#Loc 37-37
alltimefail-sims · 7 months
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Braids, locs, coils, puffs, twists, fros - whatever the form or style, black hair is beautiful and deserving of its own spotlight! ❤
10,000 years later, I bring you my favorite "CC Recs" collection to date with a whopping 206 hairs. Make sure to click the pic for higher quality! You can check out the others I've done in my lookbook tag if you're interested!
This is part 1/5; download links are below the cut. Enioy! ↓
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10* / 11 / 12 (lachina) / 13 (awiti) 14 (luella) / 15 (inka) / 16 (lilly) 17 / 18 (evi) / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 25 / 26 / 27 / 28* / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 35 / 36*/ 37 / 38 / 39 / 40 / 41 / 42 / 43 / 44
Anything marked with a * means it’s from the Sims Resource.
Thanks to all the talented cc creators! @daylifesims, @glumbut, @peachiibunnii, @oakiyo, @isjao, @saruin, @simmerstesia, @heartspice, @aladdin-the-simmer, @gegesimmer, @enriques4, @okruee, @johnnysimmer, @plutorienos, @jellypawss, @goamazons, @octetsica, @leeleesims1 (+ thanks to @babolat85 for the color swatch updates!)
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nibeul · 2 years
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play "teenagers" by mcr
[id: It's redraw of the chapter 37 cover for JJK with Itadori and Todo standing next to each other in Todo's fantasy where they went to Junior High together. They are both depicted as Blasian: Todo has light skin that's peppered with sunspots and brown locs that are tied back and Itadori has darker brown skin and pink twists that have colorful beads at the ends of them. Todo has one hand up to scratch his cheek while the other is in his pocket and he's glancing off to the side. He wears a black uniform jacket that isn't properly on, a purple shirt, a blue sash, and baggy pants. Itadori also has one hand in his pocket while the other holds onto a pouch, his gaze also skewed to the side. He is wearing a similar uniform with his jacket unbuttoned and a red hoodie underneath. Both of them have bloodied knuckles and are covered in bandaids/bandages and Itadori has a swollen eye. Behind their heads is a snapshot of a building and city view done in orange-yellow hues. /end id]
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[id: It's the aforementioned chapter 37 JJK cover with Todo and Itadori in Todo's fantasy where they went to junior high together. They are both scuffed up and Itadori has a bruised eye. They are also both wearing junior high uniforms though Todo's jacket is only half on and Itadori's is unbuttoned all the way. A snapshot of a building and part of a city are visible behind their heads. /end id]
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sailorjojogames · 8 months
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100+ maxis match hairs for black sims + cc links | cc showcase
Watch video 
Many thanks to all the cc creators. This showcase is also more of an archive. 📚🧾
@birksche  1.
@okruee  2.  3 and 4. 
@plunni  5. 
@okruee   6.  7.
@savvysweet  8.
@oplerims  9.  10. [my fave accessory with this hair  @candysims4  Flower crown]   11.
@oakiyo  12.  13.  14.
@saurusness  15.
@imvikai   16.
@aharris00britney   17.  18. 19.  20.  21.  22.  23.  24.  25,  26 and 27.  28.   29 and 30.  31 and 32. 33.  34 and 35.  36 and 37.  38.  39.  40 and 41.
@vernonsvault   42.
@imvikai   43.  44.   45 and 46. 
@greenllamas  47.  48 and 49.  50.
@sheabuttyr    51.  MORE
@old-dogsill ( @dogsill )   52.
@dogsill    53.  54.  55.
@leeleesims1  56.   alternative 1  2
@old-dogsill  ( @dogsill )  57.
@simstrouble    58.  (OLD CC- download at your own risk)   59.
@simancholy  60. 
@ebonixsims  61.  MORE
@nolan-sims  62. MESH is ^ 61. 
@aladdin-the-simmer  63.  64.
@wondercarlotta  65.
@shespeakssimlish  66.
@simtric   67.  68.
@shespeakssimlish   69.
@shysimblr  70.
@simtric    71.  72.
@vampireloreskill  73.
@savvysweet  74. nala   75. wendy wavy buns
@shysimblr  76, 77 and 78. also has a child and toddler version ❤ 
@renorasims & @imvikai  79. 
 @candysims4  80.   
 @savvysweet  81. hasina   82. frankie fro v2    83. frankie fro
 @shysimblr  84.  
@savvysweet  85. lydia locs   86. dana unavailable 😥 alternative  
87. danika dreads   88. lana   89. lana v2 unavailable 😥 alternative
90. bali braids  91. ava afro puff (large)   92. drida dreads  93. didi dreads
 94. danni dreads  95. daya dreads   96.unavailable 😥 alternative  
97. libby locs v2   98. brook braids  (loc’d up)   99. brook braids
100. casey curls   101. fatima fro   102. alisha afro with pearls
103. badu bantu   104. ava afro puff small   105. amari afro with clips
106. tiana twist (loc’d up)
Savvy X Grim (now @akalukery)   107.
@savvysweet  108. bia braids   109. farah finger   clips 1  clips 2  clips 3
1 & 4.   @frenchiesimgirl
2 & 3 unavailable :( download at your own risk 😥 )  Link  
Bonnet  @qwertysims
@candysims4  110.  
@savvysweet  111. lamont locs 
@aharris00britney  112.
@birksche  113. 
@savvysweet 114. lenny locs 
@savvysweet  115. chris cornrows (shorts)   116. chris cornrows (medium)
  117. chris cornrows (long) unavailable 😥
@qrqr19  118. Hair 08 Topaz   119. Hair 23 Calcite
@savvysweet 120. fresh prince fade   121.dameon dreads  122. tyrone twist
123 damon dreads unavailable 😥   124. tommy top curls
@qwertysims  125. 
@birksche  126. 
@sheabuttyr  127. leo locs 
@sleepingsims  128.
@sheabuttyr   129. fana fro V1 
Toddler & Child
@frenchiesimgirl  130 and 131. 
@shysimblr  132.  
@shysimblr  133.  
@shespeakssimlish  134. 
@shysimblr  135.   136.  137.
138. Hair puff ball  unavailable  😥
@shysimblr  139.
@hazelminesims 140. HazelMineSeasonsBraidPuffTodd (old cc download at your own risk)
@birksche 141. 
@shysimblr 142.  143.
@weepingsimmer  144.
 @shysimblr  145.
146.  EP01 Afro Cropped - unavailable  😥
@sleepingsims  147. 
@shysimblr  148.    
Just in case some of the links don’t work 😥... try wayback 
if you have any question feel free to dm me. 
@sailorjojosimsccfinds   @maxismatchccworld​  
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nparadox · 10 months
8 August 2023, 13:37
Nu de mult am luat pauza de masă și continui pauza fiindcă nu prea am chef de muncă. Am avut parte de un weekend de relaxare și deși sunt încărcat, parcă îmi doresc în continuare să fiu în natură și cu tine alături.
Vreau să îți mulțumesc pentru faptul că m-ai luat cu tine în vacanța aceasta. A fost foarte drăguț totul, am mâncat foarte bine și m-am încărcat cu multă energie.
Suntem foarte frumoși împreună, știi asta, nu? Aștept să primesc pozele, să mai facem unele și să fac un album cu poze cu noi doi, pentru amândoi.
Se vede pe mine că sunt apăsat după ultima lună, că sunt afectat. Te văd și pe tine afectată, ținută în loc de ceva. Aș vrea să știi că sunt aici să te ajut, să te ascult. Vom face lucrurile să funcționeze, dar am nevoie și de informații din partea ta, să nu mă mai respingi și să comunicăm.
Sper că ți-au plăcut bilețelele. Dar și micul cadou. Mă inspiri zi de zi. Ador să îți fac masaj, să adormi în brațele mele. Mi-aș dori ca serile să se finalizeze cu tine în brațele mele, iar dimineața să fac cafeaua și să te privesc cum fumezi la geamul dormitorului meu.
Sper și cred că vom face într-o zi acest pas. Eu privesc cu bucurie spre viitor, fiindcă tu ești prezentul și viitorul meu.
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lords-of-mayhem · 5 months
i love all these ask games, you're really creative! <3 so here's a bit of a rare pair: 11, 17, 19, 24, 25, 35, 37, 41, 42, 47 for Dead x Fenriz :D
Thank you so much! That's so sweet. I'm glad people love these ask games too because I sometimes worry about how many I reblog. But at the end of the day, they're fun and an easier way to be more interactive with people who look at this blog.
And yay for rare pairs haha <3
Asks about your OTP
11-Are they a healthy couple? If no, why not?
They're surprisingly one of the healthiest couples out of all of them. Fenriz can be a little enabling at times, but it never goes too far. He's good at knowing when enough is enough and calling it. He's also one of the best at actually helping Pelle rather than just ignoring the worrying behavior.
17-What do they have in common?
The biggest thing is they enjoy the same kind of lifestyles. They both enjoy going out and being social (at times), but they're both also content to stay in and do something at home. Fenriz does tend to want to go out more often, though overall, they match one another.
19-Would they ever lie to each other? Why or why not?
In general, they wouldn't really lie to each other because there's not a reason to. They don't have a need to hide anything from the other. I think both are likely to lie by omission, but purely out of accident. They'll genuinely forget or not feel the need to mention something to the other, but it's never out of trying to hide it from them.
24-Are there any kinks or fetishes they share or don’t?
Pelle is perfectly happy to include knives in the bedroom, Fenriz is not. He can make exceptions sometimes for smaller/less sharp ones and everything staying very surface level, but most the time, they just skip anything sharp.
They both enjoy biting, however. Fenriz is more often the one doing it, but they enjoy it both ways.
25-Are they sentimental about gifts they’ve received from each other?
Fenriz is 100% the type to cry if he's given a really heart-felt, personal gift. Especially if it's handmade. Pelle isn't as emotional about it, but he keeps everything sentimental that Fenriz has given him. He also keeps a lot of sentimental things of his own. He has ticket stubs from a show they've been to. He's kept a leaf or a rock that he found on a hike they went on. Things like that.
35-How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
They don't spend too much time away from each other, so they luckily don't run into this problem often. If they are apart, Pelle tends to just wallow in missing him. He gets very dramatic and acts as though he will literally perish if Fenriz doesn't come home soon. Fenriz tends to grate on people's nerves because he's a constant repeat of, "I miss Pelle."
Fenriz enjoys finding things that remind him of Pelle because it feels like he's closer, but Pelle just gets sad if he's constantly reminded of Fenriz and the fact he's not there.
37-Have they ever hurt each other on accident?
If they ever have, it's always small things. (Thinking of LOC version especially here, the scene of Fenriz shoving Pelle at the party.) Occasionally, they'll do things like shove one another and it accidentally hurts them more than they intended. Bruises, tripping, etc. They don't normally touch one another like that, though. As for verbal or mental, both can be a bit careless or thoughtless at times and inadvertently hurt their partner, but they always make up for it. It's never anything major.
41-Who is, overall, the smarter one?
Pelle, but Fenriz definitely has the possibility to be equal to Pelle. Most of Pelle's intelligence comes from curiosity and the desire to learn more, he spends a lot of time reading and trying to figure out how things work. Fenriz is smarter when it comes to actually doing things, he's great at fixing things for example.
42-Who is the sensible mature one?
Honestly, neither. They're both pretty reckless in their own ways, although Pelle's can be more outwardly destructive whereas Fenriz's just has the potential to be. They're both intelligent and can be mature, but they don't always make intelligent and mature decisions.
47-Are they extroverts/introverts?
They're both ambiverts, although Pelle tends to lean towards the introvert side and Fenriz tends to lean towards the extrovert side. Fenriz is the type of person that can make friends wherever he goes if he tries to whereas Pelle is a bit like a cat. If he doesn't want to see someone, he's nowhere to be found.
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idontknowanametouse · 7 months
Genshin cringe headcanons part 11: Akademiya-related characters
This post reclaims the term cringe. If you use it as an insult or is triggered by it, please DNI
Name: Tighnari
Gender: demiman, he/they
Pictures of Character:
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Appearance: ethnically arab, brown skin, black eyes, black curly hair, defined arm muscles
Age: 33
Sexuality: asexual greyromantic gay
Personality: reclusive, serious, kind, sincere, gets aggressive when people he loves are threatened
Area of greatest ability: botany, biology, medicine
Kins: has no kins but does not really care about it
Family: Collei (adoptive daughter) Faruzan (found family grandparent)
Relationship status: divorced from Cyno
Friends: Alhaitham, Kaveh, Layla, Wanderer, Nahida, Cyno, Amber
Disabilities: autistic
Belief: is agnostic, but likes Lesser Lord Kusanali
Name: Cyno
Gender: cis man, he/him
Pictures of Character:
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Appearance: ethnically egyptian, black, thin, grey long hair, black eyes, small defined muscles
Age: 32
Sexuality: asexual demiromantic gay
Personality: stoic, just, relaxed, feral when protective, likes jokes, overexplains everything
Area of greatest ability: supervising rules
Kins: does not has kin but appreciates it
Family: Collei (adoptive daughter) Faruzan (found family grandparent)
Relationship status: divorced from Tighnari
Friends: Alhaitham, Kaveh, Lisa, Candace, Dehya, Tighnari, Layla, Nahida, Nilou
Disabilities: autistic
Belief: believes King Deshret and Lesser Lord Kusanali and has kemetism-like practices
Name: Layla
Gender: paragirl, she/they/star
Pictures of Character:
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Appearance: ethnically arabian, black, brown eyes, thin, wears a blue shayla over her head
Age: 21
Sexuality: aroace
Personality: gentle, paranoic, insecure, shy, perseverant, very devoted to stars interests
Area of greatest ability: astronomy
Kins: bioluminescence, stars, night, dark blue
Family: Faruzan (found family grandparent) Kuni (found family brother)
Relationship status: single
Friends: Mona, Charlotte, Kaveh, Nahida, Nilou, Candace
Disabilities: chronic fatigue, narcolepsia, autistic
Belief: believes Lesser Lord Kusanali, has muslim-like practices
Name: Faruzan
Gender: nonbinary, they/them
Pictures of Character:
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Appearance: ethnically persian, light brown skin, small, gray hair tied in two ponytails, brown eyes
Age: chronologically 129, physically 72
Sexuality: aroace
Personality: demands respect, proud, persistent, caring, helping
Area of greatest ability: mechanical
Kins: light blue, light yellow
Family: Alhaitham, Collei, Cyno, Kaveh, Layla, Nahida, Tighnari, Kuni (found family grandchildren)
Relationship status: single
Friends: Zhongli, Xianyun, Jean, Lisa, Dehya, Nilou, Albedo, Neuvillette
Disabilities: autistic, chronic pain, uses a cane to walk
Belief: believes Lesser Lord Kusanali and King Deshret, has zoroastrian-like customs
Name: Alhaitham
Gender: trans man, he/it
Pictures of Character:
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Appearance: ethnically persian-arabian, black, tall, black eyes, black hair dyed white in locs, defined arm muscles
Age: 36
Sexuality: gay, demiromantic, asexual
Personality: curious, has a very logic thought, wise, practical, usually blunt, doesn’t know how to show affection
Area of greatest ability: literature, writing
Kins: snow leopards, green, books, plants, Keys
Family: Nahida (found family daughter)
Relationship status: in a QPR with Kaveh
Friends: Cyno, Tighnari, Dehya, Candace, Faruzan, Layla, Nilou, Collei
Disabilities: autistic, mostly deaf, wears hearing aids
Belief: is agnostic raised with miscellaneous beliefs and practices
Name: Kaveh
Gender: cis man, he/she
Pictures of Character:
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Appearance: ethnically indian-persian, dark skin, black eyes, black hair dyed blond
Age: 37
Sexuality: gay
Personality: artistic, emotional, selfless, caring, insecure, a social butterfly
Area of greatest ability: drawing, design, architecture
Kins: does not has kin but supports her friends and family who do
Family: Nahida (found family daughter)
Relationship status: in a QPR with Alhaitham
Friends: Tighnari, Cyno, Layla, Nilou, Collei, Dori, Faruzan, Kuni
Disabilities: ADHD, BPD, anxiety, depression
Belief: believes the Goddess of Flowers, Lesser Lord Kusanali and the Aranaras, has hindi-like practices
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codydbuni-blog · 1 year
Bugsnax headcanon: If grumpuses are jet pilots
After playing Ace Combat series for a long time, I was thinking of a headcanon of which aircrafts the grumpuses would be manning. FYI Those who are absent wouldn’t be willing to be a a pilot due to several reasons. Endgame spoilers warning!
Filbo: He would be pretty much a YH equivalent to PJ (Crow 3) from Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War, as he’ll show up in a F-16C “Fighting Falcon” (multirole). However, despite the aircraft’s well-rounded capabilities, it doesn’t really help much considering Filbo would pass out from g-LOC. Or worse, feel nauseous while piloting. He’s better off as an WSO (weapon systems officer) while the Journalist does the job for him.
Wambus: F-4 Phantom II. Despite being an old multirole fighter (like the pilot as he’s hitting 50′s and his body is no longer able to withstand such high amount of g-force), it makes up for its payload and great range while performing well for air superiority and taking down ground targets. By any chance, Triffany would be his WSO (kinda like Monarch and Prez from Project Wingman).
Chandlo: For someone who want an attacker that withstands lots of punishment while causing the most damage as possible, he’ll look no further as the A-10 Thunderbolt II (albeit modified into a 2-seater) is ready to suppress ground forces while turning them into swiss cheese thanks to its gatling gun. The only downside, however, is the mobility at higher altitudes as it kinda handles like a boat with wings. Thankfully, it comes equipped with reinforced armor to compensate the shortcomings. As usual, Snorpy will be his WSO, especially due to the latter being prone to anxiety when piloting an aircraft even if he’s good at it.
Elizabert and Eggabell: SU-47 “Berkut” and SU-37 “Terminator”. Fittingly, they’ll be pretty much a dead ringer to AC6′s “Garuda Team” in addition to working together to take down targets: Either confusing the enemy by flying in synchronization or one of them acting as a bait while the other would pursue the target. Like “Gelb Team” from AC0, they’re equipped with specialized missiles that are fired backwards while sending them a lethal “No U”. Y’all may wonder how the hell did Liz got her paws on a prototype with forward-swept wings (presumably a fully-functional replica since only one real-life SU-47 was ever made before the actual project was cancelled). While Eggabell ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed, she’ll do the best to keep up with Liz as long the latter’s aircraft doesn’t let her down.
By the way, as a nod to the endgame, they’ll be known under the squadron name “Hydra Team”.
Alegander: Surprise, surprise! Considering his organization’s secrets were being revealed by the Journalist, the events have led him to snap to the point of becoming obsessed in taking down the latter (totally not a poor man’s equivalent of Project Wingman’s Crimson 1). In a similar vein to Anderi “Akula" Markov from AC: Assault Horizon (minus the game’s heavy scripting and plot armor), he’ll whip out a heavily refurbished SU-57 “Felon”. A cutting-edge stealth fighter which has excellent firepower, maneuverability, defense, speed and “quick maneuver air-to-air missiles” that will put a hell of a fight against any target. However, due to his age he can’t handle a such high amount of g-force while suffering from “greyout” when pushing his aircraft too hard.
“Yo Snorp-dawg, (you) still alive?”
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queenofmalkier · 2 years
Update: Had a bit of a migraine on and off all day so reading was slow going, but finished LOC. Tomorrow A Crown of Swords awaits
Read Time: 3 Days, 54 minutes.
Overall Time: 7 Days, 11 hours, 38 minutes.
The Eye of the World: Completed, 10 hours, 37 minutes.
The Great Hunt: Completed, 8 hours, 49 minutes.
The Dragon Reborn: Completed, 8 hours, 27 minutes.
The Shadow Rising: Completed, 13 hours, 58 minutes.
The Fires of Heaven:  Completed, 13 hours, 24 minutes.
Lord of Chaos: Completed, 17 hours, 38 minutes.
A Crown of Swords: Next
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mogkiompmovieguide · 2 years
Métal Hurlant (1981)
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Réalisé par Gerald Potterton, Canada, 90 min
Métal Hurlant est une parodie de science-fiction robotique, déjantée et Rock n' Roll.
Une orbe verte luisante, incarne le mal ultime et terrorise une jeune fille avec une anthologie d’histoires bizarres et fantastiques de dark fantasy, d’érotisme et d’horreur.
L''un des premiers films d'animation pour adultes à être distribué dans les circuits du Cinéma de masse, la violence graphique, une nudité et une sexualité explicites, dans une ambiance de Space Opéra Métal et Punk, en ont fait un objet culte et intemporel malgré la spécificité de ses références. Il a ouvert la voie à d'autres films d'animation, on pense notamment à "Akira" sorti quelques années plus tard en 88.
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Métal Hurlant était un célèbre magazine de science-fiction, prémices du style Cyber et steampunk et autres délires post nucléaires. Le film éponyme est une adaptation plus ou moins libre de la bande dessinée française originale, créée en 1974. où l'on pouvait trouver les styles de dessin de certains des plus grands artistes de bandes dessinées de l'époque, tels que Moebius, Philippe Druillet et Enki Bilal. Le film a également incorporé de la musique rock et métal de groupes tels que Black Sabbath, Blue Öyster Cult et Devo, ce qui a contribué à établir le genre de la bande dessinée métal. . Quatre ans plus tard, le réalisateur Gerald Potterton et les écrivains Daniel Goldberg et Len Blum s’associent pour en faire une adaptation cinématographique.
Ce film canadien met en vedette les talents d’une distribution au combien canadienne, d'éminents acteurs, dont le producteur Ivan Reitman et les interprètes John Candy, Joe Flaherty, Eugene Levy et Hard Ramus. A l’âge d’or des films d’anthologie comique, quatre ans après Kentucky Fried Movie et quelques années avant Amazon Women on the Moon.
Le film compte neuf segments, sans compter son épilogue. Ils sont marqués par une animation grossière, même aux normes de 1981, et une nudité surprenante. Il y avait aussi beaucoup de musique, bien que tout ne corresponde pas nécessairement dans le genre musical titulaire; en plus de la chanson-titre de Sammy Hagar, le film présente des styles musicaux de Blue Oyster Cult, Journey, Don Felder, Nazareth, et Cheap Trick.
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La ligne dans tout cela est Loc-Nar, une petite sphère extraterrestre qui refait surface sous différentes formes tout au long du film, et sur des siècles d’histoire humaine, un peu comme les monolithes en 2001 : A Space Odyssey.
Le film « Harry Canyon », un hommage à Taxi Driver et à la tradition du film noir, met en vedette un chauffeur de taxi et une femme fatale improbable. Un autre était le segment « Den », mettant en vedette le personnage créé par le célèbre dessinateur de bandes dessinées Richard Corben.
« Captain Sternn » (exprimé par Eugene Levy), qui joue dans un drame de salle d’audience. Accusé d’une litanie de crimes, y compris « 12 chefs de meurtre au premier degré, 14 chefs de vol à main armée de biens de la Fédération, 22 chefs de piraterie dans l’espace, 18 chefs de fraude, 37 chefs de viol — et une infraction en mouvement ». Il plaide non coupable, ayant soudoyé un témoin, bien que le témoin soit dépassé par une version humaine musclée de Loc-Nar.
Ensuite, il y a le fameux segment « So Beautiful & So Dangerous », qui culmine avec un robot (exprimé par John Candy) ayant des relations sexuelles avec une femme humaine, bien qu’à l’écran jusqu’à ce qu’ils argumentent avec humour sur la question de savoir s’il est possible pour eux de se marier. Il se termine par la défaite finale de Loc-Nar, par (qui d’autre?) une jolie femme chevauchant une créature.
Le message du film, qui explore les thèmes de la violence, de la technologie, de la sexualité et de la nature humaine, est toujours pertinent aujourd'hui. Le film montre comment la technologie peut être utilisée à des fins destructrices et comment les êtres humains peuvent se perdre à travers la guerre, la cupidité et la violence.
En termes d'esthétique, le film est absolument fantastique de par la qualité de son ambiance steam-spatio-trash et surréaliste, qui combine les styles de dessin de plusieurs grands artistes de la bande dessinée. Bien que certains aspects de l'animation puissent sembler un peu dépassés, l'utilisation de la rotoscopie. Une technique bien connue des fans de la première du jeu Mortal Kombat, et/ou encore du film Tron, dans laquelle les animateurs dessinaient sur des images en mouvement réelles pour créer une animation plus fluide et plus réaliste. Cette technique a été utilisée avec succès dans le film, créant des séquences animées qui semblaient plus cinématiques et plus réalistes que celles des films d'animation traditionnels, lui donnant une identité visuelle en parfaite harmonie avec l'aspect décalé et psychédélique de l'œuvre.
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"Métal Hurlant" est toujours considéré comme LE film d'animation à avoir influencé et marqué les esprits à jamais dans le genre de la science-fiction fantaisiste. Bien que certains aspects de son esthétique puissent sembler retro, la qualité de l'animation n'a pas pris une ride, son message et son impact culturel ont résisté à l'épreuve du temps.
Bonne séance. Le film ICI \m/
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crypticspacecat · 2 years
Luna LaStrange (Self-Insert)
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Name: Luna LaStrange 
Nicknames: LuLu 
Theme: "Intrusive" By Rico Nasty
Stand: Third Eye
Age: 14 (post-part 3), 25 (part 4), 37 (part 6)
Birthday: May 17th 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus 🌞, Libra 🌙✨️ 
Chinese Zodiac: OX
Date of Death: N/A
Gender: F
Height: 5’3
Weight: Nunya
Blood Type: A
Nationality: American
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Physical Description: Standing at 162.75cm, Luna’s body would be considered a little thick with her chest, thighs, and butt. Her face is always described as adorable, she has large puppy-like brown eyes. Her oval-shaped face is complimented by her wide nose and plump lips. Her hairstyle never stays the same, her personal favorites being butterfly locs, a blowout, and just letting her curls free.
Clothing Description: Her style is usually, “goth but make it cute and soft”. Skinny jeans and plaid skirts are her kryptonite. Her style is usually considered “weird” by others, but she loves dark colors and the occasional pastels. You will see her wear dark clothing the most during cold seasons as she doesn’t have to worry about the heat. You’ll usually see her rocking a choker, an evil eye bracelet, or a crystal necklace (usually amethyst or black tourmaline.) She prefers press-on nails with gothic and witchy imagery.
For the most part, Luna is pretty introverted. She’s usually the shy and quiet girl people don’t notice often. At times, she does struggle with expressing emotions as she was emotionally neglected as a child. Her sense of humor is dark and witty but doesn’t show that side often. She does suffer from depression and hides her feelings in fear of being burdensome. She wears her heart on her sleeve and is a hopeless romantic. Her personality is quite soft and pretty sensitive.
Being abandoned
Feeling invalidated
Video Games
Reading tarot
People who are controlling
Her boundaries not being respected
When anxious, she bites her thumb
Knuckle cracking
Taps tables with nails, creating random beats
She tends to be very meek
Not great at confrontation 
Buries negative emotions and trauma
Can be very blunt
Keeps her voice in a soft tone around most people, causing others to have a hard time hearing her.
Tends to have a smart mouth
Writing poetry
Reading tarot
Learning other languages quickly
“Respectfully, shut the fuck up.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize anyone was actually paying attention.”
“Your stand is pretty cool Jojo.”
“Yeah, I’m gay. It’s not that deep, I’m not some kind of cryptid.”
Powers and Abilities:
Hamon User: Yes | No
Stand User: Yes | No
“Third Eye”
Stand Abilities: 
Psychic Shield
Can sense if someone is at least 20 yards away
Mind Reading (By touching the person’s “third eye”) 
Namesake: “Third Eye” by Florence and the Machine
Destructive Power:
Development Potential/Learning:
Stand Weaknesses: Stand weakens when the user’s mental and/or emotional health takes a dive.
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klogggzz · 2 years
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Down time 🤎✨
🧔🏻 ~ @unorthodox.sl Vern Locs (Located @ Mainstore)
Unorthodox Mainstore:
🍑 🍒~ @tredente_sl Peach & Cherry Moonshine (Located @ Mainstore)
💧 ~ @tredente_sl FIJI Water (Located @ Mainstore)
⬜️ ~ @tredente_sl iPear GiftSet (Located @ Mainstore)
Tredente Mainstore:
🟫 ~ @melatoninest.sl "Melanin" Evo X Freckles (Located @ Mainstore)
Melatonine Mainstore:
👥 ~ @vyral.sl My Big Baby Pose Shown on slide (Located @ Mainstore)
👥 ~ @vyral.sl Getaway Pose Shown on slide (Located @ Mainstore)
Vyral Mainstore:
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cocajimmycola · 2 years
19 + 37!
19 - killer queen by Mad Tsai
School/Schools/Schoolself, Wrap/Wraps/Wrappedself, Town/Towns/Townself, Devil/Devils/Devilself, Prom/Proms/Queenself, Queen/Queens/Queenself, Kill/Kills/Killself, Blood/Bloods/Bloodself, Gas/Gaso/Gasolineself, Broke/Broken/Brokenself, Push/Pushes/Pushself, Mur/Der/Murderself, Angel/Angels/Angelself, Crown/Crowns/Crownself, Piece/Pieces/Pieceself, Date/Dates/Dateself, Dress/Dresses/Dresself, Light/Lights/Lightself, Fire/Fires/Fireself, Dance/Dances/Danceself
37 - My Trains by Lemon Demon
Train/Trains/Trainself, Rail/Rails/Railself, Track/Tracks/Trackself, Base/Ment/Basementself, Conc/Cret/Concretself, Bulb/Bulbs/Bulbself, Magic/Magics/Magicself, Chug/Chugs/Chugself, Steam/Steams/Steamself, Loc/Loco/Locomotiveself, Club/Clubs/Clubself, Model/Train/Trainself, Toy/Toys/Toyself, Bat/Bats/Batself, Woo/Woos/Wooself, Shri/Shrink/Shrinkself, Cond/Conduc/Conductor
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su-z123 · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: nwt Apt 9 black floral dress shirt with tie combo.
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puutterings · 2 months
and though it was in the main
  The housekeeper would spend her days gossiping with the boarders in the house, while the two girls slaved from morning to night. They would have to rise at five to prepare the breakfast of broiled fish, rice, soups, and pickles for all the household — about ten or twelve people — and though it was in the main mere puttering, they were kept running up and down the stairs all day long. Very often the girls would come in and throw themselves down on the mats in my room, where they would pretend to have work to do, just to be able to rest a moment...       The question of cleanliness was the cause of considerable dissension, so much so that I was compelled to call my place the house I quarrel in. It came to a “show-down” one day...
ex Part I, “Impressionistic,” Chapter 3, “I Become a Boarder,” in Sydney Greenbie. Japan, Real and Imaginary (1920) : 37, 39 NYPL copy/scan (via google books) : link LoC copy/scan (one of several via hathitrust) : link
(some) more on Sydney Greenbie (1889-1960) at 454  
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latribune · 4 months
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mediamonarchy · 4 months
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/20240530_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 Kabosu shinu, g’nite Walton and hangin’ with Mr. Kennedy + this day in history w/Biden’s New World Order and our song of the day by Trillion on your #MorningMonarchy for May 30, 2024. Notes/Links: Two giant pandas will arrive at D.C.’s National Zoo this year, officials say; Two-year-old giant pandas Bao Li and Qing Bao will arrive at the Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute by the end of the year. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/animal-news/two-giant-pandas-will-arrive-dcs-national-zoo-year-officials-say-rcna154473 Kabosu, Dog Who Inspired Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, Is No More https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/05/24/kabosu-dog-who-inspired-dogecoin-and-shiba-inu-is-no-more/ Video: RIP Doge: Kabosu, the Beloved Shiba Inu of the Doge Meme Has Crossed The Rainbow Bridge (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K53cuOFiuJY Image: Doge dogs go to heaven https://www.livemint.com/lm-img/img/2024/05/24/1600×900/GOVJkdybwAA98C6_1716544575190_1716561944325.jpg Kiss – “Tears Are Falling” (Cassette // Audio) https://www.discogs.com/release/6599605-Kiss-Asylum // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEwnfhuPJGs Mary Lou Retton Says She’s a ‘Medical Mystery’ amid Health Condition: ‘I Still Have a Hard Time Breathing’; “They still don’t know what’s wrong with me,” says Retton, who was hospitalized with a rare form of pneumonia last fall https://people.com/mary-lou-retton-health-update-medical-mystery-hard-time-breathing-8652844 Video: Mary Lou Retton on Life Following Near-Death Mystery Illness: Why She Needed Fundraising [Exclusive] (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhFQgzwPwUc Eosinophilic Pneumonia Associated to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8594061/#:~:text=Acute%20eosinophilic%20pneumonia%20(AEP)%20is,or%20secondary%20to%20innumerous%20agents.&text=The%20type%20of%20T%2Dhelper,spike%20(S)%20protein). Military aircraft crashes south of Albuquerque International Sunport https://www.krqe.com/news/albuquerque-metro/military-aircraft-crashes-south-of-the-sunport/ North Korea flies hundreds of balloons full of trash, excrement over South Korea http://68k.news/article.php?loc=US&a=https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiRGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNic25ld3MuY29tL25ld3Mvbm9ydGgta29yZWEtc291dGgta29yZWEtdHJhc2gtYmFsbG9vbnMv0gFIaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2JzbmV3cy5jb20vYW1wL25ld3Mvbm9ydGgta29yZWEtc291dGgta29yZWEtdHJhc2gtYmFsbG9vbnMv?oc=5 6 people were stabbed at a restaurant and a movie theater, including 4 girls. Now, new details are emerging about a suspect https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/27/us/braintree-massachusetts-amc-movie-theater-stabbing/index.html Ravizza: ‘Being there, being a mentor’; Seasonal resident spends time with people who have disabilities, illnesses. (Dec. 27, 2021) https://www.mvtimes.com/2021/12/27/ravizza-being-there-being-a-mentor/ Former South Dakota Mayor Charged With Murdering Three People https://www.newsweek.com/jay-ostrem-south-dakota-mayor-centerville-murder-1905474 Golfer Grayson Murray 30 died by suicide, family confirms; The two-time PGA Tour winner died Saturday, the day after he withdrew from the Charles Schwab Challenge in Fort Worth, Texas. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/golfer-grayson-murray-died-suicide-family-confirms-rcna154118 ‘General Hospital’ actor Johnny Wactor dead at 37 after shooting in downtown Los Angeles https://pagesix.com/2024/05/26/celebrity-news/general-hospital-actor-johnny-wactor-shot-and-killed-in-la/ Bill Walton, legendary NBA player and broadcaster, dead at 71 https://nypost.com/2024/05/27/sports/bill-walton-legendary-nba-player-and-broadcaster-dead-at-71/ Bill Walton reminds ‘GameDay’ viewers about the Conference of Champions (Oct. 23, 2021) https://archive.is/hpIsp Ex-Washington State coach Nick Rolovich to sue over firing (Oct. 20, 2021) https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/32437269/ex-washington-state-coach-nick-rolovich-sue-firing “Should of got your vaccine in ...
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