#Life is too short and love is too long
cannellaeluce · 1 year
one thing that I can’t let go of re: the locked tomb series is the statement I think it makes about identity and permanence and love. Like, I guess we all finished gideon the ninth being in love with gideon’s pov and with harrow as the person she is in relation to gideon. Then we landed in harrow the ninth and we were robbed of both, and I’m sure we all felt like we lost something, and we thought the end goal would be to get to the point where we would go back to having the thing that we lost: gideon’s vibrant voice and harrow’s whole psyche. and then we landed in nona the ninth and... 
I don’t know for ya’ll, but that’s when something in me shifted. phyrra was in the body of her most beloved adept and got to live with her longing for him and for wake redefining her identity; we didn’t care for her in the previous books, but we got to care for her now, and she was worth it. camilla’s body was both hers and palamedes’ and the coronation of their arc wasn’t to go back to how they were when we first learned to love them; it was to let go of both their individualities to become a whole new person, and we readers - just as nona - got to experience the pang at understanding that we were to let go of our concept of camilla and palamedes as individuals, while having to accept that that was the truest form they both could possibly achieve, that they felt no loss whatsoever, that what we perceived as loss was in fact their triumph. gideon - our beloved gideon - came back and she wore another name and we got to love her again, but names matter in this universe, and we had to deal with the pang of knowing that we could love her all the same, but she was - in fact - not the same at all, and when she antagonised our new main characters we found out in surprise that we resented her for it, that our loyalties had partially shifted. and then...
and then there was nona. nona in the body of harrow, who got to be loved as a person separated from harrow because bodies are transient and the soul is what matters. nona who was born to disappear in mere months, something the people around her knew well and which didn’t prevent any of them from getting to know her as a fully fleshed individual and to learn to love her all the same. nona whom we readers too understood at one point that was a character built to fade away. we could have decided not to invest in her, then. we could have decided to be annoyed at not finding harrow in her, at not finding gideon in her. but we didn’t. well, I didn’t. I understood she was born to die, and I chose to love her all the same. because isn’t it how it is? isn’t this how love is? we are mortal things who fall for mortal things knowing full well they won’t last. but we choose to love all the same. the impermanence of things isn’t a flaw ruining what should have been perfect; it is the very essence of things. we got to love nona even though she wouldn’t last. we got to love nona because she wouldn’t last. that’s all fine, in the end, because we got to love someone, and you can’t take loved away.
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acephodel · 1 month
Hi, just thinking about how Camilla Hect and Palamedes Sextus are in unambiguous romantic love with each other. 🥰🥰🥰 They kiss with tongue in the library and all the books watch and clap.
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theshmaylor · 2 years
I feel extremely silly for not figuring this out earlier, but I was so caught up in the hilarity of the name Paul that I didn't consider it more closely.
so uh, obviously the name Paul isn't a combination of Palamedes and Camilla. there's no real contribution from Cam's name in there.
but do you know what two names you can smash pieces of together to make Paul?
Palamedes and Dulcinea.
Paul is made up of Cam's body, Pal and Cam's souls, and Pal and Dulcinea's names. I can't handle it I'm frothing at the mouth and eating glass and I need to lie down.
my initial reading during GtN was that only Palamedes had a connection to Dulcinea, with Cam as Pal's best friend and observer of Pal's feelings about Dulcinea, but it was really all three of them all along.
in HtN, Dulcie calls Palamedes her 1st strand and Camilla her 2nd, and specifically describes the three of them together.
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and in NtN, Camilla is the one to bring up Dulcinea and wonders if she'll know "who we are" in the river. she's not worried solely for Pal's sake, but for both of them. she wants Dulcinea to know her too.
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Pal wasn't simply a bridge between two people he cares about. the three of them are a unit and I'm absolutely hysterical and undone about it.
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artbyfee · 4 months
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We will make this end, and this beginning, together.
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I appreciate how nona the ninth deals with loss and grief and change so much. in the moment when pyrrah is comforting nona, she doesn’t try and tell nona that no, she will be okay, nothing will change and we will stay a family and nona will remember and she will still love all of them. because it’s not true. nona will be changed and she will be different. and that is okay. and yes, she may not love them anymore, but that’s also okay. it doesn’t changed the fact that she loved them, and that love being in the past doesn’t change it’s importance.
i had a best friend in middle and high school. i loved her. my family loved her. she came on vacations with us, family events, and practically lived at my house during the summer. then, first year of college, we stopped being friends. she broke things off, and it was sad and awful and it hurt. we started talking again, and things aren’t quite the same. i don’t love her anymore. we are friendly with each other, but we are different people. the love that was there is gone. but it still happened. we did love each other, even if it was in the past. it happened. we have changed, and things will never go back to how they were, but that doesn’t diminish the time we did have together. it’s still important. it’s still valuable, even if it’s gone. people change, people move on, people drift apart, but that’s okay.
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It's been over a month since I finished Nona the Ninth and I am still screaming crying foaming at the mouth over those two codependent idiots from the Sixth House. I will never be over them ever in my life.
Also my brother's name is Paul and I need y'all to know how badly that fucked with me
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daisychainsandbowties · 11 months
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itslianaiguess · 2 years
thinking about tamsyn and her funky little "you have not begun to see the horrors of love" when asked about alecto the ninth
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the-rat-wins · 1 year
If you have friends from earlier parts of your life that you still think of fondly, and you even think, eh, I should see if they want to catch up, but then you don’t do it for whatever reason…
Here’s a sign/reminder to actually do it. 💙
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lesstheshadow · 2 years
re-entering my locked tomb era. it's about love the horror the terror the desolation the immensity. love as destruction and corruption and love as liberation. love as dividing and love as unifying. it's the problem it's the solution. life is too short and love is too long i'm going to scream
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Just got to That ™️ line in Nona the Ninth… predictably, I have burst into tears
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loveaintforkeeping · 2 years
Rating: T
Relationship: Camilla Hect/Palamedes Sextus
Word Count: 1k
Summary: if we live to see the other side of this, I will remember your kiss. so do it with your mouth open. That One Scene from Camilla's Perspective
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I just want all of you to know that making this caused me some severe emotional damage 💔 nothing like starting off a Monday by crying at work.
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necrowo · 1 year
i finished rereading TLT again last night and i have decided to be inconsolable until Alecto is out
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lyctorism · 2 years
going insane thinking about the paralleled relationships of palamedes’ fondness for harrow and camilla’s fondness of gideon. and their respective simularities! harrow being jealous of gideon mooning over dulcinea. camilla being jealous of palamedes being in love with dulcinea since he was 8. camilla being fond of gideon after realizing gideon also has a melodramatic necromancer. palamedes and harrow’s “necromantic pissing contest”. gideon and camilla’s love of swords. palamedes “I'm the greatest necromancer of my generation”, harrow “like hell you are”. palamedes suiciding detonating himself to take out cytherea. gideon suiciding throwing herself on spikes to send harrow full lyctor to take out cytherea. palamedes “i miss harrow terribly” sextus. harrow “i can’t envision a universe without you in it” nonagesimus, camilla “life is too short and love is too long” hect. gideon “you’ll know what to do” nav, palamedes “she knows what to do” sextus. crazy! crazy insane! thinking about them
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elfsyellowflowerzart · 5 months
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take two of yesterdays little doodle, using the ref this time
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