#Leonora Lesso x reader
iamnotoriginalphil · 3 months
The Assistant (Leonora Lesso x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: Lesso is certain her assistant is working to take her down. After all, you're too good to be true.
Words: 4.6k
Warnings: violence, swearing, mentions of smut, choking
You should be scared. That was the only thought going through Lesso’s mind as she loomed over you, staring down into your wide eyes and small smile. One hand had slammed into the wall beside your head and she was leaning in, teeth bared in a snarl. You weren’t cringing away from her, looking up at her expectantly, as if she was amusing you with her antics.
“Yes, Lady Lesso?” you asked, voice light and bright, the way it always was.
She growled, pushing away from the wall. She could feel the weight of your eyes on her, the way she always could. You watched her often, assessing her, trying to read her motives. It itched, the way your gaze seemed to burrow beneath her skin, seeking out her vulnerabilities. That had to be what you were doing, searching for ways to hurt her or bring her down, to manipulate her for your own gain.
Only you remained as you always were, sitting outside her office, following her orders like the obedient little thing you wanted her to believe you were, never influencing or questioning.
“You’ve been missing from your post for too long,” she said, needing an excuse for her anger towards you.
If you knew she was on to you, she’d lose the upper hand. She wouldn’t be able to ferret out your true intentions if you buried them further in the face of her suspicion.
“My apologies, Lady Lesso. Billious was holding me up in the kitchen,” you replied, voice soft, a note of guilt darkening your words.
You were a wonderful actor, she would give you that.
“No excuses,” she snapped.
She swept away from you, leaving you leaning against the wall beside your desk. You followed her into her office, the familiar scent of vanilla following you. It would linger, she knew from experience, far longer than your presence would, and she would be forced to inhale the putrid scent for the rest of the afternoon.
You were careful as you placed the cup of coffee you’d been sent to retrieve on her desk, avoiding the stacks of paperwork she’d been ignoring. Counting the seconds you’d been gone had taken up enough mental energy to keep her occupied.
“Will that be all, Lady Lesso?” you asked.
She lowered herself to her seat, considering you on the other side of her imposing desk. You stood with your hands clasped in front of you, in one of those infuriating dresses she found herself so distracted by. Dipping necklines and flashes of your knee when you walked had her mouth turning dry and her thoughts fleeing her like a scared fairy. A small smile was curling your pink lips and your eyes were looking at her from under long lashes, sparkling in the fire light.
“Remove yourself from my presence,” she ordered.
Your chin dipped in a small nod and she watched your back as you slipped from her office. She would find your secrets, the plans you were building on the back of her work, the betrayal you would be committing. It was a perfect ruse, innocence and sunshine, hiding a deeper insidiousness she would root out. She would expose it to the light and sneer at your snivelling body, grovelling for mercy under the weight of her might.
She settled back in her chair, leaning back as she considered the door. Of course she’d hunted through your desk, picking the singular lock to discover a drawer full of sweets and notes filed away in perfect order. Nothing suspicious which only piqued her interest further.
You were smart. Of course you were. She wouldn’t have tolerated your appointment as her assistant if you weren’t. You held your own and anticipated her needs before she could ever voice them. In all ways, you were the perfect assistant. And it grated on her.
You had grown to be the bane of her existence.
Straining her ears to hear your movements on the other side of the thick wooden door, she found herself leaning forward. A curl of steam rose from the cup of coffee before her, placed there by your sure fingers, not a single drop spilled. Raising it to her lips, she had to admit you made a wonderful cup of coffee. She would miss that once she’d crushed you beneath the heel of her boot.
Your voice was muffled when it finally reached her ears. Bright and airy, your tinkling laugh made her stomach clench. Joyous laughter was wrong in her school, an aberration she aimed to squash from her halls. All attempts had failed with you, indulgence lining your expression whenever she tried.
She rose from the desk, tiptoeing to the door to listen in. Stealth was of the upmost importance, not wanting to alert you to her presence. To stay one step ahead you must be kept in the dark. Pressing her ear to the cool wood, she listened, hoping to overhear something you wouldn’t want her knowing.
“I’m hardly going to show up at the crack of dawn,” you said and she could just imagine the bright smile on your face, “I’m more of a midnight stroll kind of gal.”
“But they only bloom in the early hours of the morning,” the person you were talking to was saying, a hint of a whine in his voice.
One of the new teachers. Young and enthusiastic, built in the style of Hort with his overeagerness to prove his villainy. Villainy was not provable, it simply was. Apparent in every action you took.
Which is how she knew you must be a spy, looking to ingratiate yourself into her trust only to strike her when she least expected it.
In every sense of the word you were the complete opposite of villainous. You were bright and happy, smiling at every turn. You laughed and you hummed, your singing voice sweet. When you walked it was like you were floating with the grace you exhibited.
And worst of all, you were kind. To everyone. Including her.
“And I’m sure they’re beautiful but I’m at my worst in the morning I’m afraid,” you said.
Lesso filed that fact away for later use.
“Well, perhaps we could take that midnight stroll,” he said, turning a touch cajoling.
She could understand his desperation to secure your undivided attention on a romantic stroll. She’d noticed the way people looked at you when walking the halls, in meetings, on arrival day. People were drawn to you, most likely due to your wide smile and the pretty fluttering of your eyelashes. A less cynical person would describe you as beautiful and engaging.
She never would.
“Unfortunately Lady Lesso keeps me working all hours of the night,” you said, presumably trying to let him down nicely. She rolled her eyes. The more prudent course of action would have been to give him a dressing down until he felt so low about himself he would never bother you again.
“Is she awful to work with? I’ve always assumed she is,” he said.
Lesso held her breath, wanting to hear your answer, refusing to miss a single syllable.
“Lady Lesso is a genius. There is no one in this school who could do what she does. It’s a privilege to work so closely with her, and I’m grateful to be able to serve her. Isn’t that what all of us want? To put more villainy out into the world? To triumph over good? If anyone is going to bring about our success it will be her. I really believe that. So if I have to work long hours then it’s all worth it. I love this job. Any sacrifices are worth it.”
Your entire speech held far more passion and emotion than any other answer you’d given him, the witless man that asked you to join him in the moonlight. Too much so? She couldn’t rule it out as a performance, assuming she might be listening in on your conversation.
She wasn’t sure what happened then. A soft mumbling, footsteps, the chatter of students sweeping past. She sighed, returning to her desk to find the stack of paperwork no smaller and her coffee cooled. Her nose wrinkled as she took a sip of the lukewarm liquid. She could demand you make her a new one, but then you would not be there to keep an eye on. You’d be loose in her school and who would be able to say what you were doing then. It was bad enough when she had to teach class, her mind constantly wandering back to what you were doing, what secrets you were uncovering, what devious plots you were concocting.
A soft knock sounded on her door. Your head poked through the door, a soft smile on your face, her heart thudding in her chest just at the sight of you.
“What?” she snapped, hoping to see some flicker of displeasure in you at her rudeness.
“Billious is here to see you,” you said, your voice almost a caress over his name.
“Tell him I’m busy,” she replied, nose wrinkling.
“Of course, Lady Lesso.”
Your head retracted for a moment for it returned, looking at her with an expectation that made her want to wrong your neck.
“Oh, and the books you asked for have finally arrived. Should I bring them through or would you prefer they’re brought to your chambers?”
“You figure it out,” she snapped.
That damned smile appeared again, knowing and intuitive. She felt a flicker of fear, wondering what you had discovered. The anxiety you inspired had to be stopped.
The door was silent as it closed, the creaks she’d spent so many years curating gone under your touch. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she cursed you over and over until you might be struck down by lightning outside that very door.
A loud knock on the door had her jumping in her seat. Manley shouting through the wood. A hushed conversation on the other side. What sounded like a boot kicking the door. An admonishment. Then silence.
In less than thirty seconds you had taken command of a situation that could have so easily spun out of control. She ground her teeth, frustration sparking through her veins. You were the perfect assistant, making yourself indispensable to her, ensuring you were so enshrined in her life she couldn’t fire you. You’d wormed your way in and made it impossible to get rid of you. All by being wonderful at your job.
No one else could see your genius, but it was plain to her. You’d figured out how to function so far under the radar that no one would ever suspect you were more than the vapid woman you made yourself out to be. No one but her. She knew. And it rankled her more than she cared to admit.
You lived under her skin, every day a taunt to expose you, as if you thought she wasn’t smart enough to. It was a dare, your continued presence. You were waiting for her to break and she refused to.
It was all some sick twisted game and the only kinds of those Lesso liked were when she was the game master, not the player.
She watched you at dinner that night, your table manners impeccable, as if you’d been schooled next door. Your smile was friendly, inviting, and all she could focus on was how she wanted to ruin you. To turn you into a mess. To make you…
Well, she thought begging for mercy would sound sweet on your tongue.
If she found herself following you from the shadows as you returned to your post, flitting through moonlight drenched halls, almost dancing from window to window, then it was to watch you in your unguarded moments. You turned your face towards every window, smile soft as you looked up at the night sky. She wondered what you saw up there, if you found pictures in the stars, if the moon made you dream, if you searched for a different life.
You paused at one window, facing towards the forest, staring out. Hands flat on the window sill, you lent towards the glass until your breath misted before you. Your eyes were turned upwards and inexplicably she felt the need to sneak up behind you and trace her fingers over your exposed neck. She wanted to find your pulse, feel it thrum under her thumb, feel it race the way she never could when she tried to menace you.
“You’re not chained to your desk.”
That witless man again.
A soft sigh passed over your parted lips and your mask slipped for a moment before you fixed your smile back on your face. The truth of it had her breath catching, both frustration and pity mingling together into something almost sickly. You turned towards his approaching footsteps, stepping out of the shadows just as Lesso could do. In contrast, she shrunk back, watching and waiting.
“I thought Lesso would have you kept like a pet outside her door,” he said. Something passed over his face, too quick to see, but ugly enough to make her curious.
“She’s not a monster, you know,” you said, your voice quiet, almost soft in your assessment of her, “I think you’ve mischaracterised her into the monster under the bed.”
“Isn’t she?” he asked.
“She’s far more subtle than that. Elegant. Wickedly intelligent. You won’t even know she’s five steps ahead of you until you’re already caught in her trap. It’s beautiful, the way her villainy unfolds,” you replied.
Bare shoulders shrugged and she found herself considering the line of your body. Relaxed and at ease. It must be some kind of facade. It had to be. No one was so relaxed in her school. Not even the teachers.
“You sound smitten with her,” he said, taking another step towards you.
“I’m not some pathetic Ever,” you laughed, “I know it’s what plenty of people here think but I’m not looking for True Love’s Kiss.”
“You can tell me if she’s forcing you to say these things about her. I won’t tell,” he said, giving what he must have thought was a conspiratorial wink.
Lesso felt her nose wrinkle, watching this scene play out in front of her. The insipid man trying to win your trust and you standing with a straightened spine and the smile dying on your lips. She wasn’t sure she’d ever seen it so much as falter before.
“No on forces me to do anything I don’t want. Not even her,” you said, “especially not her.”
“What then? More pirvelleges? A place in her bed? Extra food at meal times?” he demanded.
Your smile was gone.
“Your loyalty may be so easily bought, Derrick, but I can assure you mine is not,” you said, the lightness in your voice vanishing the longer you talked. Steel was taking over. If you were anyone else she might be impressed.
“Loyalty?” he scoffed, “I think you just think you’re better than me because you’re Lesso’s little pet. You think I won’t risk my own ass by harming you. But you’re not better than me. You’re just a stuck up Ever.”
“You want to hurt me?” you asked, “go ahead. She won’t save me. And it certainly won’t make me go on that moonlit walk with you. I’m holding out for someone more impressive to ask.”
There was a glint off metal, a dagger in his hand that hadn’t previously been there, moonlight reflecting off the blade. Lesso found herself leaning forward, waiting to see what would happen. She’s never heard you speak so cruelly to another person and while she could sympathise, she didn’t realise you were capable of sneering at the unworthy. You usually met them with a smile and respect, two ideologies she refused to subscribe to.
The dagger flashed and a soft lavender glow lit the hallway. Dangling from one ankle, upside down and glowering, the witless man hung in front of you. He slashed the dagger towards you, a howl of anger coming from him. You simple stepped back, considering him for a moment, head tilted and lips curling up at the corners in an almost devilish smile. This was a side to you she’d yet to see, just another lie and secret to keep your true motives from her. The heart in her chest thundered with anger, the new knowledge burning through her.
“This is your one warning, Derrick. Try something like this again and I won’t be nearly so kind. See how easily I overpowered you? Just consider what I’ll do when I’m not holding back,” you said, voice turning silky smooth.
“You bitch,” he snarled.
“I’m sure one day you’ll be more imaginative too,” you said.
A wave of your lavender finger glow and the dagger was torn from his grip, floating into yours. You looked down at it, nose wrinkling in an uncomfortably fetching way. Tucking it away into your bodice, you looked down into his face, hovering somewhere around your navel.
“Trust me, Derrick. I am not someone you want to cross. Run along now,” you said.
With a lazy flick of the wrist, he fell to the stone floor in a crumpled heap. You watched him scrabble to his feet, trying to look composed in his rumpled clothes and mussed hair. Resentment. That was the expression that had flashed over his face when he’d begun the conversation. He resented you for everything he was not.
“You’ll regret this,” he said.
“Somehow I doubt that.”
You watched him flee down the hall with cool indifference before turning back to the window, your thoughts already slipping past him. Looking out on the night pressing in, you sighed, relaxing again as if the altercation had never happened. A small smile ticked your lips up, bright and joyful, head tipping back in the moonlight.
“You can stop lurking in the shadows,” you said.
She stepped out, cane clicking on the floor, a sign for those in the immediate area to begin panicking. You didn’t even turn in her direction, the only indication you were aware of her presence the flutter of your eyes opening. She stopped at your shoulder, looking out on the forest, wondering what creatures might be lurking out there.
“Who are you?” she asked, voice harsh when compared to you.
“Your assistant. Nothing more, nothing less,” you replied.
“No one is that loyal to me,” she said, voice barely more than a rasp when it came from her lips.
You had to be a rival. You had to be. She couldn’t handle it if all her instincts were so wrong about you.
She raised her hand, not sure what she was going to do. You turned, finally, looking up into her eyes. That damned smile was still in place, softening when you looked at her. Fingers curled around your neck, her thumb rested against your pulse, just as she’d dreamed of doing. It thrummed under her touch despite your calm exterior.
She pushed you back until your back hit the glass of the window. You shivered, making her smirk grow. Your discomfort was her pleasure.
“No more lies.” She felt out of control, her perfect veneer slipping.
“I’ve never lied to you once, Lady Lesso,” you said, sounding so calm despite her hand wrapped around your neck.
“You want to destroy me,” she snarled, her face drawing closer.
“I want to serve you,” you replied on a sigh.
She pressed you more insistently against the glass, her fingers tightening. She could imagine the bruises blooming over your skin, the pretty canvas holding her art. And what a masterpiece you would make.
“You’re nothing,” she spat, “a pathetic spy who can’t even notice when you’re the one being watched.”
“I always know when you’re watching me,” you replied.
“You can’t,” she snarled.
“I can,” you said, not shying away from the rage on her face or the pressure of her fingers on your windpipe, “when it’s you, I always know.”
“Shut up,” she snapped, voice tight.
You were staring up at her with those wide eyes, sparkling. Teeth sunk into your bottom lip, keeping you from giving her one of your patent smiles and she was so aware of the knife hidden in your bodice. One of your hands reached up, gently curling around her wrist, skin to skin. Lightning flowed from the point of contact and she flinched.
“You must be my enemy,” she said, but her voice was losing its harsh edge, “you must be.”
“Why must I be?” you asked.
Your fingertips brushed the vulnerable skin of her inner wrist and she snatched it back, leaving your throat bare and her skin tingling, cane clattering to the ground from the other. You kept your back pressed to the window, watching her with an openness that made her skin itch.
“You pay close attention to me. What other reason if not to find my weaknesses?” she said, sounding less sure of herself with every passing word.
“Can you really think of no other reason I might be paying such close attention to you?” you asked and she could hear how amused you were.
“That’s the only reason you’d do that,” she said, her hand slamming into the window beside your head, rattling the glass in its frame. You didn’t flinch.
“It’s not why you’ve been paying such close attention to me,” you said, “it’s not why I scare you.”
“You don’t scare me,” she replied, almost on autopilot.
Your hand reached up, finger wrapping itself in one of her fiery curls. Her heart thudded and she waited for the pull.
Eye fluttering shut, she felt your other hand came up, fingers ghosting over her lips. She was going to die. You were going to kill her and she wouldn’t be meeting Death with her eyes open. Her breath was dragged from her lungs and she thought she might collapse.
“I think you’re terrified,” you murmured, fingertip tracing the shape of her lips.
She couldn’t argue. Her pulse was racing, heart thumping, and all she could focus on was the path your finger was taking. She knew you’d be her downfall but she’d never expected it to feel so soft, as if she had permission to sink into your devastating touch.
Your finger disappeared and she didn’t have time to readjust before something soft ghosted over her lips. Her eyes shot open, finding you so close, your lips pressing more insistently. She felt herself coming apart at the seams. Her eyes fluttered shut again as your tongue traced the seam of her lips. You tasted of sugar and spice and everything nice. It made her blood boil.
Her hands grasped your hip, and she pushed your body back. She took control of the kiss, teeth sinking into your lip until copper burst on her tongue. You made a small whimpering noise and she felt drunk, under a spell, enchanted. Your fingers tangled in her hair, pulling just enough to make her feel her sanity slip away.
She drew away, your lips painted red with your own blood. They tugged up into a smile and she groaned, kissing you again. You sunk into it, the soft sigh too sweet for her. She pushed her leg between yours, feeling your heat through the layers of cloth. You moaned, fingers tightening in her curls with a sharp tug.
Maybe her feelings towards you were less about taking you down and more about going down on you.
She tore her mouth from yours, panting hard as her eyes darted wildly over your face. You were looking up into her face, lips kiss swollen and eyes glassy. She could see your chest heaving and she took a step back. If she didn’t, she wasn’t sure she could stop and if she didn’t stop she wasn’t sure she would be in control anymore. She could lose herself in you, and you were right, that terrified her.
“What have you done to me?” came out as a breathless whisper.
Your chuckle was too close to knowing and she wanted to stop it. Her fingers itched to curl around your throat again, wanting the sound to cut off. You took a step towards her, the chuckle dying, leaving behind a small smile and sparkling eyes.
“Don’t come near me,” she snapped.
You stilled, freezing in place like she was some kind of frightened animal prone to startling. Her teeth ground together and a frustrated sound came from her lips. You waited, giving her the space to calm down and it made her want to scream. You were too accommodating.
“Don’t do what I tell you,” she snapped but it was less controlled.
“So I should come near you?” you asked, your smile turning into a small smirk.
“No,” she shouted, “yes. Fuck. What have you done to me?”
“Nothing,” you replied, taking another step towards her and she wanted to raise her hands in defence and blast you through the window behind you, “I think you just like me.”
“I don’t like anyone,” she snapped as a reflex.
“Then why do you stare at me all day? Why did you kiss me like that?” you asked, advancing on her until her back hit the stone wall behind her in the shadows she’d emerged from, “why are you still thinking about kissing me?”
“Lust isn’t the same as like,” she replied but even then she knew you had the upper hand.
“Maybe not, but you definitely like me, Lady Lesso,” you said, placing one hand on her hip, keeping her pinned to the wall.
“Your delusions are not my concern,” she tried to snarl but it sounded like a wolf without teeth.
“Then leave,” you said, “if I’m wrong, it should be easy for you to leave me here heartbroken and rejected.”
She wanted to push past you, to shove you out of the way, but she found herself unable to do it. Her hands landed on your shoulders but that’s as far as she got. Your smile turned into something soft and understanding and she hated it.
“Stop that,” she said.
“Stop what?” you asked. You blinked and your eyelashes were so long they brushed your cheekbones like a stupid princess.
“Making me feel these things,” she said.
“No can do, Lady Lesso. That’s one request I can’t accomplish,” you said.
“What kind of assistant are you?” she demanded but there was no heat behind it.
“The kind that does this.”
You lent forward, capturing her lips in another searing kiss. She groaned into your mouth, fingers sliding into your hair, tangling and tugging until she heard you whimper and press your body against hers. You nipped at her lower lip and all she could think of was all the ways she wanted to defile you.
“Fine,” she mumbled against your lips, “but you’re not getting a pay raise.”
“I don’t need one,” you replied, before kissing her again.
Maybe you weren’t trying to destroy her, but you still made her feel weak in all the ways that mattered. But maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing. Not if you were going to continue kissing her like that.
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Time For Myself
> lady lesso x fem!reader x larissa weems
> requested? yes!
> content/warnings: R just needs time for herself but her girlfriends don't know that
> a/n: i got really weirded out at writing this at first but it kinda grew on me 🤷🏻‍♀️
request prompt: would you write Larissa x reader x Lesso?? Cause there's only one thing better than having a principle girlfriend, and it's having TWO principle/dean girlfriends jfbcjdbx
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Teleporting to Nevermore and the School of Evil has always been easy with your powers. Sure, you could teleport anywhere at any time you would like, but that doesn't mean that it wouldn't take a toll on you.
So, deciding to leave your partners for a day, you went back to your village and treated yourself to a needed self-care day. Though the only flaw in your plan was that you didn't tell any of them where you would be going or why you decided not to answer letters or your phone for the day, leaving them on their own for a day certainly drove them mad.
With Lesso in another realm, her technology skills were still amiss, compared to Larissa, who could actually call you whenever she would like to. This led Lesso to feel quite useless in your relationship, noting that without you, her communication with Larissa would cease to exist. Thus making you the glue in your complex relationship.
“It’s a weekend, Clarissa! I assure you, my students know how to act normally and not kill anyone in their sight for two days!” Lesso shook the hold that Dovey had on her arm. She would need to travel now to arrive at Nevemore with the sun still out, or she would have to stay at an inn and possibly embarrass herself by paying with gold rather than the currency there.
“That is not what I’m concerned about, Leonora!” Dovey raised her hands in exasperation and rolled her eyes.
"Oh, please, do not pretend to care about my being. I am simply going to visit my partners.” Lesso sighed as she brushed her coat. Once Lesso was sure that Dovey would stay quiet, she took the scissors out of her pocket and cut through the air. Casting her gaze one final time upon her counterpart, Lesso took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. She stepped forward, her figure disappearing into the portal. As she vanished, the portal crackled and hissed before finally shrinking into nothingness.
Similarly to Lesso’s predicament, Larissa had taken it upon herself to finish her paperwork, pace back and forth within the confines of her office, and repeatedly dial your phone. “Come on! Answer!” Larissa snagged her glass of wine and chugged it in one sitting.
Biting her lips, Larissa groaned and caressed her face. What had she done for you to ignore her all day? Deciding to skim the calendar for missed events, Larrissa found no sign of any missed event that regarded your relationship. As time passed, Larissa sat down and sent multiple messages. Then a knock was heard at the door.
Frowning, Larissa had canceled all her appointments for the day due to the fact that searching for where you were was more important than a meeting with a parent about their child’s spectacular grades. Striding towards the door, she opened it quite harshly, making the person on the other side flinch.
Seeing the person outside her door, Larissa took a glance behind the person and pulled them inside. “Leonora! What are you doing here?”
Shrugging off her coat, Lesso pressed a kiss on Larissa’s cheek and asked, “Have you found her yet?” Returning the affection, Larissa sighed and shook her head.
“Not yet.”
Pursing her lips, Lesso dropped her exhausted body on the couch. “Did you try calling her?” Larissa gave Lesso an incredulous look and flicked the redhead’s forehead. “What do you think I’ve been doing all day?”
Lesso gave Larissa a look that said she didn’t know. As silence filled the room, Lesso took it as an opportunity to observe Larissa’s office. Every nook and cranny of the room had something that would remind Larissa of your relationship. The walls were full of dried flowers that Lesso would give you and Larissa before leaving her realm. The table in the middle had picture frames of their faces. One frame had been close to Lesso; it was the picture of you, her, and Larissa the night after she had invited you to one of Dovey’s balls. The fireplace mantel sported two figurines: a wooden fox and a glass daisy. It served as a memory of Leonora and you for Larissa whenever she felt lonely.
Snapping out of her thoughts, Lesso sat up and turned to Larissa. “Where does she live?” This had Larissa rack her brain and think of your interview with her for the position as the history teacher in Nevermore. "I-I don’t know.”
Growling, Lesso took Larissa’s shoulders and shook the lady. “Come on, think!” She snapped her fingers in front of the blonde. “What kind of outcast is she?”
Pushing Lesso’s hand away from her face, Larissa replied. “She’s a fairy!”
“And where do fairies live?”
Eyes widening, they stated simultaneously. “The Isle!”
But before they could stand up, a voice asked behind them, “And what is with the Isle?”
Turning around, Larissa took a step towards you and encased you in an embrace. “Where have you been?” Shaking her head, Lesso joined the embrace and kissed the top of your head. “We’ve been worried sick.”
Snuggling yourself deeper into the embrace, you inhaled their mixed scents and closed your eyes. “Mmm, I just needed time for myself.” As minutes went by, you opened your eyes and gave both of them a kiss on their lips. “I missed both of you, though.”
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 9 months
Begging for You ~Leonora Lesso xFem Girlfriend!Reader
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Lesso and her girlfriend wake up together in shared quarters. But Reader doesn’t want Leonora to go just yet…
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, eating out, kissing, teasing, begging, begging kink, etc.
Enjoy (;
You woke up with a certain itch in your core. You knew it well...
You rolled out of bed, careful to not wake your red headed girlfriend. Walking into the bathroom with a aching feeling in your core, you began your morning activities. By the time you had gotten dressed and were in the kitchen, getting coffee, Lesso had woken up.
"Morning." Leonora said in her early morning, gruff voice.
Ooooooh that tone sent chills down your spine.
You sent your coffee down from taking a sip and looked up at the dean.
"Mmm Good Morning" you yawned.
The redhead then came over and poured herself a cup of coffee. You stood there and watched the woman.
"Something on your mind, dearest...?" She cooed.
You blinked and came out of your morning trance.
"L... Do you have to go early this morning?" You asked.
Lesso chuckled.
"Not necessarily... Why?" Leonora asked teasingly.
You blushed and looked down at your coffee mug.
"I need you.." you muttered.
The woman came up to you, directing your head to meet her gaze with her fingers.
"Say again" the redhead purred, already having heard you, but wanting to hear it again.
"I need you." You whimpered, gazing into Leonora's fierce, dark eyes.
She then quirked her head and backed away from you. You whimpered slightly at the loss of contact.
Your breath became bated and you fiddled with your fingers.
"I… S-sorry?" You stammered, taken aback.
The redhead invaded your personal space once more, her lips starting to nip at your neck, but retracting once more.
"Beg me. Go on..." Lesso purred.
Eyes widened and breathless, you nodded slowly. Taking it one step further, you fell on your knees and looked up at your girlfriend.
Oh and did Leonora love that…
Her eyes sparkled and her lips wickedly smirked at your position.
"I… Need… You... please. So badly... Please Leo... Help me...?" You pleaded, staring up at the red head.
Leonora chuckled once more. Your girlfriend then offered her hand to lead you back into the bedroom. Your eyes lit up and you nodded eagerly, taking her hand. Lesso suddenly swept you off your feet, carrying you back to the bedroom and dropping you in the center of the bed.
You scurried to remove all your clothing, then presenting yourself to the redhead. She climbed on top of you, making you shiver. She began to kiss and bite your exposed skin, leaving marks as she worked her way down.
"Please please please Leo-!!" You chanted in a groan.
"You look so good when you beg..." she cooed wickedly.
You breathlessly moaned at Lesso's words. You tried to push the red head further down, to your slick core. But Leonora only growled at you, and you quickly removed your hands and waited patiently.
In her time, the red head teased and toyed with you, eventually finally making contact with your sex. Once she had reached your cunt, she stopped teasing and set a relentless pace of eating you out.
Your toes curled and your hands gripped the sheets of the bed like a vice. Your head lolled back, and you cried out in pleasurable pain as Lesso's nails dug into your thighs. Leonora's sharp tongue worked you up to your high with ease, making you cry out her name as waves of euphoria crashed over you. Your body trembled as Lesso lapped up your juices, cleaning your core and then your thighs. She then looked up at you with a Cheshire Cat grin.
"Satisfied..?" The redhead toyingly purred.
You nodded speechlessly, your face flushed and your body limp.
"Hmmmm... Leonora hummed in delight, "Good girl."
Leonora Lesso Masterlist
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Celebration- Lady Lesso X NeverFem!Reader (NSFW)
Synopsis: It was a night of many celebrations.
Warnings: SMUT. Alcohol consumption, kinda bratty bottom!reader, top!Lesso, some book descriptions, blindfolds, toys (vibe), denial, overstimulation, fingering, oral, biting, tears, tribbing w/toy, allusions to choking but not really, gets emotional at the end.
Word Count: 6.8k
A/n: Okay if I’m being totally honest, this kinda drags on (not in a bad way) because I have been lacking with motivation for smut, but it makes it’s incredibly intimate, so I’m not entirely complaining. I’ve been wanting to get this out FOR-EVER. Like longer than it should’ve taken. ENJOY 🥰🫶🏻
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved.
It was a celebration of sorts. The staff was celebrating many things. Goodness prevailed, Rafal had fallen, the schools had joined, and Sophie and Agatha had returned to Gavaldon.
In all fairness, you did enjoy having those girls at the schools, not to get you wrong, but you were more than pleased to not have any antics started by Sophie anymore.
As a Never professor, you should've enjoyed it, but seeing the strain it put on your Dean, it wasn't enjoyable at all.
Lady Lesso had to deal with the newest reader starting things and challenging her, while she also had to deal with her past not only being brought up again but reoccurring.
Because of this, Lesso was not herself. A little rougher with everyone, that part you did enjoy, but there was something hidden within her. And you wanted to know what it was, you wanted to comfort it out of her. To be the one holding her while she sobbed like you knew she desperately needed to.
The triumph of that is what Lesso was celebrating currently. She would've been more angry with Good winning, once again, but she couldn't bring herself to care after all these past few events she had to go through, again. Something about watching it happen to another, hardly able to do anything about it, was almost worse. Almost.
Dovey, on the other hand, was tipsy off of her one drink and bragging about the already-known information to everyone, all the Ever and Never professors. No one cares that Good won again, you merely rolled your eyes.
You desperately wanted to down a few drinks. Not necessarily to get drunk, you were no light-weight, but enough to make this little 'celebration' fun. But instead, you were just standing off to the side, people-watching as your first shot went un-sipped and warming in your hand.
And by people-watching, you were watching one person. Watching how Lesso smoothly drank her clean whiskey on the rocks, downing it a little sooner than she probably should. You wouldn't admit just how impressed you were with the way she handled her alcohol, downing each drink and acting as if she was drinking mere water.
You hid your slight panic when Lesso made eye contact with you. Her eyes darting to the glass in your hand and back to your eyes with a single eyebrow raised.
How'd she know that you haven't drunk anything yet tonight? Was she watching you the same way you were her? You didn't think you were being that obvious.
It was now or never.
Instead of making a fool of yourself, trying to come up with an excuse, you decided to just drink it. You weren't a giggly drunk, or a mean drunk, or the runaway drunk. No no, what you were was almost worse, at least according to you.
You raised your glass in her direction, feigning a toast, and downing it in an instant. You didn't quite catch how Lesso observed each move of yours as you downed the liquid, watching as a droplet of liquor dribbled from your chin and down your exposed chest, all thanks to the low-cut dress you decided on.
How you didn't notice her eyes glued onto you as you took one of your fingers and swiped up the alcohol from your breasts and delicately sucked it clean in a moment, she'll never know.
It was almost instantaneous, the moment the alcohol hit. It didn't make you dizzy or nauseous, no, it made you unbelievably horny. You still had your entire self-control, that wasn't the problem. You weren't a handsy drunk, you were simply a horny drunk. Not even a horny drunk, seeing as it happens with just one drink.
You couldn't tell if the immediate flush on your cheeks was from the alcohol, embarrassment, horniness, or the way Lesso was still looking at you.
It was probably the combination of all of them.
You set the shot glass down and tried to look away, knowing that if you kept looking at her or if you had another drink, it wouldn't help your situation.
The liquor went straight to your center the moment the liquid went into your stomach. An almost uncomfortable heat starts between your legs and spreading everywhere else.
This really wasn't the time or place for this, there was a reason you only drank in your quarters or why you quickly left when you did drink.
You tried to not think about your predicament, to not think about Lesso, but that was proven impossible as she made her way in front of you. Little did you know, your sudden uncomfortable shifting was obvious.
"Is there a problem, darling?" At first, Lesso was truly a little concerned but it shifted into something more when she noticed your thighs squeezing together at the pet name.
"Oh, not at all, I'm all good. Just, trying to make some fun with this so-called 'party'."
Her signature smirk appeared on her face, "I can help with that."
With a pulse sent to your already aching pussy, you would've sworn it was the alcohol. But you only had one shot, no way were you already imagining things. You can handle your liquor better than that.
"Wha-?" You thought that maybe neither of you was thinking straight, but that was quickly disproven too.
She leaned closer to your ear, not helping your issue in the slightest of ways, "I can help you with your little... situation."
A low chuckle emitted from her when your thighs squeezed again accompanied by an almost undetectable thrust of your hips, almost.
You smirked as well, seeing her smirk and hearing the melodious chuckle, reaching out to grab the lapel of her blazer and pulling her even closer to you, "Don't make promises you can't keep."
"Oh my pet, I intend to keep it." She pulled back to look at you once again, matching lustful looks on both of your faces.
Silent words were exchanged as she just grabbed your hand. Of course, you allowed her to pull you from the ever-dying celebration.
The walk back to her quarters was unbearably long. The remnants of your self-control had snapped once her door was closed.
You reached out for Lesso's tie again, this time wrapping it around your hand before using it as leverage to pull her closer to you. Your confidence increased tenfold when you saw how her pupils increased from your little action.
Lesso decided that the time you took to examine her sultry eyes was too long, no longer wasting time she pulled you into a bruising kiss.
You could tell with the way her lips moved on yours that she had been wanting this too, for at least as long as you have.
A breathy moan was immediately consumed by the redhead as soon as it escaped your throat, all due to Lesso biting down on your bottom lip, the action causing the wet spot in your panties to grow even more.
Lesso moved you back, pressing you against the wall, and placed her hand by your head, effectively pinning you to your spot, though you had no desire to leave.
She pulled back from you just enough to get a quick look at your now-flushed face, "My beautiful pet."
Before you could even think of some sort of response, she reattached her lips to your jaw, slowly moving them down toward your neck.
You wanted to whine at the speed she was moving but your excitement and the anticipation unknowingly stopped you.
You need to feel her, to have her against you, persuaded your actions as you reached out to hold onto her waist, just to have her as close as possible to you.
The closeness you two were currently sharing wasn't enough, you needed more of her. Just as her lips had made their way to the nape of your neck, you began pulling the blazer off her shoulders. A chuckle came from her at your eagerness, but all you could think of was that you wanted to feel more of her.
It was driving you mad.
When Lesso pulled away from you to drop the blazer, you allowed an audible whine to escape. Her deep amethyst eyes were looking into yours, causing you to get lost for a moment.
"Tell me what you want," She spoke softly, her tone sending chills across your skin.
You tugged her waist further against you, "More," You were beginning to be breathless, the anticipation becoming overwhelming.
"Tell me exactly." She continued to pry.
You bit back your desperate sigh, knowing that none of your noises would sway her into simply giving in to you. No matter how much she loved hearing them, or how badly she wanted to hear more. No matter how badly she already wanted you.
"I want to feel you. I want you to touch every part of me, make me fall apart. Make me yours." Your last statement was a mere whisper as you moved your lips to rest near her ears.
She may be the one who's currently in control, but she can't rid you of your confidence. Not that she'd ever want to.
She hummed, the same torturous smirk coming to her face, "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you've imagined this unfolding before?" It wasn't a question, you knew that.
You tilted your head, "Well, do you?"
"Do I what?"
You smirked this time, "Know better?" Gods, the things she was going to do to you.
Her smirk turned nearly sadistic as she stayed unmoving, you began to fear maybe you crossed a line but that thought was diminished as she reached behind you to slowly unzip your dress.
You wanted to complain about the speed she was pulling the zip, knowing you could've been bare before her eyes with magic, but something about the way she looked into your eyes as she was doing it was oddly intimate. Yeah, you definitely weren't complaining.
Nothing about her wavered as she moved to pull the straps off your shoulders, the chill in the room finally running through you. But it was her touch that sent a shiver down your spine, the anticipation beginning to be overwhelming.
The dress fell off your torso with ease but caught on your waist. The dress, luckily, wasn't too fitted so with a little bit of your help it quickly fell the rest of the way to the floor.
Lesso wouldn't admit just how at a loss for words she was when she saw you, her throat going dry yet her mouth watered with her desires.
A few of your insecurities rose forward as she stayed unmoving, still staring at you, but all of your worries diminished when she spoke.
"You, are absolutely stunning," Butterflies filled your stomach with just how breathless she spoke those words.
You were left standing in a sheer black-lace bra, with matching panties, leaving not a single thing to the imagination.
"It's your turn, I think it's only fair." Your voice was just above a whisper, knowing that if you were any louder your voice would likely waver.
She played into it, leaning back slightly to watch you as your eyes raked over her. You couldn't decide what you wanted off of her first, you knew you wanted it all off. You decided on the vest, mainly cause that was the next thing standing between you and her bare skin.
You looked directly into her eyes as you popped one, two, and then the third and final button of the vest. You continued to watch as Lesso pulled it off her shoulders and let the garment drop to the floor next to her blazer.
Just as her hands went to the bottom of her button-up, you stopped her with your hands on hers.
"Wait! Let me, please let me." With a smirk, Lesso released the fabric, moving her hands back to the wall beside your head.
You pulled her closer to you with the loops on her trousers before untucking the shirt. Your eyes couldn't leave your hands as you watched, slowly more of her perfect body and porcelain skin was revealed. You could feel the anticipation making your head spin. But as your eyes remained on your task, Lesso's eyes stayed on you.
She loved how she could see the desire within them, the desire for her. Never, not once, has she ever felt more wanted than she has with you. You may not have realized it, but she noticed every single glance you threw her way, how could she not?
You still couldn't tear your eyes away from her, even once the the shirt was fully open, your eyes roamed across every part of her. A part of you was not at all surprised that she chose to abandon the common bra and go with the more comfortable sports bra.
A small smile formed on your lips as you noticed freckles on her chest, and a few peeking out from under the button-up on her shoulders, that was another thing that you didn't notice Lesso saw.
Lesso was taken by surprise as you swiftly pulled her flush against you, you wanted to feel her against you too bad to wait any longer. Taking advantage of this new position, you started leaving kisses on Lesso's neck, the sensation causing a hum to come from her. Chills had erupted across your skin, and unknown to you, across Lesso's as well, as you finally felt how perfect her skin felt on you.
You craved to hear all of the other noises she could make, that you could cause. And once you stepped out of your dress, you knew that Lesso gave in to her cravings as well.
She was no longer wasting time as she pulled you across the room to the awaiting bed, still perfectly made. That is, until Lesso's knees came into contact with the edge of the bed, prompting her to sit down. Her hands slowly ran up your sides as you moved to straddle her.
Though neither of you noticed, nor cared enough in the moment to pay attention to it, you knew that from this point forward neither of you would be able to go without one another. The addictive touch she laid against your sensitive skin, the chills she erupted just by the ghosting of her breath, you wouldn't be able to go without it now that you're aware of how thrilling it is.
Just as her lips came back to your neck, your arms involuntarily wrapped around her own neck to pull her closer against you, the feeling of her suckling your skin to leave a mark caused a breathy moan to escape you.
And boy, did that moan just snap the last remaining control Lesso had. In a blink, she had switched positions to where you were laid against her bed, hair sprawled out on the duvet and face beginning to flush, that was a scene she'd devote to memory.
"Gods, the things I'd do to you." Her eyes roamed over you once more.
It had been a hefty moment since you said something smart in return, you tsked, "You keep making promises, but I've yet to see results."
Lesso's eyes shot to yours at your audacity, only to see your eyes blown with lust. She'd be lying if she said this didn't have any effect on her.
"Oh, pet. We've only just begun."
You wrapped your legs around her waist, the slight friction was enough to make your breath hitch, gods you were so fucking desperate, "You're still wearing more clothes than me." You quirked your eyebrow, watching as a smirk slowly came to her face.
Instead of simply untangling you from her, she pushed your legs further up her waist. You had a slight pout when you realized it was your body that was obstructing your view of her unbuttoning her trousers and sliding them off. But your pout didn't last too much longer, not once you began to feel more of her soft skin against yours.
You had to fight back any possible sounds that you could've released as you saw her crawl back up you after releasing your legs from her, the way she did so was almost primal, stopping just at chest level. Your eyes could help but flutter a bit once you felt the warmth of her trailing kisses all across your chest.
Your hands instantly came up to her head, entangling in her fiery locks as she startled suckling on a spot just below your collarbone. A hum involuntarily came from you as you felt her hand roam up your side.
Just as her lips started trailing further down your chest, her free hand moved to your hip to steady herself. The moment she squeezed your hip was the moment she nipped the exposed top of your breast, just peaking from the top of your bra. The sensation was soft yet intense enough to make your head spin.
The near-silent whimper and tightening of your grip on her hair certainly didn't go unnoticed by the Dean.
"Pet, if you want something, you need to speak." You practically felt her words on your skin as she just barely lifted herself from you.
You took a stuttering breath, anticipation taking over your thoughts, "Gods, please, I need more,"
"Mmm, very good," She left one final nip to your skin before pulling back.
Lesso adored how much you were squirming, but she could tell you were trying to keep yourself from moving too much. And she unknowingly made it her mission to see just how much she can make you squirm, after all, she's just barely touched you.
She finally reached behind you for the clasp of your bra, able to do so with your back being slightly arched in attempts for more contact. The moment your breasts were freed, Lesso was transfixed. She would've taken longer to admire how the cold air caused your nipples to nearly instantly harden, but her desire to finally taste you was too strong.
She quickly decided that she was done wasting time, that she would take her tastes and bites with pleasure, hoping to soon see you fall apart. Sure, it was your pleasure, but it was her selfish need to watch her cause it. To hear you call her name as you finally come on her fingers and tongue.
A small moan left your lips the moment you felt her lips wrap around your left nipple, the sound becoming slightly louder as you felt her tongue swipe over the sensitive bud. Your hand moved to her waist, pulling her weight on top of you. Lesso didn't mind too much as it allowed her greedily to feel more of you.
You could feel your arousal becoming increasingly harder to ignore, and you just knew that you had long soaked your panties. Lesso had switched to your other nipple, knowing that she couldn't go without giving attention to both.
Lesso moved to the valley between your breasts, leaving a mark and starting a trail down to your navel. While this would've been plenty to make you even more desperate, her hands moved to where your thighs met your cunt, yet she never quite reached where you wanted her.
"Fuck! Leo, please!" Tears of frustration were starting to arise, "No more teasing!"
Something else ignited within the redhead at hearing the breathless whisper of her name.
"Say it again, say my name again."
"Please, Leo,"
She smirked, "Oh, how I love my name sounds coming from your desperate mouth." She nipped your hip, before pulling back and looking at you.
You thought you were going to get another remark or even some more teasing, but you were pleased to see and feel as she curled her fingers under the waistline of your panties and pulled them down your thighs, practically ripping them off past your knees and tossing them off to the side.
Lesso nearly moaned herself at the sight of you being completely soaked.
"It's all for you," You spoke breathlessly, watching how Lesso licked her lips before staring directly into your eyes.
"Oh pet, it better be all for me,"
You smirked at her tone, "Uh huh, and what if it wasn't?"
She got up to her knees and gripped your thighs, yanking you down the bed, you were nearly eye-level with her. The look on her face almost made you want to take it back.
"I'll show you." Your stomach filled with nervousness and excitement at that statement.
Before you could even realize, in the time of a blink, she was back between your legs. She swiftly pried your legs apart and pulled one over her shoulder.
It's like with your words, she had to prove you wrong. That she knew she'd have to ruin anyone else for you, anyone else but her. But she didn't have to try that hard, you didn't even think of anyone else but her already.
Your head fell back against the bed at the first swipe of her tongue, gods you were so fucking desperate.
A whole moan finally left your lips and your hands flew to Lesso's hair as she started devouring you as if you were her last meal for the next millennia. Her hands were wrapped around you and laid against your hips, her grip unrelenting and you knew you'd have marks to remember this time for days to come. Not like you were complaining.
Her tongue was expertly gliding over your clit, as if it already knew all of the spots that caused you to squirm. The suction and swirling combination she did stole the breath from your lungs.
"Fuck! Don't stop!" Your back arched further off the bed and Lesso could feel your pathetic attempt to close your thighs, it was blatantly obvious you were so close to your orgasm.
That blissful orgasm that you knew only Lesso would be able to bring. The very same orgasm she ripped from you as she stopped her ministrations.
You whined, tears of frustration brimming your eyes, "Fuck! Why?!"
"All for me, right?"
Your pleasure-clouded mind wasn't thinking straight, "What?!" Your back collapsed against the bed, your eyes searching hers for an answer before she spoke.
"Tell me, it's all for me. Tell me, that this pretty pussy only gets soaked for me. Tell me that you're all mine." She was looking square at you, her eyes going more dark with each word she spoke.
"Yes! It's for you!" She responded with a bite to your inner thigh, and a wince escaped you.
"Not good enough. Again."
"It's all for you, always for you," You paused to think about the words she said. "This pussy is yours. I'm yours."
A pleased smirk graced her face and she returned to your throbbing cunt again, she could taste your desperation, but she couldn't wait to taste your come.
Her tongue was swirling around your clit like it previously had, slowly building up your peak once more.
Just as your fingers threaded through her fiery hair again, her fingers started tracing your entrance.
"Please! More!" She didn't have to be told twice.
Two fingers instantly slipped into your pussy, all thanks to you being completely soaked. Lesso had never heard a more delicious sound before than at this moment. She couldn't find it within her to do anything that would potentially stop you from making more of those sounds.
She started thrusting her fingers at a generous speed, never ceasing her actions on your clit. Gods know you were nearly seeing white as she did so. One of your hands began fisting the sheets beside you, and you would've sworn you had torn them.
"Yes, Leo!" Your moans were motivation enough to keep her going, to ignore the strain of her jaw and tongue and ignore any possible burn in her forearm.
She had begun curling her fingers, instantly hitting the right spot within. And after a few brief moments, she could feel your thighs begin to quiver under her.
Just as you were about to voice your impending orgasm was about to arrive, she stopped. She didn't ease out of it, she pulled back.
The tears had finally fallen, "No! Fuck! Come on, please let me come!" You begged.
You begging with tears down your face was now Lesso's favorite thing.
"I told you, we've only just begun."
It may have only just started, but damn did you want to come. You still couldn't squeeze your thighs to relieve some of the desperation as her grip on your thighs hadn't eased.
You knew that what you were about to say would get you your way, "Please, I wanna come. I wanna come for you."
Lesso's eyes would've darkened more at that sentence if it was possible, you saw as she tried to bite back another smirk as she swallowed. You saw her head turn back to your thigh and you knew you had won as her tongue peeked out to taste your mid-thigh, trailing up back to your dripping cunt.
She resumed once again, continuing to swirl the tip of her tongue over your clit. You hoped that this would finally be it, that this would be when she finally let you come. You knew that this would be the hardest you've come in a while, if ever.
Your moans hadn't ceased since she returned to your needy pussy, and they only got louder as she inserted her fingers again. She was unforgiving in the way she wasted no time to gradually speed up her fingers, instantly going the pace and curling her fingers the same way that swiftly brought you to your near high earlier.
And just like before, it didn't take too long for you to get close once again. Your neediness with her speed and skill caused you to return to the edge of your orgasm quickly.
"I'm gonna come, please don't stop! I wanna come for you!" Your words were beyond rushed, hoping she wouldn't deny you again. Your grip on her hair became stronger, just as the shaking in your legs did.
Lesso did nothing this time but hum. You took that as her approval, that and the fact that she didn't pull away or stop again. You bit onto your bottom lip as your body tensed, though you quickly released it as you finally came with a curse and Lesso's name. Your orgasm hit you harder than a tsunami would meet land.
"Oh, fuck, Leo!" Your back finally had a chance to relax as your body fell flush against the bed.
Lesso slowly stopped her actions, allowing you a moment to calm yourself without stopping the pleasure too suddenly.
She started leaving more love bites along your inner thighs before she pulled back and looked at you.
"Do you trust me?"
It took you a moment to catch your breath, "What? Why?"
"Do you, trust me?" She annunciated.
"Yes, I do."
"Excellent." She said nothing else but summoned a black silk tie, which you assumed was one of the ones she frequently adorned. "This will go over your eyes," Excitement distracted your neediness.
"Say 'red' and I stop, got it?" She crawled up your body, moving to straddle your waist and you took a moment to steal a glance of her perfect body.
"Got it." She smiled and reached down, setting the tie over your eyes.
Soon, your vision went black. You felt her tie the tie behind your head and you couldn't wait to see what she would do next.
But she got up. You wondered if she was simply standing, observing your needy and pathetic self squirming on her bed all sprawled out and waiting for her. But you heard the sound of a drawer sliding open, you tried your best to hear any other clues as to what was about to take place but it was nearly silent.
Suddenly after a few moments, you felt her hands roam across your body. Slowly her hands worked their way from your thighs to your hips, up to your chest where they only stayed on your breast for a moment, much to your displeasure. Her hands continued up until one of them lightly wrapped around your throat. Only the slightest of pressure was added, but Lesso was beyond pleased to hear a whimper come from you at that action.
Her hand stayed in its place, the pressure in which it was wrapped around you increased slightly as you realized she was beginning to straddle you again. You registered that in the moment she was gone, she stripped the rest of the way as you felt her own wetness come into contact with your lower stomach.
"So beautiful," She whispered for the second time this night.
Her hand moved from your throat as she moved to be kneeling between your legs, but it didn't land anywhere else on you. You strained your ears to hear any hints and what she could have been doing.
But, you didn't have to strain too hard before you heard the start of a buzz, and you knew what was to come. But the idea of Lesso having one came to mind, the idea of Lesso bare on her bed using one caused a whimper to come from you and wetness to start dripping down your thighs.
"Oh, god!" You nearly screamed as the vibrator was pressed against your sensitive clit.
The vibrator brought you back to your high nearly instantly, all thanks to it being on full power and you being incredibly sensitive and desperate. You knew you couldn't take it if she took this orgasm from you again.
"Oh, fuck!" Your back arched to the point where your neck wasn't in contact with the bed any longer. "Please don't stop, I'm so close!"
"I'm not going to stop," Her eyes raked over you, loving how a layer of sweat adorned your perfectly heated skin. "If you're going to come, come."
With her near demand and the continuous stimulation, you couldn't resist. You screamed her name as you saw white. You tried searching for her to hold onto, but in the half second you tried and failed you simply relented to grip the sheets once more.
You couldn't catch your breath, the vibrator still being firmly pressed against your abused clit no matter how much your hips bucked at the stimulation.
"I-I can't-"
"I told you, I'm not going to stop." You didn't see it, but you could hear the smirk in her voice.
One hand stayed attached to the sheets but your other reached down in attempts to shun the friction from your cunt, just to give you a moment to breathe. But Lesso's free hand grabbed your wrist and moved your hand above your head.
"That stays there." Her time left no room to argue.
The vibrator stayed on your swollen clit, your thighs began to shake again but this time, not from denial. You felt Lesso grab one of your legs and move it atop hers and her other leg swung over you. It took you a moment but once you heard a delicious moan of her own, you finally pieced together the position you were now in, both of your hips were nearly connected.
Lesso couldn't ignore her own need anymore, she had moved you around her so she could have access to the vibrator too. And the mental image of this position, her between your legs and the vibrator pressed against both of your clits, just pushed you that much closer to the edge.
"Leo, I-I'm close again!" You were surprised that words managed to come out as you were so breathless.
Another moan came from the redhead, seeing your orgasm is one thing but this one, she'll get to feel it too, "Wait, wait for me."
And oh dear gods did that single sentence give you the willpower to hold off long enough so that you would get to come with her. You realized with this willpower came overwhelming pained pleasure.
Lesso was getting close to her own orgasm, rocking her hips into the vibrator. Each increase in pressure almost sent you over the edge but you'd be damned if you didn't get to come with her.
"You ready, pet?"
"Yes! Yes! I wanna come with you!"
"Go on, come pet," She was breathless too.
"Oh shit!" Your legs shook a bit harder and your hips bucked again.
That buck being the final push to send Lesso over the edge too. Your name falling from her lips luckily didn't go unnoticed by you, even in your near-blacked-out state.
You tiredly attempted to pull yourself up the bed, "Can't. Too much." You tried to speak, but your voice and body were weak.
Your body still had residual shakes as you heard the vibrator shut off and as the blindfold was removed.
You felt the bed beside you dip and you processed that Lesso was hovering over you. You looked at the care-filled face of the Dean for a moment before trying to focus on catching a breath.
You felt her hands come to your thighs, but before you could protest anymore for the night, her hands began massaging your twitching thighs.
There was a comforting silence that was shared between the two of you for a moment, Lesso still opting to bring sensation back to your legs.
You were finally starting to come back, you realized as your thoughts became more clear. And she realized too as your eyes began to look around more and lose their clouded appearance.
"How are you feeling?" Her soft voice was just above a whisper.
You looked from the side to her, seeing concern laced in her features, "I'm feeling damn good if I'm being honest."
She couldn't help but chuckle at that, knowing you had finally come back to her.
"Good, I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." She added as she stood off the bed.
"Don't think I could if I wanted to." You simply responded, earning laughter from the Dean.
She was very much aware that you likely wouldn't be able to move, which is precisely why she got up to get the rag to clean you up with.
She returned with a damp cloth, wiping your sweat-covered face and chest before moving between your legs. The events left a mess all over your thighs, nearly to your knees, which is a first for you. Again, not like you were complaining. Lesso abruptly looked at your face when you winced the moment the cloth came into contact with your beyond-sensitive clit.
Lesso got rid of the cloth, still looking to find something that may soothe you.
"Are you thirsty? Would you like something to eat?" You smiled as she pushed some of your hair away from your face.
"I'm all good, I'd rather be close with you if you don't mind?"
"Of course, I don't mind," She said as she got back on the bed beside you. "We will have to shower tomorrow at least, we absolutely smell of sex."
You chuckled this time, "All thanks to you."
Lesso only had a playful eye roll as a response. You shuffled closer to her, wrapping your arm around her waist. You both still enjoyed the feeling of each other's skin on your own.
The moment was calm, neither of you quite ready for sleep as energy surprisingly still coursed through your veins. You delicately ran your finger over her side, a kind action that Lesso was certainly not used to.
Your mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Lesso, partly replaying the amazingly wild events that just took place, but mostly of her reserved behavior. Well, more reserved behavior. You knew that something wasn't right and you not only wanted to know what but you also wanted her to know that you're here to listen.
You moved your face up to see her a little better, watching for a moment as she stared up at the ceiling with a nearly undetectable smile on her face.
"What are you thinking about?" You inquired.
"Nothing, nothing at all." That was all she said.
You had allowed a few minutes to go by, mainly so you didn't possibly ruin the moment with your conversation, but you couldn't go any longer without addressing your thoughts.
"How are you doing?"
Lesso scoffed, beginning to sit up and sat on the edge of the bed. That response told you everything you needed to know, she wasn't doing alright.
You stopped her before she could stand up, "Look, I'm sorry if I crossed a line or if you don't want to share but I thought it would help. I know something is not right. And if you don't want to talk about it, I won't make you. But, I'm here for you if you do."
She looked over her pale shoulder at you, and you could see the start of a tear gleam in her eyes, "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you actually care."
"Well, do you?"
"Do I what?" The Déjà Vu hit both of you at the moment she spoke.
"Know better."
She scoffed again, but this one was different.
"I do care." You added.
"I just, never thought I'd have to endure something like that again. So, I pushed it all down and-" She cut herself off and shook her head.
"Talk to me, please?" You sat up with her, ignoring the way your legs protested. "I hate seeing you hold this in."
She relented, laying back down on the bed, trying hard to not get close to you like she desperately wanted to, "I pushed all the memories down. 'Out of sight, out of mind', right? But all this just made me realize I wasn't okay, I guess."
You were at a loss for words at her confession, a part of you knew that's what was bothering her, but hearing it and hearing her emotions coating her words was entirely different from your expectations.
Since you had no words, you simply just laid back down beside her and pulled her onto you. Her arm instantly wrapped around your waist as she buried her face in your neck.
"I may not know exactly what you've been through, but I do know that you won't have to go through that ever again. Not while I'm around." You spoke with certainty as your hand returned to her hair, your nails lightly scratching her scalp.
A soft kiss was placed where her lips lay against your neck, "I know." You weren't sure how she knew, but you were glad to hear that she fully believed the words she just spoke.
"No matter what you go through, from now on you won't ever have to go through it alone. I promise you that." You were so disappointed that an amazing woman like Lesso had to go through so much all by herself, going through hardships alone.
She may be the Dean of Evil but she didn't deserve that, no one does.
"You can't really promise something like that." She whispered.
"Oh, I'm not going anywhere. Everything you go through, I'll be with you for it. You've already marked me and you can't it back." You gestured to your body, now covered in love bites thanks to the redhead.
You felt lighter at the sound of her laughter, "Okay, okay. You make a good point." You could feel her smile against your skin.
"I usually do." You planted a kiss on her hairline.
At this moment, with the admissions now in the air, you knew that though the future may not be set in stone you also knew that you'd be alongside Lesso. The way you both just poured your all into each other finally caused you to be calm enough to feel tired.
Your body feels full exhaustion, Lesso fully relaxed against you.
"I think it's time we get some sleep." You suggested as you summoned a light blanket to lay over your bodies, you knew that neither of you wanted to get up but you needed to be covered.
"Mm, me too." You would've pulled her closer to you if it were possible, so instead you just strengthened your grip on her.
Lesso may be this Evil being to everyone else, but she knew you never really saw her as that. And now she knew that you saw her for who she was. That you saw the humanity within her, and for that, she couldn't be more grateful. In the few moments before she gave into sleep, she vowed that she'd do everything in her power to make sure you'd know that she was there for you in the same way you were for her. She vowed that you'd never have to wonder if you're worth it.
But both of you vowed that the other would never have to be alone again, that you'd have the other beside you through it all.
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @v3nusxsky @just-your-casual-nerd @pebbleswritessometimes @hxzxrdous @bigolgay @scream-queenlover @darkth1ngs @sgelessoanddoveykissing @i-like-reading
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annie-creates · 1 month
Beautiful I know
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: angst to fluff
Words: 1100
Note: Another spring fic is here, I hope you enjoy this one. We have had a tough couple of weeks but I hope we can get back on track.
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The air got fresher, early flowers started blooming and the days were sunnier and warmer. Everything around you implied the spring was here. Even the ever students got overly excited for the longer and warmer days, and nevers were willing to spend more time outside than absolutely necessary. It made teaching both of them the slightest bit more pleasant.
What didn’t make your classes easier however was the upcoming Spring ball. A tradition your school kept from before the merging, now both faculties equally accepted and invited. The buzz of your students chippering about the dress and shoes they’re going to wear and the date they’re going to invite was louder than the bees in the gardens.
You couldn’t blame them, you’d too get excited for the opportunity to dress up and dance. But your girlfriend wasn’t a big fan of such festivities, preferring the dark and coldness of her chambers and loneliness of her own company. You knew bothering her with it would not bring much more success, yet you were hopeful for her to change her mind about not going.
“Hey babe?” You question once you enter the office you so often shared.
“Yea?” Leonora reacts, not raising her head from the papers she’s currently grading.
“I know you said you aren’t really a ball type of person, but Dovey got the fancy chocolate fountain out…” You try to bribe her.
“I thought I already told you clear enough I’m not going.” She turns to you with a heavy sign, her arms folded over her chest and brows scrunched.
“Well… yes… but I thought you’d like to come with me…” You specify as if your presence should be her reward.
“I wouldn’t go with you even if you were the queen of Sheba.” She levels you annoyed.
“Oh… I’m sorry.” That stung a lot, pinching your heart in a twist. “I thought you would have done it for me.”
Lesso watched your hunched form leave her office, happy to finally have a bit of peace. Yet even after she did all her work, she couldn’t stop thinking about what you said. Did she not do enough for you? Why were you so needy all the time? It’s not her job to entertain you every hour of each day. If she doesn’t want to go to some stupid dance, she won’t go.
But the pointed look Dovey was giving her all throughout dinner seemed to say otherwise. You didn’t join them tonight, leaving many of the teachers wondering why the bubbly and talkative you didn’t show up. Even when she never wanted to admit it, it made her feel the slightest bit worse. Maybe she was really unnecessarily tough with you.
“Do you mind telling what your fuckin problem is?” Dovey cornered her right after dinner.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Lesso retorted, dissatisfied with her tone.
“Oh please! Every time something’s bothering Y/n, it’s got to do with you.” Clarissa accused her.
“Oh god, why is she so needy?! I just don’t want to go to your stupid dance. Can’t she grow up and let it go?” Leonora argued.
“When was the last time you took her to any dance?” Dovey opposed.
“I… what?” In the heat of the argument Lesso got derailed.
“Actually, when was the last time you took her anywhere?” Clarissa stands her ground, waiting patiently for her answer.
“I… I did… I mean, we went to that place… like a couple months ago..?” Leonora backs down, confused herself.
“Lesso, you need to stop expecting her to invest all into the relationship where you put in nothing. Would it hurt you to give her some of your time every now and then?” Dovey lectures her.
“But I… why does it have to be that stupid dance?! Can’t we just go catch some frogs or something?” Lesso objects.
“Do you think she likes hanging by the stinky pond? Or that she enjoys tormenting the evening fireflies?” Clarissa raises an eyebrow.
“Uh, yes?” Leonora states matter of factly. “Why else would she do it?”
“No, she doesn’t!” sometimes Dovey contemplated if your girlfriend even knew anything about you. “She does it because you like it. She does whatever you enjoy to spend time with you. I’d say it’s only polite to do the same for her.”
Giving Leonora enough to think about Dovey leaves her to her own thoughts. Maybe she really wasn’t good enough girlfriend, spending the time she had left with you after the work hours doing only what she wanted and never asking what you would enjoy. She despised school dances, hated all the balls and fancy parties, but maybe she could bite herself and go just for you.
During the next week you don’t bring the ball up again, and it seems you finally came to terms with the fact you’ll be attending alone. But your excited chatter is shorter and less happy than usually, you don’t mention all the preparations to anyone anymore and you spend most of your free time alone in your room. That’s why you’re so confused when at the afternoon of the ball, a flower corsage finds itself on your bed.
You didn’t know who sent it, the only person you’d accept one from was adamant about not going to the ball. But it somehow complemented all the colors of your flowery dress, so you decided to try it on, just to see how you’d look. Just as you’re about to take it off and leave, a knock is heard from your door, which confuses you even more. As you open it, you find your girlfriend in a fitting white suit with her hair pulled back.
„Wow, you look…“ You whisper in awe.
„Beautiful, I know. Can we go now?“ Lesso cuts you off in faked annoyance.
“But… I though you aren’t going..?” You question her confused.
“Well I changed my mind.” She almost bites but then continues much more nicely. “I realized you deserve to be taken out to where you want.”
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to…” You didn’t want to pressure her into doing things she didn’t want to.
“No, I want to go! We weren’t doing much of that lately.” She admits offering you her arm.
You link your arms together passing to the ball room. Your arrival turns heads but neither of you really cares. As you’re beaming with a smile, she realizes she loves the neediness and wonderment you have for her. She wouldn’t want to live in a world where you didn’t need her.
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anyasivy · 6 months
When You Know, You Know - Leonora Lesso x Fem!Reader
"The sky's beautiful." you said.
Leonora Lesso replied with, "I know." staring right at you, drinking in just how the night sky's beauty compared to nothing from you.
warning: i wrote this at 2 am so PLEASE ignore the grammatical errors because on top of that, english is not my first language and i honestly write what sounds best in my head lmfaooooo. this is also based on movie sfgae too.
tags: second chances, light angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
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A Reader. Nevers would pick on you and some Evers would be ashamed to be in the same space as you. But nevertheless, you never gave up. You had made it through most of the years... barely. But the thing is, you were graduating and about to embark on a journey worthy of heroes. Well, that until you met a new teacher from the School for Evil during the opening day. Lady Lesso. You eventually found out she'd taught Curses and Deathtraps to Nevers. The thought of falling into one made you shiver, and you made sure since then to never be in the same space as her students. She was a meticulous woman, you observed. From afar, she was almost not intimidating. Her movements were firm and confident. Every flick of her hand, every step and stride, every look— it screamed of fearless. She was, in a way you wouldn't dare admit then, beautiful. Your mind reasoned she was evil, and therefore undeserving of that description. But who could look at Lady Lesso and think of her as anything than? She had the features of a goddess, a beauty that begged to be loved, and a soul that invited affection. You reveled in it, in her, that you hadn't realized you had been staring too much. One day, she pinned you against the wall and demanded to stop your madness.
That had changed it all.
You snapped yourself out of it, your hands holding the invitation the school had sent. Or by the looks of it, schools. You heard what had happened recently, and you thanked the heavens you had graduated already. Rafal? Blood magic? Oh yes, definitely grateful you weren't there to deal with that.
Tonight was the night you'd come back, and you looked momentarily at the gown you had picked. The ballgown was violet, which was the first thing that captured your eyes along with its threaded silk flowers down the bodice. It fit perfectly on your waist and had off-the-shoulder straps. It left your collarbone and cleavage bare. You would wear a necklace and black heels to compliment it. And as you look at your gown, you think of how you're supposed to be excited and stuff. A part of you is... kind of... but you were mostly nervous.
You don't wanna know why. You need not to. And there was no way in hell you'd acknowledge it.
"I apologize," her heels were the first to have entered your view as you hunched over your desk, studying. The sound of rustling and her coat falling on your bed made your heart thump over and over relentlessly against your chest. You try to remember the events of today, making sure you aren't going to let Leonora Lesso off the hook so easily. "It's an exercise getting rid of habits."
You scoff at this. "Habits, you say, when what you did was evil."
"I wonder why," she says ever so smugly, but there is a trace of hesitation in her voice. A fragility that suggests caution and care. You don't dwell on it. Not wanting to.
Flipping to the next page deemed unnecessary as words float above your head. All your senses concentrated on the woman who seemed to sit comfortably atop your dorm bed. You resist the temptation to look in her direction. A second of gazing into her limitless amethyst eyes and you'd lose this fight. Useless it may seem, but it was a big step for you. An instance to remind yourself of your own worth.
The flipping of pages must've rang annoyingly in Lesso's ears because she clears her throat. A testimony to the arising irritation she's been keeping off. "I apologize," she says more firmly than the one she came in with. You remained silent. "Truly, this time. I have no excuses for letting my students perform the prank." She had graded them, too. Shouting a significant 'you passed!' across the room with a hint of amusement not of you, but of her students' stunt. You repeated the scenario over and over in your head, hoping it'd motivate you to keep up the upper hand.
You hear Lesso move. The click, click of her heels matched the fast beating of your stupid heart pounding eagerly.
"Do you want me to beg? Get on my knees for your apology? Because you and I are fully aware of my incapability to surrender to Good."
You snapped. "Lesso." a triumphant smirk formed on her lips. It disappeared a moment after as she circles your desk, now presenting herself in front of you. Her scent fills the space you felt protected in, and for an instant, you could feel your walls of bricks shattering.
"Perhaps I should, then. With that look you're giving me." Leonora tilts her head, hoping for more words to spill out of those pretty lips of yours. She'd kissed them millions of times, but if it took giving up her whole identity to kiss them again, she'd strip herself nameless. "[Y/N], my love. What will it take for you to forgive me?"
You shivered as she spoke. She knew just how to get you, both with her words and her eyes. That expression of hers. The vulnerability of it all. Leonora Lesso promised a wonder that she swore only you could ever reside. So it wasn't a surprise when you got up and pulled her in for a kiss, quick and soft. A promise itself, too. A forgiveness of something shallow to some.
"You are an asshole."
"We have established that to be a compliment."
The School for Good was as grand as ever. As beautiful, too. You looked over the lake and recalled the lessons you had dozed off in that place. The wind and the soft sound of water made it too relaxing for you to behave like anything but an Ever. You continued up the stairs along with other heroes and their partners. The engagement ring you had shone bright like a mark of property you wanted to resist. You wonder if you should've brought your partner like the rest. But then again, you weren't for semantics when it came to the person you wanted to marry for functionality and formality.
The door was wide open for guests, and as you walked further into, you realized there wasn't anything much that changed. The same halls, walls, and designs. The longing in your chest made you want to go back home, away from this place and reminders of who you used to be--- who you used to be with.
You wonder if she's here. If anything had changed about her, or if she stayed the same, too. Evil and cunning. Yours. The bitter taste of how things ended clouded your mind. The cheery guests and welcomes of students in the Theatre of Tales thankfully distracted you from that.
Surprisingly, the floor was full of both Evers and Nevers mingling. There were those who looked disdained as if the Evilness and Goodness of their souls forbade them from interacting with the opposite side. But then there were those who giggled and laughed with each other, almost intimately. The scene before you caused an overwhelming grief. You pushed it forcibly down and started off as you spotted Professor Dovey.
She gives you a look-over like she wants to remember you, and not a second passes before melts in her knees. "Oh, you child!" she ran to you and wrapped an arm, the other too busy keeping the drink she was holding from spilling. "You have grown!"
"Thankfully," you cheered, beaming at the sight of her. "You look nice. Professor Anemone stopped giving you a hard time?"
"Quite the opposite. Everyone, really. The stress of the events and changes-- oh, it's like Christmas and Halloween collided here and urged a holiday of itself." Professor Dovey groans. "But all's well that ends well."
"Yikes." you flash a sheepish smile and glance over the ball, spotting someone with yellow hair reminding a student to smile brighter. You chuckle, looking back at the Professor before you.
"Mhm. Oh. And--"
"Please, Professor." you cut off. The sudden change in her tone, the small whisper and the softness of it obviously led to the territory you've been avoiding all morning.
Dovey sighed, "All right," her shoulder slumped and her eyes darted around across and behind the place before she was sure to speak again. "I don't wanna spoil your surprise."
"She's changed, [Y/N]."
She chuckles softly, almost with pity. Dovey places a gentle hand on your arm and squeezes it. "How about we go get drinks before you meet the rest of the night?"
The end was nearer than you expected. It was coming fast and keen. Surely. You've been keeping your mind off it, finding solace in the moments of now, and not of the future. You question from time to time your insanity and the way to keep it intact should anything unforeseeable happen. Losing her, to be precise. But she's been quiet about it, and the often change of topic when the mention of your graduation is said clues you just how much she's been keeping her mind off it, too. So here you were in the night, sitting on an alcove, and gazing at the stars from your window. The night sky promised such peacefulness. The darkness and the silence radiated comfort you'd almost forgotten the stakes. The meanings. The possibilities. You hug your knees to your chest, feeling defensive of what was yours. What is yours. What should be yours tomorrow and the days after.
The door creaked open.
"You should be sleeping," her voice echoed from the door, and you felt your heart breaking at the unpredictability it held.
You gulp down the ache, hoping your voice didn't come out shaky, "Punish me for it, then." your humor earns a soft chuckle from the woman you loved, and she walks closer to where you were sitting. She opted for the bed instead of beside you.
"Is everything well?" the question shouldn't be hard to answer. The days when you cried about exams and the fear of failing, and she caught you, were far better than the moment right now. You'd rather endure repeating the year if you were given the choice to. It all seemed so simple then.
"The sky's beautiful," you said instead, your eyes never leaving the view before you.
Leonora Lesso replied with, "I know." staring right at you, drinking in just how the night sky's beauty compared to nothing from you. You were... so much more. Your beauty yielded of tremendous unknown that no words could ever amount to describe you. You had her soul, heart, and body. And she didn't mind. Not a single of it.
"What you said earlier," Lesso's mind blanked and her heart froze at the reminder. "I can't say it. I won't ever."
You hear her take a deep breath, it shakes. You finally look at her. And the thoughts of running away with Leonora Lesso didn't seem mad anymore.
"Time will come." was all she said, but her expression betrayed the strength of her voice.
"I won't let it come. If that's what it takes." your voice had gone small, and your feet dragged you beside Lesso. You take her hand with yours and entangle your fingers. You can't let go. Would rather die than be able to. "I can survive Trial by Tales--"
"No. No. We agreed on this. We won't ever." she grips your hand tighter. Desperate. "Evil and Good don't belong together."
And there it is. The string keeping your heart from breaking snaps, and you had fallen into pieces before her. Tears welled up in your eyes as you shifted closer. You leaned in, hoping to find some insincerity in her eyes. A facade. Because this had to be a joke, a cruel joke. And you'd rather she admit it was and forgive her for being evil than for it being true.
"Leonora, that is not true. You and I both know we belong together. This cannot just stay like this. I don't want us to be just a memory." You begged, holding her hands as if she'd slip through any time.
She would.
"It won't just be a memory for me if it's any consolation, my love."
"I can't deny you."
As the moon passed by the clouds, the moonlight shone right over Lesso's face. Her cheeks glistened with the tears that had fallen. You reached to wipe them, but she had stopped and held your hand before she could. A denial.
"Then it's best if I do."
Professor Anemone had flashed the warmest and the perfect smile as she approached you. The pressure builds up in your breath as you try to imitate. You reminded yourself how foolish it was to think you could still fail at her class, but you were nervous as you smiled, anyway. The Professor hadn't commented on it and instead initiated a quick hug.
"Well, if it isn't our lovely [Y/N]. I'd never admit that before," she raises a playful eyebrow and clinks it with yours and Dovey's. "but you certainly have grown. Engaged, I heard." you start thinking if she had heard of it, too.
Professor Dovey snapped her head in your direction at this, obviously taken aback. You wouldn't blame her. It wasn't something you'd do a year ago. "Engaged?"
You hold out your right hand, and despite having done this a couple of times, the action cringes you as they stare at the beautiful ring. "I meant to tell."
"It's beautiful..." Professor Anemone blinks, "But."
"She'd rather not talk about it." Professor Dovey interrupts, and you smile reassuringly at both of them. "I am glad you're engaged and set to a wonderful, fairytale life, dear."
Your smile tightened. A wonderful, fairytale life you had envisioned before had been different, and beautifully so. The thought of it makes you want to choke. It had been a long time since that dream came across your mind, but the effect lingered the same. The longing and the pain tore through your heart, still. You wanted to excuse yourself then and there when a certain woman walked over the small circle of you and the two Professors.
"You came,"
All the air in your lungs escaped. And so did Anemone and Dovey.
Leonora Lesso stood tall, her heels bothering her feet like always, and dressed in an all-black outfit appropriate for Never Professors, looking as Evil and as beautiful as ever. A wonder. And still, still, she took your breath away.
"You came, too." was all your stupid mouth could say, your eyes fixed on her amethyst ones. Limitless, you'd describe it then. And you were right even after all these years.
"It's kind of mandatory." she humored, and you smiled, and she forgot to breathe as well. It's insane, she thinks, of how you were still able to do this to her. To have this kind of hold after everything.
When Leonora thought she was on the brink of death, her life flashed before her eyes, and she saw you. Your eyes. Your smile. She felt you. Your soft hands. Your touch. You.
Silence fell, awkward silence. And you had shifted your gaze from her eyes to the ground, afraid of letting too much of your emotions fall out. You wonder if she was at all feeling the same.
"Professor Dovey said you changed. A surprise, she claims." you start, hoping it'd suffice for a conversation.
"Dovey says a lot of things."
"I know."
"I should say the same for you." she watched your ring, and you followed suit. You felt almost defensive of your actions when you realized. "I say congratulations are in order."
You gulp the lump in your throat, "You don't have to."
"Congratulations, [Y/N]."
You crumbled. Lesso's face was void of anything but hurt. For a second, you were sure tears formed in the corners of her eyes, and you struggled not to pull her into your arms like before. Why can't this just be like before?
"It's for formality. I don't love him. It's not like that." you quickly blabbered, breathing heavily. "I... shit. Just..." and without warning, you took her by arm and electricity flowed through your skin. You try not to focus on the fact that this has been the first time you touched her in years as you drag the both of you to your secret spot. A surreptitious place that felt like it was built solely for the two of you. When you arrived, a breath you didn't know you were holding was still stuck in your throat. You pull your hand away.
Leonora stands a few feet away, maintaining a distance to keep herself from running up to you and having you be hers again.
"You look beautiful tonight."
"[Y/N], I apologize--"
"No. Stop,"
"Please, just--"
"You denied me!" all the pain throughout the years, the hurt that had grown over time and had been forgotten, and the frustration, came out trembling. The tears you refrained from falling fell free. Leonora Lesso has always been your ruin. "You denied me, Leonora. I told you I love you and I wanted to fight for you. That--that this fucking Good versus Evil bullshit was nothing compared to what we had-- what we have-- that it was greater than anything withstanding us! And you denied me."
The moonlight shone just like that night. You see Leonora's eyebrows furrowed, and it only took you a second to realize she was crying, too. Her red hair, longer now, had cascaded just above her shoulder. And you ached to brush your fingers on it.
"I love you." she steps closer.
"I love you so much." and closer.
"I love you, [Y/N]."
And you admit defeat. Just like before. You meet her halfway and wrap your arms around her neck as you pull her in for a kiss. Heavens, her lips. Her kiss. Her hands find its usual place on your waist. The feel of her pressed up. The brush of her nose. You could die. It all seemed to fit so perfectly. Like two puzzles. Like two fated people meant to be each other's.
The moment she pulls away, you sniffle, tears still flowing. She chuckles at the sight of you, wiping your tears away with her thumb. You lean into the touch. "You are the best thing in my life and I was a fool to let you go. To ever believe those things I've said, to even imply them. I was the greatest fool ever. But I can't live this life, [Y/N], not without you. I can't live with knowing I had you and set you free. I cannot."
"I love you, too, you dumbass."
Leonora smiles, and your heart swells with so much love. The sound of your diamond ring falling to the ground cracks a smile in you, and Lesso brushes her nose against yours. You inhale her scent. Unchanging. Just like this unwavering love between the two of you. You press your lips against hers again, feeling at home within her arms.
"Deny me again and I'll kill you, you hear me?"
"And to think you graduated School for Good."
the end.
any grammatical errors and typos will be changed in the morning because wtf it's 3 am I AM TIRED. SUFFER FOR A LITTLE. GOOD NIGHT.
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v3nusxsky · 9 months
Hi I was wondering if I could request a pretty detailed lesso smut
Basically it’s dom lesso x sub reader and r is originally very innocent and inexperienced so she’s a very good and obedient sub for lesso but recently r read fanfics abt bratting and found brat taming very attractive so she wanted to try it w lesso
R starts off by not wearing the remote control vibe that lesso told her to wear, sending explicit videos to her in the middle of work and when lesso gets her in a room at the end of the day, r doesn’t assume her usual position of submission and instead touches herself on their bed
Leonora is probably more of a quietly strict dom and manhandles r over her work table and makes r spread her legs and spanks her w a belt, occasionally smacking her cunt (ofc it would be super hot of lesso to make r count and thank her for each stroke)
After that it’s just a lot of cockwarming and and Leo putting r in her place w the vibes of “my sweet slut just needed a good fucking, didn’t she?” HHHHH and yes all that good stuff, would love it to be a longer fic so I can drown my sorrows in lady lesso
P.s would be amazing if u included an authority/ strict dom kink and r is only allowed to call Leo Lady Lesso or mistress
SORRY FOR THE LONG ASS REQUEST I just had a very specific daydream, with that said Tysm for hearing me out and have a lovely day <3
Breaking rules 18+
*Authors note~ Birthday fic:))) never be sorry for a longer prompt request, I absolutely love the detail to it which helps me ensure I don't stray from what you desire unless you want me to go nuts on it. However I will admit some of this I changed slightly due to personal reasons, enjoy the fic*
Trigger warnings~ strict mommy vibe dom leo brat subby r, mistress kink mentions corruption kink and virgin r remote control vibe phone sex? Videos ;) submissive positions. Punishments, spanking (hand and cane) cock warming edging Dacryphilia kink manhandling praise and degrading kinks I think that's it.
Prompt~ see ask^^^
You remember the first time you and Lady Lesso slept together, how she taught you everything you needed to know, how she mollified you until you were no longer the innocent woman you were but now a perfect submissive for her. Every single action was carefully crafted to have you being a good girl for her. You'd never had a taste of punishment so maybe that's why the fan fiction enticed you so much. You'd never considered the outcome of what would happened to you if you broke the rules. But here and now you sat hot and bothered by the idea of that very thing.
You knew what she expected of you, the directions were clear, and normally you'd do exactly as asked but the fic had awoken the bratty beast inside you. You got dressed for your day but forgoing on the remote control vibrator which caused excited chills to run through your body. How could being so bad feel so good? You couldn't help but wonder how much more you'd escape with. What would be the consequences to your actions?
By your lunch period you were ready to do some more rule breaking, the overwhelming thrill you received from disobeying your lover was certainly indescribable, you were so sure that this is your best idea yet. Perhaps that's why you snuck off to your old room and began to touch yourself after setting up the camera. You made sure to be vocal and after the camera capturing exactly how much you were enjoying your mid day fun. With a quick press of a few buttons, Leonora was graced with those video's just a few moments before she was expected to teach curses and death traps. For the life of her she couldn't work out why you were doing this. After all the first time lesso touched you, you were a virgin, and so willing to do whatever she demanded out of you. To submit so easily just to please her. And that was so unusual but not something she couldn't handle.
The final straw for Leonora was when you didn't kneel by the bed as she entered the room, no. Instead you lay there lazily circling your clit and teasing your soaking slit. Back arched and head tilted back in pleasure. It was as if she'd never even entered the room. "What the hell are you doing" she growled snapping you out from your blissed out mindset. "I uh I'm sorry Lady Lesso, I just I wanted to-" you mumbled trying to explain the situation. "I don't care. Up" she cut you off immediately reaching down to grab your arm and drag you where she wanted you. "Leo" you whimpered causing the red heads eyes to darken. "Excuse me?! How dare you address your superior so casually. You're below me and it's about time I reminded you do that fact."
Being forced over the desk in your shared bedroom all exposed while she remains fully clothed only added to the power play here. You had no choice but spread your legs when she kicked them apart. "Mistress please! I'm sorry" you whined unhappily. "Oh no pet, no. You can't act like a little slut and play the innocent card now darling. You will count your punishment and use my titles. Should you fail we will restart."
The first crack sounded across the room causing a sting to run over your ass. "One mistress" you mumbled gasping as three hits of her hands rained down on you. "Fuck two three four lady lesso" your tears now falling. The next hit was something different, the cool feeling of her cane touching your sore globes. The cool sensation only providing a small bit of relief before the pain outweighed the cool feeling. Hit after hit you counted every one bent over her desk. "Lady lesso" you sobbed unhappily. "Shush shush shush little girl, just a couple more okay?" She whispered before yanking you to lay on your back before three quick hits were placed on your aching clit. "Mistress, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" you blabbered hiccuping through your tears. "Shhh I know you are sweet girl, you have to learn this isn't okay darling. Be my sweet little girl, and then mistress can reward her good girl."
You were swiftly guided to lay on the bed, your ass on fire as it rubbed against the sheets. Only to watch Leonora strip to show her favourite strap on. "Now be a pretty whore and let mistress use your pretty holes" she purred before teasing your slit with the bulbous head of her faux enchanted cock. Lesso immediately set a punishing pace as she drilled into your aching cunt, "fuck so pretty when you cry sweet slut" she murmured when she noticed the tears falling slightly, "pretty tears."
Leonora continued to fuck you ruthlessly until she came first. Spurting cum from her faux cock as she painted your insides white. "Mistress" you whined hoping she'd finally let you come, after all the punishment and being used for her pleasure left you hanging on the edge. "Okay darling, this is your chance to be a good girl, I'm gonna fuck you so well darling, you'll forget your own name." Leonora was the one to keep to her promise. You came over and over again, some just on her cock and others with a small little vibe that would sit on your puffy clit.
"Oh my sweet slut just needed a good fucking? Didn't she?" She cooed looking at your pupils being blown wide and eyes glazed over indicating just how deep in your sub space you truly are. "Okay love, I'm going to pull out now" you whined in response. "Okay okay we can stay like this but let's get comfortable beautiful" she murmured shifting to settle you both comfortably for the night as she held you, you both drifted off for the night.
Word count~ 1368
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hxzxrdous · 6 months
Note: The following fic is a collab with @cissyenthusiast010155 She is an insanely talented writer and she's extremely kind and an amazing person. Thank you, babes, for getting me out of my writing slump. 🧡🫶
The School For Good and Evil
Platonic Lady Lesso x Never!reader
TW: None
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As the Monday morning sun slowly crept into the dormitory, you stirred in discomfort. Fatigue weighed upon you, amplified by your disdain for Mondays. Your dreaded shark week had arrived, just yesterday evening, leaving you in agony and pain.
Comfortably nestled in your bed, you contemplated rising for the day, it was barely 5am, so you could easily go back to sleep for another two hours. But your eyes widened as you felt it. You quickly stood up, turning on the light on the bedside table... There was a blood stain on the sheet. Panic surged as you looked down at your pajama, feeling the trickle down your leg, staining even your socks and slippers. You would've cried if you weren't in so much pain.
With a lantern in hand, you hurriedly gathered fresh clothes and a towel, making your way to the dormitory's shared bathroom, tiptoeing across creaky wooden floors to avoid waking your fellow Nevers. A warm bath offered a brief comfort, a hopeful start to a smoother day. Returning to the dorm, you cleansed the stained floor and changed the sheets before slipping into the first lecture, albeit slightly late. You entered just after the roll call.
"Y/LN..." The dean, Lady Lesso looked up from her parchment of names. "I don't recall you being on my attendance sheet..." Her voice was stern as her grey eyes continued to rest on you.
"I- I overslept, ma'am," you answered quietly. "I apologize, it won't happen again," you added.
The dean eyed you for a moment longer before returning to the attendance sheet. The room remained silent as she marked things down on her sheet with a frown.
"You may sit." Lady Lesso pointed to one of the desks with her cane.
Lady Lesso was walking around the classroom, waving around with her cane as she talked. As the lecture progressed, your cramps intensified, distracting you from the professor’s teachings.
You watched the fellow Nevers. Today you felt like they were more annoying than ever. Especially Hort and his single werewolf hair. You looked at Hort who was sitting next to your desk. His werewolf hair, triggering a sneeze from you. It happened again. You felt the leak through the pad. Soon, the bell rang and Lesso dismissed the class with her cane. The students hurried out of the classroom, all except for you as you remained seated behind your desk.
Lady Lesso continued to walk around the classroom once all students had left, looking at you, the lone student who had stayed behind. Her eyes narrowed.
"You," her voice was firm as she pointed with her cane at you, "stand up."
"I- I can't... ma'am," you replied quietly, your cheeks turning red.
"What?" A scowl appeared on the dean's face as she raised a brow at you. "I didn't stutter, I said stand up," she tapped her cane on the floor, waiting for you to obey.
As if this day couldn't get any worse.
You carefully and slowly stood up, feeling the familiar gush once again. Now your blushed cheeks turned pale immediately. You looked down, another pair of your pants ruined. You would run to the bathroom if you wouldn't be so frozen from fear as Lesso watched you like a hawk.
This was more than enough to get her to lose her temper as the dean stomped to you. She was just trying to figure out what the matter was, but you were completely quiet. Her impatience boiled over as she grasped your shoulders, demanding an explanation forcing you to look her in the eyes.
"Well what is it? Cat got your tongue?" There were no other students around so she didn't need to be polite, not like the woman was ever polite.
"I know it's not like you're shy enough to simply be mute. So what's the matter? Do you need to use the bathroom?"
There was a moment of silence between you two as you were standing there, frozen... And your cheeks lost what color they had. Lesso's face went from confusion to mild curiosity as she stared at the stained seat...
"Yes, please," you replied.
The dean's eyes lit up with a mild shock as it finally hit her what you were going through.
How could she have been so ignorant…
Her face softened almost instantly when you finally admitted that you needed to go to the bathroom.
If the dean knew you were having your cycle then she would have been a bit more tactful than she initially presented. She understood that this was a very hard stage of life of being a girl, not just going through teenage angst but going through puberty too.
Lady Lesso sighed and turned her head towards the exit.
“You are dismissed.”
You nodded timidly and began for the door, but the woman stopped you.
"Before you go, Y/LN... You're free for the rest of the class today. Come to my office later when you'll have the time, I'll make you some tea." Lady Lesso said softly, sounding almost as if the woman cared.
Lady Lesso waited in her office for you, two cups of chamomile tea waiting on the desk. You entered, sitting down, your head hung low as Lady Lesso was rummaging through the closet in the back.
"Y/N... Clarissa Dovey once gifted me a blanket. It's enchanted so it helps with alleviating the pain and decreasing the... flow... I believe you need it more than me." Lady Lesso replied softly, walking towards you, kneeling down, putting the blanket on your lap.
"Th..thank you ma'am..." you said as you accepted the blanket that Lady Lesso had given to you, wrapping it around yourself to help with the cramps that always seemed to happen at the worst time. It seemed to work immediately and you snuggled up to the heat it provided, inhaling the lavender scent that came from the blanket.
"I can see you're tired. Off you go back to your dorm and take some rest. If you have any more trouble, don't hesitate to come to my office," the dean said.
"Yes ma'am," you said as you got up to leave, wrapped in your new lavender-scented blanket. "And thank you, again ma’am," you added before making your exit from the dean's office.
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sere-rine · 3 months
Just pondering how Lady Lesso would punish you once she saw you touching yourself after she tease you all day.
Maybe she would edge you for hours. She would make you put your skirt up unto your waist and open your buttoned shirt only for her to be able to see your breast. She would make you touch yourself on her desk in front of her (while she's sitting gloriously, fully clothed and looking at you with the darkest eyes she could have.) and would make you stop once you're near. And if ever you can't control yourself, she would smack your hands away from your dripping wet cunt with her cane.
"Bad sluts like yourself does not deserve to cum, am I right?"
Or maybe she would make you cum non stop with a vibrator while your hands are tied up on top of your head with her neck tie. She'll use her magic to recover your stamina but she'll make sure to leave your cunt and stay overstimulated. She'll not stop until you say your safe word or until you pass out.
"What? This is why your touching yourself without my permission, you want a release. So I'm giving you a non stop chance to cum you whore."
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wh0re4women · 1 year
Attitude Adjustment. (Larissa Weems X Lady Lesso X Reader.) NSFW
Summary: Lesso thinks you need a punishment, Larissa unfortunately agrees.
Warnings: Mistress!Lesso, Mommy!Larissa, Student!Reader 18+, spanking, mild dirty talk, ending in fluff <3
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"Darling, is this really necessary?" Larissa carefully asked as she paced back and forth throughout her office. Her mind was running wild with the knowledge of your upcoming punishment.
Lesso stood leaning against a wall, a dark chuckle leaving her throat as she held a cane wedged between the palm of her left hand and the floor, "Oh, please, my love. You and I both know that she deserves more than a spanking. If anything, I'm being beyond lenient."
"You're right," Larissa admitted as she stopped in her tracks, looking over into the red-heads eyes for the first time since the conversation had started, "you're right, darling. But it doesn't make it any easier."
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."
Just as Lesso finished speaking, the door to Larissa's office flung open and you tiredly shuffled inside, both women shooting you very different glances.
"Look who the cat dragged in," Lesso smirked, to which you rolled your eyes as you flung your bag away from you without care.
"Darling, what happened?" Larissa immediately rushed over to you, stopping only once she was in front of the leather couch you had dropped onto. Your uniform was a mess; shirt untucked, tie gone, tights ripped. Larissa couldn't believe her eyes.
"It's been a long day," you sighed dramatically.
"It's about to get even longer," Lesso chimed and you narrowed your eyes at her, shooting her a confused glance. She was always ominous when she was in a bad mood. Great.
"What happened to your uniform?" Larissa pressed further, ignoring Lesso's comments and the attitude that was seeping out of you. Her hands sat on her hips. She was concerned.
"I may have gotten into a fight," you mumbled quietly and quickly, not daring to look the woman in the eyes.
"[y/n], look at me when I'm speaking to you," the tall blonde scolded lightly, her worry growing with every second, "and speak up, darling. What happened?"
You opened your mouth to repeat yourself but before you could get another word in, Lesso interrupted the conversation, making her way over to the both of you, "She said she got into a fight. Again."
You glared at your curly haired girlfriend.
"A fight?!" Larissa was appalled, "Again?! [y/n], this is—"
"Ridiculous," Lesso finished Larissa's sentence for her, "Pathetic, really. You cant keep your hands to yourself?"
You rolled your eyes, "It wasn't—"
"Your fault? No, it never is, is it, baby?"
The red-head was now crouched in front of the couch, eye-level with you. A stoic, almost-mocking look was accompanying her face. A stark contrast to Larissa's alarmed expression.
Spending time with the two older women was your favourite thing, but this wasn't your week. And the last thing you wanted was to bicker with Lesso, even if you did secretly find it hot to infuriate her.
"It's Mistress."
You gulped, "I'm not doing this today."
As you tried to stand, a cane was pressed against your chest and you were pushed back down, lodged between the couch and Lesso's strength as she now stood at her full height.
Desperately looking for remorse, you worriedly glanced over at Larissa, who looked almost sympathetic as she watched you squirm under the curly haired woman's power.
"Larissa, I—"
"It's mommy, darling," the principal finally spoke and her tone had dropped a few decibels lower than you expected, throwing you off.
"You're both teaming up against me?!"
Lesso chuckled coldly and you immediately knew you had blown it. If Larissa couldn't save you, no one could.
"Mommy?" You tried again, looking up at Larissa from under your eyelashes, batting them as a pout fixed itself onto your lips.
"Listen to your Mistress, darling. I don't have the energy to argue with you today," the Principal numbly told you before going over to sit behind her desk.
Your mouth flew open in disbelief as you focused back onto Lesso, "What did you do to her?!"
"What I did to her, [y/n]?" The woman before you seethed and it was enough to keep you sat still in place even after she yanked her cane away and slammed it onto the ground as to make a point, "We're going to talk about what you've done first, how's that for a change?"
You didn't get to reply before Lesso began chastising you again.
"You're insolent. You've been misbehaving in classes all week. You're a downright brat at times and more so lately than usual. You don't listen for shit, especially when your mommy tells you to do something you don't deem as important. And don't even get me started on the fact that I've smelled alcohol on your lips during school hours—"
"I'm an adult!"
"Yeah? I'll start believing it when you start acting like it."
A huff left your mouth. You were quick to cross your arms over your chest defiantly, staring daggers at the ceiling.
"My point is made," Lesso harshly finished, making sure to wait a few seconds to see if you were going to talk back. Once she was sure you were truly done, she made her way across the room towards Larissa.
You could've made a run for it. You thought about it. You contemplated it. You considered it especially greatly when you heard whispers between your two girlfriends and you couldn't decipher a single word. But before you could even get up, you were distracted by Larissa rising from her desk and making her way towards the double doors that led to her sleeping quarters.
You watched as she walked through, not paying any mind to you what so ever. Her white shirt was tucked into a black midi skirt that flowed as she walked, her heels tapping even after she was out of your eyesight, coming to a halt a few seconds later.
Lesso turned to look at you at the same time that you had quizzically begun eyeing her. Her cane rose from the floor, pointing towards the same door Larissa had disappeared through, "What are you waiting for? Off you go."
You furrowed your eyebrows. It wasn't that you were purposely ignoring the bad feeling in your stomach, it was just that your curiosity had gotten better of you and you ended up following instructions this time.
Feet coming to a halt once you entered the large space, a pit of anticipation began forming in your lower stomach.
Larissa was sat on the edge of her king sized bed, a serious look occupying her face. You made eye contact and the older blonde patted her lap, causing you to furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
"I... I don't get it," you spoke, before turning back to look at Lesso, who was now almost directly behind you, as if to make sure you wouldn't bolt away the first chance you got.
The red-head raised her eyebrows and lowered her head towards you, whispering in your ear, "Over her lap, baby girl. Now."
You giggled, which only lasted a few seconds as you realised Lesso's serious look had not faltered. Confused, you looked over to Larissa, then to Lesso, then back to Larissa.
"Stop pouting, darling. Do as you're told," Larissa swiftly spoke, "I don't have the time to play games today. I have a meeting with some of your teachers in an hour."
You couldn't believe it. You weren't half as bad as some of the other girls in the school (cough cough, Wednesday) and yet, you were the one constantly in trouble. It was probably all of Lesso's doing!
"Wait, wait," you lifted your hands in defence, pausing for a second as you looked back at Lesso, "I promise I'll change."
The older woman chuckled, clearly amused at your antics before grasping your left shoulder and turning you around, pressing her cane onto your lower back and shoving you forward, "Shut up. Do as you're told."
You weren't sure whether the situation was more embarrassing or the whine that had just slid its way out of your mouth.
Giving you no more time to protest, Larissa leaned forward and clutched your wrist before pulling you over her lap.
"No! Please! I'll be good, I swear this time!" You began thrashing around, and the poor principal couldn't bare to see you so helpless, so she began shushing you gently.
"It's ok, darling. The quicker you let Lesso do this, the quicker it'll all be over," Larissa sweetly cooed as she began pulling your tights down, before flipping your skirt up and rubbing the half-bare skin on your ass.
You heard Lesso muffle a groan at the sight before hearing her footsteps inch closer. "So pretty," she paused and you felt Larissa pet your hair gently before the red-head spoke again, "It's a shame you're such a bad girl."
A roaring smack tore through the room as you unexpectedly felt Lesso's cane meet your skin in a searing kiss, making you squeal in pain as you began thrashing again.
"Please! Please! Mistress, please."
"Please what? More?" The curly haired woman was having the time of her life as she lifted her cane and flung it down onto your soft skin once again, "Stay. Still."
You whimpered. Loud.
"Ssh, darling. Just three more," Larissa rubbed your back with one hand as she grabbed your wrists with the other, pinning them to your lower back.
"Three, if she takes them well," Lesso half-joked and the principal shot her a stern look, making the red-head shrug her shoulders in reply. She was going to teach you a lesson, that's for sure. You could call a 'red' any time, you knew that. Larissa and Lesso both knew that. But you all shared the knowledge that your punishment was well deserved, even if some of you didn't want to admit it.
"I-I'm sorry," you sulked, whining and squirming in Larissa's lap as you awaited another spanking.
Sure enough, it came a second later, leaving you gasping and crying out in shock, the sting heating your body.
"Sorry doesn't cut it anymore, baby girl," Lesso pointed out.
Larissa hummed in agreement and you couldn't have felt more betrayed in the moment. You were just trying to make school more bearable for yourself; sure, drinking once in a while and sometimes getting into fights wasn't the best way to go about it, but what else did you have to do? And yeah, maybe your attitude had been a little over the top lately. And you did sneak out a lot at night. And there was this one time you had almost poisoned Ms. Thornhill during a prank gone wrong. And—
Two sharp hits distracted you from your thoughts as you broke free from Larissa's grasp and covered your back side. The back-to-back swings of Lesso's cane had forced tears into your eyes and before she could even conclude your punishment, you shot up into a sitting position on Larissa's lap, wrapping your arms around her neck and snuggling into her warm skin, "I'm so sorry!"
"I didn't say we were done," Lesso interrupted. She was surprised at your bravery and how quickly you had managed to go from faux-begging and apologising, to actually sounding sincere.
"It's all right, darling. Mommy's got you," Larissa spoke gently, rubbing your back in a comforting manner immediately. She gave Lesso the 'mom' look.
"Well," the redhead cleared her throat, "I suppose you did take your punishment suitably."
You breathed out a sigh of relief, relaxing into Larissa's body, "I'm sorry for being such a brat."
"What was that?" Lesso asked, walking over the the bed and dropping onto the edge by the tall blonde that was cradling you sideways now as you looked into Lesso's eyes.
"I said I'm sorry for being a brat."
"I cant hear you. You're going to have to speak up, baby," Lesso teased, making Larissa laugh softly.
You rolled your eyes playfully, hiding your smile as you reached back and grabbed a pillow before swinging it forward and hitting Lesso with it.
The red-head gasped, "Oh no, you didn't!"
"Yes, I did!" 
Larissa shook her head as Lesso climbed back onto the bed, grabbing another pillow, "You are both unbelievable," she laughed, before kissing your head and softly guiding you off of her.
"I have a meeting, so don't you dare hit me with those pillows," the woman stood up and dusted her outfit off, while you and Lesso both shared a knowing look.
You both turned to Larissa with devious looks on your faces and the poor blonde woman bolted out of the room with the widest eyes, losing her heels in the process, leaving you and Lesso in fits of laughter.
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iamnotoriginalphil · 9 months
Curled Up Together (Leonora Lesso x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: Sharing a bed with you was not something Lesso ever wanted to do.
Words: 2.4k
Warnings: Some swearing
Lesso was going to curse Dovey. There was no two ways about it. No one would be able to convince her otherwise because she had been dropped in her own personal version of hell and it was all Dovey’s fault.
You sighed and she froze. Eyes dragging down to you she felt her jaw clench. You were curled up on your side, facing towards her, and she had no idea how you were asleep. It seemed sharing a bed with the Dean for the School of Evil had no effect on you and it made her blood boil.
In the moonlight she could see the curve of your eyebrow, the shadows from your eyelashes on your cheek, the thin skin of your eyelids moving as you dreamt. You were heartbreakingly beautiful in sleep and you’d never know.
Dovey had done this. Dovey had forced the two of you to take the room together by her inability to be accommodating. Dovey was at fault for the absolute hell she was going through.
She couldn’t help but take another glance at you. Your lips were parted, looking entirely too tempting, and your breathing was even. She could feel the ghost of your breath on her shoulder. your body heat rolled towards her under the covers and suddenly it was hard for her to breathe. You were close enough to touch.
She rolled over, presenting her back to you, tugging on the covers to try and take more than her fair share. You made a small noise but that was it. Even in sleep you never fought back with her. You remained calm and still, letting her do as she wished until she tired herself out. It infuriated her. It intrigued her. She wanted more of it.
She felt you shuffle over the mattress. Your fingers brushed against her back and your breath ghosted over her neck. She froze again, hoping you would move away. You only shuffled closer, seeking out the warmth she had stolen from you.
Oh yes, this was all Dovey’s fault. Just because the leaking roof had displaced you both from your rooms over in the other school didn’t mean Dovey could shove you into a room together that happened to only have one bed. As if the pink frills weren’t enough. She was being tortured for an evil she had committed. That had to be what this was.
She practically jumped out of the bed when she felt your nose brush against the back of her neck. On the furtherest edge of the bed, she clung to the mattress to keep from toppling out all together, but she had to put some space between the two of you or she would go mad.
Dovey must have seen the way her eyes lingered on you whenever you were in the room. She must had heard the soft tone in her voice whenever your name came up. She must have watched the way she smiled when you talked to her.
Yes, this had to be some devious match making plan on the part of the other dean. There was no doubt about it. She probably thought she was doing the right thing, but was only making it worse. There was no way this ended well for anyone.
You hadn’t seemed to have noticed any of those things. You’d been oblivious to the way you snagged her attention, the way you occupied a different part of her brain to everyone else, the way you were special. You had no idea Leonora had a crush on you and she was hoping to keep it that way.
You grumbled something, shifting even closer to her warm body. She couldn’t move lest she fall out of the bed, but you were right there and just the brush of skin would make her head spin. Another grumble fell from your lips, ending in a sigh. You shifted again, giving her a little more room, but then you stilled.
“Am I pushing you out of the bed?” you asked, voice slurring from sleep.
“Not at all,” she replied stiffly.
“You’re about to fall out.”
Your hand shot out in the dark, snagging her wrist. You tugged and she let you pull her back onto the bed properly. With the other hand you rubbed at your eye. In the moonlight she’d never seen anything more beautiful than a sleep rumpled you.
“Did you steal all the covers?” you asked.
“Well, I am evil, love,” she said then immediately regretted the use of a pet name.
“Then I should have pushed you out of the bed.” Your lazy smile made her heart constrict painfully.
“You little demon,” she groused but there was no fire behind it. It was shockingly close to fondness. You blinked at her and if she’d less control over herself then her cheeks might have flushed.
“If you give them back I’ll stop pushing you out,” you bargained.
She sighed, redistributing the covers until you were covered too. You let out a contented sigh, snuggling down into the soft mattress again. She turned her head to look at you, only to find your eyes already watching her, peeking just out from the top of the covers.
“You’ll never sleep if you don’t relax,” you eventually said.
“You’ll have to excuse me if sharing a bed with someone is less than ideal for me,” she snapped.
She fought against the impulse to pinch the bridge of her nose. Your eyes were wide and worried, a flash of hurt passing over them. You shuffled away from her, giving her even more space. The gap between your bodies was a gaping hole, and there was a moment of desperate disappointment seizing her.
But she couldn’t apologise. The Dean of Evil didn’t apologise for hurt feelings. That would be a step too far. And would definitely let you know about her feelings. Which she did not want in any way, shape, or form.
“If you want I can make up a bed on the floor? Let you have the bed to yourself,” you offered, sitting up, covers pooling around your waist.
In the moonlight, your skin practically glowed. Long arms and low cut chemise. It was a veritable feast for her eyes and it was with great effort that she pulled her eyes away. Rumpled hair fell about your shoulders and her mouth grew dry.
“That’s not necessary,” she managed to spit out.
You looked down at her, bottom lip worried between teeth. She would have groaned at the sight if not for the fact that you would hear.
“I don’t want to be the reason you’re crankier than usual in the morning,” you said. Her heart thumped extra hard as a small sparkle lit up your eyes.
Her hand shot up, grasping your shoulder. Your warm skin under the touch of her fingers had her digging her nails in, surprised at her reaction. The shoulder wasn’t a particularly sexual body part, but your skin was soft and delicate and she wanted to sink her teeth into it.
She tugged you down, until you were lying beside her again. You huffed out a laugh and that sent a thrill through her. Dovey could never get such a sound from you. In the shadow of night it went right through her, so intimate, so close. Her fingers were still on your shoulder. She retracted them, almost caressing your skin as she took her hand back. Your laughter cut off and your eyes turned to her.
“Sleep,” she commanded, turning away from you.
“Goodnight, Lady Lesso,” you whispered across the space.
She did her best to ignore you. You shifted, then again, a tug on the covers, before you grew still. She listened to your breathing slowly evening out, trying to pace her own to yours. Maybe it helped. With her eyes squeezed closed she could feel her muscles begin to relax, the sound of your breathing helping lull her to sleep.
When Lesso awoke, she was warm and comfortable. Arms curled around her waist and there was a nose softly brushing against the skin of her neck. Something soft pressed along her spine, shifting closer, legs tangling together. Her entire body felt as if it was melting into the mattress and for the first time ever she hadn’t woken up grumpier than she’d gone to bed. She allowed the other body to curl around her, drifting back into a doze.
A soft murmur, lips brushing over her shoulder, fingertips slipping under the hem of her shirt to rest on the soft skin of her stomach. She arched into the touch, not bothering to think about it too much, enjoying the feeling of it. Like electricity on her skin, burrowing into her veins to set her alight.
“Lesso,” you sighed, sweet and drowsy, lips managing to brush the skin of her neck, body pressing into her.
Her eyes snapped opened and she froze. The lazy relaxation in her muscles was gone, and her mind was already racing. You sighed her named again, pressing closer, pulling her towards you. Your hand slipped further up her body, flames licking through the ice settling in her veins.
She considered pulling out of your hold, unsure if you were awake or not. If you were, she would have to face the fact she had slept wrapped up in your arms, if you weren’t there was no way of getting out without waking you up. There was no winning.
“Relax,” you murmured, and she wondered if she was being tortured for something. The drowsy timbre of your voice was addictive, rough like sandpaper and yet soft like silk.
Your arms tightened around her, nose running along the length of her neck. Your lips brushed along her pulse point and she shivered. You hummed, melting against her again.
“Stop it,” she snapped, pulling out of your hold.
She sat up, staring down at you, cheeks flushing and eyes flashing. Your mouth had fallen open, eyes widening, and you looked like every single one of those princesses in the other school, waiting to be saved by their princes.
She was no prince.
“Don’t touch me,” she growled.
“Sorry,” you said, scrambling away from her, “sorry.”
“Just…” She pressed the hell of her palms to her eyes, “fuck.”
She felt you jump before a thump sounded in the room, loud and all consuming. Looking up, she found you on the ground beside the bed, looking surprised at your own predicament. Laughter bubbled over her lips, and despite the embarrassment and fear curdling in her stomach, she couldn’t help it. The look on your face was perhaps the most adorable thing she’d ever seen.
Which, being the Dean of Evil, should not have made her begin to relax at all.
“Come on.”
She extended her hand, offering you help back onto the mattress and off the cold, hard floor. Your hand in hers reminded her of the feeling of your fingers on her stomach. She pulled you up, a little harder than she meant to, sending you toppling towards her. An arm caught you around the waist, and Lesso realised being pressed against you from the front was just as intoxicating as from the back.
Her eyes met yours, and for the first time it was as if she could consider that maybe whatever was going through your head might be close to what was going through hers. You were staring at her, lips parted, eyes molten. Her arm tightened around your waist.
“Sorry,” you whispered.
You tried to pull out of her arms. She refused, tightening it further until the space between the two of you had disappeared. Staring down at you, she was trying to read the emotion in your eyes behind the rising panic.
“I don’t…” You struggled against her hold, “it’s… I’m just… It’s fine.”
“It’s not,” she replied, voice lowering into something resembling gravel.
“It is.” Your voice was getting higher.
“I’m telling you it’s not,” she growled.
“I’m sorry.”
“Fuck this.”
She grasped your face, pulling you in for a long drawn out kiss. There was a moment, one she knew would be burned into her brain, when you melted against her, hands seeking out her waist. She shivered when your hands found their way under her shirt again, seeking out warm skin to map.
Your tongue brushed against her lower lip, and she groaned. She couldn’t stop touching you, wanting to know every single inch of you with the same intimacy she had with villainy. Your hands were strong as they pushed her back, straddling her lap as you kissed her deeper. Her fingers trailed up your legs, pushing past the hem of your nightgown and you whimpered. You actually whimpered.
She was going to have to remember that for next time.
Your lips were trailing down her neck, finding her pulse point again. Your hands were pushing further up her shirt, exposing her skin to the cool morning air. Your name fell from her lips like a prayer and she was ready to worship you.
“I’m glad I convinced Dovey to put us into one room,” you murmured into the skin of her neck.
“Yes,” she hissed before the words managed to penetrate the cloud of lust, “what?”
She sat up so suddenly you fell back, landing on her shins. She was glaring at you, and all you did was smile. It was infuriating. Anyone else would cower under that look but you seemed to preen.
“You asked Dovey to put us into this room together?” she demanded.
“It wasn’t so much asking. More like, dropping subtle hints for weeks until she thought it was her own idea,” you replied with a small shrug and a mischievous smile.
“That’s devious.” She couldn’t help the grin spreading over her own face.
“Do I pass?” you asked, sliding up her legs again until you were in her lap.
“Top of the class,” she replied, leaning towards you.
Her next kiss was searing, wanting you to feel the fire you’d ignited in her. So soft, so seemingly innocent, so beautiful. She’d never wanted anything more than she wanted you. You moaned into her mouth, fanning the flames until she felt a desperation she was unused to. She wanted you in every possible way, at every moment of the day, for the rest of forever.
Which, if she thought too much about it, would feel entirely too much like the true love those simpering Evers craved so much.
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Leonora Lesso (Lady Lesso)
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Soft Spot
Once Upon A Dream
Oh, Lesso
What Does It Mean (1), Leave (2), Sharp and Heavy Hand (3)
Time For Myself
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Larissa Weems (Principal Weems)
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Slow and Steady
What A Sad Sight (1), Her (2), Take It (3)
The Girl
Time For Myself
Prophecies (1), Canis Minor (2)
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Melissa Schemmenti
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Oiled Paintings, Protecting French Fry (2)
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Rita Calhoun
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I Know
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a/n: this is all my works here in this blog only.
p.s. my requests are open!
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 8 months
Um hey, your gonna write a part 2 of extra credit dovesso x reader of next week right?
Hey anon!! Yep, here’s part 2 for you! Hope you Enjoy ♥️♥️
Extra Credit Part 2 ~Dovesso xFem Reader
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Link to Part 1
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, teasing, praise, fingering, mommy kink, daddy kink, flustering, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
“Be Good. Get your grades up. And Mommy and Daddy might reward you next week…” Lesso wickedly purred.
You worked your ass off the next week to desperately get your grades up. You really wanted that reward…
So you worked and studied 24/7. And your grades started to go up. It made you really happy. You felt content with yourself. Plus it made you super giddy for the next meeting that the deans had scheduled with you.
You practically pranced through the hallways, to Professor Dovey’s office. It was after hours again, when you knocked on the door and entered when they called you in.
“Miss L/N…” Lesso purred wickedly greeting you.
“Hi” you breathed out, panting from having practically run there.
“Hi…?” The redhead warily purred.
“I—Shit sorry! Hi Daddy…” you corrected yourself.
Lesso smirked and nodded in satisfaction.
“We’re proud of you, Sweetness!” Clarissa exclaimed, “Your grades are going up!”
You blushed at the praise and nodded.
“Thank you mommy…” you whimpered.
“But they aren’t where we want them to be” Lesso said.
You bit your inner cheek and looked down. Clarissa sent the redhead a bit of a side eye.
“I understand Daddy…” you murmur.
“But… We think you still deserve a little reward… And when your grades get to where they should be, you’ll be properly rewarded.” Clarissa spoke.
You looked up and your eyes shone.
“Really?” You breathlessly asked.
Both of the women chuckled and nodded. Lesso then sat down on Clarissa’s desk chair as Clarissa sat at the edge of the desk.
“Come sit on Daddy’s lap.” Lesso instructed you, patting her lap.
You scurried over to the women, practically falling into the redhead’s lap. You’re were so grateful that you were wearing a skirt today. Lesso held you by your thighs with her hands. Her gaze was intense and dark. Clarissa watched intently behind you.
“You’ll be a good girl for Daddy?” Lesso purred.
You nodded eagerly.
“Yes! Such a good girl for Daddy!! Please…!” You whimpered.
Lesso nodded and chuckled lightly at your eagerness.
“Hands on my shoulders.” She instructed as her hands began wandering up and under your skirt.
“Yes Daddy”
You grabbed her shoulders and stabilized yourself. You were straddling her lap, and your eyes only widened more as her one hand stopped at your thigh, but her other continued to wander.
Her fingers made it to your panties, and her gaze looked at you wickedly. Her digits went passed your undergarments and two slipped into your wet core. You both groaned in unison, and you instinctually ground your body against her lap in response.
“Fuck Clarissa, she’s soaked…” Lesso groaned, as her fingers pumped and curled inside you.
You whimpered out desperately, starting to bounce up and down on her hand.
“Needy little thing aren’t you…?” The redhead teased.
You nodded vigorously.
“Needy for Daddy…! So needy—!!” You groaned loudly.
Lesso then increased her tempo, fucking you faster and deeper with her two fingers. You cried out in pleasure as the redhead quickly added a third finger. You rode her hand with desperation and need, approaching your high rapidly.
You came on the redhead’s fingers, muffling your screams into her shoulder.
“Fuck fuck fuck Daddy—!!!” You cried out.
“That’s right… Your Daddy’s girl…” Lesso cooed wickedly.
“And if you continue to get good grades, both Mommy and Daddy will reward you in a couple of weeks…” Clarissa purred.
Fuck you couldn’t wait…
Leonora Lesso Masterlist
Clarissa Dovey Masterlist
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Show Me Off- Lady Lesso x EverTeacherReader!
Synopsis: You just wanted to dance.
Warnings: Angst but I make it better, whore is used but not in a good way, nothing really too bad. But lmk if I missed any!
Word Count: 3k
A/n: I LOVE THE NICKNAME I PUT IN THIS SO PLEASE ENJOY. okay I really wanted to get something else out for you guys, and I wanted it to be smut but I don’t have the motivation for smut unfortunately 😩. But I hope you guys enjoy this one! Reblogs, likes, and comments are all welcomed!
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved.
You were making your finishing touches on your gown in the mirror, making sure every detail was perfect and every thread was in the right place.
You were so focused on the task at hand that you didn't even notice Lesso watching you, admiring you in the mirror. She adored you, and you looked stunning in the dress you chose.
She came up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist, "You look ravishing tonight, darling." She planted a kiss on your neck.
You turned in her arms, it was your turn to admire her. The fitted suit she chose was one of your favorites, the all-black three-piece suit looked so good on her.
"Thank you, love. You look as exquisite as ever." You gave her a quick peck on the lips, to not ruin your lipstick or transfer it to her.
"Are you nearly ready? We don't want to be late, we are chaperones after all." Though she was a little bit excited for this ball, well, excited to go with you, she still hated the objective of being a chaperone.
"I'm ready, there's nothing else I need but you." She smiled and placed another kiss on your lips.
You wrapped your hands around her arm as you left her quarters towards the event, you could barely contain your excitement. You thought that this was finally your time to show her off, to finally say that you're with the one and only Dean of Evil.
But you had thought wrong.
You could hear the start of the orchestra as you turned down the ballroom corridor when Lesso shrugged you off her. Confusion instantly overtook you.
"What-" Your confusion increased tenfold when her steps increased in pace. "What are you doing?"
Lesso turned back with a look that said it was clearly obvious, "You know we can't be seen that closely." The way she said that so nonchalantly brought you many feelings, and none of them were good.
"But I thought," Tears begin filling your eyes, but you can't cry. You can't ruin your makeup, so you shook your head to shun them away. "I thought tonight was when we could finally come clean and be seen together in public." It came out much more questioning than you intended.
"Please, you know it's strictly forbidden for us to be close in public." She turned back around and continued on.
There's no way that this was that easy for her. That she can say that and not feel even the slightest tinge of guilt.
"Fine." Strictly forbidden, what foolishness. She acts as if she's not the one to create these rules.
Your heart felt heavy and your bottom lip quivered slightly, knowing you'd have to enter the ballroom alone. You didn't even want to be there anymore, not after that. You contemplated turning back to your quarters for a solid minute.
But you had already put so much time into your look, plus you were expected to be a chaperone.
So, after watching your love walk away from you, she didn't even wait for you to be a little bit behind her. You continued on with your soul weighing on you like stone.
You just couldn't understand it, the way her demeanor entirely flipped threw you off. You wrapped your arms around you to ease the coldness you suddenly felt.
As you entered the elegantly decorated ballroom, themed perfectly for the celebration of the summer solstice, the doing of Dovey no doubt, you couldn't help but look around.
Each of the decorations were catching your eye, especially the colorful flowers she has expertly spaced around the room. But something dark caught your eye, like it did every time.
Lesso was standing off in the corner, her soft features nowhere to be found, with a drink in hand. You desperately wanted to walk over to her and have her wrap her arms around you or pull you on the dance floor, but you couldn't.
Lesso had finally spotted you, sending you a smile that only you would ever be able to detect. Lesso became confused herself when you didn't even attempt to return the smile, your smile was one of her favorite things.
You looked away from her and continued on, your arms falling to your side as you made your way to Professor Dovey and Professor Anemone. If she was going to barricade herself in her Never space, then you're left to be in your Ever space.
Right away, Anemone could tell something was off with you. She was your greatest friend, so of course she could clearly tell that there was something wrong when your excitement was nowhere to be found, especially when you've been excited for this ball for weeks.
"Dear, what's the matter?" She placed her hand on your elbow as she guided you away from Dovey.
"Nothing," You attempted to pass off the lie while trying so hard to not glance in Lesso's direction. "Everything is alright."
"Okay, well, I know that's not true so let's try that one more time." Yeah, she knew you well.
Everything about you deflated, your smile and posture but especially your tone, "I don't really wanna talk about it, okay? So, can we drop it and focus on the kids?" Whatever was bothering you was bad enough that you didn't open up about it, so she knew it wasn't good.
"Would you like to dance? I know I'm not your 'secret girlfriend' but maybe it'll cheer you up?" It was a lie, she knew who your secret girlfriend was.
She wasn't thick, after all, and once that sentence escaped her she realized what was going on. Anemone saw how you hadn't even looked at Lesso yet so she knew that must be at least a part of the reason.
A small smile came to your face, "Sure, why not." You said as you grabbed onto her now extended hand.
The timing couldn't have been more right as a new song had just begun when you both made it to the center of the ballroom.
All the students cleared some space as they saw you two coming. You ignored the feeling of all the eyes on you as you began dancing with her, and you could tell that there wasn't one person not watching.
You focused on each of the movements and the sound of each instrument as you both gracefully moved across the room. Both of your semi-puffy dresses move elegantly with you. The breeze increased as you both twirled and spun around the ballroom floor.
As the song came to an end, another one was soon to play, and you slowed to a small shuffle. You rested your face on her shoulder, facing away from her but in a way to speak so only she could hear, "Thank you for this, Emma."
Just as you finished your sentence and before Emma even had a chance to respond, an exasperated-looking Lesso came storming towards you both.
She didn't slow but she grabbed your arm and pulled you from Anemone in a swift move, causing you to move with her.
Lesso kept moving, walking you towards the terrace, "What are you doing?!" You tried pulling your arm from her, but you didn't try hard enough.
"I don't appreciate you being all over Emma, acting like some common whore."
You instantly stopped moving once you heard her words and crossed onto the outside terrace, a scoff escaped you, one of disbelief and disrespect, and you ripped your arm back, "I beg your pardon?!"
"There's no need for you to be all over that woman when you're simply dancing with her." She crossed her arms.
She really doesn't get it, does she?
"Emma is my friend! And we were only dancing! Where'd you get the audacity-" Your sadness began to shift to anger.
She cut you off, "Oh, please! You-"
You cut her off this time, not willing to feed her delusion, "If the image of me dancing with another is so unbearable, then you gain the courage to do so instead!"
"You know we can't do that!"
"No, we can! You just don't want to! Your reputation is far more important to you than I!"
Lesso couldn't believe a statement like that came from you, sure that kind of thing would've been expected by anyone else once they heard she was in a relationship, but not you, "That is not true."
"Really? Because, I have yet to see anything that suggests otherwise," Your tears returned. "You- you. You play into my desire of finally being able to be seen with you, only for you to tear it apart and quite literally throw me aside. Just so you can keep your spotless Never appearance." The tears finally escaped, falling effortlessly down your face and effectively ruining your makeup.
"That's, not what I meant to do," Lesso hasn't realized how much she had fucked up until this moment.
A humorless scoff came from you once more, "That's all you have to say for yourself? Not even an apology? Wow." You started turning back into the ballroom.
She stopped you with a hand on your arm, "No, darling, wait!"
You stopped, but not in the way she hoped, "No! You simply can't fix this with an 'I'm sorry', okay? Figure this out on your own." You pulled your arm back again and continued onto the ballroom.
You entered again but had no intentions of staying.
Everyone kind of paused when they saw you re-enter with tears streaming down your face, a stunned Lesso standing in her spot on the Terrace. Of course, they had all witnessed her pulling you away and watched on curiously, but they hadn't expected you to return in tears. Especially Anemone and Dovey, the two being the most stunned as their eyes followed you out of the ballroom and then redirected to Lesso.
Lesso was used to having all eyes on her, but not like this. As she walked back to the corner she was previously perched in, everyone eyed her down. It only lasted a second before she made it clear that she was still the Dean of Evil, and everyone realized that now may not be a good time to piss her off.
Dovey gave her a pointed look, one that clearly says there will be a discussion about what occurred, but Lesso couldn't bring herself to care. Not when she was too preoccupied with wondering how and what you were doing.
The answer? Not good and currently staring at the wall with dried tears on your face.
You knew you shouldn't be reacting in such a way, but you also couldn't help it. The way Leo just threw you off her and walked away without as much as looking at you, how she called you a whore for dancing with your friend. The worst part was this was entirely avoidable.
You didn't want to dance with Emma, you wanted to dance with her. You didn't want to be in the middle of the room with all eyes on you, you wanted to be in the privacy of her quarters while laying in her arms.
Eventually, after who knows how long, you got tired of sulking. You brought yourself to get changed into your pajamas and wash your face from your mess of what was once makeup. You just wanted this day to be over with.
Time crept on for the both of you, you thought sleep may help and attempted it, but failed. And Lesso tried slipping out the side of the ballroom but got caught by various people.
For every toss and turn you made in your bed, was one meter closer Lesso got to the door. She was getting close to hexing the entire ballroom before she just started shoving people out of her way with her cane to leave.
Lesso had no idea how it got so out of hand. Of course, she didn't realize just how much she was hurting you by keeping the both of you a secret, though it wasn't much of a secret. Not after tonight at least.
She continued on to your quarters, she knew you'd be nowhere else. The only annoying part about that is your quarters are on the opposite end of the school than hers is, so she had a whole journey to herself. One that allowed to realize just what she's done.
By this time, you had already shoved your face into the pillow from frustration. It was undoubtedly due to many things but you liked to blame it only on your difficulty sleeping.
Just as you sat up to get a glass of water, there was a knock at your door. You didn't have to open it to know who was standing on the other side, the pattern of the sound telling you exactly who it was.
A part of you was thrilled that she came back, back to you. But the other part wanted her to stay away.
"Go away." You spoke out, not making any attempts to move in any way.
"Starlight, it's me." You nearly burst into tears at the nickname.
She thought it fit you perfectly, not only because of your love for the stars and all things space, but because your Leo always said, 'Your eyes sparkle more than the stars, my little Starlight.'
"I know it is." Your heart kept screaming at you to at least see her.
"I came to apologize. I understand you're upset with me, and you don't have to forgive me, but can I at least look at you when I do?" For the first time tonight, you heard genuine emotion from her.
You couldn't hold back anymore, your heart won out. What an Ever thing to do.
You stayed silent as you walked to your door and opened it. The once put-together Dean was now standing in front of you, hair disheveled and emotions coating her face.
Lesso was taken aback by your appearance, not that it was bad, just not what she was expecting. She thought you'd still be all dressed up, not ready for bed with a tear-stained face. She messed up big time.
"Well?" Your voice snapped her back into the situation.
"Star, I'm sorry. I really am," She snuck past you and into your quarters, and if you had any energy, you would've attempted to stop her. "You were right about me wanting to maintain my reputation, but you were wrong that it's more important than you." You silently shut your door and turned to meet her in the middle of your room.
And for a moment, neither of you spoke. Just the looks being shared. You just looked at her, feeling many things.
She placed her hand on your cheek as your lip quivered, "My beautiful Starlight," Her thumb started brushing against your cheek. "I am sorry."
Your heart screamed for you to forgive her, but your mind told you to say what you want to say. And you decided on that.
"I guess you don't get it then?" She gave you a questioning look. "The way you just toss me aside made me feel utterly useless. And then, you call me a whore and you expect me to just pass over that? I get you're sorry, and you should be, but I'm not going to forgive you just because you say that."
You can tell by the look on her face, she finally gets it.
"My darling girl, words can't even begin to explain how sorry I am. I fucked up, I know. I want to take it back but I can't. But what I can do is, from now on no more hiding. No more sneaking or lies. I'm done with that."
Your eyes filled with hope, "You promise?"
"I promise you, darling. From this moment on, no more hiding. Just us against the world, together." She pushed some of your hair back behind your ear.
A small smile came to your face, "Thank you, and I'm sorry I reacted so strongly. I was just really looking forward to tonight."
"You have nothing to apologize for, Star. You were simply reacting. What were you looking forward to, darling? Chaperoning?" Lesso knew you liked your job, but she didn't think you liked it that much.
"No, I, I just wanted to dance with you." The way that sentence escaped your lips, so soft and broken, made Lesso's heart lurch, she couldn't believe it.
She made her beautiful and fragile flower wilt, and she knew it was all because of her.
She reached her hand out towards you, and you looked at it curiously before looking back at her, "What-"
She didn't let you finish, "Let's dance, Starlight."
"But I'm not-"
"Right here, right now, just us. No need for fancy clothes or anyone watching."
The sweet, soft, and warm smile that Lesso has come to know and love, finally came to your face. The very one she's been wanting to see all night.
You finally accepted her hand, and when you did she stepped closer to you and placed her other hand on your waist.
You followed each step she made, soft grins spread across both of your faces as you easily moved around your quarters.
"There's no music," You pointed out.
"That is true. But who said you must have music to dance?" She rhetorically asked as she pulled your arm above your head and began to spin you.
The silence that filled the space was a comfortable one. Once you came back around again, you looked between her eyes. It was plain as day, the admiration she had for you. Whether you saw it or not was entirely different.
"Thank you for this, Leo." You moved to rest your head on her shoulder, your steps never ceasing, with your face nuzzled into her neck.
"Anything for my Starlight."
This. This is all you wanted.
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @v3nusxsky @just-your-casual-nerd @pebbleswritessometimes @bigolgay @darkth1ngs @sgelessoanddoveykissing @scream-queenlover @hxzxrdous (I think that’s all of you lovelies).
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farahtissaiamyloves · 1 month
Hi. Could you please write Lady Lesso x (student)reader(She's 18)?
It's Lesso's birthday, but she doesn't really like it and she's in a bad mood. Reader somehow finds out that today is Lesso's birthday and decides to surprise her, because she has a crush on her. She prepared a gift and a firecracker with confetti and glitter, taking it all with her to class, so she can surprise her right after class. But the firecracker goes off too early and showers Lesso with confetti and glitter, she gets angry, thinking it's some sort of prank. Of course, Lesso decides to send reader to the doom room, and reader somehow have to explain to her that it wasn't a prank and all.
Surprise gone wrong?
Lady Lesso x reader
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I'm sorry for not updating for a long time. I finally found time to write again so here we go. This amazing request was waiting for me for a long time, and I finally seized the opportunity and wrote it. Sorry, for the long wait. Hope you are all doing great!
Ps: it's my name day!!!!
You were at your final year at the school for evil.
You never meant to overhear the Dean of Good talking with one of her colleagues.
Students were forbidden to be walking around the lake at such a late hour, yet here you were studying and mostly admiring all the different stars and magnificent constellations.
You hid and held your breath. The last thing you wanted was to gain detention.
But then again...
Detention with Lady Lesso wasn't such a bad idea...
"You see, Anemone, Lesso's birthday is coming up, and we happen to have already arranged our monthly meeting that day." Dovey spoke with a highly annoyed tone.
Your eyes widened as you processed the newfound information. When?
"Really? Oh dear, she will be more than a handful..." Came Anemone's reply as you continued spying on them with sparkling eyes.
So, Lady Lesso's, your crush's birthday was coming up. You could surprise her! Show her how much you value all her hard work and determination.
You silently squeeled, already thinking of all the ways you could make her day.
"I know! Right? We won't have any work done because of that whining.... vixen." You raised an eyebrow at Dovey's failing attempt to curse your Dean.
You heard Anemone sigh. "And when will we waste our entire day?" Anemone asked, referring to when the meeting will take place.
"Next Thursday. I simply cannot wait!" The good Dean spoke sarcastically.
You rolled your eyes at the way they were referring to Lady Lesso, but deep down, you were feeling beyond happy. You couldn't wait for next Thursday.
The day has finally come. You couldn't put your excitement into words. It was the day you were looking forward to since you overheard Dovey.
You were beaming awaiting for the class with Lady Lesso to come.
When the time was right, you went into the classroom a quarter earlier to do the needed preparations.
You knew that Lady Lesso always came from ten to five minutes beforehand to stare daggers at everyone who came into the classroom.
The firecracker was set and ready, and you had your gift inside your backpack. Your plan was to surprise her first, wish her happy birthday, and then pull out her gift to show her.
You couldn't wait to give her your gift, you were a little nervous but you were confident that she was going to like it.
You heard her heels clicking against the floor and giggled in excitedly. You couldn't wait for your little surprise to unfold.
You stood next to the firecracker, which meant to shower the ground in front of her with pink glitter and black confetti.
Lady Lesso marched inside the room at a faster pace than the one you anticipated. Your eyes widened as you were unable to stop the firecracker before being activated.
You stood and watched in horror as the Dean of Evil was showered from head yo tow with your glitter and confetti.
"Surprise." You spoke in shock as you were gazing at her.
The Dean had the exact position and grimace of a cat being thrown water.
She slowly opened her eyes, looked down at her ruined clothes, and up to you.
"What's the meaning of this?" She snapped at you.
You gulped as you noticed her state. "I- I am sorry. I didn't-" You started apologizing.
"Save it." She cut you off and grabbed your arm.
Your eyes widened as the Dean dragged you out of the classroom.
"La- lady Lesso. I can explain." You trembled.
Instead of answering, she pushed you in front of her violently and grabbed your arm again, leading you to the Doom Room.
"Everything but this place. Please." You begged, feeling really scared. You just meant to surprise her.
You briefly looked up at her only to see her furious face. Why was she so angry with you? Couldn't she clean her clothes with magic?
She pushed the door open and pulled you inside. You fell to the ground due to the force and turned to look at her with pleading eyes.
Lesso returned your gaze with an angry and cold one. "Forget class. You shall wait here for me for your proper punishment."
Lesso shut the door and locked it behind her.
You shakily got up and walked to the chair. You sat down and started crying. This was supposed to be a happy day. Couldn't she just use her mind and understand that the confetti was for her birthday?
You sighed as you were left alone with your thoughts. You were disappointed in yourself for ruining such a well-planned surprise and sad because instead of making her feel happy and appreciated, she was feeling furious and sad.
You cried a little bit, realizing that you won't get to give her your gift... All of those hours of preparing the surprise and searching the perfect gift were in vain.
Not just in vain, but they'll probably get you tortured well. You didn't want to be tortured, not for something that you didn't deserve, at least.
You didn't notice the door opened until a cold voice was heard. "Such a polite girl.... She's even trying to make her torture enjoyable.... for me." Lesso's words were accompanied by a chuckle. You knew she was referring to the fact that you were seated on the chair.
You immediately got up and took a deep breath. "I had no ill intentions." You declared.
Lady Lesso smirked, closing the door behind her and walking inside the room. "Oh, I'm sure you don't.... Nobody has in here." She mocked you.
You swallowed hard. Of course, everybody would lie to get themselves out of here. "I'm not everything, Lady Lesso. I never caused trouble in the past. Why would I do it now?" You inquired in a desperate attempt to prove your innocence.
The dean chuckled coldly as she stood in front of her torturing equipment. "There's always a first time for everything, little brat."
You took a deep, shaky breath. Your hands had become sweaty, and your eyes teary. "Can I, at least,... try to explain myself?" You hesitantly asked.
The Dean took a big whip from her collection and sighed. "If you stop acting like a little baby, afterward, then I guess you can certainly.... try to change my mind."
You nodded shakily as she turned around and showed you the whip. "I- I learned that today was your birthday, and I meant to surprise you. The firecracker never meant to wash you with either glitter or confetti. It just meant to surprise you." You explained.
Lesso raised a single perfect eyebrow. "And supposing my birthday was today... How did you learn about that?" She voice a very smart and calculated question.
You bited your lip. You were just going to make your torture worst, perfect. "I was just studying some astrology a week ago, at the lake, when I overheard Professor Dovey and Professor Anemone talking about a meeting happening at your birthday. I wish to reveal no more."
Lady Lesso thought about what you just told her. In was in fact true that there was both a meeting today and her birthday. She also knew that students weren't informed about those kinds of events...
The Dean looked down at the whip, then back to you. "Why the firecracker, then?"
You scratched your head. "That's what they do on birthdays."
Lesso sighed, turning around to put the whip back to its place. She didn't know whether she was disappointed for not conducting the torture or relieved because her favorite student didn't mean to stab her in the back.
"Such a cruel way to torment someone." The woman commented with gritted teeth.
"It didn't mean to fire on you, but in front of you. I'm deeply sorry, Lady Lesso. I never meant to make you furious." You apologized.
The Dean turned to look at you, only with her can in her hands. She sighed. "You did not mean ill, in the end. I'm glad."
You titled your head. "You are?"
Lady Lesso approached you with a sad small. She patted your head and then caressed it. "I am.... You didn't have to make such a big deal out of it, though."
You smiled, looking up at her. You didn't pull away from her grip. "Why not? It's your special day! You should enjoy it!"
Lesso shook her head and sighed. "No, no, I shouldn't. And you shouldn't either. Where's the good with completing another lonely, annoying, and boring year of your life?"
You pouted at her. "Don't say that, Lady Lesso, you have me."
The woman chuckled, patting your head. "That's not what I meant, and you know that."
You swallowed hard. Here goes nothing. "I. I know what you meant." You spoke, biting your lower lip.
Leonora's eyes widened as she looked down on you. Her piercing gaze remained on you as she processed your words. "No." She whispered.
You hesitantly nodded. "Yes."
The Dean took her eyes away from you before returning back to you pretty quickly. "You are lying."
You shook your head. "I had gotten you a gift, too. It's in my bag."
The Dean's eyes widened. "A gift!?"
You nodded. "Yes, if you want it. I think you will like it." You spoke with a smile.
Leonora Lesso was speechless. Firstly, her student admitted on liking her, and now this very same student has bought her a gift.
The Dean bited the inside of her cheek. "How much did it cost?" She meant to repay you.
You shook your head. "It's a gift for now, and it shall remain like one."
The Dean cursed. "What is it?"
You smirked at her and shrugged. "Only one way to find out, professor."
The Dean gave you a stern glance. "Why are you doing this? What do you wish in return?"
You looked up at her smiling. "Making you feel appreciated and cared for."
Leonora's eyes widened in shock. For the first time in a long while, she was truly speechless. She didn't know what she awaited you to say, but definitely not this. Not this, and definitely not with such happiness.
You stood up, standing in front of her. "Wanna open your gift?"
The woman looked at you for a second before blinking to bring herself back to reality.
"I- I guess." The Dean surrendered without a fight.
Nobody had ever gotten her a gift without waiting for something in exchange, and it made her feel... warm.
You walked outside of the room with the woman behind you. You led her to her classroom before taking your bag and opening it.
You pulled out a black box with a golden ribbon.
"Happy birthday, Lady Lesso." You said enthusiastically, handing her her present.
The Dean took the box and examined it. It was a pretty box in nice colors. Lady Lesso hummed, feeling pleased with the box as she slowly pulled it open.
Her eyes widened when she saw the matching cravat and gloves with the color of the box and ribbon.
The Dean touched them both in awe. They were so beautiful and precisely her style.
"So.... Do you like it?" You asked, examining her reaction.
Leonora looked up at you with a genuine smile. Her eyes were teary as she wanted to cry due to your thoughtful action. "I do. I guess a thank you is necessary."
You smiled back at her. It was the first time you saw her so happy. "You are very welcome, Lady Lesso."
The woman nodded and took a glove in her hands, and she caressed it, enjoying the feeling of leather against her fingers. "Call me Leonora when nobody is around."
Your eyes sparkled. Really? She liked it that much. It was your lucky day! Maybe you even stood a chance with her in the future.
The Dean glanced at you. "I believe this is the beginning of something wonderful."
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I don’t if ur request are still open but if they are I was wondering if I could request lady lesso x reader we’re they are in a secret relationship and they got kissing or something by dovey
She is different
Warnings: Secret relationship, jealousy, fluff, warrior princess, bad liars
Word count: 2.3 K
Pairing: Lady Lesso x Fem!Reader
Prompt: It is impossible to hide that Lady Lesso was completely captivated from the first moment she saw Y/N
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Charlize Theron characters masterlist]
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From the moment Y/N set foot in the school, the green eyes of the dean of evil did not stop admiring her figure.
Despite having a 'thin' build and short stature, Y/N wasn't your typical princess. The legends that ran through the corridors of the school, recounted the great feats that she had achieved as the star warrior of the greatest known kingdom; making the redheaded dean's curiosity grow with the passage of time.
Lady Lesso had always met the stereotype of the perfect princess, just like Dovey herself; so, hearing that that sweet-looking princess had been commissioned to slaughter thousands of enemies, just to protect the queen, only made it inevitable that Lady Lesso would wander into Miss Y/N's class.
Y/N was one of the first teachers to get a mixed class, getting both 'Ever' and 'Never' to learn to defend themselves and attack in combat, from small combats in a classroom of the, now, gigantic school, to fights that They executed on the school horses in the large gardens of the same.
At first, Dovey thought that Leonora's presence was due to concern (if that's what it could be called) for the performance of her students, but seeing how those eyes sparkled with a strange sparkle every time Miss Y/N, she brandished that weapon to teach the young princes how to defend themselves, she thought that her assumptions were not entirely correct. Lesso never missed a Y/N class, not even on the days they had practices in the gardens just like they were doing today; having a great simulated fight in the gardens of that castle.
A few minutes before class ended, Professor Dovey approached the stables, knowing that her students would arrive there, only to realize that Leonora was already there, staring at Professor T/N's braided hair
"My, what a surprise to find you here, Lesso," Dovey teased, smoothing the non-existent wrinkles from her beautiful dress.
“I would like to say the same”
Silence reigned for a few minutes, both with their eyes fixed on the training, until Dovey's gaze returned to rest on her senior partner, noticing how small and tiny black hearts came out of them.
"May I ask? What has been the reason why you delight us with your pleasant presence?" Dovey tried to persuade her partner, causing the redheaded teacher to just make a small face.
"No, you can't ask" she replied, in her typical annoyed voice.
Before Dovey could object to such behavior, the murmurs and laughter of the students, together with the galloping of the horses reached the ears of both women, causing their eyes to look at the boys, who quickly entered the stable to to let the steeds rest. Y/N was coming backwards, on top of her own horse.
"Oh, hi Dovey, I didn't see you there."
While Dovey and Y/N never became the best of friends (as Dovey always thought that a rebellious mind like Y/N didn't quite belong on the 'Ever' side), they have been courteous to each other, and more when Dovey found out that thanks to that woman, many of her friends and students were still alive.
“Lady Lesso, it is always a pleasure to greet you”
And for her counterpart was that beautiful redhead. When they were both young, Y/N remembered feeling self-conscious, clumsy, and even naive around her (the few times they happened to meet); when Y/N was taken to her friend Jade's kingdom to become what she always dreamed of, a warrior, she assured herself that if she ever met Leonora again, she would no longer be that shy girl; if she was capable of killing men in the name of what she considered fair, she was clearly capable of meeting this woman.
When the school received her, after those injuries that made it impossible for her to fight again, seeing how both the 'Evers' and the 'Nevers' young people applauded her with admiration, made her feel even more powerful. She was capable of instilling respect, pride and admiration on both sides.
Everything went overboard when her eyes collided with those of the dean of evil.
At first, he didn't recognize her, but, Y/N couldn't get over those beautiful eyes so quickly.
She felt how her knees began to give out, even a little unsure if she would be able to cross the entire room on her own.
To say that Leonora Lesso was beautiful was an understatement, the woman was the epitome of beauty and sensuality. Those green eyes like the grass bathed in morning dew, rosy lips like the petals of the most fragile flowers in her home kingdom, and that wild hair, like the flames she had seen on many of her travels.
She thought that with the weight of time, the impression before such a woman would diminish… but that never happened. Even to this day, she could feel the penetrating gaze of the dean in each and every one of her lessons, waiting for some mistake on the part of the young warrior, just to be able to take advantage and unleash her fury against her.
"Oh dear, that was a wonderful class," Dovey congratulated, watching as Y/N climbs down from the horse and begins to stroke the animal's head, while her other hand begins to remove the animal's saddle.
“Well, Dovey, thank…”
"Well, I expected to see someone injured" Leonora's hoarse voice commented.
Both Dovey's glare and Y/N's puzzled glare landed on the tall figure of the woman.
"Leonora!" Dovey scolded
“Well, my lady, I'm sorry to disappoint you this time. I promise that in the next class one of yours will have to be attended to urgently" Y/N joked, watching out of the corner of her eye, how the dean raised the corners of her mouth a little, showing a little amusement.
"Y/N!" Dovey scolded again, the princess looked at how her companion's corners were slightly raised, but, realizing the look, she quickly returned to her usual straight lips. "Both are impossible, I'd better go"
"I'd better go too" announced the redhead "I wouldn't like to see those freaks behave in a proper way"
"I hope that's not the case" Y/N joked again, watching how both deans walked away to let her clean the stable in peace.
Night came, and with it, secrecy and mystery.
T/N had always been taught that night was the time for evil, the terrifying and the forbidden. Over the years, she realized that it was not entirely true; night was the time for secrets, intrigue, curiosity, mystery, and of course, the forbidden.
A knock at her door startled the poor girl, who quickly put aside her parchment and quill to open the door, revealing those sweet green eyes.
"Until you deign to open"
“It was only seconds, don't be exaggerating”
"Well, seconds that could well be used in something else"
"Like what?"
"Maybe kiss you"
If Y/N were ever to tell that the fearsome dean of Evil had a soft spot for honeyed words and cheek kisses, no one would believe her. But, here she was, leaving a trail of little kisses on Y/N's cheeks.
"Today you were splendid" she murmured against her ear.
"Do you believe it?"
"Oh sweet girl, I've never seen someone attack like that before. No warrior will ever be as great and skillful as you are."
“Oh honey, you flatter me, but, out there, there are thousands of warriors far better prepared than me. It took me years to convince my parents to teach me how to wield a sword, whereas these men are required to do so at a very young age."
“Well, princess, that just proves my point. You are beautiful, intelligent, strong, brave and capable woman, what more could I ask for?" Leonora spoke while her arms embraced the small waist of her beloved, bringing her closer to her chest, so that she could smell a little of her hair.
"Maybe a make-out session in my bed?" the princess asked cheekily
“Wow, that sounds like a great idea to me”
Dovey's feet made it impossible for her to stay still. She was so anxious that, without realizing it, her feet moved her throughout her office, until she heard how the doors were opened violently, listening to Leonora's unmistakable walk, along with the annoying clicking of her cane.
"Well Clarissa, I'm here now, what do you want?"
But, seeing Leonora's raised eyebrow, the question stuck in her throat. Lady Lesso was well known for being the thorn in Professor Dovey's side, so wasn't it fair to get even a little revenge?
“I've been thinking about doing a new dance,” Dovey commented, performing in her everyday way: bubbly and happy.
"Other?" Leonora asked tiredly "Wouldn't it be like… the eighth this month?"
"Oh Leo, but this is for a special occasion"
"What could be so special as to warrant a school dance?" Now, the dean desperate, she crossed her arms, tapping her forearm with her nails.
“I have found the perfect prince for Y/N”
Lesso felt how the blood ran down from her head to her feet, making her fist take that stick with more force, until leaving her white knuckles.
"What?" she slumped into the chair across from Dovey, not helplessly, but furiously. "I thought I heard from Y/N's own mouth that she didn't want a prince in her life"
"Well, we can all change our minds, and believe me, when she see Prince Henry, her mind will change."
“Henry? What kind of name is Henry? It sounds completely ridiculous…”
"Leonora, if I didn't know you well enough, I would dare to say that you are jealous" Dovey teased, raising an eyebrow.
Lesso only managed to let out a sarcastic laugh, causing Dovey to laugh internally.
"Jealous? Of whom? Of your star princess? Not at all! I just make fun of the poor girl, having to deal with a man as… simple as this Henry"
"But if you don't know him yet"
"I don't even want to meet him" Lesso got up again, with her cruel director's facade, she hit the cane against the ground emphasizing her next words "So, was that all? Is that why you wanted to call me?"
"Yes, just to let you know to prepare your best clothes, because Y/N is getting married soon"
Dovey only listened as her companion's footsteps receded and with her, small murmurs, only affirming Dovey's theory.
Unfortunately for Lesso, the dance came faster than she could process. Before she least wanted to know it, Dovey had introduced stupid, muscular, pretty face Prince Henry and Y/N and forced them into the middle of the room to do a little waltz.
"Don't you think they make a cute couple?" Dovey asked
"Oh yes, can you imagine how cute their babies would be?" Emma asked.
“They will have beauty and courage alike”
Lesso only felt her blood boil. She promised herself (and Y/N) that she wouldn't kill anyone again, but at that moment, the bloody prince had a red target painted across the middle of his face, taunting Leonora. One more torture wouldn't hurt anyone… except him.
"What?!" Emma's loud scream snapped Lesso out of her thoughts, causing her to let out a growl to get the attention of her companions.
"How much do they murmur?"
"Dovey just told me that Prince Henry is planning to propose to Y/N tonight." Emma groaned and clapped her hands, showing her excitement.
“At least, the young prince confessed to me this morning. He said he would take her to the balcony to do it” commented Dovey trying to hide her emotion.
"There they go!" Emma pointed out.
And indeed, both were heading to the balcony, getting away from the bustle of people.
Without thinking about it, Leonora got up from her chair and began to follow the young people, until she found her beloved, with her back turned and completely alone.
"Y/N" Leonora murmured, causing the girl to turn around and give her a smile.
"Where is the prince?"
"I punched him when he tried to kiss me"
Both women laughed, knowing that no one could be lucky enough to kiss Y/N's lips. Nobody except Leonora.
"He's an idiot"
"Yeah, next time Dovey wants to find me a boyfriend, I hope she finds a better one."
"There won't be a next one"
"Honey, we won't know, if we carry on like this…"
"I don't want to continue like this" Leonora cut off Y/N's sentence while her arms hugged her girl's waist. "Yes this is the feeling the got from hiding you, I don't want to feel it again" the dean buried her head in the crook of Y/N's neck.
"Are you sure, my love?" Y/N's soft but firm hands took Leonora's face, forcing her to look at her and be honest. “I know how much your reputation has cost you and I wouldn't want it to be affected by me. We can be discreet…”
"Fuck discretion, I just don't want to see you in the arms of another jerk like that Henry guy"
And without further ado, Lesso planted a kiss on her beloved's lips, proving that the love he feels for her is worth much more than her stupid reputation.
Carefully, Y/N encircled her girlfriend's neck and stood on her toes deepening the kiss full of feelings, affection and true love, in the light of the full moon.
"I told you, you owe me five doubloons" Dovey joked as she and Emma watched as their friend Leo finally admitted her love for that girl.
“It amazes me, how being so different, they seem to work well"
"She's different" Dovey pointed at Y/N with a look "Lesso is just… Lesso"
Maybe tomorrow I'll upload a little message for my followers for Christmas… but if you don't see it, Merry Christmas!
I hope you enjoy it
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