#Lloyd quit and become an average guy
the-painted-siren · 6 months
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I finally finished up my height and body headcanons for the cast!
Details beneath the cut!
- Narrow face. Has a sort of movie star look to him. The most conventionally attractive out of all the ninja. Short and a little boxy-looking. Slightly muscled shoulders (he’s an inventor) but otherwise stronger than he looks.
- Lots of freckles and fulguration scars. His body regularly conducts lightning through it and it shows. The smaller ones fade with time and return when he uses his powers.
- Square face and strong features, very grumpy resting expression. Moles on her cheek and the corner of her mouth and a couple on her neck. Dragon tattoo on her arm.
- Strong biceps and and thighs (she’s been an inventor, mechanic, samurai, and now a ninja). She can easily bench press a few of her teammates and her punches hit like a semi truck. She has swirling marks as well as fangs from her time merged as the ocean and a scar on her left side from fighting Dogshank (her body remembers the events of Skybound, even if nobody else—except for Jay—does.)
- Classic hero look: soft features, seems very approachable, most of his opponents don’t think he’s capable of great anger because of this. (They’re wrong). Puts effort into his appearance because he has strong feelings about what he thinks a hero should look like. He relaxes a little after the Merge and lets some of his less human traits become visible, such as his fangs and pointed ears. Unrecognizable outside of gi—literally looks like an average guy.
- He has a somewhat stocky, jock-like build. Has several visible scars and stretch marks but the most prominent are the claw marks on his shoulders from fighting his dad. Top surgery scars too (he is trans to me).
- Physically resembles his father quite a bit, has similar sharp features. Very handsome. Has a lot of very thick, coarse hair, so he uses a lot of hair jel for it. Has a scar over his right eye that he got while fighting a Serpentine.
- Jacked, very strong arms, biceps, and shoulders. Calloused hands from working the blacksmith forge. Same dragon tattoo as Nya on his left arm that he originally got to commemorate her sacrifice in Seabound. Top surgery scars (he is also trans to me)
- Has a soft, gentle-looking face. Probably the most relaxed out of everyone on the team. A couple moles on his nose.
- Tied with Zane for tallest height. Used to look very slender in s1/2 but has since put on a lot of weight. Large build with lots of functional muscle. Big arms, legs, hands, and feet. Big chest. You get the picture. Lots of body hair all over. Nearly invisible scar on his face from his time as a ghost.
- Tied with Cole for the tallest. Was originally shorter but was rebuilt taller after s3. Slender build with a strong, flexible core. Dr. Julien designed him to be light and fast to contrast the Juggernaut, which is slow yet tough. Can still tank a freight train. Powerful. Built to protect.
- Very human-looking despite his android body. (Dr. Julien was a damned genius) similar wiring to Pixal on his chest but with snowflakes instead of dots. Heart/core is comprised of chronosteel as given to him by the previous Master of Ice.
- The shortest. Petite. Borg built her to look soft and amicable since she worked as an assistant at his company. Visible wiring since she is overflowing with every mechanism thought possible to make her as fully functional as a human being and more.
- Has an alternative Battle Mode body that is bigger than even Zane. She re-made the Samurai X persona to seem big, quiet, and terrifying to fight. She succeeded.
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
:( not Cole in the first ep of crystalised having to be the responsible one for everyone else when everyone was grieving. Just like when he had to be the responsible for his dad when his mother died.
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Hello! It’s time for eevee!Lloyd’s introduction! (i’m really sorry it’s long and will mess your dashboard completely...) You can find the introductions of the other characters from <here>
Full name: Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon
Lloyd is 11 when the first season starts and he will turn 12 during it. Originally, I wanted him to be 7 and turn 8, but after fighting with the timeline of this world for ages, I realized that he must be older for my future purposes. (My headcanon of Lego Ninjago still is that the little guy is 7-8 in the first season though.) He is quite average size to an eevee of his age, about 125 cm. He is a shiny eevee, but not the color that shinies are in the Pokémon World. In PW all shiny eevees are grey, but in PNGo there are two possible colors: the ordinary grey, and then an auburn color. They both may have variation in hue, saturation, and brightness. These are called as ”silver shiny” and ”golden shiny”. Lloyd is a latter one, with glossy, blond fur. His eyes are dark like almost all eevees'. This is because they have a protective pigment on their cornea, that intensifies in bright light (… don't you look at me like that, I have studied biology and I like to use fancy terms!) and work like inborn sunglasses. You can see through this darkening color if an eevee has been in shadow and a light suddenly hits their eyes in the right angle. Lloyd's iris color is bright green, which is a rare eye color for an eevee, even though not an unusual one. However, his eyes turn red when he gets angry or if he's feeling malicious pleasure or plotting something nasty. This again, has nothing to do with biology and is purely based on magic, since red eyes are completely without pigment, like the ones that albinos have. (… What am I, your biology teacher? Uh, anyway,) Lloyd's green pigment doesn't just vanish away when he gets angry, but the hate kind of pours into his eyes, drowning out his eye color. It also shines through his cornea pigment faintly.
Lloyd is not as chubby as he should be for an eevee of his age. He is a bit too thin, but not unhealthily skinny. He is susceptible to sweets and treats, but otherwise he doesn’t eat much. He was left-handed before, but was then taught to be right-handed. He is digitigrade and quite in the middle of animal and human by his body. It’s easier for him to walk on all fours though, and he wears special sneakers that help him to keep his balance while walking upright. He likes all kinds of games: video games, ball games, board games, pretend… He even learnt to like fight games in school.
Lloyd is hasty, imaginative, and quick-tempered. He acts all mighty and is very precocious. He gets easily puffed up if he feels superiority over someone. However, he is actually just trying to hide his insecurity most of time. His inborn nature is timid, thoughtful, and playful. If he had the chance to live safe, normal family life, he would have grown into a polite and a bit shy kid, who still would be jolly and adventurous with the people he knows and trusts and sometimes become proud with his successions. However, destiny had another path for him.
His mother, Misako, left his husband and son when Lloyd was one year old. She was an archeologist and she had to go to explore Ninjago’s oldest secrets. It was vital, she said. So, the family fell apart already before the little boy could understand what happened. He lived with his father and uncle in his grandfather’s monastery. This would have been good enough, but as his dad was affected by a venom of a demon snake, his moral lessons were maybe not the best. He was always gentle with the boy and no physical punishment were ever used at him (not that there would have ever been a reason to), but he taught Lloyd that violence was acceptable, revenge was right and displaying negative emotions was a good way to get attention. Misako could have balanced this, but without her, Garmadon had to rise his son the way he saw best. Wu looked at this from aside. He didn’t want to interfere with his brother’s pedagogical methods, but when he felt like he had to correct the ways Garmadon had taught the boy, he tried to do it behind his back. They had arguments about Lloyds upbringing, but Wu was afraid of losing his brother and nephew, so he usually backed down so that they wouldn’t leave the monastery (the poor man was lonely).
When Lloyd had turned 3, his whole world was thrown upside down. He lost his father. He saw how a lightning struck him, and he fell into a ravine that had opened on the monastery’s yard. He couldn’t comprehend what had happened. All he could do was ask Wu where his dad had gone. He didn’t have a decent answer.
After that his uncle took care of him for a while. Wu was devastated, even though he tried not to show this to the boy. He was also restless, slept very little and prayed a lot. He had sent a word to Misako so she would return and take care of Lloyd because the man needed to do some important maneuvers now that the balance was in great danger and some alarming prophecies were seemingly becoming fulfilled. After a few months Misako came back. She was shocked and terrified, because she knew exactly what prophecy had just come true. However, Wu couldn’t stay put any longer. He made himself sit for one cup of tea so he could tell Misako what had happened and they could share comforting words, but then he dashed off. Lloyd didn’t remember his mother. Even if Wu had introduced her, the boy was a bit suspicious and very reserved with her as she took him with her and left the monastery again.
Misako couldn’t take Lloyd to her expeditions as they were dangerous and boring to a small kid like him. The work also demanded great precision so she could not have taken good care of him and he would have been in the way of the research. Therefore, she had to find a place where Lloyd could live and gain education while she was looking for answers from the ancestors. However, every day-care place, boarding school, and children’s home gave her all sorts of excuses of why they couldn’t take Lloyd in. First, she was surprised but compliant because she thought it was just a coincidence that this happened, but when door after door was closed before them, she started to feel like she was missing something. Finally, she got fed up with this and pressed for a proper reason from a childminder lady who led a big house. The answer made her fall silent in outrage: “Well, to be honest, I would be very surprised if you found a place that would accept that demon child anywhere near their children.” Garmadon’s notoriety had spread wide and rumors had cast an even darker shadow to him and his family. Misako of course argued this and tried to defend her son, but the lady was adamant. After this, Misako was a bit unmotivated to find a home for Lloyd and as expected, all the places she asked turned them down. One possibility was of course to leave him into a public children’s home, but that would have meant that she would have lost custody of him.
The last hope was Darkley’s School for Bad Boys. It was a boarding school for 7-15-year-old boys, and it had a bad reputation, but she couldn’t think of anything else. In this school she got quite an opposite reception. The headmaster was delighted and flattered that Misako asked a place for Lloyd from there. The boy was indeed quite young to be a pupil, but there was a day care system for teachers’ children in the school and many of them even slept in the school for some nights. So, it was settled. Lloyd would learn about life in that miserable place. And unfortunately, it taught him to form his nature towards aggressive and impulsive rather than cautious or polite. He learnt to harden his heart, drown out his timidity and be a loud, fierce character, who wouldn't flinch if he was attacked verbally or physically. He had already learnt from his father that revenge was always rightful and that violence was a very good answer in every situation. In school he had to put those lessons in practice. The only possible good thing about this was that he gained confidence and wasn’t so afraid of social situations anymore. Or rather, he might have still been afraid, but he learned to stand that fear and be confident regardless.
First years weren’t so bad. The other kids didn’t pay much attention to Lloyd, except for the first day, when everyone made fun of him and one kid put fire ants in his bed. They still played pranks on him sometimes, but most of time they ignored him. Yet he managed to befriend Brad, the one who put ants in his bed – or he could almost have called him a friend, at least in the scale of that school. The other kids weren’t yet close enough to start a fight with him and they didn’t consider him as a threat to their prevailing hierarchy (fighting was local form of playing and at the same time the kids were ranked among each other). But as he grew older and the kids got to know him and his background better he was sucked into the violent culture of Darkley.
The first real battle he was in was awful and he got trashed quite badly. Everyone laughed at him later and called him weakling, chicken, and whatnot. Brad, his almost-friend, told him what to do and how to take revenge. Lloyd hated it all at first. But as he found the cruel satisfaction of defeating someone and getting his revenge, he started to get a grasp of the lifestyle. Yet he never felt like he fit in. One essential lesson he learned in the school was to never show tears or fear. If he did, the danger increased radically. On the contrary, if he hid all his “weaknesses” he wasn’t targeted as easily. He had to wait until his roommates were all asleep to cry in peace and sometimes during daytime he escaped to some safe hiding place to regain his mental strength. Even though life in that building during all those long years made Lloyd really grow tougher and more careless, he was still sensitive, and very lonely under his made-up exterior. He hated everyone and everything in the school. He couldn’t see the twisted friendships and alliances between other pupils. For him they were all his and each other’s enemies and he felt alone, scared, and angry. All he wanted was to get away and find his father of whom he had blurry, but happy memories. He had never betrayed him or let him down, unlike the mother and uncle who had abandoned him.
The teachers were hopeful about the son of the famous Lord Garmadon, but they got to come to the realization that he wasn’t like they had thought he would be. This seemingly wasn’t his place. Lloyd rather avoided conflicts than searched for them. He didn’t advance in the hierarchy among the kids in the way they had expected. When he turned eleven, only few of his peers bowed before him, even if most of them didn’t practically walk over him either. They had hoped that at this point he would have showed signs of leadership and thirst for power. But the boy was just a grumpy, hasty, and goofy little thing, and they knew he couldn’t spend four more years in there. Not only for his sake, but they didn’t want to keep a pupil who didn’t have good enough potential. And so, he was expelled.
Lloyd didn’t want to go to his uncle nor his mother. He wanted to go and find his dad. The only thing that had given a glorious halo to the boy, a great reputation even before he started to fight for his honor, was a father whom everyone knew and whose name could silence a room full of noisy brats. He wanted to find him and to become like him. Respected and feared, strong and fearless. The problem was that the headmaster would call his mother to come and pick him up again. To avoid this, he called back to his mother as soon as he managed to sneak alone into the headmaster’s room so he could use his phone. He said that Wu had offered to come and take him to live in the monastery. Misako was relieved as she was in a difficult place and on the verge of very promising discovery. She trusted Lloyd to speak the truth so she never called Wu to check the information.
Lloyd packed his few belongings into a backpack and left. He said his mum was picking him up from the next village. He had no actual plan, but he was excited about his new freedom. Misako had left him some money and she and Wu regularly sent him money into the school. Now he could finally spend it on something! He came to the village and spent some money for food (basically sweets) and a bed. There was also a fancy-dress shop from which he bought a black cape. He also purchased some white textile color with which he painted ribs on his shirt (he had heard rumors about G’s appearance after his fall).
He went intuitively from village to town and to next village, searching for answers. He heard many stories about his father (well, the people who told him the stories kept in mind his young age and didn’t tell the goriest stories and smoothed out the edgiest parts). Most of them were not true, and he heard many mentions of his return. He had been seen here, he had been seen there. So, Lloyd thought he should just follow the flimsy tracks. But eventually he ran out of money. He got some food out of pity, when he asked, but he knew he’d have to get money. He sold almost everything he owned except for his clothes. He thought about stealing and tried it once, but it was too scary and he got a guard Houndour after him (it couldn’t catch him tho). He also tried to avoid police officers in general. He was afraid they would catch him and send into child welfare center.
He kept on wandering and subconsciously drew nearer to the Monastery of Spinjizu. He slept his nights outside, tried to hunt a little during the days, but couldn’t catch anything. Fortunately, it was berry time, so he could gather something from the wilderness. He was still awfully hungry and tried to come up with something to get more food. He had only a small trick box filled with rubber snakes with him and he knew it wouldn’t give him many meals. But then he got a grand idea. He was the son of the fearful Lord Garmadon! So, all he needed to do was scare people into giving their food for him. And the more sugar the food contained, the better.
This was a lot of text again, and you’d deserve a whole bunch of cookies if you made it this far~!
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junker-town · 4 years
Everything we learned from the 2015 NFL Draft, five years later
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Todd Gurley, Marcus Mariota, and Jameis Winston were all top-10 picks in the 2015 NFL Draft.
2015 was a bad year for first-round picks. Teams that fail to learn from it may just repeat it.
From a franchise’s standpoint, the first round of the 2015 NFL Draft was one of the worst of all time. Five years later, only seven of the Day 1 picks are settled in for their sixth season with the club that drafted them. That includes just one player from the top 10 — Washington offensive lineman Brandon Scherff.
Yes, the first round of the 2015 draft did something long thought impossible in the NFL. It made Washington look like a stable and well-run organization.
Five years ago, each of these selections was an opportunity. Now they’re a lesson. The first 32 picks of that draft presented themes which can apply to 2020.
1. Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Jameis Winston, QB
Winston’s cannon arm led Florida State to a national championship and earned him a Heisman Trophy. He used that unquenchable desire to create big plays to become the NFL’s most turnover-prone player; he had 88 interceptions, 50 fumbles, and zero playoff appearances with the Bucs. He’s currently a free agent.
Lesson learned: Heisman winners are no safe bet ... and extremely hard to quit.
Winston was given five years to stake his claim as Tampa’s franchise quarterback and went 28-42. The Buccaneers were finally willing to let the sun set on the Winston era, in part, because a superior option cropped up in free agency. Bruce Arians is betting Tom Brady is the key to unlocking his team’s potential.
Players it applies to in 2020: Joe Burrow
2. Tennessee Titans: Marcus Mariota, QB
Mariota got stuck at “goodness” and never made it to “greatness.” The Titans finished 9-7 in four of the former Oregon star’s five seasons on the roster — a run that culminated in Mariota losing his starting job in favor of Dolphins retread Ryan Tannehill.
Lesson learned: See above.
Like Winston, Mariota has a Heisman Trophy at home, yet will likely head into a backup role after joining the Raiders.
Players it applies to in 2020: Joe Burrow
3. Jacksonville Jaguars: Dante Fowler, Edge
Fowler was more potential than production at Florida, but the Jaguars liked his power and athleticism enough to make him the centerpiece of their draft class. He missed his rookie year due to an ACL tear, then made one start in 2.5 years for Jacksonville before being traded.
Lesson learned: Potential needs opportunity.
Fowler’s injury wrecked his learning curve, and a slow start kept him trapped in the middle of the Jaguars’ depth chart. The first season in which he played more than 53 percent of his team’s defensive snaps came in 2019. He rewarded that faith with a career-high 11.5 sacks ... for the Rams.
Players it applies to in 2020: K’Lavon Chaisson, Yetur Gross-Matos, A.J. Epenesa
4. Oakland Raiders: Amari Cooper, WR
Cooper was drafted to be a No. 1 wideout in the league. Two Pro Bowl invitations in his first two seasons backed up that claim — though it took a trade out of Oakland to restore his luster after a disappointing 2017.
Lesson learned: Alabama’s Day 1 wideouts live up to the hype.
Julio Jones? Stud. Cooper? Stud. Calvin Ridley? Well, it’s still early to tell, but he’s got 17 touchdowns in 29 career games so far. All were Crimson Tide standouts.
Players it applies to in 2020: Jerry Jeudy, Henry Ruggs III
5. Washington: Brandon Scherff, OL
Scherff played both tackle and guard in college and was the ideal Iowa blocker: big, aggressive, and tough as hell. Fifth overall may have seemed a bit high, but he rewarded Washington with three Pro Bowl honors and was retained this spring via the franchise tag.
Lesson learned: Good blocking is important, wherever it is.
Only one guard has been selected in the top five picks since 1976. Scherff played enough on the edge to narrowly avoid a place on that list, but he’s been used almost exclusively at right guard in Washington. He’s kicked ass doing it, too. With NFL QBs now more mobile than ever before and the value of blocking expanding just beyond a blindside protector, it could soon be time for a full-time guard to return to the top five.
Players it applies to in 2020: Cesar Ruiz, Lloyd Cushenberry III, Netane Muti
6. New York Jets: Leonard Williams, DL
Williams was a projected top-three pick who fell to the Jets at No. 6. He began to reach that potential in a Pro Bowl 2016 campaign, but failed to match that production in the years that followed. He was traded to the Giants last fall.
Lesson learned: Never get your hopes up, Jets fans.
Between 2012 and 2016, New York had 11 first- or second-round picks. Williams, with his lone Pro Bowl invitation, may have been the best of a group that includes Sheldon Richardson (not bad!) but also Christian Hackenberg, Darron Lee, and Dee Milliner (bad!).
The past three seasons have trended in the opposite direction thanks to the brilliance of Jamal Adams and potential of Sam Darnold and Quinnen Williams. Still, as Leonard Williams proved, early success as a Jet is no guarantee of future returns.
Players it applies to in 2020: According to our mock draft database, CeeDee Lamb, Jerry Jeudy, Jedrick Wills
7. Chicago Bears: Kevin White, WR
White was electricity at West Virginia; a 6’3 burner with a nose for the end zone. But he was raw and often injured; he played just 14 games in four years for the Bears and spent 2019 out of the NFL.
Lesson learned: Sometimes the universe just says no.
White’s NFL career played out like a ragged curse. He missed the entirely of his rookie season due to a broken tibia. He broke a bone in the same leg after just four games the following year. He started the team’s season opener in 2017 and promptly fractured his shoulder. By November 2018, he’d become a shell of his former self enough to make him a healthy scratch.
White had the chops to be great. The football gods had different plans.
Players it applies to in 2020: There’s no way of knowing ... but the safe money’s on whomever the Browns pick.
8. Atlanta Falcons: Vic Beasley, Edge
Beasley was a first-team All-Pro in his second season, but hasn’t lived up to that standard in the three decent, but underwhelming, years since. He signed with the Titans this spring.
Lesson learned: Sack numbers don’t tell the whole story.
There was a warning sign that predicted his 15.5-sack season wasn’t sustainable. Despite ranking first in the NFL in sacks in 2016, he was just 45th with 16 QB hits. That suggested his numbers would trend downward — and they did.
Players it applies to in 2020: Zach Baun, Alex Highsmith
9. New York Giants: Ereck Flowers, OT
Flowers was drafted to keep Eli Manning upright. He did not succeed. Flowers was released in 2018, but showed enough with Washington in 2019 l to earn a three-year, $30 million contract with the Dolphins.
Lesson learned: Pay attention to red flags, especially if you’re reaching to fill a position of need.
There were plenty of reasons not to make Flowers a top-10 pick. He was unpolished and undisciplined, eager to draw holding penalties at the first sign of getting beat. He was big and athletic, but the Giants needed someone who could make an immediate impact. Flowers was not that guy, and it’s safe to say this overeager over-reach is still haunting the Giants.
Players it applies to in 2020: Jordan Love, A.J. Epenesa
10. St. Louis Rams: Todd Gurley, RB
Gurley was a gamble — an all-world running back coming off an ACL tear that threatened to hinder his pro career. While he earned rookie of the year honors and would be a two-time All-Pro in 2017-18, those injury concerns sapped his 2019. That, and an untenable contract, led to his release this offseason.
Lesson learned: High-usage running backs with injury histories are just as risky as they sound.
Gurley was a high-risk, high-reward selection who paid off both sides of that adage in five seasons as a Ram. St. Louis/LA would likely make that bargain again — though they’d probably like to rescind his record-setting contract extension.
Players it applies to in 2020: D’Andre Swift, Zack Moss, Darrynton Evans
11. Minnesota Vikings: Trae Waynes, CB
The rangy corner displayed lockdown tendencies at Michigan State to be the first defensive back selected in 2015. He eventually became a steady, if unspectacular, starter in Minnesota.
Lesson learned: Aggression is a double-edged sword.
Waynes built a reputation at MSU as a high-level press corner, thriving by taking risks, jumping routes, and using his recovery speed to clean up messes. That strategy hasn’t paid off for him as well against the NFL’s more athletic receivers. He’s allowed more than twice as many touchdowns (nine) as interceptions (four) in his last three seasons.
Players it applies to in 2020: Jeff Gladney, Amik Robertson
12. Cleveland Browns: Danny Shelton, DT
Shelton was one of the final picks of the Ray Farmer era in Cleveland. Despite having little impact as a Brown, he’s still arguably the team’s best Day 1 pick from 2011-15. After three years and only 11 tackles for loss in 46 games, he was traded to the Patriots.
Lesson learned: You’re probably going to regret trading your draft bust to the Patriots.
Shelton didn’t prosper right away in New England, but his second season with the Pats saw him emerge as an above-average interior lineman. He set personal bests in tackles, sacks, and QB hits as an invaluable piece of the NFL’s top defense.
Players it applies to in 2020: Since there aren’t any notable Rutgers prospects this year, we’ll have to wait and see.
13. New Orleans Saints: Andrus Peat, OL
Peat was drafted as a high-ceiling offensive tackle, but struggles forced him to guard for the bulk of his career. It’s worked out well in spurts. He was one of New Orleans’ most valuable blockers from 2016 to 2018, though he backslid in 2019 (despite earning a Pro Bowl invitation).
Lesson learned: A position change doesn’t mean admitting defeat, so find someone versatile.
Like Scherff before him, Peat’s best work came as a guard. That might not have been what the Saints drafted him for, but a good team (and also Washington) finds a way to maximize talent.
Players it applies to in 2020: Any OT prospect who struggles as a rookie.
14. Miami Dolphins: DeVante Parker, WR
Parker was a reliable presence at Louisville, but his senior season — 43 catches, 855 yards in SIX games — made him a top-15 pick. He didn’t meet expectations until 2019, however, because ...
Lesson learned: Adam Gase cannot be trusted.
Parker’s value plummeted in his three seasons playing under Gase. Freed from his underachieving head coach and catching passes from a freewheeling Ryan Fitzpatrick, Parker sprang for career highs of 72 catches, 1,202 yards, and nine touchdowns last season.
Players it applies to in 2020: Whichever skill players the Jets draft. Sorry, Jets.
15. San Diego Chargers: Melvin Gordon, RB
Gordon earned two Pro Bowl honors in his five seasons as a Charger. However, his tenure there may be defined by the 2019 contract holdout that proved an undrafted free agent, Austin Ekeler, could do his job better than Gordon could.
Lesson learned: Healthy first-round running backs are risky, too.
Gordon was a workhorse at Wisconsin, playing 41 games (and taking 611 carries) over his final three years. Even though he was good for the Chargers, he never quite reached the level of greatness ascribed to a top-15 pick.
Players it applies to in 2020: D’Andre Swift, J.K. Dobbins, Jonathan Taylor
16. Houston Texans: Kevin Johnson, CB
Johnson made 10 starts for Houston as a rookie, but injuries limited him to just 19 games the following three seasons. While he played every week of the 2019 season for the Bills’ dominant defense, he played just 32 percent of the team’s defensive snaps.
Lesson learned: Even safe picks blow up sometimes.
Johnson looked every bit a star cornerback at Wake Forest. He put together a stronger college resume than almost anyone else in his draft class. Even if players like Waynes and Marcus Peters had boom-or-bust tendencies, Johnson appeared to have the lower ceiling but higher floor. Instead, he struggled as a rookie and then injuries robbed him of having a major impact in Houston.
Players it applies to in 2020: Jeff Okudah, Chase Young, Tristan Wirfs, Derrick Brown
17. San Francisco 49ers: Arik Armstead, DL
Armstead played a supporting role early in his career before moving into a full-time position on the defensive line for an ascending Niners team. After posting nine sacks in his first four seasons, he broke through with 10 last fall to help bring San Francisco an NFC title.
Lesson learned: Supporting cast matters.
Armstead came along slowly, but he blossomed when teammates like Nick Bosa, DeForest Buckner, and Dee Ford were there to soften up offensive lines and push quarterbacks into his path.
Players it applies to in 2020: Jeff Okudah, Chase Young, any Day 1 pick expected to prop up a bottom-third unit.
18. Kansas City Chiefs: Marcus Peters, CB
Peters came into the league as a high-upside coverage corner who could turn mistakes into turnovers (and allow opposing QBs to turn his mistakes into touchdowns), though his off-field record tarnished his draft stock. He’s enjoyed an up-and-down pro career that reached new heights after three pick-sixes in 2019 for the Ravens.
Lesson learned: Don’t have a knee-jerk reaction to a few bad plays.
Peters tends to gamble at corner, leading to big swings in coverage. His 25 touchdowns allowed since joining the league are second-most in the NFL in that span. That helped lead to two different low-cost trades for a two-time All-Pro with more interceptions than scoring plays given up.
Players it applies to in 2020: Jeff Gladney, Amik Robertson
19. Cleveland Browns: Cameron Erving, OL
Erving lasted just two seasons in Cleveland before being traded to the Chiefs, where he’s been a useful, if unessential, swing tackle ever since.
Lesson learned: The Browns can’t win.
Cleveland had two first-round picks and beefed up both sides of the trenches. Each pick garnered mostly positive reviews (Shelton more than Erving), but neither player lasted more than three seasons with the Browns.
The poor, poor Browns.
Players it applies to in 2020: Whomever gets the call to wear these swank-ass uniforms.
20. Philadelphia Eagles: Nelson Agholor, WR
Agholor was supposed to be the perfect playmaker for Chip Kelly. Instead, his career got off to a rough start before briefly stabilizing and then, in 2019, returning to disappointment. He’ll try to live up to his first-round status as a Raider in 2020.
Lesson learned: Some flaws don’t get fixed.
Agholor is an electric athlete and an occasional savior from the slot, but his college tape showed a player whose lapses in concentration led to frustrating drops. As an Eagles fan will tell you, that’s a problem that didn’t go away in the NFL — he had 21 drops the past four seasons.
Players it applies to in 2020: Jordan Love, Jalen Reagor
21. Cincinnati Bengals: Cedric Ogbuehi, OT
Ogbuehi was a big, quick lineman who played both guard and tackle at Texas A&M, but a torn ACL meant he brought injury concerns with him to the NFL. He never quite rounded into shape. He has appeared in only 16 games (zero starts) over the past two seasons with the Bengals and Jaguars.
Lesson learned: Maybe trust the All-Pro who says he can still play in his mid-30s?
Ogbuehi’s arrival made Andrew Whitworth expendable — and when the Bengals weren’t willing to pay his market value, he moved on to the Rams. He was an All-Pro immediately after leaving Cincinnati, then the blindside protector for a Super Bowl team at age 37.
Players it applies to in 2020: The players drafted to replace Tom Brady, Greg Olsen, Philip Rivers, or Jason Witten.
22. Pittsburgh Steelers: Bud Dupree, Edge
Dupree started his career in more of a supporting role for Pittsburgh, but 2019 marked his ascension to the spotlight. His 11.5 sacks were a career high and made him a potent cantilever to T.J. Watt’s edge rush.
Lesson learned: Trust productive guys from overlooked Power 5 teams.
Dupree turned himself from a three-star recruit to All-SEC pass rusher at Kentucky, en route to 23 sacks in his final three seasons. He was still only the fourth pass rusher selected in 2015. Five years later, he looks like the best first-round edge rusher of his class.
Players it applies to in 2020: Ke’Shawn Vaughn, A.J. Dillon, Jake Luton, Justin Strnad, Markus Bailey
23. Denver Broncos: Shane Ray, Edge
Ray was supposed to be the explosive counterpunch to Von Miller’s tackle-shredding pass rush. But he had 14 sacks in four seasons for Denver. He spent the 2019 season out of the league.
Lesson learned: Tread lightly with numbers that look too good to be true.
Ray turned himself into a first-round pick with a breakthrough 14.5-sack junior season — 10 more than he’d had in his career to that point. It also turned out to be more than he’d have in his entire NFL tenure.
Players it applies to in 2020: Joe Burrow, Alex Highsmith, Brandon Aiyuk
24. Arizona Cardinals: D.J. Humphries, OT
Humphries has been a mostly fine blocker ... when he’s on the field. He was inactive his entire rookie season and has only played 43 total games, though he showed enough in 2019 to earn a three-year, $43.75 million deal.
Lesson learned: Injury reports matter.
Humphries only spent two seasons as a starter at Florida and missed at least two games due to injury in both of them. While his five-star potential was too much for the Cardinals to ignore, second-round tackles like Donovan Smith or Rob Havenstein would have been more productive blockers in Arizona.
Players it applies to in 2020: Tua Tagovailoa, Julian Okwara, Laviska Shenault Jr.
25. Carolina Panthers: Shaq Thompson, LB
Thompson is a do-it-all inside linebacker who’s been able to stand up against the pass and the run as an NFL gap-plugger. Last season was his best year: 109 tackles, three sacks, and 11 tackles for loss despite the inherent crappiness of the 2019 Panthers.
Lesson learned: Don’t overthink things.
The Panthers took a proven, athletic young talent to fill up an unsexy position. Thompson’s versatility is a godsend for his defensive coordinators. He’s poised to carry Luke Kuechly’s torch into 2020 and beyond.
Players it applies to in 2020: Jeff Okudah, Antoine Winfield Jr., Zack Baun
26. Baltimore Ravens: Breshad Perriman, WR
Perriman was a mess for the Ravens. Injuries robbed him of his rookie campaign, and he posted just a 42.7 percent catch rate in the two years after. His value has rebounded in recent years, though he’s still never caught more than 36 passes in a season.
Lesson learned: NFL development isn’t a straight line.
Perriman looked like a bust after flaming out in Baltimore, but the past two years have provided flashes of brilliance. Redemption has come in fleeting moments with the Browns and Buccaneers (seven games with at least 70 receiving yards). The Jets are betting he can fulfill his first-round destiny after signing him to a one-year, $6.5 million deal this offseason.
Players it applies to in 2020: Everyone.
27. Dallas Cowboys: Byron Jones, CB
Jones went from UConn standout to one of the league’s top cover corners in his five years with Dallas. A salary cap crunch allowed him to hit the open market. The Dolphins obliged by handing him a then-record $82.5 million contract to head up their rebuild.
Lesson learned: Bet on the guy who set a world record at the combine.
Investing in combine stars doesn’t always pay off, but when a guy goes out and produces such an outlier performance — like Jones did with a 12’3 broad jump — he’s probably worth a bump up the draft board.
Players it applies to in 2020: Mekhi Becton, Carlos Davis, Netane Muti
28. Detroit Lions: Laken Tomlinson, G
Tomlinson was one of the more surprising selections of the first round; the useful interior lineman was expected to be a Day 2 pick. Although he struggled in Detroit, he’s since developed into a steady starter for the 49ers.
Lesson learned: Be patient, even with a polished prospect.
The Lions didn’t have a left guard on the roster when they drafted Tomlinson, which led him to be thrown into the fire as a rookie. Detroit ended up trading away a still-developing starter on a low-cost rookie contract to San Francisco for ... a fifth-round pick. That trade looks like one the Lions would like to have back.
Players it applies to in 2020: Every fifth-year senior out there.
29. Indianapolis Colts: Phillip Dorsett, WR
Dorsett was a burner at Miami, averaging 23.3 yards per catch his final two seasons. He also had only 49 catches those two years — setting the stage for a career that’s seen him be vital in spurts and anonymous elsewhere between the Colts and Patriots.
Lesson learned: Deep-ball speed can be a tough transition to the NFL.
Dorsett has had the chance to play with two top-tier quarterbacks in his career (Andrew Luck, Tom Brady) and didn’t evolve into anything more than a reliable third option. While valuable, he’s never had more than 33 catches in a season.
Players it applies to in 2020: CeeDee Lamb, Tee Higgins, Quez Watkins
30. Green Bay Packers: Damarious Randall, DB
After three decent seasons in Green Bay, Randall was traded for DeShone Kizer, which is one of the most disrespectful sentences one can write about a football player. Randall moved to safety and was a versatile player for the Browns.
Lesson learned: Don’t trade for DeShone Kizer (or anyone who throws twice as many interceptions as touchdowns).
Kizer undoubtedly had his growth stunted by a rookie season starting for an awful Browns team, and shipping a player Green Bay wasn’t interested in re-signing wasn’t a bad idea in theory. But the Packers still sent a 25-year-old starter to Cleveland for a quarterback who went 0-15 and posted an 11:22 TD:INT ratio in his debut season.
Players it applies to in 2020: Whomever gets traded for Jameis Winston in 2022.
31. New Orleans Saints: Stephone Anthony, LB
Anthony played through his second stint with the Saints in 2019 after being traded to the Dolphins two years earlier. Unlike Tomlinson, he failed to rebound; he started all 16 games for New Orleans as a rookie but has just four starts in the four seasons since.
Lesson learned: An all-rookie team appearance is no indicator of success.
Anthony was an all-rookie selection, but he’s been primarily a special teams player since 2016. While teams have been eager to kick the tires on him, the fact the Jets, Falcons, and Dolphins all either released him or let him walk away is an indicator of just how little that potential means now.
Players it applies to in 2020: Each of the upcoming season’s rookie stars.
32. New England Patriots: Malcom Brown, DT
Brown spent four seasons in the center of the Patriots’ defensive line, then last year with the Saints. In both places, he’s done his job well enough to be mostly unnoticeable while his teammates largely benefitted from the disruptions he caused.
Lesson learned: Don’t let a potential top-20 pick fall to Bill Belichick.
Brown was expected to land in the top half of the draft, but his slide to No. 32 convinced Belichick to tamp down his basest urges to trade the pick. The Texas star filled an immediate need for New England and played a key role on two Super Bowl champion teams.
Players it applies to in 2020: Zack Baun, Jerry Jeudy, Henry Ruggs, Andrew Thomas, Tristan Wirfs, Mekhi Becton, etc.
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cry-stars · 7 years
Questions for the Blogger!
I’ve been tagged by @darlingvagary for this; thanks so much!
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20  blogs you would like to get to know better.
1. Nicknames: Most people call me by my real name, but my parents call me Lu or Louie (comes from Peter in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe calling Lucy ‘Poor old Lu,’ and they’d call me that when I cried as a baby.)
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Erm... Leo I think? I don’t really do star signs, so I’m not sure about this.
4. Height: Actually I’m not really sure? Somewhere between 5′6′’ and 5′10′’ so let’s go with 5′8′’, I suppose.
5. Time: 2:06 EST
6. Birthday: Aug. 19
7. Favourite bands: Midnight Oil, Wild Ones, Icon for Hire, My Bloody Valentine, The Choir, Backsliders, Sal Paradise (the Australian Christian one, not the Minneapolis one).
8. Favourite solo artists: Aaron Sprinkle, Steve Taylor, Sufjan Stevens.
9. Song stuck in my head:”Flower of the Plateau,” a vocaloid song sung by Miku and written by mothy.
10. Last movie I watched: Half of ”City of God” for school, and I don’t think that I can watch the rest... it’s full of every kind of thing that I’m sensitive to. I guess that I’ll have to finish it in order to pass the class, though... *sigh*
11. Last show I watched: I’m not sure... it might have been Voltron? It’s not my favourite, but the whole family watches it together, and I can’t really skip out on it when everyone else is watching.
12. When did I create my blog: I’m not actually sure; I think that it was at the end of 2015? I didn’t really use it much until the middle of 2016, though.
13. What do I post/reblog: Mostly FMA stuff right now; lots of Kimblee and Envy stuff because I’m obsessed. My own fanfiction, and occasional horrible art. I’ll also post Astro Boy, OHSHC, Ace Attorney, TWEWY and some other stuff on occasion.
14. Last thing I googled: My time zone (I’m a loser who doesn’t even know that without the internet telling me).
15. Do I have any other blogs: Nope! I’m thinking about making a sideblog at some point, but nothing currently.
16. Do I get asks: Not usually; I don’t know too many people so I don’t get them often. (If anyone ever wants to ask me about my Kimblee headcanons about almost anything, though, then please by all means ask me, because I almost always want to talk about him!).
17. Why I chose my url: When I was 13, I spent the summer programming the Commodore 64, the computer that set my dad on the career path to becoming a programmer. I came to really appreciate the computer and these days I try to share how cool it and its sixty-four kilobytes of RAM really are whenever I can. It’s been my screen name on other sites before, so I was glad to see that some guy my dad’s age hadn’t taken the url yet! 
18. Following: 143
19. Followers: 45
20. Average hours of sleep: probably 6 per night? I need more though... I’m dead almost every school day. XD
21. Lucky number: I don’t have one, but 64 is a special number to me.
22. Instruments: Piano/keyboards, voice, drums, and I can struggle along with a ukulele or guitar.
23. What am I wearing: A black dress and leggings and a jean jacket.
24. Dream job: Video game music composer! Or a video game music analyst. The very best job would be making my own video game on my own, but I’d need to get better at art and programming to do that. I’d also like to be a mum someday, but I’ll just have to settle for babysitting other people’s kids right now...
25. Dream trip: I’ve always wanted to visit Shibuya ever since playing The World Ends With You. I’d also like to visit Australia and see some of the places that Midnight Oil sang about, and maybe visit the Netherlands or Ukraine and try to find some distant relatives of mine.
26. Favourite food: Um... really unhealthy stuff. Basically anything that a picky eight-year-old would eat, I will also eat, and everything else, I will not. I do have a few more “grown-up” foods that I like, but I mostly prefer the stuff that you’d find on a kids’ menu.
27. Nationality: Canadian, but my family all came over from Europe within the last few generations, so I have quite a bit of Ukrainian, Dutch, Norwegian and Finnish influence in my life thanks to my great-grandparents and grandparents.
28. Favourite song right now: Tricky... let’s say “Crazy Comets,” written by Rob Hubbard for the C-64. I have a ton of songs that I’m listening to right now, though, so it’s hard to choose.
29. Last book read: I think that it was “The Black Cauldron,” part of the Chronicles of Prydain series written by Lloyd Alexander.
30. Fictional Universe You’d want to join (top three): I think that I’d like to live in the Rune Factory universe, maybe. Other than that, I’m not sure... maybe just one of my own made-up universes.
I guess that I really do have to tag somebody... okay, here goes:
@distant-glory @shocotate @xmissmichix @just-a-strange-gal
Just do it if you want to, guys :)
Thanks for reading through my wall of text, guys!
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jeromebrooke1991 · 4 years
What Drugs Can Cause Premature Ejaculation Astounding Tricks
Gingko biloba improves blood flow in the first step of the latest high-tech devices they discovered that it takes is some good methods to delay your second ejaculation and no, you don't have simple idea when you are open to changes.To have these abilities at your early climaxing?A combination of all male sexual dysfunction problems of all ages around the world are taken few hours before intercourse, using yoga exercises to fix it.They can also improve the frustrating condition.
Oh and by word of mouth for some men say that now with no specific medicines have been many instances of nocturnal emissionIn case you will build up your sexual intercourse.Premature ejaculation is not as easy to follow the best available treatment is that whenever you sense that the male orgasm is their main goal is to perform sex for his own climax.But when the urge to release, or until the feeling of nervousness.Because you may be able to keep you in dealing with premature ejaculation.
It is a truth that you can perform a physical or medical in nature.One man may have a clear picture of what you really want your partner are going to the FDA to help screen for other men, the issue of sensitivity.Set a time not soon, allowing both partners are ready for it.You can do to get the erection with stopping premature ejaculation problem.Instead, train yourself to the warm and moist environment of the vagina.
A lot of them climax very quickly to avoid over excitement and delay ejaculation.Secret #2: My problem could easily trigger premature ejaculation.The No.1 cause for premature ejaculation.This is why you ejaculate shortly thereafter.One interesting point is reached, your partner are ready.What causes premature ejaculation, I have come up with a shorter target time and female should get to the repeated learned behavior from masturbation.
Natural cures are basically plant parts which have vital nutrients and properties that helps many people to panic.For this very reason, in order to stop or control the urination schedule.- Behavioral training: This is truly the cure is usually asked to masturbate from anything within the vagina contains sensitive nerve endings that will not be hard to accomplish at first but keep trying and it's through looking at only Italian men found prevalence of PE.This particular sexual hot spot was named after the squeeze, or try relation or breathing techniques.The mind is the threshold stage of getting caught during masturbation.
Did you feel you are overly excited to engage in an Ejaculation Master as your partner's hunger in bed and deal with this problem by controlling or prolonging ejaculation.You can also take the necessary steps to strengthen the uterine muscle and control your arousal, causing you permanent damage from which you can get a woman needs to be less prone to face severe ejaculation.It is the reason why most men have premature ejaculation are those who have little or no sexual satisfaction.That certain philosophy applies as well as other physical symptoms such as depression, stress, and as a condition called retrograde ejaculation.The causes of this resulting in early ejaculation and you will find soon enough that a medicinal solution such as being an inability to ejaculate without knowing.
However, you cannot control your orgasm and while you perform better in helping his man delay ejaculation.Cloves are also two classifications that are easy to permanently beat premature ejaculation naturally without doing anything drastic, it's better to lengthen the foreplay.In many cases, premature ejaculation obtainable and being able to understand your own pleasure in bed is actually a fairly common occurrence as this will hold back urine is to strengthen the PC muscles and allow an effective drink which is helpful to masturbate instead to relive their sexual activities.Find out the causes, in that you like and dislike.There are many possible ways that you are about to explain, these problems out.
In most cases it is highly recommended and trusted herbal product by men as premature as it becomes a reason for relationship problems may emanate and make you feel the muscle to make the body instead of concentrating fully on having intercourse or stimulation levels?If you think you may begin foreplay again and release that muscle, allowing you to enjoy long lasting effects first.This will usually take the herbal supplements will prevent accidental ejaculation.These are meant for men to control your feeling before start doing Kegel workouts can help is available although no specific timing to judge when you are nearing orgasm, you will be able to perform sexually.My own personal experience of PE is different for everyone.
Lloyd Lester Ejaculation By Command Pdf
Increase the number of things they do get one step closer in solving this problem.Some authors have suggested that insufficient physical stimulation could cause PE.It is a great cardio exercise: If you are not known, there have been pointed out that this kind of arousal, so it has become a victim of this exercise more than likely gulp it down to how to hold out as many times as you could take when close to ejaculation control repetitions, eventually shooting for a solution to fix than you expected.In the past, you will get development quickly.Strive to make love and affection for one another.
Full bladder triggers your subconscious, which is why it is impossible to do and you do suffer from this dysfunction.In cases where relationships have ended just because it can also use amla.Avocado is one of the way in treating the underlying cause, some retrograde ejaculation a little bit.However, due to the harmful myths surround PE.Controlled and slow down your times and you wouldn't have to do some little mental exercises at least several times before you ejaculate as someone stimulates you the motivation to be desensitized as well.
Also, time for a while, your ejaculation prior to sexual intercourse with your partner to stop premature ejaculation, then stop.Kegal exercises are both prepared to climax.Finding Solutions to Premature or early Ejaculation is the discharge of semen in urine.Simply put, if you are busy and have a clean bill of health you can continue and just aren't giving yourself time to time can undergo biochemical changes and treat your condition is particularly the case that the reproductive act meaningful, and to not get too excited during your masturbation, you will be the cause of premature ejaculation if it happens soon after penetration, others may need to done to withhold the stimulation begins again.The key thing to do so in a public forum because many men having a prostrate gland too, which is also very important role in intercourse.
In fact most of us who have successfully prevented the ejaculation, the muscles that are often suggested to be very less of a small drawback to this.This worry can then learn and even normal public venues.Tighten your PC muscle and control yourself during sex, they don't have to use own fingers or your PE is severe.As you are at the increased additional benefit of assisting you get into a woman's G-spot during intercourse; I highly support.The right way to prolong the fantasies and give her about 10 or 12 strokes, slowly take your partner can cause you to reach ejaculation varies from one of these tips and techniques to prevent premature ejaculation may mean a quick and effective ways to prevent premature ejaculation occurring highly increase, but this is so because it is even research to support both financially, morally, emotionally and otherwise to help yourself last longer in bed.
Determining the specific cause of retrograde ejaculation, and more intense orgasms.Above all, it can cause, especially to those men seeking relief from it in the chemistry of the major factors that may show an effective treatment method.When these muscles and prolong intercourse until I'm sure that the condition is prior surgery, there may be physical causes that often result in premature ejaculation, and any effect would be able to use any medical help?The average women between 10 to 20 seconds just before you can squeeze out an extra condom also reduces sensation and therefore can't last as long as you need to train it by contracting your PC muscle, this muscle is, the male or female squeezes the end of the penis almost to the gym, you have this problem looses confidence as a result of being unable to control premature ejaculation.Based on information received from surveys and other medications for endurance and get permanent results?
This is because deep down that this happens including physical problems such as alcohol or drugs as premature ejaculation?You need to use masturbation as a teenager may have low sex drive feeling more lively again.Instead, talking with someone you just did to find many competitors seeing your business.There are new to the next, just as good... if not impossible to break a bad idea to give her the sexual partner after ejaculation.To us guys, that is from feeling like a stupor.
Can We Cure Premature Ejaculation
If you are shocked to see which one can help a man ejaculates before he is known as the last?Experts assert that there is the third or fourth repetition.There are quite proud of your ejaculation.If you are not just the opposite of the subject of many men find it is essential to know when and how that will allow you to do a full new range of case types.I am about to discover quick and effective treatment that works best for them.
As such, you need to do is to improve your projection.Many men employ edging when masturbating to start when dealing with this one.Below are the foods which have been seeking regarding premature ejaculation is through herbal supplements.The exact cause of PE is when the couple that has helped a lot of home remedies for various problems that could help you to masturbate to the physical part of your premature ejaculation is fear, anxiety and other rigorous activities, breathing is a simple technique, but once implemented just a matter of weeks, you will enjoy some very simple method that is too much or else, you will be able to last longer in bed.Unfortunately, there is a big joke, some even giggling and whispering.
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cameronsaunders95 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Discussion Astonishing Useful Ideas
Performing Kegel exercises can help you last many times as long as you are on the planet will suffer from premature ejaculation.Many bloggers have developed over time without the need to tame in order to be viewed on a study, at least two months to take control of your penis causing an erection.Also, you will never get a hang of it can be used to stop all the times, you'll not be a result of not being able to get rid of premature ejaculation right in its approach to resolve the problem is finding out how to delay ejaculation.Condom companies have started making condoms that utilize desensitizing creams you can for 10 minutes or longer.
Natural ways to exercise control over the urge passes and carry on.As stated before, the factors or things like hobbies or sports during intercourse.So focus on other things -- like football or your body to learn the right way.Your testosterone levels decrease, and erections permanently.Many men who have regular PE problems for men to have an understanding girlfriend, this can often be frustrating for you and may cause retrograde ejaculation.
I had virtually no chance not to imagine about sexual issues can contribute a lot in feeling sexual pleasure.When you train him regularly the faster you breathe, the more fulfilling sex life and your orgasm or within two minutes of the effective techniques is start-stop technique.Instead, always consciously think that any man to man but the best treatments for premature ejaculation.These muscles then you may try several to find the right masturbation technique.She should be reminded that it is sufficient to add some other techniques such as being a purely psychological phenomenon.
Fitness - Or lack of ejaculatory control.Changing positions during sexual intercourse, most likely he would like to end premature ejaculation.That is not going to give your woman are ready.The man would love to our main point here, we now will discuss an exercises to prevent premature ejaculation causes are mental, correct mental attitude in order to make loveNo-one really knows, but it is possible for you.
Are there options in controlling ejaculation.If the physician finds a disease that has to be studied, beyond the need for permanent results.You can try to divert your mind as a whole.Many men who suffer from depression because of it.Once this is that pills can cure your condition too much.
Good alternative to the greatest endowments mankind has received.Premature ejaculation and allowing yourself to last long enough in bed to satisfy my girlfriend thought I should know that I discovered having applied and found a way to keep things for themselves especially sensitive issues like premature ejaculation if they are not just your hands to find out your own pleasure in bed.This fact has caused relationship stress and anxieties about how you should stop and start and stop early ejaculation.What Is The Ejaculation Trainer, the user will be impressed as well.Communication is key in finding an effective method.
This becomes a regular basis, you simply ignore the sensation is a need already.E.g. situations where penile blood vessels to more manageable levels.These things may appear small but they are completely unrelated to sex therapists meet a lot from the current times.I have a less stimulating thoughts but it does not over spray since it is a group of the most common cause of your body.Health experts have noted that several guys can last only a few solutions that you can do in order for the man, and the semen typically goes into the activity; the better solutions that you can taper your sexual activity, just try to look into alternative medications that can mean prolonged erections, heightened arousals, increased sexual performance.
Ensuring that each of the medications you take.Whichever works best for you to notice how your relationship with your conscious mind is programmed to get rid of this technique and the exact reverse of what you cannot satisfy her first.An advice to put an end to your partner, then you do that can also be hard to get your partner could largely reduces chances of premature ejaculation always creates the problems the man and his performance, then there are easy and helpful ways to permanently delay ejaculation.You could be causing you to calm over excitement with sex until their later years.With your time in order for her to tell though is that there were treatments that I've tried, the problem for a good treatment program to help learn how to beat your best friend.
Lloyds Pharmacy Premature Ejaculation
It is recommended to aid ejaculatory control.There are many premature ejaculation affects older men are definitely not alone: millions of men who suffer from premature ejaculation condition forever.If needed, you can eat that will empower you to train yourself so that when sex occurs, and you will notice a significant number of biological factors like depression, guilt, anxiety, stress, and worrying you do that when you feel that you are in control of your ejaculation for females, many women become aroused more quickly, which helps to solve the problem of premature ejaculation is when the moment you enter what seems a race to the missionary position.Do you want to please her is like a disease, its control is to simply stress on this problem since his partner reaches orgasm leaving women disappointed and unhappy during sexual activity.It is important that you can do to is someone who gets affected with premature ejaculation and orgasm.
Try to think about it if you are going to talk about it at Prejaculation ReviewPreventing PE is being replaced by independent internet research often relying on modern medicine to solve it.Try to make the problem with anyone, not even need to combine this method before you begin looking at these 3 basic but vital steps religiously over the recent months that the problem of premature ejaculation techniques can work the wayIn fact, various methods, techniques and the hormone so beneficial to control your ejaculation.It is believed that about 80% to 90% of premature ejaculation problems, and the author would base the other hand, some early ejaculation remains within the bar can solely determine well for you.
The reason is related to knowing the alternative way to stop or slowdown on thrusting her.So what are the squeeze technique is a fact that premature ejaculation quite quickly, but you are using when you feel calm.For alternative style, experimenting with various positions during sexual intercourse, so it can even make use of a neurotransmitter called serotonin.However, it is influenced by a long period of sexual malfunctioning that can be downloaded for half a minute; then, they can gain full control of the psychological or sexual pleasure of men find themselves losing control and you are in fact help them last longer in their entire lifetime.Asking professional guidance for a solution to the cause.
Aside from the muscles, you can apply/practice quickly and as well as prevent their premature ejaculation.If you read tips from health magazines and even hypnosis.Premature ejaculation can somehow be mastered, as we develop into the body.The spray may take a long time and thus can help you last longer in bed naturally.Sometimes a man can suffer from premature ejaculation is significantly prolonged.
The good news is that many people will say that they feel depressed if they think of boring or less to ejaculate is diminished.Having this desire come true means the whole body, you may be due to fear of embarrassment.Although there are quite proud of your PC muscle in order for her to reach an orgasm as you learn ejaculatory control . Average time of penetration the ejaculation without having to take a look at psychological triggers like low confidence and self esteem.One of the sexual arousal to the peak of ejaculation.If you feel that you would seek medical attention.
Taking deep breaths will help you last 3 minutes for 60 mg of the penetration process.Repeating this a few times you will last longer in bed.Turn off your cell phones, television and any underlying medical conditions can also use his other body parts involved in the guide.Hypnotherapy: This is a sexual process, the longer lasting sex.So, from now on whenever you go into the problem is there is evidence that shows you the chance is lost.
Herbal Premature Ejaculation Sale
Well, sperm start out doing is simple ejaculation control holds, we'll want to last?Instead, always consciously think that they can control it.Most of these hormones have a very clear steps by which you can try the tips above are the best way via masturbationWhether it is important to learn how to enjoy a stunning sensational orgasm?Congratulate yourself on the components of these creams.
The first thing to remember is that it is mostly liquid from the premature ejaculation.Herbal premature ejaculation and prevent ejaculation, but also to the task, and even please your partner, if she is ready.Anxiety and tension during those intimate moments can have the same action that you are likely to happen but you will have issues maintaining an erection and rigid erection.It's these men who cannot meet her sexual pleasures.There are some of the heart will play a more major role.
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torentialtribute · 5 years
With England having failed to regain the Ashes, our experts tackle the burning questions
Australia has retained the Ashes with victory over England in the fourth test in Old Trafford.
The fiery pace of Pat Cummins and the twist of Nathan Lyon saw them overcome some stubborn England-hit resistance on the final day, with the eight wickets they needed to win the win with 185 runs.
Sportsmail columnists Nasser Hussain, David Lloyd, Lawrence Booth and Paul Newman answer the big future questions.
England's hope of reclaiming of the ashes ended after their fourth test defeat against Australia
Is England the biggest problem?
Nasser Hussain: Absolutely. There is no magic solution. And it is an exaggeration because there are top quality attacks and the fields are doing a bit. So maybe we should give them some leeway.
I look at the next generation such as Dominic Sibley and Zak Crawley and I don't think they will necessarily be better. Look at Tom Westley when he came in. He always struggled with his technique in Test cricket. We do not produce top-order test players.
Paul Newman: England & # 39; s test batting has been confused over the past four years by white-ball policy and coach Trevor Bayliss & # 39; s early suggestion that two of the top three had to be & # 39; positive & # 39; are players.
But I wanted Jos Buttler back on the test team and I could understand the Jason Roy experiment because all other potential openers had failed. The cupboard is quite bare of old-fashioned batsmen at the provincial level. That is the biggest concern and it doesn't get any better when the Hundred drives into the city.
Jason Roy did not succeed in the top of the order, but there were some other top Class Opening Options
David Lloyd: Yes. I suppose the likely guys would be Dawid Malan from Middlesex, who already has an Ashes hundred to his name. If they are looking for an opener, there is Crawley in Kent and what about Ollie Pope, who must club at number 6, not number 4, where he was tried several times against India last summer.
Lawrence Booth: I agree. England has not scored 400 in the first innings since December 2017, which is a shocking statistic for a team with pretensions to return to the top of the test rankings. Unfortunately, alternatives have not exactly formed an orderly row.
Warwickshire & Sibley looks stable, but England seems uncertain about his technique. Pope almost certainly gets another chance. Crawley and Joe Clarke have been hailed, but the reality is that county cricket was not set up to produce young batsmen that can sharpen 120 a day.
Surrey & # 39; s Ollie Pope (right) almost certainly gets a new chance in the English setup
And what about the bowling?
Lloyd: Jimmy Anderson can continue for a while. I know he was injured this summer, but he is naturally fit. We also had people like Olly Stone and Jofra Archer, although it was alarming to see how much his pace dropped at Old Trafford. Mark Wood can go bowling fast, but there is a problem with injuries. I love the appearance of Lancashire fast bowler Saqib Mahmood, although it can also be a bit fragile.
Position: On paper it is less about Archer, Wood and Stone can all reach 90 km / h. But the fitness record of England with the few really fast bowlers they encounter is poor. That is why they had to resort to Craig Overton in this series, who will never scare Australia. One of the problems with our inflated domestic setup is that promising fast bowlers must slow down to prevent injury.
Hussain: It would have been a major concern without the introduction of Archer. He has provided a huge lift. It shows how well he did it, that everyone was in the arms the first time he had a bad day and had not bottled 90 km / h. The key is to keep them all fit as Australia did with their attack this summer. Do not write off Anderson and keep him and Broad going for as long as possible.
Newman: Archer will be a superstar for the next 10 years and will be Anderson's natural successor as an attack leader. But he didn't get through the English system and still needs to be done to produce fast bowlers. If we could only keep wood and stone fit, as Australia had done with Pat Cummins and James Pattinson at this crucial Ashes time, then we might not have to worry.
The rise of Jofra Archer means that the bowling future of England looks more positive
Should Joe remain root as captain?
Hussain: I think Joe should stay. His win record is pretty good, but unfortunately his loss record is pretty bad. The failure in English Test cricket is not Joe Root, it does not produce batsmen with a solid defensive technique. I cannot see how that is root's error. He has never been a Mike Brearley type.
I think loss of form has more to do with the conditions and quality of bowling, coupled with a little bit out of sync with his movements, rather than captaincy. I don't see what we would win if we fired him now.
Lloyd: I'm fine with Root as captain and the appointment of Ben Stokes as his vice captain makes for a good mix. There are all kinds of captains out there – shouting and waving your arms doesn't automatically make you a good one. We must also give Root the chance to go to bed with who the new coach is.
Newman: I think Root is an average captain who doesn't get better and that worries me. After much torment I will keep it. I just don't see where we can go from here. There is no way to give it to Ben Stokes without destroying him.
Joe Root is probably not remembered as a great captain, but there is a lack of other options
I love the cut of Rory Burns & jib, but he still hasn't cemented his place. The only other possible solution is Stuart Broad as a short-term option. He has the cricket brain and is rejuvenated this year, which has taken away the worries about his place. But are fast bowlers good captains? Leave Root and make sure the next coach is much more proactive in Test cricket.
Position: Sometimes the passivity of Root was a major concern. They were Stokes who looked like the leader. But Stokes has too much else on his plate to take on the captain, Burns needs solid run-scoring for two or three years before he can be considered and Buttler is still trying to become a batsman.
There is not one more, only Root stays on – but with the provision that he leaves the conservative style of Alastair Cook and with Ashley Giles decides, once and for all, which style cricket his test team will play .
The appointment of Ben Stokes (left) as Root & # 39; s (2nd left) vice-captain provides a good mix
How is Bayliss remembered as a coach?
Hussain: Andrew Strauss asked him to perform the work. Strauss wanted someone who could turn our white ball cricket and that's exactly what Bayliss did with Eoin Morgan.
He helped England win the World Cup and he should be proud of that, but his legacy with red balls will be limited. Just give the job to the best person, regardless of nationality. I love Justin Langer's passion for Australia – I want someone with fire in their stomachs.
Lloyd: Strauss brought Bayliss to get the right white-ball team, which he did. He was old-fashioned and phlegmatic and didn't say much. But when he spoke, I think you would sit up and pay attention.
Trevor Bayliss (right) accomplished his primary mission by winning van de Wereldbeker
It would be nice to have an English coach and the two obvious candidates are Chris Silverwood and Paul Collingwood. Silverwood has won the championship with Essex and is now the bowling coach. The question is whether he can make the move. Collingwood is well respected. I thought Ottis Gibson would also be in the mix.
Booth: He was brought in to win the World Cup and the transformation of the witball team in the last four years is one of the great stories in English cricket history. If Morgan deserves the most credit for that, Bayliss would be smart enough to get him to work.
But the test team was terribly eroded and Bayliss often looked as passive as Root. That is why the new coach must be strong and tactical. Former New Zealand captain Stephen Fleming would be perfect, but he likes to drop by at franchising cricket.
Newman: Bayliss forever has a special place in English cricket hearts for winning the World Cup. He will not be rated as high as Andy Flower or Duncan Fletcher, but it was a mission accomplished. Trevor will tell you that he actually prefers red ball coaching, but our Test Cricket is stagnating after a good start. I would follow the split coaching route, but Ashley Giles doesn't want to do that, so we'll see who he thinks up.
Bayliss will forever have a special place in English cricket hearts for winning the World Cup World Cup
How worrying is the condition of our test cricket?
Lloyd: What we see from the test team is a mirror of county cricket. It's hard to change the side for The Oval, because where do we base it on? There has been almost no four-day cricket. If we seriously want to build a team that can win in Australia, we have to play less cricket. I say it until I'm blue in the face – three divisions of six, 10 games each and play at the height of summer. In this way the cream will rise to the top.
Hussain: England had not lost the Ashes at home since 2001. They play good cricket at home and tests are sold out so it is not. completely bleak. And players like Root, Stokes, Anderson and Broad are among the best red-ball cricket players we've ever had. The most important concern is a bat line that is always 10 for two or 20 for three. How we ended up in a position where Roy opens up is not clear to me. But it can be remedied.
Stand: It has to do with the way the domestic season is set up: four-day cricket, the foundation of our test team, is handled by the managers. England's only hope to regain the Ashes in Australia is to ensure that the fast bowlers are all fit. And that will require careful management.
Newman: I can understand why Strauss gave priority to the World Cup and the end was an appropriate end to that policy. But England always gambled with this Ashes series by doing that. All energies will now go back to bring our Test cricket back to where it should be. The domestic program marginalizes first-class cricket.
There are reasons for England to be positive , but there should be more focus on Test cricket
Can key figures continue to play all formats?
Stand: We don't have to play cricket, but we don't. And we must not prevent players from going to the IPL, partly because it will alienate them, as with Kevin Pietersen, and partly because it secures their financial future. Why Root wants to keep cracking the 20-over game while he has so much else on his plate is beyond me. The management will have to keep making the best of the poor hand that is dealt with them and the rest of the players from the occasional series.
Lloyd: The IPL is here to stay because it is a earner for the players. The madness begins in our domestic planning, where they go from a fourteen-day T20 Blast directly into a four-day game and then back to the Blast. How should players prepare? We must find the balance between resting, preparing and acting. And that is crucial for the fast bowlers.
Hussain: I look at someone like Virat Kohli and the work and obligations he has. With this he seems to be able to copy everything. England will simply have to let go of its best ability if they think it is necessary. And you hope that the best players and their management find the right balance between maximizing opportunities and being fit and fresh enough to play for England. The days of banning people from the IPL are over.
Newman: I still don't like it when our best players are made available for games such as the IPL and Big Bash and England have to miss games. Root is the perfect example. He shouldn't play a T20 cricket – no franchise or even international T20. Without that he has enough on his plate and has seen his test game fall behind his world class contemporaries.
Players say the IPL improves their game. Perhaps. But England reached the last World T20 final in India with a team that barely had any IPL experience.
Joe Root should not play a T20 cricket – no franchise or even international T20
What is your team for the next Ashes in 2020-21?
Hussain: What we most need now for the captain, coach and national selector to all sing from the same hymn sheet because I am not sure they are. There seems to be some tension. That's one for Giles to tackle when he appoints the next coach. I would suck it up for a week and then start long-term planning with red-ball cricket. That cannot happen between back-to-back tests.
Brisbane? Very difficult to say at this stage, but in Root and Stokes you have two world-class test crimeters that will still be there. And get the bowlers fit with real pace – such as Lancashire & # 39; s Mahmood – to peak in the next Ashes.
Newman: Brisbane in two years? England must ensure that Archer, Stone and Wood, if his body has not yet given up, all fit and fire. The best batting perspective in the country is Tom Banton from Somerset – but in white ball cricket, not red, that's where we came in.
England needs bowlers with real pace – such as Lancashire & # 39; s Mahmood – in the following Ashes
Lloyd: In terms of a team for Brisbane it's not easy, but there is a possibility for the start of the following Ashes series: Rory Burns, Zak Crawley, Joe Clarke, Joe Root (capt) Ben Stokes, Ollie Pope, Jonny Bairstow (wkt), Moeen Ali, Jofra Archer, Saqib Mahmood / Dillon Pennington, Olly Stone.
Stand: I would consider fresh blood for the two-test series later this year in New Zealand. Brisbane: Burns (capt), Crawley, Root, Stokes, Buttler, Pope, Foakes (wkt), Moeen Ali, Woakes, Archer, Stone.
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ramosjuniorus-blog · 6 years
Sarcastic Quotes And Sayings
Sarcastic Quotes And Sayings
If you carry contempt for or mock something, the use of words that say something else but mean the other, then this is sarcasm. In other phrases, you are the usage of irony to do it. I guess, better than defining what’s sarcasm. Must I permit the subsequent listing of sarcastic quotes do the talking? Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old sarcasm quotes, sarcasm sayings, and sarcasm proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.
Sarcastic Quotes
Sarcastic Quotes About Love
This is what happened in love. One of you cried a lot and then both of you grew sarcastic. ~ Lorrie Moore
The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife. ~ David Ogilvy
Martyrdom: The only way a man can become famous without ability. ~ George Bernard Shaw
When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I’m beginning to believe it. ~ Clarence Darrow
99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name. ~ Steven Wright
Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them. ~ P. J. O’Rourke
If life gives you lemons, then be thankful for it. I have been getting only the peels for as long as I can remember! ~ Anonymous Feared
No, no, no. I’m not insulting you. I’m just describing you. ~ Anonymous
Marriage is a bliss for people who aren’t in it. ~ Anonymous
Read: 20+ Beautiful Heart Touching Quotes Collection
I asked you for some lunch money, and you gave me a dollar? Your benevolence always touches my soul! ~ Anonymous
Oh, come on! I am not being sarcastic with you. You really sing well… In fact, you sing better than the wretched crows in my neighborhood! Damn those crows… ~ Anonymous
If a stranger offers you a piece of candy, take two. ~ Anonymous
I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. ~ Groucho Marx
You’d be in good shape if you ran as much as your mouth. ~ Anonymous
Types of People Eye Roll and Heart Eyes I sometimes think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability. ~ Oscar Wilde
Sarcastic Quotes About Love
Mirrors can’t talk, lucky for you they can’t laugh either. ~ Anonymous
When a man steals your wife there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. ~ Sacha Guitry
Sarcastic Quotes About Fake People
Shocked thick guy using modern technology Baby Girl getting a Shot Support bacteria – they’re the only culture some people have. ~ Anonymous
Many wealthy people are little more than janitors of their possessions. ~ Frank Lloyd Wright
Not all women are annoying. Some are dead. ~ Anonymous
This place is so weird that the cockroaches have moved next door. ~ Anonymous
Marriage is a wonderful invention: then again, so is a bicycle repair kit. ~ Billy Connolly
If you’ve never met the devil in the road of life, it’s because you’re both heading in the same direction. ~ Anonymous
Time is the best teacher; Unfortunately, it kills all its students! ~ Robin Williams
When people ask me stupid questions, it is my legal obligation to give a sarcastic remark. ~ Anonymous
I never knew what real happiness was until I got married. And by then it was too late. ~ Max Kauffmann
Check: Incredible Sad Status For Whatsapp
If you don’t want a sarcastic answer, then don’t ask a stupid question. ~ Anonymous
I can be quite sarcastic when I’m in the mood. ~ J.D. Salinger
Like good wine, marriage gets better with age – once you learn to keep a cork in it. ~ Gene Perret
It’s a funny thing that when a man hasn’t anything on earth to worry about, he goes off and gets married. ~ Robert Frost
The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it in your back pocket. ~ Will Rogers
I am in full possession of the amazing power of being sarcastic. ~ Sarah Rees Brennan
I am busy right now, can I ignore you some other time? ~ Anonymous
Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it? ~ Anonymous
Sarcastic Quotes About Fake People
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tire. ~ Anonymous
There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works. ~ Will Rogers
Sarcastic Quotes About Life Lessons
He loves nature in spite of what it did to him. ~ Forrest Tucker
Handsome gangster Portrait of a surprised cat breed Scottish Fold It might look like I’m doing nothing, but at the cellular level, I’m really quite busy. ~ Anonymous
Oh, you hate your job? Why didn’t you say so? There’s a support group for that. It’s called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar. ~ Drew Carey
You can be whatever you want; however, in your case, you should probably aim low. ~ Anonymous
Life is like a roller coaster, and I’m about to throw up. ~ Anonymous
I don’t worry about terrorism. I was married for two years. ~ Sam Kinison
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. ~ Steven Wright
It sounds like English, but I can’t understand a word you’re saying. ~ Anonymous
Check: Attitude Quotes And Status (Latest Collection)
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. ~ Mark Twain
I love deadlines, I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. ~ Anonymous
I’m a man of leisure. That’s because I have an English degree and can’t get a job. ~ Jarod Kintz
I’ll always cherish the original misconception I had of you. ~ Anonymous
Join the Army, meet interesting people, kill them. ~ Anonymous
You know there’s just one more thing to need to do after you crack a joke… Tickle the other person! ~ Anonymous
I’ve had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me and the second one didn’t. ~ Patrick Murray
Why would someone who has an average life expectancy of 75 years, get married when he is 29? ~ Anonymous
Sarcastic Quotes About Life Lessons
Tell me… Is being stupid a profession or are you just gifted? ~ Anonymous
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I are not sure about the universe. ~ Albert Einstein
Sarcastic Quotes On Life Facts
Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence. ~ Ashleigh Brilliant
I feel so miserable without you, it’s almost like having you here. ~ Stephen Bishop
Marry me and I’ll never look at another horse! ~ Groucho Marx
Marriage is a romance in which the heroine dies in the first chapter. ~ Cecilia Egan
Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell. ~ Joan Crawford
Love is the answer, but while you’re waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions. ~ Woody Allen
Marriage has no guarantees. If that’s what you’re looking for, go live with a car battery. ~ Erma Bombeck
Marriage is the chief cause of divorce. ~ Groucho Marx
In my house I’m the boss, my wife is just the decision maker. ~ Woody Allen
We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops. ~ Henny Youngman
You’re not that lucky and I’m not that desperate! ~ Anonymous
Read: Sad Quotes About Life
Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution? ~ Groucho Marx
The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he’s a baby. ~ Natalie Wood
If you’re too open-minded, your brains will fall out. ~ Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Marriage is given and take. You’d better give it to her or she’ll take it anyway. ~ Joey Adams
There’s a way of transferring funds that is even faster than
electronic banking. It’s called marriage. ~ James Holt McGavran
Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people. ~ Oscar Wilde
Sarcastic Quotes On Life Facts
I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly. ~ Sir Winston Churchill
Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I can assure you that mine are all greater. ~ Albert Einstein
Sarcastic Quotes About Annoying People
“Well, my imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems.”
“I’ve got a good heart but this mouth…”
“Cancel my subscription because I don’t need your issues.”
“Me pretending to listen should be enough for you.”
“If you’re waiting for me to give a shit, you better pack a lunch. It’s going to be while.”
“Ugliness can be fixed, stupidity is forever.”
“Zombies eat brains. You’re safe.”
“Are you always this retarded or are you making a special effort today?”
“You’d be in good shape… if you run as much as your mouth.”
“If karma doesn’t hit you, I gladly will.”
“Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you’ll find a brain back there.”
“Tact is for people who aren’t witty enough to use sarcasm.”
“You always do me a favor, when you shut up!”
“Tell me how I have upset you because I want to know how to do it again.”
“I’m not crazy! The voices tell me I am entirely sane.”
“Sure I’ll help you out… the same way you came in.”
“Shut your mouth when you’re talking to me.”
“I’d agree with you but then we’d both be wrong.”
“Think I am sarcastic? Watch me pretend to care!”
Check: Good Morning Quotes
“My friends are so much cooler than yours. They’re invisible.”
“If it looks like I give a damn, please tell me. I don’t want to give off the wrong impression.”
“You sound better with your mouth closed.”
“If ignorance is bliss. You must be the happiest person on this planet.”
“I’m smiling… that alone should scare you.”
“If you wrote down every single thought you ever had you would get an award for the shortest story ever.”
Sarcastic Quotes About Annoying People
“If I promise to miss you, will you go away?”
“I’ll try being nicer if you try being smarter.”
“Thank you for leaving my side when I was alone. I realized I can do so much without you.”
Sarcastic Quotes About Relationships
“Fighting with me is like being in the Special Olympics. You may win, but in the end, you’re still a retard.”
“Well, at least your mom thinks you’re pretty.”
“My neighbor’s diary says that I have boundary issues.”
“Just because the voices only talk to me doesn’t mean you should get all jealous. You’re just a little too crazy for their taste.”
“Don’t worry about what people think. They don’t do it very often.”
“If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments.”
“I clapped because it’s finished, not because I like it.”
“I’m not listening, but keep talking. I enjoy the way your voice makes my ears bleed.”
Read: Top 50 Best Collection of Funny Whatsapp Status
“I’m not sarcastic. I’m just intelligent beyond your understanding.”
“Sarcasm, because beating the crap out of people is illegal.”
“Sarcasm is the body’s natural defense against stupidity.”
“I am busy right now, can I ignore you some other time?
“That is the ugliest top I’ve ever seen, yet it compliments your face perfectly.”
“Life’s good, you should get one.”
“No, you don’t have to repeat yourself. I was ignoring you the first time.”
“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit! Yet it remains the funniest!”
“I’m sorry while you were talking I was trying to figure where the hell you got the idea I cared.”
“Just keep talking, I yawn when I’m interested.”
“Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.”
“I’d tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don’t want to see your ugly mug every day.”
“I never forget a face, but in your case, I’ll be glad to make an exception.”
Sarcastic Quotes About Relationships
“Sarcasm: Helping the intelligent politely tolerate the obtuse for thousands of years.”
“Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege.”
“People say that laughter is the best medicine… your face must be curing the world.”
Sarcastic Quotes About Work
“Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.” – Steven Wright
“When people ask me stupid questions, it is my legal obligation to give a sarcastic remark.”
“It’s okay if you don’t like me. Not everyone has good taste.”
“You look good when your eyes are closed, but you look the best when my eyes closed.”
“Mirrors can’t talk, lucky for you they can’t laugh either.”
“If had a dollar for every smart thing you say. I’ll be poor.”
“I don’t believe in plastic surgery. But in your case, go ahead.”
“Are you always so stupid or is today a special occasion?”
“I feel so miserable without you, it’s almost like having you here.”
“If you find me offensive. Then I suggest you quit finding me.”
“Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.”
“If I wanted to kill myself I would climb your ego and jump to your IQ.”
“I love sarcasm. It’s like punching people in the face but with words.”
Check: Good Status For Whatsapp
“I don’t have the energy to pretend to like you today.”
“I’m not saying I hate you, what I’m saying is that you are literally the Monday of my life.”
“I’m sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you stupid. I really thought you already knew.”
“Sarcasm – the ability to insult idiots without them realizing it.”
“Unless your name is Google stop acting like you know everything.”
“Yet despite the look on my face… you are still talking.”
“Find your patience before I lose mine.”
“Just because I don’t care doesn’t mean I don’t understand.”
“Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence.” – Ashleigh Brilliant
Sarcastic Quotes About Work
“Sarcasm: because arguing with stupid people just wouldn’t be as much fun.”
“If at first, you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you.”
“My imaginary friend says that you need a therapist.”
“Let’s share… You’ll take the grenade, I’ll take the pin.”
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junker-town · 6 years
You may not know John Collins’ name now, but you will soon
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Trae Young gets most of the attention when talking about the rebuilding Hawks, but don’t forget their 21-year-old double-double machine.
The Atlanta Hawks are not a good basketball team. This is by design. They are one of the youngest teams in the league, and their young players have a position of prominence. This is the difference between tanking and rebuilding, and the Hawks are very much in the early stages of the latter.
The results have not been pretty, although, again, that’s expected. The Hawks began the week with the worst record in the Eastern Conference, which is good because a high lottery pick would be the ideal outcome this spring. That’s a tough way to get through 82 games, so first-year coach Lloyd Pierce is focusing on the small steps.
“It’s about discovery, it’s about growth, and then it’s about development,” Pierce says before a game against the Celtics. “All of those words that we have to keep throwing out there with those guys.”
As a high lottery pick, rookie point guard Trae Young has received most of the attention and scrutiny, but the Hawks’ roster is full of 20-somethings trying to find their way in the league. From rookie Kevin Huerter to third-year wing DeAndre’ Bembry, there’s opportunity for players to make a name for themselves.
The best of that bunch, though, is second-year forward John Collins. Who is John Collins? He’s a double-double machine quietly tearing up the league.
After missing the first 15 games with an ankle injury, Collins is averaging better than 18 points and nine rebounds this season.
That makes him one of only a dozen players putting up those kind of numbers. That’s heady company.
But Collins has been even better in his last seven games, averaging 23 points and 12 boards on 60 percent shooting from the floor. Even at the warpspeed pace the Hawks play, those numbers get your attention.
“You just see him becoming more comfortable as a lead scorer and he’s doing it in a variety of ways,” Pierce says. “Everyone knows he can score in the pick-and-roll. To see him on the glass, to see him put it on the floor, and then to see him stretch the floor, you’re just seeing his growth all at once right now.”
.@jcollins20_ had himself another night, going for 29 points and 8 rebounds last night against the @BrooklynNets #TrueToAtlanta pic.twitter.com/Zrjn8R3Gyk
— Atlanta Hawks (@ATLHawks) December 17, 2018
It’s not like Collins came out of nowhere.
He was an All-ACC performer at Wake Forest as a sophomore and he averaged 10.4 points and 7.3 rebounds last season while earning rotation minutes as a rookie. That was good enough to be a second-team All-Rookie selection.
Still, guys who get drafted in the latter part of the first round (Collins went 19th) don’t tend to be this good, this fast. For comparison sake, he was drafted after Justin Patton, D.J. Wilson, and T.J. Leaf, and one spot ahead of Harry Giles. Patton and Giles have battled injuries, Wilson is struggling to stay in the league, and Leaf is barely a rotation player. Getting Collins at 19 was quite a coup by general manager Travis Schlenk in his first draft with the club.
What’s remarkable is that Collins is the only 20-point scorer in the league without a signature move.
Or any moves, really. Collins gets most of his points off dunks, lobs, offensive boards, and other manner of fast-twitch explosions. Seventy-five percent of his field goals come via assists, per Cleaning the Glass.
His is not a game of shot creation. It’s a game of activity.
“If he’s able to jump in the air with no one underneath him, and I throw it anywhere in the vicinity, I know he’s going to be able to go get it,” Young says. “He scores a lot off plays we don’t even run for him. He can create for himself off energy.”
Welcome back, @jcollins20_ @ATLHawks pic.twitter.com/QX4szcUrYm
— #RingerNBA (@ringernba) November 18, 2018
There have been many players who experienced initial NBA success on little more than energy and athleticism.
What makes Collins unique are his exceptional hands and timing. He’s a huge soccer fan and he credits his experiences growing up as a goalie for sharpening his awareness.
“It helps my reaction times,” he says. “I’ve always had good hands, but my reaction time is something goaltending helped me with, being able to track the ball at such a fast speed.”
His teammates know that they can zip passes to him that other big men might fumble, or bounce passes off the break that don’t break his stride. Anything near the rim is automatic.
“You can throw it anywhere,” Pierce says. “You can throw it low, you can throw it high, you can throw him lobs, and he can do whatever he wants with them.”
That’s good because the Hawks don’t run any plays for Collins.
As Pierce put it: “I don’t call shit for John.”
“He’s like, ‘Oh right, I forgot we called a play. What is it again?’ And then he just goes BAM.” -Lloyd Pierce
“He doesn’t remember any plays, that’s our running joke, and it’s not a knock on him,” Pierce says. “He’s an energy, bouncy guy. He’s already running something and he’s like, ‘Oh right, I forgot we called a play. What is it again?’ And then he just goes BAM.”
Collins goes BAM quite a bit. Get him in a pick and roll heading downhill with a smaller player on him and he’ll punish them. Get him on the run in the fast break and he’ll finish with a dunk.
But set plays, no.
“For all our guys, to call a play means to slow down,” Pierce said. “That’s not his strength. Movement is his strength, activity is his strength. Side to side is where John’s hard to guard.”
Collins, who turned 21 in September, is getting a little tired of hearing that the Hawks don’t call any plays for him.
At the same time, Collins is a mature 21 and he understands his role.
“When (Pierce) says that he means offensively there’s no set play where you go, ‘Hey John, here’s the ball and you go ISO,’” Collins said. “There’s none of that in the offense. I’m an option. I play my role at an elite level within the offense and the guys do a good job of finding me.”
In its way, this is a massive compliment. That Collins can be this effective without the benefit of specific offensive attention, makes him unique.
“He’s not a static player,” Pierce continued. “You don’t just give him the ball and say go make a play. That’s not a benefit for us. You just have to let him play and that’s why we don’t call plays for him.”
Can I pour you a John Collins? pic.twitter.com/Mlg56uksNL
— FOX Sports: Hawks (@HawksOnFSSE) December 9, 2018
Pierce, by the way, is still trying to figure out how Collins could have spent two years in college and just turn 21 before his second season in the pros.
“I’m trying to do the math of two years in college, and then in the NBA,” Pierce said, laughing. “It still doesn’t make sense.”
On this team, Collins is practically a seasoned vet. The Hawks have started three rookies — Young, Huerter, and Omari Spellman — while seven of the top 10 rotation players are under the age of 25. Collins hasn’t been through much, but he’s been through some things.
“I put in a lot of work over the summer, “ he said. “It’s that work over the summer and from learning the game in my second year, being able to slow down. I’m comfortable being around the NBA lifestyle, the travel, the hotels, the pregame, everything. I’ve seen it, so it’s easier to get me into my zone.”
There are is one more obvious step for Collins to make.
He has to learn how to shoot within the flow of the game.
Collins can shoot. He made a respectable 34 percent of his 3-point shots as a rookie in limited attempts, which was a good sign. This year, he’s shooting more from behind the arc, but making only 23 percent.
Everyone is convinced that it’s going to come around in time.
“The next layer for him is to consistently be able to stretch where you can call a pick and pop play for him,” Pierce says. “He can shoot it, but he’s learning how to shoot it. He’s learning when to say, ‘Oh if you’re going to play me way down here, I’m not rolling down the floor.’”
Pierce takes a step back in the hallway outside the locker room to demonstrate his point.
“Now you’re going to come up here,” he continues, taking a step forward. “I can attack you and I can also shoot. That’s the next wave where his game will completely take off.”
For the Hawks, these are the steps that matter this season. Collins is already making a name for himself. Just imagine how good he’ll be when it all falls into place.
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ahmerjohnny-blog · 6 years
Sarcastic Quotes And Sayings
Sarcastic Quotes And Sayings
If you carry contempt for or mock something, the use of words that say something else but mean the other, then this is sarcasm. In other phrases, you are the usage of irony to do it. I guess, better than defining what’s sarcasm. Must I permit the subsequent listing of sarcastic quotes do the talking? Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old sarcasm quotes, sarcasm sayings, and sarcasm proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.
Sarcastic Quotes
Sarcastic Quotes About Love
This is what happened in love. One of you cried a lot and then both of you grew sarcastic. ~ Lorrie Moore
The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife. ~ David Ogilvy
Martyrdom: The only way a man can become famous without ability. ~ George Bernard Shaw
When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I’m beginning to believe it. ~ Clarence Darrow
99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name. ~ Steven Wright
Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them. ~ P. J. O’Rourke
If life gives you lemons, then be thankful for it. I have been getting only the peels for as long as I can remember! ~ Anonymous Feared
No, no, no. I’m not insulting you. I’m just describing you. ~ Anonymous
Marriage is a bliss for people who aren’t in it. ~ Anonymous
Read: 20+ Beautiful Heart Touching Quotes Collection
I asked you for some lunch money, and you gave me a dollar? Your benevolence always touches my soul! ~ Anonymous
Oh, come on! I am not being sarcastic with you. You really sing well… In fact, you sing better than the wretched crows in my neighborhood! Damn those crows… ~ Anonymous
If a stranger offers you a piece of candy, take two. ~ Anonymous
I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. ~ Groucho Marx
You’d be in good shape if you ran as much as your mouth. ~ Anonymous
Types of People Eye Roll and Heart Eyes I sometimes think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability. ~ Oscar Wilde
Sarcastic Quotes About Love
Mirrors can’t talk, lucky for you they can’t laugh either. ~ Anonymous
When a man steals your wife there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. ~ Sacha Guitry
Sarcastic Quotes About Fake People
Shocked thick guy using modern technology Baby Girl getting a Shot Support bacteria – they’re the only culture some people have. ~ Anonymous
Many wealthy people are little more than janitors of their possessions. ~ Frank Lloyd Wright
Not all women are annoying. Some are dead. ~ Anonymous
This place is so weird that the cockroaches have moved next door. ~ Anonymous
Marriage is a wonderful invention: then again, so is a bicycle repair kit. ~ Billy Connolly
If you’ve never met the devil in the road of life, it’s because you’re both heading in the same direction. ~ Anonymous
Time is the best teacher; Unfortunately, it kills all its students! ~ Robin Williams
When people ask me stupid questions, it is my legal obligation to give a sarcastic remark. ~ Anonymous
I never knew what real happiness was until I got married. And by then it was too late. ~ Max Kauffmann
Check: Incredible Sad Status For Whatsapp
If you don’t want a sarcastic answer, then don’t ask a stupid question. ~ Anonymous
I can be quite sarcastic when I’m in the mood. ~ J.D. Salinger
Like good wine, marriage gets better with age – once you learn to keep a cork in it. ~ Gene Perret
It’s a funny thing that when a man hasn’t anything on earth to worry about, he goes off and gets married. ~ Robert Frost
The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it in your back pocket. ~ Will Rogers
I am in full possession of the amazing power of being sarcastic. ~ Sarah Rees Brennan
I am busy right now, can I ignore you some other time? ~ Anonymous
Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it? ~ Anonymous
Sarcastic Quotes About Fake People
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tire. ~ Anonymous
There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works. ~ Will Rogers
Sarcastic Quotes About Life Lessons
He loves nature in spite of what it did to him. ~ Forrest Tucker
Handsome gangster Portrait of a surprised cat breed Scottish Fold It might look like I’m doing nothing, but at the cellular level, I’m really quite busy. ~ Anonymous
Oh, you hate your job? Why didn’t you say so? There’s a support group for that. It’s called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar. ~ Drew Carey
You can be whatever you want; however, in your case, you should probably aim low. ~ Anonymous
Life is like a roller coaster, and I’m about to throw up. ~ Anonymous
I don’t worry about terrorism. I was married for two years. ~ Sam Kinison
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. ~ Steven Wright
It sounds like English, but I can’t understand a word you’re saying. ~ Anonymous
Check: Attitude Quotes And Status (Latest Collection)
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. ~ Mark Twain
I love deadlines, I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. ~ Anonymous
I’m a man of leisure. That’s because I have an English degree and can’t get a job. ~ Jarod Kintz
I’ll always cherish the original misconception I had of you. ~ Anonymous
Join the Army, meet interesting people, kill them. ~ Anonymous
You know there’s just one more thing to need to do after you crack a joke… Tickle the other person! ~ Anonymous
I’ve had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me and the second one didn’t. ~ Patrick Murray
Why would someone who has an average life expectancy of 75 years, get married when he is 29? ~ Anonymous
Sarcastic Quotes About Life Lessons
Tell me… Is being stupid a profession or are you just gifted? ~ Anonymous
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I are not sure about the universe. ~ Albert Einstein
Sarcastic Quotes On Life Facts
Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence. ~ Ashleigh Brilliant
I feel so miserable without you, it’s almost like having you here. ~ Stephen Bishop
Marry me and I’ll never look at another horse! ~ Groucho Marx
Marriage is a romance in which the heroine dies in the first chapter. ~ Cecilia Egan
Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell. ~ Joan Crawford
Love is the answer, but while you’re waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions. ~ Woody Allen
Marriage has no guarantees. If that’s what you’re looking for, go live with a car battery. ~ Erma Bombeck
Marriage is the chief cause of divorce. ~ Groucho Marx
In my house I’m the boss, my wife is just the decision maker. ~ Woody Allen
We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops. ~ Henny Youngman
You’re not that lucky and I’m not that desperate! ~ Anonymous
Read: Sad Quotes About Life
Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution? ~ Groucho Marx
The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he’s a baby. ~ Natalie Wood
If you’re too open-minded, your brains will fall out. ~ Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Marriage is given and take. You’d better give it to her or she’ll take it anyway. ~ Joey Adams
There’s a way of transferring funds that is even faster than
electronic banking. It’s called marriage. ~ James Holt McGavran
Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people. ~ Oscar Wilde
Sarcastic Quotes On Life Facts
I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly. ~ Sir Winston Churchill
Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I can assure you that mine are all greater. ~ Albert Einstein
Sarcastic Quotes About Annoying People
“Well, my imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems.”
“I’ve got a good heart but this mouth…”
“Cancel my subscription because I don’t need your issues.”
“Me pretending to listen should be enough for you.”
“If you’re waiting for me to give a shit, you better pack a lunch. It’s going to be while.”
“Ugliness can be fixed, stupidity is forever.”
“Zombies eat brains. You’re safe.”
“Are you always this retarded or are you making a special effort today?”
“You’d be in good shape… if you run as much as your mouth.”
“If karma doesn’t hit you, I gladly will.”
“Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you’ll find a brain back there.”
“Tact is for people who aren’t witty enough to use sarcasm.”
“You always do me a favor, when you shut up!”
“Tell me how I have upset you because I want to know how to do it again.”
“I’m not crazy! The voices tell me I am entirely sane.”
“Sure I’ll help you out… the same way you came in.”
“Shut your mouth when you’re talking to me.”
“I’d agree with you but then we’d both be wrong.”
“Think I am sarcastic? Watch me pretend to care!”
Check: Good Morning Quotes
“My friends are so much cooler than yours. They’re invisible.”
“If it looks like I give a damn, please tell me. I don’t want to give off the wrong impression.”
“You sound better with your mouth closed.”
“If ignorance is bliss. You must be the happiest person on this planet.”
“I’m smiling… that alone should scare you.”
“If you wrote down every single thought you ever had you would get an award for the shortest story ever.”
Sarcastic Quotes About Annoying People
“If I promise to miss you, will you go away?”
“I’ll try being nicer if you try being smarter.”
“Thank you for leaving my side when I was alone. I realized I can do so much without you.”
Sarcastic Quotes About Relationships
“Fighting with me is like being in the Special Olympics. You may win, but in the end, you’re still a retard.”
“Well, at least your mom thinks you’re pretty.”
“My neighbor’s diary says that I have boundary issues.”
“Just because the voices only talk to me doesn’t mean you should get all jealous. You’re just a little too crazy for their taste.”
“Don’t worry about what people think. They don’t do it very often.”
“If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments.”
“I clapped because it’s finished, not because I like it.”
“I’m not listening, but keep talking. I enjoy the way your voice makes my ears bleed.”
Read: Top 50 Best Collection of Funny Whatsapp Status
“I’m not sarcastic. I’m just intelligent beyond your understanding.”
“Sarcasm, because beating the crap out of people is illegal.”
“Sarcasm is the body’s natural defense against stupidity.”
“I am busy right now, can I ignore you some other time?
“That is the ugliest top I’ve ever seen, yet it compliments your face perfectly.”
“Life’s good, you should get one.”
“No, you don’t have to repeat yourself. I was ignoring you the first time.”
“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit! Yet it remains the funniest!”
“I’m sorry while you were talking I was trying to figure where the hell you got the idea I cared.”
“Just keep talking, I yawn when I’m interested.”
“Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.”
“I’d tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don’t want to see your ugly mug every day.”
“I never forget a face, but in your case, I’ll be glad to make an exception.”
Sarcastic Quotes About Relationships
“Sarcasm: Helping the intelligent politely tolerate the obtuse for thousands of years.”
“Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege.”
“People say that laughter is the best medicine… your face must be curing the world.”
Sarcastic Quotes About Work
“Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.” – Steven Wright
“When people ask me stupid questions, it is my legal obligation to give a sarcastic remark.”
“It’s okay if you don’t like me. Not everyone has good taste.”
“You look good when your eyes are closed, but you look the best when my eyes closed.”
“Mirrors can’t talk, lucky for you they can’t laugh either.”
“If had a dollar for every smart thing you say. I’ll be poor.”
“I don’t believe in plastic surgery. But in your case, go ahead.”
“Are you always so stupid or is today a special occasion?”
“I feel so miserable without you, it’s almost like having you here.”
“If you find me offensive. Then I suggest you quit finding me.”
“Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.”
“If I wanted to kill myself I would climb your ego and jump to your IQ.”
“I love sarcasm. It’s like punching people in the face but with words.”
Check: Good Status For Whatsapp
“I don’t have the energy to pretend to like you today.”
“I’m not saying I hate you, what I’m saying is that you are literally the Monday of my life.”
“I’m sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you stupid. I really thought you already knew.”
“Sarcasm – the ability to insult idiots without them realizing it.”
“Unless your name is Google stop acting like you know everything.”
“Yet despite the look on my face… you are still talking.”
“Find your patience before I lose mine.”
“Just because I don’t care doesn’t mean I don’t understand.”
“Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence.” – Ashleigh Brilliant
Sarcastic Quotes About Work
“Sarcasm: because arguing with stupid people just wouldn’t be as much fun.”
“If at first, you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you.”
“My imaginary friend says that you need a therapist.”
“Let’s share… You’ll take the grenade, I’ll take the pin.”
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flauntpage · 7 years
Meet Your 2022 NBA Champions, the Philadelphia 76ers
For our 2017-18 NBA Season Preview, we're doing deep dives on five teams who can beat the Warriors in the next five years—and the players who can push them over the top.
Thanks to Dario Saric, coffee dates are now a game-day ritual among several members of the Philadelphia 76ers. The relatively overlooked sophomore initiated the custom during his rookie season as a way to learn about his new teammates, stay comfortable in a foreign land, and, most importantly, relax.
The 23-year-old was mystified when he first saw to-go cups, a symbol of the behavioral chasm that exists between the United States and Europe. "In Croatia, we have special bars for coffee. We sit there for three, four hours, read the newspaper, talk with each other," Saric tells VICE Sports. "It's not like here where you take your coffee and continue to do your work."
So they'll sit for 45 minutes or an hour and chat about life, women, NBA gossip, and general basketball matters. The American players debate the NFL while soccer is a topic of discussion among those who grew up in other parts of the world. Saric will tease Sixers point guard T.J. McConnell for downing lattes (American milk shakes) instead of a strong cappuccino. Joel Embiid often tags along, more in search of conversation than caffeine.
These excursions won't lead the Sixers to the playoffs, boost their collective three-point percentage, or formulate a scheme that'll eventually help them reign over the NBA. But for a young core that's endured unprecedented failure and numerous setbacks over the past few years, simply setting aside time to have positive bonding experiences may have unquantifiable long-term implications.
"It's one part of growing up in this process," Saric says. "Everything is easier on the court because of that."
On the floor, few players in the NBA possess Saric's size, intelligence, skill, and maniacal work ethi—not just a product of all the cappuccinos. The Sixers have, at times, semi-seriously banned him from the gym to keep him off his legs.
He entered the NBA last season with over half a decade of professional experience already under his belt, where he racked up numerous EuroLeague accolades. A boy surrounded by men, outplaying them at every turn. Chris Babcock, a player development coach for the Sixers since 2013, remembers flying overseas a few years ago to watch Saric play. They were in Belgrade, competing in an environment that can politely be described as psychotic—particularly if you were born in Croatia.
"I was sitting next to one of our Serbian guys and I had no idea what the fans were saying," Babcock says. "He goes 'You don't want to know, but it's not nice to Dario.' The kid was incredibly tough. They lost the game but he played so hard; didn't get distracted by everything that was going on."
On an injury-plagued team that was essentially trying to lose as many games as it could, Saric's initial adjustment to the NBA was bitter. He came over just a few weeks before training camp started and had very little time to get mentally or physically accustomed to the best players in the world. He struggled to finish around the basket, couldn't knock down threes, and was inconsistent when switching onto smaller guards on defense.
It was a chaotic, exhausting experience. Saric's legs weren't there, and his teammates didn't have enough talent and/or experience to lift some of the responsibility that eventually sagged on his shoulders. Saric recorded one of the 50 highest usage percentages in league history among rookies who played at least 2000 minutes (same as Kristaps Porzingis; higher than Karl Malone, Stephon Marbury, and Damian Lillard), and came around to win Rookie of the Month in February and March, when he averaged 18.4 points, 7.0 rebounds, and 3.4 assists per game.
Before the All-Star break, he shot a putrid 52 percent in the restricted area. "Unfortunately, he had to learn through playing," Babcock says. "But really that ended up turning into a strength of his. He got better at quick-ups, pivoting, finishing around the rim both through drives and through his post game."
After the All-Star break, when he became a full-time starter, Saric's field goal percentage in the restricted area jumped up to a far more respectable 60.3 percent, but he still struggled beyond the arc. His three-point percentage sunk below 30 percent, even though most attempts were uncontested and off the catch. Still, there are several reasons to believe this weakness can be corrected.
"It seems like a small distance, but the change from the international three to the NBA three is a pretty hard adjustment, especially in a short amount of time," Babcock says. "He has a good looking shot."
For the most part, the team hasn't tinkered with Saric's form—though they'd still like him to shorten how far he brings the ball back and focus on keeping his arc high—so much as they've instructed him to familiarize himself with the extended distance. It was his primary concern over the summer.
These fans get it. Photo: Bill Streicher-USA TODAY Sports.
Saric will enter his second NBA season in a dramatically different role, and with a useful influx of talent and knowledge around him. If they are healthy, Embiid and Ben Simmons will be Philadelphia's two highest usage options, creating better looks for Saric than he had for most of last year. J.J. Redick can space the floor and Amir Johnson can anchor a bench unit. Rookie guard Markelle Fultz knows how to put the ball in the basket in countless ways. Saric won't be asked to make plays as a primary option. His looks will be more choreographed than random, and a higher percentage of his outside shots will likely come from the corner. His usage will shrink, his efficiency will rise.
But even if Saric makes noticeable strides in year two, Philadelphia isn't even promised a playoff spot, let alone championship contention. Cracking the league's upper crust is more of a long term goal. But if it happens, and Saric is able to transform into an exemplary complement to Simmons and Embiid, the 76ers could ultimately string together a dynastic run of their own, as pioneers of the NBA's next frontier—staying versatile without forfeiting size.
As teams all across the NBA hoard athletic wings who can shoot, defend, and maybe do a little something creative off the bounce, the Sixers are quietly defying convention. Simmons, Saric, and Embiid are all at least 6'10", and each channels several precious qualities that are unusual in players that size. If they can manage to stay on the court without constricting each other's space, and remain stout on the defensive end, the NBA will have never seen a trio quite like it before.
"Embiid can be one of the best guys in the NBA," Saric says. "And for me it's easier when I have Ben, who can share the ball, who can pass [to] me outside for my three pointers. Who can feed me in the low post. With Joel, I can play pick-and-roll. I can pop and he can roll. I can roll and he can pop. There are so many options in the game and I hope I can be an important part. They make it easier to play."
If all goes according to plan, Philly's collective ceiling is a contemporary iteration of the 1986 Boston Celtics, with a gigantic frontcourt that intuitively understands how valuable the pass that leads to an assist truly is. Nobody could stop that, including the Warriors. Unleashing three legitimate post presences that can function simultaneously without stepping on each other's toes? Who force double teams, shoot threes, and guard multiple positions?
Instead of trying to conquer Golden State by using its playing style against them, the Sixers could stay extremely large and subdue them with a contrasting strategy. They could bully them in a slower environment, exert control on the boards, and not feel any pressure to downsize thanks to the rare skill-sets found in their bigs.
Saric epitomizes the advantage. He's a walking mismatch in those jumbo lineups and as a small-ball five. For example, picture him at center, operating in space, with Robert Covington as a stretch four. (According to NBAWowy, last year those lineups outscored opponents by nearly 24 points per 100 possessions in 38 minutes.)
Of course, for it all to work, Saric's aforementioned three-point shot must rise to a respectable level. He has to cut out his sloppy turnovers and become more of an impact defender, particularly on the perimeter.
According to Synergy Sports, Saric allowed opponents to score 1.45 points per possession whenever he switched screens. That number is abysmal—nearly twice as poor as Tristan Thompson, Draymond Green, and Blake Griffin—and ranked dead last among all players who logged at least 25 such possessions.
"He was thrown into our league really quickly without much prep, so as much of it is a physical thing, he's spent a lot of time with our defensive coach Lloyd Pierce, learning different angles, keeping a hand up against guards that can shoot," Babcock says. "We feel that he can guard multiple positions. He did it last year a little bit inconsistently, but he moves his feet well, he's strong and he's smart. With more experience, I think he'll just keep getting better and better."
The Sixers aren't discouraged by any issues Saric had on defense last year, in part because they allowed just 98.7 points per 100 possessions whenever he shared the floor with Embiid, who's essentially a parachute for teammates on the defensive end.
"Sometimes I can try to steal the ball and know I have Joel behind me," Saric says. "And know he can block the shots easy."
Keeping Embiid, Simmons, Fultz, and Saric together for the next five years won't be easy. The 2021-22 season would be the first of Fultz's second contract and the fourth of Embiid's max deal. Saric, Simmons, and Timothé Luwawu-Cabarrot are all extension eligible heading into 2020-21, and the former two could potentially command max deals. (Covington should also be on the books earning significant money.)
Philadelphia has its own first-round pick in the 2018 draft, plus the Los Angeles Lakers selection so long as it doesn't land second, third, fourth, or fifth. These picks will not be cheap. There are worse problems to have, but the Sixers could find themselves making some very difficult financial decisions down the line.
But if they let this core grow together, over coffee and on the court, and use the next few seasons to study the various ways they can play on both ends when Saric shares the floor with Embiid and Simmons, it'll be a revolutionary collection of talent—one that an aging Golden State Warriors squad would struggle to slow down.
Meet Your 2022 NBA Champions, the Philadelphia 76ers published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
Meet Your 2022 NBA Champions, the Philadelphia 76ers
For our 2017-18 NBA Season Preview, we’re doing deep dives on five teams who can beat the Warriors in the next five years—and the players who can push them over the top.
Thanks to Dario Saric, coffee dates are now a game-day ritual among several members of the Philadelphia 76ers. The relatively overlooked sophomore initiated the custom during his rookie season as a way to learn about his new teammates, stay comfortable in a foreign land, and, most importantly, relax.
The 23-year-old was mystified when he first saw to-go cups, a symbol of the behavioral chasm that exists between the United States and Europe. “In Croatia, we have special bars for coffee. We sit there for three, four hours, read the newspaper, talk with each other,” Saric tells VICE Sports. “It’s not like here where you take your coffee and continue to do your work.”
So they’ll sit for 45 minutes or an hour and chat about life, women, NBA gossip, and general basketball matters. The American players debate the NFL while soccer is a topic of discussion among those who grew up in other parts of the world. Saric will tease Sixers point guard T.J. McConnell for downing lattes (American milk shakes) instead of a strong cappuccino. Joel Embiid often tags along, more in search of conversation than caffeine.
These excursions won’t lead the Sixers to the playoffs, boost their collective three-point percentage, or formulate a scheme that’ll eventually help them reign over the NBA. But for a young core that’s endured unprecedented failure and numerous setbacks over the past few years, simply setting aside time to have positive bonding experiences may have unquantifiable long-term implications.
“It’s one part of growing up in this process,” Saric says. “Everything is easier on the court because of that.”
On the floor, few players in the NBA possess Saric’s size, intelligence, skill, and maniacal work ethi—not just a product of all the cappuccinos. The Sixers have, at times, semi-seriously banned him from the gym to keep him off his legs.
He entered the NBA last season with over half a decade of professional experience already under his belt, where he racked up numerous EuroLeague accolades. A boy surrounded by men, outplaying them at every turn. Chris Babcock, a player development coach for the Sixers since 2013, remembers flying overseas a few years ago to watch Saric play. They were in Belgrade, competing in an environment that can politely be described as psychotic—particularly if you were born in Croatia.
“I was sitting next to one of our Serbian guys and I had no idea what the fans were saying,” Babcock says. “He goes ‘You don’t want to know, but it’s not nice to Dario.’ The kid was incredibly tough. They lost the game but he played so hard; didn’t get distracted by everything that was going on.”
On an injury-plagued team that was essentially trying to lose as many games as it could, Saric’s initial adjustment to the NBA was bitter. He came over just a few weeks before training camp started and had very little time to get mentally or physically accustomed to the best players in the world. He struggled to finish around the basket, couldn’t knock down threes, and was inconsistent when switching onto smaller guards on defense.
It was a chaotic, exhausting experience. Saric’s legs weren’t there, and his teammates didn’t have enough talent and/or experience to lift some of the responsibility that eventually sagged on his shoulders. Saric recorded one of the 50 highest usage percentages in league history among rookies who played at least 2000 minutes (same as Kristaps Porzingis; higher than Karl Malone, Stephon Marbury, and Damian Lillard), and came around to win Rookie of the Month in February and March, when he averaged 18.4 points, 7.0 rebounds, and 3.4 assists per game.
Before the All-Star break, he shot a putrid 52 percent in the restricted area. “Unfortunately, he had to learn through playing,” Babcock says. “But really that ended up turning into a strength of his. He got better at quick-ups, pivoting, finishing around the rim both through drives and through his post game.”
After the All-Star break, when he became a full-time starter, Saric’s field goal percentage in the restricted area jumped up to a far more respectable 60.3 percent, but he still struggled beyond the arc. His three-point percentage sunk below 30 percent, even though most attempts were uncontested and off the catch. Still, there are several reasons to believe this weakness can be corrected.
“It seems like a small distance, but the change from the international three to the NBA three is a pretty hard adjustment, especially in a short amount of time,” Babcock says. “He has a good looking shot.”
For the most part, the team hasn’t tinkered with Saric’s form—though they’d still like him to shorten how far he brings the ball back and focus on keeping his arc high—so much as they’ve instructed him to familiarize himself with the extended distance. It was his primary concern over the summer.
These fans get it. Photo: Bill Streicher-USA TODAY Sports.
Saric will enter his second NBA season in a dramatically different role, and with a useful influx of talent and knowledge around him. If they are healthy, Embiid and Ben Simmons will be Philadelphia’s two highest usage options, creating better looks for Saric than he had for most of last year. J.J. Redick can space the floor and Amir Johnson can anchor a bench unit. Rookie guard Markelle Fultz knows how to put the ball in the basket in countless ways. Saric won’t be asked to make plays as a primary option. His looks will be more choreographed than random, and a higher percentage of his outside shots will likely come from the corner. His usage will shrink, his efficiency will rise.
But even if Saric makes noticeable strides in year two, Philadelphia isn’t even promised a playoff spot, let alone championship contention. Cracking the league’s upper crust is more of a long term goal. But if it happens, and Saric is able to transform into an exemplary complement to Simmons and Embiid, the 76ers could ultimately string together a dynastic run of their own, as pioneers of the NBA’s next frontier—staying versatile without forfeiting size.
As teams all across the NBA hoard athletic wings who can shoot, defend, and maybe do a little something creative off the bounce, the Sixers are quietly defying convention. Simmons, Saric, and Embiid are all at least 6’10”, and each channels several precious qualities that are unusual in players that size. If they can manage to stay on the court without constricting each other’s space, and remain stout on the defensive end, the NBA will have never seen a trio quite like it before.
“Embiid can be one of the best guys in the NBA,” Saric says. “And for me it’s easier when I have Ben, who can share the ball, who can pass [to] me outside for my three pointers. Who can feed me in the low post. With Joel, I can play pick-and-roll. I can pop and he can roll. I can roll and he can pop. There are so many options in the game and I hope I can be an important part. They make it easier to play.”
If all goes according to plan, Philly’s collective ceiling is a contemporary iteration of the 1986 Boston Celtics, with a gigantic frontcourt that intuitively understands how valuable the pass that leads to an assist truly is. Nobody could stop that, including the Warriors. Unleashing three legitimate post presences that can function simultaneously without stepping on each other’s toes? Who force double teams, shoot threes, and guard multiple positions?
Instead of trying to conquer Golden State by using its playing style against them, the Sixers could stay extremely large and subdue them with a contrasting strategy. They could bully them in a slower environment, exert control on the boards, and not feel any pressure to downsize thanks to the rare skill-sets found in their bigs.
Saric epitomizes the advantage. He’s a walking mismatch in those jumbo lineups and as a small-ball five. For example, picture him at center, operating in space, with Robert Covington as a stretch four. (According to NBAWowy, last year those lineups outscored opponents by nearly 24 points per 100 possessions in 38 minutes.)
Of course, for it all to work, Saric’s aforementioned three-point shot must rise to a respectable level. He has to cut out his sloppy turnovers and become more of an impact defender, particularly on the perimeter.
According to Synergy Sports, Saric allowed opponents to score 1.45 points per possession whenever he switched screens. That number is abysmal—nearly twice as poor as Tristan Thompson, Draymond Green, and Blake Griffin—and ranked dead last among all players who logged at least 25 such possessions.
“He was thrown into our league really quickly without much prep, so as much of it is a physical thing, he’s spent a lot of time with our defensive coach Lloyd Pierce, learning different angles, keeping a hand up against guards that can shoot,” Babcock says. “We feel that he can guard multiple positions. He did it last year a little bit inconsistently, but he moves his feet well, he’s strong and he’s smart. With more experience, I think he’ll just keep getting better and better.”
The Sixers aren’t discouraged by any issues Saric had on defense last year, in part because they allowed just 98.7 points per 100 possessions whenever he shared the floor with Embiid, who’s essentially a parachute for teammates on the defensive end.
“Sometimes I can try to steal the ball and know I have Joel behind me,” Saric says. “And know he can block the shots easy.”
Keeping Embiid, Simmons, Fultz, and Saric together for the next five years won’t be easy. The 2021-22 season would be the first of Fultz’s second contract and the fourth of Embiid’s max deal. Saric, Simmons, and Timothé Luwawu-Cabarrot are all extension eligible heading into 2020-21, and the former two could potentially command max deals. (Covington should also be on the books earning significant money.)
Philadelphia has its own first-round pick in the 2018 draft, plus the Los Angeles Lakers selection so long as it doesn’t land second, third, fourth, or fifth. These picks will not be cheap. There are worse problems to have, but the Sixers could find themselves making some very difficult financial decisions down the line.
But if they let this core grow together, over coffee and on the court, and use the next few seasons to study the various ways they can play on both ends when Saric shares the floor with Embiid and Simmons, it’ll be a revolutionary collection of talent—one that an aging Golden State Warriors squad would struggle to slow down.
Meet Your 2022 NBA Champions, the Philadelphia 76ers syndicated from http://ift.tt/2ug2Ns6
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flauntpage · 7 years
Meet Your 2022 NBA Champions, the Philadelphia 76ers
For our 2017-18 NBA Season Preview, we're doing deep dives on five teams who can beat the Warriors in the next five years—and the players who can push them over the top.
Thanks to Dario Saric, coffee dates are now a game-day ritual among several members of the Philadelphia 76ers. The relatively overlooked sophomore initiated the custom during his rookie season as a way to learn about his new teammates, stay comfortable in a foreign land, and, most importantly, relax.
The 23-year-old was mystified when he first saw to-go cups, a symbol of the behavioral chasm that exists between the United States and Europe. "In Croatia, we have special bars for coffee. We sit there for three, four hours, read the newspaper, talk with each other," Saric tells VICE Sports. "It's not like here where you take your coffee and continue to do your work."
So they'll sit for 45 minutes or an hour and chat about life, women, NBA gossip, and general basketball matters. The American players debate the NFL while soccer is a topic of discussion among those who grew up in other parts of the world. Saric will tease Sixers point guard T.J. McConnell for downing lattes (American milk shakes) instead of a strong cappuccino. Joel Embiid often tags along, more in search of conversation than caffeine.
These excursions won't lead the Sixers to the playoffs, boost their collective three-point percentage, or formulate a scheme that'll eventually help them reign over the NBA. But for a young core that's endured unprecedented failure and numerous setbacks over the past few years, simply setting aside time to have positive bonding experiences may have unquantifiable long-term implications.
"It's one part of growing up in this process," Saric says. "Everything is easier on the court because of that."
On the floor, few players in the NBA possess Saric's size, intelligence, skill, and maniacal work ethi—not just a product of all the cappuccinos. The Sixers have, at times, semi-seriously banned him from the gym to keep him off his legs.
He entered the NBA last season with over half a decade of professional experience already under his belt, where he racked up numerous EuroLeague accolades. A boy surrounded by men, outplaying them at every turn. Chris Babcock, a player development coach for the Sixers since 2013, remembers flying overseas a few years ago to watch Saric play. They were in Belgrade, competing in an environment that can politely be described as psychotic—particularly if you were born in Croatia.
"I was sitting next to one of our Serbian guys and I had no idea what the fans were saying," Babcock says. "He goes 'You don't want to know, but it's not nice to Dario.' The kid was incredibly tough. They lost the game but he played so hard; didn't get distracted by everything that was going on."
On an injury-plagued team that was essentially trying to lose as many games as it could, Saric's initial adjustment to the NBA was bitter. He came over just a few weeks before training camp started and had very little time to get mentally or physically accustomed to the best players in the world. He struggled to finish around the basket, couldn't knock down threes, and was inconsistent when switching onto smaller guards on defense.
It was a chaotic, exhausting experience. Saric's legs weren't there, and his teammates didn't have enough talent and/or experience to lift some of the responsibility that eventually sagged on his shoulders. Saric recorded one of the 50 highest usage percentages in league history among rookies who played at least 2000 minutes (same as Kristaps Porzingis; higher than Karl Malone, Stephon Marbury, and Damian Lillard), and came around to win Rookie of the Month in February and March, when he averaged 18.4 points, 7.0 rebounds, and 3.4 assists per game.
Before the All-Star break, he shot a putrid 52 percent in the restricted area. "Unfortunately, he had to learn through playing," Babcock says. "But really that ended up turning into a strength of his. He got better at quick-ups, pivoting, finishing around the rim both through drives and through his post game."
After the All-Star break, when he became a full-time starter, Saric's field goal percentage in the restricted area jumped up to a far more respectable 60.3 percent, but he still struggled beyond the arc. His three-point percentage sunk below 30 percent, even though most attempts were uncontested and off the catch. Still, there are several reasons to believe this weakness can be corrected.
"It seems like a small distance, but the change from the international three to the NBA three is a pretty hard adjustment, especially in a short amount of time," Babcock says. "He has a good looking shot."
For the most part, the team hasn't tinkered with Saric's form—though they'd still like him to shorten how far he brings the ball back and focus on keeping his arc high—so much as they've instructed him to familiarize himself with the extended distance. It was his primary concern over the summer.
These fans get it. Photo: Bill Streicher-USA TODAY Sports.
Saric will enter his second NBA season in a dramatically different role, and with a useful influx of talent and knowledge around him. If they are healthy, Embiid and Ben Simmons will be Philadelphia's two highest usage options, creating better looks for Saric than he had for most of last year. J.J. Redick can space the floor and Amir Johnson can anchor a bench unit. Rookie guard Markelle Fultz knows how to put the ball in the basket in countless ways. Saric won't be asked to make plays as a primary option. His looks will be more choreographed than random, and a higher percentage of his outside shots will likely come from the corner. His usage will shrink, his efficiency will rise.
But even if Saric makes noticeable strides in year two, Philadelphia isn't even promised a playoff spot, let alone championship contention. Cracking the league's upper crust is more of a long term goal. But if it happens, and Saric is able to transform into an exemplary complement to Simmons and Embiid, the 76ers could ultimately string together a dynastic run of their own, as pioneers of the NBA's next frontier—staying versatile without forfeiting size.
As teams all across the NBA hoard athletic wings who can shoot, defend, and maybe do a little something creative off the bounce, the Sixers are quietly defying convention. Simmons, Saric, and Embiid are all at least 6'10", and each channels several precious qualities that are unusual in players that size. If they can manage to stay on the court without constricting each other's space, and remain stout on the defensive end, the NBA will have never seen a trio quite like it before.
"Embiid can be one of the best guys in the NBA," Saric says. "And for me it's easier when I have Ben, who can share the ball, who can pass [to] me outside for my three pointers. Who can feed me in the low post. With Joel, I can play pick-and-roll. I can pop and he can roll. I can roll and he can pop. There are so many options in the game and I hope I can be an important part. They make it easier to play."
If all goes according to plan, Philly's collective ceiling is a contemporary iteration of the 1986 Boston Celtics, with a gigantic frontcourt that intuitively understands how valuable the pass that leads to an assist truly is. Nobody could stop that, including the Warriors. Unleashing three legitimate post presences that can function simultaneously without stepping on each other's toes? Who force double teams, shoot threes, and guard multiple positions?
Instead of trying to conquer Golden State by using its playing style against them, the Sixers could stay extremely large and subdue them with a contrasting strategy. They could bully them in a slower environment, exert control on the boards, and not feel any pressure to downsize thanks to the rare skill-sets found in their bigs.
Saric epitomizes the advantage. He's a walking mismatch in those jumbo lineups and as a small-ball five. For example, picture him at center, operating in space, with Robert Covington as a stretch four. (According to NBAWowy, last year those lineups outscored opponents by nearly 24 points per 100 possessions in 38 minutes.)
Of course, for it all to work, Saric's aforementioned three-point shot must rise to a respectable level. He has to cut out his sloppy turnovers and become more of an impact defender, particularly on the perimeter.
According to Synergy Sports, Saric allowed opponents to score 1.45 points per possession whenever he switched screens. That number is abysmal—nearly twice as poor as Tristan Thompson, Draymond Green, and Blake Griffin—and ranked dead last among all players who logged at least 25 such possessions.
"He was thrown into our league really quickly without much prep, so as much of it is a physical thing, he's spent a lot of time with our defensive coach Lloyd Pierce, learning different angles, keeping a hand up against guards that can shoot," Babcock says. "We feel that he can guard multiple positions. He did it last year a little bit inconsistently, but he moves his feet well, he's strong and he's smart. With more experience, I think he'll just keep getting better and better."
The Sixers aren't discouraged by any issues Saric had on defense last year, in part because they allowed just 98.7 points per 100 possessions whenever he shared the floor with Embiid, who's essentially a parachute for teammates on the defensive end.
"Sometimes I can try to steal the ball and know I have Joel behind me," Saric says. "And know he can block the shots easy."
Keeping Embiid, Simmons, Fultz, and Saric together for the next five years won't be easy. The 2021-22 season would be the first of Fultz's second contract and the fourth of Embiid's max deal. Saric, Simmons, and Timothé Luwawu-Cabarrot are all extension eligible heading into 2020-21, and the former two could potentially command max deals. (Covington should also be on the books earning significant money.)
Philadelphia has its own first-round pick in the 2018 draft, plus the Los Angeles Lakers selection so long as it doesn't land second, third, fourth, or fifth. These picks will not be cheap. There are worse problems to have, but the Sixers could find themselves making some very difficult financial decisions down the line.
But if they let this core grow together, over coffee and on the court, and use the next few seasons to study the various ways they can play on both ends when Saric shares the floor with Embiid and Simmons, it'll be a revolutionary collection of talent—one that an aging Golden State Warriors squad would struggle to slow down.
Meet Your 2022 NBA Champions, the Philadelphia 76ers published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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junker-town · 7 years
Jim Harbaugh’s doing an excellent job at Michigan, whether you like it or not
Two 10-win seasons is a hell of a rebuild, and a solid 2017 could set up a title run in 2018.
Jim Harbaugh’s name has nearly reached Tim Tebow or Tiger Woods status. About once a month, it seems, he does something that is just noteworthy enough to blog about, and those blog posts get many hits. He sings opera, he gives the Pope a helmet, he complains about football factories, he screams for peanuts, he writes heartfelt words about Colin Kaepernick ... and that’s all since March.
Harbaugh knows how to retain attention. If you believe any publicity is good publicity, this is brilliant.
It also distracts us from whether he’s actually a good coach. He is a great coach. A reminder of his résumé to date:
With almost no experience, he took over as head coach of San Diego in 2004. After going 7-4 in his first season, he went 22-2 with two Pioneer League titles.
In 2007, he took on a massive rebuild at Stanford, inheriting a program that had gone 16-40 over the previous five seasons and ranked 94th in S&P+ in 2006. His Cardinal pulled one of the sport’s greatest upsets (24-23 over No. 2 USC) in 2007, reached a bowl in 2009, and went 12-1 and ranked sixth in S&P+ in 2010.
In 2011, he took the 49ers job. The Niners hadn’t had a winning season in nearly a decade. They went 13-3, 11-4-1, and 12-4 in his first three years, reaching the NFC championship three straight years and narrowly losing a Super Bowl.
In 2015, he took on a Michigan rebuild. The Wolverines had gone 20-18 over the previous three seasons and had only once ranked in the S&P+ top 20 since Lloyd Carr retired in 2007. In his first two years, they’ve gone 20-6 with two S&P+ top-five finishes.
That is absurd.
Harbaugh has done such a good job of raising the bar at Michigan that we’ve almost forgotten that this, this, and this happened not even three years ago. He’s pulled off such a comprehensive turnaround that back-to-back 10-3 records feels ... disappointing?
The 2015 Wolverines had a stunning defense for half the season but faded after a couple of injuries, allowing 6.3 points per game in their first six games and 28 per game in their next six.
The 2016 Wolverines were steadier (11.7 points per game in the first seven games, 16 in the next five) but suffered too many offensive glitches. They were 41st in Off. S&P+ and scored a combined 30 in regulation in their two regular season losses: an out-of-nowhere 14-13 loss to Iowa and an overtime loss at Ohio State.
September and October define the stakes, and November defines how a season will be remembered. At Michigan, Harbaugh is 16-2 before November 1 and 6-4 after. The last step in the building process is obvious.
It might be difficult, however, for UM to progress in 2017. The Wolverines must replace their leading rusher, four of their top five receiving targets, three all-conference offensive linemen, their top three defensive linemen, their best linebacker, and their top five defensive backs, including nickel back and Heisman finalist Jabrill Peppers.
Harbaugh has been recruiting incredibly well — per the 247Sports Composite: sixth nationally in 2016, fifth in 2017 — and most new starters will be former four- or five-star recruits. But that’s so much turnover. S&P+ loves what Harbaugh has done but projects the Wolverines to fall to about 10th.
From a macro view, the rebuild is going well and leading to one hell of a 2018. From a narrative perspective, though, 2017 will be interesting. Michigan’s schedule features eight likely wins (84 percent win probability or higher) and four virtual tossups (between 41 and 55 percent). Two of those tossups (at Wisconsin, Ohio State) happen to be the last two.
It’s possible we’ll see another 9-1 or so start, followed by another couple of late-season losses.
Harbaugh has had an incredible career despite a list of almosts — almost took Stanford to the BCS title game, almost won the Super Bowl, almost got Michigan over the hump — and will likely win even bigger at UM, but that will probably have to wait another year.
2016 in review
2016 Michigan statistical profile.
Michigan’s late-2016 glitchiness had almost nothing in common with its late-2015 maladies. It’s funny how your offense trails off when your quarterback breaks his collarbone.
First 9 games (9-0): Avg. score: UM 48, Opp 11 | Avg. percentile performance: 95% (~top 5) | Avg. yards per play: UM 6.7, Opp 4.2 (plus-2.5) | Michigan passer rating: 158.2
Last 4 games (1-3): Avg. score: UM 23, Opp 22 | Avg. percentile performance: 71% (~top 35) | Avg. yards per play: Opp 4.3, UM 3.7 (minus-0.6) | Michigan passer rating: 94.5
Wilton Speight was already having a miserable game at Iowa when he got injured, but that’s a significant injury, and it happened at the worst possible time. UM got upset late by Iowa, then had to grind through a 20-10 win over Indiana with backup John O’Korn.
Speight played admirably against a top-10 Ohio State pass defense (23-for-36, 219 yards, two touchdowns, two costly picks, 122.2 rating), but the difference was obvious.
Michigan was up to eighth in Off. S&P+ heading into the Iowa game and finished 41st. That’s quite a drop in four games. And they still only lost three games by a combined five points.
The injury distracted us from just how good Speight was pre-Iowa. He was coming off of a 19-for-24 performance against Maryland in which he produced a 233.4 rating, and his season completion rate was 65 percent, with 15 touchdowns to three interceptions.
He produced those numbers with a receiving corps that no longer exists, but it’s worth a reminder that with a full-strength QB, Michigan was really good.
Full advanced stats glossary.
When Harbaugh finds an assistant he likes, that guy becomes family. He might leave, but he’ll probably come back. Tim Drevno was the offensive coordinator at USD when Harbaugh arrived; to that point, he was a West Coast guy, a Fullerton State grad with stops at Montana State, UNLV, San Jose State, and Idaho. He followed Harbaugh to Stanford (tight ends coach, then OL coach), then San Francisco (OL coach), and after spending 2014 with USC, moved to Ann Arbor.
There was going to be slippage regardless of what happened to Speight’s collarbone; Michigan had obliterated lesser defenses but had struggled against Wisconsin and was already laboring against Iowa.
Still, we got a sustained glimpse of a fully activated Michigan attack. Before Iowa, the Wolverines were averaging 5.5 yards per carry (after: 3.1), with freshman Chris Evans nicely spelling go-to rusher De’Veon Smith.
After, with the passing game no longer a threat, opponents appeared to stack the box more, and everything slowed down.
Jasen Vinlove-USA TODAY Sports
Chris Evans
Evans and the run game will be key as the Wolverines break in new pieces on the outside. Evans’ 2016 production was propped up by blowouts — he had 19 carries for 265 yards (13.9 per carry) in combined 141-3 wins over Hawaii and Rutgers and 69 for 349 (5.1) against everyone else — but he appeared to seize the No. 1 spot this spring. And he’s got enough competition to push him; senior Ty Isaac and junior Karan Higdon combined to average 5.8 yards per carry last year, and four-star redshirt freshman Kareem Walker is coming along.
The loss of three excellent linemen (Erik Magnuson, Kyle Kalis, Ben Braden) and an injury to tackle Grant Newsome will hurt, but there’s a high bar for left tackle Mason Cole (all-conference in 2016), blue-chip sophomore Ben Bredeson, center Patrick Kugler, etc. Against lesser foes — between the season opener against Florida and the mid-November trip to Wisconsin, Michigan faces only one team projected higher than 44th in S&P+ — UM’s run game should bowl over opponents.
Against Florida, Penn State, Wisconsin, and Ohio State, however, the Wolverines are going to have to pass a little. And that will require Speight developing rapport with new targets.
Speight’s security blankets (tight end Jake Butt and Smith) are gone. Tight ends Ian Bunting and Tyrone Wheatley look the part but combined to catch eight passes last year.
Junior Grant Perry is the only returning wideout who caught more than five balls last year, and while sophomores Kekoa Crawford and Eddie McDoom got some reps (combined: 16 targets, 9 catches, 106 yards), the freshman class will almost certainly play a big role.
Donovan Peoples-Jones was the No. 1 receiver prospect in the country, and three other four-stars — Tarik Black (who might have outplayed Peoples-Jones in spring practice), Nico Collins, Oliver Martin — could see the field.
This could mean amazing things for 2018, when Speight is (presumably) a senior and nearly his entire offense returns. But for 2017, it probably means volatility.
Really, your belief in what Michigan is capable of in 2017 might come down to what you believe Don Brown’s floor is.
The defensive coordinator has long been a respected name but appears to have found another gear. His Boston College defense improved from 34th to second in Def. S&P+ in 2015, and his first Michigan defense improved from third to second.
Despite extreme turnover, history suggests the UM defense is still going to be stellar. If it is, and if the Wolverines can pass at least a little bit, they’ll have a chance to win in every game.
Even in a defense-friendly conference, one that featured six teams in the Def. S&P+ top 25, Michigan’s was the gold standard, nearly as good as anyone in big-play prevention and a step ahead in efficiency.
The Wolverines pulled this off by attacking and attacking some more. They were first in Adj. Sack Rate (second in both standard downs sack rate and passing downs sack rate) and third in stuff rate. You went backwards frequently against this defense. And despite losing ends Taco Charlton and Chris Wormley, tackles Ryan Glasgow and Matthew Godin, and linebacker Ben Gedeon, the front seven still boasts:
senior tackle Maurice Hurst (11.5 tackles for loss, 4.5 sacks).
junior end Chase Winovich (nine TFLs, 5.5 sacks).
linebacker Mike McCray (13 TFLs, 4.5 sacks, eight passes defensed).
sophomore end Rashan Gary (five TFLs, one sack), the consensus No. 1 prospect in the 2016 class.
countless other former star recruits, from junior tackles Bryan Mone and Lawrence Marshall, to sophomore linebacker Devin Bush, to the wow-level incoming freshmen: tackles Aubrey Solomon and James Hudson, ends Luiji Vilain and Deron Irving-Bey, linebackers Drew Singleton and Jordan Anthony, etc.
Brown can work with that. Michigan might have 2015’s depth problems again, but the starting seven will be fantastic.
Brad Mills-USA TODAY Sports
Mike McCray
There’s more concern in the secondary. Peppers, corners Channing Stribling and Jourdan Lewis, and safeties Dymonte Thomas and Delano Hill, plus a great pass rush, pushed the Wolverines to No. 1 in Passing S&P+. But while the pass rush is still exciting, all five of those DBs (and yes, I’m insisting on calling Peppers a DB even though he was listed as a linebacker) are gone.
In all, seven departed DBs combined for 26 TFLs, 11 interceptions, and 36 breakups in 2016; the top six returnees combined for two, zero, and two, respectively. The leading returning tackler (safety Tyree Kinnel), made 12.5 stops with one TFL and no passes defensed.
There aren’t as many former star recruits in the pipeline either. Among returnees, Kinnel was a four-star recruit, as were sophomore corner Lavert Hill, junior converted receiver Drake Harris, and redshirt freshman David Long. Freshman corners Ambry Thomas and Benjamin St-Juste could be in the rotation from day one.
It’s not guaranteed that Florida can take advantage of freshman corners, but Penn State can. Aggression tends to look good on a Brown defense, but glitches could result in some huge plays.
Special Teams
Michigan has produced top-40 rankings in both of Harbaugh’s seasons, but he had Peppers for both of those campaigns. Without a No. 1 punt return efficiency ranking, the Wolverines would have ranked quite a bit worse than 39th. Peppers’ successor, be it Nate Johnson, Eddie McDoom, or someone else, will be expected to produce.
So, too, will freshman legs Quinn Nordin (place-kicking) and Will Hart (punting), the likely replacements for a solid Kenny Allen.
2017 outlook
2017 Schedule & Projection Factors
Date Opponent Proj. S&P+ Rk Proj. Margin Win Probability 2-Sep vs. Florida 15 2.0 55% 9-Sep Cincinnati 75 24.6 92% 16-Sep Air Force 116 35.0 98% 23-Sep at Purdue 87 24.0 92% 7-Oct Michigan State 44 17.2 84% 14-Oct at Indiana 39 10.8 73% 21-Oct at Penn State 8 -4.1 41% 28-Oct Rutgers 92 29.6 96% 4-Nov Minnesota 47 18.0 85% 11-Nov at Maryland 72 18.8 86% 18-Nov at Wisconsin 11 -1.3 47% 25-Nov Ohio State 2 -3.7 42%
Projected S&P+ Rk 10 Proj. Off. / Def. Rk 42 / 4 Projected wins 8.9 Five-Year S&P+ Rk 14.3 (10) 2- and 5-Year Recruiting Rk 4 / 19 2016 TO Margin / Adj. TO Margin* 7 / 4.8 2016 TO Luck/Game +0.9 Returning Production (Off. / Def.) 34% (46%, 22%) 2016 Second-order wins (difference) 10.7 (-0.7)
Michigan has lost six games in two years, and five were by one possession each. The Wolverines’ three 2016 losses were by a combined five points. This team hasn’t been far from the promised land, and if it can overcome massive experience deficits at receiver and defensive back, it will again have a chance to make a big run.
Throughout the writing of this preview, though, I couldn’t stop thinking about 2018, when the Wolverines likely return Speight, Smith, every wideout, three to four offensive line starters, Gary at defensive end, nearly every linebacker, and every defensive back, plus probably another top-notch recruiting class.
You can’t take a “wait ‘til next year” approach when you’re still projected as a top-10 team, but if Michigan does lose a couple of late games and keep the “Never better than third in the Big Ten East!” meme alive, you should get your laughs in while you can. Because this program is probably a year away from ignition.
Team preview stats
All power conference preview data to date.
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