#Letta Mbulu
soulmusicsongs · 1 month
Aredze - Letta Mbulu (Letta Mbulu Sings, 1967)
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zamateeshares · 1 year
groovy baby. groovy
Bring back discos. We need them, desperately.
This playlist brings the disco genre into the present with a blend of classics, funky remixes and modern additions. Highly inspired by me being obsessed with the 70s.
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The basic idea is to have songs that make me happy. Like the songs I imagine when skating around a roller rink. We're not really into that funky business these days and that makes me sad. Normalise being under 60 and breaking it down like an episode of Soul Train. Or, honestly, everything Beyoncé gave us with RENAISSANCE (yes, she's in the playlist). Perfect for a private dance party in your bedroom.
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I hope everyone has fun with it. Because I have tons of fun whenever I put it on. Here's to a funky 2023 where you get many chances to shake your groove thing 💙.
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thenewgothictwice · 1 year
Letta Mbulu - Buza
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mixamorphosis · 3 months
Blog post and linked up tracklist [HERE]
Desmond Dekker & The Aces - Reggae Recipe (Trojan Records)
Matumbi - Bluebeat & Ska (Frontline / EMI)
Sonya Spence - Where Is The Love? (Attic Salt Discs)
The Voices Of East Harlem - Loving You The Way I Do (Just Sunshine Records)
Letta Mbulu - Down By The River (Be With Records)
Michael Nesmith - Capsule (Hello People Of A Hundred Years From Now) (How Do You Are?)
Mandrill - Getting In The Mood (Arista)
Troublemakers - Lemon (Blue Note)
Curtis Mayfield - We The People Who Are Darker Than Blue (Curtom)
Friend of E. Rodney Jones - Soul Heaven (Beechwood)
James Brown - Doing The Best I Can (Polydor)
Maxayn - You Can't Always Get What You Want (Harmless)
The Doobie Brothers - Losin' End (How Do You Are?)
Download available via [Hearthis]
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negrolicity · 11 months
Letta Mbulu & Caiphus Semenya - There's Music In The Air (Live At Carniv...
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c-40 · 1 year
A-T-3 093 Letta Mbulu
Disco boogie bomb from apartheid era South Africa. Nomalizo has been a holy-grail for collectors. The track opened Sean P's 2010 Originals cd compilation and in 2015 Be With Records reissued the album it was originally found on In The Music......The Village Never Ends. It's a great sounding reissue and hopefully will keep prices down so people can enjoy the music
Down By The River
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cowboy-tendencies · 1 year
Mahlalela - Letta Mbulu
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mtsidqenu · 1 year
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uzumaki-rebellion · 29 days
"King Killmonger: The Golden Jaguar Chapter 8"
Masterlist in case you need to catch up HERE!
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"Weeping willow tree Tell me what you know River were you cryin' Many rains ago? ((Koleba je wo)
Sacred baobab tree Lost your children to the sea Taken from the land Many rains ago
Koleba je wo (goodbye Motherland) Koleba je wo Wo, wo, wo
Sing me that old song From many rains ago…"
Letta Mbulu – "Many Rains Ago (Oluwa)"
Warmth spread across Yani's closed eyelids first before it spread like warm honey across her throat and uncovered arm. The weight of N'Jadaka's body clutching onto hers pressed down more heat into her, and his soft snoring creased a smile on her lips.
Their lovemaking wore them both out before dawn unfurled light and color back into the morning sky. Her body ached and still tingled. The king's touches from the night before were ghostly echoes on her skin.
Yani steeped herself in their perfect love.
How long had it been since they were allowed to sleep in together without their kimoyos lighting up and automatically dispatching their hectic work schedules for the day as their children bounded about their home ready to start their busy day too?
Birds chirped in the branches above the open skylight. She watched a fiery orange pair with natural feathers boas fluffed out under their chubby necks peer down at her with curiosity. The air smelled like the forest had been dusted with perfume. It was the wet season in Wakanda and all of East Africa. The seasons were different from what she was accustomed to in her old island life. Back home it would be the dry season with less rain. The odor of heavy moisture saturated the air, and she hoped another periodic rainfall didn't occur on their planned hike and picnic above the waterfall.
She shifted a little and N'Jadaka groaned in his sleep. A deep slumber didn't prevent his body from reacting negatively to her trying to move away from him so soon.
Slipping away quietly, she scurried to the restroom pod and relieved herself on a specially made trapdoor toilet that collected the human waste and converted it into fertilizer for the tree it was attached to. She washed herself up with the large bowl of scented water on the sink and pondered the modern upgrade touches that didn't take away from the original fixtures that the first inhabitants used. Another bottle of her special lubricant sat waiting for her use on the intricately carved shelf on the wall. Her face heated up a little knowing that the caretakers were well aware of what would go down while they were there. She brushed her teeth and smoothed her hair as best she could. Walking on tiptoes back to the bedroom she lifted her robe from the hook and put it on.
Singing voices drifted up to her ears and Yani sought out the source from the circular wall window in the livingroom. Down below F'Neka and Yiswa were joined by two other older women who stood on royal purple and aquamarine-colored blankets. Their layered harmonies were in the accent of the River Tribe people and the words were not Wakandan, but rather a part of the language of the different ethnic groups among the water people. Soon a group of men, younger and older, joned them wearing the same royal purple and brilliant greenish-neon blue robes as the women. Four young women carrying baskets of yellow and magenta flowers rounded out the choir of singing to the queen and king.
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Yani wished she had grabbed her language translator earbuds from the boat. The warm hues in their tones enabled her to make the meaning without understanding anything. They were welcoming the sunrise in her honor. Their dainty hands lifted toward the golden orb and then gracefully swung up toward Yani. She blew them a kiss and they continued the singing and rocking motion that heralded the light for her. Their bodies twisted toward the river tributary and their arms swung down to the water as if beckoning the placid liquid to join their beautiful voices.
N'Jadaka's juicy lips kissed the back of her neck and she closed her eyes savoring the tenderness. He stood next to her and whispered to his gold claw necklace "Translate," and the river people's message was not what Yani thought at all. Her mouth dropped open in true understanding and even the king's eyes joined hers in welling up. F'Neka and Yisma led the heart-stirring melody of a song for the lost tribe…the stolen children of Africa. It was a lamentation and a welcoming home.
F'Neka's strong alto voice made Yani's heart soar. Their eyes locked together and the elder caretaker beseeched the trees and the river where Mama Wati rested if they remembered what happened to Yani and N'Jadaka's ancestors. Yisma added her stirring voice "Sacred baobab tree, lost your children to the sea, taken from the land, Many rains ago…"
Chills ran up Yani's arm and N'Jadaka hugged her body close to his trembling one as other hidden voices joined the group from within the forest, acoss the tributary, and far away from Ugogo Udaku's ancestral home. To Yani, it sounded like the entire River Tribe in Wakanda sang to them, carrying the burden of ancestral trauma and giving them sanctuary as the children who returned to the motherland.
N'Jadaka lowered his head and wiped away tears and Yani wept while he held her in his arms. These people were not just the River Tribe, but the protectors of the ancestral waters that Mama Wati held dominion over.
A hushed silence blanketed the forest when the singers finished their last verse.
The women carrying the flower baskets decorated the low table and meal attendants brought forth another floating cart with their breakfast meal. Once the preparations were complete, the people humbly left the vicinity.
The power of the song lingered for Yani and she held N'Jadaka's hand. Letting out a breath, she looked up to her husband's face. N'Jadaka kept his eyes on the river.
"How could they remember us?" he said.
He rested his hands on the windowsill.
"Maybe they were singing about you coming back home to them," Yani said, touching his hand.
"No. They were singing for you too, for all of us out there. Why would they have a song like that about losing children to the sea? They've never lost anyone. My uncle threw me and his own brother away without a care…why do they care? Why would they?"
"They know our story now."
"Their language is different from Wakandan, but I recognized a few words that were from the Panther Tribe's lexicon…from way back. Words only people in Queen Shuriya's time used…when she ventured out into the world."
His brows furrowed and his expression sought answers within his mind as Yani watched his face. He had another riddle to solve and she knew he would pick at it like an impatient tongue on a loose tooth.
"Let's eat, love," Yani said.
He followed her down the treehouse stairs and they noticed their personal black panthers frolicking among lush fronds. Yani sat down and N'Jadaka served her a large bowl of intasa uthando—morning love—a River Tribe specialty of a layered breakfast meal. At the bottom of the bowl was seasoned pink rice that was grown throughout the river wetlands. On top of the rice was roasted and diced purple yams with caramelized onions sprinkled with ground chicken sausage and topped with a fried egg. N'Jadaka made himself another bowl filled with savory porridge and they shared a glorious morning eating and chatting about the books they wanted to read back on the boat and how much they looked forward to their hike.
They left their empty bowls and drinking glasses to use the outdoor shower again. The water was cold and invigorating on their bodies. Dressing quickly indoors with clothing N'Jadaka had pre-selected for their trip, they left messages for their children and caretakers watching over them.
"Should I wear a heavier jacket? I think it might rain on our way up," Yani said.
N'Jadaka checked the weather advisory on his beads.
"I'll pack light coverings in my pack," he said.
Yani slipped on comfortable hiking shoes that were a wedding gift and personally designed by Shuri. The purple and pink shoes were low like trainers, but could easily transform into protective rain boots if needed. Their hiking outfits matched in all their red and gold finery: light pocketed trousers and breathable long-sleeve athletic tops with the royal insignia on the shoulders. Yani slipped a floppy sun hat on her head and N'Jadaka tucked his locs under a red hair covering.
"Ready?" he asked.
A young woman attendant met them at the trail head carrying two hydro-packs with their lunch inside it. Yani twined the plastic sipping tube along her shoulder clasps for easy mouth access.
"My name is Vusumuzi, I will be your hiking guide," she said.
Vusumuzi wore form-fitting brown trousers and a matching jacket. Her hair was covered in a green wide-brimmed straw hat. She handed Yani and N'Jadaka yellow sunglasses to protect their eyes. The large lenses made everything even more crystal clear and were perfect for wet weather with the anti-condensation feature. Their guide slung her own pack over her shoulders.
"We'll travel through the low fronds and traverse a scenic path so you may see the best of the forest before we ascend the falls. This way please," Vusumuzi said.
For the first thirty minutes they spoke to Vusumuzi about the plants and trees. Vusumuzi had a charming personality and a love for the forest. She reminded Yani of herself giving Eco Tours in St. Thomas. Her kind spirit made the excursion pleasant and relaxing. The moisture in the air thickened and Yani zipped her tunic's collar higher on her throat. She sipped water and held N'Jadaka's hand on some of the trickier parts of the forest floor that was littered with logs from fallen snag trees. Although their brisk walking warmed up her limbs, the temperature dropped a little. N'Jadaka pulled out her jacket from his pack and helped her put it on.
The air felt thicker in her nose and Yani kept her mouth parted to gulp more air into her body. Without even asking, Vusumuzi slowed the pace. Their hiking path widened and there were less giant downed trees to walk around or climb over with N'Jadaka's assistance. A sense of heightened calm descended over Yani and she stopped talking to Vusumuzi just to luxuriate in the stillness of peace surrounding her. The trees were so tall and old it felt like walking among quiet elders who watched them pass through.
"We'll have to walk single file once we start up the main trail," Vusumuzi said, glancing back at them. "Queen Yani? Is everything okay?'
Yani stopped hiking and stood next to a wide-belly tree. Its circumference could hold one hundred grown men in the center. Emerald green fronds fanned out around it and so did the broken limb from a nearby tree that had fallen near it covered in green moss and traces of fungus.
"Look," Yani said pointing.
Three black panther cubs rested their small paws on the broken tree limb. N'Jadaka and Vusumuzi looked in the direction she pointed.
"I don't see anything," N'Jadaka said.
"Right there," Yani said wagging her finger to guide their gaze.
"I'm sorry my queen. I don't see anything and our panthers are past their mating season. There are no cubs that I know of that our panthers in this vicinity would have birthed," Vusumuzi said.
Yani gaped at Vusumuzi before glancing back at the spot on the fallen branch.
No cubs.
Yani trudged forward and Vusumuzi tapped her kimoyos. An orange rectangular surveillance screen floated above her wrist.
"Queen Yani, there are no panthers around us. I have no heat signatures and our usual big guys are back at your housing."
N'Jadaka settled next to Yani. He studied her face then looked around the area she was positive three cuddly black cubs had peered at her with big yellow eyes.
"A trick of the light maybe?" N'Jadaka said. He tapped his hiking boot on a few big stones covered in velvety dark moss.
"I thought I saw them. Right there…"
A light drizzle of rain dropped through the canopy and they moved on. Yani kept snatching peeks behind her. The soft rain wet her open mouth and she could see her breath in front of her face as they hiked further. Reaching the hardest part of their ascending trail, Yani followed behind Vusumuzi with trepid steps and N'Jadaka brought up the rear. She went over and over in her mind about the cubs she knew she spotted watching her from the tree. Something about the stillness and her hiking companions not witnessing what she saw unnerved her senses. The forest had eyes. She was being watched. It didn't feel threatening or predatory. More like a beckoning in the way that fairy tales seduced or lured their protagonists in some grand adventure. Whatever wanted her attention had it, and she became all too aware of everything around her trek.
The slow-winding path upward added pressure to Yani's chest. The altitude made her fingers swell too. She hunkered down and pushed her thighs and legs to work harder. The view on their left side made the hard physical labor worth it. Vusumuzi paused their hike so they could take holo-pics and vids to share with the children. She gulped down more water and slipped a bite of an energy bar from her lunch pack.
"There are several waterfalls along the valley beyond this mountain. They lead to Warrior Falls and beyond that is the Merchant Tribe territory. The River Tribe is the second largest tribe in the nation and we have seven ethnic groups within our numbers that speak three languages besides Wakandan which is our designated national language," Vusumuzi shared.
They hiked further and the trail grew steeper. The back of Yani's thighs burned. She began to feel the sharper effects of the higher altitude. Vusumuzi slowed down the pace even more to accommodate her.
"Here Queen Yani, take some oxygen to help you," Vusumuzi said.
She pulled out a small oxygen feeder no bigger than a water bottle and handed it off. Placing it against her chin, Yani allowed a small breathing mask to materialize over her mouth and nose. She breathed deeply and N'Jadaka watched her with concern.
"Maybe we should wait another day to let you get more acclimated Yani. I didn't mean to rush you on a hike," he said with concern.
Still breathing deeply, Yani shook her head.
"Better?" Vusumuzi asked.
"Yes…thank you."
"You are doing well for your first time here. Would you like to rest? Eat some more of your snack?" Vusumuzi said.
They rested for fifteen minutes and Yani finished the rest of energy bar. N'Jadaka ate one too even though it was obvious the hike didn't bother him at all. She patted his hand silently thanking him for trying to make her feel comfortable pretending he needed the nutrients to help him reach the top.
"This view is so pretty. Like a painting," Yani said.
Their eye line was high above the greenery of the canopy below and in the distance, the forest extended further south along the path of the shimmering emerald-green river feeding into the smaller tributaries that shaped the land of the River people. She was able to spot their houseboat with the help of the binocular lenses embedded in her sunglasses. They sat for another five minutes admiring the panoramic setting until Yani stood up and folded the wrapper of her snack into her pack. It took another hour to crest the top of the waterfall their houseboat pushed through. The loud sound of water filled her ears. Standing a safe distance from the edge, she admired the wonder before her and how high up they were. A small rainbow arched across the spray that sunlight brought them. The rain had stopped and Yani felt like the queen of the world standing there.
N'Jadaka set up a picnic area with a small folded scarf and he helped Yani and Vusumuzi take off their packs. Chunky sandwiches on spiced bread filled with fresh veggies and tender roasted beef stuffed their bellies. The king grinned when he found generous slices of yam cornbread waiting among the sandwiches.
"Umama made sure you had plenty of it," Yani teased.
N'Jadaka tore into his piece, licking up any falling crumbs, even tearing pieces from Yani's share.
"Greedy," she said slapping his fingers away. She let him finish the rest of hers. There would be plenty waiting for them later. She was sure of that.
One by one, they took turns to slip away and relieve themselves before the return trip. They surveyed another section of the waterfall before Yani became faint.
"Baby, hey, you alright?"
N'Jadaka rushed to her side and held her up, preventing her from toppling over the ledge.
"I'm okay…just winded I think. The altitude is hitting a little too hard right now," she said.
Yani touched her forehead as a pounding headache disturbed her peace. It took over two hours to hike to the crest. The rubbery feeling in her legs brought on the dread of slogging back down. N'jadaka tapped his beads.
"Okoye, bring the Royal Talon Fighter to my location. Queen Yani has altitude sickness. She won't be able to walk back down."
"I will be there shortly kumkani," Okoye's voice replied.
A minute later, the Talon Fighter's luminous neon blue glow materialized from out of thin air above them. A tracking beam lifted the three of them up into the air. Looking down toward the place they once stood, Yani was sure she saw the three panther cubs again. She didn't mention it to the others and tried to convince herself that the altitude sickness was messing with her mind.
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N'Jadaka fretted over Yani inside the Royal talon Fighter.
Okoye prepared a half dosage of replenishing fluids that N'Jadaka used as the Black Panther whenever he had to don his suit and recuperate after a strenuous mission overseas. Yani sipped it from a straw and he held her close to him on the back seating in the rear of the aircraft.
Vusumuzi sat quietly in one of the console seats in front of a viewscreen mesmerized at the chance to ride inside the king's transport, a privilege few would have.
"I'm better now," Yani insisted, but he wouldn't stop fussing over her, checking her temperature and heart rate too.
"I can have the royal doctor here within the hour kumkani," Okoye said while holding another small plastic bag filled with more vitamin fluids.
"Please don't bother Dr. Chidubem. I'm fine now. I'll rest and feel even better in a few hours," Yani said waving the bag of fluid away.
"Drop us down at the homestead Okoye. We'll stay here tonight and leave the day after tomorrow bright and early. We want to see the river market before we sail into Warrior Falls."
"Yes, kumkani."
Okoye headed to the front of the aircraft and N'Jadaka beckoned for Vusumuzi to join them standing on the circular transport on the floor.
"Despite the circumstances kumkani, this has been quite a thrill to see the inside of the Royal Talon Fighter," Vusumuzi said.
He smiled at her and kept an arm around Yani's waist. They were gently lowered by the gravitational force back in front of the giant tree that held their treehouse residence. He quickly removed Yani's backpack and his own, then handed them back to Vusumuzi.
"Thank you for your guidance on our hike," Yani said.
She patted their guide's wrist and the woman beamed at being touched by a royal so openly in that way.
"I hope you feel much better and get plenty of rest. Will you need me tomorrow?" Vusumuzi asked.
N'Jadaka shook his head.
"I think we'll play it by ear and stay here for the day. If she's fully recuperated we'll explore close to the river around here," he said.
Vusumuzi gave a quick lowering of her head and left them alone.
The Royal Talon Fighter cloaked itself above them. Okoye would fly the aircraft to a designated spot to give them privacy, but she was in constant contact with five other Dora Milaje assigned to protect them that were stationed on the ground. N'Jadaka wanted his honeymoon to feel like he was a regular citizen out and about with his wife. Okoye pushed back on not having his security team present in their current location. He reminded his general that he was more deadly when it came to safeguarding his own wife. Yani was the air he breathed. No harm would come to her as long as he was around.
He walked behind Yani as they climbed the stairs of the tree house. She sniffed the air in the front room.
"Something smells delicious," she said, heading toward the kitchen.
A pot of coconut fish stew bubbled on a small cook stove. Fresh yam cornbread and broiled shrimp skewers glazed with ground spices cooked in honey lent their delicious odors of local seafood and wild rice dishes.
Yani was well enough to bathe in the restroom, and soon after they tucked into their supper together inside the living room listening to the sound of a heavier rain fall outside. He made a fire in the front room brass pit and they snuggled together watching the flames dance under a blanket. He insisted that she turn in early and read a book to her inside the cozy bedroom. She slept easily and he watched over her late into the night.
Yani seemed different.
Their return from the hike had him on alert to meet her needs. The last thing he wanted was for their honeymoon to be marred from illness. Yani had a tendency to push herself around him, as if she still needed to prove that she was capable of matching his energy. There was nothing she needed to do to show him that she was capable of anything. She was perfect the way she was.
The thing with the panther cubs he didn't see loomed over her behavior on the hike up the waterfall crest. He saw nothing but rocks and forest fronds…however…he sensed an aura of energy that was unfamiliar and yet belonged to him. Whatever Yani saw was real to her. It didn't matter that he, nor their patient guide, saw it. To keep her from freaking out, N'Jadaka played it off as a trick of the eye. The truth was, he too felt something was around them in his ancestral home. Bast and Ogum didn't stir him up with an alertness he always carried. This was family territory and a safe space for him and Yani. Wakanada was full of enchanted wonders. Why wouldn't the birthplace of Bashenga not hold sway over his wife?
Yani slept soundly and he spooned around her. The warmth from her body seeped into him and he was gently aroused. His erection rested against her backside, snug in the crease of her ass cheeks. His arousal bathed him in love from her.
After an hour he notified the attendants to bring their dinner later in case Yani became hungry. He left her to sleep longer and took a walk through the trees vine-cut paths that looped around the tree house. The evening transformed the forest into an enchanted hideaway. Fireflies lit his way and he noticed butterflies hunkering down for the night to bask in their own slumber as the night woke up nocturnal life. N'Jadaka sniffed the pollen-laden air and admired flowers that sprang open only at night.
It flowed over him as the forest became a sanctuary for himself and his wife. Water trickled across smaller waterfalls and through the stream he followed that led him to a garden of passion flowers and night orchids that bloomed fully with the earlier rainfall. Cacao trees loomed over him with long, ripe yellow nuts dangling from the branches.
A cloying sent tickled his nose and he searched for the source.
"N'Jadaka…where are you?"
Yani's faint lilting voice drew him away from venturing further.
"I'm out here! Behind the tree house"
His booming voice echoed and traveled far. Yani's floating image popped up above his wrist.
"I'm coming to where you are," she said.
"Are you good?"
"I'm fine. Headache is gone and that long nap helped. Why didn't you wake me to go with you?"
"I wanted you to rest longer. We go canoeing in the morning and no sense over exerting you after that altitude sickness."
He spoke to her until she was a hundred feet away from him. She waved and he watched her come to him with a swing in her hips. The light from her kimoyo beads gave her enough glow to traverse the vines and plants on the forest floor. She was dressed in loose flared pants and a light jacket.
He took her hand in his and gave her a hug.
"Glad you're better."
"Me too. Oh look how pretty everything is," Yani said while walking ahead of him.
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The small waterfall in the distance glowed from an unknown source that hinted at traces of vibranium and the reflection of the fireflies darting about. Frogs croaked and monkeys chattered above them in the branches. Yani inhaled deeply and her face looked relaxed and tranquil. She clasped his hand and the wandered together delighting in the scenery. Some of the plant life glowed with bioluminescence and they didn't need to use their kimoyos as lamp light.
"Take a holo-pic of me in front of this giant plant," Yani said.
She posed for him and he held up his wrist tapping a bead.
The hairs on the back of his neck raised. He sensed someone looking at him from behind. Yani's eyes grew wide and she looked past him. She wasn't scared, just hesitant to say anything to him. He turned his head to fix his gaze on whatever she spotted.
Lush flowers and tall plants were the only thing present near the stream of water gurgling through their surroundings.
But he still sensed a presence. Something low to the ground. Non-threatening.
Glancing at Yani he noticed her feigning that nothing was amiss.
"Take a few more," she said with rushed breath.
"What do you see?" he asked.
Her eyelashes fluttered quickly and she smiled. He read a tenseness in her body.
"It doesn't scare you, so whatever it is, it has no evil intent. Tell me what you see, Yani."
Her lips quirked and she let out long breath.
"I see three Black panther cubs. They are lying down on the pile of vines near that purple night orchid."
N'Jadaka went to where she said the invisible entities revealed themselves to her.
"Stop…you're right in front of them," she said.
He looked down at his feet. Just vines and damp soil.
"Take my hand," he said.
He reached back for her and she quietly padded to him and threaded her fingers with his. Bending down, he used his free hand to wave around the area she saw the cubs. Nothing tangible stopped his waving but his skin tingled and the hairs on his arm lifted. Something was there. Only he couldn't see it. Just Yani.
"Can you touch them?" he asked.
She lowered her free hand.
"No," she said.
N'Jadaka tapped his kimoyo and scanned the area.
"Holy shit," he gasped.
There were heat signatures. In the shape of cubs. He recorded the evidence and made Yani stand next to them so he could document her with the phenomena.
"Look," he said holding out his wrist so she could see his small orange screen.
They both blinked at the screen and the cubs' yellowish-orange heat signatures vanished next to Yani's very clear image. She glanced down at their feet.
"They're gone," Yani said.
She looked around their area and came back to him to stare at the recorded evidence that disappeared.
"That's what you saw when we went hiking…right?" he said.
"Yes. I saw them again when the tracking beam pulled us into the Talon Fighter. I didn't want to say anything because I thought I might be hallucinating from altitude sickness. I didn't want one of our citizens to think her new queen was unstable. Why didn't she see their heat signatures with her kimoyos?"
"Maybe she wasn't meant to see them. Maybe they're for your eyes only."
"But you sense them…and you saw their shapes."
He shrugged.
"They're connected to you some kinda way. You saw them three times. Maybe they're trying to convey a message to you. Give you a sign of something."
"Why me? I'm not even from this land originally."
He held her hand again and they walked back toward their tree house.
"Wakanda has fundamentally changed you and me. You gave birth to a child connected to here through me. Now that you're my wife and officially an Udaku, this land could be giving you a sign that it accepts you as one of their own."
Yani smiled and swung their hands gently.
"I'd like to believe that. I wish you could see them, they are so adorable and look so soft and cuddly."
"Don't be afraid to tell me if you see anything else while we're here."
"Want to soak in the hot spring?"
"Let's go in the larger one Vusumuzi showed us," Yani suggested.
They donned swimsuits and Yani tied her hair up in a peach headwrap before journeying to the west side of the Udaku homestead where a large pool of water nestled against a stone wall. He liked that pool better because it didn't smell at all and the water was at the perfect temperature. There were lamps secured in the trees and he lit them up making it look like daytime from the glare on the stone wall. Yani tied his locs up and they swam together sloshing the warm liquid over their skin and splashing each other like they were back at their cove in St. Thomas.
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Yani was healthy and happy and her encounter with the three black panther cubs seemed forgotten. In fact, she appeared more at ease knowing that he was aware that her experience was based in reality. One that he could sense even if he couldn't see it like her.
He floated next to her.
"We're like two vegetables floating in a warm bowl of soup," Yani said.
"We need vacations like this throughout the year."
"You haven't even visited all the properties your family owns."
"Our family," he said.
"Yes…our family."
He stood in the pool, the water right above his chest. Yani stopped floating on her back and he lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he moved around carrying her in the pleasant water. He brushed his lips against hers and she accepted the kiss, prying his lips wider with her tongue. They moved their necks with a patient rhythm every few seconds for deeper tongue kissing. She leaned back and flattened her palms on his lumpy chest, feeling the slick texture of his scars.
"My scars never scared you," he said.
"I was intrigued with them. I knew they meant something horrible, but I didn't question you about it."
"How do you feel about them now?'
She glanced at his chest and slid her hands across his pecs.
"They tell your story. It is a record of your journey carved into your flesh. I accept them because they brought you to me. I love you and I love your skin for what it has done for me."
He kissed her forehead.
"We should head back and eat a little something before turning in. The market opens at nine. We should row our canoe there no later than 8:30 or else it'll get too crowded," he said.
"I haven't been rowing in so long! I miss it…I miss all the physical activity outdoors."
"You're the queen now, put it in your schedule."
"I will!"
He dropped her from around his waist and followed her toward the ledge of the natural pool. His eyes stayed on her ass as she moved into the more shallow part. It jiggled as she walked and her one piece bathing suit revealed plenty of her ass cheeks. Watching her walk and shake was a turn on. His dick plumped up. Before she could climb out he stopped her.
"Wayment…lemme do something right quick," he said.
She turned her head back and stared at his full lips. He rubbed on her booty and smacked it a few times. The bulge in his trunks jutted out more.
"Damn this ass is so fat, baby. I know it sounds redundant to you when I say it all the time, but shit…baby…if you could see what I see. Look at my dick."
Yani slid her fingers under the bottom of her swimsuit and pulled them toward the crack of her ass so he could enjoy more bounty. He slid his trunks low and gripped his thick dick, smacking its weight against her ass. Stroking and poking the wide head against her ass, he hissed a curse word just as a thick leaking of pre-cum glistened across her right ass cheek. N'Jadak tugged down her bathing suit top and freed a breast to hold. He squeezed her tit and squeezed the head of his dick and more pre-cum spilled onto her wet skin.
"So soft…yeah, jiggle like that some more baby…"
He grunted as Yani leaned forward and tooted her rump out. Fondling her breast he continued jerking off against her backside, lusting after her the way so many men did when she was in their presence. He'd caught plenty of foreign men catching erections watching her walk into social events jiggling every which way no matter what she wore. A fat ass was hard to ignore and Yani had a world class posterior that rivaled even some of the Wakandan women that were blessed too.
N'Jadaka wondered if he was a secret cuck because knowing other men wanted her aroused him even further. He would kill a man on the spot if he caught Yani with anyone else, however, to his own weakness that he shared with other males, his wife was a force of beauty and body. He saw what they all saw when she walked past. She had all the goods. Big breasts, thick thighs and ass, a come hither voice that melted men down to the bone.
"Oh…oh damn…" he groaned, stroking himself faster.
He gasped twice when Yani assisted his visual enjoyment by lifting her ass cheeks up and down with her hands. He stepped back and she jumped up and down letting her ass clap for him. She wasn't playing fair as usual.
"Yani…baby…this fat ass…"
Words became gibberish on his tongue and he gave up trying to convey how she made him feel in that moment. Smacking his dick against her ass a final time, he fondled her nipple and feverishly stroked his dick while staring at the good fortune glistening with his pre-cum.
"When we get back, we're going straight to bed," he said.
"What about dinner?"
"Later…fuck that food."
Yani laughed and he grunted at the friction of his tip hot on her skin.
"I want you to ride this dick all night."
"I will. You want me to smack this big ass on your balls?"
"Yes…bounce all on this dick."
"What if I want to sit on your face and cum on your beard?"
He moaned and closed his eyes imagining her vulva all slick and covering his mouth. She had the best pussy. He should know. He'd been balls deep everywhere on the planet and he'd tasted enough snatch to be a connoisseur handing out Michelin Five Star reviews. Yani's pussy tasted like ambrosia from the Gods and was deep enough to handle him like no other.
He opened his eyes and stared at her round backside before gifting it with hot cum he spurted with a grateful shout of her name. Before he could even ask, she was on her knees licking up the rest that dripped out of his slit. He rocked on his heels and cried out again when she sucked another nut out of him with her tongue pulsing the underside of his length. She used those big eyes of hers to play innocent and that sent him into a feral lusting.
She was too good to be true. And she was his wife.
Pulling up his trunks, N'Jadaka lifted Yani up and threw her over his shoulder. She shrieked in surprise and he spanked her ass while walking her back to the tree house.
Yani kept her promise and sat that good juicy pussy on his mouth and soaked his beard with the orgasms he gave her. Then she fucked him as if it was their first time into oblivion, and he was a very happy husband.
Chapter 9 HERE.
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soulmusicsongs · 1 month
Pula Yetla - Letta Mbulu (Letta Mbulu Sings, 1967)
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detroitlib · 11 months
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Portrait of ventriloquist act Richard and Willie. Printed on front: "Richard and Willie. John Levy Enterprises, 8467 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90048." Label on back: "July 19 thru July 24, 'The Roberta Flack show.' 'Cannonball' Adderly, Les McCann, Joe Williams, Letta Mbulu and Richard and Willie fill the bill with some of the most exciting music heard in years." Handwritten on back: "Richard & Willie, ventriloquist."
E. Azalia Hackley Collection of African Americans in the Performing Arts, Detroit Public Library
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thenewgothictwice · 2 years
Letta Mbulu - Setho
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wetusb · 2 months
top 10 on repeat
tagged by @aztarion 🥺🫶🏼 i already have another tag from u I’m procrastinating im sowwee
this is old news but you already know the pathologic classic hd soundtrack receives an honourable mention. I will literally always bring up this soundtrack when given the opportunity.
bloom for me - pearly drops
better in the dark - jordana, TV girl
long road home - caroline polachek
spill the milk - eartheater
hyouri ittai - YUZU (real ones know 🫡)
down by the river - letta mbulu
belfast - orbital
chime - i am a robot and proud
intergalactic love song - the diddys, paige douglas
gorilla - little simz
taggin @catfoodsminmo @fortzancudo @perilegs @lowgardn @trashbaby1996 @broscahawke @satellite-child @dragonsdogma2 and YOU 🫵
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mixamorphosis · 6 months
Blog post & linked up tracklist [HERE].
The Dead Rose Music Company - Chaka Can't (Unknown Label) Kon & The Gang - Strong Love (Everlasting) (Basic Fingers) Lay-far - Gimme (Amplified) Angelillo Et Hamel– Je Veux Te Dire Une Chanson (DJ Steef Edit) (Biomix) 78 Edits - One Way (Editorial) Letta Mbulu - Normalizo (Onur Engin Edit) (OE Edits) Heion - Let It Shine (Editorial) Low Slung - Mama Day Ooh (Midnight Riot) Curtis Mayfield - Gimme Your Love (78 Edits Gimme Some Dub Edit) (Unknown Label) Mannmademusic - Private World (Unknown Label) Toomy Disco - Outstanding (House Of Disco) Mondo Edits - Golden Shower (Aural Graffiti) The Beatles - Come Together (Lazy Kiss Edit) (Self Released) Minimatic - Hello, I Love You (Self Released)
Download available via [HEARTHIS]
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art-in-no-fame · 5 months
コラボレーション・アート『Dancer in The Golden Air』
『Dancer in The Golden Air』/Letta Mbulu - [There's Music in The Air]
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oldshowbiz · 10 months
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And Beautiful (1969) is a forgotten all-Black television special starring Redd Foxx, Della Reese, Letta Mbulu, Wilson Pickett, The Blossoms, Jerry Butler, and the Watts 103rd Street Band.
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