#Leon Westbrook
sweet-vanilla-sims · 1 year
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Year 1609 Part 4:
With Frideswide becoming an adult she immediately began to practice her acting skills as she aimed to find and join a troupe sooner rather than later. She was a bundle of nerves but was excited to begin her life as an actress. 
While the oldest of Thomasin’s children had her life planned out the younger boys were still wondering what they should do but were beginning to settle into what they wanted for the future. It wasn’t a surprise when Francisco declared that he wanted to join the clergy, the surprise was when Ramon said he wanted to join as well. Francisco had been relatively devout from a very young age but Ramon’s faith was not nearly as strong but he had conviction so only time would tell if things would change. Grace and Vincente were still uncertain as to where life would lead them. 
On October 5th, Florence delivered her son, Leon, and was glad to see that she had two healthy sons especially since it meant that now there was no reason to continue having more children as it was pretty much certain that at least one of the boys would live to continue the Westbrook family name after all. 
Liona turned six a few days later growing into herself. 
December eventually rolled around and Jarod Maeda became a toddler. The family was doing well as they began to consider leaving Tartosa once more once the Maeda boys were a little bigger. For the time being though, they celebrated the end of the decade together with the Carlisles and the Jaleels. 
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 months
New In Town
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Summary: Introducing Chapter One of my Sweet Renegades Series. Sparks fly when you accidentally find yourself sitting next to Bounty Hunter, Ari Levinson.
Warnings: Mature Themes, Ari Being A Menace, Mentions of Death and Grief, Mentions of Book Boyfriends, Allusions to Disordered Eating, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Major thanks to @curls-and-eyeliner for helping me plot out this chapter. This story is part of my Sweet Renegades Series. Not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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It was happening again. You could feel him doing it. You knew without turning your head that the bastard had gone back to staring.
At you.
Gritting your teeth, you make a point of adjusting the skirt of your dress before returning your focus to Reverend Turner at the pulpit. Trying your best to ignore the hum of electricity in your veins, you find yourself wishing that you’d opted to stay home today. After all, you hadn’t been to church in ages. 
So what on earth possessed you to return today?
It’s not like you were concerned for your immortal soul or anything. On the contrary, you and God were good. You were even on speaking terms again – now that you’d finally forgiven him for calling your Uncle Leon home before you were ready to let him go.
That had been nearly three years ago.
These days, your grief has taken a backseat in favor of running the town’s only bookshop, Baubles & Quills. Once owned by your Uncle, the store had become your sanctuary as you’d struggled to cope with the loss of the only family you’d ever had. 
And now that you’d deemed life worth living again you’d apparently decided that attending Calvary Baptist Church’s Sunday morning service was a good idea. But the one thing you hadn’t counted on when you’d politely – and strategically – taken a seat in the pew closest to the door was that you’d end up sharing it with the likes of him.    
That bounty hunter fella that you’d been hearing about for the last week. His arrival had practically sent your little town into a regular feeding frenzy. Word on the street was that he was investigating something that had to do with your old high school pal, Martin Westbrook.
At least that’s what Charline Marshall had said when she’d stopped by your shop to return a book she’d purchased because she didn’t care for the ending. While you weren’t usually one for gossip, you’d been intrigued by her, ah, description of the handsome stranger that had taken up residence just a few blocks south of where you lived.
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Two Days Ago…
“His name is Ari Levinson. Kinda strange, right?” She’d whispered conspiratorially, running a hand through her copper colored tresses . “But he’s a tall drink of water with the prettiest blue eyes I‘ve ever seen.”
“Oh really?” You’d mumbled, frowning at the crease that adorned the spine of the paperback book in your hands. Another one for the discount rack.
“Mhm. He’s handsome all over.” Charline had continued, picking up one of your more elaborate looking bookmarks and pretending to study it before using it to fan herself. “And not only that, but…” She’d leaned in then, allowing her freshly manicured nails lightly graze your arm. “I think he likes me.”
“Oh? Has he come out and said that?” Your eyes had gone wide with feigned interest. Because of course the man would be into Charline Anne Marshall. Who wouldn’t be? The woman was beautiful and, what’s more, she knew it.  
“Well, I mean…not yet.” The woman had let out a disappointed little sigh. “But I’m almost certain he will. I’m just giving him time to get settled in, you know?” She’d said, her perfectly painted lips curving into a smile as she held out a hand for her change. 
“How kind of you.” Good Lord how you wished you could hurry things along so you could go back to enjoying your peace and quiet. 
“Ari has already interviewed me twice. He even gave me his number, just in case I happen to remember anything else.” She’d tucked the cash from her return into her purse. “I think I might call him up and tell him that my memory works best after a couple of drinks. Think that’ll work?”
“I guess you’ll never know if you don’t try.” Even though you were annoyed, you’d pasted on a fake smile and closed the register, hoping that might be enough to convince her to end the conversation and move on already.
“Why, I think you just might be right.” Your unwanted guest held up the bookmark that was still in her grasp, her unspoken question left hanging in the air. “And this?”
“It’s on the house, Charline.” You’d patiently replied, bracing your elbows on the counter. “Best of luck landing your bounty hunter beau.”
“Well, aren’t you just a gem?” She’d all but squealed, sounding positively giddy as she took a step back. “You know, I bet if you spent a little more time out in the real world instead of holed-up in here with all these books, you’d probably be able to land a man too. You’d be awful pretty if you’d just put in a little bit of effort into it. I mean –” 
“No thanks.” You’d simply shrugged, unable to summon up enough energy to be outraged by the dig. 
It wasn’t worth the breath you would've wasted trying to explain why you were better off keeping the company of your book boyfriends. A real man required too much care and feeding for your tastes. 
“If you say so, sugar. But–” She’d responded as she strode towards the door. “Oh! You should come to my next party. We’ll let Mary Kay sponsor your makeover.”   
'No offense, Charline, but I’d rather put a campfire out with my face than attend your next Mary Kay get-together featuring you and ten of your mother’s closest friends.' You'd thought to yourself.
“Uh, maybe. We’ll see.” You’d hedged before turning on your heel and heading in the direction of the stockroom. “Enjoy the bookmark!” God, you’d never been so happy to hear someone exit your shop than you were at that moment.
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Which brought you back to the present. You’re startled out of your reverie when the congregation erupts into thunderous applause, signaling the end of Reverend Turner’s sermon.  You knew you were going to have to move quickly if you wanted to avoid any unwanted attention from other members of the flock. 
Or worse yet: be forced into making small talk with Ari Levinson. Assuming that beast of a man actually possessed enough brain cells to actually string together a sentence or two. Which was a shame because he really was easy on the eyes. 
Unfortunately for you, you don’t realize that now you’re the one who’s staring until you notice the corner of his mouth tilt up in a smirk. Shit. The cocky lawman nods his head in your direction before having the audacity to mouth the word: “howdy”. It almost makes you wonder what his voice would sound like. 
Would his southern drawl be thick and rough, or smooth and easygoing? Assuming he was southern, that is.
Feeling your cheeks heat, you make fast work of grabbing your things before scooting out of the pew, doing your best to sneak out of the service before everyone is formally dismissed. The absolute last thing you needed was to have this man thinking you were like every other woman in this town who was willing to practically trip over herself just to get a good look at him. 
On your way out you brush past Sister Mary Jo Winans, who is all too eager to follow you out the door and halfway down the front stairs.
So much for making a clean getaway.
“You’re not staying for the potluck?” She wheezes, gripping the railing as she struggles to catch her breath. 
“Afraid not, Sister Winans.” You tell her while digging through your purse for your keys. “I’ve gotta go home and change so I can head over to the shop.”
“But it’s Sunday, honey.” The matronly woman huffs, adjusting the angle of her wide-brim church hat. “This is the day that the Lord has made. We are to rejoice and be glad in it. It’s all right there in the good Book.”
“Be that as it may, Sister, I’m afraid I can’t stay. Plus I wouldn’t feel right about eating when I didn’t bring a dish to contribute, so…” You offer up a one-armed shrug. “Next time.” 
You also weren’t a fan of eating in front of people. You were always self-conscious about whatever you put on your plate, convinced that you were being judged for your choices. Your stomach growls at the mention of food, reminding you that you’d left some cottage cheese and fruit behind at the shop. That would just have to do until you found the wherewithal to make it to the grocery store.   
“Next time. I promise.” You kindly interrupt, hoping that she would just let the issue drop. “By the way, I set aside a copy of Joyce Meyer’s latest book for you.”
“You did?”
“Yep.” You confirm as you begin walking backwards towards the nearby parking lot. “Stop by anytime. We’ll consider it an early birthday present, alright?” Smiling when she nods, you toss her a little wave before speed walking the rest of the way to your car. 
Unlocking it, you climb in the driver’s seat and slam the door before gunning the engine. Finally free, you peel out of the lot and turn onto the empty street. Needing to focus on something other than your thoughts about a certain bounty hunter, you decide to turn up the radio, praying for your traitorous brain to cooperate. 
Yeah, no such luck. 
“Fuck you, Levinson.” You spit, wishing that he was close enough to hear you right then. Because the way you saw it, the sooner he packed his shit and moved on, the better off you and everyone else in this godforsaken town would be. And if he knew what was good for him, he’d stay far away from you.
He’d have more luck getting information out of a drunk Charline than he would trying to get you to spill your guts. And the moment he threatened you, you were planning to call Bell’s Creek PD to let them deal with it. Until then, you had some empty shelves to stock. But first…
You were gonna need to find someone to cut you out of these damned spanx.
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Unofficial Tag List
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Please note that I prefer to interact with individuals who are at least 15 years of age. Additionally, I apologize for any confusion, but the content I've written is intended for males and non-binary individuals.
I am excited to announce that I will only be taking requests on Fridays through Sundays, and I guarantee that they will be posted on Tuesdays. Not only that, but I will be creating and posting more bots every Thursday to ensure a continuous flow of engaging content. You can count on me to deliver. but I will be creating and posting more bots every Thursday to ensure a continuous flow of engaging content. You can count on me to deliver.
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((Cry of fear))
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(Simon Henriksson
David Leatherhoff
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((Devil may cry (throw out the games and I mean all))
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(Dante Redgrave (1-6)
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Jonathan Harker
Mina Harker
Harry Anders
Hellman's Brother
Seras Victoria
Alucard Hellsing
Integra Hellsing)
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(( Cod (call of duty) ))
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
Vladimir Makarov
John "Soap" MacTavish
Alex Mason
Logan Walker
Bruce Harris
Alejandro Rojas
Farah Karim
Derek "Frost" Westbrook
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Ronald "Red" Daniels
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Erin "Battery" Baker
Helen Park
Samantha Maxis
Tanya Pavelovna
Abigail "Misty" Briarton
Sarah Leary)
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((resident evil))
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Chris Redfield
Rosemary Winters
Claire Redfield
Albert Wesker
Mia Winters
Marco Rose
Jill Valentine
Karl Heisenberg
mother Miranda
Alcina Dimitrescu,
 Karl Heisenberg, 
Salvatore Moreau, 
 Donna Benevento
Elza Walker
Leon s Kennedy
Ada Wong
Ashley Graham
Carlos Oliveira
Ethan Winters
Rebecca Chambers
Jack Krauser
Luis Sera
Mr. X
Sherry Birkin
Piers Nivans
William Birkin
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((Final Fantasy VII))
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Cloud Strife
Aerith Gainsborough
Tifa Lockhart
Zack Fair
Angeal Hewley
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((Metal Gear))(coming soon)
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Currently, I am investing a significant amount of cognitive energy into contemplating these characters and producing innovative concepts. My aim is to communicate my perspectives in a manner that is practical and illuminating. Although my evaluation is still underway, I am eager to share my findings with you and trust that you will derive value from them.
If you would like to engage with my chatbots, I would be more than happy to share the links with you. Feel free to let me know! links with you. Feel free to let me know! links with you. Feel free to let me know!
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"Have a very spooky day my lovely baby bats"
I do more him/he and they/them
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hmgn3 · 4 months
24-February 散財記録
05(mon) ・Ásgeir / Where Is My Mind? (2016, used 7inch) ・The Hive Dwellers & Selector Dub Narcotic / Lynch the Swan (2011, used 7inch) ・White Rainbow & Selector Dub Narcotic / The Making of Thriller (2011, used 7inch) ・Μάνος Λοΐζος / Τραγούδια Του Δρόμου (1974, used LP) 07(wed) ・Quanah Parker / The Gathering (2012, used 12inch) ・The Leon Sash Trio / I Remember Newport (1968, used LP) 08(thu) ・ccctyyy / Reappearance (2021, used 12inch) ・Edhels / Oriental Christmas (1985, used LP) 10(sat) ・Kulku / Fahren (2022, used LP) ・Avishai Cohen / Arvoles (2019, used LP) ・DJ SAK / Captain-i.r.GIRG-the vagabond ~genesis beyond decadence~ (2001, used 2x10inch) ・Tom Waits / Foreign Affairs (1977, used LP) ・Stanciu Simion / Flute De Pan En Jazz (1970, used LP) ・Howard Rumsey's Lighthouse All-Stars / Sunday Jazz A La Lighthouse, Vol. 1 (1953, used LP) 11(sun) ・Ot To, Not To / It Loved To Happen (2019, used LP) ・Martial Solal Et Son Grand Orchestre Jouent André Hodeir / Martial Solal Et Son Grand Orchestre Jouent André Hodeir ( 1984, used LP) ・Albert Lévy / Le Pianocinema (1979, used LP) ・Forrest Westbrook / This Is Their Time, Oh Yes (1970, used LP) ・Martial Solal Trio / Martial Solal Trio (1954, used 10inch) 17(sat) ・Wally Whyton / 50 All-Time Children's Favourites (1971, used LP) 21(wed) ・Snakefinger / Kill the Great Raven/What Wilbur? (1979, used 7inch) 23(fri) ・sekifu / 矢川 (2024, CD) 24(sat) ・Nora Guthrie / Emily's Illness (1967, 7inch) 26(mon) ・Seamus Cater & Kai Fagaschinski / Secrets (2011, LP) ・Beryl Booker Trio with Don Byas / Don Byas & Le Beryl Booker Trio à Paris (1954, used 10inch) 28(wed) ・The Aaron Bell Trio / After The Party's Over (1958, used LP)
0 notes
valpohq · 7 months
please can i ask for some woc fcs? thanks so much
We  have  some  gorgeous  options  for  you  here  ,  but  just  in  case  you  want  a  few  more,  have  a  few  more  ! Yara  Shahidi,  Chloe  &  Halle  Bailey,  Alexandra  Shipp,  Nathalie  Emmanuel,  Ayo  Edebiri,  Adeline  Rudolph,  Ana  Akana,  Brenda  Song,  Britany  O'Grady,  Erinn  Westbrook,  Tessa  Thompson,  Lee  Dee-Ha,  Kiki  Layne,  Tati  Gabrielle,  Jaz  Sinclair,  Simone  Ashley,  Wakeema  Hollis,  Taylor  Russel,  Logan  Browning,  Madeline  Mantock,  Sofia  Vergara,  Im  Jinah,  Kim  Doyeon,  Davika  Hoorne,  Baifern  Pimchanok,  Jasmine  Tookes,  Jane  De  Leon,  Park  Sooyoung,  Jung  Hoyeon,  Lauren  Ridloff,  Lee  Sunbin,  Moon  Gayoung,  Prang  Kannarun,  Shay  Mitchel,  Seo  Yeji,  Alyah  Chanelle  Scott,  Geffri  Maya,  Camille  Hyde,  Lola  Tung,  Miya  Horcher,  Issa  Rae,  and  Summer  Maddison
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0 notes
outofcontexturi · 2 years
my wisdom tooth is growing at it’s hurting like a bitch. It’s 23:50pm sun 23rd 2022. I’m watching The Bear Ep 7 Sc1 omfg this is such good television i cannot understand how there’s a show this fucking good. I just cannot. It’s now 00:00am. Monday 24th Oct 2022. I have tutorials today but it’s still a bit confusing so yeah I’m just gonna relax until I get the info to be in cause none of this shit makes sense to me. In the meantime though, I’m gonna watch this fucking amazing show and pray. Omg I said I wanted to read that Huey P Newton book before the start of today and that didn’t happen. Ah well. No worries. I love how this particular episode is being filmed. It’s a single shot. camera panning between characters in continuity. I love it. I just put some LEON fries in the oven. Gonna enjoy them before I sleep. I’ll probably read the book later on today. I do love life. I don’t know if I’m meant to make sense of it but just live it and love it as well as live on it and love on it. Revolutionary suicide. “But before the die, how shall we live?”. What a question to ask. Yesterday I read that revolutionaries know that they are doomed people. And that most of them go into activism knowing that they won’t be the beneficiaries of their own activism but that the people that come after them will benefit from their groundwork and I genuinely can’t find anything more honourable (other than risking your life for someone else) but like yeah I really fuck with that. And in a way what revolutionaries do is exactly what I just mentioned ; risk their live(lihoods) for the betterment of tomorrow’s society. Do you ever wonder why there’s 7 mins of brain activity when you die? And what your brain is doing or where your soul is going? yes I am high right now but honestly we know this by now. I should start saying when I’m sober on the off chance that is. Life scares me but also keeps me wondering and I think that’s why it’s so important to me. It’s like every day is a bit scary cause anything could happen but like that’s also the fun part. The risk. Daring to live a full life is scary. Cause it really takes you to the depths of yourself and forces you to accept parts of you that you thought were hidden away. Confronting issues and shit. Realising you have the power to actually get everything you want. I’m so glad I read that wall cause it put me in a better mood. I’m so happy I did that I can feel my insides delightful at me for that. Thank you God for real. Is it Drakes birthday today? It is his birthday today. I don’t know how or why I remembered that but I did. It’s crazy how life is you know. This journey we call life. It’s just so crazy man. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. I can hear the rain outside. I could hear Angie walking up the stairs. It’s currently 00:25am. your mental attitude is the one and only thing you have complete control. I have control over my mental attitude. Me. I love you Uriel. My name is so pretty. I love it. I love the sound of it. Uriel. There’s things I’m not doing. I forgot to get back to George. I don’t know about tomorrow morning if I should go in or not? i think that’s where my worry is coming from. But other than that I think I’m fine. seeing Russell Westbrook destroy his legacy at the lakers is so wild to watch rn but fuck it man. Still a good basketball player though. I’m gonna check my fries rn. Walking down my stairs and I can smell them. Ugh. Yeah. These slap. This episode is so fucking good. Omg. I actually feel the tension as if I’m in the kitchen myself with all these chefs and sous. That was a great episode man. I must say. My wisdom tooth won’t fucking leave me alone. Left side. Being annoying again. Need to wash up. It’s 00:44am.
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mastersoftheair · 3 years
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dean john-wilson as lieutenant clifford j. milburn (that finally answers my question of “which lieutenant?” after watching his last instagram story!)
leon finnan as second lieutenant sherwin l. barton (there’s actually a pic of him among this group of men, but the website is unsure of who’s who)
jonathan jules as lieutenant shelby f. westbrook (another tuskegee airman!)
marley brown as captain bob gillespie (i have no idea who this man is. it doesn’t help that 1) he doesn’t appear to be part of the 100th and 2) there are So Many “Robert Gillespie”s who served in that war, as i assume “bob” is short for “robert”)
we also have lucas button as shoen’s navigator, vaslov goom as a russian lieutenant (apparently as a “lead guest star”), and tom higgins as an excited kriegie, jack gouldbourne in an unnamed role, and ralph maystone in an unnamed role. there is also the possibility that jakob diehl will play some part.
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odk-2 · 2 years
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Buddy Johnson and His Orchestra - I'm Just Your Fool (1954) Buddy Johnson from: "I'm Just Your Fool" / "A-12"
R&B | Big Band
JukehostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: Buddy Johnson: Bandleader / Piano
Ella Johnson: Vocals
Willis Nelson: Trumpet Frank Royal: Trumpet Andrew Wood: Trumpet
Steve Pulliam: Trombone Julius Watson: Trombone
Harold Minerve: Alto Saxophone Dave Van Dyke: Tenor Saxophone Purvis Henson: Tenor Saxophone Teddy Conyers: Baritone Saxophone
Chauncey “Lord” Westbrook: Guitar Leon Spann: Bass Emmanuel Simms: Drums
Recorded: in New York City, New York USA during September of 1953
Released: in October of 1953
Mercury Records
Called an "R&B anthem", the song has a big-band arrangement and Buddy Johnson's sister Ella is on vocals — her "delicate and deceptively sweet phrasing was ideally suited to ballads such as this"* (*Mark Romano, AllMusicCom). - Wikipedia
For April Fools' Day 2022
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Season 19 is here!
Pam Dawber Returns as Investigative Journalist Marcie Warren
“Blood in the Water” – As the NCIS team searches for Gibbs after wreckage from his boat is discovered, they find out he was tracking a serial killer with journalist Marcie Warren (Pam Dawber), who wrote an exposé on him, on the 19th season premiere of NCIS, Monday, Sept. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.
Mark Harmon
(NCIS Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs)
Sean Murray
(NCIS Special Agent Timothy McGee)
Wilmer Valderrama
(NCIS Special Agent Nicholas “Nick” Torres)
Brian Dietzen
(Medical Examiner Jimmy Palmer)
Diona Reasonover
(Forensic Scientist Kasie Hines)
Katrina Law
(NCIS Special Agent Jessica Knight)
Rocky Carroll
(NCIS Director Leon Vance)
David McCallum
(Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard)
Pam Dawber
(Marcie Warren)
Katherine Cortez
(Thelma McKeever)
Dave Florek
(Virgil McKeever)
Travis Hammer
(Faux County Deputy Randall Sledge)
Terryn Westbrook
(County Deputy Regina Unger)
Yenniffer Behrens
(Marta Jimenez)
Derek Chariton
Allie Davis
Colin Land
(NCIS Special Agent Brent Hollister)
WRITTEN BY: Christopher Walid
DIRECTED BY: Michael Zinberg
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fyeahusheraymond · 3 years
List of Celebrities who Came to See Usher’s Vegas Residency
Adam Blackstone
Al B. Sure
Aliyah Janell Brinson
Anita Baker
Anthony Mackie
Ben Vereen
Bobby Brown
Charles Oakley
Chazz Palminteri
Chris Robinson
Chris Tucker
Christian Keyes
Christina Milian
Da Brat
Damion Hall
Dean Wade
Debra Lee
Deon Cole
Draymond Green
Dwayne Wade
Elijah Kelly
Ella Mai
Eric Bellinger
Eric Jordan Young
Evan Ross
Floyd Mayweather
Halle Bailey
Hit Boy
Jayson Tatum
Jermaine Dupri
Jill Scott
John Boyega
John Legend
Joie Chavis
Kelly Rowland
Kevin Hart
Kirk Franklin
L.A. Reid
Lalah Hathaway
LeBron James
Leon Bridges
Leslie Jones
Lil Jon
Lori Harvey
Mark Pitts
Marsha Ambrosious
Matt Pokora
Mekhi Phifer
Nene Leakes
Nick Cannon
Polow Da Don
Porsha Williams
Reginae Carter
Rick Ross
Robin Thede
Russel Westbrook
Ryan Tedder
Saint Jhn
Sean Garrett
Sevyn Streeter
Smokey Robinson
Snoop Dogg
Stephen Hill
Steven Aoki
Summer Walker
Taina Williams
Taye Diggs
Teddy Riley
Terrence Jenkins
Terry Lewis
Tevin Campbell
Tiffany Haddish
Toya Johnson
Vivica A. Fox
Wanya Morris
YK Osiris
Zara Larsson
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lunarpblr · 3 years
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trigger warning: parental death, car accident
This is a request for Aaliyah Sewell's (Ryan Destiny) siblings. Originally the family is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and made the move to Chicago twenty years ago when Aaliyah was four years old. The Sewell never had a ton of money, but they built everything on love, patience, and trust. Mama Grace always had a dream about opening her own bakery and Daddy Joseph was bound and determined to make her dreams come true for her. He saved every penny that he could from his job just to make it happen. It took ten years to get all of the money together and Grace finally did it. She opened up her own bakery and all of the Sewell children probably helped her after school (and even after that if they stuck around after high school).
It's been a year and a half since they lost their mama in a horrific car accident and the family is still trying to cope and adjust to it all. Some of them probably still have a hard time walking into the bakery that their mama built, but I imagine that one of them took over the bakery and is trying to keep it afloat. Aaliyah works as a freelance photographer but in her spare time, she's helping out in the bakery whenever she can.
This family has always been tight-knit, they always have each other's back no matter what. I think their mama's death changed some of them in a way to distance themselves from each other, but they always try to make it know that they are there for each other. For ages, I would love the age range to be 20-30. <3
face suggestions: keke palmer, amber riley, erinn westbrook, tom williamson, leon thomas iii, chloe bailey, aubrey joseph
--- Sewell - age - open face claim - reserved --- Sewell - age - open face claim - reserved Aaliyah Sewell - 24 - ryan destiny - played by luna --- Sewell - age - open face claim - open
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parabellumrpg · 4 years
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WHEN: Saturday, August 1st. WHERE: Sapphire (Neutral) HOSTED BY: Mia Costello TIME: 7:00 PM CST DRESS CODE: Assigned Costume OOC TIME: 6:00 PM CST 
Chanel Albright, the Costello’s notorious publicist, is turning 29 and all of Chicago’s elite, spontaneous, reckless and eyebrow raising are invited. Hosted and thrown by one of Chicago’s former news headliners, Mia Costello. This is a private event where two things allow you entrance into Sapphire, a personalized VIP pass and being dressed as the 90s or 00s artist listed on said pass. Failure to meet the dress code or to arrive in costume as someone other than the name on the pass results in not only a denied entry but immediate escorting from Sapphire’s premises. 
Liquor, food, 90s/00s nostalgia and music will be in abundance. Drinks are practically free and the night will be wild and one to be remembered. Cell Phones and digital cameras are traded in for polaroid and disposable cameras. Sapphire has been transformed from the club of the present to that of the past with classics of each era and a few modern amenities provided for guests entertainment. Costello and private security are heavily in attendance to make sure things do not get too out of hand. 
A/N: A special THANK YOU to Isa for putting this all together. She assigned every character a 90s/00s icon to dress up as – even the ones who aren’t taken! Everyone’s costumes will be listed below. She also made a playlist (listen here) and typed everything up. I didn’t have to do much work for this at all! Thank you for coming up with such a fun idea for everyone to participate in! 
With that being said, I think I can trust everyone here to write and do replies however they see fit. If you want to write interactions via Chatzy/Discord, that’s fine, just make sure to post them on the dash if anything important happens so that we can all read! Try to stay on top of replies (this especially goes for ME, I suck). Have fun, make sure to check out the assigned costumes below! And make sure your character shows up in costume or they won’t be let in. Don’t make Mia mad, plz, thank you. 
Chanel Albright: Posh Spice
Leon Costello: Justin Timberlake
Ezra Costello: Adam Levine (Maroon 5)
Mia Costello: Ginger Spice
Sofia Costello: Baby Spice
Luca Costello: John Mayer
Natalia Cardoza: Christina Aguliera
Camila Perez: Mariah Carey
Jackson Sinclair: Nick Carter
Margot Sinclair: Britney Spears
Noah Sinclair: Matthew Bellamy - Muse
Paityn Sinclair (Costello): Courtney Love
Sebastian Sinclair: Eminem
Felicity Sinclair: Avril Lavinge
Matthew Dunne: Aaron Carter
Tristan Sullivan: Marky Mark from the Funky Bunch
Joaquin Aleman: Enrique Iglesias
Eva Calderon: Shakira
Alondra Aleman: Beyonce (Destiny Child’s Era/Early Solo Career)
Livia Moreno: Gwen Stefani
Ambrya Mardin: Jennifer Lopez (JLO)
Not Taken Characters Roles: Who are invited to the party
Violet Costello: Scary Spice
Leo Amari: Marc Anthony
Gabriel Aleman: Jay Z
Charlotte Sinclair: Nicole Scherzinger
Abel Costello: Kurt Cobain
Aaron Kumar: Lenny Kravitz
Angela Webber: Alanis Moresett
Adam Davenport: Rob Thomas
Ben Lowell: Nick Lachey - 98 Degrees
Alex Alverez: 50 Cent
Avery Mercer: Alicia Keys
Liam Edwards: Gerard Way
Corinna Sutter: Whitney Houston
Damon Kent: Jason Maraz
Yvonne Santiago: Sheryl Crow
Jessa Westbrook: Kylie Minogue
Katrina Patani: LeAnn Rimes
Holden Estrada: Lil Bow Wow
Thalia Montoya: Aaliyah
Nicholas Farley: Usher
Mateo Lujan: Sting
Thomas Sinclair: Billie Joel Armstrong - Green Day
Juliet Carmichael: Celine Dion
Dennis: David Beckham
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maaarine · 5 years
MBTI & Youtubers and Podcasters
Alfrie DEYES (Pointlessblog) David DOBRIK Brad LEONE (Bon Appétit) Jenna MARBLES Tana MONGEAU Tyler OAKLEY Jake PAUL Trisha PAYTAS Louise PENTLAND (Sprinkleofglitter) Jonathan SACCONE JOLY Jojo SIWA
Hila KLEIN (H3) Troye SIVAN
Emma CHAMBERLAIN Ethan DOLAN (The Dolans Twins) Grayson DOLAN (The Dolan Twins) Ethan KLEIN (H3) Caspar LEE Olajide OLATUNJI (KSI) Logan PAUL Joe ROGAN (The Joe Rogan Experience) Julien SOLOMITA
Connor FRANTA Gabbie HANNA Mimi IKONN Bethany MOTA Ingrid NILSEN Safiya NYGAARD Zoe SUGG (Zoella) Catherine VALDES (Catrific) Tati WESTBROOK (Tati)
Tanya BURR Poppy DEYES Marie LOPEZ (Enjoyphoenix) Anna SACCONE JOLY
Carl BENJAMIN (Sargon of Akkad)
Chris MOROCCO (Bon Appétit)
Emma BLACKERY Brittany BROSKI Dodie CLARK (Doddleoddle) Laci GREEN Mamrie HART Chris KENDALL (Crabstickz) Liza KOSHY Arden ROSE Thomas SANDERS Jason SILVA Lilly SINGH (Iisuperwomanii)
John GREEN (Vlogbrothers) Charlie MCDONNELL (Charlieissocoollike) Mithuna YOGANATHAN (Looking glass universe)
Tyler BLEVINS (Ninja) Mark FISCHBACH (Markiplier) Simone GIERTZ Felix KJELLBERG (Pewdiepie) Rudy LEONET (5 heures) PJ LIGUORI (Kickthepj) Shane MADEJ (Buzzfeed Unsolved) Seán MCLOUGHLIN (Jacksepticeye) Casey NEISTAT Hasan PIKER (Hasanabi) Tom RIDGEWELL (Tomska) Michael STEVENS (Vsauce)
Aurélien ENTHOVEN (M-Gigantoraptor) Seth EVERMAN Andrew HALES (LAHWF) Ina MIHALACHE (Solangeteparle) Virgil TEXAS (Bad Faith, Chapo Trap House) Bill WURTZ
Elizabeth DAY (How to Fail with Elizabeth Day) Hugues DAYEZ (5 heures) Carrie Hope FLETCHER (Itswaypastmybedtime) Briahna Joy GRAY (Bad Faith) Claire SAFFITZ (Bon Appétit) Anita SARKEESIAN (Feminist Frequency) Hannah WITTON
Marques BROWNLEE (MKBHD) Lex FRIDMAN (Artificial intelligence podcast) Evan PUSCHAK (The Nerdwriter)
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kicksaddictny · 5 years
Opening Ceremony x Russell Westbrook x Jordan Collection
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According to NIKE
Russell Westbrook and Jordan Brand are collaborating with Opening Ceremony to release the latter's first athlete-design project.
“I’ve always loved fashion and the creative process when it comes to designing. When the opportunity came for me and Jordan Brand to collaborate with another brand, Opening Ceremony was a perfect match,” says Westbrook. “I liked the idea of doing something with bold color patterns and adventurous silhouettes, and I’m excited to see this collection come to life.”
The apparel pieces — including an overcoat, a pant-trouser hybrid, a color-blocked track jacket and more — modify classic Air Jordan looks with new proportions and details based on the point guard's irreverent personal style.
"When Russ and I sat down together to design, it started a creative dialogue and synergy of true collaboration," says Opening Ceremony co-founder and creative director Humberto Leon. "The resulting collection shows how, together, we reworked our favorite Air Jordan essentials into new garments. We're looking forward to seeing how the public puts their own spin on these pieces by incorporating them into their daily wardrobes."
The Opening Ceremony x Jordan Brand x Russell Westbrook collection is available November 11 at openingceremony.com and Opening Ceremony stores in New York, Los Angeles and Tokyo. The collection will also be available in North America on Nikelab.com and at Nike Lab 21 Mercer and Chicago doors December 5.
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redcarpetview · 5 years
The Living Legends Foundation Announces its 2019 Annual Awards Gala, Phil Thornton Among Honorees
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   Top Row -- Left to Right:
Dyana Williams, Sidney Miller, Hymen Childs, Dedra N. Tate
Middle Row -- Left to Right:
Frank Ski, Steve Hegwood, Maurice White, Karen Lee
Bottom Row -- Left to Right:
Phil  Thornton, Sheila Coates, Ray Chew and Vivian Scott Chew, DeDe McGuire
       (Los Angeles, CA – June 4, 2019) — The Living Legends Foundation, Inc. (LLF) today announces its 2019 Annual Awards Dinner and Gala.  This year’s event will be held on Friday, October 4, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. at Taglyan Cultural Complex, 1201 N. Vine Street, Hollywood, CA. 
      The distinguished honorees include Dyana Williams, CEO of Influence Entertainment, who will be presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award; Frank Ski, Broadcast Personality, V-103 Radio Atlanta, and Steve Hegwood, CEO and President, Core Communications, will both receive the Jerry Boulding Radio Executive Award; Maurice White, Vice President of Promotion, eOne Entertainment Group, will be presented with the Music Label Executive Award; Sheila Coates, founder and creator of BYOB (Be Your Own Brand), will receive the Entrepreneur Award; Dedra N. Tate, President and CEO, Unlimited Contacts, will be the second recipient of the Mike Bernardo Executive Award;  Sidney Miller, founder and Publisher, BRE (Black Radio Exclusive), will be presented with the A.D. Washington Chairman’s Award; Hymen Childs, Owner, Service Broadcasting Group (SBG), including K-104 Radio, KRNB Radio, Dallas and the nationally syndicated DeDe In The Morning, will receive the Broadcast Icon Award; Phil Thornton, Senior Vice President/General Manager, RCA Inspiration, will be presented with the Gospel Music Executive Award; and Karen Lee, Senior Vice President, W&W Public Relations, will receive the Media Executive Award.
    The Chairpersons of this year’s Awards Dinner and Gala are husband-and-wife team Ray Chew and Vivian Scott Chew, Partners, Chew Entertainment. Award-winning radio personality DeDe McGuire, of the syndicated show DeDe In The Morning, is returning as host.
     The LLF continues its mission to honor the best and the brightest in the ever-changing and evolving music and entertainment industries. The foundation’s core mission is to honor pioneers and professionals who have broken new ground in the areas of broadcasting, recorded music, marketing, retail, publicity, publishing, digital, creative, and philanthropy.
     “The Living Legends Board of Directors is proud to continue its tradition of recognizing the greatest in the music and record industries,” says David C. Linton, Chairman of the LLF. “We continue to raise the bar and celebrate the unsung heroes of our industry who have helped to lay the foundation for black music, black artists, and black executives of the 20th and 21st century. We remain steadfast in our efforts to raise much-needed funds to assist the less fortunate among us. We look forward to another exceptional event and year.”
    In 1991, record industry pioneer Ray Harris had the vision for an organization that would not only salute the achievements of black music executives but would assist them in their time of need. During the same year, Harris worked with record executives Barbara Lewis and C.C. Evans and radio programming legend, the late Jerry Boulding, and founded the Living Legends Foundation.
    Over the years, the organization has recognized and honored more than 100 distinguished leaders in music, radio, retail, and media. Past honorees include, in alphabetical order: Brenda Andrews, Larkin Arnold, Clarence Avant, Lee Bailey, Big Boy, Jamie Brown, Troy Carter, Ray Chew and Vivian Scott Chew, Keith Clinkscales, Kenny Gamble, Jack “The Rapper” Gibson, Tony Gray, Ethiopia Habtemariam, Jeffrey Harleston, Denise Brown Henderson, Esq., Stephen Hill, Leon Huff, Cathy Hughes, Don Jackson, Hal Jackson, Larry Jackson, Cynthia Johnson, Varnell Johnson, Quincy Jones, Larry Khan, Morace Landy, Vicki Mack Lataillade and Claude Lataillade, Miller London, Michael Mauldin, Rushion McDonald, Kendall Minter, Esq., Jon Platt, Gwendolyn Quinn, Pat Shields, Eddie Sims and Belinda Wilson, Antonio “L.A.” Reid, Ruben Rodriguez, Aundrae Russell, Herb Trawick, Charles Warfield, Dr. Logan H. Westbrooks, Tyrone Williams, and numerous others.
     The LLF is a registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization and has been funded primarily with corporate contributions and individual donations. The 28-year-old organization has expanded its mission to assist those who have served the music industry and who have a confirmable need. This assistance is provided in a manner that maintains the dignity of those who may receive financial help. Many former music industry employees worked during a time when 401Ks and retirement packages were not available—and even today, in this era of downsizing and mergers, the industry’s lack of long-term career stability has become more commonplace. Proceeds from the event will enable the LLF to continue to aid those in need, as well as fund the Living Legends Foundation Scholarship Program, which helps the educational pursuits of the next generation of music makers and marketers at three HBCUs.  
     The LLF Officers and Board Members include Chairman David Linton, Chairman Emeritus and founder Ray Harris, President Varnell Johnson, Vice-President Jacqueline Rhinehart, Recording Secretary Pat Shields, founder and Treasurer C.C. Evans, and General Counsel Kendall Minter, Esq. Board Members include Vinny Brown, Sheila Eldridge, Marcus Grant, Tony Gray, Ken Johnson, Barbara Lewis, Miller London, Sidney Miller, Kathi Moore, Jon Platt, Gwendolyn Quinn, Sam Weaver, and Colleen Wilson.
     The Living Legends Foundation Advisory Board includes a list of distinguished entertainment executives, including Monica Alexander, Don Cody, George Daniels, Brad Davidson, Michael Dawson, Esq., Skip Dillard, Kevin Fleming, Shannon Henderson, Jay Johnson, James Leach, Vicki Mack Lataillade, Gail Mitchell, Azim Rashid, Lionel Ridenour, Kevin Ross, A.J. Savage, Vivian Scott Chew, Phil Thornton, Brian Wallace, Irene Ware, Tyrone Williams, Buzzy Willis, and Tony Winger.
   For tickets and sponsorship information, please contact Pat Shields at 310.568.9091 or [email protected].
      For additional information on the Living Legends Foundation, please visit www.livinglegendsfoundation.com.
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outfitandtrend · 2 years
[ad_1] Lede represents Mr. Smith’s media and entertainment company Westbrook as well as Reese Witherspoon’s media company, Hello Sunshine. Other clients include Maserati, the cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Shereene Idriss and Illumination, a film and animation studio.In the last year, Lede signed the fashion labels Isabel Marant, Altuzarra, Thom Browne and Kenzo. The firm is working with Humberto Leon and Carol Lim on the 20th anniversary of Opening Ceremony, their cult retail and fashion label that went quiet in 2020. During New York Fashion Week, Lede oversaw the fashion show for Proenza Schouler and assisted with Coach’s show.So, why do all of these celebrities and brands entrust their public-facing images to Lede?“I don’t think we could sit here and give you two lines on what our brand is, which maybe isn’t so good,” Ms. Silverman said, sitting at a conference table at Lede’s New York offices in early February. “That’s the headline, by the way.”Ms. Silverman’s quip might indeed make an amusing opening to an article about powerful publicists struggling to articulate the ethos of their company, cheekily named after journalistic parlance for the enticing beginning of a story. They’re not used to being the story, and perhaps it is unwise in their line of work to become the story.Ms. Silverman, Ms. O’Sullivan, Ms. Levinson Rothman and Ms. Su all have 20 years of experience. Their professional reputations are based on their ability to identify the appropriate outlet for each client’s desired message and the tenor the story will take, and their efforts to control and manipulate it to suit the needs of their client.The blaring beacon at the Lede Company is its access to major celebrities. For decades now, celebrities have dwelled in the land of fashion, beauty, liquor and cars, endorsing brands in ad campaigns, as paid ambassadors and representatives, appearing in the front row at fashion shows and wearing specific labels on the red carpet in pay-for-play opportunities. [ad_2] Source link
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