#Lew Zealand
peikonlainen · 6 months
I forgot how wild "a Muppet Family Christmas" special is! Had to draw my favourite moments, the whole thing was delightful!
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Sam's reaction was so genuine it made me laugh!
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skippiefritz · 10 months
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assorted human versions of muppets :3
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crabbyhellfire · 1 year
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Here’s some request from my Instagram (same name as here). I will definitely do this again so if you have a muppet you’d like to see more art of head over there!
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roobusmcscroobus · 9 months
Me on my way to make content for characters that nobody gives a shit about
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ohmygodthemuppets · 3 months
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everyone looks so good here (twitter post)
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muppetstimmoment · 9 months
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Lew Zealand Stimboard!! [Self-Indulgent!!]
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rowlfthedog · 11 months
This bit is really great out of context
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bluemoonperegrine · 1 year
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This begs the question as to the Muppets that most resemble Gael and Diego. Thoughts?
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wackypalooza · 8 months
(request) ranking the muppets based on how transgender they are (added more characters this time! :D)
we are going in depth with this one starting off with the thing the myth the legend.
gonzo: so probably nonbinary right. but like i figure he literally doesn't care. he doesn't care what pronouns u use on him, he doesn't care what u assume he is. he is just a whatever yk. he probably doesn't use anything to describe himself, but if someone asks he might say nonbinary. (i'm projecting because i kin him and i do this with genderfluid.)
kermit: probably transmasc... maybe nonbinary
miss piggy: transwoman
deadly: transman
scooter: transman
fozzie: transmasc
rowlf: transmasc
janice: transfem but probably doesn't care
dr. teeth: honestly i think he's cis
zoot: I DO NOT KNOW he is just zoot
animal: i think cis maybe but he probably does drag
lips: nonbinary i think... look at that guy
floyd: cis i think
bobo: i believe cis
sweetums: transman look at him he is a transman
rizzo: *if anyone saw this when i said "cis" i take it back so so so much like dude he is NOT. i've been meaning to change that but i forgor... anyway idk What he is right now but i'm def leaning towards transman who may be a bit effeminate but like in the way where he likes romcoms and earworm pop music from the 80s-2010s*
pepé: transman probably
swedish chef: he does not know ehat gender is
clifford: transman
bunsen and beaker: both are transmen
sam: transman
statler and waldorf: transmen both
if anyone disagrees with what i've said or has anyone i didn't mention i would love to hearrrr please let me knowww ^_^
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palettepainter · 7 months
Any headcanons for Crazy Harry?
-He can't swim and doesn't like water
-Night owl, bigger fan of the night then he is the day
-HUGE feral creature energy
-He probably did some stupid stuff as a teen/young adult, like break into old abandoned factories and create homemade bombs in his backyard that resulted in high property damage
-Loves Sphynx cats, even the rapid hissing ones that scramble out of bins. Lew is the only thing holding him back from adopting a whole army of sphynx cats
-Harry loves knitted clothing, his clothing consists largely of knitted cardigans and sweaters
-As well as being scared of water Harry finds showering and bathing uncomfortable experiences. He finds showers too over stimulating with the steam and water hitting his skin, and he doesn't like the feeling of sitting in water, even if it's in a bath. When it comes to washing he'll often just use a damp cloth and brush. His hair is trickier since Harry's hair is thick and there's a lot of it. Lew often helps him with his hair by rinsing it out with a jug of water (Harry still doesn't like this but it's tolerable) and he uses leave in conditioner
-Lanky beanpole
-Is the only person that has managed to break into Bunsen and Beakers lab
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dailypepe · 1 year
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I’m never forgiving Lew Zealand for this
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raven-paww · 9 months
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WHY AM I HYPERFIXATED ON THE MUPPETS FUCK anyways, art dump ✨ as you can tell i really like fozzie bear. and lew. i have seen hell and its made of felt /silly
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roobusmcscroobus · 8 months
More Muppet High AU Headcanons (or I guess just regular canon in my version of this)
- Aside from being the class president, Sam Eagle is also the hall monitor.
- Pepé is a foreign exchange student from Spain! Unlike his fellow foreign exchange student (Swedish Chef), he's almost fluent in English. He lives with Seymour for the time being, but his family is in the process of moving to America.
- Lew Zealand and Fozzie have an intense rivalry when it comes to the title of class clown.....if only Lew knew about said rivalry.
- Uncle Deadly, Pops, and Dr. Strangepork are all teachers (Theatre, uhhhh social studies probably???, and science respectively)
- Piggy is Uncle Deadly's favorite student. Maybe it's because of the gossip they share, maybe it's because Piggy's family is the reason that the theatre department hasn't lost all funding, or maybe it's Maybelline.
- Constantine is around, but he finds it very odd how everyone says he's from the USSR, considering it's been dissolved for decades.
- Beaker and Janice are both trans. Janice has been on estrogen since she was about 14, and is on the road to getting bottom surgery when she's 18. Meanwhile, Beaker is on Bunsen's "HRT" (It's definitely not legal) which has done everything but make his voice deeper.
- For the above point, I don't care that this place is vaguely in the 1950s, let them be trans damnit
- Whenever the main gang are up to some nonsense, there's a Little Shop of Horrors style Greek chorus narrating what's about to happen. It consists of the cheer team, and if one of the members of the cheer team is involved, their spot is replaced with Yolanda.
- Gonzo's affinity for poultry started at a very early age, and at this point he's got a huge crush on Camilla. If this was a cartoon, this would definitely be the plot of one of the episodes, especially since he's not yet the confident weirdo we know today.
- Dr. Teeth is still called Dr. Teeth in high school even though he's not a real doctor yet.
- Link Hogthrob is only passing any classes because he's a nepo baby and his family has ties with Dr. Strangepork.
- Scooter's uncle is the principal.
- Skeeter is the only girl on the football team, and one of 3 members that isn't a monster (Rowlf and Link are the other 2)
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dragon-giggles · 9 months
Muppet Headcanons
I have so many random, silly Muppet headcanons I need to get out of my system, sooo here we go, bare with me
~Kermit still keeps in touch with the Sesame Street gang ever since he left them. He usually calls Elmo, Grover, or Ernie the most to check up on them and say hi!
~Apart from fish being his favorite animal, Lew Zealand is a big animal lover in general! He has an especially soft spot for all aquatic wildlife, including animals such as turtles and seabirds.
~I don't care what y'all say, Bobo and Uncle Deadly had something with each other in The Muppets (2011).
~Miss Piggy really does have a soft heart, her temper just makes it hard to show. Actually, this better be canon.
~Robin and Rowlf's nephew (from the Jimmy Dean Show) are good friends and love having play dates.
~Big Mean Carl is really emotional, he's just really good at hiding it.
~Fozzie has accidentally set things on fire more than once. Most times have been in the kitchen, he's not exactly the best cook. But it's happened so much somehow, it pretty much seems like he's prone to it.
~Sweetums gets along well with a lot of the tinier Muppets ironically. He's surprisingly really gentle when he needs to be, and is always careful with his smaller friends. Him and Yolanda are besties!
~Walter has more than once weirded out the others by just how much he knows about each of them. (Well that's what happens when your a super fan guys)
~Gonzo has a whole wardrobe that's just dresses.
~This is pretty much canon, but it's agreed Zoot has magical abilities. The guy has probably traveled to other dimensions and not even realized it.
~Also pretty much canon, but Rowlf has a much sassier side to him than he usually let's on. Most people just haven't seen it that often... except for Jimmy Dean. Jimmy Dean saw it plenty of times lol.
~Fozzie is like the resident tickle monster lol. Usually if someone doesn't laugh at his joke, he'll just be a little twerp and tickle them to make them laugh. He'll also just do it to be silly (Kermit has been a victim to his silliness the most lol).
~Kermit knows every first and middle name of all of his siblings. (which keep in mind he canonically has like over a thousand siblings)
~Beauregard knows a lot of cool random facts actually that he'll just randomly throw out there sometimes.
~Another one about Beau, him and Beaker are good friends. (They canonically usually set up stage props together on The Muppet Show)
~Scooter has so many father figures. Kermit, Dr. Teeth, Fozzie, and Rowlf are all his dads lol... and Janice is his one mom figure.
~Pepe and Rizzo have been together at some point.
~Nigel, more well-known as the band conductor from The Muppet Show, and Kermit are actually good old friends. (He was actually meant to be the host for The Muppet Show before the role was switched to Kermit)
~Lips and Dolores (trumpet girl) are really good friends despite him taking up her role as trumpet player. She'll still sometimes pick up her old trumpet and the two will play together for fun.
~I don't know why this isn't canon but. Walter. Autism. Real.
~Skeeter likes to visit the Muppet theatre every so often to visit Scooter. In the few times she's been there, she's developed pretty good relationships with all the others as well.
~Bunsen and Beaker have pretty much been together since they were literally babies (go watch Muppet Babies for proof)
~This isn't really a headcanon but something I've noticed about Miss Piggy. She seems to have a softer spot for a few of the others, and I don't just mean Kermit.
I've noticed that she genuinely baby talks Rowlf a lot, and calls him Rowlfy. She's never actually tried to karate chop him like she has others either. There's been like once she tried to swing at him, from The Muppet Show, and ended up hitting the piano instead. Personally to me, it seemed like she didn't really try with her hit like she has all other times; it was more like she was annoyingly swatting at him because he was aggravating her (which he was btw, he was teasing her). I just think her and Rowlf are good old pals, and I just think that she knows that he's genuinely sweet and doesn't wanna be mean to someone like that.
Same with Beauregard, she's been really nice to him too. She's even given him a motivational speech before from The Muppet Show (in that same episode, he hugged her and said she was his only friend and I sobbed so mentally hard over that). I think Miss Piggy just knows who generally good folks are and in turn shows her soft side to them.
Okay I've poured out all I can, for now! Here's some silly doodles of some of the headcanons!
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duckduckhjonk · 4 months
Everyone says that Miss Piggy is the one able to kill a bitch but consider:
The sheer precision Lew Zealand has in throwing fish.
Miss Piggy, sure, she has pure strength, brute force. She could kill a bitch without hesitation and it would be brutal and powerful
Lew has the capability to precisely throw five swordfish in two straight lines, just narrowly missing Leslie Uggams. The sixth one nearly stabbed her through the skull. All six pierced what I can only assume to be a wooden backdrop. Was this pure skill? Was this an accident? Did he know she would see it and duck? Like- How does someone accidentally aim that good?
Basically, what i'm saying, Lew Zealand could skillfully throw a swordfish, or even just any kind of fish for that matter, and straight up kill someone.
Generally it isn't easy to boomerang a regular boomerang, so Lew Zealand being able to do it with fish is an even more impressive skill.
In Holey Moley's muppet crossover, we see him also able to boomerang Kermit himself with a fish in his mouth.
I wholeheartedly believe this borders on supernatural. No one, and i mean not even a muppet, should be able to do what Lew does.
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