#Quenton Qoherys
sebeth · 2 years
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: The Iron Islands Are In Chaos!
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
  The Iron Islands are in chaos! Harren the Black and sons perished in the destruction of Harrenhal. Qhorin Volmark of Harlaw, “whose grandmother had been a younger sister of Harren’s grandsire”, proclaimed himself the rightful heir/king of the Iron Islands.
The priests of the Drowned God decided to crown a “barefoot holy man Lodos, who proclaimed himself the living son of the Drowned God, and was said to be able to work miracles”. The priests crowned Lodos on Old Wyk, “under the bones of Nagga the Sea Dragon”.
Others made claims from Great Wky, Pyke, and Ormont. Perfect time for a kingsmoot! The Ironborn instead decided killing each other was the better option. The Ironborn battled each other on land and sea – “it was said that the waters were so choked with corpses that krakens appeared by the hundreds, drawn by the blood.”
Fast forward a year later – Aegon the Conqueror decides enough is enough, and flies to the Iron Islands on Balerion. He was accompanied by the war fleets of the Arbor, Highgarden, and Lannisport. Torrhen Stark sent longships from Bear Island.
Aegon’s united forces arrived at the Iron Islands ready to kick ass and take names but the Ironborn folded like wet tissue paper. Many hailed the coming of the dragons. I’m guessing it was the women. I’m sure they were desperate for someone to stop the killing of their children and other male relatives.
Aeon killed Qhorin Volmark but allowed his infant son to inherit his father’s lands. Lodos called upon the krakens to destroy the invading ships. That didn’t happen so Lodos decided the next step would be a mass suicide via drowning with his followers. Lodos is more of a cult leader than a holy man.
I wonder why Aegon let the chaos in the Iron Islands run unchecked for two years? The Sistermen Rebellion was happening at the same time but none of Aegon’s forces (minus Torrhen) were involved in putting down the Sunderland faction. I understand it takes time to gather the forces and sail to the Iron Islands but it seems Aegon took his time in responding. Was he allowing the warfare between the Ironborn so they could take each other out and weaken themselves as a threat to the rest of Westeros?
I do like the consistent pattern of Visenya dealing with the Vale and Aegon dealing with the Ironborn. Sadly, it’s not going to work in Rhaeny’s favor when it comes to Dorne.
The Ironborn are subdued and now the question is what to do with them? Suggestions flew fast and furious: make them a vassal of the Tullys, the Lannisters, or the Starks.
Aegon graciously allowed the Ironborn to choose their own Lord Paramount. They decided on Vickon Greyjoym the Lord Reaper of Pyke.
The Ironborn had to forfeit all holdings in the Riverlands. Aegon gave Harrenhal to Ser Quenton Qoherys, his master-at-arms at Dragonstone. Quenton had two sons and a grandson to carry on his line but wed one of Lord Edmyn Tully’s daughters to seal his loyalty to the Riverlands.
House Qoherys would become the second of the cursed owners of Harrenhal.
Up next: Dorne – It’s the war that never ends!
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velcryons · 10 months
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(Not so) Extinct Houses of Westeros
(alysanne blackfyre and leonella reyne belong to my beloved bestie @zobrizys <;3)
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sigilsongs-a · 5 months
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take me to the centre of your soul. credit.
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sigilsins · 3 months
tags pt2.
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
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Alysanne-Daughter-of-Maegor AU
Maegor Targaryen serves as his brother’s Hand for six months before eloping with Alys Harroway, a female line descendant of House Qoherys - and thus partially Valyrian, perfectly suitable as a bride for the increasingly desperate Maegor. Forced into exile by King Aenys, Alys births her first and only child in Pentos, who she names Alysanne.
After slaughtering every descendant of House Harroway - except his daughter - and naming Walton Towers as the new Lord of Harrenhal, a distraught Alysanne demands to know why her father has not chosen to bestow Harrenhal on her instead. In lieu of an apology, Maegor has her betrothed to Walton Towers’ grandson, Mathis Towers, who will one day inherit Harrenhal. Before the wedding feast ends, however, Maegor flies back to King's Landing, Alysanne in tow, and sends Mathis out to fight the Poor Fellows.
When Hand of the King Rogar and Queen Regent Alyssa decide it is time to send Alysanne to Harrenhal to take up her seat - and marry the last of Walton Towers' grandons, a sickly infant named for her father, 15 year old Jaehaerys absconds with Alysanne to Dragonstone where the two are married, though they do not consummate the marriage until nearly a year afterwards, when Jaehaerys reaches the age of majority in 52 AC.
Jaehaerys’ Seven Speakers work for him for far longer due to the delicate peace that could be upended by both the marriage to Alysanne and Jaehaerys’ conviction to marrying his children to each other. The Speakers travel for years, in between rests at Court, talking up the piety of sweet Alysanne as well as Doctrine of Exceptionalism that will one day apply to the King and Queen’s children at several points throughout their reign.
Alysanne convinces her husband to pass several laws throughout her lifetime and tenure as Queen Consort. Though called “Queen Alysanne’s Laws” in King’s Landing, there were many that referred to her influence as The Laws of Abomination, a way of undercutting the good Queen's judgement by invoking her father's madness and monstrosity. Regardless, these Laws of Abomination remain codified into Westerosi Law into the present day.
Though much of her reign as Queen was marked by the shadow of her father’s legacy, the realm began to soften towards Alysanne as she demonstrated a compassion, intelligence, and respect for propriety that far outmatched her father and even on occasion her husband. By the time her first grandchild is born, the smallfolk had started referring to her as Good Queen Aly for all the ways she had improved their lives.
some more explanations here for the nerds!
Talked before about my “lucas harroway was a female line descendant of the house qoherys” thing, but to go into more detail here: Quenton Qoherys was already an aged man when he was gifted Harrenhal by the Targaryens (this is canon), and was eager to move his large family into the seat. One of those that came with him from Dragonstone is his daughter Quannah (made her up) who had married and had children with Ser Lothston Harroway, a knight in service to the Targaryens at Dragonstone. The two had many children, including Lucas Harroway, who inherited Harrenhal through his mother when all of Quenton’s sons and grandsons had died. Yes I have essentially done a “Harry the Heir” in the Riverlands, thank YOU!
I messed with the timeline because otherwise Jaehaerys is just too much older than Alysanne for this to be a plausible “love” story - anything more than 4 years I think seems like Obvious Grooming whereas Jaehaerys and Alysanne have always been a more lowkey, "banality of evil" type relationship. So Jaehaerys is a lil younger and Maegor speed runs his meltdown lol.
If it’s unclear, Towers line goes Walton -> Jordan (Walton's son) -> Mathis (Jordan's first born son) -> A Bunch Of Other Sons -> Maegor Towers (Jordan's last son). But then Maegor is like “psyche my daughter is coming home with me” because now he’s obsessed with her and the fact that she is the Only child he managed to have.
I wanted to add more queens laws simply because I wanted to give her more proto social justicey causes that make sense for the time period. I tried to base it off legal rights women had not just in medieval Europe but, since we have the whole "Great Empire of the Dawn" background, Han China as well! I thought since Maegor jerks Aly around a lot, she’d codify laws regarding daughters the way she did widows. So Alysanne convinces Jaehaerys to codify-
A man cannot abandon his daughter. Daughter abandonment was a big historical issue and I think if brought to her attention, as a daughter with a deeply weird dad, she would pass something that says no, if you have a daughter with your wife, you have to care for her, you cannot just drop her off at some random person’s porch or leave her in the woods to die.
Matrilocal marriages have the same legal rights as patrilocal marriages. Basically, that if a husband moves in with his wife - whether it be because she married down & she’s living with her father or she inherited so her husband moved in with her - they should be treated equal under the law (I can really see like, Iron Islands especially being fucking deranged about matrilocal marriages, and since Jaehaerys is standardizing laws, this is a good one for her to champion).
If a woman is widowed, she must not be compelled to give up her husband’s business. She must be allowed to continue his business or, if SHE desires, sell it/rent the space/etc for a fair price to another tradesman. Merchant class women were usually allowed to take up their husband’s trade, but this is a series with prima noctus so I imagine this is not a standard thing across Westeros and once again something she would want enshrined into law.
If the only heir is a daughter, she must be treated as an heiress because a daughter comes before an uncle. This one I think would really gnaw at her - Maegor essentially takes what should be her seat (as the only Harroway left alive because he just slaughtered her family!) and divvies it up between some random ass knights, then in an attempt to curb her willfulness, Rogar lets those random knights keep her damn castle. It’s her last link to her mother! Too bad, it’s someone else’s now. She can’t take Harrenhal back without looking Maegor-esque but she can make damn sure that if all that’s left is a daughter, that girl has the legal protection to claim her seat! Essentially, Alysanne introduces the title “heir presumptive” into law and gives that title some rights and protections.
I also came up with backstories for her Ladies Court that tie into the Maegor change:
Barba Towers - as a way of trying to make some peace with Jordan Towers’ sons, she takes one of his daughters as a lady when she visits Harrenhal for the first time since her mother's murder during her and Jaehaerys' first progress. To fit with the Harrenhal curse, Barba dies of the same Shivering Sickness little Daenerys dies of.
Poppy Butterwell - If you look through the history of House Butterwell, they seem kind of, um, skeevy. So I decided that the concept of daughter abandonment comes up when Alysanne and Jaehaerys go on their first progress. Butterwell abandons one of his daughters after having several in a row and no sons, and she's taken in by some random innkeeper in town (which is also why she has a more peasant-esque name - her father doesn't bother naming her). When Alysanne holds her women's court in Harroway's Town and puts the pieces together, she takes Poppy in, arranges a match - marrying Poppy high above her station - and starts pushing to pass laws protecting girl children.
Donella Darry - Another lady she takes from Harrenhal, though not until after Barba Towers dies. House Darry is a prominent and consistent supporter of House Targaryen in the Riverlands, and Maegor gives the Harroway holdings (outside of Harrenhal and Harroway's Town) to House Darry. This is a relationship I imagine is a bit strained - Barba and Poppy are both young naive girls in need of guidance but Donella just kind of exists as this mirror version of Alysanne - an eldest daughter jerked around from holding to holding by her father. I like the idea of Donella being heir presumptive of the Darry lands after her brothers die during the Shivering Sickness, and this is how Alysanne gets involved in inheritance laws for girls.
Arwen Sunderland - I wanted to give the Arryns a reason for acting so deranged towards Daella later on (Rodrik’s daughters are so fucking WEIRD my god), so Alysanne asks Arwen Sunderland to be one of her ladies over Rodrik’s daughters. Aly means nothing by it, she’s merely trying to reach out to the Sunderlands, given how unruly they can be, but because it’s early in her reign, and everyone is reading Maegor-esque behavior into her actions, they assume she means it as an insult, and project that onto poor Daella, which makes the Arryn girls hostile to her, and assume a level of spoiled behavior from the very scared Daella.
Elyse Marbrand - I figured after being forced to watch all her aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, on and on be slaughtered by Maegor, Alysanne would be obsessive about finding distant relations. Since Rhaenys and Visenya were big on marrying houses and regions that had some beef, I thought an arrangement between the Riverlands and the Westerlands would work well, and since the Marbrand's are a pretty important house, I figured that was a good match. So to simplify Quenton Qoherys + Elinor Tully -> Alarra Qoherys + Andros Marbrand -> Elyse Marbrand, aka a distant relation of Alysanne’s (through Quenton). Elyse stays at Court even after she’s had children of her own, though, because her husband, Theon of White Barrow, is a beloved musician and patron of Alysanne’s at Court.
Patronages - Queens often acted as culture makers for the kingdoms and Alysanne already does this in canon so I wanted to add a little more with ✨Maegor flavoring✨for her to do and I thought Alysanne acting as a patroness would fit into this well. Again, a little breakdown on my decisions here-
Coryanne Wylde - Coryanne is already a writer in canon and I thought it would be so funny, given how scandalized everyone is over what she writes, if Alysanne is the one bankrolling her. I like to imagine Coryanne kept writing really weird and sexual stories and Alysanne loved it; like medieval romantasy writing haha. I think Alysanne kept this one a secret though because while she did find it amusing, she didn’t want people to think her lascivious like her parents, and in fact Coryanne takes great pains to always depict her Queen characters as sexually untouchable but not prudish either.
Septa Lyra - Lyra is again one of the women sent to be Alysanne’s ladies maid while she & Jaehaerys are in dragonstone. One thing about women writers in medieval times is they were often nuns and they often wrote non fiction about whatever it is they were studying. I thought given Alysanne’s disapproval of the Maesters not allowing women in their ranks, she’d want to undercut them a bit by bankrolling a few female scholars. But ALSO I was thinking given Maegor’s war against the Faith, Alysanne would go to great pains to make sure she’s seen as pious. So Lyra mostly writes about religions in Terros and midwifery.
Septa Violante - She is one of the Seven Speakers and I figured they’re not doing this shit for free! Alysanne rewards Violante by basically writing her a blank check. Violante writes all sorts of field guides, histories of the various castles throughout Westeros, and even several legal works explaining the historical precedent for Alysanne’s Laws of Abomination.
Arwen Sunderland (again) - Arwen writes prose and poetry and while she’s not as salacious as Coryanne, she does have a fondness for stories that take place in war torn kingdoms, going into detail about the fighting and injuries. Her prose and poetry is much more scandalous so Alysanne keeps the identity of the author a secret - BUT makes it clear she is the patroness for that author. The prevailing theory is in fact that Arwen Sunderland wrote the books, something Gyldayn summarily dismisses as nonsense of course.
Theon of White Barrow - One of the only men Alysanne was ever patroness for, Theon is a nephew of Theomore Manderly who lives in the barrowlands. Alysanne arranges a marriage for Theon with one of her own ladies, Elys Marbrand (Aly canonically arranged a match for one of Theonore’s nephews). Theon, who stands to inherit only a modest holding in the barrowlands, opts to stay at court when the Queen becomes fond of his singing, eventually writing many songs and mummer’s shows for the Queen. The reality, however, is that Theon was not the writer - Elys Marbrand wrote all of his music and stories. Theon, Elys, and Alysanne were so close that during the First Quarrel, when Alysanne opted to hide out in Harroways’s Town soon after her husband vacated the Riverlands, the pair came with her to play music for her there as well.
Septa Elinor Costayne - listen. Alysanne spends a tumultuous childhood being jerked around Pentos and Westeros by her parents, is hauled back to KL and given several new mommies to make up for murdering her first one, only for all her stepmothers to be tortured to death as well. I think Alysanne would develop extreme attachment anxiety to both Rhaena and Elinor in the hell that is the last few years of her father’s life. While Rhaena is a complicated matter - I love their relationship as sisters and I think a 'doesn't want to be the evil stepmother but can't help resenting aly' dynamic would be just as rich as their canon relationship, so they are still CLOSE while trapped in KL - I have never liked that Elinor disappears to become a Septa!!! So I made the executive decision to disregard canon in this instance and have Alysanne guilt Elinor into staying in the capital with her, under the guise of being a patroness for Elinor to follow her passions. Even as Alysanne ages and outgrows the need for a mother, and Elinor stays only because she feels indebted for her life and obligated to care for this strange, disturbed woman, Elinor is writing all sorts of essays and papers so she has something to do. Kind of the equal and opposite of Alysanne's relationship with Gael - putting another woman in arrested development because she doesn't know how to cope with her own traumas pressing down on her.
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isefyres-archive · 5 months
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𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔰 𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔡:
Lord Quenton Qoherys: was the first Lord of Harrenhal and the head of House Qoherys Ser Quenton was the master-at-arms at Dragonstone during Aegon's Conquest. He was named Lord of Harrenhal by King Aegon I Targaryen after Aegon had extinguished House Hoare during his conquest. Lord Quenton had two strong sons and a plump grandson to continue the family line, but as his first wife had died from spotted fever in 1 BC, he agreed to wed a daughter of his liege lord, Edmyn Tully of Riverrun. In 9 AC, he died from a fall from his horse and was succeeded by his grandson, Gargon. Conquest Era.
Prince Aemon Targaryen: was a member of House Targaryen. He was the third born child of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen. Aemon was married to Lady Jocelyn Baratheon. Together, they had a daughter, Princess Rhaenys. Aemon was a dragonrider whose mount was Caraxes. His mother Alysanne would often say, while laughing, that Aemon's first word had been, "Why?". In 62 AC, King Jaehaerys formally granted the seven-year-old Aemon the title of Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the throne. At the feast that followed Aemon's appointment, Queen Alysanne sat Aemon beside Lady Jocelyn Baratheon. The two children spent the entire evening talking and laughing together. He is the father of Princess Rhaenys. Jaeherys Era.
Princess Saera Targaryen: the ninthborn child and fifthborn daughter of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen. Saera was a courageous and clever, girl, in her own way as clever as her brother Vaegon. She was just as strong, quick and spirited as her sister Alyssa. Saera was tempestuous, demanding, and disobedient. Her first word was "no", which she said often and loudly. She quickly had three favorites of all the men who attended her: Jonah Mooton, the heir to Maidenpool, Roy Connington, the Lord of Griffin's Roost, and Ser Braxton Beesbury, the heir to Honeyholt. Instead of hiding within the Seven Kingdoms, however, Saera had found passage on a ship at Oldtown, which had brought her to Lys. Saera, infamous but wealthy, left Lys for Volantis a few years before 99 AC. In Volantis, she became the proprietor of a famous pleasure house. She had at least three bastard sons, who would be the dragonseeds of House Blackfyre in Essos. Jaeherys Era.
Princess Gael Targaryen: was the thirteenth and last child of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen. Born during winter, Gael was also called the Winter Child. After her sisters Alyssa, Daella, and Viserra had died within the span of five years (82–87 AC), Gael became a comfort for her mother Queen Alysanne, along with her older sister Maegelle. Gael became Alysanne's constant shadow, and even slept with her in her bed. In 99 AC, Gael disappeared from court. It was announced that she had died of a summer fever. After the deaths of King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne, it was revealed that Gael had been seduced and impregnated by a traveling singer. Gael had given birth to a stillborn son. Jaeherys Era.
Princess Viserra Targaryen: was the tenth-born child of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen. Viserra was the most beautiful of Queen Alysanne Targaryen's daughters. She had deep purple eyes and silver-gold hair, flawless white skin, and fine features. serra was a vain girl. Once, when a young squire called her a goddess, she simply agreed with him. The attention of great lords, famous knights, and callow boys fed her vanity until it "became a raging fire". Viserra delighted in playing one boy off against another and setting them on foolish quests or having them perform contests. According to Alysanne, Viserra desired to become a queen, and therefore aimed to marry her brother Baelon, not for love but for ambition. Viserra then turned to Baelon, hoping for him to rescue her according to court gossip. One night, she slipped past Baelon's guards and climbed naked into his bed. Jaeherys Era.
Lady Alarra Stark: Alarra Stark was the daughter of Lord Alaric Stark and his wife from House Mormont. According to her father, Lord Alaric Stark, Alarra was "as sweet to look upon as any southron lady. Despite her father's initial dislike for Queen Alysanne, Alarra had been kind and gentle to the queen, often reminding the Queen of her own daughters. Alarra did became aware of the affair of her father and the queen but kept the secret. When Queen Alysanne Targaryen visited Winterfell in 58 AC, Alarra and Alysanne became particularly close. Near the end of 58 AC, Alarra came to King's Landing with her two brothers to attend the tourney celebrating the tenth anniversary of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen's coronation. At this time, Alarra also became a lady-in-waiting to the Queen. Jaeherys Era.
Lady Megga Tyrell: is a member of a junior branch of House Tyrell. She is the granddaughter of Ser Quentin Tyrell, a cousin of Mace Tyrell, the Lord of Highgarden, and is the only daughter of Ser Olymer Tyrell and his wife, Lysa Meadows. Megga has two older brothers: Raymund and Rickard Tyrell. Megga likes to play kissing games with boys and sometimes her cousins. While not a great singer, Megga plays the lyra and piano wonderfully. Megga is one of Queen Margaery Tyrell's ladies-in-waiting. Almost all of the men named as Margaery's lovers have denied the accusation or recanted, so she and her cousins, including Megga, are handed over by the High Septon to the custody of Lord Randyll Tarly. Tarly swears a holy oath to return them for their trial. Song Era.
Sera Flowers: Sera tends to take things less seriously than Mira does, like casually playing with Margaery's seating plan for the Purple Wedding and stealing Queen Cersei's wine. Mira can confide in her, though Margaery seems to be in Sera's best interest rather than House Forrester's. Sera is revealed to be a bastard, she is Mance's bastard but the Tyrell covered that with the surname Durwell. She confesses that she is attracted to both Jaime Lannister and Oberyn Martell, and Mira has the option to agree, though she sounds unsure. Sera escaped before the cousins and Margaery ladies were taken and ran to the Reach, her biological father is unknown to everyone but Lady Olenna. Song Era.
King Stannis Baratheon: Stannis Baratheon was the younger brother of King Robert Baratheon and older brother of Renly Baratheon. On account of the revelation of Robert's supposed children's true parentage, Stannis declares himself the rightful king after Robert's death as his rightful heir, and begins a campaign to take the Iron Throne. After assassinating his younger brother Renly using bloodmagic, due to Renly also having claimed the throne despite being the youngest brother, Stannis almost succeeds in taking King's Landing at the Battle of the Blackwater, but is ultimately repelled by the armies of Tywin Lannister and House Tyrell. As his wars drag on, Stannis falls further and further under the sway of the red priestess Melisandre. After saving the Night's Watch from Mance Rayder's wildling army in the battle for the Wall, Stannis marches on Winterfell. Song Era.
Lady Shyra Errol: is the Lady of Haystack Hall and the head of House Errol, her unlike stormlander looks come from her father marrying a woman from the westerlands. Because of this, she sees no proof in the rumors regarding Princess Myrcella rumors, as she is a stormlander with unlike features, and golden hair. Lady Shyra supports Renly Baratheon during the War of the Five Kings. She has one son who she acts as Regent as well and after the death of Renly, she remains on the Stormlands. Currently, her castle is under the attack of the Golden Company. Song Era.
Lady Liane Vance: Liane Vance is a noblewoman of House Vance of Wayfarer's Rest. She is the eldest daughter of the heir of Wayfarer's Rest, Ser Karyl Vance. Liane's grandfather, Lord Vance, dies at the battle below the Golden Tooth. Ser Karyl Vance becomes the new Lord of Wayfarer's Rest, and Liane the heir of her house. Liane becomes a field nurse for everyone after the red wedding and travels to House Bracken and House Blackwood to tend to the injured, she is said to have magic in her as she carries a piece of weirwood tree in her, always. Song Era.
Laena Longwaters: Laena is the recognized bastard daughter of Thena Celtigar and Rennifer Longwaters, marking one of the few times Velaryon blood and Celtigar mix. Due to this, Laena has dragonrider blood as well access to the Celtigar cell with the secrets of Valyria and the keys of the long night as well the coming battle of the dawn. OC. Song Era.
Lord Kaento Qoehrys: The remains of House Qoehrys from Harrenhal, they had been in Lys and Volantis gathering their own forces and money and they are travelling with Prince Aegon and the Golden Company to reclaim Harrenhal as their ancestral home. Despite his refusal, his daughter would be travelling in the second command of the ships, however, she is delayed with the arrival of Queen Daenerys Targaryen in Lys. Kaento is known to be able to use a flaming sword and has stock of dragonglass. OC. Song Era.
Lady Merea Qoehrys: Daughter of Kaento. She wants to travel with her father in the Golden Company, which he promises he will send word once Aegon takes House Connington and a few Stormlanders Houses. When news arrives, it marks the arrival of Daenerys Targaryen to Lys and intrigued, Merea wants to talk to the woman, without her father's approval as she always had her doubts of Prince Aegon's real heritage. Merea only wishes for their family to return home. She takes kindly to sing some old Valyrian songs to Dany's dragons. OC. Song Era.
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isefyres · 20 days
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@sigilsongs asked: "Safe. When you're with me, I want you to feel safe," says Quenton to Myra
not   the   marriage   she   decided   or   wished.   she   had   been   content   to   marry   her   knight   in   mooton   colors   but   destiny,   and   her   father,   had   other   plans   themselves,   approved   by   their   new   king.   quenton   qoherys   is   not   the   man   she   expects.   he   is   tall   and   fierce,   handsome   and   built   and   nothing   alike   the   men   she   knows   from   westeros.   he   looks   like   a   warrior   but   he   speaks   gentle   prose   and   myra   cannot   help   but   to   blush   and   know   he   means   it   by   heart.   one   should   only   see   eyes   to   know   that   the   man   was   speaking   in   truth.  
"I   do   not   fear   you   husband.   and   i   know   you   will   keep   me   and,   god's   willing,   any   family �� we   have   in   the   future."   he   might   be   older   but   the   maids   do   whisper   and   queen   rhaenys   herself   had   said   quenton   was   a   man   of   many   talents.
  "though   I   hope   your   sword   will   be   sharp   enough   to   protect   against   the   ghosts   that   await   us."   quenton   had   gained   harrenhal   with   this   marriage.   but   people   already   spoke   the   castle   was   cursed   after   balerion's   fire   had   burn   it   and   harren   the   black   down.   not   the   most   gentle   home   for   a   bride   but   she   will   make   due.   all   tully's   do   after   all,   they   adapt.   
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thehouseofm2 · 1 year
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※ Burning of Harrenhal.
"House Hoare had ruled the Iron Islands and the riverlands as the Kings of the Isles and the Rivers for three generations. King Harren Hoare, also known as Harren the Black, had devoted most of his reign, nearly forty years, to the construction of Harrenhal, which would be the largest castle in Westeros, on the northern shore of the Gods Eye. Thousands had died while building the castle, and the riverlands had been depleted in terms of materials. On the day the new castle was finally completed, however, Aegon Targaryen landed at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush, to start his Conquest.
Supported by many great ironborn lords and warriors, Black Harren raised his banners. His men fought Aegon's host in the Battle of the Reeds, which was a Targaryen victory, albeit with heavy losses, and the Wailing Willows, in which House Hoare was victorious. However, in the meantime, after years of plundering and beggaring the riverlands, Harren the Black had to face the consequences of those actions. Lord Edmyn Tully of Riverrun, the most powerful of the riverlords following Harren's harsh treatment of House Bracken and House Blackwood, refused to support Harren and instead joined the Targaryens, starting a rebellion. Following the Tully's example, numerous other riverlords, including the Blackwoods, Mallisters, Vances, Brackens, Pipers, Freys, and Strongs, rebelled against Harren's ironmen and marched to surround Harrenhal. Outnumbered, Harren closed the gates of well-stocked Harrenhal in response.
Harrenhal's walls were too high and too thick, and well-stocked enough to withstand a siege. During a parley outside the castle, Aegon offered to confirm Harren as Lord of the Iron Islands, provided he would yield. Harren refused, trusting in the strength of his castle, confident that the stone would not burn. Aegon warned him that the line of House Hoare would come to an end that night, at which Harren spat and returned to his castle. To his men, he promised riches and the daughters of the riverlords to anyone who could slay Aegon's dragon, Balerion, in the upcoming battle.
“Aegon: Yield now, and you may remain as Lord of the Iron Islands. Yield now, and your sons will live to rule after you. I have eight thousand men outside your walls.
Harren: What is outside my walls is of no concern to me. Those walls are strong and thick.
Aegon: But not so high as to keep out dragons. Dragons fly.
Harren: I built in stone. Stone does not burn.
Aegon: When the sun sets, your line shall end.
—Harren Hoare and Aegon Targaryen”
When the sun had gone down, Aegon flew Balerion high above Harrenhal, before plunging down upon Harrenhal, burning the castle beneath him. All that was flammable, both suplies and ironmen, caught fire within the castle, while Harrenhal's stone towers cracked and melted. The rivermen outside observed that the towers glowed and melted like candles. Harren and his sons died in the largest of the towers of Harrenhal, which would later give the tower its name: Kingspyre Tower. With their deaths, House Hoare was extinguished.
Once Harrenhal cooled, the ruined swords of the ironmen were taken to the Aegonfort, where they eventually became part of the Iron Throne. Only a few of Harren's supporters survived the burning or the uprising of the rivermen to make it back to the Iron Islands.
The day following the burning of Harrenhal, Lord Edmyn Tully swore fealthy to Aegon, who accepted and named him Lord Paramount of the Trident, as he had been the first riverlord to support him. Aegon next accepted oaths of fealthy from the other riverlords. Aegon also granted partially-ruined Harrenhal to Quenton Qoherys, who had been his master-at-arms at Dragonstone.
Summary : The burning of Harrenhal occurred during Aegon's Conquest. Aegon the Conqueror used his dragon, Balerion the Black Dread, to melt the towers of Harrenhal, which killed King Harren the Black and ended the black line. It is said by some that Harrenhal's Wailing Tower is occupied by the ghosts of Harren and his sons."
🎨Art by @Marc Simonetti
✒️Text taken from @A Wiki of Ice & Fire
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goodqueenaly · 7 years
House Words Wednesdays: House Qoherys
Welcome to House Words Wednesdays! Each week, I take a House without known canon or semi-canon words and present what I think could make sense as that House’s motto. You’re free to suggest more as well, if your favored House has not yet been suggested; take a look at this link to see what has already been suggested, and shoot me a tweet or ask through Tumblr if you have another House you’d like to see done. 
House Qoherys is an extinct noble House of the Riverlands, a family that once ruled the mighty seat of Harrenhal. Indeed, House Qoherys was the first family to rule Harren's royal seat after Harren's fiery end (courtesy of Balerion). Aegon the Conqueror, having ended the Hoare line but wishing to reward one of his loyal supporters, gave the castle and incomes of Harrenhal to Quenton Qoherys, the former master at arms on Dragonstone. Westeros.org identifies the Qoherys family as being of Valyrian descendant, and that's probable to me; I tend to think of the pre-Conquest Targaryens as being pretty insular (heh) on Dragonstone, and it would make sense that their arms master would come from their close circle of Valyrian expatriates. 
The Qoherys sigil was a flaming saltire, red and yellow, between four white skulls, on black - presumably a reference to the flames that slew Harren and his sons. When thinking about Qoherys words, I wanted a motto that would draw on this legacy - that the immolation of the Hoare line paved the way for the Qoherys preferment. I also wanted the words to reflect the sorry end of House Qoherys, which was itself tied up with the Hoares: the reprehensible Gargon Qoherys - called "the Guest" for his habit of attending every wedding in his domain to exercise the  right to the first night - was castrated by Harren the Red, a supposed grandson of Harren the Black, and left to bleed to death in the Harrenhal godswood. 
So for Qoherys words, I came up with Blood for Blood. Of course, this reflects the obvious transfer of Harrenhal power to House Qoherys from the bloodshed of the Hoares. As well, I like that this motto recalls the Valyrian blood of Quenton being one of the reasons he was gifted Harren's grandiose seat: Aegon, who was himself of Valyrian blood, entrusted his fellow Valyrian-blooded expatriate with the seat of the mighty ironborn King. I also think this motto fits nicely with Gargon's supremely distasteful habit of claiming the lord's right whenever he could: because of his lordly blood, he (in his mind) had the right to the maiden's blood of any bride in his domain. Finally, Gargon himself was killed in a particularly bloody way as vengeance by Harren the Red (supposedly of the blood of Harren the Black) against the deaths of the Hoares.
Let me know what you think of these words for the short-reigning House Qoherys. The Harrenhal House words party continues next week with the successors of Aegon’s first Harrenhal lords.
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warsofasoiaf · 2 years
Where does giving one of his household knights the largest castle (and recent seat of rule) of the Riverlands fall wrt Aegon's disposition of the realm? Keeping an eye on Tully? A sword of Damocles a la Stannis marrying a Florent? A gesture of respect for Tully, making his own retainer do fealty to Riverrun? Recognition of the strategic weakness of the RL LP's seat being so far west, and putting a mutual deputy in the east half? Something else?
I think part of it was rewarding one of the juiciest fiefs to his own people, many of whom might have had very small or no holdings. In feudalism, the difficult balance between rewarding those who followed you in your invasion and maintaining existing vassals to prevent a large rebel faction is one of the difficulties following a successful conquest. While plenty of Aegon's vassals had their own lands, others were rewarded quite handsomely, like Orys Baratheon and Quenton Qoherys. I think the other part of it was to make sure there was a strong presence in the center of Westeros to project power in case anyone tried anything. Dragons might fly quick, but friendly castles are useful for the far more mundane affair of moving troops on foot.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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velcryons · 1 month
Muse a Day Mini Headcanons pt 1 / ?
Valaena -Favorite color is baby blue -unfortunately a staunch supporter of her mother and husband's house to the point of neglecting her own happiness and health. -had a brief affair with Quenton Qoherys that resulted in the birth of a stillborn boy she named Vaemon. Because he was born before the conquerors his birth and death were largely swept under the rug. -of her children’s dragons her favorite was balerion. -had the classic velaryon insomnia. 'Treated' it with two cups of brandy and half a sleeping drought every night before bed.
Daemon I -Had a massive crush on Visenya growing up -had a stutter growing up, but was able to ‘out grow’ it (re: he was scolded into hiding it by his aunt Valaena) -VERY fond of poetry. Would’ve probably traveled to the Free Cities to become a poet had Aegon not decided to conqueror Westeros -raised as a ward on Dragonstone by Valaena, much to the distress of his mother. Served as her page and cupbearer until he was able to do more important things, like sailing and sparring with Aegon and Orys (the three stooges of Dragonstone)
Alyssa -favorite color is purple -extremely talented musician both vocally and instrumentally. plays the lute. -went from being in love with the dragons (or at the very least very very fond of quicksilver from a distance) to having such an intense hatred for them it bordered on hysterical fear. aegon iii levels. but i mean you would too if your son and his dragon (your husband's dragon!!!!!) were visciously slaughtered by your good brother (the good brother YOU teased about not claiming a dragon sooner. the good brother who took a second wife and was exiled because YOU had another child) -suffered from pretty severe arthritis in her later years, and generally was in somewhat…. POOR health after the birth of alysanne. (i love alysanne sooooo much but jaehaerys SHOULD'VE been alyssa's last child, as i think ive mentioned before) -fond of needlwork and SOME of the pieces she made (aegon and rhaena's westerosi equivalent to christening gowns when they were babies for instance) were saved and reused over a few generations
Daemon II -shares Alyssa’s talent with music, although more on the instrumental and composing side. —was a secret playwright! Wrote his scripts under a pen name. Some of his plays are still performed today, most notably ‘The Siren and the Sea Maid’. -was a bit of a rake unfortunately, despite his MANY children and his loving wife, he had at least? Two documented mistresses in his lifetime -incredibly doting father and husband despite his infidelities though (which somehow made them worse) -GOOD politician. GOOD sailor. GOOD tactician. There’s a reason he was master of ships to THREE kings and it’s not just because he’s Velaryon
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sigilsongs-a · 5 months
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sigilsins · 27 days
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❛ i want to see you. ❜ says alysanne velaryon / @zaldrizesqringaomnon to quenton qoherys
Ever  stoically  silent;  towering,  quiet  and  intense,  he  stands  with  his  hands  resting  behind  his  back;  posture  straight  and  respectful,  but  taught  with  unresolved  tension.  It  is  rare,  and  has  been  in  his  decades  of  life,  that  a  woman  has  drawn  so  much  of  his  attention.  Like  a  moth  to  a  flame,  his  golden  eyes  had  been  drawn  to  Alysanne  over  and  over.  She  sits  before  him,  fairer  than  stars  compared  to  his  own  pitch  dark  skin,  and  his  expression  gives  very  little  away.  He  is  the  Raging  Quiet  of  Last  Lament,  and  as  silent  as  he  is  in  these  moments,  the  dialogue  in  his  eyes  is  thunderously  loud.  The  way  she  stares  at  him,  the  way  her  words  are  sure  and  pointed  without  overt  phrasing;  there's  no  mistaking  what  she  wants  of  him.  Quenton  lifts  his  hand  to  the  buckles  at  his  shoulders,  unlatching  them  and  letting  the  armoured  vest  fall  away;  revealing  dark  ebony  skin,  lean  with  hard  muscle  and  brute  strength.  Quenton  stares  into  Alysanne's  eyes  as  his  hands  move  to  unlace  his  trousers,  from  head  to  toe  there  are  countless  scars  of  a  warrior,  but  equally  the  evidence  of  a  body  sculpted  almost  entirely  of  muscle  and  power.
There  is  not  ounce  of  shame  or  hesitation  in  revealing  himself,  standing  naked  before  her  with  his  underclothes  clasped  in  his  hand  at  his  side.  Quenton's  eyes  silently  invite,  or  challenge,  her  to  speak  or  act  now  that  he  has  done  what  she  requested.   He  towers  over  her,  moreso  that  she  is  seated  and  he  is  standing  before  her,  he  lifts  his  chin  as  warm  air  rushes  against  his  bare  skin,  the  sensation  of  nakedness  sending  a  small  thrill  down  his  near  6'7"  frame,  his  eyes  dance  over  her  —  more  openly  than  he  has  before;  hidden  away  in  a  private  chamber,  exposed  to  her  gaze  at  her  request;        "now you  have  seen  me,  my  lady.  What  more  do  you  desire  of  me?"
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atopvisenyashill · 7 months
i have a really obscure secret targ theory and it’s related to the alysanne-daughter-of-maegor au
House Qoherys, the first house to have Harrenhal, is a Valyrian descended house according to semi canonical sources which makes sense - Quenton Qoherys is master at arms on Dragonstone before the conquest, and dragonseeds are very common on dragonstone at this time, plus his name is a lil Valyrian-ish. I think a bit similar to giving Orys Storm’s End, Aegon may have wanted to give a beloved relative/valyrian a proper seat.
now quenton’s grandson, gargon the guest, was killed by harren the red so house qoherys went extinct. BUT. they don’t say why house harroway gets the seat, it just says that because qoherys died, harroway got it. so EYE think lucas harroway was a descendant in the female line of quenton qoherys - he had two sons, and we don’t know if his second marriage gave any children. i think that would explain getting harrenhal so easily AND it explains why maegor would go for alys - lucas had a valyrian mother. after being denied rhaena, then not having children with ceryse for years, if a valyrian went “hey look at my gorgeous partially valyrian daughter” maegor would go for that immediately.
BUT FOR THE AU. if he has a child with alys, it convinces him that the problem is ceryse, not him, until every single one of his children after her keep coming out as mutants and he can’t understand why he was only given this one quiet, meek, plain looking daughter (who is plotting with her cousins to escape and overthrow him).
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Ambientación de las Tierras de los Ríos
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Edmyn Tully ya no es un vasallo más. Es un gran señor, padre de una familia cuyas siguientes generaciones gobernarán todos los territorios regados por el Tridente. Desde su hermoso castillo sobre el Forca, Aguasdulces, Edmyn mira con una gran sonrisa a su familia y a las bellas y fértiles tierras que le fueron legadas por el Conquistador. Quien sabe, si juega bien sus cartas su sangre podría desposarse con un heredero del rey. Su lealtad está bien dibujada. Después de todo, su poder viene de aquel que se sienta en el Trono de Hierro. La lealtad de sus vasallos... eso es otro cantar. Harrenhall, con su Torre de la Pira Real que regala al mundo el recordatorio de que una afrenta a Aegon Targaryen está condenada a extinguirse en medio de fuego y cenizas. Lord Edmyn es sabio, se congracia con los monarcas y sonríe animadamente a su nuevo vecino, Lord Quenton Qoherys, Señor de Harrenhall. Sin embargo, los demás señores de aquellas tierras no se muestran tan alegres.  Susurran las malas lenguas que la Casa Tully no es digna de gobernar por sobre casas de tan antiguo linaje como los Bracken, los Blackwood, los Vance y los Mallister. ¿No es acaso más justo que Lord Mallister gobierne? No, no, más justo sería que Lord Blackwood lo haga. ¡Injusticia! claman los Bracken ¡Nuestro Señor ha de gobernar! La Tierra de los Ríos ha pasado seis años de relativa calma, pero las tensiones entre casas parecen estar a punto de estallar. Blackwood y Bracken, con su tradicional rivalidad, pueden ser el eslabón débil que rompa la paz. Solo los dioses saben qué se cuece en los corazones de los hombres.
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sigilsongs-a · 6 months
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" study. train. BLEED. and one day your name will be legend... spoken in hushed whispers of 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑 & 𝐚𝐰𝐞. "
𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐎𝐍 𝐐𝐎𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐒 is the master at arms who shaped a dynasty.
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" an attack must be grounded in proper footing!  see how aegon attempts to press, before regaining balance? your brother is now dead. ... allow advantage to your back, to your neck; and now rhaenys joins aegon in the afterlife.   become entangled with a more powerful opponent, you are dead too, visenya. — congratulations; your foolish hubris has ended house targaryen's future in mere minutes. NOW rise ! — and face me, as one. "
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