#Leo Demidov imagine
inkwolvesandcoffee · 7 months
Leo Demidov is a crafter
Sorry, I had to include this modern!Leo look for very obvious reasons
TH Masterlist
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Aside from smoking (vaping for the modern version of our favourite Russian bear, who will always try to hide it like in the gif despite sitting next to you like a pissed off dragon in the next second), Leo finds comfort in busying his hands.
He’s very frugal when it comes to clothing, thinking it a shame to get rid of a shirt or pair of pants if they only have a hole in them. If torn at the seam, he’ll plop down in front of the hearth in the old rocking chair that once belonged to his Nan and mend the item. Give him a cup of coffee and snack to enjoy while he’s at it and he’ll be as happy as Larry.
Maybe a sound oddly similar to a purr might leave him if you do… or is he humming?🤔🧐
He loves to crochet too, mostly tapestry and blankets though he occasionally dabbles in amigurumi and wearables. So don’t be surprised if you find a stuffed lion (or wolf) or a nice, albeit perhaps a bit oversized, sweater beneath the Christmas tree. Look, Leo didn’t want to ruin the surprise by asking for your measurements. He also felt like it was kinda rude even though it’s not given the circumstances.
The main reason he likes the craft are the rhythmic motions which send him in an almost meditative trance. It allows him to momentarily be free from all that weighs on his mind.
(And keep the Wolf at bay if we’re talking werewolf!Leo😉)
Tag list: @potter-solomons @zablife @vir-tual @liliac-dreamer @dreamlandcreations @rose-like-the-phoenix @buttercupsandboys @babaohhhriley @mollybegger-blog @hoodeddreams13 @hecatemoon87
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Hi! I'm so happy you want to get back to writing, your fics are amazing!
I'm not sure what to ask, like a fic/drabble or something else, but since i'm pretty sure you'll get plenty of asksabout Alfie, i was wondering if you have more headcanons/ideas for my baby Leo? 💜
If not that's fine, but I just think he doesn't get enough love for such a fine man.... 🥰
Thank you so so much!!! 🥰 Yes, he is one of those unloved characters that I have a soft spot for!
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I don't think he would be very happy if he wasn't a soldier/in service somehow. Leo seems restless to me and honestly, as much as I don't believe him to be violent, he doesn't strike me as someone who has great control over his emotions. He needs to let it out somewhere.
Speaking of which, I don't see him as very experienced with women. He wouldn't necessarily surprise you with amazing seduction skills or bedroom prowess. I'm sorry but that's the vibe I'm getting from Leo. He isn't one of the Hardy characters that make you instantly swoon (*cough* James Delaney *cough*)
I personally had a hard time writing for this character, because it's very difficult to sypathise with him due to his allegiance. I don't want to get political, but I'm sure you know what I mean.
I don't think he necessarily believes in the propaganda, but still I can't be sure.
He's a rare Hardy character that I completely headcanon as a cat lover and I won't take any criticism 🤣
But he is loyal to a fault and one thing that is very attractive in Leo and what makes him such a complicated beast is the ferocity with which he protects his own.
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wandawiccan60 · 2 years
One-Shot & Drabbles MASTERLIST
♥️♥️All Tom Hardy Characters♥️♥️
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Max Rockatansky COMING SOON!!!
Reginald “Reggie” Kray:
Ronald “Ronnie” Kray COMING SOON!!!
Farrier COMING SOON!!!
John Fitzgerald COMING SOON!!!
Leo Demido COMING SOON!!!
Tuck Hansen COMING SOON!!!
James Keziah Delaney:
Freddie Jackson COMONG SOON!!!
Eddie Brock/Venom:
Tommy Conlon:
Forrest Bondurent COMING SOON!!!
Ian Eames:
Alfie Solomon’s: New!!!:Updated: 10/24/2022
TAGS: @hecatemoon87, @kittycatcait219 , @potter-solomons , @pottersolomons2 , @tomhardyspinkyfinger, @mollybegger-blog , @zablife , @veddieiscanon , @raincoffeeandfandoms , @theshelbyclan , @theshelbyslimited , @darklydeliciousdesires , @annisse , @thefics-that-drip, @alikaheroes , @lovebitesimagines , @queencoraline3 , @tea-atfive , @buttercup32sstuff , @bubblyani , @jarvisrocks , @omgeternal , @rikki-b-lake , @solomons-finest-rum , @weirdgirl16355 , @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons , @thealmightybitchgoddess , @quarterpastmidnight , @rayanee05 , @smellslikeillusorydreams , @mariadecapitated , @annisse , @professor-alfie-solomons , @edwardthomashardy1 , @thetragedyofophelia , @symbean , @97freaknik ,
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hecatemoon87 · 1 year
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I am inspired by @potter-solomons brilliant use of mood board and storytelling. Please hit up her blog and read her Alfie werewolf mood board stories. They are lovely, so comment and reblog, show her your love!
I recently watched Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman's version) I also have Leo Demidov heavily on the mind, and I dreamed of him as a monster hunter. Here goes my imagination on fire. Sorry if you don't like horror or smut!
Part I - no smut, some horror.
Part II
Imagine a cold winter's evening, a light snow has begun to fall from the darkening sky. You are in a carriage, returning home after a long stay abroad.
As the carriage proceeds, you hear the soft crunching of snow from beneath the wheels, and then you hear a distant howling. It starts off faint, then fades away, and you think of it no more.
You decide to doze off, but soon you are startled awake by the driver screaming. And that very howling you heard so far away was right at your carriage door!
The door is ripped from its hinges, revealing a terrifying beast you only have heard of in lore, a werewolf. A scream tries desperately to escape your lips, but your fear has choked you.
As the terrible creature reaches for you, an ax comes hurtling through the air, landing firmly in the monster's shoulder.
Hissing in pain, the werewolf whips around to engage with its attacker, leaving you untouched inside the carriage. The sound of a furious battle can be heard outside, and your curiosity gets the best of you.
You take a peak and get a glimpse of a man fighting the beast with an ax and pistol. The man is dressed in a gray coat, black trousers, and an Urshanka. His face is covered in a black mask from the nose down.
You creep carefully from the carriage to pick up a discarded pistol the now dead driver had dropped. You accidentally glance over to see that the driver is now missing his head.
You swallow hard and return your focus on the werewolf and man fighting. The hunter, you supposed he was, was agile. He bobbed and weaved out of the reach of the beast, burying his ax a few more times into the flesh of the monster.
He seemed to have everything under control until a second beast burst through the trees, tackling him into the snow. You click the pistol into action and fire off a shot into the first werewolf's head, toppling it to the ground before it leaped on top of the hunter.
You struggle to reload the gun, but you see the second beast look at you. It pulls itself away from the man and charges you! You don't run. You can't because you're frozen in absolute terror!
But before the werewolf reaches you, it crashes into the earth, its heart's blood pumping red streams over the pure white snow. An ax was now buried in its skull.
Now standing before you is the man. He is panting hard and is holding his side. You can see blood coming from where his leather gloved hand covered the wound. "Who...who are you?" You asked.
His face is still covered, so when he speaks, it is slightly muffled. "I'm known as the Lion of Retribution, but I am also called Leo," he said, then he toppled to the ground.
You rush over and turn him on to his back.
"My...my horse...can you help me onto him? My home, it isn't far from here," he said weakly. You waste no time in getting him up on the horse, but he passes out right as he holds the reigns. Luckily, you are already situated behind him and keep him from falling.
"But where do you live?" You asked, shaking him. But he doesn't reply. Before you start to panic, the horse starts moving on its own. The faithful steed carries you to Leo's home. It happens to be an ancient castle deep in the woods, which you thought had been abandoned for years.
As the horse takes you onto the castle grounds, you gaze in at the architecture in wonderment. The horse takes you to the entrance and waits. You hop off and struggle with the dead weight of your rescuer.
By God, it is difficult dragging him into the castle. The door itself took you fifteen minutes to open just enough to bring Leo inside.
He groans as you finally lay him in front of a fireplace in a room that seemed to look lived in. The hearth was filled with fresh wood, and you start the fire before you get to work. You begin stripping him of his clothing so that you can attend to his wound.
You do your best to stop the bleeding, but you don't have any bandages. So you throw off your coat and remove your dress. You tear the cloth into long stirps then wrap his wound. As you work, you're only in your undergarments, but you are too focused on saving his life.
After you finish, you're exhausted! What an insane past couple of hours. Thinking you will just close your eyes for a few minutes, you fall asleep next to the fire.
You wake to the soft touch of a hand on your shoulder. Opening your eyes, you see an unfamiliar face. However, you do recognize those eyes. It's Leo, but he has uncovered his face.
"I'm sorry I disturbed you, but I didn’t think sleeping on the floor would be comfortable for you." You blink slowly, thinking this is a dream. He is absolutely stunning.
You take his hand and let him pull you up. He is shirtless. Your bloody dress has been cast away to the floor. He appears completely healed. "What...I could have sworn..." You gasped, touching the place where the wound had once been.
Then you blush as you catch yourself pawing at him. His body is incredible, muscular and firm. "I'm sorry," you said bashfully and withdrew your hands.
"I heal quickly. You should have just left me in the snow. I'm certain you went through a lot getting me home," he said, smiling faintly.
"It was nothing," you said. "Um, might I ask why you can heal so quickly?" He frowned and shook his head. "A story for another time. I think for now you need to bathe and dress. Are you not cold?" He said, looking you up and down. You turn bright pink and try to cover yourself with your arms for some modesty.
This made him only smile. "Come, I'll show you the bath, and I'll give you something to wear."
Part II: What happens when you stay for a few weeks in Leo's castle? And why does Leo heal so quickly? In fact, just WHO the hell is this dashingly handsome, monster hunting man?? Find out in Part II, coming to a future post near you!!
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hardyimagines · 5 years
Leo Demidov Masterlist
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If you’d like a personal fic, click here!
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bubblyani · 5 years
Your Comfort (Leo Demidov x Reader)
Leo Demidov One Shot
Genre: Bit of both Hurt/Comfort and Smut
Authors Note: Suddenly got this idea to write a Leo Fic this morning. This is my first time writing anything smut related so please understand.
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After a bath upon returning home, you felt clean, but you didn’t know if you could cleanse away all what happened that day. You sat on the edge of your bed, your mind replaying everything. How you walked home after your day shift at the hospital, only to find another child dead near the railway yard. You thought it would be average day, but you couldn’t have been more wrong.
You suddenly returned to your senses when Leo placed gentle kisses on your shoulder. You turned your head to find him looking concerned.
“Are still thinking about today?” His voice was low. You nodded, fully turning to him.
Being the first to find the body, you knew you’d be called in to be questioned by the MGB. The words there to say were a few, but the worries that kept filling in were in heaps.
To your relief, your husband Leo was able to find you while you were being interrogated by his comrads, thus bringing you safely back home.
So it wasn’t much of a surprise that he knew what was bothering you.
“I don’t understand why this is happening.” You spoke up, "Why must innocent children be the targets? And.." Your voice grew into a whisper,”…why is NOTHING is being done about it?” You looked directly at Leo, who sighed.
“I know how you feel (Y/N), I was blind about Jora’s death all this time. But I promise you, we WILL find whoever was behind all this” Leo’s gaze was serious, he meant everything he said.
His words comforted you. You couldn’t help but slowly curl up to him in an embrace.
Leo Demidov might have been be a member of the MGB in Moscow. He might be tough, he might be feared at times, but you knew the softhearted man underneath all that well enough. You always felt safe in his arms, regardless of all that was happening outside those doors.
As you curled up closer, your lips grazed his chest through his pajamas, which surprised him. He looked down to read your eyes that were begging him for something. He knew what you needed, dipping his head down to press his lips against yours.
You melted in his kiss, Leo was your comfort, as he always were. All this death, reminded you of what was important in your life.
And he came in first place.
With your wet hair on your neck and Leo’s warmth on your skin, you were able to feel the chill and the heat simultaneously.
Leo’s hands held your face as he kissed you with such fire you felt were about to burst into flames. Your hands were still roaming underneath his shirt, stroking his chest with the lightest touch that made him moan every single time. You felt impatient when his hands wandered painfully slow over to your shoulders. It felt as if two lovers were competing on who was capable of giving the the most pleasure. You quickly guided his hands over to your breasts, a place under your nightgown that had craved his touch since he lit you on fire. But Leo didn’t want to wait, especially when he kept feeling your leg brushing against his groin. He broke the kiss to pull down his pants, your feet shook hurriedly, unable to wait till he crawled back to you. In a flash, Leo pulled up your nightgown up to your waist, spreading your legs for him to position himself.
“Leo!” You breathed, placing your forehead against his own “I want you to know-“
“I love you” Leo interrupted you with his kiss as he finally entered you, causing you to moan.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more
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The Search for Anne's Island - PT. 1
Leo Demidov x OC
A/N: alright y'all, here's my first attempt at an AU and OC fic! I don't expect this to do too well but I still really hope you guys enjoy it. I think it's fun and exciting!
Summary: Nadia has been studying the lost treasure of notorious pirate Anne Bonny. Will she find the treasure alone? Or will she need the help of a certain Russian treasure hunter?
Warnings: Language and violence
Word count: 2506
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Nadia's POV
I paced the hotel room and glanced at the dozens of papers scattered around the floors and walls. Most of my life’s work was leading up to this moment of my life. I picked up a worn out book and traced the portrait of Anne Bonny.
“I’m going to find that treasure, Annie.” I muttered.
“Talking to dead pirates again?” Sully called out from behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned to see the old man with a cigar hanging from his lips. Sully was like a father to me after he took me in at age 14. I attempted to lift his wallet from him on the streets of Colombia, where I had stowed away from America, where I was orphaned at the age of 9. Sully took me under his wing and taught me everything I needed to know.
How to shoot a gun, lift a wallet, and take out a man twice my size. Not necessarily life skills everyone possesses, but I was grateful nonetheless. Sully was like me, a collector of sorts. He was in Colombia tracking down the lost city of Brass when he ran into me. He admired my dedication to studying Anne Bonny amongst other lost historical figures. Our joint research has led us to London, where the first clue to Bonny’s hidden treasure island is being auctioned off at a castle ball. I straightened out my white satin dress and set the book down amongst maps and other documents.
“Hush, Sully, you know Anne’s spirit speaks to me.” I joked, flipping my hair over my shoulder. Sully chuckled and shook his head.
“You’re crazy, kid. The ball starts soon, get going while I hold down fort here.” Sully spoke, glancing at his wrist watch. I scoffed.
“Right, ‘hold down fort’ more like watch TV and smoke while I make us money.” I joked, putting my dangly earrings in and grabbing my matching clutch. Sully shrugged.
“This whole dead pirate chase is your thing, I’m just here for the cash.” Sully explained. I rolled my eyes again and bid him goodbye, going to the valet out front of the hotel and sliding into my beautiful baby. It’s a vintage black benz, one of my most prized possessions. I hassled it off of some old collector by offering him a genuine map used by Blackbeard the pirate. He traded my beautiful baby for a map I got off eBay for exactly ten dollars. Hell of a steal.
I drove through London quickly, maneuvering through the streets like a mad man until I pulled into the extravagant palace. The building was illuminated in spot lights and priceless sportscars pulled up to the entrance, people dressed to the nines stepping out and entering the ball. I opted to park my car at the front, rather than give the keys to the valet. This plan was destined to go smoothly, but I’d rather be safe than sorry. I entered the ball after handing security my phony invite. The ballroom was alive with classical music from the live orchestra and conversation flowing amongst those inside. I glanced at the auction podium where my first clue lay.
The jewel encrusted crucifix laid in a glass case, a spotlight illuminating the glow of the red rubies. I snagged a flute of champagne from a passing server, beginning to gulp it down to ease the nerves I get before a lift.
“Nadia, glad to see you stayed as classy as ever.” A deep voice spoke, the Russian accent giving away who was standing beside me. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh before turning to meet the eyes of Leo Demidov standing in a fit black suit.
“Leo.” I nodded a greeting. Leo was a treasure hunter as well, one I have had the displeasure of working with a couple times. We were both hired by an older collector to find the lost city of Shambala. Treasure hunting is really just a bunch of lost cities with millions worth of artifacts, but finding and obtaining the artifacts is easier said than done. Leo was unbearable to work with, he was arrogant and greedy, taking all the credit for shared work. Him being here at this auction was not a good sign, but I couldn’t let him know why I was here, other artifacts were also being auctioned, I just had to hope he wasn’t here for the cross.
“Here for the auction?” He questioned, sipping his drink. I rolled my eyes.
“No, I just happen to be a treasure hunter who enjoys listening to live classical music on her days off.” I scoffed. He chuckled and glanced around the room.
“Well, shall we dance? I’ve noticed the security glancing this way, it’s only a matter of time before they realize our invites are fake, we should keep up appearances.” Leo spoke, setting his drink down on the table beside him. I huffed and finished my champagne, placing it down and taking Leo’s hand. He escorted me to the dance floor where the other couples danced and began swaying with me, pulling me close to him. His hand began moving down my back slowly.
“Move that hand any lower and you will lose it, I guarantee it.” I muttered in a low voice. Leo let out a gruff laugh and moved his hand back up. We spun around the dance floor for a while before I questioned him.
“What are you here to purchase?” More like steal.
“Malyshka, Malyshka.” Leo tsked, “What would be the fun in telling you? Hmm?” He smirked. Before I could respond the lights dimmed and the classical music came to a halt.
“Good evening everyone, if you could all please take your seats, the auction is about to begin.” The auctioneer spoke through the microphone. Leo leaned down and pressed his lips to my ear.
“See you around, Malyshka.” He whispered. I fought everything in me to not make a scene, I wanted to lay him on his ass. He sauntered off to his seat across the room and I found mine. The auction began, and millions of euros began pouring from the guests who bet on different artifacts. Before long, the crucifix was next on the block.
“Pirate Anne Bonny’s authentic crucifix, the starting bid is 1 million euros. Do I hear 1 million euros?” The auctioneer began. Paddles began flying in the air, multiple bidders chiming in. I glanced at my wrist watch and began counting down my diversion. Any minute now the fire alarm was meant to go off. Sully was back at the hotel with my laptop, I rigged it to set off the alarms and all he had to do was press a button. My phone buzzed in my clutch, I pulled it out and looked at the text from Sully, my heart dropping.
Computer bugged, time to improvise kid.
I put my phone away and glanced in Leo’s direction. His chair was empty and I felt my heart drop even lower.
“25 million Euros to the gentleman in the red, any other bids?” The auctioneer called out, motioning to the older man in the middle of the crowd. Before the gavel could hit the board, the lights cut out, submerging the room into complete darkness. After about 15 seconds the backup generator kicked in, filling the room with a bright fluorescent light. I stood from my chair quickly, as the room filled with gasps. The crucifix was gone, and I know exactly who took it. I glanced to the ballroom exit, where I caught Leo’s back right before the door shut. I rushed after him while the rest of the guests began muttering amongst each other. I watched Leo strut up the grand staircase with gusto, avoiding the front exit where security was most likely stationed.
I rushed up the grand stairs after him and tackled him to the polished marble floors. He grunted as I began patting down his body.
“Malyshka, if you wanted me this bad you should have told me.” He joked. Before I could respond he kicked me off of him with force, causing me to fly back and grunt. He rushed to his feet and attempted to rush off before he halted, patting his jacket pocket. He spun around and began to rush at me where I was now standing.
“Give it back.” He growled. Before he could begin to tussle with me again our attention was moved to security, rushing up the stairs and down the hallway towards us. Both of our exits now compromised. I began looking for a new solution. As they approached, yelling with guns drawn I hoisted myself up on the banister’s edge, balancing myself in my ridiculously high heels. I adjusted my gown and the crucifix in its specified thigh holster I made. Leo turned and his eyes widened.
“What are you doing?!” He yelled. I glanced back and took a deep breath.
“Improvising.” Before he could reach out and grab me I launched myself from the banister, reaching out and grabbing the extravagant chandelier. It began swinging back and forth with my weight and I shimmied around it, attempting to swing to the next balcony. When the chandelier swung back towards Leo, he jumped as well. I groaned.
“Get your own fucking escape plan!” I yelled. Shots began to ring out as security attempted to take us out. I pulled my body closer to the chandelier, shielding myself from the bullets. The swinging had caused serious strain, and before I knew it the chandelier began jerking downwards. I glanced up and saw the bolts holding it up becoming unscrewed. After all of twenty seconds the bolts gave, and the chandelier went plummeting. Leo and I were tossed to the pristine marble floors amongst shattered glass, groans emitting from both of us. I forced myself off the ground, my body protesting each movement. I rushed out of the front exit with the rest of the fleeting crowd, blending in easily. I hopped in my car and started it up, backing up quickly and starting my escape.
Before I could put it in drive, Leo’s large body was splayed across my hood. I slammed the brakes and yelled.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” He began climbing up towards the windshield but I pressed the gas, speeding out of the estate. He gripped the windshield as I began swerving down the roads.
“Give me the cross!” He called out.
“Fuck off!” I called back. More gunshots rang out and I groaned, looking in the rear view mirror to see a black van following us, most likely security. I slowed down just a bit and huffed.
“Get in!” I demanded. Leo climbed the rest of the way up the hood and flipped himself into the passenger seat. I opened the glovebox to reveal my gun. He grabbed it quickly and began shooting at the van. I ducked my head as bullets whirred past, trying to swerve and lose our tail. Eventually, Leo was able to take out the tires and he sat back in the chair, letting out a huff as he put the gun back. I pulled the car off into a dark alley, driving slower as Leo began to talk.
“So about my cross-” Leo began. I stopped the car and reached into the open glove box, grabbing the needle I kept there, opening the cap and shoving it into Leo’s thigh. He let out a grunt before slumping over.
I removed the needle and put it back where it was. My sedatives always came in handy with annoying competition. I reached over Leo’s body, opening the passenger door and pushing his limp body to the dirty pavement. I shut the door and began to drive off after calling out to him.
“See you never, Malyshka!”
Back at the hotel I had showered and patched myself up from the eventful night. Sully and I stood at the table scattered in maps and other items. I placed the cross down gently smiling in accomplishment.
“This was harder to get than I would have liked, but I’m happy we have the first clue.” I spoke, examining the cross. Sully laughed and sparked up another cigar. I picked up the crucifix and looked at the bottom, where a perfect indentation for a ring was shown. I put my hands behind my neck, removing the necklace I almost always have on. The necklace held Anne Bonny’s ring, one I got my hands on as a little girl after I stole it from an exhibit.
I placed the ring into the indentation and held back the urge to jump in joy when it fit perfectly, opening up a flap at the bottom, where a small rolled up document fell out onto the table. I unraveled it to find a small map. I compared it to the map of the Caribbean's on the table. The locations matched up with a patch of jungle. I marked the spot on the bigger map and smiled.
“Sully, I think we have our next location.” I smiled in triumph.
A few hours later into the night I lay on the couch wrapped up in a robe watching my favorite movie when a knock on the door sounded. Sully entered the room and opened the door, muttering to whoever was on the other side. I tossed a piece of chocolate in my mouth and ignored who I assumed was another one of Sully’s late night room service calls.
“Really Malyshka? The Goonies? Seems a bit on the nose, no?” Leo spoke from behind me. I jumped off the couch and grabbed my knife from the coffee table, pointing it at Leo’s neck.
“Sully what the hell is he doing here?” I spat, glancing at Sully who huffed.
“Just hear me out kid." He began. I lowered the knife and glared at Sully.
“What did you do?” I accused, anger filling my system.
“Kid, I’m getting too old for these chases. I can’t fight or climb hidden ruins like I used to. I think that Leo is a fair addition to the team. He can do what I can’t and two is better than one in dangerous situations. You know better than I do, we aren't the only ones chasing this treasure.” Sully explained.
“He’s right Malyshka, Asav Khurana is after the treasure as well. He owns a militia, we’re stronger together than apart.” Leo chimed in. I knew they were both right, Asav was a wealthy, dictating asshole who would stop at nothing for the chance at recognition. I couldn’t let him take the treasure, I had been working too hard to let it go.
“Fine. I swear to god Demidov if you try anything you’re fucking dead.” I spat, raising my knife again. He put both hands up in mock fear and smiled.
“Easy now, that’s no way to start a partnership. Get packing Malyshka, we have a flight to catch.”
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ifuseekamyhardy · 5 years
250 F0LL0WERS 🖤
Woww, almost 250 followers! I really appreciate every single one and I'd like to thank everyone for this. But since I'm generally only reblogging the hard work of others, I would definitely recommend everyone to follow them too!! (if you didn't do that yet) 
@miidailyinspiration @clubcheapwhitewine @iamkatehardy  @deartomhardy @idesiretomhardy @badassbaker @fabulaprima @tomhardygallery @imaginethomashardy  
Because thanks to their writing/posting, this blog exists. Thank you again for continuing to follow me and inspire. Please never hesitate to interact with me. 🖤
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hardymysteryring · 5 years
Characters Master List
Alfie Solomons (Peaky Binders)
Bane (The Dark Knight Rises)
Bob Saginowski (The Drop)
Charles Bronson (Bronson)
Eames (Inception)
Eddie Brock (Venom)
Farrier (Dunkirk)
Forrest Bondurant (Lawless)
Freddie Jackson (The Take)
Ivan Locke (Locke)
James Delaney (Taboo)
Leo Demidov (Child 44)
Max Rockatansky (Mad Max: Furry Road)
Reggie / Ronnie Kray (Legend)
Tom Hardy
Tommy Conlon (Warrior)
Tuck Hansen (This Means War)
Venom (Venom)
My Request Form
Smut Prompt List
Kissing Prompt List
Other Prompt List
You can mix the numbers from the different prompts, just let my know which number(s) goes to which list!
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iamkatehardy · 6 years
So these are the characters I consider writing about :
- Kray Twins
- Ivan Locke
-Max Rockatansky
-Tommy Conlon
-Bob Saginowski
-Forrest Bondurant
-James Delaney
-Leo Demidov
Feel free to request any of these in case you’re interested :)
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azhdakha · 2 years
Imagine celebrating the New Year with Leo Demidov.
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 6 months
Scottish Writing Retreat Update #2 (Three Snippets)
‘Ello my darlings,
Yours truly is back with another exciting update because I’ve been working on a lot of stories. (Despite the Scottish cold having me freeze my fingers off, that is). They’re all in various stages of completion when it comes to the first draft. Nevertheless, I thought I’d share not one snippet. Oh no, love, I thought I’d share three.
Yes, three!
I’ve got one for Leo, one for Papa Solomons, and one for our biker Daddy, Johnny. So here’s a wee sneak peek regarding other content that’s coming.
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Really came up with this on a whim today. Let me warn you in advance, this one is gonna hurt. A lot.
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Another Modern AU love story with Papa Solomons because why the fuck not? I love writing Alfie in our own time and so I won’t stop doing that any time soon.
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Couldn’t find a good gif, so I’m giving you this one instead😝
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There’s little info out there about the character as of yet, but I do try to incorporate the bits about Johnny we do know. Then again, what’s (a little) creative liberty when it comes to fanfiction, eh?
Btw, here’s a wee treasure I found. It has me both inspired and reeling. Especially after seeing Tom in that moss green sweater.😵‍💫
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ANYWAY! Before we all get too side-tracked, here’s part of what’s currently in the works. I’ve got some other projects up my sleeve as well, including one for Fitzgerald. However, I’m trying to be lenient with myself and give myself the time I need to properly tell the tales. After all, it should always be quality over quantity.
That’s it from me for now. Stay warm and take care. Cheers!
Tag list: @potter-solomons @hecatemoon87 @buttercupsandboys @zablife @liliac-dreamer @rose-like-the-phoenix @solomons-finest-rum @wandawiccan60 @dreamlandcreations @hoodeddreams13 @mollybegger-blog @babaohhhriley
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solomons-finest-rum · 2 years
Please please Leo wooing a really shy girl who can barely look him in the eye, but he can tell she's taken with him just as much as he is with her. He's so used to being an authority figure and having people fear him. There isn't enough of our Leo anywhere.
“Wild Horses” (Leo Demidov x fem!Reader) — PART 1
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SUMMARY — You were the daughter of the Prosecutor General. Military officers accompanied you at all times, especially in public. No annoying “eligible bachelors” ever approached you these days and nobody ever asked you to dance. At least no one dared.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Okay okay okay so listen... because I hope this will be as exciting for you as it is for me. While talking to friends (and even forcing one to watch Child 44 in the process haha) I came up with this little fic and then I realized that this particular Y/N and Leo suddenly created a whole, full-blown love story in my head. A whole story of their romance came to life and because I received some Leo requests that are in a similar vibe, I decided to realize each one as an installment to this story. Because I hope you'll love these two and their love as much as I fell in love with them along the way 💗💗💗💗💗 thank you Anon and everyone else who requested, I finally wrote my very first Leo fic! I hope you enjoy. WORD COUNT — 2,617
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It was New Year’s Eve, 1951. As Christmas stopped being celebrated long ago, the New Year parties in Moscow became fancier and larger with each upcoming year. The ones thrown by the Party were difficult to obtain an invitation to, though of course as the daughter of the Prosecutor General you attended every year.
You knew what your father’s job entailed and as such you entered the room more confident than most of–if not all–the other young ladies present. The reason for this was that you hated dancing. You dreaded the moment some young eager man would ask you to dance, because you couldn’t keep up with any of them despite extensive lessons and your private tutors’ greatest efforts. You thought you had about as much grace in you as an elephant.
Fortunately, as you grew older and you understood more and more about the world around you, you noticed that less and less young eligible men would approach you in general. At first, you searched for the faults within you, but now you understood it wasn’t you they resented–they feared your father more than they wanted to impress his daughter. That arrangement suited you just fine, though. You had no desire to make a fool out of yourself on the dance floor anyway.
As the Prosecutor General for the Soviet Union, your father was the top man responsible for the entire system of prosecution of the state. Elected by the Supreme Soviet, he supervised the activities of all public prosecution offices, along with their departments, the officials, judges, and by extension–all citizens. He was hated and obeyed in equal measure, but one thing was certain–he was universally feared by everyone in the Union.
That alone made you more confident than anything else. After your father’s nomination for the office, you started to like public outings again because no one would disturb you. As his only daughter, you were rarely seen without protection. Military officers accompanied you at all times, especially in public. No annoying “eligible bachelors” ever approached you these days and nobody ever asked you to dance. At least no one dared.
Of course, your numerous “aunts”–the wives of your father’s friends–often remarked how much they pitied you and how cruel it was of him to demand such harsh discipline from his only daughter… But your father knew you better than this. You two were honestly too much alike. Nobody could comprehend that you preferred rainy days to sunshine and a good book to dull young men and their never-ending monologues about themselves that nowadays were considered courting.
If it were up to you, you’d never marry. You were comfortable in your father’s state-granted spacious apartment, where you lived with a private cook, your father’s three German Shepherds, had two libraries at your disposal and more rooms and bedrooms that you could possibly need. You rarely got out and rarely even had the wish to do so.
The only exception were public events such as this New Year’s party. Everyone who was anyone attended, including the First Secretary, the highest-ranking officials, the generals, even the more prominent movie stars of the USSR. Naturally, this was a public event and as such you had no military protection for the night—but still you hoped your reputation alone would protect you from unwanted attention. You accompanied your father and you both entered the large ballroom right behind the First Secretary.
You procured a drink, said hello to your father’s friends and colleagues, smiled uncomfortably through the questions about your lack of marital prospects, and after the appropriate time you slipped away to quietly observe the party from afar.
Nobody really paid attention to you, not at that point. You made sure you weren’t interesting enough for gossip, though it seemed like that reputation would be put through the test this very evening. You got another drink and pretended to look at the dancefloor, but then you couldn’t help but overhear the bits and pieces of someone’s conversation:
“Leo, stop staring.”
“You’re staring at her again.”
“Leave him alone, Alexei.”
“I know what I said, she’s not going to dance with him either way.”
Someone laughed then and you quickly glanced that way to see who it was. You recognized the uniforms at once. MGB. There were three of them there, smoking and laughing, obviously having a good time. As soon as you got a good look, though, you turned away and went back to observing the dance floor. The music swelled and you couldn’t hear very well what they were talking about, only bits and pieces, but you heard enough to make you nervous:
“…-don’t know, so ask her before someone else does, you oaf,” the man said, the same one who laughed just before.
Panicked that the decorum of you not dancing would be broken, you quickly finished your drink and went back to where your father was standing, chatting with his friends.
“You all right, solnyshko?” your father asked and you nodded, smiling nervously.
“She looks flushed. Too much dancing?” Rodion Morozov asked, smiling at you.
“Leave her alone, Rodya,” your father chuckled and the other man grinned at you, obviously pleased with his own joke.
Rodion Morozov was more of an uncle to you than your father’s actual brother, so you just smiled and said nothing to that little jab. Rodion was a judge and one of your father’s oldest friends, even from before university times. A frequent guest at your house, you’ve known him ever since you were a girl.
“Well, what can I say? You're too lovely to be moping around, Y/N. Get some nice lad to dance with you, steal his cigarettes, break his heart…”
“Oh, look.” Rodion patted your father on the back and lit a cigarette himself. “Here comes one now…”
You turned around and saw that your “uncle” was in fact right. One of the MGB men was making his way towards you and your stomach clenched in panic. Granted, he was the one of the three who was actually your type, but you knew that if he asked you… You’d have to refuse. You couldn’t stand the prospect of being humiliated in front of all these people.
“Who is he?” your father asked.
“MGB captain,” Rodion informed him from between cigarette puffs. “Demidov.”
“Do you know him?”
You could tell your father was more worried than you and for a second there you hoped that perhaps he would refuse on your behalf. Until your uncle supplied him with:
“I know of him. A shining star in the force, apparently. A war hero in Berlin. Stellar reputation. Heard he’s one hell of a boxer, too.”
Your heart sank. Of course. Of course he had to be a bloody war hero, he couldn’t have been a scoundrel or a crook or… or gone and set fire to an orphanage! Now you were going to have to refuse a perfectly nice man because your own legs couldn’t cooperate with your head.
“Good evening.” Captain Demidov was now standing right in front of your merry trio and to your surprise he looked a tiny bit nervous. “I wanted to introduce myself…”
“Captain Demidov. Nice to meet you.” Your father outstretched his hand and Leo shook it, though you saw a hint of surprise in his face.
“I see my reputation precedes me.”
“Indeed it does,” Rodion said, then winked at you.
You were just about ready for the floor to crack open and swallow you whole, but then Leo uttered the words you feared he would and you froze in place:
“I was wondering if you would like to dance?”
You looked him in the eye for the first time and saw he was looking straight at you. He had kind eyes, you noticed that at once. The scars on his cheek intrigued you just as much as his reasoning for asking you for a dance, specifically. There must have been countless girls waiting for him to ask them…
“Me?” you heard yourself say then and heard your uncle almost choke on the cigarette smoke.
“Well, I do hope he wasn’t asking me, my dear. I feel quite danced out for the night to be honest with you, Captain,” your father deadpanned as he patted Rodion on the back.
“Yes. I mean no! I was asking your daughter. Obviously.” Captain Demidov looked a bit puzzled now and you found it endearing.
You really didn’t want to refuse him. You didn’t want him to leave. There was something gentle in how patiently he waited and how easily he just walked into the trap of your father’s little joke. But you knew that as soon as he would lead you to that dance floor you were doomed, and by the time the song ended, well… You probably wouldn't be asked by him again.
“I’m… I… I hurt my ankle. Horse riding… accident,” you said quickly.
You noticed the captain was still patient, watching you closely, his face a mask of perfect niceness and tranquillity. You wondered then if they taught him that in the military or was that his character alone.
“I see,” he said finally, prepared to accept your blatant lie and leave you alone.
“So…” you said then, feeling your uncle and your father watching you with amusement now mixed with concern. “So I could only dance a slow dance. A very slow one.”
Captain Demidov was equally confused when he looked you in the eye again. He reminded you of your father’s favourite German Shepherd, Kotya. A dog playfully named like a cat, he would make a similar face whenever you only pretended to throw him a stick instead of actually throwing it.
“A slow one then,” the captain accepted your bargain and you were agreed.
As fate would have it, the current song ended and the band started playing a slow, moderate-paced tune reminiscent of a waltz. How much could you mess up a waltz anyway, you thought to yourself.
The answer was… probably a lot.
You accepted the captain’s hand and he led you to the dancefloor.
“Captain…” You wanted to warn him, you really did.
It wasn’t fair towards the man. He still had time to escape the public ridicule and you wanted to say something, but then his hand was around your waist and your hand was on his shoulder and suddenly you were speechless.
“Leo,” he said.
“My name is Leo.”
“I’m… Y/N,” you sighed and let him lead, trying your very best to mind your step.
“I know.”
You looked up and noticed the corner of his mouth turned up. This caused you to almost slip, but he caught you just before that happened and somehow he managed to completely cover up your mistake.
“You seem nervous,” he said, thoroughly amused by that little accident.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered, mortified.
“What for?”
“I cannot dance,” you explained quickly. “For the life of me… I cannot dance, Captain. Not when I was younger, not now… Not even when my ballet teacher threatened to beat me with a stick, I have no coordination and I’m–”
“Call me Leo. Please. You calling me Captain, it makes me sound old.”
You chuckled nervously at that honest admittance of vanity and you nodded.
“Well, Leo… I’m afraid you picked the worst possible dance partner at this party.”
“Oh, I don’t agree.” You looked up and saw he was looking straight at you. Not at the dancers around you, not above your head… He was looking at you alone, as focused on conversing with you as Kotya would be on that stick of his.
“I’m no dancer either,” Leo confessed.
“I wanted to meet you.”
It was time for you to turn, you knew that, but fortunately Leo made no move to let you do that. You exhaled and realised he was letting everyone else think it was his mistake instead. For the second time this evening, you were in Captain Demidov’s debt.
“Why?” you managed to finally ask.
“A beautiful unmarried woman refuses to dance. It’s a mystery.” He paused and your face went red because you noted you had just stepped on his shoes.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. These boots have been through worse than you.”
You laughed at that a little and felt much more at ease than you originally anticipated. Leo was kind and easy to talk to.
“So you don’t like dancing,” he broke the silence between you once more. “What do you like?”
“Horses. I wasn’t lying, not entirely. I do love horse riding. But I haven’t had an injury for a while now. You could say I’m an expert.”
Leo considered that again, you could tell he wasn’t just asking you questions for the sake of it. He was storing information. Your only wish was that it was only for the purpose of getting to know you, not because MGB had made him this way.
“I’d much rather go horse riding,” he finally agreed. “With you.”
You smiled at that and noticed that the more you relaxed, the less you thought about the dance itself. You understood then that the reason why Leo was so easy to talk to was because he meant exactly what he said. No act. No games. You were sure he really would come horse riding with you if you asked him to and, perhaps to your greater surprise, the prospect actually seemed exciting.
“Much better I step on your toes than my stallion, though,” you teased.
“That I can agree with. But please, step all you like. They pay for my uniform. I could always tell them how I destroyed my shoes.”
“No, I don’t–”
“I was joking.”
You felt your cheeks get hot in embarrassment and noticed that only made Leo more interested in keeping the conversation going.
“You know, you’re not what I expected,” he said.
“How so?”
“Not in a bad way,” he said quickly. “But you know they call you the Ice Princess?”
“No,” you whispered. You suddenly felt your stomach clench and the urge to count the steps come back threefold. “I did not know that.”
Leo realised at once he had said too much and you noticed how hard he clenched his jaw. Perhaps he was as nervous as you were…
“Why do they call me that?” you asked.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
“It’s all right.” You smiled at him, though you felt it being a little forced. “I suspected. I never dance… but at least now you know why. You can tell my secret to everyone.”
The song ended then, but it took a little longer for you and Leo to step away from each other. You finally did, but before you could leave the dancefloor, he stopped you:
“I have offended you,” he said solemnly. “I am sorry.”
You considered his words and some part of you wanted to end it then and there, just because your pride was wounded and just because it would be easier. But you couldn’t. Not when he was this sincere and this gentle–even if his uniform and the scars on his face didn’t suggest any gentleness hiding underneath.
“Come riding with me next week,” you said.
You could see he was confused and you knew you had to act quickly, before the circumstances would force you into another dance.
“The season is almost over,” you explained, “but I’ll ask my father to send you an invitation.”
Having said that, you quickly left the dreaded dancefloor before Leo had the chance to refuse. You knew now how much you wanted to see him again.
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wandawiccan60 · 2 years
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Max Rockatansky
Eddie Brock-Coming Soon!!!
James Keziah Delaney
Alfie Solomons Updated:08/13/2023
John Fitzgerald-Coming Soon!!!
Reggie Kray-Coming Soon!!!
Ronnie Kray-Coming Soon!!!
Tommy Conlon
Eames-Coming Soon!!!
Forrest Bondurant-Coming Soon!!!
Leo Demidov-Coming Soon!!!
Jack Donnelly-Coming Soon!!!
Freddie Jackson-Coming Soon!!!
Tuck Hansen
@kittycatcait219 @tomhardyspinkyfinger @hecatemoon87 @jarvisrocks @zablife @theshelbyclan @alikaheroes @omgeternal, @solomons-finest-rum, @buttercup32sstuff, @potter-solomons, @tea-atfive, @theshelbyslimited, @rikki-b-lake, @raincoffeeandfandoms, @veddieiscanon, @queencoraline3, @darklydeliciousdesires, @mollybegger-blog, @annisse, @thefics-that-drip, @lovebitesimagines, @edwardthomashardy1 , @theoshelbyjones , @queenofthefaceless-main , @97freaknik , @professor-alfie-solomons , @coolgh0st , @vintage-rose-fiction , @quarterpastmidnight , @weirdgirl16355 , @madame-wilsonn , @symbean @ao3feed-symbrock, @smellslikeillusorydreams, @mollybegger-blog , @rayanee05 , @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons,
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hecatemoon87 · 1 year
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Part III
Part I
Part II
Warning ⚠️: starts off smutty.
Leo stood in the shower, one hand flat against the shower wall, the other steadily stroking his stiff cock. The water streamed over his shoulders as he pleasured himself.
He was thinking of Wynter. He imagined her in that sexy little black dress he once saw her in. She had changed at the station and was going on a date with another man that night, but he chose to ignore that part of the memory.
Instead, his fantasy continued with her sexily whispering in his ear, "I'm not wearing any panties, Detective Demidov." And her casually walking back to the evidence locker. As most men, he skipped the rest of the story line, and was already lifting up the sides of her dress as they kissed passionately.
"Fuck me from behind, daddy," Wynter said sultry. Leo obligated, turning her around, and she arched her back, spreading her toned legs. He imagined gliding the tips of his finger lightly over her pussy lips, and slipping a finger in to feel how wet she was for him.
He bet she was able to get real wet between her legs. He then imagined edging his cock into her core, her moaning, "Oh, Leo! Do me hard, please?" As he railed her in his mind, he increased his stroking speed. His mouth opened slightly, soft moans escaping his lips. "Wynter," he groan as he came, the hot cum rushing out over his tip and washing away in the shower.
Leo finished up in the shower, got dressed, and went to work. Wynter was already there busy with a phone call. When she saw him, she smiled and pointed to a to-go cup of coffee on his desk.
He nodded and sat down, feeling a little shame for what he had done earlier in the shower. But he shrugged it off and commenced with his job.
An hour later, their Chief called them both into his office. "Got an assignment for you two. It's part of a sting operation, and we need you to scout out a local club," the Chief said, handing them a packet. "We're going under cover?" Wynter asked.
"Yeah, nothing complicated or for too long, maybe a few nights. We haven't been able to search the place. The judge says we don't have enough evidence to support a warrant." "This looks like a job for vice, not homicide," Leo said, scanning the packet.
"Due to some resource issues, we need your help on this. It's not time-consuming. You go to the club from eleven to one a.m. You need to figure out if the drugs are being sold or just moved through the club." Leo frowned when he read the club's name. "Zheleznyy kon?" He said.
Both Wynter and the Chief looked at him puzzled. "Speak English, Leo," the Chief said. "The club, it's called The Iron Horse. It's a Russian place," Leo said. The Chief nodded, "Exactly. And you speak Russian, so you can figure out what the hell is being said."
"Then why does Wynter need to go? She doesn't need to waste her time with this," Leo said. "Oh, hell no! I go where you go. I'm there to watch your back, you big moron," Wynter said, slapping Leo on the arm with her packet.
That night, the two detectives would meet a block from the club and walk together there. It was fall in New York, but Wynter had to leave her coat behind because it just wasn't the thing to bring inside a club. As she shrugged it off and threw it into her car, Leo swallowed hard at what she was wearing.
It was the little black dress she had worn all those months ago. "Jesus, it's cold. Let's get inside!" She looped her arm in his and burrowed into him, seeking warmth. Leo's stomach lurched and his cock throbbed as they walked to the entrance of the club.
Trying his best to avoid being awkward, also needing to show they were an authentic couple, Leo slid his arm out of Wynter's grasp, then slipped his arm around her waist. He pulled her close as they approached the entrance.
Loud Russian EDM thumped from inside. The line was already getting long, but they were waved in within ten minutes. Most of the clientele were either Russian or European. A cacophony of different languages and music filled the air.
Leo lessened his hold on Wynter, giving her a chance to move away. But she stayed close to him. "It's so crowded. It's going to be impossible to notice anything illegal going on," she said, close to his ear. The heat of her breath that close to his face made Leo feel dizzy.
"Let's just get a drink first," Leo said, guiding them to the bar. He heard the bartender speaking Russian, so he ordered in his own language.
After a couple of drinks, Wynter seemed less tense. He had noticed she was a little fidgety before. "You know, I like when you speak Russian," she said. "Yeah? Why?" He asked. "I dunno, it's, uh...it's cool," she said, shrugging. "I had a woman tell me it was hot," Leo said, trying to make a joke. But it seemed to go over Wynter's head, and she said, "Well, she's right. It's cool and it's hot."
Leo smiled and felt somewhat vindicated. Did Wynter find him attractive, too?
Part IV: The job isn't over. The detectives still have a few more nights to find out if the club is dealing drugs. And they have a chance to find out how they both feel about each other 🔥
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hardyimagines · 5 years
Leo Demidov is your only hope of survival when your family is murdered and you’re left all on your own.
Warnings: little bit of swearing but are we really all that surprised?
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The world was deafeningly silent. The birds that flew overhead seemed to be moving in slow motion. Their wings flapped at an agonizingly slow speed. The clouds in the sky opened and the rain fell down as harshly as the tears that raced along your cheeks. Nothing made sense in that moment as you knelt in the grainy dirt, hands covered in blood as you sobbed into the lifeless bodies in front of you. You were next. A bullet in your skull would end your suffering but it hadn’t come just yet, and god you couldn’t wait for it too.
An hour earlier.
“Anatoly, please.” The floorboards creaked beneath your footsteps as you weaved between the island in the center and the cupboard. Narrowly avoiding him as he created an even larger mess in the center of the living room, you swallowed quietly. “You have to go..” Your warning fell on deaf ears. He was continuing to rummage through the case on the floor. Searching. Searching. He wouldn’t stop. His chipped nails, filthy with dirt submerged beneath the tips, sunk repeatedly into the case as he hunted for whatever it was that he needed. Your eyes lifted to the ceiling at the sound of your younger brother, bouncing on the bed and then leaping on to the floor. The dust, trapped between the cracks in the ceiling broke free and fell to the floor below. You huffed under your breath before moving to the corner. Wrapping your hand around the broom that leant against the wall, you securely gripped the stick before lifting it. Tapping the ceiling with the end to gain the boy’s attention, you shouted as best as you could. “James, quit!” You pleaded. “Sit down and do your work like you were told!” The child was so disobedient. He was 13, and although he looked much older, he certainly didn’t act it. Puberty hadn’t wasted any time at all before gripping your brother and lugging him into adulthood — appearance wise. The back of your hand brushed along your forehead as you turned. Sometimes he felt like your child. A seven year age gap and no mother certainly made it feel that way. Setting the cleaning tool down, your eyes flickered to the door as it opened and your father moved inside. He wore a look of panic. One that made your blood run cold.
“Anatoly!” His frantic whisper made you instantly back up. “They’re coming!” ‘Who?’ Your head instantly inquired. It wasn’t your place to speak up though, so you merely backed yourself up and away from the approaching danger. Your father gave you one look, a silent one, but his eyes told you all you needed to know. Hide. Turning on your heel, you stayed silent as you rushed toward the stairs. A man’s business was never a woman’s and if Anatoly was in trouble, it certainly wasn’t your place to delve deeper into the reasoning. You slung the door open to your brother’s bedroom and hurriedly snatched his arm. The shirt he wore was tugged down in the slightest due to your yanking on him.
“Come!” You pleaded. James looked at you with wide eyes. They flooded with fear at the desperation in your tone and it showed outwardly. Confusion simmered in his bright green eyes, but even with how disobedient he was, he knew not to ask questions. You led him toward the closet and hurriedly drew his clothing to the side. “In, in!” You nudged him toward the hiding space. Shutting the closet, you climbed inside with him and locked your arms around his shoulders. He set his head on your collar and closed his eyes.
The sound of raging men flooded the house within minutes. Then silence. Silence, moments of it, and then shouting. And loads of it. You could hear your father’s voice, it was defensive and demanding. Anatoly couldn’t be heard, but you were sure he must’ve ran. It sounded like there were a hundred bulls downstairs, every single one of them trampling over the wood and furniture as they tore the house to shreds in search of —
“Where is he! Tarasov!” A loud voice overthrew your dad’s. It drowned in anger and agitation for he wanted Anatoly and he wanted him bad. You kissed James’ head before shutting your eyes. Your father would have to be honest and give up his long time friend. But you couldn’t hear his voice, so you knew he wasn’t being much help. Your heart ached. They wouldn’t have mercy on him. The sound of footsteps carried up the stairs and only then did you heart begin to race with anxiousness. You felt sick all of a sudden, sick because they surely saw the displayed photographs which was enough information for them to know that the man downstairs had a daughter and a son. A daughter and a son that could be used to drag the whereabouts of Anatoly Tarasov out of him. You swallowed thickly before moving your lips to your brother’s ear. They were getting closer. It would be foolish of them not to check the closet, but you’d made a last minute decision to at least try and hide in the small, pathetic, falling-apart house. The doors, as you knew they would, were torn open and two guards stood with sudden, sickening smiles. You immediately sprung forward to try and fight off their grips and grasps. James should’ve ran. He should’ve sprinted away and found a safe place to go. But he didn’t. He sat there with a doe-eyed stare, watching as the guards yanked and tugged at your dress, fighting over which one of them would deliver you downstairs. It took them a moment before the larger one hoisted you up and carried you from the room. No matter how hard you kicked and screamed and begged to be set down, he didn’t listen. His hand rested on your calves, preventing you from doing too much.
“Delivery.” His thick accent announced. “Vasili. Where do you want her?” The sound of your dad attempting to break free and get to you was all you could hear, but as you stared at the floor, slung over the man’s shoulder still, you counted the amount of boots in your home. There were too many men in here. Too many to fight off and outrun.
“Outside. We don’t want to make a mess.” Vasili’s voice didn’t sound intimidating, but it made your skin crawl. You hit the man’s back with your fist, begging to be put down. He only did so once you were outside.
“Kneel.” He ordered. His tone was softer, but kinder. But he was still an asshole for taking you from your hiding place along with your brother. You did as he said. Causing problems wouldn’t get you anywhere except for buried. Swallowing thickly, you looked toward your dad as they dragged him outside. His face was bloody and he looked worn. He hadn’t been inside long so you instantly whimpered out at the sight of him. They dropped him in the dirt beside you, so you leaned over and set your hands on his hunched back. Your voice was breathy and pleading, begging to know if he was alright. But there was no time for him to give an answer before they brought the third and final member of your small family outside. The guard who gripped him had a tight hold of his hair. James screamed and thrashed, begging to be let go. Your instincts kicked in and you stood from your position. A very brave move, but still a poor one. You didn’t make it very far before Vasili locked his arm around your hips and dragged your back against his chest. His lips were cold against your ear, words harsh and spat.
“He’s a grown boy.” He growled against your ear. “He doesn’t need his sister to rush to his aid. Tell me.. do you always disobey a direct order. You were told to kneel.. so why is it that I’ve now got you, defenseless, trapped against me?” Your hand lifted to the arm that he wrapped around your chest. He was so wrong. James wasn’t grown. James was 13. His brain functioned like an 8 year old’s and just because he appeared to be much older didn’t give them the right to treat him so viciously. Prying at his forearm desperately, you turned your head to the side to try and get away from the close proximity and his horrible breath. The guard threw James toward his dad and Vasili, not appreciative at all for the way you didn’t acknowledge him, nodded. “Fine then.” His hand brushed along your collarbone. You wanted to vomit. Your stomach churned in warning and your heart beat so heavily, you thought it might break free of its confinement. You looked toward your father as he cradled your brother. Vasili, without any warning at all, withdrew his weapon. The revolver was thick and due to the close proximity, it would kill anyone instantly. You hadn’t noticed it. Not until the first shot fired and your father, whom you’d been gazing at, had a hole in the center of his forehead. His lifeless body fell on the ground and your brother cried out, desperate for his father to get up. You were speechless, frozen to the spot in disbelief. Your brain couldn’t register what it had just witnessed and when the second shot fired, you swore you’d been the one to take the bullet. But James’ body fell limp, directly beside his father and your legs no longer worked. You collapsed in the dirt, Vasili no longer trying at all to hold you up. The surrounding guards stood with solemn features, none of them having expected what had just taken place.
Your hands curled in the dirt, eyes latched on to the bodies of your loved ones. The pain that flooded you hurt more than anything you’d ever had to endure. You couldn’t even cry because of how many tears wanted to break free at once. Your fingers wrapped around a nearby rock and without thinking, you rolled over and threw it as hard as you could at Vasili. He stumbled back as the stone hit his head, hand instantly lifting to try and soothe the pain. But he figured torturing you and shooting you would be a better remedy for the bruise that would form from the rock.
“You little bitch.” He whispered before stomping toward you. His hands gripped your ankles, smoothly dragging you forward so that you were pinned directly beneath him. Dropping to his knees, he grabbed the hem of your dress and began to yank it up. You squirmed beneath him, hands curled into fists as you punched, hit, pushed, and shoved at him. He lifted the gun in his hand and pressed it to the side of your skull. “Have you not learned-“ He shouted. “to do what you’re told?” He was using the weapon to get you to listen as he pushed your thighs apart and sunk his own hips forward. His eyes slid along your features. One of the men nearby rubbed his teeth together before stepping forward.
“Demidov..” He started to speak up. He wanted to warn Vasili that Leo wouldn’t stand for this, but he knew that Vasili couldn’t stand the man and he didn’t want to spur his actions any further. He looked to you. But he couldn’t just stand by and let this happen. “Let her up.”
Vasili looked to Alexei at the mention of Demidov. He wanted to laugh at the threat of that cocksucker’s name. He knelt up then. Pulling a look of ‘well maybe next time’, he instead brought the gun roughly down across your face. The pain in your cheek was nothing compared to the one in your heart. He climbed off of you and with a heavy breath, he stood to the side. You felt so disgusting. Lying in a circle of men with your dress around your upper thighs and your dad and brother dead just a few feet away from you. Sniffling, you sat up with watery eyes and crawled toward their bodies. Your hands lifted to each of their cheeks, caressing their peaceful features before you hunched over and cried into your little brother’s chest.
The world was deafeningly silent. The birds that flew overhead seemed to be moving in slow motion. Their wings flapped at an agonizingly slow speed. The clouds in the sky opened and the rain fell down as harshly as the tears that raced along your cheeks. Nothing made sense in that moment as you knelt in the grainy dirt, hands covered in blood as you sobbed into the lifeless bodies in front of you. You were next. A bullet in your skull would end your suffering but it hadn’t come just yet, and god you couldn’t wait for it too.
“What the fuck are you doing?” A new voice shouted. The sound of multiple footsteps could be heard approaching. And then the sound of Anatoly’s cries. You lifted your head. Tears stained your cheeks, making them glisten and sticky. You sniffled quietly before straightening.
“Anatoly.” Your whisper was unheard for every man was looking at Leo.
“Eh, what the fuck,” Leo’s voice grew louder as he approached. “are you doing!” His large hand wrapped around Vasili’s wrist. Shoving him back, he snatched the gun and threw it into the dirt. Your eyes flickered to it, but you made no movement. It wouldn’t be wise.
“She didn’t listen.” Vasili sounded so pathetic beneath the harsh shouts of the other man. “I was teaching her a lesson- I told her to kneel and she..” Leo’s eyes were moving from the two lifeless bodies to you and then back to Vasili. “Alexei.” Leo clenched his jaw. “You tell me what happened.” He spoke gruffly before turning to look at the man. His eyes were demanding, surging with dominance and power as he waited for someone to speak up. You rotated around to look at the man. You’d never felt this brave in all your life, but you supposed you had nothing left to lose.
“He killed my father and then my brother.” Your voice was audible. It shook, but it was clear. Leo turned around then to face you. His blue eyes locked on to yours, narrowing in the slightest. The strands of grass around you blew with the wind and suddenly became more interesting for you to look at. “Tell me,” You whispered. “Demidov.” Remembering his name from earlier, you bravely looked back up at him. “Do you train your men to kill when they are not obeyed? Or to rape? Or to hit?” The redness in your jaw told him you’d been attacked. The bodies spoke for the killing, but he was confused when you spoke of rape. He looked back to Vasili then. He knew Alexei wouldn’t have ever let that happen — but that simply told Leo that Vasili had tried. Leo’s fist flew into the side of Vasili’s jaw, sending the man directly down and into the dirt. His chest heaved and his face was red. Removing his hat, he looked toward the child and then the man. “Get these bodies out of here.” He muttered to the men before looking to you. When one of the guards grabbed your arm, Leo growled. “I didn’t say to touch her, did I?” His boots sunk into the dirt as he approached you. “You come inside. Pack a bag.” He made no movement to force you. Or to even lay a hand on you. His hands were at his sides, one of them fiddling with the chain that hung from his hip. You didn’t obey right away, you just wanted to see if this man was the same as the others. He wasn’t. You could tell after kneeling for five minutes. His patience didn’t wear thin. He was calm and collected and he wasn’t rushing you in the slightest. He took a small step back as you stood. When you did, he caught a brief glance of a tear in your dress and he felt the guilt pool in his stomach. Following along behind you and into the house, he kept his distance. He didn’t want to get too close and make you agitated or fearful. His eyes scanned the length of the living room. It was torn to shreds.
“My brother,” You whispered. “he was.. only thirteen.” Your throat grew tighter. Turning to face Leo, you stared at him, arms folding defensively over his chest. “and because this man,” You looked to the window. Vasili stood with his head low and hand on the side of his face. “is ‘in charge’, he won’t get into trouble, will he?” Leo blinked slowly before looking to the side. He licked his lips before stepping toward you in the slightest.
“I’ll see to it.” He promised. His arm opened and he ushered for you to go and get your things. The house was no longer livable and he wasn’t about to leave you, a fatherless, lonely girl in the middle of nowhere all on her own. He also didn’t trust that Vasili wouldn’t come back and finish what he’d started. Your eyes scanned his features, so honest and soft. With a light nod, you vanished around the corner and into your bedroom. The brown case in the corner was smoothly hoisted up and on to the bed. Opening the clutches, you stuck your belongings into the bag. Dresses, trousers, blouses, jewelry, photos. Your eyes watered as you lifted things that had belonged to your family. Sniffling softly, you sealed the bag shut and lifted the heavy thing. The pain in your cheek was beginning to set in as you made your way back to the main room. You just felt like crying now. Leo was stood in the kitchen, hands set on the counter as he stared out the window, oblivious you’d returned.
“Where will I go?” You asked suddenly. Adjusting the bag on your shoulder because the weight of it was hauling your tired body down, you gripped the strap tighter and securely tugged it up the length of your shoulder. Leo looked in your direction when he realized you’d returned. The suddenness of your voice probably would’ve made him jump if he weren’t so faraway. His eyes latched on to you, lips twitching.
“Do you have any other family?” His lips rubbed together, racking his brain for a place to send you. You shook your head. “No grandparents?” Again, you shook your head. “Well,” He sighed breathily before looking back toward the window. “You can stay with me,” He offered. “and my wife, until you find another place.” It was wrong to assume that all members of the MGB were evil. He was proof that they weren’t. Agreeing right away made you seem forgiving and even though it hadn’t been Leo’s fault your family was taken from you, you still wanted to show him that you weren’t going to let it go. Your eyes searched his for a few moments before you nodded shortly. He stepped around the table, blue eyes moving to your cheek. It was turning a soft shade of purple. “We will get you some ice, mh?” Taking your bag from you, he set it on his shoulder and let his fingers graze your arm. The touch wasn’t purposeful, but when you didn’t flinch away from him, he felt like you trusted him at least a little. Smiling kindly, he led you out of the house and toward the car. “Alexei. You take Vasili back. I will take her with me.” The brunette nodded once before turning toward Vasili. Nudging him toward the vehicle, the rest of the men got their own ways back.
Leo set your bag in the trunk as you climbed into the passenger seat. The hole in your heart was still killing you, but you knew there was nothing that could be done. Tipping your head back to rest against the seat, you slowly turned your head toward the man when he slid into the driver’s seat.
“What’s your name?” You whispered.
“Demidov.” He grumbled out.
“Your whole name.” Your brows lifted, noting the way he kept his first name to himself.
“Leo.” He stuck the key in the ignition and cranked it before looking toward you. His expression told you that he reciprocated the question.
“Y/N.” You told him quietly before strapping yourself in. Buckling the seatbelt, you set your hands in your lap and clasped them together before looking toward the window. Watching as he began to drive away from the place you’d called home for all of your life, you bit your bottom lip and lifted your hand to wipe at your runny nose. The rest of the car ride was relatively quiet. He tried at one point to turn on some music, but the radio was busted and all that came out of it was a crackling sound. He smiled apologetically before trying to create small talk, but you’d found pretty quickly that it was you who struggled to hold the conversation. He didn’t blame you though. You’d been through a lot. The car’s engine was loud, but it was similar to white noise. It lulled you to sleep like a lullaby did to a baby. He kept a close eye on you, heart aching because what had happened that day should’ve never happened. Vasili was dangerous and entirely too chaotic. He couldn’t be a part of the MGB if this was how he was going to handle things.
Raisa. She was very pretty. She was soft, and kind, but she didn’t take shit from anybody. Leo loved her a lot. You could tell as you lounged at the dinner table, watching intently as he checked on her now and again. She didn’t hold that same kind of love though. The smiles she gave her husband didn’t reach her eyes. But Leo didn’t seem to notice. The dish of hot food was set in front of you by the man. His hand brushed your shoulder, an innocent touch to inquire if you were alright. You’d been staying with them for a week and it was beyond fine. Leo was so generous. He was caring. You weren’t sure why Raisa didn’t seem to return the feelings that Leo so clearly displayed, but it wasn’t your business. Thanking him for the food, you sunk your fork into the meat and began to eat. Your knees pressed together beneath the table. You were always silent at dinner, only participating in conversation when you were directly spoken to. You didn’t cut in or interrupt, you stayed in your place and you were very respectful.
After dinner, you typically went to your bedroom and stayed in their for the night. Leo’s office was right across the hall though so if you ever needed anything, he always kept the door open a crack. Raisa slept upstairs in the largest bed. Usually by herself because Leo was quite busy lately. He was always leaving at wee hours in the morning and returning back to his home extremely late. You didn’t mind his absence, but only because you’d stay tucked away in your room. Raisa wasn’t much of a talker. And lately she’d been staying out late enough to arrive home an hour before Leo. You were still eating your food, focusing on the vegetables that rolled around on the dish as Raisa, for the third time this week, started an argument. She threw her cutlery down on the dish and stood, finger pointed toward her husband as she shouted over this and that. You never tuned in on what they were saying, and sometimes they spoke Russian, so you couldn’t understand anyway. When she stormed off with teary eyes, you both knew she was going to retrieve her coat and then go out for the night. Still, you didn’t say anything. You hadn’t seen Leo angry since he’d shouted at Vasili and you really didn’t want to — not again.
The house was silent as Raisa gathered what she wanted to bring and then there was the slamming of the door. Leo’s gaze was fixated on his plate, breaths heavy as he pondered what to do. You shifted in your seat.
“Are you alright?” You asked quietly. Poking and prying wouldn’t be smart, but checking in on him was fine. He looked toward you then before bobbing his head lightly.
“I fear,” He rolled a pea around on his plate before stabbing it with a quiet growl. “Raisa does not love me anymore.” Your eyes fell to the plate, eyeing the way that he messed with his food. He rubbed his face down with a moan of disapproval before standing. His hands curled at his sides, big, broad body flexing as he started to pace. “And I’m afraid, I feel the same way.” He scratched the underside of his chin before moving over to the corner. Pouring himself a glass of whisky, you winced at how quickly he drained the contents. Standing cautiously, you approached him with awareness.
“Leo.” Your small palm pressed against his back. “Don’t drown yourself in alcohol.” He was starting to pour himself another glass, but you stopped him just in time. Laying your hand on the glass, you set it back down on the table before gazing up at the bloke. He looked broken and regretful. But you’d feel the same way if you were in his shoes. The guilt of not loving someone anymore was always a horrible feeling. But it happened all the time. His eyes were watery and glassy. Red rims lines his blue orbs. You weren’t sure what to do in order to help him. He looked so sad and you couldn’t help but feel bad for him. Sympathy. It was a bitch. You hardly knew the man and yet, you couldn’t stand to see him look the way he did. Your hand moved around to his shoulder, gently gripping it as you spoke again. “Let’s go lay down?” ‘Let’s’. An invitation to escort him to bed. ‘Let’s’. An invitation to join him in bed. Neither of you knew which ‘let’s’ you had used. Leo followed you toward the stairs. The wood was coated in dust and was in desperate need of being sweeped. You stepped, barefoot, on the steps, climbing them as you led him to his bedroom. He didn’t need help, you both knew that. One glass of whisky wasn’t going to send him spiraling into a state of drunkenness, but he was grateful for the help, and you were grateful for the company. Stepping into the bedroom after nudging the door open with your foot, you moved your hand along his arm before stopping at the bed. He sat down, shoulders slouching forward and legs spreading as he hunched over. Your hand moved to his hair shyly. Brushing his lengthy locks down because they seemed to be untamable at the moment, your nails grazed his scalp, calming those raging thoughts he had. He slowly tipped his head up and looked toward you. His eyes held a tint of desire and want. For you or for affection, you didn’t know. But it would be wrong to give in. His hand lifted to your hip, wide as it set on the crook of it. Your brows lifted. “Leo.. I don’t think.. um.” He sensed the hesitation, but he still drew you forward. Your legs were spread on either side of his left knee. Inhaling deeply, you stared down at him. “This isn’t what you want, I promise. You’re just hurting.” Setting your warm hands on his recently shaved cheeks, your thumbs traced his chin slowly. “You hardly know me, Leo. And you’ve known Raisa for so long. Don’t throw all of that away just for a little temptation.” Your words mixed with your touches made it hard for him to choose. But then he recalled his revelation from earlier. He’d fallen out of love with his wife. He swiftly tugged you down and on to his knee, hands firm as they held you steady on him. Your heart thumped wildly against your chest, cheeks warming beneath his stare and stomach twisting with nerves. You could tell him a hundred times that you weren’t what he wanted, but he seemed to be pulling you in closer and closer. A week didn’t seem like enough time to fall for someone, but when you lived with them.. maybe it was just a little bit of enough. Leo leaned forward so that his nose could brush your own. He was as gentle with you now as he had been when he’d rescued you. Maybe that was why you felt a sudden addiction to him. He was the only one who’d been good to you. So very, very good to you.
“Kiss me.” He whispered hoarsely. Alcohol wasn’t to blame. Sadness wasn’t at fault. The want in your bellies and the desire in your brains was made the pair of you lean in simultaneously. It was a shy, brief peck at first, a test to see how it felt to press your lips against one another’s. And then it was a frenzy. His hand was hiking your dress up, vanishing beneath the thick material. Your hips were desperately sinking toward his own, so eager for some amount of friction. Your hands were in his hair and your body was rolled over and pressed against the bed. Neither one of you worried about the wedding ring he wore or the woman it bound him to. You were simply lost in the moment and in each other’s touches. Nothing could’ve stopped the two of you, not even Vasilli or his sudden banging on the front door.
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