#Like this entire cast is great
mooremars · 11 months
There are probably one hundred moments in the new Camelot that I'm sad I will never get to see again and lots of people won't get to see at all because it's so funny and dramatic and the cast is amazing. And specifically there is so much peak romance and tragedy in Arthur and Guenevere's final scene. But the thing that will live in my head forever and ever, that according to my friend made me shake so hard with laughter that she could feel it next to me is this exchange (butchered by my bad memory, sorry Mr. Sorkin):
Arthur: Merlyn never taught me how to handle a woman.
Guenevere: You mean you haven't read the book?
Arthur (with the most excitement he has expressed for literally anything besides a bird and maybe to Merlyn about Genny after they first meet): There's a book? (And then like every gullible kid who looked up at the ceiling and then got taunted with made you look) No I can see on your face there's not. But maybe in France, no I can still see there's no book.
Like honestly king of romance. That moment, telling your wife you see her as a business partner, telling her you love her for what it's worth because you thought she might want to know but you aren't sure right before you go to war over her... banger after banger.
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xoxoemynn · 3 months
what happened tonight with the wjw?
I'm too lazy to go back to watch the recording and annoy myself all over again lmao but essentially Kristian noticed someone in the chat say they had a question but they dare not ask, and said that normally he doesn't take questions from the chat but he was desperate to know what that question was. So people started tagging the person to get their attention and they came back with this SUPER appropriate and not at all embarrassing question.
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Thankfully Kristian either didn't see the actual question, or ignored it, but yeah. Obnoxious as hell.
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mesopelagos · 2 months
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played pmd:eos and lets be so for real. no one including myself is surprised at who i formed an attachment to.
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lobotomizedlady · 1 month
I was reading some aspiring authors personal excerpt about how furious she is with the pervasiveness of misogyny in society & mens refusal to take it seriously, & it resonated so I was considering giving her book a try for a minute but then I get to the end of the post and the fucking tags are like "reminder that I am non-binary and use they/them pronouns so don't get weird in the replies"...I just can't deal with these people they're like a bad joke that came to life and gained (partial) sentience
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prideprejudce · 6 months
finally saw priscilla today and while the aesthetics were absolutely gorgeous (a true sofia coppola film) the movie overall was just very.......bland. like i went in with a very basic understanding of the relationship (naive girl and much older manchild celebrity) and i pretty much left feeling like i didnt learn anything new. it was like we were only given a surface level interpretation of both elvis and priscilla......especially priscilla which was the most disappointing. and while the film wasnt bad it just wasnt that.....great? it was just meh in the way that it felt like it didnt have much to say. or was afraid to say anything significant at all
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arty-cakes · 6 months
i finally got around to centaurworld's finale and holy fucking shit??? they can go that hard??
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aroaessidhe · 2 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Lord of the Empty Isles
set on a supposedly utopian planet recovering from a climate crisis, where bonds between people are able to be seen and manipulated (by some people)
follows a young man whose brother was cursed and killed by an infamous outlaw 5 years ago, and he’s finally able to curse him back - but it rebounds, as he’s somehow fatebound to the outlaw
to find a cure and save them both they have to team up, and he quickly finds out that the resources the outlaw is stealing go to the thousands of people neglected on prison planets, and he has to go against what he thought was right to help them
no romance, aroace MC, focus on platonic relationships
arc from netgalley, out june 6
#Lord of the Empty Isles#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#I enjoyed this quite a bit! But I think it could have gone a bit further in places.#It has some interesting concepts and a great cast of characters and yay no romance#I do have a lot of thoughts and little critiques...#it's p obvious where the plot is going and what's going to happen#There’s clearly a lot gone into developing this bond system but to be honest I still don’t entirely get it?#It seems to emphasise that the bonds just reflect connections between people rather than predetermine anything; but also the plot kind of#hinges on Remy and Idrian having a predetermined bond? There are a lot of explanations of intricacies but a lot of it didn’t sink in idk#It’s promoted as QP but to me it reads as a general platonic relationship. I generally expect a depiction of a QPR to have like..#some form of acknowledgement/depiction of the form of their relationship being a particular (undefinable?) kind#with some specific level of commitment? I’m being picky maybe they mean queerplatonic themes/vibes rather than saying it’s a qpr#specifically. the centred platonic relationship is good! it doesn't seem like a qpr to me; at most what could one day be that#also things are solved quite quickly and easily in the end - both the curse and the downfall of the bad guy.#I feared it would go down the route of blaming things on the person in charge rather than emphasising systemic issues which it kinda does….#It’s impossible to ignore right now just how deeply people are willing to believe dehumanising propaganda - and how 'telling the truth'#and exposing the person in power as bad doesn’t actually do anything so that happening here made me go…… oh okay. well.#there is room for a sequel that maybe will explore this tho. idk#complaints aside - I do recommend this! It was fun and pretty unique.#aroace books#no romance
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asgardian--angels · 8 months
you know it's bad when tumblr's being the more mature social media site when it comes to rancid takes on izzy's death
#ofmd#holy shit twitter's devolved into a battleground#what is WRONG with yall involving david jenkins in your beef#you dont have to like what happened but#how many fucking years in fandom does it take for people to learn to be civil#and not base their entire identities around characters so if anything happens to them it's a personal attack#that they then take straight to the creator#if a character dying causes you that much distress then that's a You problem and david fucking jenkins is not responsible#and he's not your therapist#and besides. just because something happened you didnt like doesnt mean it was a bad writing choice#but even if it were. you never have the right to make it anyone else's problem#i cant imagine having the gall#don't do this guys. the cast and crew are so lovely to us. don't make them stop interacting with us#people saying this show was a comfort show. or a safe space show or whatever. thats great for you#but it's not djenk's responsibility to cater to you and not his problem if the show doesn't meet your infinitely high expectations#he's telling a story. things will happen in those stories.#and it's actually p rare on tv that creators are getting to tell the story the way they want so personally im grateful#if you don't like his vision then don't watch it. you don't have the right to bully him. seriously whats wrong with you#cause yeah im sure con o'neill would love what youre doing huh#the fate of a fictional character is sliiiiiightly less important than being kind to people in the real world yknow#only tagging this so people can block for spoilers
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daysincomplete · 6 days
I don't even go here much anymore but I need somewhere to throw my thoughts re: Emilie (Genshin Impact)
Yes, a lot of people have been upset or disappointed that she looks less interesting mostly in comparison to the many leaked concept arts of her, and I've definitely seen a couple colour/other edits on her which looked amazing. For me, the hair colour throws me off a bit and I have some Choice Words about her top but the green of her dress is such a deeply satisfying shade of green that reminds me of velvet, and I enjoy how her outfit, alongside Neuvilette's description and other people's voicelines, paint what feels to be a deliberately curated picture of her.
While we can't know for sure what decisions were involved that resulted in them settling on the current official design, the perception on her is so unnecessarily dampened because of that potential "what could have been" that we weren't meant to see in the first place. If anything, looking at the variety of concept arts leaked, it's at least reassuring that the artists have that skill and freedom to depict a character in so many creative ways.
honestly I'm more interested in seeing how Emilie is as a character - most of other character's voicelines about her are in regards to her business than of her (with the exception of Chevreuse) and she's a "forensic cleaner"? ESPECIALLY since she's probably going to be involved with the Burning Artifact set???There are a lot more layers here I really wish to see more people explore here instead of, well, everything else going on. I'm sitting here imagining situations involving Emilie, Chiori and Chevreuse potentially on a case, or interactions between her and Lisa/Sucrose/Albedo as a chemist (and god forbid what happens when she's put together near the Pyro Folk)
I don't know if I'll pull for her (if I do, it'll be predominantly based on her kit) but I like seeing how artists depict a character once their design is drip marketed on Twitter and it's a bit annoying seeing that the media tab there is just predominantly people talking about the concept art instead
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signs-of-the-moon · 18 days
I've been reading this amazing fic recently called Warriors: Paw Steps in the Snow on ao3. It's a rabies plot and its so well written, I highly recommend people check it out!
It's got me thinking about what a rabies outbreak/rabies AU would be like in the Signs of the Moon universe. Maybe I'll post some ideas about it in the future, idk
Anyways, again, please go check out this story!!!
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mariana-oconnor · 9 months
I will think I am being totally normal about the silly little disaster wizard made of pixels...
...then we'll get into a fight and someone will cast Hunters Mark on him and I'll have my Tav send her dire raven to gouge their eyes out instead of attacking the person who's right next to them on one HP.
...or he'll go down and, rather than wait and send the cleric - who is closer to him in the initiative order and has more spell slots and is therefore by every metric a way better pick, I'll send my Tav to go and pump one of her very few spell slots into him as a cure wounds. Only to have the enemy that she could have killed instead immediately hit him again and he's back bleeding at her feet.
...or there'll be an arcane turret firing energy blasts and, even though she has way more movement than him and has already lost half her HP, while he is still on full, I'll literally have her use herself as a half-elf shield and stand between him and the turret.
Totally normal about this silly little disaster wizard made of pixels who can't actually die because he's not real.
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mejomonster · 3 months
Is cloud bisexual in canon? I dunno. Couldnt say for sure (im in Rebirth chapter 12 and Only discussing rebirth rn). I can definitely say he's Aware Andrea admires him, Super Aware Dio likes him and is flattered by it and up to flirt with that opportunity (wild choice cloud but okay).
And i certainly cant wait for clouds date with barret <3
#ff7r#lb#do not spoil me and let me down lol ill find out#now Personal Headcanon? oh yeah that boys BI hes been bi to me since Crisis Core and his obvious crush on Zack Fair#asking zack for ramen and flirting and laughing. and his flirting with barret in ff7 original.#in my hwadcanon clouds in the BIGGEST fucking polycule ever and the wildest thing is he didnt even mean to#he just Happened to like aerith whos also bi and super GREAT at flirting so she dragged tifa in#and cloud already liked tifa. then tifa dragged cloud into co adoption with barrets kid and barret got#mushy at cloud caring about him so much so now clouds got a bf. then cloud met Vincent and Cait sith (who form their own eventual polycule#with yuffie)#and clouds like Mildly with cait sith and vincent but its Complicated and queerplatonic#then Cid has a crush on aeriyh but she wants nothing to do with hin romantically but#cid would probs fuck aeriths boy cloud and then#of course sephiroth WANTS to fuck cloud and eventually Possesses him (so inside him nonstop if u will)#and tseng likes Aerith and Reeves (cait sith) and rude likes tifa. reno likes rude. elena likes tseng#cissnei likes zack. zack loves aerith and cloud (litetally the 2 babes he saves in Rebirth his Top Ppl in life)#and Rufus WOULD hate fuck cloud then stab him. and there u go the biggest messiest polycule#its just the entire FF7 cast. in ffx uts like... yuna and tidus. in ff7 its like... nah theyte all messily tied together#in a polycule. oh and u could add hojo as like. once in a fucked situatuon with lucretia and vincent but#dear god i would rather NOT mention how hojo and aeriths mom and lucretia tie into the huge polycule tbh
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mariocki · 3 months
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The China Syndrome (1979)
"I may be wrong, but I'd say you're lucky to be alive. For that matter, I think we might say the same for the rest of Southern California."
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everysongineverykey · 7 months
see the thing is the fnaf movie really wants me to root for mike and abby's relationship and care about them and sure i can play along. but my emotional investment in them is severely hampered by the fact that we never really see them... having fun together? the first scene of them interacting is them being annoyed/frustrated with one another, mike rolling his eyes at abby's talk of her "friends", abby resenting him for that. abby's teacher says abby loves mike, but besides the pictures she draws, we never really get to see that for ourselves. the one moment between them that made me go "aww" was when abby said she hated jane and mike said "it's funny how we finally agree on something" with tears in his eyes. other than that, they have their extremely hurried emotional moment during the climax that's not really given any time to breathe ("i love you too, mike, but we should probably go now" wasn't. really anything), and one or two bits where abby's having fun around mike, but not really with him. i really want to believe they're a sweet sibling duo who love each other, but the movie doesn't seem all that interested in establishing that.
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poebrey · 1 year
gonna write a whole thing someday about how characters of color who clearly have a history of trauma or mental health issues aren’t given consideration or acknowledgement in the fandom imagination
#this is first and foremost about yennefer being canonically suicidal and it being never brought up in fandom#but people can talk about how they think she’s a bitch just fine like we’re all stuck in 2005#but also applies to like just about every character of color who has a prominent role in sci/fi fantasy genre space#because they sure get made to suffer a lot by these writers but in the white imagination that’s not noteworthy at all?#but also Scott McCall#who deadass attempted suicide on screen in one ep?#suicide tw#which I have moved on from teen wolf but it for very obvious reasons another great example#or Michael Burnham who canonically had a fucked up childhood that gave her a lifelong martyr complex#but if you ask who clearly has ptsd on the show it’s not her because it needs to get spelled out even though she is the main character?#Or even Culber; they bonded once over how they both died!#but we don’t do that with white boy side characters 5-7#they try to hate crime someone on screen and people are making shit up to justify before whatever media it is finishes airing#we talk about diversity in media#but one of the catch 22s is that more diverse media tends to be genre media#because that’s allowed to push boundaries#but as a fan of color you have to mentally prepare yourself for witnessing trauma every time#meanwhile the silly no stakes fun shows get majority white or entirely white casts every time#so you get this fun thing where if you’re white and want a fun escape you get a buffet of laughs#and if you’re a person of color at best you *dont* get to see yourself die on screen#anyways this has been a middle of the night that no one should be taking seriously#*rant#gotta make sure everything referencing tw isn’t in the first 5 tags or I might wake up to a whole essay crying in the inbox
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hoegender · 6 months
i just finished watching maleficent. it was great
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