chibi-pix · 10 months
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A cold, frozen wasteland. White, more white, off white, and bluish-white as far as the eye can see. At least Pidge was mostly safe. Or at least that was her hope.
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nesonkin · 3 years
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At last... The ultimate Voltron Legendary Defender Freedom/Rebel Fighters Timeline!
I have finally finished it. And I totally put effort in edits. Mmhmm.
Anyways now I can headcanon my rebel timeline in peace because I’ll know when I can get creative and when let the canon speak. After my worldbuilding rant I felt as though I should take it upon myself to do it. And I will. Maybe. I can’t really control whether or not this interest will fade away soon but, eh, sure why not have some fun with this very underdeveloped universe. I’m not going anywhere. Also, it’s not like I can easily get Matt and N-7 out of my head. I’m not sure anything is capable of doing it to my autistic brain. Hehe. Anyways, peace out. Use this bullcrap anywhere you want you don’t even need to credit me all I ask is to make a good use out of it.
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
Tales from the Scrap Heap: Nothing to Lose but You
I decided to start “Tales from the Scrap Heap” as a little series on my blog for fanfiction ideas that I never got into print. Because my brain is really, really good at coming up with way more long-form plots than I can ever realistically hope to publish. I have to be picky about which plot bunnies I follow and which I don’t. The stories here are the ones that I considered and ultimately didn’t motivate me as much as what I have up on my AO3 account.
For the first one, I’m aware I’m putting myself in the Discourse Box here but it’s a Voltron: Legendary Defender fic. However, it’s for the absolute only ship I have never seen contested, largely because I don’t think anybody remembers these guys: Vakala/Remdax. Something about them really intrigued me (probably that they’re silly x straitlaced, have a size difference, and bicker constantly, which is almost a full row of JCMorrigan OTP Bingo). If you don’t remember, they’re the two aliens who found clone!Shiro on the ice planet shortly after he escaped (this is when we thought he was real!Shiro) and decided ultimately not to eat him and instead to give him a shuttle to escape back to Voltron. Anyhow, one day I just had too much Worldbuilding Juice and decided to come up with a little history for them, and because they’re rebels hiding in a remote location in a seemingly neverending war, it is one of the darkest story ideas I have. There’s a happy ending for our two leading men, but because this is indeed a wartime story, what I came up with to explain why they were on that ice planet and so willing to even cannibalize any Galra who showed up ended up having elements of colonialism, prison/labor camps, fugitive life, and a worldbuild flavoring that implies some noncon happened somewhere at some point. So if these things are not what you want to read in a hypothetical Voltron fanfiction outline, please keep movin’. Anyway, this is the one story I most regret never finishing because I had so much of it fleshed, but my Voltron muse is long gone and I have no enthusiasm, so here’s what I would’ve written, had I the energy.
·      Title is “Nothing to Lose but You” because the point of this story is these two go through the wringer and are literally all each other have. It’s that kind of story
·      I decided to call the planet Vakala and Remdax are from “Taxalai,” and the name for a resident is “Taxalan.” Taxalan society has a heavy emphasis on technology (which is why Remdax not knowing how to work a computer or being able to remember a password is such an oddity and so frustrating to pretty much any other Taxalan), and pretty much everything is computerized to some degree. Screens everywhere.
·      We open on Vakala, who is living in a mansion that used to belong to his family but has since been taken over by an invading Galra general. This was going to be an OC who I could just make nasty, but then I got re-introduced to Morvok, the Galra’s resident black sheep, and I will take any excuse to write Morvok so let’s just say it was he who took over Vakala’s family manor and just sits on the couch all day regaling people with stories of his greatness (none of which are true).
·      Vakala himself is a servant to Morvok, having to bring him whatever he wants and be at his beck and call.
·      One day, Vakala decides he’s done taking orders and declares he is no longer going to be in a position of servitude in his own house. Morvok simply dismissively says to “Take this one away wherever you take the ones that act up so I don’t have to look at him.”
·      And Vakala is arrested by a Galra squadron and brought to a prison camp many, many miles away.
·      It’s night when he’s delivered, so he’s brought right to the cramped barrack where a bunch of Taxalans who have been there longer are stacked in bunk beds. Vakala’s first night there, he screams and claws at the door that’s been sealed behind him, begging to be let out because he’ll follow orders this time.
·      The other prisoners there are veterans, so they all tell him to shut up because they’re never gonna listen. All but one.
·      Enter Remdax. He’s from another part of Taxalai – Vakala’s voice sounds more American to me while Remdax is definitely British, so I assume they have to come from different parts of the planet. They also have different physical structures that may suggest ethnic divides, though their color palette affirms they’re both of the same planetary origin. It’s also worth noting he has both eyes still at this point. This is very important.
·      Remdax is here because he was part of an anti-Galra rebel squad that was largely made up of his friends and family. The Galra found and closed in on their base, and Remdax ran out and got himself arrested for the purpose of slowing down the Galra officers enough that his friends and family could escape – which they did.
·      Anyway, that exposition would come some time later. For now, what’s happening is Vakala is having a panic attack in the middle of the night and everyone’s telling him to shut up because it’s futile. Except for Remdax. Remdax stands up and essentially says, “We’ve all done the same thing when we first arrived. Let him feel what he feels.”
·      And he approaches Vakala to try and calm him down verbally – just by saying his feelings are validated, and yes, it’s really awful, but he’ll survive, and Remdax will do his best to make sure Vakala survives. But he can’t really tell him it’s “okay” because it is quite clearly not.
·      Vakala eventually gives up and goes to sleep, quite depressed and for good reason.
·      The following morning, Vakala is put to work on an assembly line making Galra weaponry. This is what all the Taxalans in this particular camp must do. It’s very mechanically inclined, not many screens, not the way Taxalans usually work.
·      I don’t know if pacing-wise, it would be better to have this happen the first time or later, but Vakala ends up trying to pick up a cooling metal part way too soon and burning his palm horribly. He has to finish the rest of his shift one-handed.
·      Again, the other imprisoned Taxalans avoid this situation, largely because anxiety is high as-is, but Remdax steps forward once more, trying to care for the burn as best as he can. And he has zero supplies, so the best he can do is run a whole lot of cold water over Vakala’s hand and wrap it up in fabric he tore off his clothing.
·      Vakala ends up underperforming because of this injury and receives some punishment later. I didn’t think too much on exactly what – had I fleshed this out fully, I’d at least imply strongly what happened
·      Remdax has a bit of a crisis over this because he invested in protecting this guy, he failed, and there was literally nothing he could do. He’s in here for self-sacrifice in the first place, so he keeps thinking there’s always something he could do to help someone else if he gives something up for himself. But sometimes, he doesn’t even have an opportunity to do so, and it’s driving him into panic.
·      It’s shortly after this that he starts getting into his head that maybe the only way to help Vakala and himself is if he finds a way to escape.
·      There’s a day in which Remdax and Vakala are assigned to work outside on the grounds, and down comes an inspector from another sector on a shuttle. Remdax sees the opportunity and waves Vakala over.
·      They only have one shot, and it will unfortunately mean leaving the rest of their people behind, which is a horrible sacrifice, but it’s either they go on their own or nobody goes at all.
·      Remdax rushes the Galra inspector and attacks him. They get in a physical brawl while Vakala hurries in and hijacks the ship, which isn’t difficult for his technologically-inclined mind.
·      During this fight, Remdax either knocks out or kills the Galra inspector, but in the process, the inspector stabs one of his eyes completely out.
·      Remdax hops onto the ship and they have to go right away or else lose their freedom and maybe their lives forever. Vakala is freaking out because Remdax’s eye is bleeding, but Remdax is trying to act casual and make jokes about it because Vakala needs to be calm enough to drive.
·      They get off Taxalai on that stolen shuttle and land on the nearest planet, which I never named.
·      They’re aware they’re fugitives at this point.
·      They end up in a metropolitan area, where they check into a hotel so they have somewhere to sleep. I hadn’t worked out how they pay for the first night – maybe with favors, because Vakala eventually ends up a receptionist at this hotel and earns good wages, so maybe he gets his foot in the door by saying “I’ll do anything” and the receptionist is already pulling double duty and just goes “Do the second half of my fourteen-hour shift”
·      They have to finish wrapping up Remdax’s eye in that hotel room as best they can. Thankfully, it doesn’t get infected.
·      Immediately their first thought is to go out and find a way of bringing in income. As I said, Vakala makes a good receptionist and is excellent at filing client data on computers, so he ends up with a good-paying job that way.
·      Remdax takes a job down at a garage working with vehicle mechanics and engines, since that’s what he’s better at. Not in the manufacture of those parts (never again), but in fixing up broken vehicles. (I would’ve made it something more interesting than simply cars for this planet because Voltron planets are all about interesting possibilities for new civilizations.)
·      There’s some down-time where they live rather domestically this way, just earning enough to buy simple food and extend the stay in their small and shabby hotel room, but also bonding and becoming better friends.
·      A lot of people assume they already are a couple. Remdax in particular gets asked about his “husband” at the garage and he has to keep denying it.
·      There’s one night where they’re just having a relatively good time, taking a night to relax and appreciate that they can do nothing and be okay, and Remdax very gingerly brings up he wants to ask something of Vakala that might be too much. Vakala agrees to hear him out, and all Remdax wants is to be hugged for a bit while he thinks about how far they’ve come. So they hold each other, just lying on the bed and muttering to each other about the way things used to be, the way things are now, how lucky they are to have each other.
·      It’s actually some time later that they start seeing each other in a romantic light. Before this, they were a lifeline to each other, and in the heat of the worst moments, they couldn’t even really think about romance – they had to be preoccupied with survival. But now that their life is settling down and they’re starting to pack away funds for a small house, they start thinking…we’re basically life partners. Are we attracted to each other?
·      Answer: yes.
·      They kiss one night over a pretty meager dinner spread out picnic-style on their bed.
·      Shortly after this is when the Galra troops come into the city, looking for the two fugitives who attacked an inspector and fled custody.
·      Vakala and Remdax end up having to escape out the window, flee down the fire escape, and hijack a ship from Remdax’s garage.
·      They’re floating between worlds yet again.
·      They are eventually found by another ship, and they fear the Galra have finally captured them – but it’s a ship of rebels who’ve had similar stories. Vakala and Remdax are two of the Galra’s most wanted, and these rebels realized they would make great additions to the team in exchange for some stability.
·      So they work out a plan where Vakala and Remdax man an outpost on the ice planet, one of the most remote they have, that monitors Galra communications.
·      The rebels drop in supplies regularly and also have left a shuttle in case of emergency.
·      Vakala and Remdax both haaaaate the cold and so use the first week or so as an excuse to snuggle a lot.
·      And things go pretty okay. Remdax is still technologically illiterate and Vakala is just like “Are you even a Taxalan”
·      This is where they start bickering, which they like because finally, finally the stakes are low enough where they can afford to just rag on each other and still like each other at the end of the day.
·      They get more physical at this stage, too, but of course I can’t write a lemon to save my soul so it’s just a lot of implications
·      Things start going wrong when a Galra officer finds the base on a planet. This is far too dangerous and they both know it. If this guy gets two steps further, their location is blown and they are both dead. So Remdax kills him.
·      It’s been a while since their last supply delivery. And they figure it’s best not to waste anything…so they decide the Galra they killed has to go into food reserves.
·      Vakala nearly has a full-on panic attack while cannibalizing another person, even if that person was dangerous.
·      Some time later, another Galra shows up, but this one’s different. She claims to come in peace, and introduces herself as Acxa.
·      Remdax is ready to murder again, but Vakala holds him off because he can recognize Acxa isn’t a full-blooded Galra and in fact, he’s pretty sure there’s Taxalan in her genetic makeup based on how her face looks.
·      Acxa confirms. Her grandmother was a Taxalan and forced to be a servant of a Galra commander who impregnated her (here is the strongly implied noncon).
·      Acxa offers to help, swearing to secrecy. Vakala and Remdax deny her help but let her get away with her life, wondering if they’d made the right decision.
·      A month with no contact and they’re fairly secure Acxa didn’t snitch.
·      Then in comes Shiro, and canon events happen. These would be briefly recapped.
·      The important thing to note is that they let Shiro have their only shuttle, and that was a boo-boo, but it’s okay because the rebels are gonna drop off supplies anyway, so they shouldn’t need it.
·      And then the other rebels never show up.
·      I’m not sure if I’d have them literally be dead or leave it up in the air, but their supplies are cut off. They ration out their remaining food for the next few years. There’s at least one more Galra who shows up that they have to eat. And it does last a few years, until the end of VLD canon.
·      They’re starving to death. Skin and bone. And we get them eating their last ration over the fire and since they’re both used to cannibalizing Galra by now, their minds are on the obvious. Each is ready to kill himself so the other can live longer.
·      For dramatic effect I might have let them get close to pulling the trigger before the sound of someone showing up alerts them
·      They go outside, hoping they’re saved and not screwed…
·      And wouldn’t you know. It’s the paladins of Voltron. Also Acxa.
·      Allura has already been exchanged for the restoration of all realities (which Vakala and Remdax have no idea happened because when you’re in a reality that disappears and reappears, that has no bearing on your memory because you literally did not exist and suddenly existed again with no idea of the gap)
·      Altea and Daibazaal have been restored and now the paladins are working on bringing peace all over the universe
·      And Shiro remembered the two who helped his clone out because of…memory merging?...and Acxa brought up “We really need to check on those two”
·      They get Vakala and Remdax on a warm ship, find them food, get them cleaned up
·      And then bring them back to Taxalai, which has just been liberated from Galra control. We see the more unforgivable Galra getting their due punishment. The camp administrators are now incarcerated. Morvok is doing community service scooping poop at the zoo or something horrible because it’s Morvok
·      Shiro is considering his retirement, but first, he addresses Vakala and Remdax, asking if they want to govern the reclaimed Taxalai and help make it a beautiful place where their people can flourish
·      Vakala is trying so hard not to break down and cry, but it’s Remdax who hits his knees and starts bawling first
·      The final line would be about how they were finally “home” for the first time in their entire lives
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formderptron · 6 years
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Let’s be real. These two are criminally underrated.
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mateushonrado · 6 years
Voltron Event Horizon AU
Status Post #6520
Nathan Iverson as Captain Miller
Zarkon as William "Billy" Weir
Colleen Holt as Peters
Nyma as Commander Starck
Remdax as Cooper
Kolivan as D.J.
James Hawkins as Smith
Lance McClain as Ensign Justin
Honerva as Claire Weir
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enerimess · 7 years
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#Voltron Countdown -29
Thanks to @m-for-modern-myth and @fatty-arbuckle
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cacophony-eg · 4 years
What if Haggar had no control over Kuron (Kuro)?
This one question started many other questions like What if Shiro didn’t Die? What if Lotor passed the White Lion Test? What if Lotor’s Colony of Altean’s didn’t exist? How all these things could happen in (mostly) the same universe?
First Lets Start with “what if Haggar had no control over Kuron?”
Kuron’s escape was an accident, also Kuron wouldn’t have any memories past his time as a gladiator.
(Cause sorry the fact that his memories were up to date made no sense to me. Because going by the show’s canon Shiro was gone, he died there was nothing left of him. Then given this as fact, how would they have gotten all of Shiro’s memories?
Haggar had shown no ability to see through or control the original Shiro, so there would be no way to have Kuron’s memories or the other clones memories up to date after original Shiro’s escape.)
Kuron would have no idea he was part of Voltron, have no memory of piloting the black lion.
During his escape, he still runs into Varkala and Remdax, whom Kuron has to convince that he is not a spy, that he’s just escaped from one of their labs. Once Kuron helps the two not so coordinative rebels against a Galra attack there wholeheartedly trust Kuron, though they keep saying they’re going to keep an eye on him.
Eventually, Varkala and Remdax catch an old broadcast from the Olkari looking for a male human. The two are like ‘hey we got one of those’ and they have to convince Shiro that it’s okay to contact the Okari about him and tell Shiro about Voltron. Explain how Voltron is fighting the oppression of the Galra, and how Voltron’s a force for good. They explain that most of the Voltron lions are piloted by humans. (and make a side note that it used to be piloted by all humans but something happened to one of them, though neither could remember what happened.)
Vakala gets in contact with the Olkari saying they have a human male on at their station, but their connection is so static and weak that the only thing the Olkari can confirm is that their’s a human male with them, and relay that information to the Voltron crew.
Pidge is the one to go investigate thinking it might be Matt, and to her shock she finds Shiro. Kuron introducing himself to the green paladin as if they have never met before. This confuses Pidge a great deal.
“Shiro don’t you recognize me?” Pidge asks taking off her helmet and Shiro nearly has a panic attack thinking she was Matt for a moment before he realizes the height and her voice is completely wrong.
“Katie?” Shiro says shocked, and they both tightly hug each other, both almost crying as Kuron starts apologizing for not being able to protect her brother and Father. As she assures him it’s alright that she knows.
Vakala asks Remdax if he thinks that little person was Shiro’s family or if all humans greet each other this way? Remdax can only shrug as they watch the emotional reunion.
Kuron than starts asking her a bunch of questions about how she became a paladin and how in the world do metal Lions fly. Pidge’s blood goes cold realizing Shiro has no memories of being a paladin or finding the blue lion on earth and is only calling her Katie never Pidge.
And when she tries telling Shiro that he used to be Voltron’s leader and the pilot of the black lion he doesn’t believe her.
Pidge gets in contact with Keith telling him she found Shiro but that he’s missing some of his memories and that she’s headed back with Shiro to the ship. Keith is so relieved and concerned about hearing the news about Shiro. Keith relays this information to the other paladins, Allura suggesting that the healing pods could help resort his memories as they did help restore some of his memories last time.
When Pidge and Kuron get back to the castle of lions, Shiro and Keith have a touching reunion. Kuron telling Keith that he always knew Keith was destined for greatness, then have a somewhat awkward reunion with Hunk, Lance, Allura and Coran. (one involving the confusion over who has what loin based on their colours) Shiro recognizes Hunk and Lance as Garrison cadets but not much else.
When Pidge tries to guild Kuron to the healing pods, he freakouts thinking they’re the same pods that the Galra had him trapped in. This surprised the group, Keith and Pidge manage to calm Kuron down assuring him he doesn’t have to go in it, they try asking him about what he remembered from being in the Galra pod and he does his best to tell them all he remembers though it’s not a lot.
Hunk and Allura use more traditional medical supplies to fix some of Shiro’s injuries. Lance offering to give Shiro a haircut, and Kuron agrees. Of course, Lance talks as he’s cutting Kuron’s hair, saying he gets why going into an alien pod is pretty freaking, but Lance explains why he’s pretty grateful for them as he probably wouldn’t have survived an explosion without them. This catches Kuron’s attention, as he starts viewing Lance more like a real soldier than a cadet and they talk about Lance’s experience in the pod and Kuron feels a little more comfortable about the pobs but admits he’s still not ready to go in one. Lance is very understanding and tells Kuron it’s okay for him to take his time.
While Kuron rests, the team starts talking and making theories as to what could have happened and how he lost his memory. (you know to begin the mystory of if this is really their Shiro or not.)
Since Kuron isn’t being controlled by Haggar and has no memory of being a paladin or piloting the black lion he’s not particularly bothered that the Black lion doesn’t respond to him. (The Black lion even goes as far and putting up its shield when Kuron approaches.) So there’s no tension between Keith and Shiro over that, though that doesn’t stop Kuron from getting easily irritated by Coran or argue with Allura and the others. Lance usually the one to step in between Allura and Shiro to settle them down and find a middle ground, cause Keith keeps falling into the habit of fallowing Shiro that it feels like Keith forgets he’s now the leader. Lance feels like Allura and Shiro can’t find compromises and is now the one doing his best to build a bridge between the two of them as now theirs a constant rift between the black paladin and the Princess.
Part 2: What if Shiro didn’t Die?
Keith is continually surprised by how Shiro’s reacting and even when Keith tries talking to Shiro about it the black paladin is unusually aggressive. Pidge ever the suspicious one asks to do a check-up on his cybernetic arm and Kuron wholeheartedly agrees, still calling Pidge, Katie more often than not. Pidge discovering that even though Kuron’s arm appears the same as Shiro’s old one it’s actually a new one made to look like Shiro’s old one.
Pidge takes Keith to the side and shows him this evidence, Keith says the galra could have just outfitted him with a new one to put him back in the gladiator rings or something like that. Pidge counters that logic; if the galra were going to do that they would have upgraded his arm not replaced it with a near replica. She also points out Shiro’s different behaviour and how the Black Lion treated this Shiro as if he was a complete stranger or as if an enemy was trying to pilot him. As if this Shiro wasn’t their Shiro.
Keith at first doesn’t want to believe Pidge, he desperately wants to believe that this is their Shiro, but as the team spends more time around this Shiro the more different he feels to Keith. Eventually, he comes back to Pidge and admits that this might not be their Shiro and if that’s the case they needed to find the real Shiro. Pidge glad he’s finally on the same page as her and shows all that she has found so far.
That point forward Keith and Pidge team up to find the real Shiro, under the guise that Keith is helping her to find Matt. Since her persistence is what leads them to find ‘Shiro’, Keith says it’s the least he can do. This in turn causes Lance to spend more time around Kuron since the other two people Kuron feels most comfortable with are constantly busy.
This eventually leads to Kuron falling for Lance and kissing the blue paladin. Lance goes through all the stages of Bisexual denial, before finally admitting to himself after a long talk with Hunk that yeah Lance likes Shiro and that he wanted to try and build a relationship with Shiro.
(Adds montage of fluffy Shlance or Kuance moments along with snippets of fluffy Kidge moments between hunting for the real Shiro.)
It takes some time but team wildfire eventually finds hints about a human male working with a vigilant team along the far outskirts of the known universe. To Keith’s and Pidge’s relief and surprise, they find both Shiro and Matt.
Apparently, the black lion teleported him to Matt when the male holt sibling was in desperate trouble. (flashback episode that also explains why Shiro’s hair is now completely white now maybe for the simple reason that the two-tone hair was driving Matt nuts. Matt thinking all silver hair looked better on Shiro then trying to turn it all black. Along with some other cute Shatt moments)
When Pidge and Keith come back with the real Shiro and Matt, Kuron of course has an identity crisis stating ‘he’s the real Shiro he had to be’. But to prove to the others who the real Shiro was Keith and Pidge have their Shiro go into the Black Lion, and the real Shiro is able to pilot the black lion with no resistance from said lion.
Kuron feels confused and betrayed the two people he remembered the most ( Memories of Katie and Keith were nothing but fakes.) But like always Lance is there assuring him what they have wasn’t fake that their relationship only started with him, not the other Shiro. Kuron finding comfort in knowing what he and Lance have is real and tightly holds onto Lance.
Lance chooses to step down as the pilot of the red lion, saying Kuron really needed him right now and knows Keith can handle red no problem. Lance comes up with Kuron’s new name to be Kuro.
Then the episode where the team almost gets destroyed by Haggar, Kuron’s the one that almost sacrifices himself before Lotor steps in to save everyone. There’s also hints of Lotor and Lance bonding since Lance is the only paladin not going on missions he’s the one that often tends to the locked up Lotor and gives him something to do besides being board all the time. Which also causes some jealousy from Kuro and Lance needing to reassure his boyfriend that he’s being nice to Lotor because he was the one to save Kuro’s life and that his greatest interest towards Lotor is figuring out what he uses for his hair to be so silky and shiny.
They defeat Zarkon in a very similar way to the show, (expect that Keith is also there this time around) though Pidge never fully trust Lotor since he kept information about her Dad a secret. Later on Keith is given a speical mission from the Blades that involves his mom but this time Pidge is there as well. Krolia silently impressed with how good of a hacker her son’s compion is, and approves of how close the two seem to be.
Part 3 What if Lotor passed the White Lion Test?
Lotor finds his own way of passing the final Oriande test against the White Lion. Doing it differently than Allura had but still passes. This leads to Lotor and Allura developing the White lion, by far the largest of all the lions.
The White Lion is so big that it splits into two smaller lions for movability and can fuse back together for massive attacks. Needing pilots that can completely trust eachother and work together, Lance and Kuro are chosen by the white lion, both of them being gifted with a bayard and Kuro becomes the white paladin.
High jinx ensues as Lance and Kuro figure out how to pilot the white lion as both one unite and two separate units. Lance taking on the teacher role as he tries to help Kuro understand how to pilot a lion. (as again Kuro has no memory or knowledge of how to pilot any of the lions.) And after going between Blue to Red lion and now to White, Lance feels like he’s getting pretty used to handling all different types of lions. (giving Lance a nice character arch about adaptability.)
Lotor learns to be the new pilot of the castle of lions though still feels guilty over killing Narti and it takes time to reconcile with his old team. With Coran and Krolia there to help, now that she’s found her son she is sticking around.
(Tough without the two years on the time whale, Keith and his mom’s reconciliation is slow going.) Eventually Keith, Pidge and his mom all go on a mission together and they discover a puppy space wolf. Keith feeling sorry for the pup that just lost his parents and Pidge encourages him to keep him. Though he says he has to give him a name and Keith is very confused why he can’t just call the pup wolf.
The team all do their part to try and have Keith and his mom have some bonding time. through they both seem to really enjoy the digital training sessions that Pidge makes for them. The first time Keith ever calls Krolia mom is when she strongly suggest that Keith should date Pidge while standing right infront of Pidge and the rest of the team. Getting a very embarrassed ‘MOM!’ out of Keith. Lance coeing off to the side going ‘awe their officially family now’.
And Lastly: What if Lotor’s Colony of Altean’s never happened?
The Altean Colony thing doesn’t happen, Lotor never created it. Lotor has a whole new level of self-respect as he now not only proved his abilities as a warrior when he became emperor he also proved himself as an alchemist by helping to create the White lion. So now their main enemy is Sendak and the Galra who follow him and refuse to become peaceful and still want to follow Zarkon’s original plans of galactic domination.
Even Sendak eventually brushes Haggar (or Honerva) aside which leads to his downfall and Haggar’s heightened desperation. So just as the enemy Galra seems defeated (after sacrificing the castle ship in the last battle against Sendak) They all try heading to Earth, as without the castle all their lions are low on power and having trouble connecting to anyone, and Earth according to their maps is the next friendless planet.
They get to earth but have to deal with being treated like an enemies before they manage to get people to listen to them. Thanks to Sam Holt vouching for the Voltron team. All the Paladins get their family reunion. Lance introduces Kuro as his family saying he’s Shiro’s twin brother, Kuro surprised and grateful for the warm welcome.
Shiro and Adam get to have their reunion though it’s bitter sweet. Adam pretty much stated that they would never work, that there was a bigger gap between them, then before and that too much they didn’t understand about each other. That Adam can’t be the one by Shiro’s side, but points out that there’s clearly someone who understands what Shiro’s been through and gets Shiro in ways he never could. Adam glances over at Matt who keeps looking at the reunited ex-boyfriends and shyly blushes and looks away when Shiro and Adam look at him.
Honerva does find a way to split between relatives, entering the reality the team had been in during the Hole in the Sky. And not only does she recruit the Alteans in that reality, but she also becomes their empress. Bringing an army of Alteans that have had 10,000 years to advance their technology and when they take prisoners they turn those prisoners into mindless allies increasing their numbers with each victory.
This pushes the teams skills and abilities to the max, because they can’t just destroy their enemy when many of them are allies turned against them against their will. It makes the whole team have to ask hard questions and this also gives the Galra a way to make up for past sins as they fight these intruding Alteans from another reality and since these Alteans have never fought Galra before as they were wiped out thousands of years ago. They are completely thrown off by Galra’s way of victory or death. Altean’s not used to alien creatures risking their life for victory. 
Lotor and Allura have to come to grips with their views on altean culture and how all of it is not perfect. Lotor becomes a great leader for the Galra and Allura eventually becomes a leader to those Alteans that wish for a different way of life who don’t wish to conquer others and want true peace with compromises not forced servitude.
This then causes the Altean rebels and Lotor’s Galra to team up, uniting the two races in a way that hasn’t happened in 10,000 years. (Giving greater purpose to Allura and Lotor having feelings for each other and becoming co-leaders to their united people.)
And that’s how all these things could happen in one universe.
(Sorry there was quite a few other plot points I didn’t touch on such as Lotor’s generals, Rombelle and many others but this is long enough as it is.)
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velkynkarma · 4 years
Happy April Fools Day! The fool is me for not thinking of a prompt when I had a chance. I'd like to see Ryou getting nabbed by a bounty hunter who mistakes him from Shiro. Dark results or humorous, your call :)
Of course :) It took me a while to decide which direction to go in, but I got there eventually.
A ringing noise fills Ryou’s ears, off key and inside his head more than something he’s actually hearing. His vision is blurry and unfocused when he finally manages to open his eyes, and they feel thick and heavy, like they’re full of sleep. The taste in his mouth is rancid, and his tongue is uncomfortably dry. 
Damn it, he thinks to himself, and his own thoughts swim awkwardly in his head. I’ve been drugged. Again. 
Again. Of course it was again. Nobody should be this used to recognizing the signs of being drugged into unconsciousness. The fact that he was so acquainted with the basic symptoms was all kinds of messed up. And yet, here he is.
In a way, it’s useful. He’s so used to identifying the issue at hand that he can already bypass the shock of being drugged into unconsciousness, and go straight to figuring out how, why, and when it happened, and even more importantly—where the hell he was now.
Where was I before this? 
It takes a bit for his struggling, drug-addled mind to shake off the remains of the chemical effects enough to access the memories, but they come eventually. The celebration festival on Takarsis. The Takarites had reached out to Voltron for protection. Ryou had set up the arrangements and been there when the Takarite queen had officially signed the Coalition agreement, aid for protection. There had been a feast afterward, and a whole party throughout the city, one team Voltron had been encouraged to attend. 
Ryou hadn’t been with anyone at the time he’d disappeared. He’d gone off on his own to check some of the farmer’s market produce, and see if there was anything he could add to his garden. He’d seen most of the festivities after a spicolian movement on Takarsis and was more interested in shopping. Not even Shiro had argued with him going off by himself—the Takarites weren’t really fighters, and nobody thought they could pose much of a threat.
Apparently they’d been dead wrong about that. Then again, grabbing somebody from behind while slapping a drugged rag over their mouth was hardly fair, or even a fight.
Okay. Not a great start to his situation, but it could be worse. The team might not notice he’s missing for a while, with the party in full swing. But they will come looking eventually, once it’s over and Ryou doesn’t come back to the Castle of Lions. They all would search, of course, but Shiro will focus obsessively on nothing else until then, and Keith will be right there next to him, both hellbent on finding Ryou and damn the need for sleep. They’ll probably both be wondering if Ryou somehow managed to wander off and forget how to come back, but Ryou can deal with that annoyance when the time comes.
That’s the ‘when’ and ‘how.’ ‘Why’ is going to be a little harder to figure out without doing some investigating. For now, ‘where’ is far more important. 
Ryou blinks his eyes a few times, trying to clear his vision. Gummy spots of sleep slide uncomfortably out of his line of sight, but at least it’s not as clouded as before. Not that it helps much. The room he’s in is dark, and most of the available light comes from a square hole with bars that’s cut into the door on the far side of the room. The room itself has nothing else of interest in it.
Lovely. A prison cell.
A few of Shiro’s memories take strong objection to this newfound discovery, bubbling up to do their best to remind Ryou about all the awful, terrible things that happened to him during his time in the Galra prisons. Ryou shoves them to the back of his mind as hard as he can. It doesn’t feel personal, like it happened to him, but he doesn’t need any reminders of what could happen to him in his current situation. He needs to focus. Shiro’s memories do not allow for much focus.
He takes stock of himself next. His head is clearing rapidly now, so whatever they’d used on him had been short-term at best. He can live with the headache. He’s sore all over, which is probably from being man-handled while unconscious, but he’s had far worse in his short lifetime. There’s strain in both his shoulders and his arms, though, thanks to the fact that his wrists are tied together above him over his head. 
“Deja vu,” Ryou mutters under his breath. His tongue still feels a little thick in his mouth, but he can talk at least. 
His arms present more of a problem. Why do people always restrain him like this? Don’t they know it hurts? 
At least he’s sitting, this time, wedged into the corner with his legs splayed out in front of him like a discarded doll. That means his full weight isn’t suspended from his wrists, which is a relief at least. When he tips his head back, he can just barely make out the chains tying his wrists together and bolting them to the wall. 
So he’s not going to bounce himself out of this one, like he had when Remdax and Vakala had caught him. He’ll just have to find another means of escape. 
He slowly and carefully pulls at the chains above his head, testing their strength and sturdiness while trying hard to not make any noise. His captors, whoever they are, don’t appear to have left a watch. He doesn’t want to alert them to the fact that he’s awake unless he has to; every tick he has to try and work out his escape without scrutiny is precious.
But when he moves his arms, his right forearm sends a bolt of excruciating, stabbing pain through him. He clenches his teeth shut, but not before a strangled, smothered scream escapes him, despite his best efforts.
What the hell was that? 
He squeezes his eyes shut for a moment, breathing through his nose and staying perfectly still. Once he stops moving, the pain tapers off, until he feels nothing again. 
Blinking his eyes open, he cautiously—very cautiously, so as not to move his arm again—tips his head back once more to find the cause of so much unexpected pain. 
There’s some sort of band on his arm. It’s dark colored and has a few blinking red lights on it, and is bolted securely around the white paladin armor on his forearm. It looks a bit like the cuff Vakala and Remdax had put on him to suppress his Galra arm, back when he’d first been allowed to ‘escape’ the Galra. 
Ryou frowns. Something like that shouldn’t work on his Olkari arm. Olkari engineering was unique, using a biomechanical plant-based system, and it required very specialized biomechanical technology to integrate with it. Regular electronics wouldn’t have any affect on his arm.
Then he spots the thin crack on the armor, bordering the foreign band. Very cautiously, Ryou twists his right arm, nudging the band just a fraction with his left. It sends another bolt of excruciating pain through him, but he knows it’s coming this time and braces, gritting his teeth so hard his jaw cracks but suppressing another scream. This time, now that he’s paying attention, he’s aware of something digging through the paladin armor into his biomechanical arm, tearing at the synthetic muscles as he moves.
No wonder it hurts so bad. There’s a spike puncturing his arm—or more than one, from the feel of it, studding the inside of the band. His Olkari arm doesn’t integrate with regular tech, but it does have synthetic nerves, and while that gives him a sensation of touch it does come with the tradeoff of pain as well. It’s still rudimentary, which means if he doesn’t move his arm and doesn’t aggravate the nerves, he doesn’t get the feedback of discomfort. Unfortunately, he’s going to have to move a lot if he plans on escaping.
Priority two is getting that thing off, Ryou determines. Right after priority one, getting out of these chains. 
On the plus side, his right arm is mechanical. The sensation of literal stabbing pain is unpleasant, but unlike a real human arm, there won’t be long term damage and he can’t bleed out. Ryner had made upgrades recently to make his arm better at self-repairing all but the worst injuries; that was probably one of the reasons the band was hurting him so bad. The arm was trying to fix itself around it. If he can just get it off, it should repair enough that he won’t hurt too badly after, and the wounds definitely can’t kill him.
Ryou takes a deep breath and prepares himself for some inevitable pain in his future as he maneuvers the chains. But before he can try tugging on them again, he hears a voice outside, and a shadow passes in front of his thin rectangle of light.
“I knew I heard something!” the voice snaps. “He’s awake. Knew we should’ve dosed him more.”
“Congratulations,” a second voice growls back, obviously irritated. “You want a quiznaking medal? Get off your ass and make sure he’s secure.”
“We all go,” a third voice says. “This is the Black Paladin Shiro, after all.”
Ryou whips his head around to watch the door. Whoever they are, they think he’s Shiro? That’s unexpected...although it does suddenly explain the band on his arm. If they thought they had Shiro, they probably thought they were suppressing Galra technology, not Olkarian. 
Things have just gotten a lot more interesting.
“Chorek, get another dose of that drug ready,” the third voice continues. “I want him out when we move him.” 
“Please. We could take him,” a fourth voice says.
“You wanna die, feel free. I’m not taking my chances against a gladiator champion. I got a revolution to plan.”
“Ugh, fine. Josil, you’re no fun.”
“No fun, and planning to live.”
Four voices. Four opponents. Four people who were interested in taking Shiro somewhere. And something about a revolution. Ryou doesn’t like the sound of that, and decides to hang tight, just for a little while longer. For intelligence gathering purposes. 
The door cracks open, and several aliens file into the room. One immediately turns a blaster on him, and Ryou’s been around long enough by now to recognize its make as something off the Unilu black market, not Galran. 
The alien holding the gun isn’t Galran either. He’s Takarite, same as all the others—blue-green skin, short stature, squarish features, thick hands, and with two sets of curled antennae in place of ears. Their eyes are multi-colored, more like constantly changing prisms, and more angular and multi-faceted than Ryou is used to. 
“Where am I?” Ryou asks immediately. “Who are you? And why am I restrained?” 
“Silence, Champion,” the largest of the Takarites snaps. He’s not the one holding the gun, but Ryou immediately recognizes his voice as the one that had been giving the orders. Josil, if he’s right. “You remain quiet, and we won’t have to get mean.”
A lie, obviously. Ryou had just overheard them talking about drugging him, so they plan on enforcing compliance rather than bartering it out of him with good behavior. He doesn’t argue the point.
He doesn’t correct them about ‘Champion,’ either, although that is a lot more puzzling to him. It’s not the first time he’s been mistaken for Shiro, but he hadn’t actually been trying this time. The team had been encouraged to wear their Voltron armor for the festival, and Ryou had been out in his green variation, and had never switched the colors to his imitation Shiro setting. He wasn’t wearing his helmet, so his graying hair didn’t match Shiro’s either. He’d even brokered the agreement between the Voltron Coalition and the planet as Ryou, not Shiro, so people knew there were two of them. 
Then again, the Takarites had struggled to tell the difference between most of the paladins of Voltron all day. It wasn’t polite to ask, but Ryou suspects Takarite biology and vision simply wasn’t designed to identify human facial features. As far as he can tell, they identify each other through different means—scent, vibration, and maybe some other sense humans and Alteans simply don’t have. They definitely didn’t see colors on the same wavelength that the paladins did, which meant they couldn’t tell the difference between the lions outside of general shape. 
They’d figured out their own ways to identify most of the paladins in the end at the formal ceremonies. But they had struggled with Shiro and Ryou, probably because the two of them were functionally identical in every aspect the Takarites considered significant. 
So maybe it’s not all that surprising to be kidnapped as ‘Shiro’ even if he wasn’t actually trying. At the end of the day, he can definitely play the part to perfection, and that’s all that matters.
“You have no right to kidnap me,” Ryou says, forcing a note of command into his tone. “We’re your allies. Voltron is here to help you.”
“Voltron is here to ruin us,” one of the other Takarites snaps back. “The queen was a fool for signing our freedom over to a giant robot overlord!”
“That’s not what happened at all,” Ryou says, frowning. “There was an agreement. The Voltron Coalition provides protection—”
“—in exchange for slavery,” Josil interrupts, oddly angular eyes glittering darkly with anger. “We won’t have it.”
“It’s not slavery,” Ryou says, incredulous. “The Coalition is a team effort. Planets that have agreed to provide military support for you and other non-combatant planets are willing to defend you. But that extension of their military aid means less manpower for creating necessary food and supplies to sustain them. Non-combatant planets like Takarsis agree to shoulder that burden in exchange for not needing to participate in combat. Everyone benefits.”
“It’s a load of quiznacking shit, is what it is,” the Takarite holding the gun snarls. “It’s slavery with a pretty name.”
“And where’s the great robot overlord in all this?” the fourth Takarite adds. “Not doing any of that stuff you said.” 
Ryou’s eyebrows raise. “Voltron fights at the heart of the Galra empire,” he says. “We literally take on the biggest and toughest opponents so you don’t have to.”
“That’s what you say,” the gun-toting Takarite growls. “But where’s the proof?” 
Ryou can’t believe it. He’s been captured by insurgents and conspiracy theorists. It’s almost embarrassing. 
But he schools his expression to remain as calm and neutral as possible, and says reasonably, “If you have grievances, I’m sure you can bring them up with officials. I can get you an audience with the queen; I have some pull in the palace, now. Kidnapping me isn’t the answer.”
“It’s exactly the answer,” Josil says, taking a step forward—but still, notably, remaining carefully out of range. “Kidnapping Champion means Voltron’s got no head. We handicapped the Coalition in one stroke. And once we turn you in, we’ll have the funding and the support to free ourselves from your tyranny.” 
Ryou’s blood runs cold. “Turn me in?”
One of the unnamed Takarites smiles. It’s a surprisingly toothy, unfriendly look. “Didja know you got a bounty on your head, Champion? You’re worth a lot to the Galra. Lotta money to fund the revolution.”
“And the military power to fight back the Coalition,” the fourth Takarite adds. “They’ll owe us a favor, for handing over their missing Champion. They’ll have to help us liberate the planet.”
Ryou’s heart thuds heavy in his chest. Shiro’s memories bubble to the surface again, frantic and panicked at the thought of going back to them, to her, but Ryou shoves them back. 
This time, it’s harder, mostly because it tangles with his own very real memories and feelings. He doesn’t want to go back to them, either. He knows what Haggar will do if she gets her hands on him again. He knows he won’t ever come back from that, mentally or physically. She’ll strip his mind bare, drain it of every confidential detail she can use against the Coalition, and leave him with a broken self and an empty husk. Every part of himself that he forged anew, she’ll break and toss away. If she’s feeling generous, she’ll kill him quickly. More likely, she’ll let him die of his own failsafe, as punishment for not being a good little sleeper agent.
But it’s not that bad yet, Ryou tries to calm himself. You still have options. The team will look for you once the party is over. If you’re forced, you can still call out to the Black Lion, and get a message to Shiro that way. Things aren’t hopeless yet. 
And fortunately, he has one other thing working in his favor to suppress his panic: anger. And the more ticks pass, the more of it he has. 
“You’d sell out your entire planet to the Galra?” Ryou asks, his voice cold. “Do you know what they do to planets like yours?” 
“Free them from overlord scum like you?” the gun-toting Takarite counters, scathing.
“They are the overlords,” Ryou says. He tries to keep his voice calm and unaccusing, still, but he can’t quite keep the fury contained. “They strip-mine entire planets for resources. Literally enslave the populations, putting them in camps and forcing them to participate in destroying their own homes. When they’ve taken everything they can, they drain the planet and everything living on it of quintessence. All that’s left is a broken shell of a planet. If you do this, you are consigning your entire race to death, and destroying your home.”
“Better than false slavery and servitude for the rest of Takarsis’ existance,” Josil says. “I’d rather have died fighting for something I believed in than get taken in by liars and thieves that destroy our sense of self. Takarsis forever!” 
There’s no reasoning with these people. It’s disgusting. Ryou abandons any pretense of diplomacy getting him out of this mess. He needs to get out, and report this as soon as he can to the Takarite queen. Even when he does escape, and these guys don’t have the leverage of ‘Champion’ to work with anymore, that won’t stop them endangering the whole planet.
It seems like that’ll all be on him, though. Short of calling for help through the Black Lion—and hoping Shiro’s in the pilot’s seat at the time—it doesn’t seem like anyone can hear him. Even without wearing his helmet, he should have an open channel to the rest of the team in his armor. The fact that there’s been no response yet means these idiots are blocking signals somehow. It would also explain why nobody is tracking his location; that signal is probably blocked as well. 
Assuming anybody even thought to look to begin with. If the party is still going on, nobody is going to believe anything is wrong yet. 
Ryou’s still running through his potential options when one of the Takarites checks a device in his hand, stuffs it back in his pocket, and says, “It’s time. The fireworks display’s going off in twenty doboshes. If we get to the ship in time we can take off in all the noise and nobody will hear.”
“Good,” Josil says, nodding. “Chorek—drug him. I don’t want him causing a ruckus while we move him.”
“You got it,” the Takarite on the far right says. He’s got a bottle and a cloth in his hands, and as Ryou watches he liberally douses the cloth in the liquid. A faint chemical smell taints the air, and something dark and cruel in the back of Ryou’s head tickles at his brain, looming dangerously. He shoves it back with everything he has. He’s not sure if that one’s Shiro’s or his, but he can’t let it control him. Not now, not when it’s so important to be aware.  
The effort leaves him shaking slightly. The Takarites must mistake it for fear, because the one with the cloth chuckles knowingly. “Sisret’s gonna keep that gun on you while I come close,” he warns. “You’re gonna play nice, or we’ll put a few extra holes in you. Might make your first arena match a little tough, if you know what I mean.”
For a moment, Ryou’s mind goes completely blank, like the words don’t process right. His numb mind slowly gains feeling again as Chorek’s words sink in and gain meaning, and then he says slowly, “You’re sending...me back to the arenas?”
He’d almost said him. They’d shocked him so badly he’d forgotten for a moment what he was doing here. He’s never almost broken character that badly before. 
“Sure,” Sisret drawls, as he steadies the gun on Ryou. “I hear the arenas never had another fighter quite like Champion. They’re eager to have you back, and they’ll pay a lot of gak for it.”
Ryou stares at him. In his mind, the floodgates are broken, and all the arena memories of Shiro’s he’d ever managed to rediscover come pouring in. They all feel distant, like a film he’s experiencing of the terrible things Shiro went through, but there’s so much of it. Difficult battles. Awful wounds. Emotional struggles. Hunger. Sleeplessness. Pain. 
This time, Ryou lets them. This time, they aren’t a distraction—they’re fuel for the fire.
“Do you know what that place does to its prisoners? Do you understand what it’s like?” he asks. Slow. Careful. Dangerously soft. He keeps his eyes trained on Sisret and the gun, ignoring Chorek and his cloth dripping with drugs even as he comes closer. Sisret actually shifts uncomfortably under the intensity of the stare, although he’s smart enough not to drop his gun.
The fourth, unnamed Takarite actually laughs at the question. “Yeah. A quiznacking good time!” he chortles. “I won ten thousand gak betting on you, once. Think you could give me the insider information on the next fight? I bet I could double the bounty we get off you!”
Ryou sees red. 
Forget escaping. Forget calling for help. These sick bastards would put Shiro back into that hell without a second’s hesitation, and had the gall to think about profiting off of it. Every single one of them is going to die. No one is ever going to know what killed them. 
They think Champion is dangerous? They caught something even worse—an ambush predator built for silent kills that no one ever suspects are coming.
It takes barely any concentration at all for him to activate his Olkari arm. He doesn’t doubt for a second that it will work, and his faith in Ryner’s engineering pays off. His hand glows pale green as the energy coalesces in his palm, still yanked above his head by his chains.
Sisret’s eyes gleam brighter, and his mouth opens in a perfect ‘O’ of surprise, before he gathers himself. “He’s—”
Too late. Ryou drops his fingers to point at Sisret, and fires.
His aim isn’t great, considering his arms are wrenched over his head and tied together. But the nice thing about having a hand that’s also an energy gun is that his aim doesn’t have to be great at this range. The blast hits the wall next to Sisret’s head, sending stone shattering everywhere, but it’s more than enough of a distraction to force the gun-wielding Takarite to throw himself to the ground for cover.
Before any of them can react, Ryou twists his wrist backwards, and fires at the wall and the bolt holding the chains to it.
At this close range, the blast hurts him, too. The concussive force as the wall shatters is enough to send another lancing stab of pain through his arm as the useless restriction band is jarred. He holds his scream back through sheer force of will, reinforced by a lot of fury. Chunks of stone shower around him, coating him in dust and bouncing off his armor, as the wall cracks.
Ryou barely notices any of it. He’s already moving, ignoring another protesting stab of pain in his arm, as he yanks his arms down. The chains are still secured to his wrists, but they’re free of the wall. He moves from the sprawled sit they’d put him in to an aggressive crouch in ticks, swinging around with the chains until they wrap around the approaching Chorek’s throat.
The Takarite makes a throaty squeaking noise as the chains pull taut. He drops the bottle of chemicals, and tries to flail out with the cloth, but it’s easy enough to dodge. The scent of trailing chemicals sails past Ryou’s shoulder harmlessly and splats on the stone floor. 
With a cold, efficient twist, he wrenches with the chains. A sharp, meaty snap-crack fills the air, and Chorek sags bonelessly, eyes suddenly devoid of any color.
“Quiznak!” one of the Takarites shrieks. Ryou dislodges the chains from Chorek’s neck in time to spin and catch Sisret shakily coming to his feet, raising his black market issue blaster. 
“Don’t kill him!” Josil barks. “He’s not worth anything dead!” There’s enough authority in his voice that Sisret listens, but that voice shakes with sudden fear, too. He knows he’s screwed up.
Sisret’s hands jerk as he tries to adjust his aim last minute, trying to find a non-lethal shot. Ryou has no such compunctions. He raises his still-chained right fist, letting the agonizing pull of the restricting band fuel him, and charges his fist again. 
At this range, it’s impossible to miss. The pale green blast cuts a burning, bloody hole through Sisret’s torso. The Takarite collapses, gun clattering across the floor, and stares at the damage in bewilderment before the color fades from his eyes.
In the shocked silence that follows, Ryou takes the time to blast the chains off both of his wrists. The cuffs are still there, but the chains aren’t liable to trip him up anymore. He can work on getting them removed once the threat is contained. 
“Are you having a good quiznacking time yet?” Ryou asks, as he glares coldly at the unnamed Takarite. 
He whimpers, both sets of antenna drooping, and huddles farther back into the corner. 
“No?” Ryou asks. His voice is low and calm, but unquestionably dangerous. “You mean it’s only fun to watch the slaughter when you’re not a part of it? Too bad.” His eyes narrow. “You’re a part of it now.” 
“You—you can’t do that!” Josil yelps, voice high in his panic. His multi-colored eyes flick to the gun Sisret had dropped and then back to Ryou, but the gun is on Ryou’s side of the prison cell, and clearly neither of them like the idea of getting too close anymore. Not when he’s unbound and pissed. Cowards. “The inhibitor band—”
“Oh—you mean this?” Ryou taps the band on his forearm, and then casually reaches around until he finds the latch. With his hands free, it’s easy enough to unclip and remove. It’s agony to do so, like pulling knives out of his arm, but he channels that pain into his expression as he glares across at the surviving extremists. Once the spikes are out, the pain immediately lessens, as they stop aggravating his synthetic muscles and nerves. 
He gives it an idle glance. Little wires and blinking bits adorn the four two-inch-long spikes on the interior of the band. They were probably intended to burrow into the Galra arm and lock up all weapons functions, movement, and anything else that might prove problematic for a kidnapping. All in all, a real nasty piece of work. He drops it on the ground, and crushes it under his boot heel. “Yeah, that doesn’t work on me.”
Josil’s the first one to move. He bolts for the door and slams it behind him, leaving his companion behind. There’s an audible sound of a lock clicking, and footsteps as he runs for freedom.
The unnamed Takarite slams against the door, cut off mid escape, and pounds on it frantically. “Josil!” He wails. “Josil, you can’t leave me in here with him!” He pauses mid-pound, and whirls to face Ryou, eyes glittering brighter in his panic.
“Remember when I asked you if you understood what the gladiator arenas were like?” Ryou asks, calmly. The Takarite whines in answer, and claws at the door. 
“It’s like this,” Ryou answers, when his kidnapper doesn’t. “They lock you in a room with someone else, and only the one who lives gets to leave. It’s not fun, is it? Terrified and facing down somebody who’s a lot stronger than you, with no way out? And you would have sent Shiro back to this just to make an extra buck.”
The Takarite swallows, and then says confusedly, “But...but you’re Shiro—”
“No,” Ryou says, as he charges his Olkari arm. “I’m really not.”
The Takarite blinks, but then his eyes widen in sudden understanding. “The brother—”
Ryou’s shot takes him in the eye, and that’s as far as he gets.
He doesn’t spare time for mercy, or for regrets. This nameless bastard didn’t deserve any. He would have consigned Shiro back to the arenas and his entire planet to a long, torturous death, out of his own ridiculous sense of pride and false patriotism. He deserved it.
And there’s still one more.
Busting the door open isn’t hard. Two full blasts from his Olkari arm and he’s free, and pounding down the hallway at top speed. He can see Josil in the distance at the end of the hall, and there’s no way he’s letting the bastard escape. 
Fortunately, he’s got range on his side.
At this long distance, accuracy is difficult, and it’s even more difficult moving. Ryou raises his fist and takes the shot anyway. He misses, in that he doesn’t hit Josil, but he does startle the Takarite into skidding to a halt when the blast hits the wall ahead of him. He whirls, spots Ryou, and shrieks. “How did you—”
Ryou’s second shot hits him in the stomach. The Takarite lets out a shriek of pain as he clutches at his wounded abdomen, and collapses to the ground.
Ryou jogs up to him easily, now that Josil is nothing more threatening than a squirming bit of jackass on a floor rapidly becoming drenched in dark green blood. Josil moans pathetically as he clutches at his stomach, and his eyes glitter in fear when he catches Ryou approaching.
But he forces a weak, rictus smile as Ryou approaches, and chokes through blood-stained teeth, “This isn’t the end.” 
“Oh?” Ryou asks.
“There’s more of us,” he wheezes. “We’re not the only cell. We will liberate Takarsis.”
“You’ll kill everyone, you mean,” Ryou says. “I think the queen will be interested in hearing that.”
“I’ll never talk.”
“Oh, I never meant you,” Ryou says. His voice is colder than ice as he glares down at the last of his kidnappers. Josil must feel it, because he shivers. “You planned to send Shiro back to the arenas. He’s suffered enough, and you deserve to pay for even trying.”
Like his nameless companion, Josil frowns in confusion, laced with pain. “Shiro? But you’re—” And just like that, his eyes gleam brighter as he, too, realizes just how badly he’d screwed up. “The brother. The diplomat.”
Ryou doesn’t say anything at all; merely raises his hand to start charging it again.
Josil eyes the growing pale green brightness of Ryou’s right arm nervously, but he chokes through his bloodied throat, “You negotiated the agreement that sold our souls to Voltron. You deserve to die too, you quiznacking bastard.”
“But as you’ve seen, I’m a lot harder to kill than I look,” Ryou says. “Trust me. Smarter people than you have tried.” 
“Takarsis for—”
Ryou shoots him. The strangled cry falls abruptly silent. Ryou shakes his head. “Liberate Takarsis? You would have killed them all out of greed. Good riddance.”
And he turns, and leaves the body behind.
A little exploring reveals that Ryou had been taken to a warehouse on the far end of the city. It’s barely been a varga and a half since he’d been taken, and the party is still in full swing. It might have been vargas more before anyone had even noticed he’d disappeared.
That’s good, since it gives Ryou plenty of time to act. A quick exploratory search of the warehouse reveals stockpiled weapons and chemicals; this had been a regular nest for a set of insurgents. It’s something the local authorities will definitely need to know about if they intend to protect their people from Galra invasion. Josil had said there were more people belonging to this group. 
So he’s quick about removing any evidence of having been there, including the inhibitor band that was supposed to be used to restrain Shiro. The last thing he needs is that kind of technology getting out. He finds the keys to his cuffs, too, and pulls them off before melting them into slag with his Olkari hand.
Once he’s removed himself from the evidence, he calls in an anonymous tip to the Takarite police, notifying them about both the den and the ship that’s supposed to be turning him in to the Galra. They can handle things from there. 
Ryou himself is a little more of a challenge. He’s covered in dust from the wall, and while his ranged attacks meant he hadn’t gotten too bloody, there is some pretty visible damage to his arm. His Olkari arm is repairing itself reasonably well, now—it hurts less every time he moves it—but there’s nothing he can do about the punctures in the forearm of his armor. 
He has no interest in causing a panic with the team, though. They deserve to be able to enjoy their party without having to concern themselves with him. More importantly, Shiro deserves to not be bothered with the full details of what had happened. Why be assaulted by those memories, or by the threat of going back to the arenas, when he’s not in danger of that anymore?
Because he won’t be. Shiro is still at the party, but Ryou had only been taken because he’d gone off on his own. He doubts Shiro would be able to get away with that, not as the Black Paladin and leader of the Voltron Paladins. He’s safely in the middle of thousands, and not even Josil’s ridiculous extremist group would be able to pluck him out of the middle of that crowd to take him back to the Galra.
Besides, Ryou doesn’t want to deal with his overprotective fussing. He’s dealt with it enough as it is, without admitting to being kidnapped in Shiro’s place. The last thing he needs is Shiro refusing to let Ryou out of his sight. Or Shiro feeling guilty about Ryou being taken in his place. Ryou doesn’t regret that at all—if Shiro really had been taken, Josil’s little coup might have been successful. They’d obviously planned for him. This was one of the reasons Ryou had decided to be Shiro’s double to begin with.
No, Shiro’s got enough on his plate. He’s not going to be bothered with this. 
So Ryou cleans himself off as best as he can, breaking into a closed restaurant for their public bathroom, and washing away the dust and blood. He doesn’t have any visible wounds on his person—thank goodness he’d only been knocked out with drugs, and not a blow to the head, which would have left a nasty lump. The puncture wounds on his armor aren’t too obvious, as long as he angles himself right, and underneath the armor his Olkari ‘skin’ already looks smooth and undamaged. 
It will do, as long as nobody inspects him closely. He doesn’t intend to let anyone.
Getting back to the party is easy, and now that he’s outside the extremist next, his comms are no longer blocked. “Back from the farmer’s market,” he announces. “But I’m beat. I think I’ll turn in a little early, if nobody minds?”
“It should be quite alright,” Allura says. Ryou can see her up on the raised platform in the middle of the wide clearing being used for the majority of the feast, sitting next to the Takarite queen. “I can handle any additional negotiation that is needed, although I hardly think there is any. You did an excellent job.”
“Thank you,” Ryou says, smiling despite himself. 
“Did you get the plants you wanted?” Shiro asks. Ryou picks him out easily too, close to the raised platform to be backup for Allura on the off chance that something goes wrong, not that anybody expects it to. He’s safely surrounded by dozens of Takarites and within full view of Allura, Keith, and Pidge, which means he definitely won’t be disappearing without a fuss. 
“No, unfortunately. They didn’t have anything I was interested in,” Ryou says. “I was mostly just curious, anyway. We don’t really need anything.”
He’d never even made it to the farmer’s market, and he had been genuinely curious in one of the fruits they sold here. Oh, well. The safety of Shiro and the planet was far more important than that. He can swallow his disappointment and live with the lie if he has to.
“Too bad,” Hunk says. “I was looking forward to cooking with something new.”
Ryou hums noncommittally, before saying, “Alright, then. I’ll just be back in the Castle. Call me if you need me.”
“Rest well,” Allura says over the comms. And just like that, Ryou’s avoided any and all suspicion. 
Ryou doesn’t rest when he’s inside. He changes out of his armor to civilian gear after taking a quick shower, just in case. He sets the armor in one of the machines used for repairs, and for creating new equipment. He snags a holopad and brings up the coordinates of each member of the team, even Matt’s rebel tracker, like he would when coordinating a mission from the sky. And he watches the party for the rest of the entire night, keeping track of every single blip on the screen, to make sure nobody disappears.
It’s not until they’re all safely back in the Castle that Ryou finally lets himself relax. Everyone’s safe, nobody is in danger, and there’s no cause for panic. Things are finally okay.
He breathes a sigh of relief.
The following morning at breakfast, Allura announces some shocking news.
“The Takarites have warned us to be cautious,” she says. “Apparently, last night their police force received an anonymous warning regarding a terrorist organization. It’s a group the queen tells me they’ve struggled with for years, but apparently the recent agreement to join the Coalition has them...particularly riled up.”
Shiro frowns, immediately attentive. “Do they need our help?”
“The opposite, actually,” Allura says. “They reported that this group is particularly aggravated by Voltron, and suggested the paladins may be targets. They asked if we would be terribly offended if we cancelled some of the additional festivities while they deal with the situation, but do not want to put us in unnecessary danger.”
“Takarite festivities can go on for as long as a spicolian movement,” Ryou points out, ever the diplomat. “If they want to cancel them, this must be serious.”
“Agreed,” Allura says. “They beg us to please be careful while remaining on Takarsis while taking on supplies and planning our next course of action. But they assure us they have things well taken care of. It seems one of the cells of this organization has already been dealt with by some sort of...vigilante. They gleaned plenty of information for finding other cells from the anonymous tip.”
Shiro frowns. “Sounds like they have things in order, but we’re still willing to help if they need it. In the meantime—” he turns to look around at each of the other paladins, “—nobody goes off-ship alone, and I want everyone to be cautious.” 
“As if they could take any of us down,” Lance says confidently. But he wilts under Shiro’s stern look, and backpedals meekly. “Right, right. Staying put. It sucks, though. We were gonna get that parade today...”
“We don’t know what they’re capable of. It’s best to listen to the locals. If they want our help, they’ll get it—otherwise, we take their advice,” Shiro says. “Is that clear?”
The irony is, they would have been capable of taking Shiro. If it really had been Shiro they’d captured, and not Ryou, they would have won last night. 
Ryou hates the thought of it. Shiro could have been in a Galra prison cell again right now, agonizing over the next opponent he’d be forced to face. 
But that hadn’t happened, and it never would. And Ryou can’t let on that he knows anything about it at all, or risk showing his real thoughts on the matter.
So instead, he just says, “It won’t be so bad, Lance. We can work on that next level in Killbot Phantasm III if you want.”
Lance brightens immediately. “Oh, yeah! That’d be cool. I can’t read it without you.” Shiro shoots Ryou a grateful look, and Ryou nods back, understanding.
This is the way it should be. Everyone safe. No one the wiser, no one guilty, no one worrying over nothing. This is what he’s good at, and this is what he’ll do with those skills, to protect the universe, his friends, and Shiro however he can.
Whatever it takes.
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ao3feed-klance · 7 years
Swim Lanes
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2pLoHmN
by rainismymusic
After being challenged by her rival, Kathy is forced to enter a triathlon. With only a month until the competition, and not knowing how to swim, she decides to go to her local pool to learn. Next thing she knows, she’s being dragged out of the pool by a hot lifeguard named Lana.
Fem!Keith and Fem!Lance, everyone’s gender In Voltron is flipped in this Lifeguard AU. This is a contest submission for @momozerii on Instagram in celebration of 50k. BASED OFF HER COMIC. Will be multichapter, will update as the artist posts new comic pieces, and will include extra scenes and one-shots for our two favorite gays.
Words: 2493, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Vehicle Voltron, Voltron: Lion Voltron, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Voltron: Defender of the Universe (1984), Voltron Force
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge | Katie Holt's Family, Hunk (Voltron), Hunk's Parents (Voltron), Hunk's Family (Voltron), Hunk's Mother (Voltron), Hunk's Father (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Lance's Father (Voltron), Lance's Mother (Voltron), Lance's Siblings (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Keith's Family (Voltron), Keith's Father (Voltron), Keith's Mother (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Alfor (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Zarkon (Voltron), Merla (Voltron), Commander Hawkins (Voltron), Sven (Voltron), Chip (Voltron), Throk (Voltron), Cliff (Voltron), Shannon (Voltron), Lisa (Voltron), Ginger (Voltron), Cossack (Voltron), Krik (Voltron), Twyla (Voltron), James Hawkins (Voltron), Hazar (Voltron), Keezor (Voltron), Zandee (Voltron), Tangor (Voltron), Rocky (Voltron), Space Mice (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Nanny (Voltron), Jeff (Voltron), Haxus (Voltron), Rax (Voltron), Plaxum (Voltron), Galaxy Garrison Staff, Myzax (Voltron), Praxas (Voltron), Axca, Axca (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), ezor, Narti (Voltron), Narti, Sendak (Voltron), Sam Holt, Kolivan (Voltron), Kolivan, Kova (Voltron), Thace (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), Ulaz, zethrid, Blaytz (Voltron), The Blade of Marmora, Blue Lion (Voltron), Black Lion (Voltron), Red Lion (Voltron), Green Lion (Voltron), Yellow Lion (Voltron), White Lion (Voltron), Antok (Voltron), Regris (Voltron), Trigel (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Prorok (Voltron), Professor Montgomery (Voltron), Colleen Holt, Olia (Voltron), Trugg (Voltron), Kaltenecker (Voltron), Gyrgan (Voltron), Rolo (Voltron), Ranveig (Voltron), Galran Druids (Voltron), Gnov (Voltron), Ryner (Voltron), Morvok (Voltron), Te-osh (Voltron), Janka (Voltron), Hira (Voltron), Branko (Voltron), Ladnok (Voltron), Commander Iverson (Voltron), Iverson (Voltron), Rover (Voltron), Baku (Voltron), Bi Boh Bi (Voltron), Raht (Voltron), Queen Luxia (Voltron), Swirn (Voltron), Florona (Voltron), Vrepit Sal, Moxilous (Voltron), Laika (Voltron), Beta Traz Warden, Drazil (Voltron), Beezer (Voltron), Galran Soldiers (Voltron), Galrans (Voltron), Klaizap (Voltron), Blumfump (Voltron), Vakala (Voltron), Lubos (Voltron), Varkon (Voltron), Space Caterpillar (Voltron), Trayling (Voltron), Remdax (Voltron), Xi (Voltron), Ozar (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith & Lance (Voltron), Allura & Lance (Voltron), Allura/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Allura & Shiro (Voltron), Hunk & Shay (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Galra Keith (Voltron), Bisexual Male Character, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Cuban Lance (Voltron), Pining, Mutual Pining, Pining Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Insecure Lance (Voltron), Altean Lance (Voltron), Altean Keith (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Keith and Shiro are Adoptive Siblings, Korean Keith (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Keith and Shiro are Siblings, Socially Awkward Keith (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron) Angst, POV Keith (Voltron), POV Lance (Voltron), Genderswap, Alternate Universe - Gender Changes, Hunk & Lance (Voltron) Friendship, Space Dad Shiro (Voltron), Lesbians in Space, Hunk (Voltron) is so Pure, Minor Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Hawaiian Hunk (Voltron), Hunk & Pidge | Katie Holt Friendship, Pining Hunk (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron) is a Good Friend, Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, Female Pidge | Katie Holt, Aromantic Asexual Pidge | Katie Holt, Sassy Pidge | Katie Holt, Asexual Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge | Katie Holt is Savage, Protective Shiro (Voltron), Minor Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Japanese Shiro (Voltron), Minor Matt Holt/Shiro, Space Mom Allura (Voltron), Human Allura (Voltron), Bisexual Allura (Voltron), Space Uncle Coran (Voltron), Human Coran (Voltron), Kolivan - Freeform, Blade of Marmora Keith (Voltron), I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2pLoHmN
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Overanalyzing The Journey and reading into it too much - pt. 2
I find Remdax and Vakala a bit too convenient. They somehow have a clamp that can neutralize Shiro’s arm? They might have seen him use it as a weapon, but having a device that fits Shiro’s prosthetic arm perfectly?
Later they intercept transmissions between Lotor and the Galra fleet without any apparent problem with decoding the communications. The rebels must have really bad communication between outposts that they don’t share information with each other. Matt Holt was only able to decrypt the messages he’d been collecting and tune into the Galra fleet frequency with the help of Pidge and Hunk, yet these two goofballs have the technology to intercept live transmissions.
They’re able to aid Shiro and get him on his way to Voltron. I can concede that the convenience of it all was to move the plot along, but I’m still suspicious.
There’s also this gem that makes me think he isn’t the first to get this far into Stage Three of Operation Kuron:
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(Or the two could be lovable, bumbling rebels who sometimes hit each other accidentally in the face.)
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nesonkin · 6 years
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I’m still curious how these guys are doing. They’ve been left without a ship and little resources to survive. They’re probably dead by now but I’m hoping they were rescued at some point.
Another important question. Where tf is Rolo? Like, if he’s really dead why won’t they just adress that? I’m so mad that a lot of characters were forgotten in S8. It’s almost if they never had any importance to the story from the beginning. It stinks.
Also press F for Ozar and other rebels. Their death was so unnecessary.
I didn’t mean it to become a rant but thanks for staying with me.
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jcmorrigan · 6 years
Just a couple thoughts on Vakala and Remdax because I will never let this go - 
-They have completely different accents. Meaning on their home planet, they were from different nations, at least time zones apart. Whatever the Galra did to their home world, it brought them together across a wide distance. Perhaps they were in secret communication, tying messages to birds or sending double-encrypted emails? Perhaps they were civilians taken prisoner in different incidents and thrust into the same facility? 
-There’s that whole joke about Remdax wondering if he can eat Shiro, and yes, it’s all laughs, but then you realize...they actually have EATEN a Galra at one point. Think about it - they had just established their ice outpost, underestimated the supplies they needed, and were starving. Then a lone Galra scout found them, threatening to blow their operation wide open and force them into captivity. They were left with only one choice. It was sickening, but it kept them from starving, and the news of their outpost wasn’t brought back to the empire. 
I don’t know why I’m still so FASCINATED by these characters who ONLY HAD ABOUT FIFTEEN MINUTES OF SCREENTIME FIVE SEASONS AGO but I feel like there’s so MUCH there to figure out about them.
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formderptron · 6 years
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mateushonrado · 6 years
Voltron PR (Saban era) AU
Status Post #5999
Given that I've done separate Power Rangers AUs for VLD, which were Power Rangers in Space and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, here's the AUs for the rest of the Saban era, along with MMPR: TM and the Alien Rangers miniseries. Keep in mind that this is an anthology AU in which characters play different roles each season.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
Keith Kogane as Tommy Oliver
Lance McClain as Rocky DeSantos
Takashi Shirogane as Adam Park
Shay as Aisha Campbell
Matt Holt as Billy Cranston
Allura as Kimberly Hart
Trigel as Dulcea
Zarkon as Ivan Ooze
Remdax as Bulk
Vakala as Skull
Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers
Alfor as Aurico
Ariella (Allura's mother) as Delphine
Blaytz as Cestro
Gyrgan as Tideus
Coran Smythe as Corcus
Power Rangers Zeo
Sven Holgersson as Tommy Oliver
Keith Kogane as Adam Park
Hunk Garrett as Rocky DeSantos
Nyma as Tanya Sloan
Romelle as Katherine Hillard
Takashi Shirogane as Jason Lee Scott
Bandor as Trey of Triforia
Zarkon as King Mondo
Haggar as Queen Machina
Lotor as Prince Gasket
Merla as Princess Archerina
Power Rangers Turbo
Darrell Stoker as Justin Stewart
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Kolivan as Magna Defender
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
Takashi Shirogane as Carter Grayson
Power Rangers Time Force
Lance McClain as Lucas Kendall
Power Rangers Wild Force
Romelle as Taylor Earhardt
Hunk Garrett as Danny Delgado
Sendak as Victor Adler / Master Org
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vodka-aunt-coran · 7 years
okay wait important note and then i’ll go to sleep: i trawled through the credits, and the short one’s name is vakala, and the tall one’s name is remdax.
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ao3feed--sheith · 6 years
Voltron: Legendary Defender - This is Me.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Dy2H7f
by moon_goddess_118
Lotus was assigned to the Kerberos mission as the team's medic, despite being sixteen and newly graduated from Galaxy Garrison. She would never had thought that the mission would change her life forever, especially when the alien believe they have information that they need. Separated from her team, Lotus is force to become the consort for Zarkon, the ruthless and overbearing ruler of the Galra Empire, her beauty and gentle and docile mannerism had won over the Emperor, who sees her to be an Celestial Maiden. She was lucky when Shiro escaped with the help of an Galra ally, who led him to her and got her out of the consort's chambers. So when she's reunited with her brother and made new friends in Lance, Hunk and Pidge, and than found the Blue Lion and than meet Allura and Coran, the last two Atleans, than joins in the fight against the Galra empire, than she learns that her older brother and herself are half-Galran, and that she is the White Paladin of the Mystical and Magical White Lion, the First Lion, Lotus is simply accepting the fact that is her, especially when there's a new darker and dangerous enemy out there, a enemy even to the Galra Empire. The Emperor of this new threat wants both Lotus and the Lion for himself!
Words: 828, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Lotus (OFC), Zarkon (Voltron), Sendak (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron), Antok (Voltron), Thace (Voltron), Regris (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Space Mice (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Alfor (Voltron), Bae Bae (Voltron), Baku (Voltron), Bandor (Voltron), Beezer (Voltron), Bob (Voltron), Bogh (Voltron), Branko (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Sam Holt, Iverson (Voltron), Cosmo (Voltron), Dayak (Voltron), Galran Druids (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Gnov (Voltron), Haxus (Voltron), Hepta (Voltron), Ina Leifsdottir, James Griffin (Voltron), Janka (Voltron), Kaltenecker (Voltron), Keith's Father (Voltron), Kova (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron), Ladnok (Voltron), Lahn (Voltron), Ozar (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Lubos (Voltron), Macidus (Voltron), Morvok (Voltron), Myzax (Voltron), Nadia Rizavi, Narti (Voltron), Nyma (Voltron), Olia (Voltron), Plaxum (Voltron), Prorok (Voltron), Luxia (Voltron), Raht (Voltron), Ranveig (Voltron), Rax (Voltron), Remdax (Voltron), Rolo (Voltron), Ryan Kinkade, Sal, Sanda (Voltron), Slav (Voltron), Sniv (Voltron), Swirn (Voltron), Throk (Voltron), Trugg (Voltron), Vakala (Voltron), Varkon (Voltron), Xi (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron), Original Galran Character(s), Original Female Human Character(s)
Relationships: Sendak (Voltron)/Original Female Character(s), Kolivan (Voltron)/Original Female Character(s), Zarkon (Voltron)/Original Female Character(s), Antok (Voltron)/Original Female Character(s), Thace (Voltron)/Original Female Character(s), Regris (Voltron)/Original Female Character(s), Ulaz (Voltron)/Original Female Character(s), Allura/Lance (Voltron), Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Slow Romance, Space Dad Shiro (Voltron), Space Mom Allura (Voltron), Space Uncle Coran (Voltron), Space Pirates, Space Battles, Space Flight, Space Stations, Cat/Human Hybrids, Alien/Human Relationships, Alien Biology, Alien Culture, Alien Sex, Alien Cultural Differences, Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, Sexual Slavery, Non-Sticky Sexual Interfacing, Oral Sex, Knotting, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Alpha/Omega, Babies, Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Breeding, Light Dom/sub, Voice Kink, Size Kink, Size Difference, Awkward Conversations, First Kiss, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, Neck Kissing, French Kissing, Surprise Kissing, Sleepy Sex, Sleepy Cuddles, Couch Cuddles, Pack Cuddles, Red Paladin Keith (Voltron), Blue Paladin Lance (Voltron), Black Paladin Shiro (Voltron), Master/Slave, Slave Trade, Love Confessions, Declarations Of Love, Forbidden Love, Mating Bites, Claiming Bites, Humor, Canon-Typical Violence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Dy2H7f
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