#Lieutenant fick
lostinthewiind · 5 months
Generation Kill fic requests you say? Can I get a Ray Person where sometimes he accidentally hits the radios buttons and the reader overhears his rants and comes back with some of her own? Or a Nate Fick angry and it triggers an “oh no he’s hot angry” reaction that the reader can’t hide?
Nathaniel "Nate" Fick - Generation Kill
A/N: I couldn't choose so I decided to combine both prompts into one fic :)
Rating: 16+ (language)
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"-and if you take a moment to really think about it, it makes total sense!" Ray's sped up rant continued over the comms, no doubt thanks to the amount of ripped fuel he had ingested over the past 24 hours. "This war isn't about money or oil or any of it! We're here because of sex!"
Slamming your head back against the headrest, you let out an exasperated groan. "How long has he been going on like this for?" You turned to look at Rudy.
Rudy glanced down at his watch. "About 10 minutes."
"Good God! How does he not know he's broadcasting this to everyone?" You slammed your boot down against the humvee floor and grabbed the receiver. "That's it. I can't listen to him anymore."
Rudy chuckled under his breath. "You tell him, little lady."
"Would the Whiskey Tango individual who insists on ranting about sex and his deranged theories about the origin of this war over the comms please shut the fuck up?" you snapped into the receiver. "I don't feel like listening to your family-fucking twang for the entire time we are sitting here."
You could hear a couple of laughs escape the humvees directly in front of and behind your own. For a few seconds, you thought Ray had actually caught on to how annoying he was being and shut up. Then the comms crackled to life once more.
"You sound just like the government, trying to silence the truth because you're scared about what it means for your good American values!"
"Ray, you wouldn't know the truth if it slipped into your bedroom at night and tickled your prostate!" you shot back. You weren't backing down until the idiotic RTO shut his goddamn trap. "And even if this war was about sex, what would you know about it when you look like someone who'd only get some through an unfortunate keep-it-in-the-family arranged marriage or if a blind woman took immense pity on you?"
More laughter. Even Rudy, who usually tried to stay out of the constant back and forth, couldn't help but crack a smile.
You could tell Ray was ramping up for another response, but before he got the chance, Lieutenant Fick's voice sounded over the comms. "Will you two idiots keep your lover's spat off of company-wide comms so the rest of us can sit here in peace and wait for further orders?"
You swallowed hard. "Sorry, sir," you apologized.
Ray's voice didn't follow. He didn't even apologize. Then you heard a distant shouting.
You and Rudy shared a confused look. Leaning out the side of your humvee window, you spotted Ray doing the same thing at the front of the convoy, shouting back at you.
"What the fuck are you doing?" you shouted back.
"I get plenty of pussy, thank you very much!" Ray clearly wasn't done with the conversation, comms or not. "I wouldn't expect you to understand though, considering not even Manimal would get near your salmon-scented cavern, and he'd fuck anything with a hole!"
"Unfortunately, not all of us are born with a built-in dating pool—you know, that thing that regular people call the family tree! Or, in your case, the goddamn family circle!"
Ray furrowed his brows. You could see his mouth moving a mile a minute, but due to the sudden increase in wind, you couldn't make out what he was saying.
"What?" you called.
He tried again. Still nothing. Frustrated, he disappeared back into his humvee. "You keep telling yourself that, and when you're back home with no other choice but to sell your Iraq-worn body and dusty pussy on the corner, you'll remember what your old pal Ray said about the reason for war," he said, resorting to comms again.
"I think this is the longest I've ever heard him bicker with someone," Rudy pointed out. "You really know how to get him going."
"And I'm about to shut him down for good." You picked up the receiver one final time. "Ray, your unhinged theories are a direct result of your unique and equally unfortunate makeup of chromosomes, which could only come from someone whose mother is also their aunt! And when-"
The receiver was suddenly snatched out of your hand before you could end your finishing blow. With a sheepish smile on your face, you turned to see Lieutenant Fick standing outside your humvee, receiver in hand and a scowl on his face.
"Corporal, what the fuck did I just tell you?" Nate used his free hand to grab you by the collar of your uniform.
"Not to argue with Ray over the comms," you replied.
"That's right, Corporal." Nate leaned into the humvee, his bright blue eyes burning holes into your soul. "Now, tell me, are you just too fucking stupid to know how to follow orders or do you find joy in purposefully pissing me off?"
You felt a heat rise to your cheeks at the sight of Lieutenant Fick so angry. You had never seen him filled with this much rage, and for whatever reason, it was hot. Super hot.
You gently shook your head. "Neither, sir."
"Then why the fuck did I hear your voice over the comms again just now?"
"No excuse, sir."
"What's the matter? No rebuttal for your old pal Ray-Ray?"
You watched as Nate's face twisted into a horrible mixture of disappointment, anger, and exhaustion. "Ray, get the fuck off the comms before I come up there and throttle you through your humvee's window!" he snapped over the comms before throwing the receiver back into the humvee and releasing your collar. "I swear to God, it's like babysitting with you two."
You swallowed hard when Nate removed his helmet and ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair. If this was turning you on so much, maybe Ray was right; maybe you did need to get laid more. Or maybe the Iraqi heat was getting to you more than usual today. Either way, you couldn't tear your eyes away from your Lieutenant.
"Something to say?" Nate caught you staring. "Or are you just getting a kick out of watching me snap?"
"No kicks here, sir," you assured him.
"Then what is it, Corporal?" he demanded. "Come on, spit it out."
You turned back to look at Rudy, silently pleading with him to save you. When all he did was shrug, you slumped your shoulders. "I really don't think I should say, sir."
"I didn't ask you to think. If I remember correctly, you attempting to have an original thought was what caused this whole thing in the first place. Everybody knows Ray rants. And everybody knows that if you just ignore it, he'll eventually stop. So, now that we're here, spit it the fuck out."
You were screwed. You just had to say it. "It's just that you're very attractive when you're angry, sir. That's all."
That stopped Nate's anger in its tracks. "What the fuck did you just say?" His voice had dropped into a low whisper.
You drew in a deep breath. "Did you want me to repeat it, sir?"
"No, I unfortunately heard you the first time." Nate looked over your shoulder at Rudy, who was looking out the window and pretending that he wasn't listening. "Corporal, switch with my driver. It appears you need some more direct supervision."
With that, Nate walked back to his vehicle at the rear of the convoy.
"Oh, my God, I cannot believe I actually admitted that!" You buried your face in your hands. "Why didn't I just say something else? Literally anything else?!"
"I don't know." Rudy was clearly amused by your misfortune. "You're right though. He is very attractive when he's angry."
"Right?!" You started to pack up your gear. "Well, wish me luck. If I don't make it to the next stop, you know who killed me."
Rudy gave a mock salute. "It's been an honour serving with you."
The walk of shame back to Nate's vehicle felt like an eternity, and when you passed the other driver, you didn't dare make eye contact. After stowing away your gear, you climbed into the driver's seat and settled in. Nate watched you like a hawk the entire time.
"I'm sorry about arguing with Ray over the comms, sir," you apologized once more, hoping it would help you get back in your Lieutenant's good graces.
"No apology needed, Corporal," he told you. He was much calmer now; back to the regular Lieutenant Fick you were used to dealing with. "I can't count the number of times I wish I could have done what you did. Ray and his fucking rants are the main reason I cannot wait to get out of this damn war. I'd quite literally rather take a bullet to the chest."
You couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sure we'd all appreciate watching you tear him a new one some time."
"Maybe," he sighed.
"- it's lack of pussy that fucks countries up. Lack of pussy is the root fucking cause of all global instability. If more hajis were getting quality pussy, there'd be no reason for us to come over here and fuck 'em up like this! 'Cause a nut-bustin' haji is a happy haji." Ray had once again accidentally turned the comms on while ranting to his passengers.
You watched as Nate gritted his teeth. Then, completely unexpected, he picked up the receiver and handed it to you. "Tell that fucker to shut his hole, Corporal."
"But, sir, I thought ..." you trailed off.
"I'm not the only one who's hot when they're angry." He smirked, and when you finally took the receiver from him, he sat back and got ready to enjoy the show.
"Pretty sure I said 'attractive', sir," you corrected. "But hot works too."
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ferally-ships · 2 years
Whoa, I didn’t know how long you’ve been attracted to Nate Fick! Thought I was pretty alone in having long term HBO crushes, good to know I’m not the only one. Bill Guarnere in BoB is my biggest HBO 6-year crush… Totally my kind of guy, irl and out. Hold onto your comfort character 😊
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...Yeah. It's a problem... or solution to depression, I don't know XD It's his fingers and the way they position on his rifle, resting or gripping... or just holding a pen... those long fingers that can do things... It's his puppy-dog green eyes that are always stressed and carrying the weight of the world... It's his nose...his kissable lips that, when he smiles, it's the softest thing ever... The way he swears... I don't like when men swear much but when he does it... Oof it's something happens. Don't even get me started on how he protects. .... I'll stop.
Nope. Guess you and I have been loners for a while. So hi, nice to meet someone who's got long-term HBO crushes!
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I have a weird soft spot for Guarnere. He's not my favorite...very low down on the list... Mostly because I see him as a slut XD but he reminds me of a 'family' member.
See, one side of my family is Italian. The other is British. I share equal qualities but will always choose British over Italian. My heart lies in England, and my humor is dry and that of typical British/Australian/NZ humor... But I have heavy-set Italian features... anywho - My family are friends with another group of Italian-background people, who are like an extended family. Me and this particular guy kinda had a forced friendship. Felt obligated to, to keep our grandparents happy. It was a lot of petty sibling rivalry. He'd say shit to me... But the minute someone else said the same things he would, similar or worse - he came tearing across from the other side of the room and placed himself in front of me, going face-to-face with the other person. There was a soft side to this guy. And it came out occasionally when we weren't bickering over extremely stupid stuff. TL;DR his protectiveness reminds me of Guarnere. I see Guarnere a lot like that. But that's probably also my little HC too. I don't know. I feel like I'm talking to much instead of just replying to your original ask of 'OMG SAME!'
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cockfiends · 1 year
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he’s so sassy
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z-ppy · 8 months
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two weeks ago, he was still a student in syria.
isn't this the opposite of what we want to have happen here?
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hitman-two · 2 years
loVE the doc and Nate headcannons. I am in desperate need of Nate x readers and Brad x readers and anyone fkr that matter lol
Stay tuned, dear Nonnie <3
'x Readers' are coming your way... I'm just a slow writer and still on holidays! Feel free to send any prompts or ideas if you'd like. Even something as simple as 'They kiss in the rain' or whatever.
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dcptcnx · 2 years
pairing: könig x f!reader (fem bc the term ‘Fräulein’ is used to address as ‘Miss’)
word count: 1,715
warning(s): he hits reader once...but no major warnings. angsty to fluff? idk im bad at this
a/n: PHOTO CREDS TO THE AMAZING @ave661​ !! Such good renders !! I hope this turned out well..Trying to work on descriptiveness in writing to capture the aura of the story to paint images for people T^T feedback is appreciated ^
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Being a soldier, to some, meant being strong; able to face dangers beyond the demands of the war. Even if part of a task force that delved into jobs that dirtied your hands with so much malice or distaste, you would leave the day feeling empty of who you really were. 
And if you were caught, sometimes your crew would forget you existed. Lie to the commanding general and say, "Sir/Ma'am, they are KIA. Mission is compromised." And with that, your ties to the force; identity, service, and even achievements, we're sometimes erased from existence, just like your physicality. 
But not your crew. No, the 141 refused to deem you KIA. They had every desire to look at every space in the world to locate your existence. Even if they died trying. You were their spirit, their lifeline. When they found out you were captured, it was like they lost their last bit of rations. Last bit of hope. 
Until Price and Ghost knocked sense into everyone. 
Which leads us to you. Captured. 
Hands cuffed behind your back, uniform tattered in areas, blood stained the collar as your face was practically bloodied and bruised. The soft flicker of the light source above you created an ominous aura in the room, casting dooming shadows by the guards standing watch, waiting for any sudden movements you may try. 
"Ahh, fräulein. Schön dich wieder zu sehen*, Lieutenant." A voice spoke out, not as evil as you thought, but had the capability to set someone straight with the right tone. "You just can't stay away from me, huh?" The figure stepped closer to your knelt position, looking down upon you through his sniper hood. Arms crossed tightly across his chest, before loosening to rest against his sides. 
"Fick dich*, König. You can't hurt me." The words snapped out of you with such hatred, you yanked on the cuffs to try and break loose, only earning a deep chuckle from the mountainous man. "Couldn't earn a spot on the snipers list, what makes you think you can get me." 
The comment angered König. He was still upset for being denied a sniper, but to hear it from you; to be REMINDED, even. It lights the fuse to a bomb within him. His fists clench so tight next to his thighs, before a hard sigh escapes his mouth, hands relaxing. 
"I'd watch that mouth of yours, Lieutenant. Oder ich sorge dafür, dass Sie nicht mehr sprechen können*." König stepped forward, right hand gently grasping your jaw before squeezing enough to make you wince in a pained manner. Harshly, he releases his hand, causing your head to be thrown to the side, red marks visible where his fingers clasped. 
"My men are well capable and can clear your existence from this very world. KorTac ist nichts ohne mich*." König squatted himself to meet you at eye level, crystal blue eyes staring daggers into your soul, a smirk forming under his hood awaiting your response. 
"Und du bist nichts ohne mich*, König. You fucking KNOW that." Your eyes narrow and keep locked onto the man in front of you. Your jaw tense, as you clenched in anger at the very mention of his force.
KorTac was a collective agreement between the two of you. You wanted an army, and König wanted reigns. To be honest, you teetered on the decisions of whether to follow König, or to go your own way. But deep down, you wanted freedom, and so you decided to end your side of the agreement, and joined the Task Force 141. 
And König was furious. 
"I was the one who pushed you to jump the ranks, König. Deine Existenz ist wegen mir hier*." Smirking, you started with such distrust, watching the man drop his head and clench his fists. 
"NEIN, FRÄULEIN!" His voice boomed through the room, metal doors reverberating the sound causing the guards to slightly wince. König took his right hand, and made contact with your cheeks, sending you to the floor, hissing through your teeth at the stinging. After a few seconds, he takes both hands and grabs the collar of your vest, yanking you up to meet his covered face. 
"You'd look so pretty wearing the KorTac insignia, Schatzi. Not that filthy 141…Verdammte Mischlinge*." Dropping you, he reached to the insignia on your vest and ripped it off, tossing it aside into the dark abyss of the room. 
Many moments pass of stagnant silence, your eyes watching carefully as the man paces across the room, muttering German to himself. You couldn't help but feel a twang of guilt, wondering what went wrong and how you could try to fix it. 
"What happened to you, König?" You softly spoke out, eyes still fixated on his every move. The man freezes at hearing your sweet words, only to let out a scoff before pacing once more. 
"Da ist nichts falsch*. Nein." König slightly faltered on the final words of his response, slowing his pacing before coming to a full stop facing towards one of the doors. "It doesn't matter anymore." 
"Yes it does. I know you, König. You still have your doubts." Your voice spoke up, not too loud to echo around the room, but loud enough to be heard by the tall man in front of you. "Es tut mir leid, dass ich nicht geblieben bin*…really." You yanked your hands, forgetting they were cuffed for a second, allowing the metal to clink together. "Schieße…"
"Here." König made a motion which the guards understood to exit the room, leaving the two alone. "Talk." 
A soft gulp, and you began to speak. Talked about why you chose the 141 in the end, why you hid it behind his back. As you spoke, he walked behind you, carefully removing the tight cuffs from your hands, letting you rub the markings left by them. 
"I was offered a higher rank than I was at the time. And I couldn't pass it up. Es tut mir leid*." You stood still, not trying to make any rash movements but you noticed König grabbing a metal chair and sitting in it, elbows perched on his knees. 
"I would've given you a better rank, Schatzi. Why?" His blue eyes captured your looming gaze, searching for a reason, only to sign heavily, hands grasping his helmet. You knew him to be very secretive about his physical identity, and you worried about how he was feeling in this moment, watching as his fingers gripped harder against the straps. "You could've been my precious Stellvertreter*." 
"König I-" you froze. You had nothing to really say. You wanted to be with him, wanted to help grow his newfound group. But you knew that nothing you'd say, would better him. 
You began to hear a soft click coming from his direction, catching the chin strap of his helmet hanging onto one side. Your eyes were widened, but carefully observed his every move as his hands reached under the hood and lift. Slowly, König removed his helmet, revealing his face to you. 
This man was beautiful. Perfectly pale skin, a dusting of light caramel freckles danced across his cheeks. His nose looked to be slightly larger than average, but still was in just the perfect spot to compliment the placement of his crystalline blue eyes. His hair was disheveled due to his helmet being worn at all times, but the dim lights within the room made it glow a beautiful bronze blonde, as it carefully stuck to his forehead. It looked as if he hadn't cut his hair any time recently, as it started to touch his ears, slightly curl on them. 
You could tell he was feeling very nervous, and anxious; a complete 180° from how he acted earlier on. The way his leg would slightly bounce up and down, like a metronome keeping tempo to his heart. His fingers tapped atop his knees, a soft gentle hum faintly being heard. Your eyes never looked away from him. Admiring the vulnerability he decided to show you after all those years. 
Your final destination was his face In whole. The plethora of scars he wore, probably with a story behind each one. You wondered how he endured each one, hand twitching wanting to ghost your fingers across each one, to show you still care for the man, even if on different squads. 
König saw you fight the urge to get up and approach him, through the corner of his eye. After internally going back and forth, he let out a soft sigh before standing up and walking closer to you. He sat across from you on the ground, legs crossed, eyes focused on your face. 
"I know your motive. Go ahead." He voice softly spoke, dipping his hands down to grab your digits and lead them towards his face. 
His face had a minute amount of Stubble on his chin, so barely visible as the color was almost a bleach blonde. He wore a scar that slashed across his chin; could be from the battlefield, or even a mishap on shaving. The thought of the latter situation made you give the tiniest of smiles, to which König's eyes locked onto your lips. He studied every crinkle you made when you smiled, the small dimple that would occasionally show up. 
"Du bist immer noch sehr hübsch, weißt du.*" He whispered as your fingers danced across his face, studying every scar. His eyes never once left your lips, awaiting for them to move once again. 
"König…" your voice wavered a bit, almost choked. You missed him, truly. Missed his softer side. Deep down you knew the tension of being on different units was breaking, but didn't realize how hard he took it. "You know I can't betray my men…" your right hand caresses his jawline, thumb rubbing circles against his cheek. 
"Unfortunately…" he sighed out, leaning into your touch. He knew that after taking you, the possibility of an allyship would be very small, but he held hope. "Vielleicht arbeiten wir eines Tages zusammen*."
You didn't know what came of you. Your body reacted before it crossed your mind, as you pulled his face down and placed a soft kiss against his cheek, below his eye. 
"Bitte haben Sie Hoffnung*, König." 
"Ahh, fräulein. Schön dich wieder zu sehen, Lieutenant." ->Ah, miss. Nice to see you again, Lieutenant.
"Fick dich” -> Fuck You
“Oder ich sorge dafür, dass Sie nicht mehr sprechen können” -> Or I'll make you unable to speak
“KorTac ist nichts ohne mich” -> KorTac is nothing without me
"Und du bist nichts ohne mich, König.” -> And you are nothing without me, king
“Deine Existenz ist wegen mir hier.“ ->  Your existence is here because of me.
“Verdammte Mischlinge” -> Damn half-breeds (i put fucking mongrels but you know...)
"Da ist nichts falsch. Nein." -> There's nothing wrong. no
"Es tut mir leid, dass ich nicht geblieben bin.” -> I'm sorry I didn't stay
“Stellvertreter” -> Deputy (I was aiming for second in command but translations are wack tbh)
"Du bist immer noch sehr hübsch, weißt du.” -> You're still very pretty, you know.
"Vielleicht arbeiten wir eines Tages zusammen." ->  Maybe one day we'll work together.
"Bitte haben Sie Hoffnung, König." ->  Please have hope, king.
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pwlanier · 11 months
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Award lacquer box "Winter Three". USSR, Palekh, Artel of Ancient Painting, A. Fick. 1943.
Papier-mâché, miniature painting, tempera, made gold, metal powders, lacquer. Length 11.5 cm, width 10 cm, height 2.5 cm.
At the bottom of the image there is an author's inscription: "№ 1765. Palekh A. Khrenov. 1943." On the inner side of the lid there is a gift inscription: "To the head / Saratov / glider school / Lieutenant Colonel Odintsov / from the military council of the Airborne Forces of the CA / 1943."
Alexander Alexandrovich Khrenov (1884-1951) - hereditary icon painter. He studied and worked in the icon painting workshop of N.M. Sofonov. Member of the Artel of Ancient Painting in the 1930s. The works are kept in the Zagorsk State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve.
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georgieluz · 1 year
reporter getting ready to throw hands as soon as he said "lieutenant fick, for example"
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deputy-buck · 1 year
In all three HBOWar shows, I make the Highest ranked guy (that I like) the Bottomest ranked guy in the weird series-spanning poly relationship I put all the guys in in their own show. Second Lieutenant Nate Fick? Subby bottom that will wait on each of his men hand and foot, willin to do anythin to make them feel good. Major Dick Winters? There to be of service for all his boys, every last one of them could do whatever they want to him. Captain Andrew "Ack Ack" Haldane? Literally wants his entire Company to fuck him senseless and Then Some, free-use bottom for those dogs of men-
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lostinthewiind · 5 months
Hi! Hope you're having a good day! You are so right, the Generation Kill fics are very rare, it's a shame.
Could you please write something for Nate Fick where the reader is oblivious and doesn't realize that he loves them?
Nathaniel "Nate" Fick - Generation Kill
Rating: All ages
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It had been a long tour. Iraq was brutal from start to finish, and even now, when you knew you would be heading back to the States in a couple of days, it still didn't feel real.
Staring out at the vast Iraqi desert that surrounded the base camp, you exhaled long and deep—a last-ditch attempt to expel the weeks of dust that accumulated in your lungs.
"Ready to head back home?" A familiar voice came from behind you.
You smiled to yourself as you scooted over, making room for your visitor in the back of the truck you had found refuge in. "And here I was thinking I had finally found a moment of peace and quiet in this damn war."
Nate smirked as he sat down next to you, his bright blue eyes practically sparkling in the sun. You had seen a lot of things you wouldn't ever forget while in Iraq, most of them bad—but Nate's eyes were one of the few good things that lingered in your mind.
"Sorry to disturb your personal oasis in the back of this Motor T rust bucket." The truck made a worrying sound as he shifted his weight and he quirked a brow. "Point made."
"Well maybe if you had whipped your men into shape more, I wouldn't have to feel as though Motor T is the only place I can go for some quality alone time," you told him as you tilted your head toward the sunset.
"Manimal trying to buy your underwear off of you again?"
You choked on your next breath. "How the hell do you know about that?"
Nate laughed. "I know about everything that goes on in my platoon."
"Either way, no, that wasn't happening ... not again, at least." You shook your head. "I was just trying to take some time to reflect. I thought going home would be a happy feeling."
"You're not happy?"
"I am. But I'm also not." You tried to explain your complex feelings. "I don't know, the possibility of never seeing any of you guys again isn't as much of a relief as I thought it might be. Don't tell anyone I said that."
"I won't," Nate assured you with a chuckle. "For someone coming into a group of guys who have been together since Afghanistan, you really held your own. It'll be weird if we ship out again and you're not there."
You watched as the night sky shifted from a brilliant shade of orange into a dark purple. "Give it some time and I'll be as ready as you are to be done with this war and go home."
"How do you know I'm ready to go home?" Nate asked.
"You're not the only observant one," you answered, earning a dubious look from Nate. "... and I overheard you and Brad talking."
Nate nodded when you confirmed his suspicions. "That sounds more like it."
"Hey, I am plenty observant!" You smacked him on the shoulder. "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. It's a pretty important quality for a marine."
"True. But still."
"But still?"
Nate turned away from the sunset to look at you. His mouth opened to respond, but before he could get a word out, he decided against it and averted his gaze. "Nothing."
"No, no, no." You grabbed his face with your hand and forced him to look at you once more. In that moment, you didn't think about the fact that you were technically laying hands on your superior. "But still what?"
"I think it's a conversation better had at a later date," he told you as he gently pushed your hand away. "When there's less sand and less gunfire. When we're just normal people, not a Lieutenant and his Corporal."
"You know we could die tomorrow, right?" you reminded him. "Or right now. There could be a sniper lining up the head shot as we speak. What if I died right now and you never got to tell me whatever it is you're being so secretive about?"
Letting out a defeated sigh, Nate reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a ring. It wasn't just some class ring either; no, it was an honest-to-God gold banded ring with a diamond on the top.
"Lieutenant Fick?" Your eyes darted between his face and the ring.
"Please do not call me Lieutenant when I'm holding an engagement ring."
Your mouth fell open. You were at a loss for words. "What ... what the fuck, Nate?"
"I suppose that's better." He clasped his hand firmly around the ring so it was no longer in sight. "When I first met you, I wrote a letter home and mentioned you. Told my folks all about how we had this woman riding with us and how I didn't think she'd last a week."
You were too impatient to wait for the follow-up. "And?" you prompted.
"And my mother sent me back the family ring and told me to let her know when the wedding was."
You laughed. You were aware how incredibly insensitive it was but in that moment, it was the only outlet you could think of for your overwhelming emotions. "What the fuck, Nate?" you whispered.
"You already said that."
"Well, I'm sorry I'm a little shocked in a moment like this. Can you blame me for not exactly expecting a proposal when I didn't even know you had feelings for me?"
Nate rolled his eyes. "I never actually asked you to marry me, now did I?"
"Then what's the ring for?"
"Well obviously it's for engagement!"
"What is happening right now?" You couldn't believe what was going on. Surely, you must have been dreaming. "Did you hit your head when I wasn't looking? Do I need to call Doc Bryan?"
"Oh, my God. I've really fucked this." Nate stuffed the ring back into his pocket. "This is not how I meant to approach this topic."
"What topic?"
"That I'm in love with you!" Nate proclaimed before burying his face in his hands.
A beat of silence passed and you were suddenly very grateful that you had chosen an abandoned corner of the camp to watch the sunset from.
"Nate?" you whispered once more.
"Yes?" he whispered back, his voice even more muffled from his hands.
"Did you just tell me you're in love with me?"
"And that engagement ring in your pocket is for me?"
"Yes." He finally lifted his head to look at you. "Not right now, of course. But yes, theoretically, at some point."
You couldn't help but laugh again. "This is so weird."
Nate made a strangled, embarrassed sound. "You're killing me here." He stood up to leave. "I should just go. This was clearly a mistake."
"Oh, settle down." You grabbed him by his uniform and pulled him back down. "Yes, I had a bit of a strong reaction at first, but considering the circumstances, I think I'm allowed that much. I never said I didn't love you back."
Nate's blue eyes lit up. "Do you?"
"Well, I don't know. I hadn't thought about it until now," you answered. "Maybe."
"Maybe?" That same sound slipped past his lips. "That's romantic."
"Okay, it's not that I've never thought about. You're obviously very attractive and all that," you rephrased. "I've just never thought about it seriously. In case you haven't noticed, we are in the middle of a war."
"I noticed. Which is why the ring's been burning a hole in my pocket until now." He drew in a deep breath, and when you didn't share another thought, he spoke again. "Now what?"
Reaching into his pocket, you fished out the engagement ring and handed it to him. "Now you ask me to marry you."
"Really?" His fingers trembled slightly as they plucked the ring out of your grasp. "Here?"
"Right here." You nodded.
"Okay. Right. Yes." He cleared his throat and jumped down from the back of the truck. Then he offered you a hand down, and once you were both standing on solid ground, he dropped down onto one knee. "Y/N, I know we haven't known each other very long. I know the typical thing is to date for a while before asking this question; hell, the typical thing is to actually have feelings for one another before asking this question. However, as a fellow marine, you know that typical is merely a suggestion. Either way, meeting you has been the highlight of this war, which I know isn't saying much but still ... I'd like for you to be the highlight of the rest of my life as well. Will you marry me?"
Your heart swelled at the gentle words falling from the mouth of one of the toughest men you had ever met. The way Nate looked up at you, as if you had the answer to every question in the world, was beyond endearing. You could truly picture a long, happy life with him.
"No," you answered.
Nate's hopeful smile fell. "No?"
"That's what you get for springing a goddamn engagement ring on me like this." You plucked the ring from his hand before inspecting it. "It is a rather beautiful ring though. Ask me again in a couple months and I'll gladly take it off your hands."
Nate shook his head as he stood back up and dusted off his knee. "And until then?"
"We date," you said matter-of-factly. "As typical as it is, I've had enough atypical for one lifetime."
Nate smiled wide. "I can't wait to marry you."
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ferally-ships · 2 years
I need HBO Tumblr friends. I’m not great at socialising but I’m super friendly! I need more content to scream in the tags and reblog…
So if you like;
Band of Brothers (find me @lieutenant-speirs)
Generation Kill (find me @hitman-two)
Come say hi! Or find me at my other blogs!
Please 👏🏼 I’ve never had friends to simp BoB, GenK and MASH with 🥺
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gurugirl · 1 year
would you ever write something military!harry x military!reader related? cuz i saw a request from an anon few weeks ago, what they wrote u (would link it but i lost it) and i absolutely DIED when i read it and thought about it… so i got an idea for request abt it like lieutenant harry x smaller level reader (like the person said olin the other request) and they are just intimate even tho they constantly argue and are disagreeing at every single thing and their team is just like “🧍” everytime they start arguing but they’re actually fcking behind all of this even tho they’re like “not friends” or jst enemies????? like they jst cnnot stand each other… but i dont wanna bother u when ur writing other fics / requests 🙆🏼‍♀️🤭 so just telling u some idea for request if u would have nthing to write or just somethinggggggggggg
YES! I forgot about this idea and I have the other request saved but I think the link doesn't work anymore (bc Tumblr fucked with all the links) and I cannot be bothered to go find the old link amongst all the asks. BUT YES... I love a good enemies fucking fick.
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caffeinated-fan · 3 years
My brother sent this to me at around 2am. If enough of us band together we might be able to convince him to make more
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wwhatev3r · 2 years
[Info: ]
* - NSFW Warning
[Band of Brothers]
Easy Company Fan Cast
Easy Company Favorite Female Artists
Easy Company Reading Thirst Tweets
Easy Company having a Summer Day
Easy Company Going on a Road Trip
Easy Company Going to the Zoo
Easy Company Helping S/O With Insomnia
Easy Company Reaction: You Ask Them If They Love You
Easy Company Reaction: Telling Them You're Pregnant
Easy Company Reaction: Blurting Out You Love Them For the First Time
Easy Company Reaction: You Ask Them To Help You In a Fight
Easy Company Falling in Love With Their Lady Lieutenant
Easy Company Modern Outfits
Band of Brothers Random Headcanons
Band of Brothers as things Trixie Mattel and Katya said
BoB - Couple Song Requests Info
Individual Characters
Reaction: Their Combat Companion Takes a Bullet for Them
Poly Relationship with Joe Liebgott & Bill Guarnere 
Love Triangle With Floyd Talbert and Chuck Grant
Band of Brothers: Falling In Love With a Combat Medic
Relashionship Headcanons | SFW and NSFW*
Joe Toye
Donald Malarkey
Shifty Powers
Bill Guarnere
Johnny Martin
George Luz
Joe Liebgott
Spotify Playlists
You’re the only girl in Easy Company
You’re in Camp Toccoa with Easy Company
You're in the battlefield with Easy Company
George Luz 
Shifty Powers
Joe Liebgott
Eugene Roe 
Carwood Lipton
Donald Malarkey
Floyd Talbert
Ronald Speirs
Dick Winters
Lewis Nixon
Bill Guarnere
Joe Toye
David Webster
Warren Muck
Bull Randleman
Babe Heffron
Frank Perconte
Pat Christenson
Johnny Martin
Eugene Roe - In Your Arms
George Luz
Eugene Roe
[Generation Kill]
How does Nate Fick act when he's in love
Spotify Playlists
Ray Person
Nate Fick
Doc Ryan
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Lockheed next to another billionaire contract for the F-35
Diego Alves By Diego Alves 07/26/2022 - 10:00 AM in Military
Lockheed Martin Corp.'s next megacontract for the production of several hundred F-35 jets will be worth about $30 billion, according to a defense officer involved in the negotiations. However, the total number of fighter jets purchased was affected by inflation and delays related to Covid.
The exact number of next generation poachers included in the agreement will be provided as soon as the contract is definitively granted - which may occur this summer or early autumn - although there is still a lot of work to reach this point, said the officer, who asked not to be identified while waiting for the completion of the hiring process.
The Pentagon announced last week that it has reached a preliminary agreement with Lockheed Martin on what are now 375 aircraft planned for the 15th to 17th production contracts. This is a reduction of a potential 485 listed in February 2019, before the start of negotiations, and 404 in April 2019, according to a memorandum of decision by interim acquisition head Stacy Cummings.
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More than 760 F-35 fighters have been delivered. The world fleet has already accumulated more than 480,000 flight hours, 1,560 pilots and 11,680 maintainers. Illustrative image.
Lockheed Martin spokeswoman Laura Siebert said in an email that "the quantities of each contract are determined by our customers to meet their mission planning needs and budget requirements".
The then manager of the F-35 government program, Lieutenant General Eric Fick, told reporters in March that the cost per jet of the next batch would increase.
"I think it's likely that we will see costs rise, tail-by-tail," he said. "There are some very strong headwinds that we are working to combat," such as Covid-related production cost increases, supply chain interruptions and inflation, he added. "We just don't have that much money."
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The 5th generation fighter has been consolidating itself as a standard fighter in the West. Illustrative image.
Since Fick's comments, the F-35 Joint Program Office and Lockheed Martin "has made significant progress in the negotiations," Pentagon spokesman Russell Goemaere said in a statement.
The program office "considered the actual production costs during the Covid-19 pandemic and updated the information regarding inflation, which resulted in smaller quantities," he said. The Pentagon is also putting “more priority on investments in support to improve the readiness of the F-35,” he said.
The Government Accountability Office earlier this year said that F-35 readiness rates for the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps have improved since 2019, but are still below the program's goals. The aircraft could fly and carry out all its assigned missions 39% of the time in 2020 before falling to 38% in fiscal year 2021. This falls far short of the goals of 72% for the Air Force and 75% for the Navy and Marines.
Tags: Military AviationF-35 Lightning IILockheed MartinMarinesU.S. NavyUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order Then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺💜
Ten? Seems random. *crackles knuckles* okay. In no particular order….. and tagging whoever wants to play along…
My favorite snarky bastard… Reyes Vidal:
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Followed by the sass queen DILF himself Eddie Diaz:
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And how about some 007, the new edition:
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And some Iceman Brad Colbert:
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with a side of Lieutenant Nate Fick:
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Featuring a few doctors after my heart including:
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The guys from scrubs:
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And some Javi from Narcos/Mandalorian (why because Pedro Pascal that’s why) and the Colonel:
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With a side of Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes
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And finishing with a Miguel “daddy” Galindo
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I could go on @quietborderline but you said ten…. And I’ve cheated a bit already….
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