#Like it’s very passive aggressive
meteor752 · 7 months
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Idk if they’d be best friends or fucking hate each other, but I’m kinda inclined towards the latter
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felixfeliccis · 3 months
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I love getting infantilized on the internet it's so fun ^^ (irl too) (<- all of this is /s btw)
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howlsnteeth · 3 months
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and are you really okay? are you really okay?
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sweepingboy · 2 months
modern au fengqing is real because in their world therapy exists while in original universe they just have pei ming and his only advice is to get laid
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ludaroace · 3 months
assuming madagio is good headcannon that madagio and fit end up having this god/champion dynamic but it's actually just like the most petty relationship in the world . like everyone else who has a god/goddess ? good terms, love it when they show up, trust in them entirely . madagio and fit ? worsties <3
madagio picked fit out of pure necessity and fit keeps working with them because he has to and neither of them are happy about it . they antagonize each other . fit sends more data but includes a message that tells madagio to go fuck themself . in retaliation madagio very clearly follows ramon for no reason despite having better things to do, not even for information just because they can . fit tells madagio he cannot send information on a certain day because it is his anniversary . fit gets yoinked mid date as a fuck you (he ends up getting put back, but it was to prove a point) . fit argues with every cat he sees and wakes up to his house filled with them . madagio hears pac wanted to adopt them and makes a point to just be there sometimes to be in the way, fit decides to be even more insufferable on purpose .
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otaku553 · 1 year
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A certain first encounter
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feluka · 2 months
i hateeee jokes about arab parents only wanting sons and not wanting daughters because 1- when it's like that, that's an awful thing and not something to be joked about and 2- it spits on the face of every arab parent who consistently has to put their middle finger up to the world and say fuck you my daughter is my greatest treasure and i'd rather have her than a thousand sons and i won't hear a word against her!! because in my experience these are the most loving parents to be found in the whole wide world
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mithrilduck · 1 year
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Ah yes, Sasharcy, my favorite yaoi pairing-
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sheepstiel · 4 months
there's a trend rn where ppl ask their partner to peel them an orange and watch their reaction. okay how is this about destiel you ask. let me paint you a picture: dean asks cas to peel him an orange. cas agrees of course. he picks up the orange in question from dean's hand by his teeth, swallows it whole and then proceeds to do whatever he was doing before. after five minutes or so, he returns to dean and spits out perfectly peeled orange sections into his hand. dean eats them.
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vanweezer · 2 months
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that type of person who you think you'd be friends with in every universe - expressed through jim & corey - id/transcript in alt text
so this is a kind of not-so-surprise for my friend @sinclarsupremacy , bc they were the first person i showed this two and was on the phone with me the whole time while i made it. didn't give a single thing away until everything was scanned and done. five dead pens and one reliable sharpie later, i show him this. wanted to get used to drawing the slipsour guyz more but also wanted to articulate something i have troubles saying to important people. this is kind of an ode to all my close friends ive made who i definitely wouldve hung around some graveyards with, and an ode to some bands i didnt know id like as much as i do 🫶
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spaciebabie · 7 months
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me when. mewhen spacie draws another really hot women ???????????!!!!!!!
fun fact emily and spinel have a mother daughter relationship in this story you can tell b/c they have the same glare
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also it is very funny 2 me how consistently across the board ppl have chosen 2 simp for/thought of as attractive some of the worst fucking women in this story
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they're all really fucking tall too so ig the type is tall mean women?? kdjgdkfjg??
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late to the unpopular opinion party but!!.
i think the way people act as though aaron is some kind of monster for not seeing how much andrew cares about him is excessive. i get where they’re coming from but taking a second and putting yourself in aaron’s shoes makes his whole deal a lot more understandable.
we all know through killing tilda, andrew was killing aaron’s abuser, but i think an abuser being a loved one in the past makes everything a lot more complicated and aaron had every right to be upset and grieve. and if i were aaron, being locked in a bathroom would not sit right with me no matter how well intentioned it might have been.
as readers we see a lot of how much andrew cares for aaron and i get that it’s easy to be annoyed at how aaron seemingly doesn’t understand how much he does but it seems unfair to dismiss how hard andrews actions really were on aaron even if they ended up dramatically helping aaron in the lo by run.
BIG agree. I've seen it a lot where people seem to get like? insulted? that Aaron kind of resents Andrew for how he's treated but look at it from the eyes of. literally anyone who's not Andrew. even Neil seems to sympathize with it (and certainly understands it) he just deals with it bluntly because the way he sees it, we don't have time for any of the twins' negative feelings. and a good amount of fans seem to take that at face value which to me just shows a complete lack of comprehension depth. like they expect Aaron to be all !!yay!! because "his abuser has been killed" as if. that's all.
and THE THING IS TOO is that. i think killing Tilda was forgivable. i think the bathroom trauma was forgivable. because what Aaron wanted more than anything was a relationship with his brother, and he could've come to terms with the sacrifices that had to be made IF he actually got what he wanted in the end. if Andrew had given Aaron time to grieve and collect himself and then they allowed themselves to develop as brothers, i think they would've had a very different relationship by the time tfc kicked off. but Andrew doesn't work like that and instead of recognizing what Aaron was going through he gets resentful and angry and locks up against Aaron.
and STILL Aaron would've taken anything Andrew was willing to offer. but all Andrew seems to have is cold shoulders and snide comments about dead mothers. one of the most heartbreaking lines to me is that "how was i supposed to know you cared you wouldn't even talk to me unless i said something first". like?? HOW is he supposed to think Andrew gives a shit about him when that's what he's working with?? and HOW can you hold that against him? stg it's like he's in the wrong for not being able to read Andrew's mind tf
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
saiki is such a fucking loser when it comes to romance (and also in general shh) that no matter who it is hes trying to date, he ALWAYS waits for THEM to confess. he will NEVER be the one to confess first..
i dont think he even CONSIDERS the fact that he could confess first, even though he can read their mind and knows exactly how they feel about him.. he waits and waits for a confession and when he doesnt get it, he gets really frustrated and is like 'i guess they just arent serious about me 😒🙄' BRO YOU HAVENT CONFESSED EITHER ?? YOU HAVE THE CAPABILITIES TO DO IT TOO WHY ARE YOU A HYPOCRITE ??
#my agenda that kusuo is just a bratty girlfriend#kusuo with an UNREQUITED crush is just satousai like i dont even have to say it#he never thought of confessing to satou cuz he knew it wasnt requited so he didnt really think it mattered#which is also funny and related to this because he just never wants to be the one to pursue someone lmfao#'ugh when is he going to notice me' -guy preparing for his first queer heartbreak#saiki k#tdlosk#the disastrous life of saiki k.#saiki kusuo#meows post#kubosai#<- i think kuboyasu almost always confesses anyway so kusuo doesnt need to worry about this for long#but theyre both pathetic hopeless losers so theres a chance kusuo could get frustrated listening to him pine after him#thats a rare case that could happen with anyone tbh where kusuo MIGHT confess. or avoid them like the passive aggressive tsundere he is.#terusai#<- this one he also gets very very frustrated!! because koko is kinda the same way he is..#she also expects to be confessed to and he hears her think that and is sooo annoyed because absolutely NOT#haisai#<- i think if hairo realized he had a crush he would immediately confess BUT he and kusuo are aroace kings lmfao#so i think that both of them r kinda oblivious and hairo simply wouldnt realize it was a crush#stg one of their friends would have to step in and be like 'u guys r practically dating can u just kiss or something damn..'#merasai#<- ALSO BOTH AROACE AND WOULD BASICALLY BE DATING WAY BEFORE MERA EVEN KNEW SHE LIKED HIM#saikai#<- kusuo is on a MISSION with this one omg. he does everything in his power to make his feelings known without being TOO obvious#so that KAIDO will confess.. but kaido just gets awkward about it for a while.. kusuo does not realize what hes doing is called flirting..#saikechi#<- idk i feel like this would be complicated.. akechi wouldnt want to confess cuz he would b like well i know he knows..#and he would probably mention casually wheile hes talking and not expect kusuo to respond#so like.. he just wouldnt think kusuo likes him because kusuo never acknowledges it but its only cuz akechi hasnt really CONFESSED
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ineffably-graham · 8 months
see, i think one of the core issues with loki is that to make sylvie as a character, the writes combined loki's ex-girfriend (the enchantress) with loki. that was a recipe for disaster.
also i know that if sylvie was a dude everyone would be screaming about how loki and sylvie were like brothers and how gross it is. but yknow. to each their own.
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the-kipsabian · 11 months
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
I personally can never get into all the fanon stuff that has Javert being a father figure to Cosette because I'm always like "well, he DID kill Cosette's mother....that was kind of a significant thing that happened...even in the musical he terrorized her a bunch, but in the book he terrorized her until she died in agony, and a big part of Cosette's character is that she doesn't know what happened to her mother and desperately wants to know....idk? I feel like that's sort of a significant Thing to leave out". Though again, I get it's because people are basing it on the musical where Javert is less evil to Fantine specifically
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