comfytickles · 1 year
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A bit of a different topic to post here lmao.
(I enjoy indulging in a bit of knouge.)
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
Tickletober Day 2: Chase
Pairings: Natsu, Rouge, and Sting
“Hey have you seen Natsu?” Lucy went around the guild asking were her pink haired teammate is at. “He could be horseplaying with Gray” Wendy suggested.
“Last time I seen him he and happy were messing with Sting and Rouge” Levy informed as she and gajeel left the guild. “Yeah this idiot is being an idiot” Gajeel added on, he watch Natsu being chased by both Sting and Rouge.
“Look he is I don’t know what he did but I’m not helping him” Gajeel snickered. “Well what’s going on?!” Lucy asked some what concerned.
“He ‘accidentally’ trapped Frosch and Lector and now he’s being chased fricken idiot” Gray shook his head. “Even happy knew it was a stupid idea, and happy is the one who normally agrees with them” he added on.
“Knowing Natsu he did that” Lucy shrugged her shoulders before crossing her arms.
“LUCY!! HELP ME PLEASE” Natsu begged as he ran to hide behind her.
“NO! Whatever you did is more than likely your fault” Lucy pushed natsu towards sting and rouge.
“Thanks Lucy” they both thanked pulling him outside the guild and around the back.
“No problem”
“ERZA, GRAY, HAPPY, WENDY COME ON HELP LITTLE OLD NATSU OUT” Natsu yelled and whined for help.
“No they can help you after you get through with us” Sting grinned. “We warned you what would happen, yet you chose to ignore” Rouge side eyed him, pinned his arms behind his head.
“Ouch so aggressive and for what— wait guys no don’t no no no” Natsu realized, due to Erza and Gray tag teaming him almost all the time when they were kids.
“Too late” Sting chuckled.
“Your actions have consequences” rouge simply stated.
“Okay but it was an accident do not no nononono nohohoho stahahahahahap”.
“Accident our ass” sting rolled his eyes as he scribbled against Natsu’s sides.
“It wahahahas thoughehehehe”
“Yeah I bet I’ll believe that when you can light fire underwater” rouge scoffed.
“Thehehehey ahahahgreeed atleast ihihi gotten consentEHEH AHAHAHAHA”
“That’s for back-talking” rouge joined in digging into his armpits.
“Nice spot rouge got him squealing like a little girl” sting complimented just to tease Natsu. “SHUHUHUT UHUHUP” nastu squealed again LMFAOO R.I.P NATSU.
“Shut it squeals’” Rouge couldn’t help but tease. Natsu’s face turning beet red.
“Driving him nuts sting”
“I knowwwww”
“Ok so apologize and tell us where Frosch and Lector are” Rouge titled his head, speeding up his pace just for fun.
“Should we accept sting?” Rouge asked.
“I dunno, I mean does he deserve to be forgiven ya’know he also took our food earlier?” Sting teased.
“PLehehehAse *snort* yEHEHES Ihi DohoOho” Natsu interrupted.
“Fine you crybaby” Sting rolled his eyes jokingly.
“Therehehe in thehe-the clock thihihihing of Luhu-Lucy’s” Natsu admits.
“Good now ask her how do we summon it”
“Nohoho I’m gonna get tickled againn” Natsu whined.
“Well that’s too bad or would you rather get tickled by me and Sting again” Rouge asked as he cracked his knuckles, Sting wiggling his.
“Ohokahay dohohon’t I’ll ask her” Natsu got up walking back into the guild.
“Go on” Sting shoved him towards her.
“Did you learn your lesson about messing with people’s stuff and friends?” Lucy crossed her arms smirking.
“I— ya’know the clock man how do you summon him” Natsu asked nervously.
“Horologium? Most of the time he comes out on his own when he senses when I’m in danger? Why are you asking” Lucy asked confused.
“Because I- well you see umm.. IkindatookthekeyandthatswhereFroschandLectorareandidon’tknowhowtosummonhimsorry” Natsu spat out.
“Natsu your so DEAD” Lucy began to chased him just as he predicted.
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veryblushyswitch · 27 days
Sonic X ~ Episode 52 (English dubbed) ✨
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yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
Happy Valentines Day! ʚ₍ᐢ ›̥̥̥ ༝ ‹̥̥̥ ᐢ₎ɞ 💕
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I just want y'all to know it doesn't matter if you have a lover or not, loving yourself is enough! also I used this for Rouge eheehee I had too ૮₍ ⑅ • ᵜ • ⑅ ₎ა
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carriessotos · 4 months
hazel — Give me a character and I'll give you 10+ headcannons
give me a character and i'll give you 10+ headcannons: hazel morrow.
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a pessoa que mais admirou em sua vida foi sua tia-avó materna, anne mulligan, que praticamente criou sua mãe após o falecimento de seus pais, quando tinha doze anos, e de quem hazel era próxima desde a infância; sempre tiveram muito em comum em questão de gostos e opiniões sobre o mundo, e se espelhava muito nela. continuavam se falando sempre ainda que hazel estivesse em outro estado para a faculdade, e o seu falecimento aos oitenta e três anos deixou hazel arrasada. o retorno para sua cidade natal de forma definitiva veio ao descobrir que a tia-avó deixou a casa em que vivia para ela, decidindo então por concluir o último ano de sua residência no hospital da cidade.
embora soubesse que gostaria de estudar algo na área da saúde ou de ciências, estava muito perdida sobre o curso que iria seguir no ensino superior; passou de psicologia a engenharia química e biomedicina, antes de enfim descobrir que a sua vocação estava na medicina. uma grande influência para a sua decisão veio de sua tia avó e de sua melhor amiga, que trabalhava na área, e acabou se decidindo. porém, demorou bastante durante a universidade para descobrir a área em que gostaria de se especializar, quase tendo ido para pediatria ou cirurgia geral. antes de optar pela ginecologia e obstetrícia.
é uma pessoa bastante insegura, embora esteja tentando trabalhar com isso nos últimos anos e se abrir mais para experiências novas, se compara muito com sua irmã mais velha desde que era criança. jenny sempre foi muito expansiva e cheia de amigos, se destacava nas atividades esportivas da escola - estava no time de futebol feminino, e até conseguiu uma bolsa para berkeley assim -, e era muito mais envolvida com os conhecidos em bend. mesmo que por muitas vezes sem maldade, os comentários que as comparavam não eram poucos, e hazel cansava de ser sempre conhecida como a irmã de alguém, não a sua própria pessoa.
no segundo ano do ensino médio, resolveu que não queria sempre depender de seus pais para conseguir ter algum dinheiro - ainda que a sua família tivesse boas condições - e começou a trabalhar como babá para alguns conhecidos do bairro. nas férias de verão entre o terceiro e o quarto ano do ensino médio, também trabalhou na sorveteria elly's.
só teve três relacionamentos sérios na vida: dois quando estava na universidade de chicago e um com um colega do hospital de seattle. o mais longo foi com kevin monroe, formado em engenharia robótica também da uchicago, com quem ela ficou por três anos e sete meses, até terminarem porque queriam coisas muito diferentes, e não entravam em sintonia desde bons meses antes do término. ficou muito magoada na época, e demorou para começar a sair com outras pessoas. só se interessou por alguém de forma séria de novo quando já estava em seattle para a residência, tendo namorado chris benowitz, um residente de cirurgia ortopédica, por cerca de nove meses.
tem uma pequena tradição com o pai: todo início de mês, trocam um livro - ou, no caso de quando morava fora para a faculdade, trocavam recomendações. um dá o livro para o outro, e tem o resto do mês para ler e devolver. embora não esteja com tempo para ler sempre, é uma leitora ávida, e o combinado entre os dois sempre a fez se sentir próxima do pai apesar de tudo. então, faz um esforço para terminar o livro e, nessa brincadeira, já descobriu vários livros dos quais gostou muito, como deuses americanos e flores para algernon. por sua vez, os seus livros favoritos no geral são: a amiga genial, circe e pessoas normais.
gosta muito de musicais, e já assistiu várias vezes ao vivo em teatros em chicago, seattle e uma ou outra ida para a broadway. seu favorito é waitress, mas também ama wicked, rent e hadestown, e sempre escuta as suas músicas. entre os filmes, alguns de seus favoritos são: moulin rouge, mamma mia, chicago, dreamgirls, the rocky horror picture show e nasce uma estrela. mas, o seu filme favorito da vida é thelma e louise.
quando não está com o cabelo solto, hazel geralmente usa algum tipo de trança. não é sempre que tem tempo ou vontade de investir em algo mais elaborado do que uma trança comum, mas gosta muito de usar as holandesas quando tem a força de vontade para arrumar o cabelo assim.
desde a adolescência, tem o costume de marcar os livros que lê com marcadores coloridos de página - dependendo da leitura, ainda categoriza em cores quais são os temas que vai encontrar em cada parte - e de sublinhar as suas frases favoritas com lápis ou caneta. de vez em quando, também faz anotações curtas nas obras - então, pegar um livro emprestado com ela é sempre uma experiência.
nunca foi uma pessoa muito de esportes. a sua família inteira torce para os são francisco 49ers, por exemplo, e até assistiu vários jogos quando se reuniam em um final de semana ou outro, só nunca se empenhou tanto como torcedora. no entanto, sempre assiste as olimpíadas de inverno e é apaixonada por assistir às apresentações de patinação no gelo, além de adorar assistir todas as provas da modalidade de ginástica na olimpíada normal. várias de usas memórias favoritas de bend ocorreram enquanto patinava com as amigas no rinque de patinação da cidade, e volta e meia ainda vai lá.
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Characters included in the showdown
If any of these characters are repeated or under 18 please let me know asap so I can switch them out
Remus Sanders from Sanders Sides (17)
Janus Sanders from Sanders Sides (14)
Logan Sanders from Sanders Sides (13)
Eda Clawthorne from The Owl House (13)
Roman Sanders from Sanders Sides (11)
Virgil Sanders from Sanders Sides (10)
Din Djarin/Mandalorian from The Mandalorian (10)
Remy Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (10)
Patton Sanders from Sanders Sides (9)
Noise from Roleslaying with Roman (8)
The Once-ler from the Lorax (7)
Sans from Undertale (6)
Angel from Hell’s Belles (5)
Julian Devorak from The Arcana (5)
William Afton from fnaf (4)
Ingo from Pokémon (4)
Leon S Kennedy from Resident Evil (4)
Anxiety Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (4)
Clay Puppington from Moral Orel (4)
Youngblood from Roleslaying with Roman (4)
Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls (3)
Shane from The L Word (3)
Jameson Jackson from Jacksepticeye (3)
The Other Side of the Pillow from Thomas Sanders Shorts (3)
Virgil the Rat from Ride the Cyclone (3)
Kylo Ren from Star Wars (3)
Megamind from Megamind (3)
Bucky Barnes from MCU (3)
Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) from No Way Home (3)
Mike from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Ryker from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Roman from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Raine Whispers from The Owl House (3)
Vash the Stampede from Trigun Stampede (3)
Nicholas D Wolfwood from Trigun (3)
Cecil Palmer from Welcome to Night Vale (2)
Sage Lesath from Last Legacy (2)
L Lawliet from Death Note (2)
Crowley from Good Omens (2)
Dr. Bright from SCP Foundation (2)
Shrek from Shrek (2)
Peter Cola from CNP (2)
Peppino from Pizza Tower (2)
Tangerine from Bullet Train (2)
Luis Sera from Resident Evil 4 (2)
Darius from The Owl House (2)
Hannibal Lecter from Hannibal (2)
Alastor from Hazbin Hotel (2)
Enjorlas from Les Miserables (2)
Jessie from Pokémon (2)
James from Pokémon (2)
Mettaton EX from Undertale (2)
Sampo Koshi from Honkai Star Rail (2)
Wilford Warfstache from Markiplier (2)
The Narrator from The Stanley Parable (2)
Shego from Kim Possible (2)
Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil (2)
Blackbeard from Our Flag Means Death (2)
Orange Side from Sanders Sides (2)
Lucio from The Arcana (2)
Burgundy Red from Roleslaying with Roman (2)
Puff Puff Humbert from Your Favorite Martin (2)
Viktor Humphries from Slime Rancher (2)
Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel (2)
Miss Secondopinionson from Moral Orel (2)
Eggman from Sonic (2)
Spamton from Deltarune (1)
The Corinthian from The Sandman (1)
Asra Alnazar from The Arcana (1)
Felix Escellun from Last Legacy (1)
Edwin from Gummy and the Doctor (1)
Hatori from Fruits Basket (1)
Izzy Hands from Our Flag Mean Death (1)
Undyne from Undertale (1)
Glamrock Freddy from fnaf: security breach (1)
Gummy from Gummy and the Doctor (1)
Nadia Satrinava from The Arcana (1)
Scorpia from She Ra (1)
Jareth the Goblin King from Labyrinth (1)
Vaporeon from Pokémon (1)
Rouge the Bat from Sonic (1)
Aaravos from The Dragon Prince (1)
Millions Knives from Trigun Stampede (1)
Spock from Star Trek (1)
Toriel from Undertale (1)
Bowser from Super Mario (1)
Shota Aizawa from My Hero Academia (1)
Tom Nook from Animal Crossing (1)
Critic Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (1)
Skeletor from Masters of the Universe (1)
Elias Bouchard from The Magnus Archives (1)
Asmodeus from Obey Me (1)
Guillermo from What We do in the Shadows (1)
Asgore Dreemurr from Deltarune (1)
Dio Brando from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (1)
Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who (1)
Death from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (1)
Red Guy from Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared (1)
Padme from Star Wars (1)
Archibald Asparagus from Veggie Tales (1)
Shen Jiu from The Scum Villain’s Self Saving System (1)
Roxanne Wolf from fnaf: security breach (1)
Gomez Addams from The Addams Family (1)
Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty (1)
Fiona from Shrek (1)
Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas (1)
Emile from Cartoon Therapy (1)
Vlad Masters from Danny Phantom (1)
Eyeless Jack from Creepypasta (1)
Merlin from Fate/Grand Order (1)
Verosika Mayday from Helluva Boss (1)
Ganondorf from The Legend of Zelda (1)
Michael Afton from fnaf (1)
Marvus Xoloto from Hiveswap (1)
Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium (1)
Jang Jaeyoung from Semantic Error (1)
The Bog King from Strange Magic (1)
Batman from Batman (1)
Randy Jade from Dialtown (1)
Yor Forger from Spy x Family (1)
Mark Winters/Wavelength from Just Role With It (1)
Dr. Alto Clef from SCP Foundation (1)
Striker from Helluva Boss (1)
Stoic the Vast from How to Train your Dragon (1)
Bandit from Bluey (1)
Spain from Hetalia (1)
Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray (1)
Muriel from The Arcana (1)
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dokidobe · 5 months
As a malaysian anon that just saw my lee and ler nationality in ur post, I can't help trying to say lee!Malaysia, I am going rouge-
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Well,dude, maybe this can help u :-D
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daybreak-tkler · 2 years
In the meadowverse woosan and their feathery escapade,, requested by the lovely @toomanygiggles
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"....what?" Wooyoung trails off, staring at San in a shocked manner as his star-crossed lover proudly presents the offending item. His faerie boyfriend grins widely "It's a feather! It fell off of one of the birds in the forest and it's just gotta be the softest thing I've ever seen!" he chirps, clearly excited by the prospect of him being able to use said offending item. Ever since last year where the two dived into their first ticklish escapade, San has been trying out new things on him. New spots, new methods, new tools. Wooyoung was usually up for it, if not a little hesitant at first.
However, feathers felt like an entirely different territory. His eyes lock with his pretty partner. His iridescent wings shimmer as they softly twitch and flutter every now and again whilst his head tilts to the side. His hair is a lovely light shade of blonde that makes him look cute, soft. Yet, with this fluffy white feather pinched between his index finger and thumb, he looks somewhat dangerous. Not actually dangerous, Wooyoung doesn't think San could ever threaten his safety at all. He was just too nice. The elven male had a rather large hunch, though, that some amount of ticklish torment would commence shortly.
And what a smart elf he was.
San gently takes his ankle. Wooyoung knows that when coming to see his boyfriend in private, he doesn't need to wear shoes. Not that elves were particularly big on shoes, most wore adornments like chains or rings instead, but certainly with how much he and San enjoyed their ticklish moments together - they had decided footwear was unnecessary. San sends him a small grin, it's laced with mischief as he has both of Wooyoung's ankles propped up on his lap. "Ready..?~" he asks with a playful hum.
Wooyoung doesn't think he's ever ready to get the undeniable urge to laugh, but he nods anyway because the stress of the Elven Clan was becoming too much for him. "I'm.. r-reheheeheady,, ohohohoh gohosh!" Wooyoung snorts softly, covering his mouth with one hand as San gingerly strokes his leftmost arch with the feather. San doesn't dilly-dally once he had the reaction he's after, he gently scribbles his fingers over his elven boyfriend's other foot. Wooyoung's laughter grows louder and it goes up an octave as the ticklish sensation grows. "Ohohohohoh, suhuhugar!-" Wooyoung curses "Thahahahaat's bad!!"
Like normal when they try something new, San finds that he wants to see where else Wooyoung is feather sensitive. He swipes the little fluffy feather on the back of his partner's knee, cooing at the way Wooyoung squeaks. The two of them had fell into a routine already where once every few meet-ups,, they'd have a tickle session. Wooyoung would always be the lee, which he preferred, and San the ler. Not that the faerie wasn't ticklish, he just preferred to be the one tickling than the one recieving. He was able to appreciate Wooyoung's laughter more like this.
"I like you like this," San mumbles as he moves forward to peck Wooyoung's lips sweetly. "You're really cute, can i do your tummy next?" there's a little smirk on his face that Wooyoung just can't say no to. San seats himself on his boyfriend's hips and pulls up his linen shirt so that it sits just under his ribcage; his soft, milky tummy exposed. "Coochie coo~" San sings, brushing the feather over Wooyoung's naval. "Mmhmhmhmhahahaa! Eeeheheeeheeek, Sahahahaan!!"
From his tummy, San traveled upwards... and upwards again until eeevery area had been explored by the little feather. Wooyoung was out of breath and sweetly asking him to stop, and how could San deny him really? "Hhaah.. Sannie that was so mean," the elf pouts up at his boyfriend who's still grinning down at him. "Watch the pout, honey, if you aren't careful I might just tickle it off of your face~" San teases him, wiggling the feather at him. Wooyoung's cheeks bloom with a soft rouge and he huffs. "Someone needs to put this little faerie in place..."
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shoto-chann · 2 years
Title: Don't Ignore Me
Ship: KanuKiba
Description: Ever since Kankuro got to the Leaf Village, all he's been doing is fix his puppets. And Kiba wants attention and hates being ignored. So he teaches his boyfriend to never ignore him again.
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Kankuro had just came to the Leaf Village to spend some time with his boyfriend, Kiba Inuzuka. He had just won a battle with another rouge ninja, so he felt like relaxing with Kiba and Akamaru to destress. However, during his battle, Crow got badly damaged and had to be fixed. So Kankuro sat there in Kiba's house trying to fix Crow. But Kiba's getting a little impatient.
"Come on, Kankuro. I'm booored." Kiba sank into the chair he was sitting in, trying to get his boyfriend to give him attention. "Hold on, Kiba. I'll hang out with you. Just give me time." Kankuro said without looking away from Crow. "But how much time do you need?" "Give me ten more minutes. I'll be finished by then." "You said that ten minutes ago!" Kiba groaned loudly. He was tired of waiting for Kankuro to be finished. He wanted attention, and he wanted it now.
"Come on, babe. You promised we could hang out today. But ever since you got here, you've been fixing your toy and completely ignoring me." "Okay, first of all, Crow is not a toy. He is a friend." "But Kankuro-" "Kiba, I promise we will hang out. I didn't come all the way over here just to fix Crow. I will spend time with you. But in a few minutes. In the meantime, take Akamaru out for a walk. When you come back, I'll be ready."
Kiba opened his mouth to argue, but stopped himself. He didn't wanna argue with Kankuro and make this a big deal. He could wait a few more minutes. Right? Kiba pouted and sighed before making up his mind. "Fine. Come on, Akamaru." Akamaru barked and followed Kiba. Kiba opened the door and walked out without looking back. He shut the door behind him and stated walking with Akamaru. Kankuro chuckled as he rolled his eyes and started to speed up. He wanted to get done as soon as possible. He hated whenever Kiba was upset and didn't want to keep him waiting.
Meanwhile, Kiba and Akamaru we're walking around the village bored out their minds for about eight minutes. They didn't know what to do today while waiting for Kankuro. They didn't want to train cause it was their day off. Most of their friends were busy. And he had the house to himself, so the family wouldn't entertain them until they got back, which wouldn't be for a couple of weeks. "What can we do, Akamaru?" Akamaru whined, suggesting that he didn't know what to do. Kiba sighed and just thought about going back bored when something got his attention. Well, more like someone. "What the hell?" Kiba and Akamaru went to investigate and found Choji laughing, with Shikamaru sitting on top of him doing something to Choji. "Plehehehehease! Shihihihihika! Ihit tihihihihickles!" Choji laughed as he squirmed and giggled as he tried to get away. "It's supposed to, Cho. That's how tickling works." The smirking Shikamaru said as he started tickling Choji's neck, causing the young Akimichi boy to squeal and giggle like a little kid. Seeing his friends like this gave Kiba a great idea. He grinned at the thought of Kankuro's punishment and started walking back to his house.
Kankuro sighed and rubbed his temples. He was stressed and exhausted from all the working. Plus, It's been nearly fifteen minutes and Kiba hasn't came back yet. He was starting to get a bit worried. Was Kiba that upset? He was barely halfway done too! Oh, what was he going to tell Kiba? He was so focused on worrying about Kiba that he didn't hear the door opening. He felt someone's chakra in the air, but was too distracted to consider who it was. Kiba, on the other hand, was sneaking up behind Kankuro with an evil grin. He waited for his boyfriend to let his guard down. And the second Kankuro raised his arms-
Kiba tackled Kankuro to the ground and pinned him with his arms above his head. Kankuro was completely taken by surprise as he looked and saw Kiba over him. "What the hell, Kiba? What was that for?" "That was for lying to me. You said you would be finished in ten minutes." Kankuro got a bit nervous. "Uh, well I, uh... I'm halfway finished...kinda." "Kinda? That's not good enough for me." Kiba eyed his ribs and tummy. Kankuro, completely unaware what Kiba was thinking, got a little more nervous.
"Uh, Kiba? Are you gonna say something? You're freaking me out by not saying anything and staring at me like that." Kiba snapped out of his trance and grinned even wider. "Oh, you're in trouble now, Kankuro." Kankuro was now confused. He knew Kiba would never hurt him, but the thought of what Kiba might do to him was killing him. "Uh, what does that mean, exactly?" "Oh I'm certain you know what's coming." Kiba leaned in and whispered something in Kankuro's ear. "We both know what happens when you ignore me."
Kankuro's eyes widened in fear, his expression growing more nervous by the second. He had forgotten all the tickling he would get from Kiba whenever he would ignore him. And now that he's ignored Kiba yet again, he was for sure going to get it. "Wait, Kiba. We can talk about this." He struggled more under Kiba's weight as he tried to escape. "Nope. You're not getting out of this one, baby." "Kibaha, plehehease." "This is for ignoring me all day."
Kiba started tickling Kankuro's sides vigorously, to which Kankuro responded with loud and cute giggles. "Kihihihibahaha! Stahahahap!" "No. I just started. Plus, you deserve this. You knew this would happen if you ignored me." "I dihihidn't mehean to! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Kiba snuck his hands in Kankuro's shirt and tickled his sides more softly, knowing that his boyfriend was much more weaker to soft tickles. "Kihihihibahahahahaha! Plehehehehease! I cahahahan't breheheathe!" Despite Kankuro's pleading, Kiba did not stop. That only encouraged him to continue. "Kihihihibahahahahaha! Stahahahap ihihit nohohohohohow!" "Hmm. I wonder if Akamaru wants in on the fun." Kankuro hated when Kiba would bring Akamaru into this. When Akamaru would tickle him, he wouldn't stop unless Kiba said so. "Dohohohohon't you dahahahahare!" "Or else what?" Kiba asked with a smirk. "Or ehehelse I wohohon't vihihisit ahanymohohohohore!" Obviously that was the biggest lie he's ever told in his life. But if it meant it could get Kiba to stop, then he was willing to try anything.
And it worked because Kiba stopped immediately and got off of him with a worried look on his face. "No! You don't mean that, do you?" Kankuro continued laughing, but not because he was being tickled. It was because Kiba actually fell for his trick. "Mahan, you're so gullible. No I don't actually mean it." As Kankuro continued laughing, Kiba sat next to Kankuro and pouted. "That wasn't funny." "It was prehetty funny." Kiba growled. "Oh, I'll give you something to laugh about then." Kiba reached out to tickle Kankuro again, but Kankuro managed to grab his hands in time and hold them in place. "Oh no. I don't think so." Kankuro said. Kiba tried with all of his might to get free, but couldn't move anywhere.
"Damn it, Kankuro. You're ruining my fun." Kiba pouted again. "Aww, come on, baby." Kankuro poked Kiba's sides. Kiba twitched and suppressed his giggles. He didn't want to give his boyfriend the satisfaction of hearing him laugh. "Baby, come on. Don't pout. Let me see that cute smile of yours." Kankuro continued to poke his sides. Kiba squirmed and tried to get free, but all he could do was sit there and take the tickles. He shook his head while trying to keep his mouth shut. Kankuro, knowing that he would have to try harder, started squeezing Kiba's sides and hips, hoping that Kiba would at least crack a smile if he was going to be stubborn. Kiba let slip a few giggles with a small smile, but kept his mouth shut, now able to crawl away.
"Oh, no you don't." Kankuro dragged Kiba backwards and pinned him on his back. He continued tickling Kiba's sides and hips, and Kiba continued to fight back his urge to giggle. "Oh, come on, baby. You don't want me to see that cute smile of yours? That cute little baby smile you have?" Kiba lost his ability to hold back the giggles and let them all out. Kankuro's teasing was always more than enough to fluster Kiba and make him giggly.
"Nohohohohoho! Noho teheheheasing!" "Aww, there's my baby's precious smile." Kiba hid his face with his hands. "Stahahahap ihihit!" "And why should I? You didn't stop when I asked you to. And plus, didn't you want attention? Well, I'm giving it to you, aren't I?" Kiba squirmed like a dog giggling his head off. Of course, he obviously loved when Kankuro tickled him. It was his favorite way of getting attention. But Kankuro was supposed to be the one to fall into helpless giggles and beg for mercy. That was the entire point of the plan. And now that was ruined.
Kiba tried tickling Kankuro back in hopes of escaping. "Oh no no no. Not this time." Kankuro shot his hands in Kiba's armpits. Kiba threw his head back laughing three octaves higher and squirming more viciously than ever. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHOHO! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHERE! BAHAHAHABY!" Kiba kicked his feet and continued to squirm while holding his arms at his sides, trapping Kankuro's fingers in the process. "NOHOHOHOT FAHAHAHAIR!" Kankuro simply chuckled as he continued to tickle the hell out of his cute boyfriend.
"KAHAHAHANKUROHOHOHO!" "Yes, my beloved baby boy toy?" Kiba's already red face went even redder than the marks on his face. Shaking his head violently, tears now streaming down his face, he tried everything he could to get free. "STAHAHAHAP IHIHIT NOHOHOHOHOHOW! NOHOHOHOHOHO TEHEHEHEASING! NOHOHOHO MOHORE TIHIHIHIHICKLES!" "And why not? Don't you want attention? Do you not want attention anymore? Does that mean I can get back to work on Crow now?"
That was the last straw. Kiba mustered the strength to overthrow Kankuro and pin him again. Regaining his breath, Kiba wipes the tears from his eyes. Finally being able to look down at Kankuro, he looked mad. "Uh, babe look. You tickled me, and I tickled you back. We're even now, right?" Kankuro was nervous. He was afraid of what Kiba might say or do. "Look, we can go hang out like you wanted to. How about a movie night? That sounds like a great idea, don't you think?" Kankuro tried to wiggle free, but found that he couldn't move. Mainly because of the fact that Kiba had his claws out. Kiba sighed and looked at Kankuro with a playful, yet menacing death glare. "Even? We're even? You tickled one of my worst tickle spots! So now, we're not even. I think it's time I get even with you..." "No. Kiba, you wouldn't." "Oh, I would." "Kiba, wait. We can talk about this." "It's too late for that."
Without giving Kankuro another chance to speak, Kiba attacked Kankuro's worst spot: his tummy. Kankuro bucked and howled with laughter as he was forced to endure the tummy tickles from Kiba. "WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kiba ignored his pleading. He raised his shirt past his upper belly and clawed at his tummy, specifically around the edges of his belly button. Poor Kankuro only laughed and squirmed like a toddler receiving tickles from their parents. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! KIHIHIHIBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kankuro tried to cover his extremely ticklish tummy, but Kiba's hands were too fast and kept on moving to different parts of his tummy. Kankuro kicked, screamed, and squirmed viciously, but no matter what he did or how hard he tried, he couldn't get free or slow down the tickles. All he could do was lay there and take it.
"KIHIHIHIBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! I'M SOHOHOHOHOHORY! I'M SOHOHOHOHOHORY!" "How do I know you're not lying to me just so I can stop? And besides, you're adorable when you're being tickled. You're just my little tickle toy." Kankuro had now reached his limit. If he wanted Kiba to stop, he had to do it. He had to admit defeat. Kankuro hated admitting defeat against Kiba in their tickle fights. Usually it was Kiba who admitted defeat. But this time, if he wanted to live, he would have to swallow his pride, and a couple breaths of air, and admit his defeat. "UHUHUNCLE! UHUHUNCLE! I GIHIHIHIVE! I GIHIHIHIVE! MEHEHEHEHERCY!" Kiba could tell Kankuro was reaching his limit. And he felt bad about going on for this long. Well...kinda.
"Alright, fine. I'll stop. But...I have to do one more thing, my cute baby." Kankuro violently shook his head, knowing what Kiba was going to do, but couldn't say anything because of the tickling. Kiba took a long, deep breath, lowered his head, and gave Kankuro a giant raspberry. Kankuro absolutely lost his mind in that exact moment. "AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" His laughter went silent in that moment, and that's when Kiba finally stopped. He got off of Kankuro and rubbed his back as he sat up and tried to steady his breathing. He even let Kankuro pet Akamaru to help him feel better.
After a few minutes, Kankuro could breathe again, but his goofy smile refused to leave. Kiba chuckled and grinned. "I see you had lots of fun there, baby." Kankuro pushed Kiba playfully. "Shut up. At least I wasn't the one crying in laughter." "You're the one who went into silent laughter." "You're the one who was extremely cute while being tickled like the little baby you are." Kankuro winked and pinched his face, making Kiba turn red in the face in embarrassment.
"All jokes aside, thank you, Kiba. I needed that break. A lot. I guess I shouldn't have been so focused on fixing Crow instead of you." Kiba placed a hand on Kankuro's back. "It's fine, babe. Honestly. I'm just glad you gave me attention and had fun." Kankuro smiled and gave him a huge hug, to which Kiba hugged back. After their big, they both looked at each other and kissed. They kissed for about a minute before breaking it and looking back at each other. "Oh, just one more thing." Kiba said before poking Kankuro's sides again. "Don't ever ignore me again." "Okahahay! I wohohon't!" Kiba stopped. Kankuro smiled at him.
"Can I get back to fixing Crow now? Please?" Kiba sat and thought about it for a bit. "Oh okay. I'll let you work on your toy now." Now it was Kankuro's turn to poke Kiba's sides. "Crow is not a toy. He's a friend." "Hahahaha! Okahahay! He's aha friehehehehend! A friehehehehend!" Kankuro stopped and giggled as he turned to work on fixing Crow. Kiba sat next to him and watched him for a while. Eventually, Kiba felt drowsy and fell asleep, leaning on Kankuro as he fell asleep. Kankuro looked at him and giggled as he reached for their blanket from the couch and wrapped it around them and Akamaru, who walked next to Kiba and started sleeping as well. As Kankuro finished wrapping the blanket around the three of them, Kankuro gave Kiba a kiss on his forehead. "I love you, Kankuro." Kiba said half asleep with a big smile. "I love you too, Kiba, you cute baby boy." Kankuro responded with his smile before turning to finish fixing Crow. After he was done, he would put Kiba to bed and cuddle with him for a bit. He deserved cuddles after today. And so did Kiba.
*Author's Note
I am a huge fan of this ship and will forever be here for it. I hope you loved this fic as much as I do. I think this is one of my favorite fics so far. If you want to see a headcannon for this ship or any other ship (from Naruto, My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, or Demon Slayer), my dms and asks are always open. I will respond as fast as I can. And don't be shy in asking. I don't judge and I'm willing to make friends.
That's all for now. Until next time,
❄️🔥Shoto-chann🔥❄️ out
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claudiosuenaga · 1 year
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The Bank of America of Louisiana: O livro apócrifo lançado por Jim Morrison em 1975, quatro anos depois de sua morte
Por Cláudio Suenaga
Um livro apócrifo escrito por Jim Morrison (ou por alguém que assinava com seu nome) intitulado The Bank of America of Louisiana (publicado pela editora The Zeppelin Publishing Coporation de Nova York), apareceu em 1975, corroborando os boatos de que teria fingido sua morte em Paris, quatro anos antes, para fugir do assédio constante da CIA, do FBI e das autoridades que haviam tornado sua vida insuportável.
No final dos anos 60, Jim Morrison fundou uma editora chamada Zeppelin Publishing Company com a ajuda do departamento jurídico da Warner Brothers Pictures e Atlantic Records. De acordo com a área promocional da Zeppelin, "Jim queria colocar as mãos na marca registrada 'Zeppelin' antes do Led Zeppelin. Ele fez isso enquanto todos na América sabiam quem eram os Doors, mas antes que o outro grupo de rock se tornasse bem conhecido". A Zeppelin Publishing Company foi fundada e colocada em hibernação para ressurreição posterior.
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Este anúncio do livro publicado em revistas diversas, instilava assim a compra: "Se você é um negociante, banqueiro ou gosta de rock'n'roll, então deve ler O BANCO DA AMÉRICA DE LOUISIANA, por Jim Morrison. A história do reaparecimento na terra de uma ESTRELA DO ROCK MORTA como SUPER HIPPY disfarçado de um moderado banqueiro da Louisiana e seu plano para um banco de $ 700.000.000,00, em andamento. Mesmo que você não leia livros, abra uma exceção para este. THE ZEPPELIN PUBLISHING CORPORATION a B of A Company — New York Dept. No. 891 Box 22252, Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 EUA".
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Nos primeiros dois anos após a "morte" de Jim Morrison em Paris em 3 de julho de 1971, muitos avistamentos do "Rei Lagarto" foram reportados. Esses avistamentos variam do totalmente espúrio e ridículo ao intrigante e confiável. Ao que parece, Jim já andava despreocupadamente em público, confiante em sua longa barba e na memória curta das pessoas. Muitos relataram ter visto Jim Morrison pelas ruas de Paris e posteriormente em Los Angeles, onde um tal de James Douglas Morrison havia aberto uma conta no Bank of America de São Francisco.
Segundo James Riordan e Jerry Prochnicky, autores do livro Break on Through: The Life and Death of Jim Morrison, Jim foi visto em várias ocasiões passeando em bares underground de Los Angeles vestido com o seu típico traje de couro preto. Também houve muitos rumores de que Morrison estava aparecendo regularmente em Louisiana e que dava até várias entrevistas no rádio. Riordan e Prochnicky relataram que "Em uma estação de rádio obscura no meio-oeste, Jim supostamente apareceu na calada da noite e deu uma longa entrevista em que explicou tudo... Após a entrevista, ele desapareceu na escuridão novamente. Como você pode imaginar, não existem gravações da entrevista e nenhuma fonte confiável lembra de ter ouvido a transmissão." (New York, William Morrow, 1991, p. 375).
Em 1973, o Los Angeles Free Press (também chamado de "Freep", o primeiro e certamente o maior dos jornais underground da década de 60), assim como várias agências de notícias, descreviam alguém parecido com Jim Morrison envolvido com negócios, atividades bancárias e transações com o Bank of America de São Francisco. O funcionário que cuidava das transações e que o atendeu, Louis Walter Fleischer (1947-2019), só se deu conta tempos depois quando a história começou a aparecer. Ele confirmou que alguém parecido com Morrison e usando esse nome estava de fato fazendo negócios no Bank of America. Ele ressalvou, no entanto, que "estava longe de ter certeza de que este era o artista 'morto'", pois Morrison não mostrou nenhuma identificação. Isso pode ter ocorrido porque uma identificação com foto já estava arquivada no banco com o nome de James Douglas Morrison.
Pude apurar que Fleischer existiu e que de fato trabalhou no Bank of America. No site Legacy.com, encontrei o seu obituário, publicado pelo San Francisco Chronicle de 15 a 17 de novembro de 2019 que diz: "Depois de se formar na Serra High School, ele frequentou a Universidade de San Francisco, onde obteve seu diploma de bacharel em 1969. Após a formatura, ele recebeu sua comissão como oficial de infantaria do Exército dos EUA e serviu dois anos no serviço ativo (Ft. Benning e Ft. Ord) e dois anos de serviço ativo na reserva. Depois de deixar o Exército em 1972, Fleischer entrou no mundo dos bancos com o Bank of America em seu programa de treinamento de oficiais. Ao mesmo tempo, ele obteve seu MBA pela Golden Gate University. Ele passou 20 anos (excluindo uma passagem de 5 anos no Crocker Bank) com o banco, começando na filial da Ocean Avenue e terminando na divisão de private banking por 13 anos. Pouco antes da fusão do banco com o Nation's Bank, ele deixou o Bank of America e ingressou no recém-formado Greater Bay Bank em Palo Alto, novamente em sua Divisão de Private Banking, como vice-presidente sênior."
Morisson transferiu dinheiro dessa conta do Bank of America para a Dinamarca.
Jim Morrison havia repetidamente plantado as sementes que levariam a esse tipo de especulação, que ele iria, de alguma forma, fingir sua própria morte e assumir uma nova identidade. Morrison disse em mais de uma ocasião a Danny Sugerman e Jerry Hopkins, autores da sua primeira biografia No One Here Gets Out Alive (New York, Warner, 1981), que pensava em reaparecer como um "empresário de terno e gravata".
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Fonte consultada: Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History, de Jim Keith (Port Townsend, WA, Feral House, 1993).
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angeld00m · 1 year
2 of Cups + Archangel Israfel
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"um anjo veeeio meee falaaarr que o amor chegou pra miiiiimmm"
Bom dia!
Eu nem sei como começar esse post, visto que aqui sempre mantenho um mais sério mas acho que a espiritualidade cansou dos meus textos dando tapa em mim mesma e nos outros. Não somos todos sérios o tempo todo e não é a seriedade que denota a verdade e sim ela própria. E esse texto provavelmente vai ser hilário.
De forma literal o meu dia hoje começou exatamente como esse post: com um anjo veio me falar na cabeça. Quando me dei conta tava rindo horrores porque recentemente andava pensando se as músicas que apareciam na minha cabeça quando acordavam eram mais mensagens intuitivas ou ear worms, e como tinha anos que não ouvia essa música do rouge, não tinha como argumentar que era uma mensagem mesmo. (Estou tentando resistir a botar kkkkks no meio do texto, favor compreender se sair um). Aí eu ri mais um pouco, botei a música na minha playlist "músicas que acordei na cabeça" e depois esqueci inclusive da música em si. Fui ler um pouco, depois fui atacada por uma Raid de gatos, depois fui tomar café e tal. Na hora do tarot matinal em que pego o baralho pra ler e depois escrever aqui me senti inclinada a um deck que uso bem pouco, essa versão little querida do Golden Art Nouveau Tarot. Existem alguns decks que eu pego que se inclinam a certas energias, e esse me traz a energia angélica. Já que eu tava ali mesmo, peguei o oráculo dos anjos também pra saber do que se tratava a leitura e de quem queria se comunicar, aí apareceu ele, o querido Arcanjo Israfel, anjo da música.
Quando a carta dele caiu (depois de eu ver ela umas 10 vezes enquanto embaralhava o deck) instantaneamente pensei sobre minha relação com a música: é uma das minhas maiores e melhores formas de me comunicar, a minha maior paixão e algo que me faz caminhar pela vida. Então achei que ele estava dando bronca por eu ainda não conseguir me gravar ou postar cantando, ou não estar tentando compor mais ou algo assim. Mas a leitura foi indo pra outro caminho. Ele começou a dizer que não tinha porque palpar minhas criações nas tristezas e experiências antigas, que me prender ao passado é limitar minha criatividade e possibilidades de uma nova vida. Aí eu perguntei sobre o que que eu devia criar sobre então. E sim. Gritando na rádio mental veio ELA:
Obviamente eu que sou riso frouxo tive uma crise de riso e quase me mijei que durou uns 5 minutos, eu que nem uma lesada olhando pra uma tiragem de carta rindo que nem uma maluca e falando BOA.... ESSA FOI BOA. Porque SIM eu realmente tinha esquecido da música, dois pela LITERALIDADE dela.... Três porque era um arcanjo com muito bom humor, eu amei!!
Acho que de todas as forças espirituais os anjos e arcanjos são os que mais tive noção da presença em toda minha vida, especialmente na infância, e essa forma lúdica de aparecer me trouxe sensações muito boas, especialmente o fato de que a espiritualidade, o amor e o estar vivo, nada precisa ser ou estar sério ou ser pautado somente na razão ou compreensão. Muito do bom da vida está no que a gente pode não explicar e tá tudo bem não ter explicação, muito menos pra fora de você.
E aí foi pra onde a leitura acabou indo: Arcanjo Israfel me pediu pra escrever aqui sobre isso e ainda me deu várias broncas porque eu não queria: tenho vergonha de ser pública sobre minhas relações com a espiritualidade por conta de ser julgada e, assim, julgava a mim mesma, o que deveria contar sobre mim, o que deveria mostrar, a eterna curadoria de si pra não aparecer por completo e sim por pontos de vista. Por exemplo, meus textos aqui costumam ser muito diferentes minha postura no twitter, onde falo várias inutilidades humor & piadas e adoro fazer isso. Ninguém nunca vai ser uma coisa só e a persona pública obviamente vai ter ressalvas quanto a versão mais crua de si, mas acho que vivemos num tempo que a naturalidade nos traz muito mais retorno do que a homogeneização ou busca da perfeição. Quanto mais natural você vê uma pessoa genuína mais fácil de ser genuíno também. Acho que é algo que perdemos da infância também, o mundo tenta nos moldar tanto a caber nos espaços que já existem que perdemos o senso de apenas ser. Queremos que cada vez mais pessoas gostem da gente, ache a gente bonito ou bom no que fazemos e esquecemos do que realmente nos faz achar bons e bonitos. Ser você o tempo todo é um ato de resistência, e rir de si é ter poder sobre. Agora vou sair da tangente que como sempre acontece kkkkkk (droga) e ir pra carta que caiu.
Depois das inúmeras broncas e eu finalmente ter aceitado escrever sem ressalvas, perguntei ao querido Israfel sobre o que que ele queria que eu escrevesse então. Que carta seria a carta tema de hoje. E bom. Deu shuffle no baralho e nada de uma carta cair. Eu ficando "UÉ tanta bronca pra não me dizer o que quer que eu fale???" E na minha cabeça uma mensagem "você SABE sobre que carta é pra escrever sobre". Pior que eu sabia mesmo.... Cortei o baralho. Estava lá ela. 2 de copas.
"Um anjo veiooooo meeeee falaaaaar o amor chegouuuu pra mimmmm...."
Depois de rir DE NOVO da situação e chamar o querido amigo bem humorado e agradecer, agora tenho que falar sobre amor E sem ressalvas. Grandona pra caralho.
O 2 de Copas fala sobre amor, troca, compreensão, honestidade. Cada um dos elementos do casal está dando o que tem a oferecer para o outro. É o convite para o amor romântico, a construção da conexão entrelaçada (visto o Caduceus ali). A reunião divina entre as contrapartes. Particularmente em conjunto com a presença de Israfel e suas mensagens, sinto que essa carta além de dizer que um anjo veio me falar que o amor chegou pra mim não se trata apenas de receber o amor externo e sim, também, de que agora também compreendo o que é amar sem me deixar cegar por concepções antigas, dores ou tempos passados. É a ideia pura e simples de que o amor agrega. E isso vale pra qualquer coisa que a gente ama. O amor possibilita a aceitação de todos os lados de uma circunstância, porque ele sobrepõe a razão e os pré conceitos. Se você tem medo de amar, vai ter medo também de abrir espaço para o erro ou a dor por exemplo. E na realidade tudo que amamos intensamente possui vários lados momentos e ângulos diferentes onde aprendemos a navegar porque aquilo é importante pra gente. Nada é preto e branco e nem cinza, a vida é uma grande zona colorida e nossos sentimentos, situações e circunstâncias tem diferentes cores. A pluralidade vem de se permitir ser diverso também, que nada é gravado em pedra e regrado pela eternidade. Viver, e especialmente amar, é aprender todos os dias o que te faz levar pra frente. É por isso que acaba acontecendo a doação extrema pra outros, porque ali está o exemplo eterno do quanto você pode amar e ser prestativo pra alguém. Só que o amor é seu, e passa pela sua visão de ver o mundo, e cada um tem a sua.
Acho que acima de tudo nossa relação com o que amamos tem de ser agregadora como o ato de amar é. Nós somos porque amamos, amamos porque queremos e tudo isso é parte de nós. Amar é espelho. E isso vale pra qualquer amor que tenha. Hoje, quero deixar claro e público meu amor a espiritualidade por me mostrar a pluralidade de ser e especialmente mostrar que nem tudo precisa ser dor. As coisas são passageiras, mas o amor não. Ele fica. Porque quando tudo passa, nosso coração ainda existe, pulsa e procura por mais alguma coisa que pode florescer com nossa água. E é isso. Será que o amor chegou pra mim mesmo galera??? Esperando o governo lula entregar meu namorado. Beijo!
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444names · 2 years
minerals + horses + roman deities + french forenames
Abis Abithar Adootones Adozite Aegite Aehedrite Afrah Agnallite Agnese Airie Akcous Akstine Alaite Alcaite Alco Alisite Alite Allege Amagnite Amite Ammagnite Ampre Amreudins Anesite Angstrite Anishmax Anite Annazz Anow Apanite Apathop Aquilite Aquillite Areepous Argar Argiter Arite Arne Aroste Astite Auilavall Auit Aum Aumeldber Aunk Auss Ave Averud Avitite Babotite Ball Banite Barite Barnus Basic Baste Bay Becatry Bedubtray Berite Bessian Bite Blette Bluees Blyberick Boge Bonite Boodite Boolite Bora Botlite Bragor Branite Brenatite Bria Brite Bubeite Budium Bunk Cabenite Caite Calite Call Caltite Camet Cap Carsequa Celerite Cer Ceyite Chachens Chagtow Chales Chand Cherldus Chite Chris Chrisite Chroite Chromel Churbown Clabie Claite Clanite Clauite Clite Coe Colite Coproric Cor Cosmogre Cradite Cuara Cupine Curolite Cybdery Cyleose Cynevite Daveta Dayar Derite Dian Dine Dite Dmic Dockshite Dublue Eatrite Elie Epsconite Ete Euco Eurestite Evarmul Fabite Faispelet Fancorite Faul Feldrik Fergite Fermilite Fidorite Fluc Flues Fly Folite Frasite Fronite Fulsance Funyx Fus Fusite Gant Garine Gehaël Gen Geo Germite Gite Glate Gle Golite Golop Gosite Gostonite Gren Grennares Groxia Grumand Gungbeler Gunkme Gyrock Gyrrite Habena Haforpite Hanite Har Hardigite Haromte Hattry Hauftoite Heargede Hedite Hedmaxite Hemelta Hemite Henne Heyerite Hile Hite Hitrite Hubrop Hugite Huleyite Hyite Hyne Hyte Ine Ins Instrop Iscal Jaciddy Jadectrop Janite Jarosic Jax Jearcorep Jeasm Jefina Jen Jinite Jock Jpopse Jul Justonite Kaite Kal Kaliste Kerdite Kesonoite Kingite Kraberite Kredtite Kuclite Laciaiwer Laite Lancite Larcus Las Laue Leer Ler Lite Lon Lonien Lonite Lonskite Looite Luen Lueta Luo Luordore Lévynite Machan Maerut Magne Mainite Majankme Mal Manclas Mane Manite Mannite Mantite Mar Maric Maroch Masite Matite Maumon Mck Metalite Metite Mettop Mie Mies Mirite Mite Mitel Modite Mogop Molete Molite Mon Mone Mor Morock Musilmwis Naesklite Neocklie Nerite Neslor Nic Nieflue Nis Nite Nockiter Nolite Olds Olk Onal Orbordel Orte Paince Pante Paragas Parbasca Paunk Pein Peite Pel Penop Pent Perberite Perle Phite Phlentite Pis Pite Pitteite Piume PlabsiteI Polin Pon Pop Popop Popun Poriite Pown Pre Prock Prorite Pso Psopoper Pum Punk Pyrock Quatus Quis Ramperock Renite Rennite Rhentiter Rhop Rockina Rocolite Rogue Rokyite Romberock Ronite Roppe Roug Roxferre Roxylane Rugote Rum Rutinaite Régite Saberdigh Sabravite San Sand Sane Sante Sardigite Schap Scophyle Seadontan Seal Selte Sete Shfolcite Sicry Site Smione Sone Sonerry Sonoite Soton Spertialc Sphone Spimeite Spiophydy Spioste Ste Stoite Ston Stonite Stowsong Strestite Strytte Styite Sumanne Swerite Swernaite Swite Sychop Sygonite Syllora Symrigite Sébal Taltite Tan Tandess Thicolite Thisia Thite Thowite Thunk Tite Toustrite Trite Tweetazz Tyrise Ucabaz Ulcite Ulena Ulinnite Ullaryite Urite Urne Ursper Varap Vausic Vic Vistonite Vite Vorax Vorine Wame Ward Warite Warotitel Wodia Wodolite Wootick Wurite Xite Xonite Yane Yason Yte Zacol Zarite Zaïrisite Zhouizite Zina Zine Zino Zite Åkey Élic Éloite Érite
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jkmedirise · 2 years
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just-cutie-avocado · 2 years
Hey there! Could I request headcanons for rena Rouge?
Hi ^^ yes, of course!
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Rena Rouge
65% ler | 35% lee
As ler:
• Ohhh, you can't hide your most ticklish spots from her!
• She's never leave anyone in a bad mood.
• She's a gently and merciless ler.
• She may stop if you tell her that you no longer want her to tickle you or that you don't like it.
• Her main victims are Ladybug and Chat Noir, Carapace.
As lee:
• Whenever she laughs, she makes a funny snort xD
• She always denies that she enjoys being tickled, but she actually enjoys it!
• Though when she's in a bad mood, she doesn't mind being tickled at all.
• The most ticklish spots: armpits, sides, feet and stomach.
• Her favorite lers are Ladybug and Carapace.
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safetybuzz · 5 years
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02.03.2019: kotkaniemi scores the tying goal to send the game to OT
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soft--dragon · 3 years
Based off of this prompt here
Word Count: 1,513
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
Hope you all enjoy ^^
Dream wore hoodies for good reason.
They were warm, soft and so unbelievably comforting. His iconic green one was the most loved, but he had a few other ones which were either gifts or stolen from his friends. The stolen ones held the faint scent of it's previous owner which was more comforting to Dream then he'd like to admit.
He still hadn't given back the ones he stole from Sapnap and George. Whenever he was lonely or feeling a bit blue, the hoodies were on and reminding him of the people who loved him.
Sapnap and George were well aware of Dream's hoodie snatching, and were tempted to take them back. But the soft look on the boy's face when they saw him fast asleep wearing Sapnap's hoodie and holding George's in his arms? Yeah, no, they couldn't bring themselves to take the clothing away.
However, some lines aren't meant to be crossed. Sapnap had a favorite hoodie, his iconic flame on plush black fabric. And it had gone missing.
One guess who the culprit was.
"George!" Sapnap called the boy from where he was crafting. "I need your help!"
"I'm not helping you with arson again Sapnap" George answered back shortly.
"Wha- hey! You wanted to help me with that!"
"I regret it immensely" George rolled his eyes.
"You were laughing like a lunatic when we were burning stuff Gogy."
"It was fun before Dream caught us."
Sapnap snickered. "True, and speaking of which, that's what I need your help with."
George spun around, eyes wide. "We are not roping Dream into arson Sapnap-"
"No no" Sapnap waved him off with a laugh, "we both know he'd go rouge with power when he discovers how fun it is. But what I was talking about is his Hoodie Monster thing."
George's face softened a little, a fond smile on his face as he leant back against the crafting table. "What about it? I thought it was fine he took our ones?"
"Yes, the ones he already had I didn't mind, but he stole my favorite one."
George barked a laugh, pressing the back of his hand to his mouth. "Oh boy" he chuckled. "You want my help getting it back?"
"Please?" Sapnap whined. "I don't mind him taking my other ones but this one is special."
George nodded. "I know, don't worry, I'll give you a hand."
Sapnap breathed out in relief, smiling gratefully. "Thanks."
The pair carefully opened Dream's bedroom door, and instantly spotted the boy. He was curled up on his bed, fast asleep and indeed wearing Sapnap's oversized black hoodie. Sapnap and George went over to Dream's bed and looked down at him.
No one should ever be legally allowed to look this cute when sleeping.
Dream's hands had disappeared into the sleeves, both hands brought up to his chin and a small, content smile on the speedrunner's lips.
George looked up at Sapnap. "Still wanna wake him?" He asked grinning at Sapnap's torn face.
After a moment of wrestling with his thoughts, Sapnap sighed. "Maybe we can take it off him without waking him up?"
George snickered. "You overestimate how much of a heavy sleeper this guy is."
Sapnap glared at George. "Shut up and help me."
George held his hands up in surrender with a grin. They carefully took the hem of the hoodie, gently pulling the hoodie up over Dream's abdomen. His shirt followed with the drag of the hoodie, exposing his skin and Sapnap froze in his movements.
"Sapnap? You good?" George asked quietly to avoid waking Dream.
"George" Sapnap murmured, "did you know he had these?"
George followed Sapnap's line of sight and felt his chest seize. Huge scars lined Dream's stomach, going up to his ribs. They looked like blade marks, like a fight went horribly wrong.
"Oh god" George whispered. "Those...why didn't he tell us?"
Sapnap shook his head, unsure of how to answer the question. Those marks looked like they would've been painful as all hell, carved into Dream's skin. Sapnap hesitantly reached out and touched his fingertips to the scars. Dream's stomach muscles jumped under the touch, his eyebrows pinching slightly but he relaxed a second later.
Sapnap brushed his thumb along one of the thicker scars, mind running a million miles a minute. How long had Dream had these? How old was he when he got them? Why did he never tell them? Was he ashamed of them? Was he scared?
A soft whine pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked down on Dream who had a small, wobbly smile on his face, half buiring his face in his sweater paws.
George giggled a little. "He's ticklish" he murmured with a fond smile.
Sapnap brushed over the scars, close to Dream's hips, gentle enough to be felt, but not hurt. Dream squirmed a little in response, soft chuckles emitting from his mouth.
"Nohoho..." He mumbled sleepily, a proper smile starting to pull at his lips.
Sapnap audibly cooed, pressing his thumb a little firmer and rubbing slow circles into the bones. Dream squeezed the fabric over his hands, his small chuckles evolving into soft giggles.
"Stohohop..mhmhm tihihickles" Dream slurred, hands coming down to try and push the offending fingers away.
Sapnap and George shared an adoring smile and George gently took Dream's hands, settling them back by the boy's chin. He carded a hand through Dream's soft hair, "Little bit ticklish Dreamy?" He murmured playfully.
Dream pursed his lips together, trying not to smile but failing as his giggling became stronger. "Nohoho" he whined, pushing his face into George's hand while simultaneously hiding his face in his paws.
Sapnap went back to tracing the scars, moving the hoodie and shirt up a little further to expose the thinning lines going to Dream's ribs. He kept his movements slow and featherlight, his nails occasionally brushing his navel as he passed over Dream's lower belly.
Dream squirmed to the left and right, movements sluggish and slowed by his tiredness. A smile was fully on his face and his giggles were soft and honey sweet.
Sapnap's eyes widened a little as he watched Dream's trembling stomach for a moment longer. "George, I think he's blushing!" He whisper yelled. "Look at his belly!"
George leaned over a bit and his eyes lit up. "Oh my god" he cooed, trying to quieten his excitement. "Oh my god Sapnap! That is so cute!"
Sapnap scuttled his fingers around the rim of Dream's bellybutton, watching the pink glow of Dream's stomach brighten a little in response to the gentle tickles. George lowered his head to Dream's ear, fluttering his fingers along Dream's jaw and neck.
"Your tum tum is looking pretty pink Dream~" he playfully cooed. "It's very cute~"
"Nohohot- nohohot cuhuhute" Dream whined, trying to roll over to hide his stomach.
"Uh uh uh" Sapnap tutted, gently grasping the boy's hips and turning him onto his back again. "No hiding this cute little belly from us Dreamy, I wanna see this adorable red blush~"
Dream's giggling picked up and his eyes fluttered a bit, on the cusp of waking. Sapnap slowed his tickles to tracing again, dropping his head to place a kiss on Dream's largest scar making the boy's breathing hitch slightly.
"You're very adorable Dream" he said with a smile. "You can keep the hoodie for now, but I will want it back."
George snickered. "All of that and you're letting him keep it?"
Sapnap shot him an exasperated look. "George, his giggles are some of the purest in the world, and he's blushing on his tummy for crying out loud, you really expect me to take the hoodie back now?"
George laughed again but it was fonder this time. "You've got a point." He brushed Dream's hair back again. "Sapnap isn't wrong Dream, you're very cute."
Dream turned his head away, giggling sleepily. "...Nohohot…" he murmured, his stomach brightening.
Sapnap grinned. "We're never gonna stop saying it Dream, and after learning this little bit of information about you," he gently patted the boy's stomach making the muscles tense. "We're only gonna say it more."
"Nohohohooooo" Dream groaned quietly through his giggles, snuggling deeper into the hoodie.
The two lers cooed, and took a moment to admire their lee. Dream's belly, covered in scars, was bright red and beautiful. His giggles were tapering off into small titters, a warm smile on his face and hair slightly messed up.
Sapnap and George shared a smile then stood from their positions. Dream suddenly whimpered a little, fingers stretching out from the hoodie in small grabbing motions.
"Come...come back…" he mumbled, "don't wanna be 'lone..."
The pair instantly sat back down on the bed. Sapnap scooped Dream into his arms and George wrapped his arms around the two from the opposite side. Dream settled instantly in their hold, nuzzling their heads affectionately then settled back in their embraces.
"Cute" Sapnap mumbled fondly.
"Adorable" George agreed, dropping his head onto Dream's shoulder.
They fell asleep on the bed in a matter of minutes.
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