#Loki speculation
percheduphere · 11 months
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I don't think Mobius is happy in his timeline. Don, as we find him, is different from Mobius.
He's less confident.
He's more desperate.
He's less responsible.
He's more lonely.
Owen's delivery of "Are you really my friend?" Didn't sound skeptical to me. It sounded more like longing.
I originally thought his wife died, but upon second review, the delivery of "long gone" was rather flippant. If it was a divorce, however, it seems like it wasn't an amicable parting. It rather leans toward a marriage that struggled to work.
I still stand by the notion Mobius isn't making enough money. Yet, the kids stayed with him. That, to me, suggests the wife cheated and left to be with her lover. To prevent disruption in his kids' lives (changing schools, leaving behind friends, etc.), I think Mobius argued for primary custody.
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Again, he needs the money. He brings up his wife, but it's not her he misses.
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He misses the sense of adventure, the fun, the companionship. Someone to share a drink with, someone to share a meal or something sweet with.
Even in his timeline, he doesn't actually get to ride a jetski. The most he can get is fantasizing about it.
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While Loki sacfricing himself to ensure his friends are safe, to ensure Mobius's kids are safe, to ensure MOBIUS is safe, feels like a forgone conclusion, I don't think this feels like a proper ending for Mobius.
I think Loki will survive, and I hope he and Mobius will find a way to make it work since Loki explained to him he can take Mobius back to any point in time. Meaning, he could have Loki in his life without abandoning his kids.
But where will Loki go? Even if OB and Casey want to stay full-time at the TVA (I honestly don't see either of them wanting their timeline lives), it doesn't feel right for Loki.
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This house looks like it can fit one more person.
I don't care that I know I'm about to get hurt, but the narrative set-up is all there, and it's driving me crazy. There's an indisputable basis for a romantic relationship, there's Loki's powers enabling a timeline life and a TVA life to work, and there's a fucking HOUSE that can fit one more person that we know would be welcome there.
Adding to all of this is that Mobius shows up in Deadpool 3.
This is driving me absolutely bananas. The happy ending is there. It's mechanically feasible. But it's Disney, so what the hell ending is it going to be???
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nerdy-frog98 · 11 months
So for experiments’ sake, I asked my straight brother who doesn’t consume Marvel, romantic media, or LGBTQ+ media often this question - “if a person fixes their jacket collar and smooths their hair before going to talk to someone, can that be taken romantically?”
He asked if it was a business thing, and I told him that it was more a reuniting thing. His response - “I mean, pausing to fix my appearance would only happen if I was about to see my wife again or if I was about to have a business meeting and my appearance mattered.” I explained the scene of Loki fixing his appearance with Loki (but didn’t use names and kept my words gender-neutral… plus a little context), and he said “Oh yeah, that’s super romantic.”
When I watched the episode with my sister, she told me at the end of the episode that she didn’t realize Loki was in love with Mobius until that exact same moment, the appearance fixing.
There was absolutely no fucking need to add that if Lokius isn’t endgame. I understand the whole “men should be allowed to be friends without getting shipped” but it just simply doesn’t apply in this situation. It is coded romantically.
I will be delusional and believe Lokius is endgame, and if it doesn’t happen, I will be so sad. Loki is canonly bisexual- PLEASE give them this Marvel 🙏🏼
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thank-you-my-friend · 11 months
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twinge-of-cosmicangst · 11 months
Dw guys Don is not short for Donald Blake, he isn’t a Thor variant, Don is actually short for Ronald McDONald and Mobius is a variant of the McDonald’s clown, Sylvie working there was the hint all along.
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eddiewithcat · 11 months
oh my god
it actually makes so much sense if mobius was married to a loki variant.
it would explain his absolute fascination with everything and all things related to loki.
i mean
it uses the same reasoning for why he is so obsessed with jet-skis, does it not?
(i need the fics)
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elodiah · 10 months
Ever since I read the interview excerpt about the completely scrapped 2x5 episode, I’ve been thinking that not only was it possibly the reveal of canon Lokius (popular theory), but that it was executed in a romcom style.. e.g. Loki had to “woo” Donbius to get him to come with him, and all their scenes were played like something out of Love Actually or whatever. And that’s why we still had tiny elements of that scattered in the aired episode, such as “seeing him through the window”, “fixing the jacket and hair” and “flustered stammering”. Little references to what would have (SHOULD have) been…
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loki-who-remains · 11 months
I’ve been thinking about the significance of three.
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The time keepers, however fake, were originally three. The war room has a triangular table where three people are supposed to be sitting at an equal distance from each other. Although there are five Kangs on the wall. In the end, there are many shots where people stand in three and almost always form an equilateral triangle. Yeah, it’s very cinematic and beautiful, especially in wider shots, but imo also symbolic in our case.
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What if for the TVA to work properly it would actually require three people?
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Someone who is practical and cares for order and people’s safety; someone who is more chaotic and can act quickly and effectively in ever changing circumstances; someone who thinks clearly, can mediate and decide at every moment how much chaos and order they need at any particular moment?
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What if they have to be three?
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taraljc · 10 months
Here's why I continue to have hope. Because right now, he's Schrödinger's Loki. The series never said outright one way or another that he can't get out of that chair, intentionally.
It took Loki a couple of centuries to learn everything Ouroboros knew about science and engineering. When he was presented with a binary choice that doomed entire realities regardless of which path he took, it took him thousands of iterations to find a third option. To flip the script. Rewrite the story. Dictate how the story would end.
He's only been sat in the chair for like a fortnight. Give him a chance to catch his breath. He has been running from crisis to crisis for who knows how many lifetimes. He deserves a break. The multiverse existed just fine before He Who Remains got there and started feeding worlds upon worlds to an angry cloud.
Once the dying branches are all healthy and thriving, and he has figured out how this whole God of Stories/Loki Who Remains/Knot That Binds The Entire Multiverse Together gig I'm sure he'll find his way back to the people loves one way or another.
It's what he does. Find the secret paths, the loopholes. Escapes are his thing.
Just give him time.
(Besides, if it were easy, everyone would do it.)
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existential-labrador · 11 months
Okay but…if Loki has gone back to before the loom exploded but tells everyone about their timelines…Mobius is gonna have to actively choose to leave the ‘only life he’s ever known’ in the TVA and to leave Loki. Oh my god he’s gonna have to actively choose to forget Loki isn’t he
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sherlocking-out-loud · 11 months
wildly speculating about Loki here but... what if the reason there's a pie room in the TVA that is always "around the corner", is because Loki asked it to be designed like that after he recruited Mobius from his timeline to work at the TVA, knowing that Mobius loved pie?
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iced-coffee-jesus · 11 months
no, what's really wild is me getting excited for the Loki final as if I didn't participate in the Destiel, Stucky, Johnlock, etc. fandoms only to get a steel chair to the face. I know whats coming, I've been here before.
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percheduphere · 11 months
I think we need to look at how the finale might play out from a non-shipping lens.
Hear me out.
Under this lens, the hardest thing Mobius can do, which is in direct answer to Ravonna's claim he never could make the hard decisions, is to leave his timeline in order to protect his kids.
Don can never protect Kevin and Sean as fully as Mobius can. His sacrifice will be protecting his children's timeline (and thus all timelines) forever, at the cost of not being there to experience his children's growth and love.
As for Loki, there are 3 themes that have been consistently set-up with a need for payoff since S1:
1. Loki's fear of being alone
2. Does what make a Loki a Loki the "fact" they are destined to lose?
3. Selfishness vs Sacrifice
The thrust of the entire series is Loki breaking out of the narrative constructs that necessitate his position as "villain". The answer to these set-ups, in order for the series to fulfill its thesis are:
1. Loki will NOT be alone.
2. Loki will win.
3. Loki will sacrifice.
His sacrifice will take 2 forms: 1. His personal safety in preventing the Loom Boom, 2. His emotional safety in allowing Mobius to return to his children.
Yet by letting Mobius go, setting Mobius free if you will, Mobius will have the opportunity to choose him the TVA, in an act of his own sacrifice.
Under the non-shipping lens, choosing the TVA to protect his kids is primary. Mobius's reward to make this sacrifice more bearable is an eternal friendship with Loki.
I am feeling fairly optimistic we will get a korasami-esque ending.
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chonkymoth · 10 months
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I'm on my fucking hands and knees WHAT WAS IN THE EPISODE
article here
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musclesandhammering · 11 months
What Actually Caused the Timeslipping?
I think it was actually a progression of things. The order of events goes:
Sylvie pushes Loki through a time door to the past TVA. The fact that regular tempads can’t even do time travel within the TVA and only He Who Remains’ tempad was able to shows just how impossible it’s supposed to be for anyone who isn’t He Who Remains. So Loki shouldn’t ever have been able to go to that specific spot in time-space, and because he did, it scrambled his personal physics in a way. Almost like the universe was looking at him and going “wait.. whaa- No no no. But..?”
He prunes himself and Mobius/OB extract him from the time stream. OB described this whole process as ‘releasing Loki from time’ so I think it essentially unanchored him from any specific timeline (this is why he didn’t go back to his nyc 2012 branch in 2x05). The extractor was supposed to, then, pull him back to the present- and it did!- but because his personal physics (for lack of a better term) were still scrambled, it didn’t actually fix the problem. In fact, it made the “problem” worse.
He’s exposed to a ton of temporal radiation when he bungees back to the loom room. It’s only for a split second, but Loki was out there with the raw time radiation, with no protective suit on, even closer to the loom than Mobius or Victor got. If he was having timey wimey instability issues before, that had to have made it worse.
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twinge-of-cosmicangst · 11 months
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Really hope this batshit rumour isn’t true, but if it is, here’s a meme in advance, as I’ll be far to traumatised to make it after the episode if it does turn out to be true.
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eddiewithcat · 11 months
i think the thing that annoys me the most about the “mobius odin variant” or “mobius thor variant” theories is the fact that.
is it seriously that hard to believe somehow outside of loki’s family could love him?
like can mobius just … not be his own person? why does he have to be a variant of someone else? can’t he just be a silly Some Guy who is a single dad and sells jet skis (tries to at least) ??
i understand it is marvel and theories are fun but it also just rubs me the absolute wrong way idk idk
* also fuck odin LMFAO i was just using family to make a point i do not actually like that man plz *
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