea of diplomacy. She’s as closeminded and narrowminded as the idiots who helped cause the bombs to fall to begin with. By only seeing other factions as enemies and never considering they could be allies or friends, or dealt with more kindly, you close yourself off to better, more moral, or smarter solutions.
The Brotherhood of Steel are similar: they want to preserve the elements of the Past, but they can’t see that their refusal to really help those in the present is dooming them. They’re well-meaning, they CARE, but...they’re wrong. They’ll just die out if they just stay inside their bunkers. They need to take a more active role in the world outside.
So what I'm saying is...play Fallout: New Vegas when you get the chance. Check out the Fallout series. There's a lot to love in there that might surprise you. I know it surprised ME.
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comicsverse101 · 9 years
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The fact that this is not a threat (in the next page Karate Kid mops the floor with all the bad guys. Alone. With just his bare hands) really tell you a lot about Karate Kid. I love this story so much.
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hellyeahheroes · 5 years
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LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #3 written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS art by TRAVIS MOORE and RYAN SOOK cover by RYAN SOOK card stock variant cover by JIM CHEUNG You knew there was no way Jon Kent was going to leave his best friend behind! Welcome to the future, Damian Wayne! (This is such a terrible idea!) Also, meet the new Legionnaires as they head to a secret undercover mission on the first man-made planet: Planet Gotham. Every page of this new DC epic plants seeds and ideas that will blast out across the DC Universe for months to come! All this, and Monster Boy is on the loose! ON SALE 01.08.20 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES CARD STOCK VARIANT COVER $4.99 FC|DC This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.
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hellyeahheroes · 6 years
Stumbled on twitter on a comment under a different thread after someone mentioned that Titans and Legion writers need to stop trying to recapture magic of the classic runs and do their own stuff someone else commented “ I would REALLY REALLY REALLY want a total reboot for a new LoSH series. Give the book to a creative-team who will add A SHITTONNE of LGBTQA+ rep and racial diversity. Make the 31t century one that's a paradise for more than just straight white dudes. “
They later threw some names in conversation, including Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie and Magdalene Visaggio. Which prompts me to ask: If you were to pick creators for a more diverse and inclusive Legion reboot, who would you pick?
- Admin
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hellyeahheroes · 6 years
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For a moment I was like “what?” but then I realized that Johns has put Saturn Girl in Arkham and that’s her. She is fetting free Reggie Long, a.k.a. second Rosarch. So I guess Legion of Super-Heroes is somehow trying to work behind the scenes, maybe counter to whatever Nudist Smurf is trying to set in motion?
Also, Doomsday Clock #4 is the first good issue of the book because Johns writes mostly his own new character and in flashback his mentor, Mothman, a background character from Watchmen who had no dialogue. So it’s free of the utter awkwardness that in the end were moments like those from issue #2 I’m still laughing at. And hey, Legion fans can get happy SOMETHING finally moved with them, I guess?
- Admin
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hellyeahheroes · 7 years
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why-i-love-comics · 4 years
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Legion of Superheroes #8 - "The Trial of the Legion fo Super-Heroes" (2020)
written by Brian Michael Bendis art by Duncan Rouleau & Jordie Bellaire
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