#Lotor Dalir
Do you think AR Lotor would try to make VLD Lotor try a cigarette?
Hi, anon. Thanks for the note! Lol, I feel like VLD Lotor is perpetually stressed out enough that he would either sneak or blatantly take a cigarette from his human counterpart, with the idea in mind that one cannot steal from oneself. And AR Lotor, upon discovering the level of pressure that VLD Lotor is under all the time, would probs give his cigarettes freely and then also introduce him to hookah and alcohol a;dslfjasd
AR Zarkon and Honerva Dalir are not happ that their boi didn’t quit like he said he would, and that he also just corrupted an alien version of himself too a;sdfjasf.
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First of all, this is Kaitlin Anderson-Diaz, a version of my Voltron OC, Kanti, as a character in the AO3 Voltron fanfiction Adrenaline Rush by @the-lightning-strikes-again.
Now for an overview.
Kaitlin Anderson-Diaz info:
Career and Relationships-
Kaitlin Anderson-Diaz, better known by her stage name, “Kanti Draqoi”, is a 25 year old singer-songwriter and the lead vocalist of the popular all-female pop punk band, Vixen. She is also a solo-artist, though, and has released 3 solo albums: “Empress”, “Enter: Kanti”, and “Beautiful Freak”.
Kaitlin’s most successful song is undoubtedly her single, “Danger-Proned”, which was inspired by her former career, as a pro stock motorcycle drag racer. She was a racer for 3 years, but quit after an incident that occurred during one of her races, involving another contestant. She has discussed this incident to the media and the situation has been implied in her music, though she has never told anyone who the contestant involved actually was.
However, many fans of Kaitlin and her band theorize that the mysterious contestant was none other than Galra Tech racer, Sendak Babahdur. Others argue that it couldn’t have been him do to Kaitlin’s current engagement to Sendak. After all, why would she agree to be with someone who ruined her chances of being a championship racer?
Despite Kaitlin being very famous for her Drag racing days, and being famous for her career in music, what she is the most popular for, is her past relationship with none other than Lotor Dalir. Kaitlin and Lotor met in Kaitlin’s freshman year of college and were quick to fall for one another and started dating pretty quickly. Kaitlin dropped out of college when she was 20, to pursue a career in drag racing, and after her first race, she was proposed to by Lotor Dalir. They were married on Kaitlin’s 21st birthday and the marriage lasted up until Kaitlin was 23, when they got into a huge fight and separated. Some believe the fight had something to do with the racing incident that caused her to stop racing, as the aforementioned fight occurred only a few weeks after Kaitlin ended her drag racing career, but no one really knows the true cause of their separation.
Kaitlin and Lotor absolutely despised each other for awhile after their separation, however they have recently been seen together more often. Unfortunately for the Kaitlin x Lotor fans out there, however, the two seem to only be interacting as friends. Though, it is odd that Kaitlin makes sure to attend and watch ALL of Lotor’s races. Ever since this has started happening, fans have started to theorize a secret affair going on between the two. Alternatively, other fans seem to believe that there is actually something going on between Kaitlin and Lotor‘s on-again-off-again lover, Merla Falconieri, as Kaitlin has come out to the public about being bisexual, and she and Merla have been seen together frequently, despite no known past relation. Because of this, media has been frequently talking about the love triangle of Lotor, Merla, and Kaitlin, and of course, the love square of Lotor, Merla, Kaitlin, and Allura Singh.
Who Lotor will end up choosing out of his three supposed love interests is a heated debate among fans.
Ethnicity and Childhood-
Kaitlin is a Black-Latina women. Her father, Alister Anderson, was Melanesian, and her mother, Kashira Diaz was African and Cuban.
Kaitlin’s father passed before she was born and she grew up as an orphan, after her mother’s death when she was 5.
Later, at age 10, Kaitlin was adopted by drag racer of “Blade of Marmora”, Kolivan, and he is what inspired her to become a racer herself.
No one knows anything else about her years of elementary school and they don’t know much about her middle school life either. Her high school life is what’s the most known.
Kaitlin was bullied all throughout high school do to her sexual orientation, and the rare genetic mutation she has, Heterochromia, and her skin condition, Vitiligo. She was called a freak, and people said she couldn’t have been human. This is what inspired her first single, “Humans Aren’t Real”, which later became 1 of 13 songs in her first album, “Beautiful Freak”, which she wrote and recorded in College.
Despite having a mostly black ethnicity, Kaitlin’s hair is naturally blonde.
Kaitlin loves animals and has two pet cats: Midnight and Twilight.
Despite her love of animals, Kaitlin has a fear of dogs.
Kaitlin prefers to be called by her stage name, “Kanti”. Even her family, friends, and fiancé refer to her that way.
Kaitlin was born on Friday, January 13th. She often jokes about being bad luck, because of being born on a Friday the 13th.
One of Kaitlin’s closest friends is Allura Singh, another woman rumored to be a love interest of Lotor Dalir. Allura and Kaitlin knew each other in high school, and Allura was even the one who inspired her stage name. “Kanti” means Beauty in Sanskrit, an Indo-Aryan language that Allura Singh knows, and Allura referred to Kaitlin as such in high school because she admired Kaitlin’s unique beauty.
Contrary to the belief of her fans, Kaitlin’s favorite color is not purple. It is maroon.
Kaitlin is suffering from Alcoholism, Depression, and Anxiety, though she doesn’t talk about it much. However, her unhealthy mental state has been implied in her music on some occasions.
Trigger warning: below the keep reading line, there’s a mention of sexual assault.
Shortly after Kaitlin quit her career as a racer, and after she publicly announced the starting of her music career, media started questioning her about what exactly it was that made her quit drag racing. It took a year before she came out about what happened, and announced to the media that she had been cornered and raped by a fellow contestant during one of her races, and that was why she moved on from racing. It was announced what happened to her after her single “Danger-Proned” came out and she was asked about the meaning behind it.
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theoneandonlyespa · 4 years
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I joked about making a dalingh flag/emblem on Discord (based on @the-lightning-strikes-again 's fic Adrenaline Rush) and decided to go actually do it. I'm really happy with how this turned out 😄💖💜 
(The fourth one is really my favorite!)
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brimdraws143 · 4 years
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@thesacrednips I heard you like sleeping with 'the wife'. That can't be comfortable.
Adrenaline Rush- AU fanfic by @the-lightning-strikes-again
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nomadicism · 4 years
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The Four Stages of Lotor Dalir: (1) Ready for the race; (2) Babe! I fucked up! (3) Hungover with morning stiff drink; (4) Sober by afternoon. Human!Lotor from the VLD Racing AU,  “Adrenaline Rush” by @the-lightning-strikes-again . Made with the “Man with the bad eyes” Picrew.me maker.
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dragonofyang · 5 years
AR Drabble - Singh Protection Squad
And here’s another drabble from @the-lightning-strikes-again‘s AU Adrenaline Rush that I’ve been sitting on, this time spurred a hilarious chat with a couple friends about this cast of characters owo also who’s ready for chapter 5 because I am so ready
She wasn't meant to see it.
One very stunned Allura Singh had simply come over to the Sincline tent to offer the team to come for snacks if they were so inclined, but before the words could have left her mouth, she was greeted by Zethrid, who wore a baby-pink t-shirt—a color she never would have expected from her, but she digressed—and on the back it said in large letters "SINGH PROTECTION SQUAD".
She blinked, but before she could process it, Lotor Dalir strolled back from one of the food stalls with a plate of funnel cake, sporting the same shirt, but this was strategically shredded and knotted to be a tank top, the arms of his motorsuit tied around his trim waist. Were she not so distracted by the shirt she might have blushed at the strip of skin where it rode up, or how she could see the ripple of muscle through the torn-up sides of his shirt.
"Miss Singh! Funnel cake?" Lotor said, offering her his fork with a bite of fresh funnel cake speared on it.
"W-what, exactly, are you all wearing?" she asked, her eyes flicking between them and then over to Acxa, who sported the same shirt but with the sleeves rolled up, before she turned back to Lotor.
He looked down at his outfit and then, in a rather inspiring display of obliviousness, shrugged and replied, "Simply a work shirt and my racing suit, love. Why?" He popped the fork into his mouth after asking his question, though Allura could catch the telltale twitch of his lip that indicated he was giving her shit.
She narrowed her eyes and put a hand on her hip. "I mean, sir, why are you wearing shirts that declare yourselves as my protection squad?"
Lotor couldn't help but smile around the plastic fork and when he swallowed his bite, stepped over to offer her the funnel cake again. "At least have a bite and I'll tell you."
She glared up at him, then snatched the fork he dangled between lazy fingers and tore off a chunk, shaking her head as she bit into it. Some battles just weren't worth fighting and it was obvious a certain someone was feeling mischievous today. It was only when she handed him back the fork and crossed her arms as she chewed did Lotor reply, his voice low enough to not carry.
"Well, love, we all know you can take care of yourself, but given how some of your fans can be less than scrupulous, we thought it wise to remind them that you're not without friends of your own," he said, his expression playful but his tone serious. His expression sobered and she recalled some... concerning male fans from the last race and how Lotor and his team had helped shoo them off. "Please, allow one of us to walk you back to The Altea after the day is over, or with your team, if you'd rather."
Damn him...
She relaxed her shoulders and sighed, the sugar coating her tongue even after she'd swallowed the funnel cake. She couldn't really fault him for worrying, and it wasn't as if she was obligated to say yes. She reached up to lightly tug on his earring, giving him a small smile. "It's rather presumptuous to declare yourself my knight when I haven't even sworn you in, you know."
His expression shifted once more, a grin tugging at his lips as his eyes darkened and he replied, his voice edging to a moan, "Most knights are more virtuous than I am."
She laughed. "That they are."
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thesacrednips · 5 years
What's up I'm Lotor Dalir, I'm 27 and I've never learnt how to walk
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lotura-archive · 6 years
Just curious what ethnicity is Lotor in the drag racing AU? I understand Dalir is a Persian name. Either way I really love this AU and how you wrote Lotor’s character!
Hi, Anon! Thanks for the note. In my story Adrenaline Rush,Lotor Dalir is Persian/Iranian on his father’s side, and the last name “Dalir” means brave or courageous. His mother, Honerva, has a Punjabi and Finnish heritage, as the name “Onerva” is Finnish. 
For some additional backstory, he knows many languages, hasan IQ of 178, and is even more of a technological genius than his father. He isludicrously rich, as his father (Zarkon Dalir) owns a major company—Galra Tech—headquarteredout of Dubai in the U.A.E, and Lotor himself has been securing patents sincethe age of 12.
Lotor’s own subsidiary company of Galra Tech, Sincline LLC,is now based from Dubai as well. But given his love of racing, he’s usually notthere to run it personally. He lives and breathes drag racing his pro stockmotorcycles all across the world, and he is proudly sponsored by manyorganizations, including Equality Now and Futures Without Violence.
(Whether he dyes his hair white, or whether it’s naturallywhite per genetic mutation, remains to be seen, haha.) 
Thanks for your interest in him! Please let me know if you have any more questions! 
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New Chapter for Human!AU VLD Fic - Adrenaline Rush
Chapter 9 is now posted!
Summary: Lotor—the leather-clad heartthrob of the international drag racing competition—is a pro stock biker, undefeated with his Sincline motorcycles. Allura is a rising star in the top fuel dragster circuit, taking up her father’s mantle after his fiery death during a race with quintessence-injected fuel. Allura knows racing can be lethal. But between competing against her father’s rival and once-friend, Zarkon, and dealing with his arrogant son Lotor, she barely has time to consider the types of danger she’s in.
Rating: M (please read tags on AO3 for potential triggers)
For anyone interested, you can read the new chapter here on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15836133/chapters/70944492 
Please read and review with your thoughts, constructive criticisms, and/or ideas or requests! Thank you!  
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graciebunsart · 5 years
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Kova is king and is my fav in @the-lightning-strikes-again fic Adrenaline Rush. Pls r&r their work in ao3! :D
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ao3feed-zaggar · 5 years
Quantum Entanglement
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34XwPUG
by Lightning_Strikes_Again
Part of the Adrenaline Rush Alternate Universe (AR-AU) Collection.
Princess Allura of Altea didn’t die in VLD s8. Instead, in saving the multiverse, she became lost in it, crash-landing on an Earth different from the one she knows. She is found by the human Lotor Dalir, who mourns for a dead Allura Singh. But death is not so mysterious when one knows alchemy. And the realm of the dead, where both Allura Singh and Emperor Lotor reside, is not as far as it might seem.
VLD canon/AR crossover. (Still Lotor Dalir/Allura Singh and Princess Allura/Emperor Lotor, with some Zonerva included.)
Words: 7649, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Allura/Lotor (Voltron), VLD Allura / VLD Lotor, AR Allura Singh / AR Lotor Dalir, Haggar/Zarkon (Voltron), Honerva/Zarkon (Voltron), Lotura
Additional Tags: A remix of the s8 finale, Just wildin' in the multiverse of Lotura, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, An exploration into Princess Allura's depressive state, A look into Emperor Lotor's afterlife, Lotor Dalir and Allura Singh struggling with separation, but all is not as it seems, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mentions of VLD rift sex, Mentions of Unplanned Pregnancy, Zonerva
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34XwPUG
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singhracing · 5 years
When you do think that Lotor Dalir is the most beautiful?
Mister Dalir, is that you? @thesacrednips  Bold.
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brimdraws143 · 4 years
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@thesacrednips tell it to me straight... you write in secret SHOTOR fanfics
"Adrenaline Rush" by @the-lightning-strikes-again
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nomadicism · 4 years
A bit random, but something I love about the Lotura fandom is that everyone in it collectively agreed that Lotor would be a biracial POC man if he was a human.
Hi Anon! Thank you for the Ask!
ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ We sure did didn’t we?
VLD Human!Lotor as a biracial man of color always made sense to me, and I too love that about the Lotura fandom.
In honor of your Ask, here are some Picrew avatars that I made of human Lotor.
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Build a Boy by Mochiibon. Tag with #PicrewMochiibon. Follow on IG: mochiibon
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uomo by giallomash. Tag with #uomo.
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쀼크루 by oO_T0C. Follow on Twitter: oO_T0C
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Stoic Man Maker 2 by やすばる / yasubaru. Follow on Twitter: yasubaru0
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Icon maker by lullindo. Follow on Twitter and IG: lullindo.
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Sick Man Maker by ナム / namu (numb). Follow on Twitter: numb_w8
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IT WAS A PHASE! “Shigeru boy” しげる男子 by Shigeru. Follow on Twitter and IG: @hellomadjackass
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“Man with Bad Eyes” by ogami_mgn. I used this one for The Four Stages of Lotor Dalir based on @the-lightning-strikes-again‘s Adrenaline Rush racing AU.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Notes: Credit to the Picrew creator with URL is included beneath each, some avatars are in pairs.
Let me know if Tumblr makes these look bad and I’ll repost them as a photo post.
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dragonofyang · 5 years
AR Drabble - Pokémon No
Sooooooo thanks to @the-lightning-strikes-again I wrote a little thing for her drag racing AU Adrenaline Rush because Lotor Dalir is a shit and I love him.
Allura flicks her thumb up her phone screen, flinging the Pokéball at the Eevee. It bounces off its fluffy head and in a flash of light and a musical chime she catches it, earning herself some more candies and stardust in the process. She grins and sets her phone back down to return to tinkering with Blue's engine, only to be hit squarely in the back by something soft.
Startled, she squeaks and whirls around, seeing Lotor grinning and wearing a pair of... Pikachu ears?
He tosses something at her and on reflex she catches it with her free hand, but fumbles and has to squish it to her chest. Looking down, she realizes it's a plush pokéball, and he saunters over with a somehow-unlit cigarette in his mouth to lean against the worktable. "I see you like Pokémon GO, love. Perhaps you'd like to catch me."
She raises an eyebrow at him and then chucks the pokéball plush at his head before returning her attention to Blue and bending down to look at the engine. "Eevees are far cuter."
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Lost in Space
read it on the AO3 at Lost in Space
by Lightning_Strikes_Again
Earth is dying. Lotor Dalir, Allura Singh, and other engineers are brought in to assist with Project LEGACY, an international initiative to reach the Alpha Centauri star system. But they soon discover that humanity hasn't developed warp technology. They're just borrowing it...from a strange alien ship, with an oddly familiar pilot.
Inspired by Netflix’s Lost in Space. Posted for Nov4ForLotor 2020.
Part of the Adrenaline Rush Alternate Universe (AR-AU) Collection.
Words: 10075, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Lotor (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Zarkon (Voltron), Honerva (Voltron), Sincline Ships (Voltron)
Relationships: Allura/Lotor (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Lotura - Freeform, Zonerva, Adrenaline Rush (AR) AU Meets Canonverse, Post-season 6 shenanigans, Human Lotor meets Alien Emperor Lotor, Nov4ForLotor, Sincline is potentially sentient, Appearances from Samuel and Colleen Holt, Suspense, Drama
read it on the AO3 at Lost in Space
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