#Lorena bobbit
saleintothe90s · 3 months
478. 93 things about 1993, part 5
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(part 4)
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26. G.I. Joe and Barbie's voiceboxes get switched.
A group of performance artists switched the voiceboxes of about 300 G.I. Joe and Teen Talk Barbie. This was later referenced in the Simpsons episode Lisa Vs. Malibu Stacy:
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Poor Celeste.
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27. Bill's Half Brother
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Leon died in 2009 at the age of 70. He and Bill met a few times! 1
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28. The first dreidel in space
Spun by Jeff Hoffman.
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29. Lawrence comes out in For Better or for Worse (April 10th)
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Lawrence, Michael's friend in the strip came out of the closet in the spring of 1993. Of course, people got mad and demanded the strip be pulled from their local papers:
In the next few weeks, Lawrence, who is 17, will also reveal his sexual orientation to his mother and stepfather. Reader beware; the next two sentences give away plot details. His mother will insist Lawrence is mistaken, and his stepfather will throw Lawrence out of the house. He will spend a lonely night in a doughnut shop until Mike locates him and brings him home for a reconciliation with his famiy.
The plot line has already proved too rich for some tastes. Universal Press Syndicate editorial director Lee Salem says about 20 of some 1,400 newspapers subscribing to “For Better or For Worse” have asked for backup material that can be substituted for the Lawrence strips, and eight have canceled the comic outright.
Lynn Johnston, the Canadian cartoonist who writes and draws the 14-year-old strip, says she knew she was entering a sensitive area, but she’s a little surprised by the scope of the negative reaction.
“What I wrote was kind; it was caring,” she says. “It explored both sides of the issue.”
Thomas Mitchell did. He’s the editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, one of the newspapers pulling the Lawrence panels in favor of backup material.
“We had a pretty little heated argument among ourselves,” he says.
Mitchell finally decided parents shouldn’t abruptly find themselves explaining the material to their children over the morning Rice Krispies.
“It’s the comics page, man. Give me a break,” he says. “It’s an interesting topic. Teenage homosexuality: How do you handle it; how do you talk about it?”
Mitchell says he wouldn’t object to a feature story on the subject, possibly illustrated by strips from “For Better or For Worse.”
Bob Hansen of Enfield probably wishes he was getting Mitchell’s newspaper. Hansen is a Courant subscriber who called the paper Monday to complain about the tack Johnston’s strip had taken.
“I’m very upset about it,” he says. “Comics, in the first place, comics are for fun.”
Hansen says he doesn’t object to homosexuals, but he objects to having homsexuality pushed at people who aren’t interested in hearing about it. In particular, he disliked Lawrence’s remark, in Monday’s episode, insisting he isn’t confused about his orientation: “Everybody else is confused.” 2
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For the record, I obsessed over For Better or for Worse almost as much as I did Funky Winkerbean. Good to know Lawrence had a good ending as the strip wound to the end in the Summer of 2008.
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30. Dana Carvey almost becomes the host of Late Night.
He said no when offered. 3
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(eBay user 3d-ology)
31. Addy becomes an American Girl
There was some controversy among the company whether Addy would be "too real" for kids:
Indeed, the story of Addy may be too heavy for the frail shoulders of a doll, and it clearly represents a dramatic shift in the tone of these children's books. While the other dolls face such traumas as wild bears, sailing during a storm or even choosing between loyalty to the crown of England or the patriots of the new Colonies, none can really compare with watching your brother being whipped by a cruel overseer because he "done run off." In "Meet Addy," the first of her series, she escapes from slavery with her mother, after they are forcibly separated from the rest of the family.
Pittsburgh novelist Connie Porter, who was hired to write the Addy books, is aware of the criticism. "Some people don't want to see a character in slavery -- that's ridiculous," she said. "You can run the risk of being so politically correct that you can lose whole periods of history. Children are more ready to talk about these things than some adults are."
Porter, who met twice with the advisory board to discuss story content and the use of dialect, said that she has not trivialized slavery in any way. If anything, she has made it more real to a modern child than it might have been before, she said. "I tried to show how a black child would be treated during the day at the age of 9," she said. "That she had a job like a grown person. Addy works all day worming tobacco plants. She also serves occasionally for the master, who treats her with indifference. At one point they treat her badly. She's a piece of property." 4
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32. Krusty gets canceled, but marge doesn’t say anything. (May 13th)
Y'all Ever notice that Marge has no lines in the classic Simpsons episode "Krusty Gets Canceled"? She's there, but no lines. According to the DVD commentaries, Al Jean said that Julie Kavner felt uncomfortable being in an episode with so many celebrity guests, describing it as "tasteless". I guess she changed her mind through the years.
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33. Lorena Bobbit copycats
In a four-month period, at least three men besides John Bobbitt had their genitals trashed by angry women. In April, a 29-year-old woman in Milwaukee partially severed her boyfriend's penis after he announced that he wanted to break up, reported the Milwaukee Journal. In Waynesville, N.C., in July, Cynthia Mason Gillett, 28, was charged with setting her husband's genitals on fire while he slept after an argument, reported the Charlotte Observer. In April, Jose Dogelio, 31, was shot in the penis by a woman he was "flashing" on a street in Dasmarinas, Philippines, according to the Manila newspaper, People's Journal. 5
Cynthia was put on probation in January of 1994 because her husband refused to testify against her. She doused his genitals in nail polish and caught them on fire! 6 I could not find Jose's condition.
When I was a kid and I'd see pieces about Lorena and John Bobbit on the news, I pictured Lorena cutting John's penis off with scissors.
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Barker, Jennifer, and Medianews Group. “Former Paradise Resident Ritzenthaler, Clinton’s Half-Brother, Dies.” Chico Enterprise-Record (blog), January 14, 2009. https://www.chicoer.com/20090114/former-paradise-resident-ritzenthaler-clintons-half-brother-dies/. https://archive.is/YqjO4 .
Hartford Courant. “COMIC TACKLES CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE AS CHARACTER ANNOUNCES HE IS GAY.” March 31, 1993. https://www.courant.com/1993/03/31/comic-tackles-controversial-issue-as-character-announces-he-is-gay/. https://archive.is/dZIGX
Carter, Bill. 1995. The Late Shift: Letterman, Leno, and the Network Battle for the Night. New York: Hyperion. 225-226.
Rosenfeld, Megan. “WHOLESOME BABES IN TOYLAND.” Washington Post, May 24, 1993. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1993/05/24/wholesome-babes-in-toyland/b4ed92ca-1571-4ec9-9290-4dfb4ded0b7b/.
Shepherd, Chuck. “1993: THE YEAR OF THE WEIRD.” Washington Post, December 26, 1993. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1993/12/26/1993-the-year-of-the-weird/cca1ec6a-5dc9-4be6-9087-e26abe3c657f/.
Tulsa World . “Woman Who Burned Mate Gets Probation.” January 22, 1994. https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftulsaworld.com%2Fnews%2Fwoman-who-burned-mate-gets-probation%2Farticle_910a1d92-ff60-57f9-af48-af57d99ad8e2.html
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En 1993, una noticia traspasaba las fronteras y escandalizaba al mundo con un suceso que se haría famoso en los años venideros. Una ecuatoriana llamada Lorena Bobbit le había cortado el pene a su marido y arrojado el miembro al jardín de un vecindario. Sería juzgada, humillada por los medios y convertida en ícono de la lucha contra el maltrato y la violencia de género.
Lorena Gallo, nacida en Ecuador y criada en Venezuela, se encontraba en Manassas en el estado de Virginia, Estados Unidos, con un visado de estudiante cuando conoció a su marido, John Wayne Bobbitt, en 1988. La joven creyó cumplir su “sueño americano”, como ella misma contaría más tarde, cuando se enamoró de un “guapo” oficial de la Marina.
A los 10 meses de noviazgo, John le propuso matrimonio a la joven de 18 años, mientras se bañaban en una piscina.
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Un mes después de la boda, celebrada en junio de 1989, John conducía borracho el coche con Lorena de acompañante; ella le pidió que se detuviese y él le respondió golpeándola. Fue el primero de muchos incidentes. Siguieron cuatro años y medio de maltratos y violaciones, hasta que la noche del 23 de junio de 1993, Lorena Bobbit, agotada y poseída por la rabia, se armó con un cuchillo de cocina y castró a su marido mientras dormía.
La mujer, en un estado de shock, salió con el miembro cercenado en una de sus manos, subió a su vehículo y se dirigió a la casa de una amiga por las calles del tranquilo pueblo de Manassas. Metros más adelante, al darse cuenta de que lo que llevaba en sus manos, lo arrojó por la ventanilla del auto .
John Wayne Bobbit, simultáneamente, había despertado de su borrachera inundado en sangre. Tras llamar por teléfono a su padre y a algunos amigos del Ejército, fue derivado de inmediato a un centro asistencial.
La policía, después de capturar a Lorena Bobbitt y obligarla a confesar donde había arrojado el miembro cercenado, logró encontrarlo tirado en el jardín delantero de una casa. Increíblemente, después que el pene cercenado fuera puesto en hielo y llevado rápidamente al hospital, los doctores expertos en microcirugía James T. Sehn y David E. Berman, tras nueve horas de exhausto trabajo, lograron reimplantarlo en el cuerpo de Bobbit.
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Varias semanas después, el 5 de agosto de 1993. comenzaría el juicio criminal que convertiría a John Wayne Bobbit y su esposa Lorena en estrellas mediáticas
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Finalmente, por decisión unánime, el jurado la encontró inocente al comprobar que la mujer había sufrido abusos, violaciones y humillaciones desde el primer mes de matrimonio y que su ataque fue producto de “un impulso irresistible” en medio de un estado de “insanía”.
John Bobbit se convirtió en celebridad. La cirugía que le permitió continuar con su vida sexual fue también su billete a la industria del porno. Fue una estrella, pero de las fugaces. Lo intentó todo para no desaparecer de la farándula: desde oficializar bodas en Las Vegas hasta gestionar un burdel.
En la actualidad, Lorena Bobbitt trabaja como esteticista y da charlas sobre violencia doméstica en escuelas, sectores privados y de la comunidad latina, para defender a las víctimas de unas agresiones que, según ella, no discriminan en función de la edad, género o raza. "Podría pasarle a cualquiera", dice.
En 2007, fundó Lorena's Red Wagon, ahora llamada Lorena Gallo Foundation, cuya misión es “expandir la educación sobre la violencia machista y la prevención sexual para las supervivientes de maltrato y sus hijos".
Entre sus proyectos está abrir un refugio para mujeres maltratadas. "Un lugar donde puedan ir y sentirse seguras, escapando de sus abusadores, especialmente ahora, en medio de esta pandemia", ha dicho recientemente. "Todo el trauma me ha convertido en la persona resistente que soy hoy".
John Bobbitt por su parte, vive en el norte de Las Vegas y se dedica a buscar tesoros escondidos en las Montañas Rocosas, alternando trabajos en la construcción y la conducción de camiones. Tiene un acuerdo de discapacidad por un accidente automovilístico en 2014
Bobbitt contó hace dos años que se sometió a una cirugía de alargamiento de pene en 2016
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ask-gazimon · 1 year
she took his foreskin in the divorce
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hmsindecision · 11 months
Thought exercise: men who offer violence to women should lose an appendage each time they offend—hit a woman, commit rape, assault, etc.
Now the *key* to this plan is that the first offense always results in the penis being removed. It is very important to start with the penis so they get the message. Then each of the four limbs, then the head, if they really don’t get it.
The thing is, it wouldn’t take that many peepee-ectomies for men to start to get it. They are still mad about Lorena Bobbit removing her abuser’s raping tool and that was 30 years ago! I think we can make a dent in the culture way sooner than that. A hundred? A thousand? What about 47,000 a year? Then everyone knows a guy or knows of a guy who hit a women or hurt her and had the tackle taken off. It becomes common, culturally acceptable! We recognize that men who rape and beat women often end up dickless. We make them an object of ridicule. Men start to get scared. They start to monitor their own behavior, they get scared to go on dates. Catcallers worry they’ll get their tongues cut out next.
47,000 a year sure will sound like a LOT of people to men worried about their dingle dangles. That’s 128 a day! The court system would be full of these cases! This is a global nightmare! Society is a nightmare! This affects everything!
47,000 women are murdered every year by their partners or family members. When was the last time you heard a male care about this? On his own, without prompting?
What if those 47,000 women were still here? In fifty years, it’s more than two million. What if they had lived? What would they have contributed? Who were they?
Snip snip.
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bethanythebogwitch · 9 months
There are some animals that, if they didn't exist and somebody made them up, we would say they had an overactive imagination. The bobbit worm is one of those creatures, the closest we have to a real-life Mongolian death worm. So for this Wet Beast Wednesday, I'll tell you about just how weird it is.
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(image: a rare full-body shot of a bobbit worm)
Before we start, I want to go on a brief tangent. What exactly is a worm? Well it turns out that like fish, worms aren't real. At least they aren't from a taxonomist's perspective. In common parlance, we refer to any long, skinny, and (usually) legless invertebrate as a worm. In taxonomy, that is far too broad of a category, especially as lots of animal lineages would have started out as something a lot like a worm and you can't stop being what your evolutionary ancestors were. Instead, taxonomists classify worms into multiple distinct phyla that independently converged onto the worm body plan, including the platyhelminths, nematodes, nemerteans, and annelids. The bobbit worm (Eunice aphroditos) is an annelid, which are known for their multiple body segments. More specifically, it is a polychaete or bristle worm, which are known for having a pair of fleshy protrusions called parapodia on each body segment, which have chitinous bristles called chaetae growing from them. There is some debate that the bobbit worm may actually be a species complex, which is when multiple related species are mistakenly classified as a single species.
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(image: a bobbit worm found in an aquarium)
Bobbit worms are the largest of the polychaetes, with the largest known specimen being 299 cm (9.81 ft) long. They are also rather skinny, usually reaching no more than 2.5 cm (1 in) wide. Bobbit worms have a wide range of coloration, ranging from brown to black and often with a rainbow of other colors going down their bodies. You might not notice this, however, because they spend most of their time burrowing under the sand in their Indo-Pacific coral reef habitats. This provides protection from predators and is important to their hunting strategy. Bobbit worms will stick their heads out of the sand and wait while their 5 antennae use chemosensitive and light-sensing cells to detect when fish pass by. When a fish comes too close, the worm strikes. They use a set of retractable jaws that are razor sharp and come together like scissors to bite the fish. This bit is strong enough to cut small fish in half. It is rumored that this is the source of their name, from the Lorena Bobbit case. I will not elaborate further, google it if you don't know. Those fish that are not killed immediately will find themselves bleeding out and paralyzed from venom injected through the jaws as they are dragged into the worm's burrow to be eaten. There are some reports that the wom's chaetae are also venomous and that handling them barehanded can cause permenent numbness, but this does not appear to be the scientific consensus. The worms will also feed on seaweed and other algae, making them omnivorous.
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(gif: a bobbit worm catching a fish)
The borrows made by bobbit worms are dug out of the sediment and coated with mucus. The worm uses its chaetae to move in and out of the burrow. The mucus if filled with nutrients that bacteria, particularly sulfate-reducing bacteria, absolutely love. This allows iron sulfides to accumulate in the mucus. When exposed to oxygen in the water, usually at the opening of the burrow, the sulfides will become iron hydroxides. These help reinforce the burrow's opening. Bobbit worms rarely leave their burrows and will retreat at the first sign of danger, making it very hard to spot them in the wild. Several fossilized burrows have been found, one dating to 20 million years ago. Another burrow of a similar animal, possibly an ancient relative of the bobbits, was found dating to 400 millions years ago.
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(image: a bobbit worm head with jaws extended)
Bobbit worms reproduce externally. At night, a female will emerge from her burrow and release pheromones that attract males. She will then release her eggs into the water. The males will follow by releasing sperm, allowing for fertilizations. The majority of larvae will die before reaching adulthood. There are rumors that females withh bite off the male's genitals to feed to her young, but this is not true. Bobbit worms can also reproduce asexually by splitting. When handles, a bobbit worm can split itself into multiple sections, each of which can grow into another identical worm. This is a common adaptation in polychaetes as it allows them to survive if a part of them is eaten.
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(image: a bobbit worm just sitting there, menacingly)
Bobbit worms have become a nuisance species in aquariums. They are usually introduced as tiny larvae clinging to rocks brought in for decoration or shelter. Once in an aquarium, the worms can grow rapidly and will eat any fish in the tank. Removing them can be very difficult due to their size, regenerative abilities, and reclusive nature. One famous case that introduced a lot of the internet to the worms was that of the Newquay aquarium in England. Aquarium staff were confused when a lot of the fish were vanishing from one tank and the coral was damaged. They tried laying traps, but the intruder ate the fishhooks they used and could bite through 20 lb fishing line. Finally, they lured it out with food, finding a 4 foot long bobbit worm that they named Barry. Barry became a hit online and was moved to his own tank. There apparently were plans to put him on exhibit, but I can't find confirmation that this ever happened. Given that this happened in 2009 and the bobbit worm lifespan is 3-5 years, I am sorry to tell you that Barry has passed away. RIP, king.
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(image: Barry after being removed from the tank. His drab color is thought to be the result of poor nutrition)
Because of how reclusive they are, bobbit worms are an understudied species. Attempts to raise them in laboratories have mostly failed, so there is a lot we don't know about their reproduction, development, and behavior. We also don't know if they need any conservation efforts.
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How many times in this series am I going to be able to use cards from this series? (image: the bobbit worm card from Weird n' Wild Creatures)
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jilyandbambi · 10 months
yeah, if 6 teenage girls and 1 teenage boy had emerged from the Canadian wilderness after 19 months with a 1 year old baby in tow, there would've been no escaping the media hellstorm. They would've been on 20/20 within 3 months. One group interview and a few candids of Shauna holding the baby would've been the price they'd all have had to pay in order to be left tf alone because while in 2023 society pretends to care about trauma, PTSD, and teens' mental health, this was the 90s--when Nicole Brown Simpson was blamed for her own murder, Lorena Bobbit was a late-night punchline, R. Kelly marrying 15 y/o Aalyiah was an open secret, grown men were calling into radio stations to speculate on 16 y/o Britney Spears' virginity, and Monica Lewinsky was doxxed and getting death threats for sucking off Bill Clinton.
What I'm saying is:
Seven teens (the girls + Travis) surviving against the odds for 19 months is the epilogue to a tragedy with enough unanswered questions to keep true crime nerds speculating & reporters digging.
But them being found with an infant? Had it come out that one of the girls was pregnant and gave birth during the ordeal? That's mainstream tabloid fodder. The kind that not even "papers of repute" would turn their noses up at. Barbara Walters, Lesley Stahl, and Mike Wallace would be beating each other and TMZ down to get the first interview, the first photo of the baby. NBC would've backed a U-Haul full of money onto the Shipman's, the Martinez', and the Sadecki's front yard (because speculation as to who the actual father really was would be kept going until it came directly from the source). Did she know she was pregnant when she got on the plane? Who else knew? What was it like giving birth? Did any of the other girls get pregnant? How many of the girls did Travis do it with? Weren't any of them afraid of the same thing happening to them? Did doing it help them cope?
And it wouldn't just be the media. Doctors, child development specialists, psychologists, sociologists, and academics would be calling non-stop to get Shauna and the baby to participate in clinical trials and studies.
The only way they'd have been left alone is if they'd done a televised interview and ended it by pleading to be allowed to go on with their lives in peace
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t0m0w0 · 11 months
Heyy so I’m probably never gonna finish the 12 page comic (no motivation n all) just know it was supposed to be a pmmm fan comic hehe.
Obviously the characters (aside from Lorena and Jon) are human designs of @thepmmmwitchproject (hope you don’t mind the tag (or the fan designs))
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Obviously you know Fumiko Fujisaki is Harsha, the playground witch
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Then we’ve got Netami Invidia, the human version of Januse, the witch of locked doors (her weapon is an axe)
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And then we have Itsuki Yami, the human version of Aso, the witch of fireflies ( her weapon is a lantern on on stick)
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And last but not least Lorena, the Bobbit worm witch with an angry nature and her familiar Jon (my own little guys <3)
Annndddd a DIFFERENT comic I made of them (-Lorena and Jon </3)
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note-a-bear · 2 years
Less serial killer media romanticizing the murderers and more media exploring just what faults in society they exploited in order to be so successful at what they were doing.
I'm dead serious. I know most of the mutuals I keep are hearing this for the millionth time, but there is literally nothing new to be gained by exploring the misunderstood loser or rakish villain mythology around various killers.
The thing we need to explore is *why* has it been so easy for cops to repeatedly ignore the long running murder and disappearances of marginalized people? Or how neighbors who tried to raise the alarm, based on credible suspicions or events, are regularly dismissed by police. Or how the criminalized nature of sex work makes violence prevention almost entirely the responsibility of survivors and potential targets of violence. Or how often the victims of murder in domestic violence situations were trying to get away from their abusers.
Like, there are many many layers to the discussion that actually need to be had. There are so many elements of both corruption and simple systemic violence and oppression that are ignored or cast aside because they're inconvenient.
As a side note: I find it funny that when that rush of Bundy media was coming out, the one series that was about the women who survived being victimized by him was all but shutout of a lot of mainstream discussions. Likewise, the Jordan Peele produced series about Lorena Bobbit that was primarily through her own words and dissected the way the media treated her never got the sort of traction a lot of the more sensational stories about Bundy and Dahmer and Kemper got.
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alexdonovann · 5 months
Strange Days (Kathryn Bigelow, 1995)
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Strange Days (Kathryn Bigelow, 1995) is a science fiction thriller set in Los Angeles during the last two days of 1999. With the general consensus being that the end of the world is imminent: Los Angeles has devolved into a warzone of debauchery, violence, and crime. The film centers around ex-cop Lenny, who deals SQUID devices on the black market. SQUIDS are illegal devices that record peoples’ physical sensations and memories from their cerebral cortex onto a mini CD disc that allows them to be played back and experienced by anyone. 
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Lenny’s ex-girlfriend Faith’s friend Iris ends up recording police murdering black rapper and activist Jeriko One. The audience has only briefly been introduced to Jeriko via a speech he gives on television protesting the police state that Los Angeles has fallen into and pushing for peace. Since Jeriko’s character is not further developed before he is killed, he exists as more of a symbolic placeholder for all of the innocent black people that police have murdered. Iris is then chased by police but ends up getting the tape to Lenny before she is brutally raped and murdered. Lenny and his driver/bodyguard/friend Mace (who is also in love with him) then have to run from everyone who’s trying to kill them and Mace gets the tape of the murder to the police commissioner. 
It’s interesting that even in this apocalyptic, end-of-the-world setting, racially motivated violence and police brutality are still prominent. Bigelow has discussed in interviews being motivated to begin production following impactful incidents in the 90’s such as the Lorena Bobbit trial and the Rodney King verdict and the riots that followed in 1992. Multiple of the characters in Strange Days are overtly racist (ie. the cops/murderers), but more subtle racism also permeates throughout. When trying to figure out how to get the video of Jeriko’s murder to the public, Mace and Lenny go to Lenny’s “friend” Max (who will turn out to be an awful person) for help. Max says simply that Lenny and Mace should not show the tape because there will be riots. In this moment Max is willing to silence the story of police murdering a black man to avoid causing a more than warranted uprising.
Bigelow seems to have intentionally sought to explore the intersection between race and gender as she stated that she created Mace’s character to examine "valuable connections between female victimisation and racial oppression." Mace proves to be stronger and more confident than Lenny; she repeatedly saves their lives and gets them out of tricky situations, yet she is still reduced to the role of his bodyguard/driver, and not given much of a story outside of Lenny’s world. At one point when they are in the car, she points out this dynamic saying “driving Mr. Lenny,” a reference to the film Driving Ms. Daisy (Bruce Beresford, 1989). Mace is additionally in love with Lenny because he stepped in and helped her take care of her son when the kid’s father was no longer around. Despite Mace being a strong, smart, and badass, black woman, her story is somewhat reduced to being the white man’s sidekick. She is also in love with Lenny for the entire film and when they eventually kiss at the end, it feels like she has now only existed to be his love interest.
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brvkencrcwns · 2 months
The Elmwood Hotel. It was a legend in this town. Reports say that multiple people checked into the hotel over the years and never made it out. It was like they simply vanished behind the walls of the hotel, and that made it the perfect place for a paranormal investigation. Crazy? Yes? Illegal? Maybe? Exciting? Hell yes.
Kasper kneeled on the front steps of the hotel, checking her bag to make certain she had everything they would need. EVP recorder? Check. EMF meter? Check. Spirit box? Check. Headlamp? Check. Ouija Board? Check.
"Did you know," she said as she turned to face Holden, her face lit up with sheer excitement over what they were about to do. "that there's supposedly bones hidden behind the walls here? People say that the ghosts are haunting the place because their bones are still here and they haven't been properly laid to rest. Oh, and one guy got Lorena Bobbitted while staying Room 214. By a ghost. They found his dick, but the rest of him is nowhere to be found."
She said it as if she were ordering a coffee from Starbucks. Maybe her grandma was right. Maybe her cornbread wasn't quite done in the middle.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
I had assumed the bobbit worm would've been named after the woman, due to the. Uh. Well
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Y'know. Pointy bits.
... But apparently I misremembered.
John had his business removed Lorena did the removing but her last name was also Bobbit since they were married and that's how that usually goes.
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This was one where nobody was getting convicted
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spicymimosa · 1 year
So I’m watching the Lorena Bobbit docuseries on Amazon and I have a lot to go over but first thing is- I’m so confused on why they thought she would swallow his penis after she cut it off??? Like??? I would have definitely thrown it down the garbage disposal, so Lorena is already better than me.
Juuust saying.
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cyberthot666 · 1 year
there needs to be a female counter movement to the supposed “sex positivity” where women in mass just start using male sexual tactics against them. I’m dead serious lmfao. he doesn’t prioritize your pleasure? doesn’t bother to make you cum? practically masturbates into your body for 5 minutes then rolls over asleep? here’s what you’re going to do, have you heard of lorena bobbit?
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chamberofpeaches · 11 months
collecting creatures for you
Unique creatures (plants, animals, fungi) I have stumbled upon and wish to research more
This is mostly personal but I would appreciate it if you learn something new today + recommend me another critter to check out! Keep in mind I'm not an expert and if I put in misinformation, please tell me! I'll try to be quick in fixing my mistake
This post is constantly updated!
Galago, Galagidae (small nocturnal primates)
Also called "bush babies" or "nagapies" (night monkeys in Afrikaans)
They are found in forests in sub-Saharan Africa (below the Sahara) and they are mostly arboreal (reside in trees). Different galago species live in different climates ranging from tropical to dry and thorny. Their strong legs and long tails make it easy to scale and jump from trees
Their huge eyes (compared to their size) help them see at night
They are omnivorous and their diet consists of fruit, insects, frogs, and tree gum
Galagos are actually quite small- you can hold adults in the palm of your hand! The largest galago is the brown greater galago
Their nickname (bush baby) might come from the fact that their calls sound oddly familiar, like the cries of a wailing baby
They are sometimes kept as exotic pets
Bobbit-worm, Eunice aphroditois (predatory aquatic worm)
Also called "sand-strikers". Their primary nickname, the "bobbit-worm", comes from the John and Lorena Bobbit crime case. Be warned, I don't recommend digging deeper into the rabbithole
These worms can reach lengths up to 3 meters (nearly 10 feet)
They are actually quite beautiful and they have a shiny, "rainbow" exoskeleton
Bobbit-worms reproduce sexually but they do not mate. The female drops her eggs and the male drops his sperm on them and they leave the eggs to fertilize.
Crazily enough, bobbit-worms can also reproduce asexually as well by "splitting" into sections, but they usually do this to regenerate their parts instead of to reproduce
They use their snapping jaws and multiple antennae to hunt. The antennae are used to sense prey out of their burrow and they also might be used to "lure" prey to them. Their jaws are scissor-like and can cut prey cleanly in half.
I haven't found any sources for this, but I do think that their species name (the second part of the scientific name) means "Aphrodite", the ancient Greek god of beauty. No idea why though, the worms are terrifyingly beautiful...
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amaze-animalia · 2 years
Bobbit Worm - Eunice aphroditois
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Eunice aphroditois, also known as the Bobbit worm or the sand-striker, is a bristle worm found in the benthic zone (the lowest level) of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific oceans. A bristle worm, also known as a polychaete, is a class of mainly marine annelid worms. The Bobbit worm has a unique backstory to its name. The term “Bobbit” comes from the John and Lorena Bobbitt case (more information on the case itself [here], warning for violent and graphic content), inspired by the scissor-like jaws of the worm and for its ability to cut prey cleanly in half. The term “Bobbit worm” has been used for many different species in the Genus Eunice (there are 353 total), however, we will be specifically discussing Eunice aphroditois.
As stated above, this worm is found in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Oceans, typically in tropic and sub-tropic regions among coral reefs. These worms are also found in sandy or muddy sediments or around rocks and sponges. These worms are found deep in the oceans, and has been found at depths up to 95 meters. The Bobbit worm is blind, having no eyes, and primarily uses its five antennae located on its head to sense prey. The Bobbit is slim, covered by a hard exoskeleton and ranging in colors from a deep purple to a black, and noticeable metallic colors. However, despite being slim, the Bobbit worm is currently the longest known member of the polychaete class - the longest on record is 10 feet. There have even been unconfirmed claims of Bobbits reaching over 35 feet. However, most of these worms range from 2 - 4 feet.
Another defining aspect of these worms, and how they got their name, comes from their hunting technique and strong mandibles. Their two strong scissor-like mandibles can be retracted inside the body. Their bite emits a toxin that can be used to stun or kill prey, and their bite is so powerful it has been known to slice fish in half. The Bobbit worm is mostly nocturnal, spending most of the day in its mucus lined burrow of sand or gravel on the sea floor. They are an ambush predator, hunting their prey by lying in wait in their burrow. They sense passing prey with their antennae and seize the prey with their mouth at a speed of up to 20 feet per second, dragging its meal back into the burrow. However, despite their predatory behavior, the Bobbit worm is an omnivore and will also feed on vegetation such as algae or seaweed. They can also be considered a decomposer, as they will feed on decaying matter. As for prey, the Bobbit worm typically preys on smaller fish and other worms. However, they have been documented hunting larger prey, such as an octopus.
All information is from Wikipedia, [here], and [here]. Images are not mine.
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
I love lorena bobbit…. Men cheating should have consequences how are you going to create an entire system where womens worth comes from being married to a man and then. Not even be faithful.
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