#Lithium Polymer
kanikatandon · 1 year
These days, smartphones, tablets, and other portable devices have become integral parts of our daily lives. However, the batteries of these devices often struggle to keep up with our demanding usage. This is where power banks come to the rescue, providing a convenient solution to keep our devices charged. Among the various power bank technologies available, two have become much more in demand in the current market: Lithium Polymer (LiPo) and Lithium Ion (Li-ion). In this blog, we will shed light on the best affordable portable charger and know more about why LiPo power chargers are a better option than Li-ion power chargers for you.
Read More At: https://nextechbyamson.com/power-bank-technology-why-lithium-polymer-outperforms-lithium-ion/
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Technology transforms plastic waste bottles into polymers for lithium-ion batteries
A team of A*STAR scientists has successfully upcycled waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic into polymer electrolytes, which are key components for safer lithium-ion batteries (LiBs). The study is the first known report of a working lithium-ion battery assembled using polymers upcycled from PET plastics, which are used to make plastic bottles.
The study was published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A in November 2022.
Plastic waste is a mounting problem in the world today, and it is set to grow bigger with the rising demand for plastics. 460 million tons of plastics were produced globally in 2019, but only 9% are recycled, with the remainder either being incinerated or disposed in landfills and the environment.
Plastic waste is conventionally recycled through mechanical and chemical processes, which have their drawbacks. For mechanical recycling, only a small proportion of recycled PET can eventually be used, as their physical properties degrade with each round of recycling due to polymer chain cleavage. Chemical recycling involves high energy usage, requires purified monomers and can be more costly compared to using virgin polymers.
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techniktagebuch · 2 years
6. Dezember 2022
Schrödingers Akku: Gleichzeitig voll geladen und auch nicht vollgeladen
Ich habe ein betagtes Macbook. Es ist rund 8 Jahre alt, und inzwischen werkelt der zweite Akku darin, obwohl das Macbook fast immer am Strom hält. Oder halt: Inzwischen werkelt der zweite Akku darin, weil es fast immer am Strom hält? 
Als alter Modellflieger weiß ich, dass Lithium-Polymer-Zellen (diese flachen kissenartigen Beutelchen), wie sie auch im Macbook stecken, eine Art Wohlfühlspannung haben. Während ich nach dem Fliegen die Akkus immer brav mit einem speziellen Ladegerät auf die Lagerspannung bringe, lasse ich allerlei Geräte mit eingebauten Akkus, die ständig betriebsbereit sein sollen, also vor allem Laptops, ständig am Netz. Dabei weiß ich aus eigener Erfahrung, dass meine Flugzeug-Akkus tatsächlich viel länger halten, wenn man sie pflegt. Früher (tm) habe ich die Akkus nach dem Laden immer gleich wieder vollgeladen und weggelegt. Das war nicht gut. Der Flugspaß ließ schnell nach.
Nun dachte ich eigentlich, dass so moderne Geräte vielleicht erkennen, dass sie dauernd am Strom hängen und dann selbsttätig den Akkustand auf ein verträgliches Maß herunterfahren. Das scheint aber nicht der Fall zu sein, weil sich in meinem Macbook die alten Akkuzellen soweit aufgebläht haben, dass sie von unten gegen das Touchpad drückten und man kaum noch “Mausklicken” konnte (Maustasten gibt es beim Macbook nicht, man drückt irgendwo auf das Touchpad). 
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Jedenfalls habe ich nun eine Software (Charge Limiter) installiert, in der man den maximalen Akkustand einstellen kann. Dort sind nun 80% eingestellt. Die Akkuanzeige steht zwar bei 84%, aber sie steigt jetzt nicht mehr, der Ladestecker leuchtet grün. Vielleicht drehe ich den Wert noch auf 75% runter?
 Ob aber der Akku nun länger hält, werde ich vielleicht gar nicht so schnell herausfinden. Bei Macbooks mit neuerem Betriebssystem kann man das wohl mit Bordmitteln einstellen. Aus Gründen, die die Firma Adobe zu verantworten hat, läuft mein Macbook aber immer noch mit Mac OS 10.14. Aber das ist eine andere Geschichte.
(Markus Winninghoff)
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rfantennaindia · 5 months
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theblogs2024 · 6 months
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Lithium Polymer Battery vs Lithium ion Battery
Explore the world of lithium polymer batteries in this comprehensive blog post. Whether you’re an electronics enthusiast or seeking a reliable power source, this guide covers the advantages, types, applications, handling tips, and debunks common myths. Gain valuable knowledge to empower your understanding of this advanced technology and enhance your device experience. Let the exploration begin! Learn more info. check out here: https://www.redwaypower.com/lithium-polymer-battery-all-you-need-to-know/
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jcmarchi · 7 months
Lithium-ion Batteries from Drones Might Find Second Lives in Less ‘Stressful’ Devices - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/lithium-ion-batteries-from-drones-might-find-second-lives-in-less-stressful-devices-technology-org/
Lithium-ion Batteries from Drones Might Find Second Lives in Less ‘Stressful’ Devices - Technology Org
Taking flight can be stressful — especially for a lithium-ion battery that powers a drone. Too much strain on these cells causes damage and shortens a device’s lifespan.
Research in ACS Energy Letters shows the potential to improve batteries in aerial electric vehicles that take off and land vertically. The team developed a new electrolyte to address these challenges and said the “stressed out” batteries could also have second lives in less strenuous applications.
This is an example of an FPV drone. Image credit: Benedikt Zinn via Unsplash, free license
Lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) have exploded in popularity thanks to their ability to pack a large amount of power in a relatively small, light package. But they aren’t perfect, especially when a lot of that power needs to be drawn from the battery cell quickly.
For example, drones put a high strain on their batteries during takeoff. While hobby drones traditionally use lithium-ion polymer batteries instead of LiBs, the latter’s high energy density is better suited for heavier-duty drones, such as those that deliver cargo to remote locations. To better understand how high-strain events like liftoff can affect LiB stability, Ilias Belharouak, Marm Dixit and colleagues “stressed out” a set of LiBs and investigated how their performance changed.
The researchers manufactured a set of LiB cells containing a specially designed, fast-charging and discharging electrolyte. Then, they drained 15 times the battery’s optimal capacity, the total amount of energy it could store, for 45 seconds. This process simulated the rapid, high-power draw, also known as a discharge, needed during vertical takeoff.
After the initial discharge pulse, the cells were further drained at a more normal discharge rate and then recharged. The team found that none of the tested cells lasted more than 100 cycles under these high-stress conditions, with most starting to show decreased performance around 85 cycles.
After being “stressed,” the researchers subjected the LiB cells to a more normal, lower rate power draw. In this experiment, they observed that the cells partially retained their capacities under low-rate conditions, but failed quickly when put under rapid current drain conditions again.
These results indicate that the LiBs typically used in drones might not have the characteristics necessary for long-term, high-stress usages, but they could be retired and meet more typical power demands in other applications, such as battery back-ups for power supplies and energy-grid storage. The researchers say that more work is needed to develop alternative battery technologies that are better suited for vertical takeoff and other high-power-demand applications.
Source: acs.org
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alan-lau · 1 year
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Guangdong Ufine New Energy Co., Ltd. A lithium polymer battery manufacturer in China focus on lithium battery R&D and provide high quality lithium ion battery. Whatsapp: +8615913641520 E-mail: [email protected]
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batterylipo05 · 1 year
How to Choose the Right 3.7V Battery for Your Device
Choosing the right battery for your devices can make a huge difference. It can improve your efficiency, productivity and do more by keeping your devices powered up for a long time. 
There are many types of batteries you can choose from. And, 3.7v battery is one of the best ones. They are a type of battery that is widely used in electronic devices. People can use it to supply power to their devices and gadgets as they are rechargeable. You can easily recharge it many times.
They are also known as 3.7v lithium polymer battery and can be used to supply power to devices for long periods of time.
The Benefits of Using a 3.7v battery
Before you choose a 3.7v battery, it is important to understand the benefits of using it. It will help you make an informed decision. Plus, it will also help you understand how to use it and get the most out of it.
Here are the benefits of using it:
Quick Recharge – One of the best things about these types of battery is that you can quickly recharge it. They are rechargeable and can be recharged hundreds of times. They are used in wide range of portable devices like mobile phones and cameras.
Long-lasting – These types of batteries are also long-lasting. Meaning, they can provide your devices with power for a long time. And, the batteries are very durable.
Cost -effective – The 3.7v batteries are very cost-effective as they are available at affordable price. Also, you can buy 3.7v lithium polymer battery online at a great price.
These are some of the best reasons why 3.7v battery is a great option.  
How to Choose a 3.7v Battery?
When it comes to choosing a 3.7v lithium polymer battery, there are a few things you need to consider. It includes:
Size- 3.7v lithium polymer battery is small and compact in design. Due to its small size, it is easy to use and carry around. But you can choose the battery in different sizes. It all depends on your requirements.
Energy Density - 3.7v lithium polymer battery offer high energy density, which is why it can provide power supply to devices and gadgets for a long time. When looking for a 3.7v battery, make sure that you choose the one with high energy density.
Fast Recharge – Lastly, you should choose a battery that can charge fast. But keep in mind that fast charging can put a lot of pressure on the battery and even damage it. Which is why, it is important to choose a battery that can charge fast without putting pressure on the battery or the device.
The Bottom Line
3.7v lithium polymer battery is an excellent option for powering up devices and gadgets. They offer an easy and convenient way of supplying devices with power. It is important that you choose the right battery so that you can enjoy greater efficiency. Look for a 3.7v battery that has high energy density, durability and fast charging capacity.
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li-power · 1 year
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electronicsnews · 2 years
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A National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) research team has succeeded in substantially improving the cycling performance of a lithium metal battery by developing a mechanically very strong polymeric gel electrolyte and integrating it into the battery as a layer to protect the lithium metal anode. This achievement may greatly facilitate efforts to put lithium metal anodes -- a potentially very high performance anode material -- into practical use.
Today's society is rapidly transforming through the widespread use of digital technologies, the increasing popularity of electric vehicles and the growing use of renewable energy. These shifts have created a steadily rising demand for higher performance lithium secondary batteries. Lithium metal anodes have very large theoretical capacities and low working potentials. However, they also have an issue: the process of lithium dissolution and deposition, which occurs as the battery is charged and discharged, is prone to deterioration, shortening the batteries' charge-discharge cycle lives and posing safety concerns. New technologies capable of stabilizing the charge-discharge cycles of secondary batteries equipped with lithium metal anodes are therefore needed.
This research team developed mechanically tough and stretchable gel electrolytes formed by an organic solvent electrolyte containing a high concentration of lithium salts and a hydrogen-bonded polymer. The team then integrated this gel electrolyte as an artificial layer to protect the lithium metal anode. Experiments demonstrated that the addition of the protective layer significantly improved the battery's cycling stability.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
When I go to the big alternative energy conferences, people ask me: what’s the most recyclable battery out there? Is it lithium-ion? Lithium-polymer? Lithium-iron-phosphate? No, friends: it’s Home Depot.
Let me explain. Stealing batteries from Home Depot is a renewable source of energy. Wow, I guess that was actually pretty simple. Allow me to expand further: the definition of renewable is that it comes back after it’s gone, right? When you fill the false lining on your jacket with flashlight D-cells, or just stuff a bunch of Evereadys down the back of your pants and constipated-penguin-walk your way off of the show floor while pretending to yell at “your wife” on “your smartphone,” those batteries will be back on the shelves the very next day, like it never even happened.
Unlike solar, too, this energy source is available all the time. In fact, it’s quite a bit easier to harvest this power at night, because the parking-lot security guard has to take his break around then.
Sure, it’s not a perfect solution. Sometimes they move them around, or they put a camera near the batteries. We’re going to need to develop new strategies to extract this energy, and it will take cooperation from everyone in society (for instance, a big guy who can stand around the paint aisle and block the loss-prevention lady.)
Overall, we need to use less energy, because I am getting tired of driving to the store every day just because I had to use an entire shipping crate full of double-A batteries to boost my car. I’m doing my part, by only using solar calculators to compute my profits from selling the excess batteries on Kijiji under the name of a local tough-on-crime politician.
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rfantennaindia · 5 months
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theblogs2024 · 6 months
Hoverboard Lithium Batteries Factory Wholesale
The battery is one of the most important part of Hoverboard, and choosing a high-quality Hoverboard battery can greatly improve the usage time and experience. Like most other electric vehicles, there are a few different types of batteries to consider. If you’re in the process of selecting one of the new hoverboard, then you’ll want to consider what kind of battery you’re getting. Learn more info. check out here: https://www.redwaypower.com/hoverboard-batteries/
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faranae · 7 months
"Hey, the laptop feels weird."
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So, Sander's lid isn't closing flush. On closer inspection, the touchpad sure is popping up out of the keyboard by about the same amount as that gap you see in the above picture, so roughly 1/8".
"Ah, fuck." I think to myself. "That's probably a spicy pillow."
So, I flip Sander over and break out my handy-dandy T5 Torx bit to take the bottom of the case off. I ease my way in by working at all of the screws at once. I am careful. I am cautious...
... And I jump 3 feet out of my skin when the plate suddenly releases with a resounding CRACK:
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That 1/4" gap you see there? That's not the lid. That's the bottom plate of the laptop, pushed up by the swollen chunk of chemical oh-no underneath it now that there are no screws to keep the delinquent battery subdued. Normally there are sets of clips along the inner edge of the chassis that hold the plate on, but they were no match for the Spicy Pillow.
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There he is! Sander Cohen's undoing in all its glory. If you've ever wondered what a 50Wh 3-cell lithium-polymer battery looks like once it's going spicy, now you've seen it! :D
A few hours later and he's now recovering from surgery and doing quite well, though he will forever be tethered to the wall AC now that he's got no cell in there. I'm glad, because I'd just finished wiping the machine clean and setting him up for BabyCat to use for her schoolwork and some games. @_@; Her phone recently shattered (wasn't her fault either, the poor thing) and this was a way of cheering her up, and it almost went so horribly wrong.
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edgebug · 2 years
E-VOlution: a poll-based interactive fiction
part 1 here!
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A helpful little notion in the back of your head says Activate combat protocol?
Sure. Okay. Sounds good.
You act on instinct. Another taser dart whizzes past and you grab the cord out of the air; you yank it hard and pull the security guard off balance. In the same instant you're on your own feet, the stun gun flying into your hand like a yo-yo with another quick jerk of the cord.
A conduit in your palm opens and you grip the stun gun hard, pushing an electrical charge into its battery. It crackles in your hand, the battery swelling into a pillow and threatening to crack its plastic casing. Perfect.
"Catch," you say, and then you throw it at the other security guard at approximately Mach 4.
The stun gun explodes, electricity sizzling through the air and knocking the guards to the floor, motionless save for electrical muscle spasms as molten lithium polymer splatters over them.
"Holy shit!" your friend shouts. "C'mon, let's go!" He grabs your hand, apparently unafraid to touch you even after seeing what you just did, and the two of you keep running. Unfortunately you don't run for long--only a few yards, really.
"Oh--fuck," your friend says as you skid to a halt in front of a big, thick door marked EXIT; he mashes a keypad beside it and nothing happens except blinking red lights. And damn, the sirens are really starting to get on your nerves. "They've locked us in. I can't break this one down."
"I can't nap through this, can I?" you sigh.
"Not this time, buddy. Fuck," he says again. "I--okay, we might be able to hack our way out, but we'd have to stay here and do it and--you might have to fight off more security." He runs a hand through his long, fluffy hair, his chest heaving with exertion and adrenaline. "Or we can try getting out through the service exits, maybe they haven't locked those up yet, they're kinda out of the way, and, and we might be able to avoid more security going through the back but it'll take longer and it's probably locked anyway and--shit, E, you were kinda made for situations like this, right? What do we do?"
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