#Lemmon Limes
hornedpineapple-plus · 6 months
Happy Easter 2024
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That’s not a bunny-
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apod · 11 months
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2023 October 20
Galaxies and a Comet Image Credit & Copyright: Dan Bartlett
Explanation: Galaxies abound in this sharp telescopic image recorded on October 12 in dark skies over June Lake, California. The celestial scene spans nearly 2 degrees within the boundaries of the well-trained northern constellation Canes Venatici. Prominent at the upper left 23.5 million light-years distant is big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 4258, known to some as Messier 106. Eye-catching edge-on spiral NGC 4217 is above and right of center about 60 million light-years away. Just passing through the pretty field of view is comet C/2023 H2 Lemmon, discovered last April in image data from the Mount Lemmon Survey. Here the comet sports more of a lime green coma though, along with a faint, narrow ion tail stretching toward the top of the frame. This visitor to the inner Solar System is presently less than 7 light-minutes away and still difficult to spot with binoculars, but it's growing brighter. Comet C/2023 H2 Lemmon will reach perihelion, its closest point to the Sun, on October 29 and perigee, its closest to our fair planet, on November 10 as it transitions from morning to evening northern skies.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap231020.html
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talltoontales · 7 months
- ToonMan #3: Calling it Quips -
Link to the prompt || Prompt by @write-it-motherfuckers (Tumblr)
{Written 02/19/24}
Breaking News: Sans County, otherwise known as "Metro Town," has been put into an emergency shutdown after reports of the vigilante, ToonMan, confronting Lucas Harring, a.k.a. Lemmon Head. The two were last seen fighting atop a commuter train heading into Metro Town's United Central Station. The status of the citizens on the train or inside the station is still unknown. Police and agents from the Augmented Individual Detainment Task Force have been sent to the area...
ToonMan braces himself against the front of the speeding train, his feet digging deep into the ground, ripping up the track in an attempt to slow it down. While it is bumpy for those inside, the train does begin to lose momentum.
ToonMan turns around, seeing the light of the train platform and a fast-approaching concrete wall. ToonMan stretches his head through a broken window in the conductor's cabin and presses a button in front of a microphone.
"All passengers, brace for impact!" yells ToonMan. He digs his feet even deeper into the ground. The train slams right into the wall, violently shaking the rest of the compartments.
Inside one of the train compartments, the lights flicker on and off as the civilians on board try to recover from the crash. A few people check on those who seem injured while others try to pry open the doors to escape.
The train begins to shake again as a rapid thumping noise can be heard from outside the train. Everyone freezes as the sound gets louder. Large indents the size of go-karts bend into the compartment from above as people scream.
Outside, a large creature leaps off of the train onto the platform. It was nine feet tall and built like a professional weightlifter. The creature was covered in pale yellow scales with lime green spikes along its back, lime green oversized ram horns, and wearing compression shorts.
The monster has a large duffle bag over its shoulder as it looks back at the train. Citizens who see it scream as they run into the train cars behind them.
"Run!" yelled a citizen, "It's Lemon Head!" Lemon Head scowls at the sound of his name, turning his attention to the conductor's car. He leans back, his cheeks swelling up like balloons until they're the size of yoga balls.
Highlighter yellow liquid spews from Lemon Head's mouth like a hose, spraying it all over the conductor's car and wall. Once done, Lemon Head watches with sinister glee as his liquid works like acid, melting everything it touches.
Lemon Head runs up the platform and steps into the main hall without a body to be found. He looks around, his eyes turning black, and sees several warm bodies hiding around him. A small child peaks her head from her hiding spot, locking eyes with the monster. Lemon Head flashes her sharp tooth smirk. She immediately returns to hiding.
Lemon Head walks toward an exit, seeing an army of warm bodies on the other side. His cheeks swell up with acid once again as he prepares to spray them down.
"Hey!" A pair of white hands wrap around Lemon Head's mouth, holding the acid inside. Lemon Head looks behind him to see ToonMan unscathed. "Didn't your mother teach you any manners? It's rude to spit!"
Lemon Head rips through ToonMan's arms with his claws, freeing his face and allowing him to spray at the hero with his acid. ToonMan leaped over the attack while his hands reformed. He throws an elongated punch at Lemon Head, hitting him in the face and knocking his head back.
A stream of acid carves through the ceiling above, nearly hitting a surveilling news helicopter.
"This is Lanni Lovelace," says Lanni, " and I am above United Central Station, where the controversial hero, ToonMan, battles Lemon Head. Once Lucas Harring, a renowned therapist, now a hulking dragon-like monster." Another stream of acid shoots through the ceiling of the station, forcing the pilot to dodge again.
"At this moment, PCPD and A.I.D. surround the entire building," Lanni continues. "Now, they wait for their moment to strike and rescue what civilians may remain inside the station."
"Look!" yells the pilot. Lanni and her cameraman look toward the ground to see a small crowd racing out of the train station.
"And it seems like civilians may no longer be an issue," Lanni continues, "as it seems that those trapped found an opportunity to escape. Now we're just waiting to see..."
ToonMan crashes through the station ceiling with Lemon Head's duffle bag, sailing toward the helicopter. As he passes it, ToonMan stretches his arm, grabs onto the helicopter's interior, and pulls himself onto the edge.
"Lanni, Jessie, Mr. Pilot," says ToonMan. "Still flying too close to the sun, I see." ToonMan climbs inside, holding up the duffle bag. "Quick question: where do I put my carry-on?"
Lemon Head jumps through the station's roof, landing on the ceiling and roaring at the helicopter before leaping at it. ToonMan looks at Cameraman Jessie. "I'll trade ya!" ToonMan throws the duffle bag into Jessie's lap while taking his camera. "Hey, everybody! Wanna see a lemon drop?"
ToonMan tosses the camera like a football toward Lemon Head before grabbing the entrance of the helicopter with both hands, pulling himself back, and launching himself like a slingshot. He soars past the camera as it watches him slam into Lemon Head, the two crashing back into the station.
The camera drops perfectly through the hole and is grabbed by ToonMan, who now stands on top of a defeated Leamon Head. ToonMan turns the camera on himself and Lemon Head. "Well, Lemon Head, I guess you could say that your plans turned...sour!" Lemon Head groaned as he lay in defeat.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," ToonMan continued, "that wasn't my zest joke; I could definitely do bitter." The police enter the building in droves led by A.I.D. agents Jacobs and Wilhelm. The armed forces quickly surround ToonMan and Lemon Head. "Well, it's about lime you guys showed up! This lemon needs some aid, stat!"
ToonMan launches his hand at the hole in the ceiling, pulling himself up and escaping through it, leaving the camera behind. Agent Wilhelm throws his helmet to the ground in frustration.
"*snicker* lemon-aid," murmurs Jacobs. Wilhelm glares at his partner, and she looks back at him, unfazed. "What?"
It's late in the afternoon. Tea sits in her apartment, watching the news.
"And that's the weather," says a newsman, "we now go to Ridley Post with Prime Time in Pannel City, Ridley?" The camera pans over to a blonde man in a blue suit.
"Thanks," says Ridley. "As you probably have heard, Metro Town had a bit of a shake-up today as heavy hitter Lemeon Head took on our city's "hero," ToonMan. Now, thankfully, no one was seriously injured unless you consider the beating heart of our fair city!"
"United Central," Ridley continues, "was built in early 1987 and, through several renovations and expansions, has never been closed completely until today. Due to extreme structural damage from Lemon Head's acid spay, UCS will have to be shut down completely for the first time in forty-seven years!"
"Now, the Department of Transportation is working on a temporary solution to hopefully prevent citywide gridlock, but when you're thirty minutes late to work tomorrow or get a call saying that all school busses will be an hour late dropping off your kids, I want you to remember this-"
[A video plays on the screen of ToonMan after he took the camera from Jessie.]
"Now, I don't know about you," Ridley continues, "but if I wanted to hear jokes, I wouldn't go to the middle of an active war zone! Now this joker gets to leap and swing through the city while actual first responders are stuck bumper to bumper at a green light."
Tea sighs as she turns off the TV. At that moment, ToonMan rolls into her apartment through her fire escape window. He stands up, holding two bags full of groceries. ToonMan lets out a deep, stress-filled sigh as his body and clothes shapeshift into his alter ego, Tony Manning.
"Rough day?" asks Tea.
"I'm never fighting in a train station again!" says Tony as he puts the groceries on the counter. "So many traffic accidents, so few first responders to help. I've never been stretched so thin." Tea winces at the pun. "Vortech, my arch-rival, number one guy at A.I.D., and hates my nonexistent guts, ignored me after a tag-team rescue. No sass, no attempt on my life, just blew me off, literally!"
Tea struggles between sympathy and frustration as she continues to listen to Tony. "But hey, that's the life of a superhero. I have hard days to make everyone else's easier. Speaking of easier, I know you usually take the train downtown for your lunch break. So, I made a trip and bought you lunch!"
Tea's eyes lit up as Tony pulled out a black plastic container. A guiser of steam erupted from the freshly cooked meal as Tony opened the container. Glistening bites of chicken next to a side of perfectly cooked rice & and green beans. Tea held the food as if it were a newborn child as she took in the smells.
"Is this-?" asks Tea.
"Lemon chicken, yellow rice, and green beans!" Tony interrupts, "the lemon-lime special." Tony chuckles to himself as he takes the rest of the groceries into the kitchen. Tea follows him, leaving her lunch behind.
"Toon," says Tea, "you need to stop with the puns."
"I know, I'm sorry," says Tony. "Sometimes I get started, and I just can't quip." Tony looks over at Tea as she stares him down. "Sorry, they're just so much pu...fun, plus it's part of my comical charm. Annoy the badies, knock 'em off their game, and capitalize on their mistakes. How to save the day in three simple steps."
"But what about everyone else?" asks Tea. "The city hates you, now more than ever, and the constant jokes aren't helping."
"Since when did you care if I was likable?" asks ToonMan.
"Since you turned my fifteen-minute commute into an hour and a half," answers Tea. Her words hit Tony like a truck as he physically shrinks a few inches, making him slightly shorter than Tea. "They may just be jokes to you, but it makes it seem like you don't care about what you did."
Tony tries to interject, but Tea stops him, putting her hand on his chest. "Which I know isn't true," Tea continues. "I know if you could fix it, you would, but treating the situation like a big gag isn't making anyone feel better either." Tea pulls on Tony's head, stretching him back to his original height.
"So, no more puns?" asks Tony.
"Or jokes, gags, quips, bits, etc.," says Tea. "At least until the trains are up and running again. You think you can do that?" Before Tony can answer, Tea kisses him on the cheek.
"No quips for a few weeks," says Tony, "no problem, sweet-Tea!" Tony immediately groans at himself. "Starting now."
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the story! If you have any comments, critiques, or criticisms, please don't be afraid to let me hear 'em (as long as they're constructive (or funny)). Stay safe, keep warm, and be kind to yourself and others. ToonMan, AWAY!
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nlockett · 11 months
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APOD October 20, 2023 Galaxies and a Comet Galaxies abound in this sharp telescopic image recorded on October 12 in dark skies over June Lake, California. The celestial scene spans nearly 2 degrees within the boundaries of the well-trained northern constellation Canes Venatici. Prominent at the upper left 23.5 million light-years distant is big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 4258, known to some as Messier 106. Eye-catching edge-on spiral NGC 4217 is above and right of center about 60 million light-years away. Just passing through the pretty field of view is comet C/2023 H2 Lemmon, discovered last April in image data from the Mount Lemmon Survey. Here the comet sports more of a lime green coma though, along with a faint, narrow ion tail stretching toward the top of the frame. This visitor to the inner Solar System is presently less than 7 light-minutes away and still difficult to spot with binoculars, but it's growing brighter. Comet C/2023 H2 Lemmon will reach perihelion, its closest point to the Sun, on October 29 and perigee, its closest to our fair planet, on November 10 as it transitions from morning to evening northern skies. ©Dan Bartlett
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enoughrain · 2 years
Well if you're asking me, excessive urinating, giddy feeling, lots of burping, salt on your fingers, possibly a sour taste due to either lemmon or lime. Uncontrollable thirst. Blurred vision, Uncontrollable laughter. Slight numbness and tingling feeling all over, and the WORST PART IS. Reduces you inhibitions! Perfect for people with any, kind of speech impediment!.
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call-me-beans-mcgee · 2 years
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@abd-illustrates Hopefully you don’t mind that I made an oc for Heartless 👉👈
Click for higher quality!
Reblogs are appreciated!
Don’t repost :) 🔪
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zonkycore · 7 years
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some cookies
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hornedpineapple-plus · 7 months
What she mad about?
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dragongirltitties · 2 years
Water advice for shitty tasting water, adding a bit of Lemmon or lime juice. A little pinch of salt, or electrolyte tablets
i've tried both lemon and lime and they taste worse than plain water 💀💀💀
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birdie my beloved friend. i care you so much. i just got done boiling and eating limes which did not go well but i had to let you know i love and appreciate you
okay you did HUH (at least it wasn’t lemmons)
And :-) thank you! i love and appreciate you too!
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stellaseas · 3 years
There’s a twitter thread about perfectly cast characters which is a interesting discussion. Plus I’m kind of salty about the thumbnail which is Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn and (this is my opinion, I don’t have anything against Margot Robbie as an actress but) with the prompt being described as “the role was just made for that actor and nobody else could embody it they way they did” ...yeah I’m not sure Margot’s Quinn can fall into that category. There are plenty of actresses that can do what she does in the movies she’s been in. To me, this also means that people cast to play these parts in remakes...have no business doing so, it seems weird to do a remake at all because the original is so iconic and as close to perfect as can be, no one could measure up. Another “rule” (idk what to call it) would be that...the idea of any other actor taking on the role would have resulted in the failure of the movie in general or the character would not have become so iconic without that particular actor being cast. I’m less inclined (despite the wording of the prompt, I don’t take it literally) to include characters that were specifically created with a certain actor or actress in mind (take Katherine Hepburn in The Philadelphia Story) because that almost seems like cheating. Anyways, here’s my additions to the list, because I can’t bring myself to join twitter. 
Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard
Cate Blanchett as Bob Dylan, excuse me, Jude in I’m Not There
Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men
Jack Lemmon & Marilyn Monroe in Too Hot to Handle
The Big Three Avengers Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth as Tony, Steve and Thor respectively. Paul Rudd as Ant Man deserves a spot too. So does Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes. Tom Hiddleston as Loki (well, the main variant of course) Really, the ladies at Marvel Casting deserve all the awards for the work they do. 
Myrna Loy & William Powell as the Charleses in the Thin Man Series
Robert Preston in The Music Man (sorry Hugh Jackman)
The Main Fellowship in LOTR (seriously Amazon, idk what you’re doing with LOTR even if it’s a prequel...please stop)
Alicia Silverstone as Cher in Clueless
Glenn Close as Cruella DeVil
Mark Hamill & Kevin Conroy as The Joker & Bruce Wayne/Batman
Orson Welles as Harry Lime in The Third Man (imagine a modern day limited series about Harry Lime played by Orson, I would DIE)
Alan Rickman & Maggie Smith in Harry Potter
Sigh...I’ve grown completely tired of his shenanigans (I’m not even referring to everything with Amber Heard regardless of what the truth may or may not be) but Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow
Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones
Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus 
The Star Wars new cast: Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, Joh Boyega & Oscar Isaac. Heck Domnhall Gleeson too. 
Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs (I’d include Anthony Hopkins if I didn’t enjoy both his and Mads performances as Hannibal equally)
George Saunders in All About Eve
Betty Davis & Paul Henreid in Now Voyager
Dana Andrews & Gene Tierney in Laura
Oof this got long, I could do a whole other list for TV!
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mini-kingsley · 5 years
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Not sure what colors are his clothing so I hope this is fine!
Leo is such a bundle of joy 😊
Leo Lemmon Lime-aid belongs to @ninjahaku21art
Oh! And here is a small bonus doodle of Leo and his partner who is @kazooldlekatdoodle ‘s oc Sammy:
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Hope you enjoy!
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spidermanifested · 5 years
WHY are there lemon sour patch kids. like their whole tagline is “sour then sweet” and then they make a flavor thats just Sour, Then Also Sour, Idiot!!! and sometimes you get weird yellow-orange ones that are more orange than the pure yellow ones so you take a chance and eat it but then WHOOPS!!!! LEMON. SORRY! and its ONE-FIFTH of the overall content of the package! that i physically cannot enjoy! like lime kind of sucks but at least if i pop one in my mouth by accident my tongue doesnt shrivel up and DIE. if i wanted a god damned unbalanced sour candy with no sweet respite at the end of my snacking experience then id eat a whole regular entire FUCKING lemmon you absolute sour patch madmen
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ninjahaku21art · 5 years
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Just some quick sketches of Leo! 
Leo is Tazza’s neighbor in his apartment building, and usually see each other when one is returning home and when the other is leaving for work. Leo has his own little lemonade stand he has in Moonlight park within the city! Also wanted to draw some cute Leo and Sammy doodles. <3 they live together and are also very sweet and loving!  enjoy!
Sammy belongs to @kazooldlekatdoodle
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hornedpineapple-plus · 7 months
First date
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Happy Valentine’s Day
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tornadorojo5 · 6 years
What if Coke was the Only Thing to Drink, and Nothing More?
Ok, I know, everyone knows that great loads of sugar are bad for your health (especially if you are a woman), but the sad truth is that we all humans have a sweet tooth. Back in the XVIII century, the British started to refined very large quantities of sugar but back then, it was still considered a luxury item. They had a name for sugar, they called it the "White Gold", as it was so precious and expensive that only the very rich could afford to eat it. 
Nowadays, the sugar industry is huge (enormous, holy cow!! really big) and while our daily intake of this sweet delight should be only about 37.5 grams for men (that would be something between 8 to 9 teaspoons. This is a little more than 150 calories) and 25 grams for women (approximately 6 teaspoons, which is a little over 100 calories), it is thought that American sugar consumption was at its peak (1990), the average citizen was consuming 111 grams a day on daily basis. Things are getting better now since today we have a national average of 94 grams/person, which is mostly attributed to soft drinks. Now, let's talk about the one that by far is the most important soft drinks manufacturer in the world. Let me present you Coca-Cola.
History of Coca-Cola
The history of Coca-Cola starts in 1886 when an American pharmacist called Dr. John Stith Pemberton started messing around with carbonated water and syrup, and he was so pleased with the results that within a year, he was selling 9 servings a day, 5 cents each.
Today, around 1.7 billions of coke servings are sold every day, that is 42.8% of the U.S Carbonated drinks market. 
It's believed that half of the U.S.A population drinks at least half a glass of soda every day of their lives. So I think the question is Is it any good for them?.
First, let's take a look what is actually in Coke. Is there really a secret ingredient that nobody can fathom except its creators?. Well, the secret formula was actually created as a marketing stunt back in 1891, but until today, Coke says that only a few people on the inside know what that is.
Coke actually labels each ingredient as a merchandise, and they numbered from 1 to 9. One of them is of course sugar, or other sweeteners, caffeine, caramel coloring, and phosphoric acid. From here, the rest of the formula is a mystery, although there might be orange, lime, vanilla, cinnamon, and even nutmeg in the syrup. To add a little more mystery, one of the ingredients is called "7X". In a book on the subject, writer Mark Pendergast mentions that he has found the secret ingredients and they were a mix of oils containing extract of orange, Lemmon, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Coriander, Neroli and some alcohol. I'll leave you an Amazon link in case you want to check out this book.
In case that you wonder if the rumor that accuses Coca-Cola of containing coke?. Well, yeah, it used to contain Coke, but in those days the coca leaf was promoted as a health benefit. All we know is that by the year 1902, it contained 1/400 of a gram of cocaine per ounce of syrup, not enough to make you high but enough to get you a little hooked. Cocaine was finally removed from Coke back in 1929 (cocaine was made illegal in the USA in 1914 with the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act).
Prior to that, it was the drink's selling point, with its creator, a morphine addict himself, saying that Coke was "a most wonderful invigorating of sexual organs".
Much has changed, but Coke's marketing strategy is still often related to having a lust for life, youth, spirit, and sexiness. But, let's get to the point now, the sugar.
Sugar In Coca-Cola
There are 9 grams of sugar in every 100 grams of the drink, this means that in a 12 oz. can of coke (340.19 grams) there is 1.08 oz. of sugar (30.61 grams) or 2.16 tablespoons. But of course, we all know how people like to overdose on Coke, so in a 7-Eleven Big Gulp (30 oz. of Coke), there are 2.7 oz. of sugar (76.54 grams), more than 2 times the recommended daily sugar intake for men and more than 3 times the recommended daily dose for women, and a Super Gulp (44 oz. of Coke) contains 3.96 oz. of sugar (112.26 grams), and a Double Gulp (64 oz. Coke), 5.76 oz. of sugar (163.29 grams) or 11.52 tablespoons.
You can do the math by yourself, just multiply the serving size by 0.09 (or 9%) and you get the sugar ounces that you are eating, in tablespoons, you take this last result and multiply by 2.
Since drinks got so big, New York created the "Sugary Portion Cap Rule", but that had no effect on 7-Eleven monstrous portions since it only applies to restaurants, which were prohibited from serving sugary drinks bigger than 16 ounces (23% smaller than a large Mc Donald's soda). No surprise that the sugar drinks conglomerate opposed the bill, stating that the poor income families will lose out those great deals. You could splurge and purchase 3 separated drinks.
So, if you just drink Coke and nothing else, you will be putting yourself in a lot of danger, although it might be acceptable if you are in a Zombie-Apocalypse scenario, and you are locked up in a Coke warehouse, and there is nothing but stock. As you can imagine, your teeth will start to root, since the phosphoric acid on Coke gets in touch with your teeth, therefore destroying the enamel and the sugar will soon lead to cavities. The calories you consumed would be less than the recommended 2000, if you drink 14 cans of Coke at 140 calories per can, you will get near the daily recommended caloric intake, but still, the contents will hurt you.
Remember that all that high fructose corn syrup you are consuming would start to increase fat in your liver and will put you at risk of getting a cardiovascular disease. 
What is it like to Drink Coke Every day? Let's Ask John.
Meet John Prior, a super fit 50-year-old guy from L.A that actually drank nothing but Coke, every day, for a month, that is, 10 cans (1400 cal.) a day for 30 days. He ate other things too though. After his binge, the British press said that he put on 28 pounds (12.7 Kg). So in a month, from being slim, he developed "love handles", a "pot" belly, and man boobs. He also said that his blood pressure went u from 129/77 to 145/96, his conclusion was that "I think there are a lot of  people suffering health problems like diabetes and heart disease, who aren't aware they could help themselves by just stopping sugar." He also admitted that big corporations and their lobbying arm would be hard to stop.
According to some experts at Yale University, we'd start aging rapidly, as well as putting on pounds and losing teeth. The same study says that we'd feel very hungry all the time as sweet tastes increase appetite. We might even start gnawing at the crates in the warehouse and weight gain would be definite. Studies have shown that 1/5 of America's famous obesity epidemic is from people just drinking sugary products compulsively.
Another article about Natasha Harris, a woman who drank 18 pints of Coke every day (a little less than 8.5 liters) and no water for 16 years, died at the age of 30 from a cardiac arrest. At the time of her death, this woman, mother of 8 children had "hypocalemia, or the lack of potassium in the blood, did not have any teeth and one of her 8 children was born without enamel. 
Natasha Harris from New Zeland, downed nearly 9 liters of Coke every day otherwise she'd go crazy
Research has shown that only by reducing the amount of sugar in drinks could prevent over 1 million cases of obesity.
"We have solid evidence that keeping intake of free sugars to less than 10% of the total energy  intake reduces the risk of overweight, obesity and tooth decay"
WHO's Department of Nutrition for Health and Development, 2015
I know things could change, but sugar politics is a big deal and in the end, the bottom line is more important than your health, says most critics.
The sugar industry has spent over 54 million dollars lobbying in the last 8 years and well, in the UK, politicians knew this and tried to come up with a way to reduce obesity in the country by taxing sugar higher. This hasn't come in yet, but already drinks manufacturers have begun reducing the sugar in their drinks in the UK by almost 50% because of this. Coke was one of those companies, but the 30% sugar reduction will only happen in the UK, according to CNN. Let's check out what the Euro News are saying these days.
What Happens when you Drink Coke?
In a 1-hour period of time, after drinking a standard can of Coke, this is what happens.
Start Counting
The phosphoric acid that Coca-Cola contains gets in touch with the enamel on your teeth, provoking dental erosion. This type, unlike the localized erosion that gives you cavities in a certain tooth, affects all your teeth at the same time.
In 10 Minutes
A little more than 2 tablespoons of sugar strike your system (about 80% of the recommended daily intake of sugar). You won't be able to vomit due to the overwhelming sweetness because of the large quantity of phosphoric acid that cuts the flavor. Still, almost all the sugar that you were supposed to intake in a day, is punched at once in a short period of time (sounds pretty bad, huh?)
20 Minutes
You will experience a spike in your blood sugar, followed by an insulin burst. Now your liver gets to work (like when your boss makes you work until you break) turning all the sugar at its reach into fat. It accumulates very fast.
40 Minutes
Your pupils dilate due to all the caffeine absorbed, and as your blood pressure raises, your liver dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. At this point, the adenosine receptors in your brain are blocked preventing drowsiness.
45 Minutes
Your dopamine production increases, stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. In case you have not figured it out yet, this is just how heroin works.
60 Minutes
1) The phosphoric acid binds the calcium, zinc, and magnesium in your lower intestine, generating a further boost in your metabolism. The result is an increase in the urinary excretion of calcium, zinc, and magnesium. (Now you know why Coke is especially bad for women.)
2) Now we experience the caffeine diuretic properties in all its extension. At this point, you will pee all the calcium, magnesium, and zinc previously bonded, that were supposed to go to your bones (teeth included). Sodium, electrolyte and of course water get flushed at this point too.
3) As the rave party in your body dies down, you will start to have a sugar crash. It is possible that you get irritable and/or sluggish. Since you pissed away all the water of the Coke that you just had, not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used to build strong bones and teeth or hydrating your system, you will get thirsty again, only this time, you also get hungry, since you need to replace all the valuable minerals you have just pissed away.
So you take another Coke and there we go again.
There are several health issues involving Coke, and the one that I think is the true and silent-slow killer is the progressive damage to your kidneys. So eat well, drink more water, and try not to drink Coke...so you can "Enjoy".
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