#Lois Drake x dick winters
footprintsinthesxnd · 9 months
Merry Christmas Kate
Oh Kate you are one of my favourite people ever! You are the funniest, sweetest, most loveable person. I can’t think of a time talking to you where I haven’t been laughing my head off. I’m so glad to have met you and without our random chats we’d have never made the discord chat where I met even more amazing people. I’m forever in your debt Kate. I love you so much. I hope you have an amazing Christmas and enjoy this little snippet of Kate and Lois from ‘Loving Her Was Red’ and the little introduction of Kate’s love interest.
You can find Kate and the other characters moodboard from the link here
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Lois’ fingers drummed impatiently against the hard wooden desk, her eyes scanning over the officers as they waited to start the meeting. Dick gave her a sympathetic smile from his seat next to Nixon that she didn’t reciprocate, her mind too focused on the embarrassment of her friend's lateness.
Colonel Sink, noticing the anxiety in the room spoke up, “Captain Drake, could we start the meeting without Sergeant Blythe?”
Lois sighed, “I apologise for my friend's tardiness but she will be here, I assure you.”
Right on time the door flew open with a loud bang, ricocheting on its hinges. Kate burst into the room, her hair loose from its normally neat curls and her lipstick a little smudged at the corner of her mouth.
“Kate Blythe,” Lois stood up, hastily making her way over to her friend, “It’s nice of you to join us.”
“Sorry, I’m late,” Kate mumbled, her eyes glancing over the officers, sending Dick a quick grin.
“I’m so sorry for this gentlemen but could we reconvene in ten minutes?” She pushed Kate out of the doorway.
“Kate, what the hell is going on?” Lois demanded, her hard stare boring into Kate, causing Kate to shrink away a little.
“I’m so sorry, Lois. I lost track of time,” Kate apologised, but knew that she needed to grovel more than that to have Lois forgive her.
“What were you doing?”
“Well… it’s more like ‘who’ I was doing…” Kate trailed off, an amused smirk on her lips as she gauged Lois’ reaction.
“Who you were doing? Kate!”
“What? I just couldn’t help myself. He was handsome and charming. You can’t talk anyway…”
Lois placed her finger against her lips, silencing her mid-sentence before she said anything more about Dick Winters.
“At least tell me his name. Is he from Easy Company?” Lois folded her arms but a smile graced her crimson lips. She was happy for Kate really. While Lois had a more reserved outlook on life and wanted to protect her heart, Kate was a free spirit, she loved life and intended to live it to the fullest.
“Yes, he’s a Sergeant from Easy Company, his name is Donald Malarkey.”
“Yes, but everyone calls him Don. Oh, he’s wonderful Lois. You will have to meet him,” Kate continued to sing Malarkey’s praises and Lois laughed.
“Well, I’m pleased for you and I would definitely love to meet him, but first can we get through this staff meeting.”
Kate nodded enthusiastically, “I’m meeting him again tonight, you should come along. Bring Dick with you.”
Lois laughed, nodding in agreement, “I’ll see what I can do.”
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Tags: @malarkgirlypop @georgieluz @iceman-kazansky @yeahcurrahhe-e @lieutenant-speirs @sharpshootershifty @liberteuniteegalite @msmercury84 @mayhem24-7forever @blvestxr @dustyjumpwjngs @theflyingfin @jump-wings @kafka-ohdear @kmc1989 @mads-weasley @docroesmorphine @liptonsbabe @lena-basilone @sweetxvanixlla @hesbuckcompton-baby @ronsparky @allthingsimagines @whollyjoly @bucky32557038ww2 @panzershrike-pretz @xxluckystrike @hanniewinnix
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“Tell the Talons to lock Gotham down”
Crime Syndicate is back and multiple Talons is canon baybeeeeee. Catch me as I once again roll off the deep end.
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footprintsinthesxnd · 7 months
Loving Her Was Red
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Summary: Lois Drake an SOE from England didn't expect to fall in love, she didn't want to but there was something about the blushing, red-headed officer that melted her cold exterior. But war is no place for love and can they endure. Warnings: unrequited love, Sobel being Sobel, heartache
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We’re going to War
14th May 1944, Aldbourne
Lewis Nixon had always been an observant man and he was no different now from his spot on his bed, watching as Dick filled in some paperwork. “You know Dick, if you’re that fond of Lois you could always ask her out,” Lew declared, watching as his friend's face contorted awkwardly until he replied.
“And what good would that do either of us, Lew? She is so far out of my league and we will be leaving England soon enough. War is no time for romance,” Dick replied, never one looking up from his papers.
Lewis groaned, taking a small swig from his hit flask before continuing, “Dick, she seems like a nice girl and you are not the kind of man who does one-night stands. I know this, hell the whole company knows that. Lois must have been really special for you to go to bed with her the first night. There has to be something more in this, Dick.”
Dick huffed in frustration, pushing the papers across the desk and looking up at his friend, “She’s too good for me, Lew.”
Lewis stared at his friend blankly for a moment before snorting, “You’re kidding me! Any girl would be lucky to have you, Dick. Now I’m not taking no for an answer, you ask Lois out or I will do it for you.”
“Lew, no please don’t…”
“Then do it and if you don’t I will find out. I’m the intelligence officer, after all, I know everything.”
Dick laughed, “Why do I get the feeling she’s growing on you.”
Lewis looked away, his cheeks turning a little red as he muttered, “S-she’s not. She’s okay for you… I don’t like her… why would I like her.”
Dick’s forehead creased as he watched his friend disappear from view.
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The conversation played over and over in Dick’s mind as he followed the path up to the house Lois was billeted at. He knocked on the door nervously, smoothing down his hair with one hand and grasping hold of the flowers he’d bought with the other. Kate’s face appeared at the door and she grinned enthusiastically at him.
“Lieutenant Winters, how nice of you to drop by. To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?”
Dick would tell she was trying not to combust with excitement on the doorstep and scream for Lois immediately but as soon as his reply came that he was here to see Lois Kate sprinted from the door, shouting up the stairs. There were some rustling and hushed voices from within before Lois appeared in the doorway. She looked as beautiful as ever.
“Lieutenant Winters, how nice of you to come by. Please do come in.” She pushed the door open wider and allowed Dick to step into the passageway.
“Please I must insist you call me Dick,” he spoke softly, unsure if Kate was still nearby.
“Whatever you say, Lieutenant,” Lois grinned, biting her lip and looking up at him. Dick gulped, straightening himself before thrusting the flowers towards Lois.
“For you.” Lois looked a little surprised but took the flowers gratefully with a smile. She moved through to the kitchen, taking a vase from one of the cupboards. Dick watched from the doorway, unsure whether the invite extended to the kitchen or just the hallway.
“Dick, please don’t hover. You can take a seat. Would you like some tea?” Lois asked, two cups already in her hands.
“That would be lovely. Thank you,” Dick took a seat at the kitchen table, his eyes never leaving Lois until she finally took a seat opposite him.
“So what brings you to Ramsbury, Dick?” Lois reached across the table, her fingers brushing against Dick’s until he took her hand in his, smiling at her as he blushed once more.
“Well…” Dick wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to ask next, “well, I- umm.”
“Dick,” Lois squeezed his hand, running her fingers over his knuckles with a small smile on her lips. “It’s okay.”
Dick smiled sadly at her, “I’m sorry. I’m not good with women.”
Lois laughed, “Well you’re lucky I’m not any woman and I like you very much.”
Dick now filled with some brief confidence, “Well I was wondering if you’d like to go out… sometime… with me.”
A big grin spread across Lois’ lips, “Absolutely. I would love to Dick.”
Dick grinned back at her, the nervousness leaving him as he leant forward across the table to press his lips firmly to hers. It was soft and gentle and Dick found himself unable to pull away until something crashed down the stairs and a very confused Donald Malarkey stood watching them, his shirt half done up and roughly tucked into his trousers and the rest of his uniform tucked under his arm.
“Lieutenant Winters,” he saluted before scurrying away.
“What was all that?” Dick turned back to Lois who just smiled.
“That was Kate’s doing.”
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18th May 1944, Aldbourne
Dick tugged nervously at his tie, straightening it for the tenth time since he’d arrived at the pub. He wasn’t sure why he was so worried. It was only going to be a few drinks in the Crown. He’d wanted to take Lois to London, or Swindon but Sobel had cancelled all the weekend passes again and so the best he could do was sneak off for a few hours to see Lois in Aldbourne. He’d never snuck off the base before, always following the rules but he was sick of Sobel's antics and after finally working up the courage to ask Lois he wasn’t about to let her down. He’d left Lew and Harry in charge of his alibi so who knows what he could return to.
Dick took a seat in a dark corner of the bar, away from prying eyes and anyone who might tell Sobel of his whereabouts. He was watching the door the whole time, holding his breath as the anxiety built again. That was the moment Lois came in. Her brown locks curled and pinned in her usual style, her lips coloured with her signature red lipstick and her blue dress hanging to her curves as her hips swayed. Dick had to all but hold himself down to stop himself from immediately leading her back to her billet for some alone time.
“Lieutenant Winters,” she greeted him, pressing her lips to his and Dick instantly melted into her touch.
“Good evening beautiful,” Dick smiled and pulled out Lois’ chair allowing her to sit down before taking his own.
“I’m sorry this isn’t more glamorous. Sobel’s been running us all ragged and cancelled our passes again. I swear that man…”
“I have never seen you like this Lieutenant,” Lois interrupted a cheeky smile on her lips. “But I like it.”
Dick blushed again, smiling when Lois grabbed his hand and pressed a gentle kiss to his knuckles.
“And anyway this is perfect. I wanted to spend time with you, I don’t mind where we spend that time.”
Dick wasn’t sure whether she was insinuating what he thought she was but his blush grew deeper once more.
The evening went swimmingly. They laughed and talked as if they had been doing so for years. Conversations came easily to them as they discussed their homes, their families, and life before the war. Dick was pleased to finally know more about Lois. She’d grown up in Benthal Green with her mother and father. Her father was a WW1 veteran and had a temper that even Dick wouldn’t have wanted to mess with. Her parents had been killed during the bombing on 3rd March 1943 while Lois had been undercover in Europe. Her knew she felt their loss greatly but wouldn’t elaborate on her family after that.
“I do have one question,” Dick spoke up, taking a sip of his ginger beer. “Why did you sign the letter you left as ‘R’?”
Lois laughed, cringing slightly that she’d signed it as ‘R’ instead of Lois. “Well…” Lois pondered over her next words. “It’s my code name, ‘Red’ or ‘R’. I guess it’s just habit.”
Dick smiled, reaching across the table and squeezing Lois hand, “I like that.”
Lois chuckled, “What’s there to like about it.”
“Well, we’re R and R. Richard and Red.” Lois grinned brightly at him. She’d never considered it that way before and the fact that Dick was thinking of their names side by side made her heart flutter. Dick must have felt just as excited about the prospect as she did, for he quickly changed the subject, blushing furiously.
Dick touched briefly on the D-Day plans which Lois was already fully aware of.
“I wish I could tell you more about my job but it’s highly classified,” Lois smiled sadly and Dick reached across the table to squeeze her hand.
“Please don’t worry about it. I trust you and maybe one day when this is all over and only if you wish to, you can tell me about it.”
Lois smiled brightly this time, nodding at him, “I’ll hold you to that, Lieutenant.”
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Dick rolled over, his eyes blurry from sleep and his arms outstretched towards the woman next to him. To his surprise she was still there, snuggled up next to his side, her face buried into his neck. She groaned sleepily, clutching him closer. It was still dark outside, the morning rays having yet to break through the thin curtains.
“What time is it?” He mumbled, voice thick from sleep as he buried his head into her hair, placing a sweet kiss on her forehead.
“Still early. Go back to sleep, Dick,” she mumbled in reply but Dick shook his head.
“No, I should go. Sobel will have my guts if he catches me.”
Lois looked up at him sadly but nodded anyway, “Okay. I have a meeting with Nixon again today so I’ll see you later.”
“Of course,” Dick replied, kissing her one last time before he dressed quickly and hurried out of the house, waving awkwardly at Kate and Malarkey who were sitting at the kitchen table.
“Malarkey, weekend passes are cancelled. What are you doing here?” Dick spoke sternly, trying to avoid the embarrassment of being caught by one of his men.
“I could ask you the same thing, Sir,” Malarkey retorted before remembering himself. “I’ll head back to base, Sir.”
Dick nodded, following after him. Malarkey had a large smirk on his face causing Dick to sigh. “I’d appreciate it if you could keep this encounter to yourself, Malarkey.”
“Whatever you say, Sir.”
Dick was surprised to find that Sobel was in fact not pacing at the gates waiting for them.
“Head straight back to your hut, Malarkey.” The private nodded, rushing off towards his Nissan hut.
Dick walked into the officer's room to come face to face with Harry and Lew sat at the desk waiting for him.
“Christ Dick, thank God you’re back. Harry said you never went back to your billet last night,” Lew began, throwing his arms around his friend and wrinkling his nose. “Christ you need a shower man, you smell like a woman now.”
Dick blushed and his two friends fell about laughing.
“Well, how was our dear Captain Drake?” Harry asked, grinning cheekily at Dick who did his best to ignore the looks shared between his friends.
“She’s very well, thank you. We had a lovely evening.”
“I’m sure you did,” Lewis laughed, throwing Dick’s PT kit at him. “Here change into this, Sobel should be here any minute.”
Dick stripped off quickly, ignoring the laughter from Lewis as he pointed out the love bite Lois had left on his neck. He was just tying up his shorts when Sobel came barreling through the door followed by Evans, both surprised that the three officers were ready and waiting.
“What’s all this?” Sobel asked, eyeing the men suspiciously.
“What is what, Sir,” Dick asked, hoping amongst hope that Sobel wouldn’t notice the love bite that Lois had left on his neck.
“Well this,” Sobel waved his arms around. “What are you all waiting for? Go!” He ushered the men outside and Lewis patted Dick on the shoulder.
“You were lucky this time, Dick but I wouldn’t change it again.” Dick nodded to his friend, he had a feeling that Lew was right but for some reason, he just could keep away from Lois Drake
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“You know what’s funny about all this?” Harry wheezed as they finally made it back to the Nissan huts, sweat trickling down his forehead and his cheeks red. Lewis was always teasing him that he hadn’t had to run Currahee but Harry was a tough little man and he soon went after Lew for that comment.
“What’s so funny, Harry,” Lew asked, flopping down onto the crate at the end of his bed.
“Well, we came into this with one man married, one man engaged and one man single and now Dick is getting more action than either of us.”
“Alright Harry, settle down. I’m not getting any action…” The two men looked at him judgmentally. “Okay, maybe I’m getting a little action.”
“Dick, you have been rolling around in the sheets with Miss Drake nearly every night this week,” Lew squeaked, waving his hands above his head.
“It’s Captain Drake,” Dick corrected him as Lewis just rolled his eyes. Dick blushed, “Okay maybe I am getting some action.” He laughed as his friends continued their jesting.
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20th May 1944, Aldbourne
“Lois, this package came for you this morning. It looks official,” Kate slid the large brown envelope across the table towards her. Lois set down her tea with a sigh. The A4-sized envelope stopped open easily and the contents spilled out onto the table. There were two sets of identification papers, photographs, French francs, and a list of instructions. Lois read the instructions carefully and Kate couldn’t quite make out what she was thinking.
“Lois, what is all this?”
“It’s my mission. I’m going to war.”
“You’re what!” Kate shot up from her seat to see the papers but Lois quickly shoved them back in the envelope.
“I won’t be allowed to discuss it with you, Kate. They’ll want me to go up for a briefing in person. I’m sorry Kate.”
Kate looked a little deflated but took her seat. “I understand. Maybe soon they’ll be sending me on a mission too.”
Lois smiled at her friend sympathetically, “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, Kate.” This wasn’t Lois' first debut, she’d worked in the Bletchley Circle since the war began, deciphering codes and sending coded messages to allies. Her first mission had been to go undercover in occupied France and work closely with the French resistance. However, her cover was blown near the end of the mission and she was extracted for her safety. She hadn’t been in the field since and now all of a sudden they were sending her back out there again. Lois' heart sank at the realisation that she would be leaving Aldbourne soon, it sank even more when she realised she’d have to break the news to Dick.
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The mood was sombre in Lois billet that night. Kate excused herself after dinner and went for a walk and Lois headed to bed earlier. She was just pinning her hair up in curlers when there was a knock at the door. Dick was standing in the doorway with a bunch of wildflowers in his hand and an endearing little smile.
“Good evening,” his face fell when he saw Lois' appearance; standing in the doorway in her nightdress. “I’m sorry. I can go if you were planning an early night…” but he was cut off when Lois threw her arms around him.
“I’m so glad you’re here.” Dick wasn’t sure what was going on but he dropped the flowers and engulfed her in a warm hug.
“What’s wrong, Sweetheart?” But Lois shook her head.
“I can’t tell you but I wish I could.” Dick nodded, stepping back off the step. “I understand. I can go if you want me to.”
“No Dick, please stay.”
Instead of their normal dash up the stairs, whipping each other's clothes off as they went, this time was sombre and slow. Lois hand linked in Dick’s as she led him towards her room. Dick sat down on the bed, removing his boots before laying back against the headboard and beckoning Lois to join him. She curled into his side, her head resting against his shoulder while his fingers danced down her back.
“I’m sorry. This probably isn’t the evening you had planned, Lois mumbled, tears slipping freely down her cheeks now.
Dick froze, his forehead creased as he spoke, “Do you think that’s the only reason I came round? Lois, I want to spend time with you. I enjoy spending time with you. Not just the sex, although the sex is great,” he blushed and Lois could help but laugh at his embarrassment. “But Lois, I love spending time with you. You’re a wonderful woman.”
“I love spending time with you too,” she whispered before leaning up to kiss his lips. Lois had kissed Dick many times since she’d first met him and yet this kiss felt even more special than all the others, it was a silent promise to each other.
“We’re supposed to be leaving Aldbourne soon,” Dick whispered, his lips pressed against Lois' forehead. She looked up at him, her eyes trained on his lips as he spoke. “Lew can’t tell us exactly what is planned yet but I fear the invasion of Europe is finally on the cards.”
Lois nodded slowly, she knew that what was being called D-Day was imminent, she also knew that Operation Jedburgh was directly linked to help aid the allied invasion of Europe. The main question Lois was asking is would it work?
Dick shuffled over slightly so he could look down at her, a broad smile on his lips, “Lois, the last few months we’ve spent together have been the best time of my life. I don’t want to leave on a sad note.”
Lois smiled weekly at him, “It’s been the best time of my life too, how can this not be a dad time? We’ll be apart for so long.”
“Well, how about you write to me and I’ll write to you whenever we can,” Dick suggested.
Lois sighed, “You won’t know where to send them though if I’m send to France. I’ll be undercover, I won’t have a permeant address.”
“Well, we can write the letters to each other, everything we are thinking, feeling, anything we want to say to one another and then when we can post them, we will.”
Lois looked up at Dick, her eyes misty from the unshed tears and she admitted something she never thought she would. “I love you, Richard Winters.”
“And I love you, Lois Drake.”
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The next morning Dick had left early, leaving Lois alone with her thoughts while she packed for her trip to London. Her mind drifted from her mission to London, to Dick, to Lewis… Lewis!
She watched as the intelligence officer paced up and down the path, mumbling to himself. She leant forward, bracing herself against the bed to stare out of the window. What was he doing? He had a file underneath his arm, and he nearly dropped it several times while waving his arms around as he mumbled. He then seemed to make a decision and strode towards the door, tapping the knocker three times before a deafening silence followed.
Lois made her way downstairs slowly, her mind trying to piece together the situation. She opened it with a wide smile and Lewis gave her a curt nod.
“Captain Drake.”
Lois smiled, “Lieutenant Nixon, what can I do for you?”
The officer seemed flustered, she’d never seen him so out of control, he was cool and calm, barely ever lifting an eyebrow at any situation.
“Well… I umm,” he paused again, swallowing hard. “Well I hear that you have a mission and we’ve had some extra intelligence so… here.” He thrust the folder into her hand and she accepted it gratefully.
“Thank you, Nixon.”
“You can call me Lewis if you want to,” he gave her a small smile, his breathing finally falling into a more normal rhythm.
“Thank you, Lewis. Would you like to come in?” Lois pushed the door open further but Lewis shook his head.
“No, thank you. I should be heading back to base.” Lois nodded understandingly.
“Well, I look forward to seeing you again sometime, Lewis. Let’s hope it’s under different circumstances,” Lois leant forward, giving the officer a quick hug and pecking a kiss on his cheek.
Lewis' cheeks flushed red and Lois pretended not to notice.
“Goodbye, Lois. Good luck.” Lewis turned away and strolled quickly down the path, quickly disappearing from view.
Lewis felt his heartache as he turned away and began his walk down the cobbled street. He didn’t know whether his heart ached for the woman he had fallen for going into a combat zone, or whether his heart ached for his friend who would have to let go of the woman he loved, or whether his heart ached for himself, for he could never share how he truly felt about Lois Drake.
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Tags: @georgieluz @iceman-kazansky @yeahcurrahhe-e @msmercury84 @blvestxr @dustyjumpwjngs @theflyingfin @jump-wings @kafka-ohdear @kmc1989 @mads-weasley @docroesmorphine @liptonsbabe @hesbuckcompton-baby @ronsparky @allthingsimagines @whollyjoly @bucky32557038ww2 @hanniewinnix @inglourious-imagines @l13bg0tt
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footprintsinthesxnd · 8 months
Loving Her Was Red
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Summary: Lois Drake an SOE from England didn't expect to fall in love, she didn't want to but there was something about the blushing, red-headed officer that melted her cold exterior. But war is no place for love and can they endure. Warnings: implied sexual images, swearing, Lois and Nix being sassy.
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Love From R
Dick groaned as he rolled over, his back sore and his legs aching as his blurry eyes adjusted to the ceiling above him. It wasn’t the ceiling he normally woke up to. The familiar plain white ceiling of the house he was billeted in was gone. Its wake was a lavishly painted ceiling with Greek figures strewn across it. As Dick’s eyes adjusted to his surroundings he noticed the ruffled bed covers across his naked frame and the remnants of his dress uniform was discarded across the floor. There was a note on the bedside table with his name inscribed and he reached over to grab it.
“I had a lot of fun last night.
I hope to see much more of you Dick Winters.
“R,” Dick spoke softly, pondering over the name R. “I thought her name was Lois,” Dick scratched the back of his neck. “Maybe I did have too much to drink after all.”
Dick dressed quickly and hurried out of the unknown hotel room, oblivious to his disheveled hair and loose tie, as he desperately tried to keep his now buttonless shirt closed as he hurried for a bus.
He never done the walk of shame before. He’d seen Lewis do it enough times but had never himself experienced the humiliation. Clearly Easy Company had never seen him this embarrassed either and they seemed to line the path of the camp to watch as he hurried towards the officers billet. Calls and whoops from his men followed him as he slammed the wooden door behind him and sighed.
“Well, well, well Dickie. You look like you had a good night,” Lewis called from his spot lead across Dick’s bed. Harry Welsh was sat on the other side sniggering to himself as Winters glared at them.
“Don’t say anything,” he snapped, moving towards his wardrobe and changing quickly into his PT hear to join the other men.
“Oh come on Dick. I need all the details. What is the infamous Lois Drake like in bed?” Dick opened his mouth to silence the pair when a familiar feminine voice spoke, “well Nixon, wouldn’t you like to know.”
Dick spun around so quickly he nearly toppled into Lewis, his face an imagine of horror.
“Lois,” he croaked, his voice cracked and dry as he all but wheezed her name.
She just smiled, “glad to see I still have that effect on you, Lieutenant.”
Dick straightens his tie, standing a little taller, “what brings you hear? I thought you were heading straight back to London.”
“Plans change,” she grinned at him, “and I have a meeting with Lieutenant Nixon. All the SOE’s working with the 101st have been sent to the base today to meet with the intelligence officers and to start formulating plans. My fellow SOE, Kate, has been assigned to Fox Company. We each have a company to work alongside so I’m sure, as I am with Easy, that I’ll be seeing a lot of you Dick.”
Dick nodded, his cheeks flushing a bright shade of red, “well then… I-i cannot wait to work with you in the future,” Dick stumbled over his words before excusing himself and leaving Lois alone with Lewis, who only smirked.
“Does Dick often act like this around women?”
“Oh all the time but you’re the first one he actually went to bed with. Normally he just blush profusely and makes awkward chit chat until he can leave.”
“How do you know we slept together?” Lois protested, knowing that Winters was not the kind of man to make such ideal gossip.
“Dick is never late to anything and this morning he was late, without proper attire and sporting a love bite that he did not have last night. It doesn’t take a genius to piece that together,” Lewis smiled smugly as if he’d just cracked the Enigma Code.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Lieutenant. Cockiness is not becoming and you are far from a genius so I wouldn’t expect you to figure it out,” Lois clicked her heels together as she turned. “Shall we head to the meeting?”
Lewis grumbled under his breath before following after Lois in defeat.
Lois' fingers drummed impatiently against the hard wooden desk, her eyes scanning over the officers as they waited to start the meeting. Dick gave her a sympathetic smile from his seat next to Nixon that she didn't reciprocate, her mind too focused on the embarrassment of her friend's lateness.
Colonel Sink, noticing the anxiety in the room spoke up, "Captain Drake, could we start the meeting without Sergeant Blythe?"
Lois sighed, "I apologise for my friend's tardiness but she will be here, I assure you."
Right on time the door flew open with a loud bang, ricocheting on its hinges. Kate burst into the room, her hair loose from its normally neat curls and her lipstick a little smudged at the corner of her mouth.
"Kate Blythe," Lois stood up, hastily making her way over to her friend, "It's nice of you to join us."
"Sorry, I'm late," Kate mumbled, her eyes glancing over the officers, sending Dick a quick grin.
"I'm so sorry for this gentlemen but could we reconvene in ten minutes?" She pushed Kate outside.
Dick watched as Lois spoke fervently to her fellow SOE officer, her arms waving frantically as she berated her but soon softening. He couldn’t help but admire her, the way she seemed to embrace power and excel in her position but also show her softer side.
Lewis cleared his throat beside him, digging his elbow in Dick’s ribs, causing him to flinch. Harry and Buck who sat opposite them shared a cheeky smile and Dick found himself blushing again. He didn’t think he could stand any further embarrassment today.
“You’re staring again, Dick. You’ve got it bad,” Lewis jested, sniggering as he whispered in his ear. Dick just batted him away, sighing when Harry leant across the table and asked when the wedding was.
“Will you call just shut it, please. We’re in a meeting for Pete's sake.”
“Whatever you say, Dick,” the men replied but continued their silent conversation with the occasional glances and sniggers.
The door swung back on its hinges again, screaming in protest as the two women entered.
“Sorry about the delay gentlemen. Are we ready to begin?” Lois strode across the room, taking the spare seat beside Dick with a smile. It was then that Dick Winters knew he was in trouble.
Tags: @georgieluz @iceman-kazansky @yeahcurrahhe-e @msmercury84 @blvestxr @dustyjumpwjngs @theflyingfin @jump-wings @kafka-ohdear @kmc1989 @mads-weasley @docroesmorphine @liptonsbabe @hesbuckcompton-baby @ronsparky @allthingsimagines @bucky32557038ww2 @malarkgirlypop @hanniewinnix @inglourious-imagines @l13bg0tt @samwinchesterslostshoe
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footprintsinthesxnd · 9 months
Loving Her Was Red Moodboards
Lois Drake
Special Operations Executive (SOE)
Born and raised in England
Lois had been hurt far too many times to really trust men again but there was something about the handsome red-haired paratrooper that changed her mind. Maybe, just maybe this time love would be different.
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Dick Winters
Lieutenant and Companding Officer of Easy Company 101st Airborne Division
Dick never intended to fall in love, he wanted to concentrate on his training, his company and the war. That was until Lois Drake strolled into his life and completely changed his view on the world.
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Kate Blythe
Special Operations Executive (SOE)
Kate is Lois’ best friend. She is fully of life, fun loving and wears her heart on her sleeve. Despite Lois being far more reserved they get on like a house on fire. Kate’s keen eyes soon catch sight of Donald Malarkey who soon wins over her heart too.
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Raoul Ambroise
French Resistance
Raoul is partnered with Lois and Ray for Operation Jedburgh. They parachute into occupied France on D-Day to assist the allies. His family were murdered by Nazis and his wife was taken prisoner by the Nazis.
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Ray Clarke
American Agent
Ray is partnered with Lois and Raoul for Operation Jedburgh. They parachute into occupied France on D-Day to assist the allies. Ray has a sweetheart, Barbara, waiting for him back home.
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footprintsinthesxnd · 8 months
Oh Jess you already knoooowwwwwww I wanna hear about Losing her was Red! 😍
Then you have come to the right place 😂
So ‘Loving Her Was Red’ is the story between Lois Drake a British SOE agent and Dick Winters. Lois is an outgoing character and is the usual girl that Winters would fall for, but there is something about her.
I will link the masterlist at the bottom so you can read the first two chapters that are posted. Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist. 🩵
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footprintsinthesxnd · 7 months
Hello everyone,
Hope you’re all keeping well. It’s been a little while since I’ve done one of these but it seems time to decide as i have over committed myself lots of fics and so id lo some help on deciding which ones to concentrate on first. Of course ill finish all the first in due time but i will concentrate on the highest voted one first.
Of course i will still be writing the Masters of the Air collab with the wonderful @major-mads and i have a Top Gun collab with @seresinned which i am posting on my side blog and im working on a new MOTA series collab with @georgieluz so its just my own fics that I will be working on one at a time time for now.
Please vote below on which sereis is your favourite that you’d like me to prioritise working on and if there an=re any others then let me know in the comments.
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footprintsinthesxnd · 2 years
my WIP list
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(Last updates 08/07/24)
On a Wing and a Prayer - MOTA collab
Beneath the Blue Sky -MOTA collab
Loving Her Was Red - Dick Winters x Lois Drake OC series
Original WW2 story
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