#Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan imagines
zapreportsblog · 1 year
A Glimpse of Light
➥ summary : Uramichi Omota comes to work for once genuinely happy, wonder why
➥ a/n : this is the third time I’m writing this, tumblr do better. I see why Uramichi Omota is the way he is now with his outlook on life :)
➥ Uramichi Omota x reader, Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan x reader
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The alarm clock blared at its usual early hour, and Uramichi Omota, known for his perennially gloomy demeanor, begrudgingly dragged himself out of bed. As the host of the children's show "Together with Maman,” he was accustomed to putting on a bright and cheery façade for his young audience. However, behind the scenes, Uramichi was often a picture of exhaustion and disillusionment.
But on this particular morning, something was different. Uramichi found himself inexplicably energized and with a genuine smile on his face. He hummed a cheerful tune as he prepared breakfast, a stark contrast to his usual grumpy self. His co-hosts and fellow staff members couldn't believe their eyes when they saw him arriving at work with a bounce in his step.
"Hey, Uramichi," one of his co-hosts, Mitsuo, called out, skepticism evident in his voice. "Did you win the lottery or something?"
Uramichi chuckled, a genuine mirth filling the air. "No, I didn't win the lottery, Mitsuo. I met someone, and she's not a complete disappointment."
His colleagues stared at him, jaws practically hitting the floor. Uramichi was infamous for his jaded outlook on life, and his pessimistic comments had become a staple in their workplace. To see him in such a bright and jovial mood was nothing short of shocking.
As they got ready for the day's shoot, Uramichi's newfound energy and positivity permeated the set. The children's show, "Together with Maman,” was usually a hectic affair, with Uramichi guiding the young ones through various lessons and activities. But today, everything seemed to flow more smoothly than ever before.
The children were captivated by Uramichi's animated storytelling and playful interactions. Even the usually rowdy kids were surprisingly well-behaved in his presence. His co-hosts couldn't help but be drawn into his infectious enthusiasm, and the crew found themselves working with a renewed vigor.
During the lunch break, Uramichi's co-hosts gathered around him, curious to know more about the mysterious woman who had managed to brighten his day.
"Tell us about her, Uramichi," Mitsuo prodded, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Who is this magical person that's turned you into a ray of sunshine?"
Uramichi blushed slightly, a rare sight for everyone present. "Well, her name is (y/n)," he began, a soft smile forming on his lips as he spoke about her. "We met at the park yesterday while I was feeding the pigeons."
The others leaned in, eager to hear more about this newfound romance.
"She's kind, caring, and surprisingly funny," Uramichi continued. "We spent hours talking about random things, and it was... refreshing."
"Sounds like she's had quite an impact on you," one of the crew members remarked, genuinely happy to see their usually brooding colleague experiencing a brighter side of life.
Uramichi nodded, his smile growing wider. "Yes, she has. I can't remember the last time I felt this way. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders."
The rest of the day went by in a whirlwind of laughter and genuine enjoyment. Uramichi's co-hosts and the crew marveled at the transformation they were witnessing. The children's show had never been more lively and engaging, and Uramichi's positive energy seemed to be contagious.
As the day came to an end and the set cleared out, Uramichi found himself reflecting on the events of the day. He couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected encounter that had brought (y/n) into his life. For the first time in a long while, he looked forward to the future with a sense of hope and anticipation.
Little did he know that this encounter was just the beginning of a beautiful journey, one that would challenge his pessimistic worldview and open his heart to the possibility of happiness and love. Uramichi Omota had found a glimmer of light in the darkness, and he was determined to cherish it and see where it would lead him.
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flirtyletters · 1 year
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when you feel down
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uramichi, iketeru, usahara, mitsuo, kikaku
gender neutral reader
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uramichi omota
"being sad most of the time is a fact of life and no matter how fast you try to run away from it, it will eventually catch up to you," uramichi mumbles darkly.
you sigh, knowing his tendencies well enough, and sit down. you feel pathetic inside and you wish he would have done something, anything to cheer you up.
"however," he wraps his arms around you with the same grim expression, "i will run with you and have your back when the race starts."
his skin feels warm against you and even though he doesn't look at you, you feel like you can share your feelings with him and he will listen.
kikaku hanbee
he calls you back during his break.
"hi? why did you call when i was at work?"
he knows something is wrong the moment he hears your voice.
"well?" he says stiffly because he is at a loss, "what's the matter? what got you so down? i have 15 minutes to listen to you right now. you can tell me the rest tonight when i come back."
he may sound dismissive but he is concerned about you in his own way. why else will he spend his break talking to you rather than agonising over his incompetent coworkers?
iketeru daga
"what happened? you sound like you were denied onigiri," he says and takes a seat next to you.
"i don't feel too good..." you whisper in a broken voice and hide your face in his shoulder.
"why didn't you say something? i have snacks. special flavored onigiri. if you want, we can also go out for some food today. you can talk to me while we eat."
food makes situations better. don't they? he will listen to you even if he is not smart enough to understand you completely. ms sayuri gets comfortable near you to provide her warmth.
tobikichi usahara
what? his cute partner is down? usahara gets into his protective boyfriend mode. he is clueless and panics a little. did he do something wrong? are you upset with him?
what do you want? cuddling? food? a shoulder to rely on? a ear to listen to you? well he is not the best when it comes to advice but he can try that too.
he feels a little guilty about the happiness that consumes him. you chose to come to him when you were down. that makes him feel useful and special. he won't let you down.
mitsuo kumatani
"huh? did something happen?" he asks the moment he sees your face.
you can look the way you look every day and he will know. he is very conscious of the little changes in you.
"if you want to talk, i am here to listen. if you wanna hang out casually, we can do that too. i have brought some good movies for us to watch. if you want to rest, we can cuddle or i can leave you alone."
in truth, he is really worried about you and would love to stay by your side till you feel better.
if you ask him to stay, he feels happy but it's impossible to guess it from his nonchalant expression.
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inkats · 8 months
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uramichi sketchdump fr today.
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positively-mine · 1 year
Late nights (Mitsuo Kumatani x gn!reader)
→Tag: fluffy time with Kumatani
A/n: it's been months since I've watched "Life lessons with uramichi oniisan" and i still can't get them out of my head. Happy it's finally receiving the attention it deserves.
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You’re laying in bed with your boyfriend. He was fast asleep and lightly snoring, which made him 10 times cuter.
Feeling that your throat is parched you go to get up from the bed. As you’re getting up, you feel arms slither around your waist, pulling you back down.
“Babe, don’t leave." Kumatani murmured. Voice laced thick with sleep.
You turn to him and he puts his head on your chest, as he wraps his hand around your waist. "Go back to sleep. I love you baby, i love you so much.." He told you in a sleepy voice. You really can't stop yourself from staring at him and his sleepy face. The bed hair making him look irresistible.
"I love you too." You whispered back to him.
Sleep began to engulf him once more. He began to fall asleep slowly, with his head on your chest, and arms around your waist. You didn't mind waking up with a parched throat if you got to see more of sleepy Kumatani.
Plus, it was funny to see him babble nonsense in his sleep.
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karlyboyyy · 1 year
Put on Life Lessons in English as background noise, and was thinking Uramichi sounded super familiar…
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It’s Suga 🙃
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susiephone · 3 months
i'm bingewatching "life lessons with uramichi oniisan" and i love how the characters really do care about the kids and doing a good job with the show, even (or especially!) uramichi. like imo that makes the "kids' show hosts having a breakdown" thing MUCH funnier, like they're doing their best but "their best" involves going on nihilistic rants mid-monologue and silently praying for death while your boss puts you in a ridiculous costume and occasionally just announcing to the children that adult life is a scam. but then sucking it up and finishing filming this episode anyway because dammit the kids are here.
also i love it when one of the characters goes off on a rant and has a meltdown on camera and then the narrator cuts in with "obviously that was left on the cutting room floor". like imagine all the parents whose kids are on the show and, having seen episodes before, come in under the impression that this is a functional tv show, and then are immediately cured of that delusion
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thekingofcrochet · 1 year
Icarus's manga/light novels rec list
Warning: none of these are horny. These are just good vibes!
A sign of affection:
Deaf main character navigates her first serious relationship in college.
Beauty and the Beast girl: (yuri)
monster girl and the blind woman who falls in love with her
Boys Run the Riot: (trans rights)
Trans high school guy wants to start a clothing brand.
Breathless momentum: (BL)
Gay band kids
Confessions of a Shy baker: (BL)
Gay couple navigating Tokyo and friendships and what it means to be gay and family
Cross Play Love:
2 dudes who hate each other's guts fall in love but only in girl mode.
Days of Love at Seagull Villa: (Yuri)
solving heartbreak with lesbianism
Delinquent Daddy and Tender Teacher: (BL)
unrequited high school crush has a kid and teacher tries not to make it weird
Doughnuts under a crescent moon: (Yuri)
they work in the same office.
Failed Princess: (Yuri)
Slow burn gay lesbian yearning and pining
Hirano and Kagiura: (????)
Sasaki and Miyano spinoff. Read this AFTER Sasaki and Miyano
Hirorijime no Hero:
Ex-delinquent on delinquent mentorship. Also is an anime
I Think I turned my childhood friend into a girl (trans rights):
Guy starts doing his guy friend's makeup.
I Married My Best Friend to Shut My Parents Up (yuri)
when parental nagging goes too far
Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan:
Children's tv show host is just like us: a depressed overworked millennial. also an anime
My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness:
Just go read it.
My Solo Exchange Diary
Sequel to my lesbian experience with loneliness
Now Loading: (yuri)
video game industry lesbians
Reincarnated as a Sword:
found family realness. Also an anime
Run away with me girl: (yuri)
cw domestic violence. The gay saves the day
Sasaki and Miyano: (BL)
Just go read it. also an anime.
She loves to cook, and she loves to eat: (yuri)
Working adult lesbians who are neighbors get closer via food and cooking
So I'm a Spider so What (light novel) :
imagine that all of your classmates get fantasy isekai-d and you become a spider... also an anime
Sweat and Soap:
They're coworkers at the same cosmetics office. She sweats a lot and worries that she's stinky. He loves her scent. it's not always a sex thing.
The Way of the House Husband:
ex-yakuza is a house spouse. also an anime
What Did You Eat Yesterday:
Gay couple navigating Tokyo and friendships and what it means to be gay. also a drama
Yakuza and Stray Kitten:
POV you are a kitten and are taken in by an ex-yakuza who runs a pet adoption cafe
Yakuza Reincarnated:
Old yakuza guy gets reincarnated as a princess
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chronic-cynic · 10 months
Do you have any film/TV show recommendations? I am in need of something to watch but I'm always too indecisive, and I trust & value your opinion.
Ahh, you really don't understand how glad I am to receive this question. And sorry for the wait, I was busy with exams.
Several of these are animes, which may not be your cup of tea but I believe these are worth your while.
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. - I have spoken about this one several times before. It is a comedy show about a high schooler with every super power imaginable. He hates attention and just wants to live a quiet life, but constantly ends up surrounded by his eccentric classmates that want to be his friend. He does everything in his power to avoid them. (Where to watch: Netflix or other (very legal/s) websites for anime)
Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan - Another comedy. Follows the miserable life of a depressed adult who works on a children's television show. (Where to watch: any anime website)
Little Women (2019) - A quiet, lovely movie following the lives of four sisters. (Where to watch: Netflix)
Qala - A dark Bollywood movie about a talented singer and her deteriorating mental health due to her parental issues. Trigger warning for suicide and sexual abuse. (Where to watch: Netflix)
A Silent Voice - Follows the story of a former bully struggling with social anxiety who attempts to make amends to the person he bullied. Trigger warning for suicide and ableism. (Where to watch: Netflix)
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callidusxm · 2 years
Dealing with depression I found a new Comfort Character™.
It's Uramichi Omota. Another kind of psychological instability in favourites of mine -_-
No but imagine. He's waking up to the sounds of annoying alarm to another work day which AGAIN isn't the end of world. Mentally preparing himself for all the suffering, his gaze falls on your still sleeping face and softens. He gently removes your hand which lays across his chest and goes to kitchen to prepare some coffee. As he's pouring black warm liquid into two cups he feels someone clinging to his back.
"Good morning, Y/N," he smiles softly.
Yes, life sucks. But not that much if you're in it.
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ella390-the-potato · 3 years
When you think Uramichi is relatable, until you meet Hanabee Kikaku.
Then you realize you only wish you could handle yourself like Uramichi, cause you're exactly like Kikaku...
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Unveiling the Hidden Life
➥ summary: Uramichi Omota normally keeps his life unwraps, well not this time
➥ Uramichi Omota x reader, Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan x reader
➥ a/n : I’m happy you all enjoy my spiderverse stories but I’m taking a new turn now. I’ve decided to go into another fandom and this is that fandom, you’ll be seeing more of Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan on my blog :)
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In the bustling break room of the TV studio, Uramichi Omota sat with his co-workers, listening to their animated chatter about their private lives. They were sharing stories of family outings, weekend getaways, and new friendships, while Uramichi mostly remained quiet, keeping his personal life tightly under wraps.
"So, Uramichi, what about you? Any exciting plans for the weekend?" Mitsuo asked with a playful grin.
Uramichi offered a half-hearted smile, his typical deadpan expression betraying no hint of what lay beneath. "I'll probably just stay home and catch up on sleep," he replied, attempting to deflect the attention away from himself.
But his co-workers were relentless, determined to get a glimpse into the life of their enigmatic colleague. "Come on, there must be something more exciting than that," Akiyama chimed in.
Just as Uramichi was about to provide another vague response, his phone began to vibrate insistently on the table. He glanced at the caller ID and seemed taken aback for a moment before clearing his throat and excusing himself from the group.
With a mix of curiosity and concern, his co-workers watched as he stepped away and answered the call. To their surprise, a woman's voice filled the break room, and Uramichi seemed to be engaged in a lively conversation.
"Who's that on the phone?" Mitsuo whispered to the others, trying to catch a glimpse of the mysterious woman.
"I have no idea. I've never seen him with anyone before," Akiyama replied, equally intrigued.
As the conversation continued, Uramichi's face softened into a smile, a sight his co-workers had never witnessed before. Their curiosity only grew as they heard him chuckling and asking about someone named Hiroshi.
Just then, Uramichi turned the phone's camera towards himself, revealing a young boy with a mischievous grin on the screen. "Say hi to Uncle Mitsuo and Aunt Akiyama," Uramichi said, directing the boy's attention to his co-workers.
"Hi, Uncle Mitsuo! Hi, Aunt Akiyama!" the boy named Hiroshi waved enthusiastically.
A wave of astonishment washed over the break room as the co-workers exchanged glances, trying to process the revelation. Uramichi had a son, and there was a woman in his life named (Y/n). This was a side of him they had never seen before - a man with a loving family and a genuine smile on his face.
After ending the call, Uramichi returned to the break room, and all eyes were on him. He took a deep breath and decided it was time to let his guard down, at least with his closest colleagues.
"Alright, you caught me," Uramichi admitted with a small smile. "I've been keeping my private life under wraps for various reasons, but yes, I do have a family. (Y/n) is my wife, and Hiroshi is our son."
His co-workers couldn't contain their surprise, bombarding him with questions about his family and why he had kept it a secret for so long.
"It's not that I'm ashamed of them or anything like that," Uramichi explained. "I guess I just wanted to keep my work and personal life separate. Plus, I've always been known for my dark humor and pessimistic outlook on life, and I didn't want that to affect how people saw my family."
"But you have such a loving family," Akiyama remarked. "Why wouldn't you want to share that with the world?"
Uramichi sighed, reflecting on his past struggles and experiences. "I've had my fair share of disappointments in life," he confessed. "And I guess I didn't want to burden my family with my issues or have them judged based on my reputation."
Mitsuo placed a hand on Uramichi's shoulder, offering him a supportive smile. "We're your friends, Uramichi. You can trust us. And from what we've seen, you have a beautiful family who clearly loves you."
Uramichi's eyes softened, and for the first time in a long while, he felt a sense of acceptance and understanding from his co-workers. He realized that he didn't have to hide his happiness and love for his family, and that sharing this part of his life might even help him find a new sense of balance and joy.
From that day on, Uramichi Omota allowed himself to be more open about his personal life. He introduced his co-workers to his wife, (Y/n), and his son, Hiroshi, who occasionally visited the studio during filming breaks. The dark humor and cynicism were still a part of him, but now there was a newfound sense of warmth and contentment in his heart, knowing that he had a loving family to come home to every day. And his co-workers, who had once seen him as a lonely and disillusioned man, now admired him for his strength, resilience, and the love he had found in the midst of life's trials and tribulations.
The studio was abuzz with activity as the crew prepared for another episode of "Together with Mama." Uramichi Omota's co-workers were excitedly discussing the day's topic, "What do you love most in life?" Little did they know that today's show would be one they would remember for a lifetime.
As the cameras began rolling, Uramichi greeted the young audience with his usual deadpan humor, masking the anticipation building within him. Today's topic hit a little too close to home, as he grappled with the idea of sharing his most cherished love in front of the entire nation.
Just as he began to speak, a familiar voice interrupted the room. "(Y/n)" Uramichi's heart skipped a beat as he turned to see his wife, (Y/n), and their son, Hiroshi, standing by the set entrance.
(Y/n) smiled warmly, her eyes filled with love and support as she held Hiroshi's hand. "Sorry for the surprise, but Hiroshi couldn't wait to see his daddy in action," she said, stepping forward.
Uramichi's co-workers were equally surprised, and some gasped in delight as they saw the adorable boy with his bright eyes and infectious grin.
"Oh, he's just precious!" Akiyama cooed, leaning over to pinch Hiroshi's cheeks.
Hiroshi blushed and giggled, feeling the warmth and excitement of the unfamiliar environment.
"Uramichi, your son is adorable!" Mitsuo exclaimed, his eyes lingering on the heartwarming scene before him.
Uramichi smiled, a mixture of pride and tenderness shining in his eyes. He had never imagined his family would visit him at work, but seeing them here now filled his heart with overwhelming joy.
As the show continued, Uramichi's co-hosts and the crew couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in his demeanor. The usually stoic and reserved host seemed to glow with newfound warmth and affection as he interacted with his wife and son during the breaks.
When it was time to discuss the day's topic, Uramichi took a deep breath, still grappling with how much he was willing to share with the audience. His inner conflict was evident, and his co-hosts could sense the emotional struggle he was facing.
With a supportive nod from (Y/n), Uramichi decided to be candid. "Today's topic is a tough one for me," he began, his voice wavering slightly. "But I suppose the thing I love most in life is my family."
A collective "aww" resonated through the studio as the audience melted at his heartfelt declaration. Mitsuo, Akiyama, and the crew exchanged knowing glances, realizing that Uramichi's emotional journey had taken him to a place of vulnerability.
Uramichi continued, a gentle smile on his face as he looked at (Y/n) and Hiroshi. "My wife, (Y/n), and our son, Hiroshi, they are my everything. They bring light to my darkest days and give me a reason to keep going, even when life feels overwhelming."
As he spoke, Hiroshi's eyes widened, absorbing every word his father said. The young boy's heart swelled with pride and love, realizing the depth of his father's affection for him and his mother.
Just as Uramichi finished speaking, Hiroshi couldn't contain his excitement any longer. With a burst of energy, he ran towards his father, yelling, "Daddy!"
Uramichi's eyes widened in surprise, but his heart overflowed with joy as he scooped Hiroshi into his arms, hugging him tightly.
"Daddy loves you so much, Hiroshi," Uramichi whispered, his voice choked with emotion.
"I love you too, Daddy!" Hiroshi beamed, wrapping his little arms around Uramichi's neck.
The heartwarming moment was caught on camera, and the entire crew was moved by the genuine love and connection between father and son.
As the show concluded, Uramichi thanked his co-workers and the audience for allowing him to share such a personal part of his life. He felt a newfound sense of liberation, as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
His co-hosts, Mitsuo, Akiyama, and the crew, embraced him, expressing their admiration and support. They were grateful for the chance to witness such a heartwarming family reunion and to see a side of Uramichi that they had never seen before.
In that unforgettable episode of "Together with Mama," Uramichi Omota's world expanded beyond the darkness that had plagued him for so long. With the love of his wife and son illuminating his path, he found strength and solace, realizing that there was more to life than his pessimistic outlook had allowed him to see. And as he held his precious family close, he knew that no matter how tough life got, their love would always be his guiding light.
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flirtyletters · 1 year
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kissing him awake
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uramichi, iketeru, usahara
gender neutral reader
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uramichi omota
your intentions may have been sweet but be prepared for a grumpy looking uramichi looking at you with a morose expression. he seems to question all his life choices before he accepts his fate and yawns.
"good morning," he says drowsily.
getting up, he does some stretching exercises and warms up a little before turning to you with a warmer, robotic expression.
only after he has brushed his teeth does he give you a kiss on your cheek. it's his routine.
iketeru daga
he's quite accustomed to waking up to ms sayuri nudging him or licking his face. in contrast, he must say that he enjoys your morning kisses better. but don't tell ms sayuri that!
without opening his eyes, he turns towards you and kisses you on the forehead, quietly mumbling a good morning. he looks adorable while drowsy, like a little child so you can't help but admire him.
ms sayuri seems to feel the same because she just stares at his sleeping form while wagging her tail energetically. he thinks of onigiris and gets up when hungry.
tobikichi usahara
this is what he signed up for! cute couple stuff!
he is clingy while sleeping, not wanting to let you go so it's an ordeal trying to disentangle yourself from his grip. his hair is already a mess in the mornings but you can try petting his head and kissing him awake. now his hair looks like a bird's nest. he likes the feeling of your fingers.
as soon as he is aware of what's happening, he smiles widely and hugs you tightly.
"do that again, [name]~ it was so cuteeee. gimme a kiss," he pouts, wanting to be kissed on his lips.
be playful and throw a pillow gently on his face. if you tell him that he gets a kiss only after freshening up, he is quicker to drag his ass off bed.
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ezralva · 2 years
Life Lessons with Doctor Uramichi
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My brain is rotting from the inside out I like writing I will write what currently rots my brain. I write bad fanfic and I'm proud of it.
I am cringe but I am free
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loonatic-moon · 3 years
Okay, you asked (well, @chemistink​ asked), so here is my running journal of thoughts about Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan.  Please note that there is no real organization, rhyme or reason to these bullet points.  Also note I am largely going off the anime, and I am not current on the manga, so uhhh yeah excuse me if any of this has been contradicted.  CONTAINS SPOILERS.  Cut for this and for length bc THIS IS LONG WOW
this show really do got that whole "developing family dynamic between a bunch of fuck-ups suffering through life" done pretty well, hitting you in the face right from the title. As a fellow fuck-up who once had a job with a work family like this, I can't imagine why this speaks to me /s
Despite my shipping preferences, I do get and appreciate that the work family dynamic informs the overall relationship between the cast.  Under all the gags and hijinks, they've all got each other's backs.  It's cool to see a work family portrayed in this way, as a dynamic that can form because of and in spite of a job, a company, and life impersonally and relentlessly fostering a disconnection from yourself and the stuff that matters.  And like, as much fun as UraUsa is to ship, I also get that the stage cast, in their own varying ways, first and foremost admire and revere Uramichi as the big brother of their work family.  
I wonder about Utano as Uramichi's and the casts' work big sister-- and whether she's *actually* his bio sister who ran away form home at 16 is definitely curious to consider.  But even if she isn't, I get a strong sense that she just happens to be exactly like who his real sister would be if she were on the show.
Each of the main cast annoys, confuses, and amazes each other on the regular, and on top of life generally sucking.  And life sucking especially hard in showbiz.  But it's really nice to recognize that genuine human connection is what makes all the bullshit bearable, no matter how brief or individual that connection is. And that shared suffering is interpersonal glue.
Uramichi says he suffers through work because he wants to live - something most of us working class can connect with - but it's also made very clear that he doesn't just phone it in.  It's clear the man busts his ass everyday because it's meaningful to the kids, which in turn is meaningful to him.  However, the kids' show definitely isn't just random setting for the show. I think it's also pretty clear that Uramichi does what he does because he's also been in an extended mourning of his own childhood, and trying to regain some of the pure childhood joys he missed out on due to his strict and demanding father.  He's therefore MUCH like Iketeru in this regard-- the latter of which has a veneer of being funny and adorable, but whose situation is actually just as fucked up and tragic as Uramichi's.  Dick Feynman.
Look, I am down with most ships, and I am not about pissing in anyone’s cereal, it’s just that UraUsa's happens to be the shiniest ball of them all for me right now.  Judge if you must.  But I enjoy that their diametrically-opposed personalities create a balanced friendship, even if they seem to get along like oil and water.  Or sodium and water.
On some level, they prob recognize that they each have something to learn from one another to achieve a happier balance in their lives.  For Uramichi, it's how to smile and let go, and be less serious.  And for Usahara, it's the opposite-- he could stand to be more serious and responsible. It's a telling sign of affection when they both show changes in behavior due to one anothers' dispositions & examples.  For example, one of the first and only times in the show we see Uramichi smile, genuine and unforced, is when Usahara's in pain being his goofy, carefree self.
Usahara in turn, is moved by Uramichi's more serious approach to things, like his twisted ankle in college.  Uramichi is the cause of one of the first and only times we see Usahara to do a responsible thing for himself by going to the clinic.
You could argue that they are both childish in different ways, and compared to the rest of the cast, they're all in various states of arrested development.  Isn't that what a lot of adulthood really is about, though?  Managing yourself as an overgrown child, and figuring out where to find the magic after it all seems to fade away?
All the above doesn't even touch on the psychological analysis you could probably delve into regarding Usahara controlling and voicing the hand puppet of Kotori-san, Uramichi's sleep demon.  A demon who asks the types of questions Uramichi wants to avoid.  A demon that uramichi can talk back to in the form of Usahara.  This is one onion I'm a little scared to peel.
Speaking of sleep demons.  Mine was a big giant 100-legged cockroach on my ceiling, and this show only makes me wish it had been holding a giant baguette. Or 100 tiny baguettes
kids do be noticing shit, and this is a feature
But circling back to UraUsa, I'm not convinced that the series will actually be ballsy enough to ever go for it outright, but I do have to wonder about some of the deliberate creative decisions going on with Usahara.  I'm probably projecting my bisexuality/biromance like nothing else, but like...the hairclip.  Being first in line point out Uramichi's specific tastes, wants to be up in Uramichi's biz 24/7, or that he's hot.  That weird, awkward denial about Uramichi having a girlfriend in college (idk if I was missing something here but right now, yep, that happened). Or pot calling the kettle black when he accuses Kumatani of being an Iketeru wikipedia article.  Or the fact that Capellini's character homes in on Usahara like no one else.  
IMO the boundary-trouncing queen character gets my hackles up as a rather tired stock trope to see rear its head in an otherwise thoughtful comedy, but I also get that she refers to herself 'onee' and that this type of irony is in line with the show. TBH I have mixed feelings since she's not the worst example, and there are some moments I can appreciate.  
But putting this aside, I bring her up because it's hard not to wonder at the function of Capellini as something like a lgbtq+ dowsing rod pointing to Usahara because in my experience, us non-straights tend to be pretty good at detecting and gravitating to one another.
Then there's EPISODE 12.  Shit, jesus god.  More on that later.
But on the other hand, there's Utano.  The guy she's dating is an unsuccessful, aspiring comedian, from Kansai, afraid of bugs, and who needs her to be his mommy, yet she feels pressured to stick with him in the hopes he'll get around to marrying her.  Usahara is also an aspiring comedian, also from Kansai, is also unsuccessful, is also afraid of bugs, and is also reliant on more responsible people to take care of him.  This parallel puts my eyebrows in a goodamn twist.
It especially puts my eyebrows in a twist when we are shown Usahara fleeing to Uramichi for protection from a bug in the exact same episode we learn about Utano's bf's bugphobia.  My brain both loves and hates stuff like this
UraUsa also frequently has coordinated colors and/or patterns, suggesting alignment.  Ditto Kumatani and Iketeru.  Utano also coordinates with Usahara and Uramichi.
Okay, I'm ready to discuss Episode 12.  The episode where we learn Usahara has held some uh...intense and complex feelings for Uramichi since college.
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This is the remark toward the start of Episode 13 that bookends a giant segment where Usahara, after believing that Uramichi was quitting the show, goes through a downward spiral of panic and drunken mourning in Episode 12.  A whole ass episode featuring Usahara's personal devastation over the thought of Uramichi leaving him behind.  A whole ass episode that also took us down memory lane and underscored that while usahara has always had a carefree and irresponsible type of personality, and is uramichi's polar opposite in many ways, he's sharp as a tack about Uramichi as a person and genuinely adores admires him underneath all his (usahara's) nervousness about him.  A whole ass episode I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of, but I will mention that it also features Usahara wondering whether his fate with Uramichi was bound by AN ACT OF GOD at one point 
Kumatani is also shown in the same ep to have developed his own opinion and bond for Uramichi, too, albeit in his much more subtle, understated, and contrasted way.  However, I just find it interesting how Kumatani looks at Usahara after having been the star witness to his entire freakout:
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...and having known all along that Uramichi was not in fact leaving the show.  He says he didn't tell usahara because usahara didn't ask...and I'm willing to take his word at face value.  However, Kumatani is also someone who's been shown to be a huge sweetheart and is fiercely protective of his work family, so his decision also reads like he didn't want to interrupt while Usahara was working his feelings out, but idk.  Maybe he also wants in on an UraUsa love sandwich, and I can't say I'd be upset with this outcome either.
Okay the end
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uramichislefttiddie · 3 years
Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan Angst Hc’s
||Contains: Uramichi Omota, Iketeru Daga, Tobikichi Usahara, Mitsuo Kumatani||
||Warnings: Angst, Mentions of suicidal thoughts, Abuse, Drug Abuse||
Reminder! If your uncomfortable with mentions of suicide, self harm, drug abuse, abuse etc please don’t continue reading on for your own safety/health (: If your struggling with mental health please reach out to someone! I’m always here if anyone needs to just rant to someone, I’m all ears!
Uramichi Omota
He’s had many periods of time in life where he was very close to be doing with life completely, memories re emerging from his childhood, ones like where his father would verbally and physically abuse him for something very minor, especially during practise, Uramichi can still see some scars that’s been left on his body however over the years they have become faint which have slowly helped him. He no longer has contact with his dad however his elderly neighbour he does see as a father figure to him, the one he never had but always dreamt of having, his neighbour knows this too and does his best for Uramichi by being that someome that supports him no matter what even when he does things wrong, the one who teachers him simple things but them simple things are what truly means a lot of Uramichi. The first time his neighbour saw him was when he was coming back home from work, eyes stained red and head hung low, no hope nearby. He remembers clearly his neighbour coming round to his house that day with freshly baked pickled mackerel and eating with him, it may not have seemed much but to Uramichi he couldn’t be more thankful he finally had someone he could talk to and get everything out without being judged or be seen as weak compared to everyone else. On Uramichis free days he takes his neighbour to places that he’s always wanted to see before he dies and they both just spend the day with each other’s company, and that’s all either of them need, making the best memories.
Iketeru Daga
Throughout his whole childhood his parents were always too busy with work not having time to spend with him and his sister, or that’s what he thought, in reality they were staying at casinos wasting money, the money that should’ve been used on the siblings for basic care, every night they’d be back early hours in the morning, drunk and high, always ignoring their two children leaving them to get on with their lives. Iketeru had to learn a lot of things at such a young age because otherwise he wouldn’t be able to survive in the real world. As soon as both him and his sister were able to move out they both looked for a place of their own to which they now reside at, neither of them talk about their childhood though anymore not wanting to re live the neglect they were put through, not receiving the things like other children, like hugs and kisses before sleep. Instead they both got shouted at endlessly and told they were a waste of space and accidents. Now In his adult hood sometimes Iketeru’s behaviour can be seen as childish and this probably comes from the fact he never really had a childhood and doesn’t know different, he hardly remembers his childhood however with his sister it’s opposite she remembers everything but she’s vowed to never tell Iketeru everything just wanting him to live the rest of his life as best as possible no matter how he chooses to act, but there’s been endless nights where she’s cried herself to sleep knowing Iketeru doesn’t truly know what used to happen to him and yet anyone would think he had the perfect life.
Tobikichi Usahara
His mother, the one who cared for him even when times got rough, the one protected him with everything she had, the one who taught him from right to wrongs, the one that loved him the most and would do anything for him. He always had been more of a mother’s boy than fathers boy, it was just the way it had always been. Imagine that one fateful day where Tobikichis phone clashed to the ground, tears cascading down his face upon hearing the news he never wished to have heard anytime soon or ever. He ran out of the gyms doors making his way to the infirmary leaving everyone with surprised faces from the sudden outburst, there she led the one women that stayed by his side since day one, the one who was normally full of joy was now weak, in a fragile state barely able to speak full sentences. Tobikichi ran as fast as he could going to hug his mum from sheer fright and shock, they said she was getting better? So why was she here in intensive care fighting for her life? He remembers that night clear as day, being told at such a young age your own mother has little chance of making it through the night. Imagine waking up the next minute with a hand still in yours but this time cold to the touch. He never thought this day would be so soon, he never even got to do the rest of her bucket list with her. Sometimes he’s late to work and the reason being is he brings flowers to her grave where he tells her how much he misses her touch and voice and what’s been going on lately, luckily no one questions why he is always mostly late. Despite as much as Uramichi may get annoyed with him, Uramichi was one of the closest people to Tobikichi during this time period in his life with his mother dying and more, he was always there for him no matter what. Only that secret was kept between the two and he couldn’t thank him more than enough for what he had done for him.
Mitsuo Kumatani
During his teenage years, Mitsuo had been diagnosed with depression, causing life to drain from him and endless pain everyday, it had gotten to the point he was close to ending it all, hands trembling with pills of all different kinds that even him, himself had no idea of what they were. However he had felt a weight on his lap and there laid his dog looking up at him almost begging him to not go through with this plan and to keep on living his life. That night he never ended up taking them and instead endured more days of insufferable pain. Shortly soon he had became addicted to alcohol the only relief he could consume from this endless nightmare, every night he was there in his usual spot, leaning against the balcony liquor in one hand and a cigarette in another staring off into the distance waiting for something new to come his way. His eyes told a millions stories, even the darkest ones that had been crammed into the depths. Each day he was sinking more and more into despair now not caring what happens, until one night in the bar had changed the rest of his life, there he had met Tobikichi, Iketeru and Uramichi who never gave up on him, going every single step with him to recovery, vowing to fight this endless nightmare that had been growing with Mitsuo every day. After years and months of hard work he finally quit smoking and was now taking the needed medication, Mitsuo was now someone who was unrecognisable, he had regained his life, living it to its fullest. He couldn’t be more than thankful for that one night that ended up changing his whole life.
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