#Ler! Shinobu
Warning: This fanfic contains tickles and mentions of death. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Summary: Tanjiro tells Tomioka about his training with Urokodaki. By mentioning Sabito, Tomioka is saddened. Tanjiro with Shinobu decide to try to make him feel better
Lers: Shinobu Kocho and Tanjiro Kamado
Lee: Giyuu Tomioka
'Tanjiro Kamado visited the butterfly sisters after receiving an invitation from Kanao, who invited him to dinner with her. They talked for a while, when a new guest arrived. 'Tomioka - San!' exclaimed Tanjiro upon seeing Tomioka.
'Hello Tanjiro,' Replied Tomioka 'I see you were also invited to this dinner'. They were interrupted by Aoi, who came over to report that dinner was ready and they could sit down to eat.
When he finished eating, Tomioka retreated to the back. Tanjiro noticed this and followed him stealthily. 'You don't need to do that, I know what you're following me,' he turned to see Tanjiro who smiled nervously. 'Sorry Tomioka - San, it's just what I remembered that I never told you about my training', his smile changed to a cheerful and happy, waiting anxiously to tell him
Tomioka didn't say anything, just listened, in a way he liked to see Tanjiro happy. 'I must accept that the Final Selection was difficult, but thanks to the master Urokodaki, Sabito and Makomo it was that I was able to overcome it'.'Sabito? How?' Tomioka thought. He then remembered when, like Tanjiro, he was a student of Urokodaki together with Sabito, his best friend. He felt the guilt of not having been able to protect his friend, and that because of him he was no longer alive.
He clenched his fists and walked a bit away from that spot, leaving Tanjiro confused. 'Tomioka-San? Where are you going?' He received no reply. 'Is everything okay?' Tanjiro turned his head to meet Shinobu Kocho, who had also noticed that her partner had left the dinner. 'I-I don't know Shinobu - San, I just told him something and I think he got sad'
'Don't worry, let's both go ask him, I won't leave you alone. I also need to know what's going on with him, I want to improve my relationship with him', and with that she and Tanjiro went out to look for Tomioka. It was fast, they found him somewhat distracted, while looking at a fox mask, a memory he had kept and that reminded him of Sabito
They sat next to him, it didn't bother him at all, he felt happiness deep down. 'Tomioka-San? What happened in there?' Tanjiro asked worriedly. 'It's okay, you don't have to worry', he replied with a different tone than usual allowing Tanjiro and Shinobu to know that there was something wrong
'Tomioka-San, you have nothing to worry about. We won't judge you or anything, but we want to help you', the hashira smiled. Tomioka sighed and began to narrate how his friendship with Sabito began, all the way up to the fateful day when Sabito was killed by the hand demon. Tanjiro and Shinobu listened carefully and felt sorry when he mentioned about the death of someone he loved, especially Kocho, when he remembered the murder of his sister Kanae Kocho at the hands of UpperMoon 02.
Kocho apologized for the times she jokingly commented that no one could stand him, Tomioka indicated that it was fine and thanked her for apologizing. The hashira came closer and gave him a hug, Tanjiro then noticed Tomioka's uniform, he noticed the side with the figures. 'I've seen that design before', he thought and quickly remembered that the last time he saw it was on Sabito.
He reached out his fingers and began to caress the soft fabric, but his fingers began to trail down until he accidentally pressed Tomioka's hip causing a squeal from him. Shinobu broke away from the hug upon hearing the shriek. 'What was that Tanjiro-Kun? Is everything alright Tomioka-san?'
'Y-yes nothing to worry about. I'm fine,' he replied. Tanjiro squeezed again, to which again Tomioka reacted with a shriek. Tanjiro finally understood, Tomioka was ticklish. 'You're ticklish!' Tanjiro exclaimed surprising Tomioka and Shinobu
'Of course not! You just scared me!', he tried to avoid what was obvious. But he didn't count on Shinobu also starting to squeeze his hip, he covered his mouth trying to muffle his laugh but to no avail. 'Ara ara Tomioka-San, Tanjiro was right, you're ticklish', she smiled and opted to stick her hands in his armpits
Tomioka couldn't resist his laugh anymore 'Nohoho! Kohhocho! Stahahap!', he tried to push her away but when he did Tanjiro took his hands and held them up, giving Shinobu better access. 'Tomioka-san, you didn't attend your medical check-up last time, so I'll start checking for any broken ribs.' 'Oh no!' Tomioka thought, he knew his ribs were sensitive
'WAHAHIT!! NOHOHOHO! KO-KOCHO!!', he arched his back as Shinobu's fingers began to go up and down like spiders. 'Hahaha! You should smile more Tomioka-San', Tanjiro commented. 'STAPH IT! WAHAHAHAHA!!! NO NO NO NO!!! TAHAHAHANJIROHOHO!!!NAHAHAHAT!!!!!', he tried to lower his arms but Tanjiro stopped him from doing so
'Tomioka-San he is right, you should smile more, I wonder what others would think if they knew about this'. 'NOHOHOHO!! PLEHEHEHEHAHAHAHSE!!! I DO ANYTHING!!, he begged. But they didn't let him go, they were happy to see the hashira smiling and laughing
'Ara ara Tomioka-san, you really are very ticklish. I hope the demons don't know about this weakness,' Shinobu said mockingly. 'HAHAHAHAHA!! PLEASE!!! I-I HAHAHAHAHA!!!', Tomioka couldn't utter any more words, Kocho was right, it was too ticklish. 'Promise you'll try to smile a few times, that's the only way we'll let you, right Shinobu - San?' Tanjiro asked.
'Yes!', replied the hashira. 'OKAHAHAY!!!! NO MORE!!', and with that answer they let him go with a smile. 'Tomioka-san...?' they asked. 'I'm fine... Thank you...', he answered somewhat weakly. Kocho looked at the clock and considered that it was too late for Tomioka and Tanjiro to return home, so she advised them to stay until there was some sun and it was less dangerous.
They had no problem staying, Kocho showed them the room they could stay in. 'Sorry again Tomioka-san, I don't know if it made you uncomfortable,' Tanjiro apologized. 'You don't have to worry Tanjiro, he doesn't mind, right Tomioka-San?' Tomioka sighed 'No, but they won't do it again, I'll be more prepared'
Tanjiro and Shinobu looked at each other and a knowing smile formed on his face. 'Really?' Tanjiro asked. Tomioka then saw their smiles and knew that a long night full of laughter awaited him, but deep down he liked being able to smile like before
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creative-kny-fics · 2 months
Obanai: And you hope we believe you-?
Sanemi: If you show us that you can make her laugh, we'll pay you. And if you can't, you pay us, plus we'll let you take revenge on us
Obanai: YEAH! Wait... WHAT?! NO!!
Giyuu: Deal.
Sanemi: F*ck...
Giyuu: (I win...)
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N.A: Giyuu and Gyomei are the only hashiras (men) who can tickle Shinobu (I suck at dialogues 😔👍🏼)
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mah-t-wordblog · 3 months
Stop touching that!
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Lee: Muichiro Tokito
Ler: Shinobu Kochou
Ships: NONE
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
“Tokito! Stop moving!” Shinobu asked the boy
“It hurts” he said, trying to move away the doctor’s hands that were trying to put bandages on the cuts on his body
“But if you let me finish it will stop hurting”
Muichiro calmed down a little and let Shinobu put the last bandages on his face.
“Okay, I finished it”
The boy looked at himself, lying in his bed since he was badly injured, at a mirror in the corner of the room, where he saw his face with the bandages on it.
He tried to put his hand on one of them, but Shinobu slapped his hand away.
“Don’t touch it” she said smiling, a very scary smile
“It’s crooked”
“Leave it crooked, I put this to help you heal”
Muichiro tried to move again
“Tokito, stop it” she was still smiling, but traces of anger started to appear on her face
Muichiro tried to move his face away from her and raised his hands to remove the bandages.
“That’s enough” Shinobu said, finally getting angry enough, she squeezed the boy’s sides, making him let out an exclamation and lower his arms “I told you to stop”
“Nohohohoho” he tried to move again, just to tease her
But Shinobu scratched Muichiro's belly, causing more laughter.
“Now you’re asking for it.”
He shook his head shouting “SOHOHOHORRY”
The traces of anger diminished from Shinobu's face, she was now calmer.
“Okay, okay, but don’t do it again, or else…” she poked him.
“Okahahay! Okahahay! I won’t” he smiled at her “thank you for looking after me, Miss Kochou”
'He looks very different' she thought, but smiled back at Muichiro
Thanks for reading 💛💛
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fluffyweeby · 1 year
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Tickletober day 6 - Chase
Prompts by @tickletober
Another part of my demon slayer check ups. This time the victim was the ✨snake boy! ✨🐍
Happy tktober! 💜
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tea-twords · 2 months
ehehehe first fic im writing after what feels like a year or two or a billion. But im actually feeling it rn so im gonna give it a shot. AND PLS FORGIVE ME FOR BAD WRITING IM SO RUSTY RIGHT NOW IM TRYINT TO GET THR HANG OF IT
So a few headcanons I used for this fic before we get into it:
Whenever the Arataki gang is in jail for some stupid as ever thing, Shinobu gets a bit antsy after a while cause she’s the type of person to always need something to do. Not doing anything makes her a bit anxious
Heizou is very good at reading people’s emotions but that’s probably canon enough
Shinobu knows a way to make a functioning bracelet out of like 4 naku weed stems somehow
So um aha no idea how to format so I’ll try my best
And also a warning for some swear words, I also hc Shinobu swears at her ler while getting wrecked
Lee: Kuki Shinobu
Ler: Shikanoin Heizou
God the day Heizou had today was surely a good one.
He returned to the police station after a day of substantial progress on his investigation into a new case to hear what sounded like a chorus of angels (and a few devils) breaking out in song.
Heizou’s immediate thought was “What in Celestia is going on”, as would anyone else think if they were in his current predicament.
He figured out pretty quickly that the culprits for this outcry of song were none other than the one and only Arataki Itto and his buddies, Mamoru, Genta, and Akira. Having been arrested for “disturbing the peace” (having a whole karaoke session right in front of komore tea house and actively inviting any passerby to join them), they decided to take their…passion, for karaoke to their prison cells and somehow managed to get some of the other inmates to sing along.
It was pretty hilarious, to say the least. It took almost all of Heizou’s willpower to not to burst out laughing as his fellow officers attempted to get the situation under control.
“I’ve got to tell Shinobu about this”
So now here he was, walking through hanamizaka, looking for the places Shinobu can commonly be found. Something was off though…
She’s not here.
“That’s troubling…” Heizou thought. “Where could she be, if not here? Definitely not any shrines, maybe at a shop? Or perhaps the by the sea!”
Heizou began to walk in the direction of the shore. It wasn’t the most logical place to look next, but something was telling him he’d get lucky there.
“Hey, Shinobu!”
He called out to the green haired girl sitting in front of the sea next to a maroon drawstring bag. She held her mask to her face, but lowered it once she saw who called out to her.
“Oh, hey.”
“My intuition told me I might find you here. I’ve got to tell you about what happened today at the-…hey are you okay?”
Heizou paused mid sentence after taking a closer look at Shinobu. She was making bracelets out of naku weed and sango pearls, but something was wrong. Her back was unusually straight, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, her movements on the bracelet were sharper than needed, and she was switching sitting positions in the sand like twice a minute. She seemed…bored. Restless. Anxious.
“Yeah, I’m fine, why?”
“I’m here to talk if you need. Somethings wrong.” Heizou said, sitting down next to her.
Shinobu sighed and looked back down at the bracelet she had just finished making.
“Nothing crazy serious, I guess I’ve just been bored. I’ve done all I needed to do today, but the idea of doing nothing is just uncomfortable…It’s weird. I’m always cleaning up after the gang’s messes, but now..”
“You don’t know what to do now since there aren’t any messes to clean.” He finished for her.
“Yeah, pretty much. Gotta keep myself busy.”
“I take it that’s why you’re making bracelets by the sea?”
“I’ve got nothing better to do, so yeah. Just a hobby to pass the time.”
“They’re beautiful.”
Shinobu smiled. She looked back up at Heizou to find him marveling at the one currently in her hand. Little sango pearls were intertwined in a wreath of naku weeds. She’d been wanting to make bracelets with them ever since she picked some up during Boss’s rock and roll event at watatsumi island.
“You want one?”
“Only if there are extras.”
She opened the bag next to her to reveal she had made quite the supply of bracelets already.
“Woah…you’ve been here a while, I see.”
“Heh, yeah. By the sea is a nice place to be.”
“That rhymed.”
“Thank you.”
They sat in silence for a little longer, admiring the coming sunset before Heizou spoke up again.
“I also noticed you aren’t wearing your mask at the moment.”
“I felt like breathing the air by the ocean a little better. It helps when you need calming down. And I don’t have to keep the mask on if it’s just you here, you know who I am.”
“I guess that’s true. Still, it’s not often I get to see you without it.”
“Enjoy it while it lasts.” Shinobu said, already almost done with her next bracelet. “This one is gonna be yours.”
“Ooh, really? It’s an honor to watch the craftsman work.” He said peering excitedly at his future bracelet in-the-making.
She finished up quickly and handed it to him.
“I added an extra sango pearl, cause you’re one of my best friends.”
“Awww, really? That means so much, Shinobu, thank you.” Heizou said, his expression softening greatly. He looked like this emoji 🥺.
“Y-yeah..” Shinobu mumbled, averting her eyes.
“Aww, are you blushing?” He teased, moving a little closer to get a better look.
“No! And stop awwing at me!” She hid her face, preventing him from getting that better look.
Heizou pouted. “Shinobu come onnn, I never get to see your face! Especially not your blushing one, you can’t deny me this opportunity.”
“Shut up. You’ve seen me blush before anyway…”
“But not without the mask! Pleaseee?”
“I would rather plunge in the sea in front of us.”
Yeah, she won’t budge. Heizou has to use his secret weapon now.
From where he was sitting next to her, he wrapped his arms around her in a hug and looked up at her with puppy eyes.
“H-hey! Careful! I’m not even gonna look at you.” She said, flinching first at the sudden contact but still keeping her face hidden with her hands and knees.
“Hm, “careful”, you say?”
The silence was loud. She couldn’t see his face, but she knew exactly what expression he had on.
“Wipe that smirk off your face off your face, and don’t even think about it.”
Heizou giggled mischievously. One because he did in fact have a smirk on his face, and two because he now had a new idea. An idea to get her to finally show her face, and you know, maybe help her feel a little better.
“Careful? Careful with what?” He said, lightly tapping at her sides. Nothing unbearable, but still getting a reaction.
“Heizou, noho! I’ll kill you! Don’t even try!”
“Threatening a detective with murder now, huh? I thought we were best friends, Shinobu.” He said sarcastically, glancing at his new bracelet on his wrist.
Shinobu tried desperately to squirm out of his hold. It was over for her if he went through with this, she’ll never hear the end of it.
“I personally can’t believe I didn’t think of how ticklish you can be earlier!”
“Heizou I swehehear…”
“Oh, this is good for me. Now I’ll get to see your blushing face and your laughing face without the mask at the same time!” Heizou said, picking up the pace and now scribbling his fingers at her sides.”
“Noho you wohohohont! Heheizohou!!” She giggled, her hands instinctively grabbing his wrists. However, unfortunately, due to his place behind her, she had much less leverage and it was quite futile.
“You’re suhuhuch a piehece of shihihit! AHAha-!! Asshohole!” At her remark he gave her a quick tase to the side, clearly elevating her reaction.
“Now that’s no way to talk to one of your best friends.”
“Shhuhut the fuck uhuhup!! You’re nohohot my behehest friehehend, dickhead!” She retorted, squirming in any way she could to not show him her face in this state.
“Really? I guess that extra pearl was a mistake then…I’m hurt Shinobu, really.” Heizou said, not hurt at all. He knows she doesn’t mean it at all, hell he’ll yell similar things when he’s on the receiving end too. That still doesn’t mean he’ll have mercy just yet, however. He moved one hand up by her ribs, the other hand down by her stomach, and dug in. Not too much pressure, but just enough.
“HeheHEHEY!!” Shinobu laughed. Now he was currently attacking two of her bad spots at the same time, and she knew that he damn well knew what he was doing too.
She continued to giggle brightly, not caring about hiding her face anymore and instead kicking her legs and thrashing around (adorably by the way) and doing whatever she could to escape.
Since hiding her face was no longer Shinobu’s top priority, Heizou had no problem finally seeing her laughing/blushing face without a mask.
“Aww, I see you now~” He teased, grinning down at her wide smile. He began to slow down, having got what he wanted and not wanting her revenge to be too devastating.
“Ahahrehe you happy?”
“Very happy.”
“Greheheat, you can stohohop.”
Taking her for her word that she’s had enough, he finally stopped his attack on her midsection and let her breathe as she slumped on his shoulder.
“You know it was fun.”
“You’re still an asshole.”
“Come on, look how relaxed you are now. Much better than how I found you earlier. Oh right, speaking of, I was gonna tell you-“
“Apapap, wait one second.” Shinobu interrupted. “I just want you to know I’ll get you back for your cruelty today, when you least expect it. Could be in a few seconds, could be in a few days. Your intuition won’t be able to save you, detective.”
It was Heizou’s turn to be nervous. Maybe not nervous, actually, more like excited. Anticipation always made things more fun! Not that he’d admit it in this moment.
“Mmmm…o-okay…” He shrank in on himself while Shinobu sat next to him, her eyes hungry to see him in her same position. It always amazed him how easily she could bounce back from getting tickle attacked.
“A-anyway, the four of them in their cells-“ He continued, making the most of the time he has left before his inevitable doom.
Heizou shared the story of how the gang managed to get fellow inmates singing along with them in prison, and they discussed various Arataki gang stories until the sun set.
And yes, Shinobu did eventually get him back.
@adrienisweird @emiefluff HI GUYS I WROTE SOMETHING
again I apologize for bad writing I just kind of wrote as I went and lost myself in it. Still getting the hang of it but I hope u guys like it and I hope it’s a good start!!
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mystwrites · 1 year
Could you do prompt 20? (Aka: Cmon, smile)
With Giyuu and Shinobu? (Interpret how you wish?)
Ofc feel free to decline this! :3
yesss!! ofc i will write this!! i left it a bit ambiguous shipping wise so interpret it as you wish☺️
(sentence starters are still open!!)
“Giyyuuu!!!!! Why don’t you smile?”
Giyuu sighed and looked down at Shinobu, wishing she would just leave him alone. He didn’t feel like talking with anyone let alone give Shinobu a smile. He’s only smiled in front of one slayer and that was Tanjiro due to them sharing funny stories about training under Urokodaki.
“Oh don’t be like that, Giyuu!! Come on!!”
“Shinobu…please stop…”
“C’mon, smile!!~”
A sudden poke to his ribs caused Giyuu to jump like a cat, Shinobu letting out a giggle as she watch his eyes widen. The realization set in and Giyuu decided there was only one option left, run!
“You didn’t get very far, silly!” Shinobu giggled, sitting on Giyuu’s back. “Tickle, tickle!~”
Giyuu let out a snort before the laughter burst from his lips, his feet kicking out behind him, his hands reaching back to weakly grab Shinobu’s wrists. Her fingers danced along his ribs, sending ticklish sensations throughout his body. Now laughing uncontrollably as her hands slid under his arms, Giyuu gave up fighting, his left hand weakly slapping at Shinobu as she continued to tickle him.
“S-Shihinobuhuhu ahahahaa!! P-plehehehease!!!” Giyuu begged, laughing harder as Shinobu changed from light skittering to gently digging her fingertips into the spot right below his armpits. “SHIHIHINOBU!!! AHAHAA!!”
“You never smile, Giyuu!” she argued, her smile never faltering. “I’m just helping you smile more! Your smile and laughter is so contagious!~”
Knowing he will be unable to escape, Giyuu lay on his stomach laughing, his arms clamped tightly against his sides. Shinobu’s hands were now trapped underneath his arms, her tickling fingers not ceasing their endless assault. This was going to be a long ordeal, but Giyuu wasn’t against it.
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xolliwritez · 2 years
helloooooo !! could you write lee giyuu where shinobu finds out he’s ticklish and has fun exploring it hehe please and thank you !!
Butterflies Bounty || KNY Tk Fic
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A/N: aaaaaa dani!! this was such a cute yet fun idea, these two are my heart and soul!! i hope you enioy reading this!! \\(*´▽`*)//
P.S: Sorry if it took too long, you're the first person to request so yea (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
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"Tomioka-san, oi oi, Tomioka-san!" Shinobu attempted to catch the water hashira's attention.
All day, Kocho had been trying to catch Tomioka's attention, but with every large attempt she did, the more it failed, it was starting to out her on edge quite the bit. Giyuu was one hundred percent aware of this, but just acted as if nothing had been happening at all, shooing her away like an insect.
As Giyuu had went out for a mission, she had went to her fellow accomplices, seeking for any chance of an answer. As expected, Sanemi and Iguro didn't give two craps about him, whilst Rengoku and Mitsuri were out training most of the day, Uzui was caught up in a mission himself and Gyomei and Muichiro had been helping Genya train. What possibly could be keeping him so on edge? Either way, she was going to get her answer today, whether he liked it or not. Meanwhile, she had patient's to help, especially a certain Bluenette, Blonde and Red head, hoo boy.
After the long day, Tomioka had came into her mansion to get some small injuries treated, they weren't much, but still, the fact that he'd been hurt by a small demon made her think even more that something was on his mind.
"My my, Tomioka-san, how did you get these injuries over a simple mission, hm?"
No answer.
"This is why you've got no friend's, Tomioka-san."
Again, not a answer, nor a single glance.
Shinobu's smile quickly faded, spinning the water breathing user to look her in the eye, "Tomioka-san, I'm worried for you, this isn't like you." Hopefully that got to him, and it eventually did. His bland expression lightened up a bit as he gazed into her eye's, his gorgeous, ocean blue.. what was she thinking? Snap out of it Shinobu!
With a small shake of her head, Shinobu waited for Giyuu to invite her to sit beside her. He quickly caught on and patted beside him, her smile quickly coming back into place as she sat beside him.
"You can talk to me, Tomioka-san, I'll always be here to listen." She assured, humming happily when he nodded slightly. Eventually, he opened up, explaining how he didn't deserve to be with such strong, kind people such as herself.
Oh my, how couldn't she have noticed sooner? His endless amount of survivors guilt had pent him up so much, that it eventually got the best of him, now she understood why he'd never associate himself with any if the other's.
"Tomioka-san.. it's difficult, I understand that, but.. if they were here right now, I can assure you that they'd be so proud of you. I mean, look at you, most people can't be as- are you okay?" She asked. Whilst she was talking, she had placed her left hand against his left side and rubbed him, offering him reassurance, she didn't expect this type of reaction.
"Shinobu, no."
"Oh Tomioka-"
"Don't." His once slumped over torso now stood straight, his hands grabbing her wrist, yet not even tugged them even the slightest away.
"My my, I think I know how to cheer you up, Tomioka-san~" Teased the insect Hashira, her smile only widdening when she saw the usually pale white face of his brightening a cute shade of red. Her once rubbing her now latched onto his side and with each twitch of her fingertips, so did Giyuu's body, quiver.
"Glad we're getting closer, Tomioka-san! Maybe we could become friend's!" She played, surprised to hear her usually stoic companion whine from such a innocent tease. Ohohoh, now this was fun.
"What's wrong, Tomioka-san? Can't handle a few tickles? That's unfortunate, I thought you'd have some resilience in you." She playfully tsked and shook her head, making him arch away when her over hand came into play. "K-Kohoch- Kocho, nohoho! Pl-Please dohon't!" He melted even more as she awed at him, her hands lowering as she squeezed at his hip's, making him immediately turn to his side, laying on the bed as his right arm covered his face.
"No no, we can't have you do that, Giyuu, this is only getting started!" She exclaimed with excitement, now squeezing his hips with vigor, making the once silent hashira go into a giggle fit. As her thumbs accidentally found the divets of his hips, it only made him buck and arch, luckily for Shinobu, she wasn't ontop of him, kudos to her for sitting beside him whilst he was laughinh his head off. "Ahahah, S-Shihinobu! Plehease! S-Sto-NAHAH!" Howled Tomioka, throwing his head back as her left hand squeezed at his thigh, "Oh? Is this a bad spot, Tomioka-san?~" He didn't even have to say, the both of them already knew the answer to this answer.
"It was a rhetorical question, Giyuu, I don't expect you to understand tha- what is that?" She asked, making Tomioka immediately look, "What do you- NOHO!" He kicked and squirmed, "Oh no, it's a tickle bug! Don't worry, Tomioka-san, I'll save you!" She playfully retorted, treating him like a child. As the tickling pursued, she took a glace to see if she needed to stop.
His once long hair came undone, becoming messier, his once blank expression was filled with childish glee, along with his ears, nose and cheeks dusted a bright red, his fists clamped onto his haori and the sheets of the bed weakly, trying to keep some of hispride intact, oh how she dreamed she had done this sooner.
As she listened to his breathing become more frantic, she had stopped, her hands resting against his own.
"So, how was that, hm?" She teased, not expecting an answer, before hearing him muffle something under his breath. She drummed her right hands fingertips into his armpit to make him curl, "I couldn't hear you, Tomioka-san, speak up please." Smiled the insect Hashira, only for her heart to swell with pure love for him over his word's.
"I said I lohohove y-you." He exclaimed breathlessly, hiding part of his face into the cover of his haori. "I love you too." Shinobu kissed the back of his hand, making his impossibly red face grow even redder, "Okay, now rest up, those injuries should heal in a few days." She patted his stomach, oh how they'd do this again.
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skayleay · 2 years
Hiya! I saw asks were open, and i was like sure why not ask! Its my first time asking, but could i request for lee!kuki shinobu and ler!itto?? Your art is awesome btw!
Omg! This is my first genshin Impact request!
Thank you for kind words, there they are!
💚 💚 💚
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
It is me again! Well, here's the one about Shinobu and Tengen because I really loved the idea
Tengen: Ko-kocho please, it was just a joke, I didn't really mean it...
Shinobu: You spanked Aoi, you almost kidnapped my girls and you threw one away, do you think I'll forgive you?
Tengen: But, you can't hurt me, I'm already hurt...
Shinobu: Yes, but I'll do something that will make you wish Gyutaro had cut off your head.
Tengen got worried, he didn't know what Shinobu would do to him, until he felt a weight on his arm, he looked strange only to see the hashira of the insect raised on that arm, smiling with slight mischief. He breathed a sigh of relief, he could pick her up immediately if he did something to him, well... That was what he thought.
Tengen: Shinobu, what are you-AHH!
Shinobu: What's up Uzui-San?
Tengen: Shinobu, no.
Shinobu: Mmmm... Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I'll just give you a little penance for your mistake
Tengen immediately gritted his teeth, he didn't plan on giving Shinobu the pleasure of seeing him laugh, but the hashira's hands were so small that they entered his armpit, those fingers went up, down and danced over his exposed armpit like spiders. He knew that at some point he would get bored or let him go, or so he thought.
Tengen: Shihinobu nohoho!! Ghh!! Stohohop! Grr!
Shinobu: I do not plan to do it, this is not even half of what I will do to you, I recommend you take a breath, I will do the same
Tengen: Whahahat? Hey! NO NO NO!! Plehehease! Kocho I swear what- GYAHAHAH!!!!
Everything happened so fast that Uzui didn't even notice the movements of the hashira, which was now blowing and blowing raspberries on your exposed abdomen. Every time he tried to push her away, she would immediately throw her hand to attack his armpit, thus avoiding the attack. It was almost 3 raspberry minutes in a row, his hair was messier than when he woke up, his eyes were teary from laughing, but Shinobu still wasn't satisfied
Tengen: PLehehehahahahahhahse, Kohohocho no mohohore... I'm sorry
Shinobu: Well, I haven't finished with you yet Uzui, there's something in that I'm sorry that doesn't convince me, but I think I'll find the answer now
Tengen: Nono, please, not Shinobu!! Don't you dare!! I'm really sorry!!
Uzui's despair grew when Shinobu went to his feet, she turned her head to laugh at the former shinobi, this time she wouldn't be alone. Tengen saw his wives approaching, he thought he would be saved but on the contrary, apparently they also agreed to the punishment and were not the one to disobey a hashira
Suma: Tengen-Sama! How could do that?!
Makio: It wasn't right!!
Hinatsuru: How can we help you, Miss Shinobu?
Shinobu: Hold his legs please, I would like to make sure that he is truly sorry Tengen: Girls, you wouldn't be able to, would you?...
Hinatsuru: I'm sorry Lord Tengen but you've been talking a lot about going to hell lately, so this will help you too, but you'll be fine you're a shinobi and a hashira right?
Makio: Ready girls?
Tengen threw his head back, arched his back and began to plead for his life. He didn't know how, but Shinobu was managing to torment the former shinobi effortlessly, Shinobu's little fingers were so fast that he couldn't find a moment to at least wrinkle his fingers.
Shinobu: Hey Tengen... Itsy Bitsy Spider...
Tengen: NONONO!!!
Shinobu: No? So...? This little pig went to the market~
Tengen: SHINOBU!!
Shinobu began to play with Uzui's toes, it seemed that this especially tormented him, his entire foot was so sensitive that there was no place that just a touch would not make him laugh. Tengen begged his wives to let him go, but they denied and scoffed.
Suma: OHHH what's up Tengen - Sama? It's too much?
Makio: We warned you to stop talking about hell, didn't we?
Hinatsuru: Fufufufu Lord Tengen is so cute
Tengen's laughter fell silent, it was only 2 minutes but for him it was an eternity
Shinobu: Do you regret it Uzui?
Shinobu: Hmm.... I don't know~
Shinobu: Ok ok, you win
Finally, Tengen was free to breathe easy, he curled up on the side of the bed, a few tears spilling from his one eye and staining his cheeks flushed.
Tengen: Thahahat's was so unflahahahshy...
Makio: Of course not, it was very fair
Shinobu: I hope it serves as a lesson to you Uzui... I'm leaving
Well, it seems that since then Tengen learned to respect, he didn't want that to happen again, or maybe he want to repeat this again?
KJERKJEKJRKJEKJR SO EVIL!!! I love Shinobu so much! What a devious Hashira she is lols! Thank you for sharing yet another fabulous dialogue, friend! :D
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fanfic-chan · 2 years
Tickletober Day 21: Wake Up!
"Alright boss, get up. You've already slept in plenty, and the two Mondstadt kids you decided to bring along are getting antsy."
Kuki rolled her eyes when the only form of response she got for her efforts was a noncommittal groan from the sleepy oni. She cast a sideways glance at the two boys accompanying them, both of whom looked as if they might burst at any moment with pent up energy and excitement.
It truly was unbelievable. Itto had only been in Mondstadt with the traveler for about a week and he still somehow managed to pick up another few strays while he was there. Kuki wanted to be irritated by this, being as she was most likely going to be playing the role of 'the responsible one' while they were here, but in the end the only thing she felt was a fond sort of exasperation. They really were cute kids.
The unlucky one, Bennett he was called, was very bubbly and upbeat despite his tendency to get in the most awkward and unfortunate situations, and the wolvendom boy, Razor, was very quiet and sweet, if a tad feral at times. She really couldn't blame her boss much for giving in to the pairs' enthusiastic pleas to accompany him to Inazuma, now that the borders had finally reopened.
However, that didn't mean she was going to cut him any kind of slack about sleeping in, especially not when he had already promised to show the two boys around. Still though, despite all her efforts, the oni was still barely waking up enough to acknowledge her presence. Oh well. Desperate times called for desperate measures.
"Itto, I swear if you don't wake up right now, I'm going to tickle you." She warned. A beat goes by. And another. And another. "Alright. You asked for it."
Not wasting another moment, she pounced. Itto jolted awake in an instant, startled and confused laughter bursting out of him before he could even attempt to get away. "W-Whahahahhaha?! Kuki?!! Whahahahat the heheheck?!!" He cried, rolling over onto his back and shove her away, but being as he had just woken up, his movements were still severely uncoordinated and she was able to continue tickling him with little issue.
"It's time to get up boss. The boys have been waiting for you for well over an hour now and you still need to eat something before we go. You don't wanna dissapoint them now do you?" She pointed out, though her scolding tone wasn't nearly as effective as it might usually be with her scribbling at his sides the way she was.
"Ahahahaha K-Kukiii!! Okahahay alrihihihight already! Ihihi'm uhuhuhup!" He cried, somehow finding just enough strength and coordination in himself to scramble away from her and sit up, a slight blush spreading across his cheeks and ears, embarrassed. "Jeez... You're so mean sometimes you know that?" He whined before turning his attention to their two young guests, both of whom quickly looked away to try and hide their amused smiles and giggles, rather unsuccessfully.
"Ohh so you two think that's funny huh?! Well then I'll give you something to laugh about! C'mere!" Itto growled out playfully before lunging at the pair. The two teens quickly scrambled up to their feet and took off in the opposite direction with Itto hot on their heels. Kuki merely rolled her eyes fondly. These guys were going to be the death of her someday.
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Well, today, February 8, is the birthday of our beloved Water Hashira, Giyuu Tomioka. So, to celebrate, a dose of love and smiles for this emo that everyone loves and deserves love.
Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Summary: Shinobu plans a surprise party for Giyuu along with the other pillars, but he doesn't plan to celebrate. Will Shinobu manage to convince him?
Ler: Kocho Shinobu
Lee: Tomioka Giyuu
(Part 1 - Part 2 in process)
'A SURPRISE PARTY?!', Mitsuri exclaimed before putting her hands to her mouth to keep from screaming again. 'Yes, tomorrow is Tomioka-San's birthday and I want to surprise him, do you have any plans for tomorrow? It would help me a lot to have someone else helping me' 'The truth is that I was planning to train tomorrow, so-', Obanai could not finish his sentence due to the enthusiasm of Love Hashira, who said that she would gladly help and attend the party. 'I'll make a little space to help Mitsuri and at the party'
'I'll help too, that party will need a touch of extravagance', 'I'll support too! It will be a lot of fun!' Uzui and Rengoku agreed to help, calming down and making Shinobu smile, who turned his gaze to those who still hadn't said anything. 'Who is Tomioka? Muichiro's question made Sanemi snort
'It's the Water Hashira. Tokito, you've been talking to him a lot lately, remember?', Gyomei replied calmly to the boy's doubt. 'Oh, my brother... I must have forgotten his birthday, but if I'm going, I'll bring some balloons,' he smiled. 'I'll go too Kocho, that's a nice gesture from you to Tomioka. And you Sanemi? Will you attend?', Gyomei touched the head of the aforementioned, he stayed muttering for a few minutes. 'Ok, I'll go, but just this once', he crossed his arms and turned his head
'Then it's done! Let's give Tomioka a good dose of joy!' Mitsuri exclaimed excitedly. Each Hashira gave a contribution: Shinobu his estate, Mitsuri, Obanai and Sanemi the food, Gyomei and Muichiro the balloons and gifts and Uzui and Rengoku would help decorate.
The next morning. The Hashiras went to work, trying to keep Tomioka from realizing what they were doing. Kagaya/O.S also agreed to help them, entertaining Giyuu and treating him to lunch. 'Shinobu-san! We're here!!', Shinobu turned his head to find Mitsuri, Obanai and Sanemi with various food packages on their shoulders and hands. 'Oh, what a joy to see you! They came very early!', she approached and took some packages and entered the room where Rengoku and Uzui were decorating while Gyomei and Muichiro inflated the balloons. 'What did I tell you? This party already has an extravagant touch. Himejima, Tokito, very nice choice of colors', Uzui patted the shoulders of both hashiras. 'Thank you, Tokito chose the colors. I'm glad you liked it, well let's continue with this. Shinobu, what time will Giyuu arrive?', the gazes turned to her. She thought for a moment, she didn't know what to answer 'When I told Oyakata-Sama about this, he told me that he would invite him to lunch. Maybe I'm on your estate, do you need help before I leave?', she looked at his companions, they told him not to worry, they could finish on time. Shinobu wished them luck and said goodbye, the first place he went to was the Oyakata-Sama farm, but he was no longer there, he had left a few minutes ago. 'Oh, Shinobu-San!', she recognized the voice and turned, Tanjiro was in front of her. 'Hi Kamado-Kun, how have you been? Oh yeah, one question, have you seen or talked to Tomioka-San today?', Tanjiro denied, he had been with Inosuke and Zenitsu almost all day before separating and walking alone for a while. 'No, I'm sorry, has something happened to him?' 'Oh no no, don't worry. Today is his birthday and we are planning a party for him, but it wouldn't be a party if he wasn't there'
'EHH?! It's his birthday?! I didn't know!' Tanjiro felt embarrassed, which made Shinobu laugh. 'Don't worry, if you see him tell him to please go to my farm', after that, they said goodbye and she kept looking. Almost 1 hour had passed, but he had not been successful, he was about to give up until he found him about to enter his farm.
'Tomioka-San!', Shinobu exclaimed and ran towards him. He tried to take him to his estate, but he couldn't, Tomioka kept insisting that he was fine. Shinobu knew exactly what to do to convince him, he asked him for a glass of water and they both entered the estate, they talked for a while until Shinobu ran his finger along Tomioka's ribs making him snort.
'Kocho, no,' Tomioka moved away from her a bit, but was quicker and moved closer and straddled him hips. 'Kocho, yes', she laughed and with her index finger began to gently go up and down his ribs. 'Ko-kocho please n-no!', he put his hands to his mouth to avoid laughing and please his friend, but he wouldn't give up so easily, she already knew the way to make him laugh. 'Oh come on Tomioka-san! You don't have to be ashamed, we're friends!', her fingers started to move like spider legs up and down, the touch although it was very soft was driving Tomioka crazy, he was trying with all his might not to laugh.' Stahap! Ple-please!', Shinobu looked at the clock and knew that she had to hurry up, she gave him the last chance to accompany her, but he still didn't give in. 'Oh well Tomioka, you know what will happen next', his fingers now began to squeeze his ribs, getting between the gaps in each rib and staying in a place that saw his laughter grow. 'GYAHAHAHAHAHA!! STAHAHAHAP!!! NO NO NO NO!!! SHIHIHINOBU PLEHEHEHEHAHAHAHSE!!! I CAN'T!!', he began to kick the floor hard and try everything to get those sensations away from his body. 'No~ come on Tomioka, you're a hashira~ is it that bad?~', Shinobu sneered at his friend's futile escape attempts 'Besides, I know you like being tickled~'.
'WAHAHIT!! YOHOHU!! WAHAHAHA!! NOT THERE NOT THEHEHERE!!!', he felt the tears touching the corners of his eyes, while his cheeks burned from the enormous blush. 'Tomioka-San, since today is a special day, I wrote a song for you~ it's called Happy Birthday Tomioka-San~', she began to use Giyuu's ribcage as if it were a piano as she hummed the song. 'HAHAHAHAHA!!! OK OK!! *snort* I'LL GO WITH YOU!!! *screech* BUHUHUT PLEHEHAHAHASE STAHAHAHAP!! *hic* I CAHAHAHAN'T!! *snort* I BEHEHEHEG YOU!!', she didn't trust her partner's words, but finally let him go as she saw some tears spilling out. She got off him and sat next to him, laughing as he snuggled in trying to get his oxygen back. 'Thahahat was so mehehehan', after a few minutes they both got out and headed to the party venue.
'Kocho, why are there screams?', Tomioka looked at her confused, to which she shrugged and they continued walking. When he opened the door a big 'SURPRISE' and confetti were waiting for him, he saw his colleagues and friends gathered to wish them a happy birthday. Some approached to hug him and give him his gift, Shinobu whispered 'Happy birthday, Tomioka-San' before walking away.
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creative-kny-fics · 5 months
Hear me out this might be too much… so u don’t have to!
but I’m craving Lee!giyuu rn so… Lee!giyuu (ofc) and ler!hashiras (all of them excluding giyuu)
I’m patient so take as long as you want on this!! Remember!!! Don’t force yourself!! If you don’t want to, delete it or ignore !! >u<
JAHSJSHJAHSKSHSAJA I missed writing about the e-, I mean I mean, about Giyuu
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Lee: Giyuu Tomioka
Lers: Shinobu Kocho, Mitsuri Kanroji, Tengen Uzui, Kyojuro Rengoku, Sanemi Shinazugawa and Iguro Obanai (Gyomei and Muichiro didn't want to participate)
'Am I the only one who has noticed Giyuu's change of mood?', Shinobu frowned as the others nodded.
Shinobu was closer to Giyuu, even closer than Mitsuri, Obanai and Kyojuro or even Sanemi, who had been trying to become his suitor, so she seemed to be the only one who knew Giyuu.
'You really are great observers... Tomioka-San has been happier these days, he is now a little more open and talks a little more, plus he smiles now...-' 'WHAAAAAAT?!', the others shouted, Shinobu definitely spent a lot of time with Giyuu. 'Are you serious Shinobu-Chan?!'
'Yep! I think this is all because of Tanjiro-Kun, he is the second person Tomioka-San spends the most time with. It seems that that boy has helped him come out of his shell... You should see them, I can never help but laugh since he looks like a mother hen with her newborn chick'
Shinobu laughed at the memory, but stopped when the others' gazes focused only on her, apparently they were waiting for Shinobu to stop the "joke", which was not. 'Tsk, that brat is always by Giyuu's side, I'm not surprised that his good humor has rubbed off on him... I wonder why Kocho's humor hasn't rubbed off on him before...'
'And I'm wondering the following. Why it seems that you are more jealous of Tanjiro and me than Shinobu or Obanai, they also spend time with Giyuu-San and it doesn't seem to bother you as much as my and Tanjiro's presence. Besides, you and Giyuu-San are nothing to make you jealous... '
'Tokito, that was rude, apologize to Shinazugawa,' Muichiro rolled his eyes and 'apologized'.
What he said was true, but Gyomei didn't like the way he expressed it, it wasn't an appropriate way of speaking for a child.
Shinobu simply sighed as Sanemi began to scold Muichiro for what he had told him, the only ones who didn't stay a part of it were Mitsuri, Kyojuro and Obanai, who followed her.
'Kocho, if what you say is true, why don't you just prove it? Because I remind you that on one occasion we tried every possible way to make Tomioka smile, and NOTHING helped. Do you think you can then prove that Tomioka can laugh?', Shinobu nodded and led them.
The four hid in some nearby bushes, they were spying on Giyuu, all because of Obanai's idea. 'Well?' What are you waiting for?'
'You're so impatient Iguro-San... But it's okay, I'll go~'
Obanai just looked away for a minute and Shinobu was gone, now she was jumping from branch to branch until she got close to Giyuu and she launched herself so he could catch her, and he did it.
'Tomioka-San! Thanks for catching me! What brings you here~?' 'It's a quiet place, it relaxes me...'
'Ooooh I see! Tomioka-San, forgive me for what I will do...', Giyuu raised an eyebrow in confusion, leaving Shinobu on the ground and then feeling how her small hands caressed his neck.
'This is a waste of time... She's not going to make it!'
'Patience patience Obanai! Let's trust Kocho! She does not-!'
'Shhhhh!', Mitsuri placed her hands on both of their mouths, when they finally quieted he pointed to where Giyuu and Shinobu were.
The three of them couldn't believe it, Giyuu was smiling!
'Awwww what's wrong~? Before when I did this it didn't seem to do anything to you, but now you're laughing!'
'N-no! I'm nohot-! Ko-Kocho!', Giyuu didn't want to laugh, but the smile he had implied many things. 'Aren't you? And what is that that forms on your face? It's not the expression you usually have, it's a little smile~'
Giyuu denied, covering his face with his hands, also finally moving Shinobu away from his neck.
But this wouldn't stop her, taking advantage of the fact that his arms were somewhat raised, she decided to dug into his armpits, looking for a better reaction, and she got it.
'Hehehehehey!! Kohochohoho!! O-okahahay!! I'm smilihihing!!'
'Oh really? I hadn't realized...~'
'Cohomehehe ohohohon!! Thihihis is embahaharrassihihing!!', Shinobu didn't believe it, but she already had what she wanted, so she stopped.
Giyuu shook his head as he caught his breath, making her swear not to say a single word to the others and she nodded.
But, the others had already seen what happened, would that count as a broken promise?
'I can't believe it... She really did it...' 'Woah! Kocho impressed me! Hahahaha! It's amazing, I want to try it too!'
'We shouldn't speak so loudly, they can come and listen to us!', they couldn't, they were too content in his place and didn't want to move for the world.
Mitsuri and Kyojuro couldn't bear the secret, and ended up telling Uzui. What was going to happen to poor Giyuu having those three lers chasing him until they achieved their goal of making him laugh?
Maybe there would be another objective involved, who knows...
'Well, what plan do you have?'
'What if everyone does it individually? If the three of us go together it can be very predictable, don't you think?'
'I totally agree with you Kanroji! So you will have the honors of doing it first!', Mitsuri smiled and nodded.
It took a while to find Giyuu and when she finally found him, she ran over to hug him.
For Giyuu it was normal, the only thing he wanted was for Obanai not to see them, it was always the same "she hugged me" argument, and it may not be so believable anymore.
'Tomioka... There's something weird about you...' 'Really? What could that be "weird"?'
'Your waist...', Giyuu raised an eyebrow, what was wrong with his waist?
Taking advantage of the fact that Mitsuri was hugging him, he used his hands to "caress" his sides with his reverse (left hand on right side and/or right hand on left side), "measuring" Giyuu's waist, who didn't know what to think and laughed out of nerves.
'K-Kahanrohoji! Whahahat-?!'
'I thought Iguro-San's waist was peculiar, but so is yours. Not in a bad way, you look pretty good! Highlight your figure!'
Giyuu didn't know whether to thank her, it was a bit of an awkward situation and if he didn't know Mitsuri, he'd think she was trying to flirt with him, but he knew that was the usual Mitsuri. 'What's so funny, Giyuu~?'
'I dohohohon't knohow!!' 'Aaaaw, are you nervous~? I'm barely doing something and you're laughing~!'
Giyuu covered his red face, it was embarrassing, both because of the situation and because he didn't know why he couldn't stop laughing, Mitsuri was right, she wasn't doing much and he was laughing
'Aaaaw Tomioka-San, you're so cute! So adorable! So giggly! Hey, what's up~? You don't like it when people compliment you? Look at your little red face, it's so cute~!', Mitsuri laughed as Giyuu made a futile effort to get away from her. 'Mit-!! Pleheahase stohohop tahalkihing!!'
'Eeeeh~? Why I should? You know I like to talk! Aaaaaah I'm getting it, is it the baby voice I'm making that's embarrassing you~? It's so cute...~' 'Nohohoho!! Plehahasehe!!'
Mitsuri didn't want to stop, who would? It was such an infectious laugh and yet unexpected and cute at the same time, but she stopped because it seemed like Giyuu would literally die of embarrassment.
'Okahahay! Gosh! Are you okay ?'
'Yehehes... Please don't tell anyone about this...', well, a little late for that.
Mitsuri nodded and after leaving, Giyuu went in the opposite direction, feeling that someone sensed him, he turned around but there was no one.
He shook his head thinking it was part of the shame of what had happened earlier, but when he returned his gaze to the front and continued walking, he shrugged when someone blew a gentle breeze on his neck. 'WHO?! Oh.. Is that you Uzui, what's wrong?'
'I thought it would take you a little longer to detect that it was me, congratulations to you for detecting me earlier!'
Giyuu sighed in relief, he should have known, Uzui is the only one who would do that. 'How was the experience you just had?'
'I-I don't know what you mean...'
'Please Tomioka, you know perfectly well that I have good hearing, don't think I didn't hear when Mitsuri tickled you...'
Well, the "please don't tell anyone" couldn't happen, but Giyuu deduced that Uzui must have been close enough to that place to have heard clearly.
However, Giyuu can almost never complain because he is always interrupted, whether by words or actions, in this case it was an action, Uzui had put a hand on his ribs, poking every 3 seconds or for every word he said.
'I guess you should be grateful that I was the one who listened to you. Can you imagine it would have been someone else? Someone like Iguro Obanai...' 'I-I imagine...'
'Everything okay? Are you cold or something? I feel like you're shaking, why are you hugging your ribs? I repeat the question, are you cold?', Giyuu denied, it was something he hated.
He didn't know he hated that until Sanemi and Obanai did it, he didn't like someone talking to him or the other person while tickling him, LESS, if that included "ignoring" him or pretending like he wasn't being tickled. 'If you're not cold, why-?'
'S-stohop!', Uzui tsked, but it was more like a chuckle than anything else.
Giyuu slapped his arm as he began to use his fingers as claws and began to tickle his ribs, the slap only made Uzui change position, lifting Giyuu off the floor and holding back his laughter as his feet began to try to touch the floor. 'What are you doing?!'
'Daaaah, isn't it obvious? Give you a hug! Have they never hugged you?'
'Why are you lying? You were tickling me! Wait...'
Tengen laughed and Giyuu cursed mentally, as he always fell in Uzui's games, and he knew what was coming, his head started repeating "idiot" as he prepared himself, but something different happened.
'Well, I think you earned your forgiveness. I'll leave you alone because you indirectly admitted that you're ticklish, even though I already knew that hahahaha. Well little one, you're free!', and said and done, Uzui put Giyuu on the ground and ruffled his hair.
Giyuu's brain was trying to recap everything, had Tengen just let him go? He expected something else, I don't know, maybe a raspberry before leaving but nothing, Uzui didn't do anything to him, should he feel disappointed or grateful?. 'Oh right, before I forget!'
And... It seems that Giyuu's thought was heard, Tengen picked him up one last time and blew a raspberry on his neck, and before Giyuu saw him, he was already gone.
Well... It could have been worse
'I think there's something really weird here... First Shinobu, although she always does it, it doesn't surprise me, then Mitsuri and now Tengen... I have to assume that the next one will be Rengoku...' 'And you're right my friend!'
Giyuu gasped as Kyojuro hugged him from behind, but one thing led to another and now they were both on the floor. 'Okay, what is this?! Why is everyone tickling me?!'
'The real question is why we should NOT tickle you! We know you like this Giyuu, stop acting strong and smile at life! I'll show you how!'
Oh hell no! Giyuu knew one thing, if Tengen did something, Kyojuro would ALSO do the same move, it was something he deduced when he found himself sitting on Rengoku's lap and Rengoku had hugged him tightly enough so that he didn't run away and it didn't hurt. 'Wait... Rengoku... Let's TAHAHAHALK!!'
'My my! It seems that someone has woken up with a slight sensitivity to raspberries! Hahahaha!', and all Giyuu needed was the damn teasing.
Why did those 4 love to talk to him as if he were a baby or teasing him if he laughed? The answer appeared on their cheeks, probably that blush of embarrassment was what was driving them. 'STOHOHOP THIHIS!!'
'Now?! But we've only just begun! Tomioka, you are a hashira, will you say that this is too much for you?!', Giyuu denied, he didn't care about the raspberries in a certain part, what was worse was the teasing
He couldn't, if Kyojuro started talking to him the way Mitsuri does, he was definitely going to lose everything, luckily Kyojuro wasn't one of the people who did that... Or was he...?
'Tomioka, your cheeks, they are as red as a tomato! No, wait, they're almost the color of the ends of my hair! I think now I understand why they call them 'raspberries', they have the same color as your cheeks!'
'What's wrong Tomioka?! "Not that"?! What thing?! The raspberries?! The compliments?! The tickles?! Be more specific!'
Kyojuro couldn't help but laugh as Giyuu's head fell onto his shoulders, feeling like it was no longer necessary to hug him.
'Mmmm I see! So you want the tickling to continue but without teasing?! Because if it were the raspberries that you want us to continue, you wouldn't be giving me access to your neck! Wait... What did you just do now...?'
Giyuu covered his mouth when Kyojuro let go of him to look at him in surprise. He knew that face and had exactly 3 seconds to run as far as he could or gain enough air for the next thing.
He wasn't being a coward, but he decided to simply run away as he heard Rengoku shout in the distance who indicated that he had snorted.
'Hahahaha poor Tomioka, and there are only 4 of us!', he commented as he stood up and shook himself, Giyuu wouldn't make it that far.
Who do you think would be next? Well, maybe one boy who was sitting on a branch of a nearby tree and the other who was leaning on the same tree could answer the question.
'That idiot thinks we forgot what happened last time?'
'Obanai, we're not going to be so cruel now, we're almost out in the open...'
'I had forgotten that ever since your feelings for Giyuu grew, you became soft. Cottonweed...', Sanemi climbed onto the branch and started shaking it, making Obanai regret having said that to him AND having said that about Giyuu.
Obanai couldn't believe it, but if he argued, Sanemi would respond that he is the same as him because with Mitsuri he is a god's bread that doesn't hurt a single fly, so he better put up with it.
'Well, if that's the problem, how about we take him to your estate? This way, if something happens, you will be a million meters away from the ears of others...'.
Obanai, you don't learn, do you? This time, Sanemi didn't need to make any effort because when he climbed up to try to do the same movement, the branch creaked and broke, causing both of them to fall to the ground.
'What's wrong with those two...?'
'I don't know, but promise me you won't do that Muichiro, you could get hurt', Muichiro nodded, but crossed his fingers behind him, it looked amused, who wouldn't?. 'Do we really have to tickle Giyuu-San? I think he's already suffered from enough...'
'Well, how about we stay and watch that duo not be cruel to him?' 'I think it is better'
Muichiro agreed and helped Gyomei hide, Giyuu had approached and had almost passed him by, but returned when he realized that Sanemi and Obanai were on the ground.
'Eeeeeeh... Guys, have you fallen or are you looking at the sky?'
'What happened is that we saw that the ants were telling jokes and we lay down on the floor to hear them better...', bad timing, but good sarcasm!
Muichiro covered his mouth laughing, Obanai was funny when he meant to be.
Giyuu shrugged as he sighed, helping them both up and brushing themselves off. 'Thanks Giyuu...'
'You're welcome, well, if you'll excuse me I'll go to my estate to...'
'Oh of course not! You just helped us and you think we'll let you go without thanking you?!'
That was strange for Giyuu... Obanai thanking him? He hadn't done much, but if that was necessary for them to let him go, he had to accept it, right? 'Okay...? You're welcome, see you again! Hey! Oh god, you too?!'
'We too what?' 'Why are you guys tickling me lately?! I thought you hated me!', Obanai wanted to say something, but Sanemi stopped him, he knew what he was going to say.
'It's a 50/50, if maybe you made that face, we'd like you better...'
'Face-? What face are you talking about? I don't make GRACES-!', Giyuu growled as Sanemi brought his wrists together and put them behind his head, fighting to keep Giyuu from moving away from his grasp.
Sanemi had to admit, Giyuu was strong, maybe stronger than he had thought and he liked the idea, he wanted to see how long he would have to fight until Giyuu accepts that he won't be able to escape for a while.
'Don't you know? Shinazugawa, what do you think we remind Tomioka of what we talked about?'
'Mmmm, I don't know, do you think he'll be able to handle it?' 'It is a challenge?'
Great, back between a rock and a hard place, although maybe it could be Giyuu's chance to escape, if Sanemi paid enough attention to Obanai, he could break free and run away.
Maybe in another world, at another time and with other people, not with that duo of terror
'I don't know, what do you think Tomioka? Who do you think would win?' 'And why do we ask him? Less blah blah blah and more action!'
'Shall I tell you something? Do it once and for all! I'm tired of this, if you're going to tickle me, do it NOW!', they both stayed silent, they didn't believe they saw Giyuu angry.
Obanai signaled to Sanemi, it was the opportunity for him to conquer his flirt, but Sanemi gave him a look that told him to keep his mouth shut or he would have a bad time.
Giyuu sighed and tried to headbutt Sanemi, but this ended with the three of them falling to the floor, and how did Obanai fall? Sanemi made him stagger and fall.
'Oh god, really? I was expecting this to be something more exciting, you know?' 'It's weird, but I think it's best to save Giyuu before those two do anything else...'
'And what are they going to do? They seem to be fighting right now and... Forget it, they already started tickling him...'
Gyomei nodded and let out a "about time" and Muichiro nodded in response.
It honestly seemed like both Sanemi and Obanai were holding back, how do they know? Because Giyuu was screaming so loud that it seemed like he was going to go hoarse if someone didn't help him.
'Do you think you're very skilled for headbutting me?! Well, what do you think, you're not going to get rid of this! You're going to suffer for your damn mistake!' 'Also, a while ago you were saying "if you're going to tickle me, just do it" a few seconds ago, it's obvious that you like to laugh, huh? You have nothing to say?'
'I-I-I CAHAHAHAHAN'T!!! YOHOHOU AHAREHEHE-!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!', and apparently Gyomei and Muichiro were right, Giyuu couldn't even form a sentence correctly.
But their little game was not going to last long for Sanemi and Obanai, since after a few seconds they felt like a small stone hit them with extreme force on the forehead.
There was deja vu in those moments, from the first time they met Tanjiro and someone threw a rock at him to stop him from screaming, do you already have an idea of ​​who threw that rock?
'Giyuu-San needed a break!'
'Yes, I understand. Well, now let me get Giyuu out of there. If you get too close Sanemi and Obanai will probably hit you....'
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mah-t-wordblog · 7 months
Demon Slayers Headcanons
~ Demon slayer - the nine hashiras ~
This headcanon is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them 💛💛
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Muichiro Tokito 🌫️😐🌫️😐🌫️😐🌫️ 😐🌫️
10% lee / 90% lee
- 10% is not zero
- Muichiro tickles without much emotion, but he does
- He thinks it's cute to see people laughing, and he says so, but he doesn't show it, unfortunately
- Some people have already caught him smiling while tickling someone
- After recovering his memories he provokes a lot
- And smiles a lot while attacking
- Jumps on top of the person, arrests them and celebrates
- Favorite Lees: Tanjiro, Genya and Tomioka
- “Your smile is really considerable, and it’s certainly not a waste of time, how beautiful”
- Look at that baby face, it's obvious that he's the one who feels the most ticklish 100/100
- Remembers his brother tickling him
- Yes, he likes it, usually the most sensitive ones love it
- He is a grumpy little boy who has to smile, and for that everyone attacks him
- Obviously he's been smiling more lately but that doesn't stop anyone from tickling him
- Every, EVERY, Hashira attacks him as soon as he arrives
- Weak points: belly and belly button
- Teasing that catches him “for a strong boy like you to feel that much ticklish, it must be really bad”
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Gyuu Tomioka 💦🌊💦🌊💦🌊💦 🌊💦 🌊
30% ler / 70% lee
- Gyuu tickles whoever tickles him, damn it
- Imagine him attacking Tanjiro after becoming friends
- Tickling is a game for him, attacking others makes him happy
- Cold and direct, makes you apologize and really won't stop until you ask, won't stop even if you cry
- Cute tickle fights with Sanemi, just, of course
- He loved tickling Sabito, when he remember that, you can catch him laughing alone
- Favorites lees: Tanjiro, Sanemi and Muichiro (Sabito 😭)
- “You better apologize or you’ll die”
- his personality hides a very sensitive inner self 100/100
- The only way to make him hang up and smile is to tickle him, for sure
- He tries to hold back his smile until he is defeated and starts laughing
- He shakes himself a lot, but he will never apologize for the kicks he gave in the face of his friends
- Reaching his knees and squeezing makes him scream and he is very ashamed of it
- Weak points: knees, I just said bro
- Teasing that gets him: “finally you opened that little smile”
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Shinobu Kochou 🦋🐛🦋🐛🦋🐛 🦋🐛 🦋
95% ler / 5% lee
- Shinobu is a great ler
- She makes her lee scream and beg for mercy muahahahaha
- Seriously, don't play with her if you don't want to get crushed
- Don't be fooled by that cute face
- His passion is to make it clear how weak and despicable his lee is
- Man, that sounded really mean, sorry skskksksks.
- But she's really evil
- There's only a little mercy, at least when someone is on the verge of tears she releases them unlike Tomioka
- Favorite Lees: Gyuu and Kanao (Kanae 😭)
- “You are extremely weak, what a shame”
- No
- Just no
- Don't tickle her
- She's going to kick you in the face
- Maybe Tomioka tried a few times and probably got a good slap
- Weak points: neck
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Kyojuro Rengoku 🔥😋🔥😋🔥😋 🔥😋
80% ler / 20% lee
- Kyojuro is very smiley when he is tickling someone
- Laugh with the person and stuff
- And it's also super obvious that you can't run away from him or try to wriggle away, he can simply trap your arms and attack you even more for trying to escape him
- I think he's the kind of guy who would scream “TIKLE FIGHT” and throw everyone to the ground and kill everyone lol
- Observing him, I imagine that the greatest prize of all is to make the frowning people open a big smile, like Tomioka and Tokito
- Tickling others is a passion for him
- Favorite Lees: those with the most ass faces Gyuu, Muichiro, Sanemi and Obanai and extra Uzui
- “Yes, young, your destiny is fixed”
- Rengoku is ticklish to a considerable amount 80/100
- Doesn't care about others attacking him actually
- Gonna get them later kskskskksksks
- In the that fights he -clearly- has with Uzui, he usually loses because of the two he is the more sensitive
- These are the best tickles for him
- Weak points: feet and sides
- Teasing that get him: “it looks like today you won’t be the winner”
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Uzui Tengen 🔊✨🔊✨🔊✨🔊✨ 🔊✨
90% ler / 10% lee
- Obviously ruthless
- Everything in the greatest extravagance, that’s obvious
- This man's tickles are extraordinarily strong
- Like, he comes up behind someone super silently, there's no way to hear him
- Tickle fights are his favorite, where he can laugh and play with the other hashiras and such
- He screams “TICKLE FIGHT” too, ksksksksksksks
- He especially likes to finish off Rengoku, it's his life goal
- Favorite Lees: Rengoku
- “Your laugh is almost as extravagant as me”
- Uzui feels almost no tickles 40/100
- But if he feels it and where he feels it, at that point he feels a lot, you know?
- The 10% only exists in excess of tickle fights with Kyojuro, in which he is sometimes defeated
- At his specific weak point, he bursts into loud, loud laughter
- Weak points: armpits
- Teasing that get him: “your laugh is still too low for someone so extravagant”
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Mitsuri Kanroji 🩷💚🩷💚🩷💚🩷💚🩷💚
60% ler / 40% lee
- Kanroji is one of the best lers, she is objective and doesn't give up on a target until she catches it
- She doesn't really like interrogating people until they suffer, like some people out there
- She likes to make his lees admit that they like it
- She finds it super cute to see people laughing and falls in love with it
- Mitsuri is one of the worst because of her giant strength that will pin anyone to the ground and won't let them escape
- Tickles Muichiro just because he's cute and Obanai because she's definitely in love with him, kskskskskskskksksks
- Favorite Lees: Muichiro and Obanai, 🥹 and Nezuko
- “How beautiful and attractive you look when you are tickled!”
- She is considerably ticklish 80/100
- Loves physical contact, because it's one of her love languages ​​(she has all the possible ones) so she doesn't really mind being tickled
- Bubbly giggles without many complaints I would say
- Weak points: Sides and thighs (Obanai must be embarrassed to squeeze her thighs lol)
-Teases that get her: “so beautiful, so sensitive”
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Obanai Igoru 🐍😒🐍😒🐍😒🐍😒 🐍😒
50% ler / 50% lee
- Igoru is definitely the type to provoke, but in a calm way that makes you go crazy
- Despite teasing you for being in that situation, his touch is light and calm, as if he doesn't want you to die
- But sometimes light tickles are the worst, so he'll break you and brag about it
- He's totally the type to chase you with an evil laugh lol
- Your snake can trap your arms :)
- He tickles Mitsuri, but he's embarrassed because he's obviously in love with her
- Favorite Lees: Mitsuri
- “You look like you’re on the verge of death and I haven’t even started yet”
- He really feels ticklish
- 90/100, they are always the provocateurs and the shy ones
- His laughs are low but bubbly
- He says he hates tickling and wants to get out of there NOW, but deep down he doesn't mind laughing every now and then, you know
- Does not admit that he feels ticklish
- He has a face like someone who gets hiccups after being attacked, that would be funny lol and those who would laugh at his face would be Tengen and Sanemi
- Mitsuri also tickles him, she is naughty and he likes it
- He can scream a lot when his weak point is hit, despite being always well protected by the snake wrapped around him
- Weak points: neck
- Teasing that gets him: “and despite all that laughter, you don’t feel ticklish, right?”
- Bonus: the snake tickles when wrapped around him
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Sanemi Shinazugawa 💨🌬️💨🌬️ 💨🌬️ 💨
80% ler / 20% lee
- Sanemi provokes a lot
- I was really crazy
- Look at that boy's demonic face
- His tickles are not as strong as Mitsuri's or Uzui's or as effective as Shinobu's, but slowly the lee dies inside
- Loves to see his target squirming
- When he catches Tomioka, he says he has a thirst for revenge because Gyuu probably tickled him and kills him
- He tickles Genya really cute when they get closer again ainnn
- He's a bit aggressive but he never wanted to hurt any of his fellow Hashiras during tickling, sorry
- Favorite Lees: Tomioka and Genya (siblings 🥹)
- “I’m going to kill you~”
- Now he's the one who dies skskksksksks
- Very sensitive 90/100, however, no one really wants to tickle him if not for revenge, so only Tomioka would know his worst points
- Also, like Obanai, he doesn't admit that he feels ticklish
- He only likes it when it's Tomioka, and then he doesn't complain so much
- But when it's someone else he screams and kicks like a baby
- His laugh is shrill and bubbly, very loud
- Curling himself into a ball is him defense against any sneaky hand
- Surprise attacks catch him more
- Running a single finger across all his scars is enough for him to die
- Weak points: ribs and scars
- Provocations that get him: “Being completely defeated must be humiliating for you, right?”
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Gyomei Himejima 🪨✝️🪨✝️🪨✝️🪨✝️🪨
95% ler / 5% lee
- Gyomei tickles someone when he feels that person's aura is a little shaken
- He doesn't usually do much, but for some people he does this little favor
- Like mainly his students, Muichiro and Genya
- He likes to feel like the two grumpy kids are having fun
- Favorite Lees: Muichiro and Genya obviously
- “May Buddha have mercy on your poor soul”
- The 5% is left for some time when Muichiro and Genya have already tickled him back
- And for a few times that the Hashira boy lay on his lap and caressed him without meaning to
- Weak points: neck (but no one can reach it lol)
- Teasing that gets him: he doesn't deserve to be teased, he's cute (teasing doesn't work on him)
Thanks for reading 💛💛💛, I’m in love whit my muichiro Headcanons 🥹🥹
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
Featherary day 3: Tickle spot
This is based on the 2nd chapter of the sanrio scout story 'cause I just loved that scene sm and decided to tickly-fy it x3
Plus I wanna write for other Ryuseitai members soo yeah- (rip Tetora)
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Shinobu x Niki (+ Midori & Mayoi) platonic
Lee: Niki
Ler: Shinobu
Warnings: Tickles!
Mayoi happily walked into café Cinnamon, looking for his purple friend, when he was suddenly approached by Niki.
"Oh, you seem to be in a really good mood today Mayo~".
"Eek! A-am I being too obvious...?".
"Maybe not to others, but you can't fool my nose, y'know? You smell better than usual... like sweet cream... really makes me wanna have a bite~" Niki grinned mischeviously over at the nervous male.
"W-what?! B-but I'll taste terrible!".
Niki ignored his please as he slowly got closer to Mayoi, a teasy smug look on his face, as Mayoi only shrieked in fear.
...Somewhere else in Café Cinnamon...
Shinobu and Midori had gathered to eat some sweets alongside Mayoi, except their purple friend hadn't arrived yet. That's when Midori noticed him on the other side with Niki. "...What are those two doing over there?".
"Ahah, I wanted to ask that aswell..." Shinobu chuckled a bit nervously at their weird banter. " I feel like there's some grand conversation going on between them".
"It seems like they're fooling around but, don't you think their body contact is becoming fiercer?" Midori asked concerned as he noticed Niki trying to take a bite from Mayoi's cheek.
"Actually, they may be starting a fight?! What's going on? Lord Mayoi is supposed to be having desserts with us, but now he's gotten himself into some weird trouble?!".
They both got lost in thought for a moment as to what could be happening, before Midori spoke "Oh, I get it! They must be acting out some hero shows, like the ones Morisawa makes us do all the time! So, that's what you guys have been doing in the ninja club?".
"Are they really? I don't remember doing roleplays like this with Lord Mayoi..."
"Nahaha~ Now you can't escape from me, Mayo~".
"Eeeeeek!!! Where are you Chieftain?!"
Shinobu's head instantly perked up at Mayoi's shriek "H-hey! Lord Mayoi is calling my name! You're right Midori, it's time a hero- no, a ninja makes an entrance! Let's rescue him together!".
"What? Why am I also in this?".
"Please, Midori! I really need help from a comrade like you! No hero or ninja should run away in a time like this! Come with me!".
Shinobu took on a heroic stance "Yellow flames are the proof of hope! A miracle, shining a ray of light into the darkness! Here's RYUSEI Yellow: Shinobu Sengoku!".
Midori following after, albeit still a bit hesitant "G-green flames are the proof of kindness! Nature that grows infinitely! Here's RYUSEI Green: Midoro Takamine!".
The two heroes rushed over to the scene, Mayoi exclaiming in delight when his eyes fell upon the cute ninja "Chieftain!".
"Don't worry, Lord Mayoi! Call my name aloud, and I will sure come to your side wherever you are!"after reassuring Mayoi, Shinobu quickly turned his attention towards Niki. "And you! The "Hungry Café Baddie"!".
""Hungry Baddie"? You mean me? You Ryuseitai kids give pretty good nicknames".
"He's unexpectedly friendly?!" Shinobu exclaimed, feeling a bit unsure of himself. "Morisawa never taught us what to do in situations like these...".
Midori let out a sigh "As much as I agreed to tag along... it feels depressing that I want to run away so badly...".
Shinobu thought for a moment, before gaining back his heroic stance "I won't be deceived! I won't let you run around hurting the innocent anymore! Take this! "Ninja Art: The Ryuseitai Lightwave!". He jabbed Niki right in the stomach, causing him to let out a yelp.
"ACK-! H-hold on! That's my tickle spot!".
"Did you hear that, Midori? The "Hungry Baddie" is ticklish! Let's get him!" Shinobu sent Niki a teasy smirk as he launched himself at him, wrapping his arms around his midsection and scribbling wherever his small fingers would reach.
"W-wahait! S-stahap that you brahahat!" Niki giggled hysterically as he tried prying off the smaller male off of him.
"He's a real squirmer. Midori, hold him down!".
Midori let out the 500th sigh of the day. Feeling a bit hesitant, but he still complied to his partner's request, hooking his arms under Niki to prevent him from squirming too much "S-sorry about this...".
Niki raised a brow in suspicion before an ear-shattering squeal escaped his throat "WAH- HYAHAHAHA! N-NOT THEHEHERE!". Niki threw his head back in laughter as Shinobu dug all fingers into his stomach.
"My secret weapon! The RYUSEI tickle barrage!" Shinobu snickered at his own sillyness, not showing any mercy on poor Niki's belly.
"NAHAHA! T-THAT'S SO BAHAHAD!" poor Niki shrieked in laughter, his face crimson red.
"So, do you give up?!" Shinobu slowed down his fingers a bit, but still didn't let up.
"Ahahaha! O-okay! I-I gihihive...!" Niki wheezed in laughter, his eyes turning a bit teary. At that, Midori let go of him as Shinobu halted his tickly fingers. Niki instantly collapsing on a nearby couch.
"Victory is ours, Midori!" Shinobu pumped his fist in the air, while Midori only looked like he wanted to burry his head underground.
Once Niki regained his composure, he stood back up. Even though it was a fun encounter, he wasn't sure what all that was about "What was that all about?".
"Huh? I thought this is what you guys did in the ninja club".
"No, I thought you were hurting lord Mayoi so we came to rescue him!".
"Huh? I was just messing around with him. I'm used to messing around with my unitmates, but I guess I can see why you'd think differently. I'm sorry Mayoi".
"W-wait, I'm sorry. It was my fault for overreacting..." Mayoi apologized, feeling all shameful.
"No, it's my fault for jumping to such conclusions, I'm sorry...".
"Well... instead of feeling sorry, how about we eat some delicious desserts~ All that tickling left me pretty hungry" Niki managed to lightened up the mood as the other three nodded happily. He quickly went to whip up their tasty snacks, shortly after the four of them eating happily. Hopefully no one saw their weird hero show display, that for sure will embarrass Shinobu and Midori for days to come.
I feel like this is so bad help-💀
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italeean · 2 years
ITALEEAN CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 200 FOLLOWERS!! You deserve more!! (Tbh I wanted to send request since then, but I realised that you'll be hosting an event, and scared that my request will postponed the event further). Anyway, I was wondering if you would write a fic with the chasm squad, with lee itto (hehe)....with yelan, yanfei, shinobu, xiao, and aether as the lers? (Based on the lee I think you know who I am lol). I think the sentence "Please… anything but that..!" would be perfect! You can consider this a fic request, or you can put it in the drabble event, anything comfortable for you (I personally prefer longer fics since I love the way you describe a story with the ambience and stuff). Have a nice day talented writer and please stay healthy!!~
A/N: Hi anon!! (Although yeah, I think I know who this is hahaha) Sorry for making you wait a day more, but yesterday I really couldn't bring myself to write anything decent. Today I'm feeling a bit better and I slowly worked on this drabble throughout the day 😸 I hope you enjoy it!! E grazie per i complimenti, sono molto lusingata (And thanks for the compliments, I'm really flattered) 💚🤍❤️ Feel free to make a request whenever you want ^_^
Drabble Event Day 5
(The story is set in the Chasm, while the characters are stuck there)
"Please... anything but that!" Itto begger while backing away from a group of five people with a mischievous look in their eyes. Maybe bragging with about being invincible hadn't been his smartest choice.
He blinked for a second, and the people approaching him were suddenly four. Then, before he could even process his thoughts, Xiao plunged on him and took him down, pinning his legs under his knees in the process. Maybe calling Xiao 'little guy' right in front of him hadn't been his smartest move either.
"Come on guys, that's not cool... you can't do this!!" He whined, only earning a chuckle in response. "Well, it wouldn't be nice in most cases," said Yanfei seriously "but since you claim to be invincible I don't see a problem with this." She concluded with a smile, although she shivered at the thought of how many times she had been on the receiving end, trying desperately to get away from Hu Tao's clutches.
"I swear on the Archons... don't you daaaaahahahaha nohohohoho thahahat's meheheahahahan!!" Itto didn't even try to hold in his boisterous laughter when all his friends targeted him, going for all his weak spots. "What happened to your invincibility, huh?" Yelan asked with a smirk while dragging her nails under the Oni's arms, switching between going painfully slow to scribbling faster to keep him on his toes.
Aether and Shinobu weren't saying anything, they were just smiling and poking and squeezing their friend's tummy and sides, dipping a finger in his belly button every once in a while just to make him jump a bit. "Ihihihi knohohohow Ihihi sahahahahaihid thahahat buhuhut-" the red-eyed guy didn't manage to say anything more, being too busy laughing from all those sneaky hands attacking him at once.
Yanfei was laughing along with the Oni, while sitting on his thighs and squeezing his knees, going from the left to the right one and sometimes getting both at the same time to see his legs twitch and kick the air reflexively. "Oh Archons, you're so ticklish... I'm sorry but I don't think you're that invincible. Your statement will be considered false due to lack of evidence." She teased, making him blush, although she couldn't see it since she wasn't facing him.
"Tch, serves you right..." Xiao scoffed while dragging his fingers all over the Oni's ears, neck and even collarbone and shoulders, noticing how every spot made him laugh. Although he was keeping his grumpy demeanor, both he and Itto knew he was enjoying himself just as much as the others, because first, he was smirking, subtly but still smirking, and his face was slightly red, indicating that he was a bit flustered.
The Yaksha noticed Shinobu calling him, and then pointing at the top of her head while glancing at Itto. He understood the message and started scratching softly and massaging the base of Itto's horns. The roaring laughing that the simple gesture elicited was so loud that everyone thought that it would cause a collapse.
"SHIHIHINOHOBUHUHU YOHOHOU TRAHAHAIHITOHOR" The white-haired guy yelled at top of his lungs. She was the only one among the group who knew about his ultimate weakness, so he knew she had told Xiao about it somehow. "I don't know what you're talking about, boss... and you don't seem in the position to make false accusations, or accusations at all." She said while looking at him knowingly, letting him understand that she was indeed behind that.
They went on for ten minutes, everyone amazed by Itto's stamina, but eventually the Oni reached his limit and tapped out. "OHOHOKAHAH OHOKAHAHAHAHAY PLEHEHEAHASE NOHOHO MOHOHOHOREHEHEHE" He pleaded while his laughter was getting hiccupy, and everyone stopped right after.
The tall guy remained down panting and recovering from the brutal attack. "Cohompadrehe..." He said looking at the Traveler "How could yohou betray mehehe like that..? Tehelling everyone my weahahakness..?"
"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it!" Aether exclaimed adding another poke to his abs, but he was blushing like crazy because he knew how much Itto liked getting revenge from a tickle attack.
After finding a corner to light up a fire, the Oni sat down and yawned, drained from all those shenanigans, and the others realized how tired they were as well. They all lied down and fell asleep, one after the other, and strangely enough, the white-haired guy was the last to close his eyes.
He looked around himself, observing everyone sleeping peacefully, knowing that the day after they'd wake up well rested and with a positive attitude, that was going to get them out of there.
Maybe provoking his friends into a tickle fight to distract them from that gloomy place for at least a couple of hours had been his smartest move.
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mystwrites · 1 year
Hello, I just saw the post(aka the prompts thingy).
Anyways, we are all in a similar situation, (Sentence starters obv)
Could i request
30. "Aw, you're blushing!" and 3. "You seem scared." with Lee Giyuu and ler shinobu? Ty anyways. Feel free to decline~
yessss!! ofc you may!! i love giyuu so much and we need more of him as a lee😭🩷feel free to interpret their relationship as you wish!
(sentence starters are now closed)
It was just a walk to the river. Giyuu didn’t know why Shinobu followed him, but he allowed her to. Sighing, he reached down and grabbed a pebble before skipping it, just like how he was taught.
“You’re quite good at skipping rocks! Did you also teach Muichiro that?” Shinobu asked, failing to skip her stone.
“No. I didn’t teach him.” Giyuu stated softly, skipping another stone before sitting down on the grass. “He just saw me do it once and perfected it.”
Shinobu sat next to him, the short moment of silence feeling genuinely comfortable. Giyuu’s mind started to wander as he watched the flow of the water carry a fallen leaf, remembering his childhood and teenage years up until now. He was pulled out of his train of thought, a poke to his side shaking him out of his thoughtful state. Hugging himself, Giyuu looked over at Shinobu who wore an innocent smile.
“Shinobu! What was that for??” he asked, scooting away slightly.
“Are you scared?” she asked, her fingers inching closer to his leg, like a spider crawling closer and closer to its prey.
“No…” Giyuu muttered, pulling his leg away quickly.
“You seem scared.” she observed, her fingers crawling dangerously close to him. “Are you scared I’ll tickle you?”
Shaking his head, Giyuu pushed Shinobu’s hand away, a small, nervous grin spreading across face. Shinobu grinned, her fingers continuing to creep closer and closer.
“Awww! You’re blushing!!” Shinobu cooed.
Protesting, Giyuu was adamant that he was not blushing. The moment Shinobu’s fingers squeezed above his knees, his giggles and squirming only proved that he was in fact going to have bright pink cheeks in a few minutes if they weren’t pink already. Shinobu knew where to target, having tickled her friend many times prior. She latched onto his ribs and gently dug her fingertips in, smiling as Giyuu fell backwards onto the grass, unable to push her away.
“I love how hard you laugh anytime you get tickled!” Shinobu said, smiling fondly. “You need to smile more, Giyuu!”
Whining with embarrassment, Giyuu resorted to curling up, squealing and laughing as Shinobu found every ticklish spot she could. I’m the end, he curled up into a ball and tried his best to protect his ticklish spots, his smile for the first time in a long while genuine.
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