h34vybottom · 3 months
Regret / Legretta
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seine-draws · 10 months
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Tales girls drawn in 30 seconds
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lmaverick123 · 5 months
Top 10 Video Game Guns (2024 Edition)
A decade is a long time.  Almost a quarter of my life.  Getting older.  Feel older.  Emotionally, physically, mentally.  I feel like I’m an older man who doesn’t fit in in the modern world.  But that’s not what this post is about.  Video games have some pretty dope guns.  There are weapons that can blast things to bits, and ones that are just fun.  Ten years ago, I made a list of guns that I…
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toc-battlequotes · 1 year
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[The Quick Shooter]
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daily-rayless · 2 years
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A design for a younger Legretta that I recently unearthed. I like this color scheme for her.
If you’re wondering about the pose, this was originally part of a larger picture, her warning back a younger Asch while they were on some secret Order mission together. Asch didn’t turn out as good so, like with the Score, I have hidden the true picture and only shown you the good parts.
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somacruising · 3 months
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Van's last skit! I'm not entirely sure of the context behind why Van and Alexei are meeting. It's probably because they're both cool Commandants in their respective games.
Anyway, here is Van's side of the two skits they got with their dual mirrage arte.
Charismatic Leader
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Alexei: That’s all I have for today. If you learn anything new, please contact us via the mirrage communicator. 今回の情報提供は以上だ。また何か情報を掴んだ際には魔鏡通信などで連絡しよう。
Van: Thank you for the information, Commandant. I didn’t expect you to deliver it personally. 感謝します、団長殿。まさか、直々に出向いて下さるとは思いませんでした。
Alexei: I had to attend to some personal business. It just happened to be nearby. 野暮用があったのでな。偶然立ち寄ったに過ぎん。
Alexei: Since our exchange has concluded without incident, could you please tell your subordinates to relax? 無事交渉は終わったのだから部下たちに警戒を解くように指示してもらえないか?
Van: As expected, you noticed them. やはり、気付かれていましたか。
Alexei: Masking their presence so skillfully is to be expected of a Commandant’s subordinates, but it won’t work on me. 上手く気配を消しているのはさすが謡将の部下といったところだが残念ながら私には通用せん。
Van: I apologize for the discourtesy. You all may come out now. これは失礼しました。お前たち、もう出てきてよいぞ。
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[ Legretta and Arietta emerge ]
Legretta: I’m sorry for the trouble, Alexei. 申し訳ありません、アレクセイ殿。
Legretta: However, I would like to correct your misconception. We made the decision to observe ourselves, we were not under Commandant Van’s orders. ですが、一つ訂正を。この場で待機していたのは、閣下の命令ではなく私たち自らの判断です。
Arietta: If anything happened to the Commandant, everyone would be in trouble. 総長に何かあったら、アリエッタたちも困る、です。
Alexei: I see, those are some admirable subordinates you have there. If only mine could learn from them. なるほど、随分と殊勝な部下をお持ちのようだ。私も見習いたいものだよ。
Van: Your compliment honors me. Still, I would like to apologize if their presence caused you any discomfort. お褒めに預かり光栄です。ですが、彼女たちの同行を不快に思わせてしまったらお詫びを申し上げましょう。
Alexei: Well now, it seems you’re quite popular. Unlike mine, your subordinates care about you a great deal. I envy you. なに、改めて謡将の人望を思い知らされた。私と違って、部下たちから慕われているようで羨ましい限りだ。
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Van: That’s quite an insecure statement for someone who had led an entire country’s military, isn’t it? 一国の軍を率いていた人物としては少々弱気な発言と取れますが?
Alexei: That was in my previous life. Now I’m just a small man leading a small army. それもここに来るまでの話だ。今は小規模な軍隊を率いている矮小な人間だ。
Alexei: That’s why I have high hopes for a man such as yourself. And why I hope that you will come to me in due time. だからこそ、貴殿のような男には期待しているのだ。いずれ私のところへやって来てくれることを楽しみにさせてもらおう。
[ Alexei leaves ]
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Arietta: Commandant, my friends are chasing that man, now. 総長。さっきの人、アリエッタのお友達に追いかけてもらってる。
Van: There’s no need for that. That man isn’t a threat to us. いや、その必要はない。こちらに害のある人物ではないからな。
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Legretta: Still, that man believes he can entice you into his service. Didn’t those mirrists say he’s a man we should be wary of? しかし、あの者は閣下を仲間に引き入れようとしています。鏡士たちの話では警戒すべき要注意人物だということですが?
Van: They’re not wrong. However, he is still a useful man. It would behoove us to build a friendly relationship with him…for now. 確かにな。だが、それなりに利用価値はある。今は友好な関係を築いておくのが得策だろう。
Legretta: Understood. But, I would still appreciate it if you allowed us to accompany you the next time you decide to meet with that man. 承知しました。ですが、あの者との交渉の場には出来れば今回のように我々の同行を許可して頂けると助かります。
Legretta: I would never be able to look Tear in the eyes if anything happened to you. 閣下に何かあっては、私もティアに顔向けが出来ません。
Van: Very well. But, understand that if he becomes our enemy, we won’t get off lightly. よかろう。だが、もしあの御仁を敵に回すことになればこちらも只では済まないだろうな。
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Legretta: Does he have some sort of power? あの者にどのような力が?
Van: He’s very skilled, but above that, he has a powerful ability to manipulate people. 腕も確かだが、何よりあの御仁は人を掌握する力に長けている。
Van: The fact that he was able to captivate so many people in the short time before he was turned into a Living Doll is proof of that. リビングドール化されるまでのわずかな時間で多くの帝国兵を心酔させたのが、その証拠だ。
Legretta: I’m surprised to hear you speak so highly of him… In that case, we will remain vigilant. 閣下がそれほどまでに評価するとは……。では、私たちも引き続き警戒しておきます。
Van: I entrust you with that. Still, to think he would try to make me one of his pawns. 任せたぞ。それにしても、この私さえ手駒に収めようとするとはな。
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Van: Unfortunately, I’m no obedient pawn. He will learn that I am willing to abandon my humanity if need be. だが、生憎私は従順な駒ではない。時には背信棄義も厭わない人間だという事を知っておいてもらわねばな。
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FINALE: Judith vs Legretta
It's the final vote of the tournament! They've fought and won many sexy battles to get here, and it all comes down to this! Judith, the Dragon Rider from Brave Vesperia! She's smashed every poll yet - can she keep that momentum going?
She's up against Legretta the Quick, the sexiest Tales villain lady, who fights to keep Peony's legacy of Abyss NPCs winning my polls! Who will be the Sexiest Tales Lady!?
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desfraisespartout · 1 year
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Love wins, celebratory kiss 💋💖
Judith (Vesperia) x Legretta (Abyss)
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edeldoro · 1 year
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Cantabile from Tales of Fandom Vol. 2. She does not appear in Tales of the Abyss, but is mentioned in one of Daath's library texts.
First appearance (English translation is superimposed on text box).
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h34vybottom · 7 months
Regret/Legretta in Recollection is so unserious. Ma'am, what are we doing here?
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talesoftheraysen · 2 years
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mekatrio · 2 months
still having a big think abt it but i think the game did a great job w utilizing ambiguity... i think its really incredible that its ambiguous who it is that returns in the ending, with the music swelling in happiness but lulling when the camera turns to jade, the man who always has a grasp on the situation....
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lildoodlecat · 1 year
Here's your reminder to vote for Legretta in the finals!!!!
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She's cool she's so sexy and imagine if another blond haired blue eyes npc from abyss won the finale.. imagine
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daily-rayless · 10 months
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Legretta sketch
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somacruising · 2 years
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Order of Lorelei Twitter AU idk
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