#Liv Stone
pedrito-friskito · 1 year
a strawberry wine announcement
ok babes!! hi!!!
okay first of all, thank u thank u thANK U to everyone who has been reading and liking and reblogging and commenting on strawberry wine. I was never expecting this fic to turn into what it has, and reading all your excitement and theories (and love for Cowan 😂) has truly made me the happiest gal.
I’m not slowing down anytime soon - there’s sooooo much more story to tell, and I love it too much to stop now. it’s evolved into something much more complicated than what I originally planned, and so, I’m making a few changes.
I’m giving reader a name. specifically, Liv, or Olivia. mainly Liv.
I know some people may not be thrilled with the change from reader character to a named OC, and all good if that’s not your thing, no hard feelings here! to each their own 🤍
I’m not backtracking and adding the name into parts that have already been posted. it will be used sparingly, I’m still avoiding specific features best I can, but as I’ve been writing more and more, she’s changed, to me. she’s not just a blank-slate to insert myself into. yes, it’s still reader-insert, and it’ll still be written in that format. she has a backstory, she’s turning into a person I hadn’t envisioned when I first threw down the start of this.
a few more details to add to the mix (and my askbox is always open if you want more 😉)…
Olivia “Liv” Lauren Stone was born in San Francisco, California on September 26th, 1978 (this makes her 11 years younger than Joel)
she’s the first daughter to her parents (who will still remain nameless), her only sister Anna is four years younger than her
Liv was born in California, Anna in Colorado, and the family moved around often before Liv ended up in Michigan for school, while her parents and Anna moved to Austin, Texas to take over her grandparents’ hardware store
she went to Michigan State University and has a degree in English lit, with a minor in business (not exactly helpful in the apocalypse) and played in the softball league all four years
the butterfly tattoo on her ankle was a gift from herself on her 21st birthday
she’s feisty, she’s witty, she’s strong as hell, and god help the infected (and not) that try and mess with her
I don’t have a face claim for Liv, nor do I really want one. any images I use in moodboards are only ever for aesthetic purposes. she is still as nondescript as possible, but (for reasons that have yet to be revealed…👀) this feels like the next logical step.
thank u again to everyone who has been loving these characters as much as I am 🤍 I never anticipated it, and I’m the most grateful.
part ten coming tomorrow 😌
all my love and gratitude and affection and nonsense,
kay xo
(also massive thank u’s to @allfoolsinluv and @psychedelic-ink who let me stress out about this to them both 🤍)
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getwreckedddd · 7 months
Here's what I should've said: I saw your face and the world was different
Julia Drake, The Last True Poets of the Sea
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yourbeautifulface · 2 years
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Liv Stone.
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hecatt · 7 months
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Liv Stone
Insoumise Méroé
🏺Comment ne pas tomber amoureuse de ce dieu des forges ?!
⚠️ Attention ⚠️ ce post contient des spoil ⚠️
Quand j’ai commencé cette trilogie, Méroé était, pour moi, la sœur avec l’histoire la moins attirante.
Au milieu, avec une petite sœur sans dons mais au final qui en a car on lui a caché dès sa naissance (beaucoup de rebondissements dans le tome 1), une grande sœur destinée à être une des guides de leur communauté. Elle était juste celle du milieu.
Tome 1 : Ella la promise : premier livre de cette trilogie, il avait tout pour marquer, la nouveauté, l’histoire d’amour inattendue (mais attendue), les complots et révélations. Ella est douce, Deimos est la terreur incarnée. Elle va réussir à le rendre heureux et à adoucir la terreur même.
Tome 2 : L’enlèvement de Circé : on suit la sœur qui va être guide, l’aînée des trois, qui meurt. Son histoire avec Hermès semble plus vraie que celle d’Ella, ils se connaissent depuis longtemps sans jamais avouer leurs sentiments jusqu’à ce que Circé ne soit aux Enfers. Ce second tome montre la détermination de Circé et l’amour à toute épreuve avec Hermès.
Voici le dernier tome de cette trilogie
Insoumise Méroé. Au début j’avais un peu peur… qu’allait elle nous apporter ? Ses deux sœurs ayant déjà presque tout.
Puis j’ai énormément douté quand elle se retrouve avec Zeus… son peu de confiance en elle, le fait de se dévaloriser autant … j’ai eu peur qu’elle cède pour qu’elle aussi ait une place dans ce monde ? Qu’elle soit aussi reconnue … heureusement que son côté impétueux l’amène aux forges
D’ailleurs la rencontre entre les deux je la trouve un peu maladroite mais ce détail est vite balayé par leur histoire, et quelle histoire … je fonds pour Hephaistos
Si on se concentre sur l’histoire des dieux et des sorcières, sur les complots, la bataille à venir, la mise en place de tout ça c’est CAPTIVANT . Surtout l’histoire qui se cache derrière le dieu des forges, on comprend pourquoi il est isolé, sa rancœur. La malédiction qu’il subi mais qui a touché son âme sœur avant même qu’elle ne soit née, Méroé.
Or si maintenant on se concentre sur l’histoire de Méroé et Hephaistos … mais que dire …
Tous les oppose et finalement tout est fait pour qu’ils s’attirent … un de mes passages préférés et la danse qu’ils partagent, le moment où Hephaistos lui avoue qu’elle l’attire, sans parler du premier baiser sur Aiaía et ce qui va avec …
Elle est compréhensive avec lui, le défend même si elle a subit la malédiction sans le savoir, elle lutte contre pour éprouver cet amour qu’elle sait qu’il est normal de ressentir, elle se bat pour le ressentir car elle sent au fond d’elle que c’est Lui.
Lui est attentionné avec elle, il a peur de la rendre malheureuse mais en même temps sait qu’il l’a comble.
Leur premier « je t’aime » m’a littéralement fait fondre. Pas le moment le plus adéquat mais il fait du bien à lire…
Au final c’est leur histoire qui reste ma préféré. Il n’est pas question de mariage, d’enfants, juste deux êtres qui s’aiment malgré tous les obstacles et préjugés.
En lisant le premier tome, je me suis dis, voilà une histoire pour détendre mais j’avais envie de savoir ce qui allait se passer de l’histoire des complots et tout le reste.
Le deuxième tome m’a plu car Circé est davantage plus réaliste dans ses sentiments.
Mais le dernier tome … il est de loin le meilleur pour moi!! Je me suis reconnue en Méroé, étant aussi une fille du milieu avec des autres sœurs.
J’ai réussir à dire mon premier « je t’aime » qu’à l’âge de 19ans à l’homme avec lequel je suis encore actuellement soit 11ans plus tard, avant même si j’ai eu des flirts ça n’allait jamais au delà et jamais eu ce sentiment au point de le dire. Je ne pensais pas être capable de quoi que ce soit, comme elle, je ne me trouvais pas de place au milieu de mes deux sœurs. Mais finalement tout s’est arrangé ;)
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J17 Wish list et Blogosphère N31
Steven avait préparé le terrain. Son avis enflammé m'avait clairement convaincue que la saga en valait le coup. D'autres en ont rajouté une couche. La croque Livre a fini le travail.
Cher(e) voyageur(e), Steven avait préparé le terrain. Son avis enflammé m’avait clairement convaincue que la saga en valait le coup. D’autres en ont rajouté une couche. La croque Livre a fini le travail. Elle propose le bouquin sous format audio, étant donné que j’ai énormément de pages à lire ce format pourrait clairement me convenir. D’autant que pour une première lecture audio, la croque…
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livromancienne · 2 years
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Witch and God : L'enlèvement de Circé de Liv Stone
Non sans une certaine appréhension, je l'avoue ! Car j'aimais beaucoup Ella dans le tome 1, que le fait de suivre un nouveau personnage me faisait un peu peur. Et si j'accrochais moins au caractère de Circé ou à la romance ? Et bien… Que nenni ! Partons-nous sur un second coup de coeur ? 🧡
Sans spoiler le tome 1, nous suivons Circé, la soeur aînée d'Ella, qui est destinée à être la prochaine guide de la communauté de sorcières de Springfall. Outre toute l'intrigue et les (més)aventures qui lui arrivent, il y a dans ce tome-ci une véritable quête identitaire. Circé est-elle prête à endosser le rôle qui lui incombe ou, tout du moins, s'en sent-elle capable ? Un véritable chemin intérieur l'attend et qui reste tout autant inspirant. Par ailleurs, c'est une femme affirmée avec une répartie cinglante (chose à laquelle je suis toujours sensible 😂).
La majorité du roman se passe dans les enfers, et c'était captivant de découvrir ce royaume au travers de ses décors, son fonctionnement, son organisation et encore plus son peuple. Liv Stone s'approprie les légendes et les caractéristiques des enfers avec brio, j'en étais ravie ! Un royaume qui semble si effrayant, et pourtant dans lequel règne une certaine paix. De nombreuses révélations pour le futur que j'ai trouvé exaltant ! Ca annonce du lourd pour le tome 3 💪
Bon, on va pas se mentir, la romance est absolument addictive et frustrante par moment 😏
Autre chose que j'ai grandement appréciée, c'est la place de Zeus dans cette trilogie. Dès le premier tome, il est présenté comme un dieu colérique, voire un tyran. Mais dans ce second volume, ce côté-là est davantage soulevé. On le mentionne même pour ce qu'il est, et je cite : "un prédateur". Le plus souvent dans les films, il est montré comme le maître de tous les dieux, comme un "père" pour certains héros. Mais il ne faut pas oublier comment sont nées la plupart de ces légendes, et les manipulations dont Zeus a dû user auprès des femmes pour obtenir ses exigences. Je m'y intéresse de très loin à cette mythologie, je l'avoue, mais Witch and God a l'avantage de le détrôner de son piédestal, et à raison selon moi.
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lexyscross · 11 months
“They barely even had any screentime! Why do you even like them so much??”
I LOVE them.
They had more screentime in my mind, bitch, shut the fuck up!! 🙄
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kratosfilms · 2 months
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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
90’s actress icons
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sbd-laytall · 3 months
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bluemoonstonesy · 11 months
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pedrito-friskito · 1 year
So the face I imagine for Liv is Scarlett Johansson, more specifically Scarlett as Black widow in the Black Widow movie. So naturally that makes Anna Florence Pugh :) Loving the fic so much!!!
omg I love this!!! mostly because SISTERS 🥺
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thank for you sharing this with me!! and for reading omg 🤍🥹
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getwreckedddd · 7 months
In the fog, she kissed me once, very quickly, and it felt like courage.
Julia Drake, The Last True Poets of the Sea
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yourbeautifulface · 2 years
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Liv Stone.
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outlawssweetheart · 1 year
Stuffy Bitches in fandom be like: “This character has been around for the entire franchise/so long, you must like and respect them!”
“Character A is more prominent/important than Character B, so you should like them more!”
“These characters are the main characters; they should be more loved than the killers and the victims with very little screentime!”
No. 🙂 I don’t care. 🙂 That’s not how liking/loving fictional characters works. I’ll love and simp for whichever characters my heart and soul choose, whether they’re a maniac or a victim, regardless of how little screentime they had. 😘
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1000-celebrities · 3 months
100+ Posters & Canvas Artwork. Max print size: 60x40 inches, 100+ Free High Resolution Images Download, PNG files
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livfastdieyoung69 · 1 year
Bones, Body, Soul.
A Jeff Hardy story. (Ch.4)
A dislocated knee.
One single injury from one single match and Lemmy's wrestling career was pushed to the side. It had happened so suddenly, the entire mood of the whole stadium changing so fast as the EMTs rushed out to help them, the Hardys and Steve Austin following shortly after. It had only been a small match meant to be around eight minutes tops, but more likely around five to make Luna look better like every other jobbing match. But instead, Luna had gotten a little too rough and thrown Lemm out of the ring at just the right angle, causing their left leg to bounce right into the metal ring steps. Unfortunately, because Vince is an asshole, he wouldn’t let their dad ride in the ambulance with them because he had a match in thirty minutes, so Jeff quickly hopped in before Matt could even think to do so, refusing to have Lemmy go by themselves. Not that Lemmy would’ve known anyways, they had blacked out the second their head bounced off the floor.
A bright light in Lemmy’s eye forced them into consciousness with a groan. They moved to put their hand up, trying to block the ringing sound in their ear but instead, Jeff grabbed it and held it in his own.
“What the hell’s going on?” Lemmy tried to look around as they croaked out the words, only able to see the bright, white metal of the painted ambulance ceiling.
“You got hurt Lemm, you’re in the ambulance. C’mon their tryna ask you stuff, gotta try to listen, alright?” Lemm only groaned again and tried to cover their ears again but finally responded to the EMT’s questions when Jeff only held their hand tighter.
“What’s happening? I can’t fucking feel anything Jeff, what’s going on?” Their voice tightened, eyes going glossy while they tried to find some sort of relief in Jeff’s presence.
“You’re alright, sweetheart. Hurt your leg, you’re gonna be alright, I’m right here. I’ve got you.” His hand that wasn’t holding theirs went up to hold their face. Jeff brushed the hair out of Lemmy’s face, just like they had done to him in their car rides, and plane rides, and waking up next to him and Matt on the couch of the Hardy house, and every other day since 1992.
“They're not gonna let me wrestle, are they?” The tears in Lemmy's eyes started pouring, a small sob leaving their mouth.
“Don’t worry about anything like that Lemm, you’re hurt.” Lemmy only started crying more. Jeff’s lips met their forehead in an attempt to give some sort of comfort along with the nonstop praises.
“They're not gonna let me wrestle, Jeff.” Lemmy started shaking their head under his hand. “What-what am I supposed to do? They won’t- they're not gonna…Jeff..” As more sobs continued bubbling out of Lemmy's throat, Jeff gave up on trying to stop it and used the hand that had been used to brush their hair back to rub their cheek with his thumb, trying to let Lemmy know he was there.
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Lemmy sat in the hospital bed staring blankly at the tv, the sound of Jeopardy filing the small room. They tried to watch what was left of Smackdown but Jeff- who had left, hoping to find a Dr.Pepper to try and make Lemmy feel better- thought it would just make them feel worse, so Jeopardy it was. The heavy metal door quickly swung open revealing their father who had clearly left the stadium right after his match.
“Hey, dad.” A sad smile set of their face as they looked up at their father with puffy eyes.
“Hey, Lemmy.” He took a seat in the chair Jeff left unhabited. “They figure out what happened on yet?”
“My kneecap popped out of place and moved a bunch of bones out of there places too. I guess a vein or something popped too, so its worse than what it normally is. Its still out of place they just pumped me full of pain killers.”
“Christ..should’ve known something was gonna happen to your knees with all the shit mine do. God, I’m sorry kid, I should’ve been paying attention.” His hand went up to his forehead as he spoke, quickly blaming himself.
“No! No, it’s not your fault. My knees have been hurting for a while, but so has every other part of my body, If anyone should’ve been paying attention it’s me. Plus you're always on the road and I barely see Uncle Scott 'cause I'm always at Matt and Jeffs, let alone you.” The door opened again, and Jeff with a Dr.Pepper in hand entered the room. He gave a quick smile and raised a hand in Steve's direction, handing Lemmy the bottle before sitting in the chair on the other side of Lemmy.
“Thanks, Jeffro. Hey, I think the doctors supposed to come back and tell me when i’m supposed to have surgery cause they hadn’t really figured that out yet. It could take awhile though, so like, you can go man, it’s fine.”
“I’m not going anywhere Lem, I’ve been here too long to give up now.” Jeff and Lemmy smiled at each other, Lemmy whispering a thank you. Steve stood up with a sigh.
“Well, I’m supposed to go let management know what happened so they can figure out whats going on with your debut. I’ll stop by later, call if you get out alright?”
“I will. See you dad.” He ruffled Lemmys hair as they spoke before making his way to the door.
“So, um, thanks for riding in the ambulance with me. Sorry about all of uh, that.” Lemmy fiddled with the thin bed sheet, embarrasment creeping through them. Jeff scooted farther up in his chair, grabbing their hand to get their attention.
“Dallas. You don’t have anything to be sorry about, you had no clue what was going on and found out the one thing you’ve been working for your entire life is being pushed back. It’s fine to be sad about that.”
“Ok, well I get being sad about it but I had a complete meltdown and cried all over you.”
“And I let you because I care about you and I love you. Stop being sorry and let people do nice things for you once in a while, alright?”
“..Fine, I guess.” Lemmy let out an exagurated sigh and an eye roll. Jeff softy hit their shoulder. Once again, the door opened. This time it was finally the doctor.
“Alright, I’ve been told that the nurse who was supposed to keep you notified on your situation had to help with something in the ER. So here I am. You were supposed to be in surgery two hours ago but we have a limited amount of surgens. Fortunately, one of them just left surgery and will be able to perform surgery on you immediately. If that isn’t something you’re ok with, you would have to wait until tommorow.”
“Oh..um, okay. Would I get to go home tonight if I went into surgery right now?”
“Yes, as long as you would have someone to drive you home and look after you for the night.” Lemmy put their hands up to their face with a loud sigh and rubbed their eyes before looking over at Jeff.
“Would you, um..would that be ok with you?”
“Of course it would be. You do what you’re comfortable with, I’m gonna be here no matter what.”
“Um, okay. Yeah, right now is fine.” Lemmy let the doctor know with a nod.
“Alright, I’ll let them know. A nurse should come in and give an IV soon.” The doctor quickly left, leaving Jeff and Lemmy alone again. The pair sat in silence, the voice of the Jepeorady host invading the quietness.
“Well, I guess I’m going into surgery now.” Lemmy looked over to Jeff, anxiety clear in their eyes. Jeff grabbed their hand for what seemed to be the umpteenth time.
“You’re gonna be alright, I promise. You’re gonna have surgery, and then you’re gonna go home with me and we’re gonna lay in bed all day and watch movies and play GTA. You don’t have anything to worry about, everything's gonna be fine.” Lemmy let out another sigh at Jeffs words, this time the anxiety leaving their body. They scooted down a little in the bed, moving their torso forwards to lean onto Jeff. Jeff’s hand left Lemmy’s as his arms moved to hold them, rubbing up and down. His head moved to sit on top of her chin.
“Thank you, Jeffro.” Lemmy whispered into his shoulder.
“Of course, sweetheart.” Jeff whispered back.
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Look at me go! Updating in a month instead of in four :) I’ve not the happiest with this but I really like the part in the ambulance. The ending is kinda super cute tho. @joeyfilth <3
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