#Loni POV
bloomingbora · 2 months
jsme v půlce léta a bylo mi dost podezřelý, že se nic divnýho na vsi neděje... a ejhle, někdo dneska ve dvě v noci zapálil autovrak!
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lunarscaled · 1 year
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hehe party attire for @villain-he's Autumn Equinox event which the guild totally secured invites to super legitimately and aren't crashing
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veloniiii · 8 months
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About Me
✧|Genderfluid | You can call me Loni | Recently turned 18|ᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳ
Ask/Request Info
-I will write for any fandom but I mostly write for jjk
-I can write from a male, female, or gender-neutral POV
-I'm perfectly fine with writing kinks but not if they're morally wrong or seem more like a fetish I'll most likely ingnore it
-I will ONLY age up characters who are at the age of consent (in my country)
-As a switch I can write for both sub/dom
-I can write for both same sex relationships and opposite sex relationships(I mostly right GN stories when its not an ask)
Big No No's
-being a poopy pants in the replies if you don't like what I posted ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄
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yournightlings-blog · 6 years
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I decided to room with Lilith again my second year.  Things got, um, interesting last semester.  We didn’t talk about it much afterward, and I don’t know if it was a one time thing or, like, an ongoing thing but... yeah.  It was weird, but not like I didn’t enjoy it.  (It was really good, actually >.< )
Lilith doesn’t seem to mind, so I’m gonna just play it chill, ya know?  We’re just two roommates who get a long and had a thing.
Yeah. >_>
(Art by @nadine-the-pnk. Will decide later if I want this blog to include the full NSFW content or not.  o_o” )
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cheeriosandwine · 3 years
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Feast your eyes on this gorgeous art by @lonicera-caprifolium! I commissioned this and their work blew me away!
I wanted it to capture the feeling of Aziraphale and Crowley’s first morning waking up together, taking place after this fic (ns//fw link) that I wrote. But then Loni’s art inspired me to write a fluffy little epilogue scene from Crowley’s pov. I’ll reblog this with a link to it as soon as I have that fic up on Ao3.
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What’s with all the Gay Imperials?
Hi everyone!
 So there’s this trend I’ve been noticing in some of the new “Canon” Star Wars stories we’ve gotten that I’ve been noodling around with in the back of my mind, and I figured that since it’s Pride Month, I’d try to vocalize it. As glad as I am that there are openly gay characters in Star Wars now (none of them from movies or TV of course, have to keep the mainstays of your franchise nice and clean), there is a somewhat unfortunate trend I’ve noticed, where the gay characters tend to be Imperial-aligned.
Below is a chart of all the characters confirmed to be non-straight as well as the stories where their same-sex attraction was referenced:
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 Obviously, I haven’t read or played everything and there’s only so much Wookiepedia scouring you can do, so if I’ve missed out on anyone, please let me know. I’d love to get examples that prove me wrong. I’m sure there are probably one or two in the High Republic sub-franchise, but I’m so disinterested in that era, I wouldn’t know. Also, I’m only including characters whose same-sex attraction is explicitly referenced in the text/supported by authors’ comments. We can point out blatant homoeroticism and ship characters all day, but what I’m focusing on here is specifically the writers’ intentions. Cause… oh boy, what are their intentions?
So, diving into statistics, of the 12 characters I looked at, 8 of them are Imperial characters. Sinjir Rath Velus and Magna Tolvan are a little complicated as they later defected from the Empire, but even then, 50% Imperial is still not a figure I’m wholly comfortable with. I think that it goes without saying that having your gay characters be fascists (or at least indifferent to fascism) is not a great look. I’m not saying there absolutely shouldn’t be gay Imperials, but them being a majority is bad optics in my opinion. Furthermore, of these 12, I’d say only half of them have their sexuality impact their story. The rest are brief references that don’t really factor in. Which is fine, not every character needs to have a romance storyline, but it is part of this discussion. And to be clear, this just my analysis and opinions, it’s completely valid to disagree with me.
To start with non-Imperials with brief references, we have Sana Starros. She had a relationship with Dr. Aphra in college. That’s about it. And there’s also the (in)famous Amilyn Holdo. She’s one of many characters who makes this list by virtue of mentioning in passing that attraction to a single gender or species felt limiting on one occasion.
For more involved relationships, there’s Kaeden Larte, who was introduced in and has only directly appeared in Ahsoka’s eponymous novel as one of the former Jedi’s many semi-platonic female love interests. And Conder Kyl serves as the main love interest for major POV character Sinjir Rath Velus in the Aftermath trilogy and while their relationship was rocky, they ended up finding purpose in each other.
Despite the problems I have with the writing of the Aftermath trilogy, the alleged insertion of a “gay agenda” isn’t one of them. Rae Sloane mentions offhand that she never had time for relationships with men or women. At least she’s one of the more nuanced Imperials. Similarly, Varko Grey, from the Squadrons game, mentions that he has a husband in one of the many pre-flight npc conversations.
For characters with more focus on their sexuality, let’s start with Delian Mors, who easily could have been another “single throwaway line” character; it’s mentioned in her backstory that her wife died prior to Lords of the Sith. However, it’s also brought up a couple times that as the governor of Ryloth, she enjoys keeping green-skinned, Twi'lek women as servants, behavior that’s certainly imperialistic and fetishistic. After that we’ve got Chelli Loni Aphra and Magna Tolvan from the doctor’s eponymous comic series. Dr. Aphra was basically conceived as “evil Indiana Jones” and is an in-universe Darth Vader fangirl. As mentioned previously, she had a relationship with Sana Starros in the past and over the course of her own comic series she develops a homoerotic cat-and-mouse relationship with imperial Captain Magna Tolvan, who eventually joins the Rebel Alliance. Honestly, I’m fine with gay Imperials like these two, and both of them, specifically Aphra, are well-written. As is Sinjir Rath Velus, a former loyalty officer for the Empire, who later defected to the New Republic. There’s kind of “have your cake and eat it too” when it comes to Velus’s gayngst. Despite assurances that the GFFA isn’t intolerant towards non-heterosexual relationships, he still feels awkward telling a woman he isn’t interested because he’s gay and has trouble with public displays of affection with his boyfriend.
And now we have to talk about Tarkin. Tbh, this one bites. To have arguably one of the most evil and authoritarian characters in the franchise in a same-sex relationship… problematic is a good word for it. Granted, it’s never explicitly stated it’s Tarkin in the story, but context clues indicate that’s who he’s supposed to be. (I haven’t listened to the audiobook, but apparently the voice actor does a Peter Cushing impression for the character.) Although, having read Of MSE-6 and Men, I understand the story potential there; to have someone as stuffy, aristocratic, and high-ranking as Tarkin in a secret relationship with a low-ranking stormtrooper is both comedy and drama gold (the story, as it stands, is merely okay in my opinion). And because there are no female Imperials in the OT, that relationship would have to be gay. (It’s not unlike what you see in fanshipping for media with male-dominated casts, predominant M/M ships are inevitable.) As for TK-421, see above. I will say, it’s somewhat intentionally hilarious that gay icon Luke Skywalker walks around the Death Star impersonating a gay man. Or maybe that was the implication all along.
Overall, I’ll just say I’m not entirely enthused that not only is the cast of characters slanted towards Imperial, but also the Imperials tend to have their sexuality be a bigger part of their characterizations. And I think you could make an argument that there is some inherent harm in having so many villainous gay characters and I’d probably agree with you. But I believe there’s a bit more to it than that. And again, maybe I’m missing a lot of data and there are more heroic gays in stories I haven’t read. I’ll fully admit I’ve read more Imperial-centric stories in the past several years, mostly because I enjoy villains and find Imperial politicking and bickering to be amusing. That and the similarities between the Empire and the U.S. are getting harder to ignore every day.
When concerning some of the more well-written gay relationships or ones with the potential to be narratively rich, it does pose the question “Should certain story developments, regardless of their quality, be avoided because of the unfortunate implications?” The simple answer is “yes” but a more nuanced one is “it depends on the context” which is… not exactly helpful. Because context and presentation are important. Even with a couple of the characters whose sexuality is more prominent, the writers fell into some easy traps vis-a-vis cliche negative stereotypes. As mentioned earlier, Delian Mors’ fetish for Twi'lek women plays into stereotypes about lesbians being predatory. She’s also a drug addict as a result of her wife’s death, which I honestly can’t tell if that’s supposed to make her sympathetic or not. The demonization of drug users is another topic entirely. Even Sinjir’s story hit a speed bump when Jas, who knows he’s gay, assumes that his interest in Temmin Wexley may be sexual, which, even as a passing joke, comes uncomfortably close to associating gay men with pedophilia. It’s these kinds of (hopefully) unconscious biases that can even seep into characters who the writers are putting genuine effort into.
On a related note, we’ve gotten a few transgender characters in Star Wars over the past few years, and as far as I know, none of them are Imperials. This does lend some credence to my theory that writers aren’t intentionally being malicious by having gay Imperial characters in their stories. After all, if their intentions were to make gays look like fascists, why not throw trans people under the bus as well? Based on the available evidence, I believe that some of these writers simply believe (or want to believe) that we live in a post-sexuality society, where it’s okay to have gay villains without there inherently being negative connotations with that association; that there’s no assumed correlation between sexuality and morality. And while that would be nice to think, I’m not so sure that’s where we’re at now.
There is a similar discussion about the prevalence of nonwhite Imperial characters over the past several years. And again, I think that comes from a belief that we live in a post-race society, which is not a new idea, the concept of being “colorblind” in this way started gaining relevance in the 90s. It’s good that we’re having these discussions now, because they’re important. And I think one of the reasons why there’s been more diversity among the Empire’s ranks as of late it that their casts are entirely human as opposed to the multi-species Rebellion and New Republic. So there’s some logistical reasons why, but that shouldn’t be a sole reason, ya’know?
If I wanted to be very, very generous, I could argue that the inclusion of nonwhite, nonmale, nonstraight Imperials does work well as it demonstrates that there will always be people in various marginalized groups that will still want to join and try to benefit from oppressive power structures. There may even be a writer or two that intends that, consciously or not. Because even with a more diverse Imperial cast, the high-ranking officials are still predominantly straight (presumably), white men. But… I think that’s a bit too nuanced of a view for the current crop of Star Wars writers to collectively hold at large.
And you may call me a hypocrite for shipping Thranto and writing slash fanfics with Imperial characters… and that’s not entirely unfair. But, please understand that there’s a big difference between me writing free stories in my little apartment and the published works of a multi-billion dollar media giant.
So after going through all this, I’m going to have to say I’m not opposed to there being gay Imperials, but it would be nice to see some changes. Namely, writers should try to avoid negative stereotypes and write more non-Imperial gay characters, especially ones whose sexuality is more than just a passing reference. Writers should ask themselves “What is the context of this character’s sexuality and what kind of message does it convey?” And, as I said, given that we haven’t seen any transgender Imperials, I think the writers do have the degree of self-awareness to do better. And who knows? Maybe in earlier drafts of stories, there were more heroic gays and they got straight-washed during the editing process, so proportionally more gay Imperials make the final cut. That’s the line I’m taking, writing less gay Imperial characters isn’t as important as writing more gay non-Imperial characters. But at the same time, it shouldn’t just be about hitting some quota. Again, I would like to see a greater level of awareness and consideration of the implications of what they’re writing, which would fundamentally lead to stronger long-lasting change. If the writers truly are well-meaning, this would result in characters whose sexualities are better incorporated into the narrative and would hypothetically lead to more good guy gays because the underlying issues of the creative process have been addressed. I hope that’s not too big of an ask.
Sinjir/Conder and Aphra/Tolvan are great canon gay pairings that we’ve gotten and it would have been a shame to have never gotten them at all because of a complete ban on gay Imperial characters. But it would also be cool to continue to see more couples with that quality of writing, ideally more heroic ones, so I’m not going to put my foot down and say absolutely no gay Imperials. That shouldn’t be the focus, is my main takeaway. The problem isn’t that there are gay Imperials at all, it’s the naivety and unexamined bias (and likely homophobic editors) that led to there being a greater number of gay Imperials. And who knows, I believe starting sometime soon, Star Wars novels will be released under a new publishing house instead of Del Ray. Perhaps they’ll have more progressive editors. Fingers crossed.
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ariadne-mouse · 2 years
Got an error message trying to send this a minute ago so apologies if you get this twice, but: I am very late to seeing the WIP ask game, but if you still feel like talking about WIPs, I am very curious about Outsider POV guard! c:
Of course! :)) The outsider POV guard fic is probably a perma-WIP at this point, but I'll share what I've got. It's about a trio of Aurora Watch soldiers who run into Essek and the Mighty Nein during the events of the campaign:
When Alonier was assigned the post of sentry in the Arrival Hall, he knew it to be one of the more boring jobs in the Lucid Bastion. 
That, of course, was before the war, and the arrival of the Mighty Nein.  
(None of his friends believe him about the horses.)
“Loni!  I heard you got Arrival Hall duty.  Tough break, my friend.”
Alonier of Den VaSuun looked up from his table at the soldier’s mess hall in the Lucid Bastion to see a fellow guard, Targas of Den Biren, approaching him, their raiment currently bearing the colored tassels of a Marble Arches assignment.
He cracked a smile. “I bet you’re pleased someone finally has a more boring assignment than you, shut in with all those dusty scrolls.”
Targas grinned, took a seat, and began digging into a bowl of spiderleg soup. “How can you tell?  Is it the radiant aura of joy that follows me like a cloud?” 
Alonier pretended to shield his eyes. “Yes, can you tone it the fuck down a little?  You’ll blind me, and it’s not even a holy day.”
Targas wiggled their eyebrows. “You saying you want to worship me?”
“Blasphemy is grounds for execution,” Alonier deadpanned, leaning in.
“As long as you give me time to get my hair coiffed and put on some pretty robes,” Targas sniffed. “I’d like to go out in style.”
“We are magnanimous, we will grant you this mercy,” Alonier intoned.
A third tray of food appeared on the table.  “Are you two flirting again?”  Another drow took a seat next to them, her light plate mail clanking.  Her silver-white hair was braided close to her scalp in a maze of geometric designs, and gathered in a bun at the nape of her neck.
“Rezza, up from the pit!” Targas cheered, gesturing with their spoon like it was a sword. “I’m surprised you could tell time well enough down there to make it.”
“Honestly I couldn’t.  The new shift taps us out when we're done,” Rezza shrugged.
Alonier dumped a handful of chopped fresh herbs onto his helping of soup and idly stirred it.  “You ever see the Shadowhand?  I hear he’s down there sometimes.”
“A couple times.  Only in passing, though.” Rezza dug into her own food with gusto.
“Does he really float all the time?” Targas immediately wanted to know.
Rezza raised her eyebrows.  “Never seen or heard him walk a single step.  Never even seen his legs, even.  Just that big cloak.”  She leaned in conspiratorially, “Some of us think he might just be a floating head, and the cloak is how he hides that he’s got no body.”
Alonier pursed his lips. “He casts though, doesn’t he?  So he must have arms.”
“If he does, never seen ‘em,” Rezza replied.  She took another big bite of spider leg and groaned in satisfaction.  “Food tastes SO good once you’re up at the surface,” she sighed.  “What sucks the most about Dungeon duty is the way just being down there turns your stomach.”
“You’d think they’d give sentries some protection,” Targas said.
Rezza pursed her lips. “You’d think.  But, budget cuts.  War effort.  Yadda yadda.  You know, Targas, I’m surprised you haven’t seen the Shadowhand in the Marble Arches before.  Rumor has it he’s a real academic prick.”
Targas flapped a hand to hush her, looking around. “Not so loud!!  He’ll hear you!”
Rezza snorted. “How?  He got floating ears he can send places?”
“I don’t know!  He’s like... the boogeyman.  You say his name too many times, or make fun of him, and he’ll just know.”
“He’s just a guy,” Alonier said. “Intimidating, maybe, and snooty as hell from what I’ve heard, but he’s still just a prodigy on his first life.”
“I know a clerk who spilled ink on one of his papers, once,” Targas said, sotto voce. “She disappeared.”
Alonier frowned.  “You talking about Fian?  Didn’t she just go to Asarius to take care of her sick mother?”
“That’s what they want you to think,” Targas intoned seriously.
As one, Alonier and Rezza sighed.
“You know, Targas, I hope you don’t see the Shadowhand in the Marble Arches,” Alonier said. “You’ll faint on the spot, and then you’ll get reassigned to Ghost Land excavation.”
“Still better than standing in an empty, quiet Arrival Hall for hours at a time,” Targas said. “I bet you don’t see a single arrival in the first month.”
Author's notes on continuation are:
[the m9 happen, RIP Alonier]
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willdexpoindexter · 6 years
It’s so weird to have a Sunday with no new Bludger, Please! to post. So instead I’m gonna ramble at you.
First, five million thanks to my brainstorming team of Loni and Sav and to my betas Den and Sav. Yes the same Sav because she’s a a superhero. I don’t know what I would have done without all of you. This certainly would not have gone from idea to 52k completely posted fic in... 4 1/2 months.
Second, thank you to everyone who read it and left comments and cried with me over these stupid boys. It meant the world to me every time I saw someone new reading it.
Okay, now that I’m done being sappy, I’m opening my inbox to questions or whatever that you have. Alternate POV to parts? Process questions? Hit me.
I just can’t have a Sunday without this fic. Not yet.
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yournightlings-blog · 6 years
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Loni: I spent my first day of Summer chilling poolside with my good friend Nadine!  We talked about everything not related to schools: music, TV, etc.  It was so much fun!  Happy to hear things with her and Randy are going so well. Hope I can be so lucky to find the right monster for me. :3
(Art and Nadine Tremble character belong to @nadine-the-pnk <3)
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