#Lost Woods AU he's not a faerie all the time
amanitacurses · 4 months
How dare you draw such an interesting design for NESLink, and not have more?
Seriously, I'm curious to see more their outfit and how you see their personality. Your art is just so pleasing and so clean and gorgeous! ♥︎
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I know this wasn't technically a request, but I'm quite proud of the various designs I've made for NESLink, so I felt like showing them off 😊
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bahbahhh · 2 years
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@alucanid I’m your Secret Midna! You said modern AUs have your heart and soul? I was going to gift you this redraw of botw zelink in that red carpet appearance by Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain but I’m me and I stayed up until 3am plotting out an entire modern(ish it’s still hyrule but advanced) AU backstory. Merry merry!
It is one thousand years since the fall of the Calamity. One thousand years since Hylia whispered to a daughter of her blood. One thousand years since the last Hero rose from the dead, performed his sacred charge and then disappeared into The Lost Woods. Hyrule has once again abandoned the wild in favor of the advancements of Sheikah technology. Now with safeguards in place, the Realm is confident in the integrity of the Power.
Massive steel cities rise from the ground up. Trade routes open. Cultures blend. Every inch of Hyrule, save for The Lost Woods which have grown hostile toward all travelers, has been mapped. Old magic—faeries, the dragons, spirits—fades into the blue glow of engines and streetlights and Sheikah slates. Until now.
The Princess of Hyrule claims she is hearing a voice; urgent and hushed, in a dead language. A boy covered in scars walks out of the Lost Woods, completely mute, with an ancient sword. Monsters start to crawl out of the shadows. There is an echo of breath in the mines under Hyrule Castle. The public begins to lose faith in the protections of the Royal Family. So the King devises a plan.
The Princess and the boy from the woods are to spread hope throughout Hyrule in a series of formal appearances. Lavish parties, merchandise, interviews—a distraction until the Royal Family and the Sheikah can figure out what is going on.
Rumors swirl about a romance between the Princess and this low-born. A relationship is strictly forbidden by the King, which isn’t a problem because the two seem to despise one another. For now.
“Link, over here!”
“Princess, this way.”
“Princess! A smile for your kingdom!”
He should be used to this by now but the lights still blind him. Zelda drapes her arm across his shoulder and poses obediently, ruby red lips curving into a smile he can tell is forced by the way the muscles in her face twitch. He watches it for a moment, trying to calm his breath like she taught him.
That’s when he notices there is a glow on her skin. In between the flash of the cameras—something gold and shimmering. She’s giving off a warmth, too. It prickles his skin like the first glimpse of sun after winter.
But he’s never seen winter. He thinks.
Something swells inside him. It reaches from that ancient place with both hands; yearning for her warmth. He glances up at her through his lashes, salvia in his mouth, and for a second he’s almost feral. Wolf-ish.
Before he can stop himself, his lips are on the glow on the inside of the arm draped across his shoulder. It’s like he’s swallowed a star. Like he has been underwater all this time and only just come up for air at the last second. His entire body sings; his blade striking steel.
She freezes in his arms. Green eyes blow wide with shock. She feels it, too?
And then the frenzy starts.
The crowd explodes. Sheikah cameras flash rapidly. It’s a blur of light and clicks and chaos. It is the song of a scandal.
“Well,” Zelda says under her breath, leaning into him completely. “Father said they needed a big distraction. Nice work.”
She folds a hand against his chest. “Hold my waist.”
He does.
He does.
The crowd erupts with cheers. Someone shouts for him to kiss her again.
Link swallows. He doesn’t know how to tell her that he’s starting to remember strange things. Winter in Hebra. Old forms. Broken ruins in Hyrule field. Metal spiders and poison rot. Her waist-deep in a Spring. Her holding him close, blood in her face. Her trapped deep within the belly of Evil.
He’s trembling. She squeezes him reassuringly. “It’s just a game.”
He doesn’t know how to tell her.
It’s never been a game.
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valeffelees · 1 year
hi hi hi can you tell me more about the fairy simon au please also your baz is so pretty i love him so much
hOLY SHIT thank you—both for coming here to let me talk about this silly AU and for the compliment, drawing Baz is good for my mental health, honestly. he is just... so lovely. 😭💞
about Bazza in the AU: the story (kinda) takes place post-Watford for Baz, so he's in his early 20s; he's an art student, he's a magician, and he is still a vampire, but, Natasha is actually alive in this AU because Baz wasn't turned in the nursery as a kid, he was turned a bit later in life. Baz plays the violin still, too, but not as well as he does in canon because he stopped his lessons cold around 12-13, which was also right around when he started taking art pretty seriously. without the Mage's cuts and reforms and shit happening, the school still offered a plethora of creative arts courses to the students, and of course they're not quite like Normal classes 'cause pretty much everything ties back to magic in some way at Watford, etc., but he liked them well enough and they were enough to get him into a good program after he graduated!
about Simon in the AU: so, this is funny. i was actually editing my one fanfic, and i have this section in it that goes: "It is impossible to search the entire Wavering Wood. The environment is too thick with magic, the old and unpredictable kind that used to belong to faeries and fable creatures and all other manner of strange, lost things. Penelope says there are even parts of the Wood rumoured to be untouched by magicians. Hidden meadows and ancient groves and brooks that babble of the future, sequestered away because they never stop moving and changing, because they do not want to be found." and it planted this funny seed in my brain. in the books, fairies are like a lost magical people. Simon tells us that they wandered into the woods for a few centuries and then couldn't find their way back. and i just had this silly thought: "imagine a fairy does the opposite. wandered out, but then didn't know how to find its way back in."
the whole idea of the AU is like... this total whimsy-ass summer Simon and Baz get to spend together.
Baz comes home from school on holidays to visit his family: in winter and spring, that means he stays with his father. but in the summer, he goes to Watford to spend time with his mother (Natasha doesn't actually leave the school very often, she drowns herself in work; Malcolm sees her very rarely these days) but "spending time with his mother" is actually just six weeks of quiet lunches in her office together before Baz goes off to find a good place on the grounds to sit with his sketchbook and his Spotify until he has to go back for an equally quiet supper in her office together. and so it goes: less than a week into break, he decides to spend the afternoon in the Wavering Wood, and by chance, happens to meet Simon. a fairy that walked a little too far for a little too long, and can't seem to remember his way back to where he came from anymore.
and Simon is a fucking pest. but—he's harmless.
and he's pretty.
and Baz actually happens to like the Wavering Wood quite a lot, thank you very much, going back there every afternoon has absolutely nothing to do with anything else, lost fairies or otherwise! 😉😂
if anyone sees this and is wondering what the hell i'm on about, click here!
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kewpidity · 2 months
i have a bunch of aus for agitha about what she would be like/be doing in various other loz games, plus some headcanons of my own, and i figured it would be a good idea to make a post about them since im still zelda posting
these are all based on my old rp blog for her
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TWILIGHT PRINCESS (main, three parts) -
CATERPILLAR - orphaned and unsupervised, agitha tends to come and go as she pleases, surviving on a month allowance from her future inheretence. her fath is dead, and her bother is absent. because of this, and her generally eunpleasant hobbies and interest (as well as her unruly will and lack of respect for authority), she's often overlookd and avoided by the town's richer residents, but is well liked and looked after by the local shopkeeps. despite the dangers lurking in every shadow, she wanders the field in search of new bugs to bring to her tea parties and generally stick her nose where she shouldn't. she's not aware of her fairy lineage yet.
CHRYSALIS - The threat of twilight has seemingly passed. agitha has grown into a young woman (about 17) and inherited her family fortune, quickly going from 'strange and uncivilized' to charming and eccentric' in the eyes of Castle Town's well-to-do. This is also possibly helped by her no longer referring to herself as royalty, which is now passed off as a child's game of pretend. due to her new societal pressures and a restless humming in her veins, she's rarely actually at home, preferring to wander Hyrule and it's connecting lands in search of new insects- and answers pertaining to the whereabouts of her mother (and by extension, her own roots) now that she no longer has delusions about her lot in life.
MONARCH - agitha has fully grown into her heritage as a Great Faerie and resides deep in Faron Woods. While she can be fickle, she is still ultimately kind to adventurers who seek her out, trading guidance and blessings for favors. she keeps the company of the skull kids, acting as something of a surrogate mother and playmate.
SKYWARD SWORD - The younger sister of Stritch, and a first year at the Knight Academy in Skyloft. While she has a good relationship with her brother and a handful of acquaintances in town, she mostly spends her time alone exploring the more out of the way islands. Post game, she is one of the residents who comes to the surface to build a life and explore the land.
BREATH OF THE WILD - When the Calamity overtook the land a hundred years ago, all records but what was salvaged by the Sheikah were lost, fiction and documents alike. Agitha has made it her personal mission to travel the lands to document every insect she can- where they are, what they do, what they can be used for- as a small but useful starting point to regaining all that lost knowledge. This endeavor has taken her to many strange places, and she's usually found wandering or staying at one of the stables dotting the land. To keep herself safe, she's taken up the basics of sword play, and in a pinch her umbrella packs a nasty wallop. she's about 17-19 in this au
OCARINA OF TIME (two parts, pre and post 7 year time jump) -
HIGH HOPES - Living safely in Castle Town with her parents, Agitha has rarely traveled outside the town's limits. She spends her days running around in the square hunting bugs and pestering the merchants who come and go to trade in the market. She is particularly interested in the Medicine Shop and the Happy Mask Shop, and loiters around both frequently, peeking over the shop keeps shoulder has he works, and trying on masks respectively. She sneaks around the castle frequently, set on trying to meet the princess one day. She has yet to succeed, but knows about all kinds of nooks and crannies about town and the castle.
OUTLOOK GRIM - Ganondorf has taken the castle, and evil has ravaged the land. In the confusion of the evacuation of Castle Town, Agitha's parents were lost, leaving her orphaned in Kakariko Village. She was taken in by Granny, and raised alongside her grandchildren, Anju and Grog. As she becomes older, she is the only one of the three to show interest and talent in potion making, so Granny began training her to eventually take over the shop when she inevitably passes. As Granny became more feeble and unable to be out and about, Aighta began running back and forth for her, errands and gathering ingredients and the like. To keep herself safe in the field, she's taken up the bow, and will occassionally hunt poes to sell.
MAJORA'S MASK - Agitha lives in the Astral Observatory with Shikashi, who acts as a surrogate grandfather. She is a young woman now, and doesn't technically need him anymore, but she stays around to help with his research and keep him company. (guess i Did decide to make her older in this au)
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eden-regained · 1 year
The "Creepypasta Cinematic Universe" Characters if you will would work uncannily well in a Changeling: the Lost campaign in both themes and overall tone. Cringe, I know, but hear me out.
Slenderman is one of the True Fae. His domain resembles deep, dark woods with a great mansion (albeit a disheveled one, don't judge him) in a clearing basked in eternal twilight. He takes highly vulnerable children and teenagers through the hedge to make them his sons and daughters, hoping they'll stay with him. His hospitality and kindess would be so warm and pleasant weren't it for the fact that he warps all of his victims with his Arcadian might to the point they're near unrecognizable for selfish reasons.
The number of titles Slenderman holds can be identified by the amount of shadowy tentacles that always seem to slip through no matter the for he takes on (his preferred embodiments are Actor and Realm). They are many for he is ancient, wise and thus; powerful.
His "Proxies" are split into the "Frontline" and the "Guard", both meant to aid him in his quest for power over lesser faeries. The Frontline are the warriors made for direct offense, they raid other keepers and their unfortunate Changelings all while generally scouting out the depths of Arcadia. The Guard is the defense, they shield their keeper directly, going on a "cleansing spree" when someone uninvited treads on mansion grounds, on top of that they maintain a more ordinary lifestyle with their captor.
Members of the Frontline:
-BEN (Darkling Seeming, Gravewight/Water-Dweller dual-Kith) may not look like a proficient fighter, and to be honest he really isn't, but he doesn't have to be. BEN is a spy and he ambushes unsuspecting Changelings by either lunging at them from convenient watery depths or by seeping into their domains with his ghost-like forms as if he were no more than a light breeze. BEN has never had a fetch made to replace him and with Slenderman telling him that his family just presumes him dead, he's not developed the desire to escape in any way, though that may change soon.
-Clockwork (Wizened Seeming, Soldier/Chirurgeon dual-Kith) is a jack of all trades; both a quick-witted blade wielder and pinpoint-accurate healer. She's cold and has a crippling obsession with time and counting to the point she removed one of her own eyes to replace it with a clock-face so she can hear every second echoing by within her skull. Lucky for her this affinity for timetelling makes her remember the world outside the hedge in bits and pieces until this nagging feeling of so much wasted time compells her to claw her way back out through the hedge, although she understandibly has no desire to reclaim her family life.
-Ticcy-Toby (Ogre Seeming, Stonebones Kith); dang, that kid sure can grind a gristle and he's not even a Gristlegrinder!! Toby was born without the capability of experiencing physical pain, a trait that Slenderman cranks up to 11 by giving him the ability to actually turn his skin to stone. When all else fails, BEN and Clockwork will just yeet him at the problem. What can I say, it's usually a rock solid plan. He's the second one to abandon Arcadia as he misses Clockwork, wondering where she possibly could've ran off to.
Members of the Guard:
-Jeff (Fairest Seeming, Flowering/Mirrorskin dual-Kith) already had little of his own identity back in the mortal realm. His parents truly adored him in their own twisted, deluded way, they wanted the whole wide world to marvel at his beauty. And so, he became a pageant boy (yes, I'm including my own AU bc I can!) and he had this oh so radiant smile plastered on his face all day, every day. Once Slenderman "saved" the poor kid, Jeff was so burned out he genuinely could no longer smile and he had those tired bags under his eyes. His new "father" wanted him to look happy. Very, very happy and thus he carved him a permanent smile, bleached the blemishes out of his skin and burnt his eyelids off, and no, the permanent flower crowns on his head do not make his scars any less heartwrenching to behold. But there's hope for Jeff. Liu, his younger brother, once promised him he'd find him no matter how hard the search, and that he'd rescue Jeff from anyone and anything. As a fae-touched human, Liu can do what most mortals can't; rescue the loved one he's lost to the True Fae.
-Smile Dog (Beast Seeming, Hunterheart/Antiquarian dual-Kith) is, to put it bluntly, shit outta luck. While all the other Proxies still somewhat resemble the human form in both body and mind, Smile Dog appears completely animal like, save for their offputting human teeth and, atleast for a pet, above average cognitive functions. The other kids know next to nothing about them; no age, no gender, no time of durance, though it is somewhat known that they're one of the first abductee Slenderman has acquired. Smile Dog's job is simple but delicate: watch over the dungeon library of old lore collected by the Fae over millenia.
(Overall, Slenderman always gave me those fairfolk vibes and I simply couldn't let this figment of my sleep-deprived imagination rest)
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robo--homo · 1 year
kkob fae!au: the village of konoha is surrounded on all sides by twisting forests. The woods provide food, medicine, shelter- but they also take what's not carefully guarded. Never wander off the paths. To Obito, Rin and Kakashi, it's a whole host of terrifying wonders.
Insert the fae; Madara, or a kelpie, or who knows what. Bonus points they're in the woods taking on responsibilities they think they have to, trying to hunt, trying to destroy the dangers, trying to provide for the village. Obito awakens his family's True Sight just in time to realize Kakashi's going to be taken, and is left to beg and bargain to be taken in his stead.
Kakashi spends months searching for the faery that took him, Rin faithful at his side until it leads to her death at their hands, too.
Flash forward ten years: Kakashi has been all but convinced his childhood best friends died to any number of natural reasons, nevermind his certainty that it was all his fault. He doesn't really remember anymore, himself- he was gone for days at a time, and it's too easy for kids to get lost in the woods. Just one more tragedy on the small scale.
Until a masked stranger starts watching him from the edges of the trees.
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hegrowth · 7 months
originally when I made kaeys cryptid au I was going for like. classic wood nymph / faerie, protective wood spirit vibe. but honestly I think it's more compelling to lean into a horror vibe just like. this was a child that was left for dead out in the wilderness, fucking died, and then came back as a part of nature. he deserves to be kind and helpful but also unsettling and... wrong. it's essentially a ghost reanimated through nature ! I just have a lot of emotions about this ; A ;
if you are lost in the woods or in need of help etc you will meet a young man who will offer to help you. he looks a little rugged, like he's been out in the forest for awhile, but he'll be kind and soft spoken. like zero threatening vibes, he will give off safe energy. he'll help you find your way or whatever else you needed help with, but when you turn to thank him he'll be gone.
children that play in the woods will say they often meet a boy that will play with them, watch over them, etc and make sure they get home before dark.
anyone who goes into the woods in distress will be saved by a teenager. he gives off good energy, is very assertive and protective, and will make sure you get through whatever you're going through.
if you go into the wood with bad intentions you may begin to see a teenager or young man appear around you. no matter where you go you'll turn and see him a ways off. he never speaks or moves, but seems to get closer with every meeting. you may notice there is something a bit... unsettling about the man. he gives off an intimidating energy. hopefully you'll leave the forest before you carry out your ill intent, otherwise you may not make it out alive.
[tw: suicide] people who go into the woods to kill themselves will meet a young man. it's kind of obvious that he's not normal, but he's also not threatening. he'll sit and talk with the person, try to talk them out of their plans and get them into a better place.
those who go into the woods pursued often hear their pursuers shout out in fear before escaping. and those who go into the woods pursuing someone will quickly find they are being watched and hunted. their body may be found later, viciously torn apart, their bones and organs scattered for miles, their severed head resting at the edge of the woods as a warning.
yeah cryptid kaey is actually dead. he looks pretty normal tho and very non-threatening, gives off good vibes as long as you're giving off good vibes. but he can quickly turn... unsettling and otherworldly. especially when threatened or protective. all in all he is a protector, of the woods and those who wander into it. he cares a lot about people and nature and just wants to do right by both.
his abilities include minor stuff like healing and being able to grow and manipulate plant life, but he can also mimic noises, suppress sound, and change the layout of the woods; both to help trap people he doesn't want leaving, and make traversal easier for those he is helping. he has some sway over the weather and time portrayed in the forest, as well as the animals that call it home. in general, his powers serve to help him manipulate the woods. he can also lowkey speak with and summon the dead (think dead animals or those who have perished in the woods like him). has poison immunity and can cure poisoning in others, but can similarly poison something with just a touch. can't really talk to animals but can communicate with / "read" them, as in he can understand animals but they can't understand him, tho he can exert his will and control of nature over them to get them to do what he wants.
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quillandink333 · 9 months
Oooo, tell me about your fairytale au. It sounds cute! And the song I found is this one
Agust D '대취타'
I found it a LOOONNNG time ago but I remember the thumbnail!
YUSSSSS Daechwita is so legendary oml it’s incredible— yk when you’ve loved someone or something so much for so long that you don’t even have the words to explain yourself anymore?? Hshsjjidkjhdjdj yeah
Ok fairytale au!! How to sum it up in a not so overwhelming wall of text.. So it takes place in a fantasy kingdom with cultural elements inspired by both medieval UK and traditional Korea— He’s a prince with a passion for music, and I’m a faerie from the immortal fae realm with a fascination for human language and culture. We meet in the faerie circle deep in the woods that links his world to mine, and we bond over our similar interests and how music and language complement each other so well
The themes I have in mind for it are 1) me learning to take risks for the people and things that bring me joy and that life’s ups are nothing without life’s downs, and 2) Yoongi learning to cope with his fear of loss and that love will continue to manifest itself in his life even after losing someone important ++
The way I’ve integrated them is— ok so, when he and I met, I was immortal with an isolated and utterly monotonous existence, but something happens to rob me of my immortality and leave me stranded in the human realm. This makes it so that I’m now vulnerable to dying and suffering for the first time, but also gives me the chance to really live and thrive and enjoy everything life has to offer for the first time. My life had always been a stagnant 50 and has now started fluctuating between 0 and 100 with all the new people places things and experiences I’m being exposed to. And for him, he (fictionally) lost his mother when he was at an age where it really like. REALLY damaged him, so when I become mortal his paranoia about losing me goes off the charts, and he spends the whole plot tryna get me my immortality back. But in the end it doesn’t work out, so he and I have a heart to heart about how I don’t rly wanna be immortal anymore anyway cuz of how much colour has entered my life since I got stuck in the human realm with him,,, and eventually he comes to accept my decision, and then we have a big royal wedding and live happily ever after~
I’ve actually done a couple designs for this au that I never posted! Stay tuned for those, they’re sketches of his and my royal wedding attire :3
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sanctus-ingenium · 2 years
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u guys wanna see more WIPs... similar to the last post, here are Some WIPs
all of these were started in sai before going on to procreate. before going back to sai again in the case of the strength card
so Blue Sky/Out Of Time... yeah it’s extremely self-explanatory, it’s very obvious what this scene depicts and i’m sure everyone gets it (this is a joke i’ve had multiple people dm me asking wtf this even is). the one element that absolutely NEEDED to be there was the LED digital clock with a bullshit time on it, and i decided to replace it with an AIRE warning sign instead and put the LED readouts in the bg. the warning sign in this setting serves the purpose of informing ppl when there are hostile faeries around. i knew what the colours would be from the beginning, but it took a bit for me to realise what sort of shading style i wanted (it took forever). but i did know i wanted to contrast the very sketchy black void against the cleaner and almost cartoony/comic book style rest of the drawing, to emphasise the fact that the foreground sky and background void are made of two very different things. again i used a colour shifting brush to quickly make all the shards of sky different colours, but originally i planned to have some of the shards be dark or night time (with stars or the moon etc). unfortunately it didn’t work, it was too dark and pascal got lost against it.
My Eyes Are Up Here is pretty obviously the exact same scene with the same character, in the same field, but with a different sort of atmosphere. i sketched this in sai then did the final in procreate. originally it was going to have a black background
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i really like this version tbh but the blue works better. i think he looks good against dark backgrounds where it’s kind of hard to see wtf is even happening there
so about the neon signs..... i’m well aware that the sketch has way more promise than what the final ultimately was, and that’s because i found that i didn’t have the technical or artistic ability to pull off the complex neon signs like i wanted to. i couldn’t get it looking good enough so i had to scrap them. but these signs will be back, i want to draw them properly and do them justice. the gif was unplanned too but i thought it would be fun to have the flicker be very intermittent so that if you scrolled past it you might not even realise, or you’d have to stick with it just to catch it looping. i used GIMP to make the gif and change the frame rate, and this actually took a very long time because i had to preview it over and over. anyway if you WERE to get lost in the púca’s field, in this story, you would see neon signs like this encouraging you to follow them.
Strength is actually the last drawing i ever made that ended with a paint-over in sai, and the oldest drawing here. as such i actually don’t think it’s representative of my current ability but i do have a soft spot for it for sentimental reasons lol. the reason for the paint-over in sai was because i drew this at a time when i still did not trust procreate to be able to place the level of finish on it that i wanted
the background took me a thousand years to figure out. literally it was so annoying that i considered scrapping it for something simpler. but the idea was for it to be a kind of fairytale-ish lost in the woods sort of look while also appearing like the blood vessels around the human heart. the branches were also supposed to be heart-shaped in cross-section but i spent so long zoomed in painting them that i forgot to zoom out to see if all those fine details were actually visible, and it turned out they weren’t. i was disappointed that i couldn’t get félix’s tattoos to look right but that’s what i get for making a character with shit tons of both tattoos and body hair. i also got rid of the foreground branches really soon because they weren’t adding anything and muddied up the readability of his pose
the swan is from a daemon au and bears no relation to my other swan characters. i just like swans a lot
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Steve Rogers Masterlist
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Must Be So Tired
I Can See You
Mark My Territory - Captain Hydra
When I Hear Your Name
Part 2
Just Pull the Trigger
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All or Nothing at All COMING SOON - Steve Rogers always doubted your feelings for him.  He was supposed to be your everything, but he fell for someone else.  Bucky Barnes was supposed to be your best friend, and nothing more.  Good thing they both got lost in time.  Or did the?
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A Losing Hand -  Mafia AU, nothing is what is seems. Trust no one, and listen to everything. Alliances will form, and they will fail, but who is playing who?
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A Snowflake Melts - Your ex Jack O'Malley is an unscrupulous man. An excellent bounty hunter that comes alive in winter. He is winter. He terrifies you. Running away from him and your family, because even they couldn't keep you safe from the winter chill itself, you find yourself in a remote area. Living alone for almost a year when your new neighbor Steve Rogers arrives. He was curious instantly, and you were smitten just as quickly. Can you and Steve deny each other all winter long? And what will the other seasons bring? Will it bring you real true love?
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Captain/Soldier -  When Steve Rogers is on the run, what’s his girlfriend to do when after a year she’s had no response from him?  Well, she gets in a relationship with Soldier Boy….
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Desperate Affairs -  Engaged to Andy Barber, and deeming him too safe, and only wanting to be intimate to get you pregnant, you start a sex only relationship with Ransom Drysdale.  Nothing is ever easy, and you get yourself into a web of lies.  Are you the only one lying?
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The End As It Begins COMING SOON - You are cordially invited to this season’s marriage market. Becoming the rare and sweet Rose of the Ball. Just the perfect and chaste eligible bachelorette. Bring your dance card, and search for the perfect match. Will it be the General Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers the Duke of Lavenham, Lord Dean Winchester, or Prince Charles Brandon. You have caught all their eyes. But be careful, they’re not the only ones watching. Lady Rose Waterton is also watching and reporting on the gossip of the evening. Make sure you have your chaperone…
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Entangled Lust -  Beyond frustrated with Frank Adler, you go in search of a way to work off some of that pent up aggression.  Finding yourself right in the midst of the mysterious Bucky Barnes.  He was patient and kind.  Listened to your wants and needs, at first.  You knew you shouldn’t have got involved with your student’s guardian, but you and Frank couldn’t stay away from each other, until Bucky.
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Hear That Whippoorwill COMING SOON -  Going back to the mountains.  You didn’t even realize you had ever been there.  But when your last relative in those mountains dies, you were left with everything, including all the family secrets.  Now there was too many rules; stay out of the woods, that bridge is dangerous, black cats are bad luck, don’t listen to the whippoorwill, girl.  Too late.  And now Steve has finally found you.  He won’t stop trying to get you, until the curse is finally broke, and now you’re here....
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Just Like the Caged Bird -  You are a widow who moves back to her husband’s hometown after selling your in Georgia home.  Moving in above your brother in law’s garage.  Sharing the space with his friend Bucky Barnes, but your other brother-in-law Andy causes problems, along with your overprotective brothers.
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Keys in Your Ignition -  Caught up in a sexual relationship with your father’s Vice President, and trying to not get caught.  Blind to everything else that’s going on in the club, and even your old crush, Bucky Barnes.  Not even noticing your brother and best friend flirting, until your father suddenly passes, and things in the club drastically change.
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The Legends of Collingswood Glade -  Deep into the woods, and past the veil is a beautiful place.  Beautiful but dangerous.  Faeries are not to be trusted, and in their world rules often change.  Each court is different, but one rules them all...
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Man Out of Time -  After Charlie’s parents died in a car crash she moved in with her Uncle Clint and Aunt Laura Barton. Clint helped her work through her pain by training her. She knew his job and knew where he was going the times he would leave. One day Clint and her friend Nat appear at the farm to ask her if she’s interested in joining the Avengers. Charlie doesn’t hesitate to join, but she’s nervous about meeting everyone. Especially Steve Rogers. Once her and Steve meet it’s instant that they are both clearly attracted to one another. Charlie wants to protect the man, and will follow him anywhere. Will he cause her more problems or is a good fit for her? What happens when she meets his best friend, Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier?
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The North Princess & the Seven Men -  You are betrothed to Prince Charles, but what happens when he doesn’t want someone so pure, he tests your want to marry him by being corrupted by the seven men who have vowed to protect you.
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There Goes My Life -  Steve was your weakness.  He was the person you loved the most, and then he was on the run.  You had tried to tell him something important, and then the blip happened, and you weren’t able to.  But your secret sure was able to tell him.  Now Steve has to navigate this new life, plus find comfort for himself.  But he never gives up on somehow being able to change what is going on in the world.    
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What’s Wrong & What’s Right -  You were the perfect Omega.  Soft, quiet, ready to please an Alpha, but you were used for the folly of desperate Betas.  Betas who wanted to treat an Omega like they were the Alpha.  Nick Fowler kept you mostly guarded.  You were his golden star, never been sullied by an Alpha...and then there was Johnny Storm.
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Your Mark On Me -  When you need something to help you stay alert study, you found a whole lot more than you were looking for. Tatted and massive. He was what your dreams were made of, but is he a nightmare? He claimed you, and now he intends on keeping you. No matter what the cost.
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shadowisles-writes · 2 years
Fire Night [Elucien]
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A/N: Written for a request sent to @sjmkinkmeme : “humorous NSFW AU where instead of Feyre killing the wolf and being taken by Tamlin it’s Elain instead. The setting is Calanmai and while Tamlin is off picking his maiden Elain and Lucien get swept up in the magic” The first two paragraphs were directly taken from chapter 10 in acotar and adjusted to Elain, and a couple of lines of dialogue after that are also straight from the book so fully belong to sjm. I made it so that Lucien would find Elain when the three males find her out of the manor instead of Rhys.
Word count: 2529
Warnings: Smut (minors please dni)
“Stop it,” Elain said, but the words came out in a strangled gasp as they began herding her towards the line of trees, toward the darkness. She pushed and thrashed against them; they only hissed. One of them shoved her and she staggered, falling out of their grasp. The ground welled up beneath her, and she reached for her knives, but sturdy hands grasped her under the shoulders before she could draw them out or hit the grass.
They were strong hands—warm and broad. Not at all like the proding, bony fingers of the three faeries who went utterly still as whoever caught her gently set her upright.
“There you are,” Elain recognised Lucien’s voice and turned to him. Her heart was hammering in her chest as the three males scattered at the sight of Lucien, and relief washed over her. “Have you lost your senses?” He shouted above the drums as soon as they were alone. “I told you to stay in your room.”
“I wanted to-,” Elain started but was cut off almost instantly.
“Idiot!” He yelled and seized her arm. “I need to bring you back. Now.”
“Why?” She tried to wriggle out of his grasp.
He released an exasperated sigh and hauled her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
“Lucien!” Elain thrashed and fought to be put down, but he simply ignored her and ran back to the manor.
Her stomach dropped when she looked at the trees and realized how fast he was going. Elain stopped moving in fear of falling at this speed.
“Tonight’s ritual involves some very powerful magic,” Lucien only dropped her back to her feet in the gardens, allowing her to walk the rest of the way. “And I don’t want you caught up in that.”
“What kind of magic is it?” She tried to pry more details out of him, but he wouldn’t budge.
“Hurry up.” Lucien’s jaw clenched.
On any other night, Elain would have guessed it was from annoyance. Restraint seemed like a more accurate word this time. He was clenching and unclenching his fists as they walked up the steps to the front door.
Elain expected him to slam the door shut and leave her there, but he followed after her instead to push her back against the door. Elain gasped as she found herself trapped, his hands braced on the wood on either side of her head.
“Lucien, what are you doing?” She breathed out. He was so close that she could almost make out the intricate mechanisms of his golden eye.
“I told you the ritual’s magic was powerful,” he nearly growled. “And you didn’t listen.”
Elain squirmed against the door as his head dipped into her neck, fangs brushing against her skin. “I didn’t-” she stuttered, afraid to move more if it meant he would bite her.
Lucien stilled for a few seconds, letting her feel how stuck she was, the hard wooden door unmoving at her back, his body caging her in and his fangs at her throat. She couldn’t help but shiver at the warmth on his tongue that traced over the places his teeth grazed. “Do you know I can smell it?” Lucien chuckled as one of his hands left the wood to tangle in the hair at the nape of her neck.
Elain could barely breathe. “Smell what?”
“How worked up you get when I’m around you,” he tugged her head back and slotted his knee between her thighs to part her legs. “Your scent makes me want to do the dirtiest things.”
“Lucien,” Elain whimpered. She couldn’t find the words she knew she was supposed to say. Her mind was filled with the sensation of his lips on her neck, the brush of the mask that covered the upper half of his face, the rumble of his low voice. His name was the only thing she could remember.
“Tell me to stop, Elain,” he nipped at her neck. “Say it, and I’ll let you run into your room to hide until morning.”
“What happens if I don’t?” She found some common sense inside of her and placed her hands on his chest, ready to push him away.
“Say it.” He repeated.
Elain knew she should just do it. Push, say stop, hide. She should but she didn’t want to. “I won’t.”
“Elain,” Lucien growled his last warning, but she wasn’t backing down.
“I left the manor because I want to know what tonight is all about, so I think you should show me.” She arched off the door, pushing her chest into his.
Lucien answered by pressing her harder against the door, his entire body pinning her to it. She was drowning in him, close to being crushed, but she didn’t even mind. Every fiber of her being screamed more, more, more. Restraint left Lucien too as he bit her, nothing human in the way he chuckled at her whimper. She may have gotten used to how human they all acted around her, but he was still High Fae, and every bit the wicked fox that his mask depicted him to be.
Lucien licked the drops of blood from her neck thoroughly, exploring every inch of her sensitive skin before he abruptly pulled away. Elain didn’t have time to gasp before his lips were against hers and his tongue was teasing hers. Her mind was nothing but a haze of thrill and pleasure as she kissed back, clutching his back as he tugged on her hair again to angle her head the way he wanted it.
Elain’s body reacted in ways she had never experienced before, and every reaction was filed away in Lucien’s mind for future use. Her hips moved in the small space she still had, driving her core to rub against his clad thigh. Lucien groaned into her mouth as the scent of her arousal hit him even harder.
He reached for the back of her knee and hoisted her leg up to his side, grinding into her before he managed to grab her other thigh to pick her up. Elain followed his lead blindly, too busy thinking about how she never wanted to stop kissing him to realize that he was carrying her away from the door and up the stairs.
It was only when her body was dropped on a mattress that she opened her eyes. Lucien was above her, golden eye gleaming with the reflection of the fire in his room and the other one darkened with desire. His fiery red hair ran down his back and over his shoulders, a few strands framing his face. Elain had never seen him so wild, and yet he was still so beautiful.
The reality of what was about to happen hit her the moment his hips dropped against hers and she felt how hard he was through the fabric of her clothes. Panic must have filled her eyes because he braced a hand beside her head and lifted his hips back up.
“Tell me to stop, Elain,” he demanded, panting at the effort it took from him.
The magic was getting stronger by the second, whatever ritual Tamlin was completing in the field now well underway.
“Don’t,” she found herself shaking her head. Elain raised her hands to his chest, beginning to unbutton his shirt to see more of the golden skin she needed to feel against hers. Conflict took over her mind again the moment he pulled the fabric over his head and dropped it on the side of the bed. “I-I’ve never-”
“Tell me to stop,” Lucien insisted, knowing he’d never forgive himself if he lost control with her. “Just tell me to stop,” he screwed his eyes shut, his now bare chest rising and falling fast.
“I don’t want you to stop,” she reiterated, waiting until he looked at her again to continue. “Just be gentle?”
Lucien let go of the restraint and dropped his weight on her, mouth back at her neck. “So gentle,” he purred the promise that made her relax underneath him.
Elain gasped and hummed as he rolled his hips slowly, his hands roaming up and down her sides before he hooked his fingers in the straps of her dress and began to drag them down her shoulders. “So sweet,” he murmured at the scent of her ever growing arousal.
Quick, short breaths left Elain’s parted lips as he took to undoing the laces at the front of her dress, the fabric loosening with each pull. She let him, wide eyed while he hungrily took in every inch of skin he was exposing. It only took another few moments for him to be able to tug on the dress and drag it down to remove it from her body entirely.
Lucien’s mouth was on her chest before Elain even had the chance to feel self conscious. She moaned and arched into his touch instantly, eyelids falling shut. Her body was burning with desire, and every brush of his tongue against her nipple sent waves of needs to her core. Lucien made sure to take his time teasing both sides, his hands moving on every other inch of skin he could reach.
Being pinned underneath him was blissful; there was nothing for Elain to think about except how overwhelming he was. It was too soon and not soon enough that his mouth left her breasts to travel down her stomach while his fingertips grazed her ribs. Elain whimpered and twisted at every brush of his tongue, a moan of his name falling from her lips before she could stop it.
She felt Lucien grin against her skin before he pulled down the last piece of undergarments that kept her covered. He sat back on his heels to drag the fabric down her legs and discarded it before immediately reattaching his lips to her skin, his mouth at her inner thighs this time.
Elain instinctively tried to close her legs, but he wouldn’t let her. Two large hands gripped her knees and pushed them up on the mattress, exposing her pink center for him to tease and lick as he pleased. She cried out at the first stroke of his tongue up her folds, his attention focusing on the sensitive nub at the apex for a few tight circles before he repeated the motion.
Elain was falling. She was falling, and floating, and losing every bit of sanity she had ever known. He knew ways to please her that she had never imagined and judging by the way he moaned against her, he was enjoying it too. The tip of his tongue traced lines that made her legs shake before it was flat against her once more, licking her in broader strokes that were just as overwhelming.
“Please, please, please,” the words left her in between moans. Elain didn’t even know what she was begging for.
Lucien gave her the answer when his lips wrapped around her clit and he sucked. Elain’s eyes rolled back into her head as she came, release flooding through her in a wave of pleasure that Lucien forced her to ride relentlessly, his tongue still stroking her in the most perfect ways.
Her thighs shook with how hard she was trying to close them, overwhelmed whimpers filling the room until Lucien finally took mercy on her and stopped. Elain was panting beneath him, tears she hadn’t realized had formed making her eyes glossy.
She watched as Lucien removed his pants and climbed back on top of her, slotting his hips against her. “It’s alright,” he murmured, a little smile on his face as Elain nodded. With the state she was in, he could have told her anything and she would have agreed, and he knew it too.
Elain ran her hands up his arms, down his toned chest and back up. Her eyes followed the patterns that she traced, and Lucien gave her a few seconds to take it all in before he rolled his hips. She was so wet that he glided easily, his cock rubbing against her for a few strokes before he reached down and aligned himself with her entrance.
Elain’s breath caught in her throat when he began to push it. “Lucien,” she gasped, trying to wriggle away.
“You can take it,” he pressed a hand on her lower stomach to pin her hips down and pushed in another inch. “It’s alright,” he repeated as she moaned and her muscles relaxed. “You can take it.”
Elain believed him, focusing on the bliss he made her feel to forget the slight discomfort. Lucien was huge compared to her, she should have expected that every part of him would be big.
He was as gentle as promised, slowing down and withdrawing slightly if a pained noise came from her while mumbling some reassurance before he pushed in again until she was able to take all of him. “There we go, you’re doing so well for me sweetheart,” Lucien caressed her cheek and gave her some time to get used to the sensation.
“Please,” Elain moaned as she clenched around him.
“Please what?” He hooked one of her legs up.
“Please move,” she breathed out a moan when he obeyed, pulling out slowly and thrusting back into her at an angle that had her seeing stars. Lucien groaned while she clenched around him again, and he made sure to fill her all the way to grind himself against her clit at the top of every thrust.
Wet, filthy noises echoed through the room along with their moans, the sound of skin slapping against skin added to it as soon as Lucien picked up his pace. If Elain had known that the tension between them would lead to this, she would have disobeyed many more of his orders way earlier.
She gasped his name when she realized she was already about to come again, eyes wide with surprise. Lucien grinned, baring the sharp fangs that he had buried in her neck earlier as he watched her eyes roll back in her head. He kept up with his pace, but the thrusts turned sloppier with every pant that fell from his lips until his moan echoed her oversensitive whimpers and he spilled inside of her.
Lucien braced his forearms by her head as they caught their breaths for a few moments before he slowly withdrew his hips and slid out of her. Elain bit back a wince at how sensitive she had become, and he soothed her with a kiss.
“C’mere,” Lucien lowered himself beside her and pulled her closer until she rested her head on his chest.
Elain hummed as she adjusted the rest of her body and felt his lips brush over her forehead. Her heartbeat slowed with every breath, her muscles loosening until she was blissfully relaxed and warm in Lucien’s arms. She didn’t think of what any of this would mean in the morning, didn’t bother to consider that he had contributed to taking her away from her family.
She only felt satisfaction and for the first time since she came to Prythian, she had no trouble falling asleep.
Tags (Add yourself to my taglist here ):  @dealfea @chosenfamily-valkyriequeens  @abooknerdlove  @shisingh @ruthieluvsbooks  @a_little_disguised @earthofemily @halaberdara @sydney-fae25  @meher_sumedha 
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kurofai-olympics · 2 years
KuroFai Olympics 2022 - Team Blessed
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Prompt: Frozen Heart Author: xFourLeafCloverx Title: Still Life Rating: T+ Summary: Childhood friends Kurogane and Fai were separated a long time ago. Now that they met again, how are they going to rekindle that friendship? https://archiveofourown.org/works/41208606/chapters/103308075
Prompt: A whole new world Author: kuroganeattacksquad Title: Mastering the Blade Rating: M Summary: Kurogane had taken his chaotic world and filed it down to a point, until it glimmered like the edge of his sword. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41235303/chapters/103378686
Prompt: Into the Unknown Author: tsubasafan Title: All That Was Lost is Revealed Rating: T Summary: A series of adventures in an unknown wood as Kurogane struggles to find his way home and finds more than he had ever hoped to find. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41259282
Prompt: Poor Unfortunate Souls Author: yououui Title: ever sun, ever moon Rating: M Summary: But his heart ached; it yearned to be the version of himself that could have it all. Even if it was only a dream, a mirage, he longed to chase after it. He felt a heaviness pulling at his eyes, drawing him closer and closer. He wanted to fall right into that dream where anguish didn’t exist and let himself feel the love he longed for. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41267712
Prompt: How Far I'll Go Author: FarenMaddox Title: if i don't make it back Rating: T+ Summary: The fae world is dying. The Faery Courts and the trolls are all that is left and they continue to make war in a hopeless race to the bottom. Each Court made a Sigil as a receptacle of all their remaining magic in a last-ditch effort to save the world, but Fai, the Sigil of the Winter Court, has no magic at all and no answer for why. What he has instead is a voice in his head. When Fai discovers that the voice is not his imagination but someone who is really out there, he undertakes a journey to find them and see if this world can be saved after all. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41286627/chapters/103516431
Prompt: I Won't Say (I'm In Love) Author: cloverfield Title: Those Sweet Words Rating: T+ Summary: The problem with Kurogane having a really obvious crush on the wizard that runs the magical supply store downtown, is that everyone else had an opinion on it - including his parents, the guardian dragon that lives in his family shrine, and even the gods themselves. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41293557/chapters/103536714
Prompt: God Help the Outcasts Author: PokeChan Title: Blessing or Burden Rating: T+ Summary: Fai has been found worthy of a blessing, but he wants nothing to do with anything the Maker wishes to give him. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41401500
Prompt: Part of Your World Author: Flawney Title: Misadventures in Another World Rating: T+ Summary: Kurogane really didn't want anything to do with the Magic Knight business, but someone has to keep an eye on Sakura and Syaoran before one of them loses an eye. Who thought it was a good idea to give teenagers swords?! (He was going to staunchly ignore that the missing prince they were supposed to rescue had been visiting his dreams beforehand. Couldn't be related. Coincidence. UNIMPORTANT.) https://archiveofourown.org/works/41374227
Prompt: I See the Light Author: humancorn Title: it's warm and real and bright Rating: G Summary: Post-Canon AU where Kurogane & Fai settle down in Nihon Country after the final battle with Fei-Wong Reed. Fai & Kurogane have been working on resettling Suwa for nearly a year when Fai comes to some sudden realizations. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41372496
Prompt: Can You Feel The Love Tonight? Author: Atom_of_the_black_lagoon Title: What Clamp Left Out Rating: E Summary: I was a pinch hitter for this year's Olympics so that's why it's a big short, but I always wanted to write the scene that happened after Fai punch Kuro in Nippon. There's an optional sex scene. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41409255/chapters/103843410
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shadowworks · 4 years
What’s Said Is Said
Pairing: Fae!Hawks X F!Reader
Warnings: Dub-con themes, light bondage, oral, virgin reader(‘ye ‘ol times idk man) Fae’s being dicks
Word Count: 5.7k
Credit; Thank you lovely wife for creating this beautiful banner! You’re always the sweetest, I swear, @pleasantanathema
A/N: This piece is part of the, Pleasant & Strider Present: The Smut Pile Fantasy AU Collab! Like before, this is written in third person but is still a reader x Hawks fic. Maybe one day I'll write in second person. Today is not that day.
Hope you Enjoy~ 
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Everyone in town heard the warning of the Dark Forest. Never wander beyond the treeline or else you’ll be snatched by the fae. And while this did scare the children from their southern borders, there were those in adulthood who took the fable with a grain of salt. The leaves and branches shroud the forest floor in this never ending night, and the winds blew through the trees like a soft, ominous whisper calling out, “this way” —But it did not mean there were faeries.
Still, the young traveler moved forward.
She wandered slowly—carefully through the wood with her lantern raised high. She wasn’t certain how long she’d been looking for her cat. As noticeable as her black cat was in a town bathed in sunlight, it was quite the opposite under the thick cover of leaves. But she would not abandon her friend who dulled the dreadful nights, who turned her wet frown into a soft laugh. No, she’d find him, and they’d leave the forest together.
She called out again searching through the wild brush. She looked for motion across the grass--the snap of a twig, a shadow across her light. But still, there was nothing. 
 In fact, it was silent. She slowed her steps to a stop, turning her head to the side. Her brows crinkled together. The wind that shook the branches, that rippled her dress had ceased, and in the moment- so had the sounds of the forest. She held her breath, jerking toward the other side as she felt a figure standing in the shadows. But she exhaled her breath. There was nothing.
When the silence remained like a fog among the ominous trees, she eventually lowered her lantern. There was great reluctance, but she could not hold still like the animals. She had a selfish thought of wanting to turn back around and hurry home...Instead she tread lightly on her worn shoes, pressing forward against the web of mossy stones
If something was out there...She’d do well to avoid it.  
The young traveler’s steps did not make it far, however, as she stopped dead in her tracks.
A muffling noise seemed to be coming from all around, but then the wind brushed at her dress. And on the winds, there was a whisper. She whipped around to the noise on reflex, clutching her lantern toward her chest. The voice was calling out from afar. She understood little wisps of words as it grew louder, and it gradually pushed forward. Until-
“My, what a pretty thing you are,” it whispered against the shell of her ear. 
She stifled a cry. Her eyes darted back but found no one was there. Her hand clamped over her ear she could have sworn she felt a hot breath against her ear. She was sure of it.
She knew she had to flee. Her head reasoned to look harder and then get out.  She began picking up pace and walking backwards, yet another jolt of panic  ran through her. The forest floor was layered in dips and curves of overgrown roots and her foot had caught against one. Her arm swung out, and the lantern slipped from her fingers. 
When it smashed into shards a few feet away, another breeze swept along. It was only made strong enough to snuff out the flame, which licked the oil among the broken glass. Then it was gone.
 Suddenly, a gloved hand reached out and caught her mid-air. The grip was firm and held her weight with more than enough ease to pull her in. The maiden looked on.
There holding her hand was a radiant young man. A smirk pulled at his mouth crookedly, and the gold in his eyes was strikingly crisp and gleamed in the darkness. She noticed his pupils were slit as they looked like her lost friend’s. His hair was pushed back, and she found the shape of his face was more handsome than anyone she’d seen in town—even his pointed ears were charming 
“Well well, look what I found.” He said, breaking the silence. His hold on hers softened but he did not let go. “What are you doing out this far in the woods, little dove? Been some time since a human’s come this way.” 
She did not respond at first, did not move her stare from his brilliant looks. For a moment, she could not remember what she was meant to be doing.
This struck a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Oh, what’s that look for? You still with me?” He teased. He reached for her cheek with his other hand and leaned forward to inspect her features for any sign of liveliness. “I was hoping you hadn’t lost your head—Little do-o-o-o-ove?” 
His sing-songy voice brought a spark of recognition back into her gaze, and a heavy blush bloomed over the bridge of her nose. This wasn’t like her, she’d never done such a thing before.
“Ah, there she is!” He said in praise, swiping his thumb across her cheekbone. She was certain he could feel the heat. “Heh, careful now. I wouldn’t lose myself out here if I were you.”
“I’m so sorry,” she managed just before shaking her head in shame. “I don’t know what came over me.” 
 “Oh, but I do.” He returned matter-of-factly. “You’re not the first to fall for this devilishly charming fae you see before you.”
Fae. Human. He tossed the words around so casually one would think he spoke sincerely. She stared for a moment with a tilt of her head.
“And by fae you mean...?” 
“What, you don’t know?”
She paused. 
As if on cue, her curious eyes fell behind his rather handsome and princely black tunic, finding an incredible display attached to his back. And oh, did they show what he was. They took the shape of black feathered wings but they certainly weren’t. Those glossy wings were transparent like a dragonfly, and in the veins of each side they glimmered a bloody red. The lines fanned out in perfect detail, each one resembling a feather of a bird.
“You’re…! You really exist,” She gaped, shifting her wide eyes back to his gold ones.
The faerie smiled back, knowing full well where her gaze had fallen. It was almost as though he’d seen this before, actually. There was something a little too cocky behind that pretty mouth, and  she wasn’t liking his satisfied smile very much.
The faerie then stepped back in proper form, and she watched him dip low in an elegant bow, bringing her knuckles to his lips. She tried not to think of the second rise of heat on her nose.
“They call me Hawks, my dear.” The fae greeted officially, but the maiden did not like his response.
“They being whom?”
Hawks glanced up. “Pardon?” 
“They being whom?” 
“You must have guessed there's more than just me.”
“I have.” 
“Then why do you ask?” Hawks wondered, his eyebrow quirked. 
“Well...if the rumors of you existing are true, then it’s right to assume all the others are true, right? Are “they” the good kind that leave lilies in your hair, or are “they” the kind that steal your left shoe?”
Or were they kind that snatched infants from their cribs, or lost travelers in the night? But she dared not ask that part. 
They stared at one another, though Hawks stared in a way that sized her up. The impish gleam in his golden eyes was snuffed, and the curve of his smile faded. It was as though she’d said something wrong—yet it was hard to tell.
She opened her mouth to explain but that’s when the wind gently pushed at her hair.
“Pretty thing, pretty thing.”
Her hand tensed under his leather fingers, fixing a frightened look toward the returning whispers. This time though, she was not the only one who heard this. Hawks straightened his winged back, and turned to the direction of the voice.
“Well shit. Looks like these bastards caught your scent.” Hawks said with an ungracious tone. “Leave it to the Unseelie to spoil everything…” 
She stared at the back of Hawks’ head incredulously. Did she hear him correctly? They could smell her? The Unseelie were the malevolent fae she’d heard about before.They were the Goblins who stole human faces; the Pale Men who ate children and left nothing but their shoes. And now, they were the fae who call to you with an echo on the wind.
“Not again.” She muttered, a distressed anger snapped inside. 
 Hawks looked back alarmed, having felt the loss of warmth in his hand. Lifting his chin, he watched as her beautifully framed figure stalked off, moving deeper into the tree’s shadows.
“Hold on, wait!” Hawks called out, extending an outstretched hand. The maiden was heading towards dangerous grounds, ones which were outside his claimed boundaries and near the Unseelie even Hawks found to be tasteless. 
“No, no, no, no!” She repeated as she hurried away on shaking legs, “I’ve dealt with enough faeries on this adventure, thank you! I came here for my cat, not to mingle with smelling fae.”
“Your cat?” Hawks asked. 
“Yes, my cat!” She said, turning herself to face him. “He slipped out earlier and made a run for it out here!” 
Her eyes were able to study his sharply dressed figure in black, all of him lit by a red glow coming from the veins inside his wings. For a moment, she thought how out of place his attire was in the Dark Forest. 
“Is that right?” He mused, letting those gold eyes fall to the ground. They were pinned on something, but she couldn’t see from her spot. “And just out of curiosity; how do you plan to find him in the dark?”
His boot kicked at a remnant of the lantern, she heard the glass crunch under his foot. When Hawks lifted his gaze, his expression was unreadable.
 “Look, we don’t have too much time.The Unseelie won’t harm your pet, but a human like you? I can assure you, they won’t keep you a pretty corpse if they snatch you up.“ 
His black and red wings began to flutter to a rapid speed until they were an illuminating blurr. They lifted him from the ground effortlessly, and he flew through the dark with a graceful air around him.
“If you come with me and wait for the Unseelie to pass, we’ll look for your cat then, alright?” Hawks landed softly before her, offering a stretched arm and open palm for her to take. 
She hesitated, looking him over for any sign that read foul play. He was one of the fae after all, and his kind gesture was given so suddenly. “You’ll look for him, with me? I...Why-why would you want to help me?” 
Hawks liked holding her hand. He didn’t wait for her reach and grasped hers, hanging at her side.The soothing leather rubbed against her skin as he laced their fingers. His gaze was fixed on the curves of their hold, the flash of her wrist. A smile softened his face. 
“Well, I would be lying if I said I didn’t want you all to myself in the big bad woods,” Hawks confessed before flicking his catlike eyes up. “Hey. It’ll be alright, dove. Let’s find you someplace, safe.”  
Hawks eventually dropped the back of her knees, while settling her back down on the ground. He’s the first to move, and he walked with purpose towards a particular tree.
She however, was occupied with the fog that rolled in this part of the forest. It was colder here, the trees were larger—and she’s unsure how to explain, but the blackened bark on these trees was more ominous than the ones she’d passed on her own.
“Hawks,” she tentatively called, crossing her arms over her chest, “Where is this place?”
 Hawks kept facing the tree. He was intently regarding the natural grooves of the bark, cupping his chin in thought. 
“My neck of the woods! Thought it’d be safer to mask your scent with mine.” He mused. There was another pause before he saw it, and the tips of his fingers pushed on the bark pattern to his right—the wood cracked.
Hawks turned towards the maiden. He noticed her expression slowly shine as the door opened, leading to a spiral staircase inside. He beckoned her forward with a reach toward her figure.  She didn’t hesitate to walk forward and take his hand. 
It took a moment to reach the top of the staircase, but beyond those steps was a hollowed out room. Rich leaves with layered vines melded atop the ceiling, and a few human items were placed around. Among them included a velvet armchair in the corner, with thick blankets neatly folded on the cushion. 
Hawks gestured toward the chair, dropping the maiden’s hand. He then tipped his head back as he waved an arm above.
The canopy that made up the ceiling had started trembling, the vines falling loose and gradually stopping. Then they blinked, like they had eyes of their own. And each one ignited with a dim lit glow like a firefly across the evening sky, giving the room a soft warmth it hadn’t before.  
“That’s beautiful.”
Hawks dropped his head in surprise. She had stopped moving halfway across the room, with attentive eyes on him. He could see a sheen of wonder on her lovely features, a trace of a smile on her lips. Hawks smiled back.
Good, she was winding down. 
“You should see the vines further in! Now, those would really take your breath away.” 
“You own more than this place?”
“My neck of the woods, remember?” 
Hawks took to playing with his leather gloves, pulling on the fingers to slip off, “So this cat of yours must be quite something. I’ll admit, I’m not all interested in human pets, but I find it curious you’d risk being kidnapped for one.”
The small glow from the vines had revealed a patchy, web of plants around the chair, violet lilies had bloomed every which way. A few more even sprung up from the cushion as she lifted the blankets. 
Maybe sitting on the floor would be preferable...
“He was my father’s cat,” she said. She moved to set the blankets down, but Hawks had come beside her, graciously collecting them from her arms. He turned, aiming to put them on the wooden desk—(which was clearly made by human hands.) “He’s the last member of my family, and honestly, that’s more than enough for a reason. ‘Least for me, anyway.”
“So you’re alone?” 
She paused. She did not expect such a blunt response, nor did she expect Hawks glancing over his shoulder, curious, would leave her throat tightening. 
She quickly turned, pretending to find the black dahlia's on the wall more fascinating, “Yes. It’s been that way since last autumn. My mother died when I was a kid, and my father was killed in a hunting accident. Now, it’s just me.” 
“Just you, huh? No males waiting in the wings to ask for your hand in...whatever?” Hawks made it sound like it was absurd. Maybe it was. 
She huffed a laugh, smiling at a dahlia, “I don’t think so.”
She was of lowly status with a deceased father who never offered an engagement. He hadn’t flaunted her youth and beauty at social gatherings, or in other towns for that matter. There simply wasn’t time for those affairs when hard labor was required to keep from starving.
“Just when I thought I couldn’t be more fortunate.” 
Hawks’ hands slipped around her hips and firmly turned her. She wasn’t used to being touched, not like this. Her skin prickled under his bare fingers, and a familiar heat burned the curves of her cheeks. They were face to face, and a breath closer. 
“Did you know I almost let you slip by? It’s not uncommon for humans to venture this far in. Figured you’d turn back around once you couldn’t find who you were calling for, but of course, heh, you fell.” At those words, his thumb began stroking small circles against her hip. Each stroke across the bone jolted down her body, “But when I caught you, I saw it. Saw how scared you were. And I knew...you didn’t want to be alone.” 
“Well, yes. I wish I was never alone,” she confessed softly. She slowly began pressing against his hand, just a little, “but that’s something everyone wishes for, isn’t it?” 
Hawks smiled at her. Though it did not crinkle the corner of his sharp eyes. “Suppose you’re not wrong there. So why not have someone change that? Why not fill the void? Isn’t that something you’d want?”
With light pressure Hawks steered her backwards, easing her against the stretch of vines across the wall. He didn’t break his stare. 
But she could only stare back for so long, dropping her gaze under the intensity in his golden eyes. Delicately, she managed a small voice and replied, “I don’t know.”
Hawks didn’t like this answer. He grasped under her jaw, firmly lifting those timid eyes back to his slightly lidded ones. 
“Oh, no, no, I think you do,” Hawks countered. His voice was hushed, a husky and darkened tone,“You’re a maiden. Back home, you’re not allowed to want for things, right? Just sit there and look pretty, keep your mouth shut. Oh but, little dove, here? All you have to do...is give in. Fill that loneliness with your desires.”
She fell still, slowly exhaling through her parted mouth as he tilted his jaw, lingering near her lips. She breathed in his deep herbal scent, and a feeling gathered in her which blurred her thoughts with a subtle ache.
Hawks waited for her motionless to pass, as though he knew what she didn’t. He relished in her flushed features, and he smiled satisfied when her eyes fluttered shut. She leaned forward, and Hawks claimed her lips. 
There she goes.
 He kissed her in a way that slipped his tongue past her lips, exploring her warmth and digging his fingers in her jawline, controlling. She was forced to stay still, breathing in when he’d part, only to be crushed into his lips once more. 
Her head was spinning, so she didn’t notice a pair of thick coils slowly creeping down the wall and slinking around her wrists. Not until a tightening on her skin, and a sudden wrench on her arms, had ripped her from Hawks’ mouth. The lively vines from above yanked her forward, and Hawks stepped back. 
While she tried digging her heels in the moss to stop their pulling, the vines only wrenched her wrists back harder. She stumbled into the center of the room. Then they braided into one, hoisting her arms up together, her feet partly touching the ground. 
“Hawks!” She called, tugging back on the vines, “What is this? Why are you—“
“—Like I said before, we need to mask your scent,” Hawks said as he strolled nonchalantly from the wall. He brushed his hand across her waist and circled round to stand behind, “And there’s really only one way for my scent to stay on you.” 
She tried glancing around, but she couldn’t crane her neck that far, not where she could see him properly. Hawks paused for a moment, and seemingly was fiddling with something near his wings. He was quiet, which only made her tense. She listened for some indication of what he was doing, waiting for him to say something. 
Finally, a loud tear of fabric filled the room. Her dress loosened at the shoulders, and cool air brushed her mid-back. Her mouth gaped in a muted gasp. She could only listen as the tear ripped again, and again, with more skin exposed downward.
“You—You can’t expect me to walk out there without a dress!” She countered shakily. She tried biting back the shame bubbling in her throat. 
“Oh, certainly not. What kind of fae do you take me for?” He asked, still tearing up her long sleeves. She looked back again, this time she had noticed a red object in his curled grip, gleaming and fairly plush.
A feather?
“I’ll have you wear something better than these rags.” 
It took little time before pieces of cloth littered the floor, allowing her simple dress to fall in a puddle around her feet, at last. But Hawks wasn’t done. He knelt softly in the navy fabric, lifting her ankles one after the other, sliding off her worn shoes. They gave a light thunk when he tossed them near the armchair. 
Amidst his working hands, the maiden struggled with her feelings. A part of her wanted the crawling binds to let her go, have her drop so she may cover her breasts. She also wanted to kick Hawks for shredding her damn dress into nothing. Better clothes or not, the dress was still hers. But ultimately what curbed her resistance towards Hawks was the guilty pang she felt for doubting him. He was there to protect her; to keep the Unseelie from finding her. And in part, it helped that his light touch pricked at her lower muscles. It kept her wishing for that feeling on the skin again...If only it weren’t so embarrassing. 
“Are you scared?” Hawks asked.
The vines must have turned her at one point, for Hawks was kneeling in front of her and peering up with a gentle hand on her outer thigh. The hand with the blood coloured feather uncurled, and the very feather slipped through his fingers like it was alive. It soared up and behind him to blend against his black wings. Then suddenly, it was just another vein.
“I uhm…” She tried managing a calmer tone, but it remained shaken, “I don’t know what to...”
“I know, dove. Trust me, I know,” he soothed, running a hand up and down her thigh in assurance, “Won’t alway be like that, though, not after we’ve done this a few times.”
There wasn’t much time to fixate on what he meant, as two fingers hooked under her last garment and pulled it down her leg to the floor.
Now there was nothing in his way.
Hawks leaned in to press his lips along her inner thigh, trailing up slowly, gently. As he neared the curve of her sex, he hiked the back of her thigh on his shoulder, then her other one followed. Those sneaky binds were clever, really. They always knew when to hoist her higher, and they comfortably propped her in this new position. 
“Hawks, hold on, hold on,” she pleaded. It was moving too fast—the sudden shift from the ground left her startled. 
Hawks didn’t listen.
His predatory eyes flicked up to find hers watching, her beautiful eyes wide as a doe’s. This made him smirk, though in a way she hadn’t seen before, “Maidens always scream, but I wonder what you’ll say?”
With those words, Hawks tongue delved between her sensitive slit—and she tossed her head back. She was breathing in sharply. Her hips impulsively stuttered toward his mouth as his tongue stroked long and deep along her sensitive spot, but it didn’t compare to when he intentionally flicked against a bundle of nerves.
Oh my god. Oh fu —She tensed, her back arching into the touch. It was a hot pleasure that wildly pulsed inside her, something intense she never felt ‘till then. She had roamed a hand between her legs before in her quiet home, always alone, always rushed. This? This paled, it had never been this much.
Hawks was clearly in tune to her body's spasms. She writhed against his open mouth, while he was pressing and swirling his tongue on the bundle in concentration, his hands slinked up to hold her hips closer. He was set on one thing, his pace was building faster to it. And oh, it rewarded him so handsomely—a rush of excitement struck down to his groin from the sound. Her cries, her moans, her unwinding pitched voice; she was becoming his with every breath. 
“Haw-Haw-aks,” it kept breaking from her lips with harsh gasps; her head hung back towards the canopy with glossy eyes. Oh god, she wanted to thread her fingers in his gold locks and press him further in her sex—Yes, fuck, right there, his mouth feels so good. Her shame be damned, all she wanted was for him to keep going. 
An unseen smile curled slightly on Hawks’ lips. 
“That’s it, little dove,” he coaxed softly between laps, “Just let my name slip out...just like that.”
He returned to latch on her clit. He sucked in hard with a wet noise, and a loud sob wrenched from her lungs. There was so much vigor, he didn’t cease, her winding pleasure rose higher, tenser, with her shaky thighs clamping tight on each side of his head. 
“ Ha-Hawks, keep going, oh, keep going, fuck, keep—“ The spasms ripped through her with another sob breaking from her mouth. Her muscle walls clenched violently. She fell into a sense of ecstasy and her orgasm released. 
Bleeding hell...She could not believe how wonderful she felt. She was so light in the head.
Hawks lapped along her folds as she rode out the last wave of her climax. He took certain care to run his mouth over her slit, which seeped with glistened come. As he finished, he wiped the corner of his mouth with his knuckle.
“Well, what’s this? Where did my shy maiden go?” He teased, looking up toward her with a playful grin, “You were making the sweetest sounds up there.”
She made an expression which had Hawks chuckling. She really was a pretty girl, with such pretty timid eyes. 
Hawks eased her legs off his shoulders, setting her down so she could step on the wood. It was a little hard though, as her tiptoes wobbled about until the vines dropped her lower. After, Hawks pushed up to stand. He pressed his body against hers and he sealed her lips with his. It was short, but she noted her own taste on his tongue before he parted. 
“You did good, dove. Heh, ready for me now? It’s my turn.” 
He then turned her. It wasn’t surprising Hawks was leading her along with little chance to respond, already brushing his lips across her neck. A hand cupped her breast and began squeezing, while his thumb rolled her nipple with tact, “Don’t worry, I’ll make this feel good...So damn good.”
He might even break her.
“But doesn’t this hurt?” She asked breathlessly. She felt naive, but that’s what the married women in town said. There was pain, and it ended with blood.
Hawk gave a reply she did not expect. His mouth which trailed gently down the curve of her neck, sucked hard into her smooth skin. An involuntary shiver ran down her spine, and her lips opened.
“You feel that? It hurt a little, didn’t it?” He whispered against her ear, “Can’t promise it won't hurt, but I can at least promise my cock will leave you twitching. You’ll be moaning, and when you come again, it’ll be when I’m deep inside you.”
She felt something thick rub between her legs, just then. The hand that toyed with her breast started roaming downward to pull back her hips. His other hand had been working on his belt prior, taking himself in hand with mild strokes. 
The lazy work on himself was fine. This wasn’t about him, well—for now, at least. He’d focus on his needs once the intended plan was carried out. But until then, keeping her aroused was Hawks’ priority. 
“Just relax...tilt your hips a little more,” he instructed, all while slicking the head of his cock like he’d done for his length. Once ready, he began lining himself toward her entrance, “Yes, that’s right, little dove. Precisely like that.”
She braced her arms against the vines with fingers curled in a tight grip, all while trying to relax her body like Hawks had said. But it was difficult to persist as Hawks advanced, and he slid his swollen cock inside her. A gasp slipped from her lips, her spine curved. He was thick. And as if he were forging through, she felt him strike his hips in shallow thrusts through her wet entrance, sink deeper in her stretching, and pulsing walls. 
It hurt, but a familiar ache spread. 
“You’ll enjoy it more if you relax.” Hawks' voice rasped thickly. He placed a hand on her lower back, gently rubbing at her spine. His length was still buried, feeling her clench--Ah, fuck. She was damn tight. He wanted to plunge forward, pound her with no mercy. It even took a good deal of restraint to hold still. “Don’t be afraid, I got you...Just let go.”
She can only nod in reply. It was going to be alright; she had to remember that. She exhaled a deep breath and tentatively eased under Hawks palm, eyes fluttering shut. She was ready, and his hands firmly settled on her sides. He then leaned back just so he could thrust forward, setting the pace with long, deep pumps.
She ached. Every thrust left her sore, but the ache was subtly there, building with Hawks momentum. The snap of his hips threw her body back and forth, shaking to his rhythm, his heavy pants in her ear. A shudder rushed down her spine, hearing his lust so crisply behind. Her lips parted to breathe, and her moans spilled out. 
“Hnng—Yesss, let me hear you. Fuck, you take my cock so deep,” he growled lowly.
Hawks thrusts were sounding wet as his pounding in her skin quickened unsteadily. He’d admit, this was reckless for a virgin maiden, but he wouldn’t hadn’t planned on stopping now for her sake. Hawks was chasing his own orgasm, and as he mentioned before; this was his turn. 
In that moment, she was thankful her arms were strung up, for it was her only support against his unyielding smacks inside her. But the rhythm changed, as Hawks jerked her hips back into an arched angle. Another cry spilled from her lungs. 
Christ, why did it feel so fucking good?! When Hawks snapped hard, his length struck an intense patch in her inner walls, and a beautifully sweet mixture of pain and pleasure shook in her core. 
Hawks felt her violent twitch, which only excited the fae. 
“You like that, sweet dove? It feels like you fucking do! Let me hear you scream!”
She did in fact, cry out. 
All her senses fell to the pleasure, the euphoria, the sweet pain of each thrash. And he pounds—and he pounds, and he pounds. Until she felt something warm flood her insides, and another writhing, hot pleasure ignited her nerves in a violent crash. 
Then there was only the sound of their heavy breaths. He stayed sheathed inside, all while blood had bloomed across the maiden’s thighs.
Just before the evening turned to dusk, Hawks had awoken from the makeshift bed he assembled from the folded blankets. At first, he only buried his cheek into the maiden’s loose hair, and drew his arms tightly around her bareback, just so she fit snug against his own bare chest. She was warm, so soft in his arms as she slept soundly.
Then came a gentle breeze that wisped at his forehead, brushing at his thick pieces of hair. 
Swirling on those winds echoed a voice.
“Little dove.”
This only warranted a deep growl, though Hawks hadn’t made an effort to move from his maiden’s warmth.
“Cut that shit out, I haven’t told her yet,” he mumbled with an edge in his tone. He refused to crack open his eyes, and craving sleep more than anything he dismissed the voice abruptly. 
The room fell silent.
It obeyed him, not the other way around.
“What’s said is said,” —Hawks adjusted his body, gently rubbing his face on her head, “You wish to never be alone, well, wish granted. You’re mine now little dove...Mine, forever.”
There’s no reply from his maiden, whose gentle breathing was doing a lovely job of lulling Hawks deeper into the pull of sleep. She wouldn’t like it, oh he knew she wouldn’t. But she’d learn to. And she’d learn her efforts of finding her missing cat were all in vain. After all, the cat never made it far into the forest. He scared off that pathetic thing, but he watched the maiden wander. 
What’s said is said, and there’s nothing she could do to change it. 
@pleasantanathema @present-mel @enjifuckersupreme @redflannel
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incorrect-natshig · 3 years
Do you have natshig fic recs? 👀
putting it under a cut bcs there's a whole lot more than you would've bargained for💖
The Blocked Hooligans by aphrodaisyacs (11.4k, single chapter) prequel
On January 24, Twitter users @diamond_dust404, @jackedfrost and @icespicebaby formed a group chat when they all got blocked by Endeavor’s official Twitter account. After nearly ten months of developing into a chaotic adoptive family of three, it all changes when Jacked Frost (Todoroki Natsuo) and Ice Spice (Todoroki Shouto) accidentally find out that they are brothers in real life. Clearly, the next step is to meet with their third member, right?
wii music by constellore (43k, 7/30 chapters)
If, five years ago, someone told Natsuo that not only was he going to find his long-lost older brother, but that he was also going to learn that his sister’s best friend was a villain, gain a sorta - kinda fake boyfriend in the leader of the League of Villains, and be partially responsible for the redemption of two of the most wanted men in Japan, he would have told them that they were nuts.
luminous things by cirriform (3k, single chapter)
Natsuo teaches Shigaraki how to fold paper cranes.
Bullet Wounds and Book Work by Mishafy (20.6k, ongoing)
Shigaraki Tomura, at Kurogiri's suggestion, joined a med school track to make up for the lack of a party healer. It just so happened that Todoroki Natsuo was taking the same online course.
The Todoroki In-Laws by aphrodaisyacs (30.6k, complete)
Over 10 years after the fight against the Paranormal Liberation Front, Rumi, aka the part-time hero Miruko and the proud wife of one Todoroki Fuyumi, decides it would be an awesome idea to create a groupchat with the significant others of the other Todoroki siblings. Maybe things would be easier if its members weren’t two Pro Heroes, a former one and a rehabilitated villain, but honestly, where’s the fun in that? (chatfic)
Lingering by thyandra (2k, single chapter)
Natsuo sighed, closing the fridge door. He was so immersed in his pointless musings that he didn’t immediately hear the furious buzzing nearby, muffled by a pillow as it was. That is, until the thing fell to the floor—Shigaraki’s phone, Natsuo recognized once he glanced that way. He shouted a call of his name, but only got a muffled grumble back. Shigaraki was no doubt too absorbed in his game to give a fuck about his still buzzing device, and Natsuo- Natsuo hadn’t really meant to catch a glimpse of the screen. (Tomura has Natsuo as his lockscreen. Natsuo finds out.)
Caught Me at a Record Low by nocturnalgf (9.8k, ongoing)
It starts, as many things do, in a dirty alley. Shigaraki is dying, probably, until Natsuo comes to help him. And after that, Natsuo can't keep himself away.
Shigaraki Tomura’s Walkthrough to Infiltrating a University, Getting a Boyfriend, and More by JajaLala (73k, complete)
In order to recruit Dr. Ujiko Daruma, his Sensei's old doctor who fled after his arrest, Shigaraki must infiltrate the university the doctor is now working at. Problem is, even when he and some League members enroll as students, they discover it's almost impossible to meet the doctor unless you're enrolled in his advanced seminar. Fortunately, Shigaraki meets Natsuo, a premed in Dr. Ujiko's seminar, whose trust he must earn to meet the elusive doctor. However, the two of them might have more in common than Shigaraki expects...
Snow Day by Sensationalcrazyna (700 words, single chapter)
Shigaraki hates snow, but he'll go for his boyfriend.
The Todoroki Family is a Disaster™ by Tigers101 (2.7k, single chapter)
The Todoroki family is a disaster, and family dinner is even worse. Or, Fuyumi is going to lose her shit because she's apparently one of the only sane ones.
we will dream of the sea by crumbsfiction (3.6k, single chapter)
It’s a mechanism of self-defense, after all - trying so hard to be liked. If he can gain Tomura’s approval, if he can prove himself to this group, Natsuo will be fine. It will all have been worth it, dragging his name through the mud in search of a ghost. Besides, watching Tomura comes easily - in fact, Natsuo barely has to think about it at all.
Hoodie by MangoQueen (1k, single chapter)
Shigaraki gets cold and Natsuo offers for him to borrow a hoodie
Dear Tomura, I Hate You. Now Let's Play Some Video Games by  IDealess_at_this (6.6k, ongoing)
Natsuo finds himself in the library after a terrible family dinner. However, after an unconventional meeting, he also finds himself being held hostage by the worst villain league ever. Getting revenge on his father while helping each member of the dysfunctional family through their struggles in the process doesn’t sound too bad!
and of course my beloved AUs💗
a coin to a crane by bittermoons (22k, 5/10 chapters)
Two ordinary (or so they think) high school students from Tokyo stumble upon another world through their dad’s dojo, leading to all sorts of bizarre consequences when they meet a cosplaying asshole of a kodama—a tree spirit—on the other side. Who knew useless video game knowledge and an unlimited cell phone data plan would come in so handy?
sugar and spice by bittermoons (4.7k, single chapter)
Shigaraki Tomura is a judge who hates soggy bottoms on The Great Japanese Bake-Off. Todoroki Natsuo is a stand-up comedian most famous on the web for making fun of his SO, who he calls 'Tanaka Taro' in all his routines. When Natsuo joins the crew of Bake-Off, online speculation explodes over his relationships with Shigaraki and Taro.
hazy days under august shade with you (it's all like magic to me) by constellore (8k, single chapter)
Natsuo is content living in the small village of Eadu, but when his brother becomes the victim of a curse, he's left scrambling for a way to undo it. Desperate for a cure, he manages to find the mysterious Magician of the Western Mountains—a man who raises far more questions than answers, especially when Natsuo finds himself volunteering to spend the summer in the mountains with him in order to aid him in breaking Touya's curse. Love had never been part of the equation, but between sweltering summer days and conversations in the dead of night, Natsuo can't say that he minds.
Love Comes Slow (and goes so fast) by Tigers101 (14.8k, single chapter)
"I’ve never been enough.” Natsuo's expression darkened. “I’ve always been the failure of a middle child, worthless and alone. I’ve never been anything to anyone." Tenko looked at him, his eyebrows creased in something close to anger. “Well, everyone else can go fuck themselves. You’re everything to me.” (natshig fantasy au + major character death)
Here Be Faeries by cafeanna (5k, single chapter)
“Terrible thing, terrible thing,” The burning man tusked and tisked. “Caught the eye of a Prince, gave a Name, and killed the King. Now he wears a crown of blooded amber and elk horn, and sleeps on a bed of thistle and roses. The King calls him frostbite, willow-boned, and beloved.” 
Natsuo Todoroki walked into the woods at the beginning of summer and never came out. A month later, Fuyumi and Shouto are left in the aftermath of a missing person’s case and a growing fear of the place they grew up.
Know That You Love Me (even when I lose my head) by Tigers101 (1.5k, single chapter)
“I hate you.” Tenko grinned. “No, I really don’t think that’s the case. You wouldn’t have saved me from homework if that were the case.” (natshig roleswap au)
98 notes · View notes
koo-zy · 4 years
hello! do you have any fantasy/historical jungkook x reader fic recs ?
hello lovely!! i’m so sorry i missed this yesterday :( i was actually planning on reorganizing my tumblr because i feel like no fics are ever going to be able to be found my blog LOL so hopefully that’ll be done soon!!
as for the fantasy/historical fics.. i’m honestly not too sure what “fantasy” (do demons count..? soulmates..? werewolves????) typically includes so i’m just going to include a bunch of fics that hopefully fit in :”) here are the first ones that i thought of + summaries included in their main posts!
also.. i’m sure i missed a lot of amazing fics (mainly because i’m dumb as hell and don’t really know what can be included in “fantasy”) and would like to apologize in advance!! 
@inktae ’s entire masterlist (they have a lot of fantasy fics!)
while this isn’t just jungkook recs, @ficswithluv had a fantasy category a few weeks ago!
@kpopfanfictrash ‘s jungkook masterlist
@fortunexkookie ‘s jungkook masterlist
one shots!
énouement - @littlemisskookie Mulan!AU
War is Hell, but it’s what you had to do to take your brother’s place. Of course, between the days of Hell are little slices of Heaven you’d call your Captain, Jeon Jungkook.
midas - @gukyi 
jeon jungkook was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and the power to turn whatever he wants into pure gold. you were born with healing and invisibility powers but without a cent to your name. so when you’re plucked off of the streets for pickpocketing and assigned to be his minder as punishment, you realize you’re going to have to overcome a lot more than class differences if either of you are going to get what you want.
i will not lose! - @jimlingss Magic!AU
A single bet - use every means to make Jeon Jungkook fall in love with you.
a piece of the moonlight - @/jimlingss Mulan!AU
For your loved ones, the people who are waiting at home, the people who have died - you will fight. And sometimes to fight means to sacrifice: who you really are and the person you really love.
dynasty - @/jimlingss Historical!AU
It’s no secret that the Emperor is infertile. But even so, a girl is selected every three months and brought to become his concubine in hopes of conceiving the next heir. This time, it’s you. And in order to prevent execution, Jeon Jungkook might just aid you in conception.
game of temptation ft. knj, myg, kth - @/jimlingss Succubus!AU 
As a succubus, your beauty is unrivaled and shaped to tempt mortals. But it’s still hard to resist Taehyung, and there’s little you can do once you’ve been coerced to do his bidding for him. This time, you find yourself entering the affluent Kim Household as a housemaid. And these poor humans don’t know your intentions are far from being angelic.
knot today - @kinktae
When your first heat approaches and you are left partnerless, who better to turn to than your alpha roommate that you’ve spent the better half of your life hiding your feelings for?
ego - @luxekook Harry Potter!AU
(..i also don’t know if HP counts LOL)
in which jeongguk is a cocky lil shit and the reader has to take him down a few pegs
stumbling - @hayjeon Prince!AU
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: hii! so the royal wedding of prince harry and meghan is today, and since my bias is JK and since i’m such a sucker for royal stuff, can i reuest a fic of bts all being royal of 7 different kingdom, and all of them being invited to jin’s wedding and the girl (oc) is also invited and kookie met her there, and eventually took an interest at her? the girl is also royalty from other kingdom. thanks!
werewolf!jungkook - @/hayjeon
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: Werewolf!jk? (im sorry ik it’s overused and unoriginal) where he and his mate have pups to take care of and they’re quite a mischievous bunch!
there for you - @cupofteaguk Hogwarts!AU
Jungkook is always known for doing things unapologetically, and it makes sense given how almost nothing gets under his skin—almost nothing, but maybe there’s an exception that takes a form of a muggleborn with the shy smile and quirky spells.
say you won’t let go - @/cupofteaguk Soulmates!AU
You’ve been eighteen years old for ten years when Jungkook first moves in 
new romantics - @/cupofteaguk Hogwarts!AU
Jeon Jungkook will go down in history as one of the best Quidditch players that ever graced the Hogwarts scene. It seems like he always gets what he wants—his life is very predictable in that sense. What he cannot predict, however, is the newest weekend employee wiping down the tables at the Three Broomsticks.
a cinderella story - @suhdays Modern Cinderella!AU
you are forced to work multiple jobs as you live under your stepmothers roof. unable to move out and strive for complete independence, you do what you can in order save enough. turns out, as a college student that is harder than you thought. so, you distract yourself by joining online chat groups in which you meet a boy that goes to your school. that boy? none other than the rugby star himself, jeon jeongguk. it doesn’t prove to be an issue until he asks to meet you at an upcoming halloween party. he’s never noticed you before so why not hide yourself in order to live your dreams, if only for a moment?
explorer - @1kook Alien!AU
Jungkook does not want to impress the frankly tyrannical ways of his planet on you. He just wants to stay here and keep your couch warm for you, hold your hair back when you wash your face in the morning.
rottenfolk - @junqkook Faerie!AU
a look was as hazardous as chemicals, a kiss as perilous as poison; his eyes and lips felt akin to a cure, but he was purely venom.
the young wolf - @/junqkook Game of Thrones!AU
he was promised to another, meant for another to hold and to love and to kiss. but when his hand lingered on yours for a moment too long to be proper, and when his eyes held yours for a beat too long to be a passing glance, you allowed desire to creep into your veins, to take root inside your heart. perhaps before you might have been permitted to love him freely. perhaps he might have even been promised to you instead. but war was no place for the wants and desires of two people, no matter how much they yearned for it to be.
the lighthouse - @rubycoast S2L!AU
(im not too sure if this is considered fantasy but its one of my favs!)
you and jungkook had one thing in common: you were both lost souls stagnant in the search of some fulfillment. the one of many differences was that your story had been written on your sleeves, while jungkook’s was a story needed to be unriddled.
black magic - @hansolmates​ Magic Uni!AU
a witch with an ambition for learning, you stumble across a crushing spell in the middle of the forbidden section. of course you have to try it out! what happens when the crushing spell not only has jeon jungkook crushing on you, but you crushing on him?
the sea & the storm - @jamaisjoons Fantasy!AU
the sea is a powerful mistress. she is calm and beautiful. she is mysterious and alluring. she is a force to be reckoned with. above all, however, she is lonely. until she meets him. fantasy au.
the lionheart’s oath - @sugaxjpg Knight & Princess!AU
There was no happy ending, no dragon slayer to save the kingdom and get the princess — there was only him: Jungkook. A simple orphan that was lucky enough to be invited into the castle, a former homeless thief that had found shelter in the form of an elysian heir. Now, after twelve years by your side, he was about to lose you to the world you sought to explore.
ghosts just wanna have fun - @/sugaxjpg Psychic & MedSchool!AU
When Jungkook discovered that he could communicate with dead people, the last thing he expected was that they would be there to give him romantic advice.
wartime child - @ktheist Wizard!AU
raising a baby in wartime isn’t easy. but when your baby starts showing signs of magical abilities, you’re forced to ring up the only other person you know he takes after: jeon jungkook.
birth of an empress - @/ktheist Dragon Slayer!AU
partners for three years and friends for longer, jungkook thought you’d remain so until he saw you with the knight at the merchant’s trade.
alternatively, the friendly neighborhood wizard trying to propose to the infamous dragon slayer in the middle of slaying a dragon? now, that’s classic.
series/two shots!
fear in your eyes - @/gukyi Werewolf!AU
(again, idk if werewolves count but hifksdjcx !!!!)
there’s a werewolf in that forest behind your house, they told you, and he’ll eat you before you can even beg for mercy. 
the worshiper series - @/jimlingss 
Long ago, there were gods who resided in Heaven -- existing to watch over and protect the universe. Each of them had their own flaws, trials and tribulations; some which were more sparing than others, but these are their stories...
a promise of freedom - @/jimlingss Wartime!AU
War is cruel and its inhumanity has not spared you. Captured by the enemy, you were brought to the front lines to heal their wounded. But after one night of saving a particular man’s life, he swears to fulfill any wish of yours.
one year, my love - @/hayjeon Historical!AU
You forge a marriage contract with the strangely speaking man who suddenly stumbled into your town with memory loss, but little do you know that he’s actually the lost Crown Prince, and a lot can happen between a married man and woman in one year.
demigod!au drabbles - @/hayjeon
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: i have a supernatural au prompt! how bout daughter of hades/loner!reader and son of zeus/bully! jungkook?
into the woods - @/junqkook Goblin!AU
getting hurt and stumbling upon a goblin in the forest leaves you completely at his mercy, though you aren’t sure if that’s necessarily a bad thing.
lionheart - @/junqkook Magic!AU
as a sorcerer, it is of the utmost importance that you keep your magic a secret from everyone. when you become prince jungkook’s servant, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep your identity hidden; especially when you fall in love with him.
a royal exchange - @/hansolmates
she’s the man!au where the princess impersonates her brother yoongi in order to finish his degree on time while yoongi is thrusted into princely duties. jeongguk is in the mess purely through room arrangement
knight!jungkook x princess!reader - @/ktheist
a series with 27 parts!
that’s all i can think of off the top of my head right now :(( not gonna lie, half of these probably don��t even fit into either of those categories and i know there are so so so many amazing fantasy/historical fics out there!! i wish i knew them all but i hope this helped a little bit! if anyone has any fic they’d like to rec, feel free to send it to meee :)
and finallyyyyy i leave my following page open for viewing as well so you can check out all of the authors i follow!! please show all of these authors (and many more) some love! <3
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wolfstarlibrarian · 4 years
Hello lovely librarian! I recently read Enigma Variations by Coriaria, and I was wondering if you had any recs for more of this vibe - kind of historical au I guess? Thank you ❤️
Hello friend! The Librarian has many historic AUs, so there’s a collection below sorted by era. There’s also an Ancient AU list you might like, and  @wolfstarwarehouse  has an amazingly extensive list that you can find here. Happy reading! 
Ancient AU
Wolfstar Historic AUs
*fic referenced
Enigma Variations by Coriaria  When Sirius Black is unmasked as a spy, it seems that nearly everyone in Bletchley Park knew all along that something wasn't right about him. But Lily Evans thinks otherwise. She knows that if Black really was a spy, he'd have done it properly, and would have never been caught. Remus Lupin doesn't believe Sirius is a spy either. According to the landlady, she found the stolen ciphers in his room between the pages of a magazine filled with photos of half-naked women. And Remus knows that such a magazine would hold no interest for Sirius. It's not much to go on, but both Remus and Lily are determined to get to the truth. A man's life depends upon it.
The Rosary by @fluorescentgrey-blog On a Thursday in April 1943 Remus took the train from London to Birmingham, where a stately black car was waiting at the station to take him a short drive southwest to Hagley. In a wood on the estate of the Viscount Cobham of Hagley Hall four local boys hunting quail had found a woman’s skeleton in a wych elm tree.
Or, a Portrait of the Mathematician as a Young Man by zambla Historical AU. University of Cambridge, 1931. Remus J. Lupin, a mathematics scholar at King’s College, has fallen in with a set of friends who called themselves The Marauders—and at its masthead the dissolute aristocratic heir, Lord Sirius Black.
In No Man's Land by Minnow_53  Spring 1942. Sirius is in London to see Remus on a twenty-four hour leave.
Hope by @toyhto They told him to run and he ran and certainly there was a point in all this but all he could think about was the boy in the trench.
Regency Era
The Boy in the Bordello by @yumenouveau Regency Era - London- Sirius has spent the last five years starting a new life for himself as a brothel worker until late one night a stranger enters his room wanting only to talk.
A Love Match by the_gramophone Ever since Sirius Black parted ways with his family, he doesn't see the point in attending Society events just so people can gossip about him. Until one day, he meets Mr. Remus Lupin, new to Town and possibly the most captivating man he's ever met. But what could he possibly have to offer him when he's lost everything?
A matter of the heart by @engie-ivy The time had come for the fortunate heir of the most ancient and noble house of Black to secure himself of an advantageous marriage. A feat which should not be proven difficult for the handsome and becoming young man, were it not for the young Mr. Black to dismiss all his admirer’s attentions. I dare say, the only person he seemed to find agreeable was the young Mr. Lupin, a boy solemnly dependent on what was bestowed upon him out of charity by Mrs. Potter, but with no fortune and no prospects of himself.
Early America
The Woods by @fluorescentgrey-blog Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1692. "How oft have you eat and drunk your own damnation?"
Victorian Era & 19th Century
Kindred Spirits by shoebox_addict Anne with an E/Victorian!AU Remus Lupin, tired of the bullying he receives at school in his small village, leaves to spend the summer with Alphard, the kindly uncle of his friend Andi. A fellow guest at Alphard's house captures Remus' heart and makes him realize he's not so alone.
Untold Blessings by @aryastark-valarmorghulis Magic once existed in England and has finally returned. Mr Sirius Black, a gifted magician, ventures, rash and ill-prepared, into Faerie.
Deepwood Wreathing by Chromat1cs
A baron in Victorian London, Sirius Black is very near his breaking point of simply absconding into the obscurity of the forest. That is, until a rent boy going by the name of Remus arrives to turn his reality on its head in one fell swoop.
in the current, moving forward by @alifeincoffeespoons
In the scorching summer of 1926, Remus Lupin—war veteran, Yale alumnus, starving artist—moves to West Egg, Long Island to write.
Share this list with your own recs! 
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