sessiizliginsesii · 2 years
Denizin sakinliği var üzerimde her an bir lodos çıkacak gibi..
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twoiafart · 2 years
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The Iron Islands were more problematic, as the destruction of House Hoare led to a bloody power struggle in its wake. Qhorin Volmark was among a number of claimants who came forward, while the drowned priests crowned Lodos, one of their own, after he declared himself to be the son of the Drowned God. The year of civil war that followed was brutal, and many ironborn perished.
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asoiafandotherbooks · 11 months
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: Thoughts on Rebellions
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
In the previous two posts of a World of Ice And Fire, I recapped the rebellions Aenys faced in his first year as king. The second post was long so I’ll share my thoughts of the events in this post.
Aenys was weak and indecisive. How he can be so surprised over these rebellions? It has been less than forty years since the Targaryens conquered Westeros. A conquest that caused tens of thousands of deaths. There are still survivors of the Conquest alive during Aenys’ reign. We have countries in the real world that were conquered/colonized centuries ago, and there is still much resentment, anger, and bitterness over it. Forty years is nothing in comparison.
Aenys was told to use Quicksilver at Harrenhal and he declined. Dragons are the only deterring force the Targaryens have – if they aren’t going to be used to put down rebellions, what do the opposing forces have to fear? Minus the dragons, the Targaryens are just another Westerosi lord.
Aenys’ sole contribution to resolving these disputes was to send Lord Alyn Stokeworth. Even that decision was multiple choice: sail to the Vale, stay in King’s Landing, pursue Harren the Red.
The Rise of the Dragons mentions Aenys’ resentment of Visenya but he should thank the Old Gods and the New that he had her. Visenya was the one to take decisive action to end these rebellions. Visenya had to be seething at Aenys’ weakness and indecisiveness. Aenys should also be grateful that various lords stayed loyal and took their own initiative to resolve these conflicts.
As to why the four rebellions erupted at that time – I understand why the rebels sensed a weakness – Aegon the Conqueror is dead, Balerion unclaimed, Rhaenys and Meraxes are dead, Aenys is unfit for the throne…but Visenya, Vhagar, and Orys Baratheon are still alive. All three are battle-hardened and took active parts in the conquest. Maegor has shown to be an individual who is not be messed with. Did the rebels assume Aenys wouldn’t allow Visenya to take charge? Does Visenya seem like someone who can be put in the corner. Or did they pull a D&D and simply forget about Visenya, Vhagar, Orys, and Maegor? Visenya and Orys lost a sister to the Conquest, Orys lost his hand in the war with Dorne – there was no way they were going to stand aside and let their dynasty be overthrown.
As for the individual rebellions, I wrote most of my thoughts on Harren the Red post, but I would love to know more about him: actual descendant of Harren the Black, descendant of a survivor of the original Harrenhal staff, a Joker-type spreading anarchy in the Riverlands for fun?
The Vale – Jonos had to seriously resent Ronnel to not only overthrow him but also to murder him. Kinslaying is such a taboo in Westeros that Roose Bolton and Tywin Lannister refuse to commit the crime. Jonos threw Ronnel out the Moon Door without a second thought. Would the Crown have intervened if Jonos simply proclaimed himself the new Lord of the Vale as opposed to the “King of the Mountain and Vale”? Jonos was stupid to rely on the natural defenses of the Eyrie to protect himself as Visenya had already proven that strategy to be useless during the Conquest. Jonos and fellow conspirators must have peed themselves when Maegor and Balerion (!) showed up on their doorstep. I wish we had been told Visenya’s thoughts on the death of Ronnel – the one moment of softness she receives in the entire story is when she takes Ronnel on a dragon ride after securing the Vale’s submission. Sending Maegor and Balerion, along with the execution of the conspirators even after their surrender – could be an indication of Visenya’s anger over the situation.
The Iron Islands – Goren Greyjoy was an intelligent man. He knew he couldn’t battle dragons, but he could put down a crazy drowned priest. In a decisive moment, he ended Lodos Reborn’s rebellion, preventing an invasion from mainland forces, and was able to secure a boon from the Iron Throne. Said boon enabled Goren to expel all Septas and Septons from the Iron Islands. Goren is now vastly elevated in his fellow Ironborns’ esteem as he has now eliminated the hated Faith of the Seven from the Iron Islands. Take that, Lodos!
Dorne – Not surprising that Dorne had the largest rebellion. The Dornish War was less than thirty years ago, and massive atrocities were committed by both sides. The Targaryens must take most of the blame since they started the confrontation with Dorne. Hatred runs deep between the sides. It’s noted that few Dornish lords participated in the rebellion so most of the Vulture Kings’s forces could have been survivors/descendants of the survivors of the Dragon’s Wroth. I imagine if you aren’t a rich Dornish lord, and your home/land/family destroyed by fire-breathing dragons, and you don’t have the resources to rebuild – well, joining a rebellion against the dragon overlords might seem like a great idea.
Was Deria Martell aiding the Vulture King? After all, it was Deria’s father that made peace with Aegon Targaryen, not Deria. Does Deria have more of her grandmother in her than her father? Deria’s grandmother, the Yellow Toad (sorry, I’m blanking on her first name) was defiant to the end. Deria may wish to war against the Targaryens but knows it’s a battle she can’t win, so as the Vulture King rampages, she throws her hands up and says “so sorry, Vulture King bad, wish he would stop” while doing nothing to stop his rebellion?
Orys Baratheon died happily while avenging his most humiliating defeat. Orys’ death left Visenya truly alone – she is now the last of her generation of Targaryens. We don’t receive any details of Orys’ relationship with his sisters, only that he was very close to Aegon. Argella Durrandon Baratheon – did she mourn? Was she relieved to be a widow? Was she still alive at this point?
So many fun characters involved in the Vulture Hunt – “Savage” Sam Tarly, Ellyn “Lady Nightsong” Caron, Harmon “No-Nose” Dondarrion! Would love to know more about these characters. Don’t mess with marcher lords or ladies, they’re crazy!
Up next, the one-close bond between the brothers dissolves.
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sebeth · 2 years
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: The Iron Islands Are In Chaos!
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
  The Iron Islands are in chaos! Harren the Black and sons perished in the destruction of Harrenhal. Qhorin Volmark of Harlaw, “whose grandmother had been a younger sister of Harren’s grandsire”, proclaimed himself the rightful heir/king of the Iron Islands.
The priests of the Drowned God decided to crown a “barefoot holy man Lodos, who proclaimed himself the living son of the Drowned God, and was said to be able to work miracles”. The priests crowned Lodos on Old Wyk, “under the bones of Nagga the Sea Dragon”.
Others made claims from Great Wky, Pyke, and Ormont. Perfect time for a kingsmoot! The Ironborn instead decided killing each other was the better option. The Ironborn battled each other on land and sea – “it was said that the waters were so choked with corpses that krakens appeared by the hundreds, drawn by the blood.”
Fast forward a year later – Aegon the Conqueror decides enough is enough, and flies to the Iron Islands on Balerion. He was accompanied by the war fleets of the Arbor, Highgarden, and Lannisport. Torrhen Stark sent longships from Bear Island.
Aegon’s united forces arrived at the Iron Islands ready to kick ass and take names but the Ironborn folded like wet tissue paper. Many hailed the coming of the dragons. I’m guessing it was the women. I’m sure they were desperate for someone to stop the killing of their children and other male relatives.
Aeon killed Qhorin Volmark but allowed his infant son to inherit his father’s lands. Lodos called upon the krakens to destroy the invading ships. That didn’t happen so Lodos decided the next step would be a mass suicide via drowning with his followers. Lodos is more of a cult leader than a holy man.
I wonder why Aegon let the chaos in the Iron Islands run unchecked for two years? The Sistermen Rebellion was happening at the same time but none of Aegon’s forces (minus Torrhen) were involved in putting down the Sunderland faction. I understand it takes time to gather the forces and sail to the Iron Islands but it seems Aegon took his time in responding. Was he allowing the warfare between the Ironborn so they could take each other out and weaken themselves as a threat to the rest of Westeros?
I do like the consistent pattern of Visenya dealing with the Vale and Aegon dealing with the Ironborn. Sadly, it’s not going to work in Rhaeny’s favor when it comes to Dorne.
The Ironborn are subdued and now the question is what to do with them? Suggestions flew fast and furious: make them a vassal of the Tullys, the Lannisters, or the Starks.
Aegon graciously allowed the Ironborn to choose their own Lord Paramount. They decided on Vickon Greyjoym the Lord Reaper of Pyke.
The Ironborn had to forfeit all holdings in the Riverlands. Aegon gave Harrenhal to Ser Quenton Qoherys, his master-at-arms at Dragonstone. Quenton had two sons and a grandson to carry on his line but wed one of Lord Edmyn Tully’s daughters to seal his loyalty to the Riverlands.
House Qoherys would become the second of the cursed owners of Harrenhal.
Up next: Dorne – It’s the war that never ends!
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rhaecarys · 2 months
thinking about how Lodos was proven not to be the son of the Drowned God in front of several people and his response was to fill his robe with rocks and say he was going to “seek his fathers counsel” in the sea
like girl i would’ve k**led mys*lf too i couldn’t imagine the embarrassment go off king
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maimanolya · 1 year
sen hasta bir adamsın,
bana da bulaştırdın kendini
dördüncü uykusuz gecemde odama dolan rüzgardın
hasta ettin beni, iyileşemeyeceğim kadar kendin ettin..."
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
Avance de remoción, limpieza y tratamiento de lodos en la planta de El Pongo
#Servicios #Jujuy | Avance de remoción, limpieza y tratamiento de lodos en la planta de #ElPongo
Se dio inicio a las tareas de remoción y tratamiento de lodo residual de las lagunas anaeróbicas de la planta de tratamiento de líquidos cloacales de “El Pongo”.Con maquinaria y equipos nuevos y con mejor tecnología se trabaja en dicho sector realizando las tareas acordadas.Finalizado el proyecto ejecutivo de esta obra, tras haber terminado con los distintos estudios previos en el lugar…
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wolf-elf · 4 months
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slytherslvt · 25 days
anyway here’s my edit too 😻
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arcanespillo · 8 months
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Lorenzo Zurzolo in Morrison (2021)
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obsessive-jan · 2 months
guys, is it peak delusion when you start shipping norgeant? 💙🧡😭
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stuffsviolettos · 6 months
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like/reblog if you save♡
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asoiafandotherbooks · 11 months
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: The King Who Flew Flies One Last Time, Lodos Reborn, A Vulture King Emerges, and Harren the Red Runs Wild...
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
Aenys has only been king for a few months and he’s already endured a challenge to his authority in the Riverlands. Unfortunately, his tepid response has only encouraged rebellions in other regions.
Aenys returned to King’s Landing only to discover that Lord Ronnel Arryn, The King Who Flew, has been deposed and imprisoned by Jonos Arryn, his younger brother. Jonos then proclaimed himself the “King of the Mountain and the Vale”.
In the Iron Islands, a drowned priest proclaimed himself Lodos the Twice-Drowned, finally returned from visiting the hall of the Drowned God. It’s been 36 years since Lodos drowned himself, so that was quite the visit.
In Dorne, a man calling himself the Vulture King rose in the Red Mountains of Dorne. Princess Deria Martell denounced the Vulture King but thousands flocked to his banner. The siren call of avenging the evils the Targaryens visited on the Dornish was too tempting to resist.
Lord Harmon Dondarrion wrote to Aenys of the Vulture King: “This Vulture King is half-mad, and his followers are a rabble, undisciplined and unwashed. We can smell them coming fifty leagues away”.
The Vulture King must have taken great offense to the question of his personal hygiene as Blackhaven, home of the Dondarrions, became his first target. The Vulture King’s followers stormed the castle and the Vulture King himself sliced off Dondarrion’s nose. His followers then torched Blackhaven and marched away.
Aenys sat befuddled and indecisive in King’s Landing. Grand Maester Gawen stated the King couldn’t understand why this was happening. The small folk loved him, why don’t these rebels? If they had grievances, why not come to court and tell him – he would listen! Aenys would make a decision only to countermand it shortly after. For instance, he ordered Hand of the King Alyn Stokeworth to sail a fleet to the Vale to aid Ronnel Arryn, only to recall the fleet as he was afraid to leave King’s Landing undefended. As if King’s Landing could be undefended with Visenya and Vhagar only a short flight away on Dragonstone. The only concrete decision Aenys made was to send Queen Alyssa and the children to Dragonstone.
Aenys thought the next move should be to hold a grand council to discuss options. Dowager Queen Visenya decided to skip the council and issue orders.
The Rise of the Dragons has a passage not in The World Of Ice And Fire or Fire and Blood: “During Aegon’s reign, Visenya often assumed the daily tasks of ruling while Aegon was off on his royal progresses. Visenya’s role changed when Aenys assumed the throne, and she became more an advisor – and an often unwelcome one – rather than a co-ruler whose decisions had the force of law. It could truthfully be said, however, that Dowager Queen Visenya was still the most influential woman in the realm during Aenys’ reign – even more so than his own queen, Alyssa. But Visenya’s lack of direct power – and her clear preference for his own son, Prince Maegor – would eventually alienate the two entirely.”
First, Alyn Stokeworth accompanied by a few hundred men entered the Riverlands to hunt down Harren the Red. (To be fair to Aenys, he had input into this decision – but only this decision).
Second, Lord Allard Royce of Runstone (on his own initiative) assembled loyal bannermen and demanded the release of Ronnel. Jonos granted that request by throwing Ronnel through the Moon Door. The Eyrie is impregnable to any conventional assaults, but Visenya had a solution to that: sending Prince Maelor astride the recently claimed Balerion the Black Dread, Jonos’ lackeys lost their nerve upon spotting Balerion and threw Jonos through the moon door in an attempt at mercy. Maegor “mercifully” executed the traitors by hanging instead of burning. The World of Ice and Fire notes the traitors all died by Maegor’s hand, so Maegor seems to be a “man who passes sentence must swing the sword” type. Hubert Arryn, a cousin of Ronnel and Jonos, was installed as Lord of the Eyrie. Hubert had six sons by his wife, a Royce of Runestone.
Third, Goren Greyjoy, the Lord Reaper of Pyke, marshalled a hundred longships to descend on Old Wyk and Great Wyk. He put thousands of Lodos’ followers to the sword. Goren then had the head of Lodos prickled in brine and sent to King’s Landing. Aenys was overjoyed by the gift and granted Goren a boon. Goren asked for the right to expel every septa and septon from the Iron Islands, which Aenys reluctantly granted.
Fourth, was the Vulture King. Princess Deria continued to denounce the rebellion but did nothing to stop the Vulture King. Many suspected she was sending the Vulture King men, money, and supplies. The Vulture King had thirty thousand men under his command but made a fatal mistake in splitting his forces in two.
The Vulture King took his force to march west against Nightsong and Horn Hill Lord Walter Wyl, the son of the Widow-Lover, commanded the force sent to besiege Stonehelm, seat of House Swann.
Orys “Orys One-Hand” Baratheon left Storm’s End one final time to defend Stonehelm. He smashed the Dornish forces. Walter Wyl was then delivered to Orys: “Your father took my hand. I claim yours as repayment.” He then proceeded to take Walter’s other hand and both feet as “usury”. Apparently, Lannisters aren’t the only one to pay their debts.
Orys died on the march back to Storn’s End from wounds taken in battle. Davos, Ory’s son, said he died content, smiling at the rotting hand and feet.
By this point, the Vulture King had to abandon the siege of Nightsong. He marched east only to have Lady Caron (of Nightsong) join with a strong force of marchers led by the the noseless Harmon Dondarrion. Then “Savage” Sam Tarly decided to join the party with several thousand knights and archers. Savage Sam personally cut down dozens of Dornishmen with Heartsbane, the Tarly Valyrian sword. The Dornish broke and tried to retreat to the mountains only to be cut down by the marcher lords in the “Vulture Hunt”.
The Vulture King himself was taken alive and tied naked between two posts by Savage Sam, dying up thirst and exposure, his corpse feasted upon by vultures. His death is considered the end of the Second Dornish War but few Dornish Lords actually participated.
Harren the Red was both the first to rebel and the last to be put down. Harren was cornered in a village west of the Gods Eye. Harren slew Lord Alyn Stokeworth before being cut down by Bernarr Brune, Alyn’s squire.
King Aenys knighted Bernarr Brune and granted gold, offices, and honors to Davos Baratheon, Samwell Tarly, No-Nose Dondarrion, Ellyn Caron, Allard Royce, and Goren Greyjoy. Prince Maegor returned to King’s Landing to cheering crowds and proclaimed a hero. Aenys named Maegor as Hand of the King.
Up next, my thoughts on the rebellions.
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daily-yokai · 2 months
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Day 216: Lodo
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susie-dreemurr · 4 months
Vou me matar tava assistindo um clipezinho mó bonitinho aí DO NADA ele solta essa????
Cellbit: did you know that the green crystals from Santo Berço (Holy Cradle) weren’t healing them for real?
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mywickedtruth · 11 months
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About last night…
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