#hee hoo art time
call-me-beans-mcgee · 2 years
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@abd-illustrates Hopefully you don’t mind that I made an oc for Heartless 👉👈
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Reblogs are appreciated!
Don’t repost :) 🔪
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vulpixisananimal · 6 days
May your Heart be your Guiding Star.
A-Side: Chapter 1
"Hey, Sif, Siffrin, Siffarooni."
(. . . It's Isabeau.)
(It's always Isabeau. Every night, it's Isabeau who wakes you up to tell you nothing much at all. But, the script demands it, you turn and listen.)
"Um, sorry? To wake you up? I just have to tell you something. If that's ok."
(It's not like you had a choice anyway. You nod. Go on, Isabeau.)
"Then I shall tell you this thing! This thing I woke you up to tell you-"
(You zone out. You don't know why you decided to go through the sleepover again, was it selfishness? You were selfish, Siffrin. It just wasted time, and it just hurt your heart.)
(How long had it been? You were loosing track of your loops, was it months? Years? You hope it wasn't years. How much would you need to go through before it's all done?)
(You keep zoning out thru when Bonnie throws their pillow. This part was funny, once. The banter between your family, the ominous threatening, Isabeaus smile-)
(You snap out of zoning out. You hear thunder.)
"Woah." (Mira says in a whisper.) "M-must be close. . ."
"Stupid crabbing thunder! We're trying to sleep!- Huh? 'Frin?"
(You had stood up. What. What what what. There was never thunder at this time! Never, never never!! You rushed to a window to look out.)
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(It was storming, storming like it never had before.)
"What's up, Sif?" (Isa asks, concerned.) "Worried about the town?"
"Something's wrong." (You say, your breathing picking up.) "I-I, uh, I don't know but-"
(You wince, Loop?!? Loop what's- wait. You make the stupid hand sign Loop taught you, ignoring your family's looks of confusion.)
"Loop what's-"
"I-I don't-"
"Gems alive."
(You all rushed out of the clocktower, dressed and ready for anything. Your heart was beating our of your chest, what was going on?!? Was Loop ok?!?)
(The sky was cloudy and lightless, a level of lightless you'd never seen before! This, this couldn't be the end, right-)
"AAH!!" (Mirabelle shrieked.) "A S-SADNESS!!"
(You watch in confusion as a shadowy creature rises from the ground itself. It had antenae, sharp claws, and light-grey eyes. It's, what is that?!?)
"Weird looking sadness!" (Bonnie yells.)
(Odile analyses the enemy.) "It's not like any we've seen-"
(It lungest at your party, you move quickly and slice it in two, and it dissolves into shadow. It didn't feel like a sadness, it, it's wrong. You turn back to your family.) "Can't waste time! C'mon!"
"R-right!! We need to save the townsfolk!!" (Mirabelle agrees, everyone quickly following you to Dormont.)
(A hop, skip, and a jump and you were all back into town. Everyone was running about, more of those creatures were forming from the Darkness and attacking!! You run ahead and swipe at one that was about to hurt the frog-loving kid.)
"T-thank..." (They say meekly.)
(Mirabelle catches up with you, and addresses the kid.) "Go run to the library! We'll make sure everyone gets there, ok?"
(The kid nods, and runs off. Mirabelle turns to the rest of you.) "W-we, we should, we should make sure everyones safe, right? That was the right call, right???"
"It's a good call!! I'll help gather people!!" (Isa agrees.)
"Right, I'll make sure the Library's safe. Boniface, stick with me, please." (Odile adds.)
"Can I bonk one of those weird things???" (Bonnie says a bit too excitedly.)
"N-not now, Bonnie! Siffrin, can you help get people??" (Mira asks you. Was there any question?)
"Of course, I'll be fast about it, as always~" (You say cheekily.)
(You all split up, Mira, youself, and Isabeau looking for people to save. Odile and Bonnie to keep the Library safe.)
(You need to go see Loop.)
(You run through the town, striking at creature after creature, but with each one you slay two more take it's place!! You run past the Boulanger's, before you can stop it, one of the creatures strikes down the Big Boulanger. All you can do is slay the creature that did the deed, and tell the small Boulanger to run.)
(You run to the Favor tree. Loop's there, fighting off multiple creatures at once. You rush to help.)
(You strike at the creatures.) "LOOP!!! LOOP WHAT'S GOING ON?!?"
"STARDUST!!!" (Loop crushes a creature with a hand.) "What are you doing here!?! I told you to run!!!"
"I-I was worried about you!! We need to, t-to-"
"To WHAT, Stardust!!" (Loop snaps back.) "Can't you see!! The world is ending!!"
(You take towards them.) "L-Loop, Loop c'mon! Mirabelle is getting everyone together at the Library and-"
"What you want ME to be there?!?" (Loop laughs.) "Little old me at the END?!?"
"I-I-" (End of the world. It, it certainly felt like the end of the world. You could feel the earth rumbling, the storm getting worse.) "I, no!! I'm not arguing!! Come on!!!"
(You grab Loop by the arm and start dragging them, they don't resist-)
(You trip, what?!? What was that noise?!? You turn around and, a-and.)
(The world was, litteralt falling apart. Breaking, Falling, Rotting. The land where you were standing and where Loop was standing were slowly drifting apart, Loops side was crumbling into bits. Looking around, looking down, it looks like, like stars. Like void.)
"LOOP!!" (You yell for your friend.) "LOOP MAYBE, M-MAYBE-"
(You watch as horror as the ground they're standing on crumbles into nothing. Your friend, your sponsor, your star, falls into the abyss that's forming all around you.)
(No, no no no no, no that, that, that can't be right, right? That, that can't be it?!? You quickly make the hand sign. You call for Loop.)
(You don't hear anything.)
(. . . . .)
(Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together-)
(You run back to Dormont. It's worse, it's so much worse here. Cracks where forming everywhere, the land was falling into nothingness. There where creatures everywhere. You could see Odile at the library door helping people in. Mirabelle stood at the foot of the Change God statue, fighting off waves of creatures, you run to help.)
"Sif!!!" (She yells, slicing a creature in two.) "W-what-"
"No time!! Where's Isabeau?!?" (You start hacking away at the dark creatures.)
"I-I don't know!! I thought, I thought he was with you!"
(Your heart drops, no, no not Isabeau. Stars, stars please not Isabeau too! No, this can't be happening. This, this is a nightmare!! A terrible, terrible nightmare that--)
(You feel a sharp pain in your side, a creature sliced you. No, no this isn't a nightmare.)
"S-Sif!!" (Mira runs over to you, healing at the ready.) "I-I'm sorry! I-I'm really, really sorry!!! I don't know, know, know where-"
(You and Mirabelle turn, the piece of land with the Library had broken off from where you were. Odile was looking at you in horror, Bonnie was holding onto her leg for dear life.)
"M-MADAME!!!" (Mira screemed.)
(No, no no no. You can see it already, the cracks were forming on their little island. You, you couldn't watch, you look away.)
(Mirabelles screams were all you needed to hear.)
(This can't be real. This can't be real This can't be real Loop back Loop back Loop back Loop back Loop back Loop back Loop back WHY AREN'T YOU LOOPING BACK!!!)
(Your stomach hurts.)
(Mirabelle collapses to the ground next to you, she's sobbing. You, you should, at least, try, try anything, anything anything anything!!)
(None of this was in the script.)
"M-Mira. . ." (You very, gently put a hand on her shoulder. Why, why did YOU need to be the stable one here!!) "I'm, I'm here, they'll, they'll be-"
"S-siffrin. . ." (She's, distraught.) "We, w-we've failed. We failed didn't we!! We failed and, a-and, a-and everything ending, and, it's all, all my fault!!"
"N-no! No we, we still, might have a chance, i-if-" (If you can go through a house that's currently crumbling into bits and beat the King? Not likely. Admit it, siffrin. You lost.)
(You scream as you feel a pain on your back. A creature had snuck up on you and struck you. You collapse to your knees, it hurt, it hurt so much-)
(You hear a swish, and a. . . Sparkle? Singing? And a gasp from Mirabelle. You look up.)
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(Mirabelle had struck the creature that had attacked you, but, now in her hands was a weapon you'd never seen before. It was sleek and thin like a rapier, with thin strans of what looks like hair leading from it's tip to the wrist guard. As she swung it around to get a feel for the strange weapon, you could hear it sing, or talk, or just, make noise.)
"W-what is. . ." (She's as confused as you.) "I-it, it. . ."
"It's a gift, I bet." (You say, trying desperatly to lighten the mood. It was just the two of you here after all.) "What is it?"
"I-I, I don't know." (She swings it a few more times. It sings some more- actually, no! You could make out some of the things it's singing, or saying. "Storstorageroomroom." "Openphrase123." What? Mirabelle helped you to your feet.) "It, it feels strong though. And it reminds me of a violin, look! Horse hair!"
(Oh! Right! That's what you used to make musical instruments, right- WAIT NO TIME!!) "Maybe we can fix this! O-or-
(For the third time you heared that sickening noise, this time, from above you. You and Mirabelle look up, your face drops.)
(It was a dark creature, one that was so, so much larger. It looked, looked like a nightmare.)
"Change. . ." (Mirabelle gripped her new weapon tightly as the thing landed on the ground in front of you. It was multiple stories tall, with evil looking eyes.) "S-siffrin, what, w-what do we do?!?"
"Fight." (You say, gripping your dagger close.) "It's, it's all we can do."
(You charge forward.)
(Balls of lightless mist erupted from the creatures chest, you dodged them effortlessly and striked its body. Once, twice three time!! You were sick of these blinding creatures!!! Just die!!!)
([Just attack])
"S-sif!!" (Mirabelle deflected one of the lightless balls with her new weapon, catching up and striking the creature.) "B-be careful! Please!!"
(You ignore her, stab! Stab! Stab stab stab!!!)
(The creature knocks you away like you were nothing. You fly back, right past the edge of the land you were fighting on. You stab the ground frantically to stop yourself from falling into the abyss bellow. No, nononono!)
"S-siffrin!!!" (Mirabelle started running to you, but was cut off by the creature.) "Sif!! Hold on I-I-"
(You try pulling yourself up. Don't look down, don't look down Siffrin. Just, just don't, don't. Look.)
(Your heart stops.)
"SIFFRIN!!! NO!!!!!"
(Your falling. Everything, everythings turning dark. The world, the world is gone, being eaten, eaten by. . .)
(You feel a tug on your stomach.)
(This is it. The theater has burned down, with all the actors still inside.)
(You wretch. Nothing happens. You feel a tug, nothing happens. Again, again, again!!! You're breaking, you're falling, you're, you're-)(You're going to die.)
(You close your eyes. You hope you your death comes quick.)
(In a far away town, a boy looks up to the night sky. And sees a star blink out.)
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superkawaiimothman · 8 months
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Kobold warlock - archfey patron
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floofery · 4 months
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little doodle of Basil and Sunny just. hangin out. being bros . homies you know because theyre best friends and all (homosexual)
happy valentines day everyone!
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thewanderingmask · 3 months
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it's cal!
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solitary-star · 1 year
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Since the Lost Episode, I’ve been contemplating a new design for Sun/Moon that’s more fitting. And I’ve finally got it! Here’s my interpretation of our demon with strange frills and horns <3
A few things under the cut: a no text version, little height comparison chart, and a doodle from @themeeplord’s magma from a few days ago. Oh and @naffeclipse, here’s your obligatory tag hsjdshsjk
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Somebody left a stray line on this one, but oh well. I don’t think it takes away from it too much
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amelias-art · 6 days
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uh oh what could This be...
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ryonello · 1 year
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anyone dehydrated ? 🌊
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nerdranttheories · 8 months
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Eye doodles! Father and son edition
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deoidesign · 2 years
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Hell's comin' with me
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call-me-beans-mcgee · 2 years
I’m alive! And posting a timelapse of Oran (yknow, as you do)
This character is owned by @misecinn!!!!! The bestie!!!!! I just wanted to show you the timelapse that’s it LMAOOO
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pinkautist · 4 months
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happy birthday, @clowningclownn! here's an akechi for u :3
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antirepurp · 6 months
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Your heart is a beating glass ornament
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
I NEEED to go back to making art that makes it ABUNDANTLY clear that theres something wrong with my brain BUT NOT in a cool or stylishly interesting way. i need to do it in a way that makes people say "hm." and walk away
#sowwy ive been kinda going through it in my fine arts major rn can u tell HJKSDHKFd#ive been feeling like. scared. and paralyzed by marketability and branding.#i cant stop thinking about how other people will see my art. but not like in a good way#when i was younger i thought about it in a good way. like hee hee hoo hoo the act of looking connected us hee hee#but rn i keep thinking about it in like this wretched like consumer product mindset? ouhhghhhhh el problema es el capitalismo#and like maybe this works for some people. to think like this. to make art like this. its what my professors push me towards#not intentionally. they dont say it out loud at least. im not sure if they know or not some of the irony#my professors are nice and pretty smart and talented and i like em. but sometimes i wonder like. the push for us as students to make like#marketable 'avant garde'? stuff thats safe but pretending to be weird and out there#i dont mean to sound pretentious. in general i play it too safe myself (spent too much time as an edgy 10 year old with my#parents freaking out over my shoulder because they think the fact that i drew an anime character frowning means something serious LOL)#but i dunno man. my least interesting art with the least amount of care thought or effort always gets so much more attention in school#nowhere else oddly. online? people like my more passionate but seemingly frivolous art (oc art etc. not frivolous to me but yknow how it is#same with irl artists and other industry people outside my school. whats going on in my school LOL#i know from experience i cant push myself into a supposedly marketable brand. if i try to make something sell it will not.#i dont know why. maybe theres an invisible essence buyers can tell when i didnt care jkfsldjdfrds#but my teachers LOOOOVE the stuff i put no passion in its so bizarre orz but i gotta relearn how to ignore half of their advice#i used to be better at it. but i also only used to ignore like a quarter of their advice. maybe i need to amp up how much im ignoring#that sounds mean. they have plenty of good advice. but also plenty of advice thats clouded by their own biases#and i gotta relearn how to sort out this stuff again. i forget every few months for some reason#you know i always think ouuhhhhh i act so neurotypical ouhhhhhhhhh im outgoing i talk to strangers all the time i seem confident#im so masked IM SO MASKED but then i go a couple weeks where every conversation i have has people looking at me like#i have two heads and neither of them are speaking their language. and then i descend into madness like this HJKLDSHJDS#i'll be fine i'll figure it out. i need to stop trying to get a good grade in being a 'cutting edge' conventional artist <3#i need to just. draw my cartoon characters in peace 😔😔😔
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duality of regi
video ver. below keep reading (loud sound and mild flashing warning)
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