#Lizzy filth
coldercreation · 6 months
You Have Me (So Easy) | Words: 2,560 | E | Lizzy
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divinekangaroo · 2 months
Based on your reading of the characters I have a few questions if you dont mind answering them
Will Tommy have a new love in the movie?
Did S6 make it clear that Lizzys trajectory and her relationship with Tommy has ended?
Sorry for taking so long to get to this!!
I hope not? In 3 hours max, there is so much else I would like to see than giving him a romantic arc. I also don't think erotic or romantic love is all that much of a driver for him, so to devote time to a new erotic or romantic arc would feel very strange - *familial* love is important to him. I hope the movie is about family, especially Charlie. And given the era of focus as just prior to WWII, I think there's opportunity for some very interesting setup that takes Tommy out of the claustrophobia/inner focus of the last few seasons and starts to more cleverly use the zoom in and zoom out of family and political context. I mean, I *do* think they'll probably throw Tommy into bed with someone because that, too, is a significant part of who Tommy Shelby is, but I just don't see all that much room for a "love" arc. (Also I hate the idea of "find the right woman = all his problems solved!" because of what it does to women as well as an outcome that just doesn't exist in the real world -> I think if they did throw in a new love arc in 3 hours it would be very difficult to avoid that shortcut of Fix the Broken Man with the Love of a Woman being made. That's such a crappy motif :/)
Hard to say. Structurally, Lizzie was in every season, and we know end of S6 still left her with significant power in the business as well as custodianship of Charlie, so I really hope she's still in the movie - except with a major power shift. CEO Lizzie is absolutely my bag and that's what I would totally want to see, and her moving up the social/economic ladder in every series would structurally support that kind of leap in the movie. That in itself necessitates a relationship between her and Tommy, but I'm kind of impartial as to whether it's sexual, whatever - what I'd like to see is a different relationship, because every season also showed a very, very different evolution of a Lizzie & Tommy relationship. To show a final evolution where she is the one with the power would be interesting. I think a 'marriage' arc for them is done, though. Personally I never like arcs that end in marriage as the 'goal' - I've been more interested in how S5 and S6 showed marriage as a daily thing not as a goal - so to move beyond that and show a very different relationship filter would make structural sense as well as be interesting to me. I think if Charlie comes into the movie, it'd be hard to cut Lizzie out, too, but I can also see a scenario where she doesn't come back, because within that time constraint of a movie they'd have to be really careful picking a focus.
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wutheringcaterpillar · 2 months
A Bump In The Night: Part 5- The End
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Summary: With the baby growing, it is becoming to difficult to hide it anymore. Threats were made, Pol hardly even batting an eye at you still worried sick about Michael. Meanwhile Lizzie still has her intentions and is willing to make a bargain with the devil himself in order to ensure Tommy is hers, and James is yours as it should have always been. The only thing is, they don't realize Tommy is and will always be one step ahead and has plans of his own, he knows how to press people to tell the truth.
Warnings: Kidnapping, incest, pregnancy, mentions of arranged marriage, violence, assault, non consensual touching, guns
Taglist: taglist: @calmingmelody96 @sunflower-tia @haydenpookiebear @star017 @sweetcheesecakesblog @mamawiggers1980 @calam-arii
3 months prior
"Oh for godsake Thomas" Polly rushed through the kitchen like a bat out of hell in disbelief that thing could get any worse, anymore disturbing what in the fuck were you thinking! She slammed her hands down on the wooden table, spitting her venomous words with such vile and anger.
"She will marry James! Word will get out about the two of you fucking in that filth riddled forbidden bedroom! Enough people know already! You can't marry her! It isn't right and neither is that rotted fruit in the womb! Are you out of your god damn righteous mind because I will help the both of you find it!" You cowered in your seat shamefully, your feelings hurt while your heart was racing about ready to burst out of your chest. How could someone that you love say such hateful words about he r own kin? Yes it was wrong but the child bared no play in this family affair.
Tommy stood their clenching his jaw, an animalistic anger widening his blue eyes as he noticed your lip quivering. You hated conflict he needed to remind himself and Pol of that but she was too far gone to hear anything he had to say, there was only when option which was to level the playing field.
"She will not marry him! You want to know why Pol, eh? You want to know why?" Spit was flying from between his lips, anger rising and pumping and in his chest. He flicked his cigarette in Polly's tea, slamming a fist at one of the cabinets.
"She is pregnant with my child! Those boys, those Birmingham low life fucking scum don't give a fuck about her! But I do! I will not throw her or our child in harms way. So with the utmost, tumultuous disrespect go on and fuck yourself as far as your bastard of a son goes. You bring up one more word about my unborn child I will ensure Michael will never been seen or heard again, and I will blow all of us up in this fucking house and if you want to play me, you should know better than anyone, I will win." Polly went quiet, gulping back her fear and anger. What was she to do when she still had no clue of Michael's whereabouts or what Tommy may have told his men to do with him. What if he gave him away to someone as bargaining chip? The Shelby's had many many enemies over the years, the list going on and on to the point Pol didn't even know where to start.
Th dark turn of events made you nauseous, what will happen when this child is born? Will these problems still occur, are you going to have to walk on eggshells, constantly being terried that your own family would be out to get you? Maybe Pol was right, maybe it would be better just to get rid of it but the idea of aborting something, someone that was made from a powerful, endearing form of love hurt you immensely. You could just picture it now their baby bright blue eyes that looked just like Tommy's yearning to be loved and taken care of. Excusing yourself from the table Tommy raised his hands up in irritation with Pol about her insensitive comments toward you.
Fast forward to now...
Your bump was growing, you were becoming too big for your typical everyday clothes but Tommy has been such a lamb in giving you his, ensuring the maids were checking in with you when he was away for business. Today's business in particular was a cause for concern as he had a meeting with Lizzie. You weren't so much worried about Tommy as you were her making a move on him or trying to outsmart him to where you would marry James in just a few days.
Your hands cradled your tummy anxiously, nibbling on your nails while you paced the room waiting for him to return. Tommy knew how you were and insisted everything would be alright. A knock at the door startled you from your thoughts, probably Frances again seeing if you needed anything. She really lived up to Tommy's expectations in caring for you, not going more than thirty minutes of checking on you in fear of losing her job, which you couldn't blame her the family paid her very well, even insisting on free time for herself and occasionally allowing her to have dinner with everyone, she did make the meals after all.
Twisting the knob, the phone started to ring, your heart thudding in your chest thinking about how maybe it was Tommy calling to check in on you and give you an update on the situation, but before you could think any further, you were met with a wetted cloth pressed harshly against you nose and mouth, the last thing you saw being a blurry image of a man that looked familiar...
"Shhh, shh, it'll all be over soon sweetheart..."
Meanwhile Tommy tapped his foot anxiously, Lizzie sitting across from him with an unhappy face and her arms crossed. She had been getting nowhere with her plan. When you didn't or Frances hadn't answered the phone his eyebrows furrowed together as he rang again, and once more after. Still no response, something seemed dreadfully wrong.
"You're not trying to get a hold of that whore of a sister you have are you. Don't play stupid with me Tommy, the town talks and it's quite obvious she is baring with child isn't she? We know it's yours. I can assure you it's far too late though, she should be gone by now. This is the part where you thank for taking care of your problem." At her bold statement, reality set in that she was behind this or at least was involved. Tommy hung the phone up calmly, taking in a deep breath and raising his eyebrows with a narrowed look of threatening, crystal blue eyes.
In a hasty hurricane of emotions Tommy whipped his hand back, slapping Lizzie across the face, not once but twice cheek to cheek, knocking the wind out of her hair and disheveling her once perfect hair. She grasped at her jaw in shock before Tommy cusped her chin, forcing her to look into his dead sea eyes.
"Listen to me and listen closely. There has never been a connection to us. Now you can dream on in this fairytale word of yours but what happens between my family is none of your business. As far as I'm concerned you are just another whore on the street, opening your legs to any man who will give you what you won't work for yourself. If you think your life is hard now, then tell me where she is before I make it worse." Lizzie was blindsided by the intimidating man's harsh words. He had never snapped at her like that before but maybe that was what she needed for him to get his point across that this was not a game she wanted to play.
"Now, if you know something I suggest you tell me."
Sirens were the first thing you heard as you slowly came back to reality, vision blurry and hearing rendered. The fuzzy image was like looking at an etch a sketch a child drew, all you could make out was two men chatting across the room, one being tall and dressed in a white long sleeve shirt, the other one slightly shorter but the more submissive one by the way he was slouched over cowering.
When you released a low groan, it was clear you were being gagged by what felt like cloth, limbs tied to the chair you were sat in, along with your wrists nowhere for you to go. Your vision became clearer as you blinked rapidly, now able to make out who this man was. Tommy had tried to kill him long ago, he was a dangerous man.
Perching his eyebrow up with your sudden cognitive awareness, he picked up a shiny metal object approaching you like an animal did it's prey, yelling at the other man to get out.
Fucking Mosley...
"Good morning sweetheart, you look quite rough but that body-" His hand flicked at the buttons of your shift, revealing your cleavage, wasting no time ins grasping at the cushiony skin, causing you to wince and shake your head vigorously.
"Ravishing, aren't you?" You tried to scream through the makeshit gag, only making him chuckle darkly, green eyes shimmering in the dimlit room. Glancing behind him, the walls were coated with luxurious wallpaper and you could hear the sounds of music just outside the door, surely there were other people here, only intensifying your fear. Where the fuck was Tommy?
"Now let's see what else we are working with, hm?" He untied the sweat pants you were wearing, the bump now resting out as clear as day. Your breathing increased rapidly when he slid the blade down your stomach, tears flowing freely.
"If you wanted a child and not an abomination, I'd love to give you the pleasure Y/N.. but first this has to go." He pressed the blade into your skin sharply, shedding blood instantly. In a fight or flight response, you headbutted him with all the force you could. He dropped the blade, but perhaps that wasn't a smart move after all.
"Why you little bitch!" He sent a powerful blow across your face, knocking you out once more.
"Fucking Shelby's."
Walking into the pub, wind rustling his hair, there he found Arthur sat at the bar wasting away the same as any other day. When they locked eyes, Arthur huffed not having anything to say to Tommy as he demanded another glass of whiskey from the barmaid, taking a glance at her cleavage when she wasn't paying attention and smirking to himself.
"Everybody out! Family business." Well there went Arthur's fun, fucking Tommy always sucking it right out of the room.
Tossing his hat onto the bar, he sat on the stool throwing Arthur's glass over the bar onto the floor where it shattered.
"What the fuck Tommy, can't have one fucking drink, eh?"
"Y/N's missing. I have an idea of where she is, but we need to move fast eh?" As soon as Tommy mentioned that you were gone, he demanded information as to who took his baby sister.
"James and fucking Lizzie thought up a grand plan, only reason I got it out of her was because I know her fucking past, parts she didn't know I knew but that's besides the point. They've made contact with someone from our past Arthur, and I have a great idea of where she may be. She didn't give me a name but I didn't need one. My men saw James after our meeting going into a club 5 miles from here." Arthur sat their contemplating the right thing to do, you were his sister after all but that didn't mean he wasn't disgusted by the revelations he encountered that first night.
Still not speaking, he ignored Tommy simply huffing in disbelief that Tommy would come to him for help. Why should he? Incest was a crime, a disgusting relationship and he would not stand by it, he was disappointed in both of you. Taking the hint Tommy carried on.
"Arthur I don't ask much of you, I've never once judged you from your past, I've always been at your side now I need you to be here for me...You may not agree with the situation but I need not remind you she is our sister, she needs us. Who knows who the fuck has her or what they are doing with her. I need you brother." Arthur brushed his hand through his oily hair, down over his beard contemplating. Tommy had a point and fuck did he hate when he always did, however you were not the only Shelby missing.
"What about Michael? Hm? He's a Shelby too that only one of us in the room knows where he is. He's Pol's kid for fucks sake Tom. Where is he?" Tom shook his head, uninterested in relaying those details just yet, once you were back and he could see with his very own that you were unharmed and the baby was okay then he would spill.
"That information is not important now is it? Y/N is a sweet, innocent girl and she's always been there for everyone Arthur, can you say the same about Michael, 'cause I can't." He had a point there, Arthur remembering all the times Michael screwed him over and Pol expecting them to just forgive him because of the last name he shared. It was bullshit.
Tommy had plenty of dirt on his brother but he didn't operate like that, he was Arthur's weakspot and he knew that, he didn't have to use his past against him for him to give in and fall in line with his requests and orders. Nodding, Arthur slammed the rest of his drink, groaning and following Tommy out the door.
"You smell like shit." Tommy tried to make light of the situation, setting a subtle reminder that neither had to agree with the others decisions they just needed to be there for one another.
"Ah shut up Tom. Who's ass are we killing this time, hm?"
With Tommy being gone, Polly was making herself at home in his office, digging through the drawers of his desk, scattering papers across the room looking for any information that might help her find her son, but there was nothing. Now that you were missing, she'd be damned if she was going to lose her own kid, putting him first in a selfish way.
A knock at the door startled her, thinking it may be Tommy until the voice spoke.
"Relax Pol, it's just me." Oh thank god, it was just John.
He walked in with sympathetic eyes, hating see his aunt in such a desperate state of mind without a hint of a starting point to find Michael but he knew something and she could tell.
In a moment of silence, Pol pointed her cigarette accusingly at him, blowing smoke into the brisk air of the room.
"You never come in to Tommy's office unless he's here. What do you know, where is he?!" John put his hands up surrendering the idea of him indeed knowing something, but he wasn't here just for that.
Tommy clued him in on the plan, asking him to stay home and keep Pol subdued, and to inform her Michael would be home soon unharmed but only after you were safely secured in his arms once again.
"Michael is safe. He will be home later after Y/N is found alive and safe. He forced him to work in the states and keep business affairs civil to bring the company in money.
A wave of relief washed over her, but when she heard who they think had taken you a dreadful, terrified feeling rushed through her veins. She didn't think it would go this far, that James and Lizzie would be so spiteful, not that she was much better herself. But never this bad.
"Where's Arthur?" John scoffed with a surprised yet irritated look on his face.
"Don't you in the least bit care about y/n and Tommy? I know they are on your shit list but they're family Pol, they're blood. We've all made mistakes but if they are happy just let them fucking be happy."
Pol stood their contemplating on the right thing to say, she couldn't separate her love for the both of you from her views on this relationship.
Kicking the door in Tommy walked into the club with determined eyes, searching for his target while Arthur walked behind him smoking a cigarette, waiting for the younger Shelby's queue to start fucking people up.
"You see him Tom?" He shook his head, but was still scanning the room while keeping his composure. Heads turned toward the family with looks of disgust, some with fear as they knew very well who the brothers were.
After a few sharp turns and corners, Tommy motioned toward Arthur to light this god damn place on fire and kill anyone that got in his way as they were both carrying. The boy spotted Tommy out of the corner of his eye but Tommy was faster, shoving him against the wall and cocking his gun beneath his chin.
"Where the fuck is she? I knew you were no good from the fucking start. What can't pull a beautiful, innocent girl so you go and have her fucking killed eh? Sounds like an insecure little bitch to me. You didn't think I'd find you did you James?" He eyed the boy skeptically, his eyes beaming with anger, giving off a profound sense of dominance. He kneed him in the stomach, causing him to groan out in agony, almost falling to the floor if it weren't for Tommy holding up, ignoring the chaos behind him his brother was causing, a table flipping in the air and hitting the wall besides James's head. A piece of wood flying of a broken leg and striking him in the eye.
"Take me to the fucking room." He dropped the boy, kicking him in is back to go on and crawl if he had to. He didn't care, he just needed you.
The room was in a far back, closed off area of the club, away from people that no one would have heard your screams.
Barging in the room Tommy threw James's bruised, and battered body on the floor, ignoring his whimpers, seeing red when he saw Mosley's lips against the warmth of your neck, his hand caressing your breast while blood flowed freely from your nose. The cut mark of the sharp knife glistening in the light beaming in through the dirty window.
"Ah well if it isn't Mr. Shelby. It's been quite some time no?" When Tommy pulled out his gun once more, Mosley was quick to yank your head back by your hair, pressing the blade roughly into your skin.
"Ah, ah. Temper, temper. I was simply doing what the young lad here couldn't. You should know by now you can't escape me." When Arthur screamed angrily and bolted forward, Mosley dug the knife in deeper, causing you to scream out in pain, making Tommy grab Arthur by the arm and yank him back. He didn't want to risk it, not yet.
He breathed in the sea breeze scent of your hair, continuing to pepper kissed to your temple, making you squirm in discomfort from the man's unwanted advances. Your eyes locked with Tommy to put a stop to this, to end this right here right now. Seeing you in such a pitiful, abused state angered him but also shattered his heart to think Pol couldn't be trusted to look after you.
"What do you want eh? The campaign is fucking over, she has nothing to do with this. This fight is between us, the men. Now why don't we handle this like proper gentlemen eh? Let the girl go." Mosley wasn't convinced, shaking his head no. That would be too easy. He expected adventure, excitement, he wanted to see his enemy crumble, to have no choice but to admit to defeat.
"And why would I do that hm? If I recall correctly you tried to kill me. You've lost my trust Mr. Shelby. Quite the disappointment you turned out to be, now here I am trying to rid your baby sister of this rotted fruit in the womb that belongs to you." Tommy was blindsided, no one had actual proof that there was any relation more than a sister and brother relationship. Lizzie didn't have solid proof, James hadn't either just speculation he was bluffing but Tommy couldn't risk egging him on instead standing there silently with his hands folded in front of him in a gentlemanly manner as he tried to keep his composure.
"Mr. Mosley, not quite sure where you are getting false information from. After all I think the only one that may have fucked his sister is you, you do like to keep it in the family if I recall correctly." Mosley stiffened his jaw, grabbing a tightening his fist in your hair before shoving your head down and smacking his gun down on your head merely knocking you out as blood trickled down your forehead.
He was moving away from you slightly, they just had to wait for the opportunity, even though Tommy's heart was thudding inside his chest rapidly in fear of what would happen if they didn't make a move soon. Just a few more steps away from you...
"The per-petulant know it all, walking into my fucking club. These are my grounds Mr. Shelby, what kind of host am I not offering you a drink first? Maria-" Before he could finish yelling for a woman, in a swift motion Tommy went to throw a punch and reach for his hat to scrape his skin off while Arthur rushed to your unconscious aide.
Mosley was faster though, head butting the younger Shelby as he fumbled to take his gun from his jacket. The weapon falling out and sliding across the floor.
As Arthur undid your bindings, he noticed his brother needed help. Unlike Tommy, Mosley wasn't messing with him at the moment, giving him an advantage.
Pulling his gun from the back of his trousers he aimed it at Mosley, who grasped his own gun in his hand now, holding Tommy in a head lock with his forearm wrapped around Tommy's neck.
"Put the gun down Arthur, or a bullet goes through her head." Tommy was losing air and attempted to scream for Arthur to take the fucking shot.
Simultaneously, Arthur screamed a "fuck you" Mosley's way, both guns going off in a poetic yet dreadful scene of the dangerous men at play.
Blood splattered across the wall, Mosley's grip on Tommy loosening, making him drop to the floor on his knees as he tried to catch his breath with weary, fuzzy eyes glancing up. The bullet Mosley shot had only just missed your head by a centimeter, his lifeless body flailing to the ground as Arthur managed to him with a killshot in the middle of his forehead.
"You alright Tommy, hm?" He waved him off, stumbling to get up and pull you out of the chair at this godforesaken place. Carrying you out in his arms while Arthur picked his gun up off the floor, taking Mosley's in the process.
"C'mon sweet girl, let's go home." Relief washed over Tommy like an immense wait had been lifted from his shoulders.
He gave Arthur the go ahead to call the man he put Michael with to allow him to be released from his duties, too zoned out and only focused on you, worried if the baby was alright.
Your dreary, restless head rested against Tommy' shoulder as he walked you inside, spotting Pol and Michael standing by the fire place. A look of pity washing over your aunt's face when she noticed the bruises on your face, the dried blood painted from your hair down your forehead. She hadn't wished this upon you, she never would, she hadn't realized just how serious this situation was or how perhaps James wasn't the man she thought he could be for you.
Now with the family reunited even with strained ties, the house settled, the fire crackling in the background, Tommy laying your cold body down on the sofa beside it to warm you up, tossing a wool throw blanket over you in the process.
Pol was the first one to speak.
"I-I'm so sorry I-I didn't know I-" Tommy cut her off abruptly with the raise of his hand not even batting an eye at Michael standing in the room, acting as if he wasn't present.
"No, no you didn't know. You didn't take the time to know. Frances has already informed me that you were too wasted to even hear someone breaking in the fucking house. She had to hide in a fucking closet Pol. Look at her now, tell me is this far enough for you, or do you want her dead along with our child?" This place was no longer a safe space for you, and Tommy refused to put you in harms way ever again, too worried to even risk it because it was clear he could not trust anyone in the family to even care about your safety just because of one unplanned pregnancy.
When the early morning light peered in through the window, the sounds of bird chirping in the harmonious summer day, you woke up head pounding from the painful blows Mosley striked you with. Tommy was layed beside you, caressing your cheek delicately and lovingly, glancing down at your weak state with sympathetic eyes.
"Good morning love. I set two tylenol on the table with a glass of water. We should get going soon, we don't have long until the others wake." With a puzzled look, you glanced around the room only to see your belongings no longer there. Only the dusty old furniture that was handed down through generations.
"We're going away for awhile, at least until she is born." Your eyebrows propped up with excitement and surprise, how did he know the gender?
"That's right she. I had Frances contact the doctor. Now take your pills and let's get the hell out of hear because I won't risk your health and safety again nor hers." The tears started welling up in your eyes, insisting on taking the pills to go in the car. You were finally getting away, having the light at the end of the tunnel with Tommy by your side. He assisted you up, holding on to you with a protective, and caring hold to help you into the car.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, the events from the previous night still washing over you, reminding you both as you stared back at the house you grew up in of why you were leaving.
"Well, wh-where are we going?"
"Far, far away from here my beautiful girl." He took your hand in his, digits scanning over you smooth skin before resting a kiss to your forehead, smiling like a fool in love that the day had come, he finally was going to have the ability to be happy, no arguments, no danger, just a family of his own with the girl he shouldn't have loved the way he did.
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WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @for-a-longlongtime. 💜😘
Since I'm taking for fucking ever to get the next chapter of Closed Position finished, I'll give y'all another little teaser for WIP Wednesday.
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Dieter's POV As soon as Kat walked into the bedroom, she paused. Her eyes caught sight of the purple happy stick in my hand almost immediately. My brows arched up at her as I fought a smile. 
“Where did you find that?” she asked nervously.
I tried not to laugh, “Under your pillow.” 
She looked horrified, “And you just picked it up without knowing whose it is or if it’s clean?” 
I shrugged, “I mean, it looks clean. I just assumed it was yours.” 
She shook her head as her cheeks tinged red, “Nope. Don’t know where that came from.” 
I clicked my tongue, “So, you’re telling me you’ve been sleeping with someone else's vibrator under your pillow all week and didn’t notice?” 
She stared at me with wide eyes, seeming unable to respond. 
“It’s OK, I know you were not doing yoga yesterday…If it makes you feel better, I beat off in the shower before I went and got us breakfast.” 
I tried my best to maintain a serious face as her lips twitched upward. I knew that would get her. 
“It doesn’t bother you…that I have one of those?” she asked quietly. 
My brows furrowed, “Of course not…why would it? Hell, I have a few myself.” 
I could see the tension leave her body, now realizing for the first time that she thought I would be upset over it. That fucking asshole.
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I'm sure you can guess where this scene is going. 👀😂
Yeah...so...this chapter is going to be complete filth. However, we do learn some new things and get lots of bonding between these two. Kat gets a new nickname. You know how much she loves those. Anyone want to take a guess at what it will be? We also get the SNL monologue! That'll be fun because you know Dieter is not sticking to the script. He's a fucking menace.
I know you want to yell at me for the edging. It's ok, I understand. Yell away. 🤣
No ETA on the chapter yet, but I'm still slowly plugging away during my down time. I'll probably end up surprise dropping it on y'all without warning. 😏
Until then, 💜 Mysty
CP Taglist:
@titlee78 @legendary-pink-dot  @survivingandenduring @wannab-urs  @harriedandharassed
@hisandsnakes  @misstokyo7love @readingiskeepingmegoing  @runningmom94  @sin-djarin
@cakipy-blog  @missladym1981  @guelyury  @weho2kcmo  @alokaerza  
@girlofchaos  @trulybetty  @rhoorl  @bitchwitch1981  @madnessofadaydreamer
@darkheartgatita  @jazzloveslatte  @timpletance  @musings-of-a-rose  @samiamproductions
@myloveistoolittle  @for-a-longlongtime   @copperhalfcent  @auteurdelabre @drewharrisonwriter
@burntheedges  @stevie75  @bunniboo0015  @quicax3  @jackie923
@sherala007  @pastelnap  @angelofsmalldeath-codeine  @jessthebaker  @rebel-held
@gwendibleywrites  @senorabond  @annalovesflorida  @sandaltoesocks  @katw474
@txlady37 @inkmonster21 @sunnytuliptime @jeewrites @fifitheragertot
@pasc4lfuzz @toomanystoriessolittletime @tintinn16 @lizzie-cakes
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farfromstrange · 1 year
Hi lizzi!
How are you? I hope well.
I saw that your request box is open so I thought why not send one in
Hear me out, what reader goes to the office to see Matt and he's all alone in the office, so they fuck around but Matt isn't paying attention to sense and he doesn't hear foggy just down the hallway and Matt pull out of reader right when they were about to cum and he makes her go under his desk while he tries to look decent.
So when foggy goes to Matt's office, reader pulls out his cock and starts to suck him off while he's talking to foggy and he's trying not to make a face or sound of pleasure, so after foggy leaves Matt punishes reader
Please and thank you 💋
My dear, that request made me very... unwell. Thank you so much for sliding into my inbox and bringing the filth! I apologize for the wait but had to get in the Matt mood again. Well, needless to say, this really did get me in the mood again. I hope you like it!
Naughty Girl | Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Summary: You and Matt get interrupted while getting it on in his office. You can't stop yourself from taking what you want, and Matt is not happy about it.
Warnings: SMUT, PWP, MINORS DNI, unprotected p in v, mentions of oral (f!receiving), oral m!receiving, female masturbation, multiple orgasms, exhibitionism, choking, marking kink, BREEDING KINK (I went hard on that this time), rough sex, slight mean!dom!Matt, degrading, spanking, pure filth served on a silver platter
Word Count: 2.4k
A/n: Y'all I- I'm not even going to say anything. Smut right under the cut.
18+ From Here On Out...
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With every harsh thrust of his cock into your tight walls, the desk underneath you creaks. You can see the legs shaking alongside yours through hazy eyes, but you’re too far gone to care whether or not the wood will give out. 
The second you came into the office, Matt had you bent over the desk. First, he ate your sweet cunt as if it were the last lunch he would ever have, and then he forced you onto your stomach and started pounding into you. The position repeatedly allows him to brush against your G-spot and reach your cervix, fucking into you at a pace that has you seeing starts, your moans bouncing off the walls, and you lose yourself in the feeling of him, his hands, and his cock. You love lunch times like this. He never leaves you dissatisfied. 
Heat wraps around him like a cocoon. Nothing exists in the Nelson & Murdock office but you and him. Your cunt wraps around his cock so impossibly tight, Matt drowns in the feeling. Your moans overtone the noise of the city and he can only smell your sweet arousal in the air, your sweat and your tears of pleasure, and your juices still glistening on his lips. He revels in it. Once he has his hands on you, you’re more than willing to let him do whatever he wants, whatever he needs, and he does so. But he knows well that you wouldn’t hesitate to do the same for him.
Today though, it’s his turn to ruin you, and the empty office made it impossible for him to keep his hands to himself when you came strolling in with that short skirt he fucked you in the day before; it smells like you, and him and sex, and you walk around shamelessly with it as if he can’t smell you five blocks down, or smell the wetness between your legs when you only think about him. You drive him wild with carnal desire, and he wants nothing more than to die between your legs, perhaps even with his cock buried in your velvety walls. He wants nothing more than to fill you up, fuck you until you can’t walk straight, mark you, make you his, tie you down, and ravish you until not a single thought crosses your mind – you’re his little cockdruck slut and he makes sure to tell you that over and over and over again. 
You’re a whimpering mess, reaching back to dig your nails into his hips. You’re so wet, so tight; skin slaps against skin, your nipples brush the wood of the table and you cry out again, and his breathing echoes in his ears. His senses are completely attuned to you, focused on your body, for the signs you’re giving him, the sound of your approaching orgasm, your cunt, your tits, your heartbeat, your everything. He feels your pulse jump under his fingers when he hauls you up to choke you, and you moan again. God, he thinks, this would be such a heavenly way to go out. 
He doesn’t focus for only a moment, but a moment is all it takes for the bubble to burst. Matt hears Foggy’s footsteps first, then his heartbeat, then his voice, and he has never pulled out of you faster. 
The world crashes back into you when your orgasm vanishes, slipping out of your reach, and you gawk at him. 
“Matt, what–” you begin, but he presses his hand against your mouth. 
He’s still hard, your wetness leaking from his cock, but his unfocused eyes seem panicked. “Get under the desk, now!” he says. 
It’s not a game, you can tell. 
You should have figured that getting carried away during lunch break would be a bad idea. 
Matt barely manages to sit down in his chair and fix his hair before his door busts open. 
“Matt,” Foggy waltzes in without a care in the world, “you won’t believe what Marci just told me!"
Your knees already hurt, but you can’t switch positions or he might hear you. You come face to face with Matt’s straining erection in his pants, and an idea comes to your mind. 
You’re a naughty little thing, his voice echoes in your head, but he promised he would make sure you could both get what you both wanted without getting caught and he failed. You’re desperate, your cunt aching for him, and you need to get off somehow. 
Matt sighs at Foggy’s comment. His cheeks are still flushed and he can’t think straight, but he has to appear professional to keep his dignity and yours. “You know what I think about you using your ex as a mo-oh!” His fist hits the desk’s surface. 
Your mouth wraps around his cock and you suck, hard. He comes almost right then and there. He didn’t hear you come closer, neither could he anticipate your behavior before it happened and now you’re sucking on his tip, knowing he is beyond sensitive, and Foggy is right there–
“I know,” Foggy says, and he seemingly doesn’t notice the new tension in his friend’s jaw or his hand gripping the edge of his desk. “But you said we needed more information, and you also hate when I bribe Brett– you know, you’re a hypocrite. You beat up bad guys for intel, but when I ask my ex to spy for me in exchange for sex that doesn't harm anyone, may I add, it’s suddenly World War Three. That's not fair! At least I care about... about the environment."
He says some more things, and they probably make sense, but Matt’s cock twitches in your mouth, so dangerously close to combusting, he listens with only half a quarter of an ear.
You take him down your throat fully, ignoring the urge to gag at his size. He tastes salty and slightly like you, his tip leaking pre-cum. He weighs heavy on your tongue, but the obscenity of it all makes you greedy to take him whole. Once you start, you can’t stop. You lick and suck and lick and suck, and he twitches again. 
His knuckles turn white around the wood and he casts a glare downward. You’re too lost in the pleasure his reaction is giving you, your hand working on your clit as you shamelessly suck his dick; you’re getting off on it, and it’s worse now that he can taste the molecules in the air. 
You’re going to regret this, but you don’t care because it feels too good to stop now. You just want to be naughty for once, get what you want and bring Matt Murdock to his knees. 
“Matt?” Foggy snaps his fingers in front of his face. 
He doesn’t notice he’s biting his fist until it starts hurting. 
“What?” he asks, his voice strained. He twitches in his chair, but he has nowhere to go. 
He’s about to come, the sound of your fingers working on your clit following the rushing of the blood in his veins, and that’s enough to cause his balls to tense up under your skilled fingers. 
“I said I was gonna check in with Marci,” says Foggy. “Usually, you have something smart to say to me. I’m waiting.”
“Good idea,” Matt says. 
“Go!” It sounds almost like a warning. "Do the- the thing with Marci. Just do it, I don't care. Go do it!"
What his friend says next, he doesn’t register. He only hears the door fall shut, and then he’s coming hard into your hot mouth. You moan as your own orgasm washes over you, which only makes you suck harder, and his forehead falls to the desk as he muffles his howl. His toes curl. You lit the match, threw it on the gasoline, and now he’s burning. 
You suckle on his tip until he’s overstimulated and only then do you pull off. 
Part of you expects gratitude when you slowly crawl out from under the desk, but once Matt has found back to himself, his face darkens completely. This is not the man you started teasing before Foggy came around, not the gentle nature your boyfriend has reserved only for you – you’re looking into the eyes of a man equally as horny as he is pissed off with you, and you know what that look means. 
“What the fuck were you thinking?” he growls. 
He gets up and towers over you. “Touching yourself like that, sucking my dick like the needy little whore that you are with Foggy in the same room while I was talking to him… How desperate for my cock do you have to be that you have to act like such a slut?” 
You wipe your mouth. “Sorry,” you mutter. 
He listens to your heartbeat. “No,” Matt chuckles darkly, “You’re a lot of things, sweetheart, but you’re not sorry.”
Next thing you know, your face is pressed against the wall and he cages you in like an animal on the prowl. The blinds are closed, Foggy is gone again, and your skirt lands on the floor. “Such a needy pussy,” he purrs into your ear. “You’re dripping.”
“Fuck, yes,” you moan. 
He pulls at your hair. “Don’t even think you’re getting rewarded.”
The slight pain makes you hiss. 
“I’m gonna fuck you as hard as I want now, and you’re gonna take it. You know why?”
“Tell me.”
“I’ve been a bad girl.”
“That’s right. And what happens to bad girls, baby?”
“They get punished.”
“Exactly, so that’s what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna fuck you until your pussy is full of my cum and then I’ll decide if you deserve to come or not. Are we clear?”
His words shoot straight to your core. You’re not scared, you know how he is, you have a safeword and yet, you’re enjoying this a lot more than you should. “Yes, sir,” you breathe. 
When he hears the honorific from your mouth, uttered oh so sweetly close to his ears, he pushes you further into the walls and thrust his cock into you. He doesn’t wait, he sets a ruthless pace from the beginning, and it’s harder than he fucked you before. 
Desire drives him to ruin you. Sweat drips off both of your bodies, mingling and turning into an almost toxic mixture. His white shirt is stained wet now, his tie loosened, and when you look over your shoulder to see his slack jaw and his bared teeth, you tighten around his cock. He looks so good, he renders you speechless, useless, everything. 
His fingers are sure to leave their bruises, just how you like it. His teeth nip at your neck. His grip tightens around your throat, knocking the air out of your lungs – you can’t breathe. He knows exactly where to press to turn you light-headed, yet needy for more. Your moans get caught in your throat, your nails claw at the wallpaper, and he only picks up speed. 
The line between pain and pleasure blurs. You find yourself on the edge in minutes, even without his fingers on your clit. You are so worked up, your body follows him where he wants you to go. 
He lowers his mouth to your ear. “Don’t fucking come,” he warns. 
You shiver. You’re right there, but you know you have to comply. It hurts, but it’s so good. 
His cock twitches, he’s close too, and he wraps his arm around your waist entirely to keep you straight as he fucks up into you and pushed you flat against the wall. You’re his toy to use now, and you let him. The angle drives you to hell and back, his cock brushing where you need him most but you don’t want him there because you are almost there, tethering over the edge and you are sure if he keeps going like that you are going to–
With a loud shout of your name, he comes deep inside of you. You swear you can still taste him on your tongue as he fills you up. He thrusts and thrusts and thrusts until you’re full of his cum, your walls milking everything he has to give and more, but the man knows no mercy. 
“Want me to fuck a baby into you?” he pants. “Is that what you want? So desperate for my cum, you need it everywhere, even your mouth? And now you want me to fuck a baby into your pussy?”
Holy shit. Whatever has gotten into him makes you sweat even more when you hear his words. 
“Yes!” you cry. “God, yes, Matthew! Please! Please! Please–”
“You need my cum? You need me to fuck you until you’re full of it?”
“Say it.”
“I need your cum, Matthew! Please, I need it. I want it. I want you– please!”
His palm collides with your ass cheeks and he hisses like a snake on the prowl. “Come for me,” he says. 
You instantly lock up. Your muscles tense and you come with a scream; he doesn’t muffle it, he lets you let it out, and his grip is stern as he continues fucking his cum into your quivering pussy. You mewl, but he doesn’t let off. His fingers are everywhere. It burns. 
Only when he’s spent and satisfied does he stop, and you almost lose control over your legs. 
“Shh,” you hear him whisper into your ear. Gone is the dominant Matt who was about to ready to destroy you. He flicks the switch and he’s fully himself again. 
Stroking your hair, he makes sure to be careful when he pulls out. You whimper. He takes you into his arms. “I’m sorry,” Matt says, “Are you okay?”
You’re both panting, sweaty messes, but God, did it feel good. 
You can only muster a small nod and he holds you tighter in response. “Breathe,” he reminds you. “I’m here.”
With his fingers in your hair, you slowly find back to yourself. He carries you into his chair with him where he holds you some more, making sure you don’t lose yourself along the way. He offers you water, a tissue, everything, and you don’t feel used, you never could, not when he acts like this whenever he is rough with you. 
There is a reason you love him, and it’s not just mind-blowing sex. 
“Sorry for sucking your cock while Foggy was in the room,” you murmur, your voice sounded like a drunken slur. 
Matt chuckles, which quickly turns into a laugh. “You are so naughty sometimes, you know that?” he says. 
You shrug. “Guilty as charged, counselor.”
His lips find your forehead. “My naughty girl.”
You love Matt Murdock and you wouldn’t trade him for the world. You are gladly his because you know, no matter how dominant he is, he will always have a soft spot for you. 
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Matt Murdock Tag List: @acharliecoxedfan @gpenguin666 @lina-mar @mcugeekposts @itwasthereaminuteago @mattkinsella @norestfortheshelbywicked @yarrystyleeza @littlenerdyravenclaw @etanordoesbullsh1t
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
What a Naughty Girl…
Scarlett Johansson x Elizabeth Olsen
ScarLizzie x Fem!Reader
“WandaNat” x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Possessiveness, Invasion of Privacy, Kidnapping, Blood, SoftDark!!!(Roleplay). Legal, yet unspecified age gap (IE-Little One)
Smut: Little One/Naughty-Good Girl(R), Daddy(Scar), Mommy(Liz), Strap(L—S), Fingering(R—L), Face-Riding(S—R), Knife Play/Marking(R—L), Baton/Penetration(R—S) Nipple Stim., Slapping, Choking, Bulge Kink Squirting, Passing Out—Somnophilia(R—S)
18+ | Minors DNI!!!
Request: "now this with natasha and wanda would be <3" - @mushroomgayval on my Flo fic.
Fluffy until it's not 😳 ; I'm not partaking in Kinktober per se, but do enjoy this filth 💋
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Scarlett and Lizzie had been rather worried when come time for dinner you'd been absent. The long filming days like today, when they'd have dinner catered to set were always your absolute favorite., "Maybe she left already.," Robert countered their perplexed expressions, and they skipped right over his silly reasoning., "She never leaves without saying goodbye to at least one of us, it's how we know she's safe."
Downey simply rolled his eyes at them, as if you weren't a grown adult capable of getting home. Then he gasped when his hand was slapped away from taking the last remaining Hawaiian roll., "That's for Y/N, paws off.," Lizzie warned, then she began to move around the craft tables to collect you a sizable plate. Scarlett collected drinks for the three of you, then she followed Lizzie to your trailer with their plates of food in hand.
Scarlett had offered to be the one to wake you, because as cute as you were, when your sleep was disturbed you were a monster and she was more equipped to handle your little outbursts. First thing she did was admire your body, the shirt you'd been wearing was raised so far that she could actually see the lace of your red bra. Your shorts were hilariously disheveled, your matching panties somewhat visible, then this sudden idea ran through her mind, and she found herself annoyed that you might be wearing them for someone in particular.
Before she could get too irrationally angry she finally noticed the way that your hand was partially dipped into your shorts, then she saw the lit up phone settled beside you on the mattress, the picture was slowly becoming more clear to her, and with her interest piqued she picked up the phone, eyes widening when she saw what was pulled up on your screen. Lizzie was impatiently staring at her girlfriend, the food having long run cold, so she stumbled right on over to see what was taking so long.
"Shh, look...," Scarlett hushed her girlfriend before she could accidentally disturb you, nimble fingers accepted your unlocked phone, and Liz had to cover her mouth to contain her gasp., "Holy shit...," Scarlett nodded., "Yeah." Lizzie's shock wore off, and she looked to her lover with a mischievous grin., "This is going to be fun, who knew she was so damn naughty."
Scarlett hummed as she pulled Lizzie in for a rough kiss, desperate for the contact as her mind now ran wild with filthy thoughts of you inspired by the dark contents on your phone. They both knew of your crushes on them, it wasn't something you could hide from them; you were just so sweet, and they had thought you were pure—but knowing that you got off to stories of their respective Marvel characters taking you in such twisted ways, well now they know just how wrong they were.
Thrilling didn't begin to explain just how great this information was for them, their need to fulfill your deepest, darkest fantasies now sat at the forefront of their mind, but for now they've got to play it cool. After they readjusted their appearances, as to not give themselves away, they returned to the original plan. Scarlett set your phone screen down beside you, then she sat down beside you, gently coaxing you from your deep slumber, and then she was giggling when you expectedly groaned., "Little one, you need to wake up and eat, none of that now."
Scarlett was extra attentive to your body now, so she watched the way you tensed the more your consciousness began to seep in, your eyes shot open, so she smiled warmly down at you, hopeful that you'd calm, to her luck you'd done just that when you saw your phone face down., "Good morning sunshine, we were worried.," Your brows furrowed adorably, followed up by your lip jutting out, and she just wanted to take you right then and there., "'M sorry.," and your raspy, fresh from your sleep voice didn't help.
"No need to apologize honey, just come eat.," Lizzie spoke up, announcing her presence, and her heart skipped when your head lifted, and your sleepy smile was now filling her vision., "Lizzieeeee.," she chuckled at the way you sang her name, beckoning you over, and she pulled you into her lap as soon as she could reach you. Scarlett huffed, she wakes you, and Lizzie gets the cute greeting., "Scar said you were a little monster, but look at you, such a good girl."
The women shared a knowing glance when you looked down and not so subtly shifted about in her lap., "Scar's the monster.," you grumbled., "Don't I know it.," Lizzie teased along with you, and that seemed to be enough to have you settling into her hold., "You two are always ganging up on me, I just can't catch a break.," You stuck your tongue out at the blonde, she smirked at your childish behavior, and then before you could stop it she stole your roll., "Might as well live up to the title of being a monster.," she shrugged, then she laughed when you menacingly—adorably—glared.
After the couple finally left your trailer you had released a super shaky breath, being so close to them, and putting up with their merciless teasing is your norm, but after the earlier hours where you spent your time with your fingers buried deep within your cunt to their images, fingers bringing yourself over the edge as you read about their characters manhandling you, well it was beyond unbearable to say the least.
Scarlett and Lizzie were thriving upon their new discovery, so much so that they'd snuck back onto set to steal their suits, amongst a few other things: rope, handcuffs, a conveniently laid out burlap sack, and a few other props. They anxiously sat together in their Tesla, waiting for the lights in your trailer to go out, and for you to send them a 'Leaving ❤️,' text.
"Do you think she's going to handle this well?," Lizzie asked, the fear that this might be a bit too much settling deep within her, but she soon settled when Scarlett reached out for her hand., "Honey—Y/N, our sweet little one, wants this. You read the same stories I did, and saw just how much she was a flustered mess at dinner. Plus, if we get her to our hotel, and she seems unwilling we'll shut it all down.," Scarlett lifted her hand up to her lips., "Calm down honey.," then just as she kissed her knuckles your light was being shut off., "Looks like it's showtime."
Scarlett slipped out of the passenger seat with a wink to her getaway driver, then hiding in the dead of night she followed you to your vehicle. You were humming, completely oblivious to your surroundings, and though that was to her current benefit, she was still pretty annoyed at your total aloofness. Danger lurks around all corners, you need to be more prepared; I mean, look at you now as she throws a bag over your head and presses a prop gun into your back.
Your screams doing nothing to save you as you are drug across the empty lot, and tossed into a car that clearly wasn't yours., "Please, I-I, you don't want to do this... There will be people looking for me.," Lizzie looks back to see Scarlett smirk, knowing exactly what she's thinking—they're the people who'd be looking for you—Scarlett winks at her before swooping your keys up off the ground, then she's quick to drive your car off the lot, leading Lizzie to the sketchy motel on the outskirts of town that she booked under falsehoods earlier for this event.
Lizzie was gripping the steering wheel rather tightly, your sobs were slowly getting to her, because as much as she hated to admit she enjoyed them, she also worried you might bolt. That their long term goals of having you all to themselves will be out the door all because they got caught up in a moment and played upon your secret fantasies, and the prospect of that absolutely terrified her., "I don't want to die, please, I'll do anything...,"
Scarlett pulled into the dingy parking lot, and you could feel as the car you were in came to a stop, your entire life was replaying in your mind while you waited for the kidnapper to make their next move. Whomever drove you here had left the car, the clicking door telling you as much, and so you sobbed even louder. Dying wasn't really a fear for you, it was your lack of living that had terrified you, so focused on moving up in your career you had neglected the very life you'd always wanted to live.
Traveling the world was traded in for shooting a film in Venice, pretty as it was, your ability to explore was limited by the strenuous set hours. Creating that family you always wanted was replaced by the Marvel crew, and though you loved them with all your heart, it wasn't the same as your dreamed up life with a wife and kids, whether they'd be human or fur babies. Falling in love had also been ruined for you too, your infatuation with the kind women you've been fortunate enough to know ruined you for anyone else that ever came along.
Being forced into this backseat left you alone in the mind you were always so hesitant to be in. You're proud of where you've managed to get, but it doesn't make where you wanted to be any less a nagging thought, you just wanted to shut down at this point, your current misery was interrupted though when the door had opened. Fight or flight inevitably kicked in, and before the person could snatch you up you kicked them hard in the chest, a deep, yet feminine huff was heard as you took off running.
A sense of hope swirled deep in your gut, but in your haste to get away you'd failed to consider the handcuffs on your hands, the sack over your head—oh, and the potential accomplice. Your body was quickly snatched up from behind, legs kicking as you were mid run, an arm wrapped around your waist so tightly that you could barely breath. Then a lithe hand was placed firmly over your covered mouth to catch your breathless screams, fresh hot tears now getting caught on your upper lip as you cried over your inevitable demise.
You don't usually survive a kidnapping after attacking the perpetrators...
Scarlett was still recovering from the blow when Lizzie entered with your squirming form. In a moment of genuine rage Scarlett yanked you from her lovers hold, and began to tie you to the bed with such force that you gave in. Lizzie was in a state of total shock at the way it had all played out thus far, never did she think it would've resorted to such extremities, it was really only meant to be a 'playful' kidnapping.
She felt a twinge of guilt, but she also couldn't fight the way all of this made her feel, seeing Scarlett manhandle you after she'd just done the same had her panties beyond wrecked. Scarlett was nearly done with your bindings when you began to violently choke on your spit, and a sense of urgency to help filled her body. So without much thought she ripped the sack from your head, your shocked gasp only made the choking that much worse, and both women were truly too enamored with your mussed up face to help you anymore.
The way your eyes were bloodshot, and now swimming with a flurry of easily readable emotions: fear, betrayal, but mostly—arousal. Your cheeks were streaked with mascara, and your once plump lips were smeared red and beyond split open as you'd chewed them up. Scarlett couldn't stop herself when another tear fell from your eyes, she swiped the salty liquid over your lips with her thumb, smearing the dried blood around, and effectively making you wince as the liquid burned at the cracks.
"Wh-What...," Scarlett pressed her thumb down forcefully, gliding over your teeth on the way to stop the movement of your tongue, she smirked when your lips closed around her digit, you were sucking upon it to self soothe., "You've been a very naughty girl today Y/N.," your eyes somehow filled with even more tears when you saw the genuine disappointment that resided within both of their stares.
"First you nearly slept through dinner.," Lizzie tuts., "Then when we graciously brought your plate you'd left your door unlocked, any sort of danger could've walked right on in.," your eyes widen, because for all intents and purposes, it clearly had, and the returned look they give tells you they know it had., "Trained in basic combat, and Scarlett was able to snatch you up with ease. How many times do we have to say take care of yourself for you to listen, hmm?"
"We saw your phone too, the way your hand was in your pants, fuck Y/N, we think you did this all on purpose, it was a perfect set up...," you attempted to shake your head, they needed to know you didn't want them to find out, of course you didn't—this is embarrassing.
Scarlett removed her thumb from your mouth, and as you went to deny it the back of her hand made contact with your face., "No use in lying now slut.," your cheek stung with the tiniest of scratches forming as her rings grazed the skin., "Now...," Lizzie had started to get to the far less painful part, but the vibrating of your boob caught her off guard, her eyes looking to see it was nearly 9PM., "Who the fuck is calling you this late Y/N?!," both of them watched as your eyes widened fearfully, and they wasted no time grabbing the phone., "Who's Luna??"
"Oh, apparently it's cold, and getting late...," Scarlett read off., "Your reservations were given up, but she's still down to 'link up,' she wants the addy.," Scarlett scoffs, tossing your phone across the room with no care at all., "That's why your makeup was done up then? You got all dressed up for this whore, hm?," another slap to etch even more nicks into your skin is thrown down, and your lip trembled., "It was just a hookup... Dinner was her idea."
Lizzie gripped your cheeks, squishing them until your lips were pouting., "That is worse, you were going to whore yourself out to this random bimbo after getting off to us?," your eyes shut while an uncomfortable wave of  embarrassment welled up within your chest., "No, open your fucking eyes and face us.," you reluctantly did, and when you truly looked you could see genuine hurt beneath all the anger.
"I'm sorry... I-I...," the women watch as you breakdown, a deep sorrow evident in your sobs, and they didn't know what had truly gotten into them, you weren't ever theirs, but fuck, the idea of you and that girl, or let alone any other person with you really had them seeing red., "If you're sorry, then prove it.," Scarlett growled, her face not even two inches from yours now, and before you could spout more apologies her lips were pressed to yours.
It was all too much, your mind was riddled with turmoil, on the one end this is all you'd ever wanted, to have these gorgeous creatures in your vicinity, with their hands all over you as they showed your body absolutely no mercy. On the other end of things this was just insane; your sweet little Elizabeth, and your charming as ever Scarlett have betrayed your trust, they took your private experiences where you let your fantasies run wild and recreated them. Without so much as a heads up it felt wrong, but the way her plump lips felt against yours, and the blinding pressure steadily building up from deep within you told you that your body and mind did not agree in the slightest here.
Her lips were soft, but she wasn't by any means as she shoved her tongue over your cracked lips, diving into your mouth to savor the taste that was so uniquely you, a bit of mint to complement the metallic taste of your blood, and she appreciates the way you give in to her. Those expert hands of hers wasted no time traveling down your body, groping you over the clothing before finding the barrier angering. Cold fingers slipping beneath your shirt had your back arching, the sensation against your heated skin offering the opposite of relief.
Lizzie was captivated, watching the way that her lover was slipping further into a headspace she'd never seen before; Scar had always been so incredibly soft with her, and she wonders if this had always been what she wanted to do, but maybe she was just worried it wouldn't have gotten her anywhere so she said nothing. Lizzie shifted, if that was the case, well boy she couldn't have been more wrong, the leather pants of her suit were sticky with her arousal, and every sound Scarlett was able to pull from you was making the actress that much dizzier. Then she'd unintentionally whined, her innate need for relief finally reaching its precipice.
Scarlett removed her tongue from residing down your throat, her hands groped your breasts harshly, pulling a languid moan from you as she pulled back, your lower lip caught between her teeth, and her eyes were on yours. Once she felt your stare matched hers in terms of cognition she'd bit down on the delicate muscle, dribbles of blood mixed with spit flickered over your chin as she relinquished her hold, and you slumped against the pillow with a new wave of tears in your eyes.
"So fucking beautiful.," Lizzie groans, her thumb collecting the bloody spit from your chin, eyes of emerald green, that upon closer observation now resemble that of the forest in the night stare through your glazed over pair. "Mm...," her thumb pressed passed her lips, grazing over her tongue she relished the taste, you watched, chest heaving as the arousal was swirling painfully in the pit of your stomach.
Scarlett pulled Lizzie in for a bruising kiss, the lovers making out over you was indeed a sight to marvel at, tongues decorated in crimson fighting for a dominance neither was willing to give up, you whimpered pitifully beneath them, and they broke away, chuckling tauntingly., "Oh, does our naughty girl have needs too?," you nod frantically, eyes glimmering with hope dull upon seeing the hardened glares in return.
"Too fucking bad.," Scarlett snarls, then her body lifts from the bed, leaving you alone with Lizzie who's look, though softer, is frightening., "What? Thought you could be a whore and just get your way.," she mocks, hands reaching into the pocket on her lower leg, your eyes widen when you see the handle of a dagger, the blade being the next to flood your eye line, and in a shocking turn of events you could feel the way you soaked right on through your panties, the evidence likely dripping onto the mattress as you were in a short skirt.
"Tell me detka...," she purrs the Russian pet name out like it was her mother tongue, the accent usually reserved for her character now being transferred into a new realm of her life., "Do you think Luna's still waiting for your answer?," the harsh glare tells you to remain silent., "I'm sure she is, a pretty one like you's hard to not think about...," her eyes never leave yours while her blade glides over the thin shirt, a firm pressure being felt as she leans closer to you, followed shortly by the ripping of fabric.
"Scar baby, check our naughty girls phone for me please.," she sweetly calls out to her lover, her dagger still laying against your sternum, and as she spoke her hands naturally moved; the little bow of your bra was torn to shreds, the skin beneath painfully nicked, and your pained groan has Lizzie looking to you again. Excited an understatement when she sees the disheveled cups of your bra, the small puddle of blood pooling beneath the tip of her dagger makes her feel accomplished; she drags it even lower, watching as your chest rises and falls in stutters, and your breaths grow shallow, the nerves clear as day on your furrowed face., "Looks like the bitch just won't give up!"
Lizzie's dagger digs into you at the shouted words, the feeling of your blood trailing down your side an afterthought to the way she looks. It's truly uncanny, the suit was clinging to her every curve, the auburn wig was still in pristine condition, and the way she tilted her head had you convinced Wanda Maximoff wasn't even a character at all but instead Lizzie's alter ego., "Bring the phone, it's important we set the girl straight.," Lizzie's words had you in a frenzy to have access to your limbs again, your squirms were put to an end though with a pointed glare, oh, and the feeling of the cold metal pressing over your bottoms, your skirt and lacy panties falling in tandem.
Scarlett smirked down at you, following instructions she photographed yours arms., "Seems she's a bit tied up, don't you think?," both women laughed manically after sending off the message, three bubbles formed, but soon faded, the bottom of the message spread now reading "Luna has unmatched you.," Scarlett smiled as she settled your phone on the nightstand, and Lizzie beamed just the same., "Now you're all ours kotenok, and we're going to fucking ruin you for anyone else..."
As if that wasn't already the case...
Lizzie hummed a happy tune while you sobbed, the perfectionist in her had her going over the pristine markings she'd been etching into you, "E.O." now residing between a set of your ribs. The only relief you got came when her tongue softly trailed over the open wound, collecting the bright red droplets of blood, her lips soft as they sealed the branding with a kiss. An "S.J." was soon to follow, mirrored on the right side., "Absolutely perfect, our precious little one.,"
Scarlett placed a kiss to the nape of her lovers neck, alerting to her that she was ready for her, lithe hands trace over her leather covered waist on their journey to hook onto her tight pants. Fingers hook around the waistband, and once she feels your eyes on them she slowly pulls them down her legs, Lizzie's muscular thighs are revealed to you, and you squirm in place when you see them glimmering with her slick. Just knowing that having you at their mercy did that to her fills you with a tainted pride; the new hope of having your face buried between them leaves you uncomfortably dripping.
Scarlett settles onto the chair that you now notice is at the end of the bed, her black widow suit is still perfectly clinging to her body, but she's slipped into a harness, on the outside of the black suit you see the shiny red faux cock, your desperate walls flutter, clinging onto nothing, and judging by their incredulous laughter you know they can see it happening., "Aww... Look at her detka, so desperate for our touch now...," she mocks you, even winking your way as you're forced to watch the strap slip into Lizzie's puffy cunt with relative ease, moaning as it fills her up so well, your body feels so incredibly uncomfortable, absolutely buzzing as you remain deprived of their touch.
It's truly a sight to see, all those fanfics you'd read thus far of the redheaded beauties now coming to life before you; you felt unworthy. "Wanda's" moans were even prettier, and far more sinful than you'd imagined, "Natasha's" grip on her hips just as rough as you'd expected it to be when she guided her over the strap, and her deep grunts left no room to question just how affected she was by all of this as well.
Leather shone with the drippings of the woman far too eager to climax, and Lizzie grew closer when she saw you ogling them, the sheer amount of want on top of the innate need in your eyes had her squeezing around the strap, and screaming., "Fuck! Y/N...," the shouting of your name as she came hard leaving you a whimpering mess in need of a good fuck on the bed before them. Scarlett kissed over the marks she'd left behind on the side of her lovers neck, helping her to come down from her high, all while watching you attempt to squirm about.
Lizzie, with the help of Scarlett, made her way onto the bed, her glistening cunt now pressing against your bare abdomen, you moaned as the warm slick gushed out and over your abdomen. Lizzie stares down at you, her smile wide as can be as your eyes plead with her for much more., "Daddy's going to ride your pretty little face, and mommy.," she pauses, wiggling her hands above your face much like her character does., "Well mommy's going to fill you up with these magic fingers of hers...," she laughed tauntingly when you huffed in obvious embarrassment, your eyes closing to hide, but a slap to your face undid your attempts to cower away.
"Mommy and daddy won't touch you anymore until we get a verbal okay.," you could see that under the facade that she truly wanted your express consent before anything progressed., "Mhm...," her displeased stare urged you on., "Yes mommy... I-I want your magic fingers.," Lizzie beamed, then in a briefly soft moment she pecked your nose., "Good fucking girl."
Scarlett approached the bed as Lizzie slowly moved down your body, your nostrils the first to catch her presence; the smell of her arousal causing your mouth to salivate, and then as you shifted to gaze at her you had felt lightheaded. Her shaven pussy was a marvel for sure, but it only got more heavenly as you trailed your eyes up, her taut skin looked so damn soft, and her rounded breasts looked incredibly delectable., "My eyes are up here kotenok.," Scarlett taunts as your eyes lingered on her pert nipples; soft, deceivingly so, fingers gripped you by the chin, yanking your gaze up to catch her smug smirk.
"Tell me printsessa, do you think you deserve mommy's fingers...," your eyes downcast as soon as she hints to leaving you unresolved., "What about daddy's pussy hmm?," the threat of not being able to taste her actually hits you harder than the other, you're desperate and you don't care how pathetic you look begging., "No... But please, fuck! Daddy I'll be so good for you guys, I promise to be your good girl.," Scarlett's eyes only darken further, any trace of green that had once remained was subjected to the clutch of the void now, your pleads and promises enough for the redhead, evident as she carefully slots herself over your face.
"Daddy, please, I want to touch you...," you whined, hands tugging at their restraints, and the woman looks down to you in amusement., "You have only one job here detka, so open your mouth, and use it to make me cum.," she lowers herself onto you without allowing another word to leave your mouth, she sighs happily when she feels your tongue glide through her folds, a loud moan then leaving her when you swirl it over her throbbing clit., "Just like that detka, don't fucking stop.," she groans, a hand flying to your head to wrap up in your hair, holding you properly against her.
Lizzie places a firm kiss to your clit, giggling when your body jolts, and Scarlett screams., "So reactive...," she taunts the both of you, then without much more than a swirling around your entrance does she thrust two fingers in., "Shit, you're so fucking tight dorogoy.," Lizzie grunts as she is met with your resistant walls right away, but they are no match for her will. Slowly but surely she sets a steady rhythm, her fingers separating inside of you, the cold metal of her rings tenderly brush against your velvety walls—shocking you, your consequent mewls making a fire of blinding pleasure spread throughout the beauty atop of you's body.
Scarlett was close, she almost felt embarrassed at how quickly she was going to fly over the edge of bliss, but with just how talented she deemed your mouth to be the shame settled. Her hips never faltered in their efforts to meet your tongues thrusts, and when Lizzie kept the same energy with her fingers in your tight cunt it wasn't long until you fell over together. Your strangled moans reverberated throughout her cunt, and you were rewarded with the glorious feeling that was her arousal sliding over your tongue, and slowly trickling down your throat.
Lizzie slowly pulled out of you, careful to ensure your greedy pussy didn't swallow her jewelry up, and with her free arm she helped Scar off of your face, laying her against the bed she hovers her fingers over her mouth, and while you work to catch your breath you find it very difficult at the sight of their soft moment. Lizzie's patient with her, fingers gently tapping your arousal onto her lips until she parts them, hungrily sucking them into her warm mouth.  Lizzie groans when her tongue expertly works to clean your remnants from her digits, and to prolong the moment she keeps the eye contact with her steady as she fucks her throat.
Scar's gags reignite the fire in the pit of your stomach, and you whimper like the bitch in heat that you are; Lizzie rolls her eyes at your expressive neediness, but as a woman who aims to please she gives in to your calls. Fingers glimmer with the spit of the dazed woman as she pulls them out, then she leans down to gently peck her lips, dipping into her mouth just to gather a taste of you, then she pulls back and refocuses her attention on you. Fingers dance over your tense thighs, beyond sore muscles twitch beneath her touch, and she almost feels bad when you groan as she kneads into the flesh, offering only the barest of relief.
Her fingers trailed back down to your wet cunt, the heat radiating off you was rather palpable, and she slips back into you with a pleased hum. "So warm, mommy could used to this detka.," she smiles when you look at her with hopeful eyes., "Don't worry, you're all ours now.," she muses with a wink, then she picks the pace up while her lips find purchase upon your body, licking and nibbling at your skin to hold true to her promises—you're theirs, and you'll surely wake up with the marks to prove it.
Lizzie had long since removed her top, but as she fucked into you she realized the gloves had remained on, the rough fabric rubbing against your clit every single time she slams her fingers back into you, the pain proving welcome as you did everything you could to meet her thrusts while being tied up, and painfully wide open., "Fuck, you're taking my fingers so well detka, you're going to do so well with daddy's toy.," your walls flutter at the mysterious promise for more, and as you're nearing another orgasm Lizzie wraps her hand around your throat and slams her lips to yours for a sloppy kiss.
The all too familiar taste of her lover lingers, and she moans as it transfers over to her, slim fingers reflexively tighten around your neck; the corners of your eyes fill with tears as the supply to oxygen runs short, and Lizzie pulls back to watch you come undone up close as your walls now have her fingers in a deadlock. Her hold on your neck releases, then all at once you gasp for air, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you thrash about, your orgasm harshly floods right on out—drenching her completely; finger's absolutely glistening as she pulls them out of you, her glove beyond fucking ruined, and she is genuinely shocked.
While Scarlett pulls her end together Lizzie decides to be a moment of calm for you, you pay no mind to her at first while you try to return to your body. She reaches for the blade, and your eyes fly open as the metal scrapes against the table, her eyes remain impassive, because though she only intends to cut the rope from around your hands, she isn't that opposed to making you at least squirm a bit., "Sweetest little one, what do you say to your mommy?," you blink up at her in confusion, "Try out those manners for me detka.," she muses, the blade slowly cutting right through the bindings on your hands.
"Thank you mommy..." you groan as a dull ache travels throughout your arms when they collide with the mattress, but that familiar, soft smile she flashes you makes your heart melt, and suddenly the ache is but a memory. She lays a delicate kiss to your wrists., “You're most welcome.," you flinched as her lips pressed to the rope burns., "Shhh, you're okay.," she coos while swiftly slipping behind you leaving you rather confused. Scarlett quickly approaches with a devious smirk, hands hidden behind her back, you shudder at the endless possibilities for what's likely to come., "We read one of your little fics Y/N/N, while we waited for you to get ready, and oh boy was it full of great ideas.," Scarlett chuckles, her hands slowly reveal themselves to be holding one of the Black Widow batons, and you dryly gulp.
"Don't worry detka, I'll be gentle.," she teases with a smirk that promises the exact opposite. Leaving your legs tied up was a strategic move, because the way your torso was moving about she just knew your legs would be thrashing. The cool metal presses against your entrance, once you release a shaky breath she pushes in, the first notch of the tool now inside of you, you whimper at the painful feeling, and Lizzie allows you to link your fingers with her own.
Scarlett slips another two notches into you, your back instantly arches off the bed when the rough ridges glide across your innermost sensitive parts, but Lizzie is quick to use your combined hands to push you back down, then she’s throwing a leg over you to hold you firmly against the mattress., “Stay still detka, it’ll hurt less if you don’t resist.,” she gently whispers the cringey reassurance to you while her lips begin to travel over the side of your neck.
As cringey as it was it was also the case here, the pain subsided the calmer you became, deep breaths were your best friend, and when Lizzie began to grope at your breasts you were putty in their hands. Scarlett pulled all the way out of you, then she began to piston the baton into your cunt without relent, and you were a mess. Moans came out in between your short gasps, something about the unorthodox, makeshift dildo being used on you by the smirking actress imitating her best character had you turned on.
“Shit, detka you’re soaking the fucking bed.,” you clenched tightly around the metal when her raspy voice called you out, the waves of pleasure rolled right through you, Lizzie’s lips on your pulse point the final straw as she bit into your skin your back arched against the pressure of her leg; you screamed a set of curses as you came hard on the baton, body absolutely trembling, but Scarlett didn’t stop her ministrations, even if her arm was burning, and you were actively trying to wriggle away.
The sight of your pussy devouring the weapon just had her transfixed, then she was a goner when she noticed the way that your stomach lifted up whenever she slammed into you. An almost childlike amusement flashed across her face when it would lift up, then drop back down based on her movements alone., “Too much.,” you slurred, but she shushed you with a harsh thrust, a pained moan clawing from the depths of your throat came out, and you softly cried.
Like a cat drawn to a glass on the edge of a table the wigged up blonde was slamming her hand over the bulge, and that was it for you. The women were speechless, your body was convulsing at a nearly inhumane rate, your arousal literally drenching the bed, your raised thighs, it even sprayed out over the redheads abdomen., “Holy shit, that was fucking hot.,” she groaned, and Lizzie just continued to stare at the delicious mess you made, her eyes only finally realizing you’d passed out., “Shit, Scar you put her to sleep.,” the woman smirked smugly, then she shrugged her shoulders and dropped to her knees., “Can’t let all this go to waste.,” she muses as she discarded the baton then dove right on into your drenched folds.
Lizzie giggles at your state, your body blanketed by a deep slumber still convulses atop of hers while her girlfriend eats you out like a woman starved, your sleeping face the furthest from peaceful as your brows twitch at the overstimulating pleasure your body is being subjected to., "Such a perfect, good girl... All fucked out in her mommy's arms...," she sets a contradictory sweet kiss to your temple, her hands returning to your breasts, chuckling even further as you sleepily gasp when she grazes over your nipples...
Scarlett pulls away from your abused cunt with a dopey smile when she meets her lovers gaze. The sight of you sleeping against her shoulder warms her heart, the previous devilish phase fading from her mind., "Share the wealth.," Lizzie teases, a finger curling brings Scarlett to hover over your body, her plump lips dripping with your sweet arousal press to Lizzie's, the latter moans upon tasting you upon the other., "She did so good... Such a sweet little thing...," Scarlett coos as she pulls back to look down at you, her lips then peck your roughed up set.
Lizzie ran a warm washcloth over your skin, fabrics that were once white now stained red, she admires the marks they'd left behind, lips gently press into her initials over your ribcage. When your unconscious body shivers she smiles, eyes continue their perusing of your body, taking in every new line etched into you. Thin, angry lines mark the skin over the column of your throat where her hand once was, previously squeezing the life out of you, the memory of you briefly flashes behind her eyelids, but she shakes the dizzying image from her mind before she gets all worked up again., "Our perfect little one, you look so pretty all marked up like this.," she whispers, but very reluctantly she layers ointment over the many marks littering your entire body so that they can properly begin to heal.
It's not like they can't just do it all again, if anything she's just repurposing their canvas...
"So, apparently the Russo's want all of us back on set tomorrow for a reshoot.," Scarlett chuckles in disbelief over the nimble fingers in her mouth that were working a string of floss through her teeth., "That's not happening.," Lizzie easily concludes, no amount of makeup will help to cover the damage they've done to you, and if either women were being honest they weren't exactly interested in sharing you just yet., "Yeah, I'll just tell them she fell ill, and she needed us.," Lizzie hums a silent agreement, then after sharing a minty fresh kiss with her girlfriend her eyes are back to your sleep fallen features.
Lizzie taps her fingers against your forehead, then your cheeks, repeating the soothing action until your eyes began to trace beneath the lids., "Sweetheart, open those beautiful eyes please.," and by the grace of some deity you managed to. "There you are, Scar and I need you to eat, and drink some water, then we can all sleep love.," She pulls your weakened body up and into her chest, you groan as your achey muscles are made to move, eyes struggling to remain open but when a granola bars laid to your lips you tiredly accepted the treat into your mouth.
"Good girl...," she coos, then she replaces the bar with a water bottle that you graciously accept., "Are you doing okay Y/N?" Lizzie anxiously awaits your answer, a residual fear settled in her gut telling her that soon enough you'll come to your senses and be screaming., "I'm always perfect with you two Lizzie." You reply, and it was the last thing she expected, she expected you to be repulsed, maybe hurt, but not content, even if Scar told her you'd be.
"Really?," the disbelief in her tone worried you, so with soft hands you cupped her cheeks, "Lizzie, I'm fine, I promise this was all okay.," you pressed a kiss to her cheek to aide your message along, then you whined once her lips touched to your sore pair, a soft dance taking place as you lazily made out with one another., "I love you Lizzie.," she smiled against your lips., "Oh sweet girl, I love you most.," and before you could rebut her asinine claim a throat clearing pulled the both of you apart.
Scarlett found the sight of you two perfect—domestic even, their once seemingly forbidden dreams were becoming their very reality, and she certainly was all for it., "It's my turn now!," she proclaims, Lizzie rolls her eyes, then she places a collection of kisses over the entirety of your face, your strained giggles making her reluctant to hand you over, but with a final peck to your lips she slips off to the bathroom.
Sitting on the edge of the bed you look to the blonde for instruction, an excitement fills the woman at your clear, obedient devotions., "Open up sweet one.," she instructs, then in a gentle manner she brushes your teeth for you, offering you a cup to spit into, then she settles behind you with a brush, slightly wetting the bristles before running it through the mess that became of your soft locks, you hum gratefully at the immense care being shown to you.
Scarlett moves around the room while you wait patiently for her next instruction., "Arms up.," An oversized T-shirt is thrown over your body, the layers of perfume settled deep within the fabric bring you a sense of comfort, you fall against the mattress with an exaggerated sigh, and the blonde looks down at you chuckling., "Make some room for me honey.," you scoot to the center of the mattress and reach up for her, and her heart absolutely soars at the clinginess.
"Goodnight little one.," Scarlett coos with a kiss to your cheek, your sleepy smile as you nuzzled even further into her nearly making her heart explode., "Night Scar... I love you...," she smiles "I love you too.," she watches the way the muscles in your face relax, and how your lips adorably pout as you fall into a deep slumber; she wishes for this to be a nightly occurrence., "We're keeping her.," Scarlett murmurs to her lover as she climbs into the space behind you., "Well yeah, that was never even a question.," Lizzie tiredly concurs, her arm protectively flying over you, and settling on Scar's hip.
"She's always been our little one, and now she'll never be able to forget again..."
7,440 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 😈
(Gif / images from Google)
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… 😳😂💋
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oizysian · 2 years
Movie Star | Elizabeth Olsen
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Filth. Dirty talk, filming sexual acts, strap play, breeding.
AN: this is legit just filthy smut. Hope you all enjoy and requests are open!
18+ Minors/Men DNI
Is this thing on? Okay, let’s do it.
“Hi, Robbie! Say hi, baby.”
“She’s so cute when her mouth is full of my cock.
I pointed the camera downward to show Lizzie down on her knees in front of me, slobbering all over my dick. Her head bobbed up and down on the length of the dildo, her beautiful green eyes looking up at me from underneath her eyelashes.
“She’s getting it all nice and wet for me.”
She hummed softly and I ran my fingers through her silky hair, guiding her head as she made a show of licking the tip, smiling up at me as she did so.
“Isn’t she just beautiful?” I mused softly as I watched her lean back and spread her legs, giving me a full view of her glistening wetness. “Look at that,” I said with awe. “She’s soaked.”
“All for you.” She spoke, looking at me from over the camera and I smiled.
“All for me.”
I placed the camera down on the nightstand facing the bed and got the ropes from one of the drawers, getting the intricate, yet beautiful knots ready to tie her up with.
“Ready, love?” I asked her and she nodded excitedly, raising her hands towards the headboard.
I smiled down at her and tied her hands together, the ropes making a cute little bow as I attached it to the headboard. She tugged on her restraints playfully and I tutted at her.
“Don’t make me tie your legs down too. I know you love to hold me close when I’m fucking you.”
“No,” she whined, relaxing against the binds. “I’ll be a good girl.”
“I know you will.” I ran my hands up her thighs and she shuddered under my touch. “So ready for my cock.”
I grabbed the camera from the nightstand and got into position between her legs. I took the dildo and slapped it against her pussy, the sound of her sopping cunt filling the room.
Slowly, I slid the cock into her glistening hole, her moans driving me to just mercilessly pound into her, but I controlled myself. I recorded her taking every delicious inch, her pussy stretching to accommodate the length and girth of it.
“Y/N,” she moaned softly, her hips wriggling ever so slightly to get me to move faster. “I need you.”
“I know, sweetheart.” I zoomed in on her throbbing cunt, her clit begging to be touched as I finally bottomed out into her.
Her breath got caught in her throat as I finally started moving against her, switching the camera to look at her beautiful, bouncing breasts as I thrust up into her.
“You could never fuck her this good.” I laughed, trailing the camera's gaze down her body to the bulge in her abdomen from me filling her up.
“Oh, fuck, Y/N.” she cried out and I leaned back, pulling out of her before slamming my hips into hers again.
She let out a guttural moan, throwing her head back and pulling at the ropes as I fucked her.
“She looks so fucking pretty.” I murmured softly, moving the camera so that it was on her face; contorted with pleasure.
I reached down to play with her swollen clit, her whole body stiffening as pleasure overtook her.
“Look at that clit,” I said as I brushed my thumb across it, eliciting a high pitched moan out of her. “See what she does when you touch it? Imagine what she’ll sound like when I suck it.”
She let out a whine as I stopped fucking her, her legs wrapping around my waist and pulling me toward her. I let out a chuckle, letting her take control for a moment, filming her fucking herself on my cock.
“Tell me what you need, baby.”
“You.” She whined, still struggling to fully fuck herself. “I need you to fuck me.”
“I’m gonna need more than that.” I teased her and she groaned in frustration, beads of sweat building up on her forehead.
“I need you to breed me. Fucking fill my pussy with your cum.”
“You’ve got a dirty mouth.”
“Shut me up with your cock then.”
“Dirty, dirty girl. Know what happens to dirty girls?”
She bit her lip and shook her head.
“They get fucked like the sluts they are.” She smiled up at me and I smiled back, my hips rolling into hers slowly. “But, they don’t get to cum.”
She opened her mouth to speak but a hard thrust turned her words into moans, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as I fucked her, slow and steady.
“They just get used.” I said as I focused the camera on my silicone dick sliding in and out of her puffy pussy.
She writhed underneath me, her legs locking tighter around me and coaxing me further into her. I should’ve tied down her legs too.
I brought my free hand down and played with her clit teasingly, barely ghosting over it as I fucked her nice and slow. Her chest heaved, her nipples painfully hard at this point and begging to be touched. Moving from her clit, I pinched and twisted her left nipple, drawing a low moan out of her. At this point, I didn’t think she even had a thought in her head other than the feeling of my cock inside her.
“Honey, how are you feeling?”
She just moaned, tugging once again on the restraints that held her down.
“You’re not going anywhere, my love. You’re gonna take my cock until the battery of this camera runs out.”
She mewled as I fully pulled out of her then pushed myself back in, the sound of her pussy taking me was music to my ears. Drool dripped from her open mouth onto her chin, proof that was was getting fucked mindless.
“Why don’t you say hi to the camera, Lizzie? I wanna hear that pretty voice of yours.”
She finally looked at the camera, panting, her eyes dark with lust and desire. She bit her lip and pushed herself down onto me, ignoring my request, her mind only focused on getting fucked.
“If you promise to be a good girl and make a mess all over this cock, I’ll let you cum.”
“I’ll be good, I’ll be good.” She babbled, her head thrashing from side to side as she came closer and closer to release.
I decided to take pity on her, playing with her pretty little clit, her muscles tightening around me as she came. She yelled my name over and over as pleasure washed over her and I couldn’t help but smile as I recorded her cumming.
“Ever hear her cum like that for you?” I turned the camera to face me. “Didn’t think so.”
I flipped the camera again, pointing it down towards her pussy as I rubbed her clit with a fervor, wanting to see her squirt all over me.
“Oh, Y/N, oh - oh.” She moaned softly as she came, her body letting go and cumming all over my cock once again.
“Now for the best part.” I spoke to the camera.
Bringing my hand down from her clit, I squeezed the base of the dildo and cum poured into her, squirting all over both of us.
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 56. brb x oc
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stop it
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff, then SMUT. SMUT SMUT, FILTH MINORS DNI I WILL KNOW Rooster has a kink everyone already knew about
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 
@lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2 @emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads 
He forgot how good Christmas food was, a complete opposite of chugging eggnog from a carton alone in his bedroom. He had to admit he never had fish for Christmas’ Eve food nor seafood like this, he’s used to meat and at best chicken, but never fish. It was really good and Beatrice’s mother would always ask if he wanted more or if he was still hungry, it took Beatrice saying that “I think that’s more than enough mamma.” for her to stop.
But then she said, “I’ll set it aside so you can take it home!”
Bradley really liked this, it was so nice, he felt so welcome. Of course they all talked about things only they knew about and there were some inside jokes here and there, but he was invited to at least four fishing trips, six trips to Italy and several card games in a matter of seconds. Beatrice’s nephews and nieces were very tall for their age, especially the ones still in middle school like Trevor and Vanessa, the ones in college didn’t surprise him when it came to the stature. 
He had to admit that remembering all of their names was a bit hard at first, but he got the hang of it quickly once he talked to them enough. They were really good, smart and talented kids, with the oldest one from Sabrina - Josh ,who was at least 6’2” at the ripe age of eighteen, easily towering over his parents - even saying he was going to study Aeronautic and Astronautics at MIT. 
He really felt like he already belonged here, like this family was his own as much it was Bea’s. And he could live with that.
After a while, he turned to Beatrice when her family was busy talking amongst each other, “Bea, where’s the bathroom?” his girlfriend turns her head in his direction and smiles, pushing the chair back to stand up and telling him to follow her. They go back inside the house, walk through the same hallway as before then turn to the left where there was a decorated staircase with a tiny long legged Santa Claus sitting on the end of the banister. He follows Beatrice up the stairs, the lights turning on automatically when they do,tilting his head to where he could see more pictures hanging on the walls and a long hallway with five doors, three on the right and two on the left.
Beatrice stops by the first one on the right, opening it and turning the light on, “There you go.” she smiles, waiting for him to take a look inside. He wouldn’t take long, he told her, kissing her lips sweetly as the door closed behind him. While he was there, Beatrice couldn’t help but drag her eyes to the door closest to the one down the hall, the last door on the left side of the house. 
Her feet moved before she could stop herself, turning on the door handle to reveal the room she used to sleep in before she moved out for real. While she lived on campus during most of her college life and balanced it with working for her uncle part time, she still came home every now and again, especially during summer break or if she had no classes she chose to go back home.
It was mostly empty since her things were now in her house, but her parents left the single bed she used to own right next to the wall with the same floral sheets and the colorful pillows she had when she was much younger. Her shelves were partially empty, there were some old books from her childhood she chose not to take with her when she moved out - she asked her parents to donate them but they refused. She gently touches the mint colored wallpaper with tiny flowers drawn on it, tilting her head up with a smile as she sees the space where her Jonas Brothers’ poster once was, leaving only the pins that held it up. She sits down on her old bed, stilling when she heard it snap and fearing it’d break - it was very old - but it wasn't, it was just the wood ‘waking up’ as her nonna would say.
Her old side table was still there as well, the drawers still have the Powerpuff girls stickers she couldn’t get out after so long. Beatrice hooked her finger on the bronze colored flower pulls and dragged the drawer open. It had a few things such as an old scrunchie, a pen and her old journal. Beatrice did a double take, she was sure she tossed that ages ago, grabbing it with some difficulty since it was a bit larger than the drawer space itself and the plastic cover appeared to have puffed up.
The gel inside thinned over the years, obviously, some of the glitter dried on the plastic cover exposing more of the mermaid drawing underneath. The journal didn’t have a lock anymore, it snapped when she was younger so she used to keep it tucked inside the drawer so no one would find it. She hasn’t seen that in so long, she could see the pages were used since the journal seemed larger than it was. The cover creaked when she opened it, smiling when she saw her name written on the inside and the date she got it before she flipped the pages with some difficulty.
They were dry and a bit flaky, some of them even broke when she moved them but she could still check what was written inside. Her writing was horrible back then, good lord, but she was also really young when she got it, so she could cut herself some slack. The first pages started simple, with a greeting or something of the sort, she remembered how she used it during the first years of middle school then stopped.
Until she started high school and she was surrounded by feelings and hormonal changes, some of them less appealing than others and that was when the bullying started. The pages went from happiness for starting high school to complete despair in a matter of months. She never mentioned it to her parents, she only wrote it down there and hoped for the best, hoped it would stop.
It seemed wrong to be reading this again on Christmas’ Eve, but she couldn’t help it. Even if it was barely a full glance she didn’t want to remember what happened before. She shouldn’t because she was a new person, with a new life and a new relationship with a wonderful man who was everything she ever wanted. She sighs, closing her journal quickly when she hears footsteps approaching her door, “Oh, Roos.” She breathes out in relief when the pilot appears on the doorway, looking around the room curiously.
“Is this your old room?” She nods and he turns his head to take more in, chuckling to himself at the stickers glued to the wall, digging his hands in his jeans as he gets closer to her on the bed. He sits down next to her, removing his hands from his pockets to interlace them between his open legs, “What are you doing?”
“Honestly,I don’t know.” she laughs softly, holding up the now closed journal, “I found my old diary, I really thought I tossed this away years ago. I guess I forgot it was still here.” Beatrice looks down at it with her face blank, running her finger on the plastic cover  before she places it back inside the drawer, giving it a firm push so it’d stay inside.
Bradley drops his eyes to the now partially hidden journal, the voices of her family loud outside mixed with the music playing were weirdly soothing in the background, watching how she looked at it with her brows furrowed, “What’s got you thinking, gorgeous?”
Beatrice huffs out through her nose, “I wrote a lot of bad stuff that happened to me in there.” she murmurs, “It feels wrong talking about it during Christmas time, though…but I guess…” she bites her lower lip for a second, subtly shaking her head, “I don’t know, maybe it’s time I recycle that, I don’t think it’s good to keep it even if it’s not with me.” 
Bradley scooted closer to her so she could lean on his shoulder, his lips pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “If you think so.” he begins, still with his lips against her scalp, “I guess the younger you would appreciate it.” he feels Beatrice’s soft laugh when her shoulders move, followed by a quiet ‘yeah’. 
“But not tonight.” she says, straightening herself and pushing herself to her feet, offering him her hand. Her smile returned with full force, red lips curved up and cheeks flushed when he took it, interlacing their fingers together “Tonight is going to be filled with gifts, booze and maybe Michael singing Bella Ciao.”
“Bella Ciao?” he repeats, following Beatrice out of her room after she turns the light off, “From Money Heist?”
Bea chuckles, tossing a look over her shoulder, “In a way, apparently our great grandfather was part of the Resistance in Italy during WW2 against the Germans, he used to sing that song to my nonno when he was a child and in turn my nonno sang to his children.” she smiles softly, “Michael just really thinks he can sing and thinks if he sings that song we’ll agree with his weird ideas.”
“Ah.” They walk down the stairs, his head returning to the group of pictures on the wall, especially the one with the couple getting married. The groom had a mustache and slicked back hair and was winking to the camera while his wife - who upon further inspection appeared to be Beatrice’s nonna - hugged his arm as they walked out of a church. “Is that your nonno?”
She stops from going back outside to look back at the picture, a little smile on her face, “Yes, it’s my nonno Massimo and my nonna’s wedding day.” Bradley could see where most of the people in her family got their height, her nonno was clearly much taller than the people around them, including his wife. “It’s one of the pictures we have from their wedding actually. They lost most of them when they migrated to the US.” she explains and his eyes turn to another picture, this one with her siblings who were clearly younger in a circle on a grassy lane.
The one in the middle was Leonardo, who was the smallest of them all, and the hair color gave it away making it easier for him to identify who was who in that picture. On his lap lay a baby Beatrice, big green eyes wide and staring at the camera just like her other siblings were. There were other pictures of all the children through the years, with Beatrice’s graduation picture being the last one on the line and right next to the childrens’ pictures were the grandchildren, not to mention distant family members. 
“Mamma! Michael pinched me!”
“I did not! Don’t lie! I didn’t even touch you, Marina!!”
“I’m not lying! Mamma, look it’s all red!”
The bickering made a laugh sputter out of Beatrice, “I told you it’d get loud.” She tugs him down the hallway back to the patio, where Marina was showing their mother a red bruise forming on her arm while their brother tried to explain it wasn’t even that bad and he even pinched himself to prove it wasn’t him. Bradley took notice that the other siblings either ignored or rolled their eyes at what was happening - Guillermo being the one who sighed the loudest. 
Their parents, especially their father, rubbed his eyes with the tips of his fingers as his wife tried to see if there was a bruise or not, with the conclusion that it was actually a bug bite and not a pinch. Beatrice and Bradley sat back down, with the brunette biting her lips to hold back her smile as her siblings continued bickering like teenagers, much like they always did during reunions like that. It never escalated from a full argument, honestly it was incredibly funny how Marina and Michael were always the one who argued so often.
Claudia told them to stop the squabbling as she went back inside to grab the dessert. During the time they were inside, her mother had cleaned the table and placed the decorated plates she only used when they were done with dinner. “And I don’t want any more arguing!’ her mother’s voice returns, holding a large cake in her hands “So rude! It’s Bradley and Pamela’s,” Giovanna’s girlfriend, “first time here and this is the comportament you two show? I’ve raised you better than that.”
There are quiet snorts coming from the other siblings as Michael and Marina cross their arms and sulk under their mother’s onslaught. Claudia went back and forth inside the house to bring more sweets and hasn’t stopped giving her middle children a speech, only stopping completely when there wasn’t anything else to bring from the outside, “And that’s why you two will get the desserts last!”
Claudia shushed them with a finger and a glare, making the two full grown adults sulk even more in their seats. Her angry façade immediately melted to a sweet smile when she turned to Rooster and Pamela who sat farther away, “You two will be the first,” and there was no backing out of it. Beatrice did say that maybe Bradley could choose what he wanted instead of her putting a bit of everything on his plate, “Oh, fair. Well, you can choose bambino, what would you like?”
Much like dinner, the options seemed endless, but he did end up asking for a slice of cake and a cannoli. He never had fresh cannolis before and he knew those definitely were. Claudia was more than happy and the slice she gave him wasn’t too big - because of Beatrice telling her so again. Claudia moved her focus towards her granddaughter’s girlfriend then, while Beatrice cut a slice of cake to herself, “It’s almond honey cake, by the way.” she explains while licking her fingers clean of frosting, “And there is a lot of almonds in it, you won’t miss it.”
“I never had a cake like that before.” he mutters as the rest of her family trades plates around, excluding the two siblings who just argued and were still angrily glaring at each other, “Your mom always does it?”
“Well, not really.” Beatrice smiles, placing a cannoli right next to her slice just like on Bradley’s plate, “She does it whenever we get new people in the family, like a new birth or…you know, a new relationship.” She whispers the last part with her cheeks red and he has to hold back from kissing her, his own chest warming just at the mention that this cake was made specifically for him and Giovanna’s girlfriend as a welcome gift. 
Rooster lets out a soft laugh, his own cheeks flushing just a bit at the notion they already considered them to be part of the family. It really made him happy that he was now someone they trusted so much, especially with Beatrice. 
They kept talking after dessert, her mother even making them coffee - which according to Bea was tradition to do - as the night went on. The second the clock struck midnight and it was officially the 25th of December, and half of the younger kids were snoozing back in the rooms inside the house, Bianca included, they shared their gifts. Beatrice told him he didn’t have to really bring anything for her siblings but he could bring something for her parents if he wanted to, which he did.
Bea’s father was a car aficionado and was fond of miniatures, so he got him a 1977 Ford Mustang miniature that was so detailed it looked like the real thing. Rafael was touched, very touched and even hugged Bradley as a thanks. Bea’s mom was easier, she liked scarves and gloves, anything that reminded her of the sixties or Sophia Loren, so with the help of Beatrice he managed to get her exactly that in different colors.
Claudia was thankful, almost tearing up and kissing the young pilot’s cheeks in such a motherly way Bradley felt like crying himself…then it was time for his gifts. He wasn’t expecting a lot, in his mind if he didn’t have to give her siblings anything, it also meant they didn’t have to give him anything. 
But, he was wrong.
Because he did get gifts from pretty much all of her siblings, even Guillermo. He was a bit shocked, looking at the gift boxes in surprise and then at Beatrice who just smiled and told him to open them. He got new shirts, patterned and solid colors, new shoes, a bottle of grappa that Michael was sure he’d enjoy and a new denim jacket…and drawings from Bianca, obviously. Bradley just looked at the gifts in complete shock, he hasn’t gotten gifts in a very, very long time, especially so many, “I…” his throat felt clamped up from emotion, “...thank you, this is– thanks. Really.”
“It’s not done yet, ragazzo.” Rafael laughs, leaning under his seat to pull out his own gift. He had no idea how he managed to hide such a large box there for so long.“Here, open it.” Rooster stared at the older man for a few seconds, then opened the box after ripping the paper open. Inside the box was not only a complete grooming kit, but there was also a decanter set with his initials engraved in the glass bottle. “My tesoro said you enjoy whisky and have a specific routine to take care of yourself, so my wife and I thought this would be a good gift.”
Bradley was speechless. He looked at the gift for a few more minutes before he finally found the words, “...thank you,I really like this.” Was that an F-18 on the side of the glasses too? “It’s…it’s incredible, thank you so much.” he was smiling so wide his cheeks hurt, still looking at his very own decanter set!! Beatrice smiles, hugging his arm and kissing his cheek as he just couldn’t stop staring at the gifts he got.
They leave the Schiavoni’s house soon after the gift giving, Bradley again thanking everyone for the gifts before he and Beatrice placed what they got that night inside the Bronco in the best way they could, including the food. As soon as they got inside, she looked over at Rooster who was holding the steering wheel tightly, his mouth still curved into a smile before he turned the car on and drove off. 
“That was…” he begins, moving his mouth without words, “I’ve– wow.” he chuckles a bit out of breath because of how much had happened in a matter of hours, “That was really fun, baby. It was amazing.”
“I’m glad you liked it.” she tried to ignore the anxiety bubbling inside of her as she remembered what was going to happen as soon as they got home. She inhaled deeply, playing it off as if she was looking at the Christmas decoration instead of calming her quickly beating heart. Just having that smile on his face was more than enough for Beatrice for right now.
When they got back at her house and she helped him bring the gifts inside, she bit her lip hard watching her boyfriend drop the boxes and bags beside her door, rushing to put the food inside her fridge before coming back “You know,I–” the words get stuck in her throat when he lifts his head to look her way, “There’s…another gift, um…that I have for you.” Come on Bea, she thinks, you can do this “I-It’s a surprise though, so…you’ll have to close your eyes.”
Bradley arches his eyebrow, “A surprise?” he sounded excited, that was good right? “Oh, baby you are going to spoil me…but I’m not complaining. Can you give me a hint as to what it is?” Beatrice shakes her head with a smile, then grabs his wrist to sit him down on her couch, her coffee table still further away and giving it enough space.
“No, Bradley, I can't give you a hint.” she says in a matter of fact tone, her cheeks undoubtedly flushed red and she hoped he couldn’t see it since the lights were off and the only source of light was coming from  the christmas lights flickering around them, since her curtains covered her glass doors“It won’t be a surprise if I do that.”
“Mm, I guess.” he smiles, boyishly so, “So, is this the part where I close my eyes and wait?”
“Yes.” she turns around to go up the stairs when Bradley places his hands over his eyes with a grin. She chuckles softly, he was so cute, nearing the staircase but stopping when he calls her name. Bradley parts his index and ring finger, giving him enough space to peek between them towards her.
“How long until the surprise is here?”
“Not long Brad, you can’t peek!”
“I’m just asking!” he says while laughing, closing his fingers again and finally covering his eyes for real. She was glad he removed his jacket and was only wearing that tight top that literally hides nothing from her view…and those jeans were so nice on his legs– she was stalling, she had to move. Beatrice inhaled one more time for courage, pulled out her phone to check if the bluetooth speaker was connected and made her way up the stairs once she kicked her boots off.
She continued with the pep talk until she reached the armoire, grabbing the duffel bag from the inside before making her way into the bathroom, locking the door behind herself “Okay.” she whispered, “Okay, okay.” She quickly unzipped it and pulled out the contents. The lingerie she never wore when he was deployed was going to be used right now, so she had to be fast.
Her pants and top were gone, soon followed were her plain panties and bra,”Okay, okay I can do it,” her voice shook as she repeated the words, sliding on the black cheeky panties and wincing when the elastic accidentally slapped against her skin in her hurry, “I can do it, it’s going to be fine…” she put on the bra, pushing her breasts together in a way that they seemed to double in size, “I’m going to do this, he’s going to like it, it’s going to be okay.”
The stockings were a bit harder, she couldn’t pull them too fast or else they’d rip, so she pulled them up her legs - which was a blessing, how hard was it to find plus size stockings that actually fit?? - then put on the waist garter that had lace just like the bra and panties. She carefully clipped on the edge of the stockings, nervously singing to herself as she tried to not look at her reflection in the mirror. “Okay…I’m done.” she whispered to herself, wringing her hands together and looking at her body in the mirror “...I…can’t do this.” 
All her courage slipped from her and she crouched next to the sink, trying to ease her breathing, “I can’t do this, I can’t, this isn’t– I…” clenching her eyes, Beatrice clenched the edge of the sink, the cold porcelain cooling her fingers as she tried to regain the bravery from before.
You can be confident Bea, her own voice said in her head, Stand up, look at yourself and give him your Christmas gift! She whimpered in pure fear, peeking at her reflection from the edge of the sink and obviously only seeing the upper half of her face and her worried eyes staring back at her, “...I can do this.” she says then after a few minutes, pushing herself to a standing position and giving herself a better look than before. 
She looked great, she looked sexy and she was going to make Bradley lose his mind…before she chickened out again that is. Beatrice closed her eyes, inhaling a breath for courage and then looking down at her phone.
Meanwhile, Bradley was starting to worry that either Bea was having a hard time bringing his surprise or she was too tired and ended up falling asleep up there. He knew he shouldn’t, but he peeked through his fingers again, moving one eyeball around in hopes he could see his girlfriend, “Bea?” he calls and gets no response, only the sound of the wind outside answers him instead. 
Maybe she did fall asleep up there, maybe she was just so tired. So he drops his hands, pressing them on the soft cushions of her couch to push himself upwards. “I thought I asked you to keep your eyes closed, Lieutenant.” he goes completely still when he hears her voice coming from the top of the stairs, slowly lifting his gaze only to see her silhouette and nothing more, it was too dark and the flickering lights were too far to give him a full view of what she was wearing.
He followed her movements as she slowly made her way down, the closer she got to the floor the more the colorful lights showed him. And he felt all moisture leave his mouth the second he had a full view of her outfit, with the black set making her look like pure sin and the stockings and the heels, the same heels she wore during the time they went to the club. 
“Bea…?” of course it was her, he thought, who else would it be? Only she could wear something like that and look even sexier than normal. His mouth parted as he breathed, taking in her whole outfit, the way it complimented her waist and breasts and thighs…he couldn’t stop looking and he didn’t want to. Just the way her half open eyes were peering down at him was enough to drive him insane.
“You can’t do that,” comes her sultry voice, “How can it be a surprise if you didn’t keep your eyes closed?” he was feeling hot, he wanted to take off his shirt but was too busy clenching the couch’s fabric to do anything else. “But I think I can let it go, after all Lieutenant, this is all for you.”
Oh he was going to die. Right now.
“Bea, baby…” he tried to follow her lips when her face neared his, but she pushed against his chest and kept him pressed against the couch. 
“You know Lieutenant,” every time she said that his blood boiled, “I lied to you.” she whispers, leaning back to comb her fingers through her hair and toss it over her shoulder, her movements, just the way she was moving her hips when she talked was going to make him explode, “Because my dance class wasn't really zumba, or a workout class really..” His eyes follow the hands that drag from her hips to her nape, pulling her hair up only to let it drop in front of her face. “It was actually pole dancing.” his breathing hitched, his fingers digging harder on the couch cushions as he heard music playing, he honestly couldn’t care what sort of song it was, not when there was something else that got his attention. He could identify a beat, but not lyrics or anything like that. “Unfortunately, I can’t get a pole here but… that can be arranged in the near future.”
She’s going to fucking kill him. “Bea.” his pants were already bothering him, hell did he even have a condom saved up? His brain was going all over the place the more he looked at her swaying hips. When she turned around and dipped, giving him a full view of her ass he downright growled, “Bea, don’t do that.”
“Do what,Lieutenant?” there it was again, she knew exactly what she was doing. He widened his eyes when she dropped to her knees and crawled towards him, lips still red and eyelashes fluttering, stopping right between his parted legs “I just want to give you your Christmas’ gift, that’s all I want.” he couldn’t even come up with a response, he was just too fired up to figure out how to speak. 
Bradley could handle Beatrice being bold, he loved when she was bold and acted up, but this was a completely different level. She was dripping sensuality, even more than normal. He feels her hands climbing up his legs then his thighs, slowly lifting herself to her knees so her lips were inches away from his, but she quickly avoided his closing mouth by trailing her lips up the sharp curve of his jawline until they reached his ear, “I just want you to feel good, Lieutenant. Isn’t that a great idea?” her tongue wetted the underside of his jaw, following the tendon with her teeth before she pulled back, “Do you want to take your shirt off–” he was pulling it off of him before she finished her question.
He tosses it somewhere he couldn’t care about, his chest expanding and relaxing with his eyes still on her. Beatrice’s face was flushed, severely so, but she was smiling, dragging her red lips down his chest and kissing the expanse of golden skin slowly, “Baby, fuck…” he mutters, feeling her mouth reach his jutted hip bones that peeked out from under his jeans, “God damn it,Bea.” he places his hands on top of his head, clenching his opposite wrist with his eyes still on her lowering form.
When she was face to face with his crotch, Bradley felt his heart stop, his chest was cooler in the areas she pressed open mouthed kisses and it seemed to get even colder when she looked up at him with the not so subtle bulge right in front of her eyes. She had never once got…that close before, to which he wasn’t complaining at all, “Brad,” she whispers, “Can I blow you?”
Oh my God.
“God, baby don’t ask me things–” he’s already unbuckling his belt with a velocity that nears feverish, the metallic sound of the buckle hitting her floor followed by the zipper “--you know it’s always yes when you ask, fuck.” he lifts his lower back off the couch so his jeans are now at mid thigh, with his black briefs being the only thing keeping him ‘clothed’. Rooster’s breathing was still heaving, his eyebrows furrowing and jaw going slack when he felt Bea’s lips touch him through his underwear.
It sent a jolt up his body immediately, his member twitching at the attention. A few more kisses were pressed over its length until her lips reached the elastic of his briefs, with her eyes still on his - her face kept on the red hues as before - she bit onto it to drag it down his legs, “Holy shit…” was all he could muster, automatically raising his butt from the couch so his briefs joined his jeans pooled at his feet. 
Now nothing was hiding anything from her eyes, those big green eyes with dilated pupils staring back at him. The noise that came out of him when kissed right underneath the head shouldn’t be categorized as a humanly possible sound, it only got worse when her tongue flattened on the underside and she dragged it from base to tip in one full swip, “Jesus fucking Christ.” he has to clench his hands on the back of the couch, his stomach clenching as he feels her tongue wetting his member like it was a popsicle in a hot summer evening, “Fuck…Bea…baby…”
She smiles with her tongue still on his member, giving it one final lick and without breaking eye contact, she wraps her lips around the head. He immediately moans loudly, dropping his head on the headrest of the couch, whispering her name as the tongue that was licking him minutes ago was now swirling the flushed tip slowly, “Oh my God.” comes out broken and breathy out of his mouth, the same mouth that drops open in a silent moan when she takes more of him inside.
The muscles on his thighs are clenching as he tries to comprehend that his lovely, sweet and shy girlfriend was currently sucking him off wearing lingerie and making him question his own sanity. She’s slow at first, making sure she takes as much of him as she can, her eyes fluttering closed so her only focus is pleasing him right now, the movement was enough to make her breasts bounce ever so slightly inside the black lacy bra. Bradley clenched his teeth, groaning deeply with his hands about to rip her couch apart with how tight he was holding it, “Baby…” he whispers, licking his dry lips as he tries to form a coherent sentence, “Oh my God, Bea…fuck baby, you are so good.”
Her eyes open just an inch, just enough that he can see the green irises staring back at him, with her movements still slow but now he got her attention, “Such a pretty mouth you got too,” her cheeks darkened, he could see it even with the flickering Christmas lights, “Yeah, sucking me off so nice, aren’t you?” That seemed enough for Bea to moan quietly around him, something that undoubtedly made the whole experience better. He lowered one of his hands from the couch to gently tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, breathing deeply, trying his best to control his own body, “Do you like sucking my cock, baby? Hm?”
Again another moan and she nods, speeding her movements a little bit, the feeling of her tongue around him was going to drive him insane. Bradley kept his eyes on her, watching her comb her brown hair to the side so it wouldn’t be a nuisance, “God, Bea, I fucking love your mouth,” those red lips stained his member just a bit, just enough to have a ring of red around it “I don’t love it more–” his breathing hitches at a particular hard suck, voice returning much quieter “-- more than your pussy though, they are both…fuckin’ perfect…” she hums around him again, clearly enjoying the dirty talk, moaning as the hand that tucked the hair behind her ear lands on the back of her head.
He doesn’t force her down, he just keeps it there, feeling the brown tresses press against his fingers. His groaning and sighing, followed by the soft wet sounds coming from her mouth were the only sounds they could hear, the music no longer important for either of them. His hips rising to meet her mouth, combing her hair back with mouth parted in a moan, “Mm, baby…baby you are so fucking good, God, I fucking love you so much.” he growls, licking his lips to roll them inside his mouth when he felt he was close to bursting it, which he didn’t want to, not yet. 
Beatrice met his eyes again, still extremely nervous but excited at the same time, when her mouth relaxed and she lowered her mouth enough for her nose to touch the base of his member. Bradley’s eyes widened and he dropped his head back against the headrest, throat exposed and glistening with sweat, “Holy shit.” his body was telling him to let it go but his brain was telling him to wait or else he wouldn’t be able to go on…and he wanted to go on, “Baby, baby,” he pushes her shoulder, breath shaking when she slowly pulls away, keeping the tip inside her mouth still, “...Jesus Christ, Jesus fucking Christ, as much as I love having you sucking me, if we continue…I might not be able to enjoy the rest of my gift, right?”
She blinks up at him, watching his chest heave as he tries to hold himself back, but then she hums in agreement which is enough to make a full body shudder dart all over him. She finally pulls him off her mouth with a light ‘pop’, licking her lips that were now a lighter shade of red than before since a good amount of her lipstick was around him. Bradley needed a moment, his dick was still twitching and asking for a second round but he had to wait, he wanted much more, “Fuck.” he mumbled, cupping her chin and rubbing her lower lip, watching with half lidded eyes when she opens her mouth so he could slide his thumb inside, just the feeling of her tongue around the digit was enough to make him curse, “Fuckin’ shit, you and your fucking mouth will be the death of me.”
Beatrice laughs around his finger, slowly pulling her head back so he could drag his thumb down her lip enough to expose the fleshy pink underside. “C’mere.” he murmurs, “I just have to check my pockets, because we need a condom.” but Beatrice just stood to her feet, kicking the heels off and smiling down at him, pushing his pants away. He frowns, still panting and looking up at her, “Bea? You have any?” because why else would she do that?
“Well,” she drawled out the word, “Actually a few weeks ago,” she says as she places his hands on her hips, humming happily when they immediately drop to her butt, “I went to a clinic and got myself a birth control shot. The lady said it lasts three months.” Rooster stops moving, but she hears his breathing hitch before he slowly tilts his head to meet her eyes, his own eyes completely black because of his dilated pupils.
“...are you serious?” was what he finally mustered up after seconds of silence. She nods, biting her lower lip, “Are you actually serious? We don’t have to use a condom?”
“No.” she says, rubbing the side of his face, “No condom.”
She could see his eyes move away from her in thought, but returning with so much fire she felt she’d be burned alive,”God fucking damn it, I fucking love you.” and he swings her over his shoulder as if she weighed nothing - which to him was pretty much like that - before running up to her bed, dropping her onto it carefully before kissing her ferociously. Beatrice moans into his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck as he runs his hands over her curves, breaking the kiss to drop his mouth down on her throat, “Baby, as much as I love this outfit on you,” he mutters between wet kisses, “I’m naked and you are not and that bothers me greatly because I don’t want to rip this.” he slides his hands under her body until he finds the latch that kept her bra closed, smirking in triumph when it opens and leaning back to pull it off of her, “God, you have amazing tits.”  
Beatrice’s moans only get louder when he bites her nipple gently, not enough to bruise it but definitely enough to give her a shock of surprise when he does so, repeating the motion with its twin before he leans back to look at the waist garter, running his big hands over the delicate fabric, “Do you need help?” she asks sweetly but she already feels him unbuckling the little latches that kept the stockings up her thighs, “I guess not.” Bradley just gives her a quick look of amusement, grabbing both the garter and her panties and tugging it down her legs until they were finally off her body as well.  
“Turn around.” he says in a quiet voice, making Beatrice blink up at him, “Roll on your stomach.” he’s already grabbing her hips to turn her around himself if she’s not quick enough, but she eventually does and gives him a look over the shoulder “Open them.” oh she likes this Bradley a whole lot.
“What are you planning, Lieutenant Bradshaw?” but she does parts her legs a bit, squeaking when he suddenly grabs the flesh of her thighs and opens them even more. His hands go back to her ass where he kneads the flesh with a happy hum, Beatrice dropping her head onto the mattress with a sigh when she feels his fingers prodding her entrance, “Brad–”
“Oh, no, no.” he tuts, moving his fingers slowly inside of her, “It’s Lieutenant for you, pretty girl. Such a naughty little recruit, sucking your superior off like that and getting so wet while doing it.” Beatrice whimpers louder when she feels her own wetness sliding out of her and wetting the bed, “Yeah, you know that’s a rule you just can’t break.” he moves his fingers up until he feels that specific spot inside of her, the one that makes Beatrice moans loudly against her sheets, “But now you did and I’ll have to punish you because of that.”
Oh that was new. 
But she couldn’t comment on it since he sped his hand inside of her, his chest pressing against her back so he could whisper in her ear, “Hear that?” there was the obvious squelching sound coming from her, her cheeks turning crimson red, “You got so wet just sucking me off, pretty girl. Just sucking me off, fuck.” his fingers moved even faster inside of her and Beatrice tried to keep up with her own hips so she could get her own release, the pressure building inside of her, “You love it don’t you?”
“Yes what, baby? Use your words, use that pretty mouth of yours.”
“Y-Yes Lieutenant Bradshaw.” she gasps, curling her fingers on the sheets “B-Brad, please…!” It wasn't going to take long with how he was moving his fingers inside of her, nor how his index finger traveled down just enough to rub her clit to help her out, his heavy breathing still hitting the cartilage of her ear. Her scream is muffled by the mattress when her orgasm hits, his fingers still moving inside, feeling her channel twitch around them with the fluids wetting his palm and dribbling out by his knuckles before falling on the bed.
He gives her a few seconds, her back expanding with the deep breaths she was taking and her legs still shivering because of her orgasm. Beatrice whimpers when he pulls out his fingers, licking them clean even if she couldn’t exactly see it since her eyes were closed, “Baby?” he asks softly, using his clean hand to move some hair out of the way and check on her heavy breathing form, “You okay?”
Her response was a shuddering breath, but she smiles, “I’m fine…” she says, cracking her eye open to meet his face hovering close by, “I’m perfectly fine.”
“Good, because we aren’t even half done.” she doesn’t know how he does it, but he managed to slip the stockings off her legs much faster than she thought possible, “I’d hate to rip those too, you know?” is all that he says when she gives him a look, before his hand swoops down to spank her left buttcheek and his eyes focus on the flesh jiggling because of the impact. 
He leans down to kiss her lower back, lips traveling down to the curve of her bottom where he digs his teeth into, this time marking her skin, “Hm, fuck you have a nice ass.”is what he says when he pulls his head back to slap the other ass cheek, this time earning a moan from his girlfriend. Bradley licks his lips, rubbing the red bruised flesh of her bottom before he leans forward once more, this time moving his hand between them so he could angle himself for the first time without a condom. “I love you.” he whispers against her skin, the supple flesh of her ass cushioning his navel as he pushes forward, the slickness from before making his entrance easier.
“I love you too–!” she gasps, her oversensitive state making her see stars behind her eyelids, he’s holding himself up by his arms, moving his hips in and out of her in a vagarous speed, lips only dropping to press wet kisses across her shoulders, “Brad…oh my God…” she never thought that the lack of condom would change much, it doesn’t a lot to be completely honest but it does feel…raw in a way, raw and completely free. She moans again when his hips push forward one more time, their skins covered in sweat making the skin of his thighs and navel stick against hers every once in a while, the sound adding to the sensuous groaning from the two of them.
“You are so fuckin’ wet.” he says digging his hands between the mattress and Beatrice’s body so he could cup her breasts. When that wasn’t enough he adjusted his knees so he could have enough space to pull the two of them up without pulling out of her. Beatrice moan at the change of position and angle, her back touching his chest as his hands kept fondling her chest, his mouth open and breathing hot air against her jawline, “Fuck…Bea…”
She nods without even knowing what he’s going to tell her, her own hips moving back to meet his as one of her hands travels back to run her fingers through his hair. Their movements never stopping, his thrust deep and slow, he just wanted to savor this, this amazing woman and her amazing gift to him. Only Bea would think about something like this. “Brad…” she whispers, “You can…move faster…please.” she also grabs one of his hands from her breasts and drags it down until he’s touching her pubic mound, “Please…”
He huffs out a laugh against her neck, “When you ask me like that,” he slides his middle finger down to her clit, giving it a swipe that was enough for Beatrice to breathe out a loud moan, “How can I say no? You know it’s always yes for you, pretty girl.” he finishes his sentence by speeding up his hips and his hand, his girlfriend’s moans getting higher, breasts bouncing alongside his thrusts, “Yeah you know I– I can’t choose between your mouth and your pussy.” a clench around him and another moan rips out of her, “Both are so fucking great taking my cock.”
“B-Brad!!” she tosses her head over his shoulder, exposing her flushed neck for his hungry mouth to bite and suck onto as his thrusts intensified, the slapping of skin mixing with their moans “Brad, don’t stop!!”
“I won’t, you know I won’t.” he mutters as he drags his mouth to her ear, licking the skin below her earlobe, “Are you going to cum, pretty girl? Hm? Going to cum all over my cock?” Beatrice’s response was a high pitched moan and her hips trying to keep up with his, “Fuck when you fucking move like that, I don’t think I can last much longer either baby.” her next words almost took the air out of him.
“Inside,” she breathes out, “C-Cum inside.”
Bradley felt like he was either dreaming or hallucinating, or both. Because there was no way she just asked that…how strong was that birth control shot? Was it even wise? No matter his hips immediately sped up when she asked him to do that, nor how his own groans got louder, “B-Bea, is i-it safe??” he didn’t know how he managed to speak with how quick he was moving. His girlfriend just nodded with her choppy moans working as her reply to him, her body immediately stilling with a long scream ripping out of her throat when her second orgasm of the night hit.
 Add that to her request minutes earlier and he was a goner as well, he rushed after his own release and for the first time he climaxed inside of her without a condom, his groans deep and louder than usual with his hips stuttering with aftershocks. Both of them feel deliciously spent, so they don’t hold back the fall on the bed, dropping to lie on their sides breathing heavily with Bradley’s arms still around Beatrice, “..holy shit..” he whispers between panting, “Holy shit that was good.”
“Yeah…” she replies, still sensitive from her orgasm, “It was really good…” with enough force she turned her head enough to look back at him, “Did you…like it?” she asks through heavy breathing, skin flushed a lovely shade of red.
Bradley chuckles in disbelief, “I loved it.” he says, leaning closer to her shoulder to kiss “Best Christmas gift I ever got.” he murmurs, his breathing and heart calming down, “Are you sure…it was safe for us to do it without extra protection?”
“I asked the lady at the clinic,” she begins, “She said to not worry because the…thing…prevents pregnancy.” her mind was a bit muddled to remember the specific scientific terms the lady used. 
Rooster hums, nuzzling her skin with a smile, still inside of her and not having it in himself to move. “Good…good…” he props his chin on the curve of her shoulder, meeting her green eyes with a smile, “Thank you…this was the best Christmas I had in ages.”
Beatrice smiles tiredly, bringing her hand up to caress his cheek, “You are welcome, Brad. You really are.” she knew he wasn’t talking only about her gift and it warmed her heart. Eventually he pulled out, watching Beatrice rush to her bathroom to clean herself as he lied on her bed, rubbing his hands over his sweaty face with the same boyish smile on his lips. Yeah. he thought I’m going to marry this woman.
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stereopticons · 9 months
fic writer interview
thanks for the tag, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the lie between your teeth [david/patrick, M, 48k]
if i'm not beyond repair [david/patrick, M, 8k]
never knew a home until i found your hands [firstprince, E, 1.1k]
love you in moderation (do i look moderate to you?) [david/patrick, E, 7.2k]
so bitter and so sweet [david/patrick, E, 26k]
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, eventually! It takes me a while and I feel bad about that but I promise I will get to them eventually. Even if I haven't responded though, I appreciate every single one of them!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I think it has to be (we'll always long for) one more song on account of the whole MCD thing 😅 (but they lived a long happy life, I swear!)
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most of them have happy endings, I think, but if I had to pick one, I guess it would be the lie between your teeth, maybe because of all the angst it took to get there lol
7. Do you write crossovers?
I wrote one (and half of the sequel) and started another!
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeah. If people could not do that, that would be super.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Lol it's very funny that I did not used to write smut at all and now I've been told that my brand is filth and feelings. So yeah. I do write smut and it does tend toward the kinky side of things, but it always has a whole lot of feelings and love and tenderness behind it.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not a whole fic, no.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that would be so cool!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! (B)13 Reasons Why with @blackandwhiteandrose and parallax with @indestructibleheart
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
David/Patrick, my beloveds.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
The thing about me is that I am extremely stubborn and unwilling to admit that there are things that I'm not going to finish even though the likelihood of me finishing everything in my WIP folder is...basically zero.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at getting inside characters' heads and portraying their emotions. I am also pretty good at weaving bits of canon in to my own story.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions of the way things look. I don't visualize things when I read (i.e., if I read the word apple, I don't see an apple or even the word apple, it's just like, yes, I am familiar with the concept of the apple) so I often struggle with those kinds of physical descriptions. Also, fuckin' dialogue tags.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I'm not opposed to it if it fits the story and the character but would want to confirm with a native speaker first.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I have not written June/Nora yet but I wanna.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
How am I supposed to pick??? I've got 84 fics and I'm bisexual, and you want me to pick a favorite?? here's five that I like today because that's the best I can do:
come on, get higher, loosen my lips [firstprince, M, 2.5k]
if i'm not beyond repair [david/patrick, M, 8k]
coming home to you [gen, T, 2.2k]
with a hand on your side of the bed [david/patrick, T, 2.3k]
tangle and stretch [david/patrick, T, 3.3k]
Tagging @hippolotamus @blackandwhiteandrose @kiwiana-writes @indestructibleheart @alienajackson @jettestar @mostlyinthemorning @dinnfameron @vanillahigh00 @lizzie-bennetdarcy @smblmn and anyone else who wants to play
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writeblrsummerfest · 1 year
Welcome To Lemon Tree Lane
“Alright,” says Lizzy, holding the camera out in front of her. “This is the house on Lemon Tree Lane. According to the stories, it’s… Well, it’s really haunted.”
The fur on the back of her neck stands on end, and her ears twitch. The house that sits in front of her is old and decrepit, with wood that is bleached by weather and sun, and glass windows that are so coated in filth there’s no way to see inside of them. Even from the end of the path, it’s ominous looking.
“I’m going to be doing something really, really stupid tonight,” says Lizzy, to her audience. She keeps the camera trained on the house but speaks loudly enough that she knows it will pick up the audio. “I’m going in there. I’ll be video taping all of it. It’s something that I’ve got to do. I hope that you all will come along for the ride!”
She clicks the record button off and tucks the camera back into her satchel. Her tail lashes as she starts up the old dirt path to the house on Lemon Tree Lane. She knows all about the stories that inhabit this place. The way that people have disappeared in the past. The things that strangers have seen through the windows.
“Alright, Lizzy.” She tells herself. “None of that matters. You’ve got to do this. No backing out now.”
She adjusts the straps of her backpack and then starts up the walk, towards the house. There’s no one else around. A few old trees, a large stretch of sun-yellowed grass. Her boots drag through the dirt, sending up clouds of red around her.
It stains her fur, makes her nose itch. The dust inside of this place is going to be even worse, and she knows it.
But that doesn’t matter, either.
Lizzy already made her deal. Now she has to see it through to the end.
Write your minky (or other character!) as they first encounter the house at Lemon Tree Lane. This will be an ongoing challenge! Every day, we’re going to see a little bit more of Lizzy’s story and get a new Lemon Tree Lane prompt. Let’s explore the haunted house together!
Welcome to the first day of the Writeblr Summerfest! We have so many amazing things planned for this month, but first, I want to introduce Lizzy! She’s the driving force behind the community selected Haunted House theme for the festival this year!
Now, before we get started, I want you to take a look at Lizzy! She’s the mascot this year! She’s called a minky, and her character sheet was made by the lovely @mothersart! Now, Mother has volunteered her services to do what we’re calling grab bag commissions for anyone that wants their own minky explorer to take part in the events!
Here’s a LINK to her commission sheet, but I’ll summarize it for you, too! She has two options.
$10 gets you a total grab-bag surprise minky explorer, you don’t get to customize it but you get to own the character forever onward!
$15 lets you pick a ‘theme’ for the explorer; do you love pastel goth? Cottagecore? Skateboarding? Let her know, and it will be the inspiration for your minky (ps, you still own them)!
While it’s not a requirement, I highly recommend you considering it if you’ve got the spare change laying around! Mother has been a huge help getting things together with the event this year, and her minkies are just absolutely amazing!
Beyond that, we’ve got a special challenge for you! Did you see how we all got to see Lizzy finding the house on Lemon Tree Lane? Well, she’s put out a challenge for all of the other explorers out there!
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Chapter 17
Cw: death threats and casual slander
Gif by @dance-to-the-radio
Taglist: @zablife @thegreatdragonfruta @wandawiccan60
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It is the waiting that makes her seek her out.
After Lizzie things slowed down.
The Italians were taking too long with this. Waiting for the perfect moment thanks to the witch.
They have not sent men out as they thought they would.
There have been close calls, but nothing that ends in deaths.
This morning, Arthur had been attacked while the held a meeting in Michael’s hospital room.
Linda had detained Arthur on her suggestion and if it hadn’t worked, he’d be dead right now.
Polly sees the witch on the street, buying something or the other and takes her chance.
She is a pretty thing, dark brown hair pinned at her nape, hat tilted to the side and dark sunglasses as she went about her day.
Polly could kill her, corner her and shoot her in revenge for what she made them do.
“I didn’t make you kill her, you decided not to believe her, Mrs. Gray.” The witch said as Polly got close enough to shove her into a skinny alleyway.
Changretta’s wife stays calm, as if this weren’t anything out of the ordinary as the older woman pressed barrel of her gun under her chin.
“He knows you’re lying.” The witch said and Polly Gray didn’t need to ask about whom she was talking.
Tommy or Luca, it didn’t matter, she was lying to both.
“You’re going to have to choose between Michael or Tommy, Mrs. Gray. Even if he is a father himself, he won’t forgive you for choosing your son over him.
And you know that, don’t you?
Just like he didn’t listen to you when he let John kick the hornet’s nest and damned us all to this.” The witch remained cool as a cucumber even when the revolver’s muzzle went under her chin.
Polly presses the gun harder and flirts with the idea of killing Luca’s pretty wife.
Would make them even, would have the Italians stop playing the long game and fuck up enough to give them a chance to come out of this alive.
“You won’t do it. Not when he can kill your precious baby boy before your heels return to Watery Lane, Polly.” The witch grinned a bloody smile. “Michael or Tommy, you can’t save them both.”
Her words have the desired effect, the older witch lets go and takes the flask in her purse to stop herself from trembling in her futility.
They were fucked.
The stink of death had never left with Grace, it stuck to them like the filth of Small Heath.
Grace had not been cursed; they were the cursed ones.
The night Tommy killed Angel; he cursed them all to follow Grace into hell.
First John, then Lizzie and now death was right behind them.
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“You have a type.” Eva said pretending she hadn’t been scared out of her mind as she drinks his wine straight from the bottle.
“The hat pin?” he asked, rubbing her arms to calm her down and held her as she let the façade fall.
“A gun, her finger on the trigger and a sneeze would’ve made a widower out of you.” Eva shook her head and let herself melt into him.
“I told you it would be dangerous, amore, if you want you can go home to the bambini and wait until it’s over.” Luca kissed the side of her head and whispered the words she knew she’d hear from him.
He coaxed her onto his lap, and he rocked her as if she were a child. She doesn’t mind, she adores his devoted and loving side.
Eva loves the bloody and violent side too, his bloodlust from a fight was the reason Rosina came right on schedule.
“No, if I leave, you won’t survive it. I know it in my bones. I can’t lose you, if you die, I will die with you.” Eva looked up at him and saw the hint of fear he’s hidden so well until today when her driver told him what happened as she made a beeline for the minibar.
“I won’t die, maga, we’ll grow old together and have that family they took from us.” He assured her and began to tell her things to distract her from it.
“I will hold you to it.” She ran her hand up his chest and made him swear it while he looked her in the eye.
“Te lo giuro, Eva. We will leave forever, and our enemies will all be dead at our feet.” He says so surely, but there is a flash of doubt in his eyes.
He’s hiding something from her, and it won’t end well.
“Luca, what did you do?” she asks, feeling a shiver in her bones despite how warm she is in his arms.
“I sent men to infiltrate Shelby’s factory. They almost had Arthur, except he took too long to get there, and he managed to get the upper hand.” He admits with a grimace, the men had all died and these had been men he had known all their lives.
Had Luca waited to ask her, he would have known his wife had bought a silk negligee and surprised him at work with it.
“We can use this, Evuccia, this failure means they will see through that trap. Did Mrs. Ross agree to let us use her to avenge her little boy?” Luca reminds her the battle was lost, but the war had only begun.
“Yes. She wants Arthur dead more than you do. They’ll see through it and leave Michael thinking he’s safe.” Eva answered knowing at least tomorrow won’t have any casualties on their side.
Its just a cover to get Tommy and his brothers to turn against Polly and Michael.
Only Polly will see through it and take her son and youngest nephew out of there.
This was all done to get Polly Gray to betray her nephews for real.
An unlikely Cassius, he had called her when she sought him out the first time.
“No, you were mistaken, Polly Gray is Brutus. Her betrayal will hurt him more than anything.” The witch shook her head as she let him meet her alone with a love bite over his heart. “After tomorrow, you will gave them suspicious of their own shadows, mi vida.”
“I’m seeing her tonight, she says she wants to speak to me.” Luca knows her jealousy well, knows Eva will make damn sure he doesn’t forget he has his witch waiting for him here.
“Oh, I have plans as well. You see, Jessie Eden has this wrong idea about our dear Mr. Shelby. I am going to disabuse her of that notion.” Eva said with a shrug, surprising him and gesturing to the newspaper clippings of Elizabeth Stark’s gruesome murder on the side table.
Poor, poor Mr. Shelby, after this the plucky communist and the melancholic horse trainer will think him the vilest of men.
No women to find solace in, no aunt to trust and only death just over his shoulder.
After this, the witch will focus on getting Ada and Linda to leave and never look back.
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boyakishantriage · 1 year
"... Am I a monster? Yes. Do I do bad things? Yes. But do I deserve to be shot like a dog in the street?"
Her question raised, a stare forcing the "warrior" to his seat.
"Well. I have said nothing, while you degrade a community of people who have been pushed to the edge of sanity. So, what say you."
"... That. Is not what I said."
"Yes it is, it's called. Being blunt. Now, what. Say you?"
"You killed people."
"and you made orders and let laws pass that let people die."
"You torture."
"as have you."
"You are a cannibal."
"As you have."
"... You're not human."
"the UEN recognises it, if you don't believe it."
She puffed the smoke into his mouth.
"Who honestly cares some rich twat doesn't believe I'm not human?"
"... You're filth."
"that's your opinion, I think everyone in this building deserves to die. Continue."
"... So you plan death?"
"no, I said I think everyone in this building deserves to die."
"So you plan massacre?"
"of you, yes. Of people, not so much."
"... So you say I'm not a person."
"Well I generally call a bad cunt not a person, so."
Not looking up at her phone, she leaned against the pedestal.
"You're hardly even capable of standing here. You don't even have a degree!"
"Got a doctorate in english, quantum mechanics, social engineers, acting, philosophy and talking down to dumbasses. Ie I am a member of academia."
"Yeah, well-"
"So you're saying Lizzy over there, someone who's organised several treaties and part of my graduation class also still owes me a drink, isn't qualified?"
"... What?"
"oh right, I wasn't aware I was talking to a plebeian and not the warrior scholar Xavir."
"Are you. Mocking me?"
"Is Lixar not a diner?"
"... Lixar is-"
"Diner, place where you friend's ma runs it. So remote literally nobody checks that planet, but those that do enjoy her company. Y'know, the lady who told me how you were a plebeian slave boy, got tutored by her a former acedemic and then threw aside. She's not angry at ya mate, just. She wants you to visit for once."
Flicking the man's nose, she sat back in her seat. Tossing a cigar at his feet.
"Sweetie, if the world's so mean and offensive. Just stay here and help me run this shithole. It ain't pretty, but I find good people, and trust me kid. It's better than being up there."
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drakelascivachasity · 9 months
RPStarter Call: Pygmalion Cloning Experiment
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Like this for a random clone subject from Project Pygmalion. Reply with a suggestion and I’ll see if I can do something.
Rozabella and Lizzy would consider your interactions with these clones as renting. The name assigned will be given the title Galatea and a number.
•Azur Lane, Genshin, and Fate are mainstays clones.
•The Galatea clone will have no memory and little personality and would need development.
•Some rules/addends will be lifted to make interactions possible. Still, no loli/shota, netorare, filth, bad ends, etc.))
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floripire · 11 months
the one with the green knight.
"the lower school is finger painting, this is where i belong." pedro says it with such conviction as he cracks his knuckles that floribeth has to turn away and hide her giggle-snort behind her hand. pedro is tiny. really and truly. genuinely so. there would have to be seven pedro's stacked atop each other to be able to get the sword from the stone.
(and, wow, what a world she lives in. floribeth never once realized there would come a time where this would be her new normal.)
luckily, jed speaks up and takes the attention off of the kid because the thought of pedro getting anywhere near the lady of the lake for any reason at all is sickening.
"well, you came to the right place, lady, 'cause killing monsters is kinda what we do."
right there, in the space between breaths and heartbeats, floribeth meets jed's eyes. she wants to tell him to be careful. but the moment passes and shatters into a thousand pieces when alyssa voices something that floribeth can't help but agree with: "that's so hot."
"you're damn right it is. i'm gonna recycle this tin can."
the low timbre of his voice soothes her nerves as much as it ignites her and floribeth is not alyssa's biggest fan and never wants to hear her say something like that ever again because this makes it tougher to keep her fangs to herself. but she's right. alyssa is right. it is hot.
and dangerous.
very, very dangerous.
his eyes blaze gold and he growls - and floribeth's stomach does flips and then a cartwheel just to make the point clear - and takes off like a shot.
jed lunges, then, at the green knight who bats him away like a fly.
floribeth gasps as jed crashes to the ground, his face marred with cuts and bumps, bruises, dirt and filth. there is so much blood. it's almost dizzying. and the lady of the lake speaks again but floribeth can't hear her over the rushing in her ears and the panicked beating of her own heart.
wordlessly, she speeds over and helps him up and if her touch lingers longer than necessary, well, that's because this is a stressful situation. and because she needs to feel his heartbeat underneath her palm to tell her that yes, he's okay, he's alive.
the only thing that's bruised is his ego. probably. potentially. hopefully. she makes a mental note to drag him to the school healers afterwards. just in case.
"you tried and that's what matters. now it's my turn to try something, okay?" floribeth whispers to him, and he nods.
she turns away from jed and walks towards the green knight with her hands raised. "my name is flori," she says when she gets close enough, "i know you can hear me and i know you don't really want to hurt anybody. you don't have to do that anymore. you don't have to listen to her anymore. gawain, please---"
at the mention of his name, the green knight stops moving. floribeth whispers his name again and it sounds like she's addressing a lover. the armor cracks and opens up. in it, there is a boy about her own age. fair skinned. green eyes. he pitches forward and floribeth catches him before he can hit the ground.
she cradles him ever so softly as she lowers him to the ground. "florie?" his voice is raspy and she nods. "it's okay. it's okay, you can rest now. you did good. we can take it from here."
later, floribeth will open up about gawain's final memory. but for now, gawain breathes his last with a peaceful sigh and for a minute, floribeth thinks it's over, but then lizzie's scream pierces the air because the armor is reassembling itself.
of course it is.
loren and mia jump into action immediately.
"no! i can't leave him like this!" floribeth shrieks, almost hysterical, as loren and mia drag her away. "we can't leave him like this!"
but the armor's done with reassembling itself. it is already moving again, as if pushed around by an invisible hand or someone's final command. as if compelled to finish the task it was given: get to excalibur or die trying.
"there is nothing you can do for him now," josie's voice reaches floribeth's ears once she's been dragged to safety. "he's already gone."
it's rafael, who is now holding the sword; it's rafael who finishes the job.
the lady of the lake instantly dissipates, leaving nothing but a puddle of water behind where she once stood.
the ride back to the school is silent. well, mostly. the boys seem awfully excited about rafael being a descendant of the once and future king.
the next day, floribeth wears black.
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farfrompleasant · 2 years
Hey fwen, happy Freyja Friday!
How's it going with my god-beardie? It's been a minute! Is miss thing continuing her no shed streak? What are we eating lately? I read that excessive shedding in adulthood can be related to diet! Which is wild to me, but also, like, how it is with humans, right??
And you? How's school going? Are we looking at any new reptiles lately for the fun of going down the rabbit hole 😊 I regret that I have not been researching any lizards for fun, I should rectify that. My niece did find a snake hole while we were hiking in Utah and she found a piece of shed for me, which I kept.
All's well on our front. Lizzie loves Nova now, and they sleep face to face like lovestruck idiots
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The rest of the cast? Brodie and Issa happy campers lately? I missed y'all ❤️
OmgOMG Heyyy fran♡
It's been a while because of school and work but I have good things to say about our Freyby c: Miss Girl is gaining weight! And she hasn't been shedding, so it's been roughly 5-6 weeks with there being no shed... I think you're right; Freyja's been sticking to bugs and worms as of late and I also suspect that she's going through a sort of brumation.
Think of it as hibernation, but for reptiles. She's been less active, sleeping more (and she's already lazy...) Freyja's also eating a lot less, which has me thinking that she'll be like this as it's getting colder.
School's going well c: I just took a few midterms and I felt like I did a good job at retaining enough info to pass. But ugh! I forgot how stressful and baleful the entire process can be, not to mention it was super time consuming.
Have I been looking into other reptiles?! You know me too well 🤭 I've been (superficially) looking at dessert rain frogs, and rygihvkew they're super cute and round 🥹 I want to get one so bad, but I don't like how they burrow in filth so idk how that will work... maybe I'll just admire from afar; I mean I watch videos of them to relieve my stress when I'm away from Freyja-pooh
I don't really have any recommendations for you but I'm sure you'll find something interesting forsures c:
Okay but why are they so cuuuute and poetic at the same time?! Seeing Lizzie and Nova gave me the same satisfaction of reading a book with the enemies to lovers trope 🤣🤣🤣 Nova's gotten so big Fran... she looks as though she's much larger than Miss Lizzie
Issa and Brodie are doing well, I'm hoping to take them out a bit more before it really gets chilly. There's been a light drizzle in these parts, and they get really fussy about the weather while also wanting to go out... I guess that's the only pain other than not having much time to take them out. But they have been enjoying aroma therapy with me, I love love love having scented candles lit when I'm finishing up with school work and they seem to love that too c: I guess that's how we've been bonding as of late lol
I missed you too, very much ❤️
I have an assortment of gifs made especially for you, hope you love these ♡
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🥺🥰🥺🥰🥺 F r e y b y G i r l 🥺🥰🥺🥰🥺
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failedinsomniac · 1 year
Really really really need to get my shit together. Really. REALLY.
I’ve barely eaten or slept for 3 days. I was just starting to build good habits & then last week…Monday really took the wind out of my sails. Self-loathing is consuming me. My brain is an AM radio with its tuning dial being spun incessantly by a toddler & all the stations are spewing filth about me. It actually physically hurts.
I was struggling to bounce back from Monday’s news when Neil FUCKING Gaiman stabbed me in the stomach with a pitchfork & slowly began to twist it. The goddamn brilliance of the man. Fuck me.
Oh well, at least I’m writing again—something longer than 280 characters. It’s probably a good thing (for me anyway) that Twitter is gasping its last breath. Maybe Lizzie & Daniel will get their ending after all.
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