#Lost boys Star
rebelliousstories · 11 months
You’re A Disappointment
Relationship: David x Reader
Fandom: The Lost Boys
Request: No
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
Word Count: 3,393
Masterlist: Here
The Lost Boys Masterlist: Here
Summary: After a meeting with Max, David returns to the cave; he’s angrier than a bat out of hell.
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A slower night gripped the boardwalk of Santa Carla. Unusual for this time of year, but not even the murder capital of the world could continue full throttle all the time. Resting against the railing, a young woman allowed her eyes to scan over the crowd. Her lover rested next to her, smoke billowing from his plush lips. His brothers were nearby causing havoc, but that did not matter as much to him. The girl next to him was gently linking her pinky with the hand that was down near his side. Just having her nearby, within holding range was enough to quiet the voices in his head for a little bit. He did not need to keep the carefully crafted image he spent so long making up with her nearby. However, the older man walking out of the back of his video store, and locking his eyes with the young man made the walls go back up. The man took another slow drag of his cigarette, waiting to see what the man wanted.
“Ha ha! You should’ve seen the look on his face, David! We totally made him need to change his pants.” A loud voice yelled as several figures bounced up to the couple that was leaning against the railing. But David did not turn his head towards his pack mate that had come near. No, his eyes stayed trained on the older man at the video store.
“David, I’m telling you… David?” The other blonde vampire had quieted down as he watched the leader. The entire pack watched with curiosity as David kept smoking, seemingly having a conversation with the older man at the video store. David’s lover and pack turned to see what he was looking at so intensely, and took a step closer together when they noticed. Dwayne immediately stood to David’s left, while Paul and Marko shielded the girl to David’s right. The bleach blonde took one last drag of his cigarette before putting it out beneath the toe of his boot. Watching the older man walk back into the video store, David spoke but did not look to the group around him.
“Dwayne, take the kitten back to the cave along with the boys. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” David went to go walk off but felt a hand grab his. He turned and was met with the concerned gaze of his lover. Leaning over, his unoccupied hand cradled her face while his lips pressed against her forehead. David turned quickly and did not spare another glance towards his pack, getting on his bike and riding off as fast as he could. The lady stood next to Dwayne who gently grabbed her hands to guide her towards his own bike. A concerned look refused to leave her face as the group got closer to the three remaining bikes.
“He’ll be fine, princess. David always is.” Dwayne reassured her quietly as she nodded. She kept repeating that in her head as much as she could, to try and convince herself that her lover would be fine.
“Yeah chicka. David’s always fine. And if he’s not, we just give him you and he calms right on down!” Paul got out in between laughs. Marko joined him in agreeing chuckles while Dwayne just shook his head. Making sure David’s girl was secured on the back of his bike and felt safe, Dwayne led the other two boys through Santa Carla. They whooped and cheered, screaming at the top of their lungs as the wind wiped across their face and through their hair. Getting all the way back to the cave, Dwayne gently navigated the young woman through the rough terrain of the the underground hotel. Letting the terror twins run amuck ahead, Dwayne made sure to treat her with a delicacy, knowing that if there was even a little scratch on her, David would not be happy. He already would not be happy coming home tonight; there was no reason to add fuel to that fire.
Marko ran immediately to check on his birds, while Paul lit up a joint from his coat pocket and made his way around the cave. Dwayne ran into his little alcove and grabbed his current book, eager to read, but watched the movement in front of him. The lady in the cave made her way and sat in David’s chair. There was a specific air around her, a mood that she had been in since leaving the boardwalk.
“Bela? You good?” Marko came around and placed his hand on her shoulder. She nodded, but there was no happiness behind her smile. Before Marko could continue, Paul slammed into him from behind which sent both vampires tumbling to the ground. She watched the boys tumble, swipe, curse, and rough house with each other. It sent out a small giggle from her lips watching them, but her mind switched to David. Whoever that man was at the video store made the pack tense and shield her, which did not make her feel good about her boyfriend being alone with the man.
Sunrise neared and there was still no sign of David. Dwayne had long since made sure that Laddie was safely tucked into his nest, and Star was in hers. Neither were seen much that night as Laddie was not feeling well leaving Star to stay with him and take care of the young halfling. The terror twins of the vampire pack had calmed down and stalked off to their sleeping perch in the cave. They did make sure to stop by the girl who had yet to move from her boyfriend’s chair all night, and give her some reassurance the best they could. Dwayne was the last to retire, trying desperately to wait up for David with her but the impending sunrise made him grow increasingly sleepy. But he went by the girl who was still up and tried to get through to her.
“He’ll be home soon, princess. You don’t have to stay up.” Dwayne spoke quietly, placing his hand on her shoulder. She blinked once, twice, three times before turning and giving him a soft smile.
“Thanks Dwayne. But I’m not going to be able to sleep anyways.” She said softly and squeezed his hand in comfort. The vampire stayed there with the young lady for another minute before giving her one last comforting squeeze, and walking further into the cave to prepare for sleep. Checking her watch, she started to worry as there was only about an hour of darkness left for her lover to make it home safely and he was still nowhere. She grabbed one of the books from Dwayne’s alcove, and settled back into her lover’s chair. Passing the time was difficult as she kept checking her watch every five minutes to make sure that David was not about to become a pile of ash. Thirty minutes from sunrise, and the barest hint of a changing sky, she heard it. The rumble of a bike pulling up above where the entrance to the cave was made her heart sore. Tossing the book back where she was sure Dwayne would collect it, she ran all the way to the fountain and waited.
Hearing a fierce screech, she watched as David flew into the cave. He landed but paid no attention to the girl that was clearly waiting on him. He threw a brick that was at his feet at the cave walls before moving onto a different target. His chair was thrown without care, and several cans that had been littered about were instead flung into the air in a furious flurry. David tore tapestries and fabric from their post, but did not dare tear down Star’s nest, having enough wherewithal to not destroy that. But he did not show the same care for the rest of the cave. Watching from the fountain, his girlfriend stayed quiet and let him vent out his frustrations. It would not be a good idea to get in the middle of the storm now, and figured he would either tire himself out and sleep the rest off, or get everything out of his system and then would turn to her. But as she watched him destroy any and everything, she knew it would be a while before it was out of his system entirely. David was uncharacteristically fired up and awake for this time of day, as the sun had finally broken the surface of the horizon.
The boys could no longer leave the cave but the new light had shown something that she had missed before. There was blood all over her boyfriend. All over his chin, chest, his hands, and in his beautiful formally bleach blonde hair. Her watch chimed on the hour and she watched her boyfriend slow down and breathe deeply in the shadow of the cave. Bright morning light had infiltrated just the very top of the cave, which meant the entire main area was still shrouded in shade but that did not stop David from finding the darkest corner and cowering in it like a wounded, wild animal.
“David?” She called, ever so softly over to her boyfriend. His chest heaved up and down as he took in deep breaths from the physical exertion.
“David? Hey, are you alright big guy?” She cautiously approached the man. As far as she could tell he made no indication that he was even aware of her presence. Her footsteps grew closer and closer, but David still did not acknowledge her. She got within arms reach of her lover, and slowly crouched down to be eye level with him. But this caused David to shift further back into his hiding hole. Reaching her arm out to place on him, caused David to violently shift away and hit his head against the cave wall.
“David? Honey, you’re scaring me. Are you alright?” His eyes closed as he tried to calm his breathing down.
“You should be asleep, kitten.” David rasped out. In his voice, anyone could see it was clearly used for even more talking and shouting than had been in the cave. It startled his girlfriend a little bit. She was not expecting to hear his voice like this. It sounded so… defeated. It sounded so unlike David. David was never one to show weakness to anyone. He was their fearless leader that protected them, and guided them.
“I couldn’t sleep not knowing if you were okay.” She whispered. His eyes opened slowly and looked at the girl in front of him. Her concern washed over her face and it made David feel bad.
“I’m always okay. You need to go to sleep. Go to your nest.” But neither made a move away from their current spots. That is, until, David’s lover got up and walked away without a word. He slumped against the cool cave wall feeling the exhaustion starting to hit him. Physical and mental exhaustion combined with the fact that the sun just made him want to sleep, it was all starting to be too much for David to handle. His eyes shut yet again, but they quickly reopened when he felt something cool and wet delicately touching his face.
His lover had returned with a damp rag, and had begun to clean up the blood that David had not bothered to clean off before. They sat in silence as she swiped the rag over his face, neck, and chest. The rag became stained with red, but David was steadily becoming cleaner with every pass. She finished up on his skin, before moving on to a clean part of the rag to gently wipe his hair as best as she could. But David raised his hand up and caught her wrist gently to pull it away.
“Wanna tell me why you’re like this? I’ve never seen you like this David.” She gently rested her hands on David’s legs and watched his face intently. The man closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and out. He looked like he was trying to find a reply that would keep his problems away from his lover while reassuring her that he had everything under control. But he did not have everything under control, and he could not find anything to hide his feelings. He was far too exhausted to come up with a clever response.
“I had a meeting with Max.” He stated bluntly.
“Who’s that?” She asked with a curious expression.
“Right,” David sighed, “forgot you don’t know about him. Max is our sire. The vampire who made all of us vampires.” He explained slowly and quietly. His girlfriend stayed quiet and let him continue.
“He said something tonight that really got to me. I didn’t mean for it to but it did.” David wet his lips and looks down at his hands, still having a soft grip over one of her wrists but not doing anything more than resting on her.
“What, David?” But the man did not say anything. He opened and closed his mouth a couple times, trying to get the words to come out. But they refused. He could not repeat what his sire had told him. Letting go of her wrist, his hand came up to cup his lover’s cheek. And that is when it flashed in her head. David was letting his memory flash through her mind’s eye.
She saw the same man from the video store in front of her, and felt herself inhaling a cigarette. But it was not her smoking or standing in front of the video store man; it was David. She watched as the man, Max, was rambling on and on in front of her.
“Honestly, David, all I ask is a little order. A little discipline. Is that too much for you to handle?” Max criticized the vampire in front of him, but David refused to back down.
“I said I would handle it, Max. If it’s rushed, it will backfire.” His voice stayed steady. David hated being treated like he did not know what to do or what was going on by anyone, including Max.
“If you keep that human around much longer without starting the process, it will not end well for anyone.” Max took his glasses off and cleaned them with a cruel smile on his face. In a flash, David was breathing the same air as his sire, staring him dead in the eyes.
“Are you threatening us?” David said sternly. Max brought his glasses up to rest gently on his face.
“And what if I am? That girl is not part of the family. You have no claim over her. As far as I am concerned, she’s an outsider. She is fair game, so to speak.” The elder vampire backed up, and threw his hands up in the air. Moving to his desk, Thorn sat at the side, kept it its eyes on David as he came closer to the vampire.
“I have staked my claim and she is under my protection. I have given her the choice to take it slow for her own sake so she doesn’t do what Star did and hold onto her humanity indefinitely. If you so much as lay a finger on her-“
“You’ll what David? Fight me? I am your father, boy. If I had known you would have caused me this much trouble over a couple girls, I would have left you in that alley all those years ago. I didn’t expect you to be such a disappointment.” Max’s words made David stop where he was. Still a few feet from the desk, but now feeling cold. So very chilly.
“What did you say?” He murmured knowing that Max would still be able to hear him.
“You’re a disappointment, David. I ask you for so little. I ask that you follow a few rules, gather a few new family members for yourself and the boys, and yet you can’t do that. The most basic aspect of our species that ensures our survival.” Max had stated all of this with the same blasé that someone would have talking about the weather. Both vampires watched each other intensely; neither making the first move. But when Max went to open his mouth again, David was quick to shut it.
“Listen here,” David slammed his hands down onto the desk of his sire, “I have followed your stupid rules, and done your bidding whenever asked. And it still wasn’t good enough. I gained the others, not you. Your blood may have turned them but I pulled them in. I made them what they are now. Star was rushed to turn and now look at where that’s gotten us? I now have a half in my cave that despises me for the gift that I gave her on your orders because you wanted a girl. But listen here, if you so much as think about turning my lover without my knowledge or hers, I’ll stake you myself.” David left before his sire had a chance to respond. He straddled his bike, and burned rubber turning away from his sire’s home. David knew that sunrise was approaching, but it did not stop him from following the sounds of a nearby beach party.
She was slowly pulled from the memory before she could see anything else, but the blood on him filled in the gaps. Her heart hurt to think that David had to go through that on his own. The comment had clearly struck a nerve with her vampire lover, and he was trying to deal with it the only way he knew how. She leaned forward and pressed a small kiss to his forehead. Another on his temple, then his cheek. She repeated the actions on the other side and continued down. David simply allowed her to continue, not encouraging but not discouraging her either.
“You’re not a disappointment, David. You do so much for the pack to ever think that way. Don’t every believe him when he says that, my love.” She spoke so softly that it caused David to close his eyes and rest his head against her own.
“I’ll spend the rest of eternity telling you what an amazing man you are, as long as you believe me. And I appreciate you waiting on me, even if you’re dying to have me join you.” Her hand came to rest on the other side of his face that was not tucked against her own. And there they sat, simply existing in each other’s presence. David could not put into words what it meant to him to have her there with him after the night that he had. His body had finally let out its last bit of exhaustion and nothing seemed more amazing than sleep at that moment.
David pulled away and pressed a single, loving kiss to his partner’s lips, and stood up. She followed him up shortly, and rested her hands gently on his chest. With one arm around her back, David bent down and picked his lover up. Carrying her deeper into the cave, her nest had awaited them with his boys nearby. Her nest was specifically located in the nearest alcove to their perch so she was nearby in case David needed to check on her. But it also made it easy to check on the boys if he decided to sleep next to her instead. Ducking underneath the curtains, the inviting bed was just sitting there begging for the couple to lay down. They toed off their shoes, and David removed his jackets. As the couple laid down, David opened his arms for his lover to slot herself into. The daylight pulled David under the veil of sleep quickly and soon enough he was sleeping peacefully.
His lover stayed up for just a little bit longer to watch him sleep. She would feel bad about it, had she not caught her vampiric lover doing the same to her many times over. But it made her happy to see him finally get some sleep after the exhausting night that he had. And she was going to do everything in her power to make sure that David realized that he was not in any way, shape, or form, a disappointment.
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britany1997 · 6 months
You Mystify Me
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As a woman who loves women, this was a long time coming! I hope y’all enjoy this:):) Note: Star likes The Cranberries because I said so. (And also because I like The Cranberries lol)
Full vampire Star x Banshee female reader
Comment to be added to my Lost Boys Taglist!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Star huffed, wrapping her shawl around herself and dragging her feet along the white sands of the beach.
She knew Paul meant well, he was basically her brother after all, but sometimes…
He’d never developed the sort of filter people seemed to have that would keep his thoughts from immediately spilling out of his mouth.
‘A ninth wheel,’ he’d called her before his sprite had snorted out of his nose while he’d laughed. The others boys had joined in with the teasing, laughing and nudging her, but she hadn’t found it very funny.
She sighed to herself. She knew they hadn’t meant anything by it, she knew they still cared about her, but it was…hard.
Hard to be the only girl in the group. Hard to be the only single one left. Hard to be a newly full vampire with everyone else so busy. It was just too much for her sometimes.
She shivered, running her hands up and down, desperate to bring back a spark of warmth. No one had told her just how cold a vampire life truly was.
She’d found a nice spot under the light of a dim moon beam and sat down, pulling out her ukulele to strum absentmindedly.
As she mulled over her confrontation with the boys, and pondered when would be the best time to head to the cave, she began to hum the tune of Sunday while she played.
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You spotted her mess of curly hair from where you’d been keening behind some columns holding up the dock.
You’d seen some surfer guys throwing a party on the beach, and your instincts had told you they weren’t long for this world.
At least not with those punky looking guys staring the surfers down from the trees behind them.
After years of mourning premonitions, you’d learned to stay back. It was best not to upset the humans.
You sighed to yourself, almost disappearing into your gray mass of cloak.
Death followed you like a dog to a fox, hunting and hounding, it always caught up with you.
You wished you could touch that pretty girl, you wished you could hold her without it meaning certain doom.
It was a curse, waiting close by but never truly close. Watching the humans suffer and die. Crying your doe eyes out until they were permanently red.
Against your better judgement you let yourself become entranced by her humming. You quieted your keening and swayed to the sound, the music moving through you.
Maybe it would be ok; just to approach her, just to sit with her, just to stare at her. You wouldn’t get to close, you couldn’t.
Before you could rationalize your way off the beach, your feet seemed to move of their own volition, as if that girl was the pied piper who played only for you.
You settled down to her side, sweeping your bone white hair over your shoulder and avoiding meeting her eyes. You hoped she wouldn’t notice your unique appearance and ask too many questions.
Her humming ceased, bringing you back to reality just a bit, but not nearly enough to run away. She was even more gorgeous up close. You could hear your heart thumping, threatening to burst out of your chest.
She smiled at you, the first kind gesture anyone had offered you in so long.
Despite your better judgement, you looked up to let your red eyes bore into hers. Your gaze traced every curve and line of her face, memorializing her image in your head where you’d want to keep it as long as you could.
“I’m Star,” she told you, bangles clanging as she offered you her hand.
Your lips turned down a bit at her outstretched arm, as much as you wanted to feel her soft skin against yours, you knew you couldn’t get too attached.
“Nice to meet you,” you offered her a sympathetic smile as you pulled your coat closed, ignoring her gesture.
Star’s bright smile faltered a bit when she dropped her hand, but she quickly moved on.
“Your hair is beautiful,” she whispered, bringing a pink tinge to your cheeks.
She moved forward, reaching out to skim her fingers through your locks, but you leaned back before she got the chance.
You grimaced as she frowned a bit, falling in on herself. “I’m sorry,” she told you, moving to sit on her hands.
The sight hurt. “No no, it’s fine,” your tried to comfort her. It wasn’t her fault death followed wherever you strayed.
“I liked your playing,” you changed the subject.
She brightened like a Christmas tree, “really? I wasn’t really playing anything, just messing around.” She blushed.
You propped your head up on one hand, practically mooning over her. “No no, it was amazing,” you assured her, “best part of my night.”
“High praise from a banshee, I’ve read your singing is life-changing.”
You froze, your heart racing in your chest. How did she know? Besides the obvious markers of your appearance of course. Still, most humans were ignorant of the magical world that intertwined with theirs. Was she a scientist? A professor maybe? A hunter? Your heart leaped in fear at the thought.
Seeming to catch on, Star placed a gentle hand over yours. Your mouth gaped a bit when she dropped fang.
“Sorry to scare you, you really can’t throw a stone in Santa Carla without hitting some kind of creature, I thought you knew,” she said gently.
“I had no idea,” you explained, “what else have you seen around here?”
“Vampires of course,” she began to list, counting on her fingers, “a few werewolves here and there, a Selkie, a fairy, a dragon, harpies, nymphs, sirens…I could go on for hours.”
Your jaw dropped, “that’s incredible.”
“Santa Carla is a safe haven for the weird and wicked,” she winked, “if you want to join up with my friends, you’ll see it all.”
You beamed, awed by the realization that you weren’t alone out here.
Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in your head.
“So you’re a vampire huh?” you asked, scooting closer to Star.
“Mhmm,” she nodded.
“And…you’re immortal?” you questioned, hope rising within you.
“One of the perks,” she shrugged.
She couldn’t die. This beautiful, friendly, breathtaking girl, she would never die.
And there was nothing you could do to change that. There was no way you could doom her by intertwining your fate with hers.
You reached out, waiting for her to flinch away, but she didn’t. You let the back of your hand brush across her soft cheek.
“Eternal life becomes you,” you whispered.
She smiled softly as her hand rested over yours, stroking the back of it with her thumb. “Thank you.”
You blushed, certain your entire face was as bright red as your eyes.
“Will you play something for me?” you asked.
She giggled a bit, “all night if you want, beautiful,” she leaned in to place a gentle kiss on your cheek, before moving to grasp her ukulele once more.
Warmth flooded through you, happy for the first time in decades, “I’d like that.”
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@sad-ghost-of-garbage @6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @hypocriticaltypwriter @crustyboypix @bloodywickedvamp @anna1306 @arbesa-mind @solobagginses @lostboys1987girl @katerinaval @arenpath @kurt-nightcrawler @ria-coolgirl @walmart-cereal @softchonk @vampirefilmlover @chiefdirector @dwaynedelight @dwaynesluscioushair @its-freaking-bats @f4iryfxies @mickkmaiden333 @bitchyexpertprincess @warrior-616 @gothamslostboy @fraudfrog @rynsfandomsfun @mack-attack420 @royaltysuite
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whoreforhorrorsblog · 2 months
Anyone else got lost boy OC's?
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goldfish-inhaler · 1 year
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I walk into film class. I say, "Joel Schumacher's The Lost Boys is the greatest film ever made." I'm booed out of the room when, suddenly, I hear a voice. "No, she's right." There he stands. It's the greasy saxophone man.
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gothamslostboy · 5 months
Star W/ A Werewolf S/O
You guys meet at the beach
She’s sunbathing
You accidentally trip over her while playing frisbee with a friend
You apologize and ask if there’s anything you can do to make it up to her
Star likes you off the bat bc of how kind you are
After months of living with the boys, they had gotten pretty cold to her bc of her refusal to turn
So when she’s meeting someone who is hot AND kind to her?
Oh yeah Star’s making her move
She says you can keep her company later if you really want to do anything, and y’all set a time to meet up
That night you have your first date at the boardwalk and it goes fantastic
After dating for a couple months, Star notices you’re always “busy” on full moons
She jokingly asks if you’re a werewolf
You admit that you are
When she realizes you’re not messing with her, she’s pissed
Not at you, but at herself
Seriously, what are the odds of her meeting supernatural beings every time she introduces herself?
She freaks out for a week before calling you again to apologize
Star tells you all about the boys, Michael, Max, and how she was a half vampire up until recently
You understand her situation and tell her she can ask anything she wants about werewolves if that helps
You two spend the night talking about it and agree to stay together
She warms up to your wolf side pretty quickly
Star likes to brush your fur when you’re completely transformed
Also braids any parts long enough
She loves to cook for her S/O, and after full moons when you’re weaker, she makes anything you ask for
Star comes to you for help with things you know she could probably do herself, but you don’t mind doing a little “heavy” lifting if it means you can spend more time with her
She’s hand makes you a collar
Embroidered with inside jokes and a mixture of y’all’s favorite things
She chases you around with a lint roller before you get into bed
@britany1997 @crustyboypix
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eldritchdiplomacy · 2 years
She tried.
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collophora · 4 months
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"Let's fix this drawing" *redraw the whole thing*
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 2 months
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vampyr-charms · 3 months
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The Lost Boys bts pictures i’ve found on pinterest!!
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gayassmullethaircut · 16 days
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rebelliousstories · 10 months
25 Days of Ficmas
Relationship: David x Reader
Fandom: The Lost Boys
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, David being David
Word Count: 1,457
Masterlist: Here
Summary: This was NOT what he had in mind when someone mentioned “stockings.”
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David did not know what he was thinking. He did not know how he got here, yet here he was. He meant to be on the boardwalk with his brothers, and lover, enjoying a night of mischief and fun. But here he was. Where was here exactly? A Christmas pop up stall on the boardwalk. When his lover came to him and asked him if he wanted to help her pick out stockings, he had a totally different idea in mind. Now, he was trailing after the girl awkwardly in the store. She picked up a navy blue stocking with gold embellishments and turned towards the vampire behind her.
“Do you think Laddie will like this?” She asked, eyes watching his face intently.
“Sure.” The response was so dry from him that she leveled an unimpressed look with her lover.
“Could you at least pretend to like this stuff?” She questioned, turning back to the stockings in front of her.
“No, I can’t.” David quipped, looking around to see if he could disappear into the night away from the candy canes and glitter.
“Listen,” she turned back around, “if you help me picking out stockings for everyone to put up in the cave, including your own, I’ll make it worth while. But you need to pretend for as long as we’re in the store.” Her offer was tempting; but David being David, pushed a little closer to the edge.
“Worth my while, huh? Meaning anything I want?” He teased, reaching a hand up and caressing her cheek with gloved fingertips. Her look turned bashful for a moment before she returned to her usual expression when dealing with David; mild annoyance mixed with flirty.
“Sure, Davey. Anything you want to make this worth your while.” She purred, getting closer to him and leaning up against his chest. Her hands ran up his chest, resting right at the top hem of his shirt and staring him dead in the eyes. Crystal blue eyes barred right back into her own, but neither moved.
“Fine. I’ll pretend for you.” David relented, resting his hands on her waist with a squeeze. She turned back excitedly to the decorations in front of her, and began her perusing once more. David allowed her to drag him around the store, and entertained her with comments and input on whatever she grabbed.
“Really? Glitter?”
“No. Get Paul the pink one.”
“Dwayne might like the tiger on that. Get it.”
Once he started pretending to like that stuff, the less he had to act. David found himself enjoying offering the comments and critiques to his girlfriend. He liked joking around with her and messing around with the garland hanging around the aisles. She would giggle anytime he messed around, and laugh when he would make jokes. It was nice to see her lover pretending to enjoy himself. It was almost to the point where she truly believed he was having a good time with her.
Eventually, with bags a plenty, the couple left the Christmas shop to head back to the cave. Arriving at the boardwalk again, she had to fight to keep Marko and Paul's hands from getting inside said bags.
“Hey!” She exclaimed, slapping both of their hands before they could get to close. The vampires let out small whines when they got hit, making David chuckle at them.
“Hands away. You'll find out tonight when we put them up. Behave.” Her words made the boys perk up again. Everyone made their way to the bikes, and she had to situate herself on the back of David's while still holding on to the bags. Star saddled up to Marko as Laddie went to Dwayne. The pack made their way down the beach, screaming and whopping into the chilly air of the night. Arriving at Hudson's Bluff, Dwayne made Laddie help carry some of the bags of Christmas decorations down into the cave. David led his lover down the steps while Marko and Paul kept rough housing behind them.
Stockings of all different varieties were pulled from the bags before abortions could stop the terror twins. And they were in awe.
“Everyone, stockings! Come and get ‘em!” Marko cheered as he excitedly tore apart the bags to get a good look at each one. He set the patchwork quilt style one aside, knowing immediately that was his. Marko gave Star the bright pink one with glitter on it, only to be given a dry “thanks” and a disappointed look on her face. David chuckling made both of them stop.
“That's not Star's, Marko.” He got out in between chuckles, but the vampire was still confused. He looked at the stockings they had, and quickly found the one with the moon and sun drawn in an astrological style. Marko gave that one to the female, who had a much happier expression this time around. He pointed the bright pink stocking towards the girl who was now sat on David's lap. The blonde vampire's face held a smirk and shook his head, looking over to the other blonde in the group.
“Oh hell no.” Paul exclaimed, coming over to snatch the stocking out of Marko's hands. Turning to face her lover, she gave a ridiculous look to David who merely shrugged as he went to light a cigarette. Paul was digging through the bags, looking for another stocking that seemed to belong to him. But he dropped them when he saw there were none. He seemed to come to terms with it pretty quickly.
“Oh well, not the worst thing. Honestly, it looks like something I saw on acid once. Least I didn't get David's stocking.” And then he ran away before said vampire could ask him what he means. David was now curious about Paul's statement, but tried to hide it as best he could.
Marko held up an intricate looking stocking, with a Bengal tiger embroidered on the front. There was light bead work all around the stocking, but nothing could draw Dwayne's eyes away from the ornate artwork on the front. He could not take his eyes from the stocking as he turned to go sit down, and almost ran into Laddie who had made his way over to receive his.
“Here you are, little dude.” Laddie grabbed his navy blue and gold stocking excitedly, and ran over to Dwayne to share their stockings. And then there were two. Marko did not even bother taking them out of their bags, he just brought it over to the couple, and left.
Now, they sat in the chair together, with a single bag between them. She was encouraging him to open the bag first.
“Go on, David. Open it.” The vampire held an unimpressed look, but amused his lover. He reached down into the bag and pulled out a stocking with a dark red rose on it. However, she grabbed it.
“That would be mine. Go on.” Her smile overtook her face and she was almost buzzing where she sat. What David pulled out next, confused him. It was a black stocking, with no embellishments, yet held a blood red trim. He was confused because there were no stockings at that shop that looked like that, even though they only looked at the stockings in that shop that were of alternative designs. His confusion must have washed over his face deep enough that his lover was speaking up.
“I wanted yours to be a surprise since I knew you'd be coming with me. So I went during the day today and got this one for them to hold till I got the others tonight with you.” She explained, watching his face for any sign of discomfort or anger. But all she found was wonder. David was a man of few words, and that did not change now. No, now, he turned their heads together and joined them. Pouring all the love he could not say with words into this kiss, keeping his girlfriend pressed against him. When he eventually let her up for air he did not need, she held a dizzying smile.
“What was that for?” She asked dreamily, staring into the pastel blue wires of her lover.
“Just the fact that you did that. Means a lot.” David sealed his words with yet another kiss that she was quick to end.
“Look inside.” Her whisper enticed him. Reaching his hand inside the stocking, like she said, there was something there. David started to pull out whatever was inside, but stopped quickly. He saw black fishnet material and turned to his lover with an impish grin. She merely matched his expression.
“Told you I'd make it worth your while.” Now that was his kind of stocking.
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britany1997 · 1 year
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Dancing King
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It’s the way I was so mad at myself for accidentally posting this when I meant to save it as a draft😭
Ofc I can do this for you bestie!!!! Hope you have an amazing birthday! And I usually do make these pretty personal so it’ll be tailored to you:) (which means that while I usually write the TLB boys to be turned in their 20s, David and Star will have been turned at 17 for the purpose of this fic)
David x Webs & Star x Webs (he/they pronouns used) @gothamslostboy
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You and your girlfriend were free spirits, the kind of people who could never sit still. Whenever a song came on, the two of you couldn’t help your feet from tapping and your bodies from swaying. You and Star could dance the entire night away.
The two of you frequented dance clubs, parties, beach bonfires, concerts, anywhere you could move your feet.
You always brought your boyfriend along too, there was just one problem.
David didn’t dance.
In all the time you’d been dating him, the most you’d get was a nod of his head or a small sway of his shoulders.
When you would grab Star’s hand and take the floor, David would give you a small wave from his place at the bar, watching, but never joining.
Your happy place may have been under a spotlight, his was on a barstool with a glass of whiskey.
You promised him it didn’t bother you, and for the most part that was true. You liked that David was a little different than you and Star, he grounded you.
But sometimes, you’d wonder what it would be like to see David let go and move to the music. You imagined taking his hand in yours, pressing your chest against his and swaying together.
But David didn’t dance so you were satisfied to keep that dream to yourself.
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You stumbled towards the entrance to the cave excitedly, almost tripping over you own feet in your rush to see your partners.
Your friends had done an amazing job at making you feel special all day, but the night was for Star and David. They’d promised you they’d put together a surprise you’d “absolutely love.”
“Don’t be nervous, it’s gonna mean so much to him, he’ll love it,” you heard Star’s reassuring words as you shimmied down the ladder.
“I’ll love what?” you asked as you strolled into the cave’s main alcove.
“Baby!” Star exclaimed as she ran up to engulf you in a tight hug. You laughed as you wrapped your arms around her and pulled her in close.
“Happy birthday handsome,” David said with a smirk as he came up behind the two of you.
“My turn?” he asked Star.
She sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes but smiling as she pulled away, “I guesssss.”
You pulled David into your chest and kissed his cheek.
“Hey!” Your head snapped to see Star with her hands on her hips, though a joking smile played on her lips, “I didn’t get a kiss!”
Your lips turned up into a bright smile, “I’ve got kisses for everyone,” you promised as you pressed your lips to her cheek.
When the kissing, blushing and giggling died down, you put your hands up “ok, ok, what’s this surprise I’ve been hearing about?”
Star turned to David, “you wanna tell them?”
David smiled softly, “you go ahead,” he said as he pulled an envelope from his pocket and handed it to her.
Star beamed before pulling three tickets out of the envelope. “Platinum ABBA is playing at the boardwalk tonight, and we’ve got tickets at the barricade!”
You gasped, Platinum ABBA was the best ABBA cover band. You were touched by their thoughtful gift, tears began to well in the corners of your eyes.
“Thank you both, I- I love it,” you gushed as you wrapped an arm around each of them and pulled them in for a hug.
“We knew you would,” Star smiled as she squeezed your side.
After awhile David pulled back, “alright alright, enough with the touchy feely stuff, we’ve gotta get going.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes as David ushered you both out of the cave. Your smile turned to a smirk when his hand slid into yours.
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Though your spots at the front were a little tight, the venue was big enough and Platinum ABBA was niche enough that you still had ample dancing room.
As the band began to play Chiquitita, you and Star swayed to the beat, twirling and twisting around. David watched the two of you laugh and swing with admiration. Though dancing wasn’t really his thing, he loved to see you happy.
Each song was the same, you and Star totally lost in the music, and David observing nearby.
Until the last song of the night.
A smile stretched across your face as you heard the familiar intro to Dancing Queen. Before you could take Star’s hands in yours, David offered you his.
You gasped as you looked up to see his flushed face. “May I uh,” he cleared his throat, “may I have this dance.”
Your heart melted. “Of course,” you told him as you laced your fingers with his. The two of you swayed somewhat awkwardly through the first verse, while Star clapped to the beat in encouragement.
When the chorus hit, all three of you clasped hands and spun around together, singing along to the words of the song.
You are the dancing “KING,” Star and David yelled with you over the sound of the music.
Young and free only seventeen
Dancing “KING,”
Feel the beat from the tambourine…
You heart felt full as you shouted the lyrics and swayed until your voice had evaporated and your feet felt as if they could fall right off.
When the concert ended, the three of you walked back to David’s bike.
“Thought you didn’t dance,” you teased.
David chuckled, “for you? I’d do anything.”
You couldn’t stop the smile that stretched across your face.
“So,” Star began, as she rested her head on your shoulder, “what do you think? Good birthday?”
You smirked, “I’m having the time of my life.”
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Birthday Request Taglist🎂:
@6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @ria-coolgirl @crustyboypix @flower-crowned-lady @bloodywickedvamp @anna1306
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whoreforhorrorsblog · 5 months
If wanting to fuck vampires was illegal
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kitkatdoodlez · 7 months
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POV you’re Michael
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here-comes-the-moose · 3 months
*if Crosshair got lost*
Echo: Excuse me have you seen my little brother? He’s about this tall; clearly bi but we haven’t had the talk.
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l4ceyisd3ad · 7 months
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i was bored so i made these! :3
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