#Liste de Bronze
difunttichronicles · 1 month
Tous autour d'Athéna pour combattre !
Les Chevaliers du Zodiaque, tome 6, Masami Kurumada PrésentationOn raconte que dans la mythologie grecque, de jeunes garçons protégeaient la déesse Athéna. Appelés chevaliers sacrés de la déesse Athéna, on raconte aussi que de leurs poings, ils pourfendaient le ciel et de leurs pieds ils entrouvraient le sol. Mitsumasa Kido, créateur de la fondation GRAAD, s’intéressa à cette histoire et envoya…
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irish-dress-history · 8 months
Irish dress history sources online:
A list of sources for Irish dress history research that free to access on the internet:
Primary and period sources:
Text Sources:
Corpus of Electronic Texts (CELT): a database of historical texts from or about Ireland. Most have both their original text and, where applicable, an English translation. Authors include: Francisco de Cuellar, Luke Gernon, John Dymmok, Thomas Gainsford, Fynes Moryson, Edmund Spenser, Laurent Vital, Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn
The Edwin Rae Collection: A collection of photographs of Irish carvings dating 1300-1600 taken by art historian Edwin Rae in the mid-20th c. Includes tomb effigies and other figural art.
National Library of Ireland: Has a nice collection of 18th-20th c. Irish art and photographs. Search their catalog or browse their flickr.
Irish Script on Screen: A collection of scans of medieval Irish manuscripts, including The Book of Ballymote.
The Book of Kells: Scans of the whole thing.
The Image of Irelande, with a Discoverie of Woodkarne by John Derricke published 1581. A piece of anti-Irish propaganda that should be used with caution. Illustrations. Complete text.
Secondary sources:
Irish History from Contemporary Sources (1509-1610) by Constantia Maxwell published 1923. Contains a nice collection of primary source quotes, but it sometimes modernizes the 16th c. English in ways that are detrimental to the accuracy, like changing 'cote' to 'coat'. The original text for many of them can be found on CELT, archive.org, or google books.
An Historical Essay on the Dress of the Ancient and Modern Irish By Joseph Cooper Walker published 1788. Makes admirable use of primary sources, but because of Walker's assumption that Irish dress didn't change for the entirety of the Middle Ages, it is significantly flawed in a lot of its conclusions. Mostly only useful now for historiography. I discussed the images in this book here.
Chapter 18: Dress and Personal Adornment from A Smaller Social History of Ancient Ireland by P. W. Joyce published 1906. Suffers from similar problems to An Historical Essay on the Dress of the Ancient and Modern Irish.
Consumption and Material Culture in Sixteenth-Century Ireland Susan Flavin's 2011 doctoral thesis. A valuable source on the kinds of materials that were available in 16th c Ireland.
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Antiquities in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy Volumes 1 and 2 by William Wilde, published 1863. Obviously outdated, and some of Wilde's conclusions are wrong, because archaeologists didn't know how to date things in the 19th century, but his descriptions of the individual artifacts are worthwhile. Frustratingly, this is still the best catalog available to the public for the National Museum of Ireland Archaeology. Idk why the NMI doesn't have an online catalog, a lot museums do nowadays.
Volume I: Articles of stone, earthen, vegetable and animal materials; and of copper and bronze
Volume 2: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Antiquities of Gold in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy
A Horsehair Woven Band from County Antrim, Ireland: Clues to the Past from a Later Bronze Age Masterwork by Elizabeth Wincott Heckett 1998
Jewellery, art and symbolism in Medieval Irish society by Mary Deevy in Art and Symbolism in Medieval Europe- Papers of the 'Medieval Europe Brugge 1997' Conference (page 77 of PDF)
Looking the part: dress and civic status and ethnicity in early-modern Ireland by Brid McGrath 2018
Irish Mantles, English Nationalism: Apparel and National Identity in Early Modern English and Irish Texts by John R Ziegler 2013
Dress and ornament in early medieval Ireland - exploring the evidence by Maureen Doyle 2014
Dress and accessories in the early Irish tale, ‘The Wooing of Becfhola’ by Niamh Whitfield 2006
A tenth century cloth from Bogstown Co. Meath by Elizabeth Wincott Heckett 2004
Tertiary Sources:
Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia edited by Sean Duffy published 2005
Re-Examining the Evidence: A Study of Medieval Irish Women's Dress from 750 to 900 CE by Alexandra McConnell
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goodqueenaly · 8 months
Do you know what fields of study that the metals brass, pewter, platinum, red gold, and tin could represent on a maester chain? I think the other metals are more straightforward but I am blanking on what these five could mean.
We may actually have an answer when it comes to red gold, or at least the suggestion of a potential answer. Jon noted to Maester Aemon back in AGOT that “gold [was] for the study of money and accounts”, while Bran told Luwin in ACOK that “gold [was] for sums and numbers”. Neither Jon nor Bran specifies red or yellow gold in their respective statements, meaning that it is nearly impossible to differentiate between the two metals in terms of their respective subjects. Personally, I like to imagine that red gold is for “sums and numbers” while yellow gold is for “money and accounts”, signifying the close connection but important, if subtle, distinctions between the two. However, all of this is only a guess, and red gold could represent virtually anything. 
The question of red gold aside, I do have some thoughts regarding the other metals. As far as we know, there are at least seven metals whose respective areas of study have yet to be revealed: brass, pewter, platinum, tin, electrum, steel, and lead. (Note that there also appear to be at least six other areas of study for which an accompanying link metal is unknown, as there are 21 listed archmaesters in the appendix of AFFC.) When considering the subjects that these metals might represent, I think it is important to remember that the Citadel functions as both a de facto Westerosi university and as a business marketing the services of its scholars. Therefore, while I would expect - and indeed, we have evidence of - maesters studying and writing works on what we might call purely academic subjects, we should also anticipate (and again, I think we have some evidence for) maesters studying more practical, quasi-professional subjects. 
So here’s how I personally envisions the subjects for the known-but-unassociated metals (long, more under the cut):
Brass: shipbuilding, navigation, and generally speaking the study of the ocean. We know that maesters do study subjects along these lines, because Luwin tells Bran that he, Luwin, could teach Bran “the way a sailor steers his ship by the stars”. Because any number of Westerosi families govern port cities and towns or hold seats along major waterways, knowledge of ships and sailing could be a very marketable skill for a maester looking to be placed with an aristocratic family. I specifically decided to assign brass to shipbuilding/naval studies because brass is a metallurgic cousin, so to speak, of bronze (being an alloy of copper and zinc versus an alloy of copper and tin), which felt appropriate for the respective subject matters; as Luwin notes, maritime travel depends, in part, on knowledge the stars to understand one’s position on the sea.
Pewter: agriculture. Again, much of Westeros is an agricultural society, meaning that an understanding of plants, planting cycles, and weather patterns would be potentially invaluable to a maester in an aristocratic Westerosi household. We know, in fact, that maesters act as advisors to lords when it comes to farming and cultivation, because GRRM himself noted that “[t]he maesters try and monitor temperature grand [sic] closely, to advise on when to plant and when to harvest and how much food to store”. Likewise, because we see Maester Luwin discusses harvests, grains, greens, and salted meat during the feast at Winterfell, and because he later tells Bran that he, Luwin, could teach the young Stark prince about herblore, I believe agriculture, farming cycles, and knowledge of various plants would be a key practical area of study for maesters. That said, because pewter is a humble and common material, often used in Westeros for basic cutlery and drinkware, I associated it with agriculture because I can imagine this area of study would be considered unrefined, even vulgar, especially by those maesters looking to spend their lives as Citadel scholars (and, by contrast, might be among the first links for lowborn/smallfolk students to earn, because of their own potential familial background in and knowledge of the agricultural world). 
Platinum: law. Perhaps this is partially (or … more than partially) wish fulfillment on my part (as I, and any number of other folks in the fandom, have been complaining about the lack of clarity on Westeros’ legal system forever), but I certainly believe that maesters can and do study law at the Citadel. After all, think of how many times maesters have been associated with citing, creating, or asserting laws and legal positions: the“[s]ix maesters [who] traveled with him [i.e. Aegon I while on progress], to answer any questions he might have on local law"; the objections of Grand Maesters Gawen and Orwyle to the succession claims of Maegor and Rhaenyra, respectively; and the participation of Grand Maester Benifer on  Jaehaerys I’s legal reform council (to say nothing of maesterly works like, say, Justice and Injustice in the North: Judgments of Three Stark Lords). Because Westerosi law must, I think, be such a huge and complex topic - understanding the laws and precedents of each of the millennia-old pre-Conquest kingdoms and principalities, not to mention all of the laws created after the unification of Westeros (before and after the formal incorporation of Dorne) - I assigned this topic the metal platinum. Platinum is a precious metal, perhaps a fitting reward for those maesters who fully commit themselves to such a deep and complex area of study. 
Tin: geography. I use “geography” as sort of catch-all term to mean the investigation of Terros as a natural world, the creation and analysis of maps for that world, and the study of cultures around the world. We know that maesters study the natural world (think of Arianne, in her second TWOW sample chapter, remembering the debates on the nature of storms held between a septon, a maester, and her father), that maesters create maps (as Robb has Maester Vyman do so to outline his claims to territory as King in the North and King of the Trident), and that maesters study the peoples and cultures of Terros (think of maesterly writings like, say, Songs the Dead Men Sing, or Rubies and Iron, or Horse Tribes, Being a Study of the Nomads of the Eastern Plains of Essos). I like the idea of tin for geography’s associated metal because of tin's connections to the astronomy-linked bronze (that is, pairing the study of the earth with the study of the heavens) and the (so I’ve suggested) agriculture-linked pewter (that is, studying the land to study its cultivation).
Electrum: alchemy. We know that alchemy is a subject studied both generally in Westeros (Yandel refers to Aenys I as a dabbler in alchemy) as well as specifically at the Citadel (Gyldayn notes that Archmaester Vaegon was “devoted to alchemy”, among other subjects). As a subject centered on the transmutation or transformation of elements and matter (and which is popularly associated with the idea of turning “base” metals like lead into “noble” metals like gold) it felt fitting to assign this subject the metal electrum - that is, an alloy of gold and silver. 
Steel: languages. Again, we know that maesters study languages: look at the unfortunate Maester Kedry who accompanied Quentyn Martell on his ill-fated voyage east, or Marwyn who “talked with hairy Ibbenese and pitch-black Summer Islanders in their own tongues”, or Haldon Halfmaester who has educated young Aegon in various languages. It also seems that aristocratic Westerosi children learn High Valyrian, at least as an academic subject, as we see Sam, Tyrion, and Arya reflect on their education in High Valyrian. So I tend to think that maesters probably can and do learn High Valyrian as an initial language, and then can earn addition links through study of other cultures’ tongues. I don’t have a particularly strong reason for making this one steel, other than associating study of High Valyrian with a metallurgic cousin to Valyrian steel.
Lead: architecture. Again, I do think there is some suggestion that maesters study this subject: Luwin suggests that he could teach Bran “how to build a castle”, while Gyldayn notes that “[t]he task of building them [i.e. the walls of King’s Landing] was conferred upon Grand Maester Gawen and Ser Osmund Strong”. While this sort of subject could be folded into, say, warcraft, I think there are enough examples of buildings in Westeros that are not specifically designed for war, as well as enough potential for specialization, that I would separate the study from warcraft. (And honestly, how can the Citadel exist in a city with one of the architectural wonders of the world and not support architecture as its own field of study?) I assigned lead to architecture because of his historical use in construction, especially pipes and roofing. 
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thewosoway · 2 months
I will write for almost every player as long as I know a bit about them and have watched them so I know what to write for them, including whatever the request says.
Also made a new master list cause personally I thought my old one looked messy and unorganised
Directions list
Ona batlle
Alexia putellas
Claudia pina
Aitana bonmati
Lucy bronze
Georgia stanway
Elisa de almeida
Lena Oberndorf
Players I will write for in the future
Laura Freigang
Mary earps
Leah Williamson
Alessia Russo
Jenni hermoso
Athenea del castillo
Misa Rodriguez
And Many others
Fic recs
Old masterlist
My name has changed from lovewsl to thewosoway x
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the-olympics-olympics · 2 months
Weird Olympic Moments Tournament
To celebrate (?) the Paris 2024 Olympic Games starting in a few weeks, I thought I'd run another Olympic-themed poll tournament. This time, we're diving into history and getting to know some of the stranger, lesser-known stories of the Games.
Polls will run for a week, and the tournament should last until around early September if I'm doing my math right. The first polls will begin Monday, July 15th.
At the end, we'll award a gold, silver, and bronze to the top three.
After many hours on Wikipedia and the IOC website, here's the list of moments I came up with:
Horse vaulting
Pigeon racing
Sarajevo venues damaged in war
Mayor of Montreal says "The Olympics can no more lose money than a man can have a baby," then proceeds to host one of the most financially disastrous Games in history
George Eyser wins six medals after being run over by a train
Solo synchronized swimming
Crowd gets pooped on by 25,000 pigeons
Flame is taken to top of Mount Everest
Margaret Abbot dies without knowing she made history as the first US woman to win gold
Brazilian team has to sell coffee to afford the trip to Los Angeles
A teenager's "dumb idea" becomes Olympic tradition (athletes marching together in closing ceremony)
St. Louis experiments with "purposeful dehydration", denies water to marathon runners
Kanakuri Shizō takes 54 years to finish his race
Mt. Vesuvius moves the Olympics to London
They stop doing the Olympic salute for some reason
IOC President compares a terrorist attack to a vote to ban a racist country
The Olympics goes 88 years without letting women run marathons
Olympic flame transmitted via satellite
Northern Rhodesia declares independence during Olympics, changes name to Zambia
Vancouver 2010 cauldron malfunction
Montreal 1976 stadium is finally paid off in 2006
The curse of the Beijing 2008 mascots
Everest climbers get gold medals
Sochi snowflake malfunction
They hold the Olympics in 1906, then later say it doesn't count
Colorado kicks the Olympics out
Flame hidden from view after anti-gay law
Summer Olympics held during Winter
Haiti and Liechtenstein discover they had the same flag
Riot at the 1924 rugby match
McDonald's gives out more Big Macs than they expected
Chamonix 1924 retroactively named the Winter Olympics
Doves burned during cauldron lighting
Torchbearer takes olympic flame down a ski jump
Medals made of e-waste
Shooter aims for wrong target, loses gold
Olympic torch passed on International Space Station
Alien addresses crowd
Figure skating debuts at Summer Olympics
Olympics held on two different continents
Rio organizers lose key to stadium gate
Baron de Coubertin wins a gold medal under false identity
1960 winter games held in city named for an ethnic slur
Obstacle Swimming
North Korea considered to co-host 1988
Housing complex for American soldiers during the occupation of Japan becomes the Olympic village
Torch design changed mid-relay
Cauldron lit by flaming arrow
Last three seconds of basketball final replayed three times until results changed
St. Louis threatens to hold their own Olympics if they don't get named host city
Fatso the Fat-Arsed Wombat
Balloon racing
Delirious man carried over finish line by coaches, wins marathon
Summer Olympics held in November and December
Olympics postponed for COVID
Blue screen of death appears during opening ceremony
Marathon runner attacked by priest
Guy kicks referee in the face and (maybe) ends up on a stamp
Jet pack flies over stadium
Centennial games not awarded to a very confident Athens
LA 84 gets in trouble for commercializing the torch relay
Olympic flame relit with cigarette lighter
Rower stops for ducks
Nazi propaganda becomes Olympic tradition (torch relay)
Did I miss a great weird moment? Send it to me in an ask and I might do a round 2 or something!
I chose the moments based on my own personal bias (lol)
Heads up that there is one that involves the death of animals, but I will tag any polls with that #tw animal death
Please don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything else tagged, and how to tag it!
Also, a disclaimer that I'm tired and scatterbrained and I work full time, so if this gets a little disorganized I apologize. Shouldn't be too bad though.
Let the games begin, and whatnot
@tournament-announcer :)
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thebusylilbee · 1 month
"Les JO, c’est super. Mais pour qui et à quel prix ? [...]
Les fan zones sont pleines de gens qui rient et pleurent ensemble devant les transmissions des épreuves ; 5 200 personnes ont été expulsées de squats et de campements de rue en Île-de-France en un an et envoyées en région sans solution de logement.
Les transports publics roulent bien et les agent·es d’accueil sont plebiscité·es pour leur bonne humeur ; les émissions de CO2 des Jeux olympiques de Paris (JOP), 1,58 million de tonnes au minimum, seront l’équivalent de ce que rejettent 150 000 personnes en France en un an.
Des athlètes couronné·es sont d’anciens enfants placés ou ont grandi dans des quartiers pauvres ; le prix des places pour la cérémonie de clôture des Jeux va de 250 à 1 600 euros – plus qu’un mois de salaire minimum.
C’est officiellement la trêve olympique, et la délégation ukrainienne a remporté deux médailles d’or (sabre et saut en hauteur), ainsi qu’une de bronze (lutte gréco-romaine), qui deviennent des symboles de résistance face à l’agression militaire russe ; les bombardements israéliens n’ont pas cessé à Gaza, visant une école transformée en refuge le 10 août, veille de la clôture des Jeux, tuant près de cent personnes selon un premier bilan. [...]
La vasque et sa flamme olympique en LED et vapeur d’eau flottant au-dessus des Tuileries émerveillent le public ; les enfants du quartier Pleyel à Saint-Denis vont subir les pots d’échappement de la voie vers l’autoroute construite collée à leur école pour les JOP.
Imaginaire collectif coupé en deux
Cette liste pourrait s’allonger encore et encore. Dans ces conditions, quelles conclusions en tirer sur la portée de l’événement ? [...]
Une situation peut être à la fois agréable et pourtant néfaste. On peut aimer boire du Coca-Cola ou de la vodka, cela n’empêche pas que ce soit mauvais pour la santé ; adorer voyager vers des pays lointains alors que les trajets en avion contribuent à la destruction du climat [...]. Les émotions, aussi fortes soient-elles, ne suffisent pas à façonner la réalité.
En 2015, les chercheurs Stefan Aykut et Amy Dahan parlaient de « schisme de réalité » pour décrire les négociations climat, car elles voulaient réduire les gaz à effet de serre sans s’attaquer à leurs principales émettrices, les industries fossiles. Elles avaient créé un théâtre de discours sans prise directe avec le problème à résoudre.
À sa manière, Paris 2024 aura été un schisme de réalité : il y a une dissociation entre le spectacle, excitant, prenant, populaire, et les conditions de sa fabrication, brutales, excluantes, coûteuses et injustes. C’est un déchirement sensible. Le sentiment d’une immense réussite s’entend dans les déclarations des organisateurs et des dirigeants politiques. La fierté et la joie s’expriment un peu partout, aux repas familiaux, entre collègues, avec ses voisins, sur les réseaux sociaux, dans les médias. Mais qui écoute la complainte, la colère et les douleurs de celles et ceux qui ont été éjecté·es de la fête ?
Si le prix à payer en « nettoyage social », en élitisme commercial (le prix des billets, du merchandising et d’un séjour à Paris) et en destructions environnementales (climat, arbres coupés au parc Georges-Valbon, jardins ouvriers détruits à Aubervilliers et pollution de l’air à Saint-Denis), est considéré comme acceptable, le risque est d’abaisser les critères d’exigence démocratique, sociale et écologique pour la suite.
Car si un pouvoir peut décider un tel événement sans consulter la population, en cédant aux exigences d’une association croulant sous les accusations de corruption (le CIO), en engageant au moins 10 milliards d’euros sans transparence sur le coût final en argent public, et en multipliant les promesses écologiques intenables, alors pourquoi ne pas continuer ?"
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slash-me-please · 11 months
I just wanna ask, if your requests are still open! Can you do a Corey Cunningham x female!reader? Where the reader had a bad day, coming home to Corey crying then he helps by fucking her stupid. <3
The feminine urge to insert a daddy kink into this was strong but i held out. (Also I got my own place today, currently have an empty apartment w no furniture yippee) But anywayssss I LOVE COREY hes so quiet and baby. Also i left an opening for maybe a p2??? Maybe I can tie a request into it? I have another Corey request so i was thinking about it.
anyways heres some smut.
Warnings: Smut, needy!reader, overstimulation, dumbification, dirty talk, me not picking a pov,
Bronze keys jingled in your hand as you yanked at your shabby, wooden door. Today had been hell, and now you couldn't get your door open. You pressed forwards with a grunt, jiggling your key into the hole- only for it to break off. You looked down at the broken key fob, lips in a thin line before you felt tears drop down your face. It had been a long day and that was the breaking point for you, but it didn't take long for Corey to open the front door and look at you confused.
"What happened Y/N?" But that made your tears come harder, your arms coming to close yourself in. Corey's eyebrows pressed tight together, though not before his arms were wrapped around you. "Did someone do this to you?" He questioned, you shook your head no, hands coming up to feel up his back.
Corey was still in his work uniform, covered in grease and dirt, he was a hardworking man. The two of you had pretty much the same work schedule, so he had probably just gotten home when you arrived behind him. You tugged at his coveralls, sniffling. "I just had a rough day at work... I slipped and hit my head, but I still had to work all swollen and it hurt." You whined, burying your face into his shoulder. "And then I messed up an entire document and I had to list sales and inventory again," He held you closer, hand reaching to push your hair back and examine the bright purple bruise on your forehead. He winces and gives you a kiss. "That looks painful." He states. You nod.
Then he pulls back, a small smile on his face when you whine. "Do you want me to make you some food?" He asks, eyes narrowing when you begin to unzip his coveralls instead. "No... Can you just make me feel better?"
And that's how you ended up in bed, he had you completely naked and bent into a mating press, while he himself only unzipped his coveralls to take his cock out. Corey was bent over you, this had to have been the fourth time you came. Your eyes rolled back and you cried, mumbling something to yourself as he thrusted into your wet sex. Corey peppered kisses along your jaw, though you were already covered in love bites.
"Did my baby have a bad day?" You squeeze your eyes shut, gasping when he thrusted faster. "Do you need me... to make it better?" He grunts and your heat squeezes him this time, back arching as you give him a cry. You try to give him an answer, but it seems you cannot when it releases as a weak whine of his name. "Such a good girl, is this what makes you happy?" His chest rumbles and his eyes almost look black. "All you need is my cock deep inside of you to make you quit your crying? Couldn't even wait till I showered?"
Your legs shake against his hands, pussy taking him with a squelch as he pummels against you. Your chest feels light and airy when he speaks to you- and you cannot count the butterflies in your stomach. You lean back a little, fingers grabbing onto your sheets when it becomes too much to handle. Corey taunts you in a lovely way, hips still moving against yours when he drops your left leg to wrap that hand around your throat. He feels darker now, chest purring with an incoming release.
Your mouth falls open and a silent whine bubbles from your throat as you push at his hips to get him away from your overstimulated sex. Corey is panting when he leans forward, hitting deeper and smiling when you moan loudly and push harder against his pelvis. "Please.." You cry repeatedly, unsure of what you're begging for as he pushes into you. "C'mon Y/N, can't even take what you asked for? I didn't think you were that stupid, baby. Don't even know your own limits?" His hand pressed deeper against your throat and your vision began to prickle with darkness, and one of your hands followed his. Your fingers wrapped around his wrist as you cried, other still pulling at the sheets.
"You're close?" He gasps, and you suck him deeper inside of you- weakly pushing against his biceps. He watches you nod, tears at the corners of your eyes and cheeks bright. "Then cum, pretty girl." You finally reach your end with these words, wincing and digging manicured nails into his shoulder when he shudders and curls over your orgasming form- just to fill you up. His groans rattle though your chest and you think you feel yourself floating.
His chest drops against yours, sweat against sweat as you feel yourself being lulled into a deep sleep. "Love you," You make sure to mumble into his ear before rolling into his chest to end the night. His fingers brush through your hair, head empty as he stares at the ceiling. He's thinking for a while, but your phone buzzing captures his attention. Corey decides to pick it up off the phone stand, and give it a look incase it's a parent.
Officer Mulaney (Boss): All of your documents are done improperly, when you arrive in the morning you'll redo them and I have some more for you. I would like them finished before the end of the day. I know you hit your head but it was off-site so I didn't bother to report it. We considered your request for time off and it cannot be completed at this time, your health issues are your concerns.
He feels that same darkness that Michael once taught him returning.
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rjzimmerman · 27 days
Scientists Made a List of Lost Birds and Now They Want Us to Find Them. (New York Times)
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Clockwise from top left: Santa Marta sabrewing; Golden-fronted bowerbird; Reichenow’s firefinch; Hook-billed kite; Edwards’s pheasant; Bronze parotia.Credit...Carole Turek; Tim Laman; Simon Colenutt; Karine Aigner; Ernie James; Tim Laman/Nature Picture Library, via Minden Pictures
Excerpt from this New York Times story:
In 2022, an ornithologist high in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains of northern Colombia spotted the shimmering emerald green and cobalt blue feathers of the Santa Marta sabrewing. A large hummingbird, it had only been documented twice since 1879. As the bird sat on a branch the ornithologist, Yurgen Vega, captured images.
Once lost to science, it now was found.
The bird was on the American Bird Conservancy’s 10 most wanted list, which sits atop a longer register of “lost birds,” which are formally defined as not having been documented by photographic, audio or genetic evidence in at least a decade.
A major goal of the list is to persuade bird watchers and others to look for these birds as they go out into the field, and to bring back evidence the birds have not gone extinct.
People have searched for lost birds for decades. But the process was formalized in 2020 by the conservancy, in partnership with two other groups, Re:wild and BirdLife International, as the Search for Lost Birds project.
Researchers from the groups published a paper in June with a definitive list of birds that need finding. They scoured tens of millions of photos, videos and audio recordings in birding databases such as iNaturalist and xeno-canto. The study concluded that there are 144 species of bird lost to the scientific world but that may still exist.
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obsessivevoidkitten · 5 months
These are all the things I want to grow and have the seeds for this year, though some things are missing from this list. I still need more soil, most of the produce goes to the senior center so if anyone wants to throw me 3 dollars for a bag of dirt it goes to a good cause, I also save seeds and distribute them to neighbors and some of the people at the senior center. This blog is my only income source as I am an unpaid live-in aide for an elderly woman. No pressure though. Also if anyone just wants to put gardening discussions in my inbox I am totally up for that!
Supernova sunchokes
Red pontiac potatoes, kennebec potatoes, lehigh potatoes, purple viking potatoes, red norland potatoes, also sweet potatoes
Brown sugar tomatoes, amish paste tomatoes, orange hat tomatoes, yellow stuffer tomatoes, yellow pear tomatoes, bosque blue bumblebee tomatoes, bonny best tomatoes, orange icicle tomatoes, sart roloise tomatoes, sweetheart cherry tomatoes, honeycomb tomatoes, barry's crazy cherry tomatoes, kentucky beefsteak tomatoes, and of course PRAIRIE FIRE TOMATOES
Corbaci peppers, ajvarski peppers, sugar rush peach peppers, albino bullnose peppers, binquinho peppers, lemon spice jalapeno peppers
Armenian yard long cucumbers, sumter cucumbers, bushcrop cucumbers, spacemaster 80 cucumbers, green apple cucumbers, lemon cucumbers, dragon's egg cucumbers, poona kheera cucumbers, pick a bushel cucumbers
Rosita eggplants, listda de gandia eggplants, shikou eggplants, casper eggplants
White soul alpine strawberries, seascape strawberries
Strawberry spinach, malabar spinach, thousand head kale, scarlet kale, blooming kale, orach, slobolt lettuce, merlot lettuce, bronze lettuce, buttercrunch lettuce, bibb lettuce, aqua large leaf watercress, swiss chard five color silverbeet
Moonshine sweet corn, glass gem corn, fiesta corn, Incredible R/M sweet corn
Great northern beans, dwarf taylor horticulture beans, jade II beans
Red burgundy okra, jing orange okra
Autumn buckskin pumpkins, long island cheese pumpkins, flat white boer pumpkins, seminole pumpkins, rouge vif d' etampes pumpkins
Gumball mix radishes, china rose radishes, de 18 jours radishes, golden helios radishes, purple plum radishes, diana hybrid radishes, pink dawn radishes
Chocolate cherry sunflowers, autumn beauty sunflowers, evening sunflowers, russian mammoth sunflowers, florenza sunflowers, lemon queen sunflowers
Peach melba nasturtiums, whirlybird nasturtiums, orchid flame nasturtiums, tip top alaska salmon nasturtiums, tip top rose nasturtiums
Gill's golden pippin squash, honeynut squash, candy roaster squash, delicata squash, early prolific straightneck squash
Jolly jester marigolds, mexican mint marigolds, safari scarlet marigolds, orange flame marigolds, colossus bicolor red gold marigolds
Purple coneflowers, black eyed susans, moss roses, coleus pinto mix
Double tall mix strawflowers, copper red strawflowers, king size orange strawflowers
Pampas plume celosias, eternity mix celosias
Desert king watermelons, lemon drop watermelons, royal golden watermelons, tigger melons, kajari melons, golden crispy melons, golden jenny melons
Purple dragon carrots, melbec carrots, uzbek gold carrots, koral carrots
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yamayuandadu · 27 days
was mithra/mithras worshipped in mesopotamia like was his worship introduced into this area during the achaemenid and later periods? what about cities near mesopotamia like Palmyra and dura europos? also was he syncrestised With any local gods? maybe shamash
I’m sorry but due to space constraints and lack of sufficient familiarity with (or deeper interest in) most Roman mystery cults I can’t help much with the dissemination of Mithras and Mithraism on the eastern periphery. There is no evidence of his cult being present in Palmyra (Javier Teixidor, The pantheon of Palmyra, p. 106) but on the other hand it was definitely present in Dura Europos (the mithraeum discovered there is notable enough to have its own wiki page, apparently); I’m not really aware of any attestations from even further east. According to Encyclopedia Iranica, “though represented virtually everywhere in the Roman empire, it was much stronger in the Latin speaking West than in the (predominantly) Greek-speaking East”. As for Mithra proper: the oldest datable attestation of him - or a derivative, at least, since we are dealing with a highly divergent oddity with a plural name, it seems - is technically at least Mesopotamia-adjacent. 
The treaty between Suppiluliuma of the Hittite Empire and Šattiwaza of Mittani (c. 1330 BCE) lists “the Mitra-gods (d.MEŠMitraššil; the determinative signifies plurality), the Varuna-gods, Indra, the Nasatya-gods” (translation courtesy of Gary Beckman, Hittite Diplomatic Texts, p. 43) among deities invoked as witnesses on the Mittani side. As stressed most recently by Eva von Dassow in Mittani and Its Empire (published in The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East), their position is not prominent, and they do not appear anywhere else. People who try to make this attestation into a big deal are basically automatically untrustworthy. The Mitanni rulers, regardless of their origin, were culturally Hurrianized to such a degree the presence of some derivative of Mithra in a single treaty is borderline irrelevant - and it might not even be strictly speaking Mithra, but rather generic “treaty gods” (hence the plural). I’m not really aware of any Achaemenid, Arsacid or Sasanian efforts to introduce the strictly Zoroastrian version of Mithra to Mesopotamia.
Whether it’s possible to speak of any connection between Mithra and Shamash is a complex matter so that’s addressed under the cut. The material from Hatra pertains to that so it’s covered there too.
To begin with, I’m not aware of any clear case of identification between Mithra and Shamash. It’s a suggestion which sometimes pops up in scholarship, but without any conclusive evidence, as far as I am aware. It’s not entirely implausible, though.
Typically the comparisons depend on sharing both judiciary and solar roles, but it needs to be stressed here that Mithra didn’t really have strong solar associations until relatively late. This aspect of his character is absent from the Avesta, and according to his article in Encyclopedia Iranica there’s no clear evidence for him having a solar role predating Strabo’s account of Persian beliefs. Therefore, it probably only developed at some point in the Achaemenid period.
One relatively recent example of seeking possible connections between Mithra and Shamash I’ve stumbled upon is the article Mesopotamian Influence on Persian Sky-watching and Calendar. Part I. Mithra, Shamash and Solar Festivals by Krzysztof Jakubiak and Arkadiusz Sołtysiak (accessible via De Gruyter). Some quite bold claims are made there, with the supposed influence going all the way back to the Bronze Age. However, the authors provide basically no archeological evidence for early Iranian-Mesopotamian contact (they also don’t address the fact early Iranians would very obviously encounter Elamites first when moving westwards); and some of their sources indicate that a thorough survey of literature wasn’t made (in many cases outdated generalist publications are the only sources consulted). I’m reluctant to recommend it as a point of reference for this reason. It seems much more sound to seek possible influence in the Achaemenid period or beyond. However, matters are complicated by the fact that Mithra is essentially absent from some of the earliest available sources like the Persepolis fortification archives, and largely just appears in theophoric names before the reign of Artaxerxes II.
Margaret Cool Root suggests in Defining the Divine in Achaemenid Persian Kingship (published in Every Inch a King – Comparative Studies on Kings and Kingship in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds, accessible via Brill) that there is already evidence for Persians being familiar with the iconography of Shamash and his association with royal power and legitimacy during the reign of Darius I. However, she doesn’t propose any connection with Mithra, only with the semi-divine king and Ahura Mazda, and relies just on motifs in monumental art. More sound evidence is available from the early centuries CE. Michael Shenkar (Intangible Spirits and Graven Images, p. 102) notes a figure on the relief from Tang-e Sarvak might be either Mithra depicted in a similar manner to Shamash or just outright Shamash. He also proposes that an unusual depiction of the Kushan emperor Vima Kadphises rising from between mountains with rays/flames emanating from his shoulders is patterned on Shamash’s iconography (Royal regalia and 'Divine Kingship' in the pre-Islamic Central Asia, p. 58) and that Iranian and adjacent groups might have associated the images of Shamash rising from between mountains with the customary description of Mithra as responsible for surveying the world from atop Mount Harā. He points out Shamash was still depicted this way in the second century CE, as indicated by works of art from Hatra. I personally found these arguments convincing at least in terms of iconography. The situation in Hatra is somewhat unique, and requires some additional explanations, though. 
A good recent outline can be found in Aleksandra Kubiak-Schneider’s Hatra of Shamash. How to assign the city under the divine power? (there is a small mistake on p. 799 though - referring to Ereshkigal as a sister of Shamash is a questionable syllogism at best, and even her sibling credentials wrt Inanna are questionable as recently stressed by Alhena Gadotti). She argues the city god, Maran/Maren, was essentially a derivative of Shamash - or Shamash under an Aramaic title, something like “our lord”. Some of his local features are unique - for example, his symbol was an eagle, but Shamash was never associated with this bird elsewhere in earlier periods (it was mostly Zababa’s thing). Kuciak-Schneider suggests this might be an evolution of depicting him symbolically as a winged solar disk (p. 798). A slightly different view can be found in an earlier publication. Ted Kaizer in his 2000 overview article Some remarks about the religious life of Hatra states that it cannot be determined with certainty if the Shamash worshiped in Hatra was derived from the Mesopotamian god, or instead from the Arabic sun goddess (p. 234). He also the local pantheon combined “Mesopotamian, Arab, Syrian and Graeco-Roman elements” (p. 230) - but not Iranian. This obviously requires partial revision, since Lucinda Dirven in her fantastic My Lord with his Dogs. Continuity and Change in the Cult of Nergal in Parthian Mesopotamia does demonstrate at least a degree of Iranian influence on the worship of Nergal in Hatra. However, all I dug up in the case of Mithra is a handful of Iranian theophoric names listed by Enrico Marcato in Personal Names in the Aramaic Inscriptions of Hatra: Daosha-Mithra (“Mithra is my friend”), Mithra, Mithra-bandag (“servant of Mithra”) and Mithra-dāta (“given by Mithra”). It doesn’t seem these have any deeper implications than that there were some people with an Iranian background in Hatra, though. Marcato states that the presence of an actual cult of Mithra in Hatra is implausible (p. 167) and has been already disproven in the 1970s by Han J. W. Drijvers in the article Mithra at Hatra? Some remarks on the problem of the Irano- Mesopotamian syncretism, which I tragically failed to find online. For what it’s worth, he also notes some of the same theophoric names occur in material from Palmyra as well.
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interstellarflare · 1 year
Don’t Blame Me || Homelander
Summary: After several long and uneventful months since John’s abrupt departure, Vought’s plan to present the Cerberus project to the public as a superhuman taskforce roughly forces you back into working with The Boys. This time, things will be more difficult as new threats arise, and former friends turn against each other. And all for what? Love makes people crazy, and John will stop at nothing to protect you.
Authors Note: ATTENTION BEND AND BREAK FANS! The second installment of the series is in development and coming soon! This is your chance to be added to the tag list (if you haven’t already) in order to be notified of future parts. Trust me when I say, you are not prepared. Gif by @preakr​
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Tag List: @motionless-friction @apollonshootafar​ @bronze-metal​ @laceyauandromedus​ @escritora-de-imagines​ @life-is-a-cruel-game​ @sabrinaselina55​ @madamestarlight​ @quixscentsposts​ @hc-official​ @bluemarsuniverse​ @naxxsstuff @iamnotthecatladynextdoor​ @liajiah​ @mystical-wonderland-of-me @madhatter2727 @thexhostess @staplerrrr @how-am-i-serpose-to-know @gingerwrites​ @prurose @the-number7 @miss-puregotti @marcshonda @kahelis @ddeandracnight @morven-aranea @dawnwriterimagines @lost-redstart @firelonewolf @soft-damergrove @clean-soap @coloursunlimited​ @cynthianokamaria @shilsvampsinger @freshmakertaco @starlight-boo @lauraaan182 @tardis-23 @freshmakertaco @shilsvampsinger @cynthianokamaria @delicatetimetravelarcade @coloursunlimited @clean-soap @themarch-oftheblackqueen @soft-hargreeves @kennedywxlsh @itskatrinahere @morven-aranea @sublimebearalienhuman @unlikelyllamanerd @charmed-asylum @nati-epic-jelly @micksschumi @transformers-insanity @sam-quinn
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difunttichronicles · 6 months
Starcrossed, tome 2,Josephine Angelini tome 1 très bientôt PrésentationCan true love be FORGOTTEN?As the only Scion who can descend into the Underworld, Helen Hamilton has been given a nearly impossible task. By night she wanders through Hades, trying to stop the endless cycle of revenge that has cursed her family. By day she struggles to overcome the fatigue that is rapidly eroding her…
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allthefoolmine · 1 month
The 2024 Women’s Olympic Marathon: GOAT
Your fool is BACK for some enthusiastic screaming about marathons!
Under the cut for folks in other time zones who haven’t woke up yet and want to be surprised and for anyone who wants to scroll on by!
So, listen. Listen. I said to the long-suffering @parrishsrubberplant that if the men’s marathon race was THAT good (and seriously, it was among the greats) the women’s races was going to be—I quote myself—“off the motherfucking chain.”
Holly cats was I right about that one. I could end this post right here with a string of head exploding and fire emojis, but instead I’m gonna write a bit about what I followed.*
(*still too cheap to pay for streaming, so this comes entirely from being glued to newspaper live text updates and the Olympics own race tracker, which gives the 5k splits. I WISH I HAD PAID. I wish I had *been there* in Paris.)
Things about this race that made my brain hurt, a numbered list:
1. Sifan Hassan (Netherlands): You have to be a pretty big nerd about running to remember the last person to medal in the 5k / 10k / marathon triple in the Olympics, so storytime.
Emil Zapotec, won gold in all three events at the 1952 Olympics. His marathon time was 2:23:03, and before you dismiss that, remember that training and shoe tech were different then, and also it was his first marathon. Hassan, as far as I know, is the second to try this triple, and her marathon time was 2:22:55, which is an Olympic record.
*and* she won bronze in the 5k and 10k earlier THIS WEEK. And we talked yesterday about the hilly Paris course, right?
Hassan, I need to add, made history in her last Olympics, Tokyo 2021, for getting Gold in the 5k and 10k, and bronze in the 1500m; she’s the first Olympic athlete to do that, ever, so it’s not like it was impossible to imagine she could medal in her triple this time (for Paris, she was initially also entered in the 1500, and decided not to.) Just, really hard to get your head around.
I’ve been listening to Kara Goucher and Des Linden do an amazing recaps podcast on Olympic track and field this week (go listen to Nobody Asked Us, they’re hilarious), and one of the things they stressed is that, from their own Olympic—both are double Olympians for the USA—and championship racing experience—the training you do for a hilly marathon vs for a track 5k is super, super different. Just to put in perspective the absolutely BATSHIT INSANITY of what Hassan just did by winning the Olympics. And setting an Olympic record. After the all the racing she did this week.
2. The race at 40k Sprint, do not run, to find a video of the finish. Here’s the one from Eurosports. Up until 2k to go, FIVE ATHLETES were in it: Sharon Lokedi (Kenya), Hellen Obiri (Kenya), Amane Beriso Shankule (Ethiopia), Tigst Assefa (Ethiopia), and Hassan.
Again, a comparison to Zapotec: a sportswriter once described his running style as “a man wrestling an octopus on a conveyor belt” and I couldn’t help but think of that when the commentators were desperately assuring us that Obiri is not struggling, she just Runs Like That. Obiri has one of the greatest CVs in women’s distance running history, and honestly, she looks like a woman wrestling an octopus on a conveyor belt. Often the octopus is winning. It’s so fun to watch.
Also, seeing Hassan, lurking at the back of the pack like a goddam shark, as Beriso and Lokedi got dropped. I was there and SEATED. You could almost see her scent blood in the water. It was EPIC.
3. The finish: Hassan and Assefa finished 3 seconds apart (and we had some good track style elbow throwing! The drama! Love to see track and field the contact sport!) Obiri was 15 seconds back from gold. I actually cried a little, like you do when you see something overwhelming beautiful and can’t help it. Lokedi, who is an athlete I love following, was fourth, 19 seconds back.
5. Yuka Suzuki (Japan): can we just scream together for a moment about how impressive Team Japan’s young marathoners were in this Olympics? Suzuki is 24 years old. She had, according to the information I could find about her, never raced in world championship race (not sure what a world university games is but I don’t think that counts). She went from being 13th at 25k to 8th at 30k, to 5th at 35k, to 6th at 40k…and finished 6th. Most of her running, for the last 10k of the race, was alone, with the lead pack in sight but not in actual distance to catch. Can you imagine how hard that it is, mentally? To be so close and yet so far at the end of a hilly marathon that just happens to be the motherfucking Olympics? I can barely get my head around it. Just. Holy cats people. Holy cats. So excited to see where she goes next.
6. Checked and Wrecked, the Honor Roll: It was super frustrating to follow this race because the Olympic tracker wasn’t working properly for past splits: it automatically updates them to show the state of the current race. Which made it very hard to follow changes in the race and spectulate strategy, and this didn’t happen with the men’s tracker, UGH, but anyway. Flowers to Jessica Stentson (Australia), Dakotah Lindwurm (USA) and Melody Julien (France), and also Lornah Chemutai Salpeter (Israel), who all, at various points in the first half, seem to have Went For It. I’m sure there’s plenty of other people who belong on this roll of honour, but that’s just who I noticed. I would rather see an athlete wreck themselves than check themselves, because sports are entertainment.
7. Lastly, because repeat Olympians Are Cool: Fionnula McCormick (Ireland)! Her fifth Olympics! Ridiculously cool.
Guys (gender neutral), women’s distance running is so fucking lit right now. There’s so many great athletes in the sport and that was such an epic, epic marathon.
Once again, a link to the end of the race for everybody in Europe / with vpns, because that was racing that makes me glad to be alive. Off the chain, indeed.
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alotofpockets · 9 months
Requests open! | Woso & Marvel
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I wanted to give you all an update on my request statust and let you know that they are open again!
I've added a bunch of new people to the list of people I write for. So, if you have requests for any of them, please let me know💗
As always please read my request info before requesting.
People I write for below the cut :)
Alessia Russo
Beth Mead
Caitlin Foord
Daniëlle van de Donk
Jackie Groenen
Katie McCabe
Kyra Cooney-Cross
Leah Williamson
Lia Wälti
Lotte Wubben-Moy
Lucy Bronze
Mary Earps
Vivianne Miedema
I’m open to write for other players just send me a request and I’ll let you know if I’m comfortable writing for them :)
Kate Bishop
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena Belova
Elizabeth Olsen
Florence Pugh
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olympic-paris · 12 days
saga: Soumission & Domination 264
Inauguration de nos deux cariatides
Deux semaines après leurs mises en place, je profitais de la présence de Marc pour organiser l'inauguration officielle des sculptures.
Liste des invités : Alban et le modèle (son amant) Ric, Bogosse & Moitié, Ernesto & Hervé, Alexandre & Kamal, Emma, Pablo, Pierre & Olivier (qui sont intéressés pour intégrer ce genre de produits à leurs constructions), Second & Julien (c'est pas parce que ce sont des " manuels " qu'ils ne s'intéressent pas à l'art !), Kev & Henri (aussi clients d'Alban), Bruno & Arnaud (nos voisins de la campagne), Franck & Louis et Eric & Cédric terminent ma liste.
Emma sera la seule femme. Je l'ai prévenue mais ce qui l'aurait dérangée avant (de me connaitre) ne lui fait pas peur.
Alban arrive avec Bogosse et Moitié. Ric est déjà là et il se baigne dans la piscine de la terrasse pour que nous puissions voir son corps alors que ses deux " copies " en bronze sont recouvertes d'un drap. Il y restera jusqu'à ce que tous nos autres invités soient arrivés (idée de mise en scène d'Alban). A part Emma qui est une femme, il va faire bander tous les mâles présents. Le boxer court rouge vif, qui couvre tout juste ses fesses, souligne sa taille étroite et renforce leurs rondeurs.
Les autres invités arrivent à la suite, Second et Julien sont les derniers pour cause de fermeture du commerce de Julien. Mais ce ne sont pas les moins remarqués. Il faut dire que leur façon de s'habiller (près du corps) ne laisse aucun doute sur leurs plastiques avantageuses. Emma s'approche et me demande si tous nos amis sont tous aussi bien foutus. PH lui sourit et lui confirme que nous avons plutôt des connaissances qui entretiennent leur corps. Quand nous sommes tous réunis, Ric nous rejoint ruisselant d'eau. Il se place alors au centre du comptoir/bar qui sépare la cuisine du reste de la pièce. Avec Alban, au top, je tire sur le drap et nous dévoilons les statues. Bref silence puis, applaudissements nourris, autant pour l'artiste que pour le modèle. Et contrairement au modèle, leurs attributs masculins ne sont pas cachés. Bien sûr, Alban ne les a pas représentés gonflés à l'extrême mais pas sortant d'un bain glacé non plus. Pierre siffle et demande à voir le modèle en chair afin de comparer. Olivier le fait taire. Il lui rappelle la présence d'Emma !
Samir et Ammed passent entre nous les plateaux de petits fours et remplissent les coupes de champagnes qui se vident rapidement. Après tout, hormis Emma qui rentre chez elle avec Henri et peut être Kev, tous les autres restent sur place. La soirée avance. Les groupes se font et se défont. Ça discute politique, mariage pour tous, et sexe aussi dès que les oreilles d'Emma s'éloignent. C'est Henri qui la décide à rentrer. En vieux amis ils ont des choses à se dire. Alors que Kev se résigne à les accompagner, Henri lui propose de rester et de le rejoindre plus tard, quand Pablo rentrera.
Ils n'ont pas atteint le ré de chaussé que les fringues volent de tous les cotés. Evidement le premier tout nu est Ric. Maintenant, tout le monde peut comparer avec les sculptures, sauf qu'évidement il bande !  En 5 minutes tout le monde est à poil et bandant. Samir et Ammed ont juste le temps d'enlever les plateaux qui contiennent encore de la nourriture et des corps se couchent, poussés par des mains baladeuses. Moi-même suis gentiment placé le dos sur la table basse au coté de Ric. Alors que je me tourne pour lui rouler un patin, je sens ma tête prise entre deux mains et poussée en arrière avant de voir arriver la belle bite de Bogosse sur mes lèvres. Evidement j'ouvre la bouche et il s'enfonce délicatement jusqu'à ce que ses couilles se posent sur mon nez. Je maitrise ma respiration et il me lime la gorge avec ses 24cm. Faute de voir, je sens d'autre mains me relever les jambes, écarter mes fesses et une langue venir me préparer la rondelle. Incapable de la reconnaitre ! Mais elle est bien efficace et je m'ouvre sous ses passages insistants et pleins de salive. C'est un pro, je le sens prendre du plaisir à me bouffer la rondelle et à me la détendre.  Alors que Bogosse continue à me râper les amygdales, c'est un autre gland qui cherche à pénétrer mon corps. Il trouve vite l'autre entrée et d'un coup de rein sec il me défonce. Je le sens patienter quelques 10aines de secondes puis s'enfoncer jusqu'à l'os. Là je le reconnais, c'est mon mec, Marc qui s'octroi le privilège de me défoncer le premier ! La bouche qui gentiment m'avait lubrifié l'anneau est venue recouvrir ma queue. Prise totale ! Je suis comblé. La bouche me quitte et je sens deux genoux enserrer ma taille et le mec s'assoir sur ma bite nue. Je me dégage le temps de voir que c'est mon PH. Il se couche sur moi et prend alors la bite de Bogosse en bouche me laissant ses couilles à faire rouler sur ma langue. Mon corps chauffe, je suis de plus en plus excité par les vas et vient dans mon cul. Marc s'en aperçoit et du coup, recule et laisse la pression descendre pour que je ne jute pas tout de suite. PH se redresse et fait de même. Merci les gars, ils me connaissent et savent que j'ai bien l'intention de baiser avec tous les participants !
Notre petit groupe se disperse. Je mate un peu de tous les cotés. Tout près, Ric se fait mettre par Pablo et apprécie grandement les 24cm épais de ce dernier. Même avec la bite de son Alban dans la bouche, il arrive a gémir de plaisir. En passant je me penche sur ses tétons et mordille le droit. L'augmentation de son plaisir s'entend aussitôt. Alban le traite affectueusement de salope. Je les quitte et continu la recherche de mon prochain coup. C'est le cul de Louis qui est ma prochaine étape. Faut dire qu'il ne demandait que ça. A 4 pattes, il suce Cédric en 69 qui se fait prendre par son Franck et il cambre ses reins pour mettre son boule en valeur. Je me kpote et sans plus de préparation, je glisse mon gland entre ses fesses et pousse jusqu'à ce que nos peaux collent. Je pose alors mes mains sur ses fesses et des pouces glissés le long de ma queue, j'écarte les deux globes pour m'enfoncer jusqu'à l'os.  Comme je donne un dernier coup de rein pour être sûr d'être au plus loin, j'entends d'en dessous Cédric qui s'étrangle, étouffé par la présence un peu trop longue du gland de Louis dans sa gorge. Je relâche la pression, et tous les 4 nous ajustons nos tempos pour trouver l'harmonie propre à donner du plaisir à chacun. Je lime quelques 10aines de minutes la rondelle de Louis avant de le laisser pour aller voir ailleurs. Alors que je me dékpote, j'attrape Julien qui passait par là et lui dit de profiter de ce joli petit cul. Il ne se le fait pas dire deux fois d'autant plus qu'il ne le connait pas encore  de l'intérieur !
Il manque du monde. Je monte sur la terrasse et je trouve Second, penché contre la sculpture centrale, en train de se faire mettre par Ernesto. Je m'approche sans faire de bruit et enlace le corps musclé de mon amour espagnol. Surpris, il cesse de bouger et Second se redresse et tourne la tète pour en connaitre la raison. Il me voit alors collé à Ernesto en train de lui manger la bouche. Ernesto reprend ses mouvements et ma queue bandée se positionne entre ses fesses et glisse sur sa rondelle à chacun de ses vas et vient dans le cul de Second. Je m'écarte le temps de chercher et d'enfiler une kpote et reprend ma place. A la troisième fois où mon gland glisse sur la rondelle d'Ernesto, je donne le coup de rein nécessaire pour le pénétrer. Adaptation de nos mouvements et je profite du cul profond de mon ibère préféré. Je me penche et entreprend de lui lécher le cou. Il aime. Je m'enhardi à lui mordiller les deltoïdes, il aime aussi ! Il jette sa tête en arrière pour me donner ses lèvres. Nous mélangeons nos langues, c'est trop bon !
Second nous propose de changer de position et de faire le lien entre nous deux. Il se pose dos sur la pelouse artificielle relève les jambes contre son torse et réclame Ernesto dans son cul. J'ai compris que je vais lui faire avaler mon gland. Il me dit que cela lui rappelle notre première rencontre quand je lui ai appris à faire des gorges profondes à son Maçon de boss. Je lui cloue le bec et roule un patin à Ernesto. C'est plus pratique face à face !
Je suis bien mais un peu vide coté pile ! Je me recule et demande à passer entre eux deux. Ernesto recule le temps que j' m'intercale et m'emmanche dès que je suis planté dans Second. C'est mieux ! Nettement mieux !! Heureusement que ce n'était pas le premier à m'enculer ce soir, car il y a été franco et j'ai pris grave ! Mais c'est trop bon quand même ! Second a bien profité aussi. Quand je suis très excité mes 20cm sont gonflés à bloc et je suis plus près des 6cm de diamètre que de mes 5 habituels. Ça lui va bien puisque c'est la largeur d'Ernesto ! Comme nous sommes de face, je peux lui rouler un patin bien baveux. L'échange de salive m'achève et je me surprends à exploser dans ma kpote. Cela déclenche mes partenaires. Les pulsations de mon anus font juter Ernesto alors que je sens mes abdos s'inonder du sperme de Second.
Je suis mort ! Je reste couché sur Second, Ernesto, dans le même état que moi, sur le dos. Heureusement que Second est méchamment musclé, il supporte sans problème l'empilement de nos kilos.
Quand même, d'un bon coup de rein, il nous fait chuter sur le coté et se dégage. Nous restons quelques instants à regarder le ciel au-delà de la verrière. La nuit tombe et malgré les lumières de la ville, nous commençons à apercevoir les premières étoiles. Ernesto pivote et me roule une pelle d'enfer. Second ne veut pas être en reste et insinue sa langue près des nôtres. Nous nous léchons le museau jusqu'à ce qu'Ernesto s'écarte et me dise merci. Je me demande et lui demande de quoi ?
Il enfoui son visage contre mon épaule et me parvient étouffé un " pour tout ça et Hervé ". Je le repousse et le maintient à bout de bras. Dans les yeux, je lui dis qu'il ne peut s'en prendre qu'à lui-même, je n'avais fait que lui proposer des opportunités. C'était lui seul qui avait choisi. A nos cotés, Second ajoute que l'on a toujours le choix mais que nous n'en prenons pas forcement pleinement conscience sur le moment. Il ajoute qu'avec le recul, lui aussi avait profité des possibilités qui lui étaient offertes et que s'il avait voulu, il aurait pu refuser de devenir le vide-couille de son patron (Maçon). Il avait laissé faire sa pente naturelle et n'avait surtout pas regretté la construction de la piscine à notre campagne car il y avait appris de moi, qu'en plus de faire plaisir à son patron, il pouvait aussi y trouver son compte.
J'écourte ses épanchements avant qu'ils ne deviennent trop sentimentaux et les relèvent pour passager sous la douche près de la piscine avant de plonger. L'eau chauffée à 28° nous délasse. Et en retenant notre respiration, nous pouvons mater ce qui ce passe à l'étage du dessous.
Un regroupement de mecs autour de la grande table basse me fait deviner qu'il y a quelqu'un dessus. Cela nous intrigue suffisamment pour que nous descendions les regoindre.
Sur place, je passe la tête par-dessus le mur d'épaules et je vois alors qu'ils sont tous en train de se branler au dessus de Kamal et Louis (les deux plus jeunes et petits formats). Ça me fait rebander direct. Je joue des épaules et m'insère dans le cercle tout comme Ernesto et Second, dans le même état que moi.
Ils se caressent tous les trois ce qui excite encore plus les spectateurs. Ils reçoivent une avalanche de spermes en provenance des 21 bites qui les encerclent. Avec mes deux acolytes, nous sommes bon derniers à ajouter nos jus. Je les regarde. Ils sont gluants de sperme. Heureusement que les surfaces sont faciles à nettoyer ! Samir se faufile entre nous et passer une serviette sur leurs visages et retirer ainsi les risques d'entrées de sperme non désirées.
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tma-entity-song-poll · 3 months
Submissions for The Lonely are closed!
On this fine, foggy morning we have a plethora of solitary songs to keep you misty eyed and… wandering. Always wandering. The playlist is as follows!
2 Bed 2 Bath (And a Ghost)
A complete list of fears ages 5-28 (Approx)
Alone again (naturally)
Cast the Bronze
Drift Away
Eleanor rigby
Elsa’s song
Everybody’s Lonely
First love/late spring
Here i am
Hold Me
How to dissappear completely
La carta
Learn to be Lonely
Live Alone and Like It
Lonely Dance
Lonely Eyes
Lost in the Cosmos (x2!)
Memoir #02 [06.12.09]
Mistaken for Strangers
Mister Cellophane
No Children
One Last Battle
Open Water Reckless Fishes
Pushing the Speed of Light
Salir de la melancolía
Sex with a Ghost
Ship in a Bottle
The Bed Song
The Lonely
The Rockrose and the Thistle
Waste of Paint
You not the same (Slowed down version)
That’s a lot of songs! Round 1 will be up at the usual time tomorrow morning (8am, BST!), and until then… stay spooky, folks!
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