#Liana Marino
illusionswrites · 2 years
They said, "If you keep carrying on like this, you won't even be the person people root for in your own stories." I said, "Good."
from Artemis Made Me Do It by Trista Mateer
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charlicpace · 9 months
name masterlist: love island uk edition ! some folks like to stick to names that are more 'realistic' & my favourite place to look for those names is reality tv, because... well, that's their names ! so here's a list of every name that's ever popped up on the uk version of love island ( seasons 1-8 ) so all these names are perfect for characters aged 18-40 if we're going off ( uk-based ! ) actual likelihood.
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toasttt11 · 7 months
introducing maleah
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Maleah Elise Barzal was born July 31, 1999, the second born of her parents Mike and Nadia. She has an older brother Matthew and a younger sister Liana.
Maleah has always been extremely smart from a young age and she seemed to just pick up knowledge easily, she got accepted into Harvard University at the age of 15.
She joined her first year of college in 2016 where she met her absolute best friend in the whole world, John Marino. He was a few years older than her but they hit it off completely.
Maleah has loves anything to do with fashion, since she could hold up a crayon she was drawing out outfit ideas, she got a sewing machine at a young age and would always make her own clothes.
She started her own fashion business and it blew up right away, she had hundreds of modeling agency’s wanting her to be their designer and many fashion companies reaching out wanting her on their design teams, but she denied all of them and continued to have her business grow.
Her business grew extremely large and became one of the biggest companies in the world within just a few years.
She started her own modeling agency connected to her fashion business and many models left their old agency’s to join Maleah’s. After she got her degree from Harvard she decided it was time to invest in large building for her business, she had many smaller shops across the county but she chose New York and bought a skyline building and that is the city she moved to after College with her son.
Maleah growing up had always played hockey and she loved playing and she was an insanely good hockey player but during the end of high school her business started to get bigger and she didn’t have time to keep playing hockey so she stopped playing but will still get on the ice to play with family.
Maleah had met John in 2016 and Mat had met Anthony in 2015, Maleah and Mat had both met their best friends and of course they introduced them to each other, and then most vacations or summer plans the four of them spent together.
Maleah feels like she has three brothers not just one. Anthony quickly adored Maleah and told everyone he adopted her as his little sister and Maleah didn’t have anyone she wanted to be the godmother of her son besides her sister so Anthony was her son’s other godfather.
She had been in a relationship for a few months in 2018 before she found out she was pregnant and her ex immediately signed off all of his parental rights and was never on her son’s birth certificate.
Malakai Jules Barzal was born July 13, 2019 to his mother Maleah Barzal, He joined her for her last year in College before they moved and lived permanently in a penthouse in New York.
John was the one who was by her side for the whole birth and took care of her throughout the pregnancy and let her almost break his hand while she was giving birth, he was without a doubt the one she named her sons godfather.
Malakai looks exactly like his mother and their is nothing about him that looks like Maleah’s Ex, Maleah loves her sons blonde curls as it reminds her of her own.
Malakai has always been on the shyer side and doesn’t like being around a lot of people unless it’s to play hockey, he seems to picked up his hockey and art skills from his mother.
Malakai really likes to cook in the kitchen with his mom, which helps her out a lot because she hates cooking but cooking with her son makes it enjoyable.
Nico saw Malakai for the first time in 2017 when the Devils were playing at the Islanders and he thought he just saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, when he went to try and find her she had disappeared from where he saw. From them he always looked extra in the crowd when playing the Islanders hoping to see her again.
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namorslut · 2 years
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SUMMARY: you're a marine biologist sojourning in the Yucatán Peninsula and stumble upon an underwater cave in the clearing of a dense rainforest. expecting to make an amazing scientific discovery you're swept into a spell down the abyss into the reach of a loveless serpent feathered god who will go to any length to claim you as his.
WARNING: yandere!namor, body worshipping!namor, gift giving!namor, thigh gripping, sub!namor (if you squint) hc!siren!entrancing!namor, human!reader, dub-con (i think)
NOTE:  after reading @jottositto 's post i've included some yucatan maya using a translator although it's not 100% accurate. if this came across a native speaker could you maybe give me corrections as i'd like to be as respectful and accurate as possible. ofc the people living in the peninsula will be speaking spanish as this area was colonised and y/n only has an understanding of spanish. thank u and enjoy!! ps: namor?? more like "mi amor" that man had me kicking my toes and twirling my hair in the cinema on friday. this is dirty af i feel like i'm teasing y'all. might write a part two laterrr. no beta so there are 100% spelling errors which i'll check when i got time.
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"Me gustaría ayudarla pero en el tiempo que he vivido en ese pueblo, los que se han atrevido a salir de la seguridad de ese pueblo y dentro de la jungla nunca más fueron vistos. Estarías en mucho peligro si te fueras. No creo que tu proyecto de ciencia valga la pena el riesgo.” The short Mexican woman explained.
Her thinning, silver hair was pulled down into two long braids down her protruding collarbones. Her brows were pulled in a frown, revealing creases running the length of her forehead and the outer creases of her beady, mud-brown eyes.
You pleaded with her, your coffee stained research folder clutched in one hand, as you made contact with her elbow gently.
"Pero señora, forma parte de mi trabajo. Fui enviada para investigar los ecosistemas marinos de esta península."
She considered you for a good minute. Searching your unwavering eyes. She sighed and leant toward you, dropping her wobbling voice to a whisper.
"Has lo que deseas, Cariño. Pero que tengas cuidado." she warned, using her eyes to signal you in the general direction to take to enter the forbidden forest. You trailed her eye line and saw a wooden bridge not so far off camp. You bowed to her as a sign of respect.
The journey through the rainforest was an arduous one as the way was shielded by a mass of coiled, everlasting lianas, strangler figs and long, shallow buttress roots along the soil of the shrub layer of the forest which you tripped over several times. You had to slice through the layers of tropical plants in your way with a machete you "borrowed" from a fruit cutter that was left around camp, making your hiking backpack even considerably heavier than it already was. You didn't stop once to admire and take in the smells of passion flowers or orchids as you moved through the brush; you knew better than to let yourself become the prey of the several species of venomous snakes and amphibians native to this rainforest.
It looked to be late afternoon when you stopped by a tributary, crouching over the crystalline water, you followed the stream with your gaze to check for growths of algae when you noticed a dark entrance. You stood up rigid as your breath stilled, you noticed the eerie silence of the clearing. The sounds of bushes rustling, frogs croaking and flapping wings had died down entirely.
There was utter tranquillity. 
You heard a low, rich brassy voice hum a melody from the rocky cave, the sound reverberating to your spot on the damp soil. You dug the heels of your mountain boots as you felt your body being tugged slowly to the body of water, your heartbeat drumming in your ears, your breaths becoming shallower.
The song sounded like one you would hear as a premonition for bad things taking place in urban legends told around campfires, it spoke of men searching to mine riches out of foreign land to find fool's gold instead and meeting their demise at the hand of otherworldly things. Despite the warning behind the unspoken lyrics, you felt your body lull into relaxation.
You saw him rising from the dark aquamarine pool beyond, his eyes glistening a tawny shade of brown. You didn't miss his long ethereal pointy ears and his full lips. His tanned muscular body was slick with droplets as the rest of his body appeared from out of the water. He was adorned in golden bangles and a thick necklace dating from an ancient civilisation, encrusted with what looks like azurite and pearls of jade.
He floated above the surface and toward you. You felt your mouth dry and heart drop to your stomach as a human-looking man flew slightly above the land slowly in your direction. You fought back a scream as the soles of his foot made contact with the ground, and still towered over you despite that. He scrutinised every detail of your face with an unreadable expression.
You breathed in, mustering the courage to speak.
"What are yo-"
He raised a large hand over your face, your vision darkening and body tumbling forward.
You awoke in what seemed to be an underwater cave with overhanging stalactites, you sat up abruptly from the makeshift bed out of bamboo. You noticed the absence of your backpack beside you. Remembering your phone in the jean pocket of your shorts and pulled them out. Scrambling to get a signal.
"Teech ch'íijsajil despierto." a female voice enunciated in a foreign tongue. You flinched, your pocket phone nearly flying out of your reach. Your eyes landed on a blue skinned woman. A respiratory mask covered her nose and mask.
She wore indigenous print robes and held a spear encrusted in emerald jewels. You noticed how her mouth didn’t move, her voice seemed to have come from inside your head as she stood alone in the middle of the rocky cavern.
"I don't understand" you thought, testing your theory out.
A female voice penetrated in your brain again, speaking to you in what sounded like an ancient Mayan tongue.
"Kukulkán in tu k'áataj a buscara. Búukint le, ku leti'. '' the woman seemed to lecture as she crossed the round room and reached into a clam basket by the foot of your mat and pulled out folded sheets of cream coloured linen, extending them to you. You accepted and forced a small smile to show gratitude.
You put the robe on and the beaded necklaces of jade over the dress, which ran up to your mid thigh and was sleeveless. The material was comfortable and baggy over your body but you felt uncomfortable at the lack of bralette you had underneath, leaving your breast exposed. You found a pair of golden strappy sandals at the bottom of the pile which you put on as well.
The woman from earlier came back for you and beckoned you with her hand out of the round room and past hung tapestries depicting ancient Yucatan gods and monsters. She stood behind you, ushering you to go into the room.
"Cha' k" a familiar voice spoke out. The man from the cave turned from his spot facing the painted mural, his back shifting as he smiled at you as you shivered in fear.
"Teech wilik ki'ichpam yéetel a prendas, a wilik ti' beyo' utia'al in reina” he flirted, in a deep, suave tone advancing toward you, you took a step back. Your eyes caught a glimpse of his rigidly sculpted chest, welded in the image of a divinity and the sleek look of his tanned copper skin. 
"Look, I don't know where I am or what you want with me but I certainly didn't mean any harm by stumbling on your cave. I'm not a threat to your people but I wish to be let go." you raised your hand to your chest, gesticulating as clearly as possible your words, shaking your head. The mythical man let out a boisterous laugh at your words, startling you. He grasped your hand in his firm one, raising it in front of him.
"Oh my little angel, I do know that. But I haven't taken you for that reason." he admitted, speaking to you in English as he interlaced your fingers together.
Fucking bastard.
You shook your hand out of his.
"You can speak my language." you pointed, growing irritated with the man.
"Of course, a dutiful ruler needs to be educated of the world around him." he boasted proudly.
"What is your name?" you asked as politely as you could muster
"My people praise me as Ku'kul'kan but my enemies call me Namor." he tucked a strand of your hair behind your head as his eyes traced your figure, wandering down from your budding breast to your legs.
"Why did you take me? What is it you need?" you defied. He cupped your chin gently with his smooth thumb, inclining your head up to his.
You shrugged against him but felt another hand slithering to your lower back, his touch cementing your body in place. His brown irises dilated as his gaze softened.
"Well if it isn't obvious, I want you. I want you to rule beside me and light a match that will burn the world from underneath their inconspicuous feet. Be my queen and I'll give you all that which your heart could desire."
You shook your head frantically.
He's insane.
His eyebrows quirked at your lack of cooperation.
"I see it in your eyes, that spark of passion and resentment. You've been underestimated your whole life. Your life's work is meaningless to the people around you, you're not getting the recognition you deserve." you grunted, bothered by his assumptions. 
"You know nothing about me or my life.” you stated. 
“I hate to disappoint you my angel but you can either bend to my desire of your own will or we can do things my way.” he remarked as he traced his thumb over your lips, pressing a chaste kiss to them. You felt as if every inch of your body was set aflame at his touch. You reclined your head in disgust.
Your mouth betrayed you as it parted open to receive the soft ones of the God before you as his palms felt their way treacherously down your body to the back of your thighs and your nape. You felt your knees buckling together, the flesh of your upper thighs pressing together as you felt heat pulsating from between your legs. You bit back a moan of pleasure as his imposing form bent down to kneel before you. Your eyes widened as his lips pressed against your vee line. You saw a flash of green in his eyes as he looked up to you. You pressed your eyes tightly shut. 
Suddenly you pushed against the invisible boundaries around you, stumbling backwards out of whatever spell Namor had put on you. You breathed out painfully. 
“Fuck you.” you whispered. 
“Oh?” he enquired, surprised at your incredible amount of resistance. 
She has the spirit of a warrior queen, he thought. I must bind her to me forever.
Namor arose, striding to you. In a single movement, he coiled his arm around your throat; putting some pressure down onto your windpipes as you clawed at his hand. 
He moved you easily against the wall rubbing his nose onto yours, turning his face toward your ear as he whispered:
“We’ll have to go for that second option then.”
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bitchinbarzal · 2 months
I know it’s Saturday and not Sunday Sins but
This: https://www.tumblr.com/bitchinbarzal/755872441918734336/i-just-feel-like-mama-b-is-feral-when-pregnant
Made me think that yeah they are like bunnies always going at it and where most adults and couples slow down after having kids, Mat and Mama B don’t. They just get sneaker.
The youngest kids are at the babies or one of their hockey uncles house so they can see Ivy’s recital and before while everyone is milling about one of them drags another into a janitors closet and go at it and still somehow make it to the play on time.
All the kids are playing out back and Mat’s sister is visiting so Mat pulls mama to their bedroom for a quickie so the kids don’t notice (liana does)
It’s Sunday fun day so all the kids are watching cartoons and coloring with Mat so they don’t bother Mama B while she does chores because she hates being interrupted while doing house work. She doesn’t even notice when Mat sneaks into the laundry room but she sure does like how the dryer feels while Mat fucks her.
Everyone has caught them at some point. The other players and Wags have a tally for how many times they walked in on them. Mat and Mama B don’t care because after they’re done hanging out with them they nearly go all the way in the back of an Uber on their way home.
- Marino anon (I’m back bby 😁)
Please they’re just horny lil teens
Liana is like “You two are GROSS”
they just love one another so deep
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nightsidewrestling · 9 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Uliana Winter
Geia's Daughter Uliana Winter (2020)
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The first child of Byron and Pelageya together, first daughter of Pelageya and fourth daughter of Byron, Uliana. Uliana is the best friend of Viola and Quentin's daughter Olivia.
"Dad says to avoid being on camera."
Full Legal Name: Uliana Haidee Winter
First Name: Uliana
Meaning: Alternate transcription of Russian 'Ульяна' or Ukrainian 'Уляна'.
Pronunciation: uw-LYA-na
Origin: Russian, Ukrainian
Middle Name: Haidee
Meaning: Perhaps intended to derive from Greek 'Aidoios' meaning 'Modest, Reverent'.
Pronunciation: HAY-dee
Origin: Literature
Surname: Winter
Meaning: From Old English 'Winter’ or Old High German 'Wintar’ meaning 'Winter’.
Pronunciation: WIN-tar
Origin: English, German, Swedish
Alias: None
Reason: N/A
Nicknames: Ana, Li, Liana
Age: 12
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American. American-Russian Mix. Dual Citizenship USA-RUS
Ethnicity: White (1/2 American. 1/2 Russian)
Birth Date: August 5th 2008
Symbols: None
Sexuality: Sraight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, Russian
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Leo
Theme Song (Ringtone on Geia’s Phone): 'Budapest' - George Ezra
Voice Actor: None
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Spokane, Washington, USA
Current Location: Spokane, Washington, USA
Hometown: Spokane, Washington, USA
Height: Not Finished Growing
Weight: Not Finished Growing
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Not Of Age
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Olivia Nye, Daisy Lum, Triana Santos-Marino, Paz Marino, Casilda Ibarra
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Pelageya Winter
Mentor: Byron Winter
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Byron Winter (53, Father), Pelageya Winter (33, Mother, Née Volkov)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Nathan Winter (33, Half-Brother), Zinnia Turner (30, Half-Sister, Née Winter), Laurence Winter (27, Half-Brother), Xanthia Winter (24, Half-Sister), Joseph Winter (21, Half-Brother), Venetia Winter (18, Half-Sister), Isaiah Winter (15, Half-Brother), Emil Winter (9, Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Genesis Winter (34, Nathan’s Wife, Née Rivers), Patrick Turner (31, Zinnia’s Husband)
Nieces & Nephews: Quincy Winter (13, Nephew), Hadley Winter (10, Niece), Bethany Turner (10, Niece)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Trivia: Nothing of Note
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memoriasdelecturas · 2 years
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Creo que una hoja de hierba, no es menos que el día de trabajo de las estrellas, y que una hormiga es perfecta, y un grano de arena, y el huevo del régulo, son igualmente perfectos, y que la rana es una obra maestra, digna de los señalados, y que la zarzamora podría adornar, los salones del paraíso, y que la articulación más pequeña de mi mano, avergüenza a las máquinas, y que la vaca que pasta, con su cabeza gacha, supera todas las estatuas, y que un ratón es milagro suficiente, como para hacer dudar, a seis trillones de infieles.
Descubro que en mí, se incorporaron, el gneiss y el carbón, el musgo de largos filamentos, frutas, granos y raíces. Que estoy estucado totalmente con los cuadrúpedos y los pájaros, que hubo motivos para lo que he dejado allá lejos y que puedo hacerlo volver atrás, y hacia mí, cuando quiera. Es vano acelerar la vergüenza, es vano que las plutónicas rocas, me envíen su calor al acercarme, es vano que el mastodonte se retrase, y se oculte detrás del polvo de sus huesos, es vano que se alejen los objetos muchas leguas y asuman formas multitudinales, es vano que el océano esculpa calaveras y se oculten en ellas los monstruos marinos, es vano que el aguilucho use de morada el cielo, es vano que la serpiente se deslice entre lianas y troncos, es vano que el reno huya refugiándose en lo recóndito del bosque, es vano que las morsas se dirijan al norte al Labrador. Yo les sigo velozmente, yo asciendo hasta el nido en la fisura del peñasco.
Quédate conmigo este día y esta noche y poseerás el origen de todos los poemas. Creo en ti alma mía, el otro que soy no debe humillarse ante ti ni tú debes humillarte ante el otro.
Retoza conmigo sobre la hierba, quita el freno de tu garganta.
Walt Whitman | Poema 31 del “Canto de mí mismo”
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ifattinews · 2 years
Molise cultura: Sepino, Campobasso e Isernia, i luoghi attraversati dalle " vie dei canti " - Sonika Poietika 2022
COMUNICATO STAMPA Tosca, Giovanni Truppi, Ginevra Di Marco, Massimo Zamboni, Marco Parente, Andrea Cassese, Liana Marino e l’omaggio a Zanzotto. In Molise il grande ritorno della rassegna dedicata alle migliori espressioni della musica italiana. Sepino, Campobasso, Isernia i luoghi attraversati dalle vie dei canti La  REGIONE MOLISE e la FONDAZIONE MOLISE CULTURA sono lieti di presentare: SONIKA…
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quaereres · 6 years
@arzodae -- for liana (x)
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“you’re still pretty new to santo padre, right? sorry, i can’t help but notice--it’s still a small town.”
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Lista de identificação
Hades/Sheol Von Strucker - Hugo Vianna
Perséfone/Dakota Aksoy - Patricia Aguillera
Tânatos/ Ender Kaya - Theodore Kaiser
Hercules/ Hector Bartosz - Harry Black
Mégara/ Narcisa Cromwell - Margarita Chaves Vianna
Athena Triton/ Maribel De La Cruz - Allison De La Cruz
Emily Van Dort/ Zoey Fischer - Emilia Fortune
Glinda/ Cornelia Altopiani - Glenda Alvez
Fiyero/ Fuego De La Mora - Francis D’Amour
Elphaba/ Nittha Bextiyar - Elena Briar
Oz/ Han Seo Joon - Oscar Kim
Amadora - Amarante Arcane
Chapeleiro maluco/ Edward Maddox - Edmund Mayfair
Alina/ Fedora Volkov - Alice Vasquez
Cheshire/ Lotus Lux - Camilo Lucero
Valete de copas/ Nathaniel Duke - Nicholas Doux
Rainha Iracebeth/ Queenley Cyrene - Isla Carmine
Henry Jekyll/ Callisto Elsher - Horacio Eckel
Edward Hyde/ Morpheus Elsher - Esteban Eckel
Lewis Robinson/ Cody Jefferson - Lucas Jones
Claude Frollo/ Damien Donadieu - Cesar Durand
Franny Robinson/ Filippa Demarco - Felicia Declan
Egeu/ Frederick Balthazar - Edgar Beaumont
Musa da música/ Liana Goldleaf - Larissa Green
Mula sem cabeça/ MC Muller - Maria Christina Moreira
Rita Malone/ Ruya Perihan - Rita Porter
Rosella/ Reyhan Durmaz - Renata Dias
Hawthorne/ Florencio Romanis - Helio Ruas
Rei Shiver/ Leo Herrera -  Silvio Herrera
Sugar Plum/ Sydney Taylor - Susan Thorne
Mãe ginger/ Jolene Turner - Gretel Taylor
Glimmer/ Ceyda Ozdemir - Giulia Orvalho
Wendy Darling/ Holly Moore - Willa Marshall
Gancho/ Kartal Bartosz - Kieran Black
Vidia/ Kitana Vega - Valesca Vesper
Nebula/ Eden Allard - Nicole Albuquerque 
Park Kitae - Kayn Lee
Havoc/ Pietro Ness - Heracles Newton
Lyria/ Regina Whisper - Luiza Woods
Peter Pan/ Reve Von Strucker - Pietro Vianna
Tinkerbell/ Tifanny Griffin - Tabitha Galahad 
Alana Triton/ Aethra Waller - Arabela Willson
Arista Triton/ Felicity Waller - Astoria Willson
Andrina Triton/ Fiora Waller - Alexis Willson
Adella Triton/ Kyra Waller - Amanda Willson
Attina Triton/ Rory Waller - Ananda Willson
Aquata Triton/ Star Waller - Aqua Willson
Ariel Triton/ Winter Waller - Anika Willson
Rei Tritão/ Titus Waller - Travis Willson
Romeu/ Alejandro Marino - Rodrigo Mattias
Aurora/ Alina Belenus - Amara Beau
Jafar/ Alvah Isra - Joel Isra
Sarah Sanderson/ Ashia Devlin - Sophia Scott/Amora Dupree
Mary Sanderson/Elizabeth Villiers - Madalena Scott/Eliza Valente
Winnifred Sanderson/ Circe Von Stein - Wanda Scott/Celia Verah
Adam/ August Duppont - Alastair Donavan
Belle French/ Ayla Andrews - Anne Arcane
Bloody Mary/ Barbara Harvey - Mary Harvey
Drácula/ Cain Dalbert - Dorian Diamandis 
Fada Madrinha(Corinne)/ Clio Cheong - Calliope Cardoso
Gato de botas/ David BOTZBERGER - Davi Borges
Dorian Grey/ Draven Mortimer - Diego Caixão (Quem pegou a referência pegou)
Diaval/ Dwayne O’riain - Derek Oswald
Hansel/ Eamon Karkaroff - João Karkaraoff
Espelho Mágico/ Elena & Elliot Kwon - Esther e Elijah Karter
Sophie Hatter/ Ellowyn Hwang - Sophia Heart
Malévola/ Evory Moreau - Marina Marinno
Rainha má/ Hazel Drozdova - Helia Dumont
Flynn Rider/ Isaac Rafiq - Fabricio Rafiq
Gaston/ Javert Allard - Javier Albuquerque 
Mushu/ Lorenz Kwang - Mario Kairos 
Tata/ Lorenzo Rodriguez - Tristan Roosevelt
Principe Kit/ Lucien Yoon - Kaio Yvess
Maurice French/ Mert Bayrak - Matheus Barreto
Marlye/ Nesrin De Vries - Matilda Valencia
Roxelana/ Roxanne Faualkner - Raissa Fagundes
Rasputin/ Ruzgar Olum - Richard “Dick�� Ockerman
Celeana/ Sabrina Schneider - Catarina Schneider 
Caçador/ Anthony Mendez - Antonio Bandeiras 
Tarzan/ Tyrone Gallagher - Tyler Garden
Lobo Mau/ Vaughn Huang - Vitor Holland
Godric/ Viktor Burke - Goliath Brooke
Victor Frankenstein/ Vincent LEICHMANN - Vladmir Lensky
Sanderson Soneca/Silas D’Morgan - Scott Donald
Kozmotis Breuner/ Bruno D’Morgan - Kaique Donald
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illusionswrites · 5 years
She finds it difficult to cry. Rage suppresses her tears. She has shed her girlhood, traded her emotions for power. It is easier to be hated than to face not being loved. Easier to be angry than accept sadness. But we all have to let the sorrow out somehow.
excerpt from “Hymn for Hera” from Great Goddesses by Nikita Gill
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xuseca · 3 years
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Una hoja de hierba» Creo que una hoja de hierba, no es menos que el día de trabajo de las estrellas, y que una hormiga es perfecta, y un grano de arena, y el huevo del régulo, son igualmente perfectos, y que la rana es una obra maestra, digna de los señalados, y que la zarzamora podría adornar, los salones del paraíso, y que la articulación más pequeña de mi mano, avergüenza a las máquinas, y que la vaca que pasta, con su cabeza gacha, supera todas las estatuas, y que un ratón es milagro suficiente, como para hacer dudar, a seis trillones de infieles. Descubro que en mí, se incorporaron, el gneiss y el carbón, el musgo de largos filamentos, frutas, granos y raíces. Que estoy estucado totalmente con los cuadrúpedos y los pájaros, que hubo motivos para lo que he dejado allá lejos y que puedo hacerlo volver atrás, y hacia mí, cuando quiera. Es vano acelerar la vergüenza, es vano que las plutónicas rocas, me envíen su calor al acercarme, es vano que el mastodonte se retrase, y se oculte detrás del polvo de sus huesos, es vano que se alejen los objetos muchas leguas y asuman formas multitudinales, es vano que el océano esculpa calaveras y se oculten en ellas los monstruos marinos, es vano que el aguilucho use de morada el cielo, es vano que la serpiente se deslice entre lianas y troncos, es vano que el reno huya refugiándose en lo recóndito del bosque, es vano que las morsas se dirijan al norte al Labrador. Yo les sigo velozmente, yo asciendo hasta el nido en la fisura del peñasco. Walt Whitman https://trianarts.com/walt-whitman-una-hoja-de-hierba/#sthash.sFs5Y68F.dpbs (en Araño, Galicia, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWLQG4xje5H/?utm_medium=tumblr
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teatroarciliuto · 8 years
@TeatroArciliuto – I Lunedì dell’Arciliuto: “Per Chi Suona la Campana?” – Lunedì 27 febbraio 2017
@TeatroArciliuto – I Lunedì dell’Arciliuto: “Per Chi Suona la Campana?” – Lunedì 27 febbraio 2017
(@Teatroarciliuto) (@Arciliutopress) (@promosocialit) (@atuttosocial) L’Arciliuto presenta PER CHI SUONA LA CAMPANA Ricordando Giancarlo Cesaroni e le sue “stanze polverose” (more…)
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soyomoali · 5 years
“Canto a mí mismo” de Walt Whitman (Traducción de Jorge Luis Borges)
Yo me celebro y yo me canto,
Y todo cuanto es mío también es tuyo,
Porque no hay un átomo de mi cuerpo que no te pertenezca.
Indolente y ocioso convido a mi alma,
Me dejo estar y miro un tallo de hierba de verano.
Mi lengua, cada átomo de mi sangre, hechos con esta tierra, con este aire,
Nacido aquí, de padres cuyos padres nacieron aquí, lo mismo que sus padres,
Yo ahora, a los treinta y siete años de mi edad y con salud perfecta, comienzo,
Y espero no cesar hasta mi muerte.
Me aparto de las escuelas y de las sectas, las dejo atrás;
me sirvieron, no las olvido;
Soy puerto para el bien y para el mal, hablo sin cuidarme de riesgos,
Naturaleza sin freno con elemental energía.
Creo en ti, mi alma, el otro que soy no se rebajará ante ti,
Y tú no te rebajarás ante él.
Tiéndete en el pasto conmigo, desembaraza tu garganta,
No son palabras, ni música, ni versos lo que preciso, ni hábitos, ni
discursos ni aun los mejores,
Sólo quiero el arrullo, el susurro de tu voz suave.
Recuerdo cómo nos acostamos una mañana transparente de estío,
Cómo apoyaste la cabeza sobre mis caderas y la volviste a mí dulcemente,
Y abriste mi camisa sobre el pecho y hundiste tu lengua hasta tocar mi corazón desnudo,
Y te estiraste hasta tocarme la barba, y luego hasta tocarme los pies.
Velozmente se irguieron y me rodearon el conocimiento y la paz que
trascienden todas las discusiones de la tierra,
Y desde entonces sé que la mano de Dios ha sido prometida a la mía,
Y sé que el espíritu de Dios es hermano del mío,
Y que todos los hombres que han nacido son mis hermanos, y las
mujeres mis hermanas y mis amantes,
Y que el sostén de la creación es el amor,
Y que son innumerables las hojas rígidas o que se curvan en los campos,
Y las negras hormigas en las grietas bajo las hojas,
Y las mohosas costras del seto, las piedras hacinadas, el saúco, la
candelaria y la cizaña.
Soy el poeta del Cuerpo y soy el poeta del Alma,
Los goces del cielo están conmigo y los tormentos del infierno están conmigo,
Los primeros los injerto y los multiplico en mi ser, los últimos los
traduzco a un nuevo idioma.
Soy el poeta de la mujer no menos que el poeta del hombre,
Y digo que es tan grande ser mujer como ser hombre,
Y digo que nada es mayor que ser la madre de los hombres.
Entono el canto de la exaltación o de la soberbia,
Ya estamos hartos de plegarias y de zalanderías,
Muestro que el tamaño no es más que crecimiento.
¿Has dejado atrás a los otros? ¿Eres el presidente?
Es una bagatela, cada uno de los otros te alcanzará y seguirá adelante.
Soy el que camina con la tierra y creciente noche,
Llamo a la tierra y al mar que abraza la noche.
Abrázame, noche de senos desnudos, abrázame, noche magnética y fecunda,
Noche de los vientos del sur, noche de las estrellas grandes y escasas,
Noche serena que me llama, loca y desnuda noche de estío.
Sonríe, tierra voluptuosa de fresco aliento,
Tierra de los árboles dormidos y húmedos,
Tierra del sol que ya se ha ido, tierra de las montañas de cumbre nebulosa,
Tierra del cristalino fluir de la luna llena, apenas tocada de azul,
Tierra del brillo y de la sombra manchando la corriente del río,
Tierra del gris límpido de las nubes que resplandecen y se aclaran
para que yo no las vea,
Tierra yacente y extendida, rica tierra de azahares
Sonríe, porque llega tu amante.
Pródiga me has dado tu amor, te doy pues mi amor,
Mi apasionado amor indecible.
Walt Whitman, un cosmos, de Manhattan el hijo,
Turbulento, carnal, sensual, comiendo, bebiendo, engendrando,
Ni sentimental, ni sintiéndome superior a otros hombres y mujeres,
ni alejado de ellos,
No menos modesto que inmodesto.
¡Arrancad los cerrojos de las puertas!
¡Arrancad las puertas de los goznes!
El que degrada a otro me degrada,
Y todo lo que se dice o se hace vuelve a mí al fin.
A través de mí surge y surge la voluntad creadora, a través de mí, el
torrente y el índice.
Digo el primordial santo y seña, hago el signo de la democracia,
¡Por Dios! No aceptaré nada que no sea ofrecido a los demás
en iguales condiciones.
Muchas voces largo tiempo calladas brotan de mí,
Voces de las interminables generaciones de prisioneros y de esclavos,
Voces de los enfermos y de los inconsolables, de los ladrones y de los enanos,
Voces de ciclos de preparación y de crecimiento,
De los hilos que unen a las estrellas, y de los vientres, y de la
simiente paterna,
Y del derecho de aquellos a quienes oprimen los otros,
De los deformes, triviales, simples, tontos y despreciados,
De neblina en el aire, de escarabajos arrastrando bolas de estiércol.
Brotan de mí voces prohibidas,
Voces del sexo y del apetito, voces veladas y yo aparto el velo,
Voces indecentes clarificadas y transfiguradas por mí.
Yo me cubro la boca con la mano,
Me conservo tan puro en las entrañas como en la cabeza y en el corazón,
La cópula no es para mí más vergonzosa que la muerte.
Creo en la carne y en los apetitos,
Ver, oír, tocar, son milagros, y cada parte de mí es un milagro.
Divino soy por dentro y por fuera, y santifico todo lo que toco y me toca,
El aroma de estas axilas es más fino que las plegarias,
Esta cabeza es más que las iglesias, las biblias y todos los credos.
Si algo hay que yo venero más que las otras cosas, ese algo es la
extensión de mi cuerpo y cada una de sus partes,
Traslúcida arcilla de mi cuerpo, ¡tú lo serás!
Sombreados bordes y bases, ¡vosotros lo seréis!
Firme reja viril, ¡tú lo serás!
Tú, mi rica sangre, tú líquido lechoso, pálido extracto de mi vida.
Pecho que oprimes otros pechos, ¡tú lo serás!
¡Cerebro serán tus circunvoluciones ocultas!
Raíz lavada del junco oloroso, becada medrosa, nido recatado de los
huevos gemelos, ¡vosotros lo seréis!
Heno mezclado y revuelto de la cabeza, barba, cejas, ¡vosotros lo seréis!
Savia que goteas del arce, fibra del noble trigo, ¡vosotros lo seréis!
Sol generoso, ¡tú lo serás!
Nubes que ilumináis y oscurecéis mi rostro, ¡vosotros lo seréis!
Sudorosos arroyos y rocíos, ¡vosotros lo seréis!
Vientos que me rozáis, frotando contra mí vuestros genitales,
¡vosotros lo seréis!
Amplios campos musculares, ramas de encina, amoroso holgazán de
mi sendero tortuoso ¡vosotros lo seréis!
Manos que he tomado, rostros que he besado, mortal a quien toqué
alguna vez, ¡vosotros lo seréis!
Estoy enamorado de mí, hay tantas cosas en mí que son tan deliciosas,
Cada momento y todo lo que ocurre me llena de alegría,
No sé cómo se doblan mis tobillos, ni la causa del más leve de mis deseos,
Ni de la amistad que suscito, ni de las amistades que me devuelven.
Al subir por las escaleras me detengo a reflexionar si no estoy soñando,
La madreselva en la ventana me satisface más que la metafísica de los libros.
¡Contemplar el amanecer!
La escasa luz que va borrando las sombras inmensas y diáfanas,
El sabor del aire es grato a mi paladar.
Retoños del cambiante mundo ascienden silenciosos en un juego
inocente, fresco sudor,
Oblicuamente errando por todos lados.
Algo invisible está proyectando libidinosos dardos,
Torrentes de brillante zumo inundan el cielo.
La tierra por el cielo invadida, la cotidiana consumación de su boda,
El desafío del oriente sobre mi cabeza,
La burla mordaz: ¡Ya veremos quién es el amo!
Creo que una hoja de hierba no es menos que el camino recorrido por las estrellas,
Y que la hormiga es perfecta, y que también lo son el grano de
arena y el huevo del zorzal,
Y que la rana es una obra maestra, digna de las más altas,
Y que la zarzamora podría adornar los salones del cielo,
Y que la menor articulación de mi mano puede humillar a todas las máquinas,
Y que la vaca paciendo con la cabeza baja supera a todas las estatuas,
Y que un ratón es un milagro capaz de confundir a millones de incrédulos.
Siento que en mi ser se incorporan el gneis, el carbón, el musgo de
largos filamentos, las frutas, los granos, las raíces comestibles,
Y que estoy hecho de cuadrúpedos y de pájaros,
Y que puedo recuperar cuanto he dejado atrás,
Pero que puedo hacerlo volver cuando se me antoje.
En vano la timidez o la prisa,
En vano las rocas incandescentes arrojan sobre mí su antiguo calor,
En vano el mastodonte se oculta detrás del polvo de sus huesos,
En vano los objetos se alejan leguas y leguas y toman muchas formas,
En vano el mar se oculta en las cavernas donde tienen su guarida los monstruos,
En vano el buitre tiene por morada el cielo,
En vano la serpiente se desliza entre las lianas y los troncos,
En vano el alce busca las honduras recónditas de la selva,
En vano el cuervo marino tiende el vuelo hacia el norte,
hacia el Labrador,
Lo sigo velozmente, trepo al nido que está en la grieta del peñasco.
¿Quién es este salvaje amistoso y gárrulo?
¿Espera la civilización, o la ha dejado atrás y la ha dominado?
¿Es un hombre del sudoeste y ha sido criado a la intemperie? ¿Es un canadiense?
¿Viene de las tierras del Mississippi, de Iowa, de Oregon, de California?
¿De la montaña, de las praderas, de los bosques, o un marino del mar?
Dondequiera que vaya, los hombres y las mujeres lo desean y lo aceptan,
Quieren que los quiera, que los toque, que les hable, que se quede con ellos.
Obra sin ley, como los copos de nieve, sus palabras son simples
como la hierba, el pelo despeinado, risas e ingenuidad.
Lento el andar, comunes las facciones, emanando sencillez y modestia,
Brotan de un modo nuevo desde las puntas de los dedos,
Flotan en el aire con el olor de su cuerpo o de su aliento, salen de
la mirada de sus ojos.
Me ha tocado en suerte, lo sé, lo mejor del tiempo y del espacio;
nunca he sido medido y no seré medido jamás.
El viaje que emprendo es eterno (¡que todos me oigan!).
Mis signos son un capote contra la lluvia, fuertes zapatos y un
bastón cortado en el bosque,
En mi silla no sestean los amigos,
No tengo cátedra ni iglesia ni filosofía,
No llevo a ningún hombre a una mesa puesta, a la biblioteca, a la bolsa,
Pero a cada uno de vosotros, hombre o mujer, lo llevo a una cumbre,
Mi brazo izquierdo ciñe tu cintura,
Mi derecha señala los continentes y el gran camino.
Ni yo ni ningún otro puede andar por ti ese camino,
Eres tú quien debe andarlo.
No queda lejos, está a tu alcance,
Quizá estabas en él desde que naciste y no lo has sabido,
Quizá esté en todas partes, en mar y en tierra.
Échate tus prendas al hombro, hijo mío, y yo traeré las mías y apresurémonos;
Ciudades prodigiosas y naciones libres nos saldrán al paso.
Si te cansas, dame las dos cargas y apoya tu mano en mi cadera,
Y a su debido tiempo me devolverás el mismo servicio,
Porque ya emprendida la marcha nunca descansaremos.
Esta mañana, antes del alba, subí a una colina para mirar el cielo poblado,
Y le dije a mi alma: cuando abarquemos esos mundos, y el
conocimiento y el goce que encierran, ¿estaremos al fin hartos y satisfechos?
Y mi alma dijo: No, una vez alcanzados esos mundos proseguiremos el camino.
Tú también me interrogas y yo te escucho,
Contesto que no puedo contestar, tú mismo debes encontrar la respuesta.
Siéntate un momento, hijo mío,
Aquí tienes pan para comer y leche para que bebas,
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bitchinbarzal · 3 months
Who all comes to the fourth party at the barz’s
Mama’s Fam
Any of the isles fams
Dougie (bc he’s still in jersey)
Usually the Marino’s but they just moved to the cape
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nightsidewrestling · 8 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Uliana Winter (2021)
Geia’s Daughter Uliana Winter
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The first child of Byron and Pelageya together, first daughter of Pelageya and fourth daughter of Byron, Uliana. Uliana is the best friend of Viola and Quentin’s daughter Olivia.
“Dad says to avoid being on camera.”
Full Legal Name: Uliana Haidee Winter
First Name: Uliana
Meaning: Alternate transcription of Russian ‘Ульяна’ or Ukrainian 'Уляна’.
Pronunciation: uw-LYA-na
Origin: Russian, Ukrainian
Middle Name: Haidee
Meaning: Perhaps intended to derive from Greek 'Aidoios’ meaning 'Modest, Reverent’.
Pronunciation: HAY-dee
Origin: Literature
Surname: Winter
Meaning: From Old English 'Winter’ or Old High German 'Wintar’ meaning 'Winter’.
Pronunciation: WIN-tar
Origin: English, German, Swedish
Alias: None
Reason: N/A
Nicknames: Ana, Li, Liana
Age: 13
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American. American-Russian Mix. Dual Citizenship USA-RUS
Ethnicity: White (½ American. ½ Russian)
Birth Date: August 5th 2008
Symbols: None
Sexuality: Sraight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, Russian
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Leo
Theme Song (Ringtone on Geia’s Phone): 'Budapest’ - George Ezra
Voice Actor: None
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Spokane, Washington, USA
Current Location: Spokane, Washington, USA
Hometown: Spokane, Washington, USA
Height: Not Finished Growing
Weight: Not Finished Growing
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Not Of Age
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Olivia Nye, Daisy Lum, Triana Santos-Marino, Paz Marino, Casilda Ibarra
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Pelageya Winter
Mentor: Byron Winter
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Byron Winter (54, Father), Pelageya Winter (34, Mother, Née Volkov)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Nathan Winter (34, Half-Brother), Zinnia Turner (31, Half-Sister, Née Winter), Laurence Winter (28, Half-Brother), Xanthia Winter (25, Half-Sister), Joseph Winter (22, Half-Brother), Venetia Winter (19, Half-Sister), Isaiah Winter (16, Half-Brother), Emil Winter (910 Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Genesis Winter (35, Nathan’s Wife, Née Rivers), Patrick Turner (32, Zinnia’s Husband)
Nieces & Nephews: Quincy Winter (14, Nephew), Hadley Winter (11, Niece), Bethany Turner (11, Niece)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Trivia: Nothing of Note
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