#Longan Dragon Cookie x reader
dedfly · 5 months
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I kinda disappointed I can't drew their glorious smile right
I mean it looks cute and all but ugh :(
edit because I accidentally misgendered them. Thanks for pointing it out. Now I know what they are well they. I'm sorry
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brittle-doughie · 5 months
Know I wanna know more about how the dragons would coddle y/n and their new egg
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Ways of Cookie and Egg Care (The Dragons)
Their ferocity is more or less the same: their cookie and their egg is important and any length should be taken to make sure they’re properly watched over.
Some dragons may have different ideas on what to do with some of these methods of protection.
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Pitaya Dragon Cookie will always want to fight the threat head on, not caring if it was mere cookies or a fellow dragon, Pitaya will never feel content until they’ve dealt with anything that could bring harm to Y/N Cookie and the egg. If you were taking a stroll in the valley, Pitaya will be right next to you, anything even approaching the two of you will have them ready for a fight! Look out, because Pitaya isn’t leaving anyone alone until they’re far enough away to their liking..or the perpetrator is beaten badly.
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Ananas Dragon Cookie considered the island precious to them, that goes especially with you and the egg. Any news that involves either or both of you will have their fullest attention, a call that Ananas will always answer. Cruel and merciless to those who dare face the dragon and their precious treasures will have no mercy.
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Lotus Dragon Cookie takes a more gentle and nurturing approach to the egg and Y/N Cookie. They’ll make sure you’re both kept in their most luxurious room in the palace, they’ll play a tune on their instruments in order to soothe. They can’t help it if they give you a peck on the forehead, you’re just too lovely holding their egg in your arms. But don’t take their gentleness as compliancy, Lotus can and will kill any threats as swiftly as the others if they so much as LOOK AT YOU the wrong way.
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Lychee Dragon Cookie is more laidback in their plans, with having you alongside them in the cave with monsters and brainwashed cookies acting as guards for you and the egg. They’re much more playful, wanting to hold the egg themselves and fly around with it. Their unserious attitude makes you ponder if they care about you as much you did for them, but rest assured, you and the egg matter so much to Lychee. It’s kind of why they’re hesitating on letting you leave the cave, they’re lowkey worried you’ll get hurt.
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Longan Dragon Cookie is likely to be just as unstressed about you and your egg, mostly because they know they can destroy just about anything that they perceive as a danger to the both of you. Kept in their palace similarly to Lotus, they’ll make sure you have everything you need so that you don’t need to leave on your own. It’s cute in your eyes trying to teach Longan in how to care for you guys’ egg, seeing them being a parent and coddling their egg was worthy for some pictures, much to Longan’s (hidden embarrassment) annoyance.
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Shadow Milk Cookie, Pitaya Dragon Cookie, Ananas Dragon Cookie, Longan Dragon Cookie, and Pure Vanilla Cookie (all separate) x reader where the reader is secretly a witch in a cookie disguise, and ends up telling their s/o about it while being quite nervous of their reaction?
If the amount of characters is too much you can cut it down to just Shadow Milk, Pure Vanilla, and Pitaya Dragon.
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Shadow Milk Cookie loves you. He really does. But this piece of information absolutely shatters his whole viewpoint of you.
He's told you his past with the Witches. How they imprisoned him. Put him away from the world. And you're one of them.
He either shuts down or goes into an explosive rage. There's no in-between.
After some time passes, he does sit to talk with you. He's snippy and moody, but he'll talk.
If all goes well and it gets cleared up, Shadow Milk Cookie will still have some lingering resentment. It just hurts him knowing that you hid this from him.
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Spar spar spar spar spar spar-
After getting over the initial shock of it all, Pitaya Dragon Cookie handles it pretty well, all things considered.
They absolutely brag about it if you let them. Having a lover that's a Witch? Bragging rights all the way.
It also assures them in a strange way. They don't have to worry about you too much. You can handle yourself.
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If you thought Pitaya Dragon Cookie's pride was bad, Ananas Dragon Cookie's pride is worse.
They are.. so annoying, when you finally tell them. They won't hesitate to rub it in anyone's face.
Please show them some magic. They'll ask in a round-a-bout way, but please indulge them.
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Longan Dragon Cookie had their suspicions, but it did feel nice for you to actually confirm it to them.
They're really indifferent to the reveal, if not just the tiniest bit excited. Your magic could potentially help them in their quest, couldn't it?
They'll try and push it to you more. Surely you'll agree.
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After nearly passing out from the information, Pure Vanilla Cookie is very curious! Why did you disguise yourself? Why did you even come here?
He does question your love for him for a while, though. He wonders if it was all some sort of farce, but he snaps out of it after a while.
Please show him spells. Please please please please-
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djljpanda · 8 months
Same anon from https://www.tumblr.com/djljpanda/729765849772228608/hi-just-discovered-your-tumblr-and-thought-id-say
May I be snow anon plz? Also...can't help but imagine one funny senario with all cookies, you can involve beasts or not if you want:
Imagine if y/n was naive and innocent and can get easily distracted....like two cookies could be duking it out for their attention only to discover y/n got distracted and was now watching a butterfly on a flower...like if the cookies took their eyes off y/n for too long or something, y/n wanders off lmao! Also can imagine y/n being confused why cookies are fighting eachother, not realizing it's for their attention.
Bonus if you want...if you want a playful naive fighter y/n senario too: imagine if y/n sees two cookies fighting, thinks they are sparring or play fighting...and just runs up and joins in!
Y/n, seeing two cookies duking it out for y/n's attention but y/n doesn't understand that: oooh that looks fun!
Cookie 1: their eyes should be on me!
Cookie 2: no, they should be on-huh?
The two cookies, turning to see y/n running straight at them with fire in their eyes: WAIT Y/N NOOOO!
*both end up punched in the face by y/n who thought they were sparring or having some sort of fun fight and wanting to join in!*
Y/n: did I win? 😃
Fallen Hero’s/Beast x Reader
I remember you snow anon.
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This all happens before their fall from grace.
Now Reader cookie has been traveling with the hero’s for quite awhile now as she was encouraged by the five to join them. But along the way all of them had developed feelings for the cookie.
Innocent Reader, always sees these cookies as friends and would be confused on why they scrabbled allot with each other, just to hold your hand? Now you hate to say that the butterfly flying around was the reason you got lost. But not for long as you saw Eternal sugar cookie come flying down, “oh I was so worried about you how could you get lost like that”. Eternal sugar cookie was always the first to find you and he sit did upset the others.
But at times while you were out doing something’s the rest might start fighting. Let’s say you were leaving to go collect some wood for the town you and the hero’s were helping with. Burning spice cookie, shadow milk cookie, and silent salt cookie had joined you while eternal sugar cookie and mystic flour cookie stayed behind in case if any other cookies may need their help.
But as time went by the two cookies had started to argue as both thought that they will treat you better which led to them about to physically start fight till they heard you and the others returned. When you questioned the two cookies they just pushed off the question while they helped you with the wood you collected.
Fighter reader, here you went with eternal sugar cookie, burning spice cookie, and mystic flour cookie to help some cookies with food. As you four left silent salt cookie and shadow milk cookie decided to spat together but as it continued they truly did started to fight as the topic of you came up. But both were token off guard as they were both knocked to the ground as all confusion went away they look up to see you smiling with the other cookies looking along. “You should have told you two were going to spar I would have stayed back”, you smiled helping the two up as you all got ready to go and help other cookies civilizations.
Other cookies that can fit your scenario-
Affogato cookie and Caramel Arrow cookie
Raspberry mousse cookie and Raspberry cookie
Lilac cookie and Scorpion cookie
Lotus dragon cookie and Longan dragon cookie
Red velvet cookie and Dark choco cookie
Linzer cookie and Crème brlee cookie
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maiko-san · 1 year
Longan Dragon Cookie x Sibling! Reader (Platonic)
Relationship : Platonic
Warning : Angst
Reader is GN
Longan Dragon Cookie once had a twin sibling
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You were the twin of Longan Dragon Cookie. Both of you are inseparable ever since hatchlings and always stay together.
Despite being twins, the two of you have different personalities. A very huge one that is.
Longan Dragon is seen as a serious and judgmental while you on the other hand is a total opposite of them.
You are a kind hearted, gullible and compassionate dragon. You care about the cookies and befriends them.
Your friendliness towards cookies was disliked by Longan Dragon and they often warned you about the consequences of befriending with such mortals.
Despite not showing much emotion, Longan Dragon Cookie loves their twin with all their heart but their pride and judgment are always ahead of them.
This causes an argument between the two of you. Since both of you see things differently.
Longan Dragon Cookie wants to turn all cookies into stones and reshape the world.
While you think that their plans are ridiculous and told them that the world is already perfect as it is.
"So, it seems that you are turning too soft, (Y/n) Dragon Cookie. You have forgotten who you are! You are such a disappointment to dragonkind and to me. You have become worthless as those mortals and deserve to become one of them" Longan Dragon said, glaring down at their younger twin.
"Fine! It seems I'm better off as a cookie! I wish I was never a dragon and I wish I was never your twin!" you growled.
You ran away from the place and never came back.
Longan Dragon foresees the event and it burns their heart. The pain that refuses to leave. The small ivory throne next to them is now empty.
The hall once filled with your laughter is now filled with silence.
Longan Dragon doesn't know where you are, you disappear without a trace like you never exist.
Longan Dragon knew that every word and action they did had consequences. They foresee their actions and yet they don't want to avoid it.
They knew you would leave and never to return but why didn't they stop it?
And if they did, they wouldn't have lost the only dragon they call as their twin. The one that was baked from the same flour and jam as them.
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lalovi · 5 months
AN: Hahaha- hi!
I didn't play the new update so idk the latest lore
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Longan Dragon x Reader
Warnings: Not proof read
-Peaceful Slumber-
Piles amongst piles of papers, all scattered around a messy desk. Some are new and some are old. Some are neat and some are not.
Everything has long since become blurry, and the words on the pages have begun to merge. It's hard to depict what they say.
Suddenly, a pair of hands could be felt around your shoulders. "Isn't it a bit late to be working?" A gentle voice asked you. A finger trailed up your neck, then your face to remove a stray peice of hair from your view.
"I just need to finish a few more.." You'd mumble through heavy eyelids and a yawn.
"I'm afraid I cannot allow that, my dear," they'd respond.
You slowly turn your body around to look at Longan. Thier hands gently cup your face. It feels as if they are afraid to apply any more pressure than they are now, for fear of breaking your delicate self, perhaps.
"I don't know much about the ways of mortals-" they'd begin, "but I know enough to be aware of the fact that they need rest."
Abruptly, Longan picked you up in their arms. Your eyes widened in surprise at the sudden gesture.
"What's that look for?" They asked.
"It's just... you picked me up so easily.." You'd say, slowly beginning to trail off in your drowsiness.
"Do not underestimate the strength of a dragon. You are light." They then whisked you away from the piles of work and instead towards your bed.
Carefully, they place you onto the silk sheets that are soft to the touch. They placed some covers on top of you before beginning to walk away. You normally would have fallen asleep right then and there, but something vital was missing.
"You're not staying..?"
They spin their head around to face you. "Is that what you wish for?"
You slowly nod your head, a light rose covering your cheeks.
There is a peaceful silence that fills the room before Longan would crawl into bed with you.
You take thier hand in yours, smiling and leaving a soft kiss on their lips. Now you can truly rest, having what matters most right next to you and in your grasp.
A hand runs through your hair and they slowly lull you into a slumber.
"Good night, mortal. May your rest be prosperous."
《☆》 Fin
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randomstoryenjoyer · 4 months
(It's fine if you don't want to do this but-)
Can. I please request a Pitaya, Ananas and Longan. Cookie with a dying reader in there hands who only smiled up at them telling them there last words to take care of themselves, stay safe, and not continue being(insert one of the dragon's flaw) and they love them and kissed hem before they went to the other side?
(PS: GN Reader and the fact Pitaya, Longan and Ananas Cookie is panicking about there S/O leaving them wanting to save them but fails)
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“Please, Pitaya… take care of yourself, stay safe… and please don’t be so belligerent to everyone else anymore. Treat them with kindness like the one you treated me with… I love you”
This would be one of the few times Pitaya Dragon Cookie would shown any other emotion besides excitement, anger, or the unquenchable desire for a good fight. Ever since Pitaya Cookie had met their beloved, their original thoughts about weak little pieces of dough called cookies had started to change, though they couldn’t properly understand why their thoughts were being influenced so greatly ever since they had laid their eyes upon you. What Pitaya Dragon Cookie started understanding, however, was the feelings that they felt towards you specifically. They liked these feelings! They found themselves becoming attached to you like they never had to anybody else before, and your presence became even more endearing when you actually began to reciprocate their feelings as well! Life was greater than ever for them with you by their side, providing him with something else to look forward to besides endless sparring with anybody they wanted to.
But you can’t expect to last long in a relationship with the fearsome red dragon themselves…
Maybe the endless sweltering heat present within Pitaya’s lair finally caught up to you, maybe they got too careless in during one of their sparring matches and ‘trainings’, or maybe for some other reason at all that only you knew, Pitaya Dragon Cookie would yet again be reminded of how easily cookies crumble, and in the worst way possible this time.
The thought of you leaving them in such a horrid manner pained them deeply, Pitaya Dragon Cookie couldn’t control themselves as they refused to accept what was happening, the panicked tones of their voice sounding more unnatural than ever for someone like them. As you those painful yet truthful words slowly leave your mouth, their widened eyes meet yours, and the kiss you two share makes everything else feel non-existent for just that moment; Pitaya Dragon wished with al their heart that it wouldn’t end, just for the futile hope of you not leaving them so soon.
They promise right there and then to take your words to heart in a bid to ensure your final moment with them is a special one.
Their beloved deserves no less…
Ever since then, any cookies that visited the Dragon Valley and Pitaya Dragon Cookie’s lair would have meet a a dragon cookie that acted slightly different than the legends had described them. They were more pacified, often willing to calm down when needed, and the odd sentiment of longing for something missing was always present around their every move.
Without their endless belligerence, Pitaya Dragon Cookie’s life took a different turn after their loss of you. But it was a price they’d always be more than willing to pay if it meant honouring your last words!
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“Please, Ananas… take care of yourself, stay safe… and please don’t be so self-absorbed anymore. Treat others with the same care you treated me with… I love you”
In this moment, themselves would be the dead last thing Ananas would dare to think about. Their focus stolen by you and you only, their entire being shaky as they kneeled besides you, and their mighty, proud voice reduced to a hushed tone.
Their beloved had been an essential part of Ananas’s pride. Though they were often too focused on keeping up their“holier-than-thou” image, they still always cared about his you as much as all their other treasures, maybe even more so. Their islands were your home right next to their side, and they were content with living out their days with the cookie than truly made them feel like the mighty, high being they knew they were
So why was this happening? Why was their most precious treasure of all being torn away from them like this?
They were more than ready to do anything within what their vigour and riches allowed them to do in order to save your untimely demise. But much to their dismay, they knew that it didn’t matter whether what was affecting you was a disease, fatal wound, or even something like a nasty curse; everything they tried had failed, no matter what their position as a dragon allowed them to do or achieve.
In a sense, it’s as if losing you was them being humbled. He saw himself as one of the most superior cookies cookies in Earthbread, yet in this very moment he was as powerless as the feeble cookies below him.
Anger turns into sombreness as his hands hold you close to his scales in your final moments before you go to the other side…
Ananas’s benevolence over the Pineapple Isle’s inhabitants and visitors would increase by tenfold since that fateful day, except for defilers, of course. Cookies who found themselves in trouble or in need of help near their lands would now be graced with the endless assistance of the prideful yet considerate golden figure that passed in the sky more often than ever before, increasing the joy of all who were amongst their mighty presence, but only a few handful of cookies would only ever know the reason why.
Though whether the dragon’s new behaviours were simply a sign of respect for the last wishes of their deceased dearest, or a sign of the desire to truly become a less self-centred person not just for their dearest but for all those he watched over, or a sign of something else entirely, nobody would ever truly know. Interpretations are something left to an individual, and only Ananas Dragon Cookie would ever know for sure.
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“Please, Longan… take care of yourself, stay safe… and please don’t view other cookies so negatively anymore. Treat them all with the same warmth you always showed me… I love you”
Out of the three, Longan Dragon Cookie would probably seem to be the most composed on the outside, focusing on simply staying with you for your final moments and making sure you felt loved ‘til the end.
But on the inside, the Ivory Dragon would also be the one who would feel the most pain out of three over your passing. Why did the one cookie that somehow achieved the impossible and gained the Longan’s affections, out of all the pathetic and petty wastes of crumbs that plagued the lands, have to be the one to fall and crumble helplessly?
After all, Longan Dragon Cookie was nothing short of the highest authority on Earthbread. in their eyes, every single occurrence and event that ever happened only happened because they currently allowed it to, and they can take anything away from existence as quickly as it had been granted. And yet now they were the ones having to suffer having something taken away from them, for you to slip away from their watchful eyes without their agreement.
As you lay there in their hold, your weary eyes barely even able to open anymore, your view is met with the gaze of the Ivory Dragon’s draconic eyes soften in a way you hadn’t ever witnessed before. His lack of words are more telling than anything he could even say in the moment - you know they desperately want nothing more than to find a way to save you of your fate, but the culmination of past failures over this has already proved to them the ugly truth. Instead, the warm feelings of their lips gently making contact with the dough on your forehead are the last thing you feel before all your senses fall into a gentle numbness…
Ever since that mournful day, Longan Dragon Cookie found themselves at a loss of of a plan for the future. Reclaiming the nostalgic past felt meaningless is it was a past he would have to experience without you. Cookies from all over the land would inexplicably breathe easier at the subconscious feeling that the unstoppable fire threatening to change the landscape had finally been extinguished, and had now been replaced with the mournful embers of grief.
Longan Dragon Cookie knew that someday, the fire of desire for their original goal would someday return, but for now, they were content with simply following your last words and not turning any cookies into stone. Only when they lost their beloved did the dragon ever truly experience what if felt like to be one of those pathetic little crumbs littering all over Earthbread, and the memories of your time with them would always remain latched onto their cold heart.
(phew, finally managed to finish a prompt-)
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snail-noodle · 7 months
Longan Dragon Cookie x Fem!Reader Headcanons
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Imma be real with ya'll: longan dragon cookie was the reason why I got fully invested with cookie run (and kingdom) again. I could listen to their voice all day..
most of these are based off my own oc with longan, but I wanted to give some food for the longan lovers out there... 💛
✨️ Getting along with the ivory dragon was a bit... difficult at first. Given that you were a cookie and they were a dragon, a tension was present whenever you two interacted. However, the small talk you two would get into would eventually ease away that tension.
✨️ They're a dragon of few words, but whenever they spoke, you would listen intently to every word they say (can't blame you, their voice is as smooth as honey). They would notice this and begin to appreciate you for doing so.
✨️ They saw you fawning over a flower that had started to grow near the entrance of their palace. Now they have a full garden for you to walk around and admire the many flowers and exotic plants in it. The both of you stroll the garden together every morning and night. All of this, just for you. 💛
✨️ Once you're both officially together, Longan doesn't hesitate holding your hand(s) and pulling you closer to them. They don't say it, but they like the obvious size difference you both have. Sometimes, when they're seated on their throne and have you on their lap, they're comparing your hand with theirs, admiring the difference you both share. "So small..."
✨️ When you first sleep together, you hesitate getting closer to them, unsure if they would be comfortable with it. "My dear cookie, come here." They'll bring you close to them, your face in their chest. You sighed at the embrace. Snuggling closer to them, your worries and fears melting away.
✨️ For you, Longan was a pillar of strength. For them, you were a pillar of love. The bond you both share together wasn't something they had expected. Perhaps.. perhaps the plans they had for your kind didn't need to come to fruition. The age of dragons can return in a different way, and it starts with both of you.
✨️ When they first showed you their true dragon form, all you could do was stare in admiration. "Longan..." you stepped closer to them, touching the tip of their snout. Your eyes were full of love as you gazed at their face. "You're so beautiful."
✨️ Once there's a moment where you're about to/get to be attacked, Longan is quick to get between you and the attacker, not caring the slightest if they end up getting striked in the process. They're completely silent as they use their powers to disintegrate the enemy with no second thoughts.
✨️ You know they're powerful compared to many beings on Earthbread, but you still worry whenever they get hurt by an enemy. You're quick to look at their injuries, asking them many questions: How are you feeling? Where were you hit? Are you bleeding? Does it hurt?
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phoenix-bleh · 6 months
Hello! I hope your having a nice Day/Afternoon/Night today and everyday!
Can I please request a Pitaya, Ananas, Longan(Separate) x Dying Reader(GN)
Where Reader just doesn't care that there dying at all and is just saying there last words saying "Take care of yourself, Smile for me, Promise me you'll stop doing (Insert dragon's flaw), I love you and all the while there partners are panicking trying to save them
Pitaya Dragon
He doesn’t accept your words. Why are you so calm about this? Why are you accepting death so easily?? He doesn’t know what else to do; he has so much going through his head. One thing for sure is that you're dying and he is trying to figure out how to prevent that. He’s holding on to you trying to make sure your eyes stay open and here you are saying a bunch of nonsense. He slowed down a bit when you told him you loved him, he stared at you and saw your eyes slowly close. He starts shaking you begging for you to keep your eyes open and to please stay alive. It was too late for him, you were already gone.
Ananas Dragon
Why was this happening? Why couldn’t he save you? “No no no please don’t do this to me!” He runs his hand through your hair and then that’s when he hears your weak voice telling him that he should move on when you’re gone that you loved him dearly. “no please don’t say that you’re gonna be ok please don’t!” you only smiled at him and placed your hand on his cheek. He could feel the tears streaming down his face as he looked at your face.You looked so peaceful but this wasn’t right. You finally go limp and sobs onto your now lifeless body.
Longan Dragon
He knew you would go eventually; he just didn’t think it would be so soon. This is too soon even for him. He’d hope you stay just as long as he did but he knew better than that. He just can’t face that it’s happening at this very moment. He is not that capable of showing emotions but you can tell he’s shaking as he clings to your body. He could have prevented this from happening. Why couldn’t he be there for you? You tried to soothe him and he listened to your final words until your last breath. He laid you down gently and he felt something inside him snap as he grips your body tighter.
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breadarcade · 6 months
Longan x Clumsy/Childish Reader and Longan being so in denial but fails miserably
Like bro Reader is trying to reach for a jar of pickles on top of a shelf and instead of using a ladder they used pots and pans and getting themselves to fall to the ground with a small bruise but is still smiling and happy because they got that Pickle Jar off of the shelf before falling like dude they just went like- *They fell and is cover in pots and pans* "Got the pickles!"
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WARNING: you’re an idiot
★VERY FEW COOKIES can be granted the privilege of being favored by a dragon, especially the main 5 dragons of Earthbread. Dragons have standards that are impossible to comply, those who are favored by one are granted with power and wealth. It is the dream of many cookies that acknowledge the existence of dragons, their legends, and accomplishments that help contribute to the present that cookies get to live on. Although one should be warned, once worn out and bored by the dragon, they could be heartlessly thrown and disposed of. It may be the dream and nightmare of a cookie of ambition.
And one thing close to impossible, or it is impossible according to the records, is receiving the favor of none other than the Ivory Dragon of Earthbread. The Ivory Dragon is a heartless, apathetic dragon that would not care if everyone dies either way, the only thing that matters for him is his dragonkin. Everyone is easily disposable in their eyes, they have little meaning to them and they wouldn’t even dare take a good second to stare at them. Those would dare to be close to the Legendary Ivory Dragon are close to turning to stone. The Ivory Dragon have no time for trifles and setbacks like you, you should give––” Young Cookie?”
Ah never mind, Longan Dragon Cookie hurriedly walks towards the halls of the lustrous Longan Palace. Were they worried? Oh dear no, they don’t think so. After taking you into their palace out of curiosity and interest, they have been through several hassles thanks to you. They cannot tell whether they regret it or not. They were simply walking on eggshells, dragon orbs are scattered, wandering around the palace as they floated to find you. “Such weak cookie wandering around,” they murmured to themselves, watching as several wyverns that he had also taken under their wing, watched them with curiosity.
They looked at a particular wyvern, Longan Lancer Cookie, and they silently gestured Longan Lancer Cookie to find you, and so they immediately complied, swiftly vanishing through the thin air. As Longan Lancer Cookie went their way to find you, Longan Dragon Cookie tried to slowly compose themselves, Why are they acting like this? Why are they so merciful to you in the first place, you were just a cookie; weak and insignificant, and bear no importance and position that is worthy of their respect! Why are they latching and attached to you, you must have done something to them to be like this, that was the most reasonable explanation for Longan Dragon Cookie.
While Longan was busy looking for you, there was a sudden crash echoing across the palace, leaving Longan Dragon Cookie agitated for once, and rushing towards the source of that ear-piercing sound. To see the grand kitchen that they made for your own sake, Longan Lancer Cookie was also there, tending to you, by the time Longan Dragon Cookie came into a silent panic. It wasn’t unlike them, but they could not help but stunned when they saw you holding a jar of pickles, foolishly smiling like an idiot, with apparent bruises all over you to their dismay. While Longan Lancer Cookie is busy tending to you with a medical kit that Longan Dragon Cookie gets for your sake, Longan Dragon Cookie approaches you, clearly not amused by your apparent cheekiness. “Longan I got the–” “How reckless can you go to be this kind of level?” Longan Dragon Cookie sneered in pure dismay, watching you as you raised the jar of pickles with such pride, that they could not tell what made the both of you tic and what was so good about you. “You went up, to recklessly get a common treat, have you no common sense?” Longan Dragon Cookie was this close to obliterating you to stone. Crossing their arms as you sheepishly, and shamelessly smiled in front of them, “Come on, that was one time!” you pointed a finger at them to their irritation. “You cannot simply take something, that’s the purpose of the wyverns.” they retorted back.
Longan Dragon Cookie grumbled to themselves as they dismissed Longan Lancer Cookie away, gesturing to walk out as they were in front of you. They took you by the hand and helped you stand up, their grip was strangely tight for their character, making you look up to them. “Fine...I’m sorry, alright?” you apologize, making their grip soften as they look down at you “You should have been more aware.” they bluntly remark as they face you and trace their rough hands to your soft skin, tracing the shape of the bruises. “I know, and like I said I’m sorry,” you murmured, but this time, earning no response when Longan Dragon Cookie was just staring at you. Wait, is this love?
Let me rephrase this again, One thing that is close to impossible is receiving the favor of the mighty ivory dragon, yes, it is still impossible. But that was before you came along to their life, At this rate, you are making this less easy for them. You are tainting their judgment, Longan Dragon might say, but it is impossible to assume that when they are just there… Taking you along with them, and putting you in a closer view of them. So sooner or later, you might be the first and last cookie that the Ivory Dragon, the Longan Dragon Cookie might favor.
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Two (Old)Dragons are being besties.
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Longan Dragon Cookie x Dragon!Reader
warning:none,Fluff,(not so)secret lovers,mention of Y/N being called old,reunion
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After many million years of slumbers being trap in the Lotus flowers from Lotus Dragon Cookie...
Longan Dragon Cookie and the other dragons flies around in the sky as they look at you in disapproval of you….you were…much weaker and much softer… Your cookie form were big with medium wings that are the size of your arms as you tried to pick up the pace but your back is hurt as they glare at you in silent.
“Wait for me…!My wings are getting sore…I am getting to old I wish the witch would give me a smaller body…” You complain as you try to catch up with the others. “Hahaha!It’ss sssseem Y/N Dragon is getting older after all they are the ssssecond dragon to hatch as a hatchling!”Pitaya Dragon cookie joked as you laugh with them as you flap your wing harder.”Perhaps you do need a wish to be younger again Y/N Dragon Cookie…?” Lotus Dragon Cookie furrows their brows that you needed help as you denied.
“Come on oldie you need an exercise just because you’re getting fat!”Ananas Dragon Cookie shamed you since you have cookies worship you in your island Ananas is jealous of you as you groan and glare at them. “Come on you can do it!It been millions years since we fly! Come on!” Lychee Dragon Cookie tried to encourage you as you fly fast. “Ohhh….I don’t think I can’t do it…perhaps I should get a retirement….” Longan Dragon cookie look at you as your absolutely struggling to fly faster they had enough of your slow speed as Longan Dragon Cookie carries you higher as you were surprised by them.
“Oh Longan Dragon Cookie!What are you doing?!” Your eyes were widen as you looked at them. “…. I don’t like how weak you are right now but yet you are the Dragon I used to know yet I still…love you Y/N Dragon Cookie.”Longan Dragon Cookie averted their eyes away from you still wrapping their arms around your waist as you awed at them. “Awww….Longan Dragon…you should’ve have…” You touched their face as you smiled at them blushing as you two fly around in the sky in circles as you two touched your heads against eachother as you both looked at eachother with loving eyes. “Are they even close friends or something…?” Lychee looked up in confusion. The other dragon looked shocked as they never seen you or Logan this or THAT close to eachother.
“They’re inlove with eachother aren’t they…?”
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brittle-doughie · 4 months
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Uh Oh (Longan Dragon Cookie)
Unfortunately with Pitaya Dragon’s capture, this had also meant that Longan Dragon has discovered the Stock Tribe and the cookies residing there.
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They had also discovered you…and your hand clutching tight Starch Noodle’s (whose costume is beautiful btw), the implications being made very clear to Longan Dragon.
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They were NOT happy at this point.
This wasn’t supposed to be happening.
They were meant to find you first.
You were INTEGRAL to them and their plans as well, and seeing you having already met and even WED someone already…
Words can’t describe their emotions at that moment, but their actions in a second will.
You and Pitaya are coming back with them, and Longan will be ensuring that there would be no tribe left when they do…
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I apologize for the intrusion, but may I ask for dragons during mating season? It's like cats in March… just because it's March. Dragons that become very lovey-dovey, clingy, more reliant on instincts, much more emotional, jealous…. and all that kind of stuff! (Bonus points if Pitaya becomes a bit of a softie(???))
「 ✦ 🐋 anon ✦ 」
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You aren't allowed to leave for whatever reason, ever. You are to stay in their home, where they can see you at all times.
Longan Dragon would usually say how they're above such base things as this, but in the end, their instincts usually win.
This is the only time you really ever see them so territorial of you and so emotional about it. You aren't even allowed to mention the other Dragons with them growling.
They're so, so clingy. They have to be near you or touching you. Don't refuse them this.
Do not mention this to then once the season is over. They will avoid the topic at all costs.
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If you thought Ananas Dragon Cookie was bad before, they're worse now. They're constantly proclaiming how you're the best mate they could ever have, and no one else ever deserves you.
They have to be holding you or something. They literally go stir-crazy if they don't.
Nuzzles you a lot. Like, a lot. Way too much. Their cheek as to be numb or something.
A little embarrassed about the whole ordeal, but ultimately doesn't mind how they act.
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A test of "how many love songs can you handle before you turn into the definition of red".
Lotus Dragon Cookie oddly enjoys praise during this time? Mostly just about being a good mate, but still.
If they pull you onto a lily pad and just hold you there to cuddle, let them. They'll whine and pout if you don't.
The only one to really embrace the whole season of it. They just see it as a time to be even more affectionate.
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Pitaya Dragon Cookie is right behind Longan Dragon Cookie in terms of possessiveness during this time. They'll allow you to go out, but you absolutely have to have them with you.
Very bitey. They've gotta prove to others that you're their mate!!
Very unashamed both during and after. What can they say? They love you!
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sleepingdeath-light · 9 months
longan dragon cookie breeding kink hcs ; 18+
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requested by ; 🐜 anon (20/06/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; longan dragon cookie
outline ; “could you touch more on PVs and Longans breeding kinks? separately ofc, nb or fem reader, just hcs ^^
— 🐜 anon”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, afab!reader, references to pregnancy, breeding kink, dominant!longan dragon cookie, sadist!longan dragon cookie, possessive behaviour, size kink, marking kink, references to childbirth and reader’s post-partum state
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
longan dragon cookie’s breeding kink is, first and foremost, rooted almost entirely in a desire to fully possess you as their partner rather than being out of any true desire to reproduce with you — by impregnating you they, in their mind, have demonstrated that they are both a successful mate and that you are completely off of the market to any other dragon or mortal that may desire you (after all, what is a clearer sign of ownership and claim than pregnancy?)
of course they mark you in other visible ways — deep bloody bite marks across your body, claw marks marring your chest and stomach and thighs, bruises all over your back and ass, etc. — but the idea of others (namely their fellow dragons) seeing you swollen and heavy with their young appeals to that side of them much more and arouses them far more than any other mark could
(after all, bites and scratches heal, but there is no way to truly remove their essence from your life after you’ve carried and birthed their offspring)
so once they take you on as their mate, and you’ve expressed a desire for children, they waste no time in trying to get you pregnant
stuffing you to the brim with their cock several times a day, knotting you, and pumping your pussy full of their seed until they’re certain it sticks — leaving you flushed, sweaty, breathless, and dumb as they have their servants tend to you and leave to do whatever it is they do throughout the day
fucking you dumb on every bed and countertop, against every wall and door, upon their throne, in the gardens, and anywhere else they can have you in every position that lets them thrust deep into your cunt — from concubine to the mating press and beyond
you wanted children, after all, and they wanted you to be dependent on them, so it became their main mission in the early days of your ‘marriage’ (or as close as one could call it to that) to impregnate you and make you swollen and heavy with their young
(and it’s much more difficult for a pregnant mate to run away… what with all of the swelling, bloating, aching, and exhaustion, and all of that)
and when it finally takes — which it does quite quickly given how often the two of you were… trying to conceive — longan dragon cookie’s possessiveness and protectiveness over you goes from a ten all the way to a twenty (or, in other words, they started off really bad and went straight to dangerous levels of possessiveness)
they refuse to let anyone else anywhere near you and insist on always having you directly in their presence — ideally with their hands on and cock in you unless you’ve become sensitive to such attentions in pregnancy
your neck and chest are constantly covered in fresh bite marks and your thighs and waist are perpetually aching and bruised from their rough touches — namely their habit of squeezing you in those places whenever you’re stood beside them or sat on their lap (often times they don’t even realise they’re doing it and will stop if you ask them to — they’re possessive, sure, but they don’t want to cause their dear mate too much pain when it isn’t mutually desired)
your sex life also stays very active as your pregnancy progresses because of how attracted they are to your body as it changes and grows — of course they are gentler than usual with you, treating you like glass as you are much more fragile than them, but their sadism and dominance over you still remains as apparent as ever
the only real notable shift is that they focus much more on praise and body worship than marking and dumbification — obediently spending hours between your thighs, pleasuring you with their tongue whilst their hands gently massage your thighs and stomach, going for as long as you’ll allow them to
and once you’ve finally given birth and are lounging in bed — surrounded with luxuries beyond comprehension, a few dozen of their servants bringing you food and drink, your mate remaining diligently by your side for the whole thing, and your young resting in your arms — and they finally get to look upon those tiny perfect extension of you both, longan dragon cookie doesn’t feel love as a mortal might but they feel content. fulfilled, even
they have a mate, they have power, they have riches, and servants, and now offspring that would one day grow to inherent their strength and status — they had done all of what their kind wished to do
but as they looked at you — at your panting wet lips, at your teary tired eyes, at your sweaty exhausted body, at your trembling arms and the babes within them, and then at your now empty stomach — they find that they want more
they wanted to keep on fucking and filling you, keep on watching you swell and ache and grow, keep on holding you as you grow round with your offspring and watch your skin gains that telltale glow — to breed, and breed, and breed until you were no longer able
… but first they would let you recover, because as attractive as they found your pregnant body, mortals just weren’t made to carry draconic young and the labour had been so very taxing on you
rest assured, though, this would not be your first clutch… not if they had a say
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allimili · 2 months
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lalovi · 5 months
Wait hold on bro don't leave us in a cliff hanger like that 😭
Can w have Longan's POV in the kiss and what his decision)actions will be the next day?
AN: My bad fam 😭
Link for part 1: ♡
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Longan Dragon x Reader
Oneshot (2/2)
Warnings: none
What.. just happened?
Mortals always had their odd ways of showing affection... was this one of them?
Pressing faces with one another. It was strange, and yet; they just couldn't help how their heart would beat a little faster.
Love was always a thing that felt so foreign to the Ivory Dragon.
They had no person to love, and they never thought there would be a person they could love.
Though thinking on it now, you seem to be the anomaly.
If you were going to be so open with your courtship now, then why not repay the favor? It would be the polite thing to do, after all.
It was very obvious to them what these feelings were. The feelings that had lingered in their mind for so long and caused them so much distress were all but confirmed by that simple gesture of yours.
As the sun slowly rises to signal the start of a new day, so does the rest of the world. Birds sing their cheerful songs, and the morning dew on every blade of grass glisten with each ray.
Also awakening from a long rest is you.
Grogglily, you rub your eyes to see the sun shining as brightly as ever through cracks in the curtains.
Quickly, you get ready for the day and exit the room shortly after.
After a lot of back and forth with yourself, you finnaly get out of bed.
Today was no different, and you could already see Longan sitting at the table with the food prepared. They were always early for these types of things. Not used to breaking habits, probably.
You have a tradition where every morning Longan Dragon and you both meet up and eat breakfast together.
"Goodmorning!" You chimed, taking a seat next to Longan.
They gave a you a nod, though their gaze layed elsewhere. It wasn't any place in particular, really. Just not on you.
"About yesterday..." Longan would say.
What about yesterday? You would think to yourself.
That's exactly when the memories came flooding back.
Maybe they were upset?
You didn't say much. You only sat there, silently and nervously, a hint of pink dashing your face.
Longan abruptly takes hold of your chin and makes you look at them. "Won't you do it again?" They'd ask, a feint smile present on their face.
This level of boldness wasn't something you were expecting from someone like Longan. It took you completely by surprise, and you weren't sure how to act.
So.. you didn't say anything at all.
"You're shy now, but you clearly weren't the other day."
Slowly, they'd bring your face closer to their own until both of your lips met. The kiss had this desperation to it that felt as if Longan had been waiting to do this for a long time.
Maybe.. they had been waiting for a long time.
After what felt like an eternity, the kiss ended. Your face was hot from blush while Longan only gazed at you with admiration.
"I never knew you were able to make such an expression," Longan would say while leaning back away from you. "If it'll get you to react like this, maybe I should kiss you more often,"
《☆》 Fin
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