#Let me know if it's readable
bonus-links · 3 months
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kurah · 1 month
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"you drive me NUTS, Touden!!"
referenced from this new girl scene
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sacchiri · 2 months
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bacchuschucklefuck · 24 days
official finish-this-sketch-how-you-want post idk what to call thisSAMPLE TEXT
hi! I miss drawing with people in a café and some folks mentioned they'd like to mess with my sketches themselves and that sounds cool so this is now a thing. if u play gartic phone this is basically the complement mode! but without the fucking ring noise that freaks you out right when you're getting into the flow of it
few things are 1/there's no hard deadline! take this at ur own pace if u do, but 2/I'll also be finishing this sketch and I estimate it to take around uhh 3 to 4 days? from the time this is posted. so if that's a structure u like then let's aim for something done in that timespan as well! and 3/if u finish ur piece and post it and want me to see it the best way to do that is to @ this blog! above all we go into this one determined to have fun and enjoy. I already bought u a matcha latte with oat milk sorry if u don't want that
here I got u today a sketch that's supposed to be Riz Gukgak (SY) (grey bg version and transparent version for ur ease of peruse)
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remember to have fun & be urself & finish ur drink & see u in 4 or 5
#not art#technically#idk what to tag this... I was thinking sketchboom bc its like one sketch many outcomes yknow. but turns out thats already#a company or something like that. and then I thought something riffing on the complement game mode but I cant think of anything for that#can we call it Fuck With This Sketch. pros: it would be funny. cons: cant think of even a single one#sooomewhat in the realm of dtiys. more in the realm of process swap or whatever the drawing meme was that used to be a thing#where like u and two friends swap pieces inbetween every step#(which is somewhat assumptive of what the process is to be fair. I know people who run directly into a piece blocking out poses in colors#as their sketch. and then just render right on top of it. as an ink-for-lifer their process is alien to me and we are like different specie#I want this to be real freeform u can do anything to this sketch. its decently readable for being made by me I think#if there are more than one character it gets worse. or if its full body or a first sketch for a design. uve seen that basrar piece's sketch#and when I say u can do anything to this sketch I mean it. if ur thinking ''oh they didn't mention a bg or painting idk if I should--''#Stop. You Can Do What You Want Forever. seek ur truth seize ur pleasure and call me a bitch to my face#sky's the ceiling and the depths of hell is the bar. draw with me. that is what this is for#ok Im done lets go. hope u have fun with the sketch! yay! yayaya#edit: well now Ive commited to a stupid tag this is called#Fuck With My Sketch
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Autumn, 1900
For the rest of the day, Winifred worked quietly; still rather disoriented from her train being delayed that morning. Those sorts of things always seemed to put her in a strange mood, and Francis' genuine reassurance over her insecurities had only made it worse. She had never intended to lie to her coworkers about who she was; it was an honest mistake — when she filled out her application; she signed her maiden name, Monet, instead of Baudelaire and didn't notice until she was proof reading before handing it in; and she had truly had intended to change it. However, for a fleeting moment she thought, 'why can't I be someone else for a while? It would only be like playing a part,' and soon, she was posing herself as a 30-something year old spinster trying to make her own way in the world. There at the Windenburg Daily, she was not just Mrs. Baudelaire, a rich man's life, or a mother struggling to exist outside of that title. Of course, she considered the idea of explaining the mishap and coming clean. Except that, when she thought of how angry JJ, Terence, and especially Francis would be, she could never bring herself to try. As the years passed by, her double life had brought her the sense of self she'd been longing for. But she was no fool. She knew it was not a matter of if her folly would catch up to her, but when; and all she could do was hope that at the very least, she might publish a few stories beforehand and it would somehow be worth it.
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transcript below the cut
*click* *click* Winifred: oh, bullocks! *panting* I'm sorry I'm late, guys. My train was delayed Terence: Relax, Winnie; he isn't here yet Winifred: But, I hate- Francis: He's right, Win; you need to learn to relax a bit <the day goes on> *typewriter clicking* Francis: The days just get longer & longer. Winifred: Shhhh!!! Terenece: Here comes- JJ: *groggily* Good morning everyone. *in unison* Morning, JJ! Winifred: *mouthing* I forgot the coffee. JJ: Winnie, dear, my coffee? Winifred: Um, yes, I- Francis: She wanted you to try the coffee next door! Terence: She was just waiting for you to arrive. JJ: Ah, what a splendid idea! Winifred: Well, you know, I just thought with it being so chilly and all. JJ: Good thinking; Francis, go along with her. Francis: Yes, sir. Winifred: We won't be gone long. Francis: It smells so good in here. Two coffees, please. *liquid pouring* Winifred: I don't think I make a very good secretary. Thank you for covering for me back there. I don't know what I'd do without you and Terence. Barista: Two coffees, to-go! Francis: You know we like having you here, right? JJ, too. He likes you a lot. He's just... Winifred: Uptight? Francis: Well, I was going to say particular, but I suppose that is part of it, yes. And you're not a lousy secretary, okay? Terence and I understand it's a hard life for a spinster, but we don't see you that way. Always remember that. Winifred: Yeah...I-I will...
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saiainopresai-v3 · 6 months
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some (very late) white day themed [pregame] saimatsu!
i meant to upload these sooner but i was figuring out scanning and. i think its. pretty obvious im still figuring it out. but! they're not too bad i think. ill figure it out as i go LMFAO
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lucidicer · 2 years
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medichamcham · 5 months
Honestly? If people understood just how much of a harrowing job underground coal mining is and the high mortality rate that comes with it due to accidents/explosions/illnesses, I think they would better understand why Rose is Like That to a slight degree.
But also, it'd be a lot better if we got that sort of insight through a type of unmissable clue you find in Galar's environment, implying the dangers imposed on a miner from either the mine itself or human error, allowing you to have some concrete insight of Rose as a character himself, rather than a random piece of throwaway dialogue made by Oleana way past the main story.
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sonicchaoscontrol · 1 year
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[Ch. 1, Page 15]
A quarter of a century can’t be good for the disposition. Or a lot of things, actually. Can we talk about that maybe
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aeroplaneblues · 1 year
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Securing Finances💸
I thought of this after alhaitham told kaveh he still has a grand sage salary even tho he sent his resignation, there could be many reasons why but it made me think that no matter how much alhaitham wants things to go back to nobody knowing/relying on him, it won't. Now he has very few excuses to get out of and Nahida is the best to refute him.
Also now with the 3.6 event coming, this could be the thing they need help with and alhaitham reluctantly helps with😂
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tokiro07 · 2 months
Undead Unluck ch.214 thoughts
[Five Nights at Fuuko's]
(Contents: predictions - Kururu/Tatiana & Billy, analysis - Tatiana, speculation - Negator tragedies/Untouchable)
Hngh...Kururu...only a single line of dialogue right after losing your arc...it's not fair...
Ah well, I do really like the idea of her being an evil teammate, begrudging everything that she's made to do until everything snaps and she's forced to choose between betraying her captors or realizing that she loves them. That is the plan, right, Tozuka? And there is an omake coming up where we see why she's choosing to go along with them in the meantime, yes? Hm???
Of course, since we've started the Tatiana arc, it's only natural that Tatiana get the lion's share of the focus this time around. Much like Top, her story is pretty different this time around, though instead of having her tragedy avoided and then taking a different path, this time her tragedy has been significantly delayed, to the point that the tragedy itself now has the potential to be much more devastating than before. Exactly how it was delayed I have no idea, but that's the kind of thing that I don't think really matters too much in the grand scheme
Tatiana & Billy
What does matter is where her story is going, and with Tatiana meeting Betty before anyone else in the Union, I think I'm starting to get a clearer picture of it. Last week was basically just reiterating the plan to use Remember, which seemed redundant at the time, but with this chapter hammering home that Billy's family is very much present this time around, I think that Tozuka was trying to set up how Billy and Tatiana's family dynamic was going to reemerge despite both avoiding their tragedies. By creating a sisterly bond between Tatiana and Betty, it will be easier for both her and Billy to incorporate their recovered memories into their current personalities and lifestyles without either feeling like they're intruding on the other's revived families. Granted, we've only seen Tatiana interact with Betty and not Veronica, and Billy interacting with Tatiana's parents should logically be its own can of worms, but that should be easy enough to patch over
Tatiana's Hair
While this new version of Tatiana's story changes all of the surface details, the core of her story remains very much the same - Tatiana is isolated from the world around her, this time by her career rather than by her Rule. As she so succinctly puts it, she can't touch the people that are special to her
I've said before that long hair is a recurring symbol for isolation in UU, and while Tatiana's is certainly much shorter than it was in L100, it's still quite long. In fact, it's because of her distinctive long hair that she ends up getting swamped by her fans, with its dramatic reveal in her recreating Fuuko's iconic long hair reveal in ch.1. Even being shorter than before, its length both symbolizes and enforces her isolation and loneliness, which in turn almost incites her tragedy, which would bring her further isolation
Negator Tragedies
Speaking of, this is the first time we've ever seen a Negator's awakening be halted rather than just having their tragedy be averted. It's subtle, but I think it goes a long way in explaining the mechanics of the tragedies. We've gone back and forth on this for a while, so let's do a quick recap
Originally, we believed that God (likely Sun, but maybe Luna too) arbitrarily chose Negators upon the previous Vessel's death and then timed their awakening for the least opportune moment
Then, we learned that the previous Vessel chooses their successor upon death, and many fans started blaming them for the tragedies, believing them to be negligent at best or malicious at worst
From there, we theorized that while the Vessels chose their successors, God decided on the time of awakening, watching with bated breath for the right moment
This chapter though suggests that Rules have something like preprogrammed triggers, that they transfer into the successor and lie dormant until certain conditions are met. These may be specific to the individual Rule, but I think it may be a decently broad range of criteria. In Untouchable's case, her ability has now been shown awakening under two completely distinct circumstances: when Tatiana was happy (her birthday party with her favorite cake) and when she was upset (being surrounded by people that made her feel isolated). This suggests that God has the trap set to spring at any moment of extreme emotion, whether it's the saddest, angriest, or even happiest of the Vessel's life. Certain thoughts and desires pertaining to the Rule may qualify as well, like Void wanting to hit his opponent to win his fight or Sean wanting to pass his audition for a movie so he could be seen, but those are both still strong desires and may qualify as extreme emotions
The main point is, this scene makes it quite clear that God is actually pretty hands-off with the moment of activation itself. Rather than plotting and controlling the course of the Negators' lives, it's more like he put a mousetrap in their souls before going back to his own business while he waited. Of course, it is also possible that both are true, and that God does take direct action to facilitate the Negators feeling extreme emotions. UMA Heat's appearance in Gina's town was a bit spontaneous, and unlike Fuuko getting her jacket caught on some rebar, I'm pretty unclear how Tatiana lost both her hat and her wig...didn't seem particularly windy to me...
Pinky Promise
With Tatiana's awakening being averted, though, Fuuko was able to make contact without incident, claiming that she was back after 200 years to finally make good on her promise to Tatiana. At first I thought she meant she was keeping the promise to hold hands with Tatiana once they had normal bodies from ch.25, but I realized there were a few issues with that: 1) Fuuko still has Unluck, so the conditions for that promise haven't been met; 2) Tatiana still doesn't remember Fuuko, so the significance of that promise would be lost on her; 3) they shook hands for that promise, when this chapter deliberately made note of pinky promises being important to Tatiana
Upon realizing that, I hightailed it to the Ragnarok arc, and sure enough, Fuuko and Tatiana's parting in ch.121 was a pinky promise to meet up and become friends again in the next Loop. I'm sure plenty of other readers picked up on that just fine, but for anyone else who thought it was for the first promise, know you weren't alone in making that mistake
What's Next
So now the question is how Fuuko's intervention will change Tatiana's interpretation of Untouchable. I think it would be massively cruel to have her go back to being a naked Kinder Surprise after learning about her current insecurities and career, so I would hope that her new version will be a bit more lenient, like maybe counting her clothes as an extension of herself, or perhaps regulating her barrier to be imperceptibly close to her body so her clothes can fit over it?
Either way, I expect she'll still have Sphere, Nico did say that he's already working on it, but I think it would be cool if she could use it as a versatile armor along the same lines of Top/Isshin's Runner's Regalia or even Void's Next Ring and Creed's End War. If she does, then I hope Sphere will get a better name to line up with all of those
Actually, I suppose the best question right now is how long it'll be before we even see Untouchable again. I figure it won't be next chapter at the very least, but whether it's the week after or a month from now, I can't really tell. I kind of hope we take a little bit of a breather, just chilling with Tatiana as friends and helping her develop some dynamics with the group for two or three weeks before all hell breaks loose with UMA Time or War showing up to rain on the parade and prompting Untouchable to become a bigger beast than it's ever been. Who knows, maybe we'll even get lucky and get a little bit more Kururu in that time...
Until next time, let's enjoy life!
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sylphscope · 1 year
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Dialogue from The Case of the Greater Gatsby, Episode 1 - A Long December
Screenshots from The Case of the Gilded Lily and The Case of the Greater Gatsby - Kickstarter Video!
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lpsotd · 1 year
Best LPS Felines Tournament 🐱 Round 1, Side B
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Persian #490 vs. Persian #723
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friendofthecrows · 1 year
Hey, people saying the Tumblr Blackout won't work because Tumblr doesn't work like Reddit...
It will hurt them if we all (or even the majority of highly active users) participate. No content until demands are met is pretty much the worst nightmare of a site with Tumblr's business model.
Like the saying goes, if you don't pay for a product, you are the product. Site eerily empty thus reducing engagement, no users online so no add clicks, no one buying blaze or merch, basically a sudden drop in every metric with which Tumblr measures profit or potential for profit.
On top of this, instead of having it be a strike for a set time period, which Tumblr could just wait out, the organizer has changed it to an indefinite strike until demands are met. This increases the odds of it working.
Is it still possible for it to fail? Of course! But it also might work, and we certainly won't succeed if we're too divided on this.
We also don't have to just do a blackout. Sending messages to staff (not cruel, the people who have to go through all that are not necessarily the people making these decisions, once again do not be cruel) might also help, but in my opinion, has a lower chance of working. They have ignored feedback thus far. The feedback doesn't hurt them, most of it probably doesn't even reach the decision-makers on these fronts. The only use of the feedback is if staff insists these updates are bad ideas because they get such an overwhelming amount of feedback saying so, and higher-ups listen to them. Still, it is worth a try, in combination with the blackout.
Neither method is sure to work. And we can't destroy the usability itself of the site like reddit mods can. BUT. Our content and our consumption of content is the product, it is how Tumblr makes money, and we can deprive them of it.
The ideal is if enough staff agreed with us that they could join us. I won't hold out hope for that, but if any staff members read this...consider it.
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oncillaphoenix · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Pocket Monsters: Black & White | Pokemon Black and White Versions Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Characters: Verbena | Anthea, Dark Trinity | Shadow Triad, N | Natural Harmonia Gropius, Helena | Concordia Additional Tags: the dog does not die btw the dog is fine, actually none of the humans listed in the tags die either, it's more of a 'haunting the narrative' situation Summary:
Fifteen years after the first time Team Plasma disbanded, Anthea Harmonia runs into someone she never thought she would see again.
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