#Lore: The Wanderer
wayward40k · 7 months
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:: BASIC INFORMATION :: Nicknames / Aliases : Mahv Gender / Pronouns : Non-binary / They / Them Age : 37 Species : Aeldari / Human Hybrid
:: APPEARANCE :: Hair : Wine red, mostly short and scruffy with a long tail at the nape of the neck. Skin : Pale, no obvious blemishes. Eyes : Bright green, almost seems to glow in the dark. Height : 5' 1" // 155 cm Markings (scars, tattoos, etc) : Scar across the bridge of their nose. Tiny scars across their arms from repeated injections. Tattoos on their wrists akin to barcodes, in a sense, seeming to be for identification. Build / Physique : Athletically slim, though presently more lanky and malnourished.
:: PERSONAL INFORMATION :: Occupation : Wanderer Alliance : None Homeworld : Craftworld Karankin [ Failed / Dying ] Social Level : Skittish around strangers, but friendly and willing to chat if there's no obvious threat. Can get easily overwhelmed by crowds. Likes : Exploring, flying, learning new things, alcohol. Dislikes : Being threatened/attacked, the whispering. Romantic / Sexual Orientation : Aromantic / Asexual Relationship Status : Nah (though may change due to character chemistry)
:: ABILITIES & SKILLS :: Physical Skills : Athletic, prioritizes agility over strength, skilled at parkour. Hardy constitution, resistant to illness and poison (and alcohol). Mental Skills : Quick-witted, clever, good at riddles and puzzles. Inquisitive, learns new information easily. Can use relevant general media to self-teach new languages. Psyker Abilities : Not fully developed yet, but may manifest under stress. Illusions, such as double- or triple-images or the appearance of being invisible, are the most common reactions, but they rarely last for more than a second or two at a time. Other Notes : Mahvaris does not require a soul stone at present. However, should their psychic ability grow, they may require a similar protection for their soul. They are self-taught in Low Gothic, so initial conversation in that language will be rough.
:: STORY INFORMATION :: Unnatural Hybrid : Aeldari-Human hybrids are virtually nonviable in the conventional sense, but that didn't stop Mahvaris from existing. They're not keen to discuss that fact or how they came about. As it is, they're constantly dealing with a fluctuating level of general discomfort due to feeling as though they don't quite fit in their body. Scout & Skirmish : Due to necessity, Mahvaris had been in training to be a scout for the Craftworld, leading to them learning to fly and repair small crafts. They're skilled at evasive flying, and the Veraegel is capable of micro-Warp-jumps that can make them tricky to track down. This leads to hit-and-run tactics if pushed to fight. Abhuman if Asked : A few rough first meetings taught Mahvaris that humans were not accepting of perceived xenos. However, they also quickly learned that they could claim to be an 'abhuman', as they don't have as sharp or long features as Aeldari. Most traders are content with this excuse. Restless Alcoholic : Between hearing psychic whispering at random and being deeply traumatized, Mahvaris seeks distraction. Their favorite distraction, as it turns out, is getting drunk while they're alone on their ship. It helps them pretend they're not terrified of the future, that they're strong enough to deal with not knowing what to do Scarce Supplies : Due to trying to lay low, and not knowing where to go, Mahvaris has gotten used to making their supplies stretch for as long as possible. This does mean that do tend to appear somewhat malnourished, and they might try to steal food.
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juniper-clan · 7 months
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Moon 14: Birth of Venus
(AKA the twins!)
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cowboybabeop · 5 months
Vault-Tec Vaults; Game Origin & Location
Hi I'm going to back to my "Fallout Blog" roots. Here is a summary of all of the vaults and experiments (starting with a timeline) because I'm insane ^_^ I had to add a weird break bc I literally hit the tumblr character limit, but I used it to section off the major spoilers for the TV series :)
The Great War: October 23rd, 2077
Fallout Bible: Compendium of added lore by the creators.
Fallout 76: 2102
Fallout 1: 2161 
Fallout Tactics: 2197
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel: 2208
Fallout 2: 2241
Fallout 3: 2277
Fallout: New Vegas: 2281
Fallout 4: 2287
Fallout TV Series: 2296
Corporate Vault - Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel - Texas 
A control group vault meant for Vault-Tec employees to continue research, primarily on FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus) during the war.
Vault 0 - Fallout Tactics - Colorado 
A control group vault with geniuses kept in cryogenic stasis, with their minds interlinked into an entity called The Calculator.
Vault 3 - Fallout: New Vegas - Nevada 
A control vault. Residents ended up opening the vault doors when the lower levels flooded. Eventually the vault was overrun by Fiends.
Vault 4 - Fallout TV series - California 
A test vault that was filled with residents prior to the bombs dropping. Experimentation on human subjects led to most of the original residents being killed in a revolt. In 2296 the vault is still thriving, while kidnapping surface survivors and continuing to experiment on them. The vault offered refuge for many inhabitants of Shady Sands.
Vault 8 (Vault City) - Fallout 2 - Nevada 
A control group vault that remained closed until 2241. Instead of receiving two G.E.C.K. (Garden of Eden Creation Kit) devices, Vault 8 received just one and a replacement water chip that was supposed to go to Vault 13.
Vault 11 - Fallout: New Vegas - Nevada 
Every year the residents were told to sacrifice a fellow resident, with the threat of everyone's death if they did not. In reality, the system would praise them for NOT sacrificing an individual and the vault door would be unlocked. This message finally played after only five residents remained.
Vault 12 - Fallout 1 - California 
A seemingly normal, safe vault with an ulterior motive to study the effects of radiation on the inhabitants. The door never fully sealed, and in 2083 the ghoul residents left to found Necropolis.
Vault 13 - Fallout 1 & Fallout 2- California 
Your home vault as the Vault Dweller. A rather normal vault, however due to a shipping mishap Vault 13 received an additional G.E.C.K. device (that was supposed to go to Vault 8) instead of a replacement water chip. Thus, leaving the Vault Dweller to leave the vault in search for a replacement when their only water chip breaks.
Vault 15 - Fallout 1 & Fallout 2 - California 
A vault that experimented with incredibly diverse ideologies and backgrounds. The vault became severely overpopulated in 2097 and the dwellers decided to open the door. Shady Sands was created using Vault 15's G.E.C.K. and the local raider gangs all have origins from this vault.
Vault 17 - Fallout: New Vegas - Mention Only 
Inhabitants were kidnapped and transformed into Super Mutants. Lily originates from this vault.
Vault 19 - Fallout: New Vegas - Somewhere in CA/NV/AZ/UT 
Paranoia was induced by noises, lights, and segregation. The vault was divided into two sections, Red and Blue, with a separate overseer for each sector.
Vault 21 - Fallout: New Vegas - Nevada 
An almost normal vault, with the exception of a culture and society built around gambling. All major decisions were made through gambling, with the decision to open the doors and become part of New Vegas being "won" in a game of Blackjack.
Vault 22 - Fallout: New Vegas - Somewhere in CA/NV/AZ/UT 
A vault dedicated to studying agriculture. A fungus designed to kill pests on plants became capable of infected human hosts. Vault 22 is curiously green on the outside by the time The Courier arrives at the location.
Vault 24 - Fallout: New Vegas - Mention Only 
Remnants of a Vault 24 jumpsuit are found in the FNV game files.
Vault 27 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
A vault designed to be deliberately overcrowded with not enough means to sustain the inhabitants.
Vault 29 - Fallout 76 - Mention Only 
Only children younger than 15 were allowed in this vault, with their parents being sent to other vaults. Harold is believed to originate from this vault.
Vault 31 - Fallout TV Series - California 
Part of 3 interconnected vaults, serving as cryogenic home for the managers and higher ups of Vault-Tec.
Vault 32 - Fallout TV Series - California 
Part of 3 interconnected vaults, serving as a healthy breeding pool for Vault 31 and 33. Somewhere around 2294, Vault 32 failed and the residents resorted to murder, cannibalism, or suicide.
Vault 33 - Fallout TV Series - California 
Lucy MacLean's home vault. Part of 3 interconnected vaults, serving as a healthy breeding pool for Vault 31 and 32.
Vault 36 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
The only food in this vault consisted of thin, watery gruel.
Vault 34 - Fallout: New Vegas - Somewhere in CA/NV/AZ/UT 
The vault was purposefully overstocked with guns with the overseer being able to give/deny access to residents. This inevitably led to it's downfall, and those who revolted and raided the armory relocated above as The Boomers in 2231.
Vault 42 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
No lightbulbs over 40W were provided.
Vault 43 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
A vault containing 20 men, 10 women, and one panther.
Vault 51 - Fallout 76 - West Virginia 
A vault with a supercomputer as the overseer. Interference from the computer led to most of the residents being murdered by other residents.
Vault 53 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only  
Most equipment was designed to break down every few months in order to stress out inhabitants.
Vault 55 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
No entertainment tapes were provided.
Vault 56 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
The only entertainment tapes provided were of one terrible comedian.
Vault 63 - Fallout 76 - West Virginia 
The inside of the vault remains sealed, with the outside door being all that is accessible to the player character. Other parts of the vault are revealed through cut content.
Vault 65 - Fallout 76 - Mention Only 
Remnants of the vault remain in Fallout 76 cut content.
Vault 68 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
The vault contained 999 men and 1 woman.
Vault 69 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
The vault contained 999 women and 1 man.
Vault 75 - Fallout 4 - Massachusetts 
A secret experimenting in refining human genetics through selective breeding, genetic modification, and hormonal treatments. The vault's concept was made by Stanislaus Braun.
Vault 76 - Fallout 76 - West Virginia 
The home vault of the player character in 76. It was a control vault, set to open after 25 years. This is when the player character leaves the vault.
Vault 77 - Fallout 3 - Mention Only 
Mentioned by slavers in Paradise Falls, this vault was rumored to only contain one man and a box of puppets.
Vault 79 - Fallout 76 - West Virginia 
A vault dedicated to hoarding the country's gold reserves.
Vault 81 - Fallout 4 - Massachusetts 
Designed to develop a cure for every possible sickness or ailment. Residents were unknowingly sprayed with diseases by nozzles hidden in their rooms. The first vault overseer had thought this to be cruel, cut off the scientists from the rest of the vault and cut the nozzles from spraying residents before the experiments could begin.
Vault 87 - Fallout 3 - Somewhere in VA/PA/MD 
The original vault experiment for 87 was scrapped, and it became a research center for FEV, leaving the vault wildly radioactive and inhabited only by super mutants by the time you access it as the Lone Wanderer.
Vault 88 - Fallout 4 - Massachusetts 
An unfinished vault inhabited by ghouls.
Vault 92 - Fallout 3 - Somewhere in VA/PA/MD 
The best musicians were sent to this vault to "preserve musical talent", but truthfully residents were subjected to subliminal messages mixed into white noise. Eventually some of the musicians went into random, murderous, psychotic rages that led to the end of the experiment.
 Vault 94 - Fallout 76 - West Virginia 
A vault with non-violent faith-centric inhabitants. The vault opened one year later to search for survivors. The vault became overrun by wastelanders and raiders that destroyed their G.E.C.K. and their nuclear reactor. The vault was swarmed with radiation and is now overrun by mirelurks.
Vault 95 - Fallout 4 - Massachusetts 
A vault designed to get people clean and sober. After a successful 5 years, a Vault-Tec agent brought out a hidden stash of drugs for other residents to find.
Vault 96 - Fallout 76 - West Virginia 
A vault with a focus on agriculture, animals, genetics, and mutations. The original residents were killed in a failed escape attempt, and the vault was then used by West-Tek scientist Edgar Blackburn to continue research on FEV.
Vault 100 - Fallout 3 - Mention Only 
Remnants of Vault 100 can be found in game files and cut content.
Vault 101 - Fallout 3 - Somewhere in VA/PA/MD 
The home vault for the Lone Wanderer. This vault was meant to never open and Vault 101 did not receive a G.E.C.K. However, the overseer of the vault pretty quickly broke this rule and occasional survey teams were sent to the surface. Several residents of Megaton are the result of these survey teams. Daddy James found the vault after the birth of the Lone Wanderer and negotiated his doctoral services in exchange for shelter.
Vault 106 - Fallout 3 - Somewhere in VA/PA/MD 
Psychoactive drugs slowly released into the air of Vault 106, causing the vault to be filled with psychotic survivors by the time the Lone Wanderer visits.
Vault 108 - Fallout 3 - Somewhere in VA/PA/MD 
A slew of experiments occurred in this vault. The elected overseer was dying of cancer, the primary power supply of the vault was scheduled to fail after 20 years, the backup power supply would not be enough to power ALL of the vault, the vault was given three times the normal amount of weapons, and the vault was not given entertainment. With a majority of scientists, one of the inner experiments involved repeatedly cloning the same man... Gary.
Vault 111 - Fallout 4 - Massachusetts 
Your home vault as the Sole Survivor. All residents were meant to unknowingly stay in cryostasis, with scientists overlooking them. However, conflicts arose among those unfrozen, leading to the vault door eventually being opened.
Vault 112 - Fallout 3 - Somewhere in VA/PA/MD 
Residents lived in a virtual reality simulation to create their "perfect life" with their overseer, Stanislaus Braun, a scientist who proceeded to use the residents as playthings. Braun continuously murdered residents, then wiped their memories and reset the simulation.
Vault 114 - Fallout 4 - Massachusetts
 An unfinished vault meant for only the wealthy. Vault-Tec exaggerated the luxury of the vault, gave residents very small rooms, communal bathing and dining areas, and a homeless drug-addicted overseer named Soup Can Harry.
Vault 118 - Fallout 4 - Maine 
An Unfinished Vault meant to house both a handful of ultra-rich and hundreds of working class individuals to observe how they would interact within the same space.
Vault 120 - Fallout 4 & Fallout 76 - Mention Only 
The vault itself was meant to mimic the underwater atmosphere of Bioshock. The game was cut from Fallout 4, but remnants can be found in Fallout 76 game files.
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jad3-d · 2 months
scara: was seen by ei as too emotional and fragile to be a vessel for a gnosis, couldn’t bring himself to kill kazuha’s great grandfather due to sentiment, didn’t hesitate to erase himself to try and fix his past mistakes, is always seen surrounded by small creatures in his official arts, literally carries a little doll he made himself around as a traveling companion, etc.
a lot of people after this event, for some reason: wtf why is he suddenly being soft?
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stoat-party · 1 year
How Much Territory Are the Fallout Player Characters Actually Micromanaging: An Analysis
I did some amateur research to figure out which of the Fallout protagonists (specifically 3, NV, and 4) have a reasonable area of land to constantly traverse. I used Apple Maps to find the straightest possible walking path from a point on either end of the game map, then multiplied the north-south and east-west figures to get an approximate square mileage. Since none of the walking paths were completely straight, these numbers will all be a little higher than actual. BUT the game maps also don’t completely correlate to the real-life locations, so consider these numbers to be estimates.
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The Commonwealth: Around 600 square miles. This is honestly pretty manageable, especially if you’re teleporting or helicoptering all over the place. It would be exhausting, but you could theoretically get across the map in a day with time to spare for questing.
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The Capital Wasteland: Around 800 square miles. Fairfax is the halfway point; very few locations on the western half of the map actually correspond to anything in real life. The exception is the cavern Little Lamplight is based on, which would make the game map 100 miles long. The map definitely doesn’t extend that far into Virginia.
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New Vegas: Kind of hard to calculate at this scale, but we’re looking at a little under 3000 square miles! Through. the Mojave. Desert. The Courier is really going to have to commit to a course of action before traveling, because they won’t be coming back for about a week.
If you’re a fanfic writer, remember that you don’t owe realism to anyone. BUT, if realism is something you care about for your writing, keep these distances in mind!
(Sequel: distance from game maps to DLCs)
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canisalbus · 30 days
are the dogs in your universe colorblind? and if so has that effected the popularity of different dye colors in any way?
The dogs in my universe see the same spectrum of color humans do. This is one of those seemingly small details that would cause big, dominoing changes in their worldview and culture if I altered it, and I feel like it's just not worth the hassle. Dogs in real life see blue, yellow and muted green fine, but red and orange are completely absent, and my art tends to be more warm toned, with recurring reds and oranges.
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ehatnow · 26 days
genshin fans on twitter always make me feel so smart
like "arlecchino is the only competent harbinger!!!!!!" she got one gnosis that was basically free. like girl didnt do shit to get that.
signora got two and was executed before she got the third. childe successfully summoned a god, fought that fatass narwhal for who knows how long, and has the foul legacy. scara ERASED HIMSELF FROM EXISTENCE and also got the electro gnosis. capitano went against the god of war and was ready to keep fighting after getting punched in the heart (and he is definitely evenly matched with mavuika).
god i hate people on twitter and tiktok, they cant read
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thewanderingmask · 3 months
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...so grian isn't not some sort of fey creature right
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emlan · 4 months
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How a certain painting got "stolen" (deep lore hours) Choose Your Own Adventure whether this merchant offloaded/lost it to the rabbits right away or if it traded hands several times before it ended up in their stash.
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kaeyacollection · 7 months
Who's ready for my Master Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Crepus Theory!!
I originally posted this over at Hoyolab and people there seemed to really like my favorite joke theory that Crepus just tries to gaslight the whole of Mondstadt right after obtaining Kaeya
Majority of this will be the same but with little tweaks for the wonderful tumblr audience
This joke stems from Kaeya's introduction:
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and the use of the word "rumored"
Cause it's not like it said beyond Teyvat or the seven nations just Mondstadt
And I mean like c'mon how many families are living off the grid in Mondstadt
(Actually... Don't answer that I forgot Glory's boyfriend is just
Out there in the bush with Razor...)
Initially I had the idea of Crepus walking around the markets one day carrying Kaeya with Diluc beside him running into Varka who asks:
"Who's the boy?"
"You mean my son?"
"Not Diluc the boy you're carrying"
"I have two sons? You know this??"
But then the Caribert quest came out mentioning Kaeya ran away from home near immediately and was dragged home by Crepus just as fast and it became even funnier
Cause imagine you're by the docks one day and richest man in town gets off the boat with no cargo but instead a tiny child you may not have seen before that Crepus seems to be very cross with at the moment and threatening to turn him into a leash kid if he runs off again
In a small town that loves gossip do you know how fast that information is spreading? Cause I do and Varka's knocking on Crepus's door 30 minutes later like:
"Is this what we're doing? We're just taking kids now?"
Both paths lead to Varka asking where Kaeya comes from and getting hit with a
"I think you're a bit too old to still be confused about the birds and the bees Varka"
Varka getting frustrated to the point he just starts demanding Kaeya tell him what's up
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Love to see him following in his fathers footsteps of stressing Varka the fuck out
And upon hearing how his birth father left for juice and didn't return Varka went
"Good! That was ALL I needed to know!!"
Follow ups on if his father intended to abandon him or got lost in the storm and needed a search party?
Don't care!! You weren't kidnapped!!
Welcome to the knights! 🤝
Which bringing it back to it only being a rumor
In a town of alcoholics, who's gonna call out the one guy with the winery?
Here's some add ons that got sparked from the comment section 😘
Bonus panels would have included Varka showing up with Rosaria one day mimicking Crepus about "wHaT you ForGot I haD a Kid" sparking a trend within the community of just adopting random children to the point posters are made saying "In Barbatos name: See a child Take a child"
Alice seeing it and pulling a "when in rome" tucking both Albedo and Diluc(who is yelling he is an adult) under her arms and telling Klee if she ever sees someone in need of a mom let her know she'll send over the paperwork right away
And then the last bonus: Venti wakes up, walks in through the gate while playing a tune, and stops when he sees the poster, not sure if he needs to start yet another revolution, or if this one is fine actually
I imagine the posters had to be taken down because visitors were losing their kids left and right and the solution of parents pinning a note saying "not dead & still want custody" to their kids shirt didn't catch on but the saying still lives strong in the hearts of Mondstadt's citizens I mean look Bennett and his 27 dads Mondstadt may have a lot of orphans but the demand is even higher
Comment on original post:
"I have a headcanon where Kaeya fooled first Crepus, then the rest of Mondstadt but.this is too funny!! I want to see this happening!"
Which prompted one of my new favorite lines at the end:
"Wait by fool Crepus first do you mean like Crepus finding him out in the storm bringing him inside to ask him where he lives and Kaeya's just
"? I live here? You adopted me? Are you feeling okay?"
Cause I'm absolutely cry laughing over this that's so good but that also means when Kaeya runs away Crepus is just
"hey no no l'm not misplacing you a second time come home" "
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wayward40k · 2 years
Send a symbol for a secret that my muse is keeping! 🤫 a terrible secret
Mahvaris is slouched on their 'desk', idly nudging one of Lim's leaves back and forth. The potted plant, with it's tiny blue flowers, seemed content with the attention as the hybrid mumbled to it. They didn't often have company, so they took to talking aloud to the only other living thing on the ship.
"Be glad, my friend. You thus far, have not inexplicably developed will, and have yet to question your purpose. You will never be aware of so many stars in the sky and wish to break free of your containment to fly among them. You are wanted in this universe. You belong. I..."
Was an abomination, a secret among secrets that no one was to know about. They weren't even supposed to have had free will, and yet... here they were.
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asmogorna · 2 months
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triona-tribblescore · 7 months
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aeroblossom · 8 months
my roman empire is archons and their child whom they 'failed'. characters with doomed, dark fates, seeming as if they'd never been looked upon by their god. the ones you read about and wonder why their archon did not protect them or pay attention. venti and rozalyne, ei and kabukimono - quite literally, rukkhadevta or nahida and zandik. arguably, egeria and focalors, considering focalors bore the brunt of egeria's sin.
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does this freak even know that Rhinedottir is the reason he exists.
does he know that she created the technology that Ei found to create him
god. can you imagine what it would do to him to learn that he was only possible through the works of the Great Sinner. how do you continue your repentance knowing that. "is it nature or was it nurture?" well !! in his case !!!!!!!!! was it the humanity. did she pour so much soul into her works that the reason she left Albedo is the same one that Ei abandoned Scaramouche for. can anyone hear me
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wanderingokali · 3 months
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Otaxel, the deity of death of and of the depths of the ocean. They are rarely seen by people, though there are many a sailor's rumor about a mass of writhing tendrils in the oceans with three bright eyes nestled within. Many people will send the body of departed loved ones out to sea, shrouded in a light cloth and floating in a fragile woven basket, as they believe this will allow the deceased to fully rest. Those who cannot make it to sea often opt for other methods of burial that will see the body quickly destroyed and eaten such as sky burials, but still keep a small item or a small piece of the body (lock of hair, a bone after the flesh is gone, depends on sensibilities) to eventually have returned to the oceans.
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