#Let me show you why they call me glorious: Shaun Gilmore
allxthingsxglxtter · 1 year
@hxlcycnx​|| “Okay, give me a smooch for good luck, I might not make it back!” (Vax to gilmore because I’m apparently incapable of not sending you memes for them)
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“Might not make it back?  Darling, now I’m concerned.”  Gilmore chuckled, moving closer to the other and reaching up to gently straighten the other man’s collar.  “But, you should know by now I can’t deny you when you’re asking for affection.  You’re far too pretty for that.”  He shook his head, smiling softly for a moment at him before leaning in and kissing his cheek. “There, for good luck.”
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ravenquingvax · 2 years
Just finished rewatching Season 1 lf TLOVM before Season 2 comes out and the ending of the last episode had me in hysterics-
Shaun Gilmore has like 10 braincells, and while at least 6 are focused on running his store...
Every spare one he can find is solely dedicated to railing the twink rogue that is Vax'ildan.
I respect that so much.
We love and support our local businesses & their owners' rights to fuck pretty boys in this house.
You go, you funky sorcerer, you!
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magnuscoolsides · 6 years
"children, come; let me show you why they call me glorious!" -shaun gilmore
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kp11photos-blog · 5 years
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"Let me show you why they call me GLORIOUS!" - Shaun Gilmore . Ahhhhhhh ok I was super skeptical on how this will turn out, being my first cosplay and all that (have always been behind the camera), but I am super happy with the end result!! OC: @matthewmercervo from @critical_role . #criticalrolecosplay #gilmore #voxmachina #criticalrole #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3AGCDwD1qi/?igshid=tujv40fwp3c4
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zoedozy · 6 years
Children! Let me show you why they call me glorious!
Shaun Gilmore, being glorious as always.
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warlock-enthusiast · 7 years
a day in the sun
day 26 of fictober
Critical Role: Shaun Gilmore & Vax’ildan (a bit of fluff and a bit of angst)
Emon showed its beauty today. 
A cloudless sky, sunshine, people eagerly flocking to every bit of green space. Laughing children ran past them and their parents followed suit. Nobody thought about work or their responsibilities. He’d left Sherri to take care of his business. Despite the common opinion that he had a hard time of trusting anyone, he trusted her and her keen mind, and well, everyone needed a bit of a break now and then.
Gilmore enjoyed the warmth on his skin and the taste of wine on his lips. Not to mention his companion. Vax sat at his side, legs stretched out and eyes closed. His paleness seemed a stark contrast to Gilmore’s own skin and he wondered, how the pair of them must look to an outsider.
Vax smiled and moved a bit a bit closer, his voice barely above a whisper. “Sometimes I envy you.” “Oh? Do I have to guess the reason why?” Gilmore reached for a piece of glacéed fruits and touched Vax’s legs in the process. Neither of them cared much about it. “If you’re talking about my handsome appearance and great taste in clothing, I have to disappoint you, Vax’ildan, because you’re quite attractive yourself.”
“High praise indeed.” Vax looked at him, impossible dark lashes hiding his hazel eyes. Maybe he’d learned a trick or two from his sister concerning the art of playful seduction.
“And no, I’m not talking about your handsome face, Gilmore. I was thinking more along the lines of living such a regular life.” He rubbed his chin, maybe trying to find the right words.
Gilmore laughed and nudged Vax’s side. “Are you calling me boring?” “No, of course not.” His tone became surprisingly serious and he leaned even closer, fingers almost brushing his own. “You’re a lot of things and boring isn’t one of them.”
So sincere. Gilmore fought against the heat, which spread through his stomach, reaching to his heart, to the tips of his fingers. This infatuation started to worry him. Ever since leaving his home and changing his name, he’d sworn to himself to protect himself, to hide true emotions behind a wall of lax humour and teasing. With Vax being so close to him, such walls began to crack.
“I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but after years spent on the road, sleeping through rain and snow and shit, one has to wonder, if there isn’t an alternative.” There was exhaustion in Vax’s face, in the darkness beneath his eyes and in the way he held himself.
Gilmore filled their cups with wine. Suddenly this conversation turned into something else entirely. “You think about settling down?” “No.” Vax sighed and drank. “Yes.” Another sip of wine and he wiped away some drops with the back of his hand. “Please never mention that to my sister.” Gilmore squeezed his hand. “By now, you should know that your secrets are safe with me, Vax’ildan.”
An impossible soft expression marked Vax’s features and Gilmore had to look away, fearing what it would do with his thoughts and dreams.
“I know.”
They sat in silence, hands still touching, both lost in thought. Children ran past them, completely ignoring the men. Gilmore envied their lack of care for anything but their games.
Finally, he reached for his cup and hoped that the wine would loosen his tongue. “I have to be honest with you. You’re not made for a life like mine and I’m not talking about my powerful sorcery nor my ability to call most of nobility my friends, but being tied down, waking up in the same bed every day. That’s not you. You’re made for something greater.” Vox Machina were already named heroes of Emon, part of the council and probably soon off to fight every evil thing in existence.  
“You’d be bored out of your mind.” Gilmore tried to imagine Vax as the owner of a shop, opening the doors every morning, speaking to customers and counting gold. No. Maybe he’d make a good guard for some bored noble, or perhaps as a spymaster for Uriel? Another no. He knew that Vax took to the cities in his youth, stealing coin and food, but his home was with his sister and their various adventures.
Vax chuckled and shook his head. “I almost believe you.”
“I almost believe myself. A rather egotistical part of myself wouldn’t mind having you around for prolonged periods of time, though.” Maybe … just maybe, they … Gilmore emptied his cup. He would not let his mind wander into such directions. Such roads only brought hurt and he surely wasn’t foolish enough to consider it. At least, he tried to convince himself that he wasn’t a big, old fool.
Vax put a hand on Gilmore’s shoulders. There seemed a sad note hidden between the happiness of his voice. “A rather egotistical part of myself wouldn’t mind being around you for prolonged periods of time either.” “Ah, you’re making blush, Vax.” Thankfully his daily dealings with customers also granted him the ability to hide any darkening of his cheeks, but he felt a certain warmth in his neck. He’d felt like a youth, facing a crush for the very first time.
He put a bit of distance between the two of them and shuffled through the food, which he’d brought. A carefully packed basket filled with delicacies and wine. “Let's put such heavy topics aside and concentrate on such a glorious day. I don’t want you to spend your free time with a heavy mind and the sun is shining and the children are playing and there isn’t a single monster in sight.”
“Have you tried those pastries yet? I buy them from a small bakery just a few streets away from my shop and they’re wonderful and addictive.” The mood became lighter, as if a heaviness lifted from their shoulders. And both of them seemed trained enough in pushing unwelcome thoughts aside, dancing around various subjects.
Vax reached for one. “Are they filled with strawberries?”
“Oh yes.” He watched Vax licking the sugary coating from his fingers, blinked, blinked again, and looked at his own piece pastry, suddenly feeling a bit squeamish. “Well, I guess, I’ll deal with you later then.”
He reached for wine instead.
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notaheathen · 7 years
First Costume Fitting
"Where is this place again?" Vex asked. The van cab was packed as the group made their way to the address their new agent had given them. 
Percy checked the message on his phone, "It should be right up here."
"This doesn't look like a super great area," Pike murmured.
Vax frowned, "I don't think Allura would send us to anything other than a top notch costume designer. And, it sounded like she was personally friends with this guy."
"Yeah, Percy, what was his name again?" Grog asked.
Percy scrolled through the email, "I'm going to guess Gilmore, since the store is called Gilmore's Glorious Goods." The twins wrinkled their noses at the name, and Percy laughed. "Your snob is showing, you two." Vex stuck her tongue out at him. Vax chose higher ground and ignored the comment.
A general silence fell in the cab as the occupants tried to guess where the building they were headed was. Several jaws dropped and Grog whimpered when an ostentatious purple brick facade was where the cab crawled to a stop. 
"Here's your stop!" the cab driver barked. Vex quickly handed him the fare as the group stumbled out on to the street. 
Grog whimpered again. Pike patted his arm, "It'll be ok, Grog. He's friends with Allura, remember how nice Allura is?" Grog nodded and gulped as he moved toward the door. 
They filed into the entrance of the store. They were greeted by some of the most beautiful clothes any of them had ever seen. "Wow!" Keyleth said, her voice a quiet whisper. 
A curtain to their right burst open, "Wow indeed, young lady!" The man that stood before them was by no means the slim fit type that entertainment seemed to favor, but that didn't stop him from being incredible handsome, with dark, glossy curls falling around his shoulders and smoldering eyes. It was Vax's turn to whimper. 
Scanlan, as always, was the first to regain his composure, "You must be Gilmore. We're--"
"Vox Machina! Yes, Allura told me you'd be stopping by. And yes, Shaun Gilmore, wonderful to meet all of you, be pleased," Gilmore said with a flourishing hand out to Scanlan. 
Scanlan shook his hand and introduced each member. "I'm Scanlan, this is Vex, Percy, Pike, Grog, Keyleth," pointing to each in turn. Then Scanlan frowned, "Where did Vax go?" Heads began to turn and look around. The dark haired man had vanished. "Huh, well, the one that looks like Vex but isn't, is Vax," Scanlan finished.
Gilmore smiled, "I'm glad to meet all of you. Allura says you have great promise. Let's get you guys into the proper show room, get you started on what you want." And he lead them further into the shop.
Vex said, "I'll meet you guys in a second, I think I dropped something outside," and hurried out the door. There, butt to the wall, hands on his knees was Vax. "You alright there brother?" she asked.
Without standing upright, Vax waved a hand at her, "I'll be fine."
"Mhm, sure. What's the matter with you?"
Vax straightened, back to the wall, "I'm trying to prepare myself for when I have to be in close proximity to him."
Vex looked perplexingly at her twin, "Still have no clue what's going on in that head of yours. But really, why should I, your need to remain mysterious has always been rather irritating."
Vax glared, "That man is too attractive. I'm steeling myself."
Vex stared at him. And then burst into laughter. 
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allxthingsxglxtter · 2 years
@thebridgestarters || Location: ​The Shire
Gilmore could admit he liked the quiet place this strange spell had sent him, the soft rolling hills and the people who lived here.  They were all much smaller than him, and he was finding himself having to crouch uncomfortably anytime he went in and out of the little house he was occupying, but he didn’t have any major complaints.  Other than being frustrated he’d been brought here to begin with.  He didn’t like being taken anywhere unwillingly, much less yet another entirely different world, no matter how pleasant.  
He was currently stretched out on the grass, enjoying the sunlight and watching the others move around this strange place.  When he felt someone approach he looked up with a smile.  “Care to join me?  Found it’s a good place to keep an eye on things, see who’s coming and going.  Hopefully see some familiar faces.  Are you also stranded in this strange...place?”
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allxthingsxglxtter · 11 months
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It still felt surreal to be back in the Shire, especially as Sam said there were Men here, not just Hobbits. And none that he knew; not even Merry or Pippin seemed to be here, nor anyone else he knew. It was a jarring feelings, but Frodo tried to console himself with the fact Sam seemed to be very happy indeed to be back here with him. Going for a walk, Frodo was tracing all the sights, trying to remember what it’d felt like before he got the Ring. Before everything changed, before he left on an adventure that destroyed so much of him. It was hard when it wasn’t really exactly the same Shire he had left behind twice. Too polite to be rude to the Man, Frodo stopped his walking as he talked. “That’s very kind of you. There’s a better view up on that hill over there, but you can’t see people so well.” He did know the Shire well enough, some things hadn’t changed. “Not stranded. It’s my home, actually. Bag End, over there.” He pointed in the right direction of his hobbit hole. “But I understand what you mean about hoping to see familiar faces. Only one of my friends is here with me, no one else we know. It’s very strange. Our Shire and yet not.”
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"Truly? You've a lovely home world then. I'm glad to be able to see it." Shaun smiled warmly at the other man, something about his demeanor seeming..heavy. Either lost in thought or something weighing on his mind, if the sorcerer had to guess. Smiling easily, he nodded in agreement with the other's words. "It must be strange, to be home, but not. Most of the places in this world I've been able to visit have felt..off. It's good to know that's not entirely in my head." Standing to his feet, he gave the other a bright smile and a cheerful bow in greeting. "The name's Shaun Gilmore, at your service. Though most just call me Gilmore. Thank you, for listening to me ramble."
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allxthingsxglxtter · 1 year
@lcnelylcves : i don’t do thanks. i get all red and I have to bail. - Keyleth & Gilmore
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Gilmore smiled easily at the woman’s response, shaking his head lightly.  “I will have to keep that in mind, for the many reasons I have to thank you for things in this life.  Make sure I wait till the end of the conversation to give you any thanks, even if your blush is adorable to behold.” He chuckled softly, giving her a warm look before admitting. "I choose to deflect thanks when it's offered, try to distract from it or turn it around on the other person. Or flirt. Just flirt with whoever's thanking you and enjoy the blushing."
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ravenquingvax · 2 years
Unrelated to my last post, I really just like the idea of Vax sharing a home with Gilmore and Keyleth.
I want to elaborate but it's 2am and I'm trying to tackle a big bout of anxiety so I'm struggling to articulate what I'm thinking.
I spent hours chipping away at the post before this and now im tired mentally and physically
Maybe in the morning I'll make the post I want to make
But yeah, uh, long post short
Vax'ildan of Vox Machina has 2 hands & he deserves a long, soft, romantically domestic life
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ravenquingvax · 2 years
Sometimes I think about sexually repulsed Vax who is ashamed about being sexually repulsed.
Specifically, Vax in a Polycule with Gilmore and Keyleth but being sex repulsed for whatever reason
Like, what if he just wants a casual hug and to hold hands?
What if he just wants to brush your hair while you tell him about your day, about your interests, or about your plans for tomorrow?
I fully headcanon that during *that* wing moment Baby Boy just takes Keyleth flying and they spend the whole time just being cute ass giggly bitches pretending they're birds or something
Gilmore and Vax flirt like they also fuck behind closed doors, but actually the most spicy thing they've ever done is have Vax try several traditional spicy Marquesian dishes but prepared the Geddmore way (all the heat)
When people tease the pair and ask about their sex life, jokingly or not, Gilmore pulls the attention on himself to save Vax from getting icked out or uncomfortable
I can also see Keyleth being a sex curious asexual demiromantic person and maybe Vax would try having sex with her just the once?
But Keyleth would respect that it's not Vax's thing and she's cool that it's not a part of their relationship
If Vax apologises for the lack of sex or starts questioning his ability or quality as her partner because of it, then Keyleth immediately shuts that shit down and hugs Vax while telling him she adores him
With sex repulsion can also come nakedness repulsion, and I can see Vax struggling with nudity, too, especially when he keeps coming back to life naked whenever he dies after the Shadowfell incident
So Keyleth and Gilmore slowly try to help him with this on his terms, never pushing him to undress and getting themselves redressed the second Vax feels uncomfortable
Just, supportive partners who don't know the whys or hows but that want to help their partner however is best for their partner
Because I bet Vax is the type to keep things like the why he is repulsed by sex or nudity to himself, even if its not rooted in trauma (some people are just naturally icked out by these things) or enhanced by trauma
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allxthingsxglxtter · 2 years
@hxlcycnx​ || For Vax
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“If you already have plans, I completely understand, but I’m hoping that you don’t and you would be interested in joining me for dinner this evening?”  Gilmore was standing in Vax’s doorway, smiling easily at the half-elf who’d answered his knock.  Yes, Vax did live at his shop, but the man had taken great care to make sure the space within was wholly Vax’s and as private as possible.  Gilmore would admit he did like having the opportunity to see the other near every day as well, but he was mainly just hopeful it would help his friend reunite with the people he loved, and maybe help with his memories.  “I was going to walk to that cafe at the end of the street and thought you might like to join me?”
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allxthingsxglxtter · 2 years
@rosewaterdrunk​ || For Vex
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“Vex’ahlia, what an enormous pleasure it is to see you.”  Gilmore leaned on the counter of his shop, smiling warmly at the woman who’d just walked in his door.  While his greatest fondness was for Vax, Shaun liked all the members of Vox Machina, and seeing that Vax’s sister was here as well was a relief for the shop-keeper.  He’d worried about the half-elf, being alone without his family and only some of his memories.  And seeing that Vex was here and hopefully with her memories intact was a relief.  “Please tell me you know who I am, otherwise this interaction will be slightly more awkward, though no less of a pleasure.”
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allxthingsxglxtter · 2 years
@lcnelylcves​ || For Nimueh
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While there was much he didn’t understand about this place, Gilmore wasn’t one to to turn away from anything it had given.  And a half-sister in Nimueh was a relationship he truly did treasure.  He did his best to find himself in her company as often as he could, the man wandering into her shop today with an easy smile on his face.  “Nimue, you around here somewhere?  I’ve come to pick your brain on some questions as well as see how my favorite sibling is.”
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