#Liana is a Watcher
meteor752 · 2 years
Considering giving Novo ice powers like Scott had in season one, just cause it would be kinda funny if he just suddenly started freezing things left and right when getting on the Empires server
This would also make Wes the least powerful of the kids
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fleshbag-au · 9 months
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Meet Axolotl! (Axie or Ax for the friends)
(ok second try!)
"A deity of the multiverse, guardian and watcher of realities, the antithesis of Bill, the big frilly know-it-all lizard" are the names that have been given to him over time. Despite his undoubted omniscience that he shares with everyone who appears to him, the truth is that now he wants to take some time off from all that, Bips visit to his dimension will make him take advantage of getting out of his routine while, in part, he does his "job" of helping his guest with their problem, he finally have an opportunity to travel to other places, chat with someone else and who knows? Finally make a friend!"
🔽More Info below! 🔽
Personality: Despite his reputation for being wise, correct and benevolent, he is also usually relaxed and calm guy. However, when given the opportunity, he becomes quite playful and joking, but always respects the well-being of others. Despite this, he is usually the most animated of the duo and when he gets excited, he takes the initiative in everything (even if Bips doesn't want it, although he bribes him by saying that it is to help him xd)
Extra Info! (and a bit of lore)
Since he's a magical being, he can summon things depending on the situation, although if he is lazy or tired he can hardly give you something exactly.
To be closer to Bips, he can shrink depending on the situation, he can return to his original size at will when both need to travel. When he is little, he uses a fish bowl to transport himself and float, as if he were a "fairy" xd
Even his image is known to be a divine being, no one believes that he is "the great axolotl" when he is with Bips, they even think that he is his pet! He could easily go back to his normal size but he prefers not to because, apart from being able to destroy the place, he feels that it is not even necessary, despite it bothering him a little.
He doesn't have a clear goal as such, he just likes to guide Bips as he travels through the multiverse, however, he wishes that some "things were never discovered…
Despite having a clean reputation, he keeps secrets that no one should know, otherwise he wants to completely endanger the multiverse.
One of those secrets is that he has an illegal honey business, he usually operates under the pseudonym “Alex Loto”, most of the time he does it through distributors or rarely, he changes his form depending on the place where he is selling.
Some songs that maybe fit or remind him:
rises the moon - Liana Flores
Under Pressure - Queen ft. David Bowie
Today Today - Jack Stauber
Extra! I'm Shipping Up to Boston - Dropkick Murphys (when he's committing some chaos around)
This will be edited over time to add or edit information over time!
Last edit: 30/12/23
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masterskywalkers · 5 years
Reflections | Pillars of Eternity
"The Gods aren't real."
Liana freezes, abruptly stopping her prior pacing.
Those words ...
"But you knew that already. Didn't you?"
Iovara speaks with a wary softness, as if she were consoling a young child. Liana shakes her head, expression curling up in revulsion. She wraps her arms around herself, clinging so tightly her knuckles whiten under such force.
"You speak blasphemy with such ease, Iovara," Liana spits, head turning to one side slightly so she can watch Ivoara from where she knelt across the room. She ignores how a tight ache builds within her chest at the way Ivoara watches her. How her eyes shine with desperate longing - a longing for Liana to understand.
"My words can only be blasphemy if they are built upon lies. You have seen what Thaos does; the lengths he goes to -"
"Stop it," Liana growls, turning to face Ivoara as she slowly rises and moves towards her.
"But you know it, Liana," Iovara presses. "I know you do. Better than anyone else here."
"What I know is that the work Thaos does is to protect civilisation, to help guide it. Without that guidance we are all lost."
"Oh, Liana."
Gently, Iovara presses a hand against Liana's cheek, her thumb rubbing in smooth circles against her skin. Liana watches as a sad smile appears upon her lips, causing her own brow to furrow deeper in response to it.
"I am sorry, my love. I know that that is what you believed - what you want to still believe. But tell me: do you honestly believe what Thaos does is for the better? That what even he believes is fair? Does our civilisation not deserve to know the truth of those they worship? Are they not worthy of making their own choices for the paths and beliefs?"
Liana's eyes fall closed, and for a moment she leans into Iovara's calming touch. But the creases upon her forehead remain, and the comfort she takes brief. Shaking her head, Liana pulls away. She takes a step back, distancing herself from Iovara. The war of conflict battling within her eyes is clear for Iovara to see playing out, its battle reflected in Liana's eyes.
"I am his Inquisitor, Iovara," Liana begins, voice low. "You know what that means if what you suggest is true?"
It would mean Liana's hands were forever coated red. That every heretical life she took from this world would have been for nothing. Every confession she had managed to pull out of someone, meaningless.
Things had been easier, before. Before Iovara became the thorn in Thaos' side. Back when Liana had simply been a missionary, delivering the words Thaos spoke of religion and the Gods across the lands. She never thought to question, never thought to wonder.
Now however there is too much. Too much, and not enough to understand.
Things had been easier when all Liana had to do was act. Act, and not consider. Not dwell on bigger threads involved.
"You do not have to be his Inquisitor anymore," Iovara says. "Stay here. With us, with me."
A long stretch of silence passes between the two of them, both watching the other. Wondering. Yet as time passes and Liana remains quiet, Iovara eventually sets her glance to the ground, letting out a sigh.
"Take what time you need. On the morrow we head for Ossionus. The sooner we retreat Thaos' armies, the better."
Liana watches as Iovara leaves her, preparing the next days travels.
And for a long time after she's left alone, Liana works to convince her warring thoughts that Thaos knows best.
Oh, she prays he does.
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"C'mon, snap out of it."
With a shuddering gasp, Faeluna is pulled out of the memory.
Her chest heaves with each breathe as she searches around her, trying to remember where and who she was. Her mind feels like rushing waves, the sound of the voices dull against the collision of all she is recalling.
"- she's as mad as the elf. Madder, even!"
"Pay him no mind, Aloth. Or err - Iselmyr? No one's mad here."
A hand falls onto Faeluna's shoulders, pulling her out of her recollections. She looks up at Edér, noticing how his worry over her and her rapidly degrading state of mind remains hidden behind a kind smile.
"You back with us, Faeluna?"
Faeluna blinks, shaking her head quickly in an effort to push the last tendrils of the memory away.
"I think so," she replies, eyes darting amongst those around her. Apart from Durance - who seemed mildly annoyed by what had happened - both Kana and Aloth seem to share in the same concern Edér carries.
"What was it you saw this time?" Aloth asks, voice as soft as his expression. Faeluna finds the openness of the way he watches her somewhat uncomfortable, her gaze quickly falling to where she lightly tugs at her sleeve for comfort. Her forehead furrows, pieces of what she's seen drifting within her thoughts.
A voice speaks in answer.
A voice which is not her own.
"She was remembering."
Faeluna quickly follows the sound, looking to the spirit that remains behind Kana and Durance. The very spirit that had caused her mind to spiral, whose words sent her back to another lifetime.
She doesn't notice it at first. How a lone tear slowly trails down her cheek. Iovara's gaze softens, and although Faeluna had not thought about speaking, words quickly tumble their way past her lips.
"I'm so sorry. For all of it."
They aren't her words, that Faeluna understands. Neither is the answer Iovara gives for her either.
"Oh, my love. I know."
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sundove88 · 3 years
The Watcher of The Woods in Swan Lake (Barbie in Swan Lake Parody Cast)
The Treetop Forest comes to life in an animated adventure, based on the beloved fairy tale and set to the brilliant music of Tchaikovsky.
Sana Hudson as Odette (Balan Wonderworld)
Guardian Bird as Sana’s Bird Form (Balan Wonderworld)
Kefka as Rothbart (Final Fantasy VI)
Alina Gray as Odile (Magia Record)
Eis Glover as Prince Daniel (Balan Wonderworld)
Shuri as Marie (MCU)
Uncle Phil as The Baker (The Fresh Prince of Bel Air)
Yuri Brand as Carlita (Balan Wonderworld)
Luz Noceda as Liana (The Owl House)
Eri as Jenny (My Hero Academia)
Haoyu Chang as Ivan (Balan Wonderworld)
Unikitty as Marisa (Unikitty)
Athena as The Fairy Queen (Saint Seiya)
Sensei Wu as Erasmus (Ninjago)
Twilight Sparkle as Lila (MLP)
Apple Cookie as Kelly (Cookie Run)
Cal Suresh as Reggie (Balan Wonderworld)
Ramonda as The Queen (MCU)
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reivenesque · 6 years
It feels like I haven’t watched MacGyver in ages and yet I barely settled into my seat and I’ve already finished season 2. What the fuck happened? *speaking as a person who binge watched a total of 14 seasons across 3 shows within a couple of weeks*
So among these 8 episodes that I watched, 3 of them are easily my faves of the season; the Colton episode, the one with Jesus and the finale (I’ve given up trying to remember the names).
In the Jesus episode, I liked that it finally focused on Mac again, if that makes any sense. Yes the show is called MacGyver and is in fact about MacGyver, but I feel like the last couple of episodes were less about him as a character and more about him being a tool almost, or a means to an end on a mission. Like @thehemingwaygoldfish mentioned already, I hate that Mac was the one who tipped off the mob guy they were tailing when Bozer was making such obvious googly eyes at Liana for 2/3rd’s of the episode. I really hate when the writing needs the smart guy be the klutz for no apparent reason.
(Also, I had nowhere to insert this bit but the scene on the trampoline in the air and Mac looking so fucking scared and when Jack shot off those fucking balloons like - be still my whumper heart!)
Minor criticism firstly. It isn’t in this particular episode, more like spread across a couple of episodes but the Die Hard reference episode especially. I know that Jack is the comic relief of the show but I honestly hate when he gets treated like the buttmonkey or when he’s made the butt of old man jokes by other people (and even by the team, besides Mac, cause lbr, Mac and Jack are the epitome of taking the piss out of each other but no one else can do it ever). Or when things just inevitably don’t work out for him just cause it’s supposedly funny.
Jack is always bad ass but I just want one Jack centered episode where everyone gets to see just how bad ass he truly is, especially Bozer and Riley. Cause this Jack is old and doesn’t get hip young kids stuff is just - well, getting old.
So anyway. I love the friendship between Mac and Jesus (Carlos I think his name was) and I love how much his family accepted Mac and their team and how his mom fawned over Jack and Jack just being so sweet and Jack-like about it. I seriously love him.
I love how everyone got to see how amazing Mac is - I always love when outsides get to bask in the awesomeness of Mac because obviously Jack and the team already know how great he is.
Also Marc Menchaca playing a bad guy, called it! I do have to say that Gunny Wynn is honestly working the hair and the scruff.
All in all, love the episode, but then again, I love when an episode brings in outside characters besides just the main such as Carlos and the Coltons. I do hope we get to see them again.
The alien episode was just okay for me. Like with many MacGyver episodes, it wasn’t boring but not exceptionally memorable either. I loved how adorable Jack was in the end and I do enjoy the dynamic between Mac and Riley. And I appreciate how willing the team are to break government rules and go behind their own boss’s back to help Mac without him even having to ask them to.
The final episode ugh, I was so conflicted. I honestly hated Mac’s dad and I was really pissed at Matty during the first quarter. For one thing, I hate when shows introduce a new character that’s smarter, stronger and better than the main character. I get the context of it since he is Mac’s dad, but it’s really just a trope I find irritating as hell.
Brief interlude because I clicked away to google the actor who plays Mac’s dad because I couldn’t stop thinking how familiar he looked all through out the episode and I’m so fucking glad I didn’t google him earlier because ajshdgliaudhfalkdfjhas TATE DONOVAN! I remember having a crush on him when I was younger and I probably couldn’t have disliked him as much as I did when I was watching if I knew who he was. But goddamn he aged like fine fucking wine.
I was annoyed at Matty mostly for keeping it a secret but by the end James MacGyver did win me over and Matty made it back into my good graces and firmly cemented her position there indefinitely. 
I knew that Mac would quit and when I started I was under the impression that it was because his dad was an asshole and the fact that Matty lied and shit like that, but I was really happy to see that his relationship with his dad was on a pretty okay ground and it was just him sticking to his convictions and I honestly just respect Mac so fucking much for that. I love that he sets his mind to do something that he believes in his heart and he sticks to it regardless. 
I also fucking love that it was Matty this whole time who was the one leaving the clues to his dad’s whereabouts. That’s how you fucking do a heel reveal and immediate redemption arc on fucking steroids. I have never loved this mother/son type relationship between Mac and Matty than I do at this very moment.
The only criticism I have is the faces of the team when Mac walked out after he quit. I don’t know, everyone just had that really weird, indecipherable look on their face which I didn’t know how to translate. I know that they knew he wanted to quit - did actually quit already, It was just weird.
So anyway. I’m really happy I waited and got to binge the last few episodes. It always more enjoyable for me to binge a whole bunch of episodes without having to sit around and wait like some normal tv watcher. 
Mac is as usual amazing. I love the depths he had in he last couple of episodes (if nothing else cause Lucas Till does angst and anger amazingly and I wish the writers would utilize it more) and seeing him not being the lighthearted, optimistic Mac we’re used to.
I think I’ve covered just how much I love Jack and what I’d like to see the writers do more (and less) with his character because he deserves so much more than being just the butt of people’s jokes.
Bozer and Riley are just there for me. Apparently Liana is going to be a regular next season? Idk, she’s with the other two in my book. WHERE THE FUCK IS CAGE IS WHAT I WANT TO KNOW? I honestly really like Jill though, I won’t lie. I hope we see more of her.
One last thing, with the reveal of the new baddie at the end - also another person I know but am too lazy to google right now ( I think he was also in Justified as Boyd’s cousin or something, I could be wrong) and the shade about his dad and his old partner and the other turning to the dark side. I hope this is foreshadowing Mac - now away from Phoenix and his father’s eyes, maybe dipping into the darkness, perhaps not willingly. But maybe ending up on the wrong side of the law and Jack, Matty and the team having to hunt him down to save/catch him. Because can you imagine anything more dangerous that Mac using his abilities for bad?
I hope the writers do something with all this possibility though (they probably won’t but a whumper can hope right?)
So yeah, that’s what you missed on Glee MacGyver.
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cyberpinkgalaxy · 3 years
New Normal - Eternal Love 2.8
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The family’s new home in Newcrest was officially registered as a vampire lair and Liana stood in front of the house with pride.
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She really felt like Newcrest was the perfect place to expand her family and create a safe haven for vampires in general. After struggling to get by in Willow Creek because of paranoid and ignorant sims, it was easy to get used to the freedom of Newcrest.
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Major comes by the house often to catch them up on his latest projects and brag about his grades.
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Antonio showed off his new abilities by tormenting them.
Antonio: Wowwww, Major with the major crush on Elsa. Cute.
Major: Bro, please.
Antonio: Mom, PLEASE just call dad already.
Major: Wait, wha…?
Liana: Oh my watcher.
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Liana: Yes, I miss your dad okay. But he’s an ass!
Major & Antonio: Agreed.
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Antonio: Anyway, this movie is so unrealistic. I mean aliens, really?
Major: Says the vampire.
Liana: *laughs under breath*
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Later that night Liana went to a small local spa for a manicure. She needed a little boost after being exposed as a lovesick fool.
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On her walk home she took in the night air and thought about the future of her family now that they were in Newcrest.
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She found Maliyah relaxing on the couch and decided it was time to have a talk with her about her future.
Liana: Darling, can we talk?
Maliyah: Yeah mom, wassup?
Liana: You and Antonio will be graduating next year and I know that going off to university isn’t on your list of to do’s.
Maliyah: Honestly mom, it’s really not. For Antonio either.
Liana: I understand, I didn’t go either my darling. But tell me, what do you want to do?
Maliyah: I… I want to create music.
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Liana: Then i’ll support you! I know I spend a lot of time with Antonio but you’re my daughter and I’m always here for you.
Maliyah: I love you, mom.
Liana: I love you, too!
Liana gave Maliyah a big hug and couldn’t help but smile. She knew exactly what her first venture in Newcrest would be and Antonio was going to help.
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crystalchaosrising · 4 years
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Bury a Friend - Billie Eilish
AURION BOLTAGON, twenty seven
ALIAS | Night Watcher
FAMILY | Maximus Boltagon(father), Viggo Boltagon(brother), Xenos Boltagon(brother), Zariyah Boltagon(sister)
ORIENTATION | straight, cis male
ENDGAME | Liana Chen
POWERS | Night Vision, Superhuman Durability, Enhanced Strength (via Inhuman Physiology)
ABILITIES | Stealth, Hand-to-hand Combat(Advanced), Surveillance
FACECLAIM | Kit Harrington
BOARD | Aurion
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  “The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness.”
By John Muir,
Hello there!
Today im going to share my experience at Udawatta kele Forest Reserve, where i got to enjoy the inner beauty in kandy.
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Udawatta Kele, a historic forest reserve situated on a hill-ridge of Kandy town, has with time become a favorite spot where people come to walk around and experience nature. During Kandyan kingdom days, this place was known as ‘Uda Wasala Watta’/’the garden above the royal palace’.  If there is a guide or an attendant around at the time of your visit, do not hesitate to ask about the history of the forest as it is quite fascinating.
Here’s a little history of  Udawatte Kele forest Reserves. Kandy is considered as one of the main and historically important cities in Sri Lanka. In 1371 King Wickramabahu established his kingdom and named this city as `Senkadagala’ in remembrance of the Brahmin called Senkanda’ who lived in a rock cave in Udawattekele forest. Thereafter all the kings who ruled took appropriate measures to conserve `Udawatte-kele: forest and regarded it as a part of the Royal Palace. This resulted in declaring the forest as a property of the crown and a restricted zone (Thahansi Kele) for the public. The royal family used this forest as a pleasure garden. During foreign invasions and wars, this forest helped the royals to retreat and hide themselves and also as a’ passage for them to flee to other safer areas. Hope this helps you to know little extra about this amazing place.
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Morning time is ideal for the walk. Because during afternoon you will feel a bit of warmth and even in the evening it will be more drizzling and will not have much time to enjoy the entire forest walk. We made sure to accommodate ourselves close to the Kandy town where it took just 15-20 minutes from the Temple of Tooth. It is 257 acres where we took 2-3 hours to walk around and to reach the end point.  There is a parking space for vehicles and a refreshment stall at the entrance of the Reserve. Take enough water as you will feel thirsty during the long walk and some snacks for a munch while walking. (Travel Tip: Avoid exposing to monkeys while eating as they will go wild seeing food.)
Make sure you take your identity card as it is required at the entrance. It just costs 30 LKR for locals/ 300 LKR for non-locals as the entrance fee. (Please note that ticket price effective to the time i traveled).
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A detailed map at the entrance will show you where each path leads and even without a guide you can find your way passing through ‘The Lover’s Walk’, ‘Marble Seat’, Iron wood forest and Buddhist monasteries. The sanctuary contains three Buddhist forest monasteries i.e., Forest Hermitage, Senanayakaramaya and Tapovanaya, and three cave dwellings for Buddhist monks, i.e., Cittavisuddhi-lena, Maitri-lena and Senkadandagala-lena.  (Travel tip: Make sure to take a photo of the forest reserves map at the entrance before you start the walk. Follow it. It will help you to come back to the start point without getting lost at the end.)
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The reserve contains great variety of flora and fauna. And also reptiles, monkeys, deer ,  wild boars, insects and large number of birds where it is ideal for bird watching. (Make sure to keep your cameras ON as you will come across beautiful birds to the sight.)
You will reach to two view points during the walk where you will be able to enjoy the city view of Kandy. The view is too beatutiful to resist that you will see the back view of the Temple of Tooth along with the Kandy River (‘Nuwera Wewa’), other building surrounding with mountains and trees.
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During the walk you will come across many insects and specially leeches and mosquitoes in the wet area. Be aware! Apply some mosquito repellent and take lime/soap to repel from leeches.
The Sri Lanka Forest Department has two offices in the reserve, one of which (at the southeastern entrance) has a nature education center with a display of pictures, posters, stuffed animals, etc. The forest is also popular with foreign tourists, especially bird watchers, Scientific nature researchers, hikers and nature lovers. Ideal place for nature photography.
You will be able to see the historically important ruins and places from the Kandyan Kingdom such as the Lady Horton’s Road, Royal Pond, Lovers’ Walk and Marble Seat. The opportunity to visit the Senkada Cave, where a hermit lived alone in the forest.
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The sanctuary is famous for its extensive fauna. The reserve also contains a great variety of plant species, especially lianas, shrubs and small trees. There are several giant lianas. which has been growing for more than 1000 years. Among Commonly identifiable species Mahogani (Sweetinia Macrophylla), native lianas, Wevel (Calamus sps.) and Puss wel are visible. Many of small and medium size mammals that inhabit Sri Lanka can be seen here. Several kinds of snakes and other reptiles might be seen. Commonly birds like Drak fronted Babbler, Grey Hron-bill, Hill Myna, Bats, Owls, Fly Catcher, Wood peckers, King fishers, Eagles, Peacocks  etc. among the large mammals, barking deer, Wild Boar, Monkeys, Deers are commonly seen.
Quick Tips, Note and Remarks :
Start as early as possible as i mentioned before.
Reserve opening hours – 8.00am to 5.00 pm. (But the entering will be not alloowed after 3.00pm)
Don not take bags/polythene inside.
Do not misbehave in unethical way.
Do not remove or damage any plants.
Do not trap or disturb any wildlife
Do not vandalize structures, lades or sign boards.
Do not litter the area.
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Quick recap on landmarks you should not miss;
Lady Horton’s Road
Royal pond
Giant Bamboo
Senkada acve
Information Centres
Hermitages and Caves
Kodimale (Flag point)
Puss-Wel (Giant Lianas)
Ironwood Forest
We totally enjoyed the visit to Udawatte Kele Forest Reserve and felt how important to have such a rain forest in nature, where it makes habitat for many animals and plants. Have you visited here before? Share your experience in comments below. If you’re hoping to visit, do contact me for more travel advice and tips.
View point Circle
Senkada Cave
Pose near Puss-Wel creepers (Lianas)
Another View point where you see the Kandy city with mountains surrounding it.
In the middle of the Forest
View point
Breathtaking beauty in Udawatte Kele Forest Reserves "The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness." By John Muir, Hello there!
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meteor752 · 2 years
You’ve hinted at the Watchers and Grian’s connections with them in the double life kids au. Would that make Liana part Watcher or something?
I have always liked the idea of Grian being like, an ex-watcher, or a watcher that fled or smt, and the life series is their punishment for that, putting him in a death game with his friends to make him suffer
So with Grian being a Watcher in my eyes, I suppose that Liana would have that as well?
You see, the way I see it, the kids are created through the mixing of the codes of their parents, The Watchers of course being the ones to do so because easy shortcut. If Grian is a watcher, then his code would be vastly different in structure than the other life members, which wouldn’t be ignorable when creating Liana
So yeah. Liana is part watcher I suppose. She has no idea of course, I doubt Grian would tell her, I doubt Grian would even think she received that part of him
I’m not too deep into the watcher lore and I don’t really know what they do actually, or what their abilities are. I do know that there’s some really cool Watcher!Grian designs, and Liana possibly has a form like that. Would be cool to design that someday, I’ll have to remind myself
If there’s someone who sees this who knows more about Watcher Lore, tell me what they can do and stuff so might I add it to the Dlkids lore
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masterskywalkers · 5 years
Watcher questions for Faeluna! 1, 10, 17, 18?
1: Where is your Watcher from? How do they feel about their homeland?
Faeluna originates from the Living Lands.
She has a strange fondness for it, in that although she wouldn’t like to return, Faeluna is thankful for the years she spent there. It was a very different place to what she finds herself in now - dangerous and wild in ways that differ from the dangers she faces now in her numerous adventures - but she also wonders if some of that helped to prepare her for some of the things she comes up against in the future. 
If she missed anything from her time living their, it would some of the wildlife and creatures that just don’t exist in the strange lands she finds herself in.
10: Does your Watcher have any close ties outside of their companions, whether friends, family or lovers? Do they keep in regular contact with them?
Not anyone that she knew before she met her companions, no. The clan she travelled with died during the move to find a better home elsewhere, leaving Faeluna as the sole survivor.
I feel like in the years between the first game and Deadfire however Faeluna would have made a few more acquaintances within the walls of Caed Nua. Perhaps some of those she hired to work she considers friends, but they wouldn’t be anywhere near as close as to the inner circle she travelled with. I … guess come Deadfire many would have died during Caed Nua’s destruction, so there wouldn’t be any contact or communication to be made. 
17: How does your Watcher feel about their Awakening? Did they make peace with it, or do they view it as a curse?
Faeluna absolutely hates it.
At first, it’s just about the confusion and the growing feeling of madness. She has no idea what’s going on with her, or why she’s suddenly seeing glimpses of people who have long died. When she understands that those people are past lives of a soul, it doesn’t make her feel much better. Especially not when Liana becomes more prominent.
She sees it as a curse, and only really learns to cope with living with her Awakening after Liana has settled and she’s not about to loose her mind. Even then, Faeluna feels as if something fundamental has changed within her, and that she’ll never be the same person she was before.
18: Tell us a little about your Watcher’s past life. How does your Watcher feel about their past life? How would their past life feel about them?
Liana and Faeluna look at each other very differently, and are as I always like to describe them, very much like two sides of a mirror.
Liana appreciates and respects Faeluna, feeling as if she carries the strength that she lacked in her own life cycle. She witnesses how Faeluna learns the same truths she does but how, because she isn’t blinded by faith, isn’t afraid to see where things are wrong and try to fix and change them. To her, Faeluna is very much the version of herself she wished she could have been.
For Faeluna it’s the opposite. There’s a mix of disgust in Liana’s actions (especially towards Iovara) and pity in how misguided Liana had been. But, I headcanon that has Liana claws her way closer to the surface of Faeluna’s self conscious towards the end of the events of the first game, Faeluna feels Liana’s emotions much more deeply: and she pick out the strongest ones as regret, despair, grief, and anger. Feeling that sort of calms Faeluna’s own feelings towards Liana, and I think she grows saddened at how Liana lost everything by pinning everything on her belief in Thaos. Liana was terrified to face the truth Iovara presented her with, knowing it would come at the cost of Thaos’ loyalty, and Liana didn’t want to loose that from someone she so greatly looked up to and believed so fully in.
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meteor752 · 11 months
Who are “the kids”?
My friend, at this point it’s better that you just see for yourself of what’s going on with them than ask for a recap, because whew a lot has happened
But quick rundown, the kids were created when I had the idea of an au where in double life, they didn’t just share their life with their soulmates but also a child. The AU was more about how the couples would be as parents and less about the kids themselves, and their personalities were mostly made to fit fun scenarios
But then people liked that post a lot, and wanted to know more, so here we are
There’s Liana, the Scar + Grian child, who’s a business woman with wings but can’t fly, also she’s half watcher, has lost a foot plus half her eyesight, has heavy trauma from watching her dad die in front of her,is a superhero, and became Pixl’s adopted daughter ish, also her and Jassy are married
There’s Wes, the BDubs + Impulse child, who’s a gentle giant, but more in the way that he’s constantly stressed out, and he has a lot of OCD and anxiety, a bad relationship with both of his dads, a real passion for mining, and is engaged to Jekiv. Their relationship is a whole mess too
There’s Gertrude, the Rendog + BigB child, who’s a pretty chill redstoner with a big passion and love for classic fairytales and princesses, also she’s a werewolf but kept that a secret from her mentor for a while, also she caught her dad cheating when she was like ten, and she wears sunglasses so much that she’s near blind because of the light when she takes them off, and she’s dating Novo
Johnny, the Tango + Jimmy child, who’s like a pure southern country boy, very sweet and kind and friendly, plays the banjo and absolutely adores goats, he had an absolutely awful time after double life ended, and he suffers from major codependency issues to his dads, also he becomes an explorer with his horse Butternut, and he can speak to wardens, and he’s aromantic.
Jassy, the Etho + Joel child, who’s a pun loving ninja with a huge identity problem, has a lot of anime traits including the crazy hair that changes every day, is also a little green in some places because ogre, has a whole arc of figuring out who she was and wanted to be, is a huge horror fan, was a pirate for a while, she has a rough ass relationship with Joel, and she’s married to Liana.
Jekiv, the Cleo + Martyn child, who’s a monotone pastel clad half zombie with more daddy issues than all the bat kids combined, he has a lot of zombie traits that affect his day to day life, he kept a journal after his parents death, he became a necromancer for the heck of it, gore and corpses is his favorite thing in the world apart from frogs, and he’s engaged to Wes.
Novo, the Pearl + Scott child, who’s more nutty that a peanut in a nut factory, used to be a total momma’s boy but now hates both of his parents, loves the aesthetic of running mascara and has been doing it since he was eleven, has an accent that no one can understand, became a bard without being able to play an instrument or sing, and managed to become incredibly rich just by people paying him to shut up and go away, and he’s dating Gertrude.
This does not even cover the Hermitpires thing, the separation arc, the death ending, their many costume alternatives, the villain au, the Sklizzumbo children, Lily the Warden, and a lot more. So just like, check out the #double life fankids tag on my blog, most of it should be found there
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meteor752 · 1 year
Double life kids name meanings
Like I’ve said before, all of the names are very arbitrary, so don’t expect a lot of like, fitting or thematic things
Also we’re doing the middle names too, so Liana’s gonna be fun (Sarcasm, I hate myself)
Liana Sharina Ace Xelqua Sage Aurelia Francesca Octavia Jellie Monroe
Liana means “To Twine Around” and “My god has answered”. Wildly different meanings, and neither really mean anything to her
Sharina means “A gift of god”, and like considering all of the kids are created by the watchers who are kinda gods I guess, so maybe? It would also tie into Liana’s second meaning
Ace means “Expert”, which like alright. She’s good at what she does
Xelqua is Grian’s old username, and a lot of people says it means “Sun” or something of the sort. I guess
Sage means “Wise” or “Healthy”, neither of which Liana is.
Aurelia means “The Golden One”. Her hair is golden? Eh?
Francesca means “Free”. Liana is not free
Octavia means “Eight”. Liana was the last born of the kids, but there’s only seven of them. Nothing in her life has anything to do with the number eight
Jellie means “Worthy”. That’s very cute actually
Monroe means “Mouth of the river roe.” ??????
Wes Ethoslab Double-SV
Wes means “Western Meadow”. He lived on the east side of the map I’m pretty sure. We’re nailing nothing so far.
Etho means "Copycat"? Apparently? Idk what that says about him
Gertrude Praline Statz-Diggity Dawg
Gertrude means "Strength". First name to be actually fitting, huzzah. Gertrude is a strong gal, both physically and emotionally. She's the rock of the kids
Praline doesn't have a clear meaning, from what I've seen. The name comes from one of my favorite cookies, so like yeah
Johnathan 'Johnny' Norman Tek
Johnathan means "God has given". We're involving god a lot in these names
Johnny means "God is gracious". He is not
Norman means "Man from the north". Johnny has a clear Southern accent, so like what the hell
Jassy Slab Smallishbeans
Jassy means "Love". Jassy is from one of the platonic ish pairings on the server, so like we're missing the mark here, come on
I do not think I have to explain Slab
Jekiv Joe Inthelittlewood
Jekiv is a made up name and of course has no meaning, so I thought I'd explain how the hell I came up with it. When making the kids for the first time, I was spitballing names in my head to try and find something that fit them. My mind went to "Kevin" for this lad, but ew. Then came "Jakob". Also a no. And somehow my mind just frankensteined the two names into "Jekiv" Beautiful
Joe means "God will add", because our dear friend god is at it again
Novo Stellar/Cerulean Major-Moon
Novo means "New young", and was apparently used in the middle ages for a child born after a sibling had died. Novo died after Jekiv in the "Dead ending", his brother, but that's the only correlation I can find
Stellar means "Of the stars". I think in the post I made about the Dead Ending, I made some Star symbolism with the kids? Idk
Cerulean means "Dark Blue" or "Sky". Novo is destined to aim for the stars I suppose
This was a mistake
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meteor752 · 1 year
They deserve to go feral, as a treat
I was inspired
Someone asked who of the kids are most likely to go bad in the wake of Jimmy-boys villain arc, and 5/7 of em could very much go bad if they tried, and I gave all of them reasons as to why and how they would be evil
So here’s the evil guys
Also all of these exist in separate universes from each other, we don’t have five supervillains running amok at the same time lol
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Watcher Liana
Liana has the watcher gene who most commonly in the fandom is depicted as not very nice guys, plus the hurt and betrayal of her dads would leave her impressionable to their words
Power: Clairvoyance, pupeteering, mind control, space warping
Status of the world: Hermitcraft, Empires, and the death servers have all been combined through a multitude of rifts. Hardcore rules, and some people are under her influence and out for blood
Weakness: Can be subdued if wearing the blindfold
Victims: Grian, BigB, Jimmy, Pearl, Martyn, Gertrude
Danger level: Severe
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Wes of the under
Wes would be a villain who like, wouldn’t see himself as bad. Wes is a protector, and he’s also naturally anxious and fearful, so he’d do anything to protect the people he loves, even if it means hurting others.
Powers: Durability, Teleportation, Invisibility, Fire Immunity, Imp scouts
Status of the world: People avoid going underground and entering caves like the plague. The underground is a complicated tunnel system, a maze to anyone that isn’t apart of the imp hive mind. All of the kids, and some hermits and emperors, are missing
Weakness: Doesn’t kill, and will do anything to stop himself from doing so
Victims: None
Danger level: Medium, can be reasoned with
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Princess Gertrude
Gertrude has also been hurt deeply, by both of her dads. She’d want control over her own life, and the best way to do that is to take ultimate control. Her dad has gone evil king twice, and she is a fairytale fanatic. What’s stopping her from going evil princess?
Power: Werewolf transformation, wolf army, influence over many powerful hermits, redstone skills
Status of the world: A dystopia with her at the top. Taxes are high, as is the threat of death. She has access to both X’s and fWhip’s admin controls, so she rules the world with her iron paw, and is quick to crush any rebellion
Weakness: Silver coated arrows
Victims: Grian, Xisuma, fWhip, Scar, Impulse, Pearl, Gem, Mumbo, Beef, Wels, Iskall, Katherine, Pixl, Joel, Liana, Wes
Danger level: Medium of alone. Very high if with her wolf army, or in her werewolf form
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Jekiv the undead
Jekiv is a literal necromancer zombie without a soul, and little care for most people, with heavy daddy issues. The only thing actually keeping him from going villain is that Cleo raised him well
Powers: Full control of an undead army, dark magic, able to dismember and reattach his limbs
Status of the world: Zombie apocalypse dystopia. Zombies and Skeletons are immune to the sunlight, so they roam the overworld killing anything and all that they can. Most people have moved into isolated bunkers.
Weakness: Physically vulnerable. Able to be overpowered if you get his scythe away from him
Victims: Every other witch, including Shubble
Danger level: High
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Novo, lord of ice
Novo is a Jinx. He’s already dealing with a lot of mental damage, so all it would take was something to make him snap and he’d loose it entirely, hurting people without even realizing it.
Powers: Freezing Water, freezing objects, creating Ice and Snow from nothing, giving life to snow and or ice, telekinetic manipulation of frozen water, creating an eternal winter
Status of the world: A frozen wasteland stuck in an eternal winter. Polar bears and strays roam freely, attacking on sight. People stay in underground grottos and homes, trying to preserve any warmth they can.
Weakness: Fire
Victims: Gertrude, Liana, Doc, Jevin, Xb, Cleo, Cub, Wels, Gem, Sausage, Katherine
Danger level: High, might accidentally kill you
Minor notes: The thing that made Novo snap was accidentally Killing Gertrude, a la Elsa style. His cloak, the only thing that’s not completely frozen, was hers. Jekiv and Gertrude are villains less because of something that happened, and more of they were raised differently. Liana is because of manipulation by the watchers, and idk with Wes.
Also shout out to Jassy and Johnny, who not only avoided going bad, but also remained alive in all five realities. Gg
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meteor752 · 2 years
Double life kids, eight years later
The final designs for the kids. Wont make anymore, unless I finally get on with making that Superhero au I said I would do a few months ago
I’ve been working really hard on these designs, and some of them are probably the best I’ve ever made! So I really hope you like them!
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(A few years down the road, the watcher genes started to become more prominent. The extra pairs of wings and the eye change are just the beginning too! Her color palette is kinda a mess but it’s just how she rolls. Top hat with goggles and a corset because Steampunk vibes are cool. Also her Flyguy bow, just in case)
Parrot pal has successfully started her own business, where she sells everything from deep slate to gold to clothing and mercenary jobs. The wider the spread, the better the bread
Lives very close to the shopping district, to keep an eye on her shops
The Watcher thing sure is…interesting. Grian hasn’t told her the full story, so she isn’t sure exactly what she is but she knows that it’s something unworldy
Is still learning to disguise it
Has a fierce rivalry with Mumbo over trying to become the riches hermit. Mumbo had no idea this rivalry is happening
She’s bestie with her little brother, Grumbot Prime
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(Golden boy. His Hc and current design has a lot of similarities, mainly because when it comes to change he likes to take things slow. Got a haircut tho, plus many tattoos and a circlet to represent his status as the son of the sun god (Tho who knows how true that actually is). Also has a skull ring, in honor of Jekiv)
Baby boy is doing fine. Mostly
Is decked out in gold because again, he loves to mine, and gold is his favorite ore
Lost part of his ear and hearing in a creeper explosion, least favorite of his scars
Has improved his self confidence greatly over the years, which in turn improved his relationship with his dad
(Side note, I can imagine Xisuma whitelisting like a therapist or something just because these three, especially Wes, has some things to work through)
Is actually an extremely skilled farm creator, just like his other dad
Spends a lot of time trying to find a way to fix their code so they can leave and rejoin servers
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(Total princess warrior vibes for her. Wanted her to be a mixture of Butch and femme, in the weirdest way possible. She’s now also wearing shoes! I wanted her to have heels alright? Her soles eventually got worn out so she’s wearing a pair of boots)
One of the best warriors on Empires SMP
Used to have separate outfits for being a monster hunter and being a noble, but eventually just combined the two to make her life easier
(Eddie made her armor, she’s very grateful)
The armor had to be made fireproof, because despite being older she still scuffles playfully with Johnny
She went through quite a large number of weapons before settling on the mace. It just, “fit her”
Also very few people can actually lift her mace, because it’s extremely heavy.
Sometimes helps out fWhip in Gobland with redstone, just because it’s fun. She enjoys the challenges that he presents to her
Wants to someday face ten withers and take down them all. Until then, she will train with all her might
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(My friend told me he looked evil lol. Ran out of cowboy outfits a long time ago, so here’s a more outlaw vibey one. The goggles and scarf are to protect his face from sand though, so likes there’s a reason lol. Butternut stands proud at the scene as well)
Despite his outer appearance, he’s still the nice lad you all know and love
He is more of a free roamer nowadays though, mostly traveling the mesa around Tumble Town, sometimes even beyond it
After Liana left for Empires, Johnny started helping Pix out with his excavations
When there’s word of a new discovery far away from any of the empires, you can bet your ass that Johnny is he first man on the case
And sure, he caaaaaaaaaaan use his elytra and get there in maybe half a day, but that beats the point of traveling!
An absolute expert at dealing with mobs at this point, especially creepers. Goes fucking crazy with that whip of his
Despite it all, he’s still a simple country bumpkin at heart, who likes his breakfast early and his music country
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(Queen is extremely anime. I just searched “anime ninja female” and tried to get general style of outfit correct. Her hair was almost impossible, but looking on it now it looks fantastic. Her daggers are also enchanted, that’s why they’re purple lol)
Jassy is a trophy wife and she takes her job very seriously
She does know her way around redstone, and she ain’t a bad builder (She’s the one who made her and Liana’s base), but her wife is out making bank while she takes care of their many, many cats
The mercenary part of Double Co. is her entirely though.
The story behind her damaged eye is a mystery to all, as every time someone asks about it she makes up some new fantastical tale
In reality she was flipping her daggers while laying down on the ground, then accidentally dropped one. It ain’t as cool as fighting an alligator, or taking down twenty wardens at once though
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(Glow up of the fucking century my dude. He ain’t abandoning his love for pastels anytime soon, but that almost makes him more scary. Exchanged his old staff for a scythe just for the aesthetic. If you look closely at the hand holding the scythe, you can see a golden ring)
*Becomes a mass murderer* ~Character development~
He’s still not a full fledged necromancer yet, though he can summon entire corpses now. Actually getting them to do his bidding is another thing
The squirrel on his shoulders is named Chimp. She’s his familiar, and she’s thirsty for blood
Has spent nearly four years trying to solve the mystery of The Evermoore, but hasn’t come out with much result
Did find out he has no soul, or at least not a traditional one, so that’s neat!
Existential crisis aside, Jekiv is also trying to figure out a way for their code to be fixed.
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(Pov: Ur about to want and rip your ears off. Hat decorated, coat fluffy, heels fucking iconic, my man has the drip. A weird drip, but the drip nonetheless. And after all these years, he still does the ruined makeup look. Some things never change)
Switched to playing the bagpipe, because those things are both loud and difficult to learn to play. Novo does not know how to play, but that doesn’t stop him one bit
Best big brother to Oli’s child, and with that I mean the absolute worst influence a child could ask for
Actually managed to reconcile with Scott, despite all odds. It’s not a perfect father-son relationship, but like none of them have that so it’s fine
Wears a lot of pink partly to match with Gert, and partly because it’s a loud and obnoxious color, so it garners attention
The wealthiest of all the kids, just by people paying him to leave him Tf alone
There’s some fic ideas I still have with the kids, plus maybe the fourth series will give me some new material, but these are probably the final designs I will make for them.
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meteor752 · 2 years
If any of the kids would go villain arc, who would it be?
Honestly almost all of them have some motive for going bad
Liana has the watcher gene who most commonly in the fandom is depicted as not very nice guys, plus the hurt and betrayal of her dads would leave her impressionable to their words
Wes would be a villain who like, wouldn’t see himself as bad. Wes is a protector, and he’s also naturally anxious and fearful, so he’d do anything to protect the people he loves, even if it means hurting others.
Gertrude has also been hurt deeply, by both of her dads. She’d want control over her own life, and the best way to do that is to take ultimate control. Her dad has gone evil king twice, and she is a fairytale fanatic. What’s stopping her from going evil princess?
Jekiv is a literal necromancer zombie without a soul, and little care for most people, with heavy daddy issues. The only thing actually keeping him from going villain is that Cleo raised him well
Novo is a Jinx. He’s already dealing with a lot of mental damage, so all it would take was something to make him snap and he’d loose it entirely, hurting people without even realizing it.
Jassy and Johnny? They’re good boys. Not an evil bone in their body. Could never go evil, even if they tried
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masterskywalkers · 6 years
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So I’ve had a lot of things and ideas brewing lately for Faeluna / her half-elf self from the lifetime with Thaos and Iovara, and I figured that I’d try to pin some together so I can a) get some more writing done for her and b) I can work out how this extensive ‘Watcher but with a more awakened soul’ headcanon I got brewing in me (more on that here and through Faeluna’s tag).
So I’ve come to the decision Faeluna’s past life incarnation was called Liana, and the above image is what she would have looked like. I’ve tried my best to dress her as I feel an Inquisitor of Thaos would have dressed, but ... limitations in the doll maker I used made that difficult. Otherwise, I’m rather happy with her likeness!
For those that aren’t familiar with Faeluna / Liana’s story, Liana was a very loyal follower to Thaos, and admired him greatly. She was one of his best, but her downfall was that she fell in love with Iovara. Iovara challenged everything Liana thought she knew, to the point that it pushed her out of her comfort zone. When it came to the Gods and Thaos’ ways, Iovara’s truths and views pushed Liana too far, and she found she had to choose between the lies she believed and the truths that were frightening to accept, simply for what they could mean to everything she knew. Liana chose to side with Thaos, but it was a decision that stayed with her for a long time, and the unknown and unanswered questions (along with various other matters and interventions) led to her soul stretching as far as to Faeluna’s timeline.
Faeluna was later born a Godlike, and there’s an odd question of if that option was due to just the Gods choosing her for a bigger reason, or because they wanted to send a message based on what happened in that other lifetime. Liana awakens in the first game as Faeluna’s Watcher abilities do, and because of that I always headcanon that Faeluna and Liana lean slightly towards a similar experience that Aloth and Iselymr have together - only not as active. Liana only really awakens to learn the truths she failed to listen and research in her own lifetime, and once dealings with Thaos and the Leaden Key are done, she falls dormant most of the time for Faeluna. But everything Faeluna learns about her strikes one truth: they’re very different people. Faeluna is everything Liana wishes she had the strength to be, and Faeluna sympathises with Liana’s struggles, knowing that it can be difficult to have all you’ve known uprooted and revealed as false.
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