#Literally why is it so cramped who's idea was this the dividing lines down the sides just make it more claustrophobic
sysig · 1 year
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crescentsteel · 4 years
plot: Zombie run with Eita Semi genre: fluff, crack wc: 2k A/N: 
- Thanks again @newfriendjen​ and @kaitycole​ for the betaread and the encouragement to post this. Also to @hidden-otaku-stuff for big brain ideas. I luv yall so much u hav no idea
- We also have a spoofy halloween collab at @babythotshq​
The usual chilly Autumn breeze is not present tonight among the crowd you are standing with. The sun has already set hours ago and darkness has completely enveloped the usually deserted area. The only source of light in the place is that one large orange fluorescence which only covered a certain spot. Tall trees are looming over the few empty, abandoned houses with only a narrow concrete path that accommodated the amount of people here tonight. 
It was downright eerie, if not for the excitement buzzing in the air at the event that is about to take place. You’re so darn excited that your fingers are curling up. You clasp them together to contain the anticipation pumping in your whole body.
“Are you sure about this, y/n?”
Your gray-haired boyfriend wore a smile to hide his worry, but you see through it anyway. It doesn’t affect you though. The fact that he went with you to attend this event is enough to make you silly happy.
You cling to his arm cheerfully. “Of course! This is gonna be so fun. I can feel it already.” You go in front of him and embrace him, burying your face on his chest. You squeal giddily from the promise of the thrill you will experience with him tonight.
Semi looks at people around you with a mild pink tint on his face. Compared to you, he’s a bit more reserved in showing affection, especially publicly. But he doesn't have the heart to push you away while you happily embrace him. He puts his hands on your shoulders as his way of reciprocating. 
You look up to him with bright eyes beaming with zeal. It mellowed him up. He forgets about his surroundings and just admires how pretty you look like this. 
“Thanks for coming with me,” you say with the most adorable smile. He cups your cheek  and rubs it with his thumb.
“Just don’t hurt yourself later, okay?” 
A loud siren drowns out the murmuring of the crowd. It was disturbing to say the least. He looks around to see where it came from. He knows that aside from the people here, there’s literally no one else around. This place is as abandoned as it gets.
You pull away from him.
“It’s gonna start soon. Let’s go.” You drag him to the starting line where they’re giving out instructions. Present there are a few staff distributing your kits which consists of a flashlight, a belt with three red bands, and white paper that has (3) on it. Behind the saff is a black gate that’s closed shut. He attempts to look beyond it just to get a glimpse of what will take place, but he fails to see anything at a significant distance from the lack of light. 
Earlier, there was enough space for everybody. Now that everyone’s gathered and restless from the anticipation, it’s getting a bit too cramped for his taste. You aren’t fazed though. You looked more excited actually. 
“Have you done this before?” 
You frown at him. “Didn’t I tell you? I do this every year.”
That took him by surprise. For someone doing this annually, you’re way too pumped up.
“Why are you so excited then?”
“Cause you’re with me, of course.”
He can never understand how you say whatever’s in your head without any hesitation. Yet, he finds it so endearing because it’s something he’s unable to do. As much as he loves you, his thoughts just don’t come out as they are in his thoughts. It’s usually filtered out to reduce whatever lovey dovey cheesiness his words might have. Sometimes he feels bad about it because he can’t be as candid as you are. You never complained though.  
He clears his throat to rub off the fluster he’s holding in.
“So tell me if I got this right. These 3 red strips are our lives?” He softly tugs the bands hanging on your waist. They’re flimsy and he can tell that a soft pull can easily remove them.
“Mmhmm. Lose them all and you’re out.”
“And we can’t touch the ‘zombies’?”
“Yep.. We just outrun or avoid them.”
“For how long?”
Your eyes dart to the side then up, evidently thinking of the answer to his question. 
“Hmm, they won’t be onto us all the time. But the track is 6 kilometers long.”
6 kilometers? He didn’t think this whole thing would cover that much distance. Not that he can’t handle it. It should be nothing compared to Coach Washijo’s training. But you, he wasn’t aware that you can cover that gap. You’re not exactly the type to be into any strenuous physical activity. The only time is when …
“What’s wrong, Eita? Your face is flushed.”
When you put a hand on his neck to gauge his temperature, he grabs your wrist in a flash and puts it down. 
“It’s nothing. Don’t mind it.”
Your once exuberant demeanor dwindled down to a despondent one.
“Are you mad because I dragged you into this?”
Oh shit. He didn’t mean to sound harsh. He just didn’t want to let you know that his mind took a sudden lewd turn. 
“Heeey,” he says softly while squeezing your hands. “I swear it’s not that. There’s just a lot of people so it feels hot.”
“Are you uncomfortable?” the same anxious look still spread on your face. 
He pinches your cheeks upward to form a goofy smile on your troubled face. “Don’t worry about me, y/n. We’re going to outrun these zombies like shit, okay?” Your lovely smile comes back as you nod.
The same siren rings again, signalling the gates to open. The orange light powers down, which is replaced by flickering, dim lamp posts beyond the gate. It reveals a concrete path. It’s supposed to be the only path, but there were signs that say (1) (2) (3). (2) was the concrete path in the middle while the (1) and (3) led to the left and the right which are soiled grounds.
The number you drew from the staff was three so you went right. There were less people now since the crowd had been divided into three. He wasn’t expecting much, but he didn’t expect anything. There were no zombies, just the attendees that were grouped with you two. If it weren’t for the signs where to go, he’d have no idea how to proceed. 
There were no fixed lights, only the flashlights that were handed to everyone. Even with a group of people, footsteps and the rustling of the leaves were the only sounds he could hear. No one talked. Minutes of walking forward in silence went by and still, nothing. Yet, he’s getting creeped out. He can’t shake the feeling that he’s being watched. He let his eyes wander at the darkness lurking in the seams of the forest-like area. 
The fragile tension in the air broke when someone screamed. It came from behind. All those who were near you turned their heads back to see what it was, including him. But he doesn’t see the source of commotion when the people suddenly sprints to his direction. 
He knew that it was the zombies, but he just stood there because he wanted to see them in action. When they come into view, he regrets dawdling around. They aren’t like the zombies you’d see in theme parks for fun. If he didn’t know that this was just a halloween event, he’d be convinced that they’re real. To make it worse, they’re not the limping, sluggish zombies - they are out to get people.  
‘The fuck are they supposed to be - track runner zombies?’ he said in his head.
He was too absorbed in the scenery that he only snapped out of it when he heard snarling and huffing too close to him already. 
He pivots a complete 180-degree on his heels and dashes away. He might have reacted late but his athleticism will make up for it. He didn't look back and focused his energy on his legs. He thought that the zombies only came from behind. Apparently, they also came from the side of the pathway. Everything seems straight out of a horror movie. Shriek and snarls filled the forest air. It’s like Wrong Turn but with zombies. 
So what if it’s not real? It’s too creepy. No way he’s letting any of those zombies near him. 
He sees a sign that says ‘200 meters from the end’ when he feels something’s not right. Something’s missing. 
He forgot about you! Fuuuck. He stops dead on his tracks and looks around while panting. Maybe you’ve caught up to him. But he highly doubts it. He was running at full speed. And just like he thought, he couldn’t see you anywhere near him. He panicked when the zombies came that you completely slipped from his mind.
 ‘Shit. Shit. Shit. I’m an idiot.’ 
He lets out a grunt knowing that there’s no other choice but to go back and look for you. You might be a regular attendee, but that didn’t ensure your safety. 
Zombies were sparing him second glances because he’s the only one who’s heading back to where they came from. 
Going back meant facing the zombies head on while not getting caught. Running away was easy. Avoiding the zombies head on while looking for you simultaneously right after sprinting with all his might was not. He’s already tired.
With two zombies growling in front of him as they blocked his path, he just gave up. “I’m just looking for my girlfriend, okay? Can’t you just let me through?” He took his “lives” and dangled it in front of them. “You can have these. Have you seen someone wearing a pink sweater and gray pants?” The two zombies stood straight and looked at each other. 
“I think we passed by someone wearing pink.” Zombie A said. “Not really sure if that’s her though.” Zombie B added. He hands them his lives for the information they gave him. Now that he doesn’t have any, the zombies won’t bother chasing him anymore.
The two went on running after other attendees. After they got out of the way, he sees you right there jogging towards him. 
“Eitaaaa.” You half-shouted. When you reached each other, you slouched with your hands on your knees while panting.  “Why did you,” more panting, “leave me?”
“Uhh.” He scratched his head trying to find an excuse. “I thought you were with me the whole time.” He smiles apologetically at you. You stand straight and look at him with sulking eyes. “But you ran so fast! I thought we were gonna outrun them together.” You raised your voice at ‘together.’
“Well, we can outrun them now.” He says in an attempt to console you.
You pout as you softly speak, “I lost my lives already. I was distracted trying to find you.” He was going to apologize but a zombie suddenly appeared behind you without you noticing. He grabs you to his side. “Dude. We don’t have lives anymore.”
The zombie looks at both your empty waistbands then runs away.
“Wait. How come you don’t have any left? You were so fast.” 
He felt bad about lying previously so he admits what really happened. He was expecting you to sulk even more but you put your arms around him and smirk. “Hehe. Did you really get that scared?” 
He pats your head lovingly and indulges your amusement of having him spooked. “Yes, I did. Let’s try again next year?” Your eyes become wide as saucers before they sparkle with excitement. “You want to do it again?!”
He smiles.“Yeah, why not?” He has to admit that the run got him going. Looking back at what happened, it was actually thrilling. If only he didn’t ‘accidentally’ lose you, he ‘s confident that you two could have finished the whole marathon. 
“Yes!!” You pressed yourself to him and held on to him completely. Everyone seems to be busy in the chase anyways so he envelops his arms around your waist and returns the hug this time. Two seconds passed and he realized how ludicrous you two looked, snuggling in the middle a marathon with zombies. 
As of reading his mind, you pull away first and meet his gaze with your distinct warm smile. “Let’s go home?” 
He grabs your hand and holds it. “Yeah.”
Amidst the zombies and people running around in the moonlit forest, you two walk to the end of the pathway with your fingers intertwined. 
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
Tales from the Scrap Heap: Nothing to Lose but You
I decided to start “Tales from the Scrap Heap” as a little series on my blog for fanfiction ideas that I never got into print. Because my brain is really, really good at coming up with way more long-form plots than I can ever realistically hope to publish. I have to be picky about which plot bunnies I follow and which I don’t. The stories here are the ones that I considered and ultimately didn’t motivate me as much as what I have up on my AO3 account.
For the first one, I’m aware I’m putting myself in the Discourse Box here but it’s a Voltron: Legendary Defender fic. However, it’s for the absolute only ship I have never seen contested, largely because I don’t think anybody remembers these guys: Vakala/Remdax. Something about them really intrigued me (probably that they’re silly x straitlaced, have a size difference, and bicker constantly, which is almost a full row of JCMorrigan OTP Bingo). If you don’t remember, they’re the two aliens who found clone!Shiro on the ice planet shortly after he escaped (this is when we thought he was real!Shiro) and decided ultimately not to eat him and instead to give him a shuttle to escape back to Voltron. Anyhow, one day I just had too much Worldbuilding Juice and decided to come up with a little history for them, and because they’re rebels hiding in a remote location in a seemingly neverending war, it is one of the darkest story ideas I have. There’s a happy ending for our two leading men, but because this is indeed a wartime story, what I came up with to explain why they were on that ice planet and so willing to even cannibalize any Galra who showed up ended up having elements of colonialism, prison/labor camps, fugitive life, and a worldbuild flavoring that implies some noncon happened somewhere at some point. So if these things are not what you want to read in a hypothetical Voltron fanfiction outline, please keep movin’. Anyway, this is the one story I most regret never finishing because I had so much of it fleshed, but my Voltron muse is long gone and I have no enthusiasm, so here’s what I would’ve written, had I the energy.
·      Title is “Nothing to Lose but You” because the point of this story is these two go through the wringer and are literally all each other have. It’s that kind of story
·      I decided to call the planet Vakala and Remdax are from “Taxalai,” and the name for a resident is “Taxalan.” Taxalan society has a heavy emphasis on technology (which is why Remdax not knowing how to work a computer or being able to remember a password is such an oddity and so frustrating to pretty much any other Taxalan), and pretty much everything is computerized to some degree. Screens everywhere.
·      We open on Vakala, who is living in a mansion that used to belong to his family but has since been taken over by an invading Galra general. This was going to be an OC who I could just make nasty, but then I got re-introduced to Morvok, the Galra’s resident black sheep, and I will take any excuse to write Morvok so let’s just say it was he who took over Vakala’s family manor and just sits on the couch all day regaling people with stories of his greatness (none of which are true).
·      Vakala himself is a servant to Morvok, having to bring him whatever he wants and be at his beck and call.
·      One day, Vakala decides he’s done taking orders and declares he is no longer going to be in a position of servitude in his own house. Morvok simply dismissively says to “Take this one away wherever you take the ones that act up so I don’t have to look at him.”
·      And Vakala is arrested by a Galra squadron and brought to a prison camp many, many miles away.
·      It’s night when he’s delivered, so he’s brought right to the cramped barrack where a bunch of Taxalans who have been there longer are stacked in bunk beds. Vakala’s first night there, he screams and claws at the door that’s been sealed behind him, begging to be let out because he’ll follow orders this time.
·      The other prisoners there are veterans, so they all tell him to shut up because they’re never gonna listen. All but one.
·      Enter Remdax. He’s from another part of Taxalai – Vakala’s voice sounds more American to me while Remdax is definitely British, so I assume they have to come from different parts of the planet. They also have different physical structures that may suggest ethnic divides, though their color palette affirms they’re both of the same planetary origin. It’s also worth noting he has both eyes still at this point. This is very important.
·      Remdax is here because he was part of an anti-Galra rebel squad that was largely made up of his friends and family. The Galra found and closed in on their base, and Remdax ran out and got himself arrested for the purpose of slowing down the Galra officers enough that his friends and family could escape – which they did.
·      Anyway, that exposition would come some time later. For now, what’s happening is Vakala is having a panic attack in the middle of the night and everyone’s telling him to shut up because it’s futile. Except for Remdax. Remdax stands up and essentially says, “We’ve all done the same thing when we first arrived. Let him feel what he feels.”
·      And he approaches Vakala to try and calm him down verbally – just by saying his feelings are validated, and yes, it’s really awful, but he’ll survive, and Remdax will do his best to make sure Vakala survives. But he can’t really tell him it’s “okay” because it is quite clearly not.
·      Vakala eventually gives up and goes to sleep, quite depressed and for good reason.
·      The following morning, Vakala is put to work on an assembly line making Galra weaponry. This is what all the Taxalans in this particular camp must do. It’s very mechanically inclined, not many screens, not the way Taxalans usually work.
·      I don’t know if pacing-wise, it would be better to have this happen the first time or later, but Vakala ends up trying to pick up a cooling metal part way too soon and burning his palm horribly. He has to finish the rest of his shift one-handed.
·      Again, the other imprisoned Taxalans avoid this situation, largely because anxiety is high as-is, but Remdax steps forward once more, trying to care for the burn as best as he can. And he has zero supplies, so the best he can do is run a whole lot of cold water over Vakala’s hand and wrap it up in fabric he tore off his clothing.
·      Vakala ends up underperforming because of this injury and receives some punishment later. I didn’t think too much on exactly what – had I fleshed this out fully, I’d at least imply strongly what happened
·      Remdax has a bit of a crisis over this because he invested in protecting this guy, he failed, and there was literally nothing he could do. He’s in here for self-sacrifice in the first place, so he keeps thinking there’s always something he could do to help someone else if he gives something up for himself. But sometimes, he doesn’t even have an opportunity to do so, and it’s driving him into panic.
·      It’s shortly after this that he starts getting into his head that maybe the only way to help Vakala and himself is if he finds a way to escape.
·      There’s a day in which Remdax and Vakala are assigned to work outside on the grounds, and down comes an inspector from another sector on a shuttle. Remdax sees the opportunity and waves Vakala over.
·      They only have one shot, and it will unfortunately mean leaving the rest of their people behind, which is a horrible sacrifice, but it’s either they go on their own or nobody goes at all.
·      Remdax rushes the Galra inspector and attacks him. They get in a physical brawl while Vakala hurries in and hijacks the ship, which isn’t difficult for his technologically-inclined mind.
·      During this fight, Remdax either knocks out or kills the Galra inspector, but in the process, the inspector stabs one of his eyes completely out.
·      Remdax hops onto the ship and they have to go right away or else lose their freedom and maybe their lives forever. Vakala is freaking out because Remdax’s eye is bleeding, but Remdax is trying to act casual and make jokes about it because Vakala needs to be calm enough to drive.
·      They get off Taxalai on that stolen shuttle and land on the nearest planet, which I never named.
·      They’re aware they’re fugitives at this point.
·      They end up in a metropolitan area, where they check into a hotel so they have somewhere to sleep. I hadn’t worked out how they pay for the first night – maybe with favors, because Vakala eventually ends up a receptionist at this hotel and earns good wages, so maybe he gets his foot in the door by saying “I’ll do anything” and the receptionist is already pulling double duty and just goes “Do the second half of my fourteen-hour shift”
·      They have to finish wrapping up Remdax’s eye in that hotel room as best they can. Thankfully, it doesn’t get infected.
·      Immediately their first thought is to go out and find a way of bringing in income. As I said, Vakala makes a good receptionist and is excellent at filing client data on computers, so he ends up with a good-paying job that way.
·      Remdax takes a job down at a garage working with vehicle mechanics and engines, since that’s what he’s better at. Not in the manufacture of those parts (never again), but in fixing up broken vehicles. (I would’ve made it something more interesting than simply cars for this planet because Voltron planets are all about interesting possibilities for new civilizations.)
·      There’s some down-time where they live rather domestically this way, just earning enough to buy simple food and extend the stay in their small and shabby hotel room, but also bonding and becoming better friends.
·      A lot of people assume they already are a couple. Remdax in particular gets asked about his “husband” at the garage and he has to keep denying it.
·      There’s one night where they’re just having a relatively good time, taking a night to relax and appreciate that they can do nothing and be okay, and Remdax very gingerly brings up he wants to ask something of Vakala that might be too much. Vakala agrees to hear him out, and all Remdax wants is to be hugged for a bit while he thinks about how far they’ve come. So they hold each other, just lying on the bed and muttering to each other about the way things used to be, the way things are now, how lucky they are to have each other.
·      It’s actually some time later that they start seeing each other in a romantic light. Before this, they were a lifeline to each other, and in the heat of the worst moments, they couldn’t even really think about romance – they had to be preoccupied with survival. But now that their life is settling down and they’re starting to pack away funds for a small house, they start thinking…we’re basically life partners. Are we attracted to each other?
·      Answer: yes.
·      They kiss one night over a pretty meager dinner spread out picnic-style on their bed.
·      Shortly after this is when the Galra troops come into the city, looking for the two fugitives who attacked an inspector and fled custody.
·      Vakala and Remdax end up having to escape out the window, flee down the fire escape, and hijack a ship from Remdax’s garage.
·      They’re floating between worlds yet again.
·      They are eventually found by another ship, and they fear the Galra have finally captured them – but it’s a ship of rebels who’ve had similar stories. Vakala and Remdax are two of the Galra’s most wanted, and these rebels realized they would make great additions to the team in exchange for some stability.
·      So they work out a plan where Vakala and Remdax man an outpost on the ice planet, one of the most remote they have, that monitors Galra communications.
·      The rebels drop in supplies regularly and also have left a shuttle in case of emergency.
·      Vakala and Remdax both haaaaate the cold and so use the first week or so as an excuse to snuggle a lot.
·      And things go pretty okay. Remdax is still technologically illiterate and Vakala is just like “Are you even a Taxalan”
·      This is where they start bickering, which they like because finally, finally the stakes are low enough where they can afford to just rag on each other and still like each other at the end of the day.
·      They get more physical at this stage, too, but of course I can’t write a lemon to save my soul so it’s just a lot of implications
·      Things start going wrong when a Galra officer finds the base on a planet. This is far too dangerous and they both know it. If this guy gets two steps further, their location is blown and they are both dead. So Remdax kills him.
·      It’s been a while since their last supply delivery. And they figure it’s best not to waste anything…so they decide the Galra they killed has to go into food reserves.
·      Vakala nearly has a full-on panic attack while cannibalizing another person, even if that person was dangerous.
·      Some time later, another Galra shows up, but this one’s different. She claims to come in peace, and introduces herself as Acxa.
·      Remdax is ready to murder again, but Vakala holds him off because he can recognize Acxa isn’t a full-blooded Galra and in fact, he’s pretty sure there’s Taxalan in her genetic makeup based on how her face looks.
·      Acxa confirms. Her grandmother was a Taxalan and forced to be a servant of a Galra commander who impregnated her (here is the strongly implied noncon).
·      Acxa offers to help, swearing to secrecy. Vakala and Remdax deny her help but let her get away with her life, wondering if they’d made the right decision.
·      A month with no contact and they’re fairly secure Acxa didn’t snitch.
·      Then in comes Shiro, and canon events happen. These would be briefly recapped.
·      The important thing to note is that they let Shiro have their only shuttle, and that was a boo-boo, but it’s okay because the rebels are gonna drop off supplies anyway, so they shouldn’t need it.
·      And then the other rebels never show up.
·      I’m not sure if I’d have them literally be dead or leave it up in the air, but their supplies are cut off. They ration out their remaining food for the next few years. There’s at least one more Galra who shows up that they have to eat. And it does last a few years, until the end of VLD canon.
·      They’re starving to death. Skin and bone. And we get them eating their last ration over the fire and since they’re both used to cannibalizing Galra by now, their minds are on the obvious. Each is ready to kill himself so the other can live longer.
·      For dramatic effect I might have let them get close to pulling the trigger before the sound of someone showing up alerts them
·      They go outside, hoping they’re saved and not screwed…
·      And wouldn’t you know. It’s the paladins of Voltron. Also Acxa.
·      Allura has already been exchanged for the restoration of all realities (which Vakala and Remdax have no idea happened because when you’re in a reality that disappears and reappears, that has no bearing on your memory because you literally did not exist and suddenly existed again with no idea of the gap)
·      Altea and Daibazaal have been restored and now the paladins are working on bringing peace all over the universe
·      And Shiro remembered the two who helped his clone out because of…memory merging?...and Acxa brought up “We really need to check on those two”
·      They get Vakala and Remdax on a warm ship, find them food, get them cleaned up
·      And then bring them back to Taxalai, which has just been liberated from Galra control. We see the more unforgivable Galra getting their due punishment. The camp administrators are now incarcerated. Morvok is doing community service scooping poop at the zoo or something horrible because it’s Morvok
·      Shiro is considering his retirement, but first, he addresses Vakala and Remdax, asking if they want to govern the reclaimed Taxalai and help make it a beautiful place where their people can flourish
·      Vakala is trying so hard not to break down and cry, but it’s Remdax who hits his knees and starts bawling first
·      The final line would be about how they were finally “home” for the first time in their entire lives
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komkommertijd · 4 years
Toronto Log Day 1
July 7, 2019
Looking at the date today and realizing that it’s really been a year since my summer holiday adventure feels so unreal but I really am motivated to start this little series here today. A few days ago I made a post asking about who would be interested in reading about the weird things I got up to while abroad and I was so happy when I received some answers - I’d probably write this anyway even without anyone paying attention to it, because this is mostly still a thing for myself to relive all the happy moments, but it’s nice knowing that someone cares.
This entire thing started back in 6th grade when I accidentally started getting addicted to sports of all kinds of forms. Ice hockey has always seemed cool to me and it felt fairly easy to get into it. I don’t know why or how it happened but from day one until today, I’ve always supported the same team in the NHL, despite all the pain it inevitably comes with. The Toronto Maple Leafs just had something about them, looking back I’m pretty sure that this “something” is Mitch Marner, that made me want to get into the sport more. Ever since then, my love for the city started growing and it is still always expanding day by day.
Toronto just drew me in, in a way no other city ever managed to, so when I turned 14, the idea of going on an exchange trip slowly started forming in my head. My English at the time was good for the average 8th grader and I had the best teacher ever that year, who further encouraged me to spend some time abroad - he even talked to my mother about it when she dropped me off for a field trip one day. 
I already knew that I wanted to go to either Canada or Australia, but obviously it’s not the smartest idea to send a young kid on a day-long plane trip on their own and Australia seemed like the smarter option to visit for an entire year instead of just a few weeks during summer break. When I stepped up to info points at a language exchange fair in my Maple Leafs jersey, it was pretty clear where this was going to go. 
The months leading up to the trip were a weird combination of excitement and anxiety, getting a passport, doing a language test, booking a flight. I still remember receiving the email of my eTA being approved barely six days before leaving the country. 
After a road trip from the most Eastern end of Germany all the way to Frankfurt Main, plus staying a night at my godmother’s place, right after the last day of school, the big day finally came. The airport in Frankfurt is the largest one in Germany and therefore quite overwhelming when one is confronted with it for the first time. To make things worse, the police had to close some part of the airport so I had to find a way around that area to get to the baggage drop-off. The lines divided into flights to the US and flights to the rest of the world, so my mom got in line with me and my brother. The worst thing was saying goodbye to them in front of the safety check and I swear I cried harder than ever before.
The fear of being on my own settled slightly after I survived the security check and got in line to get my passport checked but inevitably returned when I noticed that boarding would start soon and I had no idea which gate to go to. The guy behind the counter was really nice, telling me to have fun in school in Canada before I was allowed to leave. I arrived at my gate literally right when boarding started and somehow got to my designated seat without too much trouble. It was my first time ever leaving Europe, ever flying on my own and spending more than three hours on a plane, and I was weirdly hyped. I survived the eight hours on my way across the Atlantic Ocean with some actually tasty food, three cups of coke, half a liter of water and not a single toilet break.
Seeing the CN Tower during the landing approach made me a lot more emotional than I wanted to be. It’s still surreal to think that all of this actually happened and seeing the skyline live for the first time is something I’ll remember forever. It was warm when I got out of the plane at around 6 pm and tried hacking the airport WiFi to text my mom that I arrived safely (it was 12 am in Germany, sorry mom). Going through the procedure of declaring my goods was something new entirely and I guess I would’ve died there if my English wasn’t on a general level of acceptance. The guy filling out my form looked at me like I was trying to prank him when I told him that the only real good I was sneaking into the country was mustard (the present for my host family because my home town produces one of Germany’s most well-known mustards, it’s weird) and he struggled with trying to read my German papers about the travel details but ended up figuring out that I wasn’t lying about staying three weeks to waste my summer vacation in school on the other side of the world. 
I somehow found the woman in charge of coordinating our shuttles to our host families or the student’s residence, depending on where each of us chose to stay, and followed her outside into the mess that was the traffic right in front of YYZ. I met another German girl there and started talking to her for a while until we got scolded for not talking in English. The Italian students continued arguing about God knows what while I tried to calm myself down as I watched an Audi drive by - a bit of familiarity 6.5 thousand kilometers away from home. 
My legs were cramping and my sweatpants started feeling a bit sticky in the unexpected warmth of the evening and when I dragged my way too huge suitcase up the driveway of a house in Etobicoke, not too far away from the airport, it all started feeling a bit too real. My Brazilian host family welcomed me with open arms and to this day I’m glad that I got to stay with them, considering all the horror stories I got to hear the following weeks from other students.
I shared a room with Alicja, a Polish girl my age from Warsaw, who reminded me a lot of one of my classmates at first and turned out to be quite a lot more similar to me in some ways than I would’ve expected. We ate our first dinner together and tried to figure out how the hell to get to Adelaide Street East in the middle of downtown Toronto before I spent an hour trying to understand the TTC and almost getting a panic attack about how to use the PRESTO card, which occupies some space in my wallet to this day.
Luckily, our host mother sent us some directions for the following day and provided us both with a token each to get to school after we exchanged numbers and set up a group chat. We figured out that getting to school would take us an hour and a half at least, so we strategically set our alarms to 6:45 am to catch the right bus at 7:20. I was exhausted when I crawled into bed that night with my left leg still cramping once in a while but not jetlagged at all, which seems concerning in hindsight. I struggled with plugging my phone charger into the adapter plug before plugging that into the actual socket and shivered for quite a while before being able to fall asleep - our air-conditioning was broken for some reason and provided us with true Canadian winter vibes (it’s the only way for me to validate the “I survived Canadian cold” button on my backpack). 
It felt weird, falling asleep in a bed in a country so far away from home with no one I know around, in a comfortable bed with my favorite pillow that I take everywhere tucked under my head. I arrived, finally, after dreaming about it for so long, and despite not seeing literally anything but the suburbs and some streets so far, it oddly felt a lot like coming home.
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4 notes · View notes
hungline · 6 years
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key: (✎) = ongoing ✧ (m) = mature themes, 18+ 
links: main m.list ✧ bts drabble m.list ✧ ao3 
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« crayons and love »  ✧ uni au / fluff / 1k   ✧ Hoseok's had a bad day, but Seokjin is there to make it better. 
« you and me, we’re like kerosene » (m)  ✧ slice of life / smut / fluff / 1k ✧ Beads.  All seven of them connected on one string with a ring at the end, only one of them big enough to make Seokjin wary. Hoseok’s waiting for him though and Seokjin doesn’t feel like now is the time to tell Hoseok that he’s never used anal beads before.
« got any grapes? » ✧ slice of life / fluff / 1k    ✧ “That wasn’t for you! These are for the ducks! Stop stealing their food!"   
« let’s stop running from us » ✧ meeting the parents au / fake dating au / fluff / angst / 2k ✧ Seokjin has had plenty of bad experiences when it comes to meeting his friends’ parents, so he is more than nervous when Hoseok invites him to his hometown for the holidays. What he is most surprised about though is the fact that Hoseok’s parents seem to think the two are dating and Hoseok is more than willing to go along with it.
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« jihope bingo 2016 » (m)  ✧ assortment of aus / angst / fluff / smut  ✧ A bingo centered around JiHope.
« trapped in the closet » (m)  ✧ non au / pwp / smut / 2k  ✧ Jimin can't keep it in his pants and Hoseok is more than willing.
« everything led to you » (m) ✧ strangers to friends to lovers au / fluff / mild smut / 6k   ✧ When Hoseok finally gained the courage to ask for what he wanted.
« catch me (if you can) » (m)  ✧ club au / fluff / mild smut / 1k  ✧ Hoseok literally falls in love with the club’s new security guard. 
« a swim in the dark » ✧ teenagers au / angst / fluff / 2k  ✧ Jimin's always been there whenever Hoseok has needed him. This time around, it wasn't any different. It was them, together at three in the morning, with their feet dipped inside Hoseok's pool and that was really all that Jimin had ever known. Or, when Hoseok shoved Jimin into a pool then asked him to prom.
« jihope bingo 2017 » (m) (✎)  ✧ assortment of aus / angst / fluff / smut  ✧ The second round of JiHope Bingo.  
« let’s take our time » (m) ✧ non au / fluff / pwp / smut / 1k   ✧ Hoseok's still sensitive from the night before but nothing would ever stop him from riding Jimin early in the morning 'cause this is what Hoseok craves, what he absolutely lives for. 
« jihope week 2017 » (m)  ✧ assortment of aus / fluff / angst / smut  ✧ A week dedicated to JiHope.  
« the plan » ✧ non au / angst / fluff / 4k   ✧ Jimin’s head over heels in love with Hoseok, but Hoseok only sees him as his cute dongsaeng.
« for us, you’ll stay » ✧ fake relationship au / fluff / 8k  ✧ Namjoon is the mastermind behind Hoseok's life, but all Hoseok wants is to bring little Seokjin home. Park Jimin says he can help him with that. 
« part of the world of the sun » ✧ mythology au / angst / 3k  ✧ Park Jimin loves the sun. When his tribe chooses him, unwillingly, as the sun's future consort, Jimin begins to learn what loving the sun really means.
« jihope week 2018 » (m) ✧ assortment of aus / fluff / angst / smut   ✧ The second round of JiHope Week. 
« round and round » ✧ non au / angst / fluff / 1k   ✧ It takes a while for Hoseok to realize that he and Jimin are circling one another - have been circling one another - for a while now, but at least it all comes to an end one way or another.
« do you believe in magic? » ✧ magic au / fluff / 1k  ✧ Jimin’s the worst when it comes to control. Hoseok is an expert on it.
« skool luv affair » ✧ teachers au / fluff / 1k  ✧ When his student, Kim Taehyung, lets loose that the calculus teacher may have a crush on him, Hoseok doesn't really know what he should think...or maybe he does. 
« i’m coming home to you » ✧ magical realism au / witches au / fluff / 2k  ✧ He doesn't want to do this anymore. He cannot keep pretending to be something he isn't.
« new wave » ✧ mermaid au / fluff / 1k  ✧ "Yep," Jimin murmurs, fighting the urge to look down and meet Hoseok's gaze. "It got me thinking."  Hoseok shuffles on his knees. "Oh? What about?"  Jimin smiles. "Whether you're courting me or not."
« coming soon » ✧ uni au / fluff  ✧ “Hold me back.” 
« coming soon »   ✧ android au / angst / fluff 
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« love like you » ✧ fantasy au / angst / 3k   ✧ Prince Seokjin has been cursed to be unable to love and it’s all Jeongguk’s fault. 
« from summer to winter, i’ll be yours » ✧ mythology au / fluff / angst / 6k   ✧ Seokjin had learned long ago that he and Jeongguk could never really be together, but his time as summer is almost over and he'll wait as long as he has to before winter comes to pass.
« cramped space » (m)  ✧ mile high club au / pwp / smut / 1k  ✧ Seokjin needs this to be quick. He really does, but he's also grateful to Jeongguk's libido for packing the travel-sized bottle of lube too.
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« touch me soft, love me hard » ✧ non au / fluff / 1k  ✧ Jimin worries about how their performance at the AMAs will be received and Seokjin does his best to reassure him, glad when Jimin returns the favor.
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« the first and, hopefully, the last » ✧ teenagers au / fluff / 2k   ✧ Hoseok is seventeen years old, has known Jeongguk ever since the bunny-looking kid was born, and he has never been kissed. Luckily, his dongsaeng knows exactly what to do. 
« i got my tongue between your teeth » (m)  ✧ post-disbandment au / fluff / smut / 2k ✧ When they had all agreed to go their separate ways, Jeongguk never thought he would find himself here.
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kim line  
« if the heavens ever did speak »  ✧ demon au / fluff / 2k  ✧ Seokjin and Taehyung are lust demons who have their sights set on Namjoon, an unassuming college student who definitely knows there is more going on behind closed doors. Good thing Namjoon is absolutely smitten with them.
« when that moon falls asleep » (m) ✧ slice of life / established relationship au / fluff / 2k  ✧ Aftercare, the fic. 
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« to have and to hold » ✧ greek mythology au / angst / fluff / 4k   ✧ Namjoon falls and falls and falls, but Jimin is there to help him get back on his feet and find the truth within himself. 
« coming soon » (m) ✧ sub daddy/dom baby boy au / pwp / smut  
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« you and me (+him) » (m) ✧ uni au / fluff / smut / angst  ✧ How minjoonseok came to be. 
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« delights of december » ✧ xmas and new year’s au / fluff / angst / 6k   ✧ Three relationships create friction at a Christmas party and things fall apart only so they can be put back together again.
« love is quiet » (m) ✧ unrequited love au / angst / smut / 1k  ✧ When Taehyung first met Jimin, the first thing that ran through his head was "fuck, he's so pretty." The second thought had been "this is your friend's boyfriend, shut up." His third thought was "you don't even like guys." 
« now isn’t the time, nor the place » ✧ soulmate au / fluff / angst / 1k   ✧ Seokjin isn’t Namjoon’s soulmate. Hoseok is. 
« a love as strong as you » (✎) ✧ fae au / angst / fluff  ✧ The trials and perils of fae!Jeongguk learning to love. 
« build me a place i can call home » (m)  ✧ abo au / fluff / angst / mild smut / 3k  ✧ A collection of abo drabbles centered around nesting!
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« coming soon » ✧ greek mythology au / angst / fluff 
« coming soon » ✧ enemies to lovers au / angst / smut / fluff 
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« birthdays aren’t important, but you are » ✧ birthday au / fluff / 5k   ✧ That time Seokjin thought Namjoon was cheating on him when he tried to keep a secret.
« houses divided (and then united) » ✧ hp au / angst / fluff / 3k  ✧ Namjoon is pining after Head Boy Seokjin, but he might have to rethink his ideas about Houses first.
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« kiss, kiss, fall in love » (m) ✧ uni au / angst / fluff / smut / 19k  ✧ Kim Namjoon can admit he’s an idiot. He can also admit that he likes Jeon Jeongguk more than he should. 
« first snow » ✧ long distance relationship au / fluff / 1k  ✧ Jeongguk smiles at the smiley emoticon, the tiny feeling of nerves in his chest dissipating when he realizes that he's about to meet Namjoon! And then it comes back in tenfold when he realizes that he's about to meet Kim Namjoon! 
« namkook week 2018 » (m)  ✧ assortment of aus / fluff / smut / angst  ✧ A week dedicated to NamKook. 
« now you see me » ✧ non au / fluff / 1k  ✧ Jeongguk’s always felt like he was hiding the real him from the rest of his members, the men who practically raised him when they were trying to raise themselves at the same time. Now he feels it’s time to show his true colors to them because they’ll always love their maknae. He is more than sure of that.
« every time i look into your eyes (i see it) » ✧ childhood friends to lovers au / uni au / fluff / 5k  ✧ Jeongguk loves Namjoon, platonically and romantically and any other way that you can love a person, but would he ever admit that out loud?
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« arranged to be » (✎)  ✧ charbol au / arranged marriage au / angst  ✧ Hoseok has only ever exchanged a few words with Kim Namjoon and now his parents have informed him that they're getting married. Hoseok doesn't know why, how or even what the hell is going on and best friend Yoongi is of no help either. Hoseok's pretty sure he's screwed any way you look at it.
« namseok week 2018 »   ✧ assortment of aus / angst / fluff  ✧ A week dedicated to NamSeok. 
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« crafts and magic and flowers » ✧ flower shop au / fluff / 1k  ✧ Yoonji hates Namjoon, it’s true, despite what her girlfriend, Jinah, may say about Yoonji actually thinking the glasses wearing blonde is cute. Yep, Yoonji hates him. Still, it’s better if he didn’t find out the two girls who own the flower shop are nature and love witches. Maybe.
« love and school days » ✧ teacher au / fluff / 1k ✧ Seokjin's students ask him how he's able to love two people at the same time and Seokjin explains that it isn't really that hard.
« for you, i’d give up my happiness »   ✧ “for you” mv au / angst / 2k   ✧ The boys all get together to help Jeongguk save up to go visit his girlfriend and Yoongi is the only reluctant one because he's actually in love with Jeongguk, but doesn't want to get in the way of his happiness.
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« meet me under the mistletoe » (m)  ✧ non au / fluff / mild smut / 2k ✧ Seokjin couldn't sleep, but after some kisses under the mistletoe, he felt whole again. 
« flowers and chocolate » (m) ✧ valentine’s day au / fluff / smut / 3k  ✧ Hoseok hadn't even known it was Valentine's Day, but when Mark oh-so-kindly reminded him, he rushed back home with flowers and chocolate and a proposal he wasn't really sure would be welcomed when he got back to his six boyfriends (but were they really his boyfriends? because he still didn't know and it'd been six years already so here goes).
« blow the candle, make a wish » ✧ non au / fluff / 1k  ✧ Hoseok really, really loves his members. He may as well ask them out.
« around the rim » (m)  ✧ sports au / fluff / smut / 4k  ✧ Yoongi thought they'd forgotten, but they always seemed to surprise him in the most pleasant of ways.
« trippin’, stumblin’ » (m)  ✧ forgotten birthday au / angst / fluff / 1k  ✧ Namjoon should be used to being forgotten. 
« wings are meant to fly » (m) ✧ soulmate au / fluff / angst / smut / 16k  ✧ Jeongguk doesn’t know how many soulmates he will have in total, but by the end of it, at least he’ll get his wings. 
« put on a show » (m)  ✧ friends to lovers au / smut / fluff / 4k  ✧ Seokjin loves his boys. Maybe not in the way that people generally love their friends since he frequently has threesomes with them, but he loves all six of his friends just the same.
« what we feel is the same » (m) ✧ reverse abo au / uni au / angst / fluff / 9k  ✧ In a world where omegas are on top of the food chain and alphas are treated like scum, Namjoon and Jeongguk are doing their best to do right by each other and their pack. 
« when tomorrow comes » ✧ the umbrella academy au / kids au / plaotnic / angst / 2k ✧ Today, Namjoon looks at his siblings beside him then at their brother lying in this hospital bed before them and thinks, I won’t let this happen again.
« arms, chest, thighs, and stubble » (m) newest  ✧ established relationship au / smut / fluff / 1k ✧ It feels beyond strange having someone’s tongue lap at his chin but Namjoon deals with it. He has weirder kinks than this.
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sunshine line 
« falling (into you) » (m) ✧ fwb au / friends to lovers au / angst / fluff / smut / 9k  ✧ Ignoring the knife that's been shoved into his heart is a feat Taehyung never knew he was capable of, but when he turns back to face the couple in front of him, Taehyung realizes just how lonely he really is.
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« heaven is right here with you » (m)  ✧ angel/demon au / angst / fluff / 3k  ✧ Eventually, they realize that they don't need heaven to find peace.
« love blossoms in winter » (m) (✎)  ✧ fwb au / developing relationship au / angst / smut / fluff  ✧ TaeGi’s love during the season of winter. 
« taegi week 2017 » (m) ✧ assortment of aus / fluff / angst  ✧ A week dedicated to TaeGi.  
« sailing for love (sailing for you) » ✧ mermaid au / pirate au / angst / 1k  ✧ Taehyung has a way of making Yoongi do the things he definitely should not be doing and none of it is in Yoongi’s favor. 
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« space for you » (m)  ✧ slice of life / fluff / 1k   ✧ Jeongguk latches onto him immediately, bringing Yoongi with him and it vividly reminds Taehyung of how they first came to be. 
« tangled up » (m)  ✧ childhood friends au / tentacles au / fluff / smut / 2k ✧ When Yoongi was eleven, he was forced to leave Taehyung and Jeongguk behind. Now, fourteen years later, he’s back and he is never going to let them go again.
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« slow hands » (m)  ✧ uni au / smut / 1k  ✧ The gentle hands of a lover, the slow, mesmerizing touch of a man. Maybe that’s all Taehyung needs. Maybe that’s all he really wants.
« overcast and in love » ✧ weather au / angst / fluff / 1k  ✧ “I'm scared,” Taehyung admits, his voice shaking. Seokjin takes him into his arms, holding him close as the tears start and the rain begins to fall upon them. “I know.”
« i jump on you » ✧ first date au / fluff / 1k  ✧ Taehyung is glad he didn't jump Seokjin's bones earlier because their date is going pretty well as far as first dates go. 
« the rainbow connection »   ✧ uni au / established relationship au / 2k  ✧ Who said that every wish would be heard and answered when wished on the morning star? Somebody thought of that and someone believed it. And look what it’s done so far.
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« wings and wine »   ✧ greek mythology au / angst / fluff / 1k  ✧ He may have been the patron god of tricksters and thieves, but at least he was honest and Jeongguk found that to be the most important fact of all. 
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« double the trouble »   ✧ double proposal au / fluff / 2k  ✧ Taehee and Namjoo are ready to get married. Yoonji and Seokjin see to it that the two like-minded individuals mean it.
« it’s getting dark (but here comes the sun) »  ✧ future au / space au / angst / fluff / 3k ✧ He has been gone three years now and most likely will be gone for three more.
« the scent of a promised change » ✧ werewolf au / fantasy au / fluff / 2k  ✧ There is a boy in the woods.  
« how do i get to you again? » ✧ soulmates au / fluff / 1k ✧ Namjoon doesn’t remember any of the time they have spent together, Taehyung’s appearance, or even his name when he is awake, but they always remember in their shared dream.
« be showered with all those stars » ✧ abo au / fluff / 2k  ✧ Taehyung does not realize he’s in pre-heat until he comes home and immediately starts looking through the linens closet for extra sheets and pillows.
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« strawberry kisses » (m)    ✧ travel au / vampire au / bookshop au / fluff / smut / 5k ✧ When Namjoon and Jeongguk decide to travel to Transylvania, they end up staying long past the summer for one supernatural being with an obsession for strawberries.
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« to busan we go » (m)   ✧ train to busan au / angst / horror / action / 6k / abandoned ✧ In the crazy of it all, Yoongi is just making sure the ones he loves make it through this.
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« yoonjin week » (m)  ✧ assortment of aus / angst / fluff / smut  ✧ A week dedicated to YoonJin. 
« what a spread » (m) (✎)  ✧ idol actor au / photographer au / strangers to lovers au / smut / fluff  ✧ Yoonjin and their morning routines.
« pumpkin pie » (m)  ✧ uni au / mild smut / 1k   ✧ "Fuck! My ex is here. Quick! Make out with me!" 
« let’s share the weight of the world » ✧ parent au / angst / fluff / 1k   ✧ Seokjin is nervous and excited and a little scared, but he's ready for this. He and Yoongi are both ready for this.
« let’s give it our all » (m)  ✧ soulmate au / uni au / fluff / angst / 13k ✧ Dread fills Seokjin as he continues to watch the video, only daring to speak once Namjoon's screen has gone dark. "Did I confess to Yoongi last night?"
« yoonjin week 2019 »   ✧ assortment of aus / fluff / angst  ✧ Second round of YoonJin Week.
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« minty fresh » (m)  ✧ abo au / uni au / fluff / angst / smut / 11k  ✧ Jeon Jeongguk has always had the worst of luck. Even when he met the two most wonderful men in the universe, it was under dire circumstances. Still, maybe his luck isn't so bad after all.
« tear me down (build me up) » (m) ✧ abo au / pwp / smut / fluff / 1k  ✧ Jeongguk fucking hates IKEA furniture. Yoongi and Seokjin make it better. 
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« bitter » ✧ coffee shop au / angst / 1k  ✧ The coffee shop is Yoongi’s entire life, which isn’t saying much. To Jeongguk though, it’s just a summer thing.  
« home for christmas » ✧ xmas au / fluff / light angst  / 1k  ✧ Yoongi freaks out over how to make Jeongguk's first real Christmas memorable, but Jeongguk appreciates the little things and doesn't mind. He's quite at home with how things are. Still, the thought is kind and Jeongguk loves Yoongi lots.
« stardust » ✧ soulmate au / parent au / fluff / angst / 17k  ✧ Soulmates are supposed to be your other half, your same bit of stardust, but when Yoongi meets his soulmate, he turns and runs with his tail between his legs. He has too much at stake to fall back in love again. 
« my memories still go to that cafe » ✧ coffee shop au / fluff / angst / humor / 12k  ✧ "Holy shit," Blondie whispers under his breath — almost quiet enough that Jeongguk could pretend he never even heard him — as his face slowly flushes a darker red by the second. 
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« honeycomb for a heart » ✧ hybrid au / fluff / 1k ✧ Yoongi never actually expected to build his own hive.  
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« moonless marigold » (m)  ✧ soulmate au / uni au / angst / fluff / smut / 40k  ✧ "You see in black and white until you meet your soulmate." "Why? That sounds horrible, Mom." "Because nothing else should bring to you the beauty of a flurry of colors like your soulmate should, Hobi." 
« they’re like ocean waves » (m)   ✧ surfer au / angst / fluff / mild smut / 4k / abandoned ✧ Jung Hoseok is a hotshot surfer entering the biggest competition of his life and Park Jimin is a judge who just saved his life (but who also actually hates Hoseok?). Hoseok isn't very sure, all he knows is that Yoongi has been in love with him for years and now he wants to have a threesome with Jimin. Go figure. Seokjin just makes sure that Hoseok doesn't ruin all their hard work again.
« moonless marigold 2.0 » (✎)  ✧ soulmate au / uni au / angst ✧ Hoseok has horrible luck and of course finding and attaining his soulmate wouldn’t be easy. On top of that, college fucking sucks.
« two in one » (m)  ✧ slice of life / smut / fluff / 2k  ✧ Yoongi’s barely walked through the door, but that won’t stop whatever Jimin and Hoseok have up their sleeves.
« moonlight in the day » ✧ slice of life / fluff / 1k   ✧ All Hoseok wants to do when he finally gets home is sleep. For a few hours at least, or maybe an entire day, who knows actually. However much sleep will get his jet lag to take a hike is fine with him. 
« if these sheets were the states » (m)  ✧ online romance au / angst / smut / 2k  ✧ The drive from Connecticut to Illinois is long. Not as long as the drive from Illinois to California will be, but at least Yoongi will have company for that leg of the journey.
« late night runs (late night love) » ✧ midnight grocery shopping au / fluff / 2k   ✧ Yoongi doesn't generally hate the fact that he and his boyfriends are night people... But there are times like now when Yoongi wishes that his boyfriends were more of day people instead. 
« the beginning of us (three) » (m)  ✧ abo au / angst / smut / 2k  ✧ Jimin thought that Hoseok was it for him, that he would only ever have him in his life, but then Yoongi goes into heat and shows Jimin that maybe he has always known there was something missing from their lives. Who could have guessed that it would be Yoongi though? 
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© hungline 2016-2020 
197 notes · View notes
seekingjets · 6 years
Pre-War StarPrime(Pax) thought...
Orion Pax has run into Starscream before. More than once.
Unfortunately one time in particular was due to Ironhide and Jazz dragging Pax by the moral compass to the edges of Kaon. They want to celebrate his promotion. They want to spoil their favorite Sergeant with gritty energex in chipped canisters. They want to drown him in the sight of swaying frames drawn in organic lines (as is the fashion in Kaon) until Pax might actually slip and be normal for once.
No stuffy student, no longer a twitchy cadet. They want and hope some flirty mech, modified to vibrate under hand, can give their Orion a good time.
Orion is mortified, of course. He's citing regulations and code of conduct all the way past rusty doors. Tossed careless into the throb of overlaid beats. Flashing colors and swinging limbs as the (Bar? Club? Law suit?) carries on in full swing despite his objections. Orion only can sit back in a corner booth, wishing Ironhide could complete his paperwork as swiftly as he procures drinks. Bright, frothy vermilion in cups cold to the touch and static on the tongue.
Jazz is of no help and if he hollers to giggling patrons (with their colors rearranged to highlight obscene carved hips and decorative glyphs delving between glossed thighs) one more time to "come and get it" while motioning to Orion's pelvic area one more time...Orion is going to write up an official reprimand.
This has to qualify as kidnapping. Perhaps even attempted murder (as he will die if he's bullied into drinking one more chunky shot that slithers down his intake and sizzles the tanks.)
They won't let him leave until he's "having fun" but Jazz is quick to sneak off to the dance floor at the first opportunity. Wedged between a broad chest and someone with huffing smokestacks which leaves the cramped club hot and suffocating. Vents whining to filter the smoke and gasping exhales of folded bodies and sticky floors. Lamenting his pride now washed away in the funk and tact clinging to his frame as foreign servos find the audacity to grope what they can as they pass by.
"Ya havin’ fun?” Ironhide grins, mouth damp with drink.
“You’re under arrest.” Orion answers and doesn’t appreciate the deep guff of a laugh in return. No one should be able to make that noise, not when aiding and abetting a crime. He’ll suffer for now, but even as Orion slinks forward to dodge a friendly squeeze from a passerby, he’s preparing for the look of betrayal on Ironhide’s face come the next shift after Pax refuses to complete the administrative portion of their work for his dear friend.
Then Ironhide smacks his waist and it’s like a blunt weapon knocking into his frame, leaves him choking and reeling as his partner motions across the flashing lights and displaced bodies. Orion tensing. Expecting an obvious danger in their reach, ready to lunge at the closest threat...
Instead he spots wings.
The pale frame and violent shine of red effortlessly divides the floor with a confidence Pax is stilling trying to fake. Body paint bright and catching the colorful lights, casting a neon wildfire across strutting wings. The comfortable sway of red hips and matching optics which trail light as they gently survey the world before him.
Casting judgement and finding the offering of the universe wanting before a prideful sneer.
“Well damn, never seen a stock model look so...” ‘Hide trails off, likely because Orion’s mask has snapped shut with a startled hurry. Ironhide doesn’t have much time to question it due to the impending doom as the seeker draws near without much prompting.
“Hi.” Ironhide is a confident mech, strong and stubborn. But pretty things are blinding and he’s certainly distracted by the glossy thigh pressed against their table.
“Buy me a drink.” The seeker orders and doesn’t lift his gaze from Orion’s figure - which only gives Ironhide the wrong idea.
“I’ll take my time.” He winks and shuffles up and out before Pax can drag him back by the scruff. Awkward silence managing to fill the void between the newcomer’s cut smile and Orion Pax sitting at an angle in the booth trying to survive the scalding seeker’s stare.
“Officer Pax.”
“Starscream.” Pax shifts in his seat uncomfortable by far, looking towards the crowd for both Jazz and an exit...finding neither.
“Haven’t seen you since you tried arresting me not a few blocks away.” The seeker pressing pale blue servos on the grimy table, spreading elongated digits until the metal of the table sang with vibration and Orion withdrew further into the booth.
“Haven’t seen you since you shot me resisting arrest.” The bright quirk of Starscream’s smile shouldn’t send his spark to do a funny little pulse, wavering in response to the seeker’s amusement. Orion wasn’t seriously injured but showing up, blasted arm and no suspect in hand, had been a rough day at the station.
Starscream decides it’s perfectly acceptable to sit down, likely realizing how uncomfortable it will make Orion Pax. Body moving in a neat shuffle before falling loud and heavy into the space at Pax’s left. Posture curved towards Orion who wasn’t and never will be a small mech. The edge of his elbow joint tickles the glass of the seeker’s canopy and it feels indecent with the undulating crowds of the dance floor not a stretch away.
“Of all the stuffy cops out there, you’re the last one I would expect to be slumming it.” Starscream speaks and the surrounding space quivers. Perfectly symmetrical face, literally one of hundreds, moving to rest a neat chin against the perfect curl of his own palm. “You know what this club is famous for? I didn’t guess you were into that kind of thing.”
“Not my idea.” Pax answers quickly, then recalculates. Always a danger not to consider each and every one of the criminal’s words before giving too much. Starscream was a mid-level crook with a magician’s touch for getting out of trouble. His rap sheet practically a history lesson in “what not to do”. Yet nothing sticks and nothing ever holds the seeker down. “What kind of thing?”
“Don’t worry,” Starscream and he have history the same way a splinter embedded deep into the under dermal layer has history with its host. Not too much a pain until agitated...but never truly forgotten. “I can tell you’re not having fun.”
“Why are you here?” Stupid question and the seeker finds it funny. Shifting to swing legs up and over Orion’s lap, leaning back into the curve of the booth as he watches with delight the expressions the masked-Pax can run through before settling on slightly disturbed and unsure what to do with his hands.
“Me? Just enjoying the view.”
“Don’t tell me you’re still mad about getting shot?” Starscream’s glossa peeks from his mouth, teasing while Pax is left to catch Ironhide’s shape from the bar, giving him two thumbs up for all the wrong reasons. Starscream’s heeled turbine digs into the plating of Orion’s thigh and he wants to relocate the pedes to the floor - but shoving them away would be rude. Surely that’s his only reason for resisting the urge.
“It wasn’t getting shot that upset me.” He responds without thinking and that’s the worst thing you can do in the face of that smile. That all-knowing clever little devil disguised as something warm and pretty you can never own. Orion was distracted by that smile once, let the seeker curl in and hold tight as the loveliest snake in all Cybertron spilled a sob story that had his spark weeping and a flare of protective nature scorching his logical core.
Orion hadn’t noticed at the time of the arrest that Starscream slipped the cuffs. Hadn’t noticed because he was busy with a processor full of heroic acts and flashing white wings fluttering lovely and exotic before him. It was an interesting picture, bulky him with the curvaceous and venom tongued seeker whispering desperate and beautiful all the things a would-be savior wants to hear.
Rookie mistake.
Highlighted by the fact Starscream shot him the moment Orion shuddered with the brush of a mouth against his jaw.
“Oh? That?” Starscream seems to know Orion’s shame, pulls himself closer by the anchor of his legs across Pax’s lap. He’s clearly no more than an obstacle course for him, he’s sure. Orion still allows it somehow, still bewitched by that pretty thing in the wild night who whimpered for his help with a stunning act. “You can’t still be mad about that?”
“I’m off-duty.” Orion tries cutting him off, face guard secure across his features and hopefully that gives a sense of disinterest. Of false fortification against the seeker who is all but curled in his lap, knees brushing intimate and familiar against Orion’s side. “But were I not…”
“Oh officer!” Starscream gasps and a few lingering patrons turn their gaze in voyeuristic curiosity. “I’ve been good little jet, I promise.”
“You?” Pax chuckles despite himself, wondering if Starscream can see the grin he so desperately wishes to hide from the world. (Not the world. Just from Starscream who has a way of looking at you with the promise of wanting and enjoying anything he sees.) “Unlikely.”
“You’re handsome when you smile.” Optics flicker to the mask and dim when it remains in existence. Gathering himself up and wings stretch wide against the cramped space. Red lights of his gaze blurred and streaking across the flowing lights causing him to appear ethereal in the flashing room. “You know, it’s a shame you won’t come to play without your friends dragging you. I think we could have some fun.”
“I’m still an officer of the law.”
“We all have our flaws.” He purrs and Orion can feel it against his field which settles hungry over the seeker’s frame. Resonating and responding. Sending a gentle pulse to work its way up Orion’s back and nestle deep into his over-extended processor. “Maybe next time.”
“Likely not.” Orion finds his voice lacking as the other rises to stand, heel digging into the seat between Pax’s thighs with expectation. Forcing him to accommodate the change and out of instinct Pax reaches to cup the backs of blue detailed knees and ensure the jet’s stability.
Starscream stands tall and warm above him, a bouncer or bartender yelling in his direction to “sit the frack down” as the pede between his leg ghosts intimate plating. Devious and curled smile worn like a crown, just as dangerous as the rest of him.
“Well then, you better get me in cuffs next time.”
He almost answers eagerly, slouching grip as the seeker dips and hops down from the booth - ignoring the bartender’s scathing reprimand for walking on the furniture. Giving an impolite motion to emphasis how little he cares. The thrumming crowd and blinding lights agree with Starscream, all chaos and motion as he gives a final glance over the delicate wing before parting the crowd once more - vanishing from sight in the shifting bodies and hungry stares.
Orion exhales a sound he hadn’t known he was clutching, both proud and mournful of the brief encounter. The officer in him knowing what a danger the seeker was...the dreamer thrilled by it. He hardly acknowledges his partner’s return, Ironhide grinning from gear to gear as he plops down in the booth. Elbowing Pax with a proud laugh that is nothing compared to Jazz’s struck expression when he’s finally reeled from the dance floor to ensure Pax survived.
“It’s nothing.” Orion lies, shrugging off ‘Hide’s assumptions or Jazz’s disappointment that he didn’t follow the seeker out. “It’s not like that.” He assures, hoping the display at least would give him room to encourage their departure from the wild atmosphere.
“Hey man, I’m just glad he wasn’t causing trouble.” Jazz chuckles, chugging something bright and green from thin tubes brought to him by star-speckled fans of his dance floor performance. “Pretty thing like that? Seems evil.”
“No, he just...came to say hi?” Orion guesses. He’s not versed in what a  havoc-hungry seeker might get out of crawling into the lap of the very cop who tried to arrest him on multiple occasions. Perhaps there’s a challenge he can’t understand. Perhaps he’d like to. But just stopping in to “say hi” wasn’t a very Starscream-like behavior....
“He stole from you didn’t he?” Jazz waits until Orion checks his accounts, gagging at the multiple digits withdrawn and the lingering signs of a proximity hack subtle but still there. Like a rough edge against his coding as grating as the seeker’s voice.
“That...little…” Orion was already lunging over the table before the bartender could complain, heavy body shaking the floor as he moves broad and fast towards the direction of Starscream’s swift escape, Only hoping he can catch him before taking flight.
Handcuffs at the ready.
129 notes · View notes
whiteravensoars · 7 years
Well … This story was sitting on my laptop for a couple of weeks now and the KatsuDeku Week seemed the best opportunity to finish it. As always it has gotten longer and longer and longer …
Plus it was a real challenge! English is not my first language, school never taught us how to swear so I picked up a few terms at movies or thanks to books. Writing ever swearing Katsuki was like … writing like usual and then pour a bucket full of colorful expressions over it, squeezing in a ‘fuck this, fuck that, fucking hell no’ as often as possible.
Link to AO3 
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki (POV), Midoriya Izuku, students of Class 3-A, All-Might, original characters
Tags: KatsuDeku Week, Day 4, Rest & Comfort, Bakugou swears a lot, hospital visit, post-series, set in the future, aged-up characters, Izuku is worried, Katsuki tries to comfort him, Emotional hurt/ comfort, noisy Class 3-A, KatsuDeku, BakuDeku, hidden relationship
Summary: Somehow the secret of All Might’s hospitalization was spread around UA like a wildfire. But instead of searching for a way to break through the security standards like every student of class 3-A, Katsuki would love to blow all those shitheads out of the hospital’s entrance hall. How should Izuku slip by unseen this way?
Katsuki knows that he’s short-tempered and easy to anger. He knows the fact since forever but considering his quirk he never tried to suppress those upwelling, disturbing hot feelings, he never swallows them down but let them detonate. The calm after the explosion, when the smoke lingers is the only moment when he can be at ease. It’s calm, it’s refreshing, like a new start. Recently he just wants to blast his noisy classmates into oblivion but damn that no violence in school rule. They were always loud and blabbering shitheads but today it’s extremely worse. First-year Katsuki would have launched forward to throw a punch. Third-year Katsuki just plops his leg angrily on his table of their classroom and groans.   Behind him, Izuku’s clothes shuffle and his obnoxiously red trainers squeak over the linoleum as he heads for the door. He passes an inch too close to Katsuki, arms lightly brushing but the tension that built inside him subsides. Katsuki keeps his stoic façade; he will never admit that Izuku can calm him down within seconds. He will never admit that the little nerd can sense his outburst way before him, either. They exchange a short glance; silently saying ‘stay safe’ but no one else in class seems to recognize it.
“Midoriya-kun”, Iida aks as Izuku almost slips outside, “why don’t you tag along? You’re big fan of All Might, aren’t you?” Katsuki glances at the clock above the door. Instead of going down in the cafeteria those idiots choose today to stay in class and do shit. A frown settles between his brows, getting deeper every second passing. And now they have the nerve to distract Izuku further who’s already running late. “Well …” Izuku waves awkwardly. Katsuki still hears the strained pitch he tries to hide. “I’m sorry I’m busy at my agency today, that’s why I’m exempt from our afternoon classes. And my mum asked me to come over afterward and … help. But count me in if I should sign a ‘Get well soon’ card or something like that.” ‘Help’ is the nicer description of distracting Auntie Inko so that she won’t have a nervous fit or a complete breakdown.  His old hag and Izuku were dividing their time as often as possible in the last days to make sure of that. “We still don’t know what to do”, Round Face exclaims, “but a card seems brilliant!” The spot where Izuku has been seconds before is vacant now. Katsuki can literally see the dust cloud his sprint has left behind. That little nerd really can’t keep his shit together lately.
“A visit sounds awesome”, Hair-for-brains chimes in and Katsuki’s classmates clutter together in the back of the room. “The best thing about hospitals are the visitors to cheer you up.” As if. Nothing should be labeled ‘best’ and connected to a hospital stay. He considers to grab his math homework and make a bee-line for the inner courtyard or the rooftop. He vividly remembers how the circles under Izuku’s eyes have gotten darker and darker so he’ll ask for help for sure. Better start now and rub under his nose how awesome his teaching skills are. “Then how about we all go to the hospital after school?”, stupid Laser-boy offers. “Yes, let’s do a surprise visit, ribbit-ribbit,” Frog-girl adds.
Shit. No. Why do they always have the most fucked up ideas? He glowers silently. Katsuki tries to ignore them but listens nevertheless. Although it meant to be a secret someone at UA spilled that All Might is currently staying at a hero hospital. He retired from being their teacher at the end of the second year and reduced his workload without giving any good reasons. He did stay as a counselor, though, often visited or lunched with the class but it wasn’t the same. In secret All Might had to step down because of his declining health, he concentrates now fully on shaping Izuku’s abilities to grasp One for All. The little nerd finally mastered twenty-two percent, still, Katsuki wonders if the price they’re going to pay is worth the haste.
Katsuki slams down his backpack aggressively so that some students flinch at the sudden sound. “Stop getting so worked up over it!”, he spouts. “Do you even know which hospital? Each district has several of them.” “That’s already solved.” Todoroki and Yaoyorozu nod. “Our families sent get well letters to the ward.” What?! Fucking elite! “Even Endeavor!?” Ashido inquires. “He’s gotten a bit softer after All Might’s retirement. Being #01 has eased some stress.” Half’n’Half admits with a small though devilish grin. “Until you mention that he hasn’t earned the spot but overtaken.” Katsuki balls his fist and enjoys the crackling sound of the tiniest explosion possible. It’s just for entertaining frightened kids but he’s gotten perfect at the fine-tuned sparks. Plus it distracts him so far that he doesn’t yell his thoughts at those idiots. “It’s easy to commute there”, Iida explains, smartphone in hand as if he already looked up everything important. Why is he so fucking reliable? The rest of the noisy fuckers would have spent an hour discussing the best way to get there. “We should buy a nice bouquet or a plotted flower like an orchid”, rich as hell Yaoyorozu states. “And a card”, Round Face adds. “I like Izuku’s idea.” Sure she does. They will all scribble their names down but forget that Izuku can’t accompany them. “Or some sweets.” Even the walking battery has a suggestion now.
“This is not a fucking birthday party”, Katsuki mutters but his words are unheard during the commotion. Most of his classmates are eager to collect ideas. They’re almost glowing which is a nice change in contrast to the gloomy atmosphere class 3-A suffered in the last days. Naturally, the news of All Might’s secret hospital stay turned into a huge buzz and left the class worried. At the same time, Katsuki was set on edge. Izuku had enough problems concerning the league of villains. Those noisy brats shouldn’t loiter at the hospital. Who fucking cared if cards or flowers or surprise visits will cheer up those noisy fuckers? Izuku hasn’t slept one peaceful night ever since. He’s worn out and miserable, although he hides it well in front of their classmates. Everyone bought his excuse of being a tad overworked since he’s one of a selected few students who’re already working part-time.
“Oi, Bakugou”, Kirishima shouts. “Wanna join?” “Tsk.” He scoffs and barely turns his head as he flings his backpack over the shoulder. “I have an appointment with Pres Mic to discuss my career choices.” As if there was anything to discuss. He didn’t spend a year on their teamwork to ditch Izuku now. “Oh, it’s your turn today?” “Fucking listen! Hair for brains! Didn’t I tell you so seconds ago?!” “Okay, okay, chill, man … Bakugou is out, too.” Katsuki glances out of the window, watches how Izuku stops in front of a waiting Mirio and how they set off talking immediately about some glorious shit. He still blames himself to be the reason for All Might’s downfall, still mulls over, whether the outcome would have changed if he hadn’t been captured in his first year or if another student would have been snatched away. So he’ll never disappoint All Might again. He’ll never see him Toshinori-san suffer. He’ll never be the reason of Izuku’s downfall (despite almost breaking him in middle school). He’ll never be a pain in the ass when it comes to Toshinori-san’s health and recovering. He. Can. Wait.
“I’m positive All Might will be glad to see us all together!” Round Face shouts for a tenth time now. “Hell, yes, what a fun time to be cramped in small hospital room with eighteen idiots!”, Katsuki hisses and the discussion stops suddenly. “That was rude, Bakugou.” Seriously? Shitty class representative developed an ability to listen recently and to judge his actions? “All of us care for All Might quite a lot because he was our respected teacher. It’s an obligation to show …” “Whatever!” Bakugou almost retorts that’s not their business but in truth, it’s not his either. Well, just partly. “You’re lucky I have to see Mic during training hours. I’m in the mood to punch someone in the face or ram them headfirst into the floor!” But Class 3-A just laughs at his outburst and start the discussion anew.
Katsuki regrets nothing. Probably it was the best idea to come to the hospital as well. Like some heaven-sent payback for all the stress he had to endure this week. Currently, a staring contest proceeds between the hospital’s receptionist, a tall sturdy woman in her late 40ies, and the students of class 3-A. Katsuki, who tagged along after finishing Mics interview in record time, stands a few steps away from the group. He hardly suppresses his satisfied grin and he always answered with a not so nonchalant shrug his classmates quit involving him. “Only registered friends and family members are allowed to visit.” The receptionist repeats her final blow. “But we are his students!” Round Face exclaims. The woman just stares blankly. “Only one visitor after the other, exceptions can be made for close family members like spouses and their children but have to be announced beforehand. Groups aren’t allowed to go upstairs.” “You could ask him, we’re sure, he would allow …” “Visitors must be listed before a stay here.” “But …” “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you go up.” She was as frightening as the final boss in a high-level dungeon. Especially since she could nullify quirks just by looking at someone. Jirou who tried to eavesdrops suffered a tragic defeat. Round Face fell on her butt as she couldn’t float upstairs and even Dark Shadow whined in pain as he should sneak into the upper floors unnoticed. “No, this information is confidential.” “No. If you want to send in a present or cards please follow the rules. Flowers are not allowed to be sent.” Current score class 3-A vs. receptionist of doom: 0 – infinity
His delighted sneer catches her attention though. „Don’t look at me like I’m going to burst through any given moment.“ Katsuki’s swears under his breath since he knows exactly how to behave at a hospital. He may be loud and rude and hot-tempered but he’s not ill-mannered. Especially at a hospital tending current and former pro heroes. “Then what are you doing here?”, the receptionist asks. Her focus shifts to Katsuki as his classmates shuffle by the door. Crisis meeting. “It’s not my fault that those idiots decided to show up today.” He thumps at the rest of class 3-A. “I’m waiting for someone. By chance, we arrived here at the same time.” “A patient?” The woman purses her lips as if she doesn’t believe him. Well, fuck, she’ll know better soon enough. The doors slide open and Katsuki registers a mob of green hair at the edge of his vision. For a second or two Izuku is absorbed by their classmates but they aren’t paying attention to him. They aren’t paying attention to anything else then their noisy discussion how to see All Might. So he walks around them unnoticed before he stops right in front of him. His stealth mode has gotten better this days.
“Kacchan?”, Izuku wonders, panting heavily but smiling at his sight. “What are you doing here?” His uniform is slightly disheveled and he clutches his backpack as if he ran all the way here. The normal quirkless way; not jumping from rooftop to rooftop which he’s perfectly able to. Katsuki would never voice this aloud but his childhood friend is fucking stupid not to use All for One for his own personal issues. Katsuki would never board a train again, but well, he wasn’t chosen as the successor. “What am I doing here, nerd?”, he echoes quietly, glaring at Izuku so that his smile wavers. “Who did send me a fucking cryptic message like ‘he out’? Get your stuff together and write at least something that makes sense or is a full sentence!” “Were you worried, Kacchan?” Izuku cocks his head mockingly and mirrors his hushed demeanor. “That’s rare for you, Mr-I’m-not-giving-a-fuck-about-anyone.” Katsuki just rolls his eyes, sassy Izuku can’t be defeated easily. Plus they shouldn’t start teasing and bantering at the lobby. Not now at least. Actually, he’s relieved that Izuku didn’t lose his sharp tongue during the last days. He seemed more out of his mind than concentrating during class and hero work. “Hell, no.” Katsuki folds his arms and glances over to their classmates who linger right at the entrance. „Don’t assume shit, Deku. Just tell me what you meant.“ He would never regret re-bonding with the nerd but sometimes his ability to read him scares Katsuki. He is not worried. Worry would mean that Toshinori-san could actually die. He won’t because otherwise, Katsuki will find a way to beat his ass, despite being a teacher, hero legend and such. He won’t die. End of story. „Well …“ Izuku caught his breath by now. “My mom got a call that he’s out of intensive care several hours ago and texted me since she has to end her shift first. But by the time I’ve noticed I was on patrol with Mirio and I couldn’t switch or cancel because it’s your free day at Nighteye’s office and ...” “I get it, stop rambling.” Katsuki is tempted to shut him up more roughly but refrains. He doesn’t want to be kicked out of the hospital. “So you thought I would be interested and texted me. Before you would fucking dash here the moment you’re finished.” Izuku nods eagerly and shuffles closer so that Katsuki can count his freckles. “Thank you for coming, Kacchan.” “Whatever …”
He likes the nerd far too much nowadays. But after all those years hurting him, Katsuki still can’t believe that Izuku has forgiven him and appreciates his amends kindly. He’s too gentle and goodhearted for this cruel world so that Katsuki has to protect that care-free smile. It’s a given, it’s a promise, no villain, no harm will take Deku down; will take Izuku from him anymore. Absent-mindedly Izuku tidies his appearance and Katsuki refrains a second time from touching him in order to straighten the tie of his school uniform. Izuku’s neither weak nor subordinated anymore and Katsuki gladly supports him nowadays. Huh – a silent chuckle escapes his lips. His old self would have thrown a raging fit, instead, Katsuki offers Izuku a tiny but fond smile.
„Oi!“, Kirishima shouts suddenly, class 3-A’s attention finally moves to the duo standing aside. „Why are you here, Midoriya?“ The master plan seems to be suspended but the security guards are still watching them closely. Probably only their U.A. uniforms are the reason no one has taken drastic measures so far. “He’s visiting his step-dad”, Katsuki answers in his stead. Izuku blanches before he claps a hand over Katsuki’s mouth, but he just sticks out his tongue and tips his skin so that Izuku withdraws hastily. Dumb-founded the little nerd stares at him with eyes as wide as saucers. It feels nice that he can surprise and tease him that easily after all those years together. “That’s why you’ve been in a hurry lately.” Round Face counts two and two together first. “Why didn’t you tell us?” “Which hero are we even talking about?”, asks Half’n’half. Class 3-A is approaching to them, but most of them show reactions of curiosity.   “Ahh …” Izuku tries to answer but fails miserably while rubbing his hand against his trousers. “He’s retired due to his condition and oh well … he was in ICU the last days and …” He can’t tell that Aunty Inko kinda hooked up with Toshinori-san although they can’t decide whether their relationship is platonic or not. He can’t tell either that Aunty lately feels called upon caring for the former legendary hero. If at all Izuku talks vaguely of his mother, somewhere in their first year he decided to let her stay anonymous. The moment he pisses of the League of Villain too much they could always target her. As third-years and employees of Nighteye, all they do is pissing off Tomura Shigaraki on a daily basis.
“It’s none of your business, shitheads.” Katsuki scowls. He has his own way to deal with noisy classmates, even if he was the one who set them up. “Why are you still here? Get lost.” Class 3-A does not even bat an eye at his cussing anymore. Only the receptionist who watches them patiently chuckles at his little charade. At least she gets his joke. Meanwhile, Izuku switches between baffled and desperate to keep their secret hidden. “So you know how to get in?”, Ashido asks the question probably everyone is wondering about. “Ah, yes,” Izuku states and calms down immensely. “If you’re checking in as an injured hero or are registered on a visitor’s list by a hero you get a special ID-card. So, if your ID is activated and the hero you’re connected with is staying here, the interface will let you pass.” “Don’t. Yaoyorozu can copy everything she lays her eyes on in close-range.” Katsuki stops Izuku’s hand before he draws out the visitor pass from his pocket. He does not even flinch when a couple of glares pierce him. Second-rated idiots. “Well, we hope your father gets better soon!” Iida, always prim and proper, states clearly and the other students of class 3-A nod in agreement. Lately, they always focus on Deku when Katsuki crosses a line or curses too much. He doesn’t actually care but somehow most of their classmates are using his childhood friend as an interpreter, translator and buffer instead of dealing with him directly. As if a Deku-filter would be taming his actions.
“Deku … um … could you do us a favor?” Round Face pleads. “Take the card for All Might with you. Maybe”, she fucking winks, “you’ve got a chance to see him.” Translation: Sneak through every corridor, look for All Might’s room and deliver the card for us. Katsuki is tempted to take the sweets with them, too. They probably taste delicious. They probably are high-class stuff that Yaoyorozu and Todoroki recommended. Everyone one except Katsuki and Izuku have written down get well messages on the huge cardboard full of rainbows, flowers, and balloons, rambled how they missed their teacher and Asui even drew a comic strip. He almost spews out an insult about sappy and unnecessary stuff but he notices Izuku stiffening and choking.   “You should go, shouldn’t you, Deku?”, he suggests and Izuku spins immediately at the sound of his voice. Tears are already threatening to fall over his cheeks. “We’ve wasted enough time on them.” “Kacchan, that’s rude.” Izuku protests weakly but waves at their classmates. “See you tomorrow.”
Together they head for the receptionist even before those idiots can complain. “Izuku-kun”, the woman cheers gleefully. “Nice to see you again.” So she has a friendly and joyful side. Maybe Izuku is the reason to draw it out; people are always fucking suave when dealing with him. “Hello, Sara-san.” He greets her with a soft smile. Katsuki simply glowers at her. “He’ll be so happy to see you, Izuku-kun.” Sara coos. “You still remember the floor? Just look for the right name.” “Tenth”, Izuku replies matter-of-factly. He’s fidgeting nervously, so Katsuki shifts his weight slightly and ghosts his arm over Izuku’s back. There’s nothing to be afraid of – he wants to say it aloud but bites his lip instead. Sure, there is. Unlike their first weeks at U.A. hero work is not a child’s game anymore.
Even the hospital got a crazy way of protecting those injured heroes. Aside from security guards everywhere, more than you would actually need, only the first names were displayed on the doors. Outside of family and close friends, no one would address a hero with something else than his alias. On the tenth floor, a door waits for Izuku; the name ‘Yagi’ displayed in black, neat letters at the front. Katsuki really hopes that Toshinori-san will be awake and delighted to see the little nerd. Without hesitation, he follows his childhood friend, one step behind Izuku as he heads to the elevators. “Young man!”, the receptionist shouts a warning at him. “What?”, Katsuki sneers. “Only one at a time; I clearly heard you, so don’t fret. After the last time, I’m not letting him up alone. I’ll just wait outside.” The nerd got a panic attack after seeing a blood spilling Toshinori-san rushed into an emergency surgery and being all wired up with different tubes and instruments afterward. It took an hour of ugly sobbing and crying before Izuku finally calmed down that day. It was probably Katsuki’s fault, too, he was still the worst at calming people.
“Why are you saying that, Kacchan?” Izuku whispers but can’t stop twitching. “He’s my mentor, so it’s natural I’m worried. I owe him so much … “ He doesn’t add that he thinks Toshinori-san’s condition is his fault. They’ve talked often enough that Izuku shouldn’t blame himself for the time span he needed in order to adjust to One for All. That every time he gets stronger All Might weakens. Meanwhile, the students of 3-A are watching their interactions. He can almost see dozens of thought bubbles floating over their heads, questions piling up. They probably realize now that sunshine-smile Izuku always helped them with their family issues but never talked about his own relatives at all. Then Katsuki faces the receptionist with a smirk. He likes winning, he likes having the upper hand, he likes showing his special connection to Deku the most. “Bakugou Katsuki.” He declares and tugs out a similar visitor’s pass that he had worn around his neck in secret. His fingers are covering up the essential details though. “Check Izuku’s visitor’s list from six weeks ago and you’ll understand. Just unlock my code for the elevator so I can get up and back down with him, alright?”
The receptionist doesn't voice her doubts but works at her computer station in silence. Back in July, he had been in a similar situation as Izuku was hospitalized after a dreadful attack by the League of villains. He still remembers his shock finding out and the utter disbelief as Toshinori-san and Izuku’s mother assured him that he was written on the visitor’s list. That he could pass easily after stating his name. That Izuku had registered him as his boyfriend. It had been a bit weird at first. In order not to draw attention they aren’t wearing rings or other couple items. According to their appearance, there is no sign that they were a couple for several months now – all they depended on was their trust. Plus two plastic ID cards proving their relationship; well hidden within the data of the hospital chain. They fight and care for each other so that no one would end up here and if it did no stupid rule could separate them.
“This time only”, the receptionist declares belatedly and clicks something on her computer. “Thank you, Sara-san.” Izuku bows deeply in front of her and Katsuki acknowledges her with a nod. The interface at the elevator accepts Katsuki immediately and they step in. A glance over the shoulder reveals their stupefied classmates. Fucking serves them right. Look closely, Half’n’Half, Izuku’s been mine ever since. Watch, Round Face, and stop being all touchy-feely with my Deku. See the difference between you idiots waiting at the sideline and me standing right next to him.
His possessive behavior is nothing new to Katsuki. Similar to his explosions and outbursts of rage he does not like to suppress it. It is a solitary exception, though, since Katsuki can keep it subtle most of the time. Yes, he’s yelling a lot at Izuku, he’s neither sparing him during training hours nor appeasing his wrong decisions. In truth, all that turmoil conceals how deep their connection runs. It took him a decade to notice their mutual feelings and exceptional bond. Katsuki won’t share Izuku anymore.   He is his very own hero. Because Izuku fought hardest to proof that Katsuki was so much more than an always hot-tempered, sour, over-ambitious teenager with anger issues and a high tendency to end up as a villain. As often as Izuki still rates him as amazing Katsuki definitely will keep up to his expectations.
The elevator door glide close and Izuku heaves a long sigh. The get well card is crumbled at the sides but he can’t loosen his grip on the cardboard „Kacchan“, Izuku mumbles. „Why did you phrase it like this? You could have told a lie. Any lie.” “What? I could have answered All-Might. Imagine how they would have bombarded you with questions tomorrow?” “You’re mean.” “But he is kind of a step-dad for you.” And he treats Izuku so much better than the sorry excuse of his biological father. Tears spring to Izuku’s eyes immediately. Yes, he’s shit at comforting people. “Oh, come on.” Katsuki gathers him in his arms, enveloping Izuku with the warmth his quirk provides. He‘s never understood why he’s not afraid of being burned instead openly seeks Katsuki’s touch. The elevator rises slowly as Katsuki holds him tightly, anchors him through the storm of a trillion thoughts which are swirling in his mind. „He’ll be better in no time, Izuku. Stop the fucking crying."
But Izuku buries his wet face in Katsuki’s neck while he leans his jaw on knotted green curls. Katsuki strokes through his most favorite mess of hair until the elevator stops at their designated floor with a quiet ping.
“Guys”, Uraraka states slowly, “do you see what I see?” Eighteen faces look upwards. “Clearly.” “Mh-mm.” “It’s no way that Bakugou would forget that the elevator was made of glass, is there?”, Uraraka asks further. It’s no way that her friend would keep something important like that from her, would he? “He’s an ass but not dumb”, Kirishima adds. The students of class 3-A are staring up at the elevator climbing floor to floor. “Those two are hugging!” Ever so attentive Asui doesn’t seem to be shocked, she’s just genuinely happy. “Finally!” The rest of the students still wonder how to react to this discovery. With a smug smile, Ashido collects 5000 yen from Kirishima, who whines about losing their bet.
“Midoriya seemed out of it”, Yaoyorozu ponders; not joining the shouting, “it’s a given if he’s visiting an ill family member …” “Why do I feel like he’s messing with us?” Tokoyami adds. “It’s not fair to Midoriya to use his worry against him.” Those two have gotten friendlier, they teamed up more often, behaved most of the time like some sort of twisted childhood friends. Their third year at U.A. was reaching its end but no one ever suggested that those two would be ... well … what are they? Iida shrugs and heads for the double door. “Why do I feel like Bakugou has proven a point?” “Because he has”, Todoroki voices grimly and turns toward the exit, too. “I’m leaving. Come on, there’s no way the hospital will let us through.”
“Izuku, my boy”, Toshinori’s greets him with a smile as his disciple opens the door hesitatingly. “Toshinori-san, how are … are you … I mean … I’m …”, a very tired and worn-out Izuku tries to greet him but burst into tears immediately. After all those years he’s still a crybaby but Toshinori appreciates it nowadays. It’s his unique and very wet way of showing affection. A blond mob of hair shuffles on the corridor and catches Toshinori’s attention. “Katsuki-kun? Why don’t you join us?” His voice is still hoarse but he tries to sound as cheerful as possible. “I’m not allowed to enter.” The moment Katsuki passes the interface at the door security guards will rush here. It’s about time to adjust his visitor list, Toshinori muses.
He is still unsteady on his feet but he gets up carefully; one hand resting on Izuku’s shoulder for support. He walks out into the corridor where Katsuki’s hiding next to his room and tries very hard to fight his own tears. Both boys embrace him immediately and bury their faces into his hospital gown. “It’s fine now. Why?”, he quotes softly. “Because I am here.” He just wanted to bring out their smiles or even Katsuki’s scowl but his boys shuffle closer and hug him harder instead.
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thewellnessinsight · 4 years
The Space Between Us
During this pandemic, not only are we literally experiencing a space between us in the physical world but also with the “idea” of who we thought we were. Think about this for a minute. Who are you really without the things you do daily? Without the clothes you wear? Without the things you buy? The people whom you choose to spend your time with? Who are you without your overloaded schedule? Your appointments? Your responsibilities to be a “successful” in this world we live in that we have come to call life?
Well if you ask me, I think the “space between us” is exactly the thing we all needed in order to disassociate ourselves from our “ladder climbing” narcissistic ideals of having to achieve something at all times and take a step back and recognize our humanity. Perhaps this enforced isolation is exactly what we needed to bring our divided society back together. Perhaps it is what we need to bring us all back to who we really are and want to be.
They say times of crisis bring out the best and worst in humanity. Well in my opinion, I believe it brings out more of the best than it does of the worst. Lately, a term that has been coined by Forbes Magazine, as the “pop-up generosity” relates to how individuals/companies from all parts of the world have come “together” to create, contribute and share freely there services to the greater good. Online you can find a multitude of people using creative ways to share their services and help ease the isolation of others through free classes, seminars, coaching and even live entertainment.
If you come to think about it, on the other side of this global pandemic which has literally shut down the world and forced into isolation,  there is what you can say, some kind of collateral beauty coming out of it. Beauty in the sense of altruism, within this new  “solidarity” we have diminished the space between us. People have “pulled together” metaphorically to do good all around. Teens are teaching older generations the “ins and outs” of our tech world,  restaurants and other businesses are sending those helping at the front lines food and different forms of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and even within this physically social distancing moment we are actually spending more time with our loved ones than ever before. Whether it is in isolation at home or in a virtual sense.
We are spending time now that perhaps we would have never had before. Because you see as the world has come to a halt so has our concept of time. And now the time we spend doing the things we do is not calculatedly cramped in between other things. I, for example, although not quarantined with my family, except for my husband, can say that for the first time in 30 years have never spoken so much to my parents on a daily basis as I am right now. From the exchange of news clippings to memes and facetime— it is the closest I have ever been to them! 
Now imagine those of you who get to actually wake up to your kids or your parents each day for hours on end, day in and day out. I’m sure by now you have moments where it gets a little tedious, but think about it-- when if not now would you have had the time to do something like this? To sit around all day and truly get to know your loved ones beyond just the superficial “hey, how was your day” conversation.
This imposed isolation is a blessing in disguise. I hate to break it to you but life is very short.  And, before you know it— it is gone. Kids grow up, you get old, grandparents die and who knows what else. That is why even though this period of isolation exists now, whether we like it or not, all we can do is learn to appreciate it. Because at the end of the day what it has actually given us is more Time. More time to figure out who we are and want to be. More time to spend with the ones we love (virtually or insolation). More time to contemplate life and our ideals. More time for to explore new interest, read, write, listen to music. Time, my friends is a limited commodity and we may never again be able to have the free time to spend countless hours like this ever again.
That is why you should try to see this quarantine as a potential period of growth, as a time to reconsider some things that you had been putting off. I started this post by asking you “Who are you really without the things you do daily? Without the clothes you wear? Without the things you buy? The people whom you choose to spend your time with? Who are you without your overloaded schedule? Your appointments? Your responsibilities to be a “successful” in this world we live in that we have come to call life? Well now is the perfect time to figure those things out. Believe it or not this imposed solitude can actually be quite healthy.
In fact, there are many physical and psychological benefits of spending time alone. Here are just a few science-backed benefits you can gain from this quarantine:
Gain self-knowledge and Insight.
Spending time alone helps you become more comfortable in your own skin. It offers you the mental space to make choices without outside influences, which aid you in developing more insight into who you are as a person.
Reboot your brain and unwind.
In the normal world we are constantly on the go, always needing to get something done or worried about time, work and other things. Now by being forced to be at home, our brain gets a chance to rest and replenish itself. Allow yourself a chance to clear your mind, focus, and think more clearly. 
Increases empathy.
When you spend time with certain inner circles whether it be at work or with friends, you develop a “we vs. them” mentality or an “i don't have time for this” type of thinking. By spending time alone or at home, you start to develop more compassion for people and things which otherwise you would not have had.
Increases productivity.
With less distractions and interruptions you are better able to concentrate and focus on the things that need to get done— therefore you get more of the things you need to do a shorter amount of time.
Spark creativity.
Ever wonder why so many of the worlds greatest authors or artists retreat to private studios or isolated places. It is because being alone with your thoughts gives your brain a chance to wander, which can help you become more creative. Being alone gives you an opportunity to discover yourself and find your own voice. 
Provides time for you to think deeply and  plan your life.
Spending time alone or at home opens up space for  you to think about your goals, your progress, your ideals and deep desires-- it gives you a chance to ensure there’s a purpose to all of your hustle and bustle. 
Build mental strength.
By nature humans tend to be social creatures— we thrive on it. But, solitude may be just as important. Some studies show that the ability to tolerate alone time has been linked to increased happiness, higher life satisfaction, and improved stress management. People who can endure alone time tend to be less depressed overall.
Retrospectively speaking all of this could just be a convenient side effect of actually just having the time to be able to take some time and figure WHO you really are and WHAT that actually means to you. Without the imposing pressures of a world that never stopped to let you BE.
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researching01 · 5 years
Travel Hygiene Tips: Staying Fresh on the Road
New Post has been published on https://headacheshelp.com/awesome/travel-hygiene-tips-staying-fresh-on-the-road/
Travel Hygiene Tips: Staying Fresh on the Road
If you’ve ever stepped off a plane with stained and rumpled clothes, a pore-clogged face, a plane lag-induced headache, and a mouth that still tastes like hours-old airplane food, you know how tricky it can be to stay clean and rested while traveling. And that’s just the first leg of your trip-up. Where do you turn when access to basic facilities–like a shower and sink–becomes a distant memory?
Travel Hygiene Tips
If you’re properly prepared, you’ll be ready for whatever travel trial comes your route: to use an apple or lemon to improve your breath, to take a shower without water, or to fall asleep in even the most cramped, cacophonous of airline seats.
Enter the holy sextet of travelling freshness: hands, mouth, face, body, clothes … and mind. Whether you’re on a trek through the Amazon jungle or a bus tour through Germany, keeping fresh and clean on the road can improve your spirits, maintain health, and assure that fellow travelers and locals aren’t scared off by your haggard appearance and penetrating odor. Check out our traveling hygiene tips below.
Those travelers devoted to hand sanitization are religious about the act–and for good reason. As we report in Avoiding the Airplane Cold, you may be more than 100 days likelier to catch a cold while flying than you would on the ground, thanks mostly to low cabin humidity. One important style to protect yourself is by keeping your hands clean.
While physicians largely agree that washing hands with hot, soapy water is best for preventing the spread of germs, there are times when this simply isn’t an option for travelers. In these cases, your best bet is an alcohol-based sanitizer( in cloth or liquid form) such as Purell. Squirt and scratch before a restaurant dinner, after employing an ATM or after fondling a stone bust of Nefertiti at a souvenir shop.
Related:Avoid Getting Sick from the Plane by Choosing This Seat
A clean face can do a lot to offset dirty hands and foul breath. When considering your face on the road, there are two things to keep in mind: the climate of your destination and your skin form. Leaving for Egypt’s desert sand? Pack plenty of lip salve and moisturizer. Hiking the rain forests in Costa Rica? Nature will help you out a little. But no matter where you’re traveling, sunblock is absolutely essential if you’ll be spending any time outdoors. Save room in your suitcase by packing a combination sunblock/ moisturizer or sunblock/ foundation.
Beyond staying hydrated, there’s the question of facial cleanliness. There are a bevy of waterless facial products that can be used on the road–say, while camping. Vichy offers a rinse-free facial cleanser and makeup remover; another option is facial-cleansing wipes from Aveeno. These separately wrapped cloths are are alcohol- and soap-free and don’t require any water.
Related:25 Travel-Sized Beauty Products That Are Totally on Trend
Is bad breath the greatest enemy to overall travelling freshness? Your fellow airplane passengers apparently think so. According to a Skyscanner poll of more than 1,000 people, the largest number( 19 percent) felt that” those with bad breath and BO” induced the worst seatmates.
So what to do to avoid that fouled, sticky savour in the mouth and that look of disgust from your neighbour on the plane or metro? Beyond the obvious mints or gum, and avoidance of garlic and kimchi( spicy pickled cabbage being the most popular variety ), there are a number of products that promote oral hygiene on the road. Colgate Wisps are disposable mini-toothbrushes that provide a quick and easy mouth-freshening option when you can’t brush your teeth for real. The brush head has a freshening bead that releases a mouth cleaning liquid when you scrub, and a pick on the opposite end provides a floss alternative. It requires no water to use, and the ingredients are safe to swallow( except for the brush itself, of course !).
Another product of choice is Listerine PocketMist, delivered to me as part of a hotel’s complimentary in-room toiletries. This is Binaca for the modern age–in a smaller key-chain-sized container and with a more potent punch. You can literally feel the bacteria being singed away.
There are also a number of foods that, rather than encouraging halitosis, assist clean out the mouth. Granny Smith apples are one such alternative, their tartness triggering the mouth’s natural rinse mechanism, salivation. Lemons and limes run great as well.
If the cliche rings true –” look good, feel better “– then choosing the right clothes for the trip-up is a keystone of successful travel … as is keeping them clean and wrinkle-free.
In-transit, try a polyester “dry-fit” T-shirt–which is light-weight, wrinkle-free and exceedingly quick to dry–as your first layer. I like to pack a few, as they take up almost no room in my luggage. You can find them in athletic stores like Foot Locker and adventure travel outfits like REI, or online at Amazon( Hanes offers them for women and men .) Other wrinkle-free clothing, from button-downs to women’s pants, is readily available from travel goods retailers like Orvis.com and TravelSmith.com. And if you stain your wrinkle-free duds, try Tide to Go, which looks a bit like a magic marker but does a fairly decent undertaking of eliminating stains.
Don’t like the feel( or potential extra cost) of wrinkle-free garb? If you don’t have access to an iron, you might try Downy Wrinkle Releaser. The liquid product works by relaxing fabric fibers so that wrinkles can be smoothed out with your hand. Just spray on your crumpled top, stretch and smooth it out, and you’re done.
Along the same lines, one of the greatest fears for hikers and trekkers is getting wet, then getting cold, then getting sick. But even the casual traveler can benefit from a packable waterproofed jacket. Mine’s from Eastern Mountain Sports and it fits into its own pocket, constructing it easy to include in your carry-on. Here are a few options for women and men.
Related:Ridiculously Comfortable Travel Clothes That Don’t Sacrifice Style
For the body, clothing can go a long way in at least giving the impression that you’re cool and dry. But when you’re in a water-free environment and desperate for a shower, there are a number of ” soap” products that can be used without water. The aptly named No Rinse Body Wash is a popular option for escapade travelers. Known in the health care field( for employ with bedridden patients) and also good for campers/ trekkers who don’t have the luxury of a shower, No Rinse products utilize a water-based odor neutralizer to provide a quick clean. Of course, the benefit here is that you don’t have to rinse.
I’ve also heard of some travelers employing a little of Dr. Bronner’s castile liquid soap, another favorite of backpackers, without water. It’s pretty exhilarating stuff, tingly all over. Don’t use too much though, as a little–around the neck, under the armpits–goes a long way.
Beyond bad breath and body odor, “freshness” is also a state of mind. Part of it is matching your expectations (” I want to stay clean, dry and awake “) with reality (” I’m on a three-day hike through the Rockies with no access to soap “). But remaining fresh and alert is about rest and relaxation, and one of the most admirable travel talents is the ability to fall asleep at will.
On the plane? Get a window seat so you have somewhere to lean, and try a neck pillow. Check out 8 Neck Pillows That Won’t Embarrass You on the Plane to see our reviews of eight neck pillows.
Besides medicinal products( watch our 9 Over-the-Counter Medicines You Should Pack for Every Trip or talk to your doctor ), I find drowning out the surround noise to be the most effect sleep aid. Noise-canceling headphones can replace the irritating low-level plane buzz with something more conducive to sleeping. But do your search on these before buying. If you’re going to invest the money–the popular Bose headphones will set you back 300 clams–make sure you get a fitting. The intent is defeated if the phones start pinching your ears or leave indentations in your temples after 20 minutes of wear.
Another method that’s often mentioned anecdotally( but probably isn’t doctor-recommended) is depriving yourself of sleep the night before your flight. The idea is that you’ll be so depleted, it won’t matter if you’re wrapped in a carpet and hung upside down–you’ll still be able to fall asleep.
For more ideas and tips-off, see Sleeping on Planes.
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–written by Dan Askin
Editor’s note: This story was originally published in 2017. It has been updated to reflect the most current information.
The post Travel Hygiene Tips: Staying Fresh on the Road appeared first on SmarterTravel.
Read more: smartertravel.com
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