#Les Encantades
laurawithslblues · 1 year
A dreary night
And ever when the moon was low,And the shrill winds were up and away,In the white curtain, to and fro,She saw the gusty shadow sway. Sometimes she still wanders the empty rooms at night, breaking the silence with the doors upon their hinges creaking. She peers through the windows on many a rainy night, a dreary night, still waiting for his return. After a while, she remembers, alas, he will not…
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kniteracy · 4 months
The Long Route Home
From Lira: I only made it to the last couple of days of the Faire, but I was glad I got to see what I did. And no matter how hard I looked, I didn’t run in to the Queen or anybody in her retinue. I guess I really am on my own now. At least I have what seems to be a relatively stable place to call ‘home’ now; inasmuch as home could be like, a house, with no neighbours, no family, no coworkers.…
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aerroughneck · 2 years
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.lovelysweet., Cosmopolitan, Enchantment - Sword and Sorcery, Les Encantades, ND/MD, No Match, Uber Event
Blog: https://aerlinnielfantasy.blogspot.com/2023/03/battle-is-about-to-begin.htmlFlickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/aerlinniel_vella/52723031653/in/dateposted-public/
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Mirmanda, illustrated by Anna Ribot-Urbita for the 2017 calendar of Catalan mythology.
The most famous mythical city in the Catalan legends is Mirmanda. This is believed to be one of the oldest cities in the world, which was built by giants and inhabited by encantades (women from Catalan mythology who live in fresh water and live for hundreds of years).
The saying is that “when Barcelona was a meadow, Mirmanda was already a city” (“Quan Barcelona era un prat, ja Mirmanda era ciutat”). The ancient city of the encantades was located next to the small canyon of the Cantarana river near the town of Terrats, in Northern Catalonia. Back then, the river’s water flowed with gold and silver.
But the city was destroyed by a flood or a tsunami of water arriving from the sea. Since then, Mirmanda is invisible to human eyes, only the encantades and the few farmers who have gained the encantades’ trust are able to see it.
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Les Orgues d’Illa, Northern Catalonia. Photos from rutesdelmon.com and Ajuntament d’Illa.
It’s believed that the legends of this ancient city might have originated in the presence of prehistorical megalithic dolmens and menhirs found around the area, as well as the clay cliffs that in the Catalan language are called “xemeneies de les fades” (“fairies’ chimneys”).
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punishertruther · 2 years
al escuchar su risa, no pudo evitar ladear a mirada a la ajena, mordiéndose el labio con suavidad al ver el rubor acomodarse en sus mejillas y terminó por acercarse para dejar un casto beso sobre sus labios. nunca antes se había sentido tan atraída por alguien cómo por avra, y no lo decía solo por la atracción física, sino porque tode elle le tenía completamente fascinada. la complicidad que había existido mientras se entregaban le une a le otre, había conseguido que cada beso y caricia quedasen grabada en su piel cómo si de un tacto divino se tratase. —aunque siempre se puede mejorar.— le guiño un ojo en actitud pilla, siendo aquella una excusa para volver a repetir lo que acababa de suceder minutos atrás. un suave escalofrío, que logró erizar su piel, recorrió su cuerpo cuando notó los carmines ajenos recorrer su espalda y es que no pudo contenerse la sonrisa boba que se dibujó en sus labios, terminando por dejar escapar una suave risa nasal. —te aviso que tengo muchas cosquillas.— comentó antes de tumbarse de nuevo junto a ella y acomodar también el edredón antes de abrazarse a elle y llevar una mano a su mejilla. al escucharle, su sonrisa se hizo más amplia y se acercó para juntar su frente con la ajena y asintió con suavidad.  —yo también lo digo en serio.— susurró removiéndose con suavidad para quedar aún más pegada a su cuerpo. 
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“oh, tranquila, por lo que a mi respecta, podemos mejorarlo todas las veces que quieras.” aseguró risueñe. con esto quería decirle que quería seguir conociéndola y repetir lo que acababa de pasar entre esas paredes hasta la saciedad. todos los planes que habían hecho quería que se hiciesen realidad, de ahí considerase, quizá siendo demasiado iluse e inocente, que todo eso era el principio de algo. le había partido el corazón y cargaba con un trauma muy grande pero por primera vez desde el atentado tenía algo en su vida que le hacía verdadera ilusión y eso era ingrid. “hmh, tendré que comprobarlo más tarde.” bromeó, abrazándola bien y estrechándola contra su cuerpo mientras la miraba a los ojos con una pequeña sonrisa. le apartó despacio algunos mechones oscuros de delante de la cara y siguió acariciándole el costado. “nunca había conocido a alguien como tú.” susurró como si de una confesión mega secreta se tratase. “¿segura no eres una bruja y me tienes encantade?” arqueó una ceja, riendo un poco por lo bajo.
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tanzania2023 · 1 year
20 de juliol - Hadzabe i Detonga
A les 7:00 del matí, ja esmorzats, marxem direcció al llac Eyasi. Vaig quedar ja fa uns mesos amb el Gorjo, que es el guía / contacte amb els Hadzabe. L'Stanley el coneix, aquí tots es coneixen.
Els Hadzabe es una tribu dels últims que queden al món com a caçadors-recolectors. No conreuen ni tenen ramats, només cacen (els homes) i recolecten (les dones).
La carretera deixa anar molta pols però és una mica millor que la d'ahir.
Trobem el Gorjo, que ens espera al punt de control, ens saludem i puja al cotxe. Es molt simpàtic i porta unes rastes que li queden de conya.
Seguim endins per una carretera més difícil fins que arribem a una esplanada amb un arbre on estan els Hadzabe esperant. Fem les presentacions xocant els punys i un d'ells, força jove, ens explica coses que el Gorjo va traduint. Ens ensenya fletxes i ens explica per a que serveix cadascuna. Una pels monos, un altre per ocells, un altre pels Pumba, etc. Ho explica rient i fent una mica el tonto. El llenguatge que fan servir es molt similar al dels bosquimans de Namíbia, amb sons fets amb la llengua sonant "clec". Es quasi impossible de reproduir.
Després el Gorjo ens diu que anem a caçar. Marxem amb tres d'ells per l'estepa, i els anem seguint. Ells van a la seva i molt simpàtics no semblen. Un es un nen d'uns 10 anys.
Anem caminant buscant algo per caçar fins que el nen, uns 20 minuts després, arriba amb un ocellet de color groc que ha caçat.
Se'l penja al coll i anem fins una ombra on fan foc amb un pal, hi posen l'ocellet al damunt i se'l jalen amb quasi totes les plumes i tot. Apa, ja han esmorzat. Ens n'han ofert però hem declinat amablement.
Havent-se fotut el pobre ocell, es lien un porret de marihuana i se'l fumen. El Gorjo diu que tot el dia fumen herba, tant homes com dones.
Tornem a l'esplanada on hi ha les dones assegudes al terra i unes quantes criatures petites. Les fotografiem (ens fa cosa però és deixen). Una nena petita porta un vestit de princesa com la de Frozen que ves a saber d'on l'han tret. La Joana es fixa amb una altra nena d'uns dos o tres anys, li pregunta com es diu però no entenem que diu, fins que el Gorjo ens diu que ha dit "María" i es posa a riure. Diu que alguns noms els treuen dels turistes.
La nena li pregunta al Gorjo si ell va amb els homes blancs (que som nosaltres) i desprès li diu que ella també té una persona blanca a casa (es una nina, entenem). Ens posem a riure i ens mira com extranyada. La Joana li dóna una samarreta, l'hi posa i li queda com si fos un vestit. La nena sembla contenta, però la mare ni fu ni fa.
Després s'ajunten tots i fan un ball. Per acabar, passem per una zona on tenen una mica d'artesania i els hi comprem algunes cosetes. Una de les noies es guapíssima. Paguem amb dòlars i el Gorjo s'encarrega d'explicar quin valor tenen els bitllets i de comptar-los.
Després els canviaran per Shillings (moneda de Tanzania) als conductors dels turistes.
Ens acomiadem i el Gorjo ens porta ara a veure els Detonga, que son ferrers. En arribar ens esperen unes cinc o sis dones més elegants i netes que les Hadzabe, i més guapes. Saludem dient "Seiyu" i donant la mà a tothom, literalment.
Hi ha tres nens petits, un es diu "Diners" i l'altra "Pneumàtics". Tal qual.
Entrem a una cabana i ens pregunten coses com ara quantes vaques vaig pagar per la meva dona, si tenía més dones, quants fills i si erem tots quatre la mateixa família o erem dues families.
Després es posen a batre blat de moro per fer farina amb una pedra i fan que la Joana i la Montse ho facin també. Tot això, cantant i donant palmades. Qualsevol cosa que diuen o diem ho acaben aplaudint.
Ens miren constantment i nosaltres les mirem constantment. El Manel els ensenya fotos del Pol i l'Aina i riuen encantades.
Després vesteixen la Joana i la Montse amb vestits i joies i ens fem fotos a la sortida.
A continuació anem a una altra zona on hi ha els homes fent puntes de fletxa. Agafen ferralla que han trobat (canonades velles, aixetes, candaus, etc) i ho fonen allà mateix. Amb un clau llarg fan una punta de fletxa en 10 minuts. Aquests puntes després les compren els Hadzabe per caçar, amb els diners que fan aguantant els turistes.
Comprem algunes coses més pagant més diners del que valen però fent-ho a gust. Es el que cal fer.
Finalment ens acomiadem dient "ezebé" i anem al càmping del Gorjo (es el propietari) i dinem allà el picnic. El Gorjo ha portat polenta, que es típic, i vedella feta a trossos que està boníssima. Ens la mengem amb les mans, com déu mana.
Acabem fent un cafè molt bo a Karatu, al Lilac cafè.
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tomitomitomi · 2 years
Le niñe miró hacia afuera del tren y vio que las nubes estaban tan bajas en el cielo que supo que, de estar en el descampado, podría haberlas tocado con la mano si saltaba. Quiso despertar a su acompañante, que dormía con la cabeza contra la ventana, como si incluso en su sueño supiera que las nubes estaban allá afuera. Sin embargo, algo le hizo guardar silencio. Se dijo a sí misme que lo hacía para que pudiera descansar, pero sí se permitía ser honeste, prefería no despertarle porque pensaba que las almohadas del cielo estaban ahí sólo para elle. ¿Por qué si no jamás en la vida las había visto tan cerca del suelo? Bastó una mirada alrededor para cerciorarse de lo que ya sabía: todo el vagón dormía, y muy probablemente todo el tren. Y es que no se trataba de niebla ni nada parecido, eran nubes hechas y derechas, esponjosas como algodón de azúcar, tan cercanas que le niñe se sentía tan nerviose como encantade al mirarlas, regodeándose al saberse le únique en el mundo que las había observado tan de cerca.
En un momento dado le invadió la amargura. Sintió que las nubes se burlaban de elle, sino ¿por qué jamás se mostraban así cuando estaba bajo el cielo abierto? Ellas sabían que no podía alzar la mano para sentirlas desde donde estaba, pero se pavoneaban como verdaderas divas, dejando que las mirase y admirase.
No obstante, el sentimiento duró poco. Pensó que no podía culparlas por resguardarse, se recordó que en realidad eran frágiles y que las personas muchas veces se portaban demasiado bruscas. Quizás dejarse ver era lo máximo que podían hacer por elle; compartirle su secreto, pasar el rato juntes a través de la ventana.
Regodeándose de nuevo, le niñe se acomodó en su asiento y se quedó mirando hasta que su propia boca comenzó a sentirse como algodón de lo abierta que todavía la tenía.
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jaumesclub · 1 year
🎬#11 #CINEJAU Salutacions, cinèfils entusiastes i amants de la gran pantalla! 🎬🍿 Us donem la benvinguda a un nou i emocionant episodi de "CINEJAU", el programa que cada setmana ens transporta al màgic món del cinema i ens fa viure emocions úniques amb el nostre presentador preferit, el sex symbol Jau Fibla! 😎🌟 Aquesta setmana, com sempre, venen estrenes calentetes: 🔥🎉 "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem", amb les nostres estimades tortugues ninja que tornen amb més força que mai! 🐢🔥 Mario Casas debuta com a director amb "Mi soledad tiene alas", un drama estil "cine quinqui" que promet tensió i emocions fortes! 🎬🎭 Els amants del terror tenen la seva dosi amb "No tengas miedo", una nova pel·lícula sobre cases encantades que et farà saltar de la cadira! 😱🏚️ També descobrim "Una aventura gigante", un film d'animació sobre les línies de Nazca al Perú! ✈️🇵🇪 A més, un nou talent femení emergeix amb "Las chicas están bien", el primer pas com a directora de l'actriu Itsaso Arana! 👩‍🎬 I amb "El viaje de Harold", arriba una emotiva història que ens parla de bellesa de l'amistat en la vellesa! 👴📜 No se admiten perros ni italianos: De França arriba un drama familiar en forma d'animació en stop motion de primer nivell. En lo alto: un drama amable sud coreà que ha encantat als crítics. Un verano con Fifí: una bonica pel·lícula francesa sobre l'amor adolescent. Apart d'aquestes estrenes, us explico la meva opinió del film espanyol "ASEDIO", una obra que he gaudit recentment! 🍿🎬 I no podia faltar la secció de pel·lícules preferides, avui viatgem a 1991 per recordar la creativitat amb "El rei pescador", de Terry Gilliam! 🎩🏰 Si ets un apassionat del cinema, aquest és el teu lloc! No oblides subscriure't al nostre canal i activar la campaneta per no perdre't mai ni un sol detall d'aquest i altres apassionants programes! 📢🎊
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laurawithslblues · 5 months
Into the Fairelands
“Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyesThey call me on and on across the universe“ We’ve waited with our eyes full of dreams and memories, we’ve counted the minutes and the seconds, and now it’s time: the portals are open once again and the magic from the Fairelands calls for us, the Fantasy Faire 2024 has begun. The Faire means many different things for us. For some,…
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teresabeadle5 · 8 months
Veneziana by Kynne Llewellyn Via Flickr: Velvet dress and boots : *SM* Veneziana. At FF23 Wings : *LE* Les Encantades - Titania Bento Wings. At FF23 Flowercrowns : [rnR] Flowers K-06. At FF23 Pose : LW Bento Poses - Modern Angel. At TLC Hair : AD - fruitopia. At FF23 Head : Lelutka lel EvoX AVALON 3.1 Eye make up : Shiny Stuffs EvoX Thoes Eyes Shadow 20 Lips : ~Shiny Stuffs~ Antique Shine Light HD Lelutka Appliers Tattoo : Juna: Aliya tattoo Light Classic Avatar. At TLC. Skin : leLAPEAU - Evo X - Kammie Skin - GA Ivory. Decor : =Mirage= Fairy Flower Path Lamp. At FF23 DD Dreamland Designs - Magical Tree Scene. At FF23 Backdrop : Irrisistible - Knowledge Path. At the weekendsales.
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redthundershq · 1 year
¡me gusta mucho que el equipo de baloncesto sea mixto!
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¡gracias, carita gris! si bien pensamos en primera instancia hacerlo femenino como en la serie, también pensamos que hay mayor diversificación de pj's ¡les cuales estaremos encantades de recibir!
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cantodesigual · 2 years
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Continúa la muestra (𝘋𝘦𝘴)𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘭 𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘫𝘦. 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘷𝘢𝘳í𝘰𝘴 𝘨𝘳𝘢‌𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘰𝘴, 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘴 𝘺 𝑝𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘰𝘴 hasta el 5/2. Se puede visitar de miercoles a domingo de 15 a 20h. 🔌 Mañana sábado 29/11 a las 18h hacemos una visita guiada, les esperamos encantades. 🎧 Durante la investigación que nunca se termina y que jamás podrá abarcarse apareció la obra de Edgardo Vigo "Homenaje a una pensión de estudiantes" (1969) un collage sonoro que quizá sea la única pieza sonora de Edgardo Vigo. Esta obra originó nuevas impresiones y direcciones que nos llevaron a componer la pieza. 📻 SCRHUCH es una grabación digital en toma directa a partir de la manipulación de materiales sonoros ejecutados en artefactos de diversas tecnologías y épocas como tocadiscos de vinilo, pasacasetes, micrófonos de diferente tipo, instrumentos de cuerda amplificados, circuitos de osciladores diy populares y caseros, radios, máquina de escribir, voces, susurros y silencios para producir un collage sonoro y componer un poema. ⁣@canto.desigual @caro.andreetti @renata_lozupone⁣ #veronicamercado @intipujol @p.ablod.iaz @soledad_sanchez_goldar⁣ @mariana.pellejero @linodivas⁣ @granierikarina @humanoid_poliform @valente.ali⁣ @juliamasv @centrodeartesonoro @mndelgrabado ⁣📷 Susi Maresca (en Casa Nacional del Bicentenario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkRGNygu1kK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I guess this message would make more sense in Halloween, but I don't want to wait that long lol. Are there any well known ~haunted places~ in the Catalan Countries?
Yes! There are many legends about haunted places. Most of them can be divided in two groups: ànimes en pena (spirits) and encantades (Moorish ladies under a spell who guard a treasure cave).
1. Ànimes en pena
"Ànima en pena" literally means "soul in sorrow", but it's similar to a ghost. It's the spirit of a person who can't go to the Other Side because they are damned, weren't buried properly or as a result of how they died. This person will look the way they looked on earth (no white blankets here) and sometimes with an added punishments (be on flames, be chased by dogs, can't dismount their horse, riding the skeleton of a horse, etc). Some of them only appear under certain circumstances, like at night. The particular details depend on each legend: depending on the circumstances and how grave their punishment was, they can be a simple spirit or more similar to the Wild Hunt motif.
There are places that are said to be haunted by an ànima en pena. Many of them are just a dead person who asks the living to say a message on their behalf or finish something they left unfinished, and then they can go in peace. But others are damned for eternity. I will explain the most famous one in Catalonia.
The most famous one is Count Arnau (Comte Arnau), also called Count Evil (Comte Mal) in Mallorca. I made a post about him a long time ago, but it's always a good moment to bring him back. Count Arnau (might be the real Arnau de Mataplana) was Medieval noble who committed various sins. Some say he was forced to marry a 7-year-old when he was 15, but he was actually into another woman who was a nun in the monastery of Sant Joan de les Abadesses. Catholic nuns make a vow of chastity, but n'Arnau ignored the holy laws, seduced her and had sex with her. Some versions say that the nun died shortly after joining the monastery, and on a stormy night n'Arnau stole her corpse from the grave and rode away carrying her on his horse, but in his madness he couldn't see where he was going and fell down a cliff. It's also said he did not keep his promises to his feudal subjects and did not pay his servants what he owed them.
For his sins, he was punished to roam eternally as an ànima en pena, riding a black horse on fire and chased by diabolical dogs. Since at least the 16th century, people from the area have been saying they see him on stormy nights.
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Sant Joan de les Abadesses monastery, Comarques Gironines, Catalonia. x x.
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The ruins of Mataplana castle: Count Arnau's castle. Comarques Gironines, Catalonia. x x.
In many other places of Catalonia they have similar legends of the Wild Hunt. Many of them have to do with a nobleman or a hunter who ignored God to go hunt a specially big hare and is now damned to hunt eternally. Or, like in Gréixer, he killed the priest and ran away to the forest, so now he's eternally running in that forest and can't ever stop.
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Gréixer, in Guardiola de Berguedà. Where the hunter hid and is now forever running. One example of the many damned hunters. x x.
2. Encantades
The second kind of haunted places are those hunted by an encantada ("enchanted woman"). This is not to be confused with dones d'aigua ("water women"), a being of Catalan mythology who are also called encantades in some areas of the Northern half of Catalonia, which is related but different.
Here I'm talking about the immortal spirits of Moorish women who guard treasures. This kind of legend is very common in the Valencian Country, the south of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands (the areas that were ruled by the Islamic kingdoms for a longer time).
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Still from the Disney movie Aladdin.
The legend is always the same: in the Middle Ages, when the Christians conquered this land, the Moors had to run away but they always had the hope that they would come back home. For this reason, they left their riches and treasures hidden (usually in a cave), which is guarded by an enchanted woman, who is immortal until the spell is lifted. Many have tried to find these treasures, but beware: there is always a trick.
This post would never end if I listed every town, cave or small lake that has a legend like this. There are many, and each will have some difference to how the woman was enchanted or what will happen if you steal from it. I will tell three as an example.
This is the legend told of the encantada of Planes: every 100 years, an enchanted Moorish woman leaves her hiding place in the little lake (called Barranc de l'Encantada, "the Enchanted Woman's little lake"), wearing a diadem of pure gold. She will talk to the first farmer she sees working in the nearby fields and ask him "which one do you want to keep: the gold diadem or me?". If the farmer answers the diadem, it means he's greedy so she will kill him. If he chooses her, she will take him to the cave, where he will remain under a spell forever.
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El Barranc de l'Encantada in Les Planes, Central Valencian Country. x.
In the Benidoleig cave, the legend says that two Moorish men who had stayed after the Conquest had an old book that said how to retreive the treasure. They proposed to two Christian men to go get it together, following the books instructions: they would need to go at night, when they reached the cave they would read out a magic spell, burn some herbs, and when they reached the treasure chamber throw a cat without any black hair on it.
And so they did it: at night, they entered the cave. They found an enchanted Moorish woman who asked the Moorish men "why are you bringing enemies to the treasure?" but they ignored her and continued walking in. They followed the first part of the ritual and reached a treasure chamber with mountains of gold, silver and pearls, guarded by a black man under a spell, still as a statue and armed with a mace, which he held as if he were about to strike. Scared of the statue, the men doubted, but blinded by the riches they sacrificed the cat to take the treasure. In that exact moment, the black man came to life and threw away the cat, because it did not fulfil the requisit of not having any black hair. The men were sad that they couldn't make it and turned around to leave, but one of them used the moment to put a handful of gold and pearls in his pockets.
When they arrived to the cave's entrance, it was closed and they couldn't leave. One of the Moorish men said that is because one of them must have stolen a part of the treasure, and that if they don't put it back they'll be stuck there forever. The man confessed and gave it back, and the cave's mouth opened again.
There are many similar legends where the people looking for the treasure get trapped inside because of their greed.
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The Benidoleig cave, Central Valencian Country. Nowadays it can be visited. x.
The last one I'll tell is from L'Albir. This is said to have happened in a cave called mina d'Ocre.
On a rainy day, a shepherd called Pere Joan took shelter in the cave. He heard a woman's voice coming from deep inside the cave that told him "Pere Joan, I'm here inside. You're a man with a good heart, come in!". Pere Joan was scared and didn't move, but the voice repeated it three times, until he decided to go. Inside the cave, he met the encantada who thanked him for having entered and told him she was a Moorish princess under a spell: she could only leave for 3 days every 100 years, and whoever breaks the spell will be lucky forever and all of his wishes will become true.
The encantada told him how to break the spell: "tomorrow night you must bring me 3 slices of blessed bread. You'll have to hold one on each hand and the other with your mouth. But be aware that I will look like a terrible, huge and ugly snake. But don't worry, it will still be me and I won't hurt you."
The next day, Pere Joan obeyed. Holding the bread in his hands and mouth, inside the dark cave he closed his eyes out of fear. Then, he felt how something took the bread from his left hand, then the right one... And then he opened his eyes and saw, right in front of his face, the monstrous snake. He got so scared that he ran away without thinking, and as he was leaving the cave he could hear the snake turn back into the princess and shout this curse: "for not having believed me and not breaking the spell, misfortune will always follow you, wherever you go!".
And it's true: until the day he died, Pere Joan was always lonely, poor, ill and sad. And we don't know what happened to the princess, but it's most likely that she's still waiting in her cave, for the next 100th year for someone to break the spell.
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Coast of L'Albir, where the mines d'Ocre cave is located. Alacant, Valencian Country.
I used to hear a story like this when I was a child, too. I don't remember it exactly, but it was about a man who entered a cave where the encantada and the treasure were only visible in full moon nights. The encantada told him how to break the spell and leave with the treasure, but he got too greedy and didn't make it out of the cave before the moonlight rays stopped reaching the cave, so he lost it all and got trapped, if I remember right.
Once again, there are many legends of haunted places like these. And many people have firmly believed that they are real.
I hope this was interesting and answers your question. As always, everyone is welcome to add more to this post if yours is missing.
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annedaumig · 3 years
A Flair For Life
A Flair For Life
__________ Starting out to make money is the greatest mistake in life. Do what you feel you have a flair for doing, and if you are good enough at it, the money will come. Greer Garson ___________ OUTFIT: *LE* & Enfants – Toreador @ We ❤ Roleplay (Oct 4 – Oct 28) FAN: TdO* GELOSIA fan MESH BODY: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.0 HEAD: .LeLUTKA Ryn Head 3.1 HAIR: .:EMO-tions:. * HAIRPIECE Z…
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kniteracy · 3 years
Future Shadows
Future Shadows How would you feel, if someone came to you and said, Queen, Senator, your little life is a speck, and you will be remembered only for the children you bear? How would you feel? I don’t like these dreams and prophecies. My work is here and now, preserving peace, making the universe a bit better than it was before I entered it. Hopefully. Dodging Destiny Destiny. What rubbish. We…
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about-blankpage · 7 years
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                                              Look # 580
Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Bianca @  Fetish Fair
Skin applier:  BT: Cindy"Catwa"Applier
Makeup: + Yokai Mega Make Up Pack + {aii}
Chain Harness: *LE* Chain Harness  @we <3 roleplay
Chain harness w/ skirt: S&P Amara  @we <3 roleplay
Shoes:  Essenz - Zambia @Pocketgacha
Bindi: CURELESS [+] Magatama Jewels - Epiphany Gift! (old)
Tattoo 1:  RedFish - Mosaique Tattoo  Fetish Fair
Tattoo 2:  RedFish - Amour Tattoo @The secret affair
Trees, apples are part of : CUREMORE / Lost Paradise set.
Wolf is from  CURELESS [+]
Dragon is from Profane Guardian {egosumaii}
Little lights, mist and others are from {Anc}
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